leafpoolstanblog · 6 months
Leader: Blackstar (39 seasons). Short-furred brown-and-white broken mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes. Deputy: Cinderfur (23 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Seer: Littlecloud (13 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby tom.
Warriors Nutwhisker (39 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby tom with copper eyes. Flintfang (39 seasons). Short-furred black-and-white tom. Clawface (35 seasons). Short-furred black-and-white tom. Boulder (31 seasons). Short-furred blue tom with a torn ear and green eyes. Whitethroat (22 seasons). Short-furred black tom with a white chest and paws. Badgerfang (13 seasons). Short-furred black-and-white tom. Ratscar (13 seasons). Short-furred chocolate tom with a long scar across his back. Oakfur (11 seasons). Short-furred cinnamon point tom. Turtlespark (8 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom. Rubbleskip (8 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches. Cedarheart (7 seasons). Short-furred black tom.
Nursery Dawncloud (14 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby molly with white patches. (Kits - Smokekit, 0 seasons). Fernshade (39 seasons). Short-furred black-and-white molly with orange eyes. (Kits - Kinkkit, 0 seasons) Darkflower (13 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Kits - Talonkit, 0 seasons)
Elders Brackenfoot (47 seasons). Short-furred flame point tom. Lizardstripe (47 seasons). Short-furred cinnamon mackerel tabby molly with a white underbelly and yellow eyes. Ashheart (43 seasons). Short-furred torbie molly. Nightpelt (35 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with a white chest & ear-tips, and yellow eyes. Retired early due to asthma.
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crystalsclangencorner · 9 months
Moon 0 (Newleaf)
Moonwhisper (79m Male), Gullbillow (43m Male), Ridgestripe (143m Male), Mouseegg (50m Female [I KID YOU NOT THAT WAS LITERALLY THE NAME SHE HAD-]), Mudkit (5m Female), Kinkkit (5m Male), Oatkit (3m Male), and Thistlekit (2m Female) all form MoonClan. Moonwhisper becomes Moonstar, Gullbillow becomes the deputy, and Ridgestripe becomes the healer (I decided to start saying 'healer' instead of medicine cat-). Moonstar gets his nine lives from Liondash (64m [In life, 36m in death] female).
Mouseegg and Moonstar go out to train, only to find a badger sett. The two stuff loose rocks in front of the sett's mouth. The decide to return tomorrow to see if anything has moved them.
Moonstar thinks he's going crazy.
Moon 1 (Newleaf)
Mudkit and Kinkkit become apprentices. Mudpaw gets Moonstar as her mentor, and Kinkpaw gets Mouseegg as his mentor.
Ridgestripe is stung by a bee after trying to eat some flowering catmint (BUDDY YOUR A HEALER YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER- 😭)
Kinkpaw worked too hard and is now sore.
Moonstar thinks about retiring.
Mudpaw and Kinkpaw encounter a badger on patrol. No one died, but Mudpaw's leg is mangled.
Moonstar wants to spend more time with Mouseegg.
Mouseegg wonders how Moonstar is doing.
Moon 2 (Newleaf)
Gullbillow brought a litter of 6 kits back to camp, but refused to talk about their origin (Spirekit [Female], Cavernkit [Female], Bushkit [Male], Smallkit [Male], Cypresskit [Female], and Bumblekit [Female])
Kinkpaw's soreness has abated.
As the wind blows many petals into camp, Thistlekit picks a few to decorate herself.
Mouseegg thinks Moonstar is very helpful!
Thistlekit wishes she could get her pelt to shine like Moonstar's.
Ridgestripe and Oatkit joke about how bad the other Clans smell.
Moon 3 (Greenleaf)
Oatkit becomes an apprentice. His mentor is Gullbillow.
Mouseegg sprains her paw after misstepping and slipping on a rock.
Oatpaw has gotten heat exhaustion.
Bumblekit has gotten fleas.
Ridgestripe has recovered from the bee sting.
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(Apparently I can only have ten pictures here- 😭)
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 526
Season: Leaf-bare
Leapsummit sits in the crowd, chest puffed out in pride as they watch Rockpaw be named Rockshriek, and honored for their dignity. They consider themself lucky to have been able to train such an amazing young cat, and look forwad to seeing the warrior they become
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Mintpaw sits up straighter as they're called forward to be made an apprentice. While they try to look calm and collected, they still tremble a bit as they touch noses with Seedthrift
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Longpaw silently swears to StarClan to do their best for the Clan as they touch noses with Gravelmimic
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Flutterkit runs up to the front of the crowd, eager to get their new name. When they're called Flutterpaw for the first time, Snipgorse and Blotchjay's voices can be heard the loudest. She is apprenticed under Raccoonrock
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Pigeondart overheard Mulberrydust muttering in their sleep, claws slashing at the air. Their muttering confirms what Pigeondart always suspected - Mulberrydust was the one responsible for Kinkwillow's death. He reports to Cinderstar, who exiles them for the murder of kinkwillow and her other son, Poppyclaw (though unbeknownst to everyone, she is actually Poppyclaw's murderer)
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Hollowminnow went messing for a few days
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Gorsekit is scolded after sneaking out of camp
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The FlightClan medicine cat asks for elder leaves and we supply Ebonyeye's grief lessened Crowdawn's whitecough avated Cloudbeam got greencough Shiningfrost got whiteocugh Midgejumble's scrapes healed Rockpaw's grief lessens Popreed and Heronplume grieve Irisgleam but are not stricken Swampwhistle and Ebonyeye grieve Firehorn but are not stricken
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Pigeondart gets frostbite looking for herbs
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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quiet-clangen · 4 months
What happened to QuietClan
Soooo it's been a while and like I've mentioned before, I haven't been posting because I've been busy, I figured I'd give a run down of what happened in QuietClan when I had all this free time. I did play well in to the 100's and my sketches go to about moon 102. Read under the cut, if you're curious but I also came on here to mention that I will be making a new Clangen blog. This time, I have a semi-planned story instead of just letting the RNG tell it. Not sure when I'll start it but I'll post a link when I do. So on to QuietClan:
Picking up where we left off, Rainbowpelt is pregnant, her partner was some random loner. The same moon, Nutella and Elmhare bring home an orphaned litter of kit. Rainbow gives birth to three kits and the same moon, a former kittypet named Luci Purr, renamed Purrpounce (remember her), joins the Clan with her five newborn kits. A two moons later, a rabid group of rogues bursts in to the nursery in the middle of the night. Rainbowpelt and most of the kits died in the ensuing fight. The nursery survivors are two of her kits, Hazelkit and Firkit (remember him), Purrpounce, and two of her kits: Kinkkit and Eggkit. Immediately after, a loner named Oriole joins with her three sons: Lizardkit, Firekit, and Sunkit.
After that kit boom, Hazelpaw is apprenticed to her aunt Minkeye, cheering Minkeye up quite a bit. Firpaw is apprenticed to grandpaw Nutella and Elmhare. Sunpaw falls out of a tree on his first day out and has an extremely delayed warrior ceremony but in the meantime, grows a close bond with Pondfox (also injured at the time), Elmhare, and Greenstar. Purrpounce broaches the idea of stricter patrols to Greenstar and the same moon, Minkeye, Bogtwist, and Hazelpaw are taken by twolegs. They all die outside the Clan.
Elmhare and Pondfox grow some impressively high romantic like for each other. Elmhare finds some more orphaned kits on patrol: Stormkit, Heartkit, and Acronkit. Soon after, Bitterkit and Bitekit are found by Nutella. Berrykit is also found by Purrpounce. Eggfeather, now a warrior, is very bubbly and air-headed and is the girl every cat around her age is attracted to. A couple moons later, Oriole and Greenstar become mates, just very randomly.
At moon 38, Elmhare and Stormpaw died in a timeskip, which I drew as a human with a crossbow. A few moons later, Greenstar and Lizardshimmer are taken by twolegs. Her extra lives are taken since she is no longer under StarClan's skies. Pondstar becomes leader, making Purrpounce her deputy on account of wanting a deputy that will question her. When Pondstar comes back, Purrpounce announces she's expecting kits with her friend, Sunlion. But only a few moons later, a pack of dogs attack the Clan. Pondstar loses all her lives protecting Sprigkit and Featherkit.
Purrstar names her son Kinkjump deputy, despite his nervous nature and not finishing Heartpaw's training, due to her getting taken by twolegs at 9 moons old. Sunlion stays in camp to watch over Featherkit as he fights yellowcough, but the kit succumbs to his illness at 5 moons old. Heartbounce finds their way back to camp but the moment of joy doesn't last, as Nutella is found dead by the FrondClan border later that moon. Sunlion dies of an infected dog bite the next moon. Purrstar is... unwell.
Purrstar declares war moon 54. Eggfeather has been dating Acronbreak but they disagree on when they would want kits now with this war. Of all Eggfeather's many romantic prospects, Acornbreak is the most likely at this point. On the same moon, Greenholly returns, glad to be home and reunite with Oriole but devastated to learn what happened to her friends and fellow founders. The same moon, she and Oriole adopt their daughters Hootkit, Claykit, and Russetkit. The war fizzles out only a few moons later with both Clans concerned for their own young kits.
A fire breaks out moon 59 and during it, Acornbreak dies shoving Purrstar out of the way of a large burning branch. Purrstar is devastated, she knew about how her daughter felt about Acornbreak, who was a strong, upstanding young warrior. The next moon, Bitterfur, a good friend of Purrstar's, and Sprigfang, her youngest son, die of yellowcough. Firjay was unable to treat them due to the fire burning away his herb stores and being too injured himself from a dog attack too look for more.
The clan notices that Greenholly gives more attention to Hootkit than her other kits after saving her from a hawk. All the clan either has a strong opinion or is desperate to get away from the gossip. A apprentice from FrondClan joined after the fire but Purrstar is always hostile to him and his mentor (a former kittypet named Flameblink) has to constantly interrupt. Flameblink was Sprigfang's former mentor though, and part of her hates him, trying to associate him with her son's death.
A loner named Dori joins with Agavekit, Ryekit, and Quickkit. On moon 63, Russetpaw died sneaking out of camp and stepping on an adder. Rubbing salt in Greenholly, Purrstar names Ficklepaw Ficklenudge. A few moons later, she and Oriole rescue the orphaned Waspkit and Oakkit from a fox, adopting the kits as their own.
Moon 71 is when Purrstar suddenly dips in to full dictator mode and every other moon, she'd snap at someone questioning her leadership. Purrstar would order someone to help her punish the questioning cat, either through coercion or getting someone in her inner circle to do it. Despite getting in to all these fights, Purrstar never lost a life from the ensuing injuries.
Among the injured parties is Purrstar's mate Stream, who dies from her claw wounds. Oriole dies of infection. Heartbounce continually challenged Purrstar. At one point, Purrstar tried to get Eggfeather to punish them, but she was easily defeated. While still injured, Purrstar ordered Eggfeather to attack Hoottiger (formerly in Purrstar's circle). Eggfeather becomes Firjay's mate after he defends her. Hoottiger is punished by Purrstar herself and dies of her wounds.
At this point, Greenholly looks to the stars, completely despondent. She's taken by twolegs the next moon and dies soon after. She resides in the outsider residence, having lost her faith in her ancestors. She finds other clanmates that died under Purrstar's rule here.
From this point on, QuietClan cats proceed to die constantly, among them being Firjay, Ficklenudge, Heartbounce, Firenettle, Kinkjump, and many, may others. The Clan is always at war, cats always choose violence on border patrols, there's not enough hunting patrols. Eggfeather has lost her bubbly personality. There's no medicine cat, her mate is gone, her friends are gone, the Clan is ruled by fear. Even when Purrstar appoints her deputy, Eggfeather doesn't find the strength to assassinate her mother. When Eggfeather retires, there are no young, able bodied cats to take her place. No one can hunt, everyone is injured. Slowly, the clan starves to death.
In the end, the only survivors are an ancient Flameblink and his three sons. Then, he too dies, leaving a newly named medicine cat and two apprentices. And this is the cyclical story of QuietClan: left on the brink of extinction by war, famine, and disease due to a bloodthirsty leader. The youngest are left to pick of the pieces. No one in any clan lives long enough to remember that this has happened before. New StarClan makes old StarClan's mistakes. They don't trust themselves, thus, the previous generation goes silent.
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Dark Forest Residences: Roseclaw & Coyotetuft
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Aliases / Nicknames: The Cursed Kit
Gender: trans molly
Sexuality: homosexual
Family: Strikespeck (mother), unnamed father, Coyotetuft (mate), Sundewtwine, Hopewater (daughters), 280 other cats in QuickStar’s family
Other Relations: Quietrunner (mentor), Thornpelt, Clawspring, Pikeheart (apprentices)
Clan: WolfsfootClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: sadistic, kinda cursed, manipulative, believes the Clan will suffer if there’s too many kits, good teacher
Number of Victims: 20
Number of Murders: 18
Murder Method: dropping in rivers, crushing lungs, slitting throat, leaving in active fox dens, breaking neck, luring them to dogs
Known Victims: Garlickit, BayouKit, Milkweedkit, Skykit, Bloomkit, Twigkit, Webkit, Bramblekit, Kinkkit, Whisperkit, Prancekit, Kalekit, Cicadatail, Ferngaze, Ospreyfur, Gravelheart, Harebracken, Sloefreckle, Hoprose, Coyotetuft
Victim Profile: kits, warriors she disliked
Cause of Death: killed by Coyotetuft
Cautionary Tale: ??
Roseclaw always thought that she was destined for more. As a kit, she could hear the voices of Starclan kits. But eventually, over time, they stopped speaking to her.
She hated herbs, and she wasn’t made a medicine apprentice.
Life went along somewhat normally, but she hated her Clanmates. All except one, who she fell in love with: Coyotetuft.
Or at least, that’s what she told Coyotetuft.
She vented to her a lot growing up, and Coyotetuft vented to her in turn. Roseclaw knew that if she was planning to  kill someone, which she had planned since she was a kit, she would need an ally. Someone to vouch for her.
Coyotetuft did vouch for her, and Roseclaw killed the Clanmates she deemed lazy to satisy her urges. Over time, it wasn’t enough.
Coyotetuft never got over the death of her littermates, and so she was easy to manipulate. Her siblings had died of kittencough. Roseclaw used this to her benefit.
She slowly fed Coyotetuft lies about how if there were too many kits, and how they would all die from kittencough.
That is why when Darkwhisker had five kits who she didn’t want anything to do with, and wouldn’t even acknowledge, Coyotetuft started getting worried. Then Pouncetalon had four kits. Birdfoot had six.
Two moons later, under the cover of night, they lured Milkweedkit, Garlickit, Bayoukit out into the forest. Roseclaw threw them into a fox den, and held her mate while she cried, listening to the pleasant sounds of the kits’ wails.
Four days later, they lured Skykit, Bloomkit, Twigkit into the forest and killed them as well. Roseclaw drowned Skykit, making the other two watch as she revived and killed him over and over again.
She slit Bloomkit’s throat, and made Twigkit try to stop the bleeding while he sobbed over his friend’s body. She crushed his lungs shortly after.
Coyotetuft grew quieter over the next few moons, flinching away from Roseclaw.
In the next three moons, ten more kits were born. She killed four, carrying the small newborn kits and tossing them to dogs.
But then seven more kits were born! Coyotetuft and Roseclaw argued more and more, and Coyotetuft started begging her not to kill. So, Roseclaw slashed at her with unsheathed claws whenever she spoke about it.
Coyotetuft went completely quiet from then on, barely speaking to her. After she killed Prancekit and Kalekit, having torn their ears, tongues, and noses off before killing them, she asked Coyotetuft to go grab the smallest of the litter, Cicadakit. 
Coyotetuft shook, terrified, but she stood over the small shaking kit, and killed Roseclaw, praying that Cicadakit was too young to remember.
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: molly
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Sundewtwine, Hopewater (daughters), 280 other cats in QuickStar’s family
Other Relations: Quietrunner (mentor)
Clan: WolfsfootClan
Rank: elder
Characteristics: wants to prevent kittencough, confident, great kitsitter, used to be very very insecure, loving grandma
Number of Victims: 20
Number of Murders: 13 (12 indirectly)
Murder Method: bashing skull
Known Victims: Garlickit, Bayoukit, Milkweedkit, Skykit, Bloomkit, Twigkit, Webkit, BrambleKkt, Kinkkit, Whisperkit, Prancekit, Kalekit, Roseclaw
Victim Profile: those Roseclaw manipulates her into killing, kills to protect kits
Cause of Death: age-related complications
Cautionary Tale: N/A
After killing Roseclaw, she found out that she was expecting kits. She had two kits, and supported her Clan as best as she could, hoping to repent for what happened. 
Her family grew, and she got even closer to her brother, Rookstar, who became her best friend. Their kits, too, became best friends, as did their kits.
She even ended up with more littermates! She supported her family, and never told a soul what she did.
Her heart was starting to fail, and not long before she passed, Cicadakit, now Cicadatail, came to her on her deathbed and thanked her for saving them. They cried, and he stayed with her and her family when she passed. She just hoped Starclan would accept her.
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Additional information:
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors​
--To the Death Ring with Rose!
--Her family has to be restrained from joining her in the Dark Forest.
--Little does she know thirteen-ish moons after her death, her brother Rookstar joins Starclan and throws a fucking riot about her being sent to the Dark Forest. 
--Cicadatail was also made leader after this! What a good Boi.
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bnyrbt · 2 years
i reinstalled clangen pretty soon after deleting it (it had already updated in the day since i first installed it) and now my healer cat has adopted a child named Kinkkit.
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gaxlayflower · 1 year
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Moon 35
Frostfreckle has caught whitecough.
Cragshadow has healed from their leg wound and also found out they are expecting. Frozenspots insists that they join them in their herb patrols for the time being.
An injured Snipclan warrior stumbles into Starlingclan camp and begs to be taken in and healed. They manage to utter their name before passing out. Yewchill.
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Dawkpaw is made into a new warrior. Their name is now Darkpatch and Hopstar praises them for their charismatic attitude.
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Roarpatch both scrapes their paw pads on some rough rocks and catches greencough in quick succession.
Frostfreckle is breathing easily once again.
At a regular check-up, Yewchill is surprised to find that they are pregnant.
Another flash flood claims the lives of Frogspot, Blossompelt, and Shellbite.
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Roarpatches pads have healed.
Duckflow healed from their broken bone, only to catch whitecough.
Cragshadow gives birth to two healthy kits. Heavykit and Slightkit.
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Hawkbit has injured their leg in a twoleg trap.
Kinkkit has caught kittencough.
Saltkit asks Pigeonfleck how they can tell if a cat is approaching from their right side.
Thistlekit is horrified by all the death they are seeing at such a young age.
Roarpatch has been able to fight off greencough.
Duckflow is no longer wheezing in their sleep.
Hawkbits leg wound is starting to look and smell off.
Yewchill safely gives birth to two kittens. Pepperkit and Fernkit.
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Yewchill seems standoffish when asked about a father.
Hawkbits infection has been quickly treated. Stormflicker comments on how grateful they are that they said something so soon.
Thistlepaw touches noses with Hopstar, thinking that they are surely the luckiest cat in the whole forest.
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Kinkpaw manages to shake off their kittencough in time for their apprenticeship ceremony where they are given to Darkpatch.
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Saltpaw fidgets impatiently at the camp entrance as they wait for their new mentor Pigeonfleck to finish with their clan wide congratulations.
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Yewchill strains their ears to hear a word that any cat is saying. maybe they need to go see Freezespots again...
Slightkit was killed in their sleep by an invasive snake.
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Pepperkit has caught greencough.
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LEADER: BlightStar - a medium furred dark ginger speckled she-cat 
DEPUTY: CoyoteCreek - a short furred white she cat 
BubblingFern - a long furred silver rosetted she cat 
DaisyBreeze - a long furred dark brown speckles point Tom 
AntDapple - a short-furred white trans tom 
WillowNose - a medium furred dark ginger smoke and white tom 
DriftFade - a medium furred dark grey smoke she cat 
DeerPatch - a medium furred brown tabby she cat 
PrickleHide - a short furred ginger marbled tabby trans tom 
Rat - a medium furred silver bengal tom 
RobinFlight - a long furred light brown tom 
SunTooth - a medium furred golden marbled tabby she cat 
        Apprentice: TawnyPaw
ShadeJaw - a short furred black tabby she cat 
SleekTail - a short furred dark ginger bengal she cat 
RosyShoulder - a short furred white and pale grey marbled tabby Tom 
DuskFur - a short furred dark brown tabby she cat 
PlushRuffle - a long furred brown and white tom
Union - a medium furred ginger tabby she cat 
WildBreeze- a short furred white and dark brown Tom 
TimberStone - a short furred pale grey marbled tabby Tom 
GhostPipeGarden - a long furred white and brown ticked tabby she cat 
AmberSpeckle - a medium furred ginger speckled Tom 
MilkGoose - a medium furred white smoke and white tom 
RobinFlight - a long furred light brown Tom 
CrestedPelt - a short furred pale grey marbled tabby she cat 
         Apprentice: PalePaw 
Dan - a long furred black smoke cat 
Nova - a medium furred silver smoke tom 
PalePaw - a medium furred white tom 
TawnyPaw - a medium furred golden tabby she cat 
DroughtPond - a medium furred white and grey tom 
FlurryCoral - a short furred dark brown tabby trans she cat 
GlowClover - a long furred white marbled tabby she cat 
HoundDrop - a medium furred ginger bengal she cat 
TurtleKit - a medium furred pale grey bengal tom 
BurntKit - a medium furred black tom 
BlueKit - a short furred silver torbie she cat 
MouseKit - a short furred brown she cat 
GoldKit - a short furred dark brown she cat 
LarchSwipe - a long furred ginger tabby  she cat
As prey runs low and newleaf begins, the river floods and the field is soaked     up until the knees. 
The camp is flooded, and the kits are pulled onto the meeting stone for safety. 
The D20 says 11 will die, and Wheel of names picked… 
BlightStar lost a life 
grief and panic is running high. The cats with the least amount of attachment leave the clan.. 
TawnyPaw is scolded after sneaking out 
TurtlePaw starts their apprenticeship 
DeerPatch had a litter of two kits with DaisyBreeze, StormKit and KinkKit
DroughtPond brought their kit home, CicadaKit, and refuses to talk of who the mother is.. 
GhostPipeGarden and RosyShoulder have three kits, ErmineKit, GuppyKit, and MilkCapKit 
a loner leaves their litter to the clan, and HoundDrop decides to raise them , HollyKit, ThornKit, and DaisyKit
TawnyDrift earns their warrior name 
BurntPaw and Bluepaw start their apprenticeship 
PlushRuffle brought three kits home, BadgerKit, SplashKit, WaterKit, and refuses to talk about their mother 
LarchSwipe grows her clan, and DaisyBreeze sees a patrol of strange cats marking the border. 
TimberStone has three kits, BerryKit, KrillKit, and ElmKit 
ToadPaw joins the clan! 
DaisyBreeze and TimberStone had a fight! 
CoyoteCreek, ToadPaw, and SunTooth are killed on patrol by a strange group of cats!? They were ambushed and slaughtered 
DaisyBreeze chews some red berries and dies 
TimberStone is sharpening his claws, and vows to get revenge on LarchSwipe. 
GhostPipeGarden vows to get revenge as well. 
The inured EelKit is found at the border 
AntDapple is promoted to deputy. 
Rat dies from infected wounds 
RosyShoulder found a snake in her nest and barely lived 
BurntPaw is injured on patrol by rogues 
Sun watcher joins the clan, warning of an enemy clan she just barely pulled her kits away from, RatKit and ThrushKit
HollyKit falls into a river and is saved by TawnyDrift
WaterKit and RosyShoulder die of whitecough 
A loner brings their kit named FlameKit to join as they can’t care for them 
TurtleKite earns their warrior name 
StormPaw, KinkPaw, CicadaPaw, EminePaw, MilkCapPaw and GuppyPaw start their apprenticeships 
BurntFoot and BlueTail have earned their warrior names 
Rumours reach the clan that the exiled Nova has died recently 
HollyPaw, DaisyPaw, SplashPaw, and BadgerPaw start their apprenticeships 
ThornPaw starts his med apprenticeship 
ShadeJaw and TimberStone get closer and become mates 
BerryPaw, KrillPaw, and ElmPaw start their apprenticeships 
ShadeJaw doesn’t think AntDapple has been completely honest lately 
PlushRuffle is killed by LarchSwipes gang while on patrol! TimberStone nearly saved him but fell through the ice and couldn’t reach him in time 
BlightStar has a litter of 3 kits with AntDapple, MouseKit, LakeKit, CloverKit 
TawnyDrift and PrickleHide both die of yellowcough 
ThrushPaw and RatPaw start their apprenticeships 
ErminePaw finds something to wear on their pelt 
With the fields frozen, only the lightest cats can go on patrol 
At the end of the year they have 17 apprentices-
non moon specific notes: TimberStone has been seeing the ghosts of CoyoteCreek and DaisyBreeze
ShadeJaw has been seeing the ghosts of BurdockFossil and SunTooth
I don’t know why some of the number make themselves huge, it doesn’t change. I can’t fix it.
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saturnskyez · 3 years
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leafpoolstanblog · 6 months
Stumpytail dies.
Smokekit is born to Dawncloud and Turtlespark.
Kinkkit is born to Fernshade and Brackenfoot.
Talonkit is born to Darkflower and Whitethroat.
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Pelage Hirsute
Warrior of :
Thunderclan / Shadowclan / Riverclan / Bloodclan / Windclan / Skyclan / Tribe of Rushing Water / Other
Design not belong to me Original design by Nifty-Senpai https://www.youtube.com/user/NiftyApplestar
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 525
Season: Leaf-bare
Stonepaw strides into camp, much to everyone's surprise. They're home! (though now fixed)
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Cinderstar rests their muzzle on Stonemound's head and declares them to be a full warrior of PikaClan, honoring their tranquility
Kinkwillow was murdered. The culprit is unknown. Ashenpaw is re-apprenticed to Cloudbeam
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Leapsummit and Seedthrift found a litter of 3 kits and decided to adopt them
Conekit (female), Gorsekit (male), and Brokenkit (male) are born!
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Misc 2
Wish tossed a snake out of the camp before it could bite someone
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Other Clans
Blossommane travels to LionClan to resolve some recent herb-gathering disputes and it goes better than expected
Runningleaf's nose stopped running but got whitecough Raccoonrock recovered from birth Boobearbubble's rat bites and tears are gone Bassfoot got whitecough Heronplume got a running nose
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A gang of rogues ambush the patrol! They are terrifyingly coordinated and quick to use the patrol's shock against them.
Firehorn and Irisgleam died
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The patrol comes across a small dog that gets a lucky hit on Midgejumble.
Midgejumble got: scrapes
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Another gang of rogues posture and jeer at another patrol, provoking a battle. They prove to be strong fighters and eventually the patrol is forced to retreat, Fleckflit badly injured
Fleckflit got: mangled leg
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The patrol finds a kittypet left behind by their twolegs and welcome them into the Clan.
Sunnyfeather (male) joins the Clan with yellowcough. He is fixed
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shadowclan — year three — leafbare
urgh another "how do you have so many fucking kids"
fucking cats.
swampbird dies.
so does sprucepaw, and wildkit.
to lizardstripe, echokit (small, blue-grey tom with white patches and hazel eyes) and smokekit.
to dawncloud, kinkkit. (and cypresspaw is given to brackenfoot.)
finally, to bristlefur and ratscar:
balsamkit (deaf, pale, mottled brown she-cat with white paws and amber eyes)
creamkit (tom with hazel eyes)
galekit (she-cat with amber eyes)
indigokit (deaf, mottled tom with hazel eyes)
oakkit (brown she-cat with dark gold eyes)
redkit (red tom)
sapkit (golden she-cat)
seichekit (tom with amber eyes)
oh and featherstorm dies.
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Dark Forest Resident: Timberstone 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Sweetie (by Coyotecreek), Little Chip (by Daisybreeze)
Gender: tom  
Sexuality: pansexual  
Family: Union (mother), unnamed father, Wildbreeze (brother), Shadejaw (mate), Berrybite, Krillspeckle, Elmdrop (daughters), Shadedmint (grandson), Eelmoth, Splashkite (son-in-laws)  
Other Relations: Meowyman, Hillseed (mentors), Droughtpond (mentor, crush), Thrushpaw, Larchjay (apprentices), Daisybreeze, Coyotecreek (best friends, caregivers, found family)  
Clan: Tumbleclan 
Rank: warrior  
Characteristics: insecure, fantastic hunter  
Number of Victims: 5 
Number of Murders: 4  
Murder Method: blunt force, clawing  
Method of Harm: blunt force, clawing  
Known Victims: Blightstar, Daisybright, Plushruffle (indirectly), Larchjay, Larchswipe  
Victim Profile: Clanmates  
Cause of Death: deathberries, suicide  
Cautionary Tale: don’t let grief dictate your choices in Clan politics  
He had a relatively simple childhood, but his mother was never there for him and his brother.   
Wildkit made friends easily, and didn’t spend time with Timberkit. So Timberkit found new friends. Meowyman was always willing to tell him stories, Daisybreeze always made up games for him to play, and Droughtpaw became his best friend!   
Droughtpaw was really pretty, too. And Coyotecreek? She was the best. She took care of him, let him sleep in her nest, and always made sure that he was safe. She brought home trinkets for him. Droughtpond became a warrior the same moon as he was apprenticed, and Timberpaw became Meowyman’s apprentice! 
The outside was beautiful, and  Wildpaw even began to spend more time with him. He was never close to Larchswipe, but was shocked when it was revealed she had lied about sickness and caused the death of Thistlekit. A moon later, she was exiled.   
More than halfway through his apprenticeship, Meowyman died from an infection. Hillseed was made his new mentor, and not even a week later was hit by a monster and died. Droughtpond offered to mentor him in the last moon of his training, and Timberpaw accepted.   
He got to know Suntooth because she was Coyotecreek’s apprentice, but never felt as close to her as he did her sister Shadejaw. She spent lots of time with him while Droughtpond was in the nursery with Bluekit and Burntkit, and Timberstone was happy that his friend had such healthy kittens despite the leaf-bare cold.  
Life went on with the river threatening to spill over, causing panic through the Clan. This was only made worse when Mistlestep, Badgerlily, Ember, Leafmoth and the deputy, Burdockfossil went missing in the night, found dead by the border.
Coyotecreek was promoted to deputy, and Timberstone cheered the loudest.  
Then the river overflowed in New-leaf, the camp flooded, and many died. The cats with the least attachment left, not wanting to deal with the weakened Clan.   Timberstone was devastated when his mother, Union, asked him to leave with her. He refused, and so did Wildbreeze.   
But the Clan only grew following this, with a huge baby boom. Daisybreeze and Deerpatch had kits! Stormkit and Kinkkit.   
Timberstone had his own kits with a kittypet he met, and she let him take them to raise himself. Berrykit, Krillkit, and Elmkit were perfect.   
A moon later, he fought with Daisybreeze over Timberstone wanting to leave the nursery to hunt while the kits were alone. 
Coyotecreek led a small patrol out with Suntooth and Toadpaw, and the whole patrol was slaughtered, their bodies reeking of Larchswipe. The same day, Daisybreeze accidentally chewed some deathberries.   
Timberstone vowed revenge on Larchswipe, and was shocked when he started seeing ghosts. They told him of what went on in Larchswipe’s Clan, and told him he was part of the prophecy. Apparently, they were planning to tell him before they died. 
Shadejaw and him became closer, and they even became mates!  
Larchswipe’s Clan was quiet for the next moon, until they attacked Timberstone and Plushruffle on patrol. Timberstone dashed to reach him, to help Plushruffle, but his paws fell into the ice, cutting them and slowing him. 
The next moon was busy. His kits were apprenticed, and had to be sent out alone without adults. The ice layers covering the whole flooded field were too thin for the warriors to patrol. Droughtpond was promoted to deputy after Antdapple retired, and on the first patrol after the melt, the worst happened.   
Berrypaw was injured, and Shadejaw was killed by Larchswipe. Overcome with grief, Timberstone convinced Droughtpond to send an extremely large patrol of cats to attack Larchswipe’s group. 
With the flooded New-leaf river banks, the battle turned to the water and the rogues were executed, drowned.  
Thrushpaw, Sunwatcher, Flamepaw, Thornpaw, Stormswipe, Antdapple, Turtlekite, and Wildbreeze were killed, and Brightstar lost two lives. But Larchswipe’s gang was defeated.   
It was meant to feel good, but as he drowned and revived her over and over again, holding her under until the gargles stopped, all he felt was grief and anger. He never wanted to be a killer.   
Coyotecreek and Daisybreeze’s ghosts said their goodbyes, and he could only hope Shadejaw and Suntooth were reunited in Starclan. Daisybright hopped up to him, and his heart dropped. 
Daisybright didn’t bother him until Daisybreeze died, but now every time Timberstone heard their name, he thought of Daisybreeze—the real daisy.   
The final straw was when Daisybright joked that one day they might be as good a hunter as Daisybreeze. It was just the two of them on patrol, and Timberstone whirled around and smashed their head against the ground. He had whimpered, instantly hating what he had done. 
Killing Larchswipe was one thing, but Daisybright? They’d been nothing but nice to Timberstone. He took the body back to camp, saying that they had slipped and hit their head. 
His kits became warriors, and Timberstone cheered the loudest. He shared moonlit strolls with Droughtpond. Things were hard, without his friends or his family. His head felt empty without Coyotecreek’s voice in his head.   
He choked back sobs when Droughtpond died from greencough, and Timberstone stayed by his side until the end. And then Milkgoose brought the kit home, Timberstone looked down at Larchkit in disgust.   
Why would they ever, ever name a kit after that monster? She was small, and polite, and he hoped that she didn’t become like her namesake.  So, he took care of her. She was always on her own, the only kit in the Clan, left by her mother to be raised by her Clanmates. She reminded him so much of himself.   She knew too much.   
Blightstar was grabbed by an eagle on patrol, and was dropped. All the bones in her spine and legs were broken, and the medicine cat hung her head sadly and asked him to kill Brightstar, causing her to lose a life. Over, and over again he repeated it in his head.   
Larchjay earned her warrior name, and he couldn’t be prouder of his apprentice.   
A snake was found in MilkCapDapple’s nest, and it killed her. Timberstone comforted his daughters through the loss of their friend. He didn’t process it at the time, but Larchjay didn’t seem very remorseful.   
The next moon, he lost his child.   
A patrol consisted of Cicadawings, GhostPipegarden, Blightstar, Shellpaw, Vox, and his daughter, Elmdrop.  According to a rogue they talked to, the patrol was sneaking on the edge of Twolegplace when the Twolegs noticed and traped the patrol in their monsters.   The cats on the patrol were never seen again.  
Five days later, he fell asleep and saw Elmdrop, with stars in her pelt and a sad smile on her face. 
His daughter, Krillspeckle, became mates with Splashkite, and she mentioned that Elmdrop appeared in her dreams telling her to confess. 
Larchjay was sparring with Aloepelt, and broke the smaller cat’s leg. To Timberstone’s shock, Larchjay came up to him after and complained about how whiny Aloepelt was being. He told her not to speak like that, and it wasn’t brought up again. 
Aloepelt continued healing, her leg set well by the medicine cat. Not long after, he overheard Aloepelt taking to the new leader, Willowstar.   
Larchjay came to him, detailing a nightmare where she drowned in the rushing water. Timberstone felt his body go cold, and quietly made an excuse to get away.   
The next night, his dreams were filled with nightmares of Larchswipe, and in his dreams the two blurred together. He went out to join Larchjay and her apprentice, Firpaw, on patrol and found them down by the river. She was holding Firpaw’s head under, the shore covered in blood, and had cut out the chatty apprentice’s tongue.   
He lay crouched in the bushes, his heart pounding in his ears. All he could think about was Larchswipe. So, he pounced, clawing blindly through sobs. He didn’t want to kill her, but he couldn’t let it be a repeat of Larchswipe’s reign. He killed her, and brought both the bodies back to camp. 
They comforted him, and he hung his head in shame. Willowstar allowed him to stay in the Clan with no consequences, something the whole Clan respected. 
Berrybite and Eelmoth became mates, and Timberstone congratulated them.   He wanted to see them grow up, having kits of their own if they wanted. But he just couldn’t think of him being there.   
Timberstone fell into a depressive state, not wanting to leave his nest   His daughters tried to encourage him to get out, but he’d stopped eating and refused to go near birds or water.   
Bluetail, Droughtpond’s daughter, and Berrybite convinced him to go out at night and watch the stars with her.  He swore he could hear his friends calling to him.   A moon later, Timberstone spent a heartfelt evening with everyone, and he went out on patrol alone and found the deathberry bush that Daisybreeze ate from.   
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Additional Information:   
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors
--”Y’all better love this boy as much as I do”
--He’s devastated when he doesn’t go to Starclan, and when he can’t see his family again.  
--”My sweet boy. Sweet little boy.”
--They’d LOVE to hear thoughts on him for a story they’re writing about him.
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