#kinnporsche last episode live
misstilltoe · 2 years
😉>3 📸
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robocracker · 2 years
finally started watching kinnporsche, and it’s only been a day but i already want five more seasons of this shit
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angee1011 · 2 years
Also people complaining about Kinnporsche have clearly never read a single fanfic because that’s literally all this show is. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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elmindredaniq · 2 years
ok i'm going away before you gremlins can spoil me!! see you on the flip side y'all !!
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respectthepetty · 6 months
Phi is Sus AF!
Episode one of Dead Friend Forever, and I think this gay is lyin'!
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I think he is I Know What You Did Last Summer-ing y'alls asses.
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He turned on the tape of the previous filming. He convinced them to finish the filming. He asked about inhalers. He didn't "hear" the noise. He is gonna make these boys fight each other and fight for their lives.
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He knows where the cameras are and, magically, his little sexual moment wasn't shown unlike the others.
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He suggested y'all split up!
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He sent the two who know nothing about Non to call someone, but everyone else, he kept in the woods.
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He asked Fluke how long he could keep Por alive.
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None of y'all are gonna survive this horror BL!
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Rule #1 - Never have sex.
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Rule #2 - Never drink or do drugs.
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Rule #3 - Never ever say, “I’ll be right back”
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Sidenote: Us being Por and KinnPorsche's Tay is wrecking my brain.
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But back to my point - PHI IS SUS AS FUCK!
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muleumpyo · 3 months
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will it ever be enough?
click for better quality! inspo below the cut:
inspired by this (joke) post:
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and these bts photos of nodt on the set of kinnporsche episode 10
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I like the idea of Big as a sacrifice—willing or not. Although animals given in sacrifice don't have a choice, Big chooses to put himself in the way of a bullet meant for Porsche. It is some of the only agency he has.
In the story, he attempts to change his circumstances, to stop events from unfolding in the way they do, but he has so little power that he is unable to stop the inevitable. He must follow the orders given to him by the Theerapanyakul family (and even Tawan, when Kinn insists) even if he disagrees with them. He attempts to warn them that Tawan is not trustworthy, but is disregarded. The way Big struggles to stop the incoming tragedy—and is unable to—is haunting, to me. I don't think he is doomed by the narrative in the traditional sense, but I do think the story insists on blood, on a death that has some emotional impact (whether that is lasting for the characters in-universe, or the dead ever get mentioned again… well, don't worry about it). Someone has to die, and because Porsche cannot die, someone else who loves Kinn must die in his stead. Big makes that choice, substitutes himself for Porsche, and becomes the sacrifice.
Because of this choice, Kinn will get to live on with Porsche, even if he's still trapped into a role he does not enjoy but feels obligated to play. Vegas will nearly die trying (and failing) to become the person his father wants, to earn respect and love that he will never get from him. And Big will die for Kinn, who will never see him or care about him the way Big wants him to.
The question here, and at the end of the story is, 'Was it worth it?'
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blue-grama · 4 months
The Sign finale probably should have disappointed me, but... didn't?
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It's been a heck of a run lately with Thai BLs that haven't quite stuck the landing, and it's got me pondering why The Sign worked for me despite sometimes feeling like a storyboard for a longer, better show.
I don't think they pulled off the emotional payoff they needed, despite that last reunion scene being so pretty and well-acted, simply because too much happened offscreen, from Khem's recovery from a gunshot wound to the entire multlifetime Tharn/Chalothon dynamic getting resolved without us seeing any of it. But somehow I wasn't that mad about it? And ultimately I think it's because this show did so many things well and so many things I'd love to see more of that I'm just like, yep, I enjoyed that ride sirs, please show me something this gorgeous again. In that sense it's joining something like Manner of Death or Kinnporsche where it's like, plot holes? Yes. Bizarre tonal shifts? Absolutely. Occasionally insane writing choices? Uh-huh. Love it anyway? You betcha. So here's what really, really worked for me:
I am always going to be onboard with QL that isn't solely coming-of-age or coming out. I'm not against those stories, of course, but give me gay romance with adult characters who know themselves and are doing adult things. I'm also a partisan for romances with high external stakes, so the mixture of crime and reincarnation was catnip to me.
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Do I care that none of this training makes any sense? No.
2. Setting
Listen. Is The Sign the reason I have a document on my laptop titled "Imaginary trip to Thailand without ever seeing a beach?" Not exactly. But it's also not not the reason.
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I am being willingly manipulated by the Thai Tourism Authority.
Kidding, kidding, but I do love when my Thai shows feel Thai or my Korean shows feel Korean, etc etc. I want to be driven to Wikipedia to learn more! Half the fun of watching stuff from not your own country.
3. Chemistry
I think @biochemjess covered what was underwritten about the romance in The Sign. Billy and Babe carried it on their backs and it was hard to dislike their romance, even when the series skipped over key beats.
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Any time the pink lighting came out, you were gonna be in for a good time.
4. The camerawork
I don't know enough about film to speak intelligently about this, but the camerawork and aesthetics of this show were just so lovely to watch. It was really doing a lot. @chaos0pikachu wrote about it better than I ever could.
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We had some really lovely storytelling and visual parallels, too, like the first episode and finale both having a big action warehouse scene, or the multiple times that Phaya and Tharn ended up overlooking the Mekong river.
5. It was always kinda off the rails
I know some people felt this show started out with a strong premise and didn't live up to it, but I gotta say, I didn't have that experience. It was always kinda a bonkers watch for me. There were long training montages, random bodies in the shallows, missing genitals, extended performance art, that comedy flashback to Khem and Thongthai's college years... I never knew what I was going to get each Saturday. And I kind of loved that? I'm into unhinged. I was comparing this in my head to Last Twilight, which did disappoint me in the end, and I think it's because Last Twilight was NOT always bonkers and DID set itself up to tell a straighforward story, then dropped the ideas it had been juggling in the last episode. The Sign always felt chaotic to me, so a chaotic ending was par for the course. This is where I'd compare it to KinnPorsche, which had the weirdest fucking ending, but like, okay??? Why not!
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End result? I see the flaws, but I'm giving this show tender forehead kisses anyway. Here's hoping for more like it.
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bengiyo · 1 year
We Must All Get Louder and Gayer About La Pluie Immediately
I understand that this show only airs on iQIYI and that most of us canceled that after KinnPorsche and/or Love in the Air, but I’m gonna need y’all to re-up those subscriptions and get on this train right now. This and Step By Step have been some of the most intriguing romance explorations we’ve had in the realm of Thai BL in a long time, and you are missing out on this incredibly breakdown of the soulmate and fast romance tropes that I’ve ever experienced.
I’ve seen some consternation about whether this show is honoring or defying conventions within romance and BL, and I don’t think that’s the most enjoyable way to engage with a piece of media in a mature genre. I think it’s more useful to ask questions like:
How is this show using those conventions?
What do these conventions fit?
What new things have we learned about ourselves or the genre as a result?
We’ve been unpacking the soulmate idea from the very beginning (@lurkingshan). The show upended our expectations about that from the opening scenes by showing us a romantic man who doubts in his own romantic destiny because his parents divorced. The show has then gone on to state quite plainly that it believes that the hearing loss connection is entirely coincidental, and that what people do in their relationships with other people is what matters the most.
We are sitting in the audience, and so we know that this is a romance. We fully understand that Tai and Patts will more than likely be together at the end of this story. What that knowledge and expectation allows the show to poke at the development of relationships in dramas. The characters are in a slow burn romance, but everyone in their lives doesn’t think they should be! That’s been incredibly fascinating because we so often see BL characters rushed into a relationship with each other that we are always surprised when they aren’t (Bad Buddy, My School President, Bed Friend). It’s been incredibly enjoyable for me to see a romance refuse to rush their characters into commitment with each other.
My good friend @lurkingshan wrote about this subversion of tropes and expectations this morning as they pertain to Lomfon. She makes the point that we expected Lomfon to be a bigger factor going into episode 7 than he was, and that’s also I think part of the point. He’s not a threat to the core romance, but he does have a role to play in this story. For me, I think he’s here to reinforce that skepticism and doubt are critical to making any sort of relationship or belief system function. Your ability to handle new challenges and things that confuse you are critical to being able to maintain a commitment. It doesn’t work if it’s forced.
As for misunderstandings, this show also continues to be intentional about this. As far back as episode 4, Dream chided Patts for not making things clear with Nara. Patts listened but hoped that his non-answer would be enough for Nara. Likewise, Bow has warned Tai twice about Lomfon’s clear desire for him, and how by not making things clear Tai may also face difficulties.
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This comes to a head this week with Nara. I agree with @ginnymoonbeam that Nara’s return lets the narrative blow up Tai’s uncertainties he’s left bubbling since the beginning. I personally love Nara’s reintroduction here because Tai is romantic and because he genuinely seemed to like Nara. He liked that she still knew how to take care of her ex. He liked the determination she showed to travel all the way to Chiang Mai to pursue him. He was rooting for her! Even if he misunderstands the kiss, it’s not really about the kiss. It’s about the fact that someone he admires cares for Patts, and he likely worries that he’s the reason they didn’t work out. He’s also still questioning if the mutual attraction between himself and Patts can be trusted.
Moving on to the intimacy, I wrote last week about the way this show has made it clear that these are two men interested in each other. Following up on that this week, we entered an incredible liminal space in their relationship. Patts signaled earlier in the episode when they first got to their room that he is hoping to pick up where they left off with their last intimate moment. Both went into this bed fully aware of the sexual tension between them.
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Tai is the one who opens the door this time by first offering the massage and then initiating the kiss. Things heat up between them, with Tai again on top to remain in control of the situation, something @shouldiusemyname points out here. Tai once again asks Patts to stop when he moves to escalate the encounter, but Tai shows Patts that he is interested in him. He offers to help him out by performing the act that Patts was most certainly going to do last week. This is incredibly fascinating for me, because I have always asserted that bottoms are the ones in most control of an encounter. I do not read Tai choosing to take care of Patts as him giving up control in any way. In fact, it’s a way for him to further maintain it. He reassures Patts that he is happy to be here and lets them release the tension of the moment.
Also, I just absolutely lose it over the lip flick.
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gif by @pharawee​
Once again, I cannot overstate how radical it is for me to see a show saying that the one performing the act is the one in control of the encounter, and has the character who’s feeling unsure use that as a way to explore their own feelings. Tai needed to know that he likes making Patts happy. Please list the other BLs that have done this with sex in the notes. It’s not very often we get this!
Also, look at this man. This is not the face of a man who is being coerced. This is the afterglow of two people navigating their intimate relationship (@ginnymoonbeam).
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He’s literally rubbing his hand because as they spoon because he’s so relieved.
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I also just absolutely love Patts. I love that he keeps leaving notes for Saengtai to make sure he knows where they are.
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Look at him walking around the next morning. He seems pleased...like a man can seem pleased.
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We just never get this kind of stuff in genre. This is a classic romance of the Nora Roberts variety that’s allowing us to show two men navigating their romance and intimacy on their terms while also showing that even fated mates must be good partners to each other. This is a story that loves romance and loves the conventions of the drama. It is approaching each thread with clear-eyed conviction, and we as queer viewers deserve this.
So, I’m going to need you all to get louder, weirder, and gayer about this show. We gotta get more people on this one. We can’t let this show be forgotten because it’s not on YouTube.
Once again, thank you for coming to my post.
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tagging @wen-kexing-apologist​ and @kyr-kun-chan​ for all the conversation we’ve had about this show.
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tina-rocket · 1 year
It's kinda fascinating that Chay would be relegated to a side character in most stories but in Kinnporsche he's not just important, he's the metaphorical heart of the show just by being a genuinely kind and loving person.
He isn't just the token normal in a cast full of guys with lots of guns and very few morals, it's his normal traits that make him so crucial! The plot wouldn't exist without him and yet he's not even directly involved in it until the last episode! Kim's entire arc revolves around Chay and yet Chay spends almost the whole series unaware there's anything weird going on! He's able to live his ordinary life specifically because his brother sacrificed his!
Chay is at the core of the narrative and the narrative just passes him by.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 3 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Gorgeous gif central. Past and present. Favourite cuties to gif?
Have a great Day💜
My favorite Rose, hello 🌹 What a beautiful day this Rose's Day of Asks is 😊
I love your ask for me, that had me slightly on the edge of madness because how am I supposed to decide on this? But there is no limit to how many cuties I can choose *insert evil laughter*.
Based on the number of sets I have created for each show, KinnPorsche should be in first place, but I wouldn't consider them "cuties". And as much as I loved giffing this show, they are not in my list of favorites anymore. There are cuties I made just one or two sets for, which are way higher in my list of favorites, like Sing My Crush - Baram x Hantae. I just loved catching their cute moments in my gifs.
Rose's Day of Asks: Past and Present. Favorite Cuties to gif.
The shows may be from the past, but are still present in my heart. And to clarify, the past is everything from 2023 and before. I had to draw a line somewhere😅
Kawi x Pisaeng from Be my Favorite
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Those two had me in a chokehold. Kawi's story of becoming the best version he could possible be was so good, emotional, inspiring and relatable. And Pisaeng's journey to love himself and be true to his feelings was so beautiful. I loved all of this show. And those two are just so CUTE!!!! I mean look at them:
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Guess it is time for a rewatch...
Dongwook x Dohyun from A Breeze of Love
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They have the cutes smiles and yes, the story might not be the most original, but it was one of my favorite shows from 2023. I loved their story and their love and just them. Dongwook was finally ready to be true to himself and his feelings for Dohyun and the latter understood what happend in the past, but that there was a chance for both of them in the present and future And they went for it and finally became happy together and them together is the cutes shit out there! And I loved giffing their moments. It felt like being a part of their journey, even though I made just a few gifs. They are in my heart forever!
Ai Di x Chen Yi from Kiseki
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Those are the two biggest and deadliest puppies out there. The fact that they needed this fucking long to finally get together and as soon as they become a couple they are this whole cheesy lovebirds is just the ultimate cuteness. I mean Chen Yi allows Ai Di to die first and then won't be able to live without him for one teeny tiny second. And who wouldn't want to pinch Ai Di's cheeks?
Vice Versa
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It is not so much the couple I loved to gif, but the show itself. I was totally amazed by the color concept for each episode and was obsessed with finding the perfect scenes. Talay and Puen were cute, but the show itself was kind of a mess and a little bit lost on its way to the final, and I love JimmySea way more in Last Twilight, but for the whole giffing part, this show was so much fun to work with.
Present (2024 and ongoing series)
I have to admit, I am in a little giffing-slumb for a few weeks now. Nothing serious, but I need to find my rhythm again after my long sickness and the overfilled fridays. On fridays I have a short work day and more time for my hobbies, but since today I am working part-time and hopefully I get more time for myself and my hobbies again. But I digress 😅
Starting this with the same pairing we left the past with:
JimmySea aka Mhok x Day from Last Twilight
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I was so in love with this series and them until they fucked up the ending (imo). I am still not very fond of the ending. But I am still very fond of them until episode 9/10. I still love Mhok and think he is the biggest and cutest green flag out there. I loved to gif their journey of how they found each other. I cried with them and I laughed with them, and in the end I cried for them...
Myungha x Yeowoon from Love for Love's Sake
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Just them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! Them! I love them. They were perfect. This show was perfect. And especially Yeowoon's facial expressions were pure perfection. It was a cuteness overload. Myungha still owns my whole heart and he was cute in his own way. This was, without a doubt, my favorite korean bl ever and one of my most beloved couples ever. My love for them is still as strong as it was when this series aired. I am still kind of obsessed.
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I mean... look at them!
Qian x Yuan from Unknown
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Okay, perhaps these aren't really cuties on the first look, but let's be honest: The first few episodes Yuan is such a cute puppy, orbiting around Qian. And Kurt is such a handsome young man. And don't get me started on Chris' smile - addicting. Yeah, I am kinda obsessed with them and their story. And this story is everything but cute right now, but for me these two are the cutest and I will gif the shit out of them! And I guess from epsiode 8 on, we will all lose our shit when their relationship change into something really... "cute".
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Okay, these are a few of my beloved cuties I enjoyed giffing. There are way more and I could make this list go on forever, but I have to go to bed now 😅
This was such a fun ask! Thank you so very much! 🌹 And I hope you have a great day yourself! 🤍
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misstilltoe · 2 years
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waitmyturtles · 3 months
Dead Friend Forever: I managed to catch up in time to watch the finale, and here are my immediate, uneducated, "holy shit" thoughts
First off: I acknowledge I am an utter interloper on this tag, having written exactly zero meta words about this mostly great show. Second: everything I know about slashers comes from my childhood memories of "Scream," and my recent conversations with the lovelies @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm. So I'm not an expert here. Thirdly! I was inspired in part by them to watch this, and also by the friendies who jumped into comments on my recent KinnPorsche liveblog watches for my Old GMMTV Challenge project. I've been waiting these past few weeks to finish Dead Friend Forever before putting pen to paper on my KP rewatch thoughts, because I thought Be On Cloud did something fabulously experimental with DFF as its second major serial drama.
Anyway: all of this is to say that now that DFF is over, in the near future, I'm gonna write a bunch on KP and a bit more on DFF -- but I want to offer just some quick wandering thoughts on DFF now.
I think like many of y'all, I found the tone of the last PheeJin moments to be discordant with the tenor of the rest of the finale episode. The way I'm calculating this, as I'm sure many of you are, is that I think there was a commentary on fate and Buddhist purgatory, particularly with New/Tan being able to hear from a thankful Non one more time before New's passing. New suffers, it seems to me, the least painful death, and I think that was in part Non’s doing.
In order to conclude the tone on PheeJin, I do wish that we would have seen a flashback back to PheeJin at the house. I guess we’d assume that Phee and Jin never regained their consciousness, that the antidote didn’t work, and that their cyclical fate would be returning back to the lakeshore, only to be haunted by Non again. While it seems to me that Tee, in whatever realm of fate they ended up in, got his appropriate ending — I don’t think that the PheeJin cyclical ending at the lakeshore assigned enough “blame” of fate to either of them, especially Jin. I know @lurkingshan notes that that’s a nod to the need to appease any hopes of surviving ships, and I agree with that assessment. But also — god, BLEH, they sucked, we were left with PheeJin?! JIN??? My boy White, my bubbala, he’s the good one that got really in-your-face off-ed? Wah. (But I do see and understand why White needed to die, to make Tee’s residual fate the utter living hell he deserves.)
Like I said: on a more macro note, I’m gonna have thoughts about DFF, Be On Cloud, and KP in the coming days, because I just like that BOC is dabbling with some experimental writing while allowing solid acting to really shine. (And I compare that to what’s happening at Idol Factory and the recent writing miss that was The Sign.) I wish the ending wasn’t as milquetoast as it was, but BOC still traffics in BLs, and I guess they felt they needed to throw the fans some kind of BL bone (huh huh).
But overall? I am REALLY GLAD I watched this, and it absolutely belongs on the OGMMTVC syllabus. This was incredibly new for the Thai BL genre, and I gotta give BOC — AND ESPECIALLY BARCODE AND TA, WOW — their flowers for taking Thai BL into this new direction. For the most part of this run, I had a great time with this show, as brutal as the content was.
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thatgirl4815 · 9 months
Intimacy & Communication (Ep6)
Once again, there’s been a lot of talking, and a lot of talking within said talking, and now all hell has broken loose. Everybody is in shambles. I'm in shambles. We're all in shambles. And it will only get worse from here. 🥲
*Note: Since this meta is slowly becoming a series, you can find the other metas here
I suppose we have Boston to thank for Sand and Ray’s communication issues; prior to this episode, I think they’ve maintained a reasonably healthy communication style—even if it was destined to implode at some point with the whole “We say we’re friends but we feel like more than friends.” I think Boston has just sped things along at an uncomfortable rate.
It’s interesting because Sand and Ray’s closeness is solid when they're alone, but the moment their relationship is known, it's immediately thrown into turmoil. It's also upsetting that Sand, someone we know to have a very direct approach to communication (not unlike Ray), is very closed off in Ep6. I'm thinking specifically of the Pool Scene (a label that should not be confused with the KinnPorsche Pool Scene™, whose name shall live in infamy).
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It occurred to me while rewatching this scene that this is one of the only, if not the only, time we see Sand and Ray talk about anything but their relationship to each other. They haven't often mentioned the other characters because up to this point, the drama hasn't forced them to.
That fact alone gives this scene a certain chill. There's no sign of their usual flirtiness. And Sand is noticeably resistant to Ray's efforts to straighten things out since the fight with Boston. Sand is lost in his own anger, in feeling used by Ray and unwanted, and that reaction is reflected in every part of this scene. Ray clearly reads between the lines on what Sand says about Mew, and once again wants to speak directly about it. He knows Sand is bothered, even when he says he isn't. Whatever casual "We're just friends" comments Sand used before are clearly not at play anymore. Ray and Sand both know that Sand cares, long before Sand is direct about it--
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This scene shows a bit of a flip in terms of how both Ray and Sand respond to each other, specifically when it comes to honesty. Ray is the one who has just blown up in anger, and he's the one lying, calling Sand a whore who only wants his money, who doesn't have honest dreams, etc. But Sand is direct this time. No jokes or flirts. It's an admission that both Sand and Ray have known about, but it's something that Ray needs to hear, because a) he hears it so little in his life and b) because the more lonely he feels, the more reason he has to get in his car and risk himself.
Excited to see where this goes with Sand comparing his relationship with Ray to Ray's relationship with alcohol next ep. In any case, I'm glad Sand is aware of the position that he is in. All of these characters are very cognizant of their situations.
Top and Mew pose a stark contrast to SandRay in that they go from seemingly very solid communication and intimacy to very negative. My key takeaway from their plot line this episode is how Mew keeps his anger over Top's infidelity buried until they're in bed together. Which, from an entertainment standpoint, is just glorious. From a communication standpoint, it seems to bring everything full circle.
Sex has caused a lot of tension in Top and Mew's relationship. It's been a power play from Mew when he's withheld it, but last episode we saw that barrier finally break. But Mew takes back control here through the truth, and he effectively turns the tables on Top, calling back to the very thing he had hang ups about in the first place: sex.
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We already know how Mew views sex. And we also know that Mew has gradually transformed Top's view of sex as something to build emotional intimacy. So for Top to have hooked up with Boston is like a slap in the face to all of that careful development. When Top had sex with Boston, the act alone seemed to confirm that Mew isn't enough for Top.
It's also worth noting just how quiet Top is in the last scene. He takes the blows, which is a good sign, compared to what we get from Boston. I compare this scene between Top and Mew with the one between Ray and Boston, where Ray admits to knowing about Boston and Top's hookup--Boston gets defensive immediately, rattling off excuses. But Top just takes the hits from Mew.
Top knows he was wrong. Boston knows that others think he's wrong, but I don't think he genuinely thinks there is anything wrong. He knows Mew won't get over it easily because that's just how Mew is--uptight, moralistic. Boston's own morals are incredibly loose, just like his approach to relationships. On the topic of morals, I'd say Boston and Mew's are on opposite sides of the spectrum.
Nick tries time and time again to be someone special to Boston, and time and time again Boston makes it clear that he doesn't care. From Boston telling Nick that he wants to spend time with him before he leaves, to harshly telling his friends that he isn't in a relationship with Nick--right in front of Nick--is just heartbreaking. (Seriously, the scene of Mew kicking Boston into the pool can't come soon enough.)
We get some insights into Boston's upbringing with the introduction of his father, who seems to possess a very similar mindset to Boston's. I could go on a whole other rant about this, but Boston approaches everything loosely because he thinks he won't face pressing consequences. He's going to leave the country, so if he screws some people over and makes some enemies, what's the harm? He'll be gone soon enough anyway.
I could also go on a rant about the glaring hypocrisy of Boston saying he can't be friends with someone who would record him...I go back and forth between thinking he's a cunning manipulator and a stupid college kid. Surely he must see the hypocrisy there...but if he does, he probably doesn't care (as with most things).
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I've compared Nick to Sand before, but Nick has been shut down by Boston on countless occasions, and yet he still stays. For Boston, who has proven time and time again that he enjoys manipulating people, ruining relationships, recording his friends, and sleeping around. Nick knows all of this all too well. And yet.
Nick, I'm starting to lose some sympathy for you. Leave. Him.
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turtlesocksv2 · 6 months
Liveblogging DFF Ep 2
It's time for Dead Friend Forever episode 2!
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Ok I have to say this but it cracks me up every time i watch a Thai show and we get that little disclaimer at the start saying "we do not condone any characters/jobs/actions in this show it is for entertainment only" like what kind of 2003 FF.Net "Please don't sue me i am poor and only playing with these characters like dolls" ass thing to see in front of Mafia Dramas (Kinnporsche), Serial Killer hijinks (Dead Friend Forever) and fucking bittersweet adult midlife crisis vibes (Moonlight Chicken).
Top is absolutely losing it, and they need to leave poor Fluke alone. He is trying his best! What more do you expect from him?!
Oh, Tee is the first to break off from the group. RIP Tee, we'll see how that works out for you.
The mask the killer wears really is very freaky. well done, props department.
Phi the only one awake. I see you. I support you in your killings.
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Oh I really thought Top was donefor there. Phi taking control of the group is so interesting. The way he leads everyone down what investigation paths...
Alright just what did you guys do to Non last time??? thank god the 3 newbies to the group are having a little sidebar asking that question. Clearly whatever it was was awful for the group to jump immediately to Non is Dead and his Ghost is Cursing Us and He Wants Us Dead Too for What We Did. But also, i think this rules out All Three Newbies working together to I Know What You Did Last Summer the group, otherwise this scene would make no sense. We'd have another Gossip Girl Dan situation where actions taken when they're alone don't add up to the reveal. So at least 1 of the newbies is not involved.
LOL at Tan trying to get Fluke to spill what the core group knows. If i was Fluke I'd be feeling very very threatened right now. "You think you're going to be next. I'm worried about you." and now Jin is being mean to Fluke too! for the love of god, Fluke is trying! just because he wants to be a doctor doesn't mean he can perform surgery in a cabin in the woods! Leave him alone!
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"a good-mouthed and good-hearted man like you doesn't need to remind me" yessss. kill him.
lmao Por has old fucking floppy disks. are these people old enough to have used a floppy disk in their lives. but i know i've got old floppies around somewhere so it makes sense there'd be some at a like summer vacation house that gets used rarely. but also, did i miss that Por hid the footage last episode? because otherwise wouldn't the harddrive that had the footage still be in the room they were all in when Phi hooked it up to the TV?
Was that a mystery medicine bottle in the closet? 👀👀 yeah i'm gonna need someone who can read Thai to to screenshot and tell us what that says.
Oh i really don't need the squelching noises from Fluke tending to Por's wound, please.
Ok, that Por jumpscare with the balcony door got me. and How the fuck does Por have the strength to strangle someone when he's been bleeding out all night?! Obviously a hallucination or something but what caused the hallucination?!
Thank you, White, for bringing back up that they are in the Cult Sacrifice Woods and this might be a Cult Killer or have to do with the cult. a very important thing to remember.
I would absolutely be looking at that footage the second Tee and Top turned their backs, the fuck. No you don't get to act that sus about what happened three years ago and play it off! Phi fighting the fight to keep that footage intact and eventually seen. Tan trying to gently break the idea that the group was bullying Non to White.
oh SHIT the way Uncle Deng got fucking GOT by that wire i screamed! i knew something was going to go down because obviously they couldn't escape the valley mansion in episode 2 but jesus. fucking. christ.
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Tee finally remembering he has a boyfriend that he abandoned to the serial killer lmao. Tee and Top keep almost getting away and then going back. they are being herded like cattle. but also, it's kind of sus.
No PhiJin and barely any TeeWhite stuff this episode, which makes sense in that they are busy they don't have time to fuck, but i do find it interesting that PhiJin seem to be on the same page the episode with like no relationship tension between them just situational worry considering Jin was literally biting Phi's dick last episode. Putting aside grudges to stay alive: i'm proud.
anyway that was a really good episode! Tee and Top are the worst. Fluke needs to get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. White needs to dump Tee and get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. Phi and Tan can kill whoever they want i support it. ❤️
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crumchycow · 2 months
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Ep 6 doodles
KinnPorsche two year anniversary prompt 3: Favourite Episode
Also I guess prompt 4 which is actually today: Favourite location/set
Ughhgg I love episode 6. It's so contrasting to the show and it fits so well right in the middle as a break and a turning point. It is the sole reason I like kinnporsche as a ship, just the way that it's the only time kinn felt fully at peace and like he could be himself!!??? The way that he kept Porsche in this situation not telling him a way out but when it was the end he gave Porsche an out of the mafia because Kinn thinks living in the woods is better and safer than his life in the mafia!!!???! The way that Porsche saw sides of Kinn here that he only saw here which lead to him understanding and loving Kinn the way that he does??!!?? The way they are so cute?!?? The gorgeousness of everything?!?? The parallels of Porsche withholding information from kinn to Kinn revealing he was withholding information from Porsche the entire time. (Huh is that where their continuous trust issues started?) The way that this was Porsches last chance to leave, his last moment away from the mafia, his last hope whether he knew it or not; and he almost took it, he was so so close! but ultimately he chose Kinn's life over everything. He chose Kinn's life over his safety, his brother, his freedom.
When I first watched this episode I was like okay cool but did that need to be a whole episode, but when I finished it and saw Porsche as the minor family head all I could think about was this episode.
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wiccawrites · 1 year
KinnPorsche Fic Masterlist | wicca @ ao3
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Last Updated: Sept. 26, 2023 | my ao3
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Series: A Blooming Oleander (ABO Verse)
The premise of KinnPorsche The Series but in an omegaverse setting where Kinn is an omega and Porsche is an alpha. Diverges from canon.
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Blooming Oleander (18/18) | Explicit | 175,274 words | Alpha!Porsche x Omega!Kinn
One does not become the only omega among the heirs of the Thai underworld without knowing how to take what he wants.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Morally Ambiguous Characters, Trope Inversion
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Warm Heart (1/1) | General Audiences | 11,915 words | Alpha!Kim x Omega!Chay side story to Blooming Oleander
Five times Chay puts up with Kim's mixed signals and the one time where he finally has enough.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers
Series: of the feline persuasion (Jaguar hybrid!Porsche Verse)
Someone pays off their debt with a rare jaguar hybrid and Kinn gets much more than he initially bargained for.
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Feline Purrsuasion (6/6) | Mature | 36,591 words | Mafia Boss!Kinn x Jaguar Hybrid!Porsche
"He's a cat hybrid," Kinn says, unable to hide how underwhelmed he is. Considering the price Ban had mentioned, Kinn had hoped for a dog hybrid, at least. Someone who was less likely to be averse to working with others and who would probably make a good bodyguard with sufficient training.
Ban tries to reply but he's interrupted by a deep, menacing growl that crests into a full fledged roar before he can get a word in.
Kinn whistles.
"Alright, he's a big cat hybrid."
aka: 5 times Kinn accidentally makes his jaguar hybrid bodyguard purr + 1 time Porsche purrs for him on purpose
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Pining, Oblivious!Kinn, mentions of trauma, references to past torture
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the cat that got the cream (1/1) | Explicit | 9,662 words | PWP sequel to Feline Purrsuasion
Some things are worth the wait.
Or: In which Porsche finally passes his Assessment and makes Kinn fulfill his end of their agreement. Many times.
Notable Tags/Warnings: PWP, Dom/sub Undertones, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Rough Sex, Body Worship, Size Queen Porsche, Pet Names, Come Swallowing, Vibrators, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Dirty Talk
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Alone Together (3/?) | Explicit | 12,584 words | Ancient Vampire!Kinn x Fledgling Vampire!Porsche
It is twenty years after The Awakening – the global phenomenon which ultimately led to humans discovering the existence of vampires – and Thailand is on the cusp of a long-awaited political milestone. After a decade of hard work, a bill that aims to uphold both human and vampire rights is close to being finalized.
Unfortunately, this is also when something decides to turn Bangkok into its own hunting ground.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Morally Ambiguous Characters, Political Intrigue, Mystery, Childe/Sire Bond(s), Soul Bond
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Moonchild (we're born in the moonlight) - 3/3 | Explicit | 3,619 words | Red Riding Hood Retelling
"Let me walk you home, then," Kinn offers, recalling the recent accidents and all the superstitions he'd heard about the forest ever since he was a boy. "Even if you live close by, these woods can get dangerous. You should always get home before nightfall."
"Trust me," Porsche smiles, teeth sharp and brown eyes glittering an almost golden hue under the late afternoon light. "I'll be fine."
He lets Kinn walk him home anyway.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Dark Fairy Tales, Werewolves, Fantasy, Trans Male Character, Mates, Vaginal Sex
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just this once (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn gets a moment of clarity. A brief second where he becomes painfully aware of two conflicting facts: first, he wants to kiss Porsche and second, he is not drunk enough to give in.
He does anyway.
aka the ending of Episode 3 from Kinn’s perspective.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Canon Compliant, First Kiss
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Recovery (1/1) | Teen and Up Audiences | Canon Divergent Kinn x Porsche
"I should have known better than to give you an order and expect you to follow me," Kinn says from the doorway of Porsche's hospital room.
aka my take on the side story before we knew there was gonna be a side story
Notable Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed
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i'll be yours (if you'll be mine) | Explicit | Canon Compliant Kinn x Porsche
Kinn is a flame, burning, burning, oh so bright, and Porsche wants nothing more than for Kinn to consume him if it means he gets to have Kinn to himself in return.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Character Study, Porn with Feelings
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The Call of the Deep (1/1) | Explicit | Eldritch Horror!Kinn x Mermaid!Porsche
To the Merfolk, the depths of the ocean are as equally terrifying as the surface – and for good reason. But Porsche isn't about to let anything stop him from finding his missing brother.
Notable Tags/Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Aphrodisiacs, Drugged Sex, Tentacle Sex, Corruption, Forced Orgasms
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mirror, mirror (1/1) | Explicit | Canon KinnPorsche
When they started this twisted game of cat and mouse, Porsche was sure he was the cat. After all, he had the advantage of studying every single blindspot in every single room that Kinn entered. Kinn, on the other hand, had a reputation to uphold. An image of invulnerability that couldn't be tainted with losing his composure because of mundane things like, let's say, having his bodyguard's foot on his crotch during a security briefing.
But somewhere along the way Kinn had taken a different approach; had studied Porsche and found all the right buttons to press. Kinn started using his words. And Porsche, to his own horror, found that he liked them.
Or, Porsche fucks around (with Kinn) and finds out (more about himself than what he'd initially bargained for).
Notable Tags/Warnings: Mirror Sex, Praise Kink, Pet Names, Dirty Talk, Kink Discovery
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Mahiwaga | Dragon!Porsche x King!Kinn | To be expanded
Adjective. mysterious, inexplicable, miraculous
Or: In which Porsche is a dragon deity and Kinn comes to him for help to save his kingdom.
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(the future is) bulletproof | Dystopian AU KimChay
Kim had never really bought into the kool aid that his father seems to have successfully sold to everyone else in Oasis City. There had to be something in the barrenlands beyond the Mirage – otherwise, there wouldn’t be such strict laws on leaving the city borders. He sneaks out in search of the truth and finds so much more than he bargained for.
AKA son of a corrupt government official!Kim x youngest in a ragtag group of rebels!Chay, but in a post-apocalyptic setting
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the oxygen of the soul | KinnPorsche & ChatKhem Reincarnation AU | To be expanded
"It feels like I can only be free if you're by my side."
A few more scattered posts in varying stages of completion:
Bodyswap!AU - To be expanded
(Single) Parenting 101 - To be expanded
Full Shift Werewolves AU
Hades AU
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