#kinnporsche second anniversary
itsmelb · 6 months
Happy anniversary Kinnporsche!
2 years passed already and I feel like I am in a fever dream since then haha.
Thank u for giving me sth I would have never expected to have. 💚
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misspoetree · 1 year
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+ The worst crime of them all:
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KinnPorsche + Text Posts: Anniversary Edition
[many more text post memes]
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tinycowboybro · 1 year
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favorite main character(s): Porsche Kittisawasd (post 2/2)
also just for sillies because it’s my blog and i make the rules i’ll let you guys in on a secret :0
when i first started watching kpts Porsche was definitely my favorite ! but because i had such a hard time drawing Apo (too beautiful) i would get really frustrated trying to make stuff about him and i’d never let it see the light of day lol.
Except for this one sketch sheet from all the way back in may of last year where i managed to draw one (1) good Porsche and he is making the most sarcastic face ever.
Which i feel just fits.
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2-years-of-kp · 7 months
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Happy two years of KinnPorsche The Series and welcome to this year's anniversary event!
In celebration of the show and us as a fandom, this event will host prompts and a rewatch, so we can enjoy the show once more, and to encourage creativity and new creations for its second anniversary. Starting from April 9th, the event will run across 28 days; dedicating two days to each episode and one prompt pair as listed below.
Any and all creations are welcome! You don't have to follow the prompts, they are just here to give you some inspiration if you'd like.
Make sure to use the tag #kpanniversary2024 on any anniversary-related posts so we can reblog them to this blog and feel free to add your writing to the Kinnporsche Two Year Anniversary collection on AO3 as well!
Got any questions? Feel free to send an ask!
Apr 9-10: Episode 1
Apr 11-12: Episode 2
Apr 13-14: Episode 3
Apr 15-16: Episode 4
Apr 17-18: Episode 5
Apr 19-20: Episode 6
Apr 21-22: Episode 7
Apr 23-24: Episode 8
Apr 25-26: Episode 9
Apr 27-28: Episode 10
Apr 29-30: Episode 11
May 1-2: Episode 12
May 3-4: Episode 13
May 5-6: Episode 14
List 1: Your Favourites
Ep 1 - Apr 9-10: Favourite Main Character
Ep 2 - Apr 11-12: Favourite Supporting Character
Ep 3 - Apr 13-14: Favourite Episode
Ep 4 - Apr 15-16: Favourite Location/Set
Ep 5 - Apr 17-18: Underrated Character
Ep 6 - Apr 19-20: Favourite Romantic Relationship
Ep 7 - Apr 21-22: Favourite Platonic/Familial Relationship
Ep 8 - Apr 23-24: Favourite Scene
Ep 9 - Apr 25-26: Favourite Outfit
Ep 10 - Apr 27-28: Underrated Ship
Ep 11 - Apr 29-30: Favourite Family
Ep 12 - May 1-2: Favourite Parallel
Ep 13 - May 3-4: Underrated Quote
Ep 14 - May 5-6: Your Choice!
List 2: Your Interpretation
Ep 1 - Apr 9-10: Fate
Ep 2 - Apr 11-12: Misfit
Ep 3 - Apr 13-14: Heroes
Ep 4 - Apr 15-16: Tension
Ep 5 - Apr 17-18: Regret
Ep 6 - Apr 19-20: Comfort
Ep 7 - Apr 21-22: Heist
Ep 8 - Apr 23-24: Haunting
Ep 9 - Apr 25-26: Trust
Ep 10 - Apr 27-28: Manipulate
Ep 11 - Apr 29-30: Villains
Ep 12 - May 1-2: Identity
Ep 13 - May 3-4: Secrets
Ep 14 - May 5-6: Legacy
Any kind of creations (fics, drabbles, fanart, edits, gifs, videos, etc.) are welcome!
Use the tag #kpanniversary2024 so your creation can be reblogged to this blog.
Be respectful of other people; this event is no space for negativity.
Mature and NSFW content is welcome, but must be tagged properly - both on Tumblr and on AO3.
Feel free to skip days, only participate for one day, etc. however you like!
You can participate in the prompts, the rewatch or both - it is up to you!
Late submissions are allowed.
One prompt or a combination of both prompts can be used, and all prompts are open to personal interpretation.
Multiple creations per prompt/prompt pair are welcome!
You do not have to follow the prompts, any creations during the course of the event are welcome.
Since this event is meant to celebrate the show itself, no actor content or behind the scenes content will be reblogged.
This event has drawn inspiration from the previous year's anniversary event, as well as Kinnporsche Week in 2022.
Happy creating!
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kinnporschedaily · 6 months
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Happy Second Anniversary KinnPorsche The Series! Happy Birthday Kinn Porsche Daily! 📸: beoncloud_th
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magicaldreamfox1 · 5 months
dreamy drabbles
— prompt: heist
"What else?"
Vegas walks into the room just in time to overhear Macau's question. Him and Pete are sitting at the table, Macau leaning in as if he's interrogating Pete.
"Uhm, I don't know..."
"What's going on?" Vegas interrupts.
"P'Pete is telling me about all the cool things he did." Macau contemplates for a second. "What about a heist?"
Pete nods and Macau lights up.
"What did you steal?" Another pause. His eyes narrow and he jabs out a finger in Vegas' direction. "If you say some shit like 'his heart' I'm never talking to you again."
Pete just grins.
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matan4il · 11 months
Since I've posted the KPTS auditions for both the first and second days, on the 3 years anniversary of the third day, here are all of the pics Filmania shared of the final casting, with Mile, Apo or both:
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And the most important one, supposedly the kiss with which Mile surprised Apo during the Auditions...
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(I'll be adding this to my Mileapo timeline)
When asked about it, Mile had this to say:
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And just a small bonus, on the same day, Mile also left this reply:
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Today, Apo was sharing ideas from fans for a costume (for the NYE countdown celebration that BOC is throwing). One of the suggestions was Zhan Zhao, so he tagged Mile:
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In case you somehow missed it, Zhan Zhao is the character which Mile loved (had a crush on?) as a kid, and which he thinks Apo looks a lot like! He's spoken about it more than once:
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Mile commented on Apo's pic "Zhan Zhao" in Thai and Chinese.
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Apo has even dressed up as Zhan Zhao to make Mile's dream come true during the Kinnporsche World Tour:
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Even Mile's brother seemed to confirm that this was indeed Mile's dream, and that he's been telling his own family so...
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BTW, did you know that the actor who played Zhan Zhao knows about Mile's opinion that Apo looks like his character?
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He seems to approve, too.
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Another costume idea that was suggested and made Apo tag Mile in it translates as follows (Krasue is the female monster that emits green light that Mile mentioned back in Paris he'd like to dress up as):
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Apo calling Mile a good boy. I iz gone, I iz ceased to exist. XD
Lastly, yesterday Mile's mom watched and left a like on a video in which Apo can be seen saying he feels like adopting Mile's last name (Romsaithong. This is from the Oct 16 Farmhouse event):
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If you think you are dying to see Mileapo married, get in line. :D
(for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche silliness, click here)
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discluded · 1 year
In this we walk hand-in-hand as equals: Revisiting KinnPorsche episode 8
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A quick and dirty meta in honor of the anniversary of KPTS episode 8: the date 😊
I think now with the entire arc of the series ironed out and all the haters having left, we can say this was definitely the second best episode of the series (behind 6, of course! sorry to episode 7!!!) and also definitively not a filler episode. I'm breaking this into two parts: some of which other folks have said already, and some which I don't think anyone has explicitly said though maybe many people feel.
Part 1: Hand-in-Hand
You know media literacy is bad when a character explicitly says why the events following the statement need to happen and people still call it filler. 🙄
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The events of episode 6 established that Kinn and Porsche love each other, not just desired or were infatuated with each other, but truly love each other in a soul-crushing, earth-shattering way that they're wiling to give up their own happiness and safety for the other. Episode 7 established they may love each other but they still don't know each other well. There's work that needs to be done.
So what does episode 8 say?
That it's not just infatuation, it's not just being in love, it's not just sex or desire. What they built when sheltered from the storm is strong. It's a foundation for a love that will weather the storm.
They're not just two people who love and care about each other, they're also two people who can build a life together and are doing just that. Episode 8 is them putting in the work.
So that despite what lays ahead for them, what they have is worth fighting for.
Oftentimes, what we see in romantic dramas (BL or otherwise) is solely focused on the earth-shattering feelings of emotion, about two people finally getting together. To be honest, I'm bored by that. And half the time, I'm not convinced it's a relationship that will last. Just because there are feelings doesn't mean it's meant to be. People fall in and out of love all the time.
It's so refreshing to see a series make an argument that says it's not just about the feelings, it's about two people who are working on making it work. It gives us the reason they keep fighting for each other and their relationship. And that's why KinnPorsche's episode 14 marriage vows are so believable. We saw them fighting for it, and we have a glimpse of what it could be. They love each other in the way adults who want it to work love each other.
Part 2: As Equals
The second part of this I don't see discussed as often is how it (re)establishes them as equals in the relationship, both within the context of the show and metacontextually.
Let's discuss within the context of the show first.
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There's a notable power difference between Kinn and Porsche as members of society and of course, as mob boss and bodyguard. However, episode 8 lays out the argument that within their relationship, they are equals and it's important to them that they are equals. Emotionally, they give as much as they take from each other. (I'll discuss the physical aspect in the next section.)
Especially because this episode serves as a prelude to the Tawan arc, episode 8 importantly contrasts boyfriend!Porsche against Kinn's relationship with Tawan, and also Kinn's relationship with escorts. Kinn, being who he is, is often expected to be the one who provides: who provides comfort, or entertainment, or gifts, or experiences or luxury or money. And with those, there is an expectation to the quality of what he provides.
Tawan betrayed Kinn because he was bored and greedy and dissatisfied with what Kinn provided. Tawan saw what Kinn had to offer, both physically and emotionally, as deficient of what he could get elsewhere, and this is the basis of his betrayal.
Kinn's experience with his escorts is purposefully emotionally vacant, but even with those escorts, there is a certain expectation to what Kinn provides as well. While this is not explicitly textual within the show, the escorts gossip among each other and within high society. Kinn's life is full of expectations of who he is to even people who he doesn't know but who know him.
And instead Porsche came in and said: I want to take my man out on a date. I think he will like tiny cupcakes scones. (And Porsche was right.)
Though Porsche was worried about the restaurant being closed ruining the date and disappointing Kinn, the secret ingredient was there from beginning: when Porsche said, I want to romance Kinn, I want to take him on a cute date.
Kinn deserves to be romanced as much as Kinn wants to romance Porsche. The secret ingredient is that Porsche cares and Porsche put in the effort. That he doesn't see Kinn as a means to an end of where he gets something shiny, but as a partner in a relationship they are building together.
It was never going to be about the specific date experience or how expensive it was -- it's about effort. The main thing that Kinn and Porsche can put into their relationship in equal amounts is effort.
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Metatextually, Porsche being the one initiate and organize the date is also important. To understand this, we have to back up to look at the context of heteronormativity and gender role expectations within society that is reiterated and reinforced by drama tropes.
I've mentioned to friends that romantic dramas, particularly a certain class of kdramas, reinforce to their primarily straight female audiences expectations of falling in love and being romanced, without taking into consideration the realities of relationships. And I don't mean the mundanity of the day-to-day here, I mean specifically that women expect to be romanced without expectation that they have to romance someone in return. Or if it is, the gestures are gendered in specific ways (e.g. flowers and being taken out for an expensive dinner vs. cooking a homemade meal).
The thing is, we do see those types of heteronormative tropes reinforced in gendered ways in BL dramas as well, where the [straight] audience brings in expectations of gender roles based on who tops and bottoms in the relationship, not even taking into account that many queer people are switches.
But even putting that aside, there is nothing wrong with queer folks having a top/bottom preference, sometimes even a strong preference. For one, it's refreshing to see Porsche being portrayed as a bisexual man who didn't realize he was bisexual until he realized being a bottom was an option and that his preference in bed (and this one is a preference) isn't tied to his masculinity, his physical prowess, or being kickass and kind of scary.
I also found it so refreshing that Porsche deciding he wanted to go on a date wasn't tied to hokey gendered roles of who asks whom on the first date. In fact, it was even more pleasantly surprising to have Porsche reveal he's never gone on a date before: so his initiative can't be tied to the fact he's "used" to play the "masculine" role of initiating dates. It's just Porsche deciding he wants to go on a date to romance his boyfriend and even though he doesn't have the experience, putting his whole heart in it.
Even something as simple as this can be demystifying of the queer experience. There is no "man" or "woman" assignment in the the relationship, even when there are sexual preferences. And having a sexual preference doesn't reinforce or take away from masculinity. They are two men who are both men and are in a relationship. And they both put equal effort into romancing and taking care of each other.
Episode 8 supremacy forever. 💖
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moerusai · 6 months
Nemi @luckydragon10 alerted me that Glitter & Gold has not shown up in the Youtube search results for a month now (despite being the first suggestion when you type "kinnporsche g").
It is still viewable and there's no restriction. You just can't search for it. Because almost 40k views, 2k likes and 150+ comments are somehow still not enough.
I figured this is the shitass algorithm shadowbanning the video for not getting many views (by its own standard) in recent months.
Now, I don't care about metrics. What I care is the small, slim possibility that someone somewhere, who has no idea about this wonderful series, stumbles upon my take on it and decides to give it a chance.
So the TPTB taking away the prospect for that to happen years down the line? Fucking sucks.
And demotivating since I'm still deciding whether to finish the second KP edit I started a year and a half ago for their anniversary. Welp.
Nemi and I will contact support to remedy this. But I have very little hope that something will come out of it. I just needed to rant.
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peachym00 · 6 months
KinnPorsche Two Year Anniversary Event
Prompt: Fate
(Six months post-canon)
“Do you think it was fate?”
Pete turned to face Porsche, where they were leaning on the railing of the balcony, smoking their troubles away.
“Do I think what was fate?”
“All of it. This,” he gestured to himself, Pete and the view of Bangkok in front of them. “Your life, my life…everything.”
Fate. Pete had a complicated relationship with fate. It was not in his best interests to believe that fate had led him to where he was in that very second.
Was it fate that handed him a violent father?
Did fate lead him to the gates of the Major family mansion as a beaten and scrawny sixteen-year-old?
Was it fate that tied him up and tased him? Whipped him til he bled and then showed him a devotion that put religion to shame?
Was it fate who decided not to let his mother live until she got old and grey? To let him suffer his childhood? To let him feel invisible, to feel a loneliness so profound he can still remember the taste of it?
If it indeed was fate, then they didn’t share the same type of humour. Life was what you made of it. Pete may not have chosen his parents or the circumstances that gave him life, but the decisions he’s made since he was old enough to count have been his and his alone. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the infuriating neutrality that life had given him were undoubtedly worth more than something as simple as fate.
Pete made the decision to stay and love Vegas even when he shouldn’t. He was no fool to think that his life was predestined, that this was the only path he could have chosen. If Porsche wanted to hand all accountability to the laughing hand of fate, then so be it. Comfort came in different forms, and he wasn’t one to judge.
But he could hardly be convinced that his life was due to something out of his control when all of the decisions that led him to this balcony were his to make, extenuating circumstance or not.
So, no.
Pete didn’t believe in fate.
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lilitblaukatz · 6 months
KinnPorsche 2d anniversary.
Favorite character: Kim.
Just a rumble.
KinnPorsche was my first BL. My friend gave me a link and I was hooked since ep01 but I didn't know that it wouln't be funny mafia action all the way.
My eye caught this frame the first time I saw opening titles (I never fast forwarded it during my first KP watch because Free Fall, yk? So the numbers of times I'm talking about correspond to episodes):
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The second time I wondered when this character would appear (I couldn't wait). On the third time I pestered my friend to tell me (she didn't).
Honestly I thought that it wasn't very nice frame to use in the opening titles. Not flattering (comparing to shots of others especially). I was waiting for him anyway.
You see, I didn't know how significant and how deep this moment was for Kim. I didn't know why he looked like a wet cat but I decided then and there that I love him the most.
And then I got to know. And then he became even more dear to me.
But this desperation in his eyes, this turmoil is what drew me in. From that very first frame. I couldn't ignore those emotions.
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Kinnporsche Meta Masterpost
Since I've gotten into writing meta posts for Kinnporsche over the last couple of years (mostly around anniversary events, haha), I figured it was about time I made a masterpost for them!
(I’m gonna add an asterisk next to my personal favourites, because why not)
Going from newest to oldest:
Did Korn maintain his fake death post-canon? (ep 14)
*Porsche Closes His Heart (ep 13)
Vegas defending Kinn (ep 13)
Kinn's anti-smoking agenda for Korn and Porsche (ep 13)
*Kinn never took the ring off (ep 12)
*A subtle moment of Kinn protecting Porsche (ep 12)
Did they make Pol Kinn’s head bodyguard? (ep 12, 14)
How do the bodyguard jobs work? (ep 2, 11)
Kinn’s misplaced chivalry (ep 11)
The minor family’s self-fulfilling prophecy (ep 7, 10)
*Kinn’s Soft Heart (ep 9, 10)
Kinn's emotions locked up (ep 9)
Porsche using Kinn’s phone (ep 8)
Porsche called Jom (ep 8, side story)
Vegas and the Illusion of Choice (ep 7, 10)
Return to Form (ep 7, 8)
Kinn the Star (ep 6)
Finding Comfort (ep 11)
You Never Cared (Enough) (ep 3, 5, 8)
Big’s Intentions (ep 4)
*Seconds Ago... (ep 3)
Kinn didn't technically save Porsche (ep 3)
*The Undermining of Kinn Theerapanyakul (ep 2)
Korn making Porsche head bodyguard (ep 1, 5)
*The unbalanced rivalry of Kinn and Vegas (ep 14)
*Kinn vs. Korn (ep 1, 14)
Kinn's distance from his brothers (ep 14)
Kim's warning for Kinn (ep 14)
*Tay and Kinn (ep 2, 12)
*Kinn's Startle Response (ep 5, 6, 11)
*Porsche Visits Pleasure Island (ep 7, 10, 14)
Porsche can't die until Chay finishes school (ep 4)
How long was Korn head of the main family? (pre-canon, ep 13, 14) (+ more speculation on Kinn's canon age)
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kinnbig · 1 year
omg. yesterday was the one year anniversary of kinnporsche episode 10 - which means it was also the one year anniversary of me watching episode 10 and having to try so hard to suppress my reactions to the insanity that was happening in front of me because my wife, who had at that point only seen the first five episodes, was sitting across the room from me and didn’t want spoilers.
please take a second to imagine me trying to keep a neutral expression while watching one of the most chaotic, tense, fucking brilliant hours of television I’ve ever experienced in fandom, determinedly trying not to visibly react to the PorschePete fight, or Porsche running away with Vegas, or “I love you” “I’m hungry”, or the VegasTawan plot twist, or Pete breaking into the minor family house, or the Ken mole reveal, or two of my favourite characters dying in the space of about ten minutes, or Ken’s severed head being presented during a meeting, or the fucking KinnPorsche fart scene…
I was going Through It lmao
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In honor of the one year anniversary of Kinnporsche, here is the list of my favorites after a year
cw long post and spoilers
Favorite Character: Big
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He kept getting handed L's but he still slayed till the very end. My man’s was gay and got lectured about how he should not be homophobic.
Favorite Episode: 6 Aired May 14, 2022
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I haven't seen it since it aired but I've seen enough clips and gif to remember how amazing it was. It was the one of the first times you get to see Kinn vulnerable and open. It was the episode that made me fall in love with the show and it really showed how good the on screen chemistry was between Mile and Apo
Favorite Scene: Pete's Funeral Ep 13 aired July 2nd, 2022
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I really love Tankhun in this scene, Tong gave it his all in every scene and this was in my opinion, his best scene he did. How overdramatic Tankhun shines here and also it’s just funny. My second fav scene in Vegas getting bonked in the head.
Favorite Line: Are You Fucking Dumb Bro? Aussie Edition, Ep 5 March 7, 2022
Must I say more, the line delivery is perfect, Perth is amazing and this something I quote to this day. Those subtitles are a travesty! Honesty any English line was super funny for some reason.
Favorite Crime against humanity: hairdye and headphones ep 14 aired July 9th 2022
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Everything about this image makes me angry, sad and disturbed
Anyways in review, loved the show even with its flaws and it introduced me to other Thai media. I would not have watched shows like Bad Buddy or the Eclipse if it wasn’t for Kinnporsche
Reblog Ur Favs!
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2-years-of-kp · 6 months
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The KinnPorsche The Series Two Year Anniversary Event starts tomorrow on April 9th!
What's happening?
Prompts and a rewatch will be hosted on this blog for the show's second anniversary. Check out the full intro post here!
The event will start on April 9th, running for 28 days across all 14 episodes.
Any content is welcome: you don't have to follow the prompts — as long as you use the tag #kpanniversary2024 your creations will be reblogged to this blog!
Make sure to add your fics to the KinnPorsche Two Year Anniversary AO3 collection as well!
Got any questions? Feel free to send an ask!
Throughout the event:
Each episode designated 2-day period will be announced with a reminder uploaded at 12:00 AM UTC+2. These posts only serve as a reminder, late submissions are allowed.
Every creation in the #kpanniversary2024 tag will be queued and reblogged to this blog throughout the day.
Please be patient: there is only person behind this blog. I will do my best to reblog every post, but since I have a job, there may be delays.
If your post hasn't been reblogged 2 days after posting, please send an ask or a message.
Make sure to familiarise yourself with the rules as well; content that violates the rules will not be reblogged.
Happy creating!
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
My First Year of QLs (Roundup + Top Lists)
This post is, most likely, only interesting to me. But...
Today marks the 1-year anniversary of my falling into the Asian QL series rabbit hole. So I thought I would write down some statistics from my Notion database and plague myself to do some kind of roundup of my favorites. So, here goes.
(I'm not very well-versed in the genre conventions of QLs, so I want to point out that I have included some shows that others (who are more knowledgeable about this topic) don't necessarily see as conventional QLs, like Not Me, Manner of Death, DFF, etc. I've also included queer/gay films I've watched in the past year.)
Some Numbers
This first year, I've watched 322 QLs:
51 shorts (less than 1h)
59 films/special episodes (1h+)
212 series
(Even if some series are short enough to pass as films, I've included them in the series category if they were released/I watched them as a series.)
I watched most of them last year because I went through a period of much-needed escapism the whole second half of 2023 (I've "only" watched 89 QLs so far this year). But that also means that my fucked up memory can't remember a lot of them (which is why I'm glad I at least added them to my Notion database).
Also, the statistics above don't include the 75 rewatches I've done, where 8 were rewatches of films/special episodes and 67 were rewatches of series.
Some Firsts
The first Asian QL I watched was Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea). This was the series that started my journey down this rabbit hole. Then I just continued to explore.
Since I've mostly watched QLs from Thailand (135), Korea (70), Taiwan (38), and Japan (38), these are the first QLs I watched from those countries:
Thailand: Cutie Pie
Korea: Roommates of Poongduck 304
Taiwan: Stay by My Side
Japan: Candy Color Paradox
My Top Lists
Now, let's see if I can do a roundup of my favorites (because I like to torture myself, lol).
I thought about doing my top 3 QLs from each of the countries I've watched most from (the ones I noted above), but then I remembered my taste is bad (and by bad, I mean trashy). So, I'm making two lists. One that's my top 3 of the trashy QLs from each country and then my top 3 of the non-trashy QLs.
(Btw, trashy doesn't necessarily mean unwatchable in my way of using it. These shows might use problematic themes, sometimes not in a good way, they might not be the best written and/or edited shows, or just be pure crap but they were still very enjoyable for me to watch.)
Let's start with the trashy top list and then move on to the ones that are great because they're great (in my humble opinion).
My Trashy Top Lists
These are not recommendations, btw. Proceed at your own risk, lol.
In no particular order:
Only Friends
Well, I lied that I would only do a top 3 list (I've watched too many from Thailand to only stick with 3), so here are a few more:
Big Dragon
Pit Babe
Dead Friend Forever
Check Out
I can only remember two that I liked that were trashy:
HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count (I'm probably the only one who liked this even though the ending was shit)
HIStory 4: Close to You
I honestly can't remember any, which is weird because I'm sure there are some trashy Korean QLs I've watched as well...
In no particular order:
The Novelist (all of them including Mood Indigo)
The End of the World With You
Dangerous Drugs of Sex (film)
My (non-trashy) Top List
As I mentioned above... I have watched a lot of QLs from Thailand, so I'm extending the list to include more than 3. Also, I often vibe with Korean media for some reason, so I've added a few extra to that list as well.
In no particular order:
La Pluie
Lovely Writer
Wedding Plan
Not Me
Manner of Death
I Told Sunset About You (+ I Promised You the Moon)
I Feel You Linger in the Air
In no particular order:
We Best Love (1 and 2)
About Youth
In no particular order:
Semantic Error
Once Again (this is such a cry-fest and I get obsessed with the stuff that makes me cry)
The Eighth Sense
Love Class (season 2)
Our Dating Sim (the second BL I watched after Roommates of Poongduck 304)
To My Star (season 2)
Light on Me
In no particular order:
At 25:00, in Akasaka
My Beautiful Man (1, 2, and 3 Eternal) (some would call this trashy, I don't always agree, either way, it's always on my top lists)
His (film)
Current Favorites
Lastly, I want to add three shows I'm currently watching but haven't finished yet (so they're not included in the numbers in this post). These are shows I'm sure (and very much hoping, if they don't fuck up the ending) would make it onto my top list if I'd be able to finish them already. And those are:
My Stand-In (Thailand, 1 ep. left)
Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand, 4 eps. left)
The Rebound (Thailand, 6 eps. left)
My Stand-In has made me cry. For an ice queen like me, that's a hard feat. And, if a show can make me cry, I get obsessed with it. It also has a darker vibe that I'm usually drawn to in shows. Also, it has Up Poompat and Poom Phuripan being fire on screen and hilarious behind the scenes. I loved them separately before. I love them together now. And I will keep loving them (both separately and together) until the end of my days.
Even though I love My Stand-In with every fiber of my being, Knock Knock, Boys! is everything to me at the moment. I love the four main boys so much, and Jane and Lukpeach as well. I especially love Latte. I need a Latte in my life (and I'm not talking about the coffee because I drink enough almond lattes already, lol). Latte is my everything.
So far, The Rebound is everything I want in a sports QL. It's the best series I've seen from Meen and Ping as a pair so far, and it has Frank (which is a plus for me). It's still too early to tell how this will end, but I'm relentlessly hopeful that it will end as well as it began. (Pretty please!)
That's it from my first year of exploring old and new QLs. Now, onwards into my second year!
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