eightyuh · 9 months
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Some style references for my OCs Fizz, Ledge, and Kiré Na + how their powers work
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paulas-brushtrokes · 9 months
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¡Bienvenid@s a Kiré Custom!
En Kiré, fusionamos la creatividad del arte y la magia de la sublimación para ofrecerte artículos únicos y especiales. Podrás encontrar desde laminas de dibujos hasta ropa y artículos personalizados.
¡Esto y muchísimo más en nuestra tienda Etsy!!
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llovelykenobi · 4 years
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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii so I commissioned @ms-gallows to draw my beloved OC and I just need everyone to look at her. LOOK AT HER. MY HANDMAIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
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I’m which vampire Anakin convinces newborn vampire Kiré to add a bit more mischief to her creator, Obi Wan’s life @llovelykenobi 
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No, not that much. I mean, not the main story at least. They come into later stuff
SO THE OTHER CHILDREN. About a week before the wedding, Kiré and Obi-Wan are laying in bed for the night and Kiré tells him that she wants a baby. She wants his baby. And for a moment, he’s a little stunned that she just blurted this out but is quick to reassure her that he would absolutely love to have a baby with her. And, with it that close to the wedding, Anakin would never know they started trying before they got married and be scandalized. So most of their honeymoon that isn’t devoted to Hana or Disney things (because they definitely go to one of the Disney’s. Not sure which one at the moment. And obviously they’re going to bring Hana along on a trip to Disney) is spent trying for a baby. (And honestly, the week after they get back, Hana probably stays with Anakin and Padmé for like that week so that Kiré and Obi-Wan can pretty much just. Not leave the bed.)
But then Kiré’s pregnant with Ani (or in most like our world AUs just spelled Annie) and Hana gets a little more quiet and standoffish and sad. And so Obi-Wan probably takes her to the park or the zoo or somewhere that he knows that she loves and sits down to talk to her and figure out what’s wrong. And Hana kind of sniffles and says “you guys aren’t going to love me anymore after the baby” and so Obi-Wan pulls her into his lap and wraps his arms around her and he’s like “sweetheart, what on earth gave you that idea? Of course your mother and I will continue to love you just as much as we do now. We could never stop loving you, Han. Who else would I play chess with?” And Hana kind of burrows into his embrace and she’s like “Uncle Ani said that I wouldn’t be the baby anymore. So I thought that you wouldn’t love me as much.” And Obi-Wan just hugs her tighter and kisses the top of her head and he’s like “absolutely not. I will continue to love you for the rest of my life, and probably long past that. But he is right. You won’t be the baby anymore. You’ll be the big sister who gets to show your little sibling how to do everything that you know how to do and they won’t.” So Hana is much more excited for the baby after this and not nearly as concerned.
Then Ani is born and Hana’s constantly calling her little sister “my baby” and wanting to hold her and not letting anyone else for long because she wants to hold her again. She always wants to help and learn everything she can about babies. She’s just enamored with her little sister.
But then when Ani is like. 3 or 4 months old, Kiré finds out that she’s pregnant. Again. And she’s very worried. That’s two very young children for them to take care of in a very short timespan. But she tells Obi-Wan and after the initial “are you joking?” He just won’t stop laughing about it. He’s actually kind of thrilled. He loves being a father so this is gonna be fun. And Kiré is like “how the fuck did we get to this point and what the fuck are we going to do” but Obi-Wan is still absolutely beaming and he’s like “we’ll manage, darling, please don’t worry yourself over it”
So then Ben is born and Hana is even more thrilled. Now she has a little sister AND a little brother. This is amazing! Two babies to play with and hold and cuddle with! She’s definitely hoping for more siblings soon, especially once Ani and Ben get to be less of babies and more like toddlers/children. Because they’re fun to play with, but babies are even more fun. Even though they scream and cry a lot.
But by the time that Ani is like 3 and Ben is like 2, Obi-Wan is finally able to convince Kiré to have another one. He’s definitely been teasing her about more for like a year at this point. So at the very end of his summer break, they try for a baby. And honestly for the first week, the kids might be staying with Grandma Shmi because Anakin and Padmé are already dealing with toddler Luke and Leia causing mischief. But so he definitely is like “no, I’ll get you anything you need, you just stay in bed” for that week so Kiré is fondly exasperated with him, but she knows that he really wants another one. But by the time he’s been back at work for two weeks to get ready for the new school year, he comes home from work one day and he gets the news that he’s going to be a father again.
Honestly, since twins obviously somewhere run in the Skywalker line, I’m about like. 98% sure that it’s twins (and probably both girls), I just need names for them at this point lmao.
So you just want Obi Wan to be the ultimate Dad with 5 kids. I’m down for this. 😂
Obi Wan taking a lesson from The Mandalorians:
It’s not about training one child. It’s about having the biggest family possible AND I’M WINNING!!!
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justkirethings · 4 years
Just Throuple Things
Star Wars College!AU: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Kiré (OC) x Commander Cody
Welcome to Ally and my's blog about the AU we have created and worked on together! We are trash for these three! Join us!
Cody makes breakfast most mornings, pancakes with strawberries for Kiré and black coffee for Ben
Ben does most of the chores, he doesn't mind picking up after his lovers
They love to cuddle on the couch and watch rom coms
Cody has a garden he tends to and picks flowers for his lovers
Kiré loves to draw Ben and Cody, their lips, their hands, it's all detailed
Ben writes poems in turn, he'll place them on sticky notes and leave them around the house for the other two to find
They love evening walks, Kiré in the middle holding both their hands
Holidays are spent at home together always or with one of their families, but always together
Cody and Kiré have pillow fights, they act like teenagers
Cody and Ben are very tender with each other, Cody is not usually so gentle but Ben is baby
Ben and Kiré act like an old married couple, truly soulmates it's as though they've known each other for years
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ghostsofpoetry · 2 years
"Love and Darkness"
The darkness
that used
to frighten me
as a child,
the shadows at night,
the darkness in me,
I've learned to embrace.
With you.
You've taught me
to love the dark
and without,
the shadows of my mind,
and the darkness
of our room.
Our room.
Your eyes,
they glow,
even in the darkness
of the night,
in spite of
the darkness within you.
It doesn't scare me,
I have no fears,
not with you.
Your darkness,
it soothes me.
It loves me,
not in spite of,
but because of
the darkness
that coils
within myself.
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chloedumoulin · 7 years
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Yo mina-sama!
I am finally in holidays so I can manage to work a little bit more on my personal projects, I am sooooo happy :D ! Haha
The story of Kiré the dung beetle is still alive :) I wish one day it will be adapted as a book for children or a short movie. 
The real name of the project is Kiré, le tout petit scarabée in french. ( Kiré, the very small beetle )
I created this temporary cover to illustrate the book. I wanted to work harder on colors and I have so much to learn! Some other visual development will come soon I hope ;) 
Otherwise,  I wish you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. <3
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can-of-pringles · 4 years
Can I just say that I love that you end up 9/10 times being the first one to like all of my ridiculous incorrect quotes with Kiré being a ridiculous human being
Kiré and her crazy shenanigans make me laugh so I always like your posts :)
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futurelikesunshine · 4 years
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firma: kiré skin
cena: 95,00zł 
strona: https://kireskin.pl/collection/kosmetyki/fermented-red-ginseng-root-and-papaya-seed-serum
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exxosmetkakola · 7 years
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🎙« Adan on sèl vi an pé ké pé vwè tout, touché lorizon sé on fil ki pa k bout, fo pa ou pèd fwa, si lawout ou ké jwenn dout, pou menné lalit, fo lèspri-la toujou doubout. On sèl moun évéyé, lontan pi danjéré kè 1000 tèbè lòlò ou pa rivé jéré. Ou paré a pèd libèté pou tibwen plis vyann, pi gwo lennemi-aw bèl é byen an didanw. An té ja di an té ké désann o next stop, kiré péché anmw byen pwòp au dextop, pwan bwa-la ban mwen, é pa janmè wouvin mè konba-la pa fin menm si ou météy an sourdine! Ti vwa-la an didan on janw persistan, ti-gason tan kè ou vivan ou dèt rézistan, sinon foukan ay viv an bistan kon la restan ki absan é goumé adan on létèwnel rèkomansman. » - exXÒs : Goumé a Vyé Nèg - 🎤 #caribbean #creole #mc #ipòp #lyrics #exxòs #starjee #lp #bonus #karukéracrew 🌴#pionnerschool #deejay #beatmaker #producer #soundengineer #selfmademan #alone #endless #debrouya #prismaapp #fzt 🤖
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llovelykenobi · 4 years
Let's do all of the questions in Personality!
YEET this is long and took a little while to answer all of BUT YEAH I LOVE THIS. I LOVE TALKING ABOUT KIRÉ
1. What’s their alignment? Chaotic good usually. Can be chaotic neutral depending on her mood, but tends to veer more towards chaotic good from day to day.
2. Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? ENFP-A.
3. What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? She’s very artistic so. Drawing, painting, mostly fashion design though. Also learning new hairstyles and makeup looks. She likes poetry and probably romance novels (do those exist in Star Wars???? Probably). Also likes music.
4. What are they bad at? Keeping her opinions to herself and staying out of trouble. Also just does not have the best self-control in general.
5. What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Judgmental people. Anyone or anything that would threaten Padmé. An entire list of politicians that she would fight because of anti-Clone Troopers rights views.
6. Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? Uh, Kiré is a teeny-tiny bit of a party girl. Like, drinking, spice, sex with like. Literally any willing partner. I mean, she does stop most of it after she becomes a handmaiden (I mean, the spice. She still is known to get wine drunk with the girls or have a little too much at 79’s with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and some of the men. And still a lot of sex.) She’s probably got some anxiety, honestly.
7. What are their goals and motivations? Honestly? Her main motivation for anything is to get the love and affection she never got as a child, be it from friends or strangers she invites into bed (or obviously Obi-Wan later on). Obviously also protecting Padmé becomes a main goal of hers as a handmaiden. That’s like. Her entire job description.
8. What are their manners like? Any habits? She’s typically well-mannered. She was raised by a fairly well-off family on Naboo and afforded every privilege and opportunity, but she rebelled against all of it as she got older. She’s more crass and loud and says whatever she wants to, doesn’t really care what anyone says about her, but her manners are there when she needs them. She plays with her hair a lot. Just fiddles with it or brushes it out of her face a lot. She fiddles with her hands or her jewelry a lot and bites her lip when she’s nervous.
9. What are they most afraid of? Oh god. Probably someone she cares about dying. Being alone. Her friends and loved ones abandoning her.
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
@llovelykenobi in the vampire AU this is definitely a conversation
Obi Wan: the two of you need to understand how much of a responsibility is on your shoulders. Our kind must remain inconspicuous- why are you laughing?!
Kiré and Anakin: *giggling*
Anakin: you sound like Uncle Ben “with great power comes great responsibility” *kire dies of laughter*
*Obi Wan clearly annoyed*
Obi Wan: now is not the time for jokes Anakin. You’re putting her at risk. She’s still young-
Kiré: I can handle myself. But also, *looks Obi Wan up and down* you’re pretty hot when you’re angry. Might have to cause trouble more often
*flustered Obi Wan stuttering*
Obi Wan: *clears throat* promise me. No more trouble. Leave the humans alone
*kire and Anakin look at each other and smile. Obi Wan’s stomach churns*
Kiré: Sure dadd-I mean Obi Wan *Obi Wan is as red as a fire hydrant*
Anakin: whatever you say
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Honestly GOD I FEEL THAT. That’s literally the writing mood. But I literally love all of that. It’s so soft and so sweet and THE YEARNING. I LOVE IT.
He teaches fourth grade! So a little bit of a way’s up from Hana’s age. Kiré comes to visit him sometimes during his lunch break and the kids start to gossip and wonder and ask questions about her so she comes to the next class party and all of the girls in his class are just enamored with her, like she’s the cool older sister. At some point, Kiré brings Hana along and the class won’t stop asking Obi-Wan about both of them after that. Literally every day they ask how Kiré and Hana are doing.
No, aside from maybe seeing him on occasion when he’s making his way in or out of visiting Kiré and Hana or if he happens to see him on the way out, because he usually watches Hana while Kiré works. He gets to know him after they start dating and at first, Anakin is very wary and very protective, especially because he’s spending so much time around Hana. And he doesn’t want Hana to get attached if he’s just doing to skip out when he gets bored of them. But it doesn’t take long of knowing Obi-Wan to know that he is just as great as he seems and he loves Kiré and he adores Hana like his own and would do anything for either of them.
There’s one night where him and Padmé are over at Kiré’s (and Obi-Wan’s since he basically now lives at her apartment), and he’s just watching how Obi-Wan is watching his sister with like literally heart eyes as she’s just singing and dancing around the room and just having fun and Anakin shares a look with Padmé because they both know that like. He’s the one
Catch me posting snippets of softness and never write the damn thing, I swear to God.
Aww, that’s so sweet! I’m a sucker for kids shipping the teacher with someone trope.  I don’t know why.  It just gives me the warm fuzzies.
Alright, cool.  I’m down for protective big bro Anakin finally giving Obi Wan his blessing to date Kiré, (even if it is none of his business).
Yes.  I also vote Padmé being faster on the, “yes Obi Wan is the one, Anakin keep up”.
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justkirethings · 4 years
Anakin: Kiré and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us.
Obi-Wan, sighing: What did Kiré do?
Anakin: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Kiré: Who wants a steering wheel?
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Okay well I love all of that and the tension between them and everything I just. It’s about the yearning. I love it.
SO THE DRAMA. The ex obviously doesn’t like that Obi-Wan is hanging around because he doesn’t want Kiré but he also like. Does not want anyone else to have her. He’s just vindictive and spiteful and doesn’t want her to be happy. So he starts trying to convince Hana to start calling Kiré “Kiré” instead of “mom”. Starts telling Hana to tell Kiré that she wants to live with him instead of her mother. But Obi-Wan happens to be coming home late one day, had to go run some errands or something and he ends up overhearing Kiré’s ex telling Hana to keep calling Kiré by her name and keep telling her that she wants to live with him instead and he hears Hana say “and then you’ll love me, right, Daddy?” And Obi-Wan is just. Very upset by all of this. So he immediately takes Kiré inside and away from her father and tells Kiré what he heard after they’ve put Hana to bed and she is, rightfully so, she’s so angry by it.
So she takes her ex back to court and he starts trying to tell the judge that Kiré’s abusing their daughter and obviously Kiré is crushed that he would even suggest such a thing. But the judge asks if Obi-Wan would like to carry Hana up to speak to her and Hana agrees if Obi-Wan is there and she tells the judge that her mother had never hurt her and would never hurt her and everything that her father had said. Kiré gets full custody of Hana and Obi-Wan basically steps in as Hana’s father from then on. Hana is OBSESSED with him. She desperately wants fatherly affection and Obi-Wan is more than happy to make up for all of the affection her real father never gave her.
Awww, poor Hana. But we know Obi Wan would be the best dad ever! Tell me her ex gets a sock in the nose at least.
But which one do you think plays better? I like both for different reasons and having a lot of trouble deciding.
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