#kira’s ships <3
targaryenluvs · 8 months
Here for the shipping event!! I’m so happy for you for reaching a new milestone! Go you! You deserve it and much more.
My name is Ashlyn but I go by ash. I am about 5’5-5’6 and I’m a chubby plus size girl with curly dark brown hair. I wear glasses and have green eyes. I am loyal to everyone I care about and want nothing more then to show people love and kindness. I like to make people laugh and smile. I pride myself knowing I am a good friend and daughter. I love everyone who is nice to me so gender doesn’t matter. My love language is acts of service and gifts, every time I go shopping i but someone else sometimes but I feel guilty. I’m loud and annoying but I am who I am.
I’m kinda shy? But also not really. I get why when people compliment me or I see someone attractive. And I’d like a pjo shipping please!!
well hello there ash!! @lady-ashfade
i personally see you being with luke. luke probably took a liking to you around camp, maybe he heard you talking during dinner and yes maybe people around you weren’t exactly elated at how loud you were being but luke found it funny.
he starts noticing you around camp a lot more often and makes it a point to interact with you. he loves hearing you speak, yes he’s known around camp but being with someone who speaks their mind is undeniably refreshing. being around someone so nice and sweet is a change of pace for luke.
he honestly didn’t want to like you in all honestly, but he couldn’t help himself. he figured it was a sign of weakness to like someone, but the second he heard you laugh it all faded away.
“and then he fell over again!” ash was currently laying in luke’s lap as the two of sat in the forest, “no way.” luke’s tone caused her to slap his thigh, “stop mocking me!” he grinned, “i’m kidding ash, you know i am. i could listen to you all day.” she sat up next to him with a huge smile.
“really luke?” he smiled, “of course. now come on, i wanna show you something.” luke dusted himself off before pulling her up by the hands.
it was pretty dusty in the forest at times with the wind blowing dirt everywhere so luke took it upon himself to carefully remove ash’s glasses from her, using his shirt to wipe it off. his hands came to brush her hair behind her ear before placing the glasses back on.
the sun was currently setting upon the camp, and luke’s favourite place by the creek was nestled above.
orange hues illuminated the land as the two of them sat hand in hand, “as gorgeous as the orange is, my favourite color is green.”
ash looked up at him quizzically, “why?”
“it’s the color of your eyes.”
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cyellolemon · 4 months
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Bleach art dump!! The hyperfixation you had from your 11 to 16yo never leaves
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bericas · 16 days
scott mccall | everything is romantic
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jak2gooberglub · 1 month
Here's a jak x Kira edit for all the shippers
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scribeoffate · 3 months
for ficlets, Kira/Theo + “monsters are always hungry, darling” pls? 🥺
Thank you for the prompt!
request a prompt
all sfw but behind a cut to be safe
cw: violence, definite sceo feelings, and scira feelings, though fic is kira/theo overall, 😈, blood, dub con kissing
Kira leans against the wall of the school. They're wearing black leather, tight pants, halter top and jacket, knee length boots. They hold her sword loosely in her right hand, flashing Theo a grin.
Their eyes find Theo's hands covered in blood. The girl inside of her rages, realizing it belongs to Scott. On this, they are in perfect agreement. Snarling they attack, slamming this chimera that dares to summon them back to this world against the cement sidewalk.
It's the absence of fear that stays their hand. The faintest hints of despair bubble up in this creature. Delicious. Divine. A pain this exquisite deserves to be savored. They brush her hand along his face. Press her lips to his until they taste blood.
"Why don't you kill me?" Theo gasps, wheezing as they pull away.
"Monsters are always hungry," Kira answers, pressing a bloody kiss to Theo's cheek. "Darling."
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navy in training :)
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datasoong101 · 4 months
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 8 months
can u list the ships u hate (that arent proship, bc obviously proshitters suck)
YES I CAN!!! I'll probably still list some proships that people don't seem to understand are proships
ships I don't like
any ship involving kira (i fucking hate him. killer queen is still my favourite stand tho)
Josekars (just don't like it tbh)
stroseph (literal nazi x british dumbass)
avseph (avdol only likes french people
hazakoi (just don't like it)
naratrish (besties? hell yeah! lovers? no)
josuhan (proship <3)
futrish (gay man x lesbian)
fusheila (they have more of a sibling dynamic in my eyes)
fooanasui (i'm just looking at the jojo ship wiki and there's no many bad ones)
gwesslyne (the girls are fightinggggg)
johnnypants (hot pants is attracted to strictly rock eating brits)
any ship with joshu
Diadop (what the actual fuck.)
there's so many more that i'm not gonna list cuz i have to get ready
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mrskyoraku · 7 months
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Out and About Ft: @kenpachisbrat @bleach-your-panties A/N: When they get lost from their husbands and decide to go out drinking. TW: drinking, suggestive language and themes (please excuse the non edits 💀
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The gigai’s were ready to be used for a little funny day with the three couples who resided in the seireitei. “Stop looking so grouchy it wouldn’t kill you to spend some time together like this.” Reye looked at her husband. “We could have spent time together back at home but we had to come here,” he grumbled. 
“Oh come on Kenpachi it’s not that bad besides trying something new.” Shunsui smiled.
“We plan accordingly to make sure we get to do all the things on the list of things.” A small notebook in Izuru’s hand looking at some of the events happening today.
“Babe lets just go with the flow and not to a schedule lets be real that shit don’t work.” Yasue looked at her own husband, closing the little notebook. “It doesn’t it sucks the fun out.” Valerie looked around the vicinity they were in to see where would be a good place to go first. As the couple began walking around it was pretty packed today in the little town. It was pretty easy for the girls to maneuver around but the men were a bit hard. Through the crowds they realized they were separated from the men. “1,2,3” Reye counted the three of them “well shit.” I don’t see them in the crowd.” Standing on her tippy toes. 
“Should we go look for them?” Valerie scratched her head. 
“Do you wanna go back in the crowd?!? Not me, that's dangerous as it is.” Yasue placed her hands on her hips.
“Hmmmm I mean we can go to the bar across and we can keep an eye out.” 
It didn’t take long for them to all agree to go into the bar. 
Meanwhile the men ended up in the other part of town. “Where the hell did they go?!?” Izuru looking up and down the streets. “See this is why we plan!”
“Planning doesn’t work. They either are looking for us or going to go bullshit around.” Kenpachi in an annoyed tone. Grumbling at the annoyance of all the people around. “Why the fuck are there so many people today anyways?!” 
“Beats me.” Shunsui sighed “let’s just see if we can find them” . They all looked at their phones and there was no reception. “What’s the good of these things if we can’t use them?” 
The three women order their drinks,  doing small cheers. “Where do you think they are?” Valerie asks to take a drink.
“Either one of two things.. one at a bar or two trying to look for us.” Reye leaned back against the seat. 
“Izuru losing his shits in the process.” Yasue thinks about her husband's reaction at this moment. “Well at least we can unwind a bit. It’s been a moment since we had this type is ‘girls day'’” 
“She is right. Fuck it let’s enjoy!!” Reye said, lifting her drink up.
Clinking their glasses once more the girls began drinking more. They were full of life and reminiscing on stories in the gotei 13.
“No he  didn’t really?!” Reye and Yasue looked at Valerie who was nodding.
“He did and in that moment I guess you can say was when I knew he loved me. I wouldn’t give it up until that day. Then the daily dose from then on.” 
“Now it makes sense that . Who would have guessed that prick Tokinada had a child”  Yasue looked at Valerie.
“Then that's when the romance heated up. Well when thinking about it you were more reserved in the beginning then it seemed you guys couldn’t stop touching.”
“Still can’t stop touching.” Valerie proudly smiled. “As guilty as I am about it, you two little birds ain't so innocent.” “I know I ain’t no saint.” Reye chuckled.
“Is that whole #4  this week so far?”  Yasue chuckled
“To be exact 6  on each day of the week.” “Your back ain’t out of commission I’m surprised.” Valerie jokes.
“We learned a few things to avoid but the holes still remain.” Reye smirked “about that cake you had  yesterday, Yasue.” she was referring ‘cake’
“My cake was yummy. Every single bit of it.” raising her brow up your lips pulling a grip.
“Which was your favorite part?” Valerie looked at her smirking.
“The frosting.” Yasue pronounced the frosting specifically to what it was related to. 
“THE FROSTING!” Both Reye and Valerie hacked laughing. Some of the people looked at the three girls laughing loudly at the comment frosting. As the girl continued their way through the town they hopped from bar to bar. Searching high and low for the three women. Izuru seemed more determined to find them; his blue bell was in a city thinking of a scene in his mind of a damsel in distress. In reality Captain Ikeda was having the time of her life. Going into the bar “Just sit down, have a drink then we can look for them again.” Shunsui patted Izuru’s back.
“But Taichou-.” Izuru was cut off by Kenpachi “Just sit down, we haven't found them in 3 hours, they are most likely bullshiting around at this point.”  Kenpachi spoke.
Reluctant, he took a seat and some of them ordered a drink. “Atta boy Kira. We will find them eventually and they won't get into that much trouble.” Kenpachi and Izuru looked at the scruffy  taichou. “Are we talking about the same girls?” Izuru spoke
“The same THREE women that don’t  know their personal alcohol limit.? One of them with the precise aim of throwing her shoe at someone and nailing them for a knockout.” Kenpachi said. “The other one who has no filter when she is speaking and challenges anyone.” Izuru spoke 
“Have you not forgotten who YOU married?” Kenpachi.
Shunsui stood silent taking a drink before he responded “The woman who hated my guts from the moment she set foot in squad 8 was ironically the same woman I put a ring on.” “Sure you make it all nice sounding right now but not in the beginning.”  Izuru sighed.
“Well as I see it people are put in our paths some stay and some go I think about as a cherry blossom tree. Sure many people can come into your life just like a cherry blossom tree has many flowers produced and when it's time for them to call off so do connections… There are other people who are branches that will be your support and will last a long time. They are a part of you and the strong hold they strong your guys' connections are. Fragile in the beginning then over time becomes stronger. I’ve been with many cherry blossoms and they always come and go but with her she stood and she was my branch.” Kira gave a slight pout look at the touching sentiment.  Kenpachi did understand what he was trying to say but he didn’t want to be that mushy. The simple fact  is his own wife was a pain but he loved every minute of it how she could handle herself and wasn’t afraid of him she challenged the man every moment she got.  Kira on the other hand he was a bit insecure about dating a Captain at first but he came to realize over time passing it didn’t matter the status of who was what as long as he knew they were both happy it was good enough for him. 
The sudden shriek coming from outside the three men heard the distinct voice seeing the three women passing by laughing hard there slumping walk. “Well now fellas told ya we would find them.” Shunsui smiled, chugging the rest of his drink.
“Ahhh shit we need to catch them before something happens.” Kenpachi made the chair screech as he got up. He was the first one out. “Oi Reye!” All three of them pause. They were all thinking the same thing, ‘shit they found us.’ “What do we do?!?!” Valerie said in a loud whisper to them.
“Just act normal… if all plans fail we run in different directions.” Reye. “Fuck it I’m down.” Yasue responded. 
“You all are not good whisperers. Run Reye I dare ya.” Kenpachi smirked “In our defense we did try to look for y'all.” Yasue responded, “We just ended up getting a drink.” “And another.” Valerie responded
“And another,” Reye added, “and now we are here.” “Hi zaddy.” Valerie spoke in a cute tone looking over a Shunsui.
“Mi Querida aww”  Shunsui chuckled, walking towards her his hands running through her hair, “ you are going to have the biggest hangover tomorrow.”
Kenpachi and Izuru till Kenpachi spoke “da fuck she call you?” 
“Supreme of all daddies. Zaddy” Valerie smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist her cheeks were pink hinting she was turnt
Kenpachi was trying to process the drunken wife of Shunsui “ it doesn’t make sense. Woman, don't you think about calling me that” 
Reye rolled her eyes. “Okay Zaddy.” Kenpachi gave her the side eyes ‘she is testing me....’ he said to himself.
“That looks like hole number 7 in the works.” Yasue laughed. “Hey Izuru you wouldn’t mind me calling you zaddy right?” Izuru blushing hard “Blue bell lets not do this in public”
“Why not zaddy?” Yasue chuckled.
“Now look at what you started.” Shunsui chuckled, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
“Should we get going then? It's kinda late?” Kira looked at his watch. “NO!” the three women exclaimed.
“The night is still young and if you wanna get lucky tonight we will stay out longer.” Yasue chuckled. 
“We might leave soon, you know how she can get like this.” Shunsui looked down at his wife holding onto her hands as she tried to free them and unbutton his shirt “Honey not yet.” “Yeah I think me and Reye are gonna have a little chat right now back at home on what we would do if we split up and not go drinking.”
“Joy kills.” Reye crossed her arms. Kenpachi easily picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder “ Put me down!”
“Make me.” Kepachi walked away with her.
“Fine fine let's go then.” Yasue linking her arm around Izuru dragging him off in the same direction.
“I can honestly say we made it just in time before we caught them riding any statues.” Shunsui chuckled.  
“Or them laughing so hard they were falling around.” Izuru responded 
“Or join in a bar fight. Well I joined in that too,” Kenpachi chuckled. 
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carnelianwings · 1 year
Finished Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch from Mercury and oh my god that series finale. One of the best I’ve seen in a while, probably the only one where I feel satisfied by the ending for the main ship.
(Spoilers behind the cut, plus some rambling as a casual Gundam fan - mostly of Wing/SEED/00 for comparison)
First off - explicit confirmation that SuleMio got married during the time skip? Can’t believe Bamco really said “Finale airs close enough to the end of June, let’s not only have both of them survive, but we’ll have them get married.”
I know there’s some people who think it wasn’t overt enough but if you ask me, this is the sort of ending Gundam does for their main ships. Like yeah Kira/Flay got pretty explicit but she wasn’t the End Game girl for him, that was Lacus and Kira/Lacus is super chaste in comparison (and we’re not going to get into the potential Unfortunate Implications of that here). But even then, in the SEED Destiny remaster finale all we get is a Big Damn Hug for them. The most we ever got for Heero/Relena was the moment where Heero tells her he’ll take out the leaders of both the Earth and Space Colony factions to lay the world at Relena’s feet for her to lead into a new era of peace. (There’s a reason the BL ships are way more popular in Wing fic than the canonical one! 😂) And as for 00’s Setsuna? He merged with an alien consciousness and essentially gets Put On A Bus for 50 years and reunites with his Princess when she’s 81 and blind.
Which brings me to my next point - because the lead writer for G Witch worked on Valvrave (trigger warning for sexual assault if you want to watch Valvrave - it was a late night anime and it showed), I was worried they’d either kill off Miorine in the series finale or put Suletta in a coma (highly possible with how Gundam technology works in universe, plus all the warning signs around Calibarn) to keep things “nebulous” between them and give the writers an out for not having a F/F ship final couple. And it’s not like Gundam doesn’t have precedent for that either - see the Zeta Gundam finale and what happened with Kamille (not sure if that ending got changed with the movies).
But no, we get an “and they lived happily ever after, making their dreams a reality one step at a time” for both girls. I couldn’t believe my ears when Eri referred to herself as Miorine’s sister in law. I started crying when I saw the rings, not just because that was Suletta’s dream, but also the fact that it meant they got married, and that they’ve just been put on a level above most other (Straight) canonical Gundam ships. (Seriously I can’t name another canonical Gundam ship where the characters met, dated, and got married in the course of their own series.) It also meant all the times Miorine reached out to Prospera by saying they’ll be family wasn’t just lip service but had some very real weight behind it. That the Ship Tease moments were meant to be real romantic relationship development beyond the sort of “fake engagement” set up they had in the beginning. And somehow just by doing that it also means they had a much stronger and better fleshed out relationship than what I’m used to for on screen main Gundam ships.
So there you have it. My (not so) hot take on the G Witch finale.
Final rating: 🌈/10, thank you for not Fridging/Coma-ing either Suletta nor Miorine, would watch again, would definitely buy and play their Super Robot Taisen debut game (assuming I have a platform to play it on). Second season could’ve been better with an extra ep in there especially with all the rapid fire politics and side switching, but at the same time I feel like it might’ve slowed things down a bit much so I’m happy with what we got. Also, Super Robot Taisen debut when, Bamco?
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targaryenluvs · 4 months
Hiii, congrats on your milestones! 100k, is something I can’t even imagine (number wise) but it’s all because of you hard work, you deserve this and so many more wonderful things ❤️ I’ve always wanted to do a matchup, so if you’re still accepting could I have a matchup from a male from House of The Dragon. 
Aqua 🌞, but a Scorpio rising. I love to read, especially books set in period times or romances, one of my favs is Pride and Prejudice. I also love music though, especially Lana Del Rey, I’m all for the dramatics and theatrics. I’m a bit of an overthinker, sarcastic and I tend to be a bit “deep”. I enjoy spending time in nature. I like being alone but hate being lonely, I tend to crave but also run away from relationships. Also a romantic, romanticizing makes everything easier. I love astrology and learning about it, but I tend to keep quiet about my thoughts and interests bc it feels like a way to know me, (to be loved is to be known) which also scares me ig. 
I’m around 5’5 (wish I was taller), but someone tall is a turn off for me. I’m quite slim, I’ve got big brown eyes, and like black long wavy/curly hair. I like wearing jewelry, esp with colourful stones and jewels, heart lockets, gold. I love wearing florals, pretty dresses and skirts, but I also love wearing dark academia themed clothes.
Again, thank you if you can do it, and I hope you have a wonderful day :)
a/n: hi thank you so much for submitting a match up and i am still accepting! i did see your other ask btw ❤️ i can’t imagine 100k likes either it’s insane to me!!
you’re literally me too! i love lana, reading, dresses and all and idk if you’ve seen tvd but you kind of remind me of elena gilbert ahaha
i personally see you with…
jacaerys velaryon!
(you’re a cousin of the strongs in this + both 18)
the stars
you’d been waiting for the night time to come, all day. throughout meeting the king and queen, getting reacquainted with aemond, who’d been a friend of yours which not many had expected.
when the two of you were kids you use to read together all the time, you were and still are one of helaena’s handmaidens and closest friends. but not many found themselves close to the young targaryen. even after he was disfigured. you were always hesitant about getting to know others so you kept to those you knew.
what you also didn’t expect was to become friends with jacaerys, much to aemonds dismay.
jacaerys was kind, in ways most people in kings landing weren’t. he found himself seeking you out, and it took you a while to let him in. but as you grew up he found himself in love, even if you saw him as a friend.
jacaerys loved giving you gifts, it was his way of trying to turn his affection literal, as something you could have and hold.
two years ago
the golden necklace shone in the velvet box as jacaerys smiled, “it’s almost at pretty as you.” you could feel the redness in your cheeks as your eyes watered, “you don’t have to buy things for me jacaerys.”
“of course i do.”
and over the years, you let him in.
rhaenyra was supportive of the two of you, and she actively encouraged your bond however she could. your mother and father were hesitant at first, scared of you getting hurt or thrown to the side if the prince became disinterested. but you knew jace would never do such a thing.
as you grew up, more responsibilities were placed on your shoulders along with jace’s, but as long as you had eachother and your nights with the stars.
you could handle anything.
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kira-quartz · 1 month
Day 2's piece is ready to scan, and I'm working out the poses for day 3's. Let's hope DesignDoll doesn't lose my file like it did with day 1, 😂
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...well anyways.
That was certainly a ten-minute rollercoaster.
In order of events, shall we?
Okay. Love that Lydia's finally starting to use and understand her Banshee powers, and we love that Stiles is so supportive and helpful with it. Love that for them. (Though, as an aside, how come Stiles, who has normal human hearing, had to cover his ears when she screamed, but Scott, who has SUPER WEREWOLF HEARING, just winced a little? I guess maybe he hears it differently as a supernatural being. Maybe it's not as jarring. I'll allow it. XD)
THIS RUNNING BAT GAG IS MY FAVORITE THING! I LOVE THAT STILES STILL HAS THE BAT!! More importantly, I love that his reason for keeping Lydia in the car is that he only has one bat. XD
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT KIRA BEING SOMETHING! I don't know what the heck she IS, but a normal human being cannot just take on that much electricity like that and be fine, much less take out the whole power grid in the process. But she clearly likes Scott, and she didn't, like, immediately attack him after that happened, so she can be something and not be an EVIL something, right? And this also means that Scott can tell her he's a werewolf and it'll all be fine and good. RIGHT?!
That said...
WTF JUST CAME AFTER ISAAC?! DON'T HURT MY BABY!! GO AWAY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU?! I DON'T LIKE YOU!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!! Literally the fact that even Chris was panicking because as annoyed as he might be about his daughter's interest in werewolves, he clearly does like Isaac, and he doesn't want anything to happen to him, and SOMETHING IS CLEARLY HAPPENING TO HIM GOSH DARNAT LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!
As an aside, I know there's been, like, a whole Derek and Peter side plot happening these last couple episodes, but we get so little of it each time that I don't feel like I have enough to react to lol. I'm sure our stories will collide again at some point though. For now, I know that Derek wanted to talk to his mom about something, and whatever they talked about...the answer wasn't pretty.
So anyways...yaaaay cliffhanger endings that I CAN'T SATISFY BECAUSE I HAVE CLASS TOMORROW!
I will 100% be watching another episode tomorrow as soon as class is done. I can guarantee you that much. (Also finals are next week and then school is done, so the odds of me finishing this show within the next couple of weeks are PRETTY high lol.)
Ugggggh I hate everything. XD
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(The way they both jumped lol. Oh boys. XD <3)
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microfeelings · 2 years
Rewatching season 3 of Teen Wolf and my god Kira you are adorable and I do really like Scott and Kira together (two adorable cuties being adorable together), but baby I cant express how much I dont care about the two of you while Stiles is going through so much shit
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
What would be Oldseph's and Kira's roles in a horror movie? For u
Your f/o’s role in a horror movie 
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Definitely the character that is an original ‘legacy’ character from the series.  Probably is involved because he’s gotta come back to put an end to things ( like you know definitely gonna be him and Jotaro teaming up again DIO or something lol that kinda vibe) 
Definitely knows how to hold his own, he’s not afraid to go against this evil entity that seems to be coming back around and doesn’t seem to go away.
He ends up getting severely injured at the end of the movie, BUT he lives ;w; 
He’s definitely a character in some kind of psychological, horror setting.
He’s one of those who acts like he’s part of the main group, but clearly he’s actually the reason why some of them end up going missing and end up dead.
Of course no one really suspects him, since he seems relatively normal to the rest of the group, they don’t even consider Kira to be a shady character at all. 
However, he ends up slipping up bad and actually isn’t successful in killing one of his targets of the group who then turns the whole group against him :’) 
Kira tries to maintain his “innocence” but is figured out quickly, and he hates it because he prefers to do his killings in a secretive fashion not this bloody slashfest! Oh it makes him so angry at what a mess he’s going to have to make now. 
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dgaftilwedie · 1 month
gyjo is like crack to me. where there is a crumb of johnny n gyro lovin, im dragging my fat ass behind and begging for more
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