#kiri x plus size reader
bakubunny · 9 months
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a kindhearted hero
mdni: 18+ content. yes, i do check. you will be blocked.
a/n: here’s the full one shot of the opening excerpt i posted recently. special thanks to my lovely mutual, @shinsos-puppet/@arlerts-angel for sparking the idea. i’ve never written eijirou at length in anything, so i really hope i did our sweet, best boy justice. 💜 - bunny
pairing: pro hero!kirishima eijirou x plus size fem!reader
wc: 4.7k
summary: red riot sees you, a civilian, lookin’ cute with your friends and dynamight gets tired of hearing him gush about it. he takes matters into his own hands by being kirishima’s (asshole) wingman. kiri x reader fluff and eventual smut ensues.
tags: pro hero!kirishima; fem!reader; plus size!reader; aged up characters; fluff and smut; mention of alcohol; explicit consent; lots of pet names, pretty girl, baby, babygirl, angel, sweetheart, sweetie, princess, good girl; praise; encouragement; daddy as title (a few lines towards the end); teasing; grinding; nipple play (f receiving); fingering (f receiving); oral sex (f receiving); rough sex; multiple orgasms; pronebone; unprotected sex with a stranger (it’s not even discussed); creampie; kiri is a nervous sweetheart for the first half; kiri is taller now and has bulked tf up; kiri has a huge dick and i’m not sorry; kiri loves soft bodies, i don’t make the rules; kiri gets possessive; strength/muscle kink; manhandling; size kink if you squint a little
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you.”
ok now buckle up buttercup and enjoy the ride. 😘
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A scowling blond man walked over from a nook nearby in the club. The closer you looked, it was no less than Dynamight, the number two hero in all of Japan, dressed casually. What the heck was he doing staring you down, a civilian nobody?
“Hey, princess, y’see the guy with the shitty red hair?” he said, pointing in the direction he came from. “‘S Kirishima. He thinks you’re gorgeous, but he’s too much of a wuss to come talk to you. Will you let him buy you a drink so he’ll shut his damn mouth?”
There was only one redhead with “shitty hair” you’d ever heard of in the news in relation to Dynamight, but it couldn’t be that one, right?…
“I-I’m sorry, what?” you said.
You smiled, holding back a look of disbelief, but he must have caught it. He sighed loudly and turned to look the other way. It was dark enough that you couldn’t quite make out the man in the distance.
“Oi! Shitty hair! Get’cher ass over here, she’s not buyin’ it,” he shouted with an irritated look.
A tall, broad-shouldered redhead got up and began moving towards your table, head tucked down and rubbing his neck. He looked up and met your eyes, smiling with cheeks almost as red as his hair. It was that redhead - Red Riot, to be exact. Your eyes went wide and your face flushed.
“Oh no, I’m sorry, I think you’re at the wrong table,” you said, flustered.
This has to be a joke, right? He can’t be serious. There’s no way someone like him could be interested in you. You’d heard and seen in interviews that Dynamight wasn’t exactly nice, but he wouldn’t pull some sort of childish stunt like this as an adult, would he? As a pro hero?
“No, I’m not at the wrong fucking table,” he sneered, crossing his arms.
Red Riot approached the both of you. “Sorry about him, he can be a bit of an ass. I don’t-”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m doing you a favor,” Dynamight said, cutting him off. He turned to you. “This is my friend Kirishima, also known as Red Riot. You should give him a chance.”
Dynamight turned back to Kirishima. “You’re fucking welcome. Play nice,” he said, giving him a clap on the shoulder before walking away.
You both froze awkwardly for a moment before breaking into quiet laughter. He looked you in the eye with a smile.
“I uh…. I hope that’s okay, though,” he said nervously. “You’re absolutely stunning. I’d love to buy you a drink.”
You blushed, smiling in return. “I’d like that a lot.”
You glanced to the two friends you came with that night for approval. The look they had was what you’d expected; one that said, “Are you crazy?? Go!” but they grinned nonetheless as you stood from the seat you were at.
Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe it was the dimness of the atmosphere. Maybe it was the fact that you were falling hard for this guy. But you’d swear Kirishima looked even prettier in real life than anything you’d ever seen or imagined. Shaggy hair, clean and pulled back into a messy bun instead of his signature spiked style, stray pieces falling around his face at the front. Crimson eyes that were bright with joy and crinkled at the corners when he laughed. Slightly tanned skin from spending almost a decade on the field as a pro hero. Laugh lines that had barely begun to settle in from sun exposure and his brilliant, sharp toothed smile that rarely seemed to fade. Though it was only the two of you in your little corner, he had the ability to light up a room just by being there.
And it was hard to believe that he was here, sitting knee to knee with you. Showering you with compliments. Listening intently as he learned the details of your civilian life. Asking questions about your pets, excitedly gushing over pictures, and showing interest in your career. Brushing his thigh against yours. Leaning in to hear what you had to say. Turning faintly pink when you grasped his hand with a laugh before quickly pulling away with a blush of your own. Reaching for your hand and holding it under the table…. Yours was small in his massive hand, and despite being well used and calloused, they were still so soft. (He claimed his friend Ashido once told him he “needed to moisturize his scratchy skin,” and found that it helped him heal, so he stuck with it.)
Kirishima had this innate way of making you feel protected, and you’re pretty sure it had nothing to do with his hero status. All while making the apex of your thighs hot and your cheeks warm.
Okay, so you had to admit, you’d secretly had a little bit of a crush on Red Riot - now Kiri, he’d insisted - before you met him tonight. He was handsome, strong, kind, and humble in any media you’d ever seen him in. Who could blame you for swooning a little inside every time you saw him? (No one. That’s who.) The best part was that none of it was fake. He was honest, sincere, and you could see it in his eyes.
Minutes turned into hours. You’d both switched to drinking water long ago. The number of people in the club had started to dwindle. Yet you were still wrapped up in conversation.
He’d assured your friends that you’d get home safely - a hero’s promise - when they stopped by to say they were heading out. Gave Bakugou (was that what Kiri called him?) a smile and nod of acknowledgement as he and a few other hero faces you recognized from the media moved towards the door. The hero with pink skin and a brightly colored dress gave an excited wave goodbye as they passed. Come to think of it, you were surprised he wasn’t with her, another hero. A pretty hero. But you noticed Bakugou’s hand guiding her by the small of her back, keeping her close as they worked their way through the crowd. You shoved those thoughts down as Kirishima gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Listen, I know it’s getting late, but I don’t want this to end,” Kirishima said. “I promised I would get you home safely, and I’ll do that. Buuuut if you want, we can go back to my place and watch a movie.”
He caught the flicker of hesitation on your face, silently wondering if this had been his goal all along, but not opposed to the idea.
His face grew red, eyes wide at what he might be suggesting. “I did mean just a movie! You’re really beautiful and nice to talk to, that’s all I meant. I’m not looking for a fling. Please, don’t get the wrong impression,” he rambled quickly. “B-but I do want that with you! I want you, I just-”
“Kiri. Slow down. It’s okay.” You gave a reassuring smile.
His shoulders relaxed slightly and he smiled as he tucked his head, rubbing his neck. You noticed the way his nervous habit highlighted his massive bicep and shoulder.
“I think that sounds great. I’d love to spend more time with you… no matter what that looks like,” you said, heat rushing to your face as you caught his glance again.
His eyes held a glimmer of hope as he looked down at you. “Really?”
“As long as you can promise me I’ll get a proper date someday soon,” you replied.
“You got it, pretty girl. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said, grinning.
There was a shift in the silence you shared. Kirishima hesitated, a question in his eyes.
“Can I?…”
His free hand reached for your face and pulled you in eagerly for a kiss, full of heat and tenderness as your lips met. It knocked the air out of you as your fingers tightened around the hand entwined in your own beneath the table. It was gentle, slow, his thumb stroking your cheek for a moment. Heat built rapidly between your legs, almost throbbing at his touch.
When the kiss broke, you stared into those gorgeous red eyes knowing you were absolutely fucked. This man had you, and there was no way you’d let him go.
The door closed with a soft click as you slipped off your shoes. You turned to Kirishima and realized that he was bigger than you’d thought in dim lighting. He was taller, broader, bulkier than the image you’d had in your head.
“So,” you said.
“So,” he repeated.
A shared laugh broke the tension. Kirishima reached for your face with both hands and leaned in to kiss you, pulling the breath right out of your chest again. It was all consuming, the way his hands cradled your face, fingers already tangling in the hair around your neck. His kisses were warm and sweet.
“Come here,” he whispered as he lifted you into his arms.
You let out a small yelp as he did, wrapping yourself around him more to keep from falling than anything else. “What are you doing?”
Kirishima flashed a cheeky grin. “Unless you want me to stop, I’m doing what I want,” he replied, leaning in for another kiss.
It was visceral, how quickly embarrassment and fear flooded your face with heat as you reciprocated. “Y-you don’t - I’m too-”
“Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t even say it.” Kirishima had a sharp look in his eyes.
“But-” you protested.
“Baby, I train six days a week. I save people for a living. I can carry you,” he said, unwavering, a soft smile forming across his lips.
A flash of warmth hit your cheeks again. You buried your face in his shoulder as it hit you just how strong he was. Kirishima chuckled and turned to walk towards what you presumed was his bedroom. His lips met your skin, placing kisses along the side of your neck. You whimpered softly as a shiver slipped down your neck.
“C’mon now, don’t get shy on me,” he teased. “Haven’t even started.”
“Shush you,” you replied.
Every bit of you was growing hotter by the second with Kirishima’s hands on your body and his lips, fucking hell, how did you already feel a little weak? He laid you down on his bed as he leaned back onto his knees. Reverent crimson eyes raked over you in a short sundress, barely riding up to reveal the tops of your thighs.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he said quietly.
You blushed and gave him a smile.
There was a twinge in your stomach. A thread of doubt. One that said, “but I still have clothes on.” You pushed it down.
You pulled Kirishima closer as he drew you in with firm kisses and a gentle suck on your bottom lip. With your legs wrapped around his middle, your hands wandering over his back and shoulders, you were still in disbelief that this was happening. His hand ran down your side as he moaned deeply, gripping the soft flesh of your hip. His lips grew needy as they moved down your neck, finding a spot that made you pant as your head spun.
A groan rumbled in his chest, sending chills over your skin as his hips pushed into yours; your eyes snapped open, your throat caught. Kirishima rolled his body into you again and holy fuck he was huge. You let out a high pitched whine rather than the moan you anticipated. There’s no fucking way this man is real, you thought as he continued, pulling soft moans from your lips. You cursed under your breath.
“Hmm?” he said with a tone that suggested he already knew.
“Jus’ feels good,” you replied.
Kirishima kissed his way back to your lips as he pushed harder into you, a louder moan bubbling out of you as your cunt fluttered under the thin panties you wore and the heat of his cock.
“Mhm. Y’so big, Kiri,” you said between kisses.
He paused to look you in the eye. “‘S that okay? Won’t hurt my feelings if you say no, honest. I don’t want you t’be scared.”
“More than okay,” you replied, heat rising to your cheeks. “I like it a lot. ‘S what I was kinda hoping for.”
Kirishima's eyes lit up with a flicker of relief as though you’d sung a tune he’d rarely heard. He kissed you hard. “Fuck, you’re just perfect, aren’t you, angel?”
Another thread tugged at your chest. “He’s saying that to sleep with me.”
You smiled playfully. It didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I dunno about perfect, but that’s very sweet of you.”
Kirishima stopped. He studied your face.
“What?” you asked.
His brow furrowed. “You don’t believe me, do you?”
He took your face in his hands. “I’ve been telling you all night how I feel about you, but you don’t believe me.”
You gave a nervous look. He wasn’t wrong.
“Oh, you beautiful girl. I’m gonna fuck that right out of you,” he said.
Kirishima crashed his lips into yours, drawing a whimper from your lips. His mouth didn’t leave you for a second as he picked up where you left off, kissing down over your neck and chest, his hands on your ass. He slid your dress up and groaned at the sight.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking soft,” he said, kisses trailing over your stomach. “So pretty. So perfect.”
The heat of his massive hands washed over you as they wandered your body. Kirishima’s fingers dug gently into your flesh. Clothes rapidly began piling onto the floor; his shirt, your dress, his pants, your bra. His hands immediately went for your chest where he scattered kisses on your skin as he groped, moaning softly when his lips took your nipple into his mouth. Your breath grew heavy. You moaned in return as he sucked and licked the swollen bud. The hot ache between your thighs built as he took his time with each one, only encouraged by your whimpering and the way your hips bucked with need. You felt a rush of sensations as Kirishima began grinding his cock into your leg, an empty flutter and a shiver sliding over you. You reached down to relieve your throbbing clit, but he grabbed your wrist.
“Patient girls get what they want. ‘M not done,” he mumbled.
And fuck if that didn’t just make you ache even more. “Kiri, please.…”
Letting go, his hand slid down over your cunt. He gently rubbed and groaned against your skin when your hips pushed into his hand.
“‘S it, pretty girl, show me what you need,” he said.
And you did, moaning and grinding into him. After making quick work of discarding the last of both your clothes, Kirishima opened your legs and cursed. He ran his hands up your thighs, lips not far behind.
Insecurity began to slip away as you saw Kirishima’s cock twitch as it hung, swollen, hard and red at the sight of you. All of him made you hotter - the look in his eye, broad shoulders and thick arms you had been imagining around your legs all night, strong thighs you wished were caging you at the hips, and a heavy cock that had to be as big as your face, so thick you didn’t think you could wrap your hand around it. He was so kind. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, like you’d hung the stars just for him. And he going to fuck you dumb.
A shiver ran down your spine and you blushed.
“You’re amazing,” Kirishima said.
You thought to respond as his mouth reached your inner thigh and you gasped. He slid a thick finger into your cunt and pumped slowly. Already, you could feel yourself fluttering and weeping around his hand as you moaned. He slipped a second finger in, slightly curled and reaching a tender spot you couldn’t quite get on your own.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, angel. Don’t stop, I wanna hear your pretty voice,” he said.
Heat rolled over your body. Kirishima sloppily kissed his way around your pussy, never settling where you wanted him.
“Kiri… need you.”
“Yeah? Whatcha need?” he replied with a little smirk.
Your head fell back, letting out a small groan in frustration as he teased.
“Eyes on me,” Kirishima said.
Heat rushed to your face. You locked eyes with him and reached for his head with a soft “please,” guiding him to your clit. He kissed and licked gently, taking it into his mouth. It didn’t take long for intense pleasure to fall over your body. You grabbed hold of his free hand resting on your stomach as the tension in your body built, legs starting to shake.
Kirishima hummed with satisfaction. “Such a sweetheart. C’mon babygirl, you can do it. Jus’ let go. ‘M right here.”
The skill of his mouth pushed you over the edge. His lust-hooded eyes stared into yours as your climax broke with a whining moan. You trembled as it washed over you. He carried you through with his tongue, treating your cunt with care until your body calmed.
“Good girl,” he said.
Your eyes went wide briefly and he smirked. “You like hearing that?”
“Didn’t expect it,” you said.
“Not what I asked.” Kirishima took his hand from you and stroked his cock, covering himself in your cum.
You weren’t sure how, but the tables had turned; now you were the one who was easily flustered while he had every ounce of confidence and a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe I did a little, yeah,” you said.
“Good. Now tell me, pretty girl, how do you like to be fucked?” he said.
You grabbed a pillow and laid on your stomach with it under your hips and gave your ass a little shake, smiling back at him. “Like this. Come get it.”
“You’re not gonna let me stare into those gorgeous eyes of yours?” he said playfully, lining himself up behind you, rubbing the head of his cock along your folds.
“Maybe next time I’ll ride you. How’s that?” you quipped, peeking his face for a moment as he huffed a laugh and turned pink.
“Y’ready baby? Might hurt but I promise I’ll be gentle.” The heat and thickness of his cock head had you pushing into him as he teased.
“Yes. I can take it, please,” you said.
“You sure? You sound so pretty like this…” he purred.
You blushed. The sound of your wet cunt was obscene and he hadn’t even fucked you yet.
“We can take it easy… go real slow…” he insisted.
“Kiri I swear if you don’t-ohfuckohfuck”
He was already halfway in, pushing deeper as you panted heavily and groaned. Kirishima looked down at you and saw your eyes roll, face laid into the sheets. He pushed himself in fully and you gasped. The slight sting didn’t matter in comparison to the pleasure, goosebumps covering your body.
“Fucking hell Kiri you’re huge and perfect holyshitfucknnngh.”
“Need me to stop already?” His lightly patronizing tone would have been irksome if it weren’t for the fact that you were split wide open and full to the brim with his cock, your pussy clenching hard as he stayed still.
You whipped your head around as far as you could. “Don’t you fucking dare,” you said. It was meant to sound threatening in the same way he had earlier, but it came out desperate and needy. You swallowed hard. “Please.”
You caught him grinning ear to ear as slowly, gently, he started fucking you in long strokes, your moans quickly filling the room. You grabbed another pillow in a vain attempt to muffle the sound. The intensity of the pleasure was overwhelming as your cunt stretched and the sting subsided into bliss.
Kirishima’s hands ran over your ass and up your body as he fucked you, relishing the way your ass moved with him, the way your cunt drew him all the way in over and over as you got wetter. “Fuck you feel so good, angel. Can’t get enough of you. Love watching you take my cock so well. Such a perfect little pussy.”
“Kiri…” you whined, “‘s so good, so fucking good, ‘s perfect.”
Your thoughts were jumbled with the way he had you unraveling with each tender stroke - just enough to feel his hips kissing yours as he pulled you up and into him slightly. The pressure of each thrust against your cunt made you flutter.
“‘N don’t stop after I cum. I can take it,” you said.
You heard a shy laugh behind you. “You like my cock that much, hm?” Kirishima said, leaning down briefly to kiss across your shoulder.
“I do. Y’so fucking big. Feels so good, Kiri. Need you inside me.” Chills ran through you as he hit that deep, sensitive spot behind your cervix that made your feet tingle and your breath stop, orgasm hanging overhead.
“F-fuck, b-baby, right there, don’t stop,” you said. Your mind fell into an empty haze as your legs began to tremble. “I think ‘m c-close.”
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me, princess? Gonna cum on my cock without any help?” he replied.
Your answer was in moans as your back arched and your vision went white. The heat of his hands, his grip tightening on your hips, his encouragement had bliss crashing down over you.
“‘S it, that’s what I like to hear. Let it all out. Cum for me, sweetheart. Make a pretty mess on my cock.” Kirishima moaned as he felt you clench hard around him, watching you come undone for a second time. It was dizzying holding himself back, your cunt like a vice he never wanted to leave. His hips stuttered for a moment, but he continued with a low grunt.
“Such a good girl…” Kirishima said, lacing your skin with kisses as his pace increased.
Your head was spinning with pleasure, sensations radiating up your spine, curling down your legs, trying to process his words fully and failing. “Yes, harder. Fuck me. Please, Kiri… please. Need your cock.”
He groaned. “Y’make it so hard not t’cum with you. Y’know that, angel?” Kirishima grabbed a large fistful of hair at the scalp and pulled gently, lifting your face away from anything that could muffle your moans as his hips collided harder into you, sending electricity over your skin as you panted and let out a cry. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. So soft. So beautiful, every part of you. Y’sound so fucking pretty. Y’feel so damn good, I almost couldn’t stop myself.”
His quiet praise hit you hard and unexpectedly - a wave of heat and tension building in your body, amplified by the grip he had on your hair. The previous one had felt like it hardly passed, but another orgasm was winding itself around your core in anticipation.
“Oh fuck, ‘m sorry, I…mmm.” Your knuckles went white gripping the pillow under your head.
“Hey, hey, no sorry,” he said, his grip falling loose and moving to your side. He could feel how close you were getting with every passing movement, willing his body to hold off once more. “I love it. Y’need to cum again, sweetie?”
“Please,” you replied.
You made movement to reach for your clit a second time, but Kirishima’s hand was quick and found its way there first.
“Nuh uh. ‘M gonna make you cum, baby. You just relax. Can y’do that for me?” he said.
“Mhm.” You nodded dumbly, giving in to his request.
Kirishima’s thick fingertips gently rubbed your swollen clit, a whimper at your throat. Goosebumps trailed across your body as pulled you closer, closer, and over the edge as he fucked you. The lewd sound of your cunt as you came on him drove Kirishima crazy, sweat running down his body. He was drunk on your pussy, fucking you still when sensitivity finally hit.
It was overwhelming but not enough all at once, the feeling of his cock bullying your swollen folds. You reached back to stop him, but he grabbed your wrist, looming over you to put it back where it was.
“Kiri, ‘s too much, please,” you said.
“You can take it, babygirl. Just one more for me, yeah? I know you can do it.” Kirishima’s voice was a mixture of sweet and ragged.
You groaned heavily. “One more,” you repeated. “But c’mere, closer.”
He wrapped himself around you, arms sliding under yours, the burning heat and weight of his body against your back. “Like this?”
“Yes, fuck,” you whined.
You could feel sweat on his chest, the movement of each thrust as he started again, every groan, drunk on the girth and heft of his cock slamming into you, his heavy balls hitting your clit.
Your body began to tremble. “Need t’feel you on me, don’ go, please.”
“Aww, y’really are a little sweetheart, huh?” Kirishima cooed. “Just love bein all wrapped up n safe in my arms while I take care of your pretty pussy.”
“Yes, d-mmmfuck.” You cut yourself off and hid your face.
“‘S okay, angel. You can say it if y’want,” he said gently. “Doesn’ bother me.”
“I can’t,” you said, your cheeks hot.
His voice lowered. “Yes you can. Lemme hear it. Say yes, daddy.”
“Yes, daddy,” you replied weakly.
Kirishima’s thrusts got sloppier as hot, wet kisses hit a tender spot on the crook of your neck. You grabbed and kissed his hand and pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts. He growled into your skin.
“‘S it, baby. That’s my girl. That’s my good fucking girl. My pretty little angel. Take my fucking cock,” he said softly, his breath hot against your ear.
“D-don’ say that,” you slurred, knowing full well that he could hear the way you whimpered and moaned when he did. Knowing he could feel you fluttering erratically around him.
“Why not, hmm?” Kirishima replied. “Y’really think ’m gonna let a pretty little thing like you get away after tonight, lookin’ so perfect, cummin’ all over my cock like this? Beggin’ me not to stop cause y’need more? Bein’ so sweet n lovely that I can’t help but fuck you ‘til you fall apart? ‘Til you know I mean what I say?”
Words failed you as he fucked harder, movements sharper as his orgasm neared. Your head fell forward into the sheets with a loud moan. “N-no.”
“‘S right, princess. ‘M not. ‘M gonna keep you ‘s long ‘s you’ll have me.” Kirishima’s muscles burned from exertion as he spoke, but he didn’t care.
He loved the way your breath went quick and shallow when he found just the right spot that made you tremble, savored the way your moans grew louder and your eyes rolled the harder he went. He got lost in the heat of your breath and the taste of your skin, the perfect way he could rail into you without being gentle or holding back because you needed every bit of him. It made his skin hot, the absolute mess you were making around his cock, fluttering and squeezing him hard enough to lose his damn mind as he moaned into your ear, his grip around your body getting tighter.
“Don’ stop, daddy, please. ‘M close,” you said. It was intoxicating, the way his skin felt against yours, the way each thrust knocked a little bit of the breath out of your lungs as another orgasm drew near. “Cum with me?”
“‘S that what you want, angel? Want me t’cum inside you?” he asked.
“Please, wanna feel you cum,” you said.
Kirishima groaned low in his chest as his need for you took over. His lips and teeth continued to graze your skin with open mouthed kisses as he came, his throbbing cock pushing you over the edge a final time as he fucked you full of cum. You laid together panting until silence took hold.
After a quiet moment, Kirishima pulled out and spread your ass gently, watching his cum trickle down your swollen pussy and thick, soft thighs.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he said. “You’re the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen.”
mdni banner created by the lovely @cafekitsune.
manga color edit is mine @bakubunny.
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luvergirl777 · 8 months
If Not With You - N.S
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Pairing | Neteyam Sully x Human Reader
Word Count | 19k, whoops.  
Genre | Acquaintances to lovers? Fluff, they're both dumb and can't drop a hint to save their life, SMUT.
Summary | Neteyam never understood you, and he doesn't think he ever will. Your skin is a different color than his, you're a solid 5 feet shorter than him, your native language is different than his, he could go on forever. He doesn't think he'll ever understand, until he watches you struggle with a knife for 10 minutes and graciously offers his services to you. Suddenly, he's bitten off more than he realizes.
Index | Bickering back and forth, the reader takes every chance she can get to be snarky, Neteyam does too though, purring Neteyam, two idiots in love, smut, creampie, soft!dom Neteyam (service dom kind of), a brief mention of breeding lol. Let me know if I missed anything that should be noted!
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You confuse Neteyam in almost all aspects of your being. You’re human, so painfully alien as you run around the high grounds, scurrying to climb around the home tree to the best of your ability, scurrying to provide his grandmother with herbs for the wounded. So painfully human as you sit on the ground, weaving clothes 3 times your size for protection for warriors during time of battle. Painfully human as you cling to Kiri’s ikran (it’s the “least scary” you say) when you join foraging trips, not used to flying. And so painfully human despite having an Avatar sleeping less than 20 feet away, perfectly fine and ready to be used. His father had mentioned something about you not feeling comfortable or welcomed in your avatar body, not taught how to use it properly yet, somehow feeling more accepted as a human. 
You’ve lived your entire life here as a human, mostly. You were given your avatar more recently within the last couple of years, the Avatar taking a while to fully grow and become yours. Still, he’s maybe only seen it once. You wear the clothes, join the songs, dance in the festivals, forage and gather, weave, fish, help the wounded, everything you can physically do, you do. Because of your size, you sometimes struggle with preparing, gathering, and foraging through the forest. It takes you much more effort and time to scale fallen logs and rocks than others. It’s never made any sense, it still doesn’t to him. As you prepare a sturmbeest with some of the others for tonight’s meal, you bewilder him even more. 
“Here, let me help you.” Neteyam offers quickly as he sees you struggling to cut. He's afraid you’re going to slip and hurt yourself, the effort it takes to cut makes your hands shake where they hold your blade. It would be no issue in your avatar body, he’s sure of it but he doesn’t bring it up. After cutting through the hard part, he’s quick to hand you back the small knife to avoid taking over your village duty. “You know if-“ 
“If I was in my Avatar body I’d be able to do it?” You finish his sentence, glancing up at him. While you quickly divert your gaze, he catches the small look of shame you have before you return to the task that requires all your attention. 
“No, no. I was going to say if you need help, you can just call again.” He smiles, shaking his head softly. At this, you can’t help but jokingly scoff at him. 
“But you were thinking about it.” 
“Hmmm, I was not! You have no proof.” 
“That’s how everyone thinks, it’s fine to admit it Neteyam.” You chuckle, resuming your complete focus on the sturmbeest you’re more determined than ever to cut up now thanks to him. “Plus, shouldn’t you be preparing for the meal? Making sure everyone is accounted for and what not.” You're essentially telling him to get back to his tasks. 
“I am, making sure you’re accounted for. The way you’re wielding that knife I'm afraid you’ll go missing.” He teases you, pointing out the amount of effort you’re using to cut through the meat. “Also, if you don’t mind me asking since you brought it up, FYI, why aren’t you in your Avatar?” 
You sigh, and for a brief moment Neteyam thinks he’s overstepped his welcome. “No one really taught me how to use it. I suppose it’s all the same mechanics as controlling myself, but to an extent I don't feel connected. Your father said he felt the same at first, and offered to teach me but got busy with olo'eyktan duties, which is understandable. I haven't felt comfortable enough to ask him, it takes a lot of time that I'm sure he doesn’t have, you know?” 
“I can help you.” Neteyam offers before he has a chance to rethink it. 
“I think you’re also too busy, future olo'eyktan .” You turn your attention to him for a brief moment before resuming. “Plus, it’s not the culture or village life. I've grown up here, I understand that much. It’s the connection, and being in my body. I don't think you’d understand what I mean.” 
“I think you just need practice in a safe area where you don't have to worry. I can be your lookout while you get used to your body, who better than me?” Neteyam’s confidence grows as he offers you his gracious services. His smirk threatens to fall a bit as you glare up at him, but he’s determined to convince you regardless. 
“Your dad.” He interrupts your train of thought with a pained expression, making you giggle. “But I suppose since he’s unavailable, you’re the next best option.”
“Ouch.” He jokes, placing a hand over his heart. “So we'll start tomorrow, little human?” He cheekily adds, beginning to step away from you to return to his head counting job.
He smiles softly as you stick your tongue at him, turning back to finish your job as well. His heart beats hard in his chest, his adrenaline slowly beginning to run off as he checks to make sure everything is going as it should. As he sits next to his mother, the slight panic begins to settle in as he waits for you to join the feast. 
His mother notices the odd, out of place, anxious energy from her son. He’s not usually like this, his demeanor is off. “Neteyam?” She asks, nudging him softly. 
Neteyam faces her with more confidence now, attempting to get his mood back. “Yes, mother?”
“Are you feeling okay?” She reaches out for a brief moment, pressing her hand against his forehead. At this, he smiles softly before pushing her hand away by the wrist. She smiles softly at him, returning to talking to the others. Small cheers erupt as everyone begins to bring in the food, carrying trays and trays of food. He catches a small glimpse of you, following behind the others carrying trays. You’re not carrying anything, preoccupied with cleaning your knife before placing it back on your hip. You settle down behind most of the others, allowing others to get their food before you. He’s extremely observant of you now, he always has been, but it’s even more now. 
Dinner goes by as always, everyone talking, joking, telling stories with one another. You conversate every now and then, happily listening to stories that the other villagers tell you about hunts and raids they have been on. He feels hyper aware of your presence now, watching as a tail jokingly wraps around your waist and knocks you off balance. You smile, jokingly hitting the other people while saying something he can't pick up. Your smile is pretty, so pretty.
It almost feels impossible tearing his eyes away, but eventually he does. He begins to actually engage in his family conversation, listening to his mother and fathers stories. He can't wait for the next day to come, fighting to fall asleep. It feels like hours before he dozes off. 
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Neteyam is grabbed by his father before he can actually slip away, a firm hand on his shoulder stopping all of his momentum. “Where are you off to?” His father asks, tugging slightly to turn him around to face him. Neteyam groans in his head, tail flicking slightly behind him. His ears quickly pin down as a reflex. 
“To the labs.” He answers plainly, hoping his father just lets him go with no further questioning. It’s all hopeful thinking, he knows that he will be questioned further. He wants to go, you’re probably waiting for him there now. You’re always on time, never keeping anyone else waiting on you for too long. 
“For what? Are you not coming on watch today?” Jake asks, the grip on his shoulder tightening slightly. Neteyams ears flatten further, tail flicking more aggressively. 
“I promised someone I would help them in the lab.” Neteyam answers. “I will be back later today.”
“Later today?!” Jake asks, releasing him in return for putting his hands on his hips. At the commotion, Neytiri comes out to see what’s going on. Jake gives her the rundown, “He is skipping watch to help the labs.” At this, Neteyam groans softly, the description not at all accurate or reflecting him. 
“Sa’nok,” Neteyam mumbles softly, “I promised,” 
“He hasn’t missed a watch in weeks.” Neytiri points out. “He’s also helping someone, he doesn’t need to come on every watch. Go, Neteyam.”
At this, he bows softly before hightailing it out of the area as quickly as possible. He thanks Eywa for his mother intervening, moving as quickly as possible to get to the labs. Sure enough, you’re waiting for him inside. You seem agitated already, sitting on one of the tables as you swing your legs back and forth. He’s quickly apologizing for keeping you waiting, explaining his situation as quickly as possible. 
“It’s okay, Nete.” You shrug, hopping down and walking over to the pods, known as link units. “Are you sure you want to do this? I’m gonna look like a baby deer and complain the entire time.” You whine, trying to convince him otherwise. 
“Are you trying to get me not to, or do you not want to? It sounds like you don’t want to.”
“I’m scared.” You admit, sighing softly. Neteyam offers a solemn expression, encouraging you softly as he pops open the link pod. He helps you climb in, offering a hand as you hop backwards into the memory foam. The beads on your chest cover clink loudly at the momentum, filling the otherwise silent lab. Max enters the lab, late, but still there. You trust him the most to help you link and check all of your vitals, others making you too nervous. 
“I’m going to come and get you once I make sure you link, where is your Avatar?” Neteyam asks as you lay down, holding the top of the pod as he leans down to talk with you. Your breathing is irregular, nerves shaking you to your cure. “I will be there, Y/n, to get you. I’ll be there for every step.” 
“My Avatar is all the way at the high camp.” You tell him, “I’ll wait for you though.” 
“I’ll be there, as fast as possible.” He ensures you, stepping away to let Max do his job to link you to your Avatar. Neteyam fiddles with the oxygen mask around his neck, playing with the strings as he watches you get settled in. As the pod closes, he turns to the screens that show your vitals. Your breathing is increased, but Max explains that’s to be expected when someone hasn’t linked for a while, “Normal nerves,” He calls them. 
“She should be in, I would hurry to make sure she's not freaking out.” And Neteyam does. He doesn’t think he’s ever flown as fast before, his ikran cutting through the air. He gets to high camp as fast as possible, running to the Avatar sleeping area. You’re sitting up, playing with your hands as you wait for him.
“Y/n! Look at you! You look like me.” Neteyam beams happily, running over to you. He helps you up, offering his hand as you stand. You stand easily, but still have a look of uneasiness written across your face. He notices your ears remain down, pinned back with worry. Every now and then, they’ll perk up for the briefest moment before going back. Cute.  “Are you feeling okay?”
“I feel fine, I just think I'm a bit hungry since I haven't been in this body for a while.” You explain, beginning to walk through the Avatar area. Your Avatar reminds him of his siblings, five fingers and toes, eyebrows, etc. You’re walking fine, a bit wobbly on certain areas of uneven terrain, checking a couple of times behind you to make sure he’s close. The camp is busy as always, people running around to fulfill their duties. You navigate the commotion easily though, heading over to the edge of the base. 
“Are you okay to fly?” Neteyam asks, clicking and calling out to his ikran. You nod, shakily, but still saying yes. His ikran is quick to land on the rocks, calming down as Neteyam connects his tswin and readies to mount. He gets on first, reaching to grab your hand and help you sling your leg over. “You can use the saddle and the hold here.” Neteyam speaks, guiding you to sit. He reaches around you, holding your hand and wrapping it around the leather hold. The strong animal flaps his wings underneath you, making your nerves set in as you already begin slipping off to one side.
“You’re okay, It’ll get easier once he’s moving.” He reassures you, using one arm to wrap around your waist, pulling you back upright. A small blush spreads across your face, your bodies extremely close to one another as he’s focused on your well-being. 
“What about you? Are you going to be okay with flying?” You ask, seeing as he has no secure hold. He’s not using the saddle, nor the holds. 
“Yes, I will be okay.” He reassures, holding where his tswin is connected. You trust him, and you trust his ability to fly more than anyone else. Even still, nerves bubble in your chest. “I’ll fly as carefully as possible for you, just hold on, okay?”
“Yes, I will.” You nod, tightening the hold on the leather underneath your palms. Even though you prepared yourself, the shriek that leaves your body as his ikran drops is involuntary. You can hear Neteyam’s faint chuckle in your ear, leaning forward as he guides his ikran. His hair brushes along your shoulder as he leans forward, goosebumps spreading across your arms. His arm tightens the slightest bit around your waist, ensuring you don’t lean too far forward and lose your balance. “Where are we heading?” You yell over your shoulder, the wind loud in your ears. 
“To find you something to eat!” Neteyam calls back, “We’ll be walking around the forest, give you some time to get used to your body without anyone else being around to pressure you.” 
You nod, looking forward to observe where you’re going. Neteyam flies as smoothly as possible for you, communicating to his ikran to stay calm as much as possible. The forest is extremely dense, flying through the trees and hanging vines with expert skill. Neteyam once again chuckles as he sees your grip tighten, both on the leather hold and your legs where they squeeze his ikran for purchase. Landing, the jungle is dense as he hops down. 
You land right after, the grass underneath your feet soft and plush. “Are we finding fruit?” You smile, beginning to trail off from him. Neteyam has to hide the smile, unconnecting as he dismisses his Seze. The grass is so soft underneath your feet, each step cushiony. You’re good at foraging, using all your skills and knowledge you’ve learned over the years. “Here, Nete,” You smile softly, handing him two fruits. Neteyam becomes your Navi basket, arms carrying everything you collect. He's more than happy to follow you around, eventually coaxing you to come sit once you’ve got enough. 
“You need to eat,” Neteyam says, soft but firm as he begins making his way to the river. He finds a soft area of grass, plopping down before softly letting the fruits follow. You join, watching Neteyam carefully as he dips the fruits into the river, cleaning them before handing them over with a big smile. “They’ll taste even better in this body,” He almost promises. 
And they do. They genuinely do.Your taste buds are alive and so heightened, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips as you eat. “It’s good,” You grin, devouring the fruits that your body so desperately needs, gaining some semblance of energy back. 
“Do you still feel okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s still weird, I know it’s me, but it doesn’t feel like me. Moving is weird, everything is a conscious effort.” You try to explain to him. 
“Does that include your ears being down?” He asks, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips as he teases softly. “It's cute, don’t get me wrong, but not normal.” 
Once again, you have to consciously pull your ears up like the natural position they’re held at. When you forget, they fall back down. Neteyam pins his ears, signaling to you that you’re doing it again. It works perfectly, your ears perking up once more. 
“See? It’s too hard.” You smile, “We should just go back, say we tried hard.” You plead, making him laugh. You know he’d never, too much determination and pride in his chest to ever allow it. 
“You just need more time in this body, I’m sure of it.” Neteyam answers, shaking his head no as you whine. “We haven’t even got you running yet.” 
At this you groan, flopping backwards on the soft grass as you complain. You quickly get lost in it, the ground so soft, the sun so warm on your skin. It's comforting, much needed vitamin D. 
Despite ALL of your complaining, which was a lot, your body does prove more efficient than your human body. It moves through the terrain easier, scales the rocks and jumps over the fallen trees with no problem, runs as if it was made to do only that. Climbing was nothing you've ever wanted to do until now, and you find yourself playing in the trees like a child again. Climbing as a human is too hard, but this is easy, so it’s FUN. 
“Neteyam! You’re not joining!” You call from treetop, Neteyam watching carefully from the ground. He follows along when you stray too far, watching with careful eyes. It's endearing, how careful he is. 
“It's okay, you’re doing great!” He calls happily. 
You take it as enough confirmation that he’s okay with what’s happening, you having fun while he remains down there. Soon enough, he’s running on the ground to keep up with you. Not that he minds, he has the stamina for it. “Are you having fun!?” He happily calls, splashing through a shallow river as he follows you. 
“Yes! This is amazing,” You answer before beginning to come down. Your hands and feet are sore, unused to the rough nature of aggressive use. You don’t pay much attention, joining Neteyam in the cool water of the river, finding some relief. “It's nice, feels nice.” 
Neteyam fights off the urge to say “I told you so,” instead providing you with encouraging praise. Neteyam wants to teach you everything, he almost itches for it. He's already making a list in his head of everything he could offer you that you don’t know in this body. 
Hunting, riding, flying, swimming, scaling home tree, fighting if you’d like, archery. You know how to weave, arguably better than him, so that’s not something he can claim he taught. Along with foraging and gathering, healing, you also know the dances and songs, and basic craft skills that he can’t claim credit for. But what he can, he will. For today though, he lets you run, and play, and frolic through the grass. He follows you, never losing sight of his surroundings. He'll provide some knowledge here and there, but nothing too crazy. 
You’re exhausted as the sun begins to set, leaning against Neteyams seated body. “We should head back,” You mumble, praying he’ll let you go back this time. He agrees, not wanting to stay out too late for the creatures that come out. 
“We should, we can eat with the people,” He sees another learning opportunity. He stands, leaving you to support your own weight. You watch as he clicks and calls, his ikran coming down soon after. You can feel the exhaustion from the soon-ride, getting up with a grunt. 
“What if I just hold onto you?” It’s a real question, you’re trying to find out if that would be more or less tiring. 
“If you'd like,” He blushes the slightest bit as he faces away from you. Neteyam gets on first, now sitting on the saddle and holding the leather hold. He helps you climb behind him, “You still sure?” He asks, double checking with you since you have no secure holds. Your arms wrap tightly around his waist, torsos flush together. You can hold here, and with your legs. 
“Yes, this is okay,” It feels slightly unsafe compared to the saddle, but it’s less taxing on your body. You also can’t see much over his frame, but you don’t mind. “Thank you, Neteyam, it’s fun,” You talk with him. Your voice vibrates off him, bouncing off his skin. 
“Of course,” He beams even though you can’t see it. You arrive at the home tree soon enough, high in the trees where the ikrans stay. Neteyam leads you to the people for dinner, extremely careful that you don’t lose your balance in the high branches. When you have to hop down a considerable amount, he’s extra careful, going first as an example. He waits each time for you, always ready to catch if he ever needs to. With a relieved breath, he doesn’t need to, and you both make it to dinner without a hitch. 
“Sa’nok, Sempul,” Neteyam greets his family, bringing his hand to his forehead. You immediately follow along, greeting the leaders of your clan. “Would you mind Y/n eating with us tonight?” 
“Oh, no no it’s okay. I wouldn’t want to intrude-“ 
“Of course,” Jake smiles happily, genuinely excited to see you in your Avatar body. His hand lands softly onto your shoulder, examining your body. “How’s it feeling?” 
“Good! Good. It’s a lot of fun,” You smile, giving him a brief overview of your day spent doing nothing but pushing it. He grins, remembering his own days of running with his body for the first time. He tells you the story, beckoning you to sit with his family as he does so. You do, sitting next to Neteyam and Kiri. You know Kiri well, always working together in the healer's hut with her and Tsahìk. 
You know Lo’ak as well, but the two of you don’t talk much besides brief, common interactions. Regardless, you have nothing against him. And Tuk? Tuk is just adorable. You briefly remember gifting her an ikran toy when she was younger, handmade by you. You’re sure she has no recollection of it, much too young. But you don’t mind at all. You all share stories, you mainly listen as you don’t have many that are as exciting as theirs. Neytiri’s intrigue you the most, ears naturally perking up every time she speaks about something. 
Neteyam notices, a small smile spreading across his face as he eats. They flatten when silence takes over the conversation, obviously uncomfortable. The night wraps up like always, but Neteyam is sure to check on not only your Avatar, but also your human body. He makes sure both of your forms get to bed safely before he returns to his family's area, settling in. 
The days turn into weeks of getting used to your body. Neteyam teaches you everything he can, everything that comes to mind. You’re surprisingly good at archery, but guilt kills you when hunting. Even with the knowledge of clean, respectful kills, it’s not your favorite. Riding also comes natural to you, connecting with Pa’li as if you were born native. You become comfortable in your Avatar body, trusting your body’s movements and mind. You run, scale, leap, climb, crawl, swim, everything as if you were born in this body. As you land clean kill after clean kill, and join in on the hunting festivals, Neteyam begins to push you softly in the direction of iknimaya, taming your ikran. 
“Neteyam, it’s scary.” You defend yourself as you prepare meat for tonight’s dinner. Your Avatar body slices through easily, never struggling for more than a couple of moments. “They’re scary.” 
“I know, I know.” He sighs, “But-“ 
“Neteyam, I don’t want to talk about it right now. It’s scary, and I could die.” 
“You can die at any time.“ You send him a strong glare, ending the conversation without another word being shared with each other. You’re done talking about it for tonight, placing the meat on a serving platter. You don’t talk about it for a while, going on about your lessons and training, learning more and more each day. 
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You’re out in the forest, a routine day unfolding. Your body and mind feel like yours, Neteyam also begins to wander away from you further and further. If it comes down to it, you can defend yourself to some extent. He's doing just that when a blood curdling scream rips through the forest, catching his attention immediately. His feet are moving faster than his brain, running. 
“NETEYAM!” You scream again, feet remaining planted firm in front of the animal in front of you. Your heartbeat is rapid as you stare down the creature, trying to figure out its next course of action. Stepping a couple of feet back, your fingers immediately begin to reach for the knife that’s secured across your chest. “It’s not moving, Nete. I don’t know what to do.” You speak, more calmly now as the palulukan has made no action to pursue you yet. Still, you unsheathe your knife just in case. It wouldn’t help much if it attacked, but it gives you some peace of mind for the current circumstances. 
“Is it not pursuing?” Neteyam asks, and you can hear his faint footsteps running to get to you in the distance. It’s still in the same place it was, still staring at you. 
“No! It’s just staring at me!” You yell back, trying to hold your ground as much as possible. Your knees shake the slightest bit, which you try to calm. If you turn and run, you could possibly outsmart it. However, as soon as you turn you’re sure it would immediately begin its pursuit on you. Neteyam eventually finds you, keeping his distance as he accesses the situation as much as possible. 
“I know what I’m going to say, you will not like-“ 
“I know, I know! But step up to it. Slowly, you’re not pouncing on her, but stepping up.” You want to scream at him, it sounds like a stupid idea. However, you don’t think there’s anyone you trust more with your general well-being than him. “Trust me! If something happens, I'm right behind you, jumping in.” 
“You promise?” You never break your eye contact, but you know Neteyam is staring directly at you. Taking a step, you can hear the faint “Promise” that Neteyam mumbles out softly. Another step comes, and the creature still hasn’t moved a single inch from where you were first confronted by it. Now you’re in attacking distance again, if you reached fully out you would surely touch it on the head. For the first time, it moved. It leans down, and it takes everything in your willpower to not start instinctively booking it at the first sign of movement, “Neteyam?” 
“Tsaheylu, make the bond. She’s offering to you.” Neteyam explains, stepping a bit closer as the tense environment of the situation has lessened. “It’s okay, she’s submitting to you, Y/n.” 
You’re still too afraid to break eye contact to look at Neteyam, your eyes never leaving her as you reach back for your kuru. As soon as the tsaheylu is made, a rush of relief washes over you. “Thank Eywa, thank Eywa,” You mumble, walking to its side and swinging yourself over the animal. Your heartbeat calms down with the animals, and you finally are able to feel her strength and power. She's unlike anything else you've ridden, not a ikran, not pa’li. Once you’re fully bonded, Neteyam feels safe enough to approach. 
“Scary?” He giggles, his hand coming to rest on your calf where it sits on the palulukan’s side. You can feel his thumb run across your skin comfortingly, making you smile as you face away from him. 
“Just a bit, she feels…kind?” You ask, despite him having no idea. “Her thoughts, her power and strength, is kind?” 
“I see, you feel her? You’re getting the hang of this whole, tsaheylu, kuru thing.” He smiles at you, walking behind you and hopping on. Even at the sudden movement, she still doesn’t think of any harm or reaction in a negative manner. You absolutely beam, reaching forward and petting the space at her forehead essentially. “Should I hold on?” Neteyam chuckles behind you. 
“Oh yes, 100%. Strong.” Is all you offer him before beginning to move, just walking but still feeling the absolute power she holds. 
“I trust you.” Neteyam smiles, leaning forward to wrap his arms around your waist. The contact makes your face flush hot, immediately pushing it away from your thoughts as you begin to run, easily jumping and clearing anything in the forest floor. Once again, it’s a completely different ride than you’re used to, you and Neteyam whooping, laughing, and shrieking when you particularly jerk and almost slide off. Slowing to a stop, you find yourself at the edge of the river. You gently rub her shoulder in warning as you slide off, patting her gently. You break the tsaheylu, watching in case she flees. Instead, she stays, drinks water, settles down with the both of you where you sit on the soft grass. 
“What about her family?” You ask Neteyam as if he would know the answer. Neteyam shrugs softly, unsure himself. He has no answer for this, logically. 
“She seems to want you more.” 
“I see,” 
“Y/n, you are more than ready for iknimaya,” 
There’s a loud sigh filling the peace of the forest. You hum, finally giving in. “Fine, Neteyam.” You sigh, watching as the thanator creeps towards you, laying down next to where you’re seated. “I’ll complete my iknimaya.” You nod, finalizing your statement. 
“The next trip is in one week,” 
You nod. You have one week to fully prepare yourself and the people around you. If anything, you’ll retreat at the first sign you can’t do it. Still, you dread the trip. 
You and Neteyam decide not to bring your thanator back, scared of the commotion she may cause. You promise to return to her in the forest in the opening you met at, bidding her goodbye in the meantime. With one final reassuring pet, she runs off. 
The days creep by, anxiety beginning to find its hold over you for your upcoming rite of passage completion. 
“It's my day off from lessons, Neteyam!” You poke your tongue out at him as he peels open your hammock, giving you no other option but to fully wake up. The hammock, suspended on two branches of the home tree, sways hazardously as he kneels down. He's almost, he is, towering over your human form like this, poking and prodding you until you get up. 
“Just because it’s your day off doesn’t mean we can’t hang out. What, I have to make reservations now?” Neteyam jokes, beaming at you as you finally rise, easily jumping onto a nearby branch to get going. Even as you stretch out completely, he’s a solid 3 feet taller than you still. “I was thinking we can just chill today, though. Nothing crazy, no village duties.” 
“Your father let you off village duties?” 
“Well no, but-“ 
“He’s gonna end up hating me.” It’s half joking, half not. You stop walking, instead turning around to face him. “Go back,” You chuckle, pushing Neteyam’s stomach. There’s enough force for little imprints to appear in his skin, but not nearly enough to move the giant. “I'm serious, he’s gonna start blaming me for you being absent all the time.” 
“Hmmm,” Neteyam pretends to think for a moment, tapping his bottom lip. “No.” Before you have a chance to react, Neteyam easily grabs both of your wrists in one palm. With one easy motion, you’re being swung through the air before landing on his back. He chuckles as you smack his shoulder for endangering your life like that, swinging you over the open area of the home tree sleeping area. (Even though you know he’d never drop you, even accidentally.) “C’mon, don’t worry about him. I'll be the one answering anyway.” 
“I’m serious, you’re gonna get yourself in trouble. Like Lo’ak.” You chuckle, and he scoffs at the accusations. 
“Never in a million years,” While the two of you talk, Neteyam easily scales the home tree and arrives at the ikrans in no time at all. “Plus, we can’t get in trouble if he can’t find me.” 
“This is stupid, and you know it.” You smile hard despite all your scolding, a specialness filling your chest that Neteyam would want to spend your days with you, even though it meant trouble for him. Once again, he nonchalantly shakes his head before calling down his ikran, quickly calming her for your sake. 
“Come on, we only have all day.” He jokes, offering his palm for you to climb up. You still hate flying, especially as a human just because of the size and how scary trying to hold on is. (Balance isn’t your thing and Neteyam is basically an expert flyer, aka, crazy ass flyer.)  Still, you suck it up as he takes you to your destination. It's a familiar area, pretty river, pretty flowers, and nearby fruit trees that you’re for sure going to devour when the time comes. 
You beam, hopping down before Neteyam and running over to dip your feet in the clear water. If Neteyams is lucky, you won’t start a water fight the moment he walks over. He approaches with caution, attacked one too many times to not be. Even as no attack ensures, he’s still sure to sit down carefully in case there’s some other sneak attack waiting around the corner. 
Instead, you both sit and watch the water for a bit. It’s a comfortable silence, a shared one at that. “I made you something.” You speak softly, finally breaking the silence, nerves flashing across your face when Neteyam doesn’t look over right away. “Just a small thing, nothing serious.” 
“Sorry, the fish over there- you were saying?” 
“I made you something.” 
“No, no-“ 
“It’s already made, it’d be rude to not accept it.” You chuckle, beginning to dig through your medicinal pouch (That’s supposed to be used for plants and herbs.) Neteyam watches carefully as you pull out a riding visor, carefully braided and woven to very little details. The small wings that make up the visor are in perfect condition, not even a small crack on them. 
“I know you have one, but I feel bad about the wings I broke on it.” You chuckle, handing it over to him. You were once riding with him in your human form and felt uneasy. As you slipped off to one side, you instinctively reached up to him, breaking the fragile protective wings on his visor. As you place it in his hands, your hands linger against one another’s for just a moment too long before you pull away. “And one more thing.” 
“You shouldn’t have-“ 
“I wanted to, Neteyam. In my free time, or days where we couldn’t practice because you had work.” You interrupt him, watching the soft smile slowly spread across his face. “This is your last gift, so don’t get all excited, it’s nothing crazy.” 
“I will get excited, it’s from you.” Neteyam hums softly, watching as you prepare to present your gift. 
“Shut your eyes, don’t open until I say.”
“How is that fair!”
“Warriors honor!! Shut your eyes!” You giggle loudly, standing up next to Neteyam. You’re not much taller than him even when he sits, but neither of you mention it. “No peeking, or else I'm taking it back.” 
“Fineee,” He sighs, finally following along with your shenanigans. Finally, you pull out your gift. It’s a simple necklace in theory, however you modeled its design after traditional warrior necklaces that have gone out of trend in recent years. Small goosebumps spread across Neteyam’s skin as your fingertips graze his skin, jumping slightly as you gently move his kuru. 
“Sorry, sorry.” You quickly apologize, watching as the goosebumps spread across his nape. You didn’t even think before you did it, out of instinct. You finish quickly after that, wanting to put some distance in between you two. “Look in the water.” 
He does, a giant smile spread across his face when he finds your eyes again. “You made this for me?” 
“Of course, who else?” You giggle, reaching out to run your fingers across the beads. Neteyam catches your forearm before you have a chance to move away once more, accidentally jerking you forward into his arms. You land with a huff, Neteyam quickly wrapping you in his embrace. So small compared to him, fitting in his arms like nothing at all. Your skin is so soft against his, his fingertips easily making small indents in your arms where he holds you close. 
“Thank you Y/n.” Neteyam mumbles softly, eyes falling shut as he gets lost in holding you, your scent, your voice. His eyes peel open the slightest bit as you begin to shuffle, preparing to release you as soon as you make a move to. Instead, you’re reaching up, wrapping your arms around his neck as you hug him close. Your knees are resting on his thighs, having to kneel in order to even reach. He can feel your beaded top against his chest, feel your heartbeat if he focuses hard enough on it. He’s sure you can feel his too, now beating a million miles a second. 
“Of course, a warrior necklace for a mighty warrior,” You mumble, almost directly into his ear unintentionally, goosebumps spreading all along his body. He shudders, making you pull back softly, peering at him with a careful look. Suddenly, he’s even more aware of the proximity and you on his lap. 
“Sorry, I just got a chill. Must be because my father is looking for me,” He smiles, covering up for himself. You laugh softly, carefully climbing off and sitting back by the river. You lay down, sun washing over your skin. Neteyam’s eyes soak it all in, not a sight that’s very common. He joins you after a bit, talking about any random topic that comes to mind. 
“Nete, can I ask you something weird?” 
“What does your kuru feel like? I'm not sure if it’s different for me, but you seem to be much more sensitive.” You ask softly, scared of overstepping your welcome when it comes to his teaching. 
As he lays next to you, he’s acutely aware of how much larger his frame is. “Hm, I suppose I am sensitive. But only when I want to be, with people I want to be.” He answers, hinting slightly. He's more than aware it’s going to fly over your head. 
“Uhm. When Na’vi chooses their mate, and they, uhm mate, is it the same tsaheylu as our bond with animals? With our mounts?” 
“Hmm, I'm not sure. I haven’t been there yet.” He chuckles softly, but still does his best to answer. “I suppose they are connected in the same way, but you cannot control them as if you are on a mount. You cannot think about going, and expect the other to go. It’s more of a spiritual connection, being completely with the other. I suppose we also feel the other's sensations and emotions, but control is not the aspect of it.” 
“Why are you so sensitive with yours?” 
“It is my nervous system, if I wasn’t something would be seriously wrong.” He answers sarcastically, making the both of you laugh. 
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you, your eyes closing as you soak up the sun. 
“I'm scared.” It’s vulnerable and the truth, you’re terrified. “If I fall, will you catch me?” You’re completely dead serious, terrified of falling off the cliff. 
“Of course, I'll fly Seze.” He promises you. You sigh, nodding your head. 
The day slips through your grasp before you can even hold onto it for a second, night quickly approaching. You and Neteyam slowly make your way back to home tree, you much slower, as you purposely get further and further behind. Neteyam knows, and he could definitely guess why you’re acting so strange. He doesn’t push you, just slows down his pace tenfold to allow you to catch up and even pass him. Ever so observant, he watches as your fists clench tight as your feet come to a gradual stop. 
“Neteyam, spend tonight with me.” You rush, quickly. You quickly turn around to peer up at him, catching the small smile that’s already pulling at the corners of his mouth. Your fists are still clenched as you wait for his response to your borderline demand. 
“It doesn’t sound like you’re asking, demanding the future Olo'eyktan around?” Neteyam boasts, jokingly puffing out his chest before he’s dropping into a squat to be more eye-level with your form. “Y/n?” 
You almost knock him off balance as you ambush him, smaller body crashing against his as your arms fly around his neck. He regains his composure just as quickly, arms wrapping around you. “I'm scared.” You mumble against his ear, goosebumps shooting down his spine. “Just in case something happens.” You continue to mumble, borderline against his skin. “I want to spend tonight with you.” Your arms never loosen their hold, not giving him much leeway. 
“Nothing will happen, Y/n.” He reassures you, easily picking up both of your body weight as he stands. He doesn’t pry you away, instead he wraps his arms around your torso as he easily carries you through the branches. “I promise, you will do amazing.” He fights to reassure you, lips brushing against your ear. 
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do, I do.” He giggles softly, finally arriving at the sleeping hammocks after what feels like forever. (The close proximity is going straight to his head.) “You need rest though, my mighty warrior.” Neteyam gives you a wide grin as you pull away, smiling back softly at him. “I won’t leave you, if that’s what you want.'' He carefully maneuvers your weight into one arm, the other assisting him as he climbs into the hammock. Laying on his back, a content sigh slips through your lips as you rest on his chest. 
“Neteyam, if I fail, what will you do?” You mumble, avoiding his gaze as your head never lifts as you speak to him. 
“I will catch you.” He answers back almost immediately, not missing a single beat. It makes you smile, reassures you, calms your nerves just the slightest bit as he promises. 
“You're supposed to shut your eyes, syulang.” He teases as you continue your questioning. 
“Can we go to the labs?” It's now Neteyam’s turn to ask questions, you never want to be in the lab. Never once have you asked to go there. 
“My mask is annoying, I'm getting used to not having it on.” Okay, he supposes that makes sense. Eases his nerves that you’re falling into your more human side than that of the culture and of the people. He lets out a puff of air he didn’t realize he was holding, climbing onto his feet carefully with you still in his arms. He wobbles like an idiot climbing out, regaining his balance once his feet hit the tree branch. 
As always, Neteyam moves swiftly despite your weight remaining fixed to his back. You're tired, slowly slipping further and further down, making it hard for him to move as easily. “Y/n, you’re killing me,” Neteyam chuckles softly, reaching behind him to pull you up his back. He easily drops you onto his shoulders, continuing the fast pace he was previously at. He’s dumb, he definitely did not think this one through. Each movement has your legs clenching tightly, scared to fall from so high up. He can feel your warmth, so close. Each time you shuffle, he can smell you, so close it’s making him dizzy. Mustering all his strength up, he pushes on.
He thanks Eywa under his breath when he sets you down, still feeling the warmth on his shoulders where you once were. He hums softly as he grabs a mask, fiddling with the annoying thing as he places it over his head. He watches as you happily rip off your mask, rubbing at the red lines it left behind on your face. The lab is empty, everyone out for the night, likely sleeping up at high camp with the Avatar lab. Neteyam follows you loosely as you wander around, eventually slipping into a room. It’s small, for Neteyam. However, for you, the bed is giant as you plop dead in the middle of it. 
“Neteyammm,” You sing-song to him, beckoning him over on the small bed. He curls and concorts, knees coming up as you lay almost encircled by him. Your face is engulfed in a smile, hands reaching up to play with his hair. “Maybe after I become a warrior I’ll rebraid your hair. You’ve been so busy.” You mumble softly, continuing to play softly with it. Your fingers brush over his kuru, a shudder running down his spine before he can stop it. You’re so close, smell so good, so warm, it makes him 100% more sensitive, he thinks. “Sorry, sorry,” Your hands retract just as fast as his reaction happened. 
“No, no, it’s okay.” He reacts, stopping your hand before it has the chance to fully leave his head. “It’s okay, it’s not bad. You’re not doing anything wrong. You’re curious, it’s okay.” 
“It’s okay,” He smiles softly, gently placing your hand back where it once was. He encourages you to do whatever you’d like, bending to your every will. He would, he does. Another shudder runs down his spine when your little hands graze over it once more, goosebumps spreading along his skin. He can see the apprehension on your face, uncertainty. “It doesn’t hurt, syulang. It’s just sensitive, a new feeling.” He hums, pressing his face into your neck, hiding the blush that begins to spread across his face and ears. 
You fill up his senses entirely, and he likes it. He wants you to. He bites back a softly whimper when your fingers trail down the braid, nose flat against your skin as he inhales. He can feel you warm up, feel himself warm up as well. His kuru seeks out your touch almost, wrapping around your fingers before you even realize it. Trying to make some form of tsaheylu, likely. Your fingers twitch slightly through the exposed part of his nerves, gaining confidence as you brush through them carefully, watching for any pained noises. Neteyam cant bite back the whimper when you carefully wrap your fingers around it, entangling back. He pitifully moans against your skin, embarrassment coursing through his veins as he refuses to meet your eyes. 
“You need to rest, mighty.” Neyetam hums against your skin, afraid if he glances into your eyes now it would be too much for him, he’d give in. Another shiver runs, this time just from the thought of you, your skin, the proximity of your bodies as he curls around your form on the bed. “Let’s rest for tomorrow.” He can feel you nod, carefully moving your hands away from his kuru. He’s about to mourn the loss of contact, maybe even complain, before you’re running your fingers with his braids, holding his head close. Everything is good. 
You thank Eywa for the blessing that makes Neteyam not look at you, you’d surely be read like a book. Face red, lips bitten bright red, slick with saliva. Thank Eywa. 
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You wake up with dread, genuine dread. Terror racks your body the whole trip. Not at the thought of scaling the mountain, or climbing the vines. At the thought of failing. Neteyam has so much faith in you, you don’t know what you’d do if you were to fail. You can almost feel the disappointment rolling from him. Shaking the thought from your head, you continue climbing the hard rock, pulling yourself out of autopilot. Neteyam whoops every now and then, encouraging you and the other group of warriors you’ve traveled with. It's nice, knowing he’s close, but terrifying at the same time. 
As you come to the opening of the cave, just before you cross over, your heart drops. Seze comes into your view, landing and allowing Neteyam off. 
He presses his fingers to his forehead, greeting everyone in the surrounding area. You all follow along, greeting your future leader. “I will not be watching, I'll be on lookout. Just in case.” He announces to the group, watching as the dread still doesn’t leave your face. He announces you’ll go last, trying to make you feel better. It fails, miserably. But you don’t tell him. 
When it’s finally your turn, he comes back to the mountain, beginning to carefully walk you underneath the waterfall. People have failed today, scurrying back underneath the water in a desperate attempt to miss the near-death attack. They all come back ashamed, disappointed, and you’ve done your best to reassure them. Of course, some also succeeded, flying off with loud cheers and chants cheering them on. 
“Neteyam, if I think I’m going to die, I am going back.” It’s dead serious, eyes dead serious, as you stare back at him. You’re scared, and he knows it, but you’re trying desperately to hide it all. “I don’t want you to be disappointed, but I'm scared.” 
“I understand,” Neteyam nods, “I am not going further, I have to get back to Seze. I will be close,” You know he will, you know it. Carefully inching closer, most of the ikrans are already scattered, scared off by ten other hunters. The entire process is a blur, fear and adrenaline taking over your mind. You can barely remember what happened as you force your tsaheylu to connect, terrified pants calming out. 
You briefly hear Neteyam’s chants fill your ears, hands pressing against your face in excitement. “What happened?” It's a genuine question. You can’t remember. 
“Once you captured it, it did not fight. You didn’t have to lock it down.” He answers, a crazy look coming over his face as if he’s realizing something. As the adrenaline begins to mellow out, your brain begins working again. 
“I have to fly, Neteyam move,” You demand, his hands still carefully holding your head in his palms as he forces you to look at him. 
“Yes, yes. Fly, I’ll follow.” He smiles, ducking out of the way. He can hear the shriek that leaves your lips as you take off, the sound bouncing off the nearby rock. His feet are sprinting as quickly as possible over the wet rock, finding Seze and taking off just as quickly to search for you. You’re doing decent, still shaky, but alive when he finds you. You grieve the absence of a proper saddle and hold, Neteyam more than aware as he laughs at you. 
“IT'S HARD!” You scream over the wind, voice just barely making its way to his ears. 
“YOU DID IT!” He’s screaming back, a giant smile plastered across his face. The hours tick by quicker than he would’ve liked, signaling for you to follow as he leads you back to home tree. He supposes it’s because you went last, the time seemingly running past him. As you land in the top branches of the home tree, your unsteady legs buckle as you make contact with the mossy branch, toppling down. 
“I’m tired,” Is all you offer, disconnecting your kuru as you allow your ikran to perch wherever she pleases. Neteyam lets out a hearty laugh as he reaches to pick you back up. 
“You did it, I told you you were ready,” He smiles, the smile taking up his entire face. His arms wrap around you, pulling you into his embrace in a flurry. Your legs still feel weak, but you muster enough strength to wrap your arms back around him. “Come, we must meet with the others for dinner, announce it to the clan,” He blurts, excitement running through his veins for you. A giant smile spreads across your face as you agree, following him down with interlocked pinkies. 
As you make it down, Neteyam lets out a loud whoop, announcing your success. Cheers and chants follow, everyone beginning to congratulate and praise you. Your official ceremony will be held in a week, commemorating and celebrating your achievement of having your place within the people. Neteyam is busy telling everyone the story, voice bubbling with excitement, growing in volume as he gets to the good parts. You beam beside him, listening. You couldn’t tell it anyway, you partially blanked. 
Some of the elder members of the clan have a look you can’t quite decipher, unsure of what it means. You choose not to ask, scared of getting an answer you don’t actually want. For once, you choose ignorance. 
Eventually the commotion begins to die down, everyone beginning to eat as usual. Neteyam practically begs you to eat with them as always, but Neytiri has the same look that so many others have given you. “Thank you, Nete, but I’m really worn out,” You offer softly, placing your hand on his bicep to try and calm him. He offers you a sad, kicked puppy look, but it didn’t work. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” You smile, beginning to make your way back to the hammocks. 
“Child,'' Neytiri speaks softly once you depart, swooping Neteyam away for a brief moment. He knows he’s going to get some sort of lecture, good or bad, so he follows without saying another word. “She is special, no?” She asks, plain and simple. They both know the answer to this, Neteyam’s ears pinning in worry. 
“…No.” Fear leads him as he lies. 
“Neteyam.” It is kind but firm. 
“She has something.” Is all he offers. He doesn’t know what it really is, but he knows it’s something. “Does that matter?” He avoids her gaze in worry. 
“No, no. It doesn't matter. But it's something to be noted and watched, you know that.” She speaks, gently placing her hands on his shoulders. “Is she something special…to you?” She asks delicately, placing a careful hand over his heart as she asks. 
“I'm…not sure.” He answers honestly. 
Neytiri nods. She also knows the answer to that question, but figured she’d ask anyway. “Come, my child, let’s eat.” She smiles warmly, leading him back. He earns a lot of “ouuuus” from his siblings when he gets back, assuming he got in trouble. 
He hisses softly, resuming his natural place with his family as he begins eating. 
The days once again fly by before he can even think too long about it, a sturmbeest hunt following just days after your iknimaya. 
“Come with us, Y/n,” Neteyam pleads alongside Lo’ak, begging you to come to the hunt with them. Your small human frame is still wiping the sleep from your eyes, glaring up at him as you devour your fruit. You pop your mask back on as you chew, the mask becoming more and more frustrating as you grow accustomed to your Avatar body. 
“I can't hunt and fly at the same time, I'm not good at flying yet.” You answer genuinely, allowing your neck to relax as you look down, no longer peering up. 
“You can be our lookout,” Lo’ak offers, also wanting you desperately to come along. He knows he hasn’t talked to you much, and as he watches his brother fall head over heels for you, he’s determined to grow closer. 
You huff loudly, eyes still all squinty from sleep. You struggle up to your feet, the two blue boys giant next to you. “I'll meet you guys by the ikrans,” You whine, beginning to lazily make your way to the labs for link. 
“Yay yay yay!” Lo’ak and Neteyam chant, easily lifting you and absolutely spriting you to the labs. You scream and laugh, body jostled around as if you weighed absolutely nothing to them. Your ribs hurt from laughing as they arrive at the shack, placing you down in front of the front door. They usher you inside. 
“We’ll be at the tree,” Neteyam smiles, waving as you step inside. They both take off before the door even closes all the way. You can only laugh as you imagine them going crazy, sprinting up the tree branches. Just as you imagined, when you finally get up there, both boys are panting and disheveled, bowed over at the hips as they fight for air. 
“Skxawngs,” You laugh wildly, a giant smile on your face as you call your ikran down. She’s calm as you connect, quickly rising and falling backwards as you wait for the other two. 
The hunt goes smoothly as possible. Some shots are always missed, some Navi and their pa’li are always knocked over, some sturmbeests are wounded but not killed, always a tragedy. You watch Neteyam and Lo’ak very closely, terrified that one of them was going to get themselves in some sort of trouble or hurt. Neteyam lands a hit on one, the arrow not deep enough to kill the giant male just get. You’re a considerable distance ahead, flying further in front. 
“Y/N, SHOOT! THE BIG MALE!” His voice screams to you, wanting to put the animal down with as little pain as possible. You let out an annoyed growl as you draw your bow as quickly as possible, using the wind to whip back as quickly as possible. Your arrow is aimed and shot quickly, the male about to run past where you’re flying, charging wildly. Your arrow hits on the same area, successfully knocking the prize winner down. 
You, Neteyam, and Lo’ak cheer loudly, flying quickly next to one another as the adrenaline courses through your veins. Lo’ak screams in english, Neteyam in Navi, and you in a weird mix of the two. You're met by the people with loud calls and cheers, celebration soon to be underway as you bring in the prize kills. 
“Y/n, come to the ceremony with me tonight.” Neteyam calls you softly as you feed your ikran, tending carefully to her. He watches as you loosen the saddle and reins, allowing your ikran to have more ability and flexibility while you’re not riding. 
“The ceremony, with you? Are you courting me?” You chuckle softly. You know the culture, he knows you know the culture. Even at your accusation, the both of you giggle and brush it aside. 
“You? Of course not. I'm giving you the gracious opportunity to take your Avatar to a ceremony, and just so happen to go with the clan leader's son.” 
“Uhhhh huh.” 
“Seriously, you’d be missing out if you don’t.” 
“Fine, I suppose I will.” 
The night is hectic, fermented juice being passed around like no one’s business, dance, games, and food all being shared among the clans members. You’re a topic of conversation, everyone inquiring about your appearance in your Avatar and not how you normally show up. Even still, it’s a good time. Everything goes generally as planned, until Tarsen approaches you later in the night, smooth voice talking with you. 
He's sweet, and you suppose he’s just as accomplished as Neteyam in terms of earning their place within the clan. You know he’s respectful and hardworking, but besides that you’ve never really talked to him. 
“You look very beautiful tonight.” A giant smile spreads across your face before you even have a chance to stop it fully. “Please, allow me to get a drink with you.” You have no chance in hell, nodding like an idiot as he takes your hand to help you up off your seat. The drinks are strong, making you warm in seconds flat. 
“How is the ceremony going for you, Tarsem?” You smile softly, turning to listen to his answer. He steps a bit closer as he talks to you, leaning forward to tell you about his day in your ear. There’s small goosebumps spreading across your arms from the proximity, listening nevertheless to him. It takes a lot of effort to not jump when his tail comes to wrap around your waist, a classic courting gesture. He's bragging to you about his kill in the hunt, and your mind begins to wander to yours and Neteyam’s joint kill. 
“Y/n?” You turn to find the voice, losing your balance temporarily as you search. “Can I have this dance?” Neteyam appears out of nowhere, standing up straighter and broad in front of you. 
“Nete! Of course!” Once again, your balance falters as you step towards him. You quickly mumble a string of apologies to Tarsem, promising to come back as you excuse yourself from him. Neteyam’s chest rumbles as you fall towards him, finally breaking free of Tarsem’s hold on your waist. “Let's go!” 
He waits until you get away from the table to speak once again, “Are you drunk? You’ve been drinking?” 
“Yes, well no. Tarsem wanted to drink with me, but that’s it.” You struggle, beginning to make your way over to the clan's traditional dance line. Your hand reaches for Neteyam, pulling him along to follow. He stands in place, solid as a rock despite your pleading. Your costume makes soft clicking sounds as the beads and feathers move, a pretty hanging assortment that Neteyam had gifted you. Before arriving at the ceremony, you realized you had no ceremony outfits for your Avatar, only for your human body. It sits on your shoulders, connecting at your wrists to almost resemble wings hanging down. 
“And his tail?” His jaw is clenched hard. 
“Neteyam? What’s wrong?” You finally give up trying to pull him to the dance, it’s clear he doesn’t actually care to dance at this moment. There's a small frown on your face that Neteyam threatens to crumble under. He pulls his composure together, reaching out and pulling you close by your elbow. 
“He was courting after you, and you let him.” Neteyam mumbles, eyes searching yours for answers. 
“I didn't think you’d mind…you said we were just going to give me a chance to use my Avatar, Nete.” You sigh, confusion evident. “You’re confusing me, really badly. I don't understand why you’re upset. Please, can we just dance??” 
Neteyam once again doesn’t budge. Even in your Avatar body, his strength easily overpowers yours and he’s suddenly an unmoving force. The two of you are away from the crowd, able to talk more freely and hide from any peering eyes. “Would you have continued?” Neteyam grits, unable to hold eye contact with you as he peers down. 
“What do you mean? What are you accusing me of?” 
“Would you have mated?” 
“Neteyam! What are you on about?” You slur your speech, balance losing temporarily as you fall forward into him. He catches you despite technically being upset. “I’m not mating with anybody, the person I want doesn't want me. He told me so today,” You drunkenly babble, arms wrapping around his neck as you hold yourself up. “Told me he won’t go to the ceremony with me in that way, doesn’t want to court me.” Your costume tangles with him as his arms come to wrap around your waist, the proximity going to his head. 
“He told you that, huh?” Neteyam feels his face heat, knowing who you’re talking about. You lift slightly onto your tiptoes, pushing yourself closer against his chest. “I think you should tell him that.” 
“Hmmm, I don’t know,” Your words came out mumbled, “He’s a really busy guy, you know? Don’t wanna be an inconvenience.” You continue, and Neteyam can feel his heart contract a bit. 
“You’re not an inconvenience.” 
“Hmmm,” You hum, goosebumps sprouting against his skin. “Can we dance, Nete. Please?” You ask again, beginning to untangle yourself from him. He mourns the loss of closeness, holding tight to your hand in his. Your face is bright pink, but you still lock eyes with him. “Come, let’s dance in the ceremony,” You softly pull, this time Neteyam moves with, giving in. The two of you dance and sing, play some of the games, share food as you begin to settle down for the night. You’re holding the leaf on your lap, you and Neteyam both picking from it here and there. 
Unknown to you, Tarsem is making his way over, ready to ask about your promise of returning to him. Neteyam locks eyes, giving him a heavy glare that’s almost unmistakable even in an inebriated state. To solidify his claim, he’s moving closer to you, legs now pressed together, his arm wrapping around your shoulder. He gets the message loud and clear, turning around and beginning to make his way elsewhere. 
“Nete, I’m tired,” You call his attention back without realizing, head falling onto his shoulder. “Can I go back to home tree? You can stay if you need to, future Olo'eyktan,” You smile, beginning to stand as you hand him the leaf in case he’s sticking around. “I’ll see you for our lessons, yeah?” 
“I’ll walk you back,” He’s quick to offer, wanting to make sure you get back safely, and by yourself. Neteyam does as promised, safely walking you back to home tree to allow your Avatar to rest. He thinks hard, would your human body remember what you said and did? Are you going to steer clear of him now? You’re beyond wobbly, scaring Neteyam half to death as you wobble side to side on the tree branches. Your body has enough muscle memory to easily guide you to the hammock, still, Neteyam gasps hard as you freely jump into an open one. “Oh Eywa! Y/n!” He scolds. 
You laugh softly, peering up at him. “Goodnight, Nete. Get back safe okay?” You lazily smile, gently pulling at the edge of the leaf to cover yourself. You’re out quickly, body exhausted. Neteyam is now racing on foot to the lab to check on human you. 
“Y/n?” He calls as he walks through the lab, struggling with the mask as he holds it. 
“Neteyam? You should probably get back to the ceremony,” You mumble, stretching your legs and arms out. He smiles softly as the beads clink together, “People are probably waiting on you.” 
“Yeah, but you should get some rest. I wanted to make sure you’re okay, you drank a lot.” 
“I suppose it doesn’t cross over, that’d be weird if it did. I don’t remember much though,” You smile, a bit embarrassed that you can’t remember the ceremony that Neteyam took you to. 
“I see, I see.” He nods, “Here, I’ll run you up to home tree so you can get some sleep.” Neteyam smiles as he offers, turning around and squatting to offer his back. You climb on, wrapping your legs around his torso as much as possible given his size. Neteyam takes you there easily, jumping, climbing, and scaling the tree with little to no difference with you on him. He's careful as he climbs into a leaf, allowing you to climb off of his back. You laugh as he wobbles in it as he tries to get up around you. 
“Careful, you’ll knock both of us out,” You smile, grabbing his arm where he’s trying to push himself up without leaning too far to one side. He can only balance with both arms, awkwardly placed on either side of your head, your smaller frame engulfed by his much bigger one. 
Neteyam makes the mistake of looking, his body easily covering yours entirely, your face bright red as you bite on your lips, avoiding eye contact. Your small hand grips hard as you balance yourself, not helping. He's so close he can practically smell the heat rolling off of you. “Sorry, Sorry! I’m just, this is, it’s fragile,” He stutters, his own face warming. He wants to stay here, like this, with you. He's sure you can see the blush on his ears, stuttering like an idiot when he accidentally looks in between both of your bodies. But he can’t, so he reluctantly climbs away, barely making it to the tree branch. “I’ll see you soon,” He grits out, closing the hammock for you. 
Neteyam knows he should go back to the ceremony, make his rounds as the chief's son. But he has a bigger issue at hand, said issue? In between his legs. 
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Your’s and the other warrior’s ceremony is quick to come, your body being painted traditionally for it. White paint is drug along your torso and face, finger paths making pretty even lines. You begged Kiri to help you, knowing she’d be the most careful and intricate. As she drags her fingers over your lips, the both of you giggle wildly. Tuk, who joined the both of you for fun, stares at you with stars in her eyes. 
“Y/n, I have a gift for you,” Kiri speaks, springing up and running off. She comes back quickly. She comes back with a decently sized box. “It’s for tonight.” 
Your heart aches as you open it, a giant smile spread across your face. “You didn’t have to-“ 
“It's not just from me.” 
Its beautiful ceremonial pieces, bottoms, a top, accessories galore, and a few pieces to decorate your hair with. “Most were woven and made by Neteyam,” Kiri almost whispers, a knowing smile spread across her face at the confession. 
“I see…” You smile, trying to avoid the blush that threatens to come across you. Kiri is very receptive, even more so to you since she’s known you for so long. “They’re beautiful, I’ll be sure to talk to him and thank him later tonight,” 
Kiri smiles, “I'm sure he’d like that a lot.” She nods, climbing to her feet. She offers her hands, helping you up. “Me and Tuk will leave you to get ready,” 
You thank her repeatedly as she leaves. You kiss the top of Tuk’s head goodbye when she complains about leaving, promising her you’ll see her later. Getting changed makes your stomach flip wildly, nerves beginning to set in for the night. Everyone is busy with their preparations, running wildly around the tree. Dressed and painted, you make your way down. 
Neteyam spots you immediately, having to run off to help with preparations. His mind is filled with you, just the brief glimpse he caught. He tells himself to distance himself, too scared that once he’s in your grasp he won’t be able to break himself away. He watches the entire night, eyes never once leaving your frame. Hours fly by like minutes, too entranced in the way you dance, speak, sing, smile, interact, everything about you. You can feel his stare, burning into your skin. He watches as you join in the dances, accept praise and congratulations, turn down courting and mate offers left and right. His eyes never leave once. 
“Sa’nu,” Neteyam soft voice catches Neytiri’s attention, quickly walking off with him. Far enough away from everyone else, Neteyam speaks freely. “I am going to ask Y/n to be my mate tonight.” His voice is firm and strong. He's not asking in the slightest, he is telling her. 
Neytiri nods softly, fighting the smile that pulls at the corner of her lips. “She will make a good mate for you, my eldest.” He smiles, reaching to softly cup his face. 
Neteyam nods, “I know.” The two of them walk back to the party, Neteyam standing much stronger, more confident as he searches for you once again. 
“Syulang,” Neteyam calls, watching as your head immediately turns towards him. His heart beats hard. “Are you having fun?” He asks softly when you make your way over, a glow radiating off of you. 
“Yes, I am. Are you having fun?” You smile back, sitting with him on one of the logs. 
“Yes, I am.” He nods. 
“Watching me? Because I haven't seen you do much else,” You tease softly, leaning forward towards him as you speak. It’s the truth, he hasn’t done much else. 
“Yes, making sure you’re safe,” He nods, coming up with an excuse that’s semi-believable. 
“My warrior, forever and always being my lookout,” You grin at him, thinking about when he first promised to be your extra set of eyes, keeping you out of harm's reach. A couple of braids fall from behind his ear as he shuffles slightly. Before you’re thinking, you reach forward, gently tucking them behind his ear. 
The grin on his face is irreplaceable, his hand gently reaching for your wrist before you can pull away. He softly pulls your hand down, kissing the pads of your fingers softly. “Y/n? I want to show you something, whenever you’re ready to go.” He gently releases your wrist after pressing another kiss to your pinky, your extra finger that makes you different. 
Your mind goes numb, essentially, eyes widening as you stare at the man in front of you. “Ye-yes. I was going to get going soon anyway,” You mumble, not entirely the truth but you digress. He grins, a love-sick grin as he’s the first to get up. He offers his palm, smiling even more when you take it. 
“You are one of the people now, physically and spiritually now.” Neteyam begins as the two of you run through the forest, taking turns passing one another in brief sprints. The two of you laugh like dummies, leaping and hopping over logs. “Eywa has heard you, acknowledged you.” He continues, slowing his pace when he approaches his destination. It's the tree of voices, a place you know from stories and pictures. You’ve never visited yourself, never being able to connect or truly listen. “These trees are our people. We connect with them through here, hear their voices, listen to their stories.” Neteyam speaks softly as he walks through the trees. “It is one of our most sacred places. It is our memories, our history.” 
Neteyam’s voice is honey to your ears, watching his actions closely. His movements stop, reaching to gather a few of the branches and bringing them to himself. Reaching for his braid, he connects his tswin. You watch him, unsure of if you should follow. Neteyam smiles, nodding towards you to follow when you don’t immediately mirror him. You follow, connecting. It’s different than anything else, your pupils grow giant, listening to the voices, stories, songs. Goosebumps grow all along your body, eyes falling closed as you listen to the advice of mothers passed down for thousands of generations. 
“Y/n,” Neteyam speaks softly, hands gently taking your elbows in his hold. Your eyes peel open, gently pulling your kuru away. “I have a gift for you,” 
“It’s already made.” He uses your own logic against you from the past. You giggle softly, following him to the soft grass when he sits. He tenderly presents a necklace in his palms, holding it with both hands as he presents it to you. “It’s for you, marking our training together.” Neteyam explains nervously, feeling his tail flick wildly behind him in anxiety. 
“You shouldn’t have, you already made me my outfit Nete.” Your voice grows soft as you scooch closer to him, leaning in to examine the necklace in his hands. 
“This is the first day, where we spent all day in the forest. This is when you learned archery, your first clean kill, bonding with Midnight, your iknimaya, your kill in the sturmbeest festival, your celebration tonight.” He explains each of the beads, face warming as you continue to draw closer to one another. There's one remaining, a soft pink stone. 
“Which is this one?” You ask, reaching and pointing. 
“This one…is to represent tonight,” Neteyam mumbles, extremely soft. Your eyes catch one another’s for a brief moment, breaking off when you feel the heat rise to your cheeks. “The trees, the people, us.” 
“Neteyam, it’s too sweet,” Your voice is smooth and heavenly to him, hands holding his bicep firmly. You then release him, turning your back so he can place it onto you. His touch makes goosebumps spread anywhere they brush, a shudder going down your spine. Your fingers reach to feel it, “It’s perfect, Nete,” You mumble as you turn back and face him. Your hands find his shoulders naturally, eyes connecting. 
“I see you, Y/n.” He mumbles, hands once again falling to hold your arms where they rest on him. 
“Neteyam, you see me, I see you.” You mumble softly, your hands gently cupping his face in your palms as you shuffle closer to where he’s kneeled. He smiles, leaning his head into your hold and almost nuzzling into you. There's a rumble in his chest, a purr as you always call it, as he feels so completely intent in your hold. He always denies purring with a passion when anyone else brings it up, but you, sure, he’d purr for you. “Nete, I see you.” You speak again, sitting so close that your knees are between one another. 
“You’ve grown up here, you know the culture. After coming of age, all of the people are permitted to make their bow or weapon, and find their mate if they wish to." Neteyam speaks softly to you, pressing his forehead to yours. “You may do this as you wish, with whoever you wish.” Neteyam’s chest tightens as his mind goes to Tarsem. 
“With whoever I wish?” You ask softly, pulling your head back slightly. Neteyam looks confused, eyes squinting in confusion at your move. “What are the conditions of, “whoever?” I feel that some people are definitely off limits.”
“Who is off limits to you?” Neteyam mumbles, his hands dropping down from your elbows to the ground behind him, holding his torso up. 
“Hmmmm,” You pretend to think for a couple of moments, tapping your chin as Neteyam makes himself comfortable, now sitting as he rests on his palms. He looks especially handsome, the smallest look of smugness on his face. He’s almost beckoning you closer, inviting you onto his lap as he sprawls out in front of you. “Olo'eyktan, he’s definitely off limits. Hmmm, I think the future Olo'eyktan is also off limits.” 
“Yeah? Did he tell you that it’s off limits?” His confidence grows even more, chest booming. Finally, he reaches forward, hands finding your waist and finally pulling you close once more. Your knees are on either side of his thighs, hovering over his lap. “I think that the future Olo'eyktan has already chosen his mate though, a very special person, someone who he didn’t think he’d be with right now.” Neteyam speaks gently as he continues to pull you close, allowing you to sit on his lap. 
“So if he’s already chosen his mate, then he IS off limits.” You continue the game you’re playing, a giant smile spread across your face as your thumb rubs along his cheek. Finally caving in, you speak again “You really think the future Olo'eyktan would want to be with me? A little human?” You giggle like a school girl gossiping, pretending that you weren’t talking directly to him. 
“I think he would, definitely. In fact, I know he would.” Neteyam speaks, leaning forward and gently connecting your lips. You pause for a moment to relish in the moment, soft lips pressed against one another, breathing mixing together. You’re the first to move, sliding your lips against his. You can feel the rumbling growing in Neteyam’s chest, the purring that you love so much coming out. Moving closer, your chests press flush together, his arms wrapping around your back. 
The kiss consumes you, lights your skin on fire as his palms trail along your skin. It feels like your oxygen has been stolen from your lungs, Neteyam greedily taking it as he kisses you harder. Your hands find the back of his head, pulling him closer if it’s even possible at this point. You break the kiss, panting heavily as you fight to fill your lungs with air. 
“Nete, I can't. I can't be Tsahìk, I cannot lead the people.” You pull away, hands still cupping his face. Neteyam presses his cheek into your hold, a gentle smile plastered across his face. Your heart aches, thumbs gently rubbing across his cheeks. “You should look elsewhere-“
“You have a bond with Eywa, I see her with you all the time. You and the forest, her children, your mount, they are all special. You can. You have helped my grandmother from the day she allowed you to, you know how to heal and help. But if you don’t wish to, we will be simple weavers together-“ 
“Don’t.” Your voice cuts him off.
“Okay, hunters,”
“You have worked your whole life training, ensuring your place as leader. You will likely take over in just a few years time. I will not let you throw it away for me.” 
“I don't want to lead the people, if not with you.” He answers completely honestly, leaning forward to press your forehead together. “That life is not worth living.” His eyes fall closed as he relishes the feeling of your hold, holding him so closely, so delicately. “It is not the life I want. I don’t want to lead if you’re not by my side.” 
“Only if you want to, no pressure,” Neteyam mumbles against your lips. One of his palms leaves your skin, instead beginning to reach behind him for his tswin. He pulls it over his shoulder, resting it there and waiting for your reaction. Reaching back for yours, it’s a choice you’ve already made long before now. “Y/n, I see you.” Neteyam mumbles, trailing down his braid and watching as you mirror him. “I see you, I see every form of you, every body, my sweet mate.'' Connecting your kuru’s sends electricity down your spine, both of your pupils dilating as the connection is sealed, releasing your kurus. 
“Neteyam,” You mumble, hands immediately wrapping themselves around him and pulling him as close as possible. Your breathing is heavy, chest heaving against his as you stare into his eyes, both of your pupils giant. Your lips crash together, body seated securely on Neteyam’s lap as he pulls you close. “I need you, haaa fuck, I need you Neteyam.” You whine softly against his lips, pulling roughly on the ties around his hips. 
“I know, paskalin, I know.” Neteyam mumbles against your lips, reaching down to pull your hands back up. He places a soft kiss on your palm, “Relax, pretty. Wanna make you feel good, please you.” Neteyam speaks, hands wrapping around to hold your back. He's extremely strong, pushing both of your weights up to gently place you on your back. 
“Neteyam,” You whine, reaching back to try to pull at his ties. He easily dodges your prying fingers, pinning your hands to the soft moss underneath you. 
“Patience, Y/n,” He speaks softly but firm, “Want to do it right, want to mate you right,” He mumbles, beginning to kiss along your skin. An involuntarily whimper leaves when he makes his way down your neck, slowly getting closer and closer to where you need his touch. You pull softly on his grip, unable to break it. “Make you feel good, so you never want anyone else,”
“I don’t, never Neteyam,” Your voice breaks off into a whine as he nips at the soft flesh on your chest, reaching to untie your top. Goosebumps spread across your skin as he touches as he pleases, hands trailing from your thighs, up to your breast, and then back down to your thighs. Teasing, he’s teasing you. You whine as you squeeze his hips in between your thighs, pulling him closer. “I’ve only ever wanted you.” 
“You mean that?” He asks softly as he carefully takes a breast in his mouth, tongue gently lapping. He watches your reaction, gauges what you don’t like and do, and adjusts all of his movements perfectly. As he nips, a small cry falls past his lips. “You didn’t answer me, yawne.”
“Yes, yes I mean that.” You answer, body steadily heating as he makes his way in between your thighs, kneading the soft flesh. 
“So soft.” He bums to you, placing his head on your thighs as if they were a pillow. He's still teasing, unmoving as he looks up at you from where you want him. 
“Nete,” Your voice breaks, reaching down to pull softly at his braids, growing impatient. His palms rub along your skin soothingly, moving from your outer thighs, up to your hips where he grabs and holds. “Please, take it off,” You plead as be toys with the ties on the side of your hip, twirling them around his finger. 
“Of course, pretty.” Neteyam finally caves in, pulling your loincloth off carefully. You feel his heartbeat increase, pupils growing even more. Your adrenaline masks your embarrassment, wanting him more than ever. Neteyam peers up at you, a smirk playing on his lips as he watches your reaction. His breath fans over you, making your thighs tighten where they sit on his shoulders. “So pretty, so beautiful.” He mumbles, lightly licking along your heat. 
You can feel the lightning shoot up your back, a moan ripping through your throat. You can feel him inhale hard, nose pressed flat against your skin as he breathes in deeply. “Neteyam! Don’t!”
“Too good,” He ignores you, breathing in your scent in deep, greedy gulps. He ignores your whining, face buried as deep as possible into your cunt. 
“Neteyam, you need to rel-AH!” His arms wrap tight around your waist, dragging you along the ground. He pulls your hips easily up to his face, now kneeling and sitting on his feet. “Eywa, Nete,” A moan travels through the trees as you balance on your upper back, hands reaching down to grab his knees to try and talk sense into him. Your nails dig where they can reach, Neteyam lost to you as he licks, sucks, and flicks along your clit with ease you would expect from someone experienced. 
“Need you,” He moans into your pussy, only worsening your circumstances as he sends you closer to the edge. He moans into you, enjoying eating you out as if he was being pleasured currently. Your moans are impossible to hold back, whimpering, moaning, and crying out his name. “Taste better than, fuck, anything I’ve ever bad,” He growls, tightening his hold, folding his arms more. 
It’s ridiculous, how you’re positioned, completely helpless from his assault. Your knees are resting on his shoulder, accidentally flexing and sending you grinding against his face, a loud moan coming from both of you. “Do it again, ride my face,” Neteyam growls softly. 
You whimper as you do so, flexing your legs and consistently pulling your pussy across his face. When your legs begin shaking too badly to continue at the same pace, he picks up the slack for you. “Going to cum,” You cry, nails digging in deeper, beginning to break skin. He doesn’t even register the pain, desperate to get you there. 
“Cum, cum on my tongue,” He growls, never slowing his ministrations. You whimper as he pushes you closer and closer, legs beginning to tighten around his head. 
“Cumming, Nete,” You cry, head falling against the soft moss as you do so. Your legs tighten around his head, holding him there as you ride out the orgasm. They finally loosen when the overstimulation kicks in, unable to remain locked down. 
“So good, so pretty for me,” Neteyam coos, carefully moving your body so you’re once again laying flat on the ground. His palms soothe over your thighs, rubbing the shakes out where they sit around his hips. “So good, such a perfect mate for me, such a perfect girl,” He mumbles. 
“Nete, need you,” You whine, using the last bit of your strength to sit up. Your hands push softly at his shoulders, switching the positions as you straddle his hips once more. His loin cloth is stretched, body wanting you more than he could ever tell you. Your lips crash against his, tasting yourself on his face. Heat immediately spreads across your cheeks, slight embarrassment, as you fumble with his ties. This time, he lets you. 
“You okay, pretty?” Neteyam coos as you untie him, eyes never leaving your face. His hands slide along your hips, making their way in between your thighs once again. “Are you going to be able to take me, hmm?” His voice has a slight teasing tone, but you know there’s concern underneath it as well. Your head falls forward as he slowly sinks a finger into your heat, allowing your face to nestle in his shoulder. 
“I want you, Neteyam. I want your cock,” You complain softly, body aching with want. 
“I know, but I don't want you to hurt yourself,'' Neteyam has a purr rumbling in his chest. He cares for you, so deeply, even as he tortures himself with the amount of restraint he’s exercising. Another whine is pulled past your lips as another finger slips in, curling to hit just right. “There it is, there you go,” Neteyam coos as you turn to putty in his hold, fingers exactly where you need him. He stretches you thoroughly, to his liking. Pleasure shoots through your spine, mind melting. “Okay, you got this,” He smiles at you, fingers rubbing comforting circles on your hips. 
Your shaky hands line him up, excitement and nerves shooting through your body. Your breathing is uneven as you sink down, panting as you sink down to the base, hips pressed together. “Fuck, fuck,” Neteyam pants, one of his hands holding your hips and encouraging you to grind against him. It draws soft moans from the two of you, the spiritual and physical connection between the two of you making your mind feel fuzzy, almost numb. “You’re doing so good for me, my sweet mate. Taking me so well, taking it so well.” He encourages, gently rocking up into you. 
“My mate, my mighty warrior.” You pant, gathering all of the strength you still have to rock yourself along his cock, doing your best to take all of him each time. Neteyam feels feral as you pant on top of him, thighs shaking on either side of his hips. Only he can make you feel like this, only he can see you in this state, all for him. You’re taking him so well, so warm and welcoming as you coax him inside with each thrust. You’re so close, holding his body completely flush against yours. All of his senses are full of you, one hand holding your back and the other has a death grip on your hip. 
“So good to me, all for me, only for me.” Neteyam continues to encourage you, your whimpers and mewls filling his ears as you hide in his shoulder. Possessiveness grows, consumes him as you shudder into him, his sweet mate. He's never felt like this, his skin hot, a strong desire growing in his chest. 
“Want to cum, Nete.” You’re so sensitive, so hot just because of him. You whimper, words slurred as you fight to think even the slightest bit straight. Your arms are wrapped around him for purchase, the only thing providing you stability as you grind down on his cock. Your small whimpers and moans fill your ears, making you flush red in embarrassment. Biting them back, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip is the best you can manage. Neteyam picks it up instantly, both due to your connection and his ears alerting him.
“What is it, my mate?” Neteyam draws, not able to use the term enough. “Not feeling good anymore?” The confidence and smugness oozes from each work, he knows the answers to his questions before he even asks. “Don’t want to give me your little whines anymore?” Neteyam knows what he’s doing, punctuating the end of his sentence with a gentle snap up of his hips. A broken sob falls from your lips, mewls and whines quickly following it. “There she is, are you going to come for me? Let me hear you, yawne. Use me to make yourself feel good, pretty.” 
His voice is intoxicating, feels like you’re on drugs as you pant and whine on top of him. Your hips grind down, no longer bouncing as you whimper as his tip repeatedly hits where you want him, where you need him. Neteyam happily allows you, fondness growing stronger as you do as you please, following his instructions. It doesn’t feel as good to him this way, but god damn it, seeing you in this state easily makes up for it. 
“Feels good, hm?” He asks softly, words muffled by your hair as you pull him close. One hand slides down, gently circling the little bud that he knows makes you tick. 
“Ah, ah, gonna cum for you, Nete,” Your voice mewls, soft pants breaking up your words as you ride him how you like. Your thighs are shaking worse now, chasing your high like nothing else matters. “Can I cum, please?” 
“Of course,” His abs clench hard as he fights off his orgasm, your pussy clenching hard around him as you become more sensitive. His restraint is wearing thin, patience being tested like never before. As you teeter closer, his fingers circle just the slightest bit faster. And you’re cumming around him, hard. His own lips part with a moan as you squeeze his length, shaky thighs continuing to move as your determination to ride it out takes over. Your pants fill his senses, heartbeat filling his own chest, minds molding together. 
Eventually, your hips slow, one hand quickly grabbing and pulling his wrist away from your heat. “Nete,” You whimper, squeezing around him. Your arms wrap around his back, chests flush together. “Want you to feel good,” 
“I am, yawne.” Neteyam smiles at you, rolling his hips up into you. “Wanted you to feel good, first.'' His voice is gentle as he maneuvers the both of you. Your back hits the ground once again, Neteyam still in between your thighs as he follows close. “Absolutely killing me, doing all I can to hold myself back,” A small growl rumbles through his chest, pressing his hips against you, filling you as deep as possible. “Absolutely losing it,” He growls as he pulls out, snapping his hips forward. You moan, loud. 
“Don’t hold back, feel good, Neteyam.” You whimper, his palms slipping underneath your thighs. Your breath catches as he hikes your legs up, hands meeting the bend of your knees as he folds you. 
“I'm sorry, yawne,” Neteyam moans softly, pressing his forehead against yours as he absolutely ravishes you. His hips snap hard into you, no longer holding back as he chases his own release. You moan loudly against his lips, not quite kissing, but lips brushing together. He groans and growls, eyes falling shut as he slams his hips into you, filling your cunt completely up each time. 
Your noises are unrelenting, unable to bite them back as pleasure shoots through your body with each thrust. Neteyam is feral, chasing the high that he’s edged himself off of for the last hour. “Neteyam, gonna cum, you feel too good,” You whimper, biting at your lips as you peel your eyes open to look at him. Your arms shakily move, clawing softly at his back. 
“Cum, cum for me.” Neteyam mumbles, “Gonna cum with you this time, okay paskalin?” He asks softly, pressing a shaky kiss to your cheek. His hips twitch and abs tighten as he focuses on how tight you’re wrapped around him, twitching and clenching down harder as you’re about to cum for him once more. “Gonna fill you up, okay? Put a future clan leader into you,” He groans harshly, feral, animalistic. “My baby, you’ll be a good mama for me,” 
“Nete, oh fuck,” You cry, cumming hard around his cock. A broken sob falls from your lips, face leaning forward. Before you even have a moment to think of it, your teeth sink deep into his shoulder, your mating bite. Neteyam shudders as you mark him, hips continuing as he fucks you through your orgasm, soon spilling into you. 
“Fuck, fuck yawne, good girl,” Neteyam groans, letting go of one of your legs and holding your head. He doesn’t pull you away, but relieves the strain on your neck as you bite into him. His hips slow, every now and then thrusting into you as he fucks his cum deeper into your pussy. 
You release your hold, pulling your fangs out of his skin. Laying back down, there’s blood and drool on your lips, eyes glazed over as you stare up at him. Neteyam lazily thrusts once or twice more, overstimulation kicking in before he’s slowly pulling out. “Paskalin, you okay?” He mumbles gently, carefully moving your legs to a more comfortable position. Kissing your forehead, you begin to come back, more aware of his words. “You did so well,”
“Neteyam, I see you,” You can’t help but smile at him. Your heart is so full, so fond, as your eyes water. “I love you,” It’s more human, Neteyam isn’t entirely familiar with it. 
“I love you too,” Regardless, he doesn’t miss a beat, “I see you.” Neteyam nuzzles his face into you, arms wrapping around your back as he lays down, pulling you close. “We are mated for life, I am with you now.”
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little extra lol
A couple of days have passed since then, and Neteyam has never felt so secure and confident in his life. His father was a bit upset he didn’t get the run down before like his mother did, but nothing serious. Kiri and Lo’ak saw it coming, and Tuk? She’s just as excited as Neteyam. You’ve started your official Tsahìk training now, alongside copious amounts of support from the Sully family. 
While he is your #1 supporter, he can’t help but feel annoyed that he’s barely seen you the last couple of days. His mate, and they only meet after sunset for rest. He hasn’t even seen your little human body in days, always falling asleep with your Avatar and your human form staying at the lab (It’s easier, you start training extremely early in the morning.) 
He almost cries from relief when you wake him, small human body basically sitting on his chest. “Nete, I have a day off,” You grin, still shaking him slightly. The excitement quickly shoots south, but in a surprising way. He can feel your heartbeat, it’s as if you were back to the night you had officially become one. But you were human. 
“Y/n?” He mumbles, thinking he’s still half asleep. As he sits up and becomes more aware, he’s not imagining it. “I see you,” 
“I see you-“ 
“No, I see you.” He mumbles, placing his hand over his heart. “Like we’re connected, I can feel your heartbeat right now…” Neteyam thinks hard, and he thinks hard for hot minute, “Like, our tsaheylu works even in your human body, I feel you, sense you,” 
Neteyam’s mind runs fuzzy at the realization, big head falling into the crook of your neck and taking a deep, long inhale of your scent. He's suddenly way too aware of you sitting in his lap, small frame draped over his much, much larger one. “Y/n,” He groans, deep as his arms wrap around you, caging you in. His hands knead at your soft flesh, well-fed, healthy, fertile. His mind absolutely reels at the thought, the embodiment of fertility. 
“Neteyam, we can’t,” You mumble against his skin, voice close to his ear, goosebumps spreading. He knows why, he does. As his frame easily hides your entire body just with his torso, he knows. He’d break you, truly. “I can link with my-“ 
“No, no.” He shakes his head, palms groping at the soft meat of your thighs. He doesn’t want your Avatar, he wants you. He feels this body, he’s connected not with your bodies, but with you. The thought sends him. 
“Nete, I physically can't,” There’s humor in your words, a slight giggle as you pull away to peer at him. His pupils are giant, mind cloudy as he stares at you. You chuckle, hands pulling at your mask. With one deep breath, you pull it off. 
“What are you-“ His panicked tone is quickly cut off when your lips press against his, soft and careful. It doesn’t help his situation, lips so unbelievably soft where they’re connected with his own. His mind melts, eagerly kissing you back as if he was starved from it. He whines, a genuine sound, when you pull back, yanking your mask on quickly. 
“You worry a lot,”
“I worry for you,” Neteyam rolls his eyes. Maybe if he ignores you, and his unbelievable attraction for you, the tightness in his cloth will go away. It's all wishful thinking, impossible thinking, given how you’re currently straddling his thighs. “You have to give me a bit to calm down, yawne. I can't do it with you sitting like this,” He whines, growing uncomfortable with each passing second. 
“Why can’t I help you?” You whine, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his neck, a small pout on your face. 
“Because I’m scared I will lose it and hurt you,”
“You’d never hurt me, Nete,” It’s a genuine statement, both of you know it. “Not in a way I didn’t want, anyway,” 
“Yawne,” He groans, “Not helping.”
“C’mon, let’s go find somewhere private.” You almost have it in you to laugh at him when you climb off his lap, a genuine crazed look in his eyes. 
“Do you not feel it in this body?” Neteyam asks as he runs after you, picking you up to more easily scale home tree. You think for a couple of moments, shrugging. 
“I think I feel it all the time, I thought it was normal,” You answer him honestly, arms and legs wrapped around his body as he climbs and runs. His ikran meets him hastily, and he’s taking off before he even asks you if you’d like to sit on the saddle instead. 
“Maybe I couldn’t tell because I haven't seen you in this body in awhile,” He concludes as he lands, hoping down with you still death gripped to his back. “Been killing me, Y/n. It’s like torture, being away from you for so long,” He whines, immediately turning to wrap you in his hold when your feet touch the soft grass. He kneels carefully, more level with you as he continues the dramatics. “Missed your little human body tripping over sticks,” He teases, knowing the sticks are logs for you. His head finds itself against your chest, listening to the way your heart beats. 
“Oh the drama,” You laugh, making yourself comfortable when you sit down. “Can't kiss you in this body, it’s unfair,” You complain as you lay down, knowing Neteyam is soon to find his place in between your thighs. It takes almost no time, legs widening to accommodate the large Na’vi. 
“We can work out a system,” He really wants to kiss you, “Deep breath,” He barely lets you finish before he pulls the mask off, immediately slamming his lips against your own. He’s desperate and needy, the feeling only multiplying as you’re finally close. He can feel the heat in between your legs, making him lose his judgment. He kisses you as if his life depends on it for a bit, before his care for your well-being overrides his thoughts and he’s placing the mask back on. “Fuck, just missed you so much,” He grins, trailing down to your chest as he kisses along your sensitive and thin skin. It’s like torture when he trails down, his mind melting as his fingers trail over the edge of your own beaded cloth. 
“It’s okay Nete,” You’re quick to reassure, watching as he immediately takes the go ahead and unties it. Wasting no time at all, he genuinely wastes no time as his head immediately buries in between your legs. “NETEYAM, FUCK!” You yelp, his giant head occupying all of the space. He's starved, so starved, and he eats to reflect that. You’re cumming once then again, then again, and then- 
“One more for me paskalin, just too good, tastes too good, it’ll be the last one,” 
Once his face finds its way out, he’s absolutely covered in your arousal and cum. His fingers find his own cloth, an idea popping in his head, “Do you trust me, love?” 
“Of course,” He grins softly, allowing himself to finally be free of his constraint. He moans softly at that alone, so turned on, so drunk on you that his mind is definitely not working to its full capacitors. He whines loud as he slides in between your legs, big, angry cock easily slipping through your wet folds. You whimper as his tip brushes your sensitive clit, continuing to push past it until your hips are flush together. He moans, loud, when he looks down, angry cock just barely nudging at your breasts. 
“I'd break you, yawne,” He growls softly, sliding his hips back before snapping them forward, “I'd break this little body,” He lets out more of a whine when you squeeze your thighs together, giving him more friction, more touch. “But oh, you’d be so full, stuffed full of my cock,” He groans, shuddering slightly on top of you. 
“I know, Nete,” You whimper back softly, losing your mind as he fucks himself against your pussy, shuttering each time he slips into where your thighs squeeze. He genuinely would, likely fuck up your lungs and all vital organs in the process. 
You’re absolutely soaked from his touch, providing more than enough lubrication for him as he easily slides between your lips, constantly hitting your clit right where you need it. It’s obscene, the sounds it’s making, you would think he’s fucking into you. “Nete,” You whimper, hands pulling at his arms to try and get him closer. He obliges happily, leaning forward to press himself against
you. He whines loudly, cock in between either of your bodies. “Love you,”
“Love you too, paskalin,” He smiles softly, kissing the top of your head, “I’m gonna cum for you, hm?” He smiles, watching your face as you eagerly nod. “Deep breath for me, pretty girl,” He grins hard, a giant smile on his face as you follow his instructions. He carefully pulls your mask off, wasting no time in slamming his lips onto yours. He devours your whines, whimpers, and moans, greedily taking them as his hips continue to pump against you. He kisses you until he cums, getting lost in the feel of your lips against his. You whimper as you feel him moan into your mouth, hands beginning to press against his biceps. 
“My mate,” You whimper, reaching for his hand that still holds your mask. He quickly gets the message, placing it back onto your face. 
“Yawne, my girl,” He sighs softly, hips still grinding against yours as he rides out his high with you. “Need you to cum again,” He mumbles against your lips, knowing you weren’t able to cum with him. “Just one more, one more. This will be the last, I promise love,” He almost babbles against your skin, kissing it. 
“I can't, Neteyam,” You whine as his hands trail in between your legs, gently spreading your thighs to allow for more access. Your thighs are no match for his strength, whimpering gently when his fingers ghost across your clit. 
“You can, yawne, for me, please?” He grins softly, a bit of a smirk spreading across his face. The smile never leaves his face as your hands grip hard at his wrists, discoloring his skin from the pressure. Neteyam is obsessed with the way your skin flushes for him, puffy swollen lips parting as he fingers slide in between them. He could watch it for hours, sit here and please you for hours if you’d let him. 
A moan rips past your lips when two of his digits slip into your heat, filled to the brim from just his fingers. Your nails dig into his skin, clenching down around him almost impossibly tight. His eyes are narrowed in, mesmerized as his fingers disappear into you. Neteyam curls his fingers just right, an even louder moan. Your hips jerk hard, legs lifting and wrapping around his arms. “Feels too good,” You whine, thighs locking around him. 
“Cum for me, Y/n,” He groans, prying your legs apart and replacing it with his head. The pleasure is still too much, legs wrapping around his head as his mouth and fingers never cease for a second. 
“Gonna cum for you, gonna cum hard,” You groan, flexing slightly as you grind against his face. Your orgasm blinds you when it washes over you, legs shaking, chest rising and falling rapidly, stomach clenching hard as you rise up. You cum hard, squirting as Neteyam’s fingers still curl and grind into your soft walls. Neteyam has a crazed look on his face, eyes wide as he stares up at you. He's covered in your cum and arousal, just like you're covered in his currently. 
“Neteyam I’m sorry I’ve never done-“ 
“Do it again,”
“No, please, Nete,” You whimper loudly, as his fingers curl just right, pleasure washing over you just right. It takes the last bit of your energy, cumming all over his arm in waves as you shake in his hold. Your hands immediately pull his face out from your thighs as you calm him down. He slowly relents, gentle as he removes himself from you. 
“Thank you, my mate,” He smiles, “Love you so much,”
“Love you too,”
“Come, let’s go clean up,” He’s careful as he picks you up, leaving your items where they lay. He carefully makes his way over to the river, slowly stepping in as you hold onto his neck, legs wrapped around his torso. A giant smile spreads across your face as he lowers the both of you in, water up to your necks now. 
“I'm sorry I’ve been so busy recently, Neteyam,” You smile, pushing back some braids that have fallen from his efforts. “Trying hard to get everything quickly,” You grin, hand softly holding his cheek in your hold, “So I can be a good Tsahìk for the people, for you,” 
“I know you will,” He speaks softly, allowing his head to fall forward, pressing his forehead against yours, “I understand, I just miss you,” He instinctively curls into your touch where it rests on his cheek. 
“I miss you too, your grandmother asks me about you sometimes. She told me Eywa sees us,”
“Oh, is that so?” He entertains you, smiling when he pulls back. He's standing, but you’re solely relying on him to not have to tread the water and use up what little energy you have left. “What does she wanna know?” 
“Eh, you know. The basic grandma stuff, if you’re eating well, staying safe,” You smile, cupping some of the water and dragging it along his face. You clean him up, leaning back in his embrace when you’re satisfied with the job. His arms hold you, hands splayed across your back. “If you’re happy these days.”
“Of course I am, yawne, I have you,” His voice is sincere and gentle as he pulls you close, tucking your head into his shoulder as he holds the base of your neck. “All I need.”
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@rainbowsocks @nerys-nerie bc you guys commented on the other post, luv uuuu
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i-thirsty-boi · 1 year
I LOVED your sully family x reader fic!!!
Makes me wonder what would happen if Quaritch came and tried to take reader away 👀
If he was scared of Neytiri before, he’s going to have a heart attack now lol
~A/N: I had planned to write a part two to it since I liked it and people were asking for it, but I just had to include your idea once I checked my inbox! Once again, reader is pretty gender neutral, only descriptors are your size since in this you're tiny.
Part 1 , Part 2
CW: yandere behavior (platonic), possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, mental breakdown, mild description of violence, minor character death
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~(A/N: Going to include the Kiri scene, for plot purposes. Also going to follow some of the actual plot for part of this.)
-You had been with your new family and staying with the Metkayina for a few weeks now. You had gotten used to it with the rest of your family. 
-Though it was frustrating that you couldn’t do the same things as your siblings. It was frustrating not being allowed to do the things even Tuk was allowed to do! You were tired of it, and kind of regretted calling them your family if it could’ve prevented this. But you did love them. 
-You were once again collecting shells in the shallow water and playing with the other kids and your siblings, when someone suggested going for a deeper swim. Everyone said yes, and your siblings even allowed you to go because they said it would be safe!
-You followed the group and dove with them to look at the glowing plants. You were looking around when you noticed that Kiri had stopped swimming. You looked over and saw her shaking in place. 
-You knew this was a problem and immediately went to her and swam up to the surface as fast as you could with Kiri in your grasp. Eventually the others noticed as well and helped you drag Kiri to the surface. You swam with the group as they brought Kiri to the shore. 
-You insisted on going with her to the healer’s hut. You were allowed to and stayed by her side the whole time. You watched as Norm and Max showed up and enthusiastically hugged them when they arrived at the hut.
-They were in shock that you’ve been here with the Sully’s the whole time. They’d been worried when you just disappeared when the family did, but they were glad you were safe. They focused and went to Kiri, but you still clung to them the whole time while looking at your new sister. 
-Neytiri was with you guys, and while she was extremely worried for her oldest daughter, she was fuming watching you cling to the dream walkers. Neytiri insisted Ronal stay and use a navi way of taking care of Kiri.
-She went and snatched you from the humans while ordering them to leave so the Metkayina’s tsahik could do her thing. She was royally pissed when you whined and reached for them as they were heading out. She just faced Kiri so you could focus on the important thing again. 
-Once you caught sight of your sister again, you wiggled to get down. Your mother set you down and you hurried back to Kiri’s side. You were sitting beside her, resting your hand on her arm as Ronal was doing her chants. 
When she finished, it only took a moment for Kiri’s eyes to open and her to gasp for air. She looked around and immediately spotted her mother and youngest sister, plus the rest of her family outside of the hut. 
She clutched her mom’s and your hand and burst into tears. You leaned down to hug her as she cried. You didn’t blame her, this had to be a traumatizing experience for her. You just held her as the rest of the family gathered around her
As everyone settled, you patted her head before being pulled into your oldest brother’s lap. You didn’t want to be in anyone’s lap and started wiggling to be let go. Neteyam sighed, but set you down beside him anyway. 
Though, with everyone focused on your sister, you got the chance to sneak out of the tent and go to Norm and Max. You ran up to them and collided with their legs. Norm turned and quickly picked you up. He smiled as you tightly hugged his neck.
You sighed and said, “I missed you.” You just hugged tighter and buried your face in his neck more. It felt so good to see them again. Norm hugged you back as tight as he could without hurting you. He said he missed you too, which just made you cling on tighter. Max was touched at the sight and went over to hug the both of you. He knew you liked getting ‘group hugged’ like this.
The moment lasted for a few minutes before one of the Sullys noticed you were gone and left the hut to find you. Neteyam was pissed when he saw you clinging to the scientists. He marched over and tapped Max on the shoulder to get his attention. Once he had it, he motioned for them to give you back, which they did reluctantly. 
You looked over Neteyam’s shoulder as they started leaving. You waved at them and yelled, “Bye-bye!” They smiled and waved back at you before heading back to the forest. 
-Once Neteyam was back in the hut with his family, he went and sat down with you right next to Kiri, who clung onto your hand again. You just sighed and settled into your brother’s lap more. 
-You were getting kind of tired of being held most of the day by them, even if you struggled to keep up on your own. You wanted some time to yourself after this. Kiri would be recovering, so maybe it was possible. 
-Once she was taken back to your family’s marui, everyone had gathered around in a hammock to cuddle together. And for some reason you were in the middle of it. 
-You loved cuddles, but you were a little bit overwhelmed, overstimulated, and slightly too warm. So, once everyone was settled more and was deep enough into their nap, you gently took yourself out of the pile. 
-You went to the place with some paper and wrote them a note saying you were out swimming/exploring to clear your head and relax. You knew this would worry them, but it would be worth it in the end.
You went to the entrance of the marui and quietly walked out, going towards the shore. You wandered around for a bit before coming across Tsireya, who was swimming around in the shallower water. You stood there for a minute before calling out to her. 
You started to walk a bit into the water as she turned to look at you, a bit surprised to see your family nowhere in sight. She brushed the thought off and swam to where you were to see what you were doing. She asked why you were out here alone and you said, “I love them but I want some time to myself. I was a bit overwhelmed so I left them a note and came out to walk around for a bit. I like being around other people though and figured you wouldn’t mind hanging out with me for a little while. I just don’t wanna be picked up or held right now.” You looked up at her through your lashes and fiddled with your fingers as you explained yourself. 
Tsireya was a bit concerned for you from the words, but happily agreed to spend some time with you. You said you wanted to just float around for a bit in the deeper part, so she swam out with you and watched over you while you relaxed. You floated on your back while staring up at the sky. Tsireya dove down under the water, but continued to keep a good watch over you. You were just an innocent and cute kid. 
In the time you were floating around, Aonung and Rotxo had joined Tsireya in swimming around and keeping watch over you. It was surprisingly refreshing to see you enjoying yourself without your family around. You seemed so content at the moment that they didn’t want to interfere with it. 
It was about an hour from when you started floating that they heard a commotion from the Sullys’ marui. They looked over and saw most of the family rush out of the marui, all of them except Kiri and Tuk, who were standing at the entrance with a piece of paper in Kiri’s hand. They all looked at each other, then at you, then back at the family rushing along the beach towards them. 
You still hadn’t noticed them, and it seems like they hadn’t noticed you yet. They slowly swam to cover you from their view as they got close enough to look at you. They wanted you to have a bit more peace before the Sullys dragged you off with them. 
Jake frantically asked them if they had seen you, and they looked at each other again before looking back at him and shaking their heads while shrugging. He narrowed his eyes at them and walked a bit closer. Neteyam and Loak immediately walked into the water to swim towards them. They got very nervous, because they knew you were still peacefully floating behind them, relaxing. 
Once the two made it to them, they looked at the three with narrowed eyes. The three were shoulder to shoulder, like a little wall. They looked like they were hiding something. And they were. As soon as they looked around them, they saw you. You were still floating on you back, but had drifted into a light doze. 
Loak let out a relieved sigh before getting closer and gently grabbing your arm. You jolted up and looked around before looking over your brother. You saw the three metkayina kids looking concerned, Neteyam in front of them looking relieved, and your parents on the shore still looking a bit panicked. Though once they saw you were okay, they both deflated and smiled at you. 
You just sighed, upset that your alone time was interrupted, but went with your brothers anyway. As soon as you got to your parents, Neytiri picked you up and clutched you to herself. Along with Jake rubbing your back.
The metkayina children just looked at you with concern filled eyes. They thought you looked so tired. They kind of felt bad for you, because they knew that you probably never got to be alone in that family. 
As they saw the Sullys walk off with you, they made eye contact again and nodded. Tsireya and Aonung were gonna bring their concern up with their parents. They knew they could make up something for all of the family to do so you could be by yourself for a while during the days.
Meanwhile, you were smothered with attention when you guys got back to your marui. You just slumped to the floor of the hammock and they surrounded you. You basically shut down so you could have alone time in your mind. 
-The rest of the family noticed you went limp and cautiously backed away from you enough to look you over. You were just blankly staring in front of you. This made them very concerned. 
-Kiri got closer and waved her hand in front of your face, and you didn’t react at all. She didn’t like that, so she gently shook you to see if you would react to that. You did react to that by jolting and rapidly blinking your eyes before looking around you. 
-The family was relieved that you were okay and all hugged you again. 
-Which was a mistake. 
-Because you immediately burst into tears and tried struggling away from them. Their attempts to sooth you with affection just made you cry harder and scream louder. They were baffled because this was the first tantrum of yours they had ever witnessed in the months of knowing you. 
-You were totally inconsolable for a good ten to fifteen minutes, which stressed them out beyond belief. They wanted you to calm down, but nothing that they were doing was helping, just seemed to make you cry harder. They were honestly at a loss for what to do. 
-Finally, they all backed away from you. Once you had some breathing room, you stopped struggling and just cried for another ten minutes before slowly calming down. It took another 5 minutes for your cries to stop completely. 
-The Sullys just watched you the whole time, shocked that you just needed them to not touch to make you calm down. It almost made them think that you didn’t love them anymore, but they knew that a lot of children just need space during big meltdowns like that. 
-After you were done freaking out you got very tired. Throwing a tantrum uses a lot of energy. As you were falling asleep you quietly said, “I’m sorry. I’ve been overstimulated with all of the touching lately. I left our marui to relax by myself.” 
-And with that, you were dead asleep. 
The family carefully gathered around you and carefully put you into the middle of their cuddle pile. They just let you rest on top of them, just for that night. They would allow you to have a little bit of space for part of the next day, but that was it. 
When you woke up the next morning the family was gathered around you like usual. You, surprisingly, didn’t care all too much since letting your emotions out. You went closer to Neytiri and snuggled into her since everyone else was still asleep. You drifted off to sleep, a lot warmer than before, and content. 
Neytiri had woken up when you moved on top of her, and she was delighted that you chose to be close with her again. She waited until you went back to sleep to move closer to Jake and snuggle you closer between them. 
She gently shook him awake, and once his eyes opened she motioned to you. He had the most radiant smile while realizing that you chose to lay with them. He put his arms around the both of you and gently purred. The other kids all woke up at this and peeked over their parents’ sides to see you between them. They were also happy to see that, as that would mean that they could cling to you again soon. The whole family rested while looking at you until the sun was mostly up. Then, everyone except you and Neytiri left the hammock to begin making breakfast.
Once breakfast was almost ready, Neytiri got up, while still holding you, and went over to where the rest of the family was. You were starting to stir just as she fully sat down. You opened your eyes and yawned right after, making the whole family smile at you. You were always so adorable when you did that.
You were fully awake when the food was ready to be served, perched on your mother’s lap and ready to receive your portion. It didn’t take you that long to eat, so you sat back against her as the rest of your family finished eating. 
After they were all done eating, you were set on the ground and told you could do whatever by yourself until someone got you for lunch. You smiled so hard your cheeks hurt and thanked them before hurrying out of the marui. The rest of your family sighed before the kids nodded at each other and started following you. 
-They saw you run across the shore before getting to a quiet part of the beach and going into the water. You waded around for a while, then swam out a bit further. Once you got to where it was deeper, you just started floating on your back. 
-And didn’t do anything else for a while. They were pretty sure you fell asleep. 
-Until they saw someone come up from underwater towards you. Once they surfaced they saw it was just Tsireya. Who looked over at you before swimming closer and stopping right next to you. She waved her hand in front of your face, giggling when she didn’t get a reaction. 
-She gently pushed water towards you, making you wake up from your doze and look over at her. You lazily smiled before draping yourself over her back and laying your head back down. She just looked over her shoulder at you before gently swimming around with you on her. 
-They were just shocked that you only wanted some time to be quiet and calm. They guessed that even children got worn out with constant activity and noise. Maybe the clinging didn’t help as well, since you were alone through most of the morning. 
-Though it was time for them to start gathering you for lunch, or at least a snack. They did have more swimming lessons after lunch. 
-They started waving at Tsireya, and it didn’t take long for her to notice them. She saw them waving her towards them, so she began gently swimming to the shore with you. It only took her about two minutes to reach the group of siblings, considering she swam slowly to not wake you up. 
-Once she got to them, Kiri took you from her back into her arms, to not wake you back up. Neteyam thanked her and told her they were gonna have a small lunch before their lessons. Tsireya took the moment to tell them that her parents wanted them to bring you to the lesson today as well. As well as that Ronal wanted to have a conversation with her afterwards.
-The siblings were confused, but had to agree to the request of the tsahik. They just nodded before walking off with you. 
Tsireya went to her mother to let her know the Sully siblings agreed to let you go with Ronal after the lesson. 
Ronal was relieved that she could get you away from them for some extra time today, though she would talk to you during that time to figure out if there are different ways to take care of your health. She wanted to be prepared, just in case. 
She had a bad feeling for the future. 
Meanwhile, you were being held in Kiri’s lap as you ate lunch with your family. When you were all done you were carried over to where the lessons usually are. You were reluctantly put down when Aonung, Tsireya, and Rotxo made their way over to you and your siblings. 
They explained that Tsireya and Aonung would be helping the siblings with their ilus and some more advanced diving. And Rotxo would be helping you with your breathing and supervising you underwater. To which you just nodded before walking over to Rotxo. 
The whole group swam out to the deeper section of the water before Rotxo guided you away from the main group to keep you from being swept up by the ilus swimming near you. Your siblings were almost glaring at him, but knew that he was just helping you and keeping you safe. They didn’t exactly trust him with you, so they would glance over every once in a while to check up on you. 
Meanwhile, you were just happily diving down a bit to look at all of the plants and animals under the water, periodically going up for air. You were proud of yourself for being able to spend up to five minutes underwater. You were just gleefully exploring with Rotxo, pointing out all of the exciting things you saw to him, which made him smile at you everytime. He was honestly having a great time watching you explore. 
You two were doing that for about an hour and a half until he got the signal from Tsireya to bring you to Ronal and join the main lesson. So, he guided you to the surface, then helped you to the shore. Once you were there he asked if you wanted him to carry you. You thought about it before nodding and reaching up towards him. 
He chuckled and picked you, holding you close to his chest, before starting to walk to the tsahik’s tent. It only took about ten minutes to make it there, and he dropped you off after calling out to Ronal to tell her you were there. 
Ronal turned to you and motioned you closer to her. You quickly waddled, in her point of view, to her side and waited for more context. She just gently smiled at you and set you somewhere higher then sat down herself. 
-She told you she wanted you to tell her if there were any ways that your health maintenance was different to navi. 
-You put on your thinking face before telling her all of the things you knew, happily telling her that Norm and Max taught you most of those things. This took you almost half an hour because of how excited you were to get everything out.
-Ronal was intently listening to you and nodding along to what you were telling her. She had gathered that humans were very similar to navi, except more delicate and sensitive to things. She knew this information would be valuable to her later, she had a feeling you would get hurt more than other navi in their village.
-She said she understood and that you were a smart girl for remembering all of that. You beamed at her and hugged the nearest part of her to you. Which happened to be her arm. She looked down at you as you hugged her arm and smiled up at her.
-She thought you were a cute kid. She patted your head before scooping you up and asking if you would help her with her (easier) duties until dinnertime. 
-And you easily agreed, very happy to help someone. You continued holding onto her as she went deeper into her hut. She set you on a mat as she brought over multiple things for the medicinal pastes she uses. 
-She briefly introduces them to you, by saying their names and pointing at them, and telling you to help by handing her the right things as she makes more of her current medicines.
She spends about two hours making more medicines with you talking at her the whole time. She nods along to the right parts, even if what you are talking about concerns her a little bit. You had been telling her all about your life, from coming to Pandora to meeting the Sullys. She’s surprised that you are such a happy child after going through all of that. 
She didn’t say that to you, she just told you that you’ve definitely had an interesting life. You happily nodded at her before Neytiri came into the hut to get you for dinner. You trotted over to her before getting picked up and carried away. You waved at Ronal over her shoulder as you were leaving the hut. 
Ronal just sighed as you two left. She was very confused by the fact that the Sullys just took you with them when they came here. She would have to keep an eye on them in the future. 
-Neytiri had carried you to where the family was eating on the beach. Well, they would be eating there, they were waiting for you to begin eating. 
-She sat down with you in her lap and handed you your tiny bowl and small portion. You taking your first bite had prompted the others to start eating as well. And you were all finished eating within fifteen minutes. 
-After you were all finished eating, you got up and went into the water to float for a bit before you had to go to sleep. Your siblings went in with you and started playing around you, and your parents were watching over all of you with smiles on their faces. 
-Life continued on very similar to that for about another month before things changed in a way no one could’ve predicted. (A/N: I’m gonna skip right to the part where Quaritch shows up)
Loak had planned to take you guys with him to see Payakan. You all went in the water with him to visit the Tulkun, as he hadn’t left with the rest. All of you were paying all of your attention to Loak and Payakan and didn’t notice what was happening around you. 
No one noticed until it happened. But suddenly, most of the people present were snatched up and out of the water. Those being you, Loak, Kiri, Tuk, and Tsireya. You had inhaled a little bit of water from being surprised while under, and started hacking and coughing as soon as you were above the surface. As soon as you were all thrown onto the floor of the ship, your siblings circled you and patted your back as you continued to cough. 
You looked around you while still coughing up some water and saw some unfamiliar navi wearing human clothes. This gave you a bad feeling in your tummy. Finally after a few more minutes your coughing slowed down and you slumped down onto the deck of the ship you were thrown on. The rough fall had also made you pretty sore. 
Your siblings and Tsireya were huddled around you while you were basically limp on the boat. The avatars around you were staring at the display in confusion. They had never seen the human before this and it seemed that all of the Sully children were very attached and protective of you, even the little one. 
They had missed one of the Sully kids though, the oldest one. And they got one of the water ones instead. Oh well, they can work with this. They each grabbed a kid and brought them to the railing to tie them to it. They tied up the big ones first before putting the small ones in between them. That made the group relax a bit, even if they were still glaring at them. 
Quarich just smirked and went to the boy to take his earpiece, he knows he can get to Jake this way. He snatched it off of the kid’s head and brought it up to his face. He called out to Jake and told him he had his kids. He got a very quick response asking which of his kids were there. 
-He brought the device to each kid’s face and prompted them to say their names. He went down the line : Loak, Y/N, Kiri, Tuk, and Tsireya. 
-As soon as Jake heard his kids were with that bastard, he turned to Neytiri with a determined look on his face. When all of the kids that were there were listed, they were both ready to end all of them by themselves. Right as they were gonna leave to kill them, his oldest along with Aonung and Roxto ran to them to tell them what happened.
-He said he got the news from the source, and were gonna end them for taking their babies. They looked at each other and nodded before going to get Tonowari and Ronal as well. They also asked the boys if they wanted to help. 
-They all said yes, so the group went to get the other adults. They found them quickly. Once they explained the situation, both of the other parents were ready to kill as well. 
-All of them got their weapons before heading out into the water. The whole time he was talking to Quarich to make sure he didn’t do anything to the kids. He saw the boat was far enough from the shore that they could sneak up on the avatars. 
-The metkayina, Jake, and Neteyam got onto their ilus and skimwings, while Neytiri got onto her ikran, and they set off stealthily to reach the ship. 
-They all went over the plan together, then surfaced to fill in Neytiri in the sky, but not through the comms. They went around the back of the ship, spotted Neytiri in the sky, then gave her the signal for her to attack first. 
-Neytiri shot an arrow straight for Quaritch, making sure it went through his neck. He would not get away with taking her children, especially her youngest, delicate baby. 
-After the ones in the water saw the arrow go through his neck, they emerged from the water and made quick work of the rest of the avatars, who were still stunned about the first attack. 
-Neytiri descended from the sky and landed on the boat. Getting out her knife and slashing Quaritches throat to make sure he was dead. The rest of the group followed with the other avatars. 
Once that was said and done, each set of parents went to their children and cut them free from the railing of the ship. The metkayina all embraced each other once Tsireya was free. The Sullys all hugged each other, with you and Tuk in the middle of it. They knew seeing death this close could be a bit traumatizing for children. Jake knew that was especially true for human children. 
He picked you up and held you close to his chest. He kissed your head and quietly asked you if you were alright. You just clung to him and shook your head. He turned to the rest of his family and gently shook his head. They then all circled around you too and each kissed your head and rubbed your back before they went to the edge of the ship to head back to their marui. 
You went with your dad on his skimwing, Tuk with your mom on her ikran, Kiri went with Neteyam on his ilu, Loak went on the ilu Aonung was riding, Tsireya rode on the skimwing with her dad, and Aonung rode with his mother on her skimwing. The families nodded at each other when they reached the shore before parting ways to go to their own maruis. 
You were still being clutched in your dad’s arms as your family made their way across the beach and the pathways to your marui. You had been coming down from the adrenaline high of getting kidnapped and rescued. You got extremely tired, so you drifted off to sleep in your dad’s arms  before you even made it home. 
Tuk had done the same in your mom’s arms, the older siblings smiling at you both, though Kiri and Loak were also very tired. 
-Once you made it back Kiri took your from Jake, and Loak took Tuk from Neytiri, and they went to lay in the family hammock with you two. As soon as they laid down, they were out cold. The awake members of the family just smiled at the four of you before going to make dinner for you all. 
-They took their time making it to give you guys a good nap before they had to wake you up for dinner. It took the three oldest of the family about forty minutes to finish a decent sized dinner for everyone. Once they were finished, they went over to your cuddle pile and gently shook all of you awake. 
-You all sat up groggily, which made the oldest three chuckle at you guys. They quietly told you that dinner was ready, which quickly woke up Loak and Tuk, who jumped up and raced out of the hammock towards where the food was. 
-Jake followed them to keep them from eating before the whole family was there. Neytiri stayed with you and Kiri, who were slower waking up than her other two youngest. She gently guided Kiri out of the hammock, then pushed her towards the rest of the family. 
-She, however, gently picked you up and carried you with her to the others. She sat down between Jake and Kiri before getting food for you, slightly more than usual. She had a feeling you would be slightly hungrier than normal tonight. 
-Everyone else had their portions of dinner by then and started eating as soon as you had yours. You ate just as slow as you usually did, and ate everything in your bowl as well. You were still hungry after finishing it, which was very unusual for you. You turned to your mother and quietly asked her to get you more food. She smiled and gave you another portion, this time slightly smaller than your normal one. 
-Your family smiled at you as you finished the second helping, set down your bowl, and immediately went back to sleep in your mother’s lap. Your youngest brother and Tuk had been scarfing down huge portions of dinner, three for Loak, and two for Tuk before they were done as well and yawned after setting their bowls down too. 
-Kiri was still tired as well after eating her bigger than normal portion too. Once the whole family was done eating, Jake took all of the stuff from dinner to the kitchen and set them down as Neytiri and Neteyam helped the rest of the family back into bed. He joined them as soon as he was done. 
-He cuddled everyone close when he joined his family in their hammock. Pulling his mate and two youngest close to him while smiling. The older children stuck close to their parents’ side and fell asleep quickly. Jake and Neytiri shared a light kiss before going to sleep as well. 
-When you woke up the next day you refused to let go of your family. And they were in heaven, even if they were also recovering from the major scare the day before. They had each taken some time for themselves throughout the day, essentially taking shifts with you to let you cling to them.
-By the end of the day, you were calmer and wanted to float outside the marui. You told them this, and they had someone go supervise you as you did it. You relaxed there for the hour before dinner was done. 
-Loak had been watching over you the whole time. Once he heard that dinner was ready, he went over to the edge of the pathway and splashed some water on you to get your attention.
-He smiled at you as you opened your eyes and lifted your head to look over at him. He raised a hand and motioned you to come towards him. You just blinked at him before swimming over to the edge of the pathway. 
-Once you were right in front of him, he reached out and lifted you right out of the water and into his arms. He easily carried you into the marui and to where the rest of your family was. He sat you down on his lap while he was between Kiri and Neteyam. 
-His dad handed him his plate and yours, the last ones to be handed out, but he wasn’t that upset about it. This was the first time in a while that he got to have you with him during a meal, and he was going to relish it. 
He gently handed you your dinner before starting to eat his. He was still shocked to this day how little food you eat. And that it makes you full. Last night was the most he had ever seen you eat, and it was still a pretty small amount compared to navi children. But, he couldn’t say anything about it since you were healthy, and he knew everyone else in his family, with the exception of his dad, felt that way. He figured it was since he had a lot more experience with human children. 
It didn’t take long after you were done for the rest of the family to finish as well. Your mom took all of the things from dinner away while the rest of the family went towards your hammock. Loak had carried you over with him while Neteyam carried Tuk. They both laid down with you two and snuggled together, with Kiri joining while you were settling down. Not long after that, your parents came and snuggled in on either side of your little pile, each with an arm resting over all of you. 
You all peacefully went to sleep, content with the reassuring presence of your family.
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tallulah477 · 8 months
Push Me, Push Back
Kinktober Day 10: Knife Kink
Pairing: Spider x Fem!Na’vi!Reader
Warnings: AgedUp!Spider, Semi-dark!Spider, Fingering, Bullying, Physical fighting/grappling, Knife kink/knife play, Blood play, Dub-con, Dirty talk, Dom Spider, Sub Reader, Size Difference, Mentions of Spider wanting to physically hurt the reader (briefly)
Word Count: 3K
A/N: It's technically not midnight here yet, so I'm still on time!
Summary: He doesn’t know why you target him - why you make fun of him, or push him around, or threaten him. But he’s tired of your shit, and he’s going to prove to you why him being shorter than you doesn’t mean he can’t still take you down. 
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Tawtute - Human, sky person
Tewgn - Loincloth
Vrrtep - Demon
Kurkung - Asshole
Skxawgn - Moron, idiot
Teylu - Beetle larva
Meyp - Weak
He doesn’t know why you target him.
He’s always been good to The People, always tries to prove his worth and value to the clan despite being born of the sky people. He’s never been anything other than kind, helpful, and respectful. 
The clan has come to accept him over the years. His psycho father is gone, all the other humans sent back once again to their dying planet with the firm expectation that this time they stay there. Even Neytiri who has every reason to hate his guts has mostly come around. He’s proven his loyalty to the Sully family a million times over, proven his bond with her children is true and never wavering - and when the time came to choose between the man who has the memories of his birth father and his found family, he let Quaritch drown and saved Jake instead. 
Neytiri had started to look at him a little differently after that, and he couldn’t be more grateful that he finally has the family that he’s always wanted.
Life is good now. He feels seen, heard, and loved. He finally has a place in the world and a position within the clan that garners respect from all.
All except you.
He doesn’t know what he did to make you hate him. It wasn’t like this before he got caught and the Sully’s fled to Awa’atlu. He remembers you from back then. You were barely on his radar, not direct friends with any of the Sully children so there weren’t lots of opportunities for hang outs or conversations. Plus, at that time, The People were still a bit hesitant to let their children play with a human. Despite them knowing that not all humans were bad, the stigma was still there, made worse by the knowledge of exactly who birthed him. 
But you were still around. He remembers the cute toothy smiles you used to send him from where you stood glued to your mother’s side. The small three fingered waves he would get as your mother dragged you off and out of sight. He remembers when Kiri’s lesson with Mo’at ran later than intended and you popped out of nowhere and offered to help him mix the fruit dye he uses to paint on his stripes. You were sweet, even if a little shy.
But when he and the Sully’s came back to the forest after the end of the war, you were different. Once innocent amber eyes had turned cold and angry. The goofy smiles had turned into scowls and frowns at the mere sight of him. Your words, once friendly and helpful, were now scathing jabs meant to hurt and anger. 
And you were relentless with it. 
“Move, vrrtep,” You snap, bodily throwing your shoulder into Spider’s, cutting in front of him in the line to get food, and nearly tossing him to the ground with the force. 
He stumbles, only saved from face planting by his agile nature. The food he was holding is not as lucky though and lands on the ground a couple of feet away from him. He whirls around, glaring daggers at your smirking face and trying to ignore how your friends laugh behind you. 
“What the fu—”
“The actual Na’vi get food first,” You say, grabbing a fig leaf and filling it with teylu, but your eyes don’t leave his, watching with glee as anger floods the dark orbs. “Then the little pets can have the scraps,”
He scoffs, fists balled up at his sides. “I am one of The People. I have every right to be here,”
You step up to him, towering over him and trying to use your natural height as an intimidation tactic. To his credit, it doesn’t work, and he holds your stare without an ounce of fear. He just barely is able to hold himself back from throwing a punch at your stupidly pretty face when you sneer, voice low and teasing. “You have the right to be locked in a cage. You can stay in my hut. I’ll keep you fed and watered, like my own little personal pet,”
He doesn’t dignify you with an actual response, can’t even think of one through his anger. Instead, he hisses, blunt teeth on full display as his face scrunches up, and the sound that rips out of his throat is as animalistic as it can be for a human. 
He turns, stomping away from you and heading for the safety of the Sully’s, fuming at the blatant disrespect. A pet - what a fucking joke. 
Your eyes follow his retreating form the entire time, glued to the way his tense back and shoulder muscles shift underneath his skin with each step, but you rip them away when you catch yourself staring - annoyed . . . and feeling a little too warm. 
The science guys have been working on an alternative for the oxygen masks for years. The original masks are clunky and, even though they get the job done, it’s difficult to use for everyday activities like eating or just general smelling of all the fantastic things Pandora has to offer. And, frankly, sneezing into the mask is gross, so when the science guys finally finished developing the alternative tech to the masks, Spider jumped on that shit fast. 
The new breathing apparatus sits snugly around the back of his skull, curving around his ear and filtering out the bad stuff while allowing oxygen to pump in through the nose tubes. It’s not perfect, and the nose tubes tickle the inside of his nose sometimes when he thinks about it too much, but it’s already so much better than the other mask, and he finally feels a little closer to feeling like an actual Na’vi. 
It feels so freeing, not to have to take off his mask and hurriedly shove food in his mouth every time he wants to eat something. Now, he can savor it, feel the juice of the fruit explode on his tongue and drip down his lips and chin and not have to worry about wiping his face clean to replace his mask. He can return Kiri’s ikran’s affectionate nuzzle, feel the smooth leathery skin against his cheek and its playful puff of breath against his face. He can wear the Omatikaya face paint proudly during celebrations or special hunts, the sacred markings unobstructed on his mask free face.
“Oh, look! Little tawtute got a new toy,” You say loudly when you see it, and Spider’s happy mood quickly turns sour. “Trying to look a little less vrrtep and a little more Na’vi?”
“Leave me alone, y/n,”
He thought he was going to get away with it. By some miracle, he hadn’t run into you or your dumb gaggle of followers all day and when he left the Sully’s hut after the last meal and headed into the forest to start back to the lab, he thought he was home free and free of you. At least for the day. Apparently, the Great Mother is still trying to test his willpower.
“It’s not working,” You continue, drawing closer to him. “You still look like a tawtute. A small, tiny, little meyp tawtute,”
Spider’s eyebrows scrunch in annoyance, a harsh breath punching out of him as he speaks through gritted teeth. “I’m not weak,”
You laugh, a terrible sound that shoots adrenaline through his veins as you begin to circle him. It’s just you right now, your friends are nowhere to be seen. He’s immediately on his guard, hand shifting closer to the knife sitting at his hip. 
In a group, he’d have no chance - the Na’vi height and strength giving them every advantage over his human body. But by yourself, he has some tricks up his sleeve. You’re not a warrior, or even a hunter. You’re a crafter with a specialty for weaving beautiful and sturdy baskets. Spider, on the other hand, he’s a trained warrior. He knows how to fight and how to use his shorter frame to his advantage. 
You’ve gotten physical with him before, pushing and shoving him more times than he can count. But those have all been in public places, with other people’s eyes watching. There’s a dangerous glint in your eyes now, large amber eyes locked onto Spider as you circle behind him. 
“You smell like one too,” You continue, leaning forward to steal a deep breath against his neck. Goosebumps explode along his skin at the touch of your flat nose against his skin. “Smell like a skxawgn who doesn’t know his place. Like a kurkung tawtute who’s trying to forget what a traitor he is - to both the Na’vi and his own kind.”
Frustration builds inside him at your words and he pushes his shoulder back roughly, catching you in the chest and knocking you back from your spot at his neck.
“I have never betrayed the Na’vi,” He growls. 
“Aw, poor baby. You just don’t really fit in anywhere do you?” Your fingers can’t help but reach out and brush against his arm, fingers gliding up and down the smooth, tanned skin. The light touch, so much like how a lover might touch him, a soft and gentle caress of his skin, only pisses him off more. The muscles are taut under your teasing fingertips. “Not with the Na’vi, not with the humans. Not with your father--”
In an instant, he snaps. Without another thought, he’s knocking your hand away from his arm and twisting your wrist so hard it makes you gasp in pain. He throws his body to the side, the sudden and unexpected movement of his weight is enough to catch you off guard, and you stumble into him only for him to kick the back of your knees and send you flying to the ground. 
You land on your stomach, face narrowly avoiding smacking into the ground, and cry out when Spider pins you down, body pressing you harder against the moss as he grips your hair tightly and pulls your head back.
You open your mouth to yell at him, scream all kinds of curses at him, but the knife he places at your neck makes your words catch in your throat.
“Say something else,” He snarls. The blade pressing in tighter against your jugular. One wrong move on your part and you’re done. “Come on! You wanna be a tough girl? Wanna be a bitch? Say something else!”
But you can’t, the words won’t come out. Suddenly, you can’t focus anymore. He’s pressed tightly against you, his legs bracketing your waist, and you can feel the outline of his cock against your lower back. Your hands ball against the ground, curling around the moss and ripping it out of the ground as he pulls your head back further. 
“What happened?” He taunts, scraping the side of the blade up your neck and over your chin, nudging the tip of it against your bottom lip. “Meyp tawtute got your tongue?”
“Get off me,” You say. You aim for a firm voice, something serious and intimidating, but it comes out breathy, voice shaking as the tip of his knife digs into your lip. Blood wells up from the small puncture, pooling into a dot and cascading down your chin.
The knife moves from your lip back to your throat. 
“You’re going to leave me alone,” Spider tells you, and his hand feels huge where it’s tangled in your hair. “Understand? I don’t want to ever hear any bullshit come out of your mouth again.”
The twinge of pain at your scalp sends electricity down to your core, and you whimper at the flood that’s suddenly filling your tewgn. The hard muscled body on top of yours is driving you crazy. The deep growl of his voice caresses your eardrums and sends shivers down your spine as the words wrap around your brain like a thick, warm blanket. 
The knife at your neck takes away all your power, any control you might have had over the (frustratingly gorgeous) human is gone in a second. It makes him powerful, gives him power over you, over your body, and you want to cry at the unfairness of it all. Cry about the fact that you even let him pin you in the first place. Cry about how you like it, how a human can even make you feel this way. Cry about how wet you are because of him, soaking through your tewgn already.
If Spider were a Na’vi, he would be able to smell you. His human senses aren’t that enhanced, but his eyes can still see, and his body can still feel, and he recognizes Na’vi nonverbal actions just like a normal Na’vi would - so it’s hard to ignore the way your tail slides along his spine and curves around his waist. 
The possessive move has Spider’s eyebrows raising to his hairline. He rises off you, grabbing your shoulder and rolls you over, eyes wide when they land on the large wet spot on the front of your tewgn. 
“Woah,” He whispers. “Interesting.”
You’re shaking, eyes struggling to stay on him as your thighs rub together, needing friction, needing something. You gasp when he lands on you again, legs bracketing your hips and the flat of the knife pressing against your cheek.
“What’s all this, hm?” Spider breathes, running the cool blade across your cheek. His eyes have gone dark, the brown of his irises almost completely swallowed up by the blacks of his pupils. “Is someone getting a little too excited?”
You whimper and you want nothing more than to scream at him, to push him off and make him stop his teasing, it’s what you’ve always told yourself you wanted. But your hands come up to rest on the tops of his thighs and your heart pounds at his satisfied grin.
“It all makes sense now,” He muses. He slides the knife down your throat again, over your collarbone and in between your breasts. “Why you target me. Someone has a crush on the tawtute.”
“No,” You try to protest, but a shallow slice on your chest makes you gasp. 
“Shut up,” He grunts. “Don’t lie,”
You both watch as the blood wells up from the slice, and, with a quick wicked glance up at you, Spider’s head lowers to your chest. His tongue is like fire as he drags it between the valley of your breasts, warm and wet as he licks up the blood from your skin.
“Huh, f-fuck,” You whine, and feel a new surge of arousal at the slight red stains left on his perfect white teeth.
“You think about me, don’t you?” He says, sliding the flat of the knife across the swell of your breast. He pushes your chest covering up and teases the tip against your nipple, the azure bud immediately hardening at the feeling. “You do. The thought of getting turned on by a tawtute makes you so angry, doesn’t it? But I bet when you go home at night, and you’re all alone on your mat, your fingers find their way to your cute little clit...”
He trails off, knife slowly making its way down your belly until it reaches the top of your tewgn. The ripping sound as the knife cuts through the thin material shoots through your ears, a damning echo as Spider’s eyes feast on the evidence of your embarrassment. 
You’re drenched, tewgn sticking to your pussy as he pulls it away from your body. His eyes fall to your swollen clit, thumb reaching down to brush over the reddened nub and smirking at the sound of your desperate cry. 
“Yeah,” He mutters, the blade pressing against your hip bone as his fingers play with your pussy. Two fingers slide into your leaking cunt while his thumb continues to circle your aching clit. “You definitely think about my fingers. Am I right? Do they feel as good inside you as you imagined?”
The moans and whines that fall from your lips are so pathetic sounding, desperate whines and whimpers as you try to move your hips harder into his thrusting fingers, but having to stop every time you feel the bite of the knife against your hip. The sounds coming from your pussy are so embarrassing, and you want so badly to cover your face in shame as Spider smiles at the wet sounds, but your hands have taken up a death grip on the moss below you and you can’t seem to remember how to unclench your fists.
“Feels so good, doesn’t it, baby?” He asks, fingers thrusting faster, his thumb pressing harder against your clit. “I make you so uncomfortable, don’t I? So needy for me. Make your pussy feel all wet and gooey just from the thought of me.”
You can feel your orgasm approaching, the tightness in your belly undeniable and, fuck, he won’t fucking stop talking.
“You’re gonna stop the bullshit games, okay?” He says, curling his fingers against your walls, fingertips rubbing relentlessly against that special spot inside you that makes you see stars. Your breath catches in your throat at the onslaught of pleasure and when you don’t respond, Spider is over you again, blade back at your throat as he hisses, “Okay?”
“Okay,” You whimper. You’re a second away from cumming, running along the edge towards an oblivion that you just know is going to destroy you, and his dark eyes are gleaming as they stare directly into yours.
“Good girl,” He grunts. “Just because you’re pretty, doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch,”
His words trigger your orgasm, and you cum, crying out as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you. You arch against him as he rips his fingers out of you, fingers working roughly against your clit, and the movement just barely causes you to knick against the knife. The slight jolt of pain only enhances your pleasure and tears prick at the edges of your eyes as the waves finally crest. 
Spider is looking down on you, knife removed from your throat and placed safely beside him on the ground as he holds himself over you, but his eyes hold an untamed heat inside them that makes your stomach flip in excitement. 
“You think I’m pretty?”
**Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!
Taglist: @eywaite (saw your comment, but still can't respond - thanks for the tip tho! Idk what's going on)
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serxinns · 5 months
Yandere mha x Svarlet reader Extra 1: Hot springs
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The reader is gender neutral use they/them pronouns
(the reason why they're going to the girl side of the hot springs is because they didn't wanted to be by mineta and you don't wanna be with a lot of people rn)
A/N: so I've been reading @demonlamb666 Class 1a reaction to mineta climbing the bath to see you and the girls naked bodies and I was like "Man I wish they could make a extended version of this" and I realized "If nobody's doing it Fine ill do it!" so here you go!
This Fic was inspired by the dabble by demonlamb666 if you wanna go on her og then go to here
The class cheered as Aizawa announced that there would be a hot spring to relax in You however didn't you just want to have a summer break and play with your game device all day and laze away luck isn't on your side today now is it
Cmon y/n join our side it'll be fine," Hakagure said while waving her arms around "I don't know guys I don't like the hot springs very much and I'm gonna see y'all naked..." you muttered the last part out in discomfort while clutching your towel but tsu put a comforting hand on your shoulder "we trust you y/n we know your not gonna do anything *kero*""Yea! You not like that disgusting perv like Mineta ur the total opposite!" ochako said the other girls chimed in encouraging you saying it was fun until you made up your mind "Fine fine! I'll join but only for a little the girls cheered and praise you for your braveness
They decided to let you go in 1st so they wouldn't see you and then they decided to go in as well "See isn't it nice y/n" Momo said while giving you a hug "Y/n San feels so warm~" momo thought in her head as the other girls glared jealousy her
the girls and you chatted along while at times splashing each other and giggling at each other's jokes mina brought each ball and decided to play ball-related games like a hot potato, keep the ball in the air, or even volley ball the girls had a little fight over who gets to be in your team but other then that it's been fun unaware that a purple cockroa- I mean teenager plotting a plan
"What I'm here for is beyond the wall," mineta said while holding his towel he then pressed his head up against the wall with a satisfying smile hearing you and the girls chatting and giggling the boys were now focusing on Mineta now confused about what he was gonna do "nowadays, for them not to stranger bathing times for men and women is an accident" mineta continued his speech while the boys were slowly starting to know he was doing "Dont tell me you're.." denki said with a glare while tenya standard up lecturing mineta not to do what he's about to do while Mineta eyes rolling back rolling as he eagerly listen to the other size of the wall (EW EW EWWWW 🤢)
"You're being too fussy" mineta said while reaching for his hair taking a ball out "cause walls.. ARE MEANT RO BE CLIMBED OVER PLUS ULTRA"
And chaos exploded over
"mineta stop what your doing it's wrong!" zuku pleaded while holding him by the ankles "YOU FUCKING BASTARD WHEN I REACH UP TO YOU UR DEAD" katsuki threaten while Shoto created a nice step to help Katsuki get higher Meanwhile Kiri and Denki was fantasizing about what would your body would look like while getting turned on about it while kiri was waiting for katsuki to jump Sero was aiming tape to trying to tie down the grape boy
"What's going on?!" y/n said while hearing the commotion at the other side of the wall "MINETAS TRYING TO CLIMB OVER THE WALL JIROU MOMO COVER Y/N" Shoto yelled while trying to keep Katsuki steady Momo and jirou quickly wrapped you up in their arms while also blushing at the fact that they're touching your warm s/c skin Making the most of it "LET ME GO IM GONNA TOUCH HIM NOT TO MESS WITH OUR LIGHT" black shadow yelled out while trying to come at mineta but tokoyami was holding him back trying to calm him down "DARK SHADOW NO!" As much tokoyami wanted him to do it but he didn't want him to be responsible for him he's focusing on you being safe and sound "LADIES PROTECT Y/N's HONOUR"
"OH IT ON" Mina yelled determined to beat Minets down for your honor, Ochako and Mina nodded to themselves, and while Mina Jumped in the air she slapped ochakos hand to make her float to the top of the wall to drop kick Mineta You stared at the chaos that was in front of you the yelling the screaming honestly it was pretty hilarious to you and you wanted to join in beating Mineta's ass cause why not you wrested out the grip of momo and Jirou and use your telekenies to make yourself float, tsuyu to tried to grab you by using her tongue but you dodge you went and grabbed mina's hand floating her up with you when Mineta made it to the top you both dropped kick him so hard he lost his balance and fell right on top of iida
(Poor boy having a image of that 😅)
Safe to say you were praised for your dangerous but badass stunt the girls were all over how amazing that love was and Mina even suggested you be her training partner even iida praised you but still lectured how unsafe that stunt was for the boys (including Bakugo) was shouting how compliments of how badass or manly it was even Aizawa heard about it and praise you for it and also gave mineta 48-hour detection and gave you extra credit all the teachers heard and gave u praises as well and hawks gave you a high five for it they're never living this memory down
Also, the class planned to pay Mineta a visit when they got back to the UA dorms
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sunofpandora · 5 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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   ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩⋆⭒˚。⋆⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊  *ੈ✩‧₊。゚☆゚.*・。゚。𖦹 ⋆。
  ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
  ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
  ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Angel
𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚, 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 
𝙏𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 
𝙂𝙤𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩, 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 🏹🤍
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
About The Writer
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✯ currently writing for avatar and atwow
┊ ┊ ┊ ✯   Sol/18/Virgo/NYC
┊ ┊ ✯ art and film student
┊ ✯ Zuni, Apache, and Afro Latina
✯ mixed-native and supporting ICWA.
I’m currently living in the US but I’ve kinda lived all over.
The last place I lived was New Zealand, and I travel a lot with my partner who studies cultural architecture. 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚Fun facts about me!
☆ My real name is Solana. Soleil and Sol are both nicknames.
☆ I have two cats, one named Dolore, and another named Trudy (after the avatar 2009 character), and one Havanese dog named Lilo.
☆ I speak French, Spanish, and English.
☆ I study art and film, specifically story structure and cinematography. 
✮I write for any gender x any gender reader inserts.
☽ y/n will most likely be poc coded.
R U L E S     A N D    D E T A I  L S
Favorite tropes: (I’m not urging anyone to suggest these. I just love writing them)
FORBIDDEN ROMANCE! ( will die on this hill)
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
“Oh fuck. Oh no I love them” type shii
More to come soon.
General rules:
Nsfw is aloud but nothing crazy. (By that I’m not calling any of anyone’s kinks “crazy” what I mean like super, super intense bdsm, knife play, gun play, blood kinks, incest, stepcest, (let’s just say anything ending in ‘cest’ is a no.) and everything MUST be consensual.)
I’m a bit hesitant about writing human x na’vi nsfw and I probably won’t write human reader x na’vi fluff. It’s just I have a hard time visually imagining a human and a na’vi having sex without an avatar body. I am not against the idea in any way, but the general concept does throw me off a bit (I always imagine some type of detrimental injury occurring bc we are so smol compared to na’vi)
In all, I’m not the biggest fan of writing for a human reader, and will probably turn down requests for a human x Na’vi fic.
I will however, absolutely write for avatar reader x na’vi character of any sort! Or even a half-human half na’vi reader or some kind of biracial na’vi? (I’ve seen that concept a few times in the fandom an it’s honestly so much fun)
I do allow things like comfort for self harm, abuse, traumatic experiences, racism, etc. but these things will never be romanticized.
Y/n won’t have a name. Sorry, I just don’t see the point in x reader if the reader has a name. I will always refer to them as Y/n.
I write for a female reader for the most part but please, if you want any other pronouns please let me know in your request.
Y/n will always be of any size! That includes plus size or on the skinnier size. If you would like me to specify that in your request let me know.
I do age up my characters. If you don’t like it you can head out.
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T H E      H  E A V E N S
       Each character has their own sky object or natural phenomenon.
Works and fics are found underneath the collages.
This master list is not fisnined yet. Not all characters have an image yet.)
          Avatar Character Works
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚・ 。゚☆
Kiri Sully-
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“And Kiri, a mysterious creation. Who’s heart beats with the rhythm of eywa’s pulse. Who’s eyes longed for otherness.
Things that grew beyond the edge of her grasp. Beautifully out of place.”
Sky object: crepuscular rays, Neptune 🌀
None, currently.
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Lo’ak Sully
“Lo’ak was an anarchist of his own recklessness. His gaze grazed with fire unapologetically unable to sit still. 
Sometimes the smoke and ash become a haze of intangible adrenaline. preservations for one’s safety wither away under the charred sky.”
Sky object:
None currently.
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Neteyam sully
Sky object:
Golden hour
Sun rays 
Diphanous part 1
Diphanous part 2
Virago Series:
Chapter 1. Day the sky turned red
Chapter 2. The son sun made out of stone.
Chapter 3 trilogy (Virago):
(Chapter 3 of virago was too long so it’s split into these 3 parts.)
1. Cupid wears a blindfold
2. Aim your arrow at his heart as he holds it out for you to ruin.
3. Surrender to his saubade, he has set his soul and sin ablaze (to be yours)
More characters coming soon!
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mhathotfic · 2 years
When I said I’m uselessly horny did you expect anything else from me? It’s just a short piece to get back into writing my monster fucking fics
Warnings: monster fucking, breeding kink, outdoor sex in the woods, knotting, primal play, fem afab reader, vaginal sex described, reader thinks of herself as Kiri’s breeding bitch, written with plus size reader in mind
Pairing: werewolf! Eijirou Kirishima x reader
Well past midnight wasn’t the smartest time for pretty twenty something to go running in the woods, really was there any safe time for young woman to go running? There were lot’s of scary things in the woods after all.
Wildlife that could potential kill, plants filled with toxins and poisons. All sorts of nasty things really, so why did (Yn) find herself running in the pale glow of the full moon’s light? Heart pounding in her ears, making them ring like some sort of alarm only she knew of; adrenaline rushing in her veins and swears slipping past her plump lips every time root or rock tripped her up?
Simple her circumstances were unique.
Her pursuer, happened to be her lover who was quite an insatiable beast of a man when he was in this state. She didn’t mind though, she was more than happy to play the helpless damsel for him.
After all, how often do you get to be pinned against a tree and fucked until you blacked out? Who else could say that they’ve happily become their beloved’s breeding bitch? That a literal werewolf, practically straight out of a questionably at best adult novel, was the one doing so?
Hell, even the way they fucked looked like a scene out a novel.
Her hands tangled in thick luscious black fur tinted red at the tips from his last dye job; his mouth on her neck, teeth as sharp as knives sinking in and marking her permanently as his mate. Legs pushed as far apart as he needed to fit his monstrous frame between her thick thighs.
He had tried to be gentle like his more human side wanted but the more she cried his name begging him not to hold back he just couldn’t disappoint her. Fucking into her like he was trying to change the shape of her warm little cunt and growling into her neck every time she babbled about how close she was getting before crying his name out again and again.
Taking his knot so well he swore she was meant for this, to be the bitch she claimed to be no matter how dirty it felt to agree with her on it.
“F-fuck, oh fuck! Gonna cum, gonna cum again, Eiji please!” he snapped out of his thoughts, focussing instead on cramming his knot deep into her one last time for the night.
Carefully dragging her down and pinning her to the ground, legs pushed back with her knees to her chest. Mesmerized by the sight of her tight little pussy clenching around nothing, just waiting to be stuffed full.
He howled in pleasure, burying himself in her and setting a desperate pace. His head teetering back as he indulged in the way her body was practically sucking him in. He was just as close, just as desperate for release as she was.
“God yes!” she monad into his ear feeling his knot slap against her, trying to plug her up “fuck please, Eijirou fuckin’ knot me! B-breed me! Want it so bad please!”
He didn’t need to be told twice, with a loud growl he forced his knot in. Felt her shake in pleasure before going limp against him, babbling incoherently about the little family they’d have soon and falling asleep not long after. He knew he’d be mad at himself later for giving in and going so far, but that was future him’s problem. All he to do was enjoy being knotted with his mate a little while longer.
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rav3nmuse · 1 year
Muse’s likes of the Month!
This is a month old and I forgot about it but oooh well. Added some more fics to it tho so enjoy
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German mascato - This wine was sooo tasty! I decided to treat myself and it was worth it. The notes of lychee is what sold me. Worth $18 but you can prob find cheaper elsewhere.
This meme // honestly yahh that’s all I just felt it very deeply .
Manhwas & Webcomics & Manga Corner:
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Helja and the Lich King by @thebigpalooka //webtoon/webcomic - fantasy style read. Theres love betrayal, magic and more. I read this story like every week story telling is really good.ongoing
The Invisible Man and His Soon-to Be Wife // manga - office romance between an invisible man and blind gf. Sets place at a detective agency. The world is filled with mythic creatures and humans. This such a cute read.ongoing
The Fantastical After-School Writing Club // webtoon/manhwa - this an archenemies to fictional lovers. These teachers take on a job to teach these kids how to write. They literally get sucked into the stories the kids make. Funniest shit ever also something suspicious is going on in with the kids and the town ppl. ongoing
Songs & Albums🎧:
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This artist deserves more streams! The quality of their music is good.
This was a fantastic album. All the good modern rnb jazz feels
Books & Fics 📚:
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That Time I Got Drunk and Saved A Demon by Kimberly Lemming // book - A funny and smutty reread. I love black women being loved on by hot male leads set in fantasy worlds. Also love a good monster romance. I’m waiting for book 3 in the anthology to come out this week.
Plaything By @nymphoheretic // fic - demon slayer hantengu x fem slayer reader. I’m a monster fudger till the day I die. A foursome done soooooooooooo well.
Choso Drabble By @preciousamethyst // fic - choso x plus size y/n. This was so funny! I’m happy you wrote it. Remember she’s and they’s - be his sleep paralysis demon. Never let him
High Fashion By @bussyqueensblog // fic - deku x plus size y/n x kiri. Ooooooo this latest chap was soooo freaking good and smutty! Love a black plus size girl in a throuple to infinity. Y/N is living my my dreams.
Miguel O’Hara Drabble By @privateparty3 // fic - Miguel o’hara x black fem chubby reader. Yoooo this was soo fucking good and smutty. Villain x good guy. And they have babies - LOVE! haven’t even seen the movie yet but this fic made extra feral for this man.
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neteyamsoare · 4 months
⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊ THE RULES: please take a minute to read the terms and conditions for browsing my blog!
here's my DNI criteria warning, this blog may contain [N]SFW, and dark content. if you can't handle any of that, then don't follow. read through the remainder of my rules to avoid being blocked.
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do not plagiarize, translate, or repost my writing anywhere.
do not send me a request you sent to another writer.
do not request a series.
please always send requests through my ask box
feel free to be as specific in your request, it really helps my writing when you're detailed in what you want to see in the fic but don't be too specific where you need to send another ask cause you ran past the word limit in asks.
please specify if you want fem!reader or gn!reader, or male!reader or black!reader or albino!reader. also specify if you want na'vi!reader, human!reader, avatar!reader, or simply avatar to na'vi!reader. also if the reader is in any clans that are mentioned in avatar.
if you don't see something listed here, you can send me an ask and ask me if i'm comfortable doing a trope/kink and i'll let you know.
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𝜗𝜚 avatar: jake sully, neytiri sully, trudy chacon + tsu'tey rongloa.
𝜗𝜚 avatar the way of water: ao'nung, kiri sully, lo'ak sully, neteyam sully, recom! quaritch, ronal, rotxo, spider socorro, tarsem, tonowari + tsireya.
𝜗𝜚 avatar frontiers of pandora: eetu, etuwa, nor, ri'nela, so'lek + teylan.
𝜗𝜚 real people: jamie flatters + sam worthington.
𝜗𝜚 ocs: ralak sepwan ; @zestys-stuff's oc.
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𝜗𝜚 reader inserts: fem!reader ( for both female & male characters, male!reader ( only for female characters ), gn!reader, black!reader, mixed!reader, hybrid!reader, albino!reader, oblivious!reader, bimbo!reader, virgin!reader, insecure!reader, grumpy/sunshine!reader, plus-size!reader + drunk!reader.
𝜗𝜚 genres: headcanons, imagines, one-shots, mini-series/series suggestions, prompts, drabbles, thirsts, angst to fluff, fluff, hurt/comfort, human au, smut, monogamous/polygamy, male!character x female!reader, female!character x male!reader, female!character x female!reader, character x gn!reader, character x child!reader (platonic only), platonic/romantic requests, pregnancy/pregnant sex, marriage/mates, human aus, parent au, courting/future mates, anxiety, infidelity, cheating ; only where reader gets cheated on and the character comforts them, smaus, protective/possessive behavior, insecurities + na'vi character x human smut.
𝜗𝜚 kinks: age-gap (as long as both are of age), light bdsm, breeding kink, dom!character/sub!reader, sub!character/dom!reader, switch!character, praise kink, daddy kink, lactation kink, heats/ruts/knotting, ownership/claiming/marking, cockwarming, quirofilia, gagging/choking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, stepcest, blood play, size kink, belly bulge, corruption, anal/anilingus, orgasm denial, biting, impact play (to an extent) + katoptronophilia.
𝜗𝜚 tropes: friends to lovers, soulmates/fated mates trope, jealousy, enemies to lovers, love/hate at first sight. office romance/coworkers to lovers, forbidden love, enemies to friends to lovers, second chance, childhood friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, rivals to friends to lovers, exes to lovers, opposites attract, blind to love, best friend’s ex, fake relationship, forced proximity/stuck together, sex worker/pornstar au, friends with benefits, best friend’s brother/sister, one bed, grumpy x sunshine, unexpected pregnancy, fling/one night stand, dad's best friend, best friend's dad, road trip + etc ( just ask me if i'll write a trope if you don't see it in this list ).
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𝜗𝜚 reader inserts: trans! reader + white reader ( please do not ask me to write for specifically white readers, your req will be deleted ).
𝜗𝜚 genres: death, cheating ; the reader cheats on character, dub con, non con, cnc, incest, r*pe, su*c*de/su*c*d*al thoughts, abuse, self-harm, yandere, abortion/miscarriages, gore, eating disorders, heavy trauma, heavy violence, sexual assault, pedophilia, underage sex + race play.
𝜗𝜚 kinks: age regression, vomit kink, mommy kink, foot fetishes, piss/feces kink, pegging, DDLC, knife play, gun play + kidnapping ( as in like reader falls in love w the person who kidnapped them ).
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Do you think you'd ever do that kirishima x reader fic you mentioned a while back? Maybe not as a big as the other sjlt verse fics because I thiiiiink you said you wanted it to be a trilogy 🤔 but maybe as like a smaller side story maybe? It just sounded so interesting! I immediately loved the idea of a plus sized costume designer reader and I would absolutely love to read a Kiri story from you ❤️
the kiri fic! last year i would’ve said (and was saying) “yeah sure let’s add it to the list”, but i’ve had to reckon with the fact that i’m just not a fast writer. :/ i have more ideas than i can keep up with—a more diciplined writer could work through them with more ease, maybe, but it’s not a writer i am. 🥺 i’m trying to accept that i can’t give as much as i want to—i wish i could. there’s a lot i want to write for BNHA. 🥺
i’ve made this so serious and gloomy, lmao—rolling the drama and the insecurities back a bit, i have been like, laying down the ground work for our plus-sized Tokyo Ballet costume designer to exist in the IAL world. i don’t know if she’ll ever make a proper appearance in it, considering i first had that idea before having another one for IAL’s Kiri, but maybe once we’re on the other side of Deku’s fic and have Shouto’s lined up, i can think about doing a one-shot or something, in an unrelated universe—where Kirishima meets our girl, and gets his own ever after. 🩰✂️✨
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angelplummie · 3 years
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miya.a break up angst
bully iwa with a f!reader
haikyuu men x tall girl reader
denki x reader angst
bully tsukki x reader
yandere oikawa.t with a plus sized fem bodied reader
yandere hinata.s x gender neutral reader
lev.h unrequited love angst
kageyama.t & hinata.s smut
bad boy shithead kuroo.t x chubby reader
bully miya.a x f!reader
akaashi x chubby f!reader
kuroo x reader angst
armin x mean reader smut
head canons:
ushijima.w fluff
ushijima.w, daichi.s kageyama.t angst
haikyuu boys crack
class 1A boys x f!reader
class 1A boys
scummy class 1A boys
* = nasty
katsuki with an inexperienced gf *
bakugou is MEAN
drunk gf tell bakugou that she’ll fuckibg castrate him if he cheats on her
kirishimas jealous gf
kirishimas jealous gf II
kirishimas jealous gf III *
bf izuku when u have too much moisturiser on ur hands
What are you doing in the rain?
Ushijima with bimbo gf *
pegging dom oikawa *
bakugou is terrible in bed
boobie touching with 1A fellas P2
dilf kiri + intern reader
hange smut... *
izuku loves girls wiv daddy issues *
2K notes · View notes
scarlettriot · 2 years
Breaking Point - Damsel in Distress
Pairing: Hockey Player Eijiro Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Swearing, mentions of penis
Contains: As the pairing suggests, Kiri is a hockey player, reader is also plus size, Kiri gets hard.
Summary: A series of unforeseen events lead you and Kiri to share a bed in the cute little inn after the game.
Word Count: 4,795
A/N: Part SIX in the Breaking Point Series! It's been a minute so I have a few reminders for ya; Reader's assigned nickname from Bakugo is Squeaks. There is also some text convo in here, Reader is Purple and Mina is Pink. Friendly reminder this is a quirkless AU.
Other Parts:
Breaking Point - Part One - Locked Out Breaking Point - Part Two - Intimacy Breaking Point - Part Three - On Ice Breaking Point - Part Four - Stitches Breaking Point - Part Five - Just Platonic
Tags: @sleepynaya, @kenmakai, @ace-of-books, @swirrley, @mistyfoxson @weebaboobs @silverhairsimp - Thank you 💋
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Winning at an away game never felt quite right. The cheers for your team were always drowned out by the jeers from the other. Even the few loyal, ecstatic fans that greeted the guys when they came off the ice couldn’t really make up for the looks of disappointment on the home team's faces.
This was why all celebrations were reserved for when you got back home. One’s where everyone could share in the excitement, go out to the club that had become a regular haunt, or have a bit of a party in someone’s dorm.
So, for now, all that was left to do tonight was find some food, take showers, and rest.
Everyone trickled back to the inn, a few couples breaking off to grab a bite to eat out and others wanted to head for showers right away. You followed the latter group, not so much for the shower but you were interested to see what kind of homemade dinner the inn had waiting.
You sat in the back of Eijiro’s jeep again with Izuku beside you and Katsuki in front of him, listening as the three chattered on about the game and a particularly good play Katsuki and Tetsu had managed to pull off. And before you knew it, you were pulling up to the inn again, Hanta’s car with Mina and Denki in it too, followed shortly after.
You’d gone to your room with the intention of looking at the small menu that had been provided after changing into comfortable shorts but before you had the chance you’d gotten momentarily distracted by the sight of yourself in the mirror. Still wearing Eijiro’s sweater, it looked like your legs were bare underneath like you were practically wearing a dress, but damn was it cozy. Kept you warm all through the game and you could easily take it off and walk it down to his room right now but… one night with it couldn’t hurt.
Grabbing the menu off the desk, you sat on the foot of one of the beds, surprised at all the different options they had available. You’d been looking at the side options when muffled voices, a door slamming shut, and then a sizable thud made you crawl from the bed and poke your head outside the room to find Eijiro on the ground, head hung low.
“Man… I just wanted to shower first.” He mumbled, not even noticing anyone in the hall with him.
“Eijiro?” The redhead lifted his gaze up from the floor to meet yours. He even still had his bag beside him, hair a sweaty mess, the braid a lost cause, “What happened?”
“Toshi surprised Denks, and they’re, well who are we kidding, they’re fucking, which means, I’ve been kicked out for the foreseeable future.”
You walked over to him, standing between his widespread legs. “Is this what woulda happened if I hadn’t been outside my apartment that night you had bleach on your head?”
His eyes ran up the length of you, but he didn’t linger long enough for you to comment. “Does this mean you’ve come to save me once again?”
Sighing, you held out your hands to him, wiggling your fingers for him to take. “C’mon my damsel in distress. You know I’ll always rescue you.” He genuinely looked as if you just told him he won the lottery.
“What’s wrong?” He asked when he picked up his bag and noticed you jiggling your door handle. “Wait… please tell me you didn’t.”
“Yeah, I don’t have my key…” You admitted sheepishly, “I didn’t know the doors automatically locked.”
He has a bit of a pout on his lip. “You’re supposed to be my knight in shining hockey sweater, who’s gonna save us now?”
“I’ll still save ya.” You patted his chest, not really wanting to go down to the front desk looking like you weren’t wearing pants but you didn’t see another way out of this. “I’ll be right back.”
Eijiro let his bag fall to the floor again, leaning against your door waiting for you to come back when another door opened. “You two are the cutest couple,” Mina smirked with Hanta peaking right over her shoulder and Eijiro’s face grew red.
“We’re not a couple! Stop sayin’ that!”
“My knight in shining hockey sweater,” Hanta mocked, pretending to faint in Mina’s arms.
“I’m gonna throw my game socks at the both of you, I swear! And they’re bad, like, really bad!”
Both of them laughed like idiots, closing the door to their room.
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“Are you hungry!” You yelled through the bathroom door, hoping Eijiro would hear you over the water.
“I’m always hungry!”
Right, dumb question.
“We’ve only got like ten minutes to call in an order to the kitchens, if we don’t, we’re gonna have to run out for food.”
“‘M lazy. I don’t wanna go out again!”
“Want me to read you the menu?”
“Yes! Just open the door so we can stop yelling!”
You hesitated for a moment, hand lingering over the knob of the door. He was obviously going to be well hidden behind a shower curtain. And, he was the one who told you to come in anyways. You sucked in a deep breath and pushed open the door.
Steam had covered the window and mirror, Eijiro’s dirty clothes laid in a pile behind the door, his clean ones waiting for him on the sink's edge. “So, what’s on the menu?” He asked.
Skipping over the vegetarian options that you knew would be of little interest to him, “Right. There’s an angus cheeseburger, shepherd's pie, beef stew, chicken…” You glanced up from the paper in hand and could see his silhouette perfectly. Arms moving up to his hair, watching as his head tipped back into the stream of water…
He snickered, his head still with soap clinging to it popping up over the curtain, standing at his full height. “You just said ‘chicken’, chicken what?”
“Oh, it’s chicken paprikash. Sorry.” You murmured.
Eijiro ducked back into the shower. “If I didn’t know better, it sounded kinda like something had you distracted.”
“Me? No, no, I’m just trying to figure out what I want. That’s all.” That was bullshit. You knew what you wanted before you found him in the hallway but he didn’t pick on you any further, instead, he listened to you read off the lists of sides to pick from and then settled on a dish.
You could see him brace his hands against the wall of the shower, head forward with wet hair curtaining it. He let the hot water crash over his back and you could only imagine how sore he had to be after these games, the aches, and pains, not to mention the times he took on injuries. The warmth of the water had to feel heavenly.
“Still here?” His hand pushed the hair back out of his eyes and you knew he couldn’t see you through the curtain but damn it felt like he was staring right at you.
“Sorry, did you want a drink with it? It comes with one.”
“Tea, if they have it. Green or something sweet.”
“You got it.” And you turned to leave before you wasted the rest of your night watching him like a little creep.
By the time he was finished, you had the order placed and were curled up on your bed, the book you were currently reading open and your nose buried in it.
“We’ve gotta run down and pick it up but they said it should be ready in,” You looked at the alarm clock, “About fifteen minutes.”
He unceremoniously flopped down on the bed you hadn’t claimed, flat on his back, arms splayed wide. “Perfect, fifteen minute cat nap for me. Wake me up when we gotta go get it?” He turned his head towards you with a quirky grin but you agreed, returning to your book, eyes only glancing at him in the moments you flipped between pages.
And when the time came, you shook his knee and he woke right up. Dutifully following you out the door and groaning when he saw the little do not disturb sign hanging off the doorknob of his shared room.
“We can check again after dinner, they should be done by then.”
Eijiro nodded and you continued down to the dining room where you gave a man your room number and two large trays of food we brought out. If it tasted even half as good as it smelled, you were gonna be a happy woman.
You both sat on the spare bed, munching at the delicious food, picking off each other’s plates, and talking about whatever came to mind. Eijiro was happy to finish off the last little bit of your meal and then he saw the box on the edge of your tray, unopened, “What’s that.”
“I didn’t get dessert…”
“Don’t you pout,” you laughed at him and handed him over the box, “I had a feeling I’d be too full for it anyways. I just want a bite, okay?”
He was quick to open it, a slow smile taking over his face, “This is my favorite.”
“I know, that’s why I got it.” You didn’t tell him it was extra because he’d insist on paying you back which was ridiculous.
“You’re too good to me.” He gathered a bit of the treat for you, “C’mere.” Leaving you to lean over the trays and take the spoonful. You hadn’t even swallowed yet, didn’t have time to pull away when his thumb brushed against your chin, whipping off a bit that had fallen off the spoon and popped it directly in his mouth with a grin that made your heart jump.
You had to shake the feeling quickly. “Want me to go check on the room for you while you eat that?”
“That’d be great, thanks!”
You were already sliding off the bed though, walking to the door trying to calm down your racing heart.
The placard was still dangling off the door handle. “Sorry, looks like they're still goin’ at it.” His head drooped forward, taking another spoonful, finishing off the dessert.
When he brought his head back up you could actually see how tired he really was, the drive, then the game, all he probably wanted to do was get to sleep.
“Why don’t you just take my spare bed? That way you don’t have to wait until gods know when for them to be done.”
His eyes went a little wide. “You really wouldn’t mind?”
“Of course not.” He was your friend after all, one that you had started to really care for, and you couldn’t just leave him with no place to sleep for the night.
“I’d totally be fine crashing in my jeep for the night.”
“Eijiro, that’s ridiculous. The temperatures dropping and you don’t even have the roof on!”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Right, I forgot about that...”
“Right. So, just take that bed and problem solved.”
His face was so damn sincere, “Thank you.”
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After running down to the front desk a second time, in need of purchasing Eijiro a spare toothbrush since his was in the other room, you delivered it through the bathroom door and then promptly burrowed your way back into bed with your book while he completed his nightly routine.
He fished his laptop out of his bag along with a pair of headphones. “Thought I’d watch something before going to bed. It helps me shut my brain off, ya know? I can use my headphones if you wanna keep reading but I thought I’d at least offer in case you wanted to watch it with me.”
Sleep wasn’t beckoning you yet and you and Eijiro did always have the same taste in shows. “Sure, what are we watchin’?”
He threw back the covers and sat on his bed with the laptop on his knee and from memory rattled off the choices he said you could pick from, movies and TV shows he already had downloaded. After minor deliberation, you agreed on a show that he loaded up once the blankets were over him and he positioned the laptop at the edge of his bed. “Can you see alright?”
You really couldn’t, the distance between the two beds was just far enough that the screen was too small and, it seemed that even though you told Eijiro it was fine, he knew that it wasn’t.
“You could, well, you could just come over here and we could put it between us.” He suggested and you had to take a second.
The number of times you shared a sofa with Eijiro to watch TV was in the hundreds by now, laying in a bed to do the same thing was perfectly fine! You were both adults! Friends! It shouldn’t be a big deal laying on the same bed with your friend to watch a show with. So, you crawled out from under the blankets of your bed and scooted into the space he provided beside him.
He set the laptop up in the small space left between you two and pressed play. “This better?”
“Yeah, it is, thanks.”
Laying on your side with your hands tucked underneath your pillow. Only ten minutes had passed when your feet felt the chill of the crisp sheets. The last thing you wanted was to bother him but you couldn’t help but subtly rub them together to try and get some warmth back into your toes.
Instantly, you stop moving. “A little. Just my feet though. I refuse to wear socks in bed. It’s so wrong.”
He lifted the laptop and rested it on his leg instead, moving his arm to invite you closer. “C’mere then. You always say I’m like a space heater when we hug. This way I can put it to good use.”
You laid in the crook of his arm, instantly feeling his body heat that he constantly generates, and felt his shin press against your feet and Eijiro laughed, “You weren’t kiddin’, they’re like little ice cubes.”
Something about his easy smile and the way he didn’t jerk away from your toes, had you feeling completely calm. Your shoulders had relaxed, you curled into his side, every notation of this being something you shouldn’t do was long gone.
You’d been so entirely at peace that you hadn’t even realized Eijiro had fallen asleep and it wasn’t long after that you had followed him.
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Hours later, the moon still gracing the sky, sunlight hours away, you’d stirred in your sleep. Winking your eyes open and squinting at a bleary bright light, just at the edge of the bed wondering what it could be… Shit!
Acting quickly, you lunged over Eijiro’s sleeping body and caught the corner of the laptop that had teetered to the edge of the bed. You quietly shut it and placed it safely on the nightstand for him to put away tomorrow morning since it was obvious he wasn’t going to be doing it anytime soon with how he was snoring.
Carefully you started to move away from the sleeping giant, having every intention of going back to your own bed when he grumbled in his sleep and you froze, giving two large arms time to wrap you up and held you against his chest. Effectively stuck.
You stayed still in his grasp, heart hammering against your ribs. Innocently falling asleep together, that was one thing but, this felt very intimate. His arms low on your back, the way he moved his legs and tangled them up with yours, it felt too close, too real. You’d been considering ways to escape when you heard his snore taper off to a hum and one of his hands started softly rubbing your back.
His voice was slurred with sleep, “Don’t go, ‘mm, I like this.”
“Eijiro?” You whispered, lifting your head up to look at him because there was no possible way he could be awake and have said that, right?
Even in the dark of the room, you could make out Eijiro’s features. His red hair was a wild mess across the pillow and falling in front of his closed eyes and his lips were just slightly agape. By all accounts, he still looked fast asleep.
It was when you tried moving again that he gave a pouty little whine and it made you give in. “Alright, fine,” you shushed him, “‘M not going anywhere.”
Looking up at his face again, you could see his lips arc up into the smallest grin; proud of his victory, even in his slumber.
Your head settled against his chest, body laying atop his, legs coiled around each other.
One final thought fluttered across your mind before you fell asleep again, it was the steady drumming of Eijiro’s heart and the way it beat at the same rate as your own and how much you loved the sound.
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Eijiro was woken up by the trill of his phone, vibrating so damn much it nearly wiggled its way off the nightstand but he managed to catch it at the last second. He looked down to find you still snuggled into his chest, one hand clinging to his shirt and the other, well, he could just feel it behind his shoulder.
“Sorry ‘bout this.” He grumbled into the top of your head and with his free hand tried to cover your ear.
“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!” Was Katsuki’s greeting the moment he accepted the call.
“Morning, man.”
“Morning, man,” Katsuki mocked, “Don’t you morning man, me! Dunce face said you never went back to your room last night and now you’re not at fuckin’ breakfast. Where are you?”
Before Eijiro could answer him, you let out the most adorable noise he’d ever heard. Just a yawn as your head seemed to turn to try to get away from the conversation.
“Who the fuck was that- wait…” Eijiro’s heart started to race, “Squeaks isn’t here either. Hah, finally grew a pair, huh?”
“Bakugo- no- you’ve got the wrong-“
“‘Bout damn time, now put your clothes back on and get down here. I wanna get headed back soon.”
The line went dead before he had a chance to clarify a damn thing.
He’d worry about it in a couple minutes, right now you were soft and warm and he was going to savor every moment of this you let him have. He might not have known when the hell you got in his arms like this but he couldn’t have been happier about it.
“Good morning to you.” He mumbled when your head shift back, now that Katsuki wasn’t yelling anymore.
“Why does he gotta be so mad so early?”
“Because he needs more coffee.” He chuckles, but then you’re pushing yourself up, about to say something else only to abruptly stop and oh fuck did he know why.
What he didn’t know was why he hadn’t realized it sooner. He’d been too comfortable. Too relaxed but now there was heat rising up his neck and he knew it was flooding his cheeks too. There was no way to avoid it, no way you hadn’t felt it, fucking hell, it was pressed right up against your stomach!
He took in a deep breath and faced the situation head on. “So, yeah, that’s my dick, and if we could just not talk about this that’d be great, thanks!” And, he gave you exactly no time to say a single thing before lifting you off him and setting you down on the bed so he could quickly roll out of the blankets and make a break for the bathroom.
You sat on the bed where he left you, mildly dumbfounded over what just happened, and for a whole minute, just one thought occupied your entire mind; how’s it that big!
There was no possible way you could keep this entirely to yourself. You sprung for your phone and triple checked you were on Mina’s chat:
You: Were you just not gonna warn me that Kirishima has a MASSIVE cock!?!?
Mina: He does!? REALLY!
You were in the middle of responding when a flurry of messages came through and it looked like Eijiro wasn’t the only one who needed to correct someone about last night.
Mina: Wait a sec Mina: How do you know he has a massive cock? Mina: OH MY GODS!!!! Mina: YOU GUYS FINALLY FUCKED!
You: No
Mina: Just platonic… BULLSHIT!
You: Mina, seriously, we didn’t.
Mina: Then how do you know! Did you, like, walk in on him in the shower? Because that would have been a good time to hop on that apparently massive cock.
You: We cuddled. Morning wood happened.
Mina: You cuddled this morning and he got hard?
You: Technically we slept together. He woke up with it.
Mina: If you slept together why are you now surprised by the size of his dick?
It wasn’t even nine in the morning and you were getting a headache. Pinching the bridge of your nose. You heard the faucet turn meaning he’d be out in a second.
You: We DID NOT fuck. But yeah, big, big dick.
Mina: I want details ASAP! Like, did you actually see it? Big as in length or width? OR BOTH? You’re so damn lucky…
Her text went on but you shoved your phone away when Eijiro walked back into the room and though you tried your hardest, your eyes instantly went to his groin for a second, the faintest outline now visible in his dark sweats now that his erection had time to go down.
By the time your eyes had trailed up to his face, Eijiro had been turning for his bag but, not quick enough. He caught you staring, that was obvious, just as obvious as you seeing his still pink cheeks and the smirk he was wearing.
“So,” he changed the subject, “Sleep well?”
“Better than I have in a while actually.”
“I know what you mean.” There was a lightness to his voice. Despite the awkwardness that just happened he looked completely sincere, even a little bashful with his hand on the back of his neck admitting, “I’d do it again.”
“Yeah? Me too.”
You hurried off to the bathroom with a change of clothes while he packed away his laptop and other belongings he’d had about the room. Brushing your teeth and washing your face, then sliding into jeans and a fresh t-shirt. Your hoodie was still on the hook at the back of the door, a reminder to give Eijiro his sweater back.
He had everything packed by the time you came out, everything besides that crisp white jersey, draped over the arm of the chair where you left it the night before.
“Left it out on purpose.” He told you when you went to hand it back, “Check the weather.”
“Holy shit! It’s dropped like twenty degrees since yesterday!”
“Wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to pile in someone else’s car, but, if you still wanna ride in the jeep you’re definitely gonna want this. It’s gonna get real- oof- Well, hey there, what’s the for?”
You didn’t know why that exact moment felt like the best to throw your arms around his torso but you did it anyway. You didn’t know what made him care, or why he kept smiling those little grins that had just one corner of his mouth tugging up but it made you feel so completely content that you couldn’t physically help holding onto him for just a second, well, maybe a minute.
“Just because.” It was the easier answer rather than trying to explain to him all the feelings that were running around your head. And he seemed happy to accept it.
His arms wrapped around you, hugging you close, and he kept hugging you until you broke away upon hearing his stomach growl. “C’mon, before Katsuki calls again.”
You tugged the sweater on, slung your bag over your shoulder, and walked out of the room together. Breakfast consisted of a bar with a plethora of different options, enough for you and Eijiro to happy eat your fill even if you were running late. Breakfast also consisted of each of you having to convince Katuski and Mina respectively that you two did not fuck.
“I’m so disappointed in you,” She grumbled and pushed a piece of sausage back and forth when the guys went to go get drink refills, “You two were literally in bed with each other, cuddling, and you didn’t just go for it!”
There wasn’t enough time to explain to Mina why just going for it seemed like such a horrible idea. But, your eyes followed the pair of friends over to the juice bar, watching as Eijiro smiled and fielded the conversation away from Katsuki’s gruff attitude with two pretty girls wearing your universities colors. Loyal fans who traveled all the way to see them play.
“Don’t you even start comparing!” Your eyes went back to Mina whose arms were folded over her chest.
“What do you mean!”
“I see where you’re looking and I’m telling you not to fucking do it! You’re so much better than any of the little ice bunnies that follow the boys around. Stop comparing yourself to them. I know it’s hard but, just remember,” She wiggled her eyebrows, “you got him in bed last night, not them.”
“I’m just saying!”
She didn’t have time to say anything else before Katsuki came back to the table and Eijiro shortly after.
Afterward, everyone was gathered in the lobby with their various bags, going through the check out process and talking over plans for the rest of the day.
Katsuki wanted to throw in another evening practice once everyone was back on campus but he was easily outvoted.
“We won,” Denki reminded him, “And that means we celebrate! I believe it is Mirio’s turn to host,” The older blonde cheerfully smiled, “So, dear captain, we will not be practicing tonight. We will be dancing our butts off celebrating another victory!”
Mirio slung his arm over Denki’s shoulders. “Tamaki and I are gonna stop and get supplies on the way home. Should have the place ready by seven. We won’t keep you out too late.”
Katsuki still complained but he did it quietly.
Izuku was the last of the group to check out, everyone else already heading out to the parking lot and waving goodbyes. You stood in the cool, dreary air by the jeep while you waited on the others, thankful for the hockey sweater you pulled on again, waiting for the others, and were mildly surprised when only Eijiro jogged over.
“Izuku and Katsuki are catching a ride back with Hanta since,” He gestured to the lack of roof, “and Denks is going with Hitoshi… I really won’t blame you if you wanna go with Suka or someone.”
You knew he wouldn’t but you also would feel terrible about him driving all the way back alone. So, you chucked your bag into the backseat and climbed up into the passengers. “Ready when you are!”
He wasted no time blasting the heat the second he got inside. Handing you the AUX cord and telling you to play whatever you liked. The day might have been cold but you barely even realized it, too busy singing and laughing to give a damn.
About an hour into the drive though, you got a text alert and turned the music down for Eijiro to also hear, “Izuku’s plotting.”
“Bet Katsuki’s gonna love that. What’s going on?”
“He really liked that inn and he checked to see if there was a chance we could stay there again when we play them in January.” You explained, “Not only do they have the room, but they’re also holding a party that Friday night. Apparently, they hold one every Friday in January but this one is a masquerade. He’s wondering if anyone else would wanna go to it. Mina’s already agreed.”
“Tell him I do too!” You were a little surprised by his eagerness. “I love parties! And I’ve never been to a masquerade! All the cool masks and stuff! I think it sounds fun. Do you?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell him it’s a yes from the both of us then!”
What you didn’t share with Eijiro were the texts that came in immediately after.
Mina: Of course, Y/N answers for the both of them. Mina: Are you guys gonna actually go together? Mina: As a couple!
“What?” Eijiro asked when you sighed.
“Just Mina being Mina.”
And Eijiro just nodded along, knowing exactly what you meant.
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nogitsune-the · 3 years
Day 5
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Kirishima x afab, plus-size!reader
Warnings: smut 18+, size kink, oral male and female receiving, 
Wordcount: 1616 (this one got super long, and I’m super proud”
Tip Jar (food money) 🍸        Masterlist        BNHA Masterlist         Kinktoberlist
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You had known Kirishima since before he started at UA, so you had seen him in his younger days where he was shorter than you all the way until he turned out to be the big bulky 6’9 pro hero he was today. Now you and Kirishima kinda lost touch when he went into UA as the two of you were in different schools. But you guys got back in touch when you both were in your 20’s. Kirishima happened to be the hero to help you when the shop you worked in got robbed. 
You were surprised to see the little Kiri you had known had grown to be a giant of a man. Now you feel bad about thinking it but good you wanted to climb him like a tree. He had bulked up in his UA days that much you knew from watching the sports festival, but the TV screen didn’t do him much justice as most of the guys in his class were all big men too. Kirishima was bigger now tho than he was in UA that’s what surprised you most. Tall, strong and his red hair had been grown out and no longer were spiked like he did at the first sports festival you watched.
Now Kiri had liked you back in the day but never acted on it, and he tough those feelings were gone until he meet you again years later you had changed a lot too but he recognized you instantly. Now the two off you decided to have a hangout to catch up on what had happened to the two of you in the years you hadn’t been close anymore. The two of you had a long chat and ate some good dinner. 
Now there was obvious tension between the two of you during the evening and one thing lead to another and Kirishima pulled you into a kiss. The kiss heated up quite quickly as it went and soon enough your tongues were fighting for dominance as Kiri pulled you into his lap. And even with the two of you fully clothed you could feel his impressive length getting harder underneath you where you sat. 
“Uhm, Kiri bedroom” Things were moving quickly between the two of you but you didn’t want it to stop ether, you were enjoying it, enjoying Ejiro and the feeling of his body against yours, his warmth the feeling of someone so much bigger than you against you. What you didn’t expect was for Kiri to lift you up like a rag doll. You weren’t exactly one of those supermodels you normally see. But Kirishima being a big dude and a pro hero that has built a lot of muscles over the last years he could lift you easily. “Kiri I’m heavy let me down” Kiri just shook his head at you. “Y/N you weigh literally nothing don’t worry about it”
Not long after the two of you were in your bedroom stripping each other off before he practically tossed you onto your bed. Kiri let out a groan when he could see your boobs shake at impact and he could feel blood rush down again making him harder than he already was. “Y/N I know this is quick but I need to taste you, I need to feel you is that ok?” Of course the manliest hero Kirishima needed clear consent before he could start anything with you. 
“Yes Kirishima, It’s ok I want this” That’s all it took for Kirishima to dive down between your legs licking a stripe up your heat. His warm tongue feels wonderful as he licks circles against your clit. And after a while, he moves his fingers up and slowly pushes a finger inside you, and starts to move it in and out of you. Your moans and groans could be heard inside the room alongside the wetness of your heat as he licks your juices and moves his thick finger inside you. When he feels you are wet enough he pushes a second finger into you then a third. As he moves his fingers he rubs against your g-spot as he chases to get you to cum around his finger. “Come one Y/N cum around my fingers, you can do it.” Not long after the coil in your belly snapped and Kirishima could feel your tight walls grow even tighter around his fingers as you came.
“There you go Little one, good job” As he pulled away from your sweet lips he went up to kiss you and as he did you moved your hand down to wrap your fingers around him. But you had to pull away to look as you couldn’t fully wrap your fingers around him. And the sight you saw surprised you. You knew he was big from what you could feel when you were in his lap, but he was a lot bigger than you thought as his girthy cock made your hands look super small against him. “damn Kiri you’re bigger than I thought, but damn your hung like a horse.”
That only made Kirishima laugh. “You think you can take it, sweets?” you moved your hand up and down before leaning down to lick a stripe up his cock before wrapping your lips around him. You bob your head up and down as you try to get his length as far as you could and you could feel his cock hit the back of your throat before you even got half of him down. So you used one hand to stroke the parts you couldn’t and the other to fondle his balls as you keep moving up and down his length. 
It didn’t take long for Kirishima to pull your head away as the tight feeling of your mouth wrapped around him felt too good and he was on the verge of cumming. “Sorry Y/N but if I’m gonna cum I wanna cum having felt the inside of you. Not just from your mouth” He then pulled you up from where you were to pull you into another kiss as he leaned the two of you back on the bed properly. The two of you shared another heated kiss as he rubbed his dick between your folds. “Y/N you got a condom?” You nod your head as you like to keep them on hand before pointing towards the bathroom. “bottom shelf under the sink” 
Kirishima pulled off you before moving to the bathroom to look for them, when he came there he found you had all different sizes of condoms under there. “Ehhh, Y/N why do you have so many different ones.” You could feel your face heat up. “Well you never know who your gonna meet or how big they are so I just bought a whole bunch of different kinds, but I haven’t really had the need to use any of them.” Your words made Kiri relived as he found a good size and put it on before walking back to you and climbing back on top of you.
You could feel his cock rub between your folds again to lube himself in your juices as well as spitting down on his own cock to help even more. Soon you could feel the head of his cock slowly poke at your entrance before he pushed slowly into you. The stretch of his cock was intense and it made you go rigid. “You need to relax sweets if you don’t it’s gonna be worse.”  you nod your head as you try to relax more but it felt like he was splitting you in 2 down there as you have never had someone so big before
“It’s tight Kiri” “I know sweets just a little more then I’ll stop and let you adjust properly I promise” He captures your lips as he keeps pushing in further but when he felt his head hit the back wall of your pussy he stops and lets you adjust, you have never been so full before but when you look down you see he’s not even fully inside you. He still had a solid inch and a half left outside of you. But no matter Kiri felt good with his girth tightly wrapped inside you, after a while when you had gotten to adjust more he started to slowly move his hips inside you pulling almost all the way out before pushing back into you. 
He kept up a slow rhythm as he captured your lips with his, you could feel his movements speed up as he chased his high along with yours and his hand snuck down to rub against your clit, the sounds of skin against skin could be heard in the room alongside both of your moans and groans as he pushed you closer to your high. “Come on sweets, I am so close so I need you to cum. I need to feel you cum around me” And not long after you came alongside him you were milking his cock off all he had. 
When Kirishima caught his breath he went into the bathroom and he cleaned himself up and then grabbed a cloth to go clean you up before he laid down next to you. “I hope this isn’t a one-time thing Y/N, I really like you and I think I have since before UA” You turn to look at him before kissing him softly “I would like that Kiri, cause I really like you to” The rest of the night was spent with soft kisses, cuddles and some take out before going to sleep in your bed. 
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Friends without Lovers || platonic Bakugou Katsuki + fem!Reader a/n: i'm watching bnha from the beinging rip me word count: 2.2k tags: fem!Reader, plus size reader, established relationships (fem!Reader x Izuku/KiriBaku), long time friends, heavily aged up (late 30s/early 40s), angst, past mentions of body shaming/quirk shaming, language, happy-ish ending, reader has a kid and KiriBaku has two, unedited character(s): Bakugou Katsuki ft. Izuku Midoriya + Eijiro Kirishima synopsis: Katsuki and Eijiro celebrate twenty years of marriage with friends and family. You can't help but congratulate your long time friend when your childhoods together come up.
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"Aw, Kacchan, the run away groom."
Katsuki's red eyes flipped up at you standing against the event hall's door frame when he heard the voice. Scowl deepening as you sipped your beverage unfazed by the grueling look of irritance.
"Shut up." His pinched expression let go the second he realized who it was lording over him, "I'm not running away you idiot. Just letting the other one suffer at the wrath of my mother."
"Wrath?" You jutted your chin back down the hall where the wedding anniversary was being held, "Your mom is gushing over your son's dimples and Kiri is getting in on that sweet grandma love like a ham."
"Tch-" Katsuki rolled his eyes knowing well how spoiled his mother made his kids, "That damn old senile bat."
Careful not to spill your drink, you gathered the hem of your outfit and sat down with a plop next to your friend, "Congrats by the way." He looked over at you with a blond brow cocked up, "For the anniversary you god damn idiot. Twenty years and here I thought no one would ever marry someone so-"
"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Tripping down the hall with exuberance only outshined by his father, your son stopped when he spotted Katsuki next to you. Green haired teenager beaming a giant grin at the blond man, "Uncle Kacchan! Congrats on the porcelain thingy."
"It's an anniversary bud," You can't stop smiling at your son's lack of knowledge of such old traditions. Though it was something he'd learn soon enough if he ever chose to get married. For right now though the teenager was rocking on his feet looking like he had a mighty important question to ask you, "What's up? You look like you're going to pee your pants if you keep doing that."
Still grinning like a fool. Mess of dark green curls. A spitting image of Izuku if you'd ever seen one. Nearly seventeen years and still you wonder what you did beside make a mini version of your husband. Looks, personality and sweetness. He was perfect. Well, for a teenager.
"We wanted to go down to the shopping district. The twins said Uncle Kiri said they could go so I was wondering...." You boy smiled even wider.
"Where's your father?" You look past him not seeing Izuku for the past twenty minutes.
You kid pointed back to the event hall, "He was doing something with Mr. Iida. He said ask you."
"Ha." Katsuki snorted at Izuku pulling that card.
Of course you glared at your comrade and then looked back up at your son, "Fine. Make sure you're phones on. We're going to meet grandma after this got it?"
"Yes!Thankyou!Iloveyou!Bye!" Bounding away like touching the ground would kill him. You sigh and take another drink with Katsuki surprisingly quiet next to you. Your son had mentioned that his twins were also going. But apparently asking their other father didn't warrant much of a reaction from the man next to you.
"...he certainly looks like Deku." Katsuki commented softer than you knew he could speak.
Looking over the rim of your glass at him before swallowing your gulp of tea, "I'm not entirely sure what I did for ten months. Even your surrogate tricked some of Eijiro's genes hah."
Empty drink next to him. Katsuki honestly was just about to get up when you came over. Now the kids hyped up doing something down at the shopping plaza. He figured getting up right away wasn't really necessary. Plus he had something bugging him worse than the run away groom comment.
"...When did you know?"
Puzzled by what he meant. You turn to Katsuki with your confusion clearly plastered on your face. He takes it upon himself to clarify what he meant.
"When did you know Izuku was the one." Katsuki reiterated.
Still skeptical about where this was going with your normally brash friend. You don't answer him seriously and jab him in the side, "What you really a run away groom after all these years? Who you gonna run away with me or Izuku?"
"Pff-" He snorted, "As if." Katsuki looked at the rim of his glass and gave a small shrug, "I'm just curious. After all these years."
He was more serious than you actually thought.
"What does it matter? You like me or something?" You snorted with the glass raised to your lips for a drink, "Lil' late for that."
Katsuki shook his head, "I love that shitty haired idiot."
"Well," You palmed the back of your neck, "When did you know it was Eijiro then?"
"Spring term of our junior year, right before finals." His answer catching you off guard with how concise it was. And when you looked over at him there wasn't trace of joking on his face. Katsuki really meant his question then.
Dwelling on it. You think back to when you were about your son's age. Still a student at U.A. Everything that had happened over the decades, thinking about one thing seemed almost trivial. Until there was a clear cut answer sparkling in your memories.
"Sophomore year." You wipe the condensation dripping off your drink with a small smile, "I think it was sophomore year. Izuku probably knows what day it really way. But he picked me up."
"From school?"
"No you dolt, off the ground." It felt stupid saying it out loud. Feeling your face heat up but still it was a comforting warmth to think of, "He picked me up and spun me. I hadn't ever been picked up because of well-" A quick gesture to your ample body, "But he picked me up and spun me. Laughing and telling me it was easy peasy." The memory brought back more emotions than you realized were attached to it. Wiping at your eyes as your husband's laugh and words were so clear in your head even after all these years, "I think I fell in love with him right there."
Stillness fell between the two of you. Another drink and your beverage was gone. But you couldn't bring yourself to look over at your friend as the thoughts of your youth filled your mind. Memories good and bad. The reason it felt so magical when Izuku picked you up was because the reason you had hated yourself so much was sitting right next to you. It'd been years since you thought of it but suddenly it felt very raw.
"...gonna tell me why?" You cock a look over in his direction, "Seems stupid to ask that now."
Katsuki rolls his eyes and shook his head, "I don't know. I just thought maybe you always liked Deku more."
"More than you?" You almost had to laugh, "Kacchan you're my friend but know there are some things I haven't forgiven you for."
"I know." He accepted that. Long ago it was just something he simply had to live with, "I'm not asking you for forgiveness. I fucked up, I know that."
You squeak your wet thumb over the drink container while looking down, "Izuku forgave you long ago. I don't think he was ever really that mad but-" All the years of teasing and reprimand for making the 'wrong' decision felt so volatile and close to the surface on such a happy day, "I had to undo a lot of things you did and said to me. We'll never be what we were before middle school."
He hung his head. Knowing exactly the rift that widened between the three of you. One that he caused.
"Guess that was my ego talking," Katsuki sighed as he leaned back to prop himself up on his hands, "I know I said it wasn't ego but....I just thought I should have it all."
This wasn't knew. Leading you to roll your eyes at him.
"Thought you liked Izuku that entire time, it kinda pissed me off."
"What?" You glanced over at him a little grossed out, "You had a crush on me or something?"
"Fuck no." Katsuki's face soured at the thought, "No. But- I guess I thought of you as a consolation prize." The look of disgust clear on your face, he spoke up to explain before you could say anything, "I was the one scoring high enough for U.A. My quirk was the best. I was the best. Somewhere, I guess I just thought you'd side with me."
"Katsuki there were no sides. You were my friend. So was Izuku. And you two were friends." You frowned at him, "I used my quirk to help people. And you did the opposite. Why would I have sided with that?"
"Because the other side was quirkless," He shrugged so frankly, "So it was logical for the strong to team up. And stick together."
Quirkless sure. But he wasn't now. And perhaps that mended a few bridges after creating new ones when the three of you were younger. But the way Katsuki viewed power through the years was only the tip of the iceberg that caused such a divide between you both.
"...it wasn't just what you did to Izuku." You pointedly say, "Yeah that was a dick thing to do all the those years. But I didn't fall for some underdog thing in middle school. And you didn't push me to liking Izuku. I did that all on my own."
At some point you could feel his gaze on you. It was obvious but you didn't look over at him. Only remaining fixated on the glass in your hands.
"...Izuku was strong. He's always been strong. Strong and stupid." You paused and squeezed the object in your hands as you found your words, "I wasn't...I wasn't as strong about your words. I guess...I remember the day you turned on me a lot clearer than I do when I fell for Izuku."
Katsuki stayed silent. He knew what day you were talking about. Only a few weeks into U.A. Perhaps all the things he threw at Izuku rolled off him or made him resilient. Not everyone was like that. And deep down Katsuki knew you weren't like that. Even when he through away years of friendship in just a few words.
"...the way you made me feel bad about myself, about my body." You bite down on your lips trying to steady your breathing, "I won't forget those words Kacchan. They've come up so many times in my life. And affected so much. My work, my relationships, everything."
He didn't dare deny it. Knowing the second he went for the throat with you back then that it was unforgivable. Shaming you about your quirk and its physical affects on your body, about your stupid choices to stick up for powerless Izuku and worse of all, equating your insecurities to how unlovable and useless you were. Thinking about it now. Katsuki didn't entirely understand how you could sit here with him right now without throwing a drink in his face. Empty glass or not. He'd understand if you came back with it full just to dump it on him.
"....but," Your voice seemed lighter, "Now you're my son's godfather. And give him undying love from two wonderful uncles."
Katsuki looked up at you. His own eyes misted with tears to match the ones clinging to your lashes as well. The two of you sharing a lip quivering smiles as you reached out and slugged him in the shoulder.
"And I guess your kids are ok too." You chime in with a bigger grin.
Rubbing his fists into his eyes. Katsuki let out a debilitated laugh as he shook his head, "God damn it woman. I'm so glad I married shitty hair instead of you. But still-" He couldn't stop from smiling, "I'm glad you and Izuku could be apart of these past twenty years too."
Laughing it off you couldn't help but sock him in the shoulder once again as you blotted at your own face. The two of you got interrupted by a voice hollering down at the two of you. None other than Eijiro and Izuku waving you down like mad men with smiles on their face.
Getting to your feet after Katsuki got up first. Offering you a hand as you took it and stood up and fixed your outfit before looking down the hall at Izuku.
Done up in his tux. With an All Might pin on his lapel like he did for every event attended. His green eyes lightened on you and you swore you could see the world sparkle in them. Freckles scrunched up as your husband waved at you grinning. Somehow that made your tears well all over again in your eyes.
"Kacchan." You muttered to catch the blond man's attention next to you. When he looked over at you he only saw you staring and smiling at Izuku like a damned fool, "Thank you. For giving me Izuku."
"Tch." He snorted but abashedly put his fist up next to you, "Didn't give you anything."
You raise your fist and bump it into his as you look over to see your friend staring at the red haired man right next to your husband. The same look of the world in Eijiro's eyes and knowing he was looking at Katsuki just like Izuku looked at you.
"Still." You smiled when Izuku began talking even though you didn't understand what he was going on about, "Thank you for everything Kacchan."
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sunofpandora · 9 months
Hi I was wondering if you are doing requests?
Hey anon!
Yes, I am currently taking requests. And I’m so happy I got this bc I’ve been DYING to write.
I don’t have a request rules or masterlist page yet so I hope you don’t mind if I just lay down some quick rules rq:
Fandoms I will write for:
Currently only atwow. I will add more later though
Characters I will write for (in order of how confident I am in writing them):
Neteyam 🏹
Lo’ak 🌀
Jake Sully ೃ⁀➷
Ao’nung 🌊
Neytiri 💙
Spider 🕷️
Norm Spellman 🧬
Favorite tropes: (I’m not urging anyone to suggest these. I just love writing them)
FORBIDDEN ROMANCE! ( will die on this hill)
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
“Oh fuck. Oh no I love them” type shii
More to come soon.
General rules:
Nsfw is aloud but nothing crazy. (By that I’m not calling any of anyone’s kinks “crazy” what I mean like super, super intense bdsm, knife play, gun play, blood kinks, incest, stepcest, (let’s just say anything ending in ‘cest’ is a no.) and everything MUST be consensual.)
I’m a bit hesitant about writing human x na’vi nsfw. I will 100% write human reader x na’vi fluff. It’s just I have a hard time visually imagining a human and a na’vi having sex without an avatar body. I am not against the idea in any way, but the general concept does throw me off a bit (I always imagine some type of detrimental injury occurring bc we are so smol compared to na’vi)
I will write it but In general I’m not the biggest fan of writing for a human reader.
I will however, absolutely write for avatar reader x na’vi character of any sort! Or even a half-human half na’vi reader or some kind of biracial na’vi? (I’ve seen that concept a few times in the fandom an it’s honestly so much fun)
I do allow things like comfort for self harm, abuse, traumatic experiences, racism, etc. but these things will never be romanticized.
Y/n won’t have a name. Sorry, I just don’t see the point in x reader if the reader has a name. I will always refer to them as Y/n.
I write for a female reader for the most part but please, if you want any other pronouns please let me know in your request.
Y/n will always be of any size! That includes plus size or on the skinnier size. If you would like me to specify that in your request let me know.
I do age up my characters. If you don’t like it you can head out.
I write for na’vi, avatar, or human y/n currently.
And that’s about it!
Go nuts 💙
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mhathotfic · 2 years
What about Bakugou Kiri Izuku anyone with a chubby S/O who has stretch marks on his hips and thighs who hides them from him scared they'll have them?
Gosh I meant to get to this sooner, only excuse I have is bad case of the brain fog. How about some quick head canons to make it up? Unfortunately had to leave out Midoriya because the brain fog is back and I can’t concentrate anymore
Warnings: swearing, body image issues, written for plus sized readers
Pairings: Katsuki Bakugou x reader, Eijirou Kirishima x reader
- If you ask him what he thinks is attractive or sexy he’ll shrug and tell you he ‘just fuckin’ know it when I see it’
- See he couldn’t care less about body type, ok so he’d prefer if they have a ass he can grab a big handful of and still have a little extra spilling out his hand, but he really is more interested in personality and attitude more than anything else
- He doesn’t really get insecurities about your own body, he knows it’s a thing but he doesn’t understand why
- As a result he might come off as less sympathetic to them, but he does care deeply when he notices their clothes always covers everything up
- He doesn’t understand physical insecurities sure, but he knows if it upsets them than its something they should talk about together so he can understand
- Also gets kinda pissed they tried to hide their stretch marks because he thinks there kinda cute
- Out of all the 1-a boys I think he’s actually the most likely to say he likes them chubby
- He wouldn’t even give them a chance to be insecure
- Constantly hyping them up and simply won’t keep his hands off them because he’s so affectionate
-Complaints about their stretch marks?
- You mean the tiger strips? But, but, those are his favorite strips!
-Their tummy is squishy? Good! That’s his favorite pillow!
- He does eventually learn you can’t positive energy your way out of everything, but he still tries to remind them how gorgeous they are simply because they’re them
- Not because of their body nor in spite of their body, but because they’re simply gorgeous no matter what.
- Offers his clothes on bad self image days so they feel comfy at the very least
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