#kirishim fluff
sun-flower-children · 4 months
Can I have a headcanon with Kirishima and bakugo with a rich rich rich rich reader?
💵stay well!
i'd be more than happy too :))
now ofc (y/n) would definitely have the old money kinda money
iykyk kind of money
all their stuff looks nice but no one really knows exactly how nice
except bakugo
mf can spot anything of high quality miles away and know their brand
he chooses to dress the way he dresses doesn't mean he doesn't know his couture
hes not a barbarian duh
now kirishima will know due his bestie relations with bakugo
bakugo would so point out the kiri what (y/n) is wearing and what kind of bags all their luggage is in.
you best believe this guy stalks the internet for any information of your family because ofc any one from that kind of money is going to have some important quirk
now kiri becomes quick friends with (y/n) no problem
once yall have been friends for long enough (y/n) is buying all sorts of things for their friends:
food / snacks
tickets to concerts
merch of both heroes and music artsists
the best quality drum set there is for bakugo
the highest and newest gym set for kiri
groceries for baku
eventually a whole skincare routine for the both of them
kiri gets really ashy and bakugo is oily af
they absolutely clown you for being a trust fund baby but will defend you from anyone that says that you are only here bc of your family.
bakugo will jump anyone who tries anything afterwards
kiri forgives, but he never forgets
A/N: im probably going to come back to this one but for now :)
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animestsstuff2 · 6 months
•sickly sweet•
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Content warning: death, bullying, fluff, angst, blood, light smut ( characters are aged up to 16/17)
Part 6
You stood with the rest of your friends before the bus that would be taking you to your first rescue training experience. All in your costumes.
“Excited Yuri?” Kirishima asked as he peered down at you. You nodded smiling up at him.
“Yeah Kiri! Im a bit nervous too though” he threw his arm round you, squeezing your arm with his hand to reassure you.
“Don’t be! Youll do great we’ve been training for ages now” he told you, removing his arm after noticing the angry glare he was receiving from his blonde friend. He even seen his palms spark. It was obvious to Kirishima Bakugou was crushing on you, he never shut up about you. Always whining about how annoying you are but in reality he just wanted a reason to talk about you.
“All right everyone aboard the bus lets go” Aizawa said lazily as he stepped on, everyone followed and got into their seats. You got near the back with your friends and noticed the only free seat was by Bakugou.
“Can I sit here?..” you asked quietly as the blonde rolled his eyes and nodded curtly. You sat down beside him ignorant to your gossiping friends behind yous.
The bus moved and you reached into your bag for you ‘juice’ only to realise it wasn’t there and you remembered suddenly you left it on the kitchen counter, pulling your phone out you shot a quick text to your dad informing him youd forgot. A single wrap from Aizawas scarf stopped in-front of you which was wrapped around your juice bottle. You grabbed it and smiled taking a large gulp. You were glad your dad had a spare, you became uncontrollable if you didn’t have any.
“Why did Aizawa have your juice?” Bakugou asked and you glanced up at him, quickly glancing back down however away from his piercing gaze.
“O-Oh, i texted my dad this morning that id forgotten it. He must have seen Mr. Aizawa and gave it to him” Bakugou didn’t reply and just turned back to the window.
You yawned, it was really sunny today and you knew that would bother you today in training. The sun doesn’t burn you or anything but it does strain your eyes a lot and make you tired. You’re a complete night owl but thats just due to being weaker in sun from your condition.
You turned, closing your eyes and pulling your knees up as you thought a small nap wouldn’t hurt. You drifted off not realising the seat had now turned into Bakugous warm arm and the blonde turned ready to yell at you but stopped when he seen how peaceful you looked. He shifted ever so carefully and braced his arm, tensing when your not so there mind grabbed his arm with yours and wrapped your arm under and around his. It made his skin tingle where you touched and he looked back into the window, glaring as he felt his cheeks warm. Hes just never been in a position like this with a dumb girl, its got nothing to do with how cute you look- cute? He shook his head grumbling at the thought of his mind calling you cute.
“Get a photo! get a photo!” Mina hissed into Urarakas ear who was grinning as she pulled her phone out and snapped a picture. The two gushing about how cute you were.
"Hey everyone! Im thirteen and im here today to do rescue training. We have multiple areas set up with different scenarios. As you can see we have multiple areas set up, hillside rescuing, city areas etc" thirteen explained.
You all gazed in awe at the place before you. You seen a large body of water with a boat. A huge rocky hillside. A city one that was on fire.
You stood gushing about how exciting would be when suddenly. The lights dimmed and the water fountain that was sputtering water began turning purple and soon a large purple circle emerged and grew. Aizawa turned as people emerged from the large portal. They were villains.
"Thirteen! Protect the students!" He ordered and they nodded.
Kirishima looked down and looked at everyone else.
"Has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing" he asked.
Aizawa turned to us. A serious look on his usually bored face. We stepped forward. When aizawa snapped, worry laced his tone rather than his usual dead voice warning us to stay back.
"This is real. Those are villains"
"Thirteen, take the students and leave and alert the school, wait. If they got in undetected they may be blocking our contact. Kaminari use your quirk and try and contact the school" he explained as he pulled his goggles up and stepped forward.
"Wait! Theres too many for you to take on your own! Even if you can cancel their quirks you best work in stealth and one on one fights" Deku stated towards Aizawa who simply looked at us over his shoulder.
"You cant be a pro if you only have one trick" he said "Take care of them thirteen"
You felt your stomach knot as your father charged into the battle with multiple enemies. He was strong but you couldn't help but worry as he fought them.
You all followed thirteen who ran towards the door to escape when a huge purple portal took up all the space in front of the door. He was like a huge purple fire.
"Its finally nice to meet all you. I know the circumstances arent the best but we are the league of villains and we decided to invite ourselves to say hello and besides all that isnt this a nice place for all might the symbol of peace to meet his demise? I dont see him anywhere however" you narrowed your eyes at the man’s question.
You all stood, bracing yourselves for his quirk when suddenly large tendrils shot out and surrounded you all. You were engulfed in the purple smoke, reaching out you grabbed something as you were teleported somewhere else and then suddenly you fell out of the sky. You groaned and sat up looking around. You were in one of the zones. It was a ruined city.
"G-GET OFF ME!" You heard katsuki yell and you looked down, you were ontop of him.
You quickly scrambled off, feeling your cheeks heat as you became slightly flustered. A pair of arms reached under your arms from behind and picked you up. You already knew who it was. You didnt have to look.
"Thanks kiri!" You grinned and katsuki grumbled hearing the nickname.
"He teleported us to separate us" katsuki stated and you all nodded in agreement.
"These kids dont know whats in store for them" you heard a deep voice chuckle and soon you were surrounded by villains.
They all came at you. you pulled the small knife from your black boots and sliced your arm, blood flowing out and forming the a large mallet. The wound sealed over quickly, another perk.
You swung your mallet at the villain and hit his stomach. He fell back and held it as he groaned in pain, another one charged at you and he had chains, he swung one and caught your arm. He pulled you down and you let go of the mallet. You panicked, unable to free yourself from his chain as he held a small dagger raised in the air and your weapon began morphing dramatically, head full of worry at the enclosing dagger you could not focus on a single thought let alone an image of a weapon. His hand came down and you closed your eyes. The blood in your hand disappearing as you readied for the pain that never came.
You opened your eyes and looked seeing Bakugou standing where the man once stood. His palms igniting and sparking softly as the man laid groaning. His stomach burnt and clothes singed.
You turned and seen kirishima knocked his out. You watched as kirishima turned to bakugou and began talking about saving the others.
"We have to help the others. They dont have great offensive quirks like us" Kirishima stated and Bakugou shocked his head.
"Im gonna kill the portal bastard" bakugou growled
"If there low lever crooks like this then theyll be fine!" And you nodded agreeing.
"Hey since when were you so calm qnd rational. Youre always like die this and die that" kirishima chuckled and you giggled with him.
Kirishima and you just laughed more and rolled your eyes at his dramatic outburst You got out of the ruin landscape and were in the middle where Aizawa was.
You watched as he charged at the blue haired boy, punching him in the gut. You smiled seeing all the other villains in the ground. This kid couldnt be that bad but you watched as the boy gripped his elbow.
Your dads hair dropped around him, clearly unable to maintain his quirk any longer and suddenly his elbow began to decay. His clothes disappeared and soon his skin. You rang forward but kirishima grabbed you and you struggled in his grip.
Your dad jumped away and took down another two villains, they just kept coming and he was getting tired. The blue haired boy spoke. His voice rather raspy and dry.
"Dont you think youre out of your element here eraserhead" Aizawa turned to the boy and his hair floating as his eyes glowed
"And youre still standing you really are so cool!" He exclaimed. "Oh by the way. I am not the final boss"
Your gaze snapped to the sudden appearance of a beast that stood above your father. He had a beak like a bird. His brain spewing out of his split skull. He was huge and extremely built.
You watched in once swipe the bird clawed Aizawas eyes. His goggles flying off as blood spewed and began to pull more against both kirishima and now katsuki as you felt tears fall from your eyes.
You watched as the bird creature grabbed your dads head and you saw tsu, midoryia and mineta on the opposite side in the water. The blue hair boy ran forward. His hand reached for tsu but nothing happened and you looked at your dad. His hair floating as blood dripped onto the ground.
You watched your fathers face be slammed into the ground and you stopped struggling, freezing. You watched as he pulled your fathers arm behind his back breaking it and that was it.
"DAD!" You screamed, freeing yourself of their hold as you pulled your dagger and sliced your arm. a weapon formed and you ran forward, ignoring everyone else. You wanted that boy dead.
A large dark red scythe hung over your small frame. Your arms holding it up high ready to strike.
You ran at the creature, blood pooling at you dads body as you jumped and sliced down, cutting the arm that held your fathers face in half. You morphed your scythe into a large sqaure hammer and swung it into the creature, sending him skidding across the floor as his arm immediately starting healing.
You huffed as you crouched down and felt your fathers pulse. He was still alive. You stood over him. Your breath laboured from the adrenaline as the blue hair boy was suddenly beside you, trailing a hand up your scythe. You pulled it away from him as he moved out of your attack and was by the bird creature who formed a new arm.
"You two, both very strong. Hey boy. That punch of yours are you like one of All Mights disciples?" Deku didnt answer and the boy turned to you.
"And you, who would have thought eraserhead had a kid. But that quirk, why thats blood. That seems like a villains quirk not a heros quirk." He stated but sighed.
"But it doesnt matter. Im done with the both of you now "
♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎ ︎♡︎♡︎
Anyways be sure to check out my other fic ‘a dragons beauty’
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Hair-Dye Date
This isn't the normal content I post, but I decided to drop a Kirishima fic here so, enjoy (:
The bathroom in your dorm room looked like a crime scene. The stains would never come out of the small rug you had used to decorate the small space. And the amount of red in the sink, on the counters. It even coated the front of your shirt, and your hands will probably stain pink for a week.
Somehow, Kirishima had convinced you to help him dye his hair. And he can’t sit still to save his life. When he tells a story, he talks with his hands. So when he starts talking about his training session with Bakugo earlier in the day, the exaggerated arm movements to imitate the explosions made, its hard to keep the hair dye from flinging everywhere.
When you’ve finally got him to calm down, and you get some progress done, he leans forward, wrapping his arms around you, burying his face in your stomach while you work because “he missed being able to hold his love, and just wanted to be close to you,”. Then he gives the puppy dog eyes, and you can't say no.
When it was time to rinse his hair, he did it in the bathroom sink. Of course you had protested, but he persuaded you by saying its easier this way, and he’d have your help, since you couldn't exactly shower with him in the dorm showers. Standing to quickly, the water flew from his hair, the dye sinking into the small white carpet, never to come out. He’d offer to buy you a new one, but every time you’d turn down the offer, because now when ever you saw it, you'd think of him.
Having you help him with his hair was seemingly a small event, but to the red haired male, it was the fact that he trusted you more than enough to help him with this. It was a big thing to have you help, and it meant the world that you had agreed. He knew that he was big, loud, clumsy, and at times, thought of himself as annoying. But you always been there, since day one of UA. He wasn’t as strong as some of the class, or as smart, but you saw past that, and saw him as being worthy of your company. He loved you. Everything about you he loved, the flaws, everything. Because you looked at him, with all of his flaws, and loved him. And he did the same.
After cleaning everything, the now fully red headed male plops himself onto your bed, his hair damp, but no longer soaking.
“Come on, you’d look good with red hair babe. We’d be a power couple. Best Pro-Hero couple around!” he grins, the sharp pearly whites of his teeth on display. “Come on-”
“Eijiro- I’m not dying my hair to match yours. I like it how it is”
“I like it the way it is too! But we’d look so good matching!”
“At least just consider it?” You let out a small sigh at his words, thinking for a second, before speaking.
“Ill consider it. But you gotta go back to your dorm. Its almost curfew.”
“Can’t I stay again?” he whines, nuzzling his face into your shoulder, the damp feeling of his hair tickling your cheek as he does.
“If Aizawa-Sensi catches us out again, we’ll get in trouble. Ill see you in the morning, and theres the coffee date tomorrow remember?” The coffee date you two had been planning for over a week, finally having an open day at the same time.
He sighs, but sits up and finally pulls away, going to stand, “Okay- I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asks, and recieving a soft smile and nod from you, he turns, leaving your dorm to head to his, two doors down. Once the door shuts, and you can hear his door open and shut, you hop up from the bed, eagerly reaching for the spare box of red dye you had hidden under the bathroom sink. His shade of red.
He’s in for a nice surprise tomorrow.
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greyfix · 3 years
Let's Just Cuddle Forever
Title: Let’s Just Cuddle Forever
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou x Kaminari Denki
Summary: Eijirou and Denki have a cuddle session after a bakusquad disney binge night, and get into some of Eijirou’s past.
Word Count: 1.2k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings: light angst
Tags: fluff, light angst, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki is a Ray of Sunshine, Insecure Kirishima eijirou, Kirishim aeijirou is a Dork, Kirishim Eijirou Needs a Hug, Kirishima Eijirou angst, Kaminari Denki is a Good Boyfriend
Author’s Note: I can Explain-
Bakugou, Kirishima, Ashido, and Sero are lounging in Kaminari’s room for a binge session. They spent the whole day watching movie after movie. The only thing they could all agree on, Disney. When they finally finished the last movie, Encanto, they were all silent for a moment, still trapped in their collective world of fiction. Still feeling all the emotions that the movie stirred in them. Bakugou was the first to break the silence.
“I’m going to bed.” he stated before storming out of the room. Denki was pretty sure he just didn’t want to cry in front of the others.
Sero was the next to leave, announcing that he, “needs his rest, so he can have enough energy to deal with bakugou tomorrow.” Because he’d be cranky from going to bed late.
Mina and Eijirou hung around for a while, they talked about the movie. Analyzing the characters, and plot lines. Revealing which characters they relate to, and which characters they hated.
“I’m sorry, I just cannot get behind Isabela! She might be hot, but she’s a bitch! “For the family” my ass. Her gay awakening doesn’t make up for anything!” Mina shouted.
“Well yeah, but imagine the pressure she was under. She was the oldest of their generation! She had to set an example for the rest, can you think about how she felt?” Eijirou argued back, decidedly calmer.
And before Mina could start her rebuttal, Denki interrupted, “Can we just agree that it was great that she went from perfect and bitchy to a cottege core bisexual in one song?”
“Definitely,” Eijirou responded as he put an arm around Denki, who was leaning on his shoulder.
“I mean, yeah, that was pretty cool for a Disney movie but still, I didn’t like her.” Mina grumbled.
“I noticed,” Denki replied.
“Well,” Mina dropped her hands onto her criss-crossed legs with a loud slap, “I’m going back to my dorm before Aizawa catches all of us in here and expels us for goofing off.”
“Party pooper!” Denki shouted as she got up.
“Goodnight, Ashido!” Kirishima smiled, ever so kind.
After she walked out the door Denki turned to swing his legs over Eijirou’s lap and bury his head in his shoulder, while eijirou wrapped his other arm around him to hold him up. “Let’s just cuddle forever,” Denki mumbles.
He could feel Eijirou’s chest rumble before he could hear his chuckle. “I don’t know about forever, but i’m down to stay the night?”
Denki nodded rapidly against Eijirou.
“Alright,” Eijirou laughed, before patting Denki’s leg, “But you gotta get up so i can take off these jeans. Who wants to sleep in Denim?”
Denki lifts his face from Eijirou’s shoulder to look at his face, “You see, i really don’t want to move,” denki smirks, “But i like the idea of you taking your clothes off.”
Eijriou rolled his eyes, “Jesus Christ, Denki, get off me.”
“Fine, Fine, but only because i get to look at that ass,”
“You make me want to change my mind.”
Denki gasped dramatically, “you wouldn’t”
“No i wouldn’t,” Eijirou said as he pushed Denki off of him, and proceeded to get undressed, while Denki wolf whistled at him, because he’s a child.
He pulled back the covers and laid on his back, and Denki immediately curled up into his side. “Now, can we cuddle forever?”
“Mmmhmm” Eijirou hummed.
They laid there like that for a long while, before Denki interrupted the silence, “Do you really relate to Isabel Madrigal that much?”
Eijirou turned to look at Denki who was positioned with his head on his chest, and his leg thrown over his hips, “I never said I related to her?”
“No, but I could tell, man.” Denki shifted to look at Eijirou’s face, “I knew you mask, alot, but is it really that much, Eiji?”
Eijirou was shocked. He really thought hard about her character and realized he really did. He spent so much time trying to better himself, that he buried a whole aspect of himself. He was a people pleaser, and that’s pretty much Isabel's main concept. “Holy shit, I do relate to her.”
“You didn’t realize?”
Kirishima laughed, “No, not really.”
“Do you feel like that? Like you have to hide, for the sake of others.” Denki seemed genuinely concerned.
“I-” Eijirous started, before thinking better of it and changing his wording, “Not entirely.” He sighed and sat up, guiding denki to sit across from him. “When I was younger, I had some pretty serious self esteem issues. I used to hate my quirk. When it first manifested, I had no clue what was going on and cut my eye.”
Denki reached up to cup his face and rub a thumb over the scar. “That’s what that’s from?”
“Yeah. I resented using it for a long time. But eventually I learned to control it. I looked up to Crimson Riot a lot, and he inspired me to become a hero.” he laughed, “A chivalrous hero. I wanted to be just like him. There were two moments that I'll never forget.
“The first was in my third year, when i saw a few kids in my school bullying an underclassmen. My first thought was, ‘I should help,’ and I tried, but I failed.
“I wasn’t the only one to step in. Mina and I went to the same middle school. She stepped in and stopped the bullies by somehow getting them to breakdance. It was amazing. But all i could think about was how even though i tried, i couldn’t stop them.
“Later the day, a villain singled out a group of girls from my school, and I wanted so badly to help but my legs just froze I-” Eijirou takes a shaky breath, and Denki squeezes his hand.
“I couldn’t do anything. But then Mina showed up again. She got rid of the villain while I just stood there dumbstruck. Mina was always so outgoing and happy, and i just couldn’t do that. I wished I could so badly, and I was so jealous. I just wanted to be strong, and worth something.
“That day i decided i was going to be. I was going to be outgoing, and happy, and I was going to be a Hero. I was going to be Many. I was going to save people. So I dyed my hair, and spiked it up in horns, like Mina’s. I saw her the day of the entrance exams you know.” He felt Denki’s other hand leave his and cup his face to wipe away tears he didn’t even know he had shed.
“She told me that i shouldn’t pressure myself, and i should let it happen naturally. I obviously didn’t listen, but i’m working on it. Plus this persona isn’t too much of a stretch, it’s just a little braver than I was.”
“Ei, you need to be careful, push yourself too hard and lose yourself, okay? I Looooooooovvveee you eijirou~” Denki said, climbing onto his lap and pushing him over so that he can lay on top of him in the most uncomfortable way possible. “Which is exactly why I'm going to cuddle you forever!”
Eijirou tries to speak, but is cut off with a kiss.
Maybe he’d dye his hair back soon. He has a feeling Denki would like it.
Eijirou knots a hand in Denki’s hair and deepens the kiss, eliciting a small whimper from the other boy. So much for just cuddling tonight.
“I love you too.”
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bee-tries-writing · 5 years
Hi!!! i love your stories sm!!! can i get a oneshot request where kirishima does his girlfriends nails? Like, his s/o always spends a lot for acrylics, and so Kirishima practices and studies the art of acrylics so his girlfriend doesnt have to spend so much🥺 as a woman who wears and does her nails, i wanna see my favorite man being all manly for me🥰🥺
Yes, of course!!! Thanks so much, I’m glad you like my stories :) I’m sorry this is so short, but I hope you like it! By the way, I know little to nothing about nails so I hope this is accurate???
Acrylics // Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
Eijiro looked up from painting Y/N’s nails, raising an eyebrow. It’s not your fault that you’re so confused! It’s just- since when did your boyfriend know how to do nails? It’s not like you’re complaining, it’s just that you never expected this, that’s all! He just appeared in the common room and grabbed your wrist, claiming he wanted to show you something. The events following that included sitting you down in his room, getting you to choose a nail polish colour, doing your nails (which, by the way, seemed professional as shit?). This leads us to now, with Kirishima painting Y/N’s nails.
“I mean, I don’t remember you knowing how to do nails before. You even learned how to do acrylics! Did you know all this time and not tell me?”
Eijiro’s face dawned with realisation, and red began to flush his cheeks. “Well- uh- I realised how much money getting your nails done can be, so I tried to learn how to do them myself for you! I hope I’m doing okay…”
Now it was your turn to blush. He learned for you? The thought made you grin. “You’re doing great, sweetie. Ah, that’s such a manly thing to do!”
Eijiro grinned back at you sheepishly, scratching his red cheeks and averting his eyes. “Heh, yeah, I guess it is! I’m glad you think so.” He said. God, your boyfriend was adorable. You stared lovingly at him as he continued talking. “Now hold still, I’m not done, Gorgeous!”
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 years
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Second Masterlist
Third Masterlist
Most of my work is NSFW so please do not read and do not follow me if you're a minor!! I have enough reasons to go to hell and I don't need a fresh one.
This goes without saying but everyone is aged up in the NSFW stories. Sometimes I forget to put that in the notes so I thought mentioning it here would be better.
Header by @/saradika
Crumbling fortress (Dabi/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ 18+/ TW/ Fluff/ Angst/ One Shot)
Surprise (Aizawa/ Fem reader/ Fluff/ One shot)
You're mine, whoever you are (Bakugo/ Denki/ Kirishima/ Shigaraki/ Midoriya/ Fem reader NSFW/ +18/ Fluff/ Angst)
Gimme that bootie (Bakugo/Mina/Shouto/Nejire/Mirio/Ochaco/Amajiki/Gender neutral reader/Fluff/Comedy/Suggestive)
Scars (Shouto/ Gender neutral reader/ Fluff/drabble)
My soulmate (Dabi/ Fem reader/ Fluff/drabble)
The beginning of the end (Aizawa/ Fem reader/ angst)
Home (Bakugo/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18)
Misunderstanding (Shinsou/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/ angst)
Caught in the act (Aizawa/ Gender neutral reader/ drabble/ NSFW/+18)
Waking the beast (Shouto/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff)
Let's talk (Bakugo/ Midoriya/ Shouto/ headcanons/ fluff)
Trust (Tenya Iida/ Virgin!Fem reader/ NSFW/+18/ fluff)
Fate (Tattoo artist!Aizawa/ Gender neutral reader/ Eri/ drabble/ fluff/ AU)
Another shape of love (Shouto/ Bakugo/ Fem reader/ fluff/ drabble/ Tw)
Punishment (Bakugo/ Fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ drabble)
Three is a hoot (Aizawa x Fem reader x Hizashi/ NSFW/ +18/ Trigger warning)
The abyss (Shouto/ Shinsou/ Bakugo/ Fatgum/ Fem reader/ Angst/ Fluff/ Trigger warning)
The best (Aizawa/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ drabble)
Call me how you wish (Aizawa/ Dabi/ Mina/ Tenya/ Fatgum/ Hawks/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ suggestive)
After care and morning after -Tenya special- (Tenya Iida/ fem reader/ fluff/ suggestive)
It's not over (All might/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ angst/ fluff)
Worthy (Kirishima/ non binary reader/ angst/ fluff/ hurt and comfort/ trigger warning)
Mismatched (Bakugo/ Toga/ Izuku/ Ochaco/ Shinsou/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ suggestive/ NSFW)
A second chance (Aizawa/ Kirishima/ Bakugo/ Momo/ Ochaco/ Mina/ Sero/ Kaminari/ Iida/ Izuku/ gender neutral reader angst/ fluff)
Always and forever (Dabi/ fem reader/ fluff)
Beauty mark (Bakugo/ gender neutral reader/ fluff)
Have a seat (Aizawa/ Fatgum/ Present mic/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ Explicit/ imagines)
True happiness (Dabi/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/ a tiny bit of angst/ trigger warning)
Distress (Kirishima/ Dabi/ Aizawa/ fem reader/ angst/ fluff/ hurt and comfort)
Will you? (Bakugo/ Shinsou/ Kirishima/ Kaminari/ Shouto/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ Suggestive)
Something new (Bakugo/ Amajiki/ Kirishima/ Shouto/ Dabi/ fem reader/ Tooth-rotting fluff)
My savior/ My demise (Dabi/ fem reader) (multi chapter fic/ angst/ fluff/ romance/ NSFW/ tragidy) chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Completed
Aftercare and morning after (Aizawa/ Kirishima/ fem reader/ fluff/ suggestive themes/ headcanons)
Resurrection (Bakugo/ Shouto/ Dabi/ Tamaki/ Deku/ Aizawa/ Mirio/ Kirishima/ Kaminari/ gender neutral reader/ headcanons/ fluff/ TW
Profanities (Dabi/ Shigaraki/ Aizawa/ Yamada/ Bakugo/ Midoriya/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ comedy/ headcanons)
The end (Aizawa/ fem reader reader/ Angst/ imagines) part 1
The end? (Aizawa/ fem reader/ fluff/ imagines) part 2
Will you be mine? Forever? (Fluff/NSFW/ +18/ Aizawa/fem reader/One-shot)
A stolen night (Shigaraki Tomura/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ fluff/angst/one-shot)
Comfort (Bakugo/ Shigaraki/ Shinsou/ fluff/Angst)
True love ( Aizawa/ gender neutral reader/ fluff/ drabble)
How they react when you wake up from a nightmare (Bakugo/Shouto/Hawks/Kirishima/Izuku/headcanons/fluff)
Phone sex (Hitoshi Shinsou/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ one-shot)
Kirishima's relationship headcanons (NSFW/+18/ fluff)
Let's play a game ( Aizawa/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ explicit/ trigger warning)
Mha characters reacting to you owning a tarantula (Bakugo/Kaminari/Mina/Kirishima/Shouto/Ochaco/Momo/ headcanons/fluff)
A second family (Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Iida/ Monoma/Kendo/ angst/ fluff)
Meeting your parents ( Izuku/ Bakugo/ Shouto/ headcanons/ fluff)
Mha boys with a Scarlet Witch s/o (Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ fluff/ a bit angsty/ headcanons)
Mha boys activating/ using their quirks during an argument with you (headcanons/ fluff/ a tiny bit of angst at the beginning)
So what if they find out? (Dabi/ villain fem reader/ imagines/ NSFW/ +18/ explicit)
Fight and makeup (Bakugo/ fem reader/ one shot/ fluff/ angst/ NSFW/ +18)
It is the darkest before the dawn (Bakugo/ quirkless fem reader/ fluff/ angst/ two shots) (1) (2) Completed
His feathers ( Hawks/ fem reader/ imagines/ NSFW/ +18)
Hawks reacting to his s/o being a virgin and suffering from genophobia (fluff/ angst/ NSFW/ romance/ happy ending) tw: mentioning of sexual assaults and genophobia
Dabi's relationship headcanons (fluffy)
Seducing Aizawa: part 1 (fluffy/ suggestive themes)
Seducing Aizawa: Part 2 (NSFW/ +18)
Movie night (Aizawa shouta/ gender neutral reader/ imagines/ fluff)
Bakugo's forehead (fluff/ imagines/ gender neutral reader)
How we met (Todoroki Shouto/ fem reader/ fluff)
What the mha guys would say when you're giving them a blow job
Bakugo's soft relationship headcanons (gender neutral reader with an empath quirk/ fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you having tigers' characteristics due to your quirk (headcanons/ fluff/ spicy/ suggestive)
Shouto's favorite sex positions with fem reader (NSFW/ aged up)
Kirishima using his teeth on you (imagines/ spicy/ suggestive)
Mha guys reacting to your new short haircut (Aizawa/ Mirio/ Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ fluff/ headcanons)
Leaving Bakugo (angst/ imagines)
Teasing (Bakugo/ fem reader/ NSFW/ +18/ trigger warning)
How the mha guys would handle an eccentric y/n
Mha characters' reactions after learning about your real hair color
How the mha guys use their hands when they're fucking you (NSFW/+18/ smut/ explicit/ headcanons)
Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Izuku's favorite sex positions with fem reader (NSFW/ aged up)
Bakugo's relationship headcanons (fluffy)
Together (Sero/ Kaminari/ gender neutral reader/ angst/fluff/ TW)
Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinsou's reactions to you telling them you want to have sex (separately/ fluffy)
Insecure (Aizawa/ fem reader/ one shot/ angst/ fluffy)
Dabi and Hawks' favorite sex positions with fem s/o (separately/ NSFW)
Mha boys and girls discovering their bunny quirk s/o has sensitive ears and tail (headcanons/ fluffy/ suggestive themes)
Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Shouto/ Izuku falling in love at first sight with y/n (separately/ fluffy/ headcanons)
Izuku, Shouto, Katsuki's reactions to you telling them you want to have sex (separately/ fluffy)
Mha characters reacting to you having the same quirk as them (fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you asking them to fight (fluff/ comedy/ headcanons)
Katsuki and Shouto having a crush on you at the same time (fluff/ headcanons)
Mha characters reacting to you having sharp teeth
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lolaxbunnyy · 2 years
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A/N: y’all this is my first time writting something on Tumblr so please don’t come at meh if it’s bad 🥹 .
Pairing: Prohero! Kirishima x pregnant! black reader x Prohero! Bakugou
Genre: fluff
Summary: you are at home alone while it’s storming outside while Baku and Kiri are on patrol.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of blood
You sighed as you looked out of the huge window to you and boyfriends’ shared penthouse. Watching as the cars drove by and the bright lights of Tokyo. Rain hitting the window and the sound of thunder. You bit you lip as you watched lighting flash in the sky. ‘I hope the boys are alright…’ you thought. It didn’t seem like a good time for the both of them to be on patrol. Looking at the clock you frowned. ‘9.40 PM.’ Is what the clocked read. They’d usually be home at that time but they said they’d have to stay in for a couple of more hours due to the storm. Realizing that It’d probably be really late until they get back you walked back to your shared bedroom and went towards the closet to get some clothes so you could shower. Picking out a shirt that both Bakugou and Kiri share and some under clothes, you walked into the bathroom to start your shower and almost slipped as a loud crackle of thunder made its way to your ears. When you were stable again you put a hand on your stomach. ‘You’re okay…’
Bakugou hissed in pain as he held his side. He walked away from the police officer he was just talking to to go find Kirishima. He was just fighting a villain almost as strong as him. They had some type of quirk where they could turn their body parts into weapons. After turning his arm into a chainsaw he had ended up hitting Bakugou in his side. When he noticed his boyfriend running towards him he quickly got rid of his pained look and let his boyfriend reach him. “You okay, Katsu?” Kirishima asked worriedly and Bakugou scowled. “Why the hell wouldn’t I be? You tryna call me weak shark bait?” Kiri laughed. “Of course not babe! I was just askin’. ” Bakugou smiled but it soon went away as a loud crack of thunder and lightning flashed in the clouded sky above them. Kirishim’s vermillion eyes made contact with Katsuki’s. “Kat, you should probably go home and see if Y/N is okay. She’s probably worried about us.” Kirishima frowned thinking about how worried his girlfriend probably is. Now that Katsuki thinks about it he should probably go home. He needs to take care of his injury before he bleeds out. He just has to get mentally ready for the scolding he’s about to get from his girlfriend. “Okay, Ei. But I’m coming back if something goes wrong.” He reminded his boyfriend who smiled at him before giving him a sweet but short kiss on the lips. Bakugou used his quirk to fly himself home as quickly as possible. He started feeling his eyes flop close but did his best to keep them open.
Landing in front of his apartment building he slowly walked in the building straight towards the elevator. He clicked the 7th floor button and slumped against the wall. Hearing the elevator ding he quickly opened his eyes that he didn’t even know he closed and walked into his home. “Baby? You awake?” Katsuki weakly called out to his girlfriend as he walked into the house and closed the door behind him. When she heard the door close she turned the stove off and walked out of the kitchen only to see her boyfriend standing in the hallway towards the front door. He smiled as he spotted her and she made her way towards him and pulled her into an gentle hug. She kissed his lips carefully. “Missed you, Kat.” She mumbled. He smiled weakly. “I…I missed you too, baby bear…” His voice training off as he got heavier in her hold. “Katsuki? Katsuki what wrong?!” She panicked as she walked him over to the couch. “It hurts, baby.” He whimpered slightly. If there was one thing about Katsuki Bakugou, you would know that he doesn’t like being considered weak. Even if he’s injured he’d still keep it pushing. But if it’s just him and his pretty girl he isn’t scared to be weak or show his bottled up emotions. He’d sometimes be like that in front of Kiri if he wants to. But only when he isn’t being annoying. “What hurts, Kat? You gotta show me so I can help you.” She said while gently caressing his face.
He leaned in to her touch and lifted up his shirt to show her the cut across his waist. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Of course she could use her quirk to heal him but she wasn’t in the right state of mind to do that. Her emotions are to fucked up and she might end up hurting him instead of helping and she of course doesn’t want to put him through more pain than he already is. She came back with the first aid kit and grabbed a cotton swab and added a little alcohol to clean around the wound. “Why didn’t you tell Kiri you were hurt?” She asked him. He frowned. “Cause I didn’t want him to worry. Y’know how Kiri gets when one of us is hurt.” He replied back then grabbed her hand to stop her from stitching the wound. “You can’t tell Kiri about this. Alright?” She sighed and started to carry on with her stitching. “Well baby I can’t just not tell him. He’s either gonna find out on his own or through one of us.” Katsuki sighed. He knew she was right. Eijirou isn’t stupid he’d find out in a heart beat if something was wrong with one of them. He just didn’t want Kiri to worry to much. When Y/N was done with the stitching she placed a bandaid big enough to fit over the scar. She told Katsuki to go get in the shower but to be careful or the wound would open again.
She sighed as she put the first aid kit up. ‘I just hope Kiri isn’t injured either.’ She thought to herself then moved out Katsuki’s way so he could get in the bathroom. She walked back into the kitchen to resume making dinner humming to herself as it started to rain a little harder. She smiled to herself as she gently rubbed her stomach. ‘I wonder if I should tell them?’ She’s had her doubts of course. She’d always wonder if the boys wanted kids. She knows that Katsuki and Kiri were in love first, started dating in their last year of high school then met her in college and decided that they wanted her in their relationship. They were all basically friends to lovers. And she knows they had their fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends but not once did she hear them mention about starting a family. I mean of course they would joke about it sometimes but now that she is pregnant, she doesn’t know how to tell them. She knows they would never leave her it’s just…would they want to be dads? She felt arms wrap around her torso into a warm embrace. “Watcha thinking about?” Katsuki asked while laying his head on her shoulder. She smiled. “Nothing much, Katsu.” He kissed her neck gently. “Kiri said he’d be home in a few.” She nodded. “Dinner should be ready by then.” When he didn’t say anything back she thought he had left the room until she felt a sharp sting on her ass. “Katsuki!” She yelled as her face heated up. He laughed as she tried to hit him with the spoon she was cooking with.
“Okay okay, I’m sorry baby! I’m sorr- OW! I said I was sorry.” He pouted as he rubbed the arm that she punched. “Go sit down and wait til the food get ready.” She said as she turned around to finish the cooking. He obeyed her and went to go sit down until the front door opened. “I’m home my loves!” Kiri shouted from the hallway. When he spotted Katsuki he walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. “Where’s, Y/N?” He asked. “She’s in the kitchen.” Katsuki said while taking a pack of gushers from the box on the counter. Kirishima eyed him and walked into the kitchen where his girl was. “Hey baby.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck and cheek. When she turned to face him he kissed her lips. “Katsuki’s eating your gushers.” He mumbled into the kiss. “Kirishima you fucking snitch!” Kat yelled from the living room making both of his lovers laugh. She turned back around to take the food off the stove. “Ei, go take a bath. You smell like rain water and outside. Not to mention your clothes are covered in mud.” She said noticing the mud spots on his hero suit. “Okay.” He said and quickly kissed her lips. “Oh and hurry up I’ve got something to tell you and Katsuki after dinner.” She smiled at him and he nodded.
After Kiri was done showering and they had all gotten comfortable after eating dinner they were all chilling on the couch watching a movie. Katsuki was sitting up on the couch with his legs open and Y/N was in between them with her back to his chest and Kiri was laying his head on Y/N’s stomach. She ran her hand carefully through his red hair that was now down. “Didn’t you say you had somethin’ to tell us baby?” Kirishima asked while looking up at his girlfriend. She smiled. “Would you be upset if I told you?” She asked carefully. Both Kiri and Kay’s eyes made contact with each other then they looked back at their girlfriend. “Why would we be?” “You’re not gonna break up with us are you?” Kirishima asked while softly gripping her sides. Y/N smiled and caressed his face. “No baby.” Kiri and Kat both let out a sigh of relief. “It’s just I didn’t know how or when to tell you but…I’m pregnant.” She said hesitantly and when she didn’t get an answer or hear anything from them she looked up from fiddling with Kiri’s fingers to make eye contact with two sets of vermillion eyes. “Are you for real?” Kiri asked softly, not a single identifiable emotion on his or Katsu’s face. She nodded gently. “I’ve known for three weeks now. I just didn’t know how or when to tell you…” She said. Then she felt kisses being pressed everywhere they could reach. Both boys mumbling out thank yous between kisses. She giggled. “Why are you thanking me?” Kiri smiled. “Because you’ve given us the opportunity to be dads.” Katsuki stopped kissing her cheek. “So thank you baby for the best gift in the world.” He mumbled. “We couldn’t ask for anything more.” Kiri kissed her jaw.
“I love you both.”
“We love you.”
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todosteakettle · 3 years
Bakugou’s Accidental Confession
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fem!reader x Katsuki Bakugou
Synopsis: Kirishima and Y/N are hit with a body swap quirk, and Katsuki accidentally confesses to you thinking he’s talking to his friend
A/N: Not proofread whatsoever, absolutely trash writing
H/N = Hero Name
Y/N = Your name
N/N = Nickname
“Red Riot watch out!” You screamed
Kiri was about to get hit by the villain, you didn’t even know what their quirk was! You had to do something.
“H/N!” Red Riot yelled out in reply as he saw her jump in front of them
Everything suddenly went blurry. You had been hit, you realized as you fell into Kirishima’s arms behind you. Unfortunately, your consciousness quickly faded.
You woke up to a very worried Suneater
“Red Riot?? Wake up? Oh-h no Fatgum is going to be so upset with me. I’m so useless I can’t even protect a couple of first years how am I supposed to be a good her-“ you heard Tamaki stammer above you.
“Woah! Amajiki-Sama calm down! It’s ok, I’m feeling jusssst fine, where is Kiri?” You said, barely conscious
The look on his face when you called him Amajiki-Sama was one of pure fear.
Tamaki knew only you would address him with such high regard. You admired him greatly and insisted you be official.
To be honest he thought it was adorable, although he didn’t think he deserved the title you gave him.
Regardless, he had never EVER heard Kirishima be so official with him. It just felt so weird hearing those words come from his red haired friends mouth.
“K-Kiri- Red Rio-ot uhm why are you calling me that?” Tamaki said to you, blushing now thinking about his cute coworker
“Amajiki-Sama I’m not-“ you spoke, suddenly looking to your hands
“KIRISHIMA???” You shrieked
These were Kiri’s hands, this was Kiri’s voice. What the hell happened?
“Uhm- what’s wrong Kirishim-“ Tamaki tried to ask you
“I’M- I’M-“
You were cut off
“Haha! I have boobs!” you heard a familiar voice in front of you say
You then saw a girl sitting on your lap, not just any girl, YOU! You were sitting on your lap, grabbing your chest no less.
“Get your hands off me!” You said to Kirishima, pulling his (your?) hands off your bodies chest
Suneater sat there dumbfounded
“Why would Y/N do something so lewd?” he thought to himself
“Y/N a-are you uhm feeling ok?” He said to Kirishima, crimson red at this point
You felt really scrambled
“Huh?” Tamaki replied
“We totally freaky friday-ed man!” Kirishima said with a giggle
It seems you were both out of it
“I think what Kirish- what- what they are trying to say is that we swapped bodies.”
“Oh- Ok!” Tamaki said in a tone of relief
“Ok?” you questioned
This was not by any means ok?!
“Let’s get you guys back to the agency then!” Tamaki said
“Yeah I think that would be best.” You said, still uneasy hearing Kirishima’s voice come out of the throat you spoke with
Before either of you could even get off the ground Kirishima spoke up
“I feel drunk.” You heard your voice say
“Me too. I think Im going to take a nap” you replied
“Sounds good.” Kirishima said
“N-No! We need to get back to the-“ Tamaki protested onto deaf ears as you both fell asleep on the floor again.
You woke up on a hospital bed. You looked over to see a note on the bedside table.
“Hello Miss L/N! I know you must be confused. If you don’t remember, you and your classmate Kirishima were hit by a villain who’s quirk has the ability to swap the bodies of their victims. Luckily the villian is now in custody! (You can thank Fatgum and Suneater for that) These affects should wear off within 24 hours or so. I have already done all I could to heal you so just rest until tomorrow! - Recovery Girl”
And suddenly you remembered.
You shoved the note into your pocket and layed back down.
Ughhh. This was going to be a long 24 hours.
Bored, you looked at your hands and studied the feeling of Kirishima’s quirk. You attempted to harden and unharden your fingers to little avail. You found a new respect towards Kirishima as you struggled to use his quirk.
Your focus was broken as you heard a loud knock at your door
“Oi! Shitty hair, I’m coming in!” you heard raspy voice say
“Suki?” You replied
“What the fuck did you just call me?!?” He said angrily storming in
That’s when you realized. He didn’t know you weren’t Kirishima. The nickname “Suki” was something only YOU called him, but right now you were Kirishima. You decided that you were going to have some fun with this unfortunate situation and at-least fuck with Katsuki.
“Sorry, Bak-Bakubro” you stammered out
Your tongue felt like sandpaper calling him that
You and Bakugou were really close. Closer than him and Kirishima even. You were apart of the “Bakusquad” He tolerated you more than most. He even let you call him Suki, regardless of the teasing he received from Kaminari regarding the nickname. You trained with him, ate with him, talked with him. You were the only one in the class other than Todoroki that could stand up to him in a fight, and he respected you for it.
“Are you ok dumbass? I heard you and N/N both got pretty fucked up huh?”
“I’m fine! You know me, I’m manly and stuff” You said, poorly trying to imitate Kirishima
“Good then I can kick your ass! She’s still knocked out you dumbfuck. Why didn’t you protect her like you said you would?”
Like I said I would?
“Oh you know Y/N, She can handle herself. I mean she’s way stronger than me how was I going to protect her” You said, talking yourself up trying to ignore the fact he thinks you need ‘protection’
“Yeah I know that dipshit, she’s stronger than ME and she knows it. That’s why I asked you to look after her. Her cocky ass is gonna get herself killed one of these days.”
“Y-you think that I’m- that she’s stronger than you?”
“Tsk. Shut up, never tell her I said that alright.”
You and Suki trained together a lot. You also trained with Todoroki. You were strong and pushed yourself everyday. You knew realistically you were as strong as him but you never thought he would admit that.
“You should uhm tell her that” You said blushing
“Yeah yeah. I don’t want to hear another lecture about how keeping my feelings from her is ‘unmanly’ or whatever.”
“Well I mean it’s not like you’re hiding anything from her, right?” you asked, actually concerned at this point
“Very funny Shitty Hair” he replied with an almost smirk
“I’m serious! What do you uhm think of Y/N” you gulped
What feelings was he hiding? Should you keep pretending to be Kirishima? You were in to deep at this point so why not keep asking questions
“What did your head really get hit that hard? Why are you being so weird about her?”
“Why are you being weird about her? You are the one hiding things! She is your friend, right?” you said, completely on the defense
“Stop saying shes my friend! I hate it when you and dunce face say that shit to me.”
Your heart broke a little
Did he not want to be your friend?
Tears welled in your eyes
“M-maybe you should tell her you don’t want to be friends it’s really mea- or unmanly to act like you like her when you don’t… dude”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Stop fucking with me you know how I feel about her.”
“No I don’t! How do you feel about her? Is she really that terrible and awful you can’t stand her that much?”
He pinned you to the bed
“Say that about her again and I’ll break your face”
You couldn’t help but form a blush on your face
“W-what? I thought you didn’t want to be her friend?”
“Yeah! I want to be her boyfriend dipshit? I already told you I liked her! What the fuck is up with you? Your damn red?”
“Y-you like her?”
“Tsk” he replied, gettung off of your and sitting back down on the chair next to your hospital bed
“Seriously how hard did you hit your head?” he asked
“I must have… temporary amnesia… yeah. But you like Y/N? Like romantically? What do you like about her? Why haven’t you told her?”
You thought outloud
“Are you serious right now? You know I can’t fucking tell her are you stupid?”
“Why not?” you asked
“Tsk” he blushed and turned away
“Oh my god your nervous! She would say yes yknow if you asked her out, or uhm I mean I think she would! How would I know haha” you said scratching your head
He rolled his eyes
“You should practice on me, like what you want to tell her! I have amnesia anyways right, I’ll probably forget this conversation” you said; lying through your teeth
“If I do this will you stop asking about her?”
“Ok whatever”
He took a deep breath and then spoke
“Y/N L/N; you are ok or whatever. Go on a date with me.”
“That was terrible dude?”
“What? That was great!?”
“No it wasn’t! She would think you were being forced. Just- just tell me why you like her in the first place and then we can work with that”
You had to know now.
“Goddam chill. Okok uhm. I like her hair and the way it smells. And I like the way she looks when she’s training, she has a reallly nice ass and she…” he trailed off
You felt blood rush to your face and to your… No.
This is what a boner felt like? Huh, Weird.
“No! I mean like that’s nice or whatever, but like her not just her body.”
“Are you calling me shallow?” he said angrily
“No! I just think she would prefer to hear what you really like about her.”
“Fine. She’s nice, and she’s caring, and she’s string, and she makes me like feel all weird in my stomach. She makes me feel safe and I like it ok! Is that good enough?”
“Suki… that’s so sweet” you cooed, reaching a hand to his cheek
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he yelled slapping your hand away
“Oh sorry!” you said, realizing you weren’t you
“Ok can this conversation be over now?”
“Yeah sure! We can talk ab-“
Before you could finish your sentence another voice filled the room
“Miss L/N! Please take these medications! They should help you sleep a bit and hopefully speed up the residual affects of the body swapping quirk! Mr. Kirishima is still fast asleep in your body.” Said tje nurse assigned to you
“T-thanks!” you replied, knowing Katsuki heard every word
“Suki I-“
“Fuck off. Making fun of me and lying like that. Forget what I said I don’t like you. I can’t believe you let me tell you that knowing that-“ he said before getting cut off
“No, I-I love you too Suki” you said
“I love you too, I have for a while. I am sorry I let you keep talking to me knowing I was decieving uou. I just- Injust liked hearing what you had to say about me I guess…”
“Tsk. It’s… It‘s ok I guess. I mean it worked out right. You like me too?”
“Yes I definitely do” you said with a giggle
“C-can I kiss you?” you asked
“Fuck no! You’re still shitty hair!”
You chuckled, having forgot what you looked like again
“Ah yeah sorry! I forgot. It’s weird to not be in my own body”
“Yeah what’s it like having a dick?” he teased
“I don’t know I haven’t really… investigated it?” you chuckled
“Really? That would be my first instinct if I turned into a chick?”
“Yknow the first thing Kirishima did when we body swapped though was grab my- grab his boobs!” You replied
“Tsk. No fair” He huffed with his arms crossed
“Well… I mean when I get back to my body you can feel them too” you said blushing
“Better get to sleep then” he said with a smirk, covering you with a blanket and kissing your forehead
“Bro what the fuck?” Denki said, just having walked in
“ITS NOT WHAT IT- IM GONNA KILL YOU” Katsuki screamed chasing Kaminari out of your room.
You giggled before going back to sleep, you couldn’t wait to get back to your body
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greyfix · 2 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
Title: Katsuki, Katsudon, and Kisses
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Summary: Midoriya can't cook for shit. Hence why Bakugou has banned him from the Heights Alliance kitchen. But one day, with no one in the kitchen, Deku, not wanting to bother anyone, tries to make his own Katsudon. Katsuki is not having it.
Word Count: 766
Warnings: Fluff, spontaneous kisses, love confessions, pining, name calling, Bakugou being Bakugou
Author's Note: This was fun to write, i hope y'all enjoy it.
Title: Shut Up, Dunce Face
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Summary: As Katsuki cleans up the kitchen, and begins to make Izuku some katsudon, Izuku questions their relationship.
Word Count: 1, 036
Warnings: Slight Angst, Fluff, Name Calling, Comedey, Death threats, you know the usual
Author's Note: This is the Part 2 to Katsuki, Katsudon and Kisses if you didn't notice in the summary.
Title: The Next Morning
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Summary: Class 1-A learns of Katsuki and Izuku's newfound relationship.
Word Count: 490
Warnings: Fluff, slice of life, typical fannon class 1-A
Author's Note: This is the Part 3 to Katsuki, Katsudon and Kisses. Because apparently people love this story.
Title: One More
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 3.5, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (if it's not linked it's not out yet)
Summary: Midoriya overhears Todoroki talking to Jirou about his feeling towards both him and Bakugou. What will he do with all this weighing on his mind, along with his new relationship with Bakugou?
Word Count: (All chapters including unpublished ones) 4,215
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Polyamory, Swearing
Author's Note: So, This is like one of the fics that i'm most proud of. But alot of people dont notice that it is the Sequel to Katsuki, Katsudon and Kisses and that it picks up right where it left off in The Next Morning. All of the chapters should be out by 02/25/21.
Title: Touch Starved
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Summary: Kirishima is a very touchy drunk. Bakugou didnt know this. Until now.
Word Count: 406
Requested By: Sunflowerlight on Tapas
Warnings: Fluff, Underage Drinking, Class 1-A being rediculous as usual.
Author's note: I have no clue why this gets so much love. But people like it so...
Title: All Three
Ship: Todoroki Shouto x Bakugo Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Summary: Shouto, Katsuki and Izuku learn how to navigate their new relationship
Word Count: 725
Requested By: n/a
Warnings: none
Tags: polyamory, fluff, angst, your teeth will rot, excessive feelings
Author’s Note: Sorry i’ve been awol, have some Gay! - Grey
Tumblr: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Title: Let’s Just Cuddle Forever
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou x Kaminari Denki
Summary: Eijirou and Denki have a cuddle session after a bakusquad disney binge night, and get into some of Eijirou’s past.
Word Count: 1.2k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings: light angst
Tags: fluff, light angst, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki is a Ray of Sunshine, Insecure Kirishima eijirou, Kirishim aeijirou is a Dork, Kirishim Eijirou Needs a Hug, Kirishima Eijirou angst, Kaminari Denki is a Good Boyfriend
Author’s Note: I can Explain-
Ao3, Tumblr
Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Ship: BakuKami
Summary: It’s finals season at U.A. and Kaminari is screwed. Bakugou is a completely different person when he’s sleep deprived.
Word Count: 1021
Requested By: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Tags: Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Kaminari Denki Had ADHD Kaminari Denki is bad at school, Kaminari Denki is Smart, how is that not a tag, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Denki likes lit
Author’s Note: Inspired by the situational prompt: "A stray eyelash on someones cheek."
Ao3, and you can also find us on tapas at Grey and Emma.
Title: Over Time, We Grew
Ship: Todoroki Shouto x Sero Hanta
Summary: Shouto and hanta grow together
Word Count: 1.2k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings: n/a
Tags: tooth rotting fluff, domestic todosero, fluff, sero hanta is a little shit, oblivious todoroki shouto, todoroki shouto is bad at feelings, todoroki shouto needs a hug, todoroki shouto is a little shit, friends to lovers, domestic fluff
Author’s Note: so, i’m aware i should be working on reoutlining All three, BUT i have been giving minimum 1k word oneshots every day for the past three days, so i believe there should be an exception.
Let’s Just Cuddle Forever
Ao3, tumblr
Title: Public Displays of Affection
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou x Midoriya Izuku
Summary: Midoriya Izuku and Eijirou Kirishima are on an undercover operation to gather information on a Yakuza Money Launderer, Kaine. They have to use some unconventional methods to stay unnoticed.
Word Count: 2186
Requested By: n/a
Warnings/Tags: Pro Hero!Red Riot, Pro Hero!Deku, Undercover, Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable, Post-War, Fixed Hero Commision, Public Display of Affection, yakusa, Money Laundering, Undercover, Fluff, Awkward Conversation, Midoriya Izuku needa a Hug, Hurt Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku had One For All Quirk, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Insecure Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Cook, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/ Comfort,
Author’s Note: Look out for part 2 with allll the angst.
Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Title: Katahdin
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Third wheeling Kirishima and Bakugou on a training exercise in America was a little different than Midoriya thought it would be. He comes out of it with much more than he went in with.
Word Count: 3k
Requested By: InfiniteRealms on Tapas
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, polyamory, self-hatred, self-esteem issues, midoriya izuku needs a hug, insecure midoriya izuku, established bakugou katsuki/kirishima eijirou, i love making midoriya suffer i’m sorry
Author’s Note: I have way too much fun putting Izuku through pain. I suck at summaries.
Ao3, Tumblr
Title: Pretty Boy
Ship: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Summary: ''How come I'm the one with a resting bitch face but you're the one with an attitude?”
Word Count: 1.1k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings/Tags: fluff, much fluff, tooth rotting fluff, fluff without plot
Author’s Note: I saw this prompt and immediately thought of them
Tumblr, Ao3
Title:  Let Me Care For You
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou doesn’t show up to class, and Kirishima is pretty worried. What could have happened? 
Word Count: 1.1k 
Requested By: n/a
Warnings/Tags: fluff, coming to terms with feelings, tooth rotting fluff, light angst, very light, no plot/plotless, comfort no hurt, fluff without plot,
Author’s Note: this is purely self indulgent and probably has no real plot
Ao3, Tumblr
Title: The Family
Ship: Kirishima Eijirou/Amajiki Tamaki
Summary: Some civilians come up to Eijirou and Tamaki while theyre on their way to their picnic date because they recognize them from the Shie Hassaikai mission. Eijirou is happy to talk to them, but seems a little gloomy. Tamaki asks about it and gets a look into Eijriou’s past that he didn’t expect.
Word Count: 2.7k
Requested By: n/a
Warnings/Tags: canon compliant, yakuza, kirishima’s backstory, Kirishima’s family is mentioned, kirishima’s family isn’t the greatest people, Alternate Universe - Mafia, Mafia AU  Sort of, but not really, post shie hassaikai arc, kirishima eijirou needs a hug, insecure kirishima eijirou, protective amajiki tamaki, anxious amajiki tamaki, amajiki tamaki is a good friend, light angst, coming clean, mainly cannon compliant, alternate universe - yakuza, there’s the tag i was looking for, yakuza, backstory, angst and fluff, angst, fluff
Author’s Note: So, i saw someone say something about Eiji possibly being from a Yakuza background a while back, and when i was rewatching the Shie Hassaikai arc i realized that is totally fits. So i wrote it. This is completely impulsive and self indulgent but when i asked Emma to talk me out of it she encouraged it instead so…..
Ao3, tumblr
Title: Weaving
Ship: Bakugou Katsuki / Kirishima Eijirou
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki holds braids close to his heart. It was something he did with his mother and considered it something truly intimate. Kirishima Eijirou’s hair is getting long. 
Word Count: 1032
Requested By: n/a 
Warnings/Tags: Fluff, LIght Angst, Reminiscing, Braids, and they were roomates, omg they were roomates, domestic, new relationship, soft bakugou katsuki, bakugou katsuki centric, kirishima eijirou is a ray of sunshine.
Author’s Note: Thank the bf for making me write, otherwise this would not exist. 
Ao3, Tumblr
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