#kirishima is a bad kisser
maroonswan · 1 year
I really want to kiss villain!kirishima sooooo bad.
I feel like ,in that state, kiri wouldn’t care that much about his teeth. Kissing him would be full of them, clashing against your own and occasionally scraping against your gums. 
When he’s really in the mood though, he bites at your your pretty soft lips, bruising them and even sometimes drawing blood. Kirishima doesn’t mind though. Like a carnivore, he laps and sucks at the wounds, for he just loves the taste of you.
Once he starts, it’s hard to get him to stop. He’ll push you down into the plush of the bed before littering more bite marks all over your body, happy to tear his precious girl’s flesh apart just to to indulge in her crimson essence. 
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C/W ::: Some suggestive things, language, lots of talk about kissing, some teasing. Kinda fluffy, really. !!!!AGED UP CHARACTERS!!!!
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KIRISHIMA ::: This man, my GOD. He's such a sensual kisser. He is also very intuitive as to what kind of mood you're in = what kind of kiss you're in the mood for. And if for some reason he miscalculates, then he just has fun with it. He's not necessarily one of those "people pleaser kissers" (when people don't kiss you like THEY kiss, but they kiss you how YOU kiss - does that make any sense at all??). And he's more playful on some days than others. He will suck on your bottom lip a little, too. With Kirishima, it can so easily get hot and heavy when his gigantic hands start to roam. He likes to lift your hand to his mouth when you're out and about walking around and give it a couple of smooches and he always watches your reaction when he does this. It warms his big old huge man heart to see how happy he has made you.
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SHOTO ::: He is so gentle and slow and sweet, my goodness. In public, he's not terribly keen on grand displays of affection and he'll often let you take the lead on such matters. BUT every once in a while he gets a little bubbly, giddy feeling in the pit of his stomach and he'll give you a random kiss -> often preceded by a look he gives you. There'll be a spark in his eyes that lets you know that he's about to be up to some shenanigans.
Now, in private? Thaaat's sometimes a different story altogether. He likes to sit RIGHT next to you, to be touching you as much as he can. It's not that he's needy or that he's trying to make up for being so reserved when the 2 of you are out together. No, it's not like that at all. He just likes to feel you there. To let you feel him there. If you're doing the dishes or cooking, he will most likely be standing right beside you, and he'll lean over to kiss your cheek. It's his way of letting you know that he's thinking about having that connection with you right then.
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DENKI ::: Hoooo, shee-ittt, baby. He would stitch his lips to ANY part of your body if you'd allow such madness. He's a really good kisser, too. He's attentive. Also I don't think he's one not to kiss like you kiss, but it's somewhere in the middle. You both learn things about the other's lip-locking preferences. And you do it often. Denki loves to kiss. Denki loves to kiss YOU. He will kiss you anywhere on your body that he can get to and sometimes places that aren't so easy to get to. Also, may have has a tendency to be overly affectionate in public. And depending on where the 2 of you are, it's not always going to be a bad thing. He will kiss up and down your whole body in the morning to wake you up. Sometimes, you don't let him know you've woken up right away so he'll keep doing it. <3
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HANTA ::: I see him as kind of an eager kisser. I think he's still learning the ways of the mouth and what to do with himself (his hands, arms, tongue) when he's kissing you. He will occasionally check in with you to make sure you're enjoying yourself. But it's not the kind of checking in where he's on his knees begging you to tell him the truth about whether or not he's a good kisser. I'm not saying he's bad. I'm just thinking he's still kinda new to all of it. Your reaction tells him all he could need to know, though. He, too, is very keen in his observations of your behavior. He also knows that if he stops doing something that you like, you'll definitely let him know to keep at it. So he's pretty chill about all of it. Go with the flow kinda sessions. Hanta will also kiss you in - not weird spots, per se, but unusual spots; the backs of your knees in that sensitive cove of skin, your shoulder blades if you're laying in bed with him or wearing a tank top. He likes the aspect of kissing you in those unorthodox places.
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TOKOYAMI ::: He is REALLY good with his hands. That being said, he will also - no pun intended - give you sweet little pecks on your cheeks or lips every now and then. If the 2 of you are feelin' it, he will run his fingertips over your lips and do other things. This guy is a gentleman through and through, I'm sure of it. HOWEVER, that's not to say that I don't also imagine he's got a closet nearly overflowing with toys and all kinds of other stuff he can use on you or with you. It's just a testament to his willingness AND ability to be adaptive in the face of ... well, not having a human face. But we still really, really love him.
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SHINSO ::: How he kisses is however the hell he wants to ha! No, seriously, though. He kisses slowly and deliberately. There are rarely times when he's not already planning his next move(s). He's a very focused man when you're making out, but I think only when things have gotten to the point where it's not cute and innocent smooching anymore. When it's evolved into the heavier, more serious kissing. He's light and a little playful when it's a random kiss that he gives you. He will always kiss you and then look you right in your eyes. Whether to check in or just deepen the connection to one another over the shared kiss. If you're mad or frustrated with him, he will most definitely use his quirk to make you kiss him. You can go back to being mad after he gets his lovin'.
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TAMAKI ::: SMH. This dude. He's so damn shy that honestly, you're the one who will be initiating the kissing/intimacy. But when you do? Aww, he LOVES it. "R-really? Y-you want a kiss? F-from m-me? Right? But why? What did I do to deserve a kiss?"
I legitimately love him with every cell in my body, though. He's the sweetest. GAHHHH!!!!
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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redbirb · 1 year
the way you talk with your lips
Fandom: BNHA | MHA Pairing: BKKR & KRBK | Bakugo/Kirishima Rated T: SFW w/ mild sexual tension, mostly romantic fluff & hurt/comfort, 3rd year au, kissing + intimacy, second-hand embarrassment for bakugo, for lots of kissing, also embarrassed bakugo, mina is a good friend, light angst w/ a happy ending
Also found on ao3.
Bakugo Katsuki is good at everything.
Until he isn’t, but nobody tells him that, not at first. And by nobody that would be his bestfriend, former crush, current boyfriend of two years, Kirishima Eijiro.
It took a lot of dancing and pining before the two got together. Eijiro had to do most of the heavy emotional lifting to get to the mutual confessions, but it had been worth it to get to now, to holding hands and kissing each other in quiet moments between class and school work.
Eijiro prided himself on honesty and open communication, navigating the hardships of any relationship with care and patience. He's cracked Katsuki's tough shell, carving himself a door to knock on when things get rough so he could be let in.
But how do you tell your boyfriend he absolutely sucks at kissing?
He endures it for two years before the sturdy hero crumbles and confesses to Mina, the only person he trusts not to blow up and tell everybody (not Kaminari who can't keep a secret to save his life).
She loses her shit, and rightfully so.
Eijiro waits her out, sitting cross-legged on her bed, watching her roll with laughter, wiping tears from her eyes before it smears her eyeliner. He sighs, chin in hand, elbow on knee, patient.
"B-Bakugo can't ki-kiss?!"
"Shh! Not so loud! The walls aren't that thick, Mina," he complains in a hushed tone. He knows he'll be in big trouble if anyone were to overhear; the idea of Sero and Denki's taunting alone has him frowning.
"I can't believe this. Am I in a fever dream?"
Eijiro wishes.
"It's not that he can't kiss," Eijiro stresses, because of course Katsuki knew how to give gentle kisses against his temple on bad days or soft presses of lips on aching hands," it's just when things get... heated he loses it a little."
Mina finally settles, pink hair a mess.
“What do you mean by that?”
He lets out a frustrated whine, falling back to sprawl against the bed. "He doesn't know how to, like, use his tongue? He gets really into it, but he doesn't know how to make it good. It's really sloppy and just... I don't know. I feel bad saying it."
Eijiro didn't really care, not when he got to fall asleep next to his boyfriend every night, not when their dates were filled with laughter and sweet, whispered words.
He didn't need their makeouts to make his toes curl and leave him shivering. He just wanted the intimacy.
“You look like a kicked puppy.”
He groans, scrubbing his hands down his face. “You’re not helping. You’re supposed to be helping.”
“Honey, why don’t you suck it up and tell him?”
“Because he’ll never talk to me again if I do. You know how Katsuki can be…”
Temperamental. Private. Prideful.
And very much in love with Eijiro as much as Eijiro was in love with him. It feels like a low blow, it shouldn't make him yearn the way he does. But how much happier would he and Katsuki be if they both knew what they were doing?
"You could teach him," Mina suggests. "If you sit him down and talk to him, give him a day to stew about it, then show him what you want."
He supposes that's true, easy enough. So why is he so scared he's about to mess up everything by being greedy?
"How do I tell my boyfriend he's a lousy kisser when he doesn't like to admit he's bad at anything?"
A sound, something hard hitting the ground, the flap of paper. Eijiro looks up, heart dropping down into his stomach.
Because Katsuki is looking at him with heartbroken eyes.
Shit. Fuck, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck, and more shit.
"I-I, what are you doing here?"
Smooth. Eijiro wanted to bash his head against the wall, unhardened. Katsuki's eyes were shining rubies, beautiful and sad, and full of emotion, but hurt being the most prominent.
His focus shifts to the magazine that's been dropped to the floor. It's a fitness book, they'd been talking about getting new weights, Eijiro could use a new punching bag, something custom made with a Red Riot logo perhaps.
Now he feels even more like an ass.
By the time he looks back up, Katsuki's gaze has sharpened, no longer vulnerable. His walls were up, ruby eyes turned into broken glass, threatening to tear Eijiro open, laid bare and wounded just as Katsuki had been.
They searched, burned, questioned.
Then Mina moved, reminding them both that she was here, and they were having a staring contest in her room. Awkward.
“Ahem. Mom, Dad, I know you’re fighting but—”
“Oh fuck off!”
Katsuki shouts and quickly turns on his heel, the door slamming right after him, rattling the walls with echoes of his frustration.
Eijiro let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Shit."
“Well that could’ve gone better.”
"Mina," he whines, grabbing a pillow and shoving it into his face, hoping to suffocate himself.
He can't see her roll her eyes, but he feels another pillow being thrown at him, landing on his chest. "Quit being a baby and go talk to your boyfriend like a manly man, or whatever it is you need to convince yourself to get off my bed."
Eijiro huffs, but does as he's told, getting up and slinking out of his friend's room. Apprehensively, he finds himself outside of Katsuki's dorm room, wringing the forgotten magazine in his hands. He finds the courage to knock, firm enough to be heard.
He waits. After a minute he thinks he's being shut out, that he should give his boyfriend time to mope and seethe.
Then the door is ripped open, Katsuki's angry face greeting him with bared teeth. "What? Are you done humiliating me?"
“I wasn’t—”
"Shut the fuck up," Katsuki hisses, grabbing the front of Eijiro's shirt, pulling him forcibly inside the room, slamming the door then his body against it.
It’s another moment of intense eye contact.
Katsuki's nostrils flare as he attempts a breathing exercise, trying to keep himself from exploding. It's cute, as cute as a raging bull can be.
Eijiro can wait for him. He’s done it countless times before, giving his explosive boyfriend silent support.
The struggle is plain across Katsuki’s face. Eventually he calms down, slowly like a deflating balloon; hunched shoulders relax, the wrinkle in his brows smooth over, even his mouth softens.
Forehead meets shoulder, defeated. “I thought you liked kissing me.”
It's heartbreakingly melancholic. Eijiro wants to kiss the sadness away, but it'll take more than that to mend the hurt ego of his boyfriend.
"I do, I like kissing you a lot! It's just... how you kiss sometimes just—," he bites his lip, unsure.
There's a puff of hot breath at his shoulder, he can feel it through the cotton of his shirt. Katsuki lifts his head to look at him dead on. “Talk clearly, dumbass.”
"You're really sloppy!" He blurts out before he can back out. He's committed to being honest, that's what Katsuki is asking of him. The guilt is still there, tugging with greedy hands, worse when seeing his boyfriend's gobsmacked face.
"Hah!? What the fuck, Ei?"
"Look just— you said talk so just listen okay?" He points to the bed, earning a huff and small shove.
There's grumbling and shuffling, but eventually they're sitting on the bed, facing each other. Eijiro nervously presses his palms against his knees, taking a deep breath.
"I love kissing you. It's, like, my favorite thing to do! Your lips are so soft and your hands are so warm—"
“Fucking— damnit Ei, get to the point!”
Flustered, Katsuki also presses his hands against his knees, trying to wipe the nervous sweat away. He licks his lips, self-conscious.
Eijiro gives him mercy, reigning in the sappiness for now.
“You get too… excited. Like the way you use your tongue is, I don’t know, too much. If you’d just slow down maybe?”
Katsuki growls, frustrated. Was he using too much tongue? Was he too aggressive when they kissed?
"You never said anything before," he mumbles. Did he use too much teeth? No, he figured that one out after their first kiss.
“I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
“And telling Pinkie wasn’t?”
“I needed advice!”
They grow quiet again. Eventually Katsuki reaches out, grabbing one of Eijiro's hands tightly. He pulls, pulls until his boyfriend falls into his lap. With arms tightly wound around a familiar waist, Katsuki can finally breathe.
“Then show me. Show me how you want me to do it.”
Eijiro is very aware of his position, the way he's straddling his boyfriend, hands resting on strong shoulders. Manly, he can’t help thinking.
He's hesitant at first, scrutinized under Katsuki's penetrating gaze. He feels seen through, and the glimmer in those eyes challenges him, dares him to put his money where his mouth is.
Or rather his kissing skills where his mouth is.
Fingers fit along Katsuki's jaw, making him shiver. Trying to keep his heart from beating out of his chest, he stares up. Eijiro's hair is down, soft strands of red tickling his cheeks. He has half a thought to move his hands, to pull hips closer or run a hand through that hair. He doesn’t, trying to give his boyfriend the reins.
It's hard, he's used to taking the lead, but maybe that's the problem. Eijiro needs to lead, to take, and the idea is a turn on if he were honest with anyone besides his thoughts.
"Ei," he murmurs in encouragement, skin buzzing with anticipation the longer he has to wait.
And Eijiro, damn him, smiles. It's unfair how he steals Katsuki's breath away with little effort, keeping the explosive blond hopelessly in love.
Finally, Eijiro leans in, head tilting to fit their lips together. It's soft, softer than their first kiss, and it sends pleasure and happiness through Katsuki like lightning.
He can't help the way his hands grasp at the back of Eijiro's shirt, or the hushed groan that leaves his lips. There's just something about having Ei's weight on him, hands touching him gently, the careful way they slot together like puzzle pieces.
It's that moment in the romance novels he secretly reads, the one that says 'Oh, you're the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and I'm an asteroid caught in your orbit, ready to collide with you.'
Katsuki will be happy to experience it again and again, forever.
But he has to focus, figure out what he's lacking, and how he can love Eijiro better. No way is he missing out on anything, eyes closed, but trying not to get lost in it like he usually does.
The first slide of tongue is hot and slow, unhurried, almost like it's making love to his mouth. Katsuki moans, shifts the weight in his lap, trying to press closer somehow.
It's not enough, it's never enough when it comes to Eijiro unless he's pinning the other boy down—
Lips break apart with a wet 'smek!' and Katsuki growls in annoyance as he opens his eyes. Somehow Eijiro is under him, hair splayed out looking up at him in a mixture of amusement and exasperation. Their hips are flush together, Katsuki can feel heat spreading from head to toe.
“Katsuki.” Eijiro is laughing.
He can feel his face burn up worse than his quirk. "Fuck, I didn't..."
"You always do this. You get so—" Eijiro rolls his eyes, but his smile holds no malice. It makes Katsuki want to kiss him again. "I love you."
And there goes his heart, melting like a popsicle under the heat of the sun, or maybe a warm mouth like Eijiro's.
He swallows harshly, leaning in again, but a hand covering his mouth stops him. He opens his eyes, forgets ever closing them, to see Eijiro grinning, the corners of his eyes crinkling with the force of it.
“Nope. I’m cutting you off.”
He tries to say something, muffled by the palm. He growls, moving until he can get into a position to bite.
"Hey!" The hand flies back, a pout replacing the wild smile. "You didn't even say it back, jerk."
“You want me to say it?”
It's Katsuki's turn to grin, one hand sliding up Eijiro's shirt, fingers dancing along exposed skin. It has the desired effect, the body beneath him squirming instantly, trapped and unable to escape the revenge. He pairs the tickling with gentle bites along his boyfriend's neck as Eijiro fights in his hold. There's laughter, some pleading, and when Katsuki thinks he's had enough, he pulls back. He takes another long look, taking in flushed cheeks, messy hair and a panting mouth.
The grin softens into a smile. "Fucking love you," it's a whisper, like a secret, reminding Ei that these words were meant for him and him alone. A grunt, impatient, follows. "Now can I fucking kiss you?"
Eijiro laughs with a nod, settling down as lips skim across his cheek. Katsuki tries on his own this time, starting the kiss slow, applying the short lesson he allowed Eijiro to give. He molds their lips together carefully, imitating Eijiro. Slowly he inches his tongue in to join, flicking it across pointed teeth teasingly. Pride swells in his chest when Ei moans, hands moving to comb through soft blonde hair.
Katsuki presses forward, reminding himself to go slow. Eijiro deserves the effort, the time it takes to break him down into a blissed out mess. He continues licking, then pulling back to initiate another kiss in the same slow manner. Everything grows hotter, deeper.
Eijiro keeps making these pleased little noises: hums, groans, even a few gasps when Katsuki adds a little nip. And Katsuki understands now why his boyfriend felt a little underwhelmed. There's something about the slowness that makes things more intense, more intimate.
When they finally part again, they need a minute to catch their breaths. Katsuki's lungs are filled with awe at the glazed look in Eijiro's eyes, the way his boyfriend is relaxed in the bedsheets.
Katsuki is no longer an asteroid, he's a comet crashing and burning with love.
"Ha," he says the second he can breathe again," I'm the fucking best."
He's not offended by Eijiro's laugh for long, not when he's pulled back in for another kiss. Because Bakugo Katsuki is a fast learner, and he refuses to be bad at anything, especially loving Kirishima Eijiro.
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afairywithacrown · 2 years
Does this Mha Boy knows how to kiss?
summary: I’ll tell you the headcanons i have for each when comes to kissing
part II part III
warnings: SUGGESTIVE like really suggestive. Fluff but suggestive
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Bakugo Katsuki, Kirishima Ejiro
Izuku Midoriya:
No, he doesn’t know how to kiss, but it’s a quick leaner.
Also, he gets really nervous about it. You ask him for a kiss, he gets really red.
Probably keeps his hands to himself in order to not make you uncomfortable, but if you want… i mean, he won’t complain
REALLY AWKARD DURING HIS FIRST KISS, like, he bumps your foreheads and stuff, but still was a very sweet kiss
After the kiss, he becomes more confident around you and your relationship but when you stare at him for a little longer than your should he gets nervous.
Bakugo Katsuki:
Of course, if you ask him he’ll say he is the best at kissing. The truth is that he has never done it and is not really interested in doing it.
But after he found himself looking at your lips and wishing to know what would be the taste of your lip balm he got a little bit angry. At you.
Your first kiss happen in a 7 minutes in heaven in which none of you moved from your corners in 5 minutes. It was clear he won’t make the first move but you wished to kiss him so bad you tried to get close.
It happen quickly. Just a quick peek and it was over.
He couldn’t look at you straight in the eyes for a week. Not until he kissed you for real when he appeared in your room telling you how that wasn’t a real kiss.
Good kisser, i wouldn’t say the best but he understands what he should do.
Keeps his hands in the back of your head. Also he moves a lot but it’s ok.
Kirishima Ejiro:
He definitely knows how to kiss.
Asks your if you are sure and wants to make sure you are comfortable with everything he does.
He would prefer to have you on his lap so he can have more access to your body.
He bites.
Innocent kisses turns into make out sessions and Mr. Aizawa gets a little annoyed when you both show up late and hair a little messy.
He also likes to give you quick kisses on your nose when he has to run somewhere but doesn’t want to leave you without a little something.
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All rights reserved © 2022 afairywithacrown. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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shoutokozume · 2 years
Kirishima SFW alphabet
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Navi NSFW alphabet
A - Affection
° Was worried about holding your hand, scared he'd become nervous and accidently activate his quirk. But after your first anniversary together, he started to initiate the cuddling, kisses, and many more lovey dovey actions. Kirishima even started to be affectionate in public, not caring about Bakugo's gagging noises beside him.
B - Best friend
° You know in anime how time slows down and the frame turns pink with flowers when someone sees someone attractive... Yeah that was the genuine way he met you. You and Mina were having fun with a homemade photoshoot, and he saw you through Mina's phone as flowers fell across you beautiful smile in slow motion.
C - Cuddles
° Big spoon in everything, he just wants to protect you in a warm safe grip 24/7. Kirishima is more of a giver than a receiver, so he tends to make you feel more comfortable even if a part of his body is starting to cramp badly. In his eyes, you're his sweet angel that he would do anything for, and it shows when he cuddles you.
D - Domestic
° Will drop small hints that he wants to settle down with you, but he doesn't full on say this due the fear that you won't feel the same way. He's very insecure and tends to overthink a lot, so it will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders when you talk to him about settling down.
E - Ending
° Is the worst out of the Bakusquad for ending relationships, (Deku beats his record tho...) The reason Eijiro is so bad at ending relationships is because he hates hurting people. He has been in many toxic relationships where they verbally abuse him, and he put up with it until Bakugo stepped in.
F - Fiancee
° Never stops calling you Wifey, future wife, Fiancee, diamond dumpling, or his personal favorite Mrs. Kirishima. He is just so excited knowing that you'll be spending your life with him, if he thinks about it for too long he'll start tearing up. You've woken up to his snuffles at 3am.
G - Gentle
° The most gentle guy in UA when it comes to relationships and I won't take no for an answer... Not even Tamaki can get to Eijiro's level. Anything you to do as a couple, he makes sure that you're alright with it. And he even goes as far as too make sure you are at least giggling whenever he jokes with you. And if you don't reassure him, he'll assume he offended you and immediately apologize.
H - Hugs
° He tries his best, he's a good hugger but not the best. Eijiro is a much better kisser than he is hugger, and it's all because of his build. Even without his quirk, his body is very hard from the training and work outs he does. Which makes it hard to squish or relax onto when it feels like a pile of rocks against your stomach.
I - I love you
° It was more of a confession rather than gesture. You were so excited for prom, and you were so pleased to hear that Monoma was taking you as his date. You were alright with Monoma, but would've chosen someone if given the chance. And you should've went with your gut, since Monoma stood you up at the dance and laughed in your face when you confronted him. Bakugo was throwing hands at Monoma, while you rushed out of the dance crying. Sobbing into the coat of Kirishima when he slid beside you, he whispered praises to try and make you calm down. But ended up slipping out the L word.
J - Jealousy
° Is very insecure, but oddly doesn't get jealous due to his optimistic personality. The only people he doesn't like hanging around you are Mineta and Monoma. It doesn't make him jealous when they talk to you, only angers him because he knows they will only chat with you to harass you. Mineta in a sexual way and Monoma in a verbal way.
K - Kisses
° Like I stated earlier, Kirishima is more of a kisser than a cuddlier. Denki and Sero were worried that he wouldn't be a great kisser thanks to his shark like teeth, but were shocked to find you both kissing lazily on his couch a few minutes later. His lips taste like hot chocolate and Nutella. You blame this addictive flavor on the amount of pastries he has.
L - Little ones
° Wanted kids so badly, he accidently got you pregnant before you graduated UA. You both decided to keep it, but this led to All Might babysitting the child while you both finished your tests and studies. Your daughter is much more of a daddies girl, constantly following him around and even growing a cute friendship with Bakugo.
M - Mornings
° Consists of Kirishima and your daughter skating you awake, or if she's with all might then Kirishima waking you up with soft kisses. Kirishima will buy both of you breakfast, not overly confident in his cooking skills. Right before heading to class, he'll kiss both of your cheeks and open the door for you.
N - Nights
° He falls asleep before you everynight, laying his head on your belly while your watching a show on the couch. You'll know he's asleep when he starts snoring, making you laugh since you'll now have to drag your exhausted boyfriend into your bedroom. He is sadly a very deep sleeper so he won't even wake up when you drag him.
O - Open
° Is very open with you about everything nowadays, it took quite a few months to reveal how self conscious he truly is. But the weight that lifted from his shoulders when you comforted him was much more satisfying than keeping the stress inside of him. Whenever he is feeling down or in a funk, he'll tell you straight away since you always make things better.
P - Patience
° Has patience when it comes to you and your daughter, but does not have any left to deal with bullshit. Mineta does something awful? Hope he's had a nice life. Iida being a bit too hard on you? Will talk him down. Deku getting blush around you all of a sudden? Asks if he likes you, a s will become much clingier towards you now.
Q - Quizzes
° Knows quite a bit about you, all of your cute habits and details along with stuff that triggers you and makes you upset. The only things he blanks on are facts about your family, mostly because most of his attention is on you and he doesn't really store much in his thoughts that doesn't involve you in it.
R - Remember (Favorite memory)
° His favorite memory is when you two were newly dating and Mina invited you and the Bakusquad for a movie night. You watched a hero movie, a dirty comedy, and a horror movie. Since everyone was so invested in the tension of the movie. No one noticed you and Kirishima dipping your heads under the blankets and stealing kisses from each other. You two would go back to the surface whenever someone jumped, signalling the tension would be over soon.
S - Security
° Isn't possessive, but is protective of you. He won't set rules for you or forbid you from anything, but he will step in and protect you when in a public setting. He'll tolerate your toxic friends if you insist on keeping them around, but Eijiro will always shut down their rude comments that make your smile shatter a bit.
T - Try
° You both out an equal amount into the relationship, after both suffering from toxic partners you both know how important equality and understanding is in a relationship. Eijiro will put more effort than usual when it comes to holidays however, especially if it's your birthday... He will never stop spoiling you.
U - Ugly (Bad traits)
° In all honesty... And this isn't being biased cause my two boys are Shoto and Denki.... I honestly can't think of a bad trait that Kirishima has. He always tries to see the best in someone and has never shown and aggression or dark sides to him. And even though he's insecure, he never shows signs of anger of jealousy.
W - Wild Card
° Kirishima grows out his hair because he notices how much you play with it. He'll often wake up from a nap with pigtails and clips, sometimes a bit of red glitter in his roots as well. Eijiro let's you dye his hair when his roots start to come in again, getting giddy when you get lost in the moment and drown his hair in the red dye.
X - Xs
° Kirishima dated Mina for quite some time, Mina is the type who's a great friend but not a great partner. She often cheated on Eijiro and explained that she doesn't like being held down. After Mina, Eijiro ran into a very toxic and abuse relationship with a quirk less college girl who ruined all of his confidence.
Y - Yuck (They wouldn't date)
° Wants someone loyal, kind, and cute. Both of his Exes were seen as hot and sexy, so he would rather stick towards someone cuter after his bad experiences. Eijiro has been cheated on multiple times, so trustworthiness and loyalty are his two main factors when finding someone to date, so he wouldn't go for someone like Denki who is flirtatious, Hagakure who is suspicious, or Monoma who is unpredictable.
Z - Zzz
° Is a little spoon and accepts it. Eijiro loved being held by you and snuggling into your body even if he is taller than you. You'll often see him dozing off with a dopey smile on his lips, happy at the feeling of being babied by his beloved. He'll fall asleep faster if your rub his back, it gets tense after training so he adores and relief he can get.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Along for the Ride PT 2
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: Late-night plans make things move a whole lot faster when Kirishima gets a kinda crazy idea.
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Angst
Warnings: Smut mentioned. Minors DNI. Drunken Sex. TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues
A/N: Part 2 of this story, click here for part one. The first section of this part is a flashback told from a third-person POV.
Tags: @lastroseofspring @black-bhabie-2000 @meadow-arts @sarahschance - thank you for following my story!!! I hope I tagged you correctly. No one has asked to be tagged on a story of mine before!
WC: 4,274
The day had been so entirely exhausting and it had been that way since Eijiro rolled out of bed at six in the morning. Now, it was fourteen hours later, he had bruises all along his ribs and a new cut across his forearm that he was pretty sure was going to scar.
Really, all he wanted to do was go back home and crawl into his bed again but he was sitting in a bar babysitting Mina until Hanta's shift was over. He couldn't really blame her for wanting to drown away the day, the interviewer she'd worked with had been hypercritical of her and far too invasive. Eijiro had even cringed at a few of the questions Mina had to bite her tongue and politely respond with, 'no comment.' too.
He'd been nursing the same jack and coke since they arrived an hour ago. Doing what he could to direct the conversation away from the present day and onto lighter topics, of which, Mina settled on reminiscing on their UA days.
"We should have a big party again!" She was rambling, "Like, that one we had at your parent's house over winter break in our third year! That was so much fun..." She took a long sip of the orange-colored, vodka-filled drink in her hands.
"It wasn't that big of a party, Mina. It was just our usual group, plus Izuku and Ochaco."
"Still! It was a perfect night. Denki makes such good drinks, oh, and the hot tub!" She started giggling, "Spin the bottle."
Yeah. He remembered learning Izuku used a surprising amount of tongue that night, not that he had a problem with it.
"Y/N was such a good kisser... bet she's only gotten better since."
He chuckled, remembering their drunken night in America, "She's pretty damn incredible now."
His eyes widened the moment the words slipped out. Fuck. He really was tired. He hadn't told a single soul about what happened that night. Maybe he could just play this off. Maybe Mina wouldn't think anything of it. Maybe she didn't even hear him. Maybe-
"What did you just say?" Mina arched a finely manicured brow at him.
"That Y/N is incredible. You know, as a person and all that."
With her hands flat on the table, she leaned forward, inching closer to him. "She is, but you said, 'now'." His throat bobbed. "Have you and Y/N been hooking up?"
"No! Absolutely not!"
"You're a horrible liar, Eijiro!"
"'M not lying!"
They hadn't been hooking up... it was only one time. Not multiple!
Her face was so close to his. "What aren't you telling me? I know it's something. And if you don't tell me, I'll ask Y/N herself."
"No, no you can't do that."
"And why not?"
Why was he so fucking bad at lying! He was usually great at just not saying the truth but lying was such a pain in the ass.
Mina fell back into her booth, casually pulling out her phone. "What are you doing?"
"It's Y/N's day off so I thought I'd see if she'd like to come out for drinks, maybe a little girl talk... spill some secrets..."
Eijiro lunged over the table and snatched her phone faster than her intoxicated reflexes could pull it out of his reach. "I swear, Mina if you say a single word about this to Y/N and I will never speak to you again, ever."
She was pouting now, arms folded over her chest. "Hell, Eiji, what'd you two do? Sleep together!" He didn't say a word. Only carefully sat back down, unable to make eye contact, looking guilty as hell.
"Holy fuck." She giggled. "No fucking way! Finally!" Mina was up again, shaking his arm. "Eiji! Wait... why aren't we talking about this? Why can't I talk to her about it?"
"'Cause, we were drunk. I caught her sneakin' outta my bed." He scrubbed a hand down his face. "Fuck, Mina, she grabbed her clothes, tucked me in, and kissed my damn head and I didn't do anything!"
"Okay. You're gonna stay right here while I get some water and then we are talking about this, Eijiro. I want answers."
He couldn't believe this was happening. His stupid crush of eight whole years and one poor night of sleep had ruined it all.
It was bad enough to have one crush on a best friend at 17, the fact Eijiro had two was almost hell. He felt greedy and completely confused! So, when Tetsu admitted to liking Y/N, he'd resigned himself to the fact she'd always be his best friend. He did everything he could to let her go and yet, 'best friend' never felt like enough to describe what you meant to him. He needed a word that meant more than that and he'd never found one.
Mina slid in beside Eijiro now. "Tell me everything. I thought your crush on Y/N was just some fleeting thing that ended with Bakugo."
And so he explained. From the beginning. Like a damn flood gate breaking open, the words poured from his heart and didn't stop. He expressed how Y/N made him feel unlike any person ever had, unlike Katsuki could even do, and how that terrified him. How it shattered him when Katsuki ended it, but, when he explained how Izuku made him feel, Eijiro understood completely because that was exactly how Y/N made him feel.
Mina knew he'd gone to Y/N's place right after things ended with Katsuki. How he slept on her sofa for an entire week and how she'd stayed in his guest room for a whole month after that. What she didn't know was that he meant to tell her how he felt that night while it was all fresh in his head. Lay it all out for her but the moment Y/N opened the door, but then she held him when he cried, consoled him, and made him his favorite tea. He knew if they crossed that boundary and messed it up, fuck, he didn't know what he'd do then.
Mina coxed him to go on when the words got stuck in his throat. Telling her how living with Y/N in America brought back that time she'd been in his own apartment, how much he loved having her around all the time. How it felt natural to make a home with her and so domestic, so right.
When she crawled in his lap, he was wrapping his arms about her before he knew what he was doing. Eijiro was pressing his lips against hers because it was all he'd been wanting to do and, damn, he finally let himself give into it. To have her. All of her. And he'd given himself to her in return, every bit.
"I thought we'd talk in the morning when we sobered up. I think she just regrets it though. She never brought it up so I haven't either. I know exactly where the line is now and I'm not gonna cross it again. I can't lose her, Mina. Katsuki was one thing, but if I lost Y/N... 'S why you can't say anything. I don't want her knowing I'm still thinking about it. 'S better if she just thinks I forgot or was too drunk or whatever."
"Eijiro... babe, you're in love with her. You can't just let that go. Come on. Lemme talk to her, girl to girl. I'm sure there's just something missing or that she's scared too."
He just shook his head. "Please don't. I'm happy with the way she and I are."
"But you could be so much more."
"I dunno, I just dunno..."
Mina promised not to directly bring it up, but that never stopped her from teasing you two every chance she got, doing everything in her power to try and pull the truth from you without breaking her promise to Eijiro.
The way she saw it, if you told her her side of the story, then Eijiro's trust wasn't broken. But damn, you weren't budging!
It was becoming infuriating watching your banter! How Eijiro could just wrap his arm around you and act like it meant nothing, or how lovingly you would play with his hair when he laid his head in your lap on movie nights. It was slowly killing Eijiro, she could see it in his eyes every time the two of you parted. This whole wedding date thing was Mina's final straw.
Mina was about to call Eijiro when the man himself popped up on her caller ID. She accepted the call and his voice came through the speakers. "You still with Y/N?"
"Nope. Just left. What's up?"
"I, uh, I kinda need a favor from you."
"And what can I do for you, Eijiro?"
"Can you cover Y/N's shift tomorrow? Denki's already taking mine."
"I mean, I can, but why?"
"Well, I was thinkin' about asking Y/N if she wants to start the trip early... leave tonight maybe."
Mina rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see her. "Tonight won't happen. No flights will be going out until the morning if that. I'll still take the shift though, so you can leave bright and early or whenever you need to."
"They can leave tonight if we fly private."
She nearly swerved the car. Never in her decade of knowing Eijiro had he asked to take his family's jet anywhere that wasn't for work reasons. "You're gonna take the jet? Just the two of you?"
"I mean, and a pilot, and a co-pilot, probably a few stewards too because we have to but yeah."
"That's kinda a big move, Eiji." Mina could barely contain the grin on her face.
"That's kinda the idea, Mina." She shrieked with glee. "Fucking hell, gonna blow out my damn eardrum!"
"I'm just so excited! Okay, so, what's your plan? What's your move? The jet is good, like, really good. Hehe. But, I think you need more to it."
"My plan is just to get her there early, hopefully, get her to relax a little before shit hits the fan, maybe site see a little bit."
"And then you're gonna talk to her, right? Tell her you know what happened?"
There was a sigh but he eventually, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna come clean eventually. Probably when the wedding's over, but, I don't think I can keep acting like I don't remember what happened. I at least wanna let her know that I know. "S the manly thing to do."
"Yes! That is the most manly thing you could do!"
"If it all was a mistake and she regrets it, we just have the plane ride back to endure and I guess it'll be awkward but I'm gonna make this the best damn trip I can before that happens. Or, the best it can be with the circumstances."
"It's gonna be good, babe. Just be honest with her, I think that's all she wants. She might be mad you didn't talk to her sooner but,"
"I'm prepared for that. I'm just gonna be honest like you said, I'm gonna come clean. I can't lie to her anymore. I gotta know why she left that night."
So, Eijiro was gonna play it cool. Be completely normal until he found the right time to ask, to talk about the whole thing. Because the second he told you he'd go to this wedding if you didn't find a date, that was the moment he realized the idea of you being on a date with someone else didn't sit right with him.
He'd gone home that night thinking about you flying to America and not being in the seat right beside you. Leaning on someone else for support when your mother was going on one of her rants. And he hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since. Eijiro didn't think himself a jealous man but the thought of you there with anyone but him had him seeing red.
The joy he felt when you told him the date had moved up was unreal! He took it all as a sign, his chance, he couldn't let it slip away.
It was only a twenty-minute drive to the hanger and it passed quickly with no traffic on the roads. Before you knew it, Eijiro was already rolling down his window and showing his identification to the guard at the gate. Not that it was needed.
Even out of his hero costume, his signature red hair pulled back, the guard still knew exactly who he was.
"Heard you'd be comin' by." The middle-aged man smiled warmly, "Two of you pros sneaking off for a little getaway?"
You were in shock. It was common for someone to recognize Eijiro. He had a unique look and a personality that had him in the top twenty but you, you were downright boring in comparison. Still, the security guard gave you a friendly wave. "How ya doin' tonight, Miss?"
"Uh, good, thank you. And yourself?"
He nodded thoughtfully after Eijiro's ID passed the scan check. "It's a slow night. I like slow nights."
"I could not agree more." Eijiro laughed as the gate rose for them and he bid the man a good night.
"Are you ever gonna not act caught off guard when someone recognizes you? Like, we've both been pros for seven years now."
He drove down well-lit roads, hanger after hanger, getting larger the further back he went.
"Yeah, I don't think so." You admitted, "Maybe someday, just, don't expect it anytime soon."
Eijiro just playfully shook his head, spinning the wheel onto a short drive with a garage door already open and waiting. He drove past two of the three smaller planes that his father enjoyed taking out and then past the absolutely massive jet that was used for hero missions and finally, you laid eyes on the second plane Eijiro had mentioned.
"The 787," He told you, "my parents got it about a year ago. It's smaller than the 777 but will still get us where we need to go."
You had to fight back a laugh. The plane might have been smaller but it was in no way small. It had to be damn near 200ft long! Your family had owned private aircrafts but nothing came close to this size. You came from a family of lawyers, good ones too, but, being a CEO of an architectural firm and an anesthesiologist must have allowed for these luxurious means of travel.
It wasn't long before you noticed a few other cars scattered around, along with the pilots and some ground crew. "You remember the drill?"
You fished around your bag and pulled out your passport and hero license, your two valid forms of identification, and then flashed them to him when he asked, "You ready to do this?"
"It's a little late now."
"No. It's a little late when we're sitting in the ceremony on Saturday. We aren't even in the air yet! Technically we could fly anywhere in the world and it wouldn't matter!"
"Temping, you make a very tempting offer." And for just a moment, you considered asking him to surprise you, take you somewhere just the two of you where it could be drama-free but, then you'd have to face the wrath of your mother on an entirely different level.
"Y/N?" His voice brought you back to reality.
"No, Eiji, I'd really like to take an actual vacation but this is something I gotta do." He understood, you knew that. His smile was reassuring and he opened the door, grabbed the bags from the back, and walked beside you up to the lady holding a manifest.
You were both introduced to the pilots and two stewardesses. The latter's eyes went wide when they realized who'd stepped out of the car and just who they were going to be sharing a 10-hour plane ride with.
"If I could have both your forms of identification, please, I should have you cleared for takeoff within the hour." One of the attendants went on to explain how the pilots arrived earlier than expected and were able to complete their precheck of the plane already. The stewardesses offered to take the luggage that Eijiro had gathered by his feet but there was no way in hell he was letting them take it when he was perfectly capable.
"I've got it, ladies. Thanks though." His sharky smile was so bright for the middle of the night and yet both of them swooned the moment his back was turned.
It was almost laughable how used to the fan reactions you were now when you were in Eijiro's presence. You shifted your backpack and followed Eijiro up the stairs.
"I thought he was single." One of the stewards whispered behind you, obviously thinking themselves a lot more quiet than they were.
"That's what all the tabloids say."
"Did you get her name?"
"No, did you?"
You kept your mouth shut, not really in the mood to deal with gossips but apparently, Eijiro had the energy for it.
"For once, the tabloids are correct. I'm not in a relationship. And this," He extended his hand out for you to help you into the plane, "This is Y/N, you should know her as Y/H/N." It was more than a little satisfying to see the realization settle onto their faces. "She is currently ranked in the Top 25 and she's an all-around badass too."
"Kiri." You elbowed him in the ribs and he proceeded to rub them as if you actually hurt him.
"What? It's true!" Ignoring whatever apology the two women were saying. Eijiro tugged you further into the plane, and immediately, your breath was taken away.
It looked like something out of a movie, something unreal and yet, you were standing smack in the middle of it.
All the decor was sleek and modern, shades of greys and whites with shiny silver accents. Sofas and a TV made up what looked like a living room and directly behind it were tables with chairs bolted to the floor. Eijiro kept pulling you along. "In the very back is a bedroom. I'll put your things in there and if you want to put on sweats or pajamas, you should! I know I probably will once we're in the air... or I will in a sec."
Before you had a chance to respond, the attendant holding your iDs and manifest was calling for him leaving you ample time to wander around on your own. You walked through another seating area, this one with a door that could be closed for private meetings, and beyond that was the bedroom Eijiro had mentioned.
Such a sizeable room for a damn plane! Seriously, it was only a tad smaller than your own bedroom at home. A queen-sized bed made up the center of the room with nightstands on each side. You couldn't really imagine why one would need a dresser on an airplane but who were you to judge?
After pulling both suitcases and garment bags into the room, you ventured a little further to a bathroom complete with a shower and double vanity sinks. It dawned on you then that the other plane you'd flown on had to have all these amenities too and you just never knew about them. Admiring the design around the mirrors, you remembered Eijiro being with you and the rest of the pro heroes almost the entire time on those flights too. Sleeping in a chair like everyone else had.
You went and pulled out sweats, choosing to leave the shorter sleep shorts for when stewards weren't around to witness you curled up asleep on a sofa. You pulled on the soft black fabric, unhooked your bra from under your hoodie choosing to leave the latter on since it was practically a big, cozy blanket.
Being seated for take-off was a must so, you found a spare blanket just in case and a pillow before trotting back out and depositing them in a chair. You caught the tiniest glimpse of a smirk from Eijiro, still busy chatting with the woman, while you made yourself comfy in a chair.
"Tired, Miss?" One of the stewardesses asked, putting something away in an overhead bin you hadn't even known existed.
Despite the gossip, the woman looked impossibly sweet. Apart from her neat and tidy work uniform, she wore a fond smile, lips stained a pale pink and her ebony hair was in an elegant bun at the base of her neck, not a hair out of place.
"It's been a busy last few days. I guess I am a little tired." You admitted.
"Well, my name is Tali and over there is Luce. If there is anything you or Mr. Kirishima need, please don't hesitate to ask. We have a fully stocked bar and kitchen and I make very good omelets if I do say so myself."
"I'll have to keep that in mind for the... well crap, I guess it's already turning into the morning isn't it?"
Tali let out a breathy laugh, "Morning is whenever you decide it is and I think omelets make good food regardless of the time of day."
With another sweet smile, she crossed the cabin to assist Luce with something, you watched the two for a moment with heavy eyelids and it didn't take long for them to shut.
"You look likely to fall asleep any minute now." Eijiro chuckled, you'd heard him crouch in front of you.
"'M hanging in there."
"I'll move to one of the sofa's when we're in the air."
"The sofa is better than the chair but why not just use the perfectly good bed?"
You peeked an eye open, thankful that you were too tired to let blood heat your cheeks at the memory of the last time the two of you shared a bed. "Because you're longer than any of these sofas. You should take the bed. It's also your family's plane so I think that means you get dibs."
"Now, what kind of host would I be if I let my guest sleep on the sofa while I hogged the bed?"
"A normal one." You snicked but you knew damn well he'd give up all rights to the bed if only you showed the slightest hint of interest. Even if you didn't, he was still going to try to insist.
His tongue darted out for just a second before three little words slipped out, "We could share."
Both your eyes were open now. He'd said it so casually! Damn, you had to play it cool because there was no way he could be referring to what happened in America the last time. He'd been asleep. He didn't remember any of it. He would have said something, you were sure of it!
Yeah. And, it kinda made sense for him to suggest that. You'd shared a bed a few times prior to having sex. There was that one camping trip where your sleeping bag rolled into the river and he offered to share, the hotel mishap, a booking mistake thanks to Denki that had Eijiro staying in your room. Of course, when you woke up with his face pressed into your neck and his arms coiled around you, you damn near panicked and managed to wiggle out of his grasp before he woke up.
Still, you were just kids both of those times, this was different now. "Eiji," You lowered your voice even though the stewardesses were nowhere in sight, "That sounds like some scandal just waiting to happen. Hell, we'll be lucky if the press doesn't make up some story just because you and I were seen on a private plane together!"
His smile was an easy one. "If the press finds out it won't be 'cause of anyone here. Everyone my parents work with signs NDAs. Whoever flies with us and where we go and what we do is not discussed anywhere else but here. My parents have to demand that level of discretion because of their jobs. We do too being pros and all."
"So, you and I could disappear behind that door and not come out for a solid 8 hours and they wouldn't be allowed to tell anyone about it?"
Eijiro shrugged. "I mean, they could, they'd just face some serious repercussions if they did."
Logically, you had no reason to say no. But, what would be worse, telling him no and having him wonder why when you'd been comfortable before or saying yes and it being awkward as hell and him wondering why for a completely different reason!
You were reeling and his hand on your knee brought you back down. "Or if your more comfortable just sleeping out here, that's fine too."
The tug at your heart was enough to make it ache. Of course, he knew how you were feeling without really knowing the reason behind it. Going the extra mile to make you as comfortable as possible.
He stood and grabbed the blanket to lay over you, making sure you were covered before leaning down and kissing your temple. You didn't miss how suspiciously familiar the whole thing was. "I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable again, you have my word." He whispered before walking towards the back of the plane.
You watched his back as he went, hands in his pockets, head not turning back around.
He remembered.
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mintandcoldwater · 3 years
Poly Bakusquad Headcanon#2
Mina takes notice of the different ways her partners kiss her.
Kaminari is kind of a bad kisser, she’ll admit. Not in the way that kissing him is bad per se, but in the way that he never quite ends up kissing them. In the middle he’ll always smile against their lips or break away to laugh, and he’ll always say it’s because he’s so happy. She can always feel the faintest trace of something when they kiss. Like a small zap that makes her feel light headed. He mostly ends up just kissing her face and her cheeks in the end.
Bakugou is a good kisser, great, even. But… he never kisses her in a way that one of them hadn’t done to him before. He holds her head the same way Sero does or curls his fingers near her jaw like Kirishima is prone to, even runs his fingers through her hair like both she and Kaminari do often, as if he’s replicating what they show him. As if he isn’t quite sure how to love them himself. It makes her want to cry a bit, so she tries not to think about it too much. Instead, she kisses him a hundred different ways, a hundred different times so he can get used to it.
Sero’s kisses are bruising, in contrast. He kisses like he wants to leave a mark, like they’re leaving a reminder that they exist, that he’s here. He always leaves her a bit breathless and a bit empty headed after he kisses her. And her lips always tingle too, and that’s how she really knows it’s him, because that’s a sure sign that her lips are nearly purple instead of their usual pink.
Kirishima doesn’t really like kissing, at least, not on the mouth. She thinks it’s because of his teeth. He’ll kiss her hands and knuckles though, or rub their noses together and cup her face and let his long eyelashes brush against her cheeks. He’ll press his cheeks against hers and poke his tongue against his cheek so she feels it and squirms. Sometimes he will though. Gently curl his fingers near her jaw and press closed mouth against hers. Or it’ll be a lazy day and he’ll allow careful probing and gentle exploration.
She’s sure that some things will change with time. She’s sure some will remain the same. They’ll figure it out as they go.
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tryingmyves · 3 years
Girl All the Bad Guys Want
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okay i won’t lie, i remembered this song exists and i could not get the idea of a badboy!iida out of my head
this is a bit self indulgent because i was definitely that girl in hs lmaoooo
anyhow hopefully y’all like it too
cw: badboy!iida
✨ tagging the iida army: @coleluuviida + @saturnity + @peachiileaf ✨
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You have a reputation at UA, mostly with the male students. It isn’t something you put effort into maintaining or even something you cultivated on purpose, but you’ve gained some notoriety amongst your peers. At first glance, you don’t seem too different from your female classmates. You certainly don’t feel superior or disparate from them, but you’ve also never quite felt like you belonged with them. You don’t excel at being soft and demure, and you refuse to shrink yourself down in order to make others more comfortable in your presence. You spit in the face of all the things typically expected of a lady. And frankly, you’re more than a bit awkward when you hangout with the girls from your class. They always invite you to their sleepovers and shopping trips, and try to engage you in their conversations, but you’re always worried about saying the wrong thing or accidentally offending them. You’re never really able to add anything of value when they talk about the boys in your class - a recurring subject. Mina knows everything about everyone in class; she loves to gossip. It’s like her horns serve as antennae and pick up on all the juiciest secrets. She is always interrogating the other girls about their crushes but you just never really felt that way about anyone. Honestly, you find the conversations about who likes who to be a bit boring. You typically end up hanging out with Bakugo, Kirishima, and the rest of that squad. Boys are just easier to be around. They don’t get offended at your crass comments and your sometimes gruff disposition looks outright friendly next to Bakugo. 
Your undeniably attractive appearance, unquestionable skill with your quirk, and nonchalant attitude have landed you in the sights of several of your fellow UA students. You are the embodiment of do no harm, but take no shit and something about you is intoxicating. Mina frequently jokes with you about how the entirety of the Bakusquad is duking it out to see who gets to ask you out first. You roll your eyes at her, convinced she’s imagining things. But in reality you’re just clueless. As cliché as it is, you really are the girl all the bad guys want. Too bad you didn’t want them back. 
What you didn’t expect with your tough exterior, competitive nature, and tendency to slack off on class work is that class rep, Tenya Iida, would want you too. God, not even he expected it but he had fallen hard. You frustrate him. You’re just as smart as Yaomomo or Todoroki, but you skate by in class. You don’t outwardly disrespect authority, but you won’t blindly accept orders just because someone says so. He thinks the rap metal music you listen to while training is abrasive and doesn’t understand why all your favorite artists sound like they’re mad at their fathers. He finally gave up on lecturing you on the fact that the fishnets you wear with your uniform are not regulation and he was still wrestling with how he felt about learning you were one of the students caught at a dorm party with alcohol a few weeks ago.  More than anything he hates that you’ve so effortlessly got him pining for you and you haven’t even noticed. Iida loves the rules! Order, structure, regulation - these are the things that Iida covets, so why was he craving the taste of your lips on his?
He is tired of silently lusting after you, and decides he’s going to try actively pursuing you instead. Tenya thinks that you like “bad boys” so as foreign as the concept is to him, he concludes he’s going to have to take on that persona. He starts off simply, making a playlist of songs he’s heard you blaring from your dorm. He eases himself into your music, starting with Linkin Park and Korn, before adding Incubus, Machine Head, and even some ICP to the mix. He’s hesitant at first… the music just sounds so hostile and aggressive to him. But soon he finds himself relishing the fierce energy the songs give him. Tenya gets why you train to this sort of music, his workouts becoming more intense than ever. They end in his chest heaving and his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. His muscular calves throb vigorously after every run and he feels powerful. It gives him a new found confidence that he strategically channels into his interactions with you. For class today, Aizawa simply instructs you all to pair off and spar. You’re about to ask Sero to partner with you when he approaches. 
“Y/N. You’re with me.” Tenya doesn’t ask, he’s telling you you’re his partner. 
A small sound of surprise leaves your throat at his unexpected forcefulness, but you don’t question it. You just nod, giving a small shrug to Sero before following the class rep to a vacant spot of the training gym. 
You look over your challenger, rolling your head on your shoulders a few times to loosen up. “Don’t expect me to go easy on you. You asked for this,” you smirk, bringing your fists up in a defensive stance. 
Before you can even blink, Tenya has closed the 10 foot gap between you, sweeping a long leg beneath yours in a circular motion, knocking you off your feet. You land with a thud on your back and the air in your lungs is forced out with a nmph. 
“Just try to keep up, Y/N.”
Oh, it’s on. Previously you found Iida’s flustered demeanor around you endearing. But this new, assertive, almost cocky disposition is irresistible. His momentum propels him in a circle while he stays anchored in place on his massive left thigh. As he finishes turning through the motion he reaches forward hoping to pin your arms to the ground, but you’re just getting started. You plant the palms of your hands on either side of your face and kick up from the ground with a boost from your quirk. The added flow of air thrusts your legs up and over your head so you are now standing once more. You are sure that the soles of your shoes connect with Iida’s face during your arch through the air. 
“It’s not going to be that easy, specs,” you taunt. Now it’s your turn. 
You launch yourself at Tenya, closing the small gap between the pair of you in an instant. He extends a locked arm to block your approach but you simply dip your head, gliding underneath and down the length of his limb until you are just one step behind him. You pivot on your right foot as you swing your left arm across your body. Your open palm lands just between Tenya’s shoulder blades, your natural momentum accompanied by a gale force wind. The impact knocks him off his feet and sends him toppling forward. Tenya’s speed is unmatched and his large frame is covered in tone muscle, but with the addition of the very air around you, your strikes are ferocious. Your air quirk aids in your mobility, but you’ve used it to master hand to hand combat. You dominate in tight quarters, so you just need to keep Tenya close. He’s already returned to his feet, calculating his next move. The moment ‘s hesitation creating an opening for your right shin to collide with his side. Tenya growls through gritted teeth in response to the blow and the feral vibrations send shivers down your spine. Instead of recoiling from your attack Tenya’s hands clamp onto your shoulders like vices. His brows are furrowed in smug determination, and he practically sneers “Recipro Burst!”
You are propelled backwards rapidly, the gym surrounding you flashing by in a blur, the only thing you're able to see clearly is the dark glint in Tenya’s eyes and the zealous grin on his lips. You try to activate your quirk to counter his momentum, but it’s futile, he is pushing you backwards so quickly you can’t manipulate any of the air whizzing past you. Your back is suddenly pinned to the back wall of the gym, Tenya’s large hands holding your slender wrists to the concrete wall. He places a muscular thigh between your legs so his left knee is pressed to the wall as well - he has you completely immobilized. Both of your chests are heaving, your faces no more than three inches from one another. You don’t know what possesses you but you smash your lips to his, desperate to close the miniscule gap between you.
Tenya’s body stiffens in shock for a moment before he opens his mouth, snaking his tongue past your lips. You wrench your hands from his grip, placing one on the back of his neck and tangling the other in the mess of his navy hair. You didn’t expect the class rep to be such an amazing kisser, but when he catches your bottom lip between his teeth you can’t contain the soft moan that escapes you. Tenya swallows your noises and begins to pull away. Your lips hungrily follow after him, but you’re stopped when one of his calloused hands rests on your neck with just enough force to hold you in place. 
“Such public displays of desire are unbecoming of future heroes, Y/N. Come to my room this evening and we can finish this privately.” And with that, Tenya separates himself from you completely, already settling into a stance that signals he is ready to continue sparring.    
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fever-dreamer97 · 3 years
Fem!Deku And The School Festival
Ochako: Hey Deku-Chan! How’s the kissing booth going?
Fem!Deku: Uh, it’s okay...
Ochako: What’s wrong?
Fem!Deku: Weirdly, all of the guys gave me kisses on the head, cheek, or the hand. Maybe I’m not pretty enough or a bad kisser?
Ochako, glaring at Bakugo and Todoroki:...I don’t think that’s it.
Kirishima: Hey girls! What’s up?
Fem!Deku: A-ha! *grabs Kiri and kisses him*
Kirishima: !!
Fem!Deku: *moves back* Kirishima, was that good or bad?
Kirishima, blushing: I-I, g-good. Really good.
Fem!Deku: I knew it! *walks away*
Ochako, shocked:...Kirishima, RUN.
Kirishima, already taking off: IT WASN’T MY FAULT BRO!! *explosion in the distance*
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txdoroki · 3 years
Hello ^^~
May I request Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya and Denki's reaction to the readers confession? In which they also have a crush on the reader? 💜
hi! yes ofc,, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! been busy >,<
since it’s so long it’ll be under the cut :^
include todoroki, bakugou, midoriya, denki, kirishima :P 
might do a pt 3, lmk what characters yall wanna see ^-^
part 2 has been done
words: 1696
not edited btw i wrote this at 4am lmk if something doesnt make sense and i’ll fix it ahhhhhhhhhh
todoroki would be like 0-0 the entire time.
“hey todoroki, wanna go out on a date with me? we could go to the movies or wherever, it’s your choice,” you smiled up at him while he walked beside you, carrying both of your bags of schoolwork and books while he stared off at the road in front of you both.
he had always made an effort to do small, caring things for you. he’d hold the door, carry your books, or walk you home after school among many other things. you didn’t think much of it, you’d both been friends for a while, so you figured he was just being kind. no, no that wasn’t it.. he was just bad at showing he wanted to be more than just kind. more than just your friend from a while ago.
he was taken aback by your question, and internally cursed at himself for not asking you weeks ago. 
“um, todoroki?” you softly shook his arm when he seemed to have zoned out on the ground, but your bright smile didn’t fade. he adored that from you, he loved how eager you were to spend time with him. to talk with him. to try and learn about him. to do anything at all with him. you were so sweet and understanding, always. 
“oh, yeah sure,” he nodded at you, glancing down at you from sheer nervousness that you’d be laughing at him. that it’d be a prank. 
when you picked up on how on the edge he seemed to be, you leaned into him a bit, a goofy attempt at ensuring you wanted to go and it wasn’t a forced thing.
“you know, i’ve liked you for a while,” you grinned at him, winking when you saw his eyes quickly flash between content and joy. 
“me too,”
bakugou would be like ??!??!?!?!?!?!!???!?!!? who???? me??!?!?!?!?!!?? how??!?!?!?!?!?! screaming internally but on the outside like duhhhh
“hey, bakugou, i have a crush on you, by the way,” you whispered in his ear from behind the beanbag chair he was seated in. him and denki were in the middle of a wii tennis match, mina, sero, and kirishima all focusing on it to see who won.
“what? fucking dumbass, hold on a sec,” he scoffed when you ran your hair through his hair, ruffling it while he tried batting your hand away with his free one.
he tried to maintain focus on the match, lowkey trying to impress you with him winning. it was difficult, his mind kept drifting off to you and your cute face and your cute- back to the game, he’s gotta win. for you. after what felt like forever, he finally won, then dragged you out of denki’s dorm.
 “ooo sneaky link?” you heard mina giggle, and the three boys that remained in the dorm roared with laughter.
it got louder when bakugou screamed over his shoulder as he took you by the hand away from the dorm, “fuck off, extra, hell no,”
once you were both out of earshot he smirked, “so, you think i’m hot?” he rolled his eyes when you giggled and nodded, and a blush covered both of your faces, “well, you’re okay, i guess,”
“so when’s the date?” you smiled at him, chuckling when he pulled out his phone to check his fucking calendar app. such an old man.
after a few seconds, he pulled up a date on his phone and turned it to you. only a week from then.. ”february 14,” he winked at you and walked away, not even turning back, “see you at the dorm, dumbass,”
midoriya would be like  ≧◉◡◉≦
“all might’s spot as the top hero will not be easily passed by endeavor, or anyone else. he’s great for many reasons, would you like to hear them?” he only paused for a second, turning his head to see your amused nod before immediately continuing, “well first of all his quirk is-”
“midoriya, i wanna date you, if you want,” you interrupted and slowly put a hand on his arm, softly smiling at him.
“huh?” the small sentence shook him from his ranting, and he turned his entire body to look at you. your cheeks heated from the disoriented stare he gave you. he was that shaken up by something you’d said? “really?” 
“yes, of course. you’re very handsome and very passionate and ve-”
“yeah of course i’ll date you, thank you, y/n,” he kissed your forehead before turning back to the school hallway, ignoring the excited giggles of his classmates, “okay, so all might’s quirk is obvi....” his mind started wandering to how excited he was at the thought of dating you. it was a dream come true. “oh, sorry, so his quirk is obviously very good for hero w-”
“midoriya, can we go to your dorm after school?” you interrupted him again, smiling sweetly at him. sometimes it was difficult for him to not talk about heroes and all about them all, but you understood and tried helping out with other things.
“oh, of course, sweetie.. hah, can i call you sweetie? or would you prefer just y/n?” he began going on and on about the different things he wanted to call you if you were comfortable, not stopping until you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to both of yours next bell. 
ugh, calculus.
denki is like oh.? hehehehehehehehe 
you were sprawled out on your best friend’s bed, laying starfish on your back as you huffed about how frustrated and annoying today was. although you held back the most important part. it was especially frustrating how much you adored him. the good ole denki kaminari. you had these feelings for quite a while, trying your best not to confess. i mean, he was a class flirt, he wouldn’t like you back, right?
nah. he hadn’t flirted with anyone other than you in months. and you were the only one that didn’t pick up on it. 
“c’mon, y/n, i know you aren’t telling the full story. say what’s on your mind,” denki lightly ran his fingers up and down your right leg. it tickled but not enough to be uncomfortable. 
“i can’t,” you groaned, giggling when he rolled his eyes and persisted, saying no matter what he wouldn’t tell anyone.
“if you tell me, i’ll give you five bucks, y/n,” he chuckled when you sighed and finally nodded. when you sat up, he turned so you could tell he was listening to what you had to say.
“fine, but only for the money,” you giggled, “i uh.. i’ve been interested in you for a really long time now.. but i understand if you don-” 
wait what
he kissed you, moving his hand up to cup your cheek. your eyes slowly closed, leaning into his touch.
holy shit he kissed you???
when you were let go, your cheeks felt burning hot.
he kissed you again, and you melted into it. it felt like fireworks, euphoria filling your body.
“so does this mean you like me back?” you nervously played with your hands, trying your best to disregard the harsh red blush that was thrown on your face.
“well, duh, took ya long enough,” he chuckled, brushing some of your hair out of your face.
you cried out when you heard the click of his phone camera, and went to hide yourself.
“awe you look so beautiful, y/n. can’t wait to brag about you, baby,” he winked at you, typing something into his phone.
later that day you checked snapchat and saw on his private story the photo of you plus a caption, it read, 
“they finally realized, big dummy. y/n if you see this, you’re lucky you’re a good kisser ;)”
you shook your head and ran to his dorm, pounding on the door. you were gonna beat him up.
kirishima is a big ole softie duhhh everyone knows this. he best boy, no arguing!!
you sighed as kirishima held you to his chest, the lovely feeling of your growing feelings for him hummed in your chest. you had tried hard to push it back, how would that work out? would he reciprocate? was this only platonic?
“are you alright, y/n?” he whispered into your neck when he heard the sigh, trying to hide the deep red hue on his cheeks from you.
you both had agreed not to catch feelings for each other, fine at first with just cuddles and sweet compliments. no specific ties to the affections, just a way for the both of you to feel loved. an ideal thing to have, except that both of you were slowly breaking the agreement. 
you both ached for each other, but neither of you wanted to be the first to admit it. it was simply too risky.
“y-yeah, sorry, just thinking,”
“awe, no need to be sorry, pumpkin, what’s that pretty brain of yours thinking of?” he ran his fingers through your hair, appreciating the shivers of content that had you moving a small bit in his hold.
when you didn’t respond, he cocked an eyebrow, wondering if you hadn’t heard him or if you just chose to be quiet.
“pebble, what’re you thinking about?” he asked again, gently running his hand up and down your arm.
too deep in your thoughts to actually comprehend you were saying this out loud and not in your head, you whispered, “i wanna date you, i don’t want this to be just platonic. i need to be with you, kiri,”
“oh? you need to?” he smirked, chuckling when your eyes widened as you realized you had actually said that out loud, “well, if it’s a need.. i can make it happen, of course,”
“w-wait what?”
“you said you need to be with me, you weren’t lying, were you?” you slowly shook your head no, avoiding his gaze that bore into your skin, “let’s do that then, how’s that sound, pumpkin?”
“good,” you smiled into his chest, trying to move your hand to your arm to pinch you. were you dreaming?
you weren’t, this was real.
the man you’d liked for a while liked you back, oh hell yeah.
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moonkniqhtt · 3 years
Denki: Bakugou can't be good at everything, maybe he's a bad kisser?
Kirishima: Nah, he's good at that too
Denki: What
Kirishima: What
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shoutossoba · 3 years
— mha boys with pda (todoroki, bakugo, kaminari, kirishima, and iida)
warnings: kissing (if that’s a warning)
requested: no
reader: gender neutral!
a/n: this is my first headcanon for more than todoroki so i hope everyone enjoys :) feel free to leave requests 🖤
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— shoto todoroki
okay so affection wise he warms up to you really fast
this boy is so touch starved so if you touch him once (hugging, hand holding, etc) he’ll be obsessed
he loves cuddling with you (big spoon or little spoon)
but then there’s doing this all in public
he’s all for holding your hand or like wrapping an arm around your waist gently
soft cheek kissed happen too
but besides that it’s not really a lot of pda
he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or feel bad for being single
if he’s jealous he’ll just walk up to you and peck your cheek, then glare at the person flirting with you and they leave immediately
on movie nights you’re definitely curled up into each other’s sides
but yeah for pda it’s just simple
he’ll hug you, hold your hand, wrap an arm around your waist, peck your cheek but he does that he saves all his affection for when only you can see <3
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— denki kaminari
he already loves to just have affection from you and to give you affection
so pda? definitely
he will kiss your cheek so many times
he’ll kiss you so many times
always has to be touching you!
like he’ll hold your hand and stuff
but like he will lazily have an arm around your shoulders or waist
he will touch your butt a lot! (with your consent bc consent is cute 😌)
he likes to show people that he is dating you
would probably yell it to everyone if he could
he will try to start soft make outs with you on the couch but if you say no or feel uncomfortable he’ll get it
if he’s jealous he will like walk up and wrap his arm around you and call you babe a lot
sometimes if you kiss his cheek or him first in public he will blush a bit
he’ll also go on to like blush still and go “i’m dating them :)” like it wasn’t obvious before
somehow he gets even more affection when you aren’t near another people
overall he loves pda
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— eijiro kirishima
so he loves affection
he thinks it’s good for a relationship to have like good affection and stuff between each other
he cuddles with you a lot and prob is a good kisser
he isn’t like denki where he needs to be touching you like all the time, but he likes it
he loves holding your hand all the time
wraps his arm around your shoulder or waist
but he loves putting his hand on like the small of your back
like he’ll gently place it there and you both are happy
he will cuddle with you on the couch even with everyone watching
he will kiss you in public but he just gets flustered
he gets jealous. he won’t really do anything besides hold you hand but behind the scenes you need to reassure him you won’t leave him!!
in private yall more affectionate and cute
he’s definitely insecure but just sweet hugs and telling him how proud you are of him goes a long way in his eyes
it really means a lot to him when you just hold his hand back too :’)
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— tenya iida
pda is a definite no from him
to him pda isn’t really allowed ig?
he sees it as if he does pda then he’s breaking a rule
we all know how much iida likes this rules
in public he will hold your hand a bit but mainly that’s all
he doesn’t want to make his classmates uncomfortable and he doesn’t want to break any rules
you’ve tried to tell him pda isnt like ‘against the rules’ but he doesn’t listen because that’s what he believes
don’t get me wrong he’ll give you affection behind the scenes
but in public it’s a no
he doesn’t really get jealous because why would you engage in a relationship with him if you’d leave him?
on movie nights he’ll just kinda if hold your hand (on good nights)
most nights he just sits next to you and shares a blanket and food
sorry but this boi follows his rules (when ppl are looking 👀)
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— katsuki bakugo
this boy is confusing lmao
so in private he’ll love just to hold you in his arms and be soft with you (he doesn’t like to admit it)
but in public pda is at a low
he will wrap his arm around your shoulders because he’s showing you affection but he looks tough
he’ll hold you hand too tho
he doesn’t kiss you a lot in public unless he’s jealous
he knows he’s the best and that you guys are happy together but if he sees anyone talk to you in more than a friendly way-
instead of fighting or blowing someone up he will just walk over to you and kiss you
this kiss is a bit different than your other kisses because you can feel the jealously yk
he will not normally kiss you in public because he knows he’ll look soft and no one can know he’s soft for you
this man is whipped for you
he will also just like put his hand on your butt and do that instead of having it around your waist
he has no problem showing that he’ll beat someone up for looking at you wrong or talking about you wrong
at movie nights he will either have an arm around you, have a hand on your thigh (with consent), or is asleep on you
but for pda expect no real kisses because he can’t be soft in front of people
so expect hand holding, having his arm around you, and jealous kisses
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 1 -> https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mashirao Ojiro
Remember when you where a little kid and would collect flowers at recess and give them to your teacher? Yeah that’s him
Makes little flower crowns
Idk this boy just really likes flowers okay
Their a secret for a while and because he’s not friends with everyone no one really “finds out” and the just tell the class
Aizawa kinda knew they were together the whole time it was obvious it’s just no one paid attention
Y/n is willing to get in fight for people they care for and Ojiro will just pull them away with his tail from beating some kid who made fun of Deku
They call him “Lovely little Monkey” cause he’s only 5’4 or around there and they find it cute
When it gets more serious he makes a vow to them that he will never hit them or hurt them in anyway and it’s the sweetest thing ever
When y/n is having a bad day he’ll just come at them with a million bad puns and pick up lines to make them laugh
Y/n likes wearing his Martial Arts clothes and he’s like “would you actually wanna learn?” And after a second of thinking they nod their head at rapid speed
Denki and y/n are the only people who can touch his tail (him and Denki are great friends try to change my mind)
When he’s a pro hero y/n and him are partners and they don’t tell the public their together
Every fan ships them
So one day they think no one is watching them after a fight and they kiss and congratulate each other on how good they did
Turns out there were a ton of cameras around them and it was on the news
Y/n almost killed the network ngl
Denki Kaminari
He may seem like a perv but he’s only a perv at home don’t worry ❤️
Anyways (cause writing THAT made me uncomfortable)
Y/n makes him study and sometimes he doesn’t and they’ll check to see if he’s studying and at some point their just like
“I’m gonna study with you to make sure you study”
He did study when they were with him :)
Drop kicks Mineta when he hits on y/n even tho he knows y/n and him are dating
When y/n doesn’t know he’s there he’ll go up to them and give them a small zap and they’ll giggle
(Okay druggie Denki coming through) y/n helps him get out of addiction 😌
Puts him in rehab if it’s bad bad
Once Bakugo made fun of their relationship and behind Denki’s back y/n beat him to the ground and the next day he had a black eye and some bruises and Denki was like “bro what happened” “nothin”
They mess with Ojiro’s tail together
Y/n will rant and he just sits staring at them and nodding occasionally
👏watching 👏crappy 👏 tv shows / movies 👏 together 👏👏👏👏👏
When he’s in dumbass mode y/n will throw him over their shoulder and bring him to the dorms and the whole class finds it so funny
On Twitter and other social media they will post a pic of the other and the text is just a keyboard smash
Before they got together he would do that but in the Bakusquad group chat and Bakugo just left the chat at some point cause he was tired of random clearly not asked for pics of y/n and just “akaoqiwbbejwhbwoqj I thinking I’m simping”
Relationship is not a secret whatsoever
He just went up to them in the middle of lunch, got down on one knee, took one of their hands and asked them to go out with him and after bursting into laughter y/n said yes
He’s protective but also if no ones eyeing y/n or hitting on them he’ll low key be offended for y/n like “how dare they not find you to be the hottest/ cutest/ most wonderful being in the universe?”
If y/n is tired after training then he’ll pick them up bridle style and the Bakusquad calls him a simp
It’s literally the most healthy relationship you could ever imagine
Neither will hesitate to call the other out if their being unfair/ not putting effort into the relationship or “unmanly” as Kirishima says
Makes sure each of them get a good amount of self care as well as taking care of the other
Rarely fight, get in arguments but settle it out peacefully and with respect for one another
He would break up with y/n if they make him feel less or like he has to “be good enough for them” because he heavily values self worth because of this insecurity’s in middle school
Y/n makes him feel like he can do anything tho so don’t worry
Sometimes y/n just sits down and stares at Kirishima whiles he’s ranting about something he’s passionate about and smiling
Then he’s like “why are you staring?”
Y/n: *absolutely star struck* “u pretty”
Has hot coco in the summer
Making pillow/ blanket forts and when their done using them jumping on top and destroying them
Y/n will run at him from behind and he hears their footsteps and then shifts to pick them up for a piggy back ride
Swinging their arms around when they hold hands 😫
Y/n snorts when they laugh and their insecure about it and then Kirishima is like “okay then I’ll not try to make them laugh to much so they don’t snort and feeling bad!” And then y/n thinks he’s less interested in them
And then he makes up for it in making them laugh a ton (like to where they start coughing) and cudddle up to them and tell them how he loves their snort
Get each other gifts and ONLY gives them in front of the rest of the class to flaught how much they adore each other
Fist bumps are a form of intimate affection and you can’t change his mind
So are high fives
Even if they break up they will still be really good friends
Kirishima metions how he really likes how Bakugo makes a random food and y/n will force him to teach them how to make it
Forehead kisses Forehead kisses Forehead kisses Forehead kis-
Has a new pet name for each other every day
Fat gum has to approve (he does, he adores y/n)
Kirishima and y/n definitely call him dad
Tamaki meets them and after he tells Kirishima “their really nice you have good taste” and then feels bad because he made it sound like food
All four are just best friends and after the raid y/n totally takes them all out for boba or something like that because they are proud
Kouji Kouda (Koda)
Very, very slow relationship
It was like 6 months in before they kissed
Every time he leaves a room he’ll be like “bye I love you!”
Doesn’t get jealous at all
Like a guy could literally slap their butt and he’ll just sit their like “well that’s not very friendly” and then y/n tells him how it made them uncomfortable and he’s like “OH NO I SHOULD OF HELPED”
Dates at the park
Y/n will see like a squirrel or bird or something and be like “Koda Koda go say hi tell it hi for me please”
The type to look up how to be romantic and he just sits at his computer like “why would I kiss them in the rain????? We would be wet and uncomfortable?????”
First date is at a petting zoo
They (Koda would not propose) proposed at that same petting zoo but made arrangements to where no one else would be there so he wouldn’t be embarrassed
Legit learning Morse code or silent language so he doesn’t have to talk
Little notes left on their desk before their together and y/n’s friends are all like “you have a secret admirer~~~” and he glances over to blushing y/n and stiffens, blushing
Y/n always getting the spiders
At first wanted to do the “cover with a glass slip a piece of paper let it free” method but then he got paranoid they got back in the dorm
At the start of the relationship whenever y/n even breaths he’s staring at the ground blushing
Once they were cuddling and he had his head in their chest (uncomfortable for y/n but they deal) and they started singing and he melt on the spot
When they feel down in the morning and Koda can’t walk with them back to the dorms for whatever reason a trail of little rabbits and other cute animals will follow them trying to cheer them up
Rikidou Satou
Constantly baking for y/n, after something runs out he will have something even better ready to give to them
Teaches has them to bake
Self doubts when y/n is around good looking people and tries to show off his muscles to show that he’s worth them
Y/n knows he deserves them ❤️
Some times he’ll make something super sugary and shares with the class and their all like “????? This is so sugary I can’t eat this???????”
And y/n is munching on it and everyone knows that he makes them stuff like this all the time
“How in the world are you still fit?” “Lots and lots of working out and only eat healthy outside of it. No chips or anything , and it’s fine”
Randomly declares that he loves random thing about them
“I love how their hair smells after they shower!” “Okay Satou anyways when are we gonna-“
Y/n said he was a good kisser once and now every time he sees them walk in the room he makes a kissy face
Taking random walks around campus
And they talk to people they pass by
Like so many people around the school know about them and they become known as “that one really cute walking couple”
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levi-ish · 4 years
How the BNHA characters show love
this is just my opinion and how I see them doing stuff so hope you enjoy <3
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sharkboi is definitely the one to shower you in kisses and cuddles whenever possible
he will hold your hand at all times and show you off to everyone
“this is my love, y’all”
he isn’t the kind of guy who blushes easily
but he cries a lot
its cute af tho
sometimes he will even cry at the thought of having you
says i love u all the time
he won’t ever make you feel bad about yourself
“you’re literally perfect (Y/N)”
i also have a feeling he’s into bigger ppl
he’s a huge baby and the best cuddler
also a big fan of long kisses and long naps holding you close
so he can smell the scent of your hair
he loves giving massages and he’s the best at it
“you make me feel so manly”
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i just know he sleeps smiling every night
god he’s the dorkiest yet most sweet baby ever
the boy will always bring you cute stuff he finds on his way
“i found this pretty rock and it reminded me of you”
sometimes he would bring cute little flowers but they would get smashed in his pocket only for him to find them at night
he will always try to cook for you when ur having a bad day
and burn everything
only for you to cook instead
but you love it because he will just hug ur waist from behind and watch you 
he is the kind of bf to show everyone pics of you
“this is (y/n) at the park, this is (y/n) cooking- you gotta try these brownies- this is (y/n) sleeping”
most of all, he just loves to have you around, no matter what you two are doing
and he gets sad when you dont give him morning kisses all over his freckles
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he’s todoDORKY
you just know he’s trying his best
but gosh sometimes u gotta slam his head on the wall for him to notice that u need physical contact
i have a feeling he’s one for small but meaningful demonstrations
he hugs you from behind from time to time and rests his chin on ur head
sometimes he kisses ur forehead when he gotta leave
and leaves you looking like a tomato
whenever you’re chilling in his room he just...
...keeps staring
it would be creepy if u didnt know him
but u know he’s just thinking great things bc u can see the hint of a smile
he does like to show people ur his
having his arm around you at all times
sending people glares whenever they stare for too long
and gosh, sleeping on his chest is the best thing ever bc you can feel his warmth
and on cold nighs he will vaporize to keep you warm
he’s a great kisser tho
 we all been knew bakugo is a possessive little fucker
he will always try to remind everyone ur his
and only his
so don’t fuck w (y/n) or u might die
just kidding not
i also am pretty sure the boy knows how to cook
and won’t let you near the kitchen when he’s doing his thing
or else
he also is the kind of guy that will make you beg for a kiss
but when u get tired of doing it, he will shut u up the best way
with his lips
“come here u dumbass”
he also blushes
a lot
but never admits it
and will fucking pin you to a wall when you point it out
till ur the one blushing
sometimes he will just shove you randomly into his chest
you can be doing anything, he will just pull you against his body and shove your face onto him
can be a little uncomfortable for whoever is watching but u do love it
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icedthoma · 4 years
what happens under the mistletoe stays under the mistletoe || part 2
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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“Was it good?”
You coughed as water spilled from your water bottle on its way to your mouth. “What do you mean, was it good?” you wheezed, wiping the moisture off your face with the back of one hand. 
”Your kiss with Bakugou!” Uraraka teased, passing you a small towel. You covered your entire face with it, a muffled groan escaping your mouth. 
“It’s been two days,” you protested. “It was probably just a one-time thing.” 
“But that was your first kiss,” Ochaco swooned like the hopeless romantic she was. “You’re really going to brush it off like it was nothing?” 
You didn’t know what to say. After that heated moment under the mistletoe with Bakugou, he locked himself in his room for the rest of the duration of the party. No one had heard from him until the weekend had ended and you all were back to school. 
“Maybe I’m just that bad of a kisser?” You shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
All you knew was that whatever Kaminari and Mina had told you about Bakugou never being kissed before had to be an utter lie, because it certainly felt like Bakugou knew what he was doing when he pulled you in under the mistletoe. 
But why? You saw how annoyed he got every time he was caught under the small plant with anyone else. Could he possibly--no, that didn’t make any sense. He couldn’t have a crush on you. The two of you rarely talked other than what was necessary, and just because you worked well in class didn’t mean he felt that way about you. What made you different from Kirishima or Uraraka, both who had earned Bakugou’s respect early in the year?
Your eyes widened as you caught yourself thinking of that heavenly scent again. So what if you thought Bakugou was attractive? So what if you couldn’t stop thinking about his lips that had fit perfectly against yours two days ago? All that meant nothing, because you for sure did not have a crush on Bakugou Katsuki and that stupid caramel scent of his you were not addicted to because of one kiss. 
Still, you couldn’t stop your gaze from drifting over to where Bakugou was sparring with Deku on the other side of the arena, the sound of every blast he sent rocketing toward the freckled boy resonating in your chest. 
Someone shouting your name snapped you out of your daydreaming, and a fist slammed into your cheek, sending you sprawling to the ground. You coughed and gingerly touched the spot where a bruise was definitely going to form. Mina’s pink figure bent over you, her face filled with concern as she extended a hand to help you up. 
“What was that?” she asked, reminding you that your own sparring match had started. “You should have countered that with no problem!” 
“I--I’m sorry,” you apologized, accepting the block of ice Todoroki handed you to press to your face. “I’ll do better.” 
“You’re clearly distracted,” Mina said, folding her arms and looking at you with a quirked brow. “It was about what happened at the party, wasn’t it?” 
“No!” you blurted out, then froze as she looked even smugger at your fast reply. “Maybe...” 
“K-Kacchan, I’m sorry! I thought you would dodge that! Oh god please don’t kill me--” 
The two of you turned to where Bakugou was on the ground, a hand pressed to his nose that was currently bleeding. Kirishima ran to him with a towel. 
“It seems like you’re not the only one who is out of it today,” Ashido commented, nudging you with her elbow. “You better do something about your little...problem, and soon.” 
“What am I even supposed to do?” you protested, face burning. “Go up to him and say, hey, I never really thought of you this way before, but after that kiss, I’m starting to rethink my entire life choices?’“
“I sure am,” Deku groaned, trudging up from behind you. “Kacchan’s going to murder me...” 
“Y/n,” Aizawa called from where Bakugou was fuming in the corner, glaring in Deku’s direction. “Take a moment outside to cool down. Take Bakugou with you.”
“Um, I think I’m fine--” you started, only to be cut off by Mina.
“Of course, Aizawa-sensei! She’ll be right there!” At your incredulous expression, Mina hissed, “Listen, this is your chance!”
“Chance to what?” 
“You don’t think Bakugou feels the same way you do,” she said. 
“Of course I don’t think he feels the same way,” you cried. “That kiss probably meant nothing to him! But for me...that was my first! How am I supposed to have had that moment with him and not have him constantly on my mind!”
Ashido’s dark eyes softened, and she gently took your hands in hers. “You mean more to him than you think,” she said quietly. “Just give him a chance.” 
You stared at her in shock and confusion. What the heck was that supposed to mean? You blankly turned away and walked out of the arena, vaguely aware of Bakugou’s presence following behind you. 
“Oi, don’t walk in front of me!” Bakugou barked. You rolled your eyes and waited for him to catch up, and the two of you continued in silence. You opened your mouth multiple times, the beginnings of a sentence forming on your lips, only to die out. What would you say to him, anyway? 
“We need to talk.” The two of you stared at each other as the same words left both of your mouths at the same time. 
You blushed and turned away, fidgeting with the sleeve of your hero costume. “You first.” 
“Are you mad at me or something?” Bakugou asked, voice tight and strained. 
“Why would I be mad at you? You were the one who locked yourself in your room for the entire weekend after the party! If anything, I should be asking if you’re mad at me.”
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he said. “It was wrong of me.” 
Under any other circumstance, hearing an apology from Bakugou would have been music to your ears, but now you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “What? Lock yourself in your room?” 
“No,” he said, letting out a slow exhale and turning to you, jaw set. “I shouldn’t have kissed you that night.” 
Your steps faltered, and you whipped around to face him. “What the hell?” you whispered, your anxiety giving way to anger at the blond boy’s statement. 
“You don’t understand--”
“No!” you exclaimed, tears beginning to form in your eyes. “You’re the one who doesn’t understand. After that moment, you’ve been on my mind constantly, from your annoyingly attractive face to the way you smell like stupid caramel,” you went on, heart twisting at how Bakugou was staring at you in shock, mouth open in a perfect o. “It may not have meant anything to you, but it did to me!”
“I was scared!” Bakugou yelled, running his hands through his hair in frustration. “I was scared, okay? I thought you would hate me after I did that to you!”
“I didn’t,” you said quietly. “I liked it. A lot.”
He froze and looked at you for the first time, eyes wide. “You did?” You nodded sheepishly, and he let out a breathless laugh, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. “I’m actually going to murder those two extras.”
“Mina and Kaminari?” You connected the dots. 
“They found out I had feelings for you, and insisted on putting mistletoe everywhere during the party,” he explained. “I--why are you smiling so much?”
“You said you have feelings for me,” you said smugly, unable to stop your grin from spreading. You didn’t care that Mina and Denki had been in on this the whole time. 
“You didn’t hear shit from me,” he began to say, but you caught his arm and pulled him back to you. He raised an eyebrow at the familiar position the two of you were in. 
“Say it again.”
Katsuki sighed, a long-suffering exhale. “I--like--you,” he said, enunciating every word. 
“I like you, too,” you repeated, a warmth growing in your chest. “And you’re not a bad kisser.” 
“Of course not!” he exclaimed, crossing his arms and huffing. “Why would you think otherwise?”
“Kaminari and Ashido told me you’ve never been kissed before,” you said. “I guess we both had our firsts together.” 
“What about seconds?” 
It took you a second to register what Bakugou had just said. “W-what? There’s no mistletoe anywhere--”
He laughed as he pulled you in closer, touching his forehead to yours. “Who said what happens under the mistletoe had to stay under it?” 
Tags: @wonhos-world​
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Kirishima Eijirou - Alphabet HC’s
a/n: jo was talking so much about kiri I caved and did him today... enjoy you lovely hoes
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
Kiri is a soft man who enjoys being affectionate with you. He’s a big hand holder, he loves having his arm thrown over your shoulders, his hand on your waist. Kiri is the type of boyfriend if you’re not walking and just waiting around his arms will wrap around your waist and his head will bury into your neck.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Taking kirishima’s breath away is actually fairly easy. Waiting for him at home with dinner and a good movie rolling makes kiri forget how to breath as he cries before jumping onto the couch to join you.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Kiri is a manly man; it is known by all! So you can bet your ass that he’s into cuddling. His favorite positions are one of two things: you laying on top of him, head on his chest, fingers grazing his torso and his hands trailing your body. That or him being the little spoon as it’s comforting and makes him feel safe. 
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
Kiri’s biggest dream is accomplishing everything you want to do in life with him. Like if you have a bucket list, he is all for it!!! He will do anything and everything in his power to get you to accomplish every single goal.
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
Kirishima fucking Eijirou puts in so much damn effort into the relationship??? He has every little special date for the two of you memorized, little tokens from your dates??? He spoils you rotten and does it with a large grin and a peppering kiss to your lips as he says its the manliest thing he can accomplish for you.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Kirishima becomes a sort of your therapist when you’re scared. He will listen to all your worries and concerns, your fears and hardships. He’ll give you his shirt/sweatshirt/bandana to wear as he prepares your favorite drink. He’ll give you reasons to stop being scared because he’s there for you and will help you with every single fear.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
He definitely gives you the gifts that make you cry. They’re sentimental and typically homemade. They’re never super pretty, unless he gets mina to help him out, but they are always award-winning in your eyes. You treasure each gift he gives you with your entire heart. Kirishima also never expects a gift back from you. In fact, it makes him almost jittery when you return his affections, his face will always go as red as his hair. 
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
KIRISHIMA IS A HUGGER!!!!! HE HUGS YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH!!! He will come home and run in and pick you up into a spinning hug as he peppers your face with kisses. 
He LOVES giving you back hugs, and placing his chin onto your head as you two cook at home. He just feels so in love when he holds your soft body against his.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s so romantic is almost disgusting. Literally none of his friends like hearing him gush about you because it makes them annoyed because why is he so goddamn in love?? And because they’re jealous of your relationship. He doesn’t have problems with intimacy, and the only time he would have issues is if his confidence ever dropped!
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
JE A LO US KIRISHIMA?!?!?!?!?! Wooooo boy. 
One day you’re waiting for him in a booth at a cafe you two frequent because you both love the pastries there, and he’s gone to the restroom. A man takes the opposite side of the booth, or kirishima’s spot while grinning. He’s flirting with you despite your obviousness of not being interested as your eyes search for your redheaded boyfriend. The strangers hand comes out to reach yours and it’s smacked away by kirishima who returns. His eyebrow is raised as he slips into your side of the booth, his eyes angry as he stares as the stranger. All while maintaining eye contact with the stranger he’ll kiss you and very obviously slip his tongue into your mouth as your eyes fly open. The stranger leaves pretty quickly and kirishima will mutter about how unmanly assholes like him are.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Kirishima is such an enthusiastic kisser, his hands cupping your cheeks as he pulls you close. His soft and warm lips make your mind go blank, always. He is an amazing kisser and could spend the rest of his life kissing you if he could!!!! Kirishima will kiss you as often as he can!!!!
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Kirishima says it by accident one day. He has this big old elaborate plan that involves a hike with you as he professes his love for you. But one night after an amazing night and he drops you off at your then apartment he’ll press a gentle kiss to your lips and tells you softly, “goodnight, y/n… i love you, sweet dreams.” and he leaves you like that until he’s nearly out of the building and realizes what he said before running back to see you still frozen in your doorway. 
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Is this even a question??? Are you kidding??? 
Kirishima would marry you basically every day after you agreed to marry him!!! The ceremony would begin as a very small and intimate thing, but the two of you end up inviting the entire countries population by accident.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Kirishima is a strolling out at night sort of guy. As a pro-hero he definitely knows the streets to take and to avoid! 
He is a boyfriend who does fancy restaurants, bowling dates, to nights at home. He will give you dates straight out of a storybook if he can!!!
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He doesn’t like letting you visit him when he’s on patrol because he’s always afraid you’ll be hurt! Like visit him all you want in his office, he loves having office dates, but he gets sort of anxious when you visit him on the field, not that he can’t protect you, but it’s too antsy for him.
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Kirishima is a very playful person in your relationship. Like a sweet playful! 
Tickle fights and baking wars! 
He’ll dump an entire bowl of flour on you to sabotage you, and you’ll crack the entire carton of eggs on him (which always ends disastrously because he’ll use his quirk and the eggs go f l y i n g everywhere in their messy state).
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Kirishima wants your opinion on everything! Hell, his friends are so damn opinionated all the damn time that he sort of expects you to have an opinion as well! He values your thoughts and doesn’t want you to feel as if you don’t have a say in the relationship or things that involve you (even if they don’t he wants to hear it). And he will always give his honest opinion on things because you deserve to know his thoughts as well!!!!
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
He’s not a spontaneous person per se, he does love enjoying planning things out because demanding schedules are a thing! But he’s never predictable!!! If he can be spontaneous he’ll definitely do something at 4 a.m. with you!!!
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
Kirishima sleeps with you coddled into his body!!! He loves having you within his arms when he sleeps!!!! But he does feel bad if he wakes you up in the morning because most times you both will wake up with limbs tangled together.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Kirishima literally doesn’t trust anyone more than you!!!! He would give his life for you, he would put his life in your hands any day because he knows that you value and will go to the end of the world and back for him. Plus your his little baby, of course he trusts you.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
The fact that he calls you ‘manly,’ ngl the first time he said it your jaw dropped and you were speechless. But it’s one of his many endearing quirks and you love him so much for it and would never change a thing about it. 
Plus, you two are workout couple goals even if you don’t really work out for him, you’re his… motivation ;)
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Kirishima is definitely the kind of boyfriend who is very vulnerable with you and has no issue portraying such vulgar emotions and as long as you have the time and energy to deal with it it can happen even before the two of you begin dating! 
In this state, kirishima truly breaks your heart. His shoulders are saggy, tears fill his eyes, and his smile is so weak and broken. He tries to pretend he’s okay bUT HE’S NOT!!!
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
Kirishima has built you a treehouse using nothing but his quirk before. It is the most hideous thing you’ve ever seen before in your life, and it barely was able to hold the both of you in there, but it was the sweetest and most funny thing he’s ever done and you leapt into his arms when he told you about it. 
also he really loves seeing you wearing his bandana
Also… he has dyed his hair back to his original color for you/ a reminder of who he once was and he cried when you told him you loved him either way (he lets his natural hair color come back every so often just for you)
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Kirishima becomes the best nurse in the entire country. Will even wear a sexy nurse outfit (yes, the female kind) to make you smile because you deserve to get some smiles and endorphins pumping into your veins again. He’s a caretaker to you, and you will feel his blinding sunshine energy at full force.
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Kirishima’s only annoyance is if you use his things and don’t put them back where they belong! And there’s nothing that annoys kirishima unless you refuse to believe in his loving words for you.
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
KIRISHIMA IS A PASSIONATE BOY AND LOVES WHEN YOU GIVE HIM THE SAME LEVEL OF PASSION BACK!!!! Even if you don’t that’s okay, he’ll love you the same regardless.
NSFW (under cut):
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Kirishima is the boyfriend who will carry you to the bathroom and shower you off. He wants you to feel relaxed and clean and thinks that wiping you down isn’t enough. Unless you like laying in it, he’s gonna shower you.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kirishima’s favorite body part on himself is his entire body, not even going to lie. He worked damn hard to be where he is now! Even if it didn’t start off for him to be a pussy magnet, but he just loves when you worship his body. 
On you??? Kirishima is a tits and ass man. He can’t choose!!! He just loves how your warm flesh feels in his hands as you’re making out and they’re both just so soft he can’t decide.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Kirishima’s cum is among the best come you’ve ever had to swallow. It is, however, sticker than most and he loves to see it sit in your mouth and watch as you swallow and reopen to show him that you did, in fact, swallow it. 
Also loves to come on your tits.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kirishima really wants to try cuckolding with you one day, but has no idea how to bring it up. He’s also worried about becoming super jealous, but he thinks it’s kinda fucking hot if he watched you getting fucked by someone else and then coming in to finish you off the way you deserve to be fucked.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s not an experienced baby at all!!!! Not a single detail in his brain about it, but he’s so eager and ready to learn that it makes up for it and it hardly seemed like he didn’t know what he was doing.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything that shows off his strength. Against the wall, having you against a desk, loves seeing you ride his dick, and the pretzel dip because he can see both tits and ass.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Kirishima is a pretty serious guy in bed, but in a light hearted way??? Like its not so serious that you feel like you’re trying to film a porno, but not lighthearted enough to discuss how the show the two of you watch together was amazing this week.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
His pubes are still the color of his natural hair and you think its kinda fucking hot. The first time you had sex it was a bush, but right afterwards he asks you how you prefer it and will groom accordingly. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Kirishima is the type that seems so fucking lovey dovey in bed. His voice encouraging you, praising you, moaning about how much he fucking loves you and your body… but then he’ll let it slip that daddy’s little whore takes his cock so well and the romance kinda dies… lol 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Used to masturbate quite a lot before he got with you, and even now he’ll do it if he can’t fuck you instead. But he stole a pair of your panties that he destroyed the matching bra with and kinda really fucking loves to drag it along his length as he fists himself hard and fast.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hes a dom. Loves degradation a lot more than he should. Pull his hair. Worship his muscles, loves cockwarming, loves when you titfuck him, and knifeplay on him. Did I mention that he is also into pegging????
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Favorite location to fuck you is most definitely in a bedroom. Typically when you’re in the bedroom you can be sooo much kinkier and he can’t fucking help but love going many rounds with you which can’t happen as easily elsewhere.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you crawling towards him when you’re on the bed. Your bottom tucked between your teeth as you look at him through your eyelashes. Your voice almost a whimper as you beg for him to fuck you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Kirishima wants to eat you the fuck out. Your pussy is his meal for the entire year and he’s not even fucking mad about it. But god does he love seeing your bruised lips around his length as you give him a blow job. Honestly either way is a win-win and you both will probably end up doing oral on each other over the course of the night.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Kirishima wishes he was a slow and sensual partner because giving you slow and spine chilling sex is his dream… but he just sees your panting, quivering, and come soaked mess that you are and all control is out the window as he fucks you mercilessly. The number of times you’ve dented the wall or broken headboards is too many.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Kirishima prefers proper rolling around in the sheets type of sex, but he really really fucking loves quickies in the hero office. Whether that be you sucking him off under the desk in a meeting, or actually fucking you without knowing when the next person is going to waltx into his office… he loves it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Kirishima experiments with everything you want. He knows what he likes pretty quickly because he’s seen porn and stuff, but he’s willing to try everything with you. Even roleplaying those red daddy riot self insert fics the two of you happen upon.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kirishima can last so. Fucking. Long. I’m talking like seven rounds because as soon as you think it’s done and that he can’t do it anymore suddenly he’s back at 10 and is like “i’m ready to go again if you are” and your cunt may be bruised at this point but you look down at his dick and go “okay!”
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own toys before you, but the two of you definitely buy them together!! Now you two have a collection!!! They’re used often enough, if not every time you fuck, and they’re used interchangeably on the both of you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kirishima can be the biggest fucking tease on the planet, the tip of his cock lining your entrance as you beg for him to enter you, his hands on your hips preventing you from penetrating yourself. Theres a small sadist in him that loves seeing your burning cheeks and tearing up eyes as you are so desperate for his cock.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
If kirishima had one talent in the entire world, it would be getting you to squirt. 
He always seems to fucking manage to do it without even trying. He’ll grin as he gets you to squirt just by fingering you and will suck his fingers clean while his chest swells with pride as he’s ready to get you to squirt one more time but around his cock.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Kirishima has a thick as hell cock, like im talking “b-babe, that’s not gonna fucking fIT--!” kinda dick. Its seven inches hard, and has four thick veins trailing across the front of his length. It has a slight tilt towards the right too.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kiri is always horny for you, even if neither one of you really know it. He just really, really, fucking is turned on by you. He really never had a high sex drive until meeting you either, so congrats.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Does not and will not fall asleep until you’re tucked into bed and fast asleep. He really likes watching you sleep and the soft snores you give after a rough night of fucking is his favorite thing.
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