#kiss of judas
dead-finch-420 · 3 months
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not enough angst going on, im here to fix that 😌
also!! this is a call back to the very first leblise piece i made!! im going to kick myself!!
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Kiss Of Judas (Detail) - Giotto / Strangers - Ethel Cain
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cuties-in-codices · 5 months
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the kiss of judas
in the 'bible moralisée de philippe le hardi', france, 15th c.
source: Paris, BnF, Français 166, fol. 108v
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fuckmachine42069 · 5 months
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using my art history degree for good by incorporating biblical references into my eva fanart !!!!
closeups under the cut!!
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drconstellation · 5 months
Trials and Denials
Part 2 of The Passion of Jimbriel
Part 1: The Entry to Soho is here
The story of events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus, and the days following, until his ascension to Heaven, are collectively known as the Passion narratives. It comes from the Latin "to suffer," or "to endure."
More than one op has mentioned there are parallels to this in S2, so I thought I would try and find how well the whole narrative was followed. Oh yes, is the short answer, it certainly does! And how! And in places you might be surprised about. I hope this series of metas might answer some of the odd mysteries of "why is that there...? that are still floating around at the moment for you.
In Part 1 we looked at the three temptations in the wilderness during the 40 days of fasting, before the entry to Jerusalem on donkey. Then there was the Cleansing of the Temple and the Anointing of Jesus.
Now we start to do some hard work. As a warning, we are going to be covering part of the Final Fifteen Minutes during this post, so if you don't want to read this at work, or somewhere else you don't have privacy to be upset, you might want to save or skip this for later.
I also mentioned at the end of Part 1 that it's not just Jim/Gabriel that takes on the role of Jesus, it's also Crowley - and they change around as we follow the narratives along. Crowley and Gabriel actually have a lot in common so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise.
The Last Supper is the next way point we need to cover in the narratives as we move along. It was at the Eldritch Ball, of course, with Jimbriel offering everyone "tiny little dinners" and just about everyone had a drink in their hand.
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And he does share something he discovered about his body with the assembled crowd.
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The Denial of Peter. After the meal, on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus predicts that Peter, the first Apostle, would deny him three times before the cock crowed (or morning arrives.) In the narratives this happens in quick succession, but in S2 the three incidents are spread out.
But who plays who? Here's the prediction:
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And here's Peter Michael, who's going to do the denying.
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The Agony in the Garden of Gesthsemane is the next main part of the narratives. Here Jesus has retreated with three of the Apostles after the meal to pray and to ask to be released of his burden. But after pleading three times, he accepted he must take on the sins of men and die for them.
We have actually mentioned this one before - It is Crowley drinking the laudanum in the 1827 minisode. By drinking the laudanum in Elspeth's place he absolves her of her intended sin of taking her own life and took it upon himself - he saved her from going to Hell, so she could join wee Morag in Heaven, eventually (and paid the price in her place for it.) I covered it in my Altar of Eccles Cakes as it also covers being a Sin offering. It was first suggested here.
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"If this cup cannot pass by, but I must drink it, Your will be done!" Matthew 26:42
An angel was said to have come from Heaven to comfort and strengthen him. Uh huh.
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Jesus then comes back to find the three Apostles asleep. "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
I'm going to suggest these could be the three bodies we see in the 1827 minisode: the first is the body dressed in the mason's apron that Elspeth has dug up when Aziraphale and Crowley first come upon her, the second is the priest they dig up with wee Morag along, and the third is wee Morag's body. Why? Because I've been thinking about being shown the mason there in contrast to the priest (and the mention of masons in other parts of S2) and the brief discussion that is had about where one goes after one dies in that minisode. And the thing is, as Aziraphale tries to point out (and Crowley tries to argue with Aziraphale, as well) a lot of what you believe in while living doesn't matter once you die. Masons just have to believe in a supreme being (i.e. the Almighty) but they don't have the same belief structure as the Christian church. Both the mason and a catholic are going to end up in the same place (and wee Morag, too) despite that.
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Now we've reach The Kiss of Judas, then The Arrest. But lets take a couple of steps back and set up the betrayal of Judas first - which starts around here:
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Hello there, Judas!Aziraphale. Aren't you going to accept my 30 pieces of silver bribe in the form of I'm-watching-what-you-do-almond-syrup-laden-coffee? Come and have a further chinwag with me while I bribe you with more silver in the form of the the Supreme Archangel's clothing and status! Meanwhile I'll just glare at this troublemaker of a Jesus!Crowley-echo-from-the-Great-War-in-the-past to remind him I haven't forgotten about him.
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That's the Metatron, standing in for the High Priest of Israel, Caiaphas. We'll be seeing him again.
Oh. Yeah. The Kiss of Judas, to identify Jesus to the soldiers who came to arrest him.
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You might notice it was kind of swapped around, though - Jesus was the active kisser in this instance.
So now we get to ask why. Why this. Why this ending. Because the relationship between Judas and Jesus is crucial to understanding what went on and what decisions were made. If the majority of us don't even understand that story we may have been told over and over again, how are we going to understand this one? No wonder we've been struggling with it.
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I realize I've got this far into this series of metas without really justifying why Crowley is standing in for Jesus. It started out being about Gabriel/Jim (we are still going to see more of Gabriel!) but understanding why...well, this is an echo from the past - part of the Great War of Heaven and the Fall being replayed in the present. Its a meandering mobius strip of a story line folding back over on itself and repeating. Perhaps I'll just point you back to this post for the time being while I'm still working on things (Its a long read, you might have to come back to it. But I'll cover a bit of it in the next part of the series.)
But back to Judas and Jesus, for context: Judas loved Jesus, but he was afraid for his people, the people of Israel (Heaven,) as well, and didn't want the might of Rome (Hell) to descend upon them. It would be far better to sacrifice just one person, Jesus, than many, so he agreed to the bribe and lead the soldiers to the arrest in the garden.
Jesus loved Judas just as much back, yet accepted the betrayal, and still called Judas his friend and loved him unconditionally. He had predicted he would be betrayed, and knew at the end of the hour in the Garden of Gethsemane that the hour had come. He had essentially asked Judas to kill him, then asked Judas to live with his guilt. (I think its expressed better in this short post. Very worth the read.)
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Jesus was arrested, and taken away for trial.
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The Trial Before the Sanhedrin
The Sanhedrin was a council of elders who who were appointed to act as a tribunal. Jesus was questioned before them but answered little, and they struggled to find witnesses to testify against him. Eventually they accused him of blasphemy and sent him to Pontius Pilate in the morning.
Here we have Gabriel being trialed before the Metatron/Caiaphas and the senior Archangels. Gabriel saying "Nah!" was blasphemy towards the Great Plan, and enough to get him removed.
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The Three Denials of Peter Michael
No. 1...
URIEL: So the miracle was nothing to do with Gabriel's disappearance then? [in the back, Gabriel waves] AZIRAPHALE: Gabriel? Oh, you mentioned you're looking for Gabriel. MICHAEL: Did we? AZIRAPHALE: Yes. [Gabriel slams books together] AZIRAPHALE: Mm! GABRIEL: And see, the big ones can be used as fly swats. I know what you're thinking, but it's okay, because the beauty part is, it never works. ( fly buzzing ) MICHAEL: Don't I... Don't I know you? GABRIEL: Yes. You do. I'm the assistant bookseller. I opened the door for you.
...No. 2...
URIEL: The traitor? MURIEL: Yes. He seemed very... Traitorous. URIEL: Hmm... MURIEL: And his grumpy friend, Mr. Crowley. URIEL: The demon. MURIEL: Oh, I suppose that explains the grumpiness. Oh, and, of course, his... assistant? But I don't think I saw him. MICHAEL: His assistant? He doesn't have an assistant. MURIEL: No. Sorry, I don't know why I said that. MICHAEL: Does he? Does he? Didn't we meet a someone, something... about... [clears throat] books? URIEL: No, no. That's Aziraphale himself, he likes books.
...and No. 3.
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I was going to conclude the trial with Pontius Pilate in this part, but on reflection it may be better to include it in Part 3 - Resurrection
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honey--wraith · 1 year
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succession s2 e10//kiss of judas by giotto di bondone//matthew 26:44-26:50
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bookofjudith · 2 years
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This is a gift. It comes with a price.
Rabbit Heart (Raise it Up), Florence + the Machine // Kiss of Judas, Giuseppe Diotti
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hellokittysasuke · 4 months
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Is this anything to anyone?
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Kiss of Judas  ::  Caravaggio
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‘Paul Tillich, my own teacher and himself a refugee from Nazi Germany, writing as far back as the 1930s and 1940s, suggested that we must abandon the external height images in which the theistic God has historically been perceived and replace them with internal depth images of a deity who is not apart from us but who is the very core and ground of all that is. This God would not be a theistic power, a being among beings, whose existence we could debate. This God would not be the traditional divine worker of miracles and magic, the dispenser of rewards and punishments, blessings and curses. Nor would this God be the capricious heavenly superparent who comforted us, heard our cries, and became the terrestrial Mr, Fix-It for some while allowing others to endure their pain to the bitter end in a radically unfair world. The God to whom Tillich pointed was the infinite center of life. This God was not a person, but, rather like the insights of the mystics, this God was the mystical presence in which all personhood could flourish. This God was not a being but rather the power that called being forth in all creatures. This God was not an external, personal force that could be invoked but rather an internal reality that, when confronted, opened us to the meaning of life itself. For Tillich there was no imploring an external power to serve our needs. One rather experienced a growing awareness of the Ground of Being and of one’s relationship with all those who also shared that infinite and inexhaustible ground. Tillich believed that the word God had been captured, corrupted, and distorted by the dying external images of yesterday’s theistic theological consensus. He was convinced that those images must die before the word God could ever be used again with meaning…’ - John Shelby Spong, Why Christianity Must Change or Die.
[alive on all channels]
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langel2 · 10 months
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Sleep well, Judas
[Judas kiss VW art based on the kiss from The Bible(2013)]
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dramoor · 1 year
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idtha · 1 month
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Judas Iskariot ist einer der zwölf Apostel, Jünger Jesu Christi. Nach dem Johannes-Evangelium war er Schatzmeister ihrer Gemeinde: Ihm wurde eine Kiste anvertraut, in die die Opfergaben herabgesenkt wurden. Laut Johannes hat Judas das Amt genutzt, um es zu stehlen. Bei der letzten Mahlzeit servierte Jesus ihm ein Stück Brot, tauchte ein und "sprach zu ihm: Was du tust, tu es schnell.»
Wahrscheinlich eine von zehn Lieblingsbibelstellen, das ist der Kuss von Judas:
«...siehe, Judas, einer der Zwölf, kam, und mit ihm eine Menge Leute mit Schwertern und Pfählen, von den Hohenpriestern und Ältesten des Volkes. Der ihn aber verraten hatte, gab ihnen ein Zeichen und sprach: Wen ich küsse, den ist er, nehmt ihn. Und er ging sofort zu Jesus und sprach: Freue dich, Rabbi! Und küsste Ihn.»
Von Matthäus (Mt. 26:47 – 49)
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meowjf · 11 months
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bettafishenthusiast · 8 months
medieval yaoi…
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 month
NEED something intense and homoerotic to happen to me this year
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kirbykendrick · 2 years
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“Kiss of Judas (detail)” (1304-6), Giotto
This magnificent fresco, portraying the betrayal of Jesus, was painted by Giotto over 700 years ago in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy.
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