#kissed by the baddest bidder family
eikouxd · 2 years
Made this for us Eisuke fans
Me when I first saw Eisuke on tumblr :
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sweet-pinkitty · 11 months
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Eisuke Ichinomiya: When you become a family with your boyfriend ~Birth of the 3rd child~
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Finally, their third child, Yuu, is born and is loved by her husband Eisuke.
You are struggling to raise a child while receiving a lot of care. Even though Yuu is small, he acts like a king just like Eisuke, and you are constantly being swayed around, so you are worried and give up on her... Just when you decide that you have to take care of her like a husband and raise her children, there is a big boy who turns everything around. The incident...!? Of course, she is the one who supports you when you are upset...♡
Eisuke, who loves you no matter how old you are, and his girlfriend's eldest son, Hideto, are included♪
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Propaganda under the cut!
Peter King
Oh I could go ON AND ON but here’s a list: He’s a stalker, he showed up late to a date HE REQUESTED, he killed either your landlord, roommate, or coworker (depending on route) and stuck them in a freezer, lied to the police about it, followed by a car ride either consisting of traumadumping about his family (valid tbh) or him talking about how much he wants to fuck your brains out, then you finding a bloody knife in his glove compartment, asking about it, and him smashing your head into the window to shut you up while he takes you to his house. He is The Worse Datable, as well as The Only Datable because well…he killed the others…and kidnapped you….
FUCK THIS DUDE!!! Country Human looking-ass bitch, I want him dead and obliterated
Many violence, Yandere behavior, cut your leg off in a semi-canon series of illustrations, smashed your head into the passenger side window of his creepy van, chloroformed you in your own house, brought you flowers that were probably tainted with his own blood, given context from another route. Generally a terrible person. Also just very strange to look at :/
He knows what he did….😒
He broke into Y/N’s house and chloroformed them. Generally a really creepy and perverted guy. TK is better :/
Eisuke Ichinomiya
In addition to just being a smug bastard he also runs an underground black market auction that the MC is sold in, and he buys her.
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tomhollandhasnolips · 6 years
eisuke: ur a tall dumb bitch lmao
soryu: u have a flat ass.
eisuke: y-you tAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW
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yuitsubaki · 2 years
I was rereading and I just realized that every MC's daughter (plus Luke's son) loves Eisuke 😂yet his own son doesn't like him
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neerons · 3 years
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Kissed by the Baddest Bidder ❤️
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lemmelynn · 3 years
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So pure, aww. Sorry, I just can't. Yuri's so cute! Luke's story was quite cool, actually. Just, I expected them to live in England and give their son more british name, but I can go with that. I'm really curious about Hikaru's story - I have to play it!
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shidos-daughter · 3 years
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voltage-knowledge · 4 years
Soryu Oh’s name is not Japanese. It’s Chinese, but he’s called Soryu Oh due to the 音読み (onyomi), or the Japanese way of pronouncing the Chinese hanzi characters. The character for “王“ doesn’t exist in Japanese as a surname. 
His name 王蒼龍 is made up of the characters “king”, “ash”  and “dragon”. This can be interpreted as “King of the Ash Dragons” in literal terms, which is quite fitting considering his mafia’s name. 
**Admin note: The character “ 蒼 “ can mean either “dark blue/green”, “ash-white/grey” or “heaven/sky” in Chinese. If we’re going by the Chinese interpretation (since it’s a Chinese name), out of the three, “ash” is the most commonly-used definition associated with the character. If we go by the Japanese interpretation, “dark-green/blue” would be the proper one. 
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sweet-pinkitty · 11 months
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Koi100+ | Announcement!
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A love that began with the most “Evil” encounter, To the Best Ending...!
S8 Final Chapter "Forever a Family"
October 2023~January 2024
Continuous delivery!
Thank you very much for your continued support of "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder'' The love affair with the bad guys that started in 2013 will finally come to an end.
[Final edition distribution schedule]
October: Ota Kisaki
November: Mamoru Kishi
December: Soryu Oh
January (2024): Eisuke Ichinomiya
The reason why this title has continued to be loved for 10 years is because of everyone's warm support. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the management.
To express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us so far, we are planning an event in which all characters will participate, so we will let you know as soon as the details are decided.
It started with the most “Bad” encounter.
I hope you will watch this fateful love story with a bad man until the end.
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tres-spades-hotel · 4 years
Becoming the Perfect Father, Part II
Hey everyone! So @lin-ful @leoamber66 and @flatsuke inspired me to start writing again! Have fun reading this and prepare yourself for the angst and action across the story... enjoy!
Part II - Kiki’s Heirship, a Backstory of Memories
Hi, my name is Kiki.
I used to be an orphan on the streets of Japan. I had to fend for myself, always dipping in and out of society for a while when I realised my family were no good to me. The scar they left me with on my eye made the famous billionaire, Eisuke Ichinomiya, the man leading Japan’s economy, curious. I saw him one day and believed in my heart I could be safe. I was only 7 years old when I followed him into his hotel one evening.
He crouched down to ask where my parents were but upon hearing the word, I was both crying and hitting him on his chest.
I hated the world for thinking that parents and family were what kept you safe because I didn’t believe it was true.
He didn’t know what to do with me.
I didn’t know what to do with me.
So he took my hand and led me to the penthouse elevator, thinking that Uncle Baba and Uncle Ota could calm me down. And they did. Throughout my time with them for the first few weeks, I was happy. Everyone played with me, they were patient with me, they were curious about me.
Dad looked after me, mostly because he was concerned about Uncle Baba’s antics. Blackmail was all it took to make his brick walls faulter. That day, talk of sending me to an orphanage arose and, apparently, Uncle Baba did not like it.
So Dad kept me, almost like a pet. He fed me, gave me shelter, clothing, and toys. After all this time, I really owe Uncle Baba for helping me even though I didn’t know it then. But there was only one thing Dad wouldn’t give me: his affection. To be honest, I don’t think he knew what it meant to give warmth and love to another person, whether it’s a woman or a child. That is, not until Mum came into our lives.
Instead I spent most of my time asking questions and receiving no answers. They were mysterious people with the world held tight in their hands. They could do anything.
I wanted that ability too.
Of course, it would be some time before I realise what responsibilities that ability entailed. I thought that if I were powerful, I could look after myself and never get hurt again. But it just wasn’t true.
‘Boss, let’s play a bit of poker.’ Uncle Baba said one day.
‘No.’ Rejected.
Uncle Soryu looked up from his book and sent a disapproving look at him.
‘Baba, there is a child here.’
‘Poker is not for children.’ Uncle Mamo muttered sleepily.
Everybody shot Uncle Baba down for the suggestion.
‘I want to play! Can I play too?’ I shot my arm up and waved it around.
‘No.’ Rejected. Again.
‘Kid, you do not want to play poker. You’ll lose instantly.’ Uncle Mamo finally got up from the couch for the first time that day.
‘Koro, he’s saying that you don’t have enough money to play.’ Uncle Ota was always a devil.
‘Now, now Ota, don’t be so mean to Kiki. She’s just curious,’ Uncle Baba crouched down onto his knee.
‘Princess, poker is an adult game but you’re more than welcome to watch!’ He was always the more kind adult in the group. But I know that they’re all kind… in their own special ways.
‘You can watch me! With you by my side, I’ll win for sure!’ Always jolly too. He slipped an arm around me and hugged me close while the other lingered in the air like a star performer.
‘Baba, you always lose.’ Uncle Ota quipped in a matter-of-fact tone.
‘I do not!’
‘Koro, come sit with me and I’ll let you play with the chips!’
‘Stop it. You’re confusing her.’ Uncle Soryu was always a firm favourite of mine after Mum and Dad. I might even be so bold as to call him a secret crush.
‘That’s enough. Kiki, sit next to me and watch what I do.’ Dad ultimately came to my rescue and the game began.
‘So Kiki, first we all put in a certain amount of chips.’ Uncle Baba held up a white chip, a red chip, and a blue chip.
‘How many chips?’
‘However many you want. Boss always insists he go first.’ There was a glare involved.
’10 million.’
‘Can’t you lower the amount?’ Uncle Mamo never did have as much money as the others. But…
‘If you don’t have enough money you can leave. Or are you so poor that you have to use our money to live in this hotel?’ It was rare to see Uncle Soryu smirk so evilly.
But Uncle Soryu always “convinced” him to continue. And Uncle Mamo always rose to the bait.
He threw another red chip into the middle. Raising the stakes.
‘Ooooohhh, Mamo is getting ready to win!’
‘Even though we all know he’s going to lose. Just like you Baba! The old men always lose.’
‘Shut up!’
‘Hey! That’s so rude Ota!’
The game was under way, with Dad and Uncle Baba giving audible instructions on how to play. I suppose this game was what shaped me into the Tres Spades Casino Queen when an international poker competition was held at the hotel.
‘Alright, time to show hands.’
I remember lifting up my hands as if it was an order. I also remember everyone laughing because of my hands.
‘Not your real hands. The cards.’
‘Ooooohhhh.’ You can imagine how red I was and how deeply I had buried my face into the pillow on my lap.
Uncle Mamo lost, Uncle Ota had a Three of a Kind and Uncle Baba had One Pair.
It was down to Uncle Soryu and Dad.
‘If you win, you can have the property you’ve been pinning for.’
‘Very funny.’
Uncle Soryu had a Full House.
Dad had a Royal Straight Flush.
‘So… who won?’
Throughout the games that afternoon, I was snuggling closer and closer to Dad’s body. And, for once, he didn’t push me away.
I was grateful for it.
‘Here you go Dad! All neatly organised in alfabetisal order.’
‘Alphabetical order.’
‘That’s what I said, alfapetical order.’
‘……….’ I knew Dad was sighing inwardly but I was content with life at the time. I didn’t know the danger that would happen hours later.
For a while, Dad decided to put me to work, to make up for the fact that I couldn’t pay to stay in the hotel. It was a bit dick-ish on his part but at least he didn’t sell me at the auctions. Eventually, he became more caring towards me as time went on. Waking me up when I had nightmares, patting me on the head, allowing me to help clean the paper work in his office. He even took me outside once on an exploration trip to see potential buyers and land to put the Ichinomiya name on.
I thought that I could finally be free from the pain I received. For a little while, I forgot why I had run away and why I was broken. But they reminded me of what my worth was.
‘Baba and Ota are taking me shopping. Should I get you something?’
‘If you want to.’
‘Like what?’
‘Whatever you think I will like. And if I don’t like it, I will tell you.’
‘Yeah, okay. Alright, I’ll be back later! Don’t work too hard!’ I waved my hands at the doorway to the purple man behind the desk. He didn’t look up.
‘Why am I here?’ Uncle Mamo whined.
‘Because you were sleeping. You need to do more than just eating and sleeping.’ Uncle Baba said behind the steering wheel.
‘I have work to do!’
‘You don’t have a job!’ Uncle Ota declared.
‘Yes I do kid!’
I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of me. Uncle Baba decided that we should all hang out for dinner and try his new recipe of dumpling stew so he dragged us out to go shopping. But apparently I was too curious for my own good. It wasn’t long before I had wandered off to a different section of the shop that I felt a hand cover my mouth with a drugged napkin. I saw them pass by a corner before slipping into unconsciousness.
I hated myself for believing that I had a chance to live freely.
I remember waking up in a warehouse. I was chained to the ground with cuffs around my ankles and wrists. The stone ground was cold and miserable. I had to force myself to sit up and was instantly sick on the floor beside me.
‘She’s awake.’
‘I can see that idiot. Call the woman.’
When I was done, I looked up to see masked figures and screamed. They wore grizzly bear masks but not the fun-loving cartoon kind. They had tortured looks on their faces and blood seemed to seep out of the eye hole cut outs. A 7-year-old’s imagination can speed towards any direction but I knew better. They were symbols of the family I had left behind.
I backed into the wall behind me, hoping that the wall would open up and I could get away.
‘You’ve caused a lot of trouble young missy. You’re mum is very worried about you. Why don’t you speak with her, you little rat? Hm?’ A raspy voice floated out of the mask but I couldn’t move my hands close enough to my ears. The man reached out towards me but I took a bite into his fingers before they could touch me.
‘Ah! Damn you!’ He stood up quickly, cradling his right hand, and kicked me in my ribs. He threw down a punch on my left cheek for good measure before stomping off.
I was so used to the pain that I stopped crying out back then. But I guess staying with the bidders softened me too much. I sobbed quietly, feeling a thin stream of blood trickle down my face, and remembering the masks.
They were quite literally called The Family. I was born into it after my “father” slept with his mistress while his wife was giving birth to his third child. Illegitimate and alone, I was abused mercilessly by my half-siblings and their mother. Father didn’t care about me, he only lived for women and alcohol. But he kept an iron-fist over a torturous empire dedicated to illegal smuggling of organs. They used the bloody bear masks to practically scare their victims to death.
They were proud butchers. All of them. I was ashamed of the torture that it became a threat to my life every day.
Death was at my doorstep until I could take it no more.
‘You disgusting child, you never should have been born!’
Finally, she broke after her children accused me of attempting to steal money from their safe. They all knew it wasn’t true. She knew it was not true. She reminded me my place in this world when she drew a katana out and slashed it down my eye.
It wouldn’t be until I meet Uncle Luke Foster, who gave me a new eye and got rid of the scar, where I erase all traces of The Family.
‘The woman said to cut up her body for parts and organs. There is an auction nearby where we can sell them.’
I know now that they were talking about Dad’s auctions but luckily for me, I would never be put on that stage, dead or alive.
Before the bone-saw was even picked up from a medical cart, the screeches of car tires echoed faintly. The ground seemed to rumble like an approaching earthquake when suddenly, Uncle Soryu’s black Bentley tore through the main doors, forcing it off its hinges completely.
Dust lifted up and invaded our lungs as gravity set in and plunged the remains of the doors into the ground. The car doors opened and Dad came out in such a stylish manner that I thought I was in a movie.
‘Eisuke!’ We looked at each other for a brief moment, a brief look of anger on his face, before he turned to see the man standing by me with the saw.
Dad stepped forward with a briefcase when one of the henchmen pointed his gun at him.
‘Don’t move!’
‘Eisuke!’ Uncle Soryu had his gun on the henchmen who immediately started shaking under his intense gaze.
Dad opened the briefcase and slid it forward.
‘$30 million in cash. If you give me the girl.’
They started mumbling and whispering, wondering what to do. It was clear the money Dad offered was substantially more than what they were originally being paid. But what would a famous billionaire hotel mogul want with a battered child? Looking to their leader, many of the men waited for an answer.
He looked down at me for a moment but I didn’t dare make eye contact.
‘Fine. Take her. She’s as good as dead anyway.’ The masked man threw the saw down and slowly crept up to the briefcase. He kneeled down when a shout came from the back of the warehouse. A large group of men appeared from the shadows with guns aimed at the heads of the henchmen.
‘Don’t shoot! Drop your weapons and get down!’
‘Wha-‘ Uncle Soryu moved quickly and bashed his gun onto the man’s head. He fell unconscious.
‘Don’t be so surprised. The Ice Dragons can be very useful at times like these.’ Dad had a smug look on his face; he knew he had won.
‘The Ice Dragons?!’
‘What are they doing in Japan?!’
The henchmen struggled and muttered and whined as the Ice Dragons led them away.
‘What should I do with them?’ Uncle Soryu handcuffed the man and forced him to stand on his feet.
‘The usual.’
‘Hey princess, let’s get you out of there.’ Uncle Baba’s voice came from one of the masks and I almost screamed again.
‘Don’t worry! Look!’ He took it off and I was relieved.
‘Baba…’ He unlocked the cuffs and Dad helped me stand up.
‘How did yo-‘
‘After you went missing, we did some digging around.’ Uncle Baba said, dropping the mask onto the ground.
‘We found out about The Family and traced you to here.’ Uncle Soryu came forward after handing the unconscious leader to Uncle Inui.
‘How though?’
‘The pager Eisuke gave you.’ Uncle Ota pointed to the object in my pocket.
I looked up at the man.
‘I never lose what belongs to me.’
‘We were lucky they didn’t take the pager from you. We’re glad that you’re safe.’ Uncle Soryu smiled at me.
‘You came to save me?’ I grasped Dad’s hand and asked in a small voice.
‘What kind of owner would I be if I let you get yourself kidnapped?’ I heard groans from the others.
‘Boss, she’s not a pet.’
‘Hey, Koro belongs to all of us. Not just you Eisuke.’
‘Eisuke?’ I said.
‘Can I stay with you?’
Dad looked mildly taken aback but he regained his composure, took out his pocket handkerchief and dabbed it on my cheek.
‘Stay still.’
‘Yes, stay very still for me.’
We all turned our heads to the sound of the new voice. He stood there in front of the car. The glare of the knife against the moonlight shot into my eyes. I blinked multiple times in the hopes that I had imagined him. My birth father stood there glaring at me alone, ignoring the Ice Dragons around him.
‘Stay very still while I cut you up into thousands of little pieces you damned hell spawn.’ He spat out those words that I knew so well while I quivered. He was capable of violence in every way. There were many times when he killed servants or subordinates out of anger. He was even worse when drunk, I never forgot the day when he stumbled in intoxicated and killed my mother in front of me.
‘He’s mad.’ I heard Dad whisper as he positioned himself in front of me. Shielding me.
‘You’ll have to get through me if you want her.’ Dad stood his ground and stared the crazed man down, something no one has ever done. But all it did was enrage him further.
Everything happened so fast that day, that everything is still hazy even after 15 years. He charged at Dad while gun shots rung across the warehouse. Uncle Soryu stopped him, dodged the knife, and grabbed his wrist, pinning it behind him. But that man got free and elbowed Uncle Soryu in his stomach. Suddenly, they were grappling with a gun and, as Uncle Baba and Uncle Ota tried to get me away, a single shot hit me.
‘KIKI!’ I remember falling to the ground clutching my side and hearing the yells of everyone around me. Dad’s face was the last thing I saw before blacking out.
I thought I was dead for real; I guess he almost made good on his promise to kill me.
In the end, I never saw The Family again. While Dad was bribing the henchmen hired by my step-mother, Uncle Mamo and the police arrested The Family using proof given by Uncle Baba’s sources. Apparently, he smelled of alcohol too that night so to hear that Dad killed my birth-father gave me a sense of peace that I didn’t know I had the capacity to feel.
I spent 2 week recovering in a private hospital. I was grateful. They never left me alone, always watching over me. The bullet wound did a lot more damage than the staff thought but they patched me up really well. Later, I would ask Dad to send small gifts to them as a thank you for looking after me. One of the nurses said that I nearly died on the operating table and that it was a miracle I pulled through at all.
‘You must have a big will to live, my dear. I’m sure there is someone you are living for in this life.’
I was unconscious for a while in the hospital after the operation. But I clearly remember the things that Dad said when he thought I was asleep.
‘Getting yourself kidnapped, getting yourself shot, nearly dying during surgery, you’ve lived through so many incidents. That’s not even mentioning the abuse you suffered growing up. He was mad. Very mad. I saw it in his eyes the hate he had for you, for the world. A man like that never survives. Only people like you. People who brave through situations, no matter how horrible or tragic, get to live in this world. I should know.’
I felt my hand enclosed in his hands.
‘I lost my family when I was your age. But I was taken in by my adopted father who was a close friend of my dad’s. He raised me, gave me a home, and taught me how to take care of myself. I repaid all of his kindness for giving me a new chance at life. Now I want to do the same thing for you. You asked if you could stay with me. I don’t intend to let you go, not after all this. I promise I will raise you the same way Akira raised me so that you can say that you made it through your trauma. That you deserve a new chance at life. Besides, Baba would have my head if I let you go now. You’ve really wiggled your way into our hearts Kiki. And it’s not a bad thing.’
‘Eisuke? I’ll look after her, you can go back to the hotel.’ Uncle Mamo walked into the private suite, so I couldn’t answer him. But in my heart, I already did.
‘You alright?’
‘I’m fine.’
‘She’s a tough kid. She’ll wake up soon.’
‘Oh I know. I doubt after all this, she would give up that easily.’ The door closed as Dad left the hospital.
I never forgot his words but I also didn’t ever tell him I knew. Maybe he sensed that I was awake but didn’t say. Dad never mentioned it and I was too shy to bring it up.
Eventually, the wounds healed but my body was still scarred. I went back to the hotel after what felt like forever. They held a little party to celebrate my return but I think they just wanted an excuse to drink. The way they drunk alcohol was very different to what I was originally used to. For a moment, I thought they would become like my birth-father, but it turns out maybe he was just a violent drunk.
Hours later, Uncle Mamo started sobbing and Uncle Baba reflected on the meaning of life, often asking me if I knew the theory of evolution. I was 7 years old.
Uncle Ota went to sleep and Uncle Soryu only shook his head disapprovingly at the mess in front of him. Dad gave me orange juice and snacks until I started feeling sleepy. He carried me upstairs in his arms. I woke up cuddling Dad in his room the next morning.
I finally found the home that I had always wanted.
After Dad and I got ready in the morning, Mr Kenzaki came to the penthouse.
‘It is good to see you’re back in high spirits again Kiki.’
‘Thank you!’ I said while eating an apple.
‘Here sir, the documents you requested has arrived.’ He handed over a black folder and Dad opened it.
‘Good. You can leave.’
Mr Kenzaki bowed and I waved goodbye.
‘Kiki. Come here.’
I got off my seat on the couch and stood in front of him. Dad un-crossed his legs, turned me around and lifted me up onto his lap.
‘Pfft, are you comfortable?’
‘Oh, yes!’ I replied, looking up at his face. He placed his hand on my head and turned it towards the black folder.
‘Do you know what this is?’
‘Important documents?’
‘Yes. Do you know what of?’
‘For new property?’
‘A contract with another company?’
‘A restraining order on Uncle Baba?’
‘Pfft, if only.’ Dad chuckled.
‘Then what is it?’
Dad put the folder on the couch and adjusted me around so that I could see him.
‘They are adoption papers.’
At the time, my brain blanked out for a second. I had absolutely no idea what it meant. Then it clicked.
‘Who are you adopting?’
‘You know the answer to this, dummy.’ Dad laughed at my dumb question and I asked another.
‘You’ll let me stay?’
‘You don’t need to live in fear anymore Kiki. I will raise you to become my heir to the Ichinomiya Group and the Tres Spades Hotel. There will be hardships but I’m not about to allow you to go.’ He smiled a rare smile at me. I cried horribly ugly kid tears. All the tension in my life suddenly melted away when Dad held me tight to his chest. He patted my head as I sobbed my heart out.
‘You don’t have a choice in the matter.’
You have no idea how many times he says this exact line, or maybe you do. It is indescribable the feelings and emotions I had that day. Somehow, I found myself a new family and a new father who would look after me and love me like a real father. I believed that the idea of a family didn’t exist but the truth is that it does. You just have to know where to look.
Mum was added into my family a year later. A year after that, Uncle Luke, Uncle Shu, and Uncle Hikaru completed my family.
Hi, my name is Kiki Ichinomiya, President of the Ichinomiya Group.
And I am the heir to the Hotel King’s legacy.
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hobo4lyfe11 · 5 years
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~The Baddest Care Anywhere: Eisuke~
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juvellita · 5 years
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I AM WEEAKKKKKK 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤
Sonata of Desire:Eisuke
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tomhollandhasnolips · 6 years
home alone with the bidders
a/n: i was going through random drabble prompts on google and found a cute one, so decided to write some unneeded bidder content. enjoy x
"Hey Sor, can you watch the kids? I just have to make a call real quick." Eisuke doesn't wait for a reply and wanders off to his office.
The feared mafia boss closes his tablet and sits down next to his god children, utterly confused. Hesitantly, he grabs a wind-up car toy and wiggles it in front of the kids. They make grabby hands at him and he quickly winds it up before setting it down.
The children happily crawl after it and bring it back to their uncle. This goes on for a few minutes, until the kids' father returns.
"That's not how how you do that."
"Shut up Eisuke, atleast they're not crying." Soryu replies, not bothering to look at his bestfriend. Eisuke growls, and walks up to his children.
"You know what, they've had enough fun. I'm putting them to sleep, and then we can have the real fun.
"Do you have any idea how bad that sounds out of context?"
Eisuke ignores him, taking off his suit jacket and grabbing the baby closest to him. He nods to his bestfriend to get the other. He sighs, but complies.
Within minutes, they're fast asleep and off to dreamland. The two men walk out of the nursery, and begin to gather all toys and put them aside. Eisuke walks to the pile of toys they've created, and plucks two wind-up toys out of it.
Soryu groans, and pinches his nose. "Are you fucking serious right now?" Eisuke only snickers, and tosses a car his way.
The hotel owner places his car on the coffee table, and drags it into a corner, creating a large passage for the cars.
He moves around to find two pieces of ribbon for the starting and finishing line, and soon ends up at a certain theif's door.
"Wait. You both are having a car racing competition and you didn't think it was important to invite me? I've never been more heartbroken, boss." Baba dramatically clutches his heart, before skipping away to call his bestfriend to join in the fun.
Soon enough, Eisuke and Soryu are perched on their positions, with cars on the starting line which was generously supplied by Ota, along with the finishing line.
The artist sits with a bucket of recently microwaved popcorn- which was disappearing at an alarming rate and the race hadn't even started yet.
Baba, however brought along a gun with him, and instructed his friends to start winding their cars after he shoots.
"Baba I swear to fucking god if any of the kids wake up I'm going to personally castrate you."
"Geez chill out 'Suke, live a little", The thief waves him off, but soon gulps when he catches his subordinate's death glare.
"Can you hurry up? I'd like to get this over with as soon as possible." Soryu sighs.
"Booo!" Ota yells, all the while throwing popcorn at Soryu, and missing quite terribly. A single piece of kernel does end up on his head and within record time he takes out and points his gun at him.
"Alright, alright Sor. Put the gun down, the only shooting today is going to be done with this baby," Baba says, holding up his own gun."
"Will you just fucking shoot?" Eisuke snaps, and Baba walks back to his original seat and begins a countdown. He presses the trigger and all that comes out of the gun, is a piece of paper with the word "BANG!" written in bold. Ota snorts, and the two participants start winding their cars furiously.
"Okay put em down now!"
Eisuke and Soryu put their cars down, watching as their little wound up wheels carry them.
Ota starts cheering and throwing almost all of the leftover popcorn and Baba begins to narrate the race.
Eisuke and Soryu both keep their eyes on their cars, unblinking, but soon the concentration is broken when someone makes their presence known.
"Ota you better fucking clean all the mess you've made right this moment or else I'm squirting out all of your paints down the drain."
Every single man turns, each resembling a kid that was caught with their hand in a cookie jar.
Eisuke's betrothed walks in, arms crossed. "A car race, really? How bored were y-" "I won! Take that you cocky piece of shit!" Soryu breaks her off, and Eisuke gasps.
A cry is heard from the nursery, and all eyes are on the midnight haired bidder.
"Ah, my apologies. I have to be somewhere."
"No the fuck you don't. Get back here." Eisuke grabs his friend by the collar and shoves him towards the crying child.
"Well, I suppose you all had a better day than me." The mother huffs, and Eisuke begins towards her.
"Let the baby fall asleep, I'll give you best day of your life."
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lxvescramble · 5 years
Mate listen, kbtbb has the best, and I‘m betting my brother on that, friendship dynamic in all voltage. inc games. (ok, to be honest I haven’t read all voltage routes...but whatever, still betting my brother on it) It‘s honestly the main reason I keep on going back to kbtbb. I don‘t even care about mc x bidder anxmore, just give me them fucking crack moments between the bidders and I happy. xx
Hello 😊!
Yes, Anon! Kissed has a special place in my heart. ❤️And I also love this interactions so. I love their friendship 💞💞💞.
I read the routes with all expectations aimed at these dialogues. They are fun dialogue. Or deep friendship. All of these are very precious. 🤩
That reminded me that scene (Missing you - Soryu). When you join Soryu with Mamo 😂😂😂 ...!
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leoamber66 · 5 years
The “Perfect” Family
A Ichinomiya Family drabble
Genre: Fluff
A special thanks to @the-voltage-diaries @lin-ful @otomemonogatari @tres-spades-hotel and @flatsuke motivating me to write this. Thank you guys :)
(B/N) = Baby’s name
3:07 P.M.
“I get to hold him first.”
“You already held me when I was a baby, so it’s my turn.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at her husband and older son who currently were in a heated debate on who was going to hold the baby first. She turned her gaze towards the bundle of joy sleeping peacefully in her arms. 
He really does look like his father and brother...
(Y/N) thought to herself with a smile, when suddenly she felt the baby squirm.
Eisuke and Eito immediately ceased their fighting and turned their attention towards the baby wailing in (Y/N)’s arms.
“You two scared him!”
“It was because of how loud this old man was being, the whole hospital probably heard him.”
Eisuke said nothing but glared at Eito scornfully. (Y/N) suppressed a laugh as she watched father and son desperately try to soothe the newest member of the family. 
7 months later...
“He’s my son, so of course he’ll said ‘daddy’ first.”
“He’s my little brother, so he’ll definitely say “brother” first.”
It was a peaceful morning, and Eisuke and Eito were at each others' throats as usual. This time their dispute was over what (B/N)’s first word would be.
They never change...
(Y/N)’s cloud of thoughts was interrupted by her younger son and she looks at him with surprise. He giggled at the shocked looks on all their faces, and hugged his favorite stuffed animal.
“...I can’t believe his first word wasn’t ‘brother’.”
(Y/N) was the first to snap back to reality and she walked over to (B/N), lifting him up into her arms. She cradled him close to her chest and kissed his forehead lightly. Then she flashed a victorious smirk at her husband and older son who were currently pouting at her.
“That’s my boy.”
2 months after...
“He might have not said ‘brother’ first, but he’ll come to me for sure this time.”
“I don’t think so. This time victory will be mine.”
After several attempts, (B/N) finally had managed to stand up on his own. He was ready to take his first steps. The question was: Who would he go to? 
“Over here (B/N)!”
(Y/N) sighed with mild exasperation as she observed them from the sofa. Eisuke and Eito stood on the opposite sides of the living room, trying to bait (B/N) with toys, snacks, and basically whatever they could find.
“(B/N) come to daddy. I’ll buy you Toys”R”Us.”
“Hey, bribery is cheating!”
There’s never a dull day with them, that’s for sure.
(B/N) kept turning his head looking at Eisuke and Eito before looking straight ahead. And then he took his first step, towards his mother.
“What!? Not again!”
“Damn it...”
Each step (B/N) took only made the smile on (Y/N)’s face grow. She opened up her arms as he got closer and called out in a gentle tone of voice.
“Come to Mama. Mommy loves you so much.”
Hearing this encouraged (B/N) to walk faster. After a few stumbles (B/N) reached his destination: into the arms of his loving mother. (Y/N) pulled him onto her lap and hugged him tightly, and as if on cue Eisuke and Eito let out a sigh of defeat simultaneously. They both walked over to (Y/N) and sat on either side of her. 
“Come on guys, don’t pout.”
(Y/N) adjusted herself and embraced (B/N) with one arm while wrapping the other around Eito’s shoulder. She leaned over and kissed his forehead and than turned towards Eisuke and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
“I’m not pouting, mom. I’m just glad that (B/N) at least didn’t go to that old man.”
“Watch your words, Eito.”
(Y/N) let out a small sigh as she prepared herself for another one of their ‘fights’.  
We may not be the ideal family, but I wouldn’t have it any other way then this. 
She smiled to herself wryly as she watched her boys bicker.
This may have not came out the way I wanted, but here it is! Thanks for reading! :)
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