#kissing talk tw
cordycepspog · 2 years
There’s something horrifyingly beautiful about Tess’s final moments. In the midst of the most dire chaos, as she waits for her death to come rushing past so she can blow it sky high and give cordyceps a big fuck you one last time, one of the infected stops. It looks at her, really looks. Her own mortality is personified in this infected. It’s death that’s looking at her, and it sees her. She looks her own death in the eye, and the suspense is so high as it approaches. But then, it doesn’t bite her throat out like we all expect it to.
It kisses her. What’s more, it kisses her gently. And I think it was a brilliant choice on the writers part, because it reminded me that the infected aren’t supposed to be evil. Sure, they’re scary as hell, but really, they’re just trying to survive. They’re connected to one another, they can feel each other from miles away. They seek out and want to be close to their own kind, just like the human survivors do. And when they do find each other, they kiss hello.
And after so long apart from a loved one, someone you know and trust with every instinct in your body, wouldn’t you want to kiss them too?
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thoselittleboats · 8 months
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BG3 text - Zevlor (8/?)
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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most recent tomgregs ft. one mini comic of a convo i had with @urban-barbarian about tomshiv running away together, new zealand sheepfarmer style (they are as bad at it as you'd expect) making them a bad selfmade wine and ugly ill-fitting sweaters that tom knits couple, and of course greg shows up to mooch off of them. So he gets a sweater too :) The dialogue i used in the pics is written by them, Kath is just incredible in getting their voices right <333
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kimsuyeon · 7 months
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NATTY 쉿 (Shhh) (230708)
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bisexualisaaclahey · 4 months
kira yukimura is actually the most important character in teen wolf because she is representation for all of us who cannot flirt if our lives depended on it
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locklylenerd77 · 1 year
Aziracrow kiss scene analysis
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Okay, so we've all seen it.
But what does it mean? Today I'm going to talk about Aziraphale and Crowley's kiss.
Firstly, there are numerous ways to view this scene, including assault, romance, desperation, and an attempt at communication. I won't be talking about all of these, but I do want to delve deeper into the body language of Aziraphale and Crowley.
It's not "cute".
Firstly, this kiss wasn't romantic, gentle, or tender. Crowley grabs Aziraphale by the collar and basically smashes his lips onto Aziraphale's. It's quite an aggressive kiss, throwing them both off-balance. They sway a little, both of them very still, and neither of them pull away or deepen the kiss. It's obvious neither of them know how to kiss, and I think this makes it unpleasant for them both. We see Crowley holding Aziraphale for quite some time but nothing happens. He doesn't pull away to see if Aziraphale is okay, or use body language to make Aziraphale feel more comfortable. He's got no idea what the purpose of the kiss is, but its the last thing he can do. The kiss wasn't romantic, it was a culmination of the prior 6000 years.
Aziraphale's reaction
Secondly, Aziraphale is very clearly in shock. He gradually closes his eyes and places his hands on Crowley's back. It seems to me that this is him trying to "kiss back", except he obviously doesn't know how, and he's confused and angry at the same time. He looks distressed, which could be because of the situation, but also because he's trying to decide what to do. He doesn't want to hurt Crowley by shoving him away in disgust, or kiss him passionately back. They're both in new waters.
It's important to note that Crowley seems to release Aziraphale and not the other way round. He's the instigator of the kiss. Aziraphale is breathing heavily afterwards, on the verge of tears, and this signals to the audience that he's panicking slightly. I think this is because it couldn't be more clear now that he and Crowley are in love. There's no room for ambiguity or questioning- Crowley's defined his feelings (and their relationship) now, and through a human action.
Although they were both aware of their love, they were also both comfortable in their relationship, and perfectly happy going on dates, sharing property, calling each other pet names, and hearing others refer to them as a couple (at least, they don't deny it most of the time). To summarise, the kiss wasn't needed. Defining their relationship by human means was unneeded. Aziraphale is upset and disgusted because the action is so unnecessary, so unlike them. Crowley's trying to fit them into a mould as a desperate attempt of preserving the relationship. Crowley's confession might have been a way of indirectly asking for reassurance, or making their pre-existing relationship more physically intimate, but its's not a get-down-on-one-knee "will you go to nandos with me" imogen-from-heartstopper. His confession also clearly doesn't change anything, because Aziraphale doesn't recoil in shock, or even react much. He knows Crowley loves him, but he doesn't communicate that. So Crowley, thinking Aziraphale has misunderstood him, tries again.
Why kiss?
I think it's crucial that we understand that the kiss isn't a confirmation of their love. Crowley has already stated that they could've been "us", and that "he would like to spend" his existence with Aziraphale. The kiss is a reinforcement of what's already been said, and Crowley instigates it because he's trying to communicate with Aziraphale through human behaviours to bridge their contrasting perspectives.
This fails.
Crowley and Aziraphale already know they love one another. The kiss was a "stay with me, I love you" from Crowley, and an "I know, it's more complicated than that" from Aziraphale in response, but neither of them see it that way. Crowley was trying to make it clear how he feels, when that wasn't the problem. Nothing was unaddressed after Crowley's speech, and the kiss was an unexpected and confusing event for them both. Crowley never planned this- their bad communication has just reached a point where he's desperately trying to make Aziraphale understand him using any tool he can.
My thoughts
I think the true function of this kiss is to highlight their dysfunctional relationship. They can't communicate, so they fill in that gap with apology dances, protecting one another, and human interactions like kissing. They're so far apart in perspective and worldview that the only way to communicate is through a common thing they are both familiar with, which is human behaviour.
The reason Aziraphale is so upset, from my interpretation, is that the kiss changes nothing. They're both talking at one another and not listening, not compromising or attempting to understand each other's views. Aziraphale and Crowley both talked the talk, and the kiss is just Crowley repeating his earlier words. Essentially, Crowley's still not listening. They still aren't communicating.
We view kissing as a romantic interaction between two people to show mutual affection. For Crowley, it's not that. It's a final, desperate resort. "This is how I feel, can't you understand? I'm going to make you understand in the only way I know how that I have left!" But Aziraphale does understand, and he agrees. He just wants them to be together under different circumstances because he's in a toxic relationship with heaven and he thinks he can change it for better.
-the kiss wasn't romantic, it was just passionate
-Aziraphale isn't disgusted, he's confused and devastated because they've failed to communicate again, and they can't reach an understanding
-The kiss doesn't change their relationship, it just defines it, and neither of them really wanted to define it. We see multiple people pressure them into a "relationship", from calling them an "item" to interrogating Crowley about their status (he's not anybody's "bit on the side"!), and this causes Crowley to want reassurance, especially after their relationship has weakened slightly due to the stress of recent events concerning heaven, hell, Gabriel and Beelzebub, and poor communication. He confesses due to not only insecurity, but others changing his viewpoint of his relationship.
Thanks for reading my essay I have too much free time
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culssi · 24 days
Guess who got random motivation at 12am.
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Ink demonth 27: revenge
I’m really proud! I have never really done a pose like this and I really struggle with drawing hands, so that fact that I was able to draw this and it ended up looking good is a win for me.
More under because I’m rambling, and there’s more stuff to show.
This one I decided to spend a bit more time on since I ended up really liking the idea and sketch, and it seemed pretty doable for me.
Also I get to draw Joey, I can never remember how to draw his hair but he’s rather fun to draw.
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Messy sketch Idk bro. Planning.
The hands are actually Henry’s, and I’m not exactly sure what’s going on but that is most likely memory joey considering I drew him so young.
The weird thing is that I actually ship these two. In a toxic way of course because how can you even be in a friendship with Joey without it going toxic. It’s sort of a one sided thing (Joey liking Henry) but like I’m unsure if I want Henry to warm up to him again considering everything Joey did, but this is a memory Joey after all so idk.
I can’t remember but I think there was a part in the illusion of living, when Joey was younger, where his hair was described as curly or something like that? so I headcannon natural curly hair that he does back, but idk if I’m right since i didn’t check again. So correct me if I am wrong.
I have the illusion of living book and my take is that Joey is a homosexual.
I usually think a lot at this time so I apologise for my rambling, and It’s like almost 2 am so I’ll shut up now.
I apologise if I spelt or said anything wrong my proofreading is absolute shit.
Hope you like! Have a wonderful day/night <3
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newspecies · 10 months
"the vast majority of legal persecution against early queers was focused on men" ARE YOU INSANE
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saturday-byte · 8 months
We (by we I mean me) want more of the computer and clock kissing along with the little paper
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Thank you so much for giving me another chance to be incredibly self indulgent anon <3
(reblogs > likes !!)
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saetoru · 2 years
alhaitham is a pussy eating king he eats it just to shut u the fuck up bc he’s sick of hearing u talk as if u know better. might as well put ur voice to good use
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lordofthesillystraws · 4 months
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outcastpack · 1 year
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mythtiide · 5 months
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normal moment 🥀
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cerealbishh · 6 months
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"Maria and Rhett knew each other way back when, they went to high school together. (...)Yeah, I think the spark is immediate because I think they maybe, secretly, always wanted to be together."
"I think that it's one of those relationships that never happened and never was but it was almost. And, I think, spending so much time apart, one can tend to fantasize what could be. (...) All of that ease of them seeing each other again is right there and it's almost as if they never left each other's side." - Isa and Lew on Maria and Rhett in an interview with Down and Nerdy(x)
"I also love that I get to tell a story about love in this really crazy, scary world(...) and we really want to root for them!" - Isa in an interview with SciFi Vision(x)
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detentiontrack · 3 months
not to be dark but do you think Sasha ever tried to khs (other than the canonical attempt)
YES 1000%. I think it happened after amphibia when even though Anne & Marcy forgave her, she still felt nothing but guilt and emptiness from the sheer trauma going through amphibia + a whole ass war at the age of 13. I think it may have happened in high school because throughout the end of middle school she tried to stay strong for Anne & Marcy (because after all she does take it upon herself to be “the strong one” who doesn’t need any support or love), but after Marcy moved and Anne and her drifted apart, she struggled with the act of being “normal” and having to live life as a normal teenager after everything she’s been through. I think her body started failing her (because there’s literally no way she’s 100% physically unscathed after the injuries and damage she took in amphibia, not even mentioning things like fibromyalgia that develop because of emotional trauma). I also think it may have been the catalyst to her dedicating her life to psychology. She always wanted to help people like her post amphibia, but she never quite knew how to do it. But when she was in the hospital and maybe the psychiatric ward (California has really strict laws on inpatient treatment following a suicide attempt), she started to realize that maybe psychology was the way to go about her need to help people. I don’t think she would have gone to therapy on her own BUT I think going to therapy might have been a requirement for her release from the hospital (as it often is, esp in patients who are minors and esp patients with complex trauma and mood/personality disorders) and as she went to ordered therapy, she realized therapy really helped her and continued going after the hospital ordered time ran out. I think she continues to go to therapy throughout her adulthood (I’m split on whether or not she tells her therapist about amphibia because frogvasion WAS on the news BUT the Marcy journal implies that a few years after people generally think it was a hoax/movie stunt or promo gone wrong so idk if a therapist would take that seriously without sending her back to the mental hospital) but she definitely goes to therapy for her obvious attachment issues and mental illnesses and other traumas (such as her parents divorce and especially because her parents both got into new relationships and left her stranded and alone at a young age). I think she struggles with a long battle with mental illness both pre, during, and post amphibia aaaaand (you didn’t hear it from me because last time I talked about this I almost got canceled) I think there’s a very real possibility that at some point in her life she struggled with substance abuse/addiction or disordered eating/eating disorders due to her need for control, escapism (less than Marcy but it’s still there), self destructive behaviors, and general addictive personality and tendencies.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
no context stream moment, jordan is currently trying to seduce and kiss a snake
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captainsparklez streams are truly a thing of beauty
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