#kistune lore
kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
fox tales
(cw: boyfriend luffy, oc, kitsune oc, food mention, self-indulgent kitty lore, dirty talk, sex mention, hand holding/kissing, no sex)
“Where did you learn about sex?”
You ask your captain, sitting crosslegged on the beach in front of you. You were sharing a scratchy woven blanket, spread out over the sand. The Sunny had docked at a small summer island, and Nami decided you had all earned a well-deserved beach day.
Luffy reaches into the picnic basket beside you. “I dunno,” he says, rummaging through the chips and sandwiches Sanji had packed for you two. “Ace told me a lot of things.”
“Really?” You ask, arching an eyebrow. You knew about your boyfriend’s brother, how he had wielded fire like a sword and shield. You knew your captain’s heart had been broken in half, the day he left. You reach out to touch Luffy’s knee. “Like what?”
“Hm,” Luffy chews with his eyes screwed up in thought, “Like how you’re supposed to treat girls, when they’re in your bed. He said they’re really sensitive, like cats, so you hafta pet them all slow and stuff.” He reaches into the basket for another hefty sandwich. He eats it in one bite.
“Am I like a cat?” You ask, tilting your head.
“You’re a vixen,” he corrects, playfully boxing around your ears. You duck, giggling.
“Yeah, yeah,” you wave him away, “What else?”
“Hm…,” he’s quiet for a minute as he thinks. “That you have to be gentle, but they wanna get fucked hard, sometimes. So you gotta ask,” he wipes the crumbs off his chin with the back of his hand. “Do I do a good job?”
That was an understatement.
“Aye, captain.”
He smirks, and turns back to the waves. You sit in silence for a while, watching the water play along the shore. You take a deep breath, settling into the calm of the sea.
“Am I good?” You ask eventually.
Luffy nods vigorously. “Oh, yes,” he grins, grabbing your hand. He places a small kiss onto your knuckles. A brush of lips, a dusting of affection that shoots sparks through your chest.
“I love you, d’you know that?”
The words come unbidden from your mouth, and tears start to prick at your eyes once you’ve said them. You’ve never said that out loud to anyone, before.
Not since—not since you left home.
But that was a long time ago.
Luffy appraises you with grey-storm eyes. “I know. I love you too, Kit.”
Something tangled in your chest begins to loosen, and your breaths come quick and heavy. Oh, oh god—
“Thank you,” you whisper-hiccup, curling into his side. Your arms go around your chest, pressing hard against your ribcage. Your sobs come in ragged breaths. “So much, for loving me. I don’t…I don’t think I can every repay you,” your voice cracks and you stop. Luffy lets you heave against his chest.
“Don’t have to,” he says simply, warm arms rubber-wrapped several times around your waist. He tucks your head under his chin, and rocks you gently side to side. You both breathe in time with the waves.
“Snack?” He asks you, waving a salty potato chip in front of your face. You giggle, and take it with your teeth.
“Good girl,” he grins, and reaches out to grab another from the bag. He feeds you like that, til there’s less than half the bag left. Once you sit up, no longer leaning against him like he’s the trunk of your favorite tree, he grabs the bag for himself to tip what’s left directly into his mouth. He crunches on his chips with a monkey grin, pleased with himself.
“I got kicked out,” you confess out of nowhere. Guess today’s the day for revelations, you think. “From my home. My mom and dad—they had a plan for me. To get married? To this fox-prince. But he—,” you gulp, “He wasn’t in love with me. He wanted—he wanted to use me, I think…,”
Your tears are bubbling up freely now, and you stare at your blurry hands as they fidget in your lap. Luffy is serious, regarding you with a steady calm you’ve only seen in battle. You hiccup, and continue.
“I was really in love with mortal men,” you say, fiercely quiet. Rage bubbles up in you at the memory. “And my mother hated that. She wanted me to stay in the spirit realm, and stay as the wife of this spirit-prince,” you wrench your face in disgust.
“I wouldn’t do it. I just couldn’t do it. It felt like there was someone holding me down by the shoulders, keeping me trapped.”
Luffy nods, expectantly. You swallow, and push a lock of hair back from your face. He comes over to tie it up for you, coming over to kneel behind you in the sand. The sun had started to gleam crimson, dipping down into the sea like a strawberry slice. You could hear your friends from far off, sounding like they were about to start a bonfire.
Luffy cards his fingers through your hair, the charcoal strands now kept more wavy than tangled. He takes the red ribbon he’s started keeping at his wrist for you, tugging at the beaded knot gently until it comes loose. Strong, steady hands start to brush the hair from your face. He scoops the front of it back, then ties it in a sloppy bun behind your head. The rest of your hair tumbles down beneath it around your waist. He pets over the dark gray waves, humming.
“So pretty, vixen,” he murmurs into your hair, “What happened next?”
You take a deep breath, leaning back against his chest. Your tails are a fluffy blanket around the two of you.
The pirate king’s kitsune, Luffy had once called you, announcing it to the world in a declaration of pride. You had blushed, then, hiding behind your hands.
But then Chopper had tugged on your pant leg, and you peeked at him between your fingers.
“It’s really cool,” he had said in an awed whisper.
Now, you feel a tiny spark of treasure start to wink in your chest. The pirate king’s…you think, rosy warmth blooming across your cheeks.
“I ran away.”
You kick your toes in the sand, staring at your feet with Luffy squatting behind you. “I ran away and I never looked back.” All those years of crying youth…
“I got caught, by a trapper. But then I found the portal-portal fruit. It was blue.”
“Mine was purple.”
“It tasted awful—,”
“Mine too!!”
You laugh, caught off guard, and turn to face your boyfriend. He’s sitting cross-legged in the sand.
“But anyway, I had to get away from this trapper, so I ate the fruit and portalled outta there. And that’s how I got to the house with chicken legs.”
Luffy hums. That’s where he had found you.
“How long were you there?” Before I came, he doesn’t say.
“Three years.”
“Ah,” he nods, “I took a break like that. Two years training on an island with Rayleigh.”
“The haki guy?”
You hum, scooting closer to your sunset-gold captain. His black hair waves a bit in the sea breeze. You tuck a lock of it behind his ear.
“Human ears,” you say, softly. He turns his head to catch your palm against his lips.
“Fox ears,” he flicks at your fluffy, pointed ears. You twitch one out from beneath his touch. He grins.
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devandp2007 · 5 months
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"First time joining in on somethin' like this. It seems pretty fun!"
Name: Quinn
Notes on Personality: A happy-go-lucky, adventurous Kistune, always eager to cheer up those who are down
Backstory and Lore: Was caught up in a raid of Dark Matter, resulting in most of their kind being wiped off. They were able to escape amidst the chaos & is now set on making sure the same thing doesn't happen to anyone again. They always try to maintain a positive mood wherever they go.
Feel free to ask 'em anything you like
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amadholes-lostre · 4 months
Wednesday in BNHA
You know what? Why the hell not? It's not like I could hate my life more than before.
So, the Wednesday Netflix series existed in this bizarre universe called a crossover. However, I gonna expand and change some kf the lore because I kinda hate it. Also, this is a Wenclair fic, of course.
Not much, just that Ostrace, mytholog/magical beings (I not calling them outcast, so stupid of a name) lived in hiding Harry Potter-style until the First Quirk generation happened. Since Non-Quirks -the majority - either, at the best, barely tolerated them, it created an unusual alliance. They formed either community or enclave to protect themselves from non-Quirks. Many were killed during the Exposure.
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However, after the Great Awakening, Quirks-Ostrace relationships are kind of stagnated. Ostrace are more accepted west of the Rocky Mountains due to their alliance, but east is dependable. In half of Eastern Europe, many outright despises them, especially against Vampire (will explain that later).
They do have good relations with the Boiling Isles, and some are accepted into isles.
Ostrace... ethnicities? Race? Species?
There are many different types of Ostrace, but they could be categorized in 5 major category: Therians (shape-shifters), Sanguinarians (feeds on blood/aether), Otherkins (mixture of human and animal), Mage-kinds (Humans with innate magic), and Miscraces (difficult to categorized). Every Ostrace is innate to magic. Ostrace made up 1% of non Witch-Kinds, Demon-Kinds, Amphibians, and whatever is going on in Mewni world population, which is 128 million. Also, Ostraces are not different species but are the same ones (for in-types). For instance, Lycan and Kitsune are the same species but just different ethnicities.
Ostrace cannot genetically inherited quirks. However, it is possible for non-quirks and quirks to wield magic, though difficult, especially those who have quirks (oof, Luz). Many, if not all, Ostraces believe in local deities and stuff, like Kitsunes believing the 9-tail Fox and Lycans believing Selene. The reason is that universal religions usually focus only on humans (excluding Mage-kind). It doesn't help that many, especially Christianity and Islam, kinda committed mass ethnic cleansing and stuff.
Therians or Furs
Derive from therianthropy, it means that people have the ability to shift into animal, usually referred to their inner-beast. Though they're widespread, they shifted into specific animals depending on regions. Lycans, for instance, are founded in Europe, and they can shift into wolves. They can only shift in their full form if it's between waxing and waning gibbous. Or they are wearing a special amulet that it allows them to shift one. However, shifting with this method drains a lot of energy, especially in the waning phases. They could shift into a furry-like form daily (lol). Young Lycans have difficulty controlling their wolf form during their adolescence.
Another Therian ethnicity is Kitsune, or Fox-shifters, in East Asia. Their shifting is more malleable than Lycans; they could shift into an actual fox size daily or could shift into a horse-size fox between waxing and waning gibbous. They can also keep some fox trait in their human form !usuallyears and tails). Kistune hates humans, especially men, due to many atrocities committed by them. There are a handful of Kistune colonies, the highest population - almost 25k - live in the independent State of Hokkaido. They have the longest lifespan among Therians (a millennium), how many tails indicate how old they are (maximum is nie), and they're a mono-sex race (meaning they have gay sex to reproduce, lol).
Hydes like Tyler will be categorized here, though they're viewed more like curses than Therians.
Sanguinarians or Fangs
Sanguinarians are being who need to feed on blood and/or aether from another being in order to live. Some ethnicities are vampire ( the most famous, can turn into bats, also called European lesser vampire, and more common), Nosferatu (can turn into a horse-size flightless bat, called European greater vampire, and are rarer), Penanggal (lived across East and Southeast Asia, have bat-wings, could detach their head and enlarge it, also, too, have lesser and greater kinds), etc.
What makes a vampire a lessers and greaters is based on how they feed. If they drink only blood, they will be a lesser, if aether (for a long period) than greater. Lessers are weaker than greaters, have shorter lifespans (500 comparative to 1000+ years), have fewer thralls (1-3 to 100s), and greaters can either turn humans into their kind or can reproduce (lesser are sterile). However, lessers could survive in sunlight, though weakened (greater will combust intofire). Lessers could willingly be misanthrope, greaters have psychopathic traits, including apathetic towards humans (and likely other races) and only viewing them as food, or at least inferior.
The reason why vampires are despised in Eastern Europe is that after Quirks started forming, Russia started another conquest into the region. The Manse of Dracula, who secretly ruled Transylvania (Grand Duchy of Transylvania), allied with Russia in exchange for POW, or any Eastern Euro civilians, as blood supplies (think Promised Neverland). Because of that, many Eastern Euro hated them, excepted Transylvanians, because they were except from it and protected from the war (they still expected to pay taxes though a liter of blood per month).
Yoko Tanaka (lesser) is a member of Manse of Dracula, and she is related to Carmilla (greater).
Otherkins or Scales/Stoners
Otherkins are a bit of a board term but mainly means their body are a mixture of human animal, and unlike Therians, it's their true form. They could still form a full human form, either self-casting or using an amulet like Therians. Like Therians and Sanguinarians, they have different ethnicities that many non-ostrace thought they were different speicies. However, unlike them, Otherkins has a like raco-ethnic thing (?). Like, technically they're the same speicies, but like there are groups that are not considered in the same race. Like Sirens (living in warmer) and Mer-forks (colder climate and are fatter) will considered the same race but just different ethnicities. But some with similar characteristics are considered different speices, like Grogan, are considered the same race with Lamia, Nāga, and the likes ( they, like Kitsune, are mono-sex race). There are other Otherkins like Centaur, Satyr, Harpy/Sirin/Kinnara (mono-sex), etc.
Like Therians, some have difficulty with their power in their adolescence, like Ajax and Grogans, who have to wear slouchy hat in order not to turn themselves or other into stone. It is with age and practice that they don't need to wear it.
For interspecies childrearing, they don't have hybrids. Instead, the infant will inherited one of the parents race, but will get either of their characteristics. For instance, if Yoko and Divina where to have children one day, they will either be a vampire or siren, but they will get both parents' physical traits, being biracial
(G-d, I hope this doesn't sound like scientific racism, fucking shit.)
Mage, spellcastor, whatever you want to call it, they are humans who have, for generations, practice magic or some form of it. I will kinda base their society on HP, though not as much. They don't really form large, complex governmental structures until after their reveal. They form enclaves that help concealed magic away from non-quirk and create schooling for becoming mages, which then start accepting other Ostrace. Mage-Kinds do discrimination against other Ostraces (Nevermore was meant to school non-humans because Mage-kind academies never accepted their enrollments).
There are some Mage-kind that practice magic differently and formed more isolated society like Witch clans. Witch Clans practice witchcraft and are all women. They existed for many centuries but became more isolated during the Witch Hunt, rarely interacting with other non-Witch Ostraces, even after magic was exposed to non-Quirks (they use magic in order to have children). Eugene Ottinger-Xul, for instance, along with his mothers, was formerly in a Witch Clan until he identified as a boy (he's trans). Since men are forbidden, the Matriarch demanded the mothers to stop his transition, and when they refused, they were banished. (It's not because he's trans, but due he being a boy now. Many clans have accepted transwomen into their, it only that Eugene now identified himself as a boy is the problem.)
Miscraces (miscellany races) are a group of races that are unrelated and cannot be categorized, are too unique to form into one, or other reason.
Some Miscrace are Yeti, kappa/dai-kappa (mono-sex), Bake-danuki, Dragon-kin (both lesser and greater), Ymir-barn (sometimes called Jotnar, believed to be extinct), Troll (nice people, many are against eating sapients), etc.
I basing the magic system from my own original universe, one of which is called Erden (Earth in Anglisċ; the Norman never invaded England, and Doggerland is visible. Also, Doggerland is the Riverland version of Erden). Mainly, magic is more scientific, that there is an energy called Aether that binds the Five Fundamental Forces of Nature, and therefore, connected every particle in the universe. That means every living species, including bacterias, fungus, plants, animals, and sapients, including humans, has it. The only reason non-mage/non-quirks humans didn't discover it before because either they don't have the right equipment (needing it either infused with aetheric energy or aetheric tech) or because they mistake it for something else (it is radioactive).
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(You will die of acute radiation poison from being near them if you're not a Witch-Kind, Deomon-Kind, or Ostrace).
There are different applications of magic, like focusing magic (chi ) more inward, which could increase strength and use hand motion with symbols to cast spells (like Naruto). But that is too difficult, physically intense, and takes too long. There are magic systems that are more scientific, like wizardry and alchemy (just chemistry with aetheric applications).
For wizardry, it is the most common school of magic due to 1. Quite easy to learn, master, and has far more versatility to aplicated. And 2. Colonialism. Wizards use ambient magic to cast spells, channeling it through their body to cast it, using a wand (or a staff if you need to blow up a building) as a conductor. If casting too long or using an over-excessive amount of magic, it could, in best case, only cause nerve damage, or worst case, bring burnt up like a bonfire. Witch-kinds mock them for using a "baby wand," wizards mock them for getting asthma if they used magic for too long.
Wizardry constructed a language and writing script for their spells. Languages, they realize, are just programming people to recognize objects and abstracts with symbols and sounds. If I ask you what-
🍎 -this is almost every answer will be Apple. But other people will also answer rither manzana, apfel, tuffah, tapuach, ringo, elma, quả táo, which all mean apple but in different languages.
So, wizards use their conlang to "program" themselves by focusing on a specific word (usually pronouncing it) and conducting aether to cast a spell. Because of this, it could take hours, maybe weeks to learn and cast spells. Also, using this conlang for conversation is forbidden; it is possible to accidentally cast a spell.
The conlang is based on Latin, and it uses a runic (like Germanic rune) syllabary (like Japanese) writing system in order to engrave it onto stones for warding. One such spell is Lusi -light, and it's spoken in two syllabaries, lu-si.
Sorcery isn't a different way of casting magic but continues a field in an advanced form of schooling, like post-grads and master's degrees.
There are different fields of wizardry, including but not limiting to: biourgy (studying and applications of magic in life), geourgy (study and application of geology), aethology (physic, but aether is involved), technurgy/magitek (engineering with magic, instance crafting a magitek wand with room-temperature superconductor as the core length with coils, the tip is the emitter which the aether casted through. The handle has memory chips that stored runic spells, which the caster recalled through a neuro-link), and thaumaturgy (medicine involving magic).
Dark magic and light magic do not truly exist to the extent, it's mainly involve ideology, how magic should be used, and what is considered to be good or not. it could be malleable. Some said that thaumaturgy is considered light magic while necromancy is dark magic. However, necromancy involves biourgy, especially thaumaturgy, which is considered light magic.
Resurrection (which is considered necromancy) is possible, either through magic or science. Though it require conditions (how high their aether levels are, how long were they dead, is the body still intact, were they cremated, how radioactive is the body).
Also, if Star wishes to destroy magic, it will cause the universe to implode (oof). Magic is aether, and aether is the binding agent of the five fundamental forces of nature. Without it, it will cause matter to break away, weakening gravitational force. Stars will stop fusing, and all the elements will be gone. Living beings will be dead instantly, though, so that's good.
There is a type of magic called Fael magic. Some spells like the killing curse-like spell (which is just highly intense and focus gamma-ray. Like, not only does it kill the victim, but it severed the soul from the body violently. So not only can't they be rez, but their body is corrupted, and their soul cannot be seance. Some believe their soul is actually destroyed, too), a necromancy spell that required a corpse to be killed by a KC, a torture-like curse that doesn't torture the body but the soul. The reason why is called Fael magic, other than how cruel the spells are, is due to how it affects the castors. This is because they're self-inducing gamma-ray into themselves every time they cast a fael spell. Yes, Fael magic cause radiation poisoning. Not even the Addams will even tolerate this kind of magic (not self-inducing gamma-ray part. They think it healthy, being good for the soul and all).
Manse of Addams
They are still weird even by Ostrace stranded, and while anybody still trying to adjust living in a hero/magical/alien(?)/demon world and saying, "I hate living in interesting times!", an Addams will only say,"Ah! What an amazing time we are living in!"
Like how they are in canon, they are far more acceptable to all people, no matter their species, quirk-status, or who they love. While interspecies are barely tolerated in a lot of places, even if they are very humanoid, the Addams will happily welcome them into the family. While Tsuyu faces discrimination and shit for having a frog mother, Wednesday will happily and proudly say, "Ah, yes, my uncle is courting a lovely Weftoad (male toad)." They also have almost every type of species in their blood: Mewmans, Witch-Kinds, Demon-Kinds, Lycans, Penanggals, Kitsunes, Amphibians, Vampire, etc. The things they don't have, if not rarely, are quirks, and that only because their magical side keep impeding it (though they could marry or adopt in the family).
There is also a Witch clan in the family like the Frump. Though they don't accept men in their ranks, they do keep in contact with them, and some have married men (like Morticia), which is very unusual with Witches.
Wednesday, whose full name is Wednesday Friday Frump-Guzman From Manse of Addams, is also a Kalifornana (Gomez is one), though she isn't a Califinitan.
Uh, what else is there. Enid is transfem in this one. Ironically, even though she born in California, she isn't a Kalifornana since the city she was born and raise in, Redien, isn't considered part of what's called Kalifornan Border (an ethnicity border). So, this cause Enid to have somewhat of an identity crisis, along with her not wolfing out. While Nevermore Academy (twice as big and larger student body) is meant for Ostrace and magi, they do now have a pro-hero program so their could be more Ostrace heros. Gonna find a reason why Wednesday will join the hero program.
Almost finished a post meant for only California
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aho-dapa · 1 year
more fic idea without the writing part
TW: uh monster typical horror stuff, monster and hunter fic
monster and hunter fic AU with tamsand
inspired by the bloodborne aesthetic just because
The Mother was the first Hunter and used the Cauldron to bless the weapons she used against monsters (in verse lore is that she was so distraught over the plague of monsters that killed her family that her tears are what is used in the Cauldron)
Hunters use Cauldron Blessed ash wood, iron, and tears as weapons
Also Tamlin uses iron knuckles as his main weapon and also has a rosary that his mother made him (it's made from rose petals soaked in the Cauldron and made into iron beads)
Tamlin and Feyre have a platonic and familial dynamic here
Veteran Hunter Tamlin and his partner Feyre come across a brothel where an succubus is said to have killed a few patrons (yay, murder mystery)
There they meet Amren, the madam of the brothel and its revealed that the succubus is actually an imposter who took the appearance of one of her friends
As they investigate, the trail leads them back to Feyre's old village, Lundis, and slowly uncover who the succubus is
Slowly yet surely it's revealed that the succubus was hunted down by someone else who leaves two mark on their victims: a vampire bite and a sigil of flames burned onto the skin
Now Feyre and Tamlin are hunting down the infamous hunter vampire
They retrace their steps back to the brothel and find both Nesta and Rhys there
Immediately, Tamlin finds this annoying because Rhysand is involved and it can never be a good thing when he's around
The tamsand dynamic here is just Tamlin trying to swat away vampire Rhys while Rhys keeps on trying to get werewolf Tamlin to erotically maul him
Feyre finds Rhysand annoying, but she's trying to understand why Nesta is here and interrogates her which gets them nowhere
Story and more plot happens but basically
Amarantha is trying to amass a monster army so that they will no longer be hunted down (main plot whoo)
Amren is an incubus that slowly seduces Feyre
Rhys and Tamlin are definitely into blood kink
Papa Archeron was a Priest of the High Order and was accused of committing sacrilege with a vampire (Mama Archeron) when he just hid her identity as a vampire after she got turned in an attack
She's later discovered and burnt at the stake and Papa Archeron goes on the run with his family
He leaves them in the care of a family friend, the Hales, a rich noble family, and leaves them so that they aren't in danger
Elain becomes a Preistess where she works at the High Order and goes out onto the field (AKA witch Elain equivalent)
Nesta goes into becoming a Lady-in-Waiting for the Countess Violet Vanserra, whose original name is Sumire
Feyre joins the High Order as a Hunter and partners with Tamlin
It's later revealed that Nesta helped the Countess kill her husband and that the Hunter vampire is actually Nesta because she was turned as a child by her mother
Tamlin is also the biological child of the Mother and is the first werewolf, but uh, yeah the Mother actually cried for her monster children not the other way around
Also yōkai exist
LoA was born to a kistune and kijimunā, and she's neither a divine fox or a malicious one
She later saves Beron’s life and marries him, and they return to his home where she raises his other five children from his previous wife
Only Eris and Lucien are her children and they have traits of kitsune
Beron later becomes wary and paranoid of her and thinks she's either possessed by some phantom or has become a monster, so her mistreats her
This later leads into the downfall of the Vanserra family and his children by them being possessed by fox spirits (also his children except two aren't good people, they murdered Eris, anyway)
Also, she sends Lucien back to her homeland after Eris's death so he can be safe and she plots with Nesta to kill Beron
She stays behind to raise the other two children so they can inherit their father's title and she decides to watch other them for a few centuries before joining her other children in her homeland
Okay monster time:
Werewolf Tamlin
Vampire Rhysand
Priestess Elain
Vampire Nesta
Hunter Feyre
Priest Papa Archeron
Vampire Mama Archeron
Human Isaac
Human Cassian
Succubus Mor
Incubus Amren
Dhamphir Azriel
Selkie Tarquin
Selkie Cresseida
Selkie Varian
Human Beron
Kitsune LoA
Kitsune Lucien
Kitsune Onryō Eris
Crackship time:
Tamlin / Rhysand
Feyre / Amren
Nesta / LoA
Azriel / Papa Archeron
Mor / Cresseida
Tarquin / Elain
Isaac / Varian
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smolbread1 · 2 years
OMG THIS LITERALLY PERFECTLY PROTRAYS KIMIKO!!!! (Short description about kimiko, lore 😈😈)
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Name: Kimiko Zenko
Age: 15 (season 1), 16 (season 2) 17 (movie/ same age as raph to be short)
Height: 5'11
Ethnicity: Japanese/Hispanic
Parents: mother(kistune) deceased, dad(lychan/ like from the movie underworld) deceased
Siblings: sister(kitsune) deceased
Kimiko lore:
Kimiko at first hid her identity in the hidden city and above the hidden city as well, for Kimiko wasn't able to hide her ears and tail(s) easily. She was almost caught once, at a distance, and the yokai had feared that a dangerous mythical being was roaming their city, the yokai talked horribly on kitsunes, calling them monsters, thieves, and not to be trusted.
Kimiko was hurt by the words that yokai had said about her kind and decided to hide her identity until she was founded by someone, someone who changed her views
Big mama
Big mama had heard of a mysterious individual that could've been a mythical being, after finding out where this being (kimiko) was located she managed to persuade Kimiko to work for her.
"I've heard of your talents, I'm sure that you could be well educated on stealing things for me without being caught?"
Kimiko didn't like that she enunciated the stealing part but if all people saw Kimiko as a no-good thief and trickster, then she is gonna give them one.
After a while, Kimiko had a well-known title for herself as "the yako" the one who is mischievous but can be malicious if needed.
Everything was going for kimiko's path, that was until she stumbled upon 4 turtle brothers that just so happened to need big mama's help with some....oozesquitos???
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vishapsking · 2 years
delusion, tank, teppei :)
genshin ask meme. @jadeburdened / accepting !
Delusion: what are your genshin unpopular opinions?
there are so many opinions in the fandom, i'm not sure what's popular or not anymore tbh. like how i literally saw rezhong is incest being an actual take someone had lmao.
mmm, but i guess the fandom is way too focused on character ages when the majority of them have nothing confirmed/set in stone ( hahah ). the whole "teen model" or whatever discourse is always so wild. like i can't believe that some folk are still debating whether or not traveler is a minor. or whether or not shipping xiao with "adults" is okay. or venti as schrodinger's shota/minor depending on who he's shipped with.
it's not that serious, y'all.
Tank: which character do you feel is criminally underrated?
i will always say barbara because my girl deserves more love from fandom and screen time from mhy. she's just been making quick appearances for mondt events, when will she return from war and be featured.
same with dvalin. bring him back. bring back my beautiful anemo dragon not as a taxi pls
Teppei: who is/are your favorite npc(s)?
pls...you already know. i absolutely adore one (1) geo dragon retuo longwang/azhdaha. dvalin falls into this answer too. teyvat's dragons did nothing wrong and need to be loved. i want more lore on the seven sovereigns if not then i'll do it my damn self
in the same vein of liyue immortals, i love cloud retainer (+ her boiis ) and guoba too!! i want to learn more about ancient liyue
you also know that i love my problematic husband, our one and only pyro lector enjou. he was such a fun and interesting character! i hope they bring him back. on the same train of abyss-esque folks, halfdan my beloved!!!
urakusai, the mischief-making fox has an interesting past too! his actions apparently may have contributed to the abyss' invasion of teyvat 500 years ago and was therefore exiled by kistune saiguu?? hello??? that's very, very interesting!! tell me more!
also neko is very sad, don't touch me.
the fatui in the chasm! viktor and lily! the fatui group on the gaa!!!
the aranara collectively tbh. my precious veggie army.
i'm going to be here all day if i list every npc i've loved in genshin. tbh some npcs are way more interesting than some of the playable characters. sorrynotsorry but you know how i am with my side character loves
the irony of the npc ask being called teppei and yet i felt nothing for him
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firewolfphoenix · 2 years
Phoenix lore
Pronouns: She/They
2000+ years old
6 tailed Kistune
Has a fox form
Have grey hair and yellow eyes
Kept an eye on Eliza when she was growing up
Her job is to help to fight off evil on the overworld with a powerful spirit and their host
The spirit she helps is called Spyros
If she has any free time, would go to the overworld and would trick people since Kitsunes are tricksters
Has enhanced hearing, vision and smell
Eyes can glow in the dark along with night vision
The type of Kistune Phoenix is a Kiko which is a spirit fox
She was told by Spyros to keep on eye on some elemental spirits, but one day the fire spirit disappeared after feeling strange
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golddragon-fr · 2 years
12 and 35 for the lore ask meme!
12. How does your clan view the Beastclans? Who handles Beastclan relations?
There’s a number of beastclan... clans. what word do I use for this
There’s a number of different beastclan groups nearby Greenport, and the port has different relationships with all of them! In my lore, Harpy’s Roost, and therefor Talona, is in the Shifting Expanse, so harpy flocks have very strong anti-dragon sentiments and are regular aggressors in the area. There’s a similar sentiment with talonok, though their flocks’ territories ten to be a bit further south of Greenport, so they don’t usually bother the city.
Greenport does have a few beastclan ambassadors though! Aiko, a kitsune, is the ambassador for land-bound beastclan, such as the longneck. Kistune packs have historically had positive relations to dragonkind, and local longleck herds are more frustrated by harpies than dragons, so Aiko was able to build up an alliance between Greenport and the herds. There’s also Lach, who’s the ambassador for the maren school that lived in the bay before the port was built. There was tension at first, but given the unique nature of the bay waters, they learned to work with eachother, and there’s an uneasy peace.
35. Does your clan specialize in anything?
Greenport is a port city, and as such can be thought of to specialize in trade? It’s also on the edge of the Windswept Plateau and the Sea of a Thousand Currents, so it’s quite a diverse city. It’s not unusual to meet dragons from all walks of life there. There’s also probably some local exports, though I’d, uh, have to think more about the economy to figure out exactly what.
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Lore rewrite fro rodune!
Also quick warning:
My clan lore is an au. If you do not like this please dont read.
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"Greetings, fellow dragonian lifeform"
Rodune may look like a gaoler right? Except he is not. He is far from it. In fact, he is too important to be normal.
Rodune is a deity called The Shadewalker under disguise after an incident.
There are rumours circulating that the stormcatcher and the icewarden disguised as a ridgeback and a tundra visit him to keep an eye on him.
Since his creation, he had almost no personality or powers, as he was made from the concept of emptiness. However, it is reavealed that he had inside him another element which was hidden alongs side his emotions.
However, during his time disguising himself, he has learned about normal dragon life and has grew interested in it. In fact, his emoyions are beginning to leak out, and this could either mean a good thing or a VERY bad thing.
Appearence wise, he has 9 tails, because he lets some of his tentacles hidden with fur just in case. Some call him a kistune cause of this, but clearly he is much powerful than a kitsune.
However, during his time disguising himself, he has learned about normal dragon life and has grew interested in it.
Personality wise, rodune is like a robot. While he has some emotion, he has trouble showcasing it. He is attempting to live like a normal dragon, but he is very cryptid. He is like "hello fellow dragon. Is it wrong to take something that is not yours to keep it for youself?". Make no mistake however, if he feels threatened, he WILL kill you, even if he looks cruel doing it. In fact, he will let parts of his true form escape, like mouthes appearing in his body

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themasked · 4 years
My apologies. I did not mean to come off rude. The designs on this vulpine one are beautiful. Is it inspired by the Kitsune of Japanese lore?
"Ah, the kistune." The Maskmaker runs His long, slender fingers over the mask on the wall. With adoration or anguish, you cannot tell. "Are you aware of the folk meaning to their name? ‘Come and Sleep’ They used to call to those who saw them. ‘Always come and sleep.’ "
His gaze is cold and faraway, but quick to snap back to attention.
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year
FOX TALES: LUFFY asks to be your boyfriend (+ bonding time with ROBIN)
fox tales
(Part ??? Of my arctic fox kistune fic, based off a lot of russian folk lore lol. Scroll through my tag and read in whatever order you want, you’ll get the gist 😅)
(cw: food, violence, kissing, sfw)
“I think I wanna change my name,” you start, slowly flipping through the pages of an antique book Robin had handed you. There’s gold filigree on the paper edges, and it’s written in a script you have to scrunch your eyes to read.
“Oh?” The archeologist asks. She looks up from over the rim of her teacup, sipping gently. Her blue eyes are lighter than Sanji’s: hers more teal, rather than his lapis lazuli. Robin and you haven’t connected much, but it’s nice to spend some time with her. And you didn’t know if anyone else would understand this sort of thing.
“To Vasya,” you continue, nodding down at your book. “I read it in a story once.”
Robin sips her drink. “What was it about?” Her voice is quiet, and lilting. You tilt your ears, wondering if she knew she spoke in lullabies.
“It was about this girl,” you say, folding your hands atop the book, vellum pages spread open in front of you. You scratch at some of the ink. “She was a witch, sorta. She could see nature spirits. And the king of winter wanted to take her for his bride. He actually fell in love with her,” you recall, “Instead of the mortal man she was betrothed to. So she ran away into the woods with him, and eventually learns to fight. She helps her country win a war, actually.” You grin, “There were some really cool fight scenes.”
“Oh?” Robin hums, closing her book on her lap. The two of you had been reading in the library together, until you’d spoken out of nowhere about your name change. “That’s interesting.”
“Mhmm,” you agree, sipping your own sugary tea Sanji had prepared for you. He knew you liked it sweet.
You plop another sugar cube into the china cup, stirring it with the silver spoon that came with the rest of the tea set. It had a lily emblazoned on the handle.
“And her name was Vasya?”
“Yes,” you say, nodding, “Short for Vasilisa. But I like Vasya best.”
“Well then,” Robin smiles, a thin flutter of pleasure dancing around her lips. “Nice to meet you, Vasya.”
You grin, and take a big sip of tea.
“Thanks, Robin. Nice to meet you, too.”
“The wings of the pirate king?” You giggle after Robin had told you Sanji’s title.
“Mm,” she hums, pleased, “Zoro is his right arm. And you are the painter, I presume?” She nods toward the set of colored pencils you’d brought along into the room. The library was one of your favorite places on the ship to draw (minus the stern’s railing, which was your favorite spot). Sketches of the aquarium fish dotted your notebook every few pages. Luffy and his stupid grin took up most of the rest.
You couldn’t stop drawing him, much to your chagrin.
“I like using colored pencils, mostly,” you prop your chin on your hand. Munch on a cookie Sanji had brought, the white china plate dotted with pink frills. It was vanilla, with lemon-icing sugar on top. Your eyes flutter closed at the taste of it.
“Melts in your mouth, doesn’t it?” Robin brings her own cookie up to her lips, and takes a dainty bite. She’s so polite, you think. Way better manners than you, or even anyone else on the crew. Nami came close, but not really. Sanji was better mannered than her (at least to you, although he yelled at Mosshead quite a lot). You hadn’t gotten to really meet Zoro, yet.
“Mm,” you agree, taking another bite.
“You’re the archeologist, right? A historian, of sorts.” You hadn’t known what that word meant, until Chopper told you. He was your best friend, on the ship. Well, besides Luffy…
But Luffy was special.
“That’s right,” she inclines her head, the sharp edge of her raven hair skimming the top of her shoulder. Her collarbone dipped behind a violet collar, sharp and angular just like the rest of her.
Plus she was so tall.
“What do you like about it?” It was easy for you to make friends, you had realized. Especially with this crew. They had all been so welcoming to you, the day Luffy reappeared through a portal with you on his hip. He’d been gone for three months, stuck at the cottage with you. That’s how you’d met him, how you’d gotten to know him, and how he asked you to be on his crew.
He’d been impressed with your portal fruit, and had found you to be excessively pretty, to boot. You blush at the memory, the first time he’d called you cute.
“You’re pretty, kitty.” Luffy bends down his head so he’s looking at you from upside down. You’re sitting on a tree stump, sketchbook in hand. You’d been drawing Luffy himself, enthralled by his athleticism as he trained on your cottage-green lawn.
“Y-You are!” You blurt, having never been called pretty before. You could use your body to flirt with men, sure, but somehow Luffy’s complement hit differently than theirs. Your cheeks flush.
You wonder why.
“You’re welcome,” he says, grinning, and steps away to sit down across the firepit from you. Last night’s embers still smoke, chalk-like wisps still curling through the air.
“But you’re supposed to say ‘thank you’ first,” he stretches his legs out, leaning back on his hands. His fingers are thick and calloused from where they curl into the grass.
“Thank you,” you mumble, closing your sketchbook stealthily. He’s seen your portraits of him, the ones you dared to show him. But those were less…ogling than this last one had been.
Listen, he’s hot when he trains, okay?
“You’re really pretty,” he says again, and you realize there’s a sudden dusting of rose across his face. He’s blushing, you think with a shock.
“Th-thanks…,” you say again, sitting on your hands. You knock your feet together, bare and dirty from the grass. You curl them up, and scrunch your nose. “What…what makes you say so?”
Luffy tips his head to one side, gray eyes sliding up toward the sky. “Hmm…just felt like saying it, I guess. I like watching you draw.”
You bite your lip, your own cheeks heating. “I like watching you train,” you quietly counter. Luffy stills, going calm in that way you’d seen for the first time last night, when he’d fought off a whole town of angry farmers for you. They’d been trying to chase you, torches and all, and he had just. Knocked them down like bowling pins.
He’d been angrier than you’d ever seen him, then.
After, when there were only groaning bodies left twitching on the ground, he’d wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Let’s go home, Kit,” he had said, and you opened a portal for the both of you to step through.
Now, he stares at you with guileless, unblinking eyes. You’ve never trusted someone so implicitly before. Luffy never lies.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” He asks, and the question catches you off guard. You’re still a little shaken, from the fight.
You regard him, leveling an artist’s eye at his muscular frame. His body is tanned, weather-worn and battle-hardened. His hair is fluffy and dark, like a raven’s ruffled feathers. He has the best smile you’ve ever seen in your life, and it’s not long before you’re nodding emphatically.
He grins, eyes crinkling up into little half moons. “Good! I like you,” he hums, turning his head to stare at the tree line surrounding your yard. The pine trees are tall and indigo, shivering in the cool, twilight breeze.
“I like you too,” you hedge, not sure what he means. Did he…y’know…like you? Like that?
“I mean, I really like you,” he repeats. He’s staring at you fully now, and your pulse quickens.
“I really like you, too.” You couldn’t hope, you couldn’t possibly, but—
“Can I kiss you?”
He asks it plainly, simply, with a subtle tilt to his head. His hair is ruffled in the wind, and you can see a flicker of conquerer’s haki around his shoulder blades. Like the mantle of a king.
You answer without words, crawling forward off your tree stump over to where he sits with his legs splayed out. Your sketchbook is forgotten, discarded in the grass. You sit in his lap, hovering with your face and your hips barely a breath away from his.
Your eyes flick to his lips, and you can see that he’s trembling. He looks up at you, a question asked still paused in his throat. You slide your fingers into his hair, and pull.
He gasps, but you devour it with a kiss.
“Fuck—,” he whispers, in between hot crashes of your lips, “I like kissing you.”
You moan out a little sound, something satisfied and warm, and sink down onto his lap proper. His arms snake around your waist, pulling you in tighter. Your hands are raking through his fluffy hair.
“I like you,” you growl again, pursing your lips at his temple. You wonder if he’s ever been kissed.
“Good,” he says again, peppering small kisses along your jawbone. “Will you be mine?”
“Hmm,” you tap your fingers against the base of his skull. “What does that mean? I don’t like being trapped,” you lean up, haughty, your arms around his neck.
He shakes his head, fiercely. “Never trapped,” he tightens his hold around your hips, “Not with me.”
“Okay,” you chirp, bending down to nip at his bottom lip, “I’m yours, then.”
Luffy laughs, loud and clear, and tumbles you both onto the grass together. You giggle, enjoying the weight of your now-boyfriend pressing against you in the dirt. He’s so warm, and he smells like fresh logs.
You reach up to kiss his chin. He beams down at you with pride.
“My Kit,” he says, effectively claiming you as his own. He kisses the tip of your nose.
“My Luffy,” you say, grinning almost as wide as him (though you don’t think that’d ever be possible). “My pirate captain,” you stroke his hair lovingly, and he leans into the touch.
“Your pirate king,” he corrects, and swoops down to claim your lips once again.
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ultravioletmeouch · 5 years
so one of my writer friends and i had the exact same idea for a piece of kistune lore for two completely different projects on almost the same date, further proving that my friends and i live in a hive mind
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