#kitty fication
alvaroz-starrs · 2 months
"Sashay, away 😞"
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Angelo has been kittified! Quick little thing on free time, sorry for not posting much!
@byr0nn :3c
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kosmic-neptune · 5 months
Hit hello kitty with the sonic-fication beam today
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mooneln0ne · 6 months
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kirbyderb · 4 months
Okay so, got a few questions
What is your favorite color (obvious is obvious)
favorite cat breed?
Favorite superhero
favorite tumblr moment (mine was the one that included the word “tea-fication process”
this isn’t really a question (well it sorta is, I just need some advice) how can I create better ocs
fav smiling critter
fav horror games/movies/characters
fav movie genre
(I know this is more than a few, I’m sorry)
☀️ HELLO!!!!1!!!!
1. Green, actually.
2. I'm more of a canid fan! (Can you tell?) But my Prototype... I love Ragdoll kitties and black cats! :D
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3. SPIDER-MAN. NO CONTEST. I WATCHED ALL THE MOVIES. HALF THE SHOWS. Best actor is Tobey Maguire. Favorite Spidey film? Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2.
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4. "The flag of Japan but it's actually this hand towel with a perfectly-placed water stain"
5. Better OCs? Well, uhh... IM NO EXPERT! !!1! BUT. What I think is fun is looking at those "questions to ask your character/character development sheet" things. Like how would they get through a fence while being chased? Just run cartoonishly STRAIGHT THROUGH IT? Find another way? Jump across? Maybe also try to imagine why they are the way they are, and be sure to give both positive/negative traits. If your character is very affectionate—TOO affectionate— maybe they don't know personal space? Or if they're lazy, they might be really good at finding the shortest way to do a task. Maybe crank up some positive traits for bad traits, or see how it could create a bad trait, and vice-versa!!1!!! :D
6. Dogday.
7. My memory isn't good so I may have more, but... Dogday, any Smiling Critters, Cy-dog even though it isn't ever used in PPT, Sunny/Omori, Glamrock Freddy, Wooly, Starved Tails, Kinito—
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8. Hmm.. SCI-FI?!?!??? :D Hypothetical scenarios with viruses or outer space are pretty cool! Also love historical films, 2d animated films, psychological horrors, mysteries, anything to do with my current interest. Feel free to recommend me stuff ! :]
Maybe I should say a genre I hate?
You're not gonna catch KIRBY ever watching any 18th-century rom-coms. No TELENOVELAS FOR ME!!!1!!!!!!
THOUGH I'm very willing to IRONICALLY watch a movie with people. I like to watch them suffer WITH me and it's hilarious. ANYONE WANNA WATCH RATATOING!!1?!???
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medievalpeasant · 1 year
i haven’t seen the last 20 minutes of the newest episode so maybe they really quickly canonized this in that time but Justin Fication should have a cat counterpart called Kitty Tastrofize
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Keeping my country-themed kitties up idc about the no country-fications crap. They’re my OCs and I did a lot of research on them so that they properly represent each country, and I am also tired of people making jokes that my Germany cat would be a Nazi. He isn’t, he knows that shit was awful and teaches in modern day how awful that time period was and teaches to the country of Germany to not repeat that.
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lotsadeer · 1 year
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Oh no he's been kitty-ficated!!
Zedaph catverse is some silly goofy shenanigans happening over on @astronomodome's blog, and it gave me so much serotonin I made Zedcat real.
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psychotrenny · 1 year
I'm really starting to enjoy the idea of what I call "forced kitty-fication". Like what greater show of dominance and cruelty is there than making a puppygirl meow?
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lamothla-art · 3 years
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Okay so I’m a dork and once I adopt cats (can’t have them now because my dog won’t tolerate them) I’m going to name them after Ghirahim and Fi. My friends wanted me to thusly draw them as kitties! This also could fit in my Ghiracat AU featuring Ficat
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phoenix-phaedrana · 5 years
Request for kitty-fication
Name: Feathers!Sans
Personality: Stubborn, slightly selfish
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Siblings: N/A
No mate
No children
Just let me know if you want the Mother/father/Siblings filled, and I’ll make something up lol.
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alvaroz-starrs · 5 months
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No hat :(
"I lost my train of thought!!"
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catboybatsarevalid · 4 years
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Wip of some kitty-fication in progress
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #219
“Pinwheel sitting, Ashes Flying Lessons”
[gem] -flies next to splenderman's house and knocks on the side of the door-
[Slender] Sighs- Come in
[Gem] -flies in then lands she is holding two stacks of sugar cookies- oh hello I heard Splenderman was sick so I wanted to help cheer him up I didn't know someone else was here
[Slender] - Yes, I am his brother- He's looking Gem over, finding her attributes a bit odd
[Gem] well I brought sugar cookies
[Splender] Groans and rolls over- Nooo...
[Slender] - You may as well put them with the other food which has been brought, in that chest over there
[Gem] -puts them in the chest- will splenderman be ok?
[Slender] - In about a week or so, he doesn't like having to kill humans
[gem] -flies up a little- I understand so are you doing staying on the server must be tough it being so different I would guess
[Slender] - Having to restrict my EMP field is annoying but necessary.  Speaking of I wouldn't get to close to me unless you wish to be affected.  And I'm staying here to help make certain Splender is alright
[Gem] -flies back a little so she further from slender- is restricting it hard?
[Slender] - After some time it does become difficult, but I should be able to do it for the length of time I'll be here
[gem] -is just talking out loud- I just realized I should check on aven and ben later before I go back to building the track system
[Slender] - Ah yes, them and their child
[gem] I live with them but I have recently been busy with building I haven't been home as often
[Slender] - I see, I am curious about how their child is coming along
[gem] oh he is just the cutest he is very healthy too
[Slender] - I know Painter and Angel desire a child, but I'd like more data, preferably a second successful child
[gem] well ben is quiet protective of hyrule to the point of not wanting to give him baths
[Slender] - Of course he wouldn't want to do that, you can always get Jeff and LJ to hold him down, they've gotten very good at that over the years
[gem] I believe they had to do that once already and my guardians also did once
[Slender] - And his mate is still doing well?  There have been no ill effects of having the child?
[gem] no aven has been good
[Slender] - I see...
[Splender] - Brother...
[Slender] - Yes?
[Splender] - Don't let father get us...
[Slender] - I won't, I promise
[gem] what would happen if they did?
[Slender] - It's nothing, he's just dreaming of a memory
[gem] oh well if there is anything you need for me to get splenderman I will gladly help
[Slender] - I will keep it in mind
[gem] well I should be off to check on the couple -starts flying to the door-
[Slender] Lets her leave before pulling a book out of his jacket pocket-
[Deer] Has shifted into her dragon form and is playing with Yaunfen in the water-
[Doc] Does a graceful roll a little farther out and breaches in a gentle arc, using the air to make it higher before plunging back down-
[Deer] Laughs and nudges Yaunfen to swim a bit more-
[Doc] Does some little zigzags under the water near them. Just keeping an eye out for trouble.
[Yaunfen] Paddles about-
[Endrea] Flies past them over head-
[Doc] Looks up- I wonder where the babies are?
[Deer] - Probably with their uncle, I'm more curious as to where she's going
[Doc] The void hole we covered up is in the ravine over there. But that's it. I doubt she wants to hang out with the villagers over the water.
[Deer] - Odd...
[Yaunfen] Paddles towards the shore-
[Doc] I'll check on her and come right back. Will you two be okay?
[Deer] - Absolutely, besides, I think it's time for a nap
[Doc] On the sand, by our sea, in this lovely morning sunshine perhaps?
[Endrea] Heads down into the ravine and starts scrapping up loose rocks-
[Deer] - Oh absolutely
[Doc] Oh good! -Xe leaps out of the water and chases Endrea. On the other side it doesn't take long for hir to sniff out the bigger dragon and peek down into the ravine. - Endrea? Are you doing okay?
[Endrea] - Need to brood...
[Doc] Oh! I guess the kids are with the sitter?
[Endrea] - Yes- she then lays down, huffing a little-
[Doc] Can I get you anything?
[Endrea] - No, I'll be fine- Already the first egg is emerging
[Doc] How long will it take? Just so I can let the others know.
[Endrea] - A few days at the least- She grunts as the egg pops out
[Doc] Okay. I'll leave you too it. Let me know if you need anything, or if anything unusual hatches. Heh.
[Endrea] - It's always the same every time, twelve eggs, for twelve eyes of ender
[Doc] You never know... I've come to believe anything is possible around here. - grins-
[Doc] Takes a little leap off a cliff by the sea and spins out over the water, dragging a foot to make a huge plume of water. Hir other paw wiggles as xe chats to Deerheart - Gotta make one more stop -
[Deer] - Okay
[Doc] Hits the shore running and vaults over Stevie and Alexises house landing a chunk away with a thump in Lie's yard-
-There's a grumpy looking red cat on the bridge-
[Doc] Stops short. - Uh oh. What did you do?
[[Lie] Walks past the bridge- SOMEBODY left HG out in the real world...  With Jeb...
[Doc] Oh for... well. I guess it's better then leaving him at the manor. And he did want to go.
[Lie] - Still...  He made me mad
[CP] Mews at his wife-
[Doc] I hate to say it - shuffles hir claws a bit in the dirt- But I actually think that's pretty funny. I mean, Jeb is terrified of us. I don't think he'll screw up intentionally. I'm sure he knows Cp would punch his dick so hard he couldn't have a second kid.
[Lie] - Pretty sure he threatened to stab Jeb's dick off
[Doc] See? Besides, who else could we even leave him with? Do you want to be out there for at least two weeks? I don't.
[Lie] - You have a point...
[Doc] I mean, he knew he'd be out for a while right? You guys warned him?
[Lie] - CP didn't give me the chance to
[CP] Is looking a bit smug-
[Doc] You told him it would be painful? Yeah?
[Lie] - Again, a certain someone didn't give me the chance
[Doc] Looks a bit skeptical. - I think one or both of you need to check on his house then.
[Lie] - I will after I take care of my animals
[Doc] Good. And for what it's worth. I don't think this should be a lengthy cat-i-fication. He's done way worse. And he might be needed anyway.
[Lie] Sighs- You're right, I just got pissed at him...
[Doc] He has that effect on people, - winks- and he is a really cute little kitty.
[Lie] - That he is
[CP] Hisses-
[Doc] And so are you.
[Lie] - So, why might he be needed?
[Doc] Endrea went off to lay a clutch of ender eggs. And of course, Slender is still here.
[Lie] - Slender's here?
[CP] Tries to look innocent-
[Doc] He came to take care of Splender. Trust me, the whole thing makes me massively uncomfortable, but the server is holding steady with just some tiny errors in the 2-3 pixel range from his skin. And his waves are making any humans in a 6-8 block radius feel ill.
[Lie] - I see...  I think I'll just keep my distance for the time being
[Doc] I don't blame you, he's a downer anyway. But the Steves, Alexes, and even the villagers have been going down there with food and get well gifts all day.
[Lie] - Well of course, they love Splender, it's amazing that the two are related, they're as different as night and day
[Doc] All of them are, it's almost like someone took a whole personality and split it into several parts.
[Lie] - True, maybe they all were originally one person
[Doc] Or one old God...
[CP] Jumps down and rubs against Lies legs- [Lie] - An old god?
[Doc] why not? I think Cp was the one that told me their strongest Allie is some kind of demon.
[Lie] - They've probably been called that themselves
[Doc] Then who knows? Your world makes the one I'm used too look sane and normal most of the time. Irregardless, even if you want to avoid Slender you should at least send him a note or something. There's a trunk on the shore people have been using as a mailbox all day.
[Lie] - Got it, I'll have to think about what I'll want to say though
[Doc] Take your time, he's gonna be laid up for a few days. And you, make sure you check in on Hg.
[CP] Considers it-
[Doc] gives Cp the hairy eyeball- you get to aggravate Jeb....
[CP] Yowls a little-
[Lie] - I'll let Notch know since Jeb will probably call him
[Doc] Thank you Lie. -gives Cp a tiny lick on the ear- behave...
[CP] Attempts to scratch Doc-
[Doc] Withdraws hir forked tongue with a teeny slurp- naughty. See you guys later, my own little family is waiting on me.
[Doc] Canters back home with a spring in hir step-
[Deer] She and Yaunfen are happily curled up by spawn in the sun-
[Doc] Makes a circle around them as if fluffing up the grass with hir claws and lays down as well, hir body a loop with hir beloved and child protected by the kinked coils of hir golden form. Before long, Xe is also asleep.
[Deer] After a few hours she begins to whimper in her sleep some and shift around far more than usual-
[Doc] Opens an eye at hir mates distress and cradles her head - Shhh, I'm here love.
[Deer] Whimpers and curls up a bit more-
[Yaunfen] Wakes as well and looks at Deer with concern-
[Doc] Huddles closer- Wake up love...
[Deer] Slowly wakes up-
[Doc] Were you having a nightmare?
[Deer] - No...  I think... Ugh, there's some interference nearby...
[Doc] Probably Slender.... It looked like the server was distributing his load pretty well considering. But if he's moving around it might be having some issues.
[Deer] - He's close, not with Splender
[Doc] Periscopes like a snake- looking around-
[Slender] Is in the shade of the tree's near the water-
[Doc] Yeah, he's on the next chunk. Should I get Flux?
[Deer] - What for?
[Doc] Well she has experience, and you said she was teaching you a lot of server maintience stuff? I thought it might help?
[Deer] - Oh, right...  Maybe you should, I don't seem able to think straight right now
[Doc] Tapping in the chat already - Flux? Can you please come to the spawn?
[Flux] - Certainly- Within seconds she has arrived, forming near them- What did you call me for?
[Doc] Server issues actually. Slender is here, and even though the server is holding up underfoot it's still making Deerheart feel scattered. Can you give her a hand?
[Flux] - Absolutely, but perhaps you could convince  him to step a ways away?  It would be helpful
[Doc] Okay... -Xe puts hir head down for Yaunfen- Just hop on -
[Yaunfen] Crawls on- Mada!
[Doc] Smiles- Yep, and you're my baby. - Purrs- Lets go see if we can straighten things out a bit. - trots toward Slender.
[Slender] Noticed their approach and turns towards them- Hello Doctor
[Doc] Hey.... um.... not to be a pill, but I need a little favor....
[Slender] - What would that be?
[Doc] I just need you to move. - Looks at the ground and counts - about twelve blocks that way.
[Slender]- Why so specific?
[Doc] It's kinda complicated. Basically my mate is the embodiment of the server. And you're too close to her physical part. She was napping away from our house to stay out of your interference and then you moved closer to her. So I just need you to back up a bit.
[Slender] - Ah I see, she must be very sensitive then since I am repressing my waves as much as I can
[Doc] She can't not be. She's part of everything around you.
[Slender] - I see- He does begin moving away- I would have stayed with my brother, but he requested a bit of time alone
[Doc] That's okay. I don't mind you exploring. Just give the spawn a wide berth. - Indicates with a paw- The little valley down there with the spooky tree and the gravestones.
[Slender] - Very well, you know, you are quite lucky to have ever even met my Splender
[Doc] Yeah. Cp told me about him, I basically insisted on meeting him. I'm damn glad I did, he's an excellent friend.
[Slender] - That is not what I meant.  Had I not brought him and my other brothers into the realm of the humans, then he would not even be alive
[Doc] Everyone is running from something I suppose. I take it your home... dimension? Isn't a safe place to exist?
[Slender] - If one looks like me, then it is fine, but those born with a face are considered a very large disgrace.  Considering how our family is one of the most distinguished, well, it would have been a blow to how our family was viewed
[Doc] Aw. Well he's found the right pack of kindred souls. We're no strangers to discrimination. To most of the NOTCHs we're all just a pack of filthy glitches, no better then rats. Not to mention those who were spat on for being gay or otherwise outside the norms. Poor Gem was pursued and the world she inhabited destroyed just because she was mistaken for a Herobrine.
`[Slender] - I suppose in a way he has...
[Doc] It's why I'm so hellbent on helping the creepypastas too. They're much the same, ejected from human society or worse, and I just feel like... they're not used to anyone being nice to them... at least nice with no ulterior motives.
[Slender] - I try my best, but they do make it difficult
[Doc] I just keep trying. It makes the triumph all sweeter when they finally come around. I - I don't know where I came from, or if I had an original purpose, but fixing things makes me happy.
[Slender] - I've heard Jeff's complaints over it
[Doc] Wilts a little. - Jeff is hard... I thought I knew what he wanted most and tried to give it to him, but....
[Slender] - Oh you did, but his mind is set into thinking that he doesn't deserve it or that it could be given to him
[Yaunfen] Yawns-
[Doc] Go back to sleep little one, Just curl up between my spirals. I'll keep you safe.
[Slender] - I see they have grown bigger...
[Doc] I hope you're right about Jeff and he'll eventually come around. In the meantime at least Liu has a second chance at life and he's making Smile happy too. And yes, they had a growth spurt. My little one is just a bit too big to pick up in my human shape anymore. It's bittersweet. Soon a few words will become sentances and then, that's when the real fun will begin.
[Slender] - Watching others grow up is bittersweet
[jewel] -approaches the three quietly-
[Doc] It's okay. I can't wait to see what they'll have to say....
[Slender] Senses her- Hello Jewel
[Doc] Brushes her gently with hir tail fluff- Nice to see you Jewel.
[jewel] hello doc and hello slender
[Slender] - Are you well Jewel?
[jewel] yes
[Doc] You seem subdued. Is everything okay?
[jewel] I am fine I and just slightly surprised slender is here and this place isn't messing up
[Slender] - It is not my first time in a digital setting Jewel, I have learned a few tricks in my years
[jewel] I understand
[Doc] Plus we buffered the server when Splender was invited in. BEN and Cp worked really hard on it.
[Slender] - Yes, those two were the best at coding, at least amongst my digital pasta's
[Doc] And Dawn gave Splender a charm to tamp his field down as well.
[Slender] - So he keeps telling us and showing off to us
[Doc] chuckles- I get the feeling he hasn't met many witches.
[Slender] - No, most are not very fond of our kind.  Jewel, have you seen Jeff or Jane?
[Jewel] no but they might be some where around
[Slender] - I know most of you probably felt my arrival, so I am surprised they haven't shown themselves yet...
[Doc] They might have just gone exploring. This world is near infinite in scope. Much bigger then earth.
[Slender] Sighs- I'd like for them to at least check in with me...
[jewel] would you like me to go look for them?
[Doc] I can just send out a message in the chat, no need to go running around.
[Slender] - I do not mind when, so long as it happens while I am still here
[Doc] Wiggles hir claws, typing with one paw. Just a general call for the creepypastas to come over by the koi pond to check in with Slender.
[CP] Over chat- Fuck off
[Doc] Mutters, but it's a loud thought too - Not you ding dong, he know's you're okay. -accidently aloud -Unless you're still a cat?
[Slender] - A cat?
[Doc] Weeeellllll....
[jewel] can't cp's wife turn him into a cat?
[Doc] Yeah... He wouldn't stop murdering people when we brought Lie here... it was a way to contain his worst impulses.
[Slender] - An option not available to me
[Doc] You met TLOT right? The brine with the gold armor?
[Slender] - Yes, he and I had quite the talk while within CP's dream
[Doc] He's had a lot of time for quiet contemplation and honing his powers. He can actually grab someone and squash them into a smaller or completely different shape. He helped me make the body I'm wearing. Actually, he made me a Herobrine too.
[Slender] - Is that how your kind creates more?
[Doc] What do you mean? More brines?
[Slender] - For lack of a better word, reproduce, create more of your kind
[Doc] Oh, no. Herobrines spawn naturally in this game. We're not sure why. Every world gets one Steve. Most worlds will have a Steve and an Alex. She's a bit rarer, and only a small percentage will spawn a Herobrine. And when one is detected, the system will automatically create an AI NOTCH to check the brines powers.
[Slender] - Like the one which my brother helped destroy?
[Doc] Yes. They vary a lot. His original father was a decent NOTCH. But the one they helped kill was a monster. Mad, bloodthirsty and relentless. The admin of their world was ready and willing to delete everyone on it if we didn't agree to kill it for him.
[Slender] - Yes he was very enthusiastic about how he helped with that
[Doc] And rightfully so, it was one hell of a battle. The Testificates were certainly impressed. Did he tell you they added him to their pantheon?
[Slender] Sighs heavily- No, he did not, but I'm sure I'll hear about it once he feels better
[Doc] They have a thing for making statues, but they seem to prefer his image carved into walls. I guess it's too tempting to cover the space with curly knots of tentacles.
[Slender] - Has he seen?
[Doc] Not directly, but it will happen. TLOT likes to go check on them periodically. He just needs to tag along on the next trip.
[Slender] - I see... You said something earlier about being made a brine by another, I'm still somewhat confused by that statement since you also said your kind are a natural spawn
[Doc] Oh, that's because I'm a unique case. I'm a digital entity by nature, but I aquired a glitch when I was injured by a rather aggressive Herobrine. I had a mental breakdown because of some... personal issues... I suddenly developed an ability that I couldn't control and TLOT shared his powers with me to save me. The more powerful Herobrines can give of themselves to create life or sustain it. You met Steve right? TLOT made him.
[Slender] - So almost as a vampyr would create another of its kind, how odd
[Doc] That's more right then you know in his case. His own blood is full of life. He likes to make butterflies out of flowers when he's nervous. Him just breathing on them is enough to bring them to life.
[Slender] - I can see why his followers refer to him as a god then
[Doc] Yes. And the more they believe, the more leverage he has to shift the world. His powers here are immense. They grow with the fevor and number of his followers
[Slender] - Has he made any brines other then you?
[Doc] He made Lie. She was in horrible pain as she got closer to becoming fully digital. He gave her of his power and licked out her eyes.
[Slender] - Licked out?
[Doc] A formality almost, he used his tongue to clean the colored pixels in her eyes from the inside of her player skin. It was a kiss that made Cp rather... annoyed. But his husband Steve will certainly sing the praises of TLOT's expertise in that area.
[Slender] - I'm surprised he did not try to attack the golden brine for that...
[Doc] He was rather worn out at the time, I'd just fixed his respawn and cleaned all the junk files out of his system, he'd puked. And right after that I cut off his hand in the process of removing Insanity, he was a bit too weak to do much more then growl.
[Slender] - Ah, yes she was far from happy about that
[Doc] Too bad, as soon as Cps head was cleared of Insanity he and I were in perfect agreement. He likes Lie just how she is. Kind. And becoming a brine has its own attendant special powers as well.
[Slender] - How so?
[Doc] We usually develop special abilities that fit our personalities. Lie can make magick plants, I think because TLOT changed her, she got a bit of his ability to give life.
[Slender] - Is plants all she can create?
[Doc] Heh, you say that like its a small thing. Her greatest work took a house sized bite out of a NOTCH with a gigantic pod full of venomous teeth.
[Slender] - How interesting...  But surely the lack of diversity in her abilities leaves her weak in many other ares
[Doc] She's also psychic and she can teleport. She can turn into a cat as well.  He cuteness level is very persuasive
[Slender] - As can her mate, but there is nothing else unique to her?
[Doc] She carries a cleansing white fire that can burn Insanity out of a person.
[Slender] - Ah yes, I do seem to recall seeing that when she and I met on the witches beach
[Doc] She's young anyway, still learning. She'll probably figure out how to fly at least. Most brines can.
[Slender] - A trick CP uses often to avoid the others since the ceilings in my home are so tall
[Doc] It's handy for that. I cheated my way around it. I determined that the empty space is still enough of a part of the grid that I can use the air blocks. Zero is still a number, after all.
[Slender] - I, do not understand what you mean by that
[Doc] This world is a three dimensional grid and gravity only affects certain types of blocks. So if I do this- places a dirt block and then another on top- and I take this one away- knocks out the underneath one and the top one stays floating-  then this one is fixed and I can jump on it all I want and not fall- presses the block from above and to the side- so if I want to go up, I place my feet where a block would go and just climb up like its solid stairs-
[Slender] - This would certainly explain some of the pranks CP was able to pull off...
[Doc] oh do tell!
[Slender] - He's managed to place tree's that touched the ceiling but not the floor, random blocks just right at head height for the others to run into if they're not paying attention...  He's gotten BEN with walls of water outside of his door many times
[Mix] -in chat- I'm gonna hop out for a bit to check on something if its alright Doc?
[Doc] also chat- Aww. Mix, you don't have to ask permission. But if you want to come over here first I'll send you off with a bit of code so you can contact me if you get in trouble out there.
[Doc] That sounds about right, we are tricksters by nature, and this games strange physics just make it easier. Good example. One plus one is two, correct? Unless it's water, then one plus one can equal infinity. Two buckets of water arranged in the right way can be drawn from indefinitely.
[Slender] - That would also explain why it's sometimes impossible to empty the giant bath...
[Doc] Most likely. The dev team put in a sponge block specifically for cleaning up Griefer-created water messes.
[Slender] His face seems to shift a little as if he is annoyed-
[Doc] Something amiss?
[Slender] - My other brother's, they are near constantly contacting me to check in on Splender
[Doc] Awww, it's nice to know they care. Is Splender the youngest brother?
[Slender] - Yes, he is
[Slender] Rater suddenly and loudly- Offender no!
[Doc] No pants again?
[Slender] Groans- No, he's currently watching Splender's pet and has gotten bored of poking it, so he wants to put it in clothes now...
[Mix] -In chat- I'll stop in a sec, gotta grab my bag
[Doc] Poor Pinwheel. I have the anti venom, if he wants to pass her back here.
[Slender] - I cannot open a way
[Doc] Oh, I might be able too. Where is he specifically? Can you get him to go in the living room? I know that space decently well. And I can use the tv.
[Slender] - If you're certain...
[Doc] She already hates everyone and I don't want to make it any worse a situation. Besides, there's a chance she's spent her venom for the day biting Offender.
[Slender] - Very well, give me a few moments
[Doc] Let me take care of Mix real quick first. - Xe pulls a book from the creative and starts adding a bit of code to it.
[Mix] -Trudges up, eyeing Slender a bit, shes got her bag and her elytra on- Hey! Sorry it took a bit
[Doc] No problem, it gave me a minute to fix this for you- Offers the book. - Just write 'Doc' and then whatever you need to say and it will email me and ping my carrot phone.
[Mix] -Takes it- Just that? Alright -Stuffs it into her bag-
[Doc] Be careful out there and let me know if you need help okay?
[Mix] I will, don't worry! Be back,, soonish? -she gets a thoughtful look before shrugging and turning. She takes a few steps and hops, with a swift glow and snapping sound she's gone from the server. She's out. Bye Felica n' stuff-
- / player Mixminer has left the server /-
[Slender] - Offender is ready
[Doc] Okay, just give me a sec... - Doc would take a running start, but Yaunfen is sleeping soundly on hir shoulders. Hir eyes narrow with concentration and xe suddenly slams hir head forward as if headbutting a wall. The opening is ragged, crackling, and won't hold for long, but it is there.
[Offender] Is standing there buck naked with his hands on his hips and pinwheel in his tendrils over his crotch- TADA!
[Slender] - OFFENDER!
[Offender] Cackles-
[Doc] Please, please tell me you didn't fuck her?! She's only a baby!
[Offender] - Nah, I'd never do that to Splender's pet
[Doc] Thank goodness... Just kinda, set her on the grass please.
[Offender] Puts her down while Slender mutters over his brother's inappropriateness-
[Pinwheel] Slinks back into the server, going back into a lower resolution-
[Doc] She's not really a pet anyway. When she's grown theres a strong chance she'll have human-level intelligence.
[Slender] - Yes well that's how Splender views her currently...
[Pinwheel] Hisses and growls a little-
[Doc] I think it's an issue with her behavior. He'll likely feel different when she's learned a few words. -At Pinwheel- It's okay, you're safe.
[Pinwheel] Snaps at Doc-
[Doc] Scoots back a bit. - How about... some nibbles? I know, maybe a challenge?
[Pinwheel] Curls up a little-
[Offender] - Hey, where's Splender?
[Slender] - He wished to be alone
[Doc] Puts a small circle of half-slabs around them and pulls out a teeny egg before tapping it lightly near Pinwheel. - Want a mouse? - the little creature goes scurrying along the edge of the slabs.
[Pinwheel] Focus' on it immediately-
[Doc] Maybe more then one? Multitask a bit. - Taps out two more and they scrurry around randomly-
[Pinwheel] Stands up a little, eyes dialating-
[Doc] That's more like it. She just needs a bit of playtime. Her strikes are so fast they're a bit hard to follow.
[Pinwheel] Strikes out at one of the mice in a blur-
[Mouse] Pops with a tiny squeak into a morsel.
[Other two mice] scatter in a panicky way.
[Pinwheel] Chases after them-
[Doc] Is just watching with a happy expression.
[Offender] - I think I'll check on Splendy myself!
[Offender] - Oh come on!
[Doc] Yeah, please don't. You guys can, switch out later if need be.
[Slender] - You are more than welcome to close the portal...
[Offender] - Awwww...
[Doc] Anything you want passed on?
[Offender] - Nah, if I think of anything I'll tell bro here
[Doc] Later then! - Closes the portal. - I swear if he didn't have such a messed up idea of consent, him and TLOT would be best friends forever.
[Slender] - In a small way he does, his victims have to accept his rose in order for him to have his way with them.  I imposed that rule a very long time ago
[Doc] Is obviously uncomfortable- I prefer more then that. And TLOT nearly ruined the best thing that ever happened to him by taking advantage of someone sexually without their permission. He still regrets it.
[Slender] - It's the best I could do considering his feeding habits
[Doc] I gathered as much. But apart from that, nothing wrong with being naked. My mate does it quite freqently. She's just comfy that way.
[Slender] - It gets annoying after a few millennia
[Pinwheel] Kills the second mouse-
[Doc] Pfft. I guess it's different when it's someone you like seeing naked too... Aw, not gonna eat the prize at least Pinwheel?
[Pinwheel] Chases after the third-
[Doc] She's gonna so deadly when she's bigger...
[Slender] - Especially with that venom of hers...
[Doc] Curls into a more comfortable loaf and puts hir tail fluff over Yaunfen like a blanket. - I hope she gets big enough to give Splendor rides, I can only imagine how thrilled he'd be.
[Slender] - If she'll let him on her
[Doc] Considering how lovingly he's taken care of her despite her biting him all the time... I'd be suprised if she was unwilling.
[Slender] - Yes, he's been talking about her non-stop
[Doc] It's hard not to get excited. We all did so much travelling in dangerous places to rescue the eggs we brought in. And then I set them up so they could be hatched by being walked in peoples inventories, so that was more time and effort.  And it takes a long time for them to mature to the talking phase too. My little one was the last to hatch.
[Yaunfen] Sleep talking- Burp...
[Doc] Snickers- Such a silly word. But it was their first.
[Slender] - Well, I should return to my brother, would you like me to take Pinwheel?
[Doc] No, it's okay. Unless you think Splender is well enough to watch her; let her have her fun with that last mouse.
[Slender] - Very well, let me know if you need help with her however
[Doc] I will, thanks.
[Gk] Notices that the little dragons are all bloody from stalking the local wildlife. - We should go over to the desert area for a bit, I think. Take a breather. Follow me.
[Ashe] - The desert?  Why?
[Gk] Because I can't wash you little guys.
[Ashe] - Oh...  Uncle GG?  When do I get to learn to fly?
[Gk] Hmm? We can practice that today. The desert is also a good place for that. Sand is nice to land on if you faceplant.
[Ashe] - Okay!- His tail is wagging around in excitement
[willow] -jumps to get on gk's back-
[Gk] Clops down from the narrow cobble road into the warm sand- ahhh, okay, you guys roll around and it'll get some of that blood off. Flap your wings like me- Lays down and fluffs sand everywhere like a sparrow taking a dust bath.
[Ashe] Sneezes from some sand getting in his nose-
[oak] -sneezes and flops on to his back-
[Ashe] Tries wiggling in the sand-
[Gk] Fluffs even more sand since they seem to need help-
[willow] -jumps off of gk's back into the sand and start kick some up to make a hole then jump into stick her head out of it-
[Gk] If nothing it feels good! - Gets up and shakes off. - You ready to strech those wings a bit?
[Ashe] - Yeah!  Yeah!
[Gk] Okay. Since we don't want to leave Willow and Oak alone, you're just gonna stay low to the ground. Copy my movements and then we'll try- makes a show of flexing his wings in the right postures slowly so Ashe can see.
[Ashe] Tries mimicking the motions-
[oak] -tries to squeeze into willow's hole with her-
[Gk] Does it a few more times, correcting Ashe gently and repositioning his little wings.
[Ashe] Flaps a bit-
[Gk] okay, now I wan you to run and flap just like that. Don't strain yourself, just get an idea how the wind moves over and under your wings.
[Ashe] - Okay!  Starts running and flapping-
[Gk] Is keeping an eye on all three babies. At Willow and Oak- Haha, you two comfy in there? Like two silverfish in a block.
[Ashe] Squeaks in surprise as he accidentally gets a bit of lift and tumbles into the sand- Oof!
[willow] -tries to get out from under oak making a little squeak as she pops free-
[Gk] Whoops! Well at least you know you're doing it right kid!
[Ashe] Stands up looking determined- I'm gonna do it!
[Gk] Keep going then! Just don't go up! Try to stay around 5 blocks or lower to the ground. And don't go out over the water either!
[Ashe] - Okay!
[Ashe] Continues running and flapping, but only getting airborne for a few seconds at a time-
[willow] -make a second hole next to the one oak has clamed and settles into it-
[Gk] Stops him for a minute to adjust his movements - Try it like that!
[Ashe] Tries some more, staying up a bit longer- This is hard!
[Gk] It's only because your muscles aren't used to the movement! And when you get up high you can glide, but I don't want you to fall while you're still learning.
[Ashe] - Okay...
[oak and willow] -have another growth spurt and are now to big for there holes only there back feet are in them-
[oak] -runs over to ashe and gk with willow close behind-
[Gk] Heeeeey! Check you kids out!
[willow] look I am scary rawr
[Ashe] - Willow!
[Gk] And a full sentance! Your mom is gonna flip!
[oak] -plops his head on top of ashe's- big brother ashe -nuzzles him-
[Ashe] - Yes Oak?
[oak] you are my big brother best big brother
[Gk] Is beaming he's so proud.
[Ashe] - Uncle GG!  Can we go show mama?
[Gk] I guess we could? But we should walk to be safe. The bridge is a long way and over water.
[Ashe] - The scary water bridge?
[willow] yay let see mama
[Gk] Yeah. It's safe. Just no horseplay allowed.
[oak] -is bouncing- yes mama lets go to mama
[Gk] Leads them out of the desert and around the little bay.
[Mb] Is sitting outside the little building he's claimed and watches them go by curiously.
[Celine] Stops playing in the grass to squeak at them-
[Ashe] Excitedly bounces around GK- Mama's gonna be so happy!
[oak] -bounces after ashe-
[Gk] Trots down the hill and stops at the foot of the bridge- Okay, this is it. Stay in the middle of the path and I'll take the rear. - He folds his wings over the little ones so his tendrils brush the raised walls on both sides.
[Testificates] Watch them a bit nervously from the walls of the village that floats below the bridge.
[Ashe] Huddles close to GK- There's so much water...
[willow] -looks at the village- rawr
[Gk] Don't look at it. Just walk straight forward-
[Testificates] Some jump, a little startled-
[oak] -walks slowly down the middle of the bridge-
[Ashe] - Willow come on- He keeps bumping into GK's leg
[Gk] just uses his wings to shelter them and nudge them along.
[willow] -walks quickly down the middle of the bridge-
[Ashe] Spots the small island checkpoint near the end and races for it-
[willow] -tries to race ashe to it-
[Gk] No running!
[Ashe] Huddles in the small building there-
[Gk] It's just a teeny bit farther Ashe.
[Ashe] - Okay...
[willow] I am going to get there first -keeps going over the bridge-
[oak] wait for me willow -follows after-
[Ashe] Cautiously follows-
[Gk] Looks up the hill - We're going up there. It's an easy climb, but again don't run, there's a big gap in the ground with a long fall up there.
[Ashe] - Okay, Willow?  Oak?  Stay close
[willow] ok big brother
[oak] -is right behind ashe- I am close
[Gk] Gets to the summit and looks down at them. -You stay right here, I'm just going to holler down - Creeps over to the edge- Hey Endrea?
[Endrea] Is exhausted having only just finished laying her eggs- GG?
[Gk] I come bearing good news! Can we come down?
[Endrea] - What is it?  And yes, you may- She protectively curls around the twelve jet black eggs she just laid
[Gk] Okay give me a sec. - Turns back to the babies- You guys climb on me, I'll just fly down-
[Ashe] - Okay Uncle GG!
[willow] ride -climbs on to gk-
[oak] -follows after his sister-
[Gk] Wiggles his wing tentacles and floats softly up and then down into the ravine like a gently deflating balloon before landing with a click of hooves on stone.
[Endrea] Gives off a pleased hum at the sight of her children-
[GK] Stoops so they can get down-
[willow] -jumps off and runs to endrea- mama yay we came to see you
[oak] -slowly climbs down and follows- yay mama is here
[Endrea] Perks up a little- You're speaking more, and you grew!
[Ashe] - Mama!  Uncle GG gave me flying lessons!
[Gk] Told ya. Ashe pulled off some gliding in the desert too.
[willow] I am big and scary now rawr
[Endrea] - Yes you are my little one
[oak] I am cute but bigger more cute to love
[Endrea] - Yes indeed, and Ashe, I'm proud of you
[Gk] And they were all so brave, they walked the whole length of the bridge to see you.
[Endrea] - Brave indeed- She sniffs the air a little- I smell clouds...
[willow] I made it to the other side first
[Gk] That's bad... You kids step back. Uncle GG's gonna show off a little bit...
[Endrea] Lifts her wing for her children-
[willow] -runs under endrea's wings-
[oak] -runs under as well-
[Ashe] Joins his siblings-
[Gk] Turns to the nearest wall and sucks in a massive amount of air. He blows it back out with a roar of nearly blue flames, cooking the stone wall and turning it first to magma blocks, then lava, and making a huge dark hole lined with obsidian.
[Ashe] - Cool!
[Endrea] Sniffs at her children- GG...  Why are my children covered in blood and sand?
[Gk] coughs a little- we went hunting... and then took a sand bath. I can't lick the little buggers clean like you. Got too much spit.
[Endrea] Sighs and starts cleaning them-
[Gk] Don't do that now! Let em come in here before it starts raining!
[willow] evil rain
[Endrea] Nudges her children towards the hole- Go on, get in there
[Ashe] Hurries in-
[willow] -hops into the hole- rawr rain fear me and run
[oak] -goes into the hole as well and goes to the back-
[Gk] Also goes in. The walls are nicely warm and he loafs with his wings open in case the kids want to snuggle under them-
[Endrea] Stays with her eggs-
[oak] -flops under gk's wings-
[willow] -keep rawring at the sky and rain-
-It slowly begins to drizzle-
[Gk] Admit it. You don't mind them being close. Even with the new enders due.
[Endrea] Grumbles a little- I'm mostly just exhausted right now, laying twelve eggs is hard
[Gk] I can imagine. I've had plenty of bowel disturbances with all the garbage I ate in my homeless days...
[Endrea] - Well at least you have a home now
[Ashe] - Mama you're getting a bit wet!
[Gk] Yeah. - Looks fondly at the little dragons. - Times got better.
[willow] rawr rain get away from mama
[Gk] It's okay kiddo's, your mama's tougher then diamonds.
[Endrea] - I'll be fine little ones, when you get all grown up then you can handle some water
[Gk] Good thing too with how much it storms around here...
[willow] but the rain must be scared I will get it to go away. RAWR!
[Endrea] - The rain is to far away to hear you Willow
[Gk] Oh! I'm a dumbasss...!
[willow] how do I get the rain to hear me from here
[Endrea] - What is it GG?
[Ashe] - When you can fly Willow
[Gk] I know how to make it stop raining!
[willow] I want to fly now so I can scared the rain
[Endrea] - You need to be bigger Willow
[willow] aw
[Gk] in chat- Hey Deerheart? Can you turn off the waterworks on the chunk at the end of the bridge near Sunakagure?
[Deer] - Huh?  Oh yes, may I ask why?
[Gk] The baby dragons are hiding from the rain and Endrea's getting drizzled on cause she can't move at the moment.
[Deer] - Oh absolutely!- After a moment the rain stops
[Gk] Looks proud of himself- See Willow, you just gotta have friends in the right places. Important lesson!
[willow] the rain is gone did the friend scare the rain away
[Endrea] Checks on her eggs-
[Ashe] - Mama what are you doing?
[Endrea] - I'm checking on my eggs
[Gk] Close enough. Deerheart made it stop.
[willow] whoa
[oak] -has fallen asleep under gk's wing-
[Ashe] - Eggs like ours?
[Endrea] - No, endermen eggs
[Gk] You know, like Enderbro.
[Ashe] - Oh!  Is that where they come from?
[Endrea] - Well, at least mine do
[Endrea] - You might as well stay here for now, it's safe.  After all, who would attack a nest full of dragons?
[Gk] Fluffs up - And one of them a Herobrine. No one would dare-
[Endrea] Giggles a little before laying down with a huff-
[willow] if anyone attacks I will stop them they will fear me
[Endrea] - You will sleep like your brother, I already know that
[willow] they wouldn't dare try to come near when I sleep because they have no chance because if they wake me up no mercy I will attack them
[Endrea] - Yes yes my little fierce one. now sleep, mama will watch over you
[willow] -walks over to oak and plops down next to him and falls asleep-
[Endrea] Reaches over and nudges Ashe towards them too- You too Ashe
[Gk] Come on, it's nap time. - He wiggles down against the ground and focuses on being warm for them so they'll get sleepy-
[Ashe] Yawns- I'll watch over Oak and Willow
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biggoonie · 7 years
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Written by CULLEN BUNN & MARC GUGGENHEIM Penciled by JORGE MOLINA, MIKE MAYHEW, R.B. SILVA & DIEGO BERNARD Cover by ARTHUR ADAMS Blue and Gold, together at last! Mojo, the demented creature obsessed with melding deadly TV shows with reality, has made Earth his focus — and it will take the combined might of two teams of X-Men to fight back! But when threats from their past are thrown at them, including Sentinels and the Brood, how will the squads react? Flooded by bad memories, can Kitty and Jean lead their X-Men to save Manhattan? Or will tricks like, oh, say, the Dark Phoenix be exactly what Mojo needs to finally deliver the ratings hit he’s longed for? The mighty mutants will have to take the fight to Mojoworld itself if they have any hope of stopping the absurd Mojo-fication of Midtown Manhattan! Collecting X-MEN BLUE #13-15 and X-MEN GOLD #13-15. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99 • ISBN: 978-1-302-91089-1
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alvaroz-starrs · 5 months
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They're opening another portal
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alvaroz-starrs · 6 months
Kiggy Gray
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