#meanwhile with taishiro
izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Taishiro/KouTai {Taichi x Koushiro}
ME, LOUDLY, INTO MY VOID: ANYWAY, as soon as Koushiro is more fully in charge of the spaces/buildings Koushiro works in/heads, Koushiro Izumi One Hundred Percent works to make those spaces as accessible to Disabled people and visting Chosen as POSSIBLE (and Koushiro also hates those fluorescent and other too-bright lights) At other times they have "quiet hours" and the Digis can visit more easily in between. There is Wheelchair accessibility, and Iori's acquaintance from that hospital also visits in between, among other such instances, and the Chosen drop by absolutely appreciating all of this. Koushiro, meanwhile, is Finding Out A Lot About Koushiro's Own Self in regards tO Such things----
Taichi probably to Koushiro at some point: You mean the reason you were so ...before at times was because of-?
Koushiro groaning as Koushiro is trying to rebound from yet another energy draining Experience, while almost all the LIGHTS are off: It's a long story
Taichi genuinely sympathetically: You know you have time to bounce back until you're ready, right?
Koushiro: (Taichi-san, YOU should be the one hearing that Too...)
Taichi: ???????
Koushiro: (But I suppose 'this' also isn't 'unexpected'...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi] {Post-Kizuna, somewhere around "The Beginning" x GhostGame}
Koushiro, collapsed in back of room on a comfy chair, reading (for once not on the laptop but...): Espimon, nearby, relaxing on comfy chair, ...fiddling with Espimon's "odd items" again: Taichi, walking in: Koushiro, turning page: Espimon, fiddling: Taichi, grinning: You two look like you're having a blast. Espimon, not looking up: Huh? I'm busy... Koushiro, not looking up quite yet: Taichi-san, just let me finish this one page and... Taichi: I know, I know. (*putting things down*) Koushiro & Espimon, returning to Those: Taichi, watching for some moments: Taichi, gaze drifting more in Koushiro's direction: Espimon: Espimon, blinking, looking up: You're looking at Koushiro funny. Koushiro, caught by surprise only slightly: ????? Taichi, lightly laughing: Koushiro looks cool. Koushiro: T-Taichi-san--- Espimon: ... Now your face looks funny. (In Mind, about Koushiro's current expression: "What is That.") Koushiro: You don't have to 'comment' on it...-- Espimon, missing the cue: But it does? Taichi: Guys, it's no big deal, I just... (*hand on back of neck*) Um, Koushiro, talk to me about what we're doing for food later. Koushiro, nodding, shifting away so Koushiro can finish reading that 'page' as Taichi goes to change: Espimon, glancing at Koushiro: I did "this" with Fake-Hiro too, you know. Koushiro: "This"? Espimon, shrugging in the direction of thing Espimon's holding: Like, "Relaxing"... but 'this'... Koushiro, Instantly: It's 'stimulation'. Espimon: "Stimulation"... Koushiro, calmly: Like to regulate, or recharge... Espimon: "recharge"... like (my) circuits?? Koushiro, blinking: Something like that... Espimon: ... Huh, ok. (*goes back to Stimming*) Taichi, coming back from changing: Koushiro, to Taichi, light-chuckling: It still needs some time. Espimon, ~suddenly~ finishing up: I'm done now... Koushiro, glancing at Taichi: Taichi, glancing back to Espimon: ...Wanna come with? Espimon: Is there good food? Taichi: THE BEST. Espimon: I'm there. Koushiro: (..It's similar to 'me', but not just 'me'.)
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taichi-x-koushiro · 9 months
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Taishiro {Koushiro x Taichi}, just pre 02
Yamato: Seriously... learn how to tie a tie, you football obsessed person!! TAICHI: its Not MY Fault. I Never wear suits with ties. {LAUGH} YAMATO: ITS KNOWLEDGE EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE-!! Koushiro, attempting {+Failing} to tie new uniform tie, Off to side: ('I couldn't do it either...') Taichi: {is Oblivious (to Yamatos plight)} YAMATO, Oblivious to Koushiros plight: {SIGHING}
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fluff-n-cookies · 1 year
Baker child.
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GIF by dailybnha
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````It's 1 am and Fatgum with Daughter! reader who loves to bake has not left my mind.
imagine him having a rough day at his agency and then he sees this tiny menace of a reader holding a try of god-knows-what with a lil' apron one size too big with flour on her cheeks coming through the elavator. all like "DADDY LOOK I MADE SNICKERDOODLES" and his spouse is trying to calm her down but does it work? NO!
reader's mom: "taishiro, honey you need to stop encouraging this"
fatgum stuffing his face full of baked goods : "but whyyyyy D:"
meanwhile, Daughter! reader who has been putting clips and bows in Amajiki and Kirishima's hair : "yeah, whyyyy D:"
cut to Amajiki not wanting to take the bows you put in his hair out, but he has to take them out if he wants to sleep or he messes them up or worse... BREAKS THEM! but he wants to sleep but he doesn't want to take them out and... and... IT"S JUST SO HARD AND OVERWHELMING.
amajiki I feel you man.
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galactiicsouls · 5 years
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Anonymous said: For the heroes!: what do you do to relax and unwind after work? I imagine hero work would be really taxing so how do you chill and ground yourself again?
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“You’re right, hero work isn’t for everyone. By the time I’m done patrolling or doing a mission, I just go through what I normally do at home. Eat and lay around until I’m able to get some kind of rest before I’m needed again.”
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“After a long day, I like to kick it back and relax! Maybe watch a bit of tv, make myself something to eat (or order if I’m not even feeling that), and just relax! Ain’t nothing too special about it, but it certainly gives me some times to regroup.”
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Battle for Meiko’s Heart!!!
Pairing: Meiko x Mimi
Word count: ~2,900
Battle for Meiko’s Heart!!!
Meiko stopped walking so she could take a better look at the flyer on the wall. There was a new club for ballroom dancing that was meeting this Wednesday. The idea of joining a dance club made Meiko smile. She loved drawing and painting, but she had always been wary of the performing arts at her old school. However, after meeting Mimi, she realized that she actually liked dancing. It felt liberating.
She wondered if she could ask Mimi to join the club with her. Then they could dance together all the time. They could perform in competitions and wear fun outfits. Mimi would look especially beautiful. Meiko rocked on her feet, imagining what it would be like to be graceful, and to be holding Mimi’s waist…
“Hey,” a deep voice interrupted her musings. Meiko squeaked and turned around.
It was Taichi. He was leaning against the locker next to her. He grinned when she saw him and Meiko melted a little. Taichi’s enormous smile was infectious. And it felt special that he was smiling for her.
“Do you like dancing?” Taichi asked.
“Uhh…” Meiko cleared her throat. “Y-yes!”
“There’s a new club in Shibuya called the Maine Coon. It made me think of you!” His voice was so damn friendly. “Koushirou said he’d make me Fake IDs to get in. And I absolutely trust Koushirou, so there wouldn’t be any problem.”
“Oh-oh! My goodness!” Meiko’s voice sounded annoyingly squeaky to her ears.
“Can I take you there this Saturday?” Taichi asked.
Taichi and Meiko both blinked and turned around. Koushirou had hit his head against the locker on the opposite side of the hallway. He mumbled “Ow” and went back to collecting his books, grumbling and refusing to look behind him.
Taichi bit his lip and looked wistfully at his friend, but he was all smiles when he met Meiko’s eyes again. “What do you say?”
Meiko considered. She liked Taichi a lot. He was kind. And handsome. No boy had ever paid her this much attention. So there was only one acceptable answer.
“YOOHOO!” A high voice interrupted Meiko’s response.
Meiko smiled and turned around. Mimi was strutting down the hallway straight towards her. She had changed out of her school uniform into a little pink dress that sparkled with sequins. And she was carrying a large tray in her hands, where there was—
“A cake?” Taichi raised his eyebrows.
Mimi stopped in front of Meiko and held out the cake to her. The lettering on the frosting read, Will you be my girlfriend?
“Meimei!” Mimi sung. Her voice was always captivating. She started speaking very fast. “So back in the United States, there’s this thing called Prom at the end of high school, where students get to ask their crushes to go with them to a big dance party, and they have to ask in the most over-the-top dramatic way possible. Tragically, I’m not going to Prom in Japan! But you know what? We can do something even better! There’s a lesbian bar on the other end of Tokyo called Green Thumb. And I just got Miyako to make the two of us Fake IDs! So we can go out dancing like mature adult ladies! What do you say? Will you go out with me?”
“Mimi!” Meiko blushed and giggled. Butterflies filled her stomach. She could hardly think when there were rainbows filling up her brain, making her feel like she could float. “Aaahhh…” Her tongue got stuck.
“Oh do say yes! I’ve been practicing a song for you if you do!” Mimi said.
“Ahem—” Taichi cleared his throat.
“No boys allowed!” Mimi shook her finger at him.
“Um…” Meiko finally found words. “You see, it’s just that, he asked me out first…”
“WHAT?!” Mimi yelled.
“She was about to say yes,” Taichi said.
“Were you?” Mimi demanded.
“I-I…” Meiko panicked. “I thought—I mean—I just—I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings!” She no longer felt like she could float. Her two most attractive friends both looked angry and it was frightening her. She realized that she could easily mess up and lose them both.
“What’s going on?” Sora suddenly appeared in her tennis uniform, looking very windswept. She held Meiko’s shoulder protectively. “Taichi, are you bothering her?” she asked.
“No!” Taichi said defensively. “I just asked her out, and then Mimi interrupted—”
“I asked her out better,” Mimi said. “I made her a cake! And I’m going to sing ‘Come What May’ from Moulin Rouge, the most romantic movie in history. What did you make her, you lazy bum?”
“What, like I need anything more than these?” Taichi flexed his biceps.
“That’s enough, you two!” Sora snapped. “You’re both being ridiculous.”
“But she—”
“But he—”
“Stop putting pressure on her,” Sora said.
“They’re not putting pressure on me…” Meiko weakly defended them.
“No—Sora is right. I’m sorry,” Taichi said.
Mimi’s face flushed. “I’m sorry too!”
“Meiko, it’s your own choice,” Taichi continued. He smiled winningly.
Mimi bit her lip. “But if she picks you, it’s just because you’re a—you’re a—” Mimi stopped talking. It wasn’t like Mimi to look so nervous. The sight broke Meiko’s heart.
“I…” Meiko floundered.
Then Koushirou popped his head in the circle, staring at Meiko with wide, curious eyes. “Which one will you pick?” he asked.
“Because I think the choice is rather obvious,” Koushirou said. He grinned and tapped Taichi’s arm. Taichi blinked like a confused puppy. Koushirou poked him more insistently, and then Taichi flexed his arm again. Koushirou reached up to squeeze his bicep. He talked like the world’s best hype-man who also delivered exposition on the regular. “He’s mature. He’s your age. He’ll listen to you when you want to talk about the atomic structure of Cobalt at three in the morning.”
“I would never bother you about Cobalt at three in the morning!” Mimi said to Meiko.
“Or whatever nightly topics of romantic conversation that normal people talk about. He’ll listen to that too. He’s versatile,” Koushirou continued. “And if you’re looking for a dance partner…well! You couldn’t find a better one than Yagami Taichi.”
“That’s right,” Taichi agreed. He suddenly gripped Koushirou’s wrist and twirled him around.
“Ah!” Koushirou gasped as his friend spun him in circles, grabbed his waist, and dipped him so that his head was inches above the ground. Koushirou held onto Taichi’s neck so that he wouldn’t fall over and stuck one awkward leg in the air. He laughed as if he was happy.
Taichi laughed too. Then he quickly pulled Koushirou back to his feet and dusted him off, as if he’d somehow gotten his friend dirty. He leaned one elbow on Koushirou’s shoulder and grinned at Meiko confidently.
It was an impressive feat, but Meiko felt like she was getting mixed messages from him.
“Boys…” Sora looked exasperated.
“I can dance too!” Mimi insisted. “There’s only one proper way to settle this! I challenge you to a battle of Dance Dance Revolution!” She pointed at Taichi and jammed her finger in his chest.
Taichi chuckled. “Are you serious?”
“I’m always serious,” Mimi answered.
“That doesn’t settle anything!” Sora said. “Meiko, you don’t have to listen to these two airheads.”
“No, I…” Meiko tried to find the courage to speak honestly. It was difficult with everyone’s eyes on her. Then the bell rang.
“You don’t have to decide right away,” Taichi said gently. “In the meantime…I’ll meet you at the arcade after school,” he said to Mimi.
“No, I’ll meet you in the arcade after school!” Mimi said authoritatively.
Taichi shrugged and smirked. He turned on his heel and walked away.
As soon as he left, Koushirou buckled over and snorted in laughter.
“What’s so funny, you traitor?” Mimi asked.
“You are aware of the fact that Taichi is the champion of DDR, correct? That he has the highest score in the arcade?” Koushirou wheezed.
“That graceless oaf? Ha! I don’t believe it,” Mimi said.
Sora sighed. “It’s true. We were at the arcade last weekend and I couldn’t beat him.”
“Wait—what?! He beat you?” Mimi suddenly looked alarmed.
“He also wiped the floor with me,” Koushirou added admiringly. Mimi stuck out her tongue at him.
“Um, Mimi?” Meiko said. Mimi quickly looked away from Koushirou and stood up straighter, trying to look more mature. She still had the cake in her arms, and she looked so pretty that Meiko could cry. But Meiko tried to compose herself. “You don’t have to do this,” she said.
Mimi forced a smile. “Don’t worry about me, Meimei! I’m going to win! Promise me that you’ll come watch me win?”
“O-of course.”
“Excellent,” Mimi purred. Then her eyes widened. “OH!” She suddenly thrust the cake into Koushirou’s arms—he yelped and grabbed it clumsily—and then she threw her hands in the air and fell backwards. Meiko gasped.
Sora grabbed Mimi’s shoulders before she hit the floor and held her up. “Mimi! Do you feel okay?” she asked.
“Yes…yes!” Mimi said dramatically. “But I feel very faint…I think that I shall have to go to the nurse’s office…Will you carry me there?”
Sora shut her eyes and counted to ten before answering. “I’ll walk you to the nurse’s.”
“Thank you!” Mimi chirped. Then she reached out to Meiko, and Meiko held her hand. Mimi pulled her closer and whispered, “I’m getting out of school so I can practice Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade all day! So there’s no way I’ll lose!” She winked.
Meiko’s heart fluttered. “O-okay. Good luck!” she said and patted her hand.
“You know, you really should have challenged Taichi to a singing contest,” Koushirou said.
“Oh shut up,” Mimi grumbled. “Protect my cake for me, will you? It’s for Meiko and me when we go on our date!”
“Okay,” Koushirou said dully, resigned to carry the tray around all day.
“I’m sorry about this…” Meiko said. She wished that she was confident like Mimi was. Why was it so hard to just say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’?
“Don’t worry! See you after school!” Mimi replied. Then Sora pulled her to her feet and the two girls walked away.
Meiko buried her face in her hands, thinking about Mimi and Taichi. What’s a girl to do?
At the Arcade!!!
Meiko entered the arcade with Sora and Koushirou by her side. She had never been here before. (Koushirou was still carrying the cake, which Meiko didn’t feel like she could morally eat yet.) Sora led them through the various video games and a row of pinball machines. They finally arrived at the Dance Dance Revolution station in the corner. Meiko saw that Mimi was already there, bouncing on the platform. She immediately smiled. “Mimi!” she called.
Mimi whipped her head around and saw her friends. “Hellooooo!” she yelled and waved. Mimi lost points for getting distracted, but Meiko didn’t notice that. She did see that Mimi looked particularly fabulous up there. She was wearing a green halter top, black leggings, and a lacy skirt. She had tied her hair up in a high pony tail with a large green bow. Her makeup was flawless and her nails were each painted with flowers. Mimi leaned over the bar of the DDR machine and elegantly popped one foot in the air. Meiko was enchanted.
“You look wonderful,” Meiko said breathlessly.
Mimi giggled. “Thank you!”
“Did you just get your nails done?” Sora asked, impressed.
“Yes!” Mimi answered. “I got a manicure, a haircut, and I went to the mall for some brand new dancing clothes! This outfit screams Winner!”
Koushirou raised an eyebrow. “I thought that you left school early so that you could practice DDR,” he said.
Mimi blushed. “I have been practicing! …For a half-hour…”
“What? Mimi!” Meiko looked alarmed.
Mimi reached over and stroked Meiko’s cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m more confident when I’m wearing the right clothes! I was hoping you would like them! And I can do anything as long as you’re here to cheer me on,” she said.
“Oh Mimi…” Meiko felt guilty for somehow inspiring this mess, but she loved the way Mimi’s hand felt on her face. “I…”
“Your king has arrived!” a deep voice interrupted them. Meiko would know that voice anywhere. She saw Taichi jump onto the dancing platform next to Mimi and he smiled that infectious smile. Meiko smiled back nervously and pulled away from Mimi.
Sora mouthed “King? Honestly,” in a disapproving tone of voice, although there was a smile tugging her lips. Koushirou stood up straighter.
Mimi scowled at her competitor. “Nice of you to show up,” she said.
“Nice to see you too, Princess,” he replied. He waved behind her. “Hi Meiko! You feeling all right?”
“H-hi Taichi! I’m fine,” she answered, blushing at the attention.
Sora cleared her throat. “Right. I’m going to remind everyone that Meiko doesn’t have to go on a date with either of you if she feels uncomfortable.”
“Of course not,” Taichi said.
“Of course not!” Mimi repeated in a loud voice.
“This is just about our egos,” Taichi continued cheerfully.
“This is personal,” Mimi insisted.
“Are you ready?” Taichi asked.
“I was born ready!”
“We can start on an easy level—”
“HA!” Mimi pushed the button to select a difficult level, and the music started playing. Taichi scrambled into place and the two of them started dancing on the arrow tiles.
“Good luck!” Meiko cheered from the side.
Mimi spun around and waved at Meiko, losing several points in the process. “Thank you!”
“Ah! Pay attention to the screen!” Meiko yelled.
“Oopsy daisy!” Mimi blushed and turned back to the video.
Taichi won that round. Koushirou applauded. Meiko clapped after he did.
“Two out of three?” Taichi asked.
“Obviously!” Mimi hissed. She selected a more difficult song, and the pair started dancing again.
This time, Meiko held her breath. She covered her mouth and watched them with wide eyes. Taichi didn’t miss a beat. It seemed like he had memorized this song. He was undoubtedly impressive to watch. Meanwhile, Mimi kept turning around to look at her, and Meiko would offer her a smile whenever she did. But then Mimi always lost points. Her ponytail started to come undone, and she started to sweat through her makeup.
Taichi won that round too. Koushirou applauded, and Meiko followed suit. Then Koushirou sighed and buried his face in his hands. Sora patted his back.
Taichi reached out to shake Mimi’s hand, but Mimi crossed her arms.
“Three out of five,” she insisted.
Taichi chuckled in a way that was starting to get on Meiko’s nerves. “Okay,” he agreed. He pressed the button for an easier song.
This time, Mimi kept her eyes focused on the screen. She moved her feet carefully from arrow to arrow. Then she made a mistake and she stopped moving. She stared at the ground.
“No!” Meiko shouted. Without another thought, she jumped onto the platform with Mimi.
Sora and Koushirou gasped. Taichi’s jaw dropped and he missed a bunch of points in a row.
“I’ll take the tiles on the left! You take the tiles on the right!” Meiko ordered. She had never played DDR before, but it didn’t look hard. Certainly it would be easy with only half of the dance platform.
“Okay!” Mimi agreed, beaming. She looked like she might start crying, but she stayed focused on the screen. The girls easily fell into step with each other. When the song ended, Meiko grabbed Mimi’s hand and twirled her in a circle.
Mimi sniffled and let go so that she could dab her eyes, clearly worried about her mascara. So Meiko just hugged her instead, and Mimi sighed in relief.
When the girls looked back at the screen, they saw that they had won. Sora cheered loudly.
“Congratulations,” Taichi said. He smiled rather sadly, and Meiko’s heart went out to him.
“Taichi, I’m so sorry,” Meiko said. “I’ve handled this so badly from the beginning. I-I like you a lot, but…”
“It’s fine!” Taichi held up his hands. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault that I’m insufferably dramatic. I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not insufferable!” Meiko said quickly.
“Oh, he is,” Mimi drawled. “I am too, but I pull it off better!” That seemed to be Mimi’s best mature response. Meiko couldn’t help but giggle.
Mimi offered her hand, and Taichi shook it.
“You still won two out of three rounds,” Mimi said. “You deserve some sort of prize…” Her eyes fell on Koushirou.
Taichi finally lost his cool. “Ahhffblrrghz,” he mumbled incoherently.
“Koushirou!” Mimi called out. Her geeky friend turned pale. “Taichi can have the cake. You can share it with him,” she said sweetly. “Thank you for carrying it all day. You’re a doll.”
Koushirou looked relieved and he picked up the cake tray from the floor. “Anytime,” he said.
“Thanks, Mimi,” Taichi said.
“You’re sharing that cake with all of us, right?” Sora asked.
“Sure thing,” Taichi reassured her. He hopped off the platform and clapped Koushirou’s shoulder. “Thanks for being so supportive, man,” he said.
“Anytime!” Koushirou repeated. He immediately accepted Taichi’s invitation to eat and popped a bite of cake in his mouth. He had been waiting all day, after all.
Meiko was about to follow her friends off the stage, when Mimi grabbed her hands and started to sing.
“Seasons may change, winter to spring…
But I’ll love you until the end of time.
Come what may,
Come what may,
I will love you until my dying day!”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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A harem collab in which we go to a party with our v precious hero 18+ Smut boooiiii
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Sitting across from him never did get easier. As much as you told yourself it would. 
If anything it got harder and harder to share the same room as him, let alone air. 
But you were lucky enough, or unlucky enough, to join the agency when you did and to be partnered with your big time crush FatGum. Although you idolized him you were sure he didn't remember you. 
And how could he? He saved countless people a day so it should be no surprise that he had no idea who you were on your first day. Still, it stung. 
And it shouldn't still sting or come to a surprise when he sets down a flyer on your desk. A huge smile on his chubby cheeks as he taps the sheet of paper.
"Can you believe it?! The agency is throwing a new year's eve party!" He practically gushes, lingering by your desk with his intoxicating smile. He rummages in his brown bag, setting breakfast onto your desk careful to avoid getting grease stains on the flyer as if you'd hang it up one day instead of shoving it into the trash. 
"They have one every year." You shrug, thanking him for the breakfast but tossing the paper into the trash can. His smile never waivers as he pulls it from the fresh bin, returning it to the smooth wooden top. 
"Yea but not at a fancy hotel and never an open bar! We should go!" His eyes crinkle in the corners and your heart hammers in your chest. 
Little do you know he prays to the Gods you don't say no. 
"I dont know, it's such short notice. Like next week ain't it?." At least it wasn't a no. He smiles, thinking of your competative behavior. 
"Oh I see what it is." He takes the sheet from your desk, waltzing to his own, "You're scared."
"Tch, scared of what?" You hiss, snatching for the paper. 
"Scared I'll out drink you!" He laughs at your cute scowl as you size him up. His metabolism was insane, and with him being in his larger state you might not be able to win. 
But he didn't have to know that. 
"You fucking wish you could out drink me! Remember the last party we went to? You showed your age and could barely stand!"
"Oi! I was much thinner then. I think luck is on my side this time." He slaps his belly and you smile. A genuine laugh fills the room causing Taishiro's heart to clench. 
"Yea, yea." You wipe away a tear, "We'll see." 
The day drags on and on, turning into a week of you glancing his way. Making sure he wasn't gaining any extra weight as he brought you your normal breakfast daily. 
It wasn't until the day of the party did you gain the advantage, a fight almost turned wrong and Taishiro had to use majority of that stored fat for a deadly punch to stop the villain from terrorizing the city. 
Still you'd never want this type of advantage just for a stupid drinking contest. Although he was not at his largest, he still had a considerable "dad bod" going on. 
"I still can't believe they had a tux in this size so late!" Taishiro shouts into the locker room at the agency, adjusting his tie as he waits for you. Meanwhile nerves eat you alive as you stare into your reflection, wondering if this dress fit okay, smoothing the fabric over your stomach self consciously. 
"You okay in there? We're gonna be late." He calls softly, hoping you aren't having second thoughts about going with someone like him. 
"Coming!" You call back, glancing at your deep amber dress a final time before rushing into the hall. 
"I was just thinking you were going to forfeit and then I-" Words die in his throat and he drinks you in. Beautifully complimented by the shape and color of your dress as he mouth hangs agape. 
"Wow. You look…" 
"Tai, I know, I look...different." 
"Amazing, perfect, breathtaking." He gives you a pointed look, "Which is no different than how you normally look." 
Heat creeps up the back of your neck and you're thankful he misses your flustered expression. The walk to the hotel and the brisk cold air gives you time to not only cool off but think.
Really reflect on the year, this horribly rotten, all bad luck year. Reminding you of all the times you had failed but also reminding you of all the opportunities you had missed. And not opportunities in the sense of promotions or saving people but opportunities to get closer with a certain somebody. 
You glance up at him and he glances down at you, smiling in a way that sets your skin on fire and yet it makes you feel at ease. 
Slowly you were coming to hate it. 
"I'm excited that they decided to invite some smaller agencies. Means I can introduce you to some of the kids I interned. Well I guess they are adults now huh." He looks nostalgic, sad even as he stares into space. Opening the door to the large hotel and it the look sticks with him until he is just before the party doors. 
"As ready as I'll ever be." You huff as he places his hand on the small of your back, bringing you into the rented ballroom. Lights and sounds consume your sense as music dances around light conversation. You're beginning to wonder if a drinking contest was such a good idea that is before you see the CEO of your agency totally shit faced. You glanced down at your watch, it was only 8pm. 
Taishiro guides you around the room with a "starter" drink, introducing you to old and new faces. Beaming with pride as he introduces you as his partner and not his sidekick like other heroes had done in the past. You hated how much your heart raced. 
"And this is Kirishima! He was one of my best and most memorable! Kids got guts and heart in spades!" He slaps Kirishima on the back and the young man slumps forward with a sharp toothed smile. 
"Aw come on, I wasn't that great…" He scratches the back of his head. 
"I heard that's when you became 'unbreakable'! I think that's so cool!" You gush over the young hero complimenting him to no end. 
"Stop. You'll give me a big head." He smiles, blushing furiously before his eyes wander to the closeness of the two of you and then they settle on your drinks, "You're not trying to out drink the infamous FatGum are you?" 
You laugh loudly before leaning in close as if to share a secret. 
"Oh, yes and I plan to kick his ass." 
Kirishima returns your smile and stage whispers 
"Taishiro-sama has lost a good bit of weight. I believe in you!" He winks before someone across the room calls for him, "Call me when you get really started!!" 
Two hours pass and you find yourself sitting across from your partner with his sleeves rolled up. Showcasing those deadly forearms as he slams back another shot. Kirishima keeps tally on hotel stationary and announces the number of shots. 
"You'll have to take five to be in the lead! You'll have two minutes to decide to forfeit or-" But before he can finish you're grabbing for one of the prefilled shot glasses. 
"Kanpai!" You shout, slinging them down, ignoring how the room is spinning and how bright the light reflects off of the table full of empty shot glasses. 
Kirishima's eyes widen as you down an extra shot for good measure, tallying the booze count with worry.
"Fat hero." He says, almost gritting his teeth, "You'll have to take seven to be in the lead." 
The large hero leans on his forearms on the table, the alcohol he's had had mostly been processed and maybe your figured that out. That he was starting to lose his edge so he takes you up on the challenge knocking back the several shots as if they were water. You're eager to gulp down a few more praying it drowns out your feelings for the sexy man across from you, instead he lets his broad hand hover over the shot glasses. Silently giving you a reprieve and noticing just how much you're sweating, how blown your pupils are. 
"Let's give it a minute shall we?" He smiles as you drown in his golden eyes. Biting at your lower lip and with a defiant grip you swallow down a final shot.
"Your turn." You focus hard to make sure your words didn't slur, not wanting this feeling or night to end. He snorts, shaking his head wishing you acted out any other time than this. 
"I forfeit." He places his hands up and you glare at him as you wonder if he did it on purpose. Before you have the time to accuse the crowd erupts into a deafening cheer, the room lags as you try to place names with faces as they come close to congratulate you. As more and more people crowd you, the hotter the room feels. Politely you excuse yourself to an enclave balcony closing the doors tightly behind you as you gulp down air, desperate to cool off and douse the desire that burns hot in your belly seeping to your core. 
"Fuck." You rake your nails through your hair as a hit of icy air skates along your skin leaving goose flesh in its wake. A steady warmth comes from behind you, voice deep as he speaks softly. You can tell he's using the same tone he uses on victims, trying not to startle them with his size. 
Little did he know how much you loved how much bigger he was. A safe haven, protection embodied. 
"Ready to go home?"
"No I'm fine! Perfectly fine." He sucks his teeth at your stubborn reply, leaning in close with his hands in the pockets of his tux. 
"You look flushed...you seem out of it." 
"I'm totally of sound mind!" A bark to which he laughs, giving in to the liquid courage as his large hand tilts your chin towards him. Flirting with a line he swore he'd never cross. 
"Yea, if you're so sound of mind, would you let me do this?" He asks, leaning closer, lips almost brushing yours. Your breath mingles with his in little puffs of fog agaisnt the cool air and suddenly you're burning again. 
From the inside out.
His lips touch yours, gently, passive at first and if he's trying to fight against his urges. Slowly he breaks away, amber eyes glued to your mouth before he sighs. Hoping he didn't just fuck everything up. 
In an instant you're drawing him back to you, hands in his golden wheat hair and your fingers weave through the strands. Mouth opening and demanding more as his large hands grip onto your ribcage as if you'd float away. 
And maybe you would, you felt like you could. 
Frantically your hands demand more, exploring up his shirt, touching across his stomach and digging your nails down his back. His own hands follow suit, gripping at your ass and tits, memorizing every luscious curve until he is drunk off of you and you only. You moan into his mouth and with that he loses all restraint. 
Shoving you against the harsh brick building, fisting your hair to tilt your head for better access, exploring your mouth with his well skilled wet muscle. Hands trailing beneath your dress to find your dress, squeezing at your thick thighs and when you moan in approval he moves higher and higher still until his fingers brush against the damp fabric. This time it is his turn to groan as he presses his hardened cock against you, your hips move to grind against his large fingers. 
"Please Tai" It is soft, breathy, sending him into a frenzy as he gives you exactly what you want. Letting his fingers slip beneath the fabric to gather the slick between your folds, gently rubbing against your throbbing clit. You arch against his touch, exposing your neck to him, he leans over and bites. Placing kisses along your throat, making sure to be careful enough to avoid marks before his hazed brain causes him to speak. 
To confess. 
"Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?" He asks, plunging his fingers into your tight heat, stretching you as you mewl, "Ever since I first laid eyes on you. Kamisama you were perfect. And tonight. Fuck baby. Wearing my eye color for all to see. You want people to think you're mine?" 
"Yes, Taishiro. I want people to think I'm yours." You moan, fucking yourself on his fingers before he takes over. Setting a quick pace before he curls his thick fingers just right, in an instant you're creaming against his digits. Crying out as he overstimulates you before he covers your mouth with his broad hand, reminding you just how much he dwarfs you.  
It makes you cum again and again and he corners you against the wall. Cock twitching as he laps up your sinful faces with a gluttonous appetite. 
"Please Tai, pleeeasse." 
"What's wrong baby? My fingers not enough?" His cocky tone drives you mad and your hips buck against his touch before he withdraws from your heat. Panting he levels his gaze yo you. 
"Is this what you want?" Peppering you with kisses as if you could deny him and his godly hands.
"Don't make me beg Tai…" You rasp, he gives a devilish smile. 
"Then I won't." His hands slink up your dress, gathering it at your waist as on skillful finger pulls the overly damp underwear away from your soaking sex. He frees himself and you swallow, not realizing just how large he was, for a moment you worry you won't be able to take him. 
"I'll be gentle." He coos, easing himself in an inch at a time as your stretch around his thick cock. Pussy fluttering as it adjusts to his size, he gathers your legs to his sides, squeezing your hips to keep from rutting into you roughly. He pistons his hips slowly, watching your face contort as he angles himself just right. Sensual thrusts have your legs and pussy squeezing him so deliciously tight. Still he worries he's going to hurt you.
"You okay?" Alcohol lingers on his breath and you swallow him whole with a kiss. Moaning into his mouth softly as he rocks you into one of your most intense orgasms to date. It's a slow build, undeniably intoxicating as his steady pace hits your spongy soft spot and his pelvis rubs against your clit. The coil in your stomach snaps and your body clamps onto the behemoth of a man tightly, stars dot your vision as he continues to fuck you through it. 
"God you're so beautiful ya know? So responsive to my touch. Taking me so well baby." He purrs against your ear, "Makes me want to keep this pace all night." 
He keeps true to his promise, bringing you to new heights at the steadiest of paces, causing you to lose count of how many times you've cum on his length. Pussy attempting to milk him dry as he palm swallows your screams. He looks at your features, your makeup running from delirious tears, mouth fallen opened in a propetial O as your hair clings to your skin. 
"Kamisama you're like art." He kisses your quickened pulse, "Ready for me to fill you love? You're squeezing me so tight…" 
He groans and all you can think of his him and the searing pleasure that courses through your veins to settle in your over sensitive heat. His cock twitches and you want nothing more than to be stuffed full of the Fat Hero's fat cock and his cum.  But words are lost in your hoarse throat and all you can do is nod, moaning his name as if it were a prayer. It's all the encouragement he needs, quickening his pace as the crowd inside grows louder. Counting down from 10. 
It's all lost to you and his hips snap against you, the brick scraping against your shoulders as his grip on you becomes so tight you're sure you'll bruise. Your body hyper aware of every little sensation as you drown in pleasure and warm amber sun, he groans, painting your walls in hot ropes of cum, your vision spots as your body arches to meet him as your spams a final time while his lips crash to yours. 
All the while fireworks erupt over head, bringing in the new year on a literal high note. 
He huffs, sweating as he looks at you, still buried to the hilt. Swiping his thumb over your cheek and running mascara before he breathes out so gently. 
"Happy new year baby." 
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA scenario: You fall asleep in their room 2
You get drunk/ are too exhausted to realize where you're going and wind up wandering into your crush's room and crash in his bed where he finds you...
Fatgum: It was after his fight with Rappa, you hadn't left his side since he was brought to the hospital. Now you didn't exactly crawl into his bed while he was sleeping it was more like, he woke up and saw you passed in the chair pushed up against his bed, he noticed how uncomfortable, cold it looked, but what really got him was how distraught you looked, your eyes looked red and puffy he could see tear stains going down your cheeks it made his stomach churn with guilt, knowing he'd put you in that state.
Without saying a word his good arm jutted from under his blanket gently patted you on the bed next to him, before carefully grabbing hold of you and pulled out of the chair and into bed with him resting your head on his chest "Tai?..." you murmured briefly waking up the blond shushed you. "Shhh... Go back back to sleep darlin.." Taishiro cooed kissing your hair while his good arm held on to you. "I'm alright.. I'm sorry fer scaring' ya" You hummed snuggled closed to him, letting his heartbeat lull to back to sleep, Taishiro smiled before drifting off himself. 
Meanwhile Tamaki was a blushing mess while Eijirou whispered about how totally manly Fatgum was right now, before a night nurse hissed at them to go back to bed!     
Shoto:  You were exhausted from training and barely had any to shower but you legged it out, as you got dressed and realized your forgot your glasses... (if you don't wear glasses just pretend.) which was bad because you were blind as shit with out them! like you have to practically kiss the wall just to read a sign blind! 
But you were too tired to really care at the moment as you made your way to what you thought was your room and and just crawled into bed and passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow. 
Meanwhile Shoto was heart was beating like a snare drum he woke up the second you walked in. He knew it was you because of the smell of your apple cinnamon body wash, he whole body felt like it was on fire as he felt your soft breath on his neck. 
He was fairly sure his face was as red as the right half of his hair as he felt you rollover and put your arm around his waist and felt your breasts press against his back, after taking a few seconds to calm down and roll over to face you, and noticed just how exhausted you looked... Bakugou did a number on you, he frowned tracing the bruise on your cheek where the explosive blond had punch you...
"You really shouldn't sleep here..."He hummed voice trailing off...as the sleep started setting in. "But I really don't want you to leave..." he eyes got heavier as drifted off back to sleep holding you chin resting on your head, That how Izuku found them the next morning.. when asked if he could barrow his notes from math-class. Izuku let out a tiny "eep!" his face went red as he quietly closed the door and let the couple sleep.
Izuku: You sleep walk everyone knew you sleep walk when you have nightmares and usually you stayed in your dorm and hide in your closet, but there are rare times where you wander off running away from a imaginary monsters, usually Aizawa or Tenya would find you and escort you back to your dorm, But tonight you didn't wander off to the common room or downstairs, nope! you somehow found you're way into Izuku's room, and crawled into bed with him...
At some point Izuku had woken up and nearly had a heart attack when he opened his eyes and saw your sleeping face a mere inches from his, Izuku entire lit up like a stop light, his crush was in his room! his crush was in his bed! How did you get in his room... then you were shivering and looked scared? He then remembered you sleep walk when you scared...
You must be having nightmare went looking for him... the green eyed boy swallowed and with some hesitation he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. "It's alright, y/n...I got you." he cooed giving you a small peck on your head, this to seem calm you down as you body relaxed and cuddled close to Izuku who's heart swelled as he drifted back to sleep holding on to you.
Luckily it was the weekend so Aizawa no reason wake up Izuku, Uraraka, Shoto and Tenya however were worried as the brunette girl went to check on you to see you were okay, she heard you walking in around last night, and wanted to make sure you didn't hurt yourself, only to find your room empty! 
She alerted Tenya and Shoto and the three went to get Izuku, only for the three to freeze when the walked into Izuku's dorm and saw you two cuddling in the bed fast asleep. Uraraka nearly squealed excitedly until Tenya put his hand over her mouth and Shoto shushed and shook his head they let her take a picture and left the two of you to alone...     
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writingbakery · 5 years
“rose petals”; valentine’s day hc’s 🥀
wanted to write a little something for everyone’s favorite bnha characters, so that you all have a valentine this year 💓 short & sweet, i hope you enjoy ! taglist; @secondhand-trash @sparkncharge @monst @redbeanteax @lady-bakuhoe @katsukisprincess @burnedbyshoto @kingtamakimurder @kbakugouwu @togasknifes @bnhaxxassociates @bnha-thot-diaries @keigos-dove
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Sero Hanta
“did you know that every store marks their chocolates & candy down twenty percent every day after valentines until their stock is gone?” your boyfriend’s poked his head through your bedroom door curiously, his tone clearly hiding something.
“just admit you forgot to get me something, hanta.”
“...... we’ll buy out everything walmart has tomorrow, i promise.”
“i made you a rose bouquet out of tape in the meanwhile!”
“... that’s actually really impressive.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
“valentines day is a corporate scheme, kitten. it’s designed to make people lazy! they force us to make this day the most special all year and then make it normal for people not to care the other 364 days!” his tone is heated, hands thrown up in the air as he rants away with his head in your lap. you just laugh, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“that’s why you bought me a dozen roses and a new watch, huh toshi? feeding into the propaganda?”
“no, it was to see you smile. don’t need a shitty holiday to want that, kitten.”
“you sap. i love you too.”
“birds have this particular thing about mating gifts, chickadee - bright & flashy, always the way to go,” keigo explains, his smile too wide and excited for you to complain. although.....
“so you made me a necklace of your feathers?”
“uh, yeah. it’s so bright theyll see you in space.”
“romantic, keigo. real romantic.”
“it’s like you’ll always have a part of me with you, even when im far away from my sweet lil love dove.”
“.... oh. oh that is romantic. thank you, chicken little. love you so much.”
you poke his stubbled cheek a little aggresively, huffing under your breath. he’d been asleep for two hours, and you were late for dinner. you know he needs his rest, but it’s valentine’s day, and you were desperate for one evening out, just one.
“if you don’t wake up in the next thirty seconds im gonna let eri put her fairy princess makeup kit all over that handsome face,” you threaten, and one eye sleepily cracks open unamusedly.
“i thought you loved me.”
“i also love all you can eat restaurants and date nights. let’s go, sleeping beauty.”
“you’re so lucky i love you. your roses are in the car.”
“.... thank you, sweetheart.”
“what do you mean, you canceled our reservations? baby, we’ve planned this for months,” you all but whine, pouting up at your ridiculously tall boyfriend. all he does is laugh softly, leaning down to peck your pouty lips.
“i thought it would be more romantic to cook together instead. isn’t the day supposed to be about us? i’d much rather watch you attempt to chop peppers than some michelin chef.”
“you’re a bully, taishiro. i chop peppers beautifully.”
“of course you do, darlin’, of course. show me?”
Todoroki Shoto
“sho, what is this?” your confusion must be clear, holding the small silver chisel in front of a solid ice block. he smiles small, moving to stand behind you with his hands at your waist.
“i figured that standard presents wouldn’t excite you much, and i wanted to give you a fun surprise. there’s a cartier bracelet and a tiffany ring in there - bagged, so you won’t break them chipping through. like a... scavenger hunt? but you have to navigate the ice block.”
“you have such an odd way of showing affection, my love. now, help me start.”
Tamaki Amajiki
“tama, this place is absolutely gorgeous - how’d you find this place?” despite the chill, you’re genuinely excited - tamaki had brought you to a butterfly conservatory and greenhouse garden, relatively quiet with few people around.
“it’s where i’d go to c-clear my thoughts when i was younger. i wanted to s-share this with you bunny, cause you’re i-important to me,” he says softly, lacing his fingers with yours, and you gently kiss your joined hands.
“i’m honored, tama. best valentine’s day ever.”
“i don’t normally feed into this sappy bullshit, but hey. you only get so much time, right? and i figured... if i’m running on a sped up clock, i wanna get as many smiles out of you as i can.” his voice is uncharacteristically soft as he places the roses in your lap, leaning into your space for a gentle kiss.
you return it softly, hands cupping his scarred cheeks as you smile. “who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” you tease, but there’s no malice in your tone as you admire the dark roses.
“a pretty little thing named [y/n] killed him and made him a weak-hearted bastard.”
“sounds like a good thing, no?”
“yeah, doll, yeah. a very good thing.”
Mirio Togata
“mirio! we talked about this, that bear is the size of me!” you protest, attempting to frown up at your absolute puppy of a boyfriend. he’s immediately attempting to defend himself, hands up in surrender.
“i didn’t go overboard this time, i swear!”
“six bouquets, three of those giant chocolate boxes, a new necklace, a gift card, and now this monstrosity of a bear isn’t overboard to you?”
“...... i also got us reservations at that place you like. and i upgraded your laptop.”
“mirio togata!”
“it was out of love!”
Bakugou Katsuki
“is this...... all for me?” the table and kitchen counters are covered in pastries, from chocolate covered strawberries to heart shaped cookies and pink muffins. your boyfriend stands behind you, cheeks dusted with a hidden blush as he scoffs.
“yeah, stupid. it’s valentine’s day, and i’ve been really caught up in work, so i figured i’d bake you some presents. i also got you some stuff from that one store you like, with the nice shirts.”
“you’re an angel, katsuki. i love you.”
“yeah whatever, ba- dumbass. i love you more. now eat before it gets cold.”
Kirishima Eijiro
“eiji, did you.... what have you done to the poor dog?!” the fluffy puppy has a red heart collar on and a balloon tied to it, a little basket of chocolates and roses in his mouth as he wags his tail excitedly.
“pup’s my wingman ! i borrowed him from kaminari for this, isn’t he adorable? go on, go to [y/n]!” the puppy scrambles over to you, dropping chocolate and flowers everywhere as he barks. adorable.
“now i’ve got two puppies to cuddle during movie night, how cute.”
“two? did you adopt a dog or something while i was at the store?”
“....... no, eiji. no.”
“ohhhhh you meant me.”
“sweetheart. baby. i love the chocolates, i really do, it’s just..... why is there blood all over the box? and drowning my roses?” you quirk an eyebrow at your equally bloody girlfriend, attempting to get an answer. she sighs dramatically, looking up at the ceiling as she cleans her knife.
“the guy i got them from wasn’t exactly giving it away.”
“oh my god, who the fuck did you stab-“
“it makes it more romantic! besides, he stole them from the store and i stole them from him, so it’s fair!”
“we really need to go over your morals again, baby. but thank you.”
Inasa Yoarashi
“honey, inasa, baby slow down! we’re not gonna be late for our movie showing, just... walk with me a little. let’s enjoy all the time we have, okay?” you hug you arms around one of your boyfriends own, attempting to slow him down, and he sighs.
“i apologize, my love. it seems i’m just a little too determined on making today perfect,” he admits, and you kiss his bicep gently.
“silly, it’s already perfect. i had a lazy morning in, went shopping, got lunch, all with my favorite hero,” you tease, watching as his ears go red under his hat.
“every day with you is perfect, [y/n]. i was merely trying to make the same true for you.”
“it is, i promise. now, let’s walk through the park, the flowers are starting to bloom and i wanna take pictures.”
“anything for you, my sweet!”
“inasa put me down - inasa! i can walk! oh boy.”
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}
Koushiro, coming back home, finding Taichi, typing furiously while BEAMING at the screen: Koushiro: ... ('This is unusual. Taichi-san's usually not this excited to---') Koushiro: Taichi-san? What are you doing? TAICHI, automatically: I'm making a poll!!! kOUSHIRO: Koushiro: Let me see-- Taichi, showing Koushiro the poll: These are so cool, Koushiro!!! Poll option on Poll Taichi Made: ("I want to treat Koushiro gently *only if Koushiro wants") Koushiro: tAICHI-SAN---
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
Sometime not long post-Tri
Koushiro: (*Staring into the Distance*) (*somewhere outside where it's pretty empty*)
Taichi, walking up cautiously: H-hey...
Koushiro, staring ahead:
Taichi: ... Want to try something?
Koushiro: What?
TAICHI: (*nervous laughing*) Um, yEA---
Koushiro, wry smile: I was always told I never seemed able to "project (raise) my voice very far".
Taichi flash-backing to post-Mugendramon Arc, etc.: (uM)-
T A I C H I:
Koushiro: ---AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa aa a ... .
Koushiro, eye twitCHING: ... That felt good...
TAICHI: (*nervous laughter*)
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
May I request number 10 with Fatgum?🙊
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Fatgum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) + 10
10: Enemies to Lovers
(fyi I'm lightly basing the reader off of Catwoman, so if they seem similar, that's why.)
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"Sorry, but I'm taking you in," a familiar voice made you turn around, "You again, couldn't they send in someone else more interesting? Maybe Endeavor, or even Kamui Woods?" you replied to the BMI Hero who smiled at your comment.
"Sorry, Endeavor's busy with dealing actually terrifying criminals." he teased, knowing what buttons to push to rile you up.
A sly smirk made its way onto your face, putting down the bag of jewelry you just stole and readying for a fight. Before that could happen though, two other heroes walked up towards Fatgum, "Huh, and I thought this was just going to be a one and one." You scoffed, picking up the bag and running quickly.
Parkouring over buildings and hiding in the shadows, enough for you to lose both the junior-looking heroes and Fatgum himself. You sighed when you reached your hideout, a small dingy house, your muscles felt tired and sore from all the running you had to do.
"Hi, there love," your black cat meowed as it walked closer to you. Purring as you petted her, scratching behind her ears, "I can pawn this tomorrow, right now though, I need to feed you." you gestured over towards the bag of jewelry.
After feeding your cat and leaving some food outside for the strays that liked to hang around. You simply relaxed and let your sore muscles rest.
Meanwhile, Fatgum had been given the grueling task to talk to the higher-ups about once again, not being able to catch a petty thief. A thief that had been doing this for quite a while actually.
"How did that go?" Mt. Lady snickered watching his tired face form into a shy smile, "Well, just as amazing as any meeting with me about that thief."
She watched him walked towards his table, a stack of papers, no doubt about the thief situation, in front of him ready to be filled out and worked on. "They still don't have a name?"
Fatgum shrugged, taking the first piece of paper and analyzing it, "Nope, they're as elusive as they get. All they do is steal some things, leave, disappear, and repeat, no casualties, no other crimes, that's it. The commission hasn't even found out her actual identity yet."
Mt. Lady smiled, walking over towards the big-sized hero, handing him a file, "They just did, thank Tamaki and Kirishima by the way," after giving the file she walked away calmly.
Fatgum didn't waste any time to open the file and read the inside. Within it contained everything he needed to know about you, from your childhood to your background, your quirk, and even where you reside right now.
As morning came, you felt something weird, your cat and the strays outside who'd usually meow you awake was dead silent. Either something happened to them or someone took them. You quietly walked over towards your door and strained your ears to listen outside.
You heard cats purring, specifically your cats and the strays. Your tensed figure relaxed just a little bit knowing no harm came to them. Another question popped up though, what would cause them to purr this loud. No one except your lousy landlord even steps into this area, and your cats hated him.
Getting a weapon, you prepared yourself to attack whoever was behind the door. With a deep breath to calm yourself down, your hand twisted and pulled the door open. Weapon in hand and ready to strike.
The sight that welcomed you was an odd one though. There, petting your cat and the strays, pouring food for them was a blonde-haired man crouching on the ground. Bright yellow eyes looked up towards you, still holding the weapon, and he smiled.
"L/n Y/n?" His voice was overly familiar. A voice you've heard plenty of times during your heists. You grew even more defensive, walking backward, trying to place some distance between you and him.
"Fatgum, how did you find me? Why are you here?" admittedly that was a dumb question but you needed to buy time, enough time for you to think of a plan to run. In the meantime, your eyes trained over his figure. He didn't look like how he usually looked like. Skinnier and shorter than the form you kept meeting him in.
"Uh, call me Taishiro, my name's Toyomitsu Taishiro," he raised both his hands up in defeat, trying to show you that he meant no harm. You won't fall for it. If he found out where you lived there was a chance he was trying to trick you.
"Okay, Tai, answer my question," your weapon still pointed towards him. Fatgum stood up, still smiling and both his hands still up. "My students found your file and I'm just here to talk." he could tell you didn't believe him so he tried to elaborate, "I came here in this form right? I can barely do anything like this," he hoped his smile was convincing enough.
"Well, what do you want to talk about?" you lowered your weapon, still in a defensive pose, ready to attack him just in case he was to try something. Fatgum immediately smiled and pointed towards a seat.
"Can we sit down while we talk?" his friendly tone honestly made you slightly annoyed. The two of you were mortal enemies, heroes, and villains, why does he have to act so friendly? Despite that, you nodded and both of you walked to sit down facing each other.
"So?" you asked impatiently, "I read about your past," he paused and watched you flinch lightly, "You know, you don't need to keep stealing."
You scoffed loudly, "And what? Die of hunger on the streets? Sorry, but stealing seems like a better alternative." Fatgum's smile dropped, he placed both his hands on his lap, fidgeting it slightly.
"You seem like a good person and-" you cut him off, "How do you know that huh? I steal for a living, how am I a good person?" you spat at him, who only shrugged.
"You never took hostages, you were never greedy, only taking what you wanted, you never killed, and your cats seemed to like you," he looked at you as if he had won, and since it was all true you didn't have a comeback, all you could do was roll your eyes at him.
"Continuing what I had said before," he snickered, "You seem like a good person and there's always a better alternative than doing crimes to survive in Japan."
Once again you scoffed, only this time it was followed by an exasperated laugh. "Didn't you say you read about my childhood? If you paid any attention, you should understand, I never got a proper education. I taught myself half of the things I know about the world now. My mom's dead, my dad's not the kindest, I ran away when I was 17, and you're still telling me there are alternatives?"
You scoffed, "If that's all you wanted to talk about, leave, or arrest me," you glared at the blonde-haired man, standing up proud and tall. If you were to be arrested, you'd do it with your pride untarnished.
He stood up as well, sighing in the process, "Or I can give you another option, a better option," you raised one of your eyebrows in interest, "Continue," he exhaled, glad you were willing to hear him out, "It took us a while to track you, and longer to know your identity. That kind of illusiveness could be very helpful to the commission."
You crossed both your hands together, already knowing where this was headed. "It wouldn't be hard to convince the higher-ups to let you work for me. They trust me to be able to control you."
You smirked, deciding to tease him a little bit, "You think you can control me, Tai?" you walked closer to him. The distance between you two barely existent, his eyes widened and a small blush crept onto his cheeks. "W-well not in that way," he stuttered a little bit before clearing his throat.
"What way were you thinking of Tai? I was thinking about me being your sidekick," Fatgum visibly became embarrassed, "Nothing, nothing." he choked out, making you laugh at the hero.
"Deal, on one condition," you glared, "I don't want the world to know me, so no hero name, no patrolling in broad daylight, no interviews, no nothing. I'd like to keep my identity low." you outstretched your hand for him to shake.
Fatgum's smile grew wider, "Deal!" he took your hand and squeezed it a bit tighter than you had expected. "I'll come back later in the night, don't escape," he laughed out and you could only shake your head, "Wouldn't think of it, Tai."
Just before he left he looked back towards you, "Also, you and your cats have something incredibly similar," he stated, "You're both cute."
His surprising compliment left you frozen, heat rising to your cheeks, as you watched the hero, or should you now call him, your new partner, leave your home.
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A/n: I'm going, to be honest, I don't think I could've made enemies to lovers with Fatgum if the reader wasn't a villain. Cause, 1. WHO WOULD HATE THIS MAN??? 1. WHO WOULD THIS MAN HATE???? HE'S A LITERAL WALKING BEAN BAG HE WOULDN'T HURT A FLY (unless the fly was a villain lmfao), this was a very unique request indeed. Thank you sm for doing my event!!!!
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kamiart · 3 years
Round 3:
Rin Tsukikage vs Taishiro Watanabe
TWs: Controlled fighting, collapse, injury + emotional topics w/ family/lack of parents
1.2k words, sorry for no art, college has been Hell :'D enjoy!!
Round 3. 
The first two rounds had gone...relatively smoothly, as far as Rin had ever been concerned. The uproars of the crowd only ever seemed to bellow louder, as every round went on and on. First, there was Hoshizawa: an unfair fight, given her lacking vision in one eye rendering the boy’s quirk limited in its power. But otherwise, relatively simple.
Hibiki? She had certainly been more of a challenge– pelting Rin’s weak and quickly tiring body with countless blows and scraps of metal. Yet, still, the silver-haired student had emerged victorious, leaving her to face a new challenge in the following round. Fellow student and 1-X classmate, Taishiro Watanabe. Or just Tai, if you wanted to put it more simply.
And, stepping on out to the centre ring once more...
Rin was determined to keep up her win streak.
No matter the cost.
“It’s the second match of the third round, ladies and gentlemen!” Present Mic’s voice boomed once again over the stadium speakers. God, did he ever give her a headache... “And with our contestants already ready and waiting in the ring, let’s get to the introductions, shall we?!”
“Mic, this is the third round. Try to keep it brief...” Eraserhead reminded, shaking his head in dismissal.
“Youuuu got it, Eraser! On the one side, we have the Mistress of the Moon, the Lady of Light, the one, the only: Rin Tsukikage!”
The audience applauded, whilst Rin merely grimaced at the attention.
“And on the other side, we have the Rewind Royal with the shades to match- it’s Taishiro Watanabe! Contestants, are you ready?!”
Rin shuddered, gripping at her chest as she tried to focus on her stance instead.
Tai did the same, lowering himself down in anticipation for whatever the girl had in store.
“Go go go!”
And just like that, they were off. Rin already had some experience with Taishiro’s quirk...it required contact, she knew this. And it only ever worked on others, never on Tai himself. That would be difficult to manage with hand to hand- so instead, the student focused all her remaining energy on ranged attacks instead. ‘Keep your distance’...that shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Tai, meanwhile, remained in position for the time being, watching Rin make some distance between them. She wanted to play long range; that was fine, he could just rewind her projectiles right back to her, no problem.
And as if right on cue, Rin had indeed charged and launched a projectile out at Tai: with the other readying himself to rewind it, hand outstretched in anticipation.
...Only, when the fast-flying ball of light made contact–
It wasn’t rewound.
Widening his digitally-screened eyes in the split second he had to process, Tai had been pelted hard and even knocked back a few feet at the sheer force of the blow. Still upright, but most certainly pushed back a hefty amount. Why hadn’t his quirk worked? The attack had certainly made contact, so it should have been blown right back at her! But it...it wasn’t!
“YEOWCH, what the heck happened there?! Watanabe’s quirk had no effect! And what a hard hit, with even more on the way, wowza-!”
“Light and energy don’t have any mass, you loudmouth. Without any mass, there was nothing there for the kid to make contact with- that’s why it wasn’t blown back. Doesn’t mean the energy’s still not gonna hurt though...” Eraserhead interrupted Present Mic’s shocked exclamation with a sigh, watching and waiting as Rin quickly made and launched even more at Tai. Unrelenting, as she pelted and pelted at him without any sort of restraint. Leaving the boy little time to dodge, or knocking him back some more with every successful hit.
The boundary was getting close. Tai had to do something, now; but what?
Then it struck him. In Rin's very previous round, against Hibiki, the cyborg had mentioned a very important detail about the girl’s quirk: it relied on moonlight. And in the day...there was none of that.
Rin was on limited reserves, and all Tai had to do was wear her down to empty.
At least, in theory.
Only, when it came down to it...both students were evenly matched for the most part, trading off blow for blow in rapid succession, neither student seeming to back down to anything. Rin never seemed to run out of energy, and Tai couldn't even use his quirk to reflect the attacks, so all he had to do was dodge. Dodge, and weave- or risk the penalty of yet another blowback from Rin's seemingly never ending attacks.
"Watanabe seems to be at a loss on what to do! Will Tsukikage come out on top?! Or will this dark horse rise to take the win?!"
Just keep going. Just keep on going...she had to be getting tired, she had to be-
An opening; Rin swooped in for a physical attack, striking Taishiro with a swift high kick. Tai quickly rewound it, launching Rin back in the very direction she came. The girl persisted, striking again and again, only to get blown back every time she made contact.
It was a brutal back and forth, long range and short range...with both competitors quickly growing tired from fighting, and repeatedly using their quirks.
Rin was determined to win. But at the same time, so was Tai- an unending stalemate, leading for both to resort to simple tackling of each other. Hands locked, teeth clenched...neither willing to back down, and both determined to move on through the competition.
Tai was overheating, those all too familiar laptop noises escaping his exhausted form. But at the same time, so was Rin...her energy reserves thoroughly exhausted, leaving her with only her body's natural energy remaining.
"I have to win this– I-I have to...I can't back down, for my dad's sake-!" Tai gritted, eyebrows furrowed with newfound determination.
...Only, such a commitment seemed to strike a nerve with the already energy-empty Rin.
"You- a-at least, you…" 
Her voice was dangerously low. Nearly a growl, a snarl of pent up anger and frustration.
"All my life- no parents, no money, no life of my own...for once in my life- I want to show I can do something–"
A bright light suddenly began to form from the girl's hands, quickly growing brighter and brighter with each passing second.
A sudden flash, and the entire stadium was covered in that all-consuming light. Blinding the entire audience and Tai for a moment, before it slowly died off moments later.
And in its centre: Rin. Standing shakily with her head hung low…
...before her body promptly followed suit, collapsing to the ground with an unimpactful thud.
The stadium was silent for a moment. Miss Me paused the match for a moment, stepping up into the arena to check the child's condition; only to suddenly shout Tai out as the winner, and call for medical assistance soon after.
All the while, Tai stood there, staring- as Rin's body was left immobile and stiff, face covered only by silver, and tears. Heart drumming irregularly in her chest.
Taishiro Watanabe was the winner.
And Rin Tsukikage, the loser.
But at what cost?
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I spent the day playing a “Sherlock Holmes logic puzzles” game with my younger sister. She won with 20 points and I got 8 points. Every single point that I won was because my sister helped me. 
This is also how Taichi and Koushiro spent their day.
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Heyyyo lovely💓💓 I'm so proud of u girly💖 Could you possibly write a Fatgum X Femreader scenario? Preferably a steamy NSFW with a breeding kink and going down on his s/o kink? Thank you so much for considering this💘💘!!! Fyi I'm 21
A/N: Thank you so much for your kind words!❤ This was my first time writing something steamier for Fatgum which also included breeding a kink I’m still not quite familiar with, so I hope that I managed to capture his character as well as your wishes as well as I could! Hope you’ll like it and please enjoy! (ᵔ.ᵔ)  
Tags: Taishiro/Fatgum x reader ✅  smut ✅  breeding kink ✅  belly bulge ✅  bloated belly ✅  overstimulation ✅
image/art source: Twitter (art by Muccho)
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Lesson learned - Fatgum x reader
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“Taishiro, w-wait...”
“Sorry, pumpkin, but I can’t hold back anymore.”
And with that, your boyfriend pressed his mouth against your own, his tongue eagerly tracing the ever so small cracks on your soft lips. You were so overwhelmed that it took you some time to realize that this gesture was indirectly asking for his tongue to enter your delicate mouth. He grew impatient and began nibbling and softly biting on your lower lip, figuring that if you weren’t going to open that mouth of yours on your own, then he’d just take it upon himself to pry it open. 
With that thought in mind, Taishiro moved one of his big hands down to your hips, caressing every delicious curve, no matter how flat or voluptuous it was, and let out a satisfied groan in the process.
His big hands had gradually reached your behind, and he made sure not to pass up on the opportunity to take a tight hold of your asscheeks and spread them apart as much as your jeans let him. But the hero knew that this motion alone was not enough to force a moan out of you, so he pulled you closer to his muscular chest and slowly crouched down, taking you down with him. His big hands now held up your back, your legs hooked around his waist, and your in comparison tinier hands on top of his broad shoulders. Meanwhile, Taishiro’s legs were positioned on each of your sides; his left fingertips gently caressed your jaw, still trying to get you to open your mouth for him. With his right hand, he continued holding onto your hips, gently massaging your hip bones and playing with the hem of your shirt. You knew what he was about to do, so you simply wrapped your arms around his neck. Taishiro always made sure to show you how precious he found every inch of your body, so every time you guys were making out with each other, he didn’t leave a spot of it untouched. 
Scarred fingers dove underneath your shirt, the featherlight yet cold sensation made you twitch and arch your body toward his own. He used that opportunity to roll up your shirt, exposing your entire upper body to his lust-filled gaze, which clouded further the moment he saw your choice in lingerie for today.
“God babe, you just know how to push my buttons, don’t you?”
In one sweeping motion, he unhooked your bra and lifted it just enough that your breasts bounced out and the moment they did, his mouth and fingers were already on both of your nipples, twisting, pinching, licking, sucking, and gently biting them. The sudden mix of pain and pleasure coursed through your entire body, making your breath hitch and a low whimper escape your lips. A pair of yellow eyes look up at you and squint ever so slightly. Taishiro was visibly irritated that you finally opened your mouth, and he had to miss the opportunity of exploring it due to him being busy with your breasts. But instead of mulling over that small miss any further, he decided to make up for it by exploring a different sort of insides. 
He let go of the nipple he pleasured with his hand and let his fingertips run down your entire torso until they reached your jeans’ buttons and slowly began undoing them. Your hands instinctively moved to hold onto his sleeve, but your boyfriend only smiled and continued with his plan. 
“Come now, pumpkin, I need you to lift that cute ass of yours, or else I won’t be able to pleasure you like always.”
His eyes once again fixated on your flushed face, admiring just how lewd your expression looked like from that low amount of teasing. 
You shouldn’t be as embarrassed as you were, considering that this was a procedure he always went through when preparing you for him and his impressive size. Still, he always managed to surprise you with something new, whether it was a pet name or simply the way he cooed instructions, orders, and pleas that close to your ear. Disobeying him was never on your mind. You always made sure to do whatever he asked of you because the reward you’d get for it was worth giving yourself over to him.
“That’s my good girl...now let me see how it looks down there.”
He gave your neck a few featherlight kisses before letting go of your abused breasts and shifting his attention to your nether regions, which were still covered by a thin layer of fabric. With a small smile, his big fingers traced your folds alongside the already damp spot on your panties. His touch was teasing and left you wanting more, and he knew that. Still, before he gave you what you desired so desperately, Taishiro kissed your thighs and took hold of your underwear’s waistband with his teeth, slowly pulling them down your lower body, exposing your already wet core. He took a deep breath, inhaling your lewd and intoxicating smell, licked his lips, visibly enjoying your anticipating expression.
“Come now, sweetheart, tell me what you want me to do….and you better hurry up cause I can’t hold back any longer.”
“I-I want you to pleasure me with that tongue of yours like-...like you always do.”
“Trust me, baby, you don’t have to ask me twice.“ he answered as he licked his lips, and just some seconds later, your lover directed his tongue’s attention to your already dripping entrance, lapping up your juices as if it was the last sort of liquid he’d get to taste any time soon. 
The way he skillfully moved his tongue’s tip always left you a breathless and twitching mess, but today was different. 
Taishiro would always follow some kind of strategy when he pleasured your nether regions. He’d usually start in a lazy and teasing manner. The moment you began to move your hips in the hope of more contact between his mouth and your pussy, your boyfriend would immediately pull back and enjoy how your folds twitched in desperate need of any sort of contact. After repeating this process a few times, you’d usually be the first one to give in and beg him to take it seriously, and that’s when Taishiro showed his true colors. And let’s just say that food wasn’t the only thing he enjoyed devouring as if his life depended on it.
But right now? For some reason, his mouth went down on you without any restraints, no gentle licks alongside your folds, no teasing sucks on your sensitive bud, nothing of that sort...just pure lust and hunger. It took your brain a couple of seconds to register the sudden amount of pleasure that hit your body, and when it did, you couldn’t help but arch your back in a very evident curve and moan out loud. His hand immediately covered your ajar mouth, muffling that whiny voice he loved to hear so much.
“Now now, pumpkin, please don’t forget that we are still at the entrance. Wouldn’t want to have our neighbors interrupting us again now, would you?”
You slightly shook your head in denial, there was no way you’d let anyone interrupt this blissful moment, and your boyfriend seemingly had no intention of doing that either, since his tongue was on you quicker than you would’ve expected. 
With the way he moved that wet muscle of his, it was quite difficult for you to keep silent, and his hand wasn’t of much help at all, so you had no other choice but to bite on his long fingers as softly as you could, careful not to leave any visible marks on his skin. 
Even if that gesture of yours was meant well, it had the opposite effect on your pro hero boyfriend. Instead of seeing it as a sign that you had already reached your limit, he saw it as an invitation to keep his pace up and even quicken it if he so desired.
His other free hand spread your engorged outer labia apart, exposing your dripping core to the cold air and his hungry gaze as he licked his lips one last time and starting sucking on your sensitive clit. Your legs began shaking uncontrollably at his ministrations, and his loud sucking sounds only quickened your heartbeat, but what ultimately pushed you over the edge was the way Fatgum looked up at you. His eyes were squinted ever so slightly, pupils almost wholly covering his yellow irises, and even though his expression seemed relaxed overall, the way you perceived it was as if he was silently ordering you to cum right here and right now...and who were you to disobey?
Your orgasm hit you like none other had done before that. Just as that familiar warm feeling spread around your body and made your lower muscles tense up, Taishiro stopped sucking and returned to flicking his tongue against your swollen clit, this motion was just so much for your already sensitive body that you tried to escape his loose grip and create some distance between your nether regions and his mouth. His lips had barely even left your twitching pussy and Taishiro immediately noticed what your intention was, so he held onto your hips and began licking up your love juices from your folds. 
While you were still catching your breath, your boyfriend used that small window of opportunity to take a good look at your already spent body and admire it silently. 
It’s now or never…
“Hey, sweetheart...you still with me?” he silently asked as his big hand gently caressed your flushed cheek. Even though your body was still twitching from the aftershocks you still managed to nod and more or less reassure him of your wellbeing. He sighed in relief and directed his hands’ attention to your legs, massaging them in an attempt to relieve the tension in your muscles, palms slowly moving up and down your thighs, applying just the right amount of pressure. 
After a short while, you finally gave him your ok to continue with his plans, and he wasted no time in getting in between your legs again, but this time he positioned his large and pre-cum covered tip right at your entrance. He slapped your clit a few times with his shaft and mixed both of your juices, wetting your small and throbbing hole in the process. 
“Hope you’re ready pumpkin, cause I ain’t holding anything back today.”
Just before you can urge him to enter you, he slams his entire length inside and knocks the air out of your lungs. Your trembling hands tried to take a hold of something to cushion his deep and precise thrusts, but whatever you tried to do it didn’t help the immense amount of pleasure that spread around your body, and judging by the silent grunts coming from Taishiro, he also felt good. His big arms wrapped around your body, hoisting it up towards his sweaty but muscular chest. That action caused your hips to drop down his shaft even further and the moment his tip touched the entrance to your womb your back arched and you finally screamed out in pleasure. You really wanted to avoid making noise, but how could you when the man you loved made it so hard for you? 
Funny enough, your little slip-up didn’t surprise Taishiro at all, if anything it turned him on even more, just knowing that he and his body were the reason you couldn’t hold your voice back made him get harder than he already was. He looked at your breasts bounce and your lips quiver while his cock entered and left your seemingly small hole. Thinking back on how much effort he put into prepping you and how tight you were during the first few times, seemed like such a faraway memory now, since your insides had perfectly adapted to his girth and length. 
The imagination alone drove him over the edge and even if he didn’t want to end this too quickly he just couldn’t hold himself back any longer and after a few deep thrusts, he released his seeds deep inside of you. 
While he savored the aftershocks of his orgasm you softly rocked your hips back and forth, refusing to stop, wanting more of the warmth his cum provided.
“T-Taishiro...please give me more.”
Even though your statement took him by surprise his hands took a hold of your hips once again and just when you thought that he’d start moving your pelvis up and down he suddenly started getting up. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt his palms take a strong grip on your asscheeks.
While your boyfriend slowly walked towards your shared bedroom, he was completely oblivious to how much his movements affected you. Each step he took caused his shaft to bump against your wet insides and your most sensitive spots. 
Just as Taishiro opened the door to your bedroom he felt how your walls suddenly tightened up around his shaft, causing him to stumble, his back hitting the doorframe. He once again sunk to the floor, but his grip on you remained tight.
“Cupcake...d-did you just cum?”
You hid your face in the crack of his neck and refused to look up at him, but your blush was evident nonetheless, and your plan to hide it failed. He tilted your chin with his finger and had to bite his lip as soon as he saw your facial expression. The moment he caught a glimpse of those flushed cheeks of yours, your reddened lips which now had small bite marks on them from all those attempts to hold your voice back and that petite droplet of saliva slowly running down your chin, the small string of restraint he held on for so long finally snapped.         
With an animalistic growl, he picked your body up as if it weighed nothing and threw you on the bed. Before you could even comprehend what was happening, Taishiro took a hold of your thighs, pushed them down toward your chest, and to stop you from struggling underneath him, he squeezed his muscular thighs against your hips. Without a single warning he slammed his throbbing cock inside of you once again, but this time thanks to the mating press he put you in, his shaft hit all of your favorite spots, not only that but this position also made you involuntarily tense up and that also applied to your mushy insides which were now holding onto him, refusing to let go of his dick. His thrusts’ speed decreased ever so slightly but this alone wasn’t enough to make him stop completely. Those shifted and deep movements which knocked against every sensitive spot, made your body tremble and your hips buckle against his pelvis. That movement caused his gland’s tip to precisely brush against the soft ring of flesh which was your womb’s entrance. Your body twitched and you yelped out at the sudden electrifying feeling that made goosebumps appear on your entire body, Taishiro noticed what kind of effect his thrust had on you and with a mischievous grin, he took a firm hold of his shaft’s root and began moving it in a circular motion, which caused the rest of his fat cock to do the same inside of you.
“O-Oh my gh-od Taishiro…!”
Said man chuckled as he let his big hand slide alongside your belly.
“Did you like that? Want me to do that again, hmm?”
His hand had reached your breasts by now and gave your nipples a quick squeeze, after he heard your trembling breath your lover hooked his arm underneath your neck and he gently tilted your head forward so that your eyes were fixated on where the two of you were connected. Your eyes widened as you took a better look at what he wanted you to see. There was a small bulge exactly where you felt Taishiro’s tip point inside of you. The moment he began moving his shaft again, the bulge copied his movement and all you could do was gently press your hand on top of it and feel the ever so slight movements.
“Do you know what I’m about to do sweetheart? I’ll make sure to cum right there, in your deepest spot...and when I’m done with you, you’ll be so full of my cum that this minuscule bulge will become as big as that of a pregnant lady.”
Your insides clenched at his announcement and took a tight hold of the bedsheets beneath you. Your boyfriend resumed his quick pace from before and not soon after he released his second load inside of you, he halted for a few seconds, savoring his orgasm’s aftershocks, and began thrusting once again. With each fresh load of his semen, his thrusts got sloppier than the rounds before, and the slapping sounds gradually changed into wetter ones. You had already lost count of how many times you had orgasmed, your body just felt numb and sweaty. Taishiro even made sure to tell you that you had even lost consciousness a few times, but despite that, he never stopped pumping you full of his cum. When he had announced to make that small bulge of your bigger, you seriously thought that he was just joking, but look at where that got you. 
You once again felt another orgasm build up inside of you, but at the same time, you felt so tired that you simply didn’t care anymore. Unfortunately, your boyfriend had no intention of letting you blackout this soon and he gently slapped your cheek a few times in order to catch your attention, which he successfully did and show you your belly’s state. With a tired expression, you looked down and bit your lips as soon as you saw how bloated you actually were. The sight mixed with the imagination of your white-coated insides pushed you over the edge one last time before you once again lost consciousness, and the last thing you saw as your eyelids slowly grew heavy was the grin of your boyfriend who whispered something you failed to understand. One thing was for certain though...you had learned your lesson on doubting his plans because whatever Taishiro said or wanted, he always made sure to get it, no matter the cost.
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anim3tingz · 3 years
Match-Up for zeepzo0p
Hey love! So, I decided to try something a little different for this match-up. It’s my first time doing this for a poly relationship so I hope it works out well. Enjoy! ❤️
Tag: @zeepzo0p
My Hero Academia:
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) & Keigo Takami (Hawks)
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Relationship Song: My Best Friend - Weezer/Summer Vibe - Forrest Nolan
First off, I just feel like y’all would make one hell of a cute throuple. Like, for real I can’t stop shipping y’all together.
Talk about the most laid-back and fun relationship ever. Both guys don’t take things too seriously and I feel they would be down to try anything.
So, if you’re feeling particularly spontaneous or get wrapped up in a new interest I could see them just going along for the ride and joining in on the fun. Say you get into an art phase. Like, you go all out buying supplies and whatnot. They’d be right beside you trying to paint, cross-stitch, whatever. I just see them taking part in whatever your current interest might be.
Keigo might say some sarcastic comments like, ‘Oh, yay! A new thing to waste our time & money on.’ But, don’t listen to him. Lol. He won’t admit it, but he actually finds your phases really cute. Plus, he actually likes how you open him up to other things he wouldn’t think he’d like. Taishiro, however, gets just as wrapped up as you. Lol.
Your food now...Damn. The 1st time you ever cooked for Taishiro he was hooked. Doesn’t matter what you make, this man is down. You want to try a new recipe? He’ll be your guinea pig.
It’s not a well-known fact, but Keigo is actually a pretty good cook. So, I could see the two of you cooking meals together and trying each other's new creations, bouncing ideas back and forth between each other. Lol. Expect him to play around a little bit, though. This is Keigo we’re talking about.
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Both guys are very supportive of you wanting to go to culinary school, love. You follow your dreams. Your men are behind you every step of the way.
When you’re feeling a little stressed out or get the urge to partake in some “herbal medicine” I feel like Keigo would be the one to join you. He gets pretty chill when he’s on his high. Taishiro, however, tries not to partake. Lol. There was the whole ‘Munchie Incident of 2020’. His hit was a bit too strong that night and the munchies that ensued were quite insatiable. You and Keigo had fallen asleep only to awake later to see your entire house cleared of food. Poor baby was so embarrassed, he swore he’d never do that again. Lol. So, he leaves that to you and Keigo.
Movie/Streaming Nights!
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Game Nights (Videogames/Board Games/Card Games)!
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Keigo would be the one just sitting in the background laughing as he watches his two idiots dance.
You guys just love hanging out together so pretty much any activity that involves y’all hanging out together you guys tend to gravitate toward. Y’all are legit best friends so you spend a majority of your time together.
Lord have mercy, when Keigo and Taishiro get together. Those two put the Weasley twins to shame. So, I hope you’re up for getting pranked on. Lol. But, don’t worry Taishiro won’t let things get too out of hand.
Taishiro tends to stand as the responsible party in your relationship. Lol. Keigo’s mouth tends to get him into trouble and mix that with your slight authority problem and well...You see why Taishiro has his hands full with y’all. :)
Taishiro is that stable, kind, supportive man, while Keigo is the funny, wise-ass, who secretly has a sensitive side. Speaking of which, because of his past, letting his emotions out has always been difficult but since getting together with you he’s been able to open up a bit.
Each man brings a little something different to the table.
For instance sweet, romantic kisses and bear hugs are practically guaranteed with Taishiro.
Meanwhile, with Keigo...PASSIONATE kisses. Plus, this man likes to cuddle. Although, don’t expect him to admit to that. As mentioned before, he’s not the best at showing his emotion but baby boy does love you.
Jealousy? A little bit. Mainly on Keigo's end, though. You might not notice it, but Keigo is envious of the relationship you and Taishiro have. You guys just seem to be so much alike that he gets a little envious, at times. Taishiro, on the other hand, is the most secure in the relationship. He loves the fact that you and him have so much in common, but he also likes the sarcastic whims that Keigo brings to the relationship. He just knows you can count on him to bring humor to any situation.
Overall, this is just a great relationship. You guys just bring out the best in each other and aren’t afraid to try new things. Plus, what’s not to like being in a relationship with your best friends. Well, that and both guys are super hot, let’s be honest. Lol. But, really. I ship y’all so hard.
For more Fatgum/Hawks love check out this…(Click Here)
Black Clover:
Magna & Asta
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Relationship Song: Break The Rules - Charlie XCX/Fallin’ - Why Don’t We
Where to start. Lol. Y’all are the most boisterous bunch EVER.
But, omg! It would be such a fun relationship.
I could just imagine you guys just talking for hours on end and never getting bored. Like, just imagine late-night convos under the stars on the roof of the base.
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Whether you’re all together or one on one, the conversation just flows so easily between y’all. I think that’s one of the biggest selling points in this relationship. I mean, would you really want to be in a relationship where you can’t talk with someone? It’d be so boring.
Just like with Fatgum/Hawks, I see Magna/Asta being just as into your interest phases. These guys are such a spontaneous bunch. Lol. And, can you just imagine the humor and shenanigans that would ensue. Omg. I’d think you’d probably die from laughing so much. Especially, when the two start going at each other.
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Just don’t leave these two alone together for too long. That’s when bad things tend to happen. Lol. These two LOVE to prank you. If you thought Fatgum & Hawks were bad...Honey, there’s no responsible party member here. Lol. You’ve been warned.
One funny thing about your relationship is how your cat reacts to them. Surprisingly your cat loves Magna, Asta though...Lol. Much like the anti-birds, your cat attacks Asta in nearly the same way. He doesn’t seem to understand why the cat hates him even after he’s brought him treats and toys. It’s sad, but oh boy...is it a funny sight to see.
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Both babies LOVE your cooking. Like, when they hear you’re cooking they’re the first ones sitting down and practically drooling all over the table when you finally bring the food out. And, while you yourself aren’t a fan of spicy food you know Magna is and you always try to make sure to satisfy his spice cravings. Just know Magna never expects you to do that for him but he appreciates all the effort you make for him. It’s one of the many little things he loves about you. Now Asta...the boy has already guzzled down half of the buffet you laid out for the rest of the Golden Bulls. Lol. Have I mentioned he loves your cooking?
Both babies are pretty affectionate and playful.
However, Asta is a little inexperienced, but he does his damnedest to impress you. He’ll get you flowers and let’s not forget he’d show off. A LOT. Lol.
Asta’s kisses are passionate, but a little sloppy. Like I said, he’s a little inexperienced, but after some time he’d get better. He just gets so passionate and excited that kisses often are a little rushed and sloppy. But, just know he just gets so excited whenever he’s around you he just can’t contain his emotions.
Magna...I see him actually being a romantic at heart. He’d be the smoother one of the two for sure. He loves to whisper compliments into your ear and give you forehead kisses. Plus, his kisses are...ugh. He’s a good kisser. And, that smoldering look he gives you when he goes to lean in...RIP.
Jealousy is normal between y’all. Mainly in terms of ‘you’re hanging out with so and so too much’ or ‘it’s my time with them’. They’re just like kids fighting over a toy at times. Especially Asta. Lol. That boy is just so in love with you. He just wants all your attention. Magna gets jealous too, but he mainly just fights over you to annoy Asta. These two I swear. Lol.
These boys love you so much, though. So, despite all their idiosyncrasies they always support you in whatever you choose to do. And, if you’re ever feeling low you can guarantee they’d be right there to lift you right back up. They love seeing you smile and laugh. You’re their baby and they’d do anything for you.
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