#kkk cw
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chelledoggo · 5 months
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yeah hi uhhhh...
i understand if you have a problem with evangelical conservative christianity. believe me, so do i. i was raised in it.
but don't fucking say shit like this. it's incredibly insulting.
first of all comparing us to "black klansmen" just... ew??? no???
second you're basically infantilizing us like "uwu the poor little dumb queer christian baby doesn't know any better this is just how they were raised."
third, we're not harming anyone. we're not spouting the same exclusive/queerphobic rhetoric that fundies are. we're fighting for a more inclusive church and a more inclusive society as a whole.
just... don't fucking say anything if this is all you can think of to say.
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Hey @angvondrapedo
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Have you had your klansmeeting yet with Kara and the other fruit site rejects?
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They way everyone sticks up to a racist white woman who CLEARLY does this all for attention is something lol
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gemini-forest · 1 month
Me listening to the Red Dead history book and hear that Jesse James was a rampant racist and was a KKK member, and even robbed WEARING his white garbs
Okay Arthur and Tore you got my attention
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Me be learning shit today
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bungerisme · 6 months
Making a post here as a warning.
Dead ass don’t go on roblox mic up 17+ if ya got thin skin. As stupid as that sounds don’t go on there. There’s a rampant racist problem with people wearing full on KKK avatars, people yelling out slurs, homophobia/ transphobia galore and so on. Even religious nuts who will make stands to force their religion down peoples throats.
You may be asking yourself. Why do you go on there?
Cause despite the toxicity it can be fun at times. And without a few good kind hearted people on there would be no safe spot for people to talk to, chill or hang out there. I’m a very social person so servers like this are the most active and the best for me to access. I also in general got thicker skin, am able to tune out that stuff and/ or report it, sadly am used to that kind of behavior thanks to some not so great people in my life.
If you want to help fix the problems there- make sure you’re at least above the age of 17- I would recommend 18 or older as it is extremely unsafe there for minors. (Penis avatars, sex jokes, etc). You can help the place by reporting people and for those more skillfull than myself, can expose these people for their atrocious acts.
Not tagging as Roblox as I don’t want kids finding this post and then going “huhuhu yeah I am gonna break the rules” cause it has happened more than once.
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red-umbrella-811 · 2 years
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I honestly think that “in spite of” is stretching the truth beyond recognition.
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queersatanic · 2 years
Lucien Greaves on the KKK and killing [Jewish people]
Via The.Satanic.Wiki
On Sept. 11, 2003, future co-owner of The Satanic Temple Doug "Lucien Greaves" Misicko, his friend and collaborator Shane Bugbee, and Shane Bugbee's wife Amy Stocky hosted a 24-hour Internet radio stream with guests and callers to mark the release of their new edition of the proto-fascist manifesto Might Is Right. The following year, Doug Misicko continued to appear on Internet radio streams with Shane and Amy. "The ABCs of the Alphabet" was one such program. This is an excerpt from one of those recordings.
CW: antisemitism, racism, violent threats, slurs
Full transcript:
Letter K
17:15 Doug Misicko Alright. So weren't we talking about kiddie porn earlier?
17:21 Shane Bugbee No, we were talking about the Ku Klux Klan. (Doug Misicko: Oh, okay.) Amy was talking about kikes during the- you know, when we were off the air, for K.
17:30 Amy Bugbee I was just mentioning it was a K-word.
17:32 Shane Bugbee I think you said, "Fucking kill the kikes".
17:35 Doug Misicko What does "kike" mean to you, Amy?
17:39 Shane Bugbee Go fly a kike.
17:40 Amy Bugbee Yeah, exactly.
17:41 Doug Misicko Kike-y tennis shoes.
17:44 Amy Bugbee Yes. "Just do it."
17:50 Doug Misicko [laughing] I don't have any good KKK stories. I- (Shane Bugbee: No?) I gotta say I've never met anybody in the KKK.
17:55 Shane Bugbee We just the other night had a gentleman. A friend of mine. Maybe even though I'm getting worried he's gonna end up killing me. Friend of mine came over. Andy.
18:07 Doug Misicko Isn't that a good friend?
18:08 Shane Bugbee He's in the Klu Klux Klan. That's gonna kill me? I guess so, as long as he doesn't let me live through my miserable life, that might be a good friend.
18:17 Amy Bugbee And his wife were over. They're both active members in the Klan.
18:21 Shane Bugbee Yeah, and they were cool. We watched- what do we watch with them? We watch any movies or did we just hang out? And watch Bum Fights? (Amy Bugbee: Oh, that's right.) Yeah we watched Bum Fights (Doug Misicko: Oh, that's funny.) and they were disgusted or the wife looked disgusted by it but they were, you know he's our you know Andy was a good guy he was listen I'm talking past tense was a good guy. He wasn't into all this religious shit at least in the Klan, seems that, you know (Doug Misicko: There's "Christians" in the Klan.) I parted ways with a lot of that their beliefs you know, Jesus Christ.
18:50 Doug Misicko What the fuck do they do anymore? Um, what's the Klan do?
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xexyromero · 7 months
bota a mãozinha na parede que eu te deixo forte. esteban kukuriczka x fem! reader
fem!reader, esteban kukuriczka x reader, smut +18
cw: vouyerismo (?), penetração, smut, sexo desprotegido.
sinopse: você e esteban são quase pegos no flagra por seus colegas de cast.
wn: request meio meu meio de @creads! heheeh espero que você goste. meti um mati & um fran no meio só porque amo muito os dois e imagino o quanto deve ser divertido a dinâmica deles! kkk
“shhhhh.” você sussurra, colocando o dedo indicador no próprio lábio a fim de pedir silêncio. você conseguiu ouvir o pigarro de incômodo de esteban, mas preferiu ignorar. não podia fazer nada agora. 
os passos lá fora continuavam se aproximando e pelo que parecia, a pessoa falava também. mas falava sozinha? talvez estivesse em ligação ou algo assim. a voz não era grossa, mas definitivamente não era voz de mulher. 
você estava totalmente pelada, assim como kuku, e tinham sido interrompidos pelo barulho do lado de fora do primeiro banheiro que encontraram no caminho.
talvez fosse fran? ele tinha a voz um tanto quanto feminina e-
esteban te penetrou com força, de uma vez, o membro duro na sua buceta. na verdade, correção: ele te estocou. você por pouco não soltou um gemido extremamente alto e pornográfico. 
girou o corpo todo para questioná-lo e mandá-lo parar, mas antes que conseguisse falar qualquer coisa, esteban virou seu corpo com extrema agressividade, guiando suas mãos para a parede e fazendo com que seu corpo arqueasse. ele separou um pouco mais suas pernas, e, mais uma vez, meteu com tudo. 
você quase tirou as mãos da parede para cobrir a própria boca, mas ele as segurou no lugar com força. aproximou o rosto do seu ouvido, colando o peitoral nas suas costas, deixando uma bela de uma mordida no seu ombro. “shhhhh.” ele imitou, soltando uma risadinha em seguida. maldito. você queria xingá-lo, mas ele começou a te penetrar sem dó, entrando e saindo em um frenesi quase louco. 
a voz do lado de fora, de repente, ficou mais próxima. 
próxima demais. a centímetros de vocês dois, na porta.
era fran.
“gordis, não consigo abrir.” francisco reclamava com alguém do lado de fora, empurrando a madeira com o corpo enquanto tentava rodar a maçaneta, em vão.
“será que emperrou? ué, eu usei mais cedo.” outra voz se juntou. você prendeu a respiração.
era matí. 
francisco e matías, dois de seus grandes amigos, tentando entrar no banheiro que escondia você e esteban. se já não estivesse hiperventilando antes, agora estava mais ainda. 
sabia que era errado - esteban sendo muito mais velho que você e seu colega de trabalho - e tentara esconder o romance de vocês a todo custo. se encontravam assim, furtivamente, pelos cantos. não é que tivessem vergonha, ou algo assim, mas é que esteban era realmente muito mais velho que você. 
trouxe o próprio corpo para frente, a fim que esteban saísse de dentro. ele já estava quase todo para fora quando ouviram mais um solavanco na porta. e um resmungo de matías. provavelmente tentou forçar a entrada e não conseguiu também. 
o homem riu no seu ouvido. com uma voz muito aveludada e muito calma, ele sussurrou e enterrou o membro com tudo em você de novo. “não, não, nena. você pediu. e eu não vou deixar minha princesa sem o que ela pediu.” com uma das mãos, colocou a mão por baixo do seu cabelo, pegando vários fios na base da nuca e puxando com força, obrigando você a olhá-lo. “e você pediu para ser comida com força e que eu esporrasse em você, não foi?” seu corpo estremeceu. 
esteban, com pouca dificuldade, guiou seu corpo para a parede oposta de onde estavam, te empurrando com delicadeza seu coração palpitava. o que ele pretendia fazer? 
“se tivesse alguém aí dentro, já teria dito algo, não acha, francisco?” 
“acho. a não ser que esteja fazendo alguma coisa errada.”
quase que como uma deixa, o argentino pegou mais uma vez seus braços e os colou na madeira da porta. você arregalou o olho, desesperada. ele forçou seu corpo a arquear e segurou na sua cintura com força. estava na mesma posição que estivera outrora. se sentiu ficando mais e mais molhada. 
“tipo o quê?”
“tipo comendo uma assistente. ou cheirando.”
você prestava atenção na conversa, a respiração completamente descompassada. seu corpo todo se contraía no membro duro e imóvel dentro de você. pedindo mais. pedindo que entrasse. sua buceta piscava mas esteban permanecia quieto. ele acariciou suas costas, como se pedisse paciência. 
“você acha que tem alguém comendo alguém aí dentro, matí? não tem barulho nenhum. um gemido. uma batida de parede.”
“ué, tem gente que come quieto.”
“só se for. será que é aquela assistente novinha?”
“porra, espero que não. quem tem que comer aquela ali sou eu.”
“você é nojento.”
“e você me ama!”
ouviu a risada de matías alto e em bom som. sua bochecha estava encostada na madeira fria, assim como parte da sua pele.
levando a maior surra de pau da sua vida, enquanto um de seus grandes amigos da rodagem ria como se você não fosse explodir de prazer a qualquer momento. 
“a gostosa é você.” sussurrou esteban. “mas quem está comendo sou eu.” e, quase que para confirmar o que dizia, te segurou pelos ombros e meteu, mais uma vez, de uma vez. até o talo. “mas se você quiser dar pra ele, a gente vê um acordo.” o argentino sabia o quanto que aquilo te excitava e tampou sua boca com a mão suada. a dificuldade de respirar te deixou ainda mais em êxtase. você gemeu, não se conteve.
“matí. vamos para a sala de jogos.”
“eh? não quero ir par-”
“agora, matí.”
com os passos se afastando e a voz reclamona de matías indo cada vez mais longe, quase arrastado por fran, você finalmente pode gemer com mais tranquilidade. o ritmo ficou mais louco e esteban levou a mão para sua buceta, te masturbando. em poucas estocadas, esteban gozou. você fez o mesmo. 
“não tem acordo nenhum. você é minha.” esteban pegou uma toalha de dentro da mochila e foi, aos poucos, secando o suor do seu corpo. “era isso que você queria? falei direitinho?” agora, se concentrava no seu rosto, esfregando o tecido com cuidado e carinho pelas suas bochechas. 
“foi sim. obrigada.” você aproveitou e deu um beijinho furtivo na boca do homem. ele te ajudou a se vestir, dividiram alguns goles de água da garrafa dele e você saiu na frente, dando tchauzinho e mandando beijinhos para a porta do banheiro. 
quando fran te viu, desviou o olhar e ficou com as orelhas vermelhas. merda.
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paganminiskirt · 1 year
I love reading your analyzing of Coyle. I wondered if you had any thoughts on his sexuality? (I mean I have a damn spread sheet myself, but you're so much better at words and really great at psychoanalyzing lol). I've described him as being "the straightest gay man I've ever seen" to a few people now and eventually the "get" it.
(CW: discussions of canon typical sexual and racial violence, slavery, internalized homophobia, domestic violence and femicide. One of the linked videos also discusses fascism using disturbing transphobic rhetoric as an example.)
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Thank you for your kind words, it’s really nice to know my ramblings are resonating with someone! Discussion should be allowed to emerge naturally, but I think much of the debate that arose from the revelation of Coyle’s character was removed from the context of the oppressed groups being commented on by the text. I say that mainly in reference to people of color, since the KKK represents a cultural trauma which is inextricably attached to blackness, but the statement applies to queer people as well. That very Klan was almost extinguished in the 1870s until it was revitalized half a century later by a film, of all things: media is obviously important. There’s much more that can be, and to an extent needs to be, said about this story beyond rehashing “it is/is not okay to hornypost about this” ad nauseam.
So let’s get this out of the way: I think Coyle was deliberately being written as queer. The ethics of incorporating LGBT characters in a setting so obsessed with the grotesque are questionable (you can read more perspectives on that here and here,) but I think there was intention behind the decision to depict him this way, whether it's "good representation" or not.
One of his defining traits is that he habitually deploys lewd, effeminate language to intimidate and dehumanize his victims: “alluring piglet,” “honey,” “beautiful/sexy b*tch,” “darling,” “sweet, ripe young things" and the like. You could argue that is solely a degradation tactic rather than a direct indicator of his sexual preference, and he does seem to do it primarily to scare you. But a big part of the horror in Kill the Snitch is that Coyle is very unembarrassed about how much pleasure he gets out of subjecting you to that degradation. (“You lick my boot, maybe I let you up.”) The innuendo he taunts the Reagents with is unaffected by their gender presentation, and The Snitch is a fixed character presented as a cis man who Coyle treats with just as much aggressive leeriness. From there, it's difficult to interpret him as straight. 
And since Coyle is one of the main villains of the game, I think I would be remiss if I argued that his bi/pansexuality is a thematically insignificant byproduct of his broader characterization as a sadist. That conclusion certainly presents itself: even if his queerness is loudly implied, it isn’t commented on directly by the text the way other aspects of his character are, like racism and uxoricide. The closest we get to a clear, unmistakable identification of his sexuality comes in the form of his aforementioned attitude towards The Snitch. 
While the Reagents are interchangeable grunts, The Oogie Boogie Man Snitch is Coyle's own prisoner, and as such we witness him compound the usual routine of sexualized cruelty with repeated assertions of possession, calling him things like “toy” “mine” and “property” to emphasize a sense of ownership. He comes completely undone when the Reagents electrocute him to death, exploding into thwarted, miserable rage like a kid watching their sandcastle get kicked to shit (“No! FUCKING NO! He was mine!”) and throwing out all of his beliefs at once as this jumbled, fascistic mess; “anarchist pinko fucks” this and “country’s going to shit” that.
Perhaps the most telling line about their dynamic is this one: “Jesus Christ you look like my second wife, you know that? Spittin' image. Woman got me 'bout as hot as Missouri asphalt.” The only time we see how Coyle interacts with people on an even playing field is in the files, when it’s mentioned that he killed two of his fellow soldiers when serving in the army & brutalized a murkoff agent interviewing him. The social dominance he has over people like The Snitch and his wives seems to be the only way he’s capable of conducting interpersonal relationships on a vaguely emotional level. Otherization, fuckability, and the need for corrective shame/subordination are all intertwined in Coyle's head, muddling together to form his notion of natural hierarchy: one which is incoherent, self-serving, and more about appearances than anything else. (“I know what you did. I just need to hear you say it.”)
And the importance placed on appearances isn’t just something that Leland happens to believe. In the era when this game takes place, the electric chair was at peak popularity as a form of “humane” capital punishment: in reality, it was a callous technological repackaging of the methods of execution which came before it, namely the (distinctly racialized) hanging/lynching. These methods were designed to reinforce social hierarchy by staging voyeuristic displays of dehumanization, and were levied with particular barbarism against people of color. There’s a catalog of horror stories I could insert here about white supremacy and the electric chair, but that’s another post entirely. What I want to establish is that:
A. It's easy to interpret The Snitch’s execution (and the Reagent’s forced participation in it) as a symbolic enforcement of Murkoff’s construction of social dominance, akin to capital punishment or lynching/state sponsored terrorism. B. Men like Coyle were categorically responsible for orchestrating executions like the one in the game, and the fact that he gets so angry and addled about it even though he’s ostensibly a follower of their doctrine speaks to the nature of his ideology. 
Though a lot of real world topics get touched on by Coyle's dialogue, it certainly isn’t 100% down-to-earth social critique. Many of his lines invite you to laugh at him (“It's hurtful when you disrespect the badge. I have feelings, too”/”Ain't you slicker'n a can of mashed assholes”) and his crimes themselves are, at times, overblown and ridiculous. He's a caricature of institutional violence and injustice, not a straight faced example of it. No, the realistic part of Coyle’s storyline is how the power structures of 1950s America both protected him from consequences and deliberately encouraged him to degenerate. I’ve alluded to this before: it’s one of my favorite things about Trials.
He was sent to military school because of his violent tendencies and joined the marines to avoid investigation after killing his first wife, but once he had the Police Department to shield him his behavior escalated in severity so much so that it attracted the attention of an even worse organization. The process was Military School → Ku Klux Klan → Marines → Police Department → Murkoff. This facet of the story was always there, but the newly released comic really hammers in the point, that Coyle - infantile, nonsensical, vulgarly abusive and utterly unworthy of authority - was never a barely tolerated outlier or a well kept secret within the systems he budded up from. The files directly attach his klan involvement to police work even as he's described as a “good cop:” because there were no good cops in Blackwell, because good cops aren’t real. US Law Enforcement can be traced back to early southern slave patrols, they've had a handshake agreement with the Klan for decades, and you need look no further than the recent Minneapolis Police Department exposé to see how they operate in the modern world - and this game is set sixty years before 2023. Horrifying, yeah?
Understanding cops themselves to be fundamentally immoral and unjust, by the time we meet him in the game, Coyle isn’t even a competent cop in terms of his willingness to enact unjust aims. Yes he is brutal, yes he is racist, yes he clings to the childish, cowardly belief in immutable superiority found in actual modern fascists - but the ouroboros of psychosexual issues driving him to behave the way he does take precedence over his purported devotion to any belief system, to such a degree that he isn’t even acting in explicit defense of an institution anymore. That job, to defend the current institution, is what the Reagents are being trained for: the same ones he deems subhuman and, most tellingly, “perverted.”
One thing that makes Coyle’s whole presence in Kill The Snitch  so surreal and disorienting is how manufactured and aimless his job as The Snitch’s defender really is. The man play acts an interrogation of someone who will never see trial, referencing vice squads, courts and elections that are nowhere to be found in the Sinyala facility - even though a different line of his mentions how they “don’t favor courts in these parts.” So, he’s directly contradicting himself. When the Snitch dies, he goes “NO! NO! I'll never... God DAMNIT,” not even finishing his own sentence about what it is he apparently needed The Snitch for.
The man obviously thinks otherwise, but he’s a make-believe cop, a test dummy for trainees to be pitted against ala shencomix’s professional hater. Though nowhere near as disenfranchised, Coyle is a puppet in Murkoff’s trials as much as the Reagents are, all his nasty, grandiose rhetoric ultimately amounting to hot air: and unlike the Reagents, this does not end with him being reborn. He lacks the overarching purpose of eventual service to a greater cause that they have.
And therein lies the self-destroying prophecy inherent to his understanding of reality. You can argue that Coyle is aware (subconsciously or otherwise) that there exists the potential for him to be otherized, and by extension subordinated, for an immutable part of himself which is directly attached to his sexuality and masculinity. I’d be surprised if he wasn't, considering how loudly the prejudices of the culture he arose from are relayed to the audience. The fear that comes from that knowledge gives birth to an obsession with categorism, shame, and “justice:” which he rationalizes as an immutable aspect of reality by connecting it with the natural phenomenon of lightning. (“I used to stand in a storm and watch the lightning strike the plains and I would think, "well there you go." That's justice. Sometimes the finger of God reaches down and touches you. But you never know which finger it is you're gonna get.”)
This leads to violence which he is constantly rewarded for: and because it’s the only viable outlet he has for exercising those very issues which he was trying to avoid confronting in the first place… he overindulges. Loses all interest in presenting the rhetoric coherently, in favor of chasing the immediate release that cruelty provides with ever-increasing vigor. (Funny how he calls the Reagents “dope addicted” too. Mr. Sony VPL strikes again!)
But in the end, Coyle is worthless. He’s a tool, designed to be overcome. It's a similarly symbolic, utilitarian role to that of The Snitch, which potentially feeds into his perverse sense of protectiveness over him, but the people who are coming out the other end of this with a job to do in the real world are the Reagents. People he looks down on, people he terrorizes, people he’s so desperate to bend to his will. He’s like... white chauvinism revealed as senseless, small and disgusting, condemned to chase its own tail & buckle under its own weight no matter how hard it shakes it's fist at the sky. 
And in a series so fixated on delusion and the disintegration of the self, the nugget of reality within that was thrilling to see on screen. 10/10, would cringe at again.
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annmariethrush · 8 months
Low bar, but I’m constantly comforted by how anti-nazi and anti-confederate Supernatural is. Like, I’m honestly just a little disappointed they didn’t have an episode where they fight the fucking KKK?? Cause they go kind of hard against notions that are pretty common amongst the “all American hyper masculine man’s man from the Midwest who works hard for their money” demographic that the CW is just convinced is who SPN is for. They could have very easily been like “well, ya know, maybe the confederates had a point” and moved on, but no they’re like “what sort of backwards ass hicks here haven’t figured out they lost the fuckin civil war? Stupid ass Dixie boys” and then they regularly fight literal actual nazis and dean kills Hitler. Like. That is a very firm stance to take for a show that was happier to have its main character die than be bisexual and happy.
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bonefries · 11 months
cw negative // mentioning a racist character not to be that guy but why are there so many ppl in the outlast fandom so nonchalantly comfortable with downplaying coyle's character as a "sexy crazy cop man" when the literal first paragraph of his bio tells you about the fact hes been in the KKK since he was young (and joined it BECAUSE he is so physically violent)
sorry but it isnt the same as having the hots for a generic horror slasher when the motive for his violence is white supremacy that they arent even remotely vague about lol
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tumblasha · 1 year
book reviews: texas lightning round
at age 7 i fell in love with the public library system <3 now as a 21 y/o, every time that i visit home (my parents' house), i go to the public library and try to consume as much as i can, usually graphic novels! below are the ones i Devoured in the last 26-ish hours
all events are mentioned within the first ~20% of each book! mild spoilers oops
crumbs by danie stirling
overall rating: ★★★/5
cute story literally about being in a magic society where people have powers and (some) go to a special school to be a part of a council that saves people from many types of disasters & thematically about choosing between work (hard-to-meet goals, expectations) and love (familial, romantic, reality). art was good. traditional publication of a webtoon. kinda suffered from pacing bc it's a webtoon lol
slip by marika mccoola and aatmaja pandya
overall rating: ★★★/5
(cw: suicide) high schooler jade goes to a summer arts camp (for ceramics!). the week before she leaves for the camp, her friend phoebe attempts to commit suicide and is socially pulling away from her as she recovers. the premise sounded really raw and hard-hitting, but the authors added a fun supernatural-ish element to the story (still furthers the plot tho)! all of the ceramic animals that jade made come to life! art was good : )
superman smashes the klan by gene luen yang and art by gurihiru
overall rating: ★★★★/5
(cw: kkk, anti-asian racism) def my fav of all three graphic novels!! main characters are chinese-american siblings roberta and tommy lee who move from chinatown to the suburbs of metropolis. unfortunately, the klan decides to commit several hate crimes towards the lee family : ( superman also suffers from "not fitting in" (bc he's literally an alien) and trying to hide his powers his entire life. v cool to see superman going back to his roots of hating nazis. i wish this book were longer and dove into the themes of white supremacists being influential in the media, being non-white in a majority-white town, and more. the end of the book had a brief look into the rise of white supremacy in the usa and superman as an anti-nazi hero (also a cute story of how the author's parents met hehe)
though i push for restorative justice and other such topics for the long-term future, i truly believe in the next sentence for the short-term future: the only good nazi is a dead nazi!
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signalwatch · 1 year
Superman and Lois at 85
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April 18th marks the 85th anniversary of the release of Action Comics #1.  This comic includes the first published story of Superman and Lois Lane.  
Originally, Superman was imagined as an unstoppable force for good and a champion of the oppressed.  This hasn't fundamentally changed, but the scope and scale at which Superman operates in comics and film has expanded to include liberating whole planets and more nuanced takes on what a man of steel can do and not be painted as a villain by the general public. 
In many ways, Superman is a combination of traits borrowed from existing popular fiction.  Doc Savage had a Fortress of Solitude, The Shadow had dual identities to fight crime, Zorro was out there swashbuckling and in a love triangle of which he was two sides.  John Carter of Mars was an alien on Mars whose origins on Earth made him super-human elsewhere.
In those first issues, by day, Clark Kent was hustling to cover the news and tell people what was up, and by night he was wearing a peculiar costume and righting wrongs despite the bullets, knives and large metal doors intended to stop a body from doing the thing that needed to be done.  
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personal space, Clark
From the get-go, there was Lois - a colleague and firebrand unimpressed by Clark Kent and his nebbishy mannerisms, but swooning when this mysterious fellow leaped into action, often between Lois and someone threatened by whatever Lois was up to.  
It took some time for the science-fiction angle, beyond Superman's origin, to work it's way into the comics, but it did, and continues to do so.  Early stories were about slum lords, munitions manufacturers, gangsters and other threats ripped from the headlines.  Pre-WWII, Superman even famously dealt with Hitler.  His radio show took on the KKK.  
Eventually we replaced direct threats of our world with analogs and echoes of our problems.  Despots from nameless Central American nations became despots from distant planets.  Corrupt politicians and businessmen became rolled up in Lex Luthor.  
There's now 85 years worth of Action Comics.  Due to various publishing experiments, we're now on issue 1053 or so of the series instead of 1020.  That's a lot of Action Comics, but it's also just one of the many comics titles Superman has appeared in over the years, including his routinely re-numbered Superman main title.  I'd guess he's been in closer to 10,000 different comics, but that estimate is no doubt low.  That number doesn't include books, magazines, coloring books, etc...  
We've now had innumerable depictions in live-action and animation.  I'm currently a huge fan of Superman and Lois on the CW.  I look forward to James Gunn's coming Superman: Legacy.  My Adventures with Superman is a cartoon coming soon with Lois Lane's perspective as she encounters a young Superman.  DC Animation puts out a new animated Superman movie about every 18 months or so.  They're usually worth a watch on HBOmax.
I wasn't always a Superman guy.  I got into comics as I crossed into middle school, but I was in college before I *got* Superman.*  I've spent the past 25+ years or so collecting, studying and enjoying Superman as a lens into the past 85 years of media, consumerism, pop-culture and more newsworthy history.  But to say that I don't enjoy the visceral thrill of a man of steel who can fly and bend steel in his bare hands would be untrue.  I love all that stuff.  I love Lois Lane as the other central figure in the stories - a mere mortal who is all curiosity, energy and an unflagging sense of justice that both gets her into trouble and exposes the truth.
My own Lois, Jamie, has been incredibly understanding of me building my own Fortress of Solitude, and been, by default, along on this adventure since the beginning (we started dating around the time I was taking an interest in Superman).  I hesitate to think how much Superman trivia she has in her head at this point.  And so Superman has become an odd touchstone of our lives together.  
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a recent art print by Julian Totino Tedesco
Over the few decades I've followed The Man of Steel, he's changed costumes, universes, marital status, and more.  But the writers who get him understand the core of who he is.  And who Lois is.  And sooner or later, we return to that baseline, married or pre-marriage.  
Here's to another 85.  May folks still be thrilled and inspired by The Man of Steel and World's Greatest Reporter for decades to come.
   *you can enjoy the edgy stuff, too, but don't write off the core characters of your favorite comics worlds
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/rxD0TZm
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starkitten101 · 3 months
Drowning some random goodreads reviews for catharsis (I literally installed the tumblr app just to do this and I will be deleting it once I’m done)
Also cw for racism/white people bullshit, homophobia, and more in these screenshots
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The two reviews above were under a fantasy book with a nearly all-Indian American cast which was clearly aiming for a Desi-American teenage audience. I think the homophobic reviewer may have the wrong book since the only same-gender romance I remember is between two prominent female side characters.
Some segments of 5-star reviews under Gone With The Wind I found drown worthy (haven’t actually read it but have done a bit of research on its contents and slavery/KKK apologia):
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Also, for some context, GWTW has a star average of 4.31 on goodreads. For comparison, Kindred, a book that also deals with slavery and isn’t written by a white racist from the 1930s, has a star average of 4.30. I give up. (Please read Kindred please read Kindred please I’m begging)
Anyways, to do some reviews that aren’t outright bigoted, here’s some one star reviews of The Metamorphosis that I drowned because I felt like it.
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It’s. It’s about disability. That’s pretty clear when looking into Kafka’s life.
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It’s about disability. (Also this hypothetical alien book sounds like an autism metaphor lol).
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Okay I’m done. That’s it I hate that fucking website so much you guys have no idea.
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eucalyptus-gl0bulus · 9 months
Have y'all seen the TF2 reddit situation?
CW: The central guy is a transphobe but they're getting pwned on the internet
TF2 got a smissmas (in-universe term for christmas) update and one of the maps was Turbine Center, a neat, festive version of CTF_Turbine.
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In the map, there is a door labelled Tran S. Wright
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and this provoked the bad part of tf2 having an Open Community to pearl clutch over the political hideo game (this sign isn't readable on my graphics settings because i lowered them all the way down)
Obviously, there were people going "nice easter egg!" but one guy, a member of TF2's infamous MVM group MARIbot, posted something.
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known for making the right wing clowns who take a PVE video game like TF2's Mann Up mode like they're the secretary of defense and someone's launched nukes directly at the white house and their own house look like reasonable people, MARIbot was founded by the people too racist and shit to play with for even the pool-pissers at Tacobot to wanna deal with. A member, Bill Gaithers (on steam) named himself after someone too racist for the KKK, for reference.
The image also shows a comment by the poster, bragging about having 2000 reddit karma, which can be accrued by simply posting a picture of bridget guilty gear to r/196. This 2000 reddit karma has caused an inflated ego, with OP stating that they are "more successful than you will ever be."
This has since been turned into a meme, with such topics as the Among Us character under the map CTF_Crasher (the only good CTF map in my opinion, shame it's locked to halloween) complaining about all the SUS and amogus tasks being added to tf2 and one of the tf2 porn to the tune of Joji (Formerly Pink Guy)'s tick tock (heavy like a brinks truck) complaining about the lack of oily buff mercs in the game to have sex with.
with the original poster seeing and seething, the head moderator of tf2shitposterclub told him to "go make his own space if he wants to post this shit" and was met with a response, announcing r/tf2shitposterclubFREE.
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This obviously caused people to use their freedom of speech to shit on the only moderator on an unmoderated subreddit.
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The subreddit made because a toxic person couldn't handle trans people existing was covered with a little tranny here and there, everywhere, and it was beautiful. He's managed to verifiably ban one person, going against his free speech morals.
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Despite TF2shitposterclubFREE announcing its true free speech, the head moderator of it, the only moderator of it, and the one who started it all, manage to ban user wrenith. Ban note above.
He hasn't banned anyone else that's posted about their ban, but one person did start spamming furry and inflation and furry inflation porn on there.
The current state of the subreddit appears to be one of a moderator at complete odds with the subreddit itself. The thing he made to shit on "the filty trannie" HAS TURNED INTO THE TF2 196.
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taylorrrrrrrrrr · 2 years
Stamina do lek um dia ainda nos mata kkk
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