#klance fics that make me rip my hair out
it's five o'clock somewhere by soulreapin
rating: teens
published: 2024-03-09
completed: 2024-03-09
chapters as of may 22, 2024: [1/1]
word count: 8,180
summary: [ A sigh heaves out of Lance’s mouth and he props his elbows onto the counter before dropping his forehead into his hands. “Romelle. Bartender. We’ve been on the same shift for over a year.”
The bartender doesn’t say anything, contemplating. “Oh, she quit.”
“She quit?” Lance repeats, peeling his head from his hands and squinting at the bartender.
Now that they’re closer, Lance can see that there’s a faint scar on the bartender’s otherwise unmarred face, running from his jawline to the right side of his nose. His eyes are, like, forty different colors and Lance cannot tell for the life of him which one takes the lead, so he decides on a blackish-purple. They hide behind thick lashes and offer a no-nonsense look. “Yup. Quit two weeks ago. Don’t you work here? Why are you sitting at my bar?”
or, lance works at the san antonio riverwalk margaritaville as a waiter. during a horrible shift, he sits down at the bar expecting romelle, only to find she’s quit and someone new and beautiful has taken her place. ]
why i am ripping my hair out: what if i told you i am absolutely obsessed with margaritaville and the closest one to me is two hours away.. what if i told you that no matter your distance to the nearest margaritaville, you could experience those awe striking moments all over again from the comfort of your own home -- thats right, your own home!!!!
this fic is everything i love and enjoy in life, klance and margaritaville. im so serious. i went to margaritaville for the first time for my birthday and just thought about klance while i was there and also got drunk and dropped my phone in the toilet, but thats besides the point.
i have had this in my to rec bookmarks since it was written but ive been too busy to post and my retched formatting makes it difficult to rec on the go but anyways im back shout out margaritaville i absolutely adore this fic and it put me onto soulreapin shout out soulreapin if you read this i am subscribed
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spop-vld-wtf · 5 years
Klance Fic Recs (pt. 3)
Another update because Klance and its writers fill my heart.
Laughter Lines
Rated Mature, Swearing, Non-descriptive NSFW
Single Parent/ Modern AU
Once a homeless teenager, Keith is now a young, successful businessman who owns the most popular new gym in the state. Lance is a surrogate, single dad to his young siblings, and is doing his best to make ends meet. Neither has the time or desire to fall in love. Doesn’t stop it from happening, unfortunately.
“Surprisingly, no one wants to go out with the 23 year old dude with three kids under four and no time or money to treat them to fancy dates.”
“I do.”
My Notes: Ok, so this is a really good fic. Keith’s social awkwardness was just really relatable, and the kids were just. Very kid-like? Yeah. In most fics, kids are just shoved in and they’re all perfect and stuff, but this fic got it right. Kids can be cute, but also have tantrums and pull your hair and shit. Also, them caring for each other, even though Keith messes up so much, was great.
Golden Opportunities
Rated General Audiences, Sexual Innuendos
Group Chat/Modern AU
20 Chapters (70,802 words)
Pidgeot: So you know how my brother’s girlfriend is loaded?
Pidgeot: well she’s taking Matt and their boyfriend to Europe for a few months. Matt asked if he could bring me and you guys so,,,,,,
Pidgeot: Do you wanna go to Europe with me, my brother, Shiro, Allura, and Shiro’s brother?
There are so many times in life when things don't live up to your expectations. This trip? So much better than expected. Sights will be seen, love will be found, friends will be made. And they'll have a little fun while they're at it. But really, what's a better way to meet your soulmate than being stuck with them while traveling the world?
My Notes: This is another group chat fic, and at times it can get kinda crack-y, but in this fic, the humor is done really well. The Klance plot was just perfect, and I think that the fake-dating thing is so something they would do. Also, Shiro, Matt, and Allura’s relationship was poly goals.
time out of mind
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing, Sexual Innuendos
Time Travel/Future Husband AU
2 Chapters (27,849 Words)
Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future.
He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned.
Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
My Notes: Holy shit guys. I read this in 1 1/2 hours and it is just perfect. The writing style is brilliant, everyone is totally in character, and I fell on the floor laughing many times. The use of time travel was really interesting and the ending was everything. I really highly recommend this.
Video Killed The Radio Star
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing
Modern/Single Parent AU
11 Chapters (69468 words)
"Yeah I... I didn't know I had a sister," said Keith. "Until she died last month. And now I... now I'm, um, I-I'm like a single parent to my nieces."
He took a huge breath to steady himself, waaay to worked up to be on live radio.
"And I don't know what the hell I'm doing."
- In which Keith is the guy who suddenly finds himself a single-parent to his two nieces, and Lance is the charming radio host who might be the only voice of reason in this mess
My Notes: I couldn’t put my laptop down while reading this. The emotions were super raw and beautifully explained, the adashi was god tier, and Allura was just perfect (as usual). The oc’s (Judy and Yumi) were really fun, and Judy was really well layed out and three dimensional. There were parts that made me want to genuinly cry, but the pacing and comedic timing made sure that I was always laughing. And the epilogue was so fluffy and cheesy and heartfelt. I loved this fic, a lot.
Read All About It
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Swearing
Highschool/Modern AU
Keith is Altea High’s star athlete. And Lance, a wily reporter for the school newspaper, is crushing hard. The only problem? They’ve never actually met before. So when Lance decides to broadcast his long-hidden feelings in an explicitly romantic exposé, he ends up accidentally sparking a school-wide epidemic. Suddenly the entire student body is in on the drama, but are words truly enough to win over the school’s enigmatic heartthrob? [High school AU. Klance.] 
My Notes: As I’m writing this, only up to chapter 5 is posted, but this fic is really good so far! The plot is really interesting and I love that Lance is ditzy, but still really intelligent. A lot of people skip over that part of his personality :/. I think withholding Keith’s backstory was a good decision and the talks between Keith and Lance are intriguing. One of my favorite parts of this fic is that a lot of people have made beautiful fanart that goes perfectly with the great story that Read All About It is.
Take Note
Rated Teen and Up Audiences
High school/Modern AU
1 Chapter (13,620 words)
Lance has two notes for two people.
He really should have labeled them.
My Notes: First things first, Allura is best girl. (I mean, she always is, but especially here.) She’s super fun and supportive and I love her! But, to on Lance. Oh my goodness. He is so dense and poor Keith’s gotta deal with it. RIP Keith. I really liked the ending, it was really pure and cute. 
(BTW, the author of this fic, VulpesVulpes713, is also on Tumblr and contributing a lot of great stuff to the fandom as @vulpes--vulpes. You should really check them out!)
Rated Teen and Up Audiences, mild violence
Cop Au (!!!!)
1 Chapter (3795 words)
“You’re such an ass.”
Lance stares at him, dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“You’re not allowed to say that unless I can say it back,” Keith snaps.
“What—” Lance blinks. Then he realizes just what Keith is talking about and he falters, letting out a long, slow breath. “Oh,” he says softly.
“Yeah,” Keith responds sharply, but his voice wavers and he huffs. “Oh.”
My Notes: I’ve been waiting for a cop au since Voltron began, and this is all I ever could’ve hoped for! Badass Lance + protective Keith is something I definitely need more of in my life, and I loved how Lance kept his snark and sass even in the tensest situations. This was wonderful (and I need more!).
( hostage’s author @thespacenico is also on Tumblr with a lot more beautiful writing. Go check her out!)
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smolstrawberrychara · 6 years
Klance Au Month - Day 1 - Coffee Shops
This was not supposed to be so long. And I can in no way guarantee I will do prompts everyday, but I definitely want to do some! (rip my other fics)
Lance from Astro:
Keith gets soaked when he goes out for a run in the rain so hits up a coffee shop for shelter. Here he finds a boy claiming to know him and a barista who wants nothing more than for him, and his dripping wet self, to leave. When Keith realises he has no money, the stranger steps in...
Also available on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17626292
Keith had always been impulsive. As a kid that meant punching the little shit who decided to steal his crayon. As a teenager, it was skipping classes when there was something far more interesting happening across town. And as a student, it was going out as soon as he even glimpsed the sun’s rays peeking out between the sheets of grey cloud. Yeah, Keith had calmed down a lot in his old age. Or maybe he’d just learnt to deal with the frequently irritating occurrences of daily life better. That’s what Shiro would say, patting Keith on the back whilst wearing that well-practiced big brother smile that said ‘I’m proud of you,’ that Keith read as ‘please punch me’.
Shiro had introduced Keith to running. At the time, Keith hadn’t been to class in three weeks. Just moped about the house all day like a lonely vampire. But the sun had been shining and Shiro along with it. He’d dragged Keith off the couch and shoved him into some running shoes. Five years later, here Keith was, shorts on, headphones in, hair up. And the sun was shining gloriously for a cool February morning.
That was, when he left.
Now it was pouring like they’d suffered a monthlong a draught. They hadn’t. It had been raining on and off for two weeks now, and every day had been more miserable than the first. So, when Keith spotted the golden rays in the morning, you’d think he’d realise that it would be brief. That objects in motion, stay in motion. Nope. Keith ran out all guns blazing. And now, he was currently dripping wet as if he’d dived into the deep end of the pool, clothes and all.
His feet squelched in his trainers, and every foot fall blasted muddy water up his calves. His skin was covered in a thin membrane of sweat, rain and dirt and his clothes chafed with every slight movement. He huffed down the path, river on his right, houses on his left. He was exactly halfway around his usual route and this seemed to only encourage the storm, wind picking up and sweeping cold tendrils between the now permanent creases off his shirt.
Panting along the path, he finally got out onto the concrete of the quay. Usually it was bustling with tourists and locals alike. Boats lined the canal, rusted tractors lay abandoned above them, kids rolled around the grass and parents yelled at them to keep away from the edge. One day, Keith hoped to see one fall in. Trying not to laugh at the thought, he powered into the main hub. Outdoor seating lay around untouched, shop doors were pulled shut against yellow light and not a soul was in sight on the roads. Keith was weaving around bollards, slowing his pace to avoid slipping on the cobbles, when something caught his eye.
A door swung shut, light bouncing off the shining window. Just beyond, a figure hugged a trench coat tight to their body and slipped away into the silver stripes. Keith looked at the building. It was a modest one, coloured a pale blue with flaking paint and flower boxes full of drooping flowers. White plastic chairs were propped forward against similar tables, water collecting in pools across the surface. The window was steamed up, and the streaks warping the glass were painted with licks of orange from the indoor lights. It looked warm, and the rush of air from the door had the smell of coffee winding up Keith’s nose like smoke. Maybe he could afford to wait out the rain inside?
Keith swung into the café and was immediately assaulted with heat. He shivered on instinct, dragging his feet against the welcome mat as he looked around the room. It was small. White tables and colourful chairs cluttered the space. The counter was painted bright turquoise and held large glass domes filled with pretty pastry’s and delicate cakes. Beyond it was a loud machine, standing sturdy like a bodyguard and squirting out drinks with high-pitched screeches and hisses. Lining the window was a honey coloured table, with tall metal stools standing bright red against it. Keith made a beeline for them, swiping a hand across his face and shaking out his hair. Removing his head phones, he dropped them down on the bench and dug his phone out of his soaked shorts. That can’t have been good for it.
“Sir, you’re dripping.”
Keith jumped at being addressed. Behind him, a thin man glared at him with piercing eyes. Blond hair was sleeked back against his head so tightly that Keith could see every undulation of his scalp. Undulation being a bit of an overstatement to say it was more like his head was perfectly round and there were precisely zero dips in which to undulate with. Everything about him was startling perfect now Keith thought about it. Well-kept nails, creaseless uniform, apron free of any kind of stain.
“Oh, I, uh…” Keith looked down to find a puddle forming. Oops?
The man made a noise. All nose and disregard. Keith watched him raise a single, well-plucked eyebrow before leaving. Keith shuddered. Maybe this was the wrong place to dry off?
He placed his phone on the table and grabbed a few napkins from a pot nearby. Drying off as best he could he sat down.
He turned to the voice. Behind him, on one of the small square tables, was a boy. He had curly brown hair stuffed under a wooly hat, tanned skin stretched over pointy features and curious blue eyes that narrowed their way towards Keith. Leaning forward, he tilted his head at Keith and pursed his lips. Then they were suddenly splitting into a wide curve and Keith realised it was his turn to speak. He instinctively opened his mouth, waiting to say a name, but it never arrived. He realised too late he had no idea who this person was. He clapped his mouth shut again, dread filling his stomach. The boy seemed about Keith’s age, and did know his name. All evidence pointed to them being at least passing acquaintances. But Keith couldn’t place him anywhere. So, he did the normal thing and just stared.
“It’s me, Lance.” The boy said, raising his eyebrows. Keith continued to stare.
“From astro?”
Astro? Astronomy? Keith took the astronomy module. It was his favourite in fact. He loved stars and the mysterious objects space tried to hide from Earth. He never missed a class. And this person? He took it too? Keith brought the lecture theatre up to the forefront of his mind. Keith liked to sit at the front, near the edge - no-one to block his view and easy to make a quick exit. People rarely sat near him, and to be fair, people rarely turned up to lectures these days. How was Keith supposed to recall him?
“I’m in your tutorial class.”
Ah. The vision changed to a small classroom, whiteboard at the front with a permanent dent in the middle that gathered various conspiracy theories. The course leader, a shrewd rat-like woman with thin rimmed glasses, stood at the front writing equations. There was the guy who only showed up the first day and never again. The girl who always did her make-up before the start – oddly, without a mirror. The two guys who always arrived late. That first day when one of them turned and introduced himself to Keith. Oh. The blob cleared into what resembled a human before it blurred together with reality. Lance. From astro.
“There.” The guy sighed, “nice of you to remember me.”
Keith shrugged. He was beyond politeness these days. It’s not like they’d spoken more than that one time on the first day. Why would Keith remember him? Just as he settled himself back in his seat, Lance was talking again.
“How come you were out running in this?”
Keith let out a growl, “well it wasn’t like this when I left.”
The boy snickered behind him and Keith found himself turning toward the noise despite himself. Lance’s nose was wrinkled with the effort, eyes crinkling at the sides as he hid it in the table.
“Fair.” He said, “guess some of us would check the forecast first though.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “like you can’t just look out the window.”
The words were more for himself than anyone else, he wasn’t planning on starting a conversation, hadn’t planned to see anyone he knew. So, he was already looking back at the rain dripping down the glass when Lance snorted.
“Sorry, sorry,” he mused when Keith regarded him again. He shook his head, trying to hide his smile behind a hand, “you’re just- not what I expected.”
“Excuse me?”
Expected? What was Lance doing getting expectations of him? They just met.
“No, no! I didn��t mean, like not in a bad way. I just…”
He bit his lip, face the faintest tint of red. Keith found it irritating. People always made some kind of assumption when they met him. He used to play to it – if people thought he was a bad kid then he was going to be a bad kid. He remembered Shiro’s sigh, the lines in his brow that were verging on permanent, the sadness in his voice when he said ‘why is this the one thing you won’t rebel against?’ It stuck with Keith. It was such a strange thing to say. Keith always misbehaved. He refused to be told how to be - where to sit in the dinner hall, how to dress properly to impress foster parents, when to smile even when you didn’t mean it. He rebelled against everything.
And that’s when he realised what Shiro meant. People were always telling him he was no good. They didn’t even know him, and yet he was labelled a ‘difficult’ child. Not a kid for ‘first timers’. He would struggle through school, make trouble in the workplace and never amount to anything. But that wasn’t true. Keith was smart. He believed in rules – when they were fair. And he knew that smiling didn’t make you okay, just fooled other people into thinking you were. Shiro made a damn good point. Keith was just toeing the line. So, he quit lying. And
did what he wanted. Like a true rebel, he went to class, studied hard, smiled at Shiro’s lame jokes and let the words of others run off his back like water.
But above all, he refused to acknowledge anyone who paid him, or anyone else, that treatment. Which now meant Lance. He turned to the window.
“I meant I thought you were smart!”
And now he thought Keith was dumb?
“No wait! That didn’t come out right! I meant…”
Lance sounded kind of desperate. Shame. Keith wasn’t going to turn around. He sighed, flicking a menu over on the table.
It was the tiniest noise. More like a whimper. It didn’t really match the rest of their conversation. Keith dared a glance back. Lance was frowning down at his notebook, eyebrows in a furrow like he was cursing the thing. That was different. No-one ever used to apologise. Well, they never meant it. They never looked that upset about it, like it hurt them to hurt someone else. Keith opened his mouth to speak.
“You gonna order anything?”
Keith glanced up to find smooth head looming. He looked as if Keith was a grave inconvenience, a stain on his perfect coffee-shop world.
“If you don’t order anything, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Keith breathed through the irritation, squeezing his hands into fists. The waiter had a fair point, but he didn’t have to make it with such disdain. Keith was still a customer, he just hadn’t bought anything yet.
“Alright,” Keith mumbled, stepping up to reach into his back pocket. His hand slid against his ass, and then straight down to his thigh. Crap. These were his running shorts. He had no money.
Keith looked at the waiter. The waiter looked at Keith. Keith looked at the window. The rain threw itself against the glass like it was going to attack him. He shuddered.
“I’ll buy.”
Keith spun around. Lance was leaning against the back of his chair, fixing the waiter with a face dripping with raw, smug energy. His card sat between two slender fingers and he twirled it in the air.
The waiter sighed, clearly uncaring for the whole ordeal. Keith on the other hand, was still in shock.
“No, no, it’s alright.” He said firmly, gathering up his few belongings, “I’ll just go.”
“No.” Lance interrupted, “I’ll buy.”
His eyes were resolute, daring Keith to argue. Keith took the bait.
“No. I don’t want to owe you.”
“And you won’t.” Lance said lightly, following the waiter to the counter. “It’s an apology, for speaking with my foot in my mouth.”
He stopped to look up at the chalk board. Drinks were written in curly white lettering, with pastel coloured sketches drawn next to them.
“I’ll have a hot chocolate, please.”
Fingers clicked across the till.
“With marshmallows and cream?” The clerk asked in a bored voice.
Lance turned to face Keith then, elbows leaning back on the counter. He poured his gaze over Keith, right from his head down to his toes. Keith felt exposed, stomach swooping at the glint in Lance’s eye. Too busy fighting the heat spreading through his body, he didn’t get the chance to interrupt when Lance was speaking again.
“Oh yeah. Add extra sprinkles too, I want it extra festive.”
Keith let his mouth fall slack. Where the hell did he get that idea from? For one, Keith drank coffee. Black. And he didn’t do all the fancy stuff. He wanted a plain and simple drink and he did not want to draw attention. Lance on the other hand, drew all of Keith’s. He had a huge grin plastered across his face as he threw his head back laughing. Round-head rolled his eyes, dialling up the order and sparing Lance one of his disdainful glares.
“I’ll bring it to your table.”
“Thanks, Lotor!”
Then Lance was flouncing back to his seat and Keith was still standing next to his own chair. What had just happened?
“You didn’t need to apologise.” Keith rushed. Lance looked up at him, blankly. Then a smirk pulled against his lip.
“So, you already forgave me?”
Had Keith forgiven him? He couldn’t really remember what he was apologising for now. The whole… event, had him a little bit lost.
“So, then you’ll need a drink.” Lance said solemnly.
“No, wait.”
Lance grinned. Keith struggled. With this conversation, with this person, this whole situation.
“Take a seat, Keith.”
The chair opposite Lance moved out on his own, like a ghost. Keith approached with caution. He did not sit, but Lance shifted when he arrived, that same grin plastered on his thin lips.
“Come on, sit with me.” He crowed, swaying side to side.
Keith eyed the seat cautiously.
“Look, I really didn’t mean to offend you.”
He was looking down at his book again, pen drawing absent circles in the margin of his work.
“I was hoping we could be friends.”
Keith sighed. He shouldn’t sit down, shouldn’t be indulging in this. But despite that fact, Keith flopped down. Lance perked up then, shoulders bouncing. But before he could speak, Keith interrupted him “I get it. You didn’t mean to offend me. But I still can’t accept your drink.”
Lance considered this for a second. “Okay. How about, in exchange for the drink, you help me with my astro coursework?”
He tapped his pen against his notebook and Keith saw that there was also a textbook lying open above it. There were several papers strewn across the table and pens hiding between layers. Lance himself had pen marks all over his fingers and grey loops below his eyes.
That was enough for another one of those blinding grins. Lance seemed abundant with them.
“So, how come you recognised me?” Keith asked, wanting a distraction from the radiance.
Lance gave a little wiggle and Keith could tell he’d stepped on a landmine. With eyebrows bouncing he sent Keith a mischievous grin, ‘oh, I never forget a good-looking face.”
Keith nearly choked. Was he being flirted with right now? By a strange boy who shone too brightly for a coffee shop? A strange boy he in fact knew and had somehow missed in the however many weeks they’d been studying that course?
“Clearly I do.”
Lance’s brows froze in their strange hooks and Keith realised with striking alarm that he’d said that out loud. Oh god. Keith really was too well adjusted to life alone. Maybe he should listen to Shiro more and make some friends? Lance’s face was still frozen on his and Keith pulled at his shirt. Curse the heating in this place. He really shouldn’t have sat down. He glanced back to the window. Was rain really that bad?
“Hot chocolate.”
Keith jolted as a cup and saucer landed on the table with a loud clink.  Liquid swished out the side as the tidal wave settled, swirl of cream sloshing above. A light dusting of cocoa covered the top, pink marshmallows cut into the shape of hearts thrown haphazardly across the drink. The waiter levelled them with a look.
“With extra festive.”
“Thank you so very much.” Lance said through a giggle. The waiter rolled his eyes, sweeping back to his post at the counter. Keith stared at the drink. Then he stared back up at Lance. The boy was just sparkling eyes above two hands that covered his entire face all the way up to his spiky nose. Keith shook his head fighting off a smirk. He picked up the drink, lifted it to his lips and stared right into Lance’s glistening eyes as he took a sip.
Lance snorted.
“Perfectly matches your aesthetic.”
Keith shrugged, now losing the fight against his lips. “I dunno, I think it’s a bit understated.”
“You’re right.’ Lance said, poking his pen into Keith’s face, ‘it’s just not enough. Shall I call Lotor back and get him to bring us some glitter.”
Keith shook his head. “I’m thinking sparklers.”
Lance burst out laughing. He was all teeth and no eyes and Keith found the noise buzzing in his chest too. He quickly swigged his drink before it could be set free. The taste wasn’t bad either, if he was being honest. Sweet and creamy, tickling his lip as he drank. He was quite content until, one of the marshmallows rolled off and hit him in the eye. Keith frowned, glanced up and saw Lance pretending to read his textbook whilst barely containing more giggles. Keith shook his head but couldn’t shake the warmth in his cheeks.
“So, I’m confused on Quasars.”
Keith frowned, putting down his drink.
“Who isn’t?” He said, shuffling around to get a look at what Lance was reading. After a moment of no more words, Keith looked up and found Lance staring.
“Oh!” Lance whipped back around to his book, “It’s just, uh, it’s nice.”
“Hearing you say that.”
“What, ‘who isn’t’?”
Lance nodded, still not meeting Keith’s eye.
“Yeah. Guess I thought I was the only one.”
Keith didn’t tend to speak to the people in his class. That’s how he didn’t know Lance. He just kept to himself. But that meant he was privy to his course mate’s conversations. Namely, that nearly every topic they’d covered since the start of term had at least somebody complaining. To Keith, it was a given that absolutely no-one truly knew what they were doing on their degree.
Lance wasn’t Keith though. Lance didn’t just talk to strangers, he went out of his way to make friends with them. Those kinds of people always eluded Keith. Shiro was the same – he took in Keith, and from their first meeting, Keith had been convinced he was some kind of next level angel. But whilst Shiro was adept at caring for others, Keith discovered over time he struggled letting other people look after him. It was something Keith hadn’t had much of an issue with – once someone was actually willing to do it, he liked being looked after. But not everyone was Keith. And just because they weren’t Keith, that didn’t make them perfect. Or evil. And with the words Lance just spoke, it occurred to Keith, that he might have misjudged him. The thought made his stomach twist in a guilt he immediately wanted to fix it.  
“Trust me you’re not.” He said firmly. “Everyone struggles, you’re doing fine.”
Lance looked up at him then, lips parted as his pen fell to the paper in a dull thud. Keith immediately wanted to claw the words back. He should have thought more before speaking. They were far more intense out loud. Almost threateningly so. Keith scraped the barrel for some sort of distraction. Steer them away from his creepy intenseness. “Why-uh, why’d you think that?”
Lance’s stare held a second longer – a second that burned itself straight through Keith. Then he was reclaiming his pen and speaking again with a sigh, “my housemates. They just- they get it all, y’know? One lecture and they’re good to go.”
“I feel dead after half an hour.” Keith said honestly.
There were those who seemed to absorb everything, regurgitating hours later and sweeping through their exams. But Keith was not one of them. And even then, he had a suspicion he only saw what they wanted him to see – not the hours they studied the night before. Maybe even years– some people were that dedicated after all.
Lance let out a short laugh. ‘Me too. Alfor opens his mouth and I’m just dead.”
Keith snickered and soon they were discussing the ins and outs of all their lecturers. It was fun. Keith found talking to Shiro about his disdain for academics was like bouncing water balloons off a concrete wall. He was never impressed. Lance, on the other hand, became invested. His enthusiasm grew with his pitch, hands thrown around in fury as he recalled a particularly awful lecture that wouldn’t have been out of place playing in the back of a hearse. Keith had said as much and Lance had laughed so hard, he spat coffee everywhere. The waiter, Lotor, as Lance called him, was far from enthusiastic about their patronage. He wiped up the spill with a huff, eyes sharp enough to cut glass. As soon as he was gone, Lance fell apart laughing telling Keith about the time he put glue in Lotor’s hair at primary school and the other was yet to forgive him. Lance had zero regrets and Keith would probably commit the same crime now.
The more they talked the more Keith found himself watching Lance’s mouth. He noticed now, how animated it was. It could go from a small ‘o’ to a wide-open grin in a blink of an eye. His teeth were bright white, lined up like crooked little houses along his gums. Then there were his lips. They were pink and looked soft and every so often Lance ran his tongue along them. Keith wanted to do that too. The thought surprised him, and he quickly found somewhere else to look. He could blame the warm café for his reddening cheeks.
Keith hadn’t kept track of time, he hadn’t felt the need when he was happily filling the moment. That was until he heard the door chime and noticed they were the last guests in the café. Must have been a long moment.
Lotor appeared at Lance’s back, a looming vampire.
“Five minute ‘til closing.” He said curtly. Lance jumped at the proximity.
“Jesus,” he breathed, holding a hand to his heart, “does he even have footsteps?”
Keith shook his head, looking out the window. “Wheels for feet.”
Lance laughed beside him. It was a nice sound, loud without even trying. It was like it burst out from nowhere to set the room alight. The more Keith heard it, the more he wanted to hear it. He was stuck in a vicious cycle that he didn’t particularly want to leave.
“Which way you heading?” Lance asked, shuffling his belongings together. The rain was still trailing down the windows and the wind rattled the windows, demanding its next victim. Keith sighed, as he got to his feet.
“Penny Road.”
“Oh! I’m just by the roundabout!’
Maybe he didn’t have to leave quite yet?
“I, uh…” Lance continued, talking to the ground. He was rubbing his neck, now fully dressed in his navy blue rain coat and backpack swung over one shoulder. “I’ve got an umbrella.”
He looked up with a smile. A bashful one this time, with pink cheeks. Keith didn’t know what to make of it. The expression was so different to his previous ones. It made him want to lean forward and squish it. But that would be inappropriate, so Keith focused firmly on the words
“Good for you?”
Lance blinked at him, before a more familiar expression tucked himself against his cheeks, “I meant we could share it.”
“Oh.” Keith’s cheeks burned hotter than coals. He ducked his head before it could be seen and stepped towards the door. “Sure. I’d uh, I’d like that.”
Lance’s feet tapped along the wood until he was at his side again, grabbing a brightly coloured umbrella from the bucket by the door before swooshing it open. Keith grimaced as he was hit with cold air and icy blades.
“Might be a bit windy for that.”
Lance laughed, “nah, it’ll be fine when we’re away from the river.”
Lance was right. It was fine once they were walking along the streets lined with painted town houses. Keith couldn’t help noticing how snugly the two of them fitted beneath the bright fabric dome. He also couldn’t help noticing his urge to link his arm with Lance’s. He told himself it was to just to keep the heavy umbrella steady but that was a lie.
Not too much later they arrived at Keith’s door, startling red against the black and whites of the rest of the street. Keith felt a little smug about bagging this one. It was the best house, even with the cracks in its cobble stone path and the overgrown bushes lining the street and most of the garden. The rain had died down a little, pattering rhythmically against the umbrella like a tent and Keith lingered beside Lance. The peaks of the clouds above were dyed a deep orange where the sun was finally cutting through the grey as if giving its last cry of the day before it sunk down for bed.
“Well, this was a nice way to end a date.”
Keith felt his stomach jump, throwing the breath from his lungs. “Date?”
“Uhh, I mean…” Lance’s face was so bright it was matching Keith’s door. He blinked widely before looking at the ground and mouthing many words but saying very few. “It doesn’t have to be, I just uhh, I thought it would be nice, but I mean-“
“Well, in that case...”
Keith leant in close, right up to Lance’s freckles. He pressed a kiss to a flaming cheek, smiling at how it was warm like a mug of hot chocolate.
“See you in class.” He whispered, before peeking up at Lance’s face. It was red with fluster, blue eyes wide and gleaming as his mouth wobbled into something that resembled a smile. Keith returned the favour, before pulling the umbrella down and letting the rain ping off it. “Lance.”
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Fangs, Fur, and Phantoms - Chapter 1
Next Chapter
Y’all, I’ve been wanting to write a multi-chapter fic of the fangs and fur au since forever.  I’ve been working on this for months and I’m so excited to share it with you!
Fic contains Klance, Hidge, and (mostly) platonic Shallura.  The Hidge content is in later chapters, but it is coming, I promise.
Let the spooky fun begin!
Lance was pretty sure his boyfriend was a black hole.
Keith had invited Lance over to join his family for dinner and during that dinner he had managed to consume three whole steaks and a mountain of pasta salad and still went back to the fridge to retrieve some leftover meatloaf.
Lance shook his head, taking a sip of his blood pouch, which Keith’s mom had been kind enough to procure for him so that he would have something to eat at dinner, “Where does it all go?”
Keith swallowed the bite he was working on, “Would you rather I be hungry during the pack run and try to take a chunk out of your arm?”
Lance shrugged, “It’s not like it wouldn’t grow back.  Accelerated healing, remember?”
“Accelerated healing or not,” said Krolia, sitting diagonally from Lance and finishing off her own steak, “we don’t want to act too aggressive during the pack run.  The more we eat now, the more in control we’ll be once the moon rises.”
“Besides,” Keith’s adopted sister, Romelle, piped up from the other end of the table, “it’s a good way to get rid of those leftovers sitting in the fridge.”
Lance finished the last of his blood pouch, “Well, it was very kind of you to invite me over tonight, Krolia.  Do you need any help with the dishes?”
“No, that’s fine, Lance,” said Krolia, gathering up the plates, “You’re a guest here and you didn’t even dirty any of them.  Besides, I know Keith will help me with the dishes, won’t you, Keith?”  She tapped the leg of Keith’s chair with her foot and nodded toward the kitchen.  Keith rolled his eyes, but got up and followed her anyway.  As they exited the dining room, Lance heard Krolia whisper, “He’s such a gentleman!  Where did you find him?”
Lance turned toward Romelle, “So…how does this work?  Because I’m pretty fast, but I don’t think I’m, like, wolf levels of fast.  I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep up with everybody.”
Romelle smiled, “You’ll see.  If I can participate in a pack run, so can you.”
“Well, I’ll take your word for it.”
At that moment, the doorbell rang and Romelle’s pointed ears pricked up.  “Mom, they’re here!” she called through the kitchen door.
“Can you get it, Romelle?  My hands are full.”
Romelle grinned and tugged on Lance’s sleeve, “Come on, it’s time for you to meet everyone.”
She led Lance into the foyer and opened the front door and before Lance could blink, the small hallway seemed to be filled with dozens and dozens of werewolves, all chatting and greeting Romelle warmly and lining up to shake Lance’s hand while he desperately tried to remember all their names.  The one with the sideburns was Thace and the one with the mohawk was Ulaz and the one built like a tank was Antok or was it Regris?  He knew he should have gotten Keith to make him a cheat sheet.
Finally, a white-haired man stepped through the doorway, one of the largest werewolves in the room and definitely the oldest by several years.  He carried himself with the authority of a general.
“Are we all here?” he asked, looking around at the others, “Remember, less than half an hour until moonrise, so if you haven’t eaten yet, do so now.”  He turned and noticed Lance for the first time, “Who’s this?”
His gaze made Lance squirm, “I, uh…I’m Keith’s…um…”
“He’s my mate,” Lance felt Keith come up behind him and put an arm around his waist, instantly calming his nerves, “You’ve all introduced yourselves to Lance, right?  He’s going to be joining us for the pack run tonight.”
“That’s right,” said Krolia, walking into the room and wiping her hands on a dishrag, “so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior around him.”
Kolivan raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure about this, Krolia?  Pack runs can be dangerous to non-wolves.”
“He’s fine,” said Krolia, “He’s a vampire.  He won’t even get a scratch.”
Murmurs rose from the group assembled, with the word “vampire” standing out most clearly.  Lance winced.  Historically speaking, werewolves and vampires had not always gotten along.
“That…seems fine, then,” said Kolivan, “We’ll assemble outside.  If you brought any snacks, eat them now.”
“Come on,” said Keith, tugging Lance towards the kitchen where the backdoor was.  As they walked away, Lance couldn’t help overhearing Kolivan whispering to Krolia.
“Next time, I wish you’d consult me before inviting a non-wolf to the pack run.”
“You’ve never objected to Romelle joining the pack run.”
“Adopting an changeling into the pack is one thing.  Having a vampire as the future alpha-mate is—“
“You don’t even know if Keith wants to be the alpha someday!  I might name someone else as my beta.”
“Keith is your oldest child and a strong wolf in his own right.  We both know he’d be a great leader some day.  You and he need to think about what’s best for the pack.”
Krolia growled, “You were just like this when I introduced Tex to the pack.”
Keith was apparently eavesdropping too, because he pulled Lance closer as they stepped into the backyard, “Don’t listen to them.  Kolivan’s all hot air, he’ll warm up to you.  He did to my dad.”
“Is what Kolivan said true?  Are you really going to be alpha someday?”
Keith avoided eye contact, “It…would make sense.  Everyone knows Krolia’s going to be alpha once Kolivan steps down, but we haven’t really…talked about it.”
Lance wanted to ask more questions, but the moon was beginning to rise and Keith and the others were beginning to transform.  Keith started to remove his clothes so they wouldn’t be ripped and Lance averted his eyes for decency’s sake.  While he didn’t look, he heard Keith groaning and breathing heavily as he shifted.  There were medications a werewolf could take to make the transition less painful, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still uncomfortable.  When Lance turned back, his boyfriend’s human form was gone and in its place was a powerful creature, indistinguishable from a normal wolf except for slightly longer and more muscular forelegs and the fact that it was much, much bigger.
“You still you, babe?” said Lance.
The wolf panted, a silly grin on its face.
“I take it you’ll be riding with Keith?” said Romelle, the only other person in the backyard who still looked humanoid.
Romelle nodded and approached a wolf with thick gray fur and dark markings around her face, who Lance recognized as Krolia, and swung herself up onto the wolf’s back.
“Seriously?  This is gonna be awesome!”
Lance clambered up onto Keith’s back, reveling in the feeling of his soft, black fur against Lance’s hands.
“Let me know if I pull too hard, okay?”
Keith barked once.
Across the yard, a large, white wolf howled to get the others’ attention and loped toward the back gate and out into the woods behind the house.  Lance yelped as Keith and the other wolves bounded forward to follow their leader.
Soon Lance found himself flying through the forest, trees whipping past him and Keith as they rushed forward.  They were on the far left of the group, which seemed to be splitting up into smaller hunting parties.  Keith stayed close to Krolia and Romelle, the four of them forming their own hunting party.
Lance turned toward Romelle, “I feel like Princess Mononoke!”
“Nice, isn’t it?” Romelle yelled back.
Lance would have answered in agreement, when an unpleasant smell hit his nose.  Blood, stagnant blood that had been spilled hours ago and some other scent too, something he couldn’t place, yet made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
“Smell that, babe?” he said into Keith’s ear.
Keith huffed and changed course, following the new scent with Krolia close at his heels.
They didn’t see the dead body until they had nearly tripped over it.
Temptation, despite the name, was considered one of the classiest bars in the city.  Shiro almost felt bad about causing a scene there.
But not bad enough to reconsider it.
That evening, he and his partner, Allura, stepped out of the black sedan their organization had issued them and walked toward the entrance of the club.  The car, chosen to appear average and nondescript, now looked dingy and plain next to the sports cars and classic vehicles belonging to the bar’s other patrons.
Typical PBI, Shiro thought, Couldn’t they have sprung for a nicer car just this once?
“Think this is the right place?” Allura asked.
Shiro looked up at the purple neon sign, the word “Temptation” written in cursive and accompanied by the neon outline of a woman with devil horns.
“I’m pretty sure.”
The two agents approached the entrance, where an exceptionally buff woman with short hair was waiting with a metal detector.  As expected, the detector went off within two seconds of being waved near Shiro.
“What is this?” the woman said, pointing to Shiro’s arm.
“It’s a prosthetic.” said Shiro.
“You’ll need to leave it here.”
“Are you serious?”
“You could be concealing a weapon in there.”
But Shiro was interrupted by another woman approaching them, clad in a black cocktail dress, her dark hair pulled away from her face.
“It’s all right, Zethrid,” she said, placing a hand on the buff woman’s shoulder “I can vouch for these two.  If you’ll follow me, please…”
Shiro and Allura followed her into the bar.  The place was tastefully decorated in black, silver, and various shades of purple.  A stage dominated the back wall, where a woman in a high ponytail and a red evening dress crooned seductively into her microphone.  The woman in the cocktail dress led the two of them to a booth in the corner.
“Anything I can get you two to start out?” the woman asked.
“Whiskey on the rocks,” said Allura.
“A ginger ale,” said Shiro.
The woman raised an eyebrow.
“I’m our ride home.”
“This is a lovely establishment you have here,” Allura added quickly.
“Yes, Lotor takes great pride in his business.”
“I don’t suppose he’s in tonight?” said Shiro, “We’d love to meet him.”
“I’ll see if he’s around,” the woman said, “And I’ll have those drinks to you right away.”
As she walked away, Allura leaned in, “Ginger ale?  Really?  There goes our air of mystery.”
“Drunk driving’s illegal, Allura.  I’m not taking any chances.”
“You’re really leaning into the straight-laced agent persona, huh?” said Allura.  She leaned back, “Think our server is Acxa?”
“I certainly hope so, or this is going to be a real short visit.”
A few minutes later, the woman returned with two drinks and a man in a well-tailored suit and long platinum-blond hair.
“I was told you wished to speak with me, Mr…?”
“Shirogane.” said Shiro, “And this is Miss Prince.  I take it you’re Lotor.”
“The one and only,” said Lotor, sliding into the booth, “How can I help you two?”
“We think we might have a mutual friend with you,” said Allura, reaching into her clutch purse and pulling out her phone.  She pulled up a photograph on it, “Do you recognize this woman?”
Lotor looked at the phone and frowned, “Can’t say I’ve ever seen her.”
“Strange.  Well…” Allura slid to the next picture, “What about this woman?”
“Don’t recognize her.”
“Or this man?”
“Never met him.”
“That’s funny.  They all seem to have met you.”
Lotor raised an eyebrow, “And where do they say they know me from?”
“Well, they all seem to be under the impression that you forced them to hand over a large sum of money,” said Shiro.
“Did they?  And how do they say I managed to do that?”
“By seducing and hypnotizing them into complying with your demands.”
“Hypnotizing?” Lotor scoffed, “Next you’re going to accuse me of putting a magic spell on them.  Be reasonable, Mr. Shirogane, we’re all adults here.  How could I possibly hypnotize someone into giving me money?  It’s not humanly possible.”
“You’re right, it’s not possible.  For a human.”
Lotor rolled his eyes, “I assure you, Mr. Shirogane, I am entirely human.”
“Then this shouldn’t hurt at all.”
Shiro reached into his waistband and pulled out a small green water pistol, spraying Lotor full in the face.  Lotor leaned back abruptly, screaming in pain, steam rising from his face where some nasty boils were beginning to form.
“He’s the real deal,” said Shiro, “Call them in.”
It took Allura only a few taps on her phone before the doors of the bar burst open and three men in black suits barged in, immediately spotting Shiro and Allura at their booth with Lotor.  Two of the men grabbed Lotor by the arms and handcuffed him while the third trained a Super Soaker at him.
As the men were carting Lotor away, the woman in the cocktail dress approached their booth.
“I thought he’d go down with more of a fight.  I’m Acxa, by the way.”
“Agents Shirogane and Prince,” said Allura, “It’s the holy water.  Works like a charm.  You’re the woman who called in the tip, aren’t you?  How did you know that man was an incubus?”
Acxa shrugged, “I went to his office to ask for a raise.  I left the office under the impression that the last thing in the world I wanted was a raise.  It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I had no memory of the actual conversation.”
“Good instincts,” said Shiro, just as his phone began to ring, “Excuse me one moment.”
He checked the ID on his phone.
“Iverson?” asked Allura.
“Must be important if he’s calling us on a job,” said Shiro.  He accepted the call, “Yes, sir?”
“Wrapped up the incubus case yet, agent?”
“Just about.  We still need to debrief, but otherwise we’re done.”
“Well, you and Agent Prince had better come in as soon as possible.  We just got a new case.  You’re really going to want to see this.”
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maplecatra · 6 years
Racing Raindrops
Hey y’all! I just wanna say that I’m so happy to have been in this fandom as long as I have. It’s been a wild ride and I’ve loved every second of it. I love how the langst community was able to bring people together and how different ships are generally tolerated (shhhh). It’s nice being in such a supportive and loving family and I’m glad I get to be here. I love all of y’all so much. Without further ado, the Fic. Happy Birthday Lance!!!!
2,142 words, no trigger warnings, Klance and Langst
Lance watched as the rain slowly slid down the windshield. It was a warm day on the planet, and though gloomy Lance found something peculiarly beautiful in it. He would have been outside but they weren’t allowed to leave, seeing as the atmosphere was dangerous to humans. Lance didn’t care anymore.
He wanted to be out in the rain on Earth, listening to the clamor inside the house as his family got ready for dinner. He could almost smell the garlic wafting out of the windows as he sat on the porch in the chilly air, his brown fluffy hair getting soaked. He could almost hear his mother calling him back inside with the warning that he would get a cold. He could almost taste the garlic bread and fettuccine as he ate as quickly as he could, eager to be outside with the stars. He could almost feel the weight of the flashlight in his hand and backpack on his back as he snuck out to meet up with his friends in the middle of the beach, coming back smelling of smoke from the bonfire and a dopey grin on his face.
He felt tears well up in his eyes. He was there again. He was in his old family home. And then something in him broke. He couldn’t cry here, not in plain sight of the other paladins. Not when they were only a lion away, some still in the motel. All of them had their comms on just in case and he could hear their calm breathing. He couldn’t cry, not now, not now not-
And then a huge sob ripped through him. He couldn’t handle this anymore. He couldn’t be strong anymore. He tore his helmet off and threw it to the side then curled up in reds seat, grabbing his hair and practically tearing it out. He needed to be home.
He needed home.
He needed the garlic bread that his family made from scratch. He needed the bonfires that would last all night and stain his clothes with the smell of smoke and make his eyes itch. He needed the beach, her calm waves as he broke down and told her everything that hurt his heart and the waves that listened. He needed the rain.
The rain and the waves were his friends, the sky and the stars were amazing, breathtaking even, but the beach was his home. The beach was the one who held him in her warm and salty embrace. He knew the sea, knew how to tell a rip current from the regular waves. He could remember clearly the smell of the sea foam and the sound of the waves breaking against the shore.
He needed the gentle sunrise brushing against his eyelids, encouraging him to get up and face the day. Here in space he was woken up by alarms. Here in space he didn’t feel like getting up at all. Here in space he wasn’t welcome. Here in space he hid behind his mask because no one wanted to see the broken person who was there.
He had been shaped by veradero and the warm current lapping against his ankles. He was a piece of sea glass, shaped by the gentle push and pull of the currents into something that is unique in itself. But traveling to space brought something else out. A sort of sharp edge.
He heard someone sobbing, probably himself. He didn’t care anymore. All he wanted, no, needed, was the sand. SometHing in his gut was pulling him back to Earth, making his stomach twist and come out his throat. The universe was too much for him right now. His friendships were slipping away like sand in an hourglass, everyone around him not trying to put in emotional effort or commitment.
He kept pushing people away accidentally, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t used to these feelings of general unease and these self esteem issues since he never had them back on Earth. He was always “cool guy Lance,” the one you got in touch with if you wanted to go night swimming and still be safe. So he kept up that appearance because he was used to it. It would be weird to shift from someone fun loving and happy go lucky to depression and anxiety riddled, right? He couldn’t just switch, it would be weird.
It wouldn’t just be that, it would be selfish to drag other people into his problems. For now he cried. He could hear his soft sobs mixed with the gentle pattern of rain against the windshield. At one point or another he had started talking to himself, something he had learned in 4 grade from his brother who struggled with social anxiety.
He knew most of the thoughts he was having were selfish. Everyone wanted to see their family again and some of them didn’t even have family to go back too. That was part of the reason why he never went to anyone, he was so scared of what might happen. He was always scared it seemed. These days the day mixed with night as his eyes never stayed shut for a long enough time to sleep. His skincare routine was the only thing that kept him rooted, that and the collection of “prizes” in the back kitchen of red.
The rest of the paladins didn’t really consider the gifts that the alien children make for them as prizes. Hell, most of them don’t even take the time to connect with the locals. Lance did. Every planet they went to he shook hands with every alien that wanted to meet him. He signed thing for all of them. Keith was one of the only other ones to do this. He collected souvenirs from all the planets. But the thing Lance loved the most were the kids. They would give him scribbled letters saying things like “you’re my hero” and “thank you so much” in scribbled languages that Lance had taken the time to learn at least some of, using the lions translators.
And his thoughts drifted back to something a kid had said on the last planet they had freed. The kid had said, with a bright smile on his face and some sort of green teddy bear clutched in one of his right arms “Thank you for letting me be who I am! All the kids used to make fun of me because of my darker skin but now that your a hero they don’t make fun of me anymore!”
Those were the moments he lived for. Another sob tore through him and made him cough with its intensity. He was sobbing grossly by the time his thoughts brought him back to where he was. He was still quietly crying to himself but he started to find a sort of peace in the windows outside. Red had dragged his gaze there and made him stare at the rain. Most likely Red was trying to help by giving him comfort but it made him cry a little harder as he remembered a game he used to play with his family. Racing Raindrops, for when he was stuck inside with his cousin and they had nothing better to do, so they raced raindrops.
Then suddenly, his lap got a lot heavier. A half galra and his space wolf was teleported straight into Lances lap, surprising him. Keith stumbled through his words before finally settling onto some that seemed good enough.
“I never knew you felt like that,” Keith said, surprised.
Lance turned away and tried to quickly wipe away his tears, frustrated.
“I heard you over the comms when Lucy woke me up. I’m sorry Lance,” said the boy currently on Lance’s lap. Lances face was still turned away when he heard a dull thump. He looked down to see Keith, who had slidden off the chair. For the first time in a while Lance actually smiled and laughed. And Keith looked so enchanted by that sound, like he wanted to keep it in a bottle. But the laughing soon returned to light cries again and all Keith could do was struggle up and pat the others back awkwardly. Red switched another seat to the front, a couch. They fell asleep snuggling on the couch after spilling every last detail with eachother. In the morning it was still raining, and to boggy to go anywhere so they talked again. They talked about life and about what encouraged them to go to space. They talked about the stars, not up close, but the stars back on Earth. Lance talked and talked and talked about Veradero.
“Must be a beautiful place.” Keith said wistfully “I’d love to go.”
And Lance turned to him with a wide grin and said back “You totally can! I’d love for you to stay with me.” And so they talked again. About expectations and life, of extra miles and video games they used to play to pass the time. Then, Lance looked out the window longingly.
“Hey, do you wanna race raindrops?” Lance said, in the most innocent voice Keith had heard.
“Sure, why not” he replied.
And that’s what led them up to next, hands folded together, faces flushed red as Lance leaned in for another peck on the cheek. They had been racing the small droplets sliding down the glass and Keith had been winning. Without thinking Lance had pressed a kiss to Keith’s cheek in order to distract him. And he didn’t lose his drop thanks to Red. Lance won by default, but his giggle was so cute that Keith forgave him. They talked and kissed the second night, held in eachothers’ arms. All of them left for Earth the next night. It was a long journey and almost over. They went to Cuba first, seeing as it was the closest and they wouldn’t get to spend time with their families after they met up with the Garrison. Lance jumped out of Red as the lion purred him along.
His mom screamed when she first saw him. Then started breaking down and hugging him as hard as he could. His dad was a delayed reaction. He called to mama asking her who was in the yard. Then recognition dawned on him as he took in Lance, the jacket that used to be his. Veronica was next. Practically sprinting outside with a baseball in her hand, she was ready to throw down with whoever made her mom scream. She saw Lance and tackled him immediately. The rest of the family all came around and various reactions were displayed.
The rest of the paladins looked on awkwardly but with smiles on their faces. Then, Lance ushered them forward. He introduced each and every one of them. When Lance forced Keith forward by poking at his back he explained to everyone that Keith was his boyfriend Keith felt a shiver go down his spine. And Lances entire family hugged them all tight and told them to stay for dinner. So they did. Hunk helped Lance’s mom out with cooking and Shiro played with the younger kids. Veronica and Allura were talking together while blushing and Lance was definitely gonna set them up later. And Lance turned back to his partner as he finished setting the table and kissed him quickly, flustering Keith.
After dinner it was a peaceful night. Lance had voted to meet his other friends the next day and then leave the third. He stepped outside and took a deep breath of the calm night air. He looked up at the stars, the ones he so frequently stared up at when he was younger. He felt Keith sit on the porch next to him.
“Do you regret it?” asked Keith
“What do you mean?” Lance responded
“I mean going into space. You have a family here that love you and if you had stayed you might have been able to spend more time with them. It’s hard isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it’s definitely hard. It makes it all worth it when I meet the fans though. The kids always look up to me and that pushes me to work harder and to be the best. C’mon, let me show you something.” And with that Lance grabbed his boyfriend by the hand and dragged him over to the beach. It was beautiful in the day, but breathtaking at night. As Keith slowly took it in, the stars reflecting onto the waves, Lance rushed ahead and splashed in the water. Keith joined him a moment later, smiling. Lance was grinning like an idiot when he splashed Keith. They had a small water fight, splashing around in knee high water getting their pants soaked. They giggled and pressed their foreheads together.
“Do you regret it?”
“Not a second”
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tobiologist · 6 years
first date
thanks to popular demand, i’ve decided to crosspost my 30 Days of Klance ficlets here!! i’ll be posting a ficlet a day, as i did in june. they’re around 900 words each and all sfw. enjoy 💙❤️
starred (✨) fics won the special survey and will become full oneshots!
This isn't a date.
Lance sits straight as a board, staring at the screen hard enough to make his eyes sting a little. Nope. He won't blink. Or glance to his right. Or even think about scooping some weird purple alien popcorn out of the container perched in Keith's lap.
He's going to watch this movie so attentively that he'll be able to quote it word for word long after it's over. Although… he's lost track of what's happening. Something about a grand Altean wedding? And family drama? Like the Altean equivalent of My Big Fat Greek Wedding maybe. He isn't sure, okay, because Keith asked to go to a theater at the space mall— just the two of them— and now his hand is on the arm rest between them with his fingerless gloves and hastily clipped nails and—
“That kiss looked really uncomfortable,” Keith remarks offhandedly around a mouthful of popcorn. He motions at the couple on screen post-kiss. “He did not know what he was doing.”
And the words are out of Lance's mouth before he can stop them. “How would you know?”
Oh sweet mother of quiznak strike me dead right here and now.
But Keith takes it all in stride and has the nerve to remain completely calm. “Because I've been kissed before?”
“What?” Lance hisses. “I mean— uh. So have I but… how could you tell?” Which is a blatant lie, but Keith doesn't need to know that.
“Yeah on a few occasions when we were still at the Garrison.” He shrugs. “Nothing too earth-shattering. I can hardly remember them. Well, except for the first one.”
Keith then launches into a full, whispered retelling of his first kiss. Lance’s face is burning. There's a persistent itch beneath the surface of his skin that has him shifting around anxiously. Wondering what it'd be like to bury his fingers in Keith's hair, how his lips would feel against his. He never knew any of this about Keith. That a shy boy in their second year of the pilot program pressed a chaste kiss to Keith's lips in the darkened halls of the dorms. That Keith liked kissing. More importantly, Lance wonders why Keith felt the need to tell him in the first place
Lance is really starting to think this might be a maybe kinda sorta date after all?
“...and that was that.” Keith finishes with a sigh. “I haven't kissed anyone since.”
“You can kiss me.”
Oh, really now?! He can, Lance? Lance wants to rip out his damn tongue. He'd gone and done it now.
“Okay,” Keith answers simply. “People kiss on first dates anyway.”
Date. Alright, okay. Cool, cool, cool. So this has been a date all along. No big deal. Keith's flirty little, “It's a date,” when Lance agreed to come suddenly made a lot of sense.
Gold star for Lance!
“This is our first—” The rest of Lance's question is swallowed by Keith because oh my shit he's really leaning over and kissing me.
Soft and hesitant, unmoving for a couple seconds. Warmth radiates from the point of contact. Lance feels his eyes roll back in his head, an unbidden noise of contentment slipping out. This is amazing, Lance muses deliriously before Keith pulls away.
“We'll, uh,” Keith mumbles, awkwardly fumbling with the popcorn container. “Continue that later. I guess. If you want.”
Eyes still closed shut, Lance hums softly. His brain has officially melted. What are words? Do they even matter anymore?
“Absolutely,” he manages to respond with a dreamy sigh.
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multifarious-fan · 6 years
VLD S6... Lights?
*sniffles* Liz here. Hi. If your reading this, that means you've finished the season like I did or your just super eager and are torturing yourself with spoilers. Dw, I won't hold back and I'll give you every bit of what we saw this season along with some explanations.
I'm making a list cause lists are awesome and just simply tell you the "lights" of the season, not low or high. just facts:
Some Hunk love It's about damn time we got something. Everyone should be a Hunk Stan. Just some facts...
Keith coming back in black, made me super happy. Keith stans HAD THIS SEASON YESSS were the very few stans who got lucky
Keith's family arc *applause* His dads country twang was amazing, Krolia just couldn't resist.
Lance again seeing himself as a "wheel." Even asked allura and lotor if he could be their third wheel. Smh at how sad that was.
The "I'm just a boy from Cuba" line was not used to its full potential. And all us Lance stans, there's mixed feelings about I'm sure.
Kuron Shiro lol. Paladins: "Shiro is acting super weird..." Keith: "Oh, You haven't heard?"
White haired Shiro (thats right, we got fuckin duped thinking it was gonna be all black) I was shooker than a salt shaker.
Lance sobbed... out of like... sad feelings. That's never... happened, I mean Allura but nobody else. And I'm like relieved and sad at the same time he cried like I'm glad he's letting out his emotions but I'm sad he feels like he messed things up cause he didn't realize what was going on with Shiro that much when he was in THE BLACK LIONS MIND PALACE PLACE. That was sad. But he's a good boi.
Lotura content
And it was canon for like a hot second. The writers took this ship and dragged it through hell, and then dunked it in mud, and then tore that apart like paper, and then blended it for fun, and glued it back together just to cast it ablaze again. Then threw the ashes deliberately into the trash can, forget about recycling. Rip lotura shippers.
DnD episode of course!!!! Reminded me why I love this show so gosh darn much.
A bit of allurance content (not exactly canon though)
Keith has a wolf now, that's a high fucking plus. I need a name STAT! KEITH HAS A WOLF! THIS IS NO FUCKING DRILL!!! FANART LETS GO!
BROGANEZZZZZ we all sobbed for this episode. Dear Crispy Chrysler. Sorry to the sheith shippers out there today. Rip to you too.
Up for discussion: BPL. And we all know what that stands for. My reasoning is bad but here goes nothing: Keith and Shiro, when they were talking about what really happened to the real Shiro, were talking in the black lion's like mind or some shit right... and it made sense they were both there cause they're black paladins... so why was Lance there? Why not anybody else? Why Lance? I'll tell you, cause he's eligible to become Black Paladin. Or maybe Shiro was just tryna get some help. I dunno.
This scene was a blessing from the universe:
Tumblr media
Just look at that hair^^^^^^^^^^
Truth about Lotor's true intentions... turns out he was just a cunt T-T
More Alteans. How crazy...
Coran Lost his ship. They all lost it. Just gone.
And I just wanted to say also how much I love this show. I love this show. A lot. I'm a heavy klance shipper and I'm happy. Everyone should just be happy because this season was an amazing season. In my opinion ships are still up for debate on which will be canon in probably the next coming season so everybody just sit and relax, enjoy the fics and fan art. Don't fight anybody yet. Just love each other rn cause we got an amazing season, don't ruin it by fighting. And I'd be surprised if anybody even has the energy left to fight anyone after that.
*sips tea* And thats most of it. FEEL FREE TO ADD!! My eyeballs hurt from being up so long. Till next time!!
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illusmeta · 6 years
s7 thoughts, in no particular order (spoilers yes)
1. Bex was right. This season hurt more than s6, if that’s even fucking possible...the last five episodes were just the most painful ride i have ever been on
2a. ok but WHY MUST HIS FAMILY BE THE ONLY ONE THAT ISN’T SAFE. the scene where keith talked to him was really fuckin sweet but also....just...give hunk his family??? 
2b. that being said we now know hunk’s connection to yellow is comparable to keith’s with black. yup. s3′s hunk not wanting black paladin was foreSHADOWING BICTH and it makes sense bc hunk is literally the team’s stability now soooooo <3 he honestly is the biggest hero of the team, fucking carried the team, deserves the world
2c. and HUNK HOLDING THE TEAM TOGETHER IN EPISODE 6??? i fuckin SCREAMED he deSERVES THE WORLD and i would die for him he’s my fuckin role model 
2d. self-care is making my inner voice HUNK and having him tell me to take care of myself...my crops are FUCKING WATERED
2e. and hunk care...is seeing shay again <3 my loves!!!
3. james griffin turned out to be less of an asshole than he could have been, give him a fucking medal lol but the subtlety of his learning to accept Voltron and specifically keith was pretty sick actually. apart from the heart-wrenching, this season had a great deal of subtlety in character development like that (before s8 or 9 when the stakes go way up of course) and i for one appreciated it 
3a. his team...also awesome. especially the girls, i love them 
4. ok but after that last episode when the whole thing just went silent...I legit thought the showrunners did it. fucking murdered everyone. keith said “it’s been an honor” and my tiny heart just broke. i keep telling myself that the showrunners can’t keep loading on impossible situations with everyone with their backs to the wall and still have it be believable but in that last scene...I believed it. I thought their luck had run out. and these guys...in a lot of ways, it feels like i’ve grown up with this show, from the end of freshman year to now. it felt like i was losing my real friends. and i thought that james’s crew had been brought on to replace them. kudos to the show for making something so incredible, but also...fuck. the adrenaline and tension has literally given me a massive headache and after i write all this down i’m gonna take a realllly long nap
5. I could write an essay on why Admiral Sanda was valid and then write another essay on why she wasn’t, but i could write a fucking thesis on why the showrunners got her arc just right
6. episode six...ohhhh my god. you know how s6 stuck a knife in my heart? well, that episode twisted it, pulled it out, and dragged my innards out with it. 
6a. seriously, think of the psychological horror of that episode. it’s one thing to die in battle, feeling you have a clear purpose and strategy and knowing you died for something. it’s another to die slowly, and painfully, without any sign that your actions ever mattered or that they can ever matter again, without any sign of hope. it’s another to die uncertain and afraid, unsure of what world you’ll leave behind, unsure of the people you’ll leave behind. small wonder everyone wanted to believe they were home. it was the first thing that kept them from going completely insane. they had to believe in it. 
6b. consider: the sheer mental force of will Hunk had to force the team forward and away. Think of just how in-tune with himself he has to be, how brave he has to be, to go against his own heart and his own team and push back and believe in himself. Honestly, Hunk is a miracle. he uses his caution to make him stronger. keith was right to admire him. he really was. 
6c. small bone to pick: i guess keith’s leaving the team has finally been...dealt with? i don’t think it’s finished but i generally think emotional development needs more focus in voltron. That’s what headcanons and fics are for, i guess? after all, it is still a kids show, and i guess the showrunners want to make sure the pacing matches that... 
7. sooooo. ships. we gotta talk about that. Wasn’t super happy with how axca was coded to be a love interest for keith. personally i’m still holding out for them finding out they’re related bc axca just seems like she’s coded to be waaaay older than keith but then again that might just be me. also: allurance maybe confirmed? I do hope that if the showrunners really want this to be endgame, they take some time next season to fully flesh out why allura’s not using lance as a rebound. like...come on. everyone knows he deserves better. 
7a. on the bright side: zethrid and ezor. nice. 
7b. double bright side: hunk and shay. NICe
7c. klance is gonna get all its mileage from episode 4 and the fact that red and black make cool wing boosters, calling it right now, the ship will never fucking sink lol tbh i don’t care that much anymore??? like, the whole show is just coming together so well and i’m happy with whatever??? as long as there’s no toxicity and everyone loves each other i’d be perfectly happy if keith and hunk became a thing 
8. the paladins with their families is just. Nice. 
8b. Hunk’s flashbacks...honestly, he’s even more of a mama’s boy than lance is and he’s just. perfect. 
8c. lance and his sister lmao. veronica knows what’s up 
8d. pidge <3 again with the subtlety of the emotion the showrunners pulled off this season...10/10. everything shows on her face and it’s wonderfully done and alSO COLLEEN HOLT IS SUCH A BADASS. just fucking SNAPPED and gave Sanda the what-for. she’s valid 
8e. but question: where the FUCK IS SHIRO’S FAM I am INSULTED are you just gonna be like, “hey shiro can put his life on hold and pretend like he’s not hurting too? he came back and adam was dead. after all this time, thinking adam would outlive him. that’s harsh and i’m feeling it 
9. can we go back to the atlas? ok. that shit was fuckin relentless 
9a. so much screaming and sciency-mumbo-jumbo i feel like the showrunners were just throwing in random words with ‘o’s and hoping it worked 
9b. and shiro, powering up an entire voltron XL through his arm and his connection to altean magic?? completely implausible. honestly tho? i don’t fucking care. Shiro is magic, friendship and resilience are magic, the paladins’ resolve is basically the only thing holding voltron together at this point, and I DON’T CARE. they’re fucking badasses and they can do what they want. at least the showrunners used the small details, like sendak’s memories and the castle crystal thing. there’s my bar -- using past story details. everything else? whatever, i’m using this fiction to escape reality, not constantly poke holes in it 
10. if i had to pick favorite episodes: 6, 9, 10. maybe 12 and 13 for sheer emotional trauma. 
10a. this might be my favorite season, tbh. i honestly don’t know yet bc i’m still really Shook(TM) but while i can’t say the season made me happy (it actually fucking ripped up my heart and stomped on it), i can say it left a mark. and I think voltron has a future in saving the universe with the earth as its home base. 
11. ngl, the characters in this season? fine. 
and now: a list of girls i thought were cute: 
- Allura (as always)
- Veronica (called it) 
- the girls on the MFE team (Leifsdottir and I forgot the other girl’s name, started with an R i think, either way she’s cute) 
- Ezor (i’m a simple fool)
- Romelle with her hair up is such a Look and I love it 
a list of guys: 
- Keith (as usual) -- seriously, why is his animation always 100000X more expressive and beautiful than everyone else’s?? someone up there loves anime pretty boys and I am NOT COMPLAINING like in episode 5 his faces of fear were just so beautifully and expressively drawn 
- HUNK. 
- james & kinkade (is that how his name is even spelled lmao) 
ANYWAY. i had feelings, thought I’d share
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awkwardedgygirl · 6 years
Stay for A While- Chapter 3
I’m back! I’m sorry it took so long to write chapter 3 I just got a new job. This chapter is kind of long though so at least that is a thing? Also I want to say hi to all the new people! I hope you like my story. This chapter got kinda serious in some part but hey Klance! It is rated teen and up for nightmares and bad relationships. If anyone wants to talk to me about my fic please do. Enjoy!
Keith is surrounded by darkness.
“Hello?” his voice cracks.
“Keith.” a voice whispers.
Keith looks around, he can’t see anything, “Who’s there?”
“Keith.” The voice sounds closer than the last time. Keith realises it is feminine.
Keith’s heart is beating faster, “Show yourself.”
Suddenly Keith feels a presence right in front of him, it makes all his fears fade away.
The voice speaks clearly, “Keith my child.”
Keith gasps, “Mom?”
Suddenly a blood curdling scream fills air. His mom is hurt he needs to help her he needs to-
Keith wakes up screaming for his mom. He looks around the room realising he is at Shiro and Allura’s house and his mom is gone. This isn’t the first time he has had this dream and it won’t be the last. He checks his phone and sees that it is three in the morning. He groans and lays back down but he knows he isn’t going back to sleep. He decides to make the best of it and gets out of bed and goes to his desk where he keeps his sketchbook. He turns on his desk lamp and begins sketching. He draws a woman surrounded by darkness and blood dripping out of her eyes.
He does not know how much time passes but the sun has begun to rise and an alarm on his phone goes off. He check his phone and it reads “Get Ready For School”. Shit he forgot about that.
He closes his book and rises from his desk. He has about two hours until he needs to get to school and he wants to go for a run. He changes into his work out clothes which are a pair of old black gym shorts and a gray tank top that hangs loosely on him. He pulls his hair up into a ponytail and grabs his music.He grabs his new running shoes that Allura swear he needed before he runs out the door.
As he is running he is thinking about his new school. His schedule is not that bad. He starts the day in Shiro’s AP Physics class, has art with Coran after lunch, and ends the day in Allura’s AP Literature. He has other classes mixed in there as well like but he has not gotten the chance to meet those teacher.
He ends his run about an hour later and gets in the shower to get ready for school. In the shower he remembers the dream that he had and tries to shake it away. He does not need to think about that right now. After his shower he decides that he is going to wear his black skinny jeans with rips on the knees, a plain black t-shirt, a red and black flannel tied around his waist, and his black Doc Martens that he came with. He takes a look in the mirror and takes a deep breath then heads downstairs.
Shiro and Allura are sitting at the kitchen table enjoying their morning coffee, they do not notice Keith walk in so he head over to the coffee pot to get his own.
After pouring his cup Keith goes to sit with them at the table, Shiro and Allura both look up, Allura smiles brightly, “Good morning Keith! Did you sleep well.”
Keith shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee.
Shiro senses that is all he is going to say so he tries to continue the conversation, “Well we plan to leave for school in about twenty minutes. Does that sound good?”
Keith nods and mumbles a quiet, “Yeah.”
Allura speaks, “I heard from Coran that he showed you around school so you knew your schedule?”
Keith looks at her, “Yeah I am in both of your guy’s classes.”
This time both of their faces light up, “Really?”
Keith smirks, “What? Are you guys surprised I am in your AP classes?”
“No that’s not it at all-” Shiro begins to say but seeing the smirk on Keith face stops, “We are just excited to have you is all.”
Keith smiles and they finish their coffee in silence before all heading out the door together to go to school.
Keith is grateful for them being teachers because they can get to school before the rush of students. He decides to walk his schedule one more time to make sure that he knows it. When he reaches Allura’s class he wants to say hi but she is not there. He shrugs and walks back to Shiro’s classroom because people were starting to arrive. He gets to Shiro’s classroom and can hear a quiet conversation going to he waits to walk in. He recognizes Shiro and Allura’s voice but there is one other voice he somewhat recognizes. The third voice speaks, “Why would you bring a delinquent like him to this school?” Keith now recognizes the voice as principal Zarkon.
Shiro speaks up, “He is not a delinquent.”
Zarkon scoffs, “His record says otherwise.”
“Principal Zarkon,” Allura’s firm voice adds in, “Keith has had a rough life. Shiro and I have been getting to know him and I do believe he is not a bad kid.”
“Really?” Zarkon says, “Mr. Kogane has already threatened some students.”
“When was this?” Shiro asks?
Keith can sense the sinister smile on Zarkon face, “Last week after your practice. According to my sources Keith had intent to harm Ezor and Acxa.”
Out in the hall Keith is shrinking in on himself, he did not want to cause problems for Shiro and Allura, he was just trying to help Pidge, he was not actually going to hurt those two girls.
To Keith complete surprise Shiro speaks, “Whatever Keith did I’m sure he meant no harm.”
Allura speaks those somewhat mumbled, “I do not believe we can say the same for those two girls.”
Keith smirks, he likes Allura.
Zarkon scoffs, “Nonetheless that boy is trouble and if something happens it will be on you two to fix it.”
Shiro voice is firm, “Keith is a good kid. Now I will appreciate if you leave my classroom. The bell is going to ring in ten minutes and students will be arriving soon.”
A few seconds later Zarkon storms out not noticing Keith which he is thankful for.
Shiro speaks, “Do you really think he threatened those girls.”
Allura scoffs, “Trust me I know those girls. They were probably doing something Keith did not agree with and he stopped it. I mean you know those girls they are friends with Lotor.”
This time it is Shiro who scoffs, “Oh right them.”
Keith is confused, who is Lotor? He doesn’t think about it to much because the hallway is now filled with people so Keith walks through the door. Shiro and Allura jump, “Keith your back.”
“Yeah.” Keith shrugs, coming up with a lie, “I walked my schedule a few times and just got back.”
The two worried faces in front of him fade, “Well,” Allura says, “I should be heading to class myself. I’ll see you at the end of the day okay Keith?” She tries to hide her emotion in her words like Kolivan does.
Keith nods, “Yeah.”
Allura smiles and gives Shiro and kiss before walking out the door. Shiro watches her leave and that makes Keith smile, Keith does not know a lot about love but he knows that those to are. Shiro tells Keith he can sit anywhere so he opts for his favorite spot which is the far back corner. Shiro does not seem bothered.
Keith takes out his phone and begins scrolling through his tumblr that he is finally able to use when two students walk in. He recognizes one of them as Pidge but the other students looks like, a bigger Pidge?
Shiro smiles, “Pidge, Matt! So good to see you two.”
Pidge smiles, “Shiro will you please tell Matt that he can’t stay?”
Matt smiles, “And will you please tell Pidge that this is my free period and you said I could student assist?”
Shiro laughs, “Yes and I know realise that putting you two in the same classroom might have been a terrible idea.”
Pidge and Matt both mock offense by putting their hands over their hearts and opening their mouths. They look so similar when they do it Keith feels weird.
Pidge finally turns around and notices Keith, “Keith! You are in this class?”
Matt turns to look at who is younger sibling is talking to his eyes narrowing slightly. Keith clears his throat, “Yeah.”
Pidge laughs, “Again with the talking.”
Keith shrugs.
Matt bumps Pidge’s arm, their face lighting up, “Oh right! Keith this is my brother Matt,” They motion to him with a wave of the hand, “And Matt this is Keith. The guy from last week that I told you about.”
At the mention of last week both Shiro and Matt’s faces light up in understanding. Shiro takes his phone out probably to text Allura and Matt softens his expression, “Well it’s nice to meet you Keith, and uh, thanks.”
Keith shrugs, “No problem.”
Pidge looks between them and rolls their eyes, “Yeah whatever. Keith give me your schedule.”
Keith takes his schedule out of his back pocket and hands it to Pidge who is now sitting at the desk in front of him. They read over it, “Sweet we have this class and AP Lit together at the end of the day. Oh and we have lunch together!”
Keith smiles. He is relieved that they have lunch together, more often than not when he starts a new school he sits by himself at lunch but maybe this year will be different.
The other students have now arrived and a lot of them look at Keith before sitting down. The girls whisper to each other and the guys look him up and down probably thinking they could take him. Keith chuckles to himself at the thought.
Once everyone is seated the final bell rings and Shiro begins his class. Keith listens intently because he wants to do well at this school. He reads over the syllabus and takes notes when needed. People will occasionally turn around to look at him but he does not notice.
The rest of the morning goes by pretty quickly. He has three more classes before lunch and those were spent reading over different syllabuses. He has gym right before lunch and the teacher had students take different fitness tests and Keith scored the highest on all of them.
Feeling good after gym he walks over to the cafeteria and buys his lunch. He looks around for Pidge and sees them at a table with two guys he does not recognize. Their backs are facing him but he can tell one of them is telling a story by his arm gestures. He feels nervous but walks over and Pidge spots him, “Keith!” They wave.
Keith smiles and waves back. They guys finally turn around and everything in Keith’s brain stop working for a second. The guy who was telling the story has to be the most beautiful man Keith has ever seen in his life. He has a tan skin that looks amazingly soft that makes Keith want to run his hands all over and blue eyes that Keith feels like he could stare at for hours and never get bored. He’s wearing a blue muscle tee that says “Save the Turtles” on it in bold green letters, his varsity jacket is hanging on the back of his chair. But the part that really takes Keith’s breath away is that the beautiful stranger is staring at him too.
Pidge clears their throat making both boys jump, they have a knowing smile on their face, “This is Keith, I met him last week while you guys were at practice. Keith these are my friends Hunk and Lance.”
“Hi Keith! So nice to meet you!” The one Keith gathers is Hunk says.
Keith smiles, he did not notice Hunk right away but he seems really nice, “You too.”
Keith turns to look at Lance again but he is still very obviously staring at Keith. When they make eye contact Lance blushes and Hunk rolls his eyes and Keith swears he hears him mumble, “Here we go again.”
Pidge chuckles and tells Keith to sit down between them and Lance. Keith can feel the heat coming from Lance and Keith tries to move closer to Pidge.
Hunk talks, “So Lance you were saying?”
Lance shakes his head, “Huh? Oh right my story.”
Pidge and Hunk laugh, they love flustered Lance.
“So I take her to dinner right? I’m being a gentleman and listening to her stories which are incredibly boring but whatever. The waiter comes with our drinks and I tell them I don’t want a straw cause you know,” He motions to his shirt, “then she scoffs at me!”
He pauses his story for dramatic affect but Pidge and Hunk just roll their eyes.
“Then this girl starts saying how she doesn’t care about the environment and how she doesn’t even turn off the water when she brushes her teeth because, “It goes down the drain no matter what.””
Hunk puts his hand on Lance shoulder, “Aw buddy I’m sorry.”
Pidge is less helpful, “You have to stop dating cheerleader Lance, it never goes well.”
Lance groans, “But they are so pretty!”
Keith does not say anything, during Lance’s story his heart breaks and he is confused, he thought him and Lance had a moment but he went out with a girl? Is he straight? He can’t be straight.
Nobody seems to notice Keith’s internal dilemma, probably because his expression does not change, but Pidge talks to him, “So Keith how was classes?”
Keith shrugs, “They were alright.”
Pidge lifts an eyebrow, “Care to elaborate?”
Keith shrugs again and takes a bite of his pizza.
Pidge takes that as an answer, “Well are you coming to practice tonight?”
Hunk talks, “Thinking about joining the team man?”
Keith scoffs, “Nah. I just.. know Shiro and Allura.”
Hunk smiles, “Shame man I can tell you would be great.”
Keith smiles at Hunk, he seems really nice.
Keith directs his attention to Pidge, “I might stop by.”
Pidge smiles and Keith gains the courage to look at Lance and he sees a light in his eyes that Keith will never forget. But as soon as the light comes it fades by a voice yelling “McClain!”
Keith turns to look and sees a man with long silver hair that reminds his of Allura’s and is also wearing a blue varsity jacket with a purple t-shirt underneath that clings to his muscles, he is walking over and can feel Lance tensing up at his side.
The new man talks, “Heard you went out with some cheerleader last Friday.”
Lance turns to look at him he is glaring but Keith can see the fear behind it, “What do you want Lotor?”
Lotor smiles, “I just want to know how your date went. I heard that it didn’t go well.”
“Well if you know it did not go well then why are you here?”
Lotor puts his hand on the back of Lance’s chair and leans closer, “You know I like to know these things.”
Lance tenses up and Keith is glaring, who does this guy think he is taking the light from Lance?
Just then Lotor notices Keith, “Who is this?” He looks him up and down.
Lance speaks, “This is Keith, he’s new.”
Relaxation washes through Lotor’s face, “Oh right my father told me about you.”
Keith crosses his arms, “Your father?”
Lotor stands up straight but keeps his hand on the back of Lance’s chair, Keith wants to move it, “Yeah the principal you’ve met him right?” Lotor gives a knowing smile.
Keith scoffs, “Zarkon’s your dad? Figures.”
Lance gives a small laugh and Lotor narrows his eyes, “You better watch it.”
Keith smirks, “Or what? You gonna tell your dad on me?”
Pidge gives a cough beside him that sounds a lot like “Draco.”
Lotor gives one last glare to Keith and puts his hand one Lance’s shoulder, “I’ll see you at practice Lance.”
Lance looks down at the table not making eye contact and Lotor walks away.
Keith whispers to Pidge, “Hey Pidge.”
“I’ll definitely be at practice.”
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imashayne · 7 years
Klance Christmas Fic.... thing
Okay so here it is, right on the dot for the final week, a fic that was supposed to be a short which is definitely not because it has two parts. Also this first part covers the first weeks, part two has the fireworks bit. So I guess I just tag things? idk how do. It’s really rough I didn’t have time to go over it or have anyone look at it. Hope someone enjoys this. I had fun writing. And it was a fun break from my main Klance fic XD. A very Klance Christmas                
Keeping track of time in space was hard. Well, of earth time specifically. But Lance would be damned if he didn’t even try.                
So ever since the first night they’d arrived in the castle-ship the blue eyed boy had done up a makeshift calendar. It was a simple thing. A piece of note book paper that Lance had found folded up in his jacket pocket. He’d made a grid on it, marking the months and days. Each night before he struggled into an exhausted sleep he made sure to X out another square.               
 Sure it wasn’t perfect. But it was what Lance had to work with. Even Lance doubted its accuracy, but it lent the boy a much needed sense of normalcy. Gave him an anchor in this chaotic mess that had become his life.                
It was because of Lance’s calendar that the three of them were at the space mall.                
Pidge picked up a bright orange streamer which had just been tossed at her feet. More decorative items flew around her in a confusing whirlwind.                The green paladin blinked in confusion. How had she ended up here? “What are you guys doing?”               
 “What about this one Lance?” Hunk called over to the other boy, holding up what looked like a banner.               
 Lance poked his head out from the pile he’d been working on. “Maybe if we can’t find anything better…” Pidge held up her hands in exasperation since she’d been ignored. The movement caught Lance’s attention and he sighed. “I know your head is in Galra space right now but focus Pidge!” His tone was flustered as he dove elbow deep into another stack of odds and ends. (Since they were the poor alien’s only customers the shop owner allowed them to look through the back of his shop)”Well since you weren’t listening before-“ he grunted, lifting up and moving bundles of fabric. “According to my calendar it’s almost Christmas! Now I’ve missed a lot of things fighting in this war. My brother’s 11th Birthday. The fourth of July… HALLOWEEN! Which is like the best in my family you know! But so help me I will NOT miss this!”                
“Your… calendar?” Pidge pushed her glasses up her nose. “You know that I can calcula-“               
 “No! No no no nu-huh nope!” Lance dropped the mass of electrical wiring that looked completely tangled beyond help and stomped towards Pidge, waggling his finger and shaking his head decidedly. “You stop right there. You don’t get to take this away with…. Science!”               
 “Anyway Shiro thinks this will be good for morale!” Hunk added in, placing another item in the sadly small usable heap.              
   Pidge picked up the banner, holding it up to inspect. “This isn’t even that Christmas-y” She muttered.                
“We’re working with what we got.” Lance snapped.               
 “ You could help us out instead of standing there like a cave bug.” Hunk added hopefully.                
“Hey I only came along to see if they had any new video games in!” 
 “Okay yeah-“ Hunk huffed as he pushed a large box to the side that looked to contain nothing but old VHS tapes. (Pidge made a mental note to dig through it later to see if there was anything good amidst the artifacts) “But was there anything new?” He didn’t even pause to wait for an answer. Hunk already knew that if Pidge had found anything that’d caught her eye she wouldn’t even care what the other two were doing.                
With a groan she stepped into the fray.
 Alteans didn’t seem to believe in ladders. So lance had to improvise. Currently he teetered upon one of the trays that had been used to serve food and beverage to the Arusians. Lance wasn’t sure how much the weight limit was or if they even had one, but it hovered precariously for him and Lance was more than thankful that he was almost done.               
 Of course Lance had done up the entire room by himself. Which had eaten up most of the rest of his day. Once they’d gotten back Pidge had muttered a swift excuse and disappeared. Hunk was already putting together a space Christmas dinner to be remembered! As he’d put it. Lance thought it was already going to be pretty memorable, being as it was in space. Shiro was busy being the leader and Allura was busy being a princess.               
 Coran had helped Lance for a bit, but the new red paladin had to send the inquisitive Altean away. Sure Lance loved to talk but not when he was trying to actually focus on something and the mustached man kept asking about Christmas! Lance had almost yelled that he’d explain later.                
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by the residents of the castle of lions that Lance’s mood had been less humorous and more sharp. Now he had never been known for an abundance of patience but the boy’s fuse seemed to be at a record short. Almost like a certain mullet haired boy who had once been a paladin. In fact this short tempered change had seemed to overtake Lance around the same time that Keith had decided to step back from team Voltron and into team Mamorites. Or whatever.                
While the rest of the paladins knew very well of Lance’s current frustrations (being as each of them had their own given the circumstances) none of them dare speak about it, or well knew how to breach the topic with their usual bright and teasing Lance.               
 But for the Hispanic it was always on his mind. Keith was always on his mind.              
  Lance gave a particularly hard tug on the streamer he was setting up above the entryway and felt the thin paper rip just as the hovering tray tipped. He only had a moment to think ‘oh quiznak’ before he felt himself falling.               
 It came as a surprise to him that he was able to stop himself, lowering his center of gravity and tilting his body to regain balance. The blue eyed boy was just congratulating himself- The training was really paying off- when something bumped straight into the tray, sending both Lance and this someone toppling to the floor.               
 “What the-“ Lance gasped as he felt strong arms circle his waste. Even as he himself threw his arms out to catch himself, and whoever had knocked him down.                
It all happened in less than a tick. Kolivan and he had just left the bridge where they’d been giving their report from the last information gathering mission. As they’d prepared to leave Shiro mentioned that Lance would probably want to talk to Keith. And before the boy could ask even so much as a ‘why’ Shiro had turned back to Allura, already the two of them back to planning out the coalition’s next move.                 
That had led him here, into the great hall, after seeking out red’s new paladin on the training deck (Keith knew it was unlikely but still ….) in Calterneck’s room and the pool with no luck. He hadn’t even been gaming with Pidge.               
 Finally Hunk, who’d been covered in some powdery green substance akin to  flower and had been found in the kitchen’s (of course) told them that Lance was….decorating? Which had of course led Keith and his superior (and mentor) Kolivan to this moment. The half galra boy’s shoulder had bumped into something midair upon entry to the room. Keith of course being Keith, was now almost constantly in battle mode and as he felt a body slam down into him, before he’d even worked through how an enemy could have breached the castle’s defenses, or who this was, he was moving. Reacting. His arms wrapped around a slim waste, readying to throw the person, only he’d not had any time at all to plant his feet and so they fell fast.                 
They never actually landed though. Not hard at least. The other had twisted their body so the impact was not fully on him, Long arms braced against the rest of the force and a voice that he recognized was sputtering.               
 “What the-”               
 A loud clang echoed as the tray came down against the bac of Lances head, “-cheese” squeaked out.               
 It was Lance that recovered first surprisingly. Since he wasn’t suddenly painfully aware of how the other boy’s body was pressed against his own like Keith now was.                
He tried to scramble away but their limbs had become tangled in the fall, legs folding around each other and arms intersected.                
 “Sorry! I  didn’t mea-“ Lance’s half formed apologies were cut short as he was lifted bodily by Kolivan. As soon as they were free of each other Lance was finally able to see who he’d fallen on.                 
“Oh it’s you-“                
“The black paladin-” Kolivan began to speak but Lance was talking over him.                
“Why don’t you look where’ you’re going?”                
Keith had righted himself and was now glowering at the other.               
 “What are you even talking about?”
“The princess requested-” Kolivan tried again to no avail. 
“ You’re the one who fell on me!”
“Yeah well if you’d been paying attention!” They continued to ignore and talk over the older Galran soldier, who wasn’t entirely sure how to interject between these two. 
Lances voice held a hard edge to it. Once Keith hadn’t heard in a while. It was so weird. They hadn’t really fought for a while. But with everything else that had been going on, namely how it was always mission after mission with the blade, Keith didn’t have patience left for Lance’s shit. His violet eyes flashed before the blue light of the castle’s torches caught against silver tinsel that was twisted and strung down from the vaulted ceiling.
The fight was instantly forgotten as Keith finally took in the room around them. It had been transformed.Different shades of red fabric had been folded and pinned in such a way as to make them look like flowers. These had been hung beneath the lanterns. Along the stairs streamers of forest green had been twisted and swirled around the banister.The arched ceiling was the true beauty. Lance had managed to find a box of simple glass ornaments, which he ‘d suspended down along with thin silver and golden threads. Everything sparkled
.“Woah…” It was all Keith was able to get out
.“What is all of ….. this?” Kolivan was apparently seeking out a word that wouldn’t insult what he could only see as useless and frivolous. Realizing that there was a moment of silence between the two of them he swiftly spoke before either could answer him. “The black Paladin stated that you wished to see us?” 
Lance blinked in confusion, catching up with the sudden switch from fighting to having to fight down his own blush at Keith’s reaction. He turned to look at the tall Galra instead. He’d wanted to see Keith, though it didn’t really matter if Kolivan was there as well. It just made sure Lance could keep himself in check.
Of course Lance hadn’t been aware of his feelings for the hotheaded mullet until it was too late and he’d already left team Voltron. Not that Lance knew what he would have even done if Keith was still around like all the time. It would still be better than wondering when…. If he’d see the other again.But no Lance was studiously trying NOT to think about all that right now! He could sort through his own luggage later.Now was the time for Space Christmas!
“Yeah!” He threw his arms open, smiling as brightly as he could in an attempt to emulate cheer he didn’t quite feel. “You guys are invited to the Christmas party! It’s gonna be the bomb… not like… bomb like the last party we had here of course.” A nervous laugh escaped him and he cleared his throat, powering through the awkwardness he’d created. Because he could already see in Keith’s posture and expression how non-plussed the newest member of the blade was. Where as Kolivan seemed simply more puzzled. “But this time there’s not going to be so many people. Just…” Lance swallowed hard past the lump that had formed in his throat. “family ya know? But since the blade is like, your new team now they’re welcome to come.” Lance only faltered slightly at the end, muscles in his face growing tense and he tried to keep the smile up and pretend as if saying that new team thing hadn’t hurt at all. As if his chest hadn’t grown tight with the words.
“I don’t know Lance… we’re in the middle of a war-“
“I won’t take no for an answer!”
Keith opened his mouth again, not even sure how he could explain to Lance that they had another important mission (weren’t they all?) that they were supposed to be leaving for right now. But he didn’t want to be the one to shatter that hopeful look. He always seemed to be after all.
“What is this Chris-mas?” Kolivan saved him. Keith snapped his mouth shut for once. The leader of the Blade could be the bad guy here.Lance took a deep breath in, readying himself to launch into an explanation when Hunk came huffing into the room, apron still in place and looking somehow messier than he had when they’d left him.
“Hey guys sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to make sure I got the taste down for these space fried plantains. I mean they’re not actually plantains but it’s the closest I could get-“
 “Plantains?” Keith asked as he watched Lance take a large bite out of …. Whatever it was, straight off the fork that Hunk held
.“From Earth- you really are an alien!” Hunk joked as Lance moaned happily, taking his dear sweet time to swallow. Keith shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.
 “Hunk!” It was weird hearing Lance take on a chastising tone, and yet it seemed natural coming from him. But it wasn’t the yellow Paladin’s comment that had made a strange kind of heat fill up his body. “It’s kinda like a banana I guess?”
Keith had to bite the inside of his cheek as Kolivan sounded out the word silently. His stoic features not changing in the slightest as he mouthed out ‘banana.’
“Seriously you’re a genius big guy! Ellos son perfecto! Though you don’t gotta put ‘space’ in front of everything!” Lance snuck another bite. And another rolling wave of fire moved down through Keith, coming to settle in his lower abdomen. Lance needed to stop making those noises. And feed his damn self. And maybe not talk in Spanish like that again. Something else that had caught Keith off guard. “Anyway Kolivan, Christmas is an earth thing right?” Lance again turned back to the conversation, but Hunk swiftly interjected again.
 “Oh yeah! It’s the best! It’s when you get together with your family and you eat all this wonderful food-“
 “And you put up all these really pretty decorations like trees and lights and candy canes.”
“Candy canes taste so good! And Fudge and Peanut brittle!”
Watching the two of them explain what Christmas was reminded Keith of two literal children. 
“Oh and you get to open up presents! Our tree always have piles on piles of presents but that’s more because of all my siblings-“
“Speaking of presents I almost forgot about the secret Santa! Good thing I caught you guys.” Hunk pulled a small bag of folded up papers from his apron pocket and held it out. Kolivan looked skeptical as he reached in and pulled out a paper.
 As soon as Keith had done the same a heavy hand came down on Keith’s shoulder. “Well Paladin’s we shall make this…. Chris-mas. Now we must leave for another mission.”
Keith hated howLlance’s face crumpled, and how he’d swiftly pushed a smile back in place as if he’d never lost the bright expression.It pained the half galra that he’d grown more used to seeing this forced smile than Lance’s true one. 
“Really? What are you guys up to this time?” Hunk asked.
“Oh nothing too big!” Keith rushed out before he’d really thought his words through as Kolivan led him out, thankfully remaining quiet. Without realizing it Keith had curled his fingers into a tight fist. The crumple of the paper drew his attention down to the fist. Cautiously he unfolded it. For some reason dreading looking at the name scrawled across it in tiny messy lettering. He wasn’t evens sure why. He’d faced down legions of Galra! Fought Alien armies in a damn warship to free the universe!
He quickly peaked downwards, shoulders slumping.
“What is this secret Santa? What secret is he keeping? And why is the red Paladin’s name written on this small scrap of paper?” Kolivan was shaking his head, bemused by the earthlings and their traditions.
“What!” Keith resisted the urge to storm on ahead of the other. Taking in a deep breath. “no-Santa is… a big guy that gives out presents. So with secret Santa you get a present for the person who’s name you pull, but YOU keep it a secret.”
“Hmmm…. I do not know what to get the young paladin.”
“Yeah? I got Allura and I’m in the same exact boat.” Keith folded his arms.
“Would you perhaps prefer a trade? You have known Lance for longer than the princess. It will be the same to me either way.”
Keith’s head swiveled.
 “Really?” He coughed and had to keep himself from snatching the paper from Kolivan’s larger hand. The sudden excitement abated swiftly though as he looked down at Lance’s name.It wasn’t as if he even knew what the Cuban boy liked besides girls and bad humor. If he had any time he might have been able to talk to Hunk about what he should get for the other boy.
“This celebration of gift giving, the Galra do not have a day such as this. Presents are only given on the day of one’s birth. You must share with me more stories of this Chris-mas.”
Keith folded the paper back up gently and slipped it into his pocket quietly. “I don’t have as many stories as the other two. Dad…. Wasn’t around as much. Not on the holidays … or any other day of  the year.” He muttered.The silence stretched out painfully for a moment before Kolivan’s deep voice spoke through it. 
“Why did you not tell the two paladin’s of our mission? It would have been pertinent for them to know.
”“Ch-“ Keith scowled, “I just didn’t want to bring Lan- I mean the other’s down with details. They were so excited.” 
Every mission was dangerous. Some however were more so.Especially when dealing with the druids. Which was where their next mission would be taking them. With ricks such as the komar and Naxzela they had to be more prepared for the magic users. But they had told Lance that they’d make it to his party. And Keith wasn’t a liar.
 If everything went according to plan they would make it
The space was dark and silent. Keith’s body swayed as the ship they stood in entered the planet’s atmosphere. The only other movement was Kolivan, who was fiddling with his blade. Keith’s fingers gripped tightly on the bar above his head. Nine other Galra waited alongside him in the hold as the coalition fought around them in the sky. Even through the metal walls they could hear the ravages of the battle. Once an opening presented itself they would be dropped down. Right into the Druid’s keep. The faces behind the metallic masks were stoic, each soldier contemplating and preparing for the task before them. 
All save for Keith who’s thoughts were a thousand light years away. Pre-occupied with what could be the perfect present for a certain perfect boy. What did Lance even like? Keith asked himself for what felt like the millionth time. Girls, obviously, but it wasn’t like the boy could get Lance a girlfriend for Christmas…. Or wanted to. No. It had to be something he could wrap right? Like maybe some sort of…. Keith would have groaned in frustration, but even in his current state he could feel the heavy apprehension in the air around him to break this silence would break the rest of his teams’ concentration. 
Keith tried to focus on the mission at hand, chastising himself.But before he could enter the same frame of mind that the other’s around him were in, ready for blood, the floor dropped out beneath his feet and he was falling, purple light rising up to meet him.A veritable river of dark quentescense snaked beneath them. The other blade’s angled their bodies. But Keith had reacted too late. If not for Kolivan snatching him he would have dove into the acidic substance. He didn’t even have time to thank the leader before they were all moving. Sprinting towards the almost medieval like castle.
His body moved automatically even as the legions of drones clashed with their meager force. The knife in his hand almost seeking out the mechanical hearts. They moved easily through this obstacle.
Keith’s mind was still elsewhere. On the gift. It was such a simple thing! And yet he couldn’t conjure a single idea. Of course it wasn’t like Keith had much practice with this sort of thing. His dad had tried…. At times. But they’d never had much money. Keith had learned at a young age not to hope for too much. And at the same time to be grateful for what little he had.The experience he did have in receiving gifts he had even less in giving them. 
Keith should have simply kept Allura’s name. That way there wouldn’t be this pressure. Getting something for a princess would be less work. Lance had probably been spoiled as a kid. He sure acted like it. So what in the world, no the universe could Keith possibly find to impress the boy. For the briefest of moments Keith considered making something. But the idea was swiftly discarded. With what time would he be able to craft something And what would he even make? At this point the best he’d be able to throw together would be the severed head of a druid… which wasn’t something he thought Lance would appreciate. 
Vaguely Keith was aware of his surroundings. When the reddish glow of the dying star that served as this planet’s sun was no longer beating down on him. When the drones gave way to live soldiers. They’d reached the stronghold. Good, that meant that their mission was almost over.Keith wasn’t sure how much time had passed but with how smoothly things were going they were definitely going to make the Christmas party. It was weird. He knew he wouldn’t have a gift prepared…. But still he didn’t want to miss it. Easily enough Keith told himself that it was because he didn’t want to deal with a pouty or angry Lance next time they ran into each other. He wasn’t going to acknowledge any other reasoning.
It was pain that brought him crashing back into reality. He felt the blistering sting flare across his shoulder. He clumsily dodged the droid’s next two blasts before smoke swirled to his right and the dark clawed hand of a druid reached forth from it. Magic lighting up the palm. A wall of power slammed into Keith and the wind from the blow screamed in his ears. His back crashed into a wall and he crumpled. Black dots scattered across his vision, but as the violet mist once again churned around him Keith rolled. A tick later there was a crunching sound. He pivoted, snapping his arm up and letting the knife fly from his grasp.The druid’s were fast and their attacks unforgiving. He was beaten back, giving more found than he wished.
“Luxite blades are so interesting.” The deep voice intoned. “The metal is capable of reacting to the will of the one who wields it, and yet…” One of those strong arms snapped out and long fingers wrapped around Keith’s throat, easily lifting him from the ground as if he were nothing more than a rag doll . With his free hand the druid yanked out the sharp edge of Keith’s knife from his side where it had imbedded. Holding it up to Keith’s cheek and slicing open the flesh. “It still cuts you.” 
Keith swung his legs, hooking one up and around the druid’s arm even as he felt the growing pressure close off his wind pipe. Fortunately the momentum he’d already built up carried them both over. Unfortunately the grasp around his neck was still tightening. Keith tried to keep control of his body as they fell, thinking that if he could just get enough leverage he could escape this deadly hold.The druid wouldn’t let him. He was battered into the floor. The druid’s strength and body weight driving down against the one point. Keith flailed for his blade, had seen it fly from his attacker’s grasp when they fell. The edges of his vision were growing black from lack of air, and Keith wasn’t aware that the shadow that had risen up behind the druid was Kolivan until a blade was thrust through the monster’s chest and pulled upwards. 
Kolivan didn’t say anything to Keith as he helped him up but the silence was more than enough. The deep breath that he took into center himself sent a flare of pain sizzling through his body. There was too much going on right now to properly pinpoint exactly where this was coming from but it felt like everywhere. The boy jumped in after Kolivan, his generalized agony now enough to keep him focused on the fight. 
The battle continued to go downhill. The ease with which they had fought and destroyed the droids was now the mirror opposite to their conquering of the keep itself. They managed to complete their mission successfully. However it wasn’t without casualties.
And with how long it had ended up taking them they’d surely missed Lances Christmas celebration. Keith dare not even look at the time. Simply ask Kolivan as calmly as he could if he could to borrow a pod.
“You should get rest while there is time to do so.”Keith set his shoulders, not budging otherwise. If he had been human Kolivan might have sighed, rubbed at his temples or punched his nose whenever he was faced with the young one’s stubbornness. As it stood those mannerisms were of the human variety and so he simply nodded after a short pause. “Then I shall accompany you and deliver the information we’ve gathered along with the report to Princess Allura in person.”
Keith fidgeted the entire ride there. Ignoring both his aching body and the one time Kolivan suggested that he try to sleep. It seemed to take forever to get there. Each tick another that he was late. However when the beautiful Altean space craft came into view amongst the vast darkness and distant stars Keith wasn’t ready Forget the present that he wasn’t showing up with, Lance was going to be pissed that he was crashing in battle worn and late. The half galran hesitated in the pod as Kolivan disembarked, half hoping that the Galra leader would ask for Keith to accompany him to the debriefing.
Of course no invitation came, the older male knew why coming here so quickly was important to the former paladin. And so Keith took a deep breath. Like during the battle agony set his nerve endings aflame, but this time he knew it was due to the bruising along his rib cage. As he walked it was with a slight limp. Where he’d been shot throbbed as a reminder. Keith turned his feet towards the great hall.
He wasn’t even aware that he’d made it there, and for a moment blamed the haze of pain. Realizing a tick later that it was because the room was as dark as the hallways he’d been walking through. Only the dimmed lights catching on the silver tensile as if it were falling snow alerted Keith that he’d made his destination He stopped short and looked around, hand coming up to press against his sore side. The silence was deep.
He had missed the party then. 
It was almost like nothing had been touched at all. Despondently his violet eyes scanned the room. He was about to turn and find Kolivan when a hunched form caught his gaze.It was a testament to his training that before he could even blink Keith had his blade held aloft and at the ready. His first few steps towards the figure were soundless. Until he made out the white and blue design of the armor. Keith stopped trying to be stealthy and shifted to sheath his knife. He sighed in relief, opening his mouth to ask the other what he was doing here. But before he could get a single word out the other boy spoke.
“leave me alone Hunk. I’ll go to bed when I know he’s okay.”
Keith’s eyes widened. Perhaps if he’d not been so exhausted, or injured, he might have folded his arms, allowed one of his rare smirks to grace his features, and ask Lance in an almost innocent tone, ‘me?’
But as it stood his heart jumped up into his throat, which made the single word a breathless whisper. Lance’s head snapped up and Keith felt his chest tighten when he saw the bag’s under Lance’s beautiful azure eyes. “Shit Lance I’m sorry I missed the party-“ Keith didn’t often find himself apologizing, and yet Lance was one of the only people who ever got one from him it seemed.
Lance had jumped to his feet and crossed the space between them in just a few long strides. Keith spoke faster, thinking that the paladin was angrier than he looked and that he was about to get decked in the face. “I came as soon as possible but I couldn’t think of a present for you and there wasn’t any time between the mis-“ Warmth enveloped Keith, Lance’s arms circling his shoulders, pulling him in tightly. Fire ignited all throughout him that had nothing to do with the pain that spread as Lance squeezed him. Keith tensed for only a moment before leaning into this abiding heat from the other boy his own arms coming up under Lance’s gripping against the hard armor.
“You…” Lance’s voice was shaking and Keith’s eyes widened. He’d never heard the other sound like this. “just you, home safe. That’s all I ever want. That’s all I’ve ever needed Keith.”
That same incandescent fire that had burned earlier now rushed up into his face and Keith couldn’t do anything but turn his head into Lance’s shoulder.Neither of them was sure for how long they stayed like this, but Keith could feel how hard and fast Lance’s heart was beating even through his breastplate. And though the pace didn’t slow his own rhythm began to match it before Lance finally shifted. Keith didn’t let go as the Cuban boy leaned back and their breath mingled. It surprised Keith to see that a cherry red colored Lance’s olive cheeks, which of course only worsened his own blush. Beneath his fingertips the half Galran could feel Lance trying to pull away, to take another step back. Retreating the same way he’d been doing around Keith for a while now.Keith didn’t let him. The crimson on Lance’s cheeks grew deeper and spread up to the tips of his ears. 
Since he’d noticed months ago how the red paladin had began to pull away from him Keith had been at a loss for what to do about it.
Until now.
He looked up. “Oh shit we’re standing right under a mistletoe.” 
Keith felt proud of himself for catching the notorious flirt off guard as he spluttered, tilting his head to look and stuttering out, “I t-thought Hunk couldn’t f-find any? I was gonna put so many up-“ His voice was trembling in a very not-Lance like manner
Keith’s smile grew. “you idiot-“
“You were just supposed to shut up and trust me remember?” Without waiting another moment Keith tugged hard on the front of Lance’s chest plate. The other’s lips were so soft beneath his own.
32 notes · View notes
suite on you by adelfie
rating: teens
published: 2021-06-01
completed: 2021-06-01
chapters as of december 11, 2023: [1/1]
summary: [ Lance feels a little jarred when he sees nothing friendly in the suitemate’s eyes, and then foolish. He scrambles to find something to say. “Do you have any rules?" Keith’s eyes darken. “Yeah. Don’t bother me this semester. Or ever.”
-- Accident-prone Lance McClain learns that his grumpy suitemate, Keith, has one rule: to leave him alone. Lance would really like to follow that rule. Really. But his clumsiness has other plans.
(Or, 5 times Lance bothers Keith and 1 time Keith lets him.) ]
why i am ripping my hair out: heheheheh this fic is everything, it's so cute, it makes me regret my uni dorm style bc now i want a vague passive aggressive suitemate who i literally trip and fall over, and it just makes me giggle and twirl my hair and kick my feet i loved this heheheeehe
72 notes · View notes
“You could never be a burden, [Keith], when all I’ve wanted to do is care for you.” Klance with Keith being stubborn idiot not wanting to burden Lance. Thank you!!! :)
(Ooh my first sick keef fic!!! Also anon when u said stubborn idiot I really did give u a stubborn idiot lol..also this is short for now while I try to get back into the swing of things!!)
Keith could not have had a worse day.
He feels like the whole world, an entire galaxy, the entire universe is on his shoulders, and it’s so so heavy and weighing down on him. Keith doesn’t think he’s strong enough. He can feel it tip, tilting and about to fall away. Because he’s not strong enough.
Keith doesn’t want to be a leader, he never asked for this. He finds it hard to connect with other people and downright just speak to them, let alone lead them to protect the entire universe.
He is beyond stressed, losing himself within the depths of his own mind as he desperately tries to calculate and process this all. In the process he just loses himself, detached from his own body as he floats away from everyone else.
In the midst of his haze he hasn’t even realised that somewhere in the middle of all of this, he’s gotten sick.
Keith doesn’t get sick very often, he’s had a strong immune system all his life, but he’s still (half) human, so naturally, he gets sick. Especially when the universe throws this overwhelming duty upon him that he has no interest in bestowing. He feels a little woozy, a bit off and there’s a tiredness looming over his entire body that weighs him down. He feels heavy and warm in the most draining way, and also feeling so bitterly cold it nips at him, leaving his body trembling.
Keith only realises he’s sick as he fails to dodge a shot from one of Lotor’s goons at the Black Lion. He groans in frustration, wondering why he wasn’t in his A game, why he couldn’t just snap out of it, and it finally hits him.
As the beam of light hits black, his head overlords with sensory stimuli and it pierces deep into his head. Keith grunts in pain, teeth clenched as his headache intensifies. He winces as the light blinds him, and Black slows down. A wave of nausea hits him and he is rendered useless for the next few moments, and that is a big enough window of time for Lotor and his goons to disappear into the fog.
“Keith? You alright?”
Keith hisses in frustration, his grip on his controls tightening in anger as he realises his mistake.
“I’m fine, Lance! We’ve lost Lotor, c'mon, we’ve got to go after him!”
“Uh, Keith? I’m detecting some sort of unknown elements in the fog and I really don’t think it’s a good idea!” Hunk warns worriedly.
“We’re fine,” Keith hisses, his headache probing at him repeatedly and blazing with fury. Lotor is not going to get away, no one else is going to get hurt, he’s going to end this once and for all. He is not going to fail. He won’t let anyone down. Not anymore.
He charges Black forward at maximum speed, making a beeline for the dog where Lotor disappeared. He’s shaking, and he doesn’t know if that’s his fever or if that’s the adrenaline pumping through his body. He can feel his heart racing and pumping blood into his veins, his headache reaches a blinding peak, and all he can see is forward.
“Keith! Don’t do this!” He can hear Lance yell.
Keith charges on, he keeps heading towards the fog until it engulfs him completely.
“Keith, stop it! STOP! KEITH!!”
Then everything stops all at once.
Everything goes numb and everything is so light. Black tilts, and everything goes silent as she begins to free fall towards the ground. She’s losing strength, and everything is so hauntingly peaceful and quiet that Keith cant feel anything. He’s falling into a void, a vacuum, the epitome of a nihilistic state.
He’s falling.
Falling into nothingness. It’s hauntingly beautiful, this way. Keith would take feeling nothing over everything. Because prior to this Keith could feel everything and it was too much.
It’s peaceful as he falls.
He can faintly hear distressed yelling and Keith is so feverish he’s not even sure if it’s real. He doesn’t know what’s real anymore, if he is. He can only feel the lightness of his fall, the fear ablaze in his heart mixed eerily with a ominous sense of calm. A strange acceptance.
Then suddenly he feels a violent crash, a flash of red colliding into him and pushing him into a cliff, breaking his fall.
Keith gasps at the sudden change in atmosphere and braces himself for the impact as Black scrapes against the rocky surface. He opens his eyes when he believes the worst of it is over and gasps to see the Red Lion drop and lose function. Black goes offline shortly after.
Red then opens up and Lance comes running out, red faced and eyes wild with fear and worry.
“Keith!” Lance screams worriedly, running towards Black.
Keith hisses in pain, unable to help the strangled whimper that escapes his throat as his headache reaches a blinding peak. He bangs his head against the control panel, gritting his teeth. He’s not sure if it’s out of frustration at the pain he’s feeling or having burdened and let down Lance like this. He can’t burden Lance anymore than he already is.
Keith picks himself up off of the chair and staggers out of the Lion, trying to seem as normal and not in pain as he could. When he meets Lance’s eyes he sees that they are wild and blazing with worry.
A pang of guilt and resentment for himself shoots throughout Keith’s body, realising what he had just done. He had failed again, he let everyone down. Keith wasn’t good enough.
“Keith! What was that?!” Lance exclaims worriedly as he runs towards him. Keith’s fever somehow makes him misinterpret Lance’s genuine concern with belittlement.
“I know I messed up, Lance!” Keith hisses defensively, pushing Lance away when he gets close to him.
Lance’s face falls, and his eyes go dark and his open arms drop to his sides as he freezes. Keith hates the way the light in Lance’s eyes flicker dangerously and how his bottom lip is slightly quivering.
But Lance picks himself before he can fall apart and he’s tensing up defensively. He straightens and tries to look stronger and put together but Lance can’t find the way his hands still shake from Keith.
“I was just worried for you, Keith, forgive me for trying to look out for you,” Lance grunts defensively as he backs away from Keith and tears his gaze off of him. Lance starts to look everywhere but Keith’s eyes and slumps down on the ground, crossing his arms.
Keith feels awfully guilty, but he needs to stay cold so he can’t burden Lance with this illness, “You can’t just sit there.”
Lance huffs, “Well, what do you want me to do, mullet? Our lions are both clearly offline and we can either wait for the others to find us or wait til’ they come back online. Sitting here is all I can do.”
Keith sighs and feels an overwhelming wave of exhaustion hit him. He’s far too tired to deal with any of this, and he sits down next to Lance in defeat. He keeps his distance though, he’s feverish and sick but he has his pride.
His shoulders slump lifelessly as his hair falls over his face, his body trembling with chills. Keith’s eyes feel heavy, drooping and yearning for sleep. He feels unbelievably weak, like there’s a huge weight weighing down on him. Like this responsibility is whats making him sick in the first place.
Keith’s body trembles, and lets out a series of soft, but congested little coughs into his shoulder. His chest feels sore and achy as he coughs. They have a hoarse, barking timbre to it and it leaves a soreness behind in his chest and leaving him more exhausted than he is. Keith brings his knees up and hugs them to try and warm himself up, anchoring to himself in fear that his body would fail on him and collapse if he let go.
“That was really stupid,” Lance says suddenly, Keith doesn’t even know if Lance is speaking to him, his voice low and dull. He doesn’t look at him when he speaks.
“Yeah yeah, I get it Lance, I know I screwed up. Hell, I don’t even know where the others are, and this is all because I made a bad call, I’m sorry okay?!” Keith exclaims, but he’s strained and exhausted. He’s too empty and weak to fight anymore.
“I’m not talking about that. And the others are fine,” Lance says tiredly.
Keith doesn’t respond, mostly because his brain can’t compute anything and he’s far too tired and exhausted. He just wants to sleep. He shudders, an itch blossoming in his sinuses that rip out a throaty sneeze out of him, which he barely covers with his elbow.
Lance is suddenly alarmed, turning his head to view his state and his eyes widen.
“Jesus, Keith, you’re shivering. You need to  go back inside–”
Keith can’t handle this, he’s in so much pain and he feels so guilty, he feels so sick and weak and exhausted and he doesn’t want any of this. His brain is overloading and he’s so overwhelmed, his breathing picks up slightly as tears begin to prick at his eyes. He can’t do this anymore.
“Why do you even care, Lance?! Since when do you care?!” Keith hisses bitterly, and his words stab icy daggers into Lance’s heart because Keith can see it happen. He’s such a fuck up. He can’t do anything right.
“Since when, Keith?! Since when?! In case you didn’t know I came after you when you fell into the fog! I came after you when everyone was yelling it was too dangerous because I care, Keith! I care!” Lance yells, clearly very upset. Tears prick his eyes, and the volume is too much for Keith’s sickened mind. It’s all too much.
“I’m so upset that you would even go so far as to imply that I don’t! I came after you because I made a promise to myself to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, because I care, dammit!” Lance cries, a few tears spilling from his eyes. He aggressively wipes them off of his face and turns away from Keith again, seething in anger and betrayal, breathing heavily.
Keith can’t compute this.
His head hurts so so much, he feels so sick and weak, and the whole world is spinning. It’s spinning too fast and Keith can’t keep up. He’s overwhelmed by the prospect of being taken care of, when he’s spent so many years alone he’s forgotten that he’s a person who can be cared for. He was so sure that no one would ever care for him and Lance was turning everything around, making him reevaluate the safe thick walls he’s built for himself.
He can’t take it.
Keith bursts into tears, his entire body racked with sobs. His body convulses as strangled sobs tear their way out of Keith’s threat. He buries his face in his hands as the tears spill from his face and into his hands.
Lance inches closer to Keith, and he reaches out to hold him but hesitates.
“Can I..?”
“Please,” Keith cries out, reaching out for Lance desperately. He needs this. He’s been so alone for so long he just needs someone to tell him it’s going to be alright.
Lance is at his side in an instant, taking Keith into his arms and letting Keith bury his head into chest. He embraces him with so much love and care, whatever it takes to make this all stop. Lance can’t take this. He rubs his back soothingly, kissing the top of Keith’s head. Lance hesitates for a moment.
“..Keith..you’re sick,” He realises, as he feels the heat pouring off of the boy.
“I’m sorry Lance, I don’t want to burden you, I’m so sorry I got us into this mess,” Keith cries.
“We can fix it, it’s okay, Keith. And you’re not a burden, if you’re a burden, what am I?” Lance says without a thought, and suddenly they’re both freezing up as they both realise the weight of what was just said.
The silence is agonising.
“…We’re both pretty screwed up, huh?” Keith finally says.
Lance manages a shaky chuckle at that, “..Yup. But Keith..I’m so sorry I blew up at you like that..I didn’t know you were sick..”
Keith lets out a shaky exhale as he tries and regain his composure, “..I’m sorry too..I just..short circuit when people care about me..ask Shiro when he comes back..I just..i’m not used to it, and it’s..just too much for me.”
Lance sighs softly and tightens his embrace, “You’re going to have to get used to it then, because I’m going to make it my life mission to make sure you are filled with so much care every day. I care about you so much Keith, and I hope you know this.”
“I don’t want to be a burden,” Keith whispers, voice cracking.
“You could never be a burden, Keith, when all I’ve wanted to do is care for you.” Lance whispers lovingly, nuzzling his nose into Keith’s soft hair.
Keith relaxed under his warm, loving embrace. He felt safe right here in his arms, and the world which seemed so big just moments ago suddenly seemed very small in Lance’s arms. Maybe it was because Lance was all he could see now, and that was a world Keith certainly did not mind living in.
"You’re going to be okay, Keith, I promise you once we get back I’ll take care of you. I’ll do it right, and I’ll make you sure you’re never alone ever again,” Lance promises softly.
Keith can only nod, he doesn’t know how much time has passed because with Lance all time seems to stop but the lights of a familiar Yellow Lion near them and he couldn’t help but sink further into Lance’s arms knowing that they would be just okay.
With Lance beside him the weight of the universe lifted off of his shoulders and he felt a lot lighter with Lance sharing it with him. Lance was someone Keith didn’t really mind sharing the universe with.
He was much stronger with him by his side. Lance kept him grounded, holding him steady and this time Keith was sure he wasn’t float away.
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
Dancing On The Roof
Take this away from me already, God. 
Happy late birthday, @l-x-ie​ !!!! Hope you enjoy this ‘small’ fic, and again a big thank you to @monsir-arts​ for letting me base the fic on this fanart of theirs. 
I have nothing else to say except: Thief Klance Au and that this may suck HARD but whATEVER. 
Ps. Guys, this is like 6k .....so like, here’s the Ao3 link tbh.  
Disclaimer: Voltron doesn’t belong to me and neither does the art. 
His hand hovers over the empty marble surface and Keith just wants to scream.
That motherfucker.
He picks up the small yellow post-it on the middle, where his diamond is supposed to be, and his blood boils with fury.
Keith could kill him, honest to God, he could and he would throw the biggest party ever, but he can’t. He can’t because killing Blue will mean having the entire Altea Agency on his ass and Keith can do without the extra attention on him.
Keith just wanted to settle down on a motherfucking private island with a glass of lemonade, was that too much to ask?
‘Better luck next time, Red ~ <3’ it reads, handwriting playful and loopy.
Apparently, yes, it was a lot to ask.
He crumples the post-it with one hand before tugging it into his jeans’ back pocket. No point on leaving evidence of his presence on Blue’s robbery.
Robbery that was supposed to be motherfucking his, honestly, what the fu –
‘Patience yields focus,’ Keith thinks, cutting his own train of thoughts, and then he takes a deep breath, shoulders losing their tension at each exhale he releases.
He opens his eyes and turns around, tugging his blade back to its holder before climbing the walls to exit the museum.
Shiro looks up from his tablet to find Keith ripping to pieces the last piece of newspaper in their floor. He waits until Keith has settled down, panting hard and an angry flush on his face, and then he speaks up.
“Blue?” He asks casually, and that earns him another scream from his partner.
“Shiro! Shiro! He stole my painting! The painting I have been eyeing for weeks now. I was going to steal it tonight and he fucking – ! Oh my god! I’m going to kill him.”
Shiro stares flatly at him. “Keith, he’s from the Altea’s Agency, you know, our allies?”
“He keeps stealing from me!”
The older man rolls his eyes but grins at his friend. “Then you need to be faster, buddy.”
Keith glares at him, annoyed and angry, throwing the remaining paper of his newspaper towards Shiro. “That motherfucker has been on my ass for weeks now! You know, when I accepted this job, by your constant pushing, I didn’t expect an annoying shadow following me around and stealing my missions.”
“He can’t be your shadow is he’s a step in front of you.”
Keith ignores him. “’Neck and neck’ he said, what the hell does that even mean?”
Shiro turns to him, looking confused. “Neck and neck? You have been back from the desert for two months and you already have a rival?”
“He’s not my rival!”
“The cub has a rival? So soon?” Another voice joins the conversation, both men turning around to meet another one of their co-workers, “Who is it?”
“Hi, Thace.” Shiro waves lazily.
The older man nods at him, “Shiro, hello, you still owe me that last week report.”
“Right, right.”
“So, back to the cub’s rival.”
“I don’t have a rival!” Keith snaps.
Shiro shrugs. “He’s called Blue. He’s from AA.”
Thace’s eyebrows lift up in surprise. “Ah, I have heard of him. Him and his occasional team is actually from your generation.”
“What?” Keith asks, hands finally lowering from the air and he pushes himself closer to this chair’s edge towards Thace, “What do you mean?”
“Back in the Garrison Academy, you know, where every student has to train under the program before they are selected or assigned into an Agency?”
“I know what the Garrison is!” Keith scoffs irritated.
Thace looks at him unimpressed. “Well, that guy, Blue, is from your generation and one of the top ones, if I may add.”
Keith blinks and scrunches his nose at his mentor, “Am I supposed to remember him? I didn’t even finish my program before I was tossed and shipped to the desert by Kolivan.”
“Hear, hear.” Shiro mumbles, taking a sip from his tea.
Thace shrugs with a smirk. “You got an undercover mission, a B classified mission, before you even graduated. That’s quite the achievement, kiddo.”
“That still doesn’t explain why this guy is on my shadow.”
“Technically –“
“Shiro, I swear to God –“  
The older man chuckles, ruffling Keith’s hair as if he was eighteen years old all over again, “Don’t think too hard, kiddo. I will have a talk with Allura and make sure your missions don’t intersect each other. Just focus on your own, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Keith grumbles.
“Good. Now, has anyone seen the newspaper?”
“Keith ate it.”
“I’m on the move. Black, do I have the go?” Keith mumbles low under his breath, fingers pressed against his ear-com as he kneels on the edge of the roof, eyes scanning the security guard’s moves.
“Hold it,” Shiro whispers slowly and Keith can hear the way his partner is tapping the surface of his computer from his side of the com, the tapping clearly matching the security guy’s steps.
Ten full ticks and then, as the guard closes the entrance’s door behind him, Keith gets his go.
He jumps, feet hitting the roof’s ground harshly but painlessly. He stands up, rolling his shoulders back before cracking his neck. Keith smirks to himself, proud that he didn’t need to use the grappling hook to get across between roofs.
There’s a whistle and Keith snaps his attention to the right, face turning into a deep scowl as he meets Blue’s familiar body shape from the corner of his eye.
“Aw, hell no.” Keith mumbles, taking a deep breath before turning and meeting Blue’s eyes, staring unamused as the man winks at him as a greeting.
“Why, hello there, Red!” Blue says cheerfully, waving his arm around in the air towards the dark sky, “Lovely evening, am I right?”
Keith limits himself to stare flatly at him, flipping him off without a word before turning around, heading towards the window to get inside the building.
“Oh, oh, silent treatment? Rude. Where are you going, anyways? Oh, could it be? Could it be that you are looking for Angelica’s Heart? One of the most valuable gems on the National Museum of our country? Could it possibly be the reason you are here?”
Keith doesn’t answer and keeps walking.
“Because -”
He’s at the edge of the window, the hatch already open and Keith can feel his insides boil already. Blue better not have –
“It’s not -”
Keith pushes his face forward, eyes scanning the room below him, and there’s only one thought running through his mind –
“Going to be there.”
That motherfucker.
Blue barely had time to groan in pain before Keith’s on him. His back hits the ground hard and he coughs a few times, letting out a small ‘ow’ as Keith growls menacingly above him.
“Return what you stole, Blue,” Keith snaps, foot pressing further down against the brunet’s arm, “before I break your arm.”
The little shit laughs. He fucking laughs.
“Sorry, Red,” He chuckles, eyebrow raised in challenge and smirk sharp, “but your heart is mine now.”
This motherfucker.
“Oh yeah, that’s so clever, Blue, har har,” Keith laughs drily, hand curling into a fist as he leans further down, hovering over the brunet’s face, scowl back on place, “Now, give me back my ruby.”
“Funny how they call a ruby a ‘heart’, right?”
“Second try: give me back my ruby.”
“I didn’t see your name on it.”
“What are you? Twelve?”
“On the scale from one to ten, yes.”
Keith inhales deeply, hand twitching and aching to grab his blade but he controls himself. “One last chance: give me back my ruby or I will kill you.”
Blue purses his lips, as if thinking it over, before he clicks his mouth and sticks out is tongue in mock.
He will kill him. That’s it, no more holding back, he’s 100% going to kill him –
“Red,” Shiro’s voice makes its way back to his com and Keith’s shoulders tense up at the sharp tone on his partner’s voice, “The mission is over, turn back and report back to the base.”
“But –” Keith complains, eyes falling back to Blue’s frame, scoffing in annoyance when he sees the brunet is laying almost lazily on the floor, not minding in the least that Keith is basically pinning him down.
“Now, Red.”
Keith grunts but nods nonetheless, mumbling a quick ‘understood’ before he pulls himself back and starts walking away from Blue.
“Yeah, okay, fun night, huh? See you next week, man! You know, if you actually get there in time!”
So, okay, Keith returned to the base with one knife missing, and he might had had his ear chew off by Kolivan because of it, but the surprised yelp and pained grunt of Blue as the knife hit him straight on the shoulder made it worth it.
Here’s the thing: Keith might be sleep deprived and jetlagged but he knows what shit he owns, alright?
And he knows for damn sure that he left his 19th Century wrist clock on his coffee table.
Keith frowns, eyes narrowed suspiciously before his breath hitches and looks around him wildly before yelling out in annoyance and running towards his terrace, the only entrance to his apartment besides the front door.
“You come back here, right now, with my shit, you piece of shit!” Keith shouts, waving his fist in the air and leaning forward on his terrace’s handrail, “I will find you and I will kill you, you hear me!”
There’s a snort and a soft ‘Oh my god’ above him and Keith’s quick to look up, his dark eyes meeting Blue’s lighter ones.
“I can’t believe you just threatened me with a meme,” Blue giggles, shaking his head in amusement, still hanging upside down from the apartment’s exterior pipes, “A motherfucking meme, oh my god.”
Keith stays silent, hand reaching for his blade and he groans internally when he remembers it’s on the other side of his room inside his apartment.
He limits himself to flip Blue off.
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about and I don’t give a flying fuck,” Keith growls, trying to push himself higher to meet Blue’s face – tippy toes, he was basically on his tippy toes – “but I’m sick and tired of this game, get your own targets and your own shit.”
“Oh, but I do have my own target,” Blue remarks, a wide playful grin growing on his face, “and I gotta say, life just got interesting because of him since he came back.”
Him. Did he just –?
“Did you just fucking objectify me?” Keith snaps, scowling when the brunet only laughs.
“Okay, hate to hit and run, but I gotta go.” Blue shrugs, winking at Keith while finger gun pointing at him and then he’s falling.
Keith stares unimpressed as Blue’s body falls just besides him, praying and hoping that maybe he will hear a splash of that dumb head crashing against the pavement below them instead of a grappling hook shot.
There’s a laugh, the familiar sound of a grappling hook shooting and Keith limits himself to puff his cheeks in what could almost be a pout.
There’s always next time.
“Don’t you dare!” Keith shouts, pointing an accusing finger towards the frozen spy, “Blue, I see you! Don’t you fucking dare –!”
Blue turns his head slowly, blue eyes wide as if he was actually surprised Keith had caught him red handed for the first time in weeks, before a grin spreads over his face.
“What? Me? Daring to do something that might upset you, Red?” Blue coos, eyes big with fake innocence before he moved his finger closer to the crystal vase in front of him, “but I’m just admiring these pieces of art –”
Keith doesn’t hesitate.
“Nah-huh!” He snaps, grabbing the closest thing around him and throwing it towards his rival, “No! No way! Na-huh, bitch!”
“Ow, what the fuck – !” Blue shouts back in annoyance as soon as the flower vase hits his right arm before it falls and crashes on the floor loudly, “Dude, holy fuck! That one hurt!”
“Good!” Keith cheers, narrowing his eyes and throwing another piece of crystal to Blue, who barely had the time to dodge the tiny empty jewelry box aimed to his head.
“You know what!” Blue shouts, frowning irritated, “Just for that, now I’m definitely gonna steal this piece of shit! Just to spite you!”
“Your entire existence spites me!” Keith yells, grunting in frustration when Blue dodges yet another crystal.
“Oh, oh, yeah? You think you’re so smart, Red? Well, your mullet is an offence to the entire country!” Blue shouts back, grabbing his own crystal and throwing it with vigor towards Keith.
“At least I’m not a low-class spy who can’t get his own targets!”
Another crystal vase.
“You fucking say that to my motherfucking face, you dick!”
There goes a tiara.
“I fucking am? I’m shouting it!”
That glass wasn’t even important, so it’s okay.
“It’s mine!”
“No, it’s mine!”
“I got here first!”
“No, I did! I have been on the outpost for half the night now!”
“Well boo-fucking you!”
“Get off!”
“No, you get off!”
The painting in their hands cracks and both spies stare at the gaping hole in the middle of it before looking up at the ceiling.
“None of you are getting it because you just attracted the police, losers,” The small figure on top of the roof sighs, putting away her gun, “Blue, let’s go!”
“I had that, Green!” Blue huffs, rolling his eyes before grabbing the rope offered to him, his partners quickly pulling him up, “Whatever, you got lucky this time, Red!”
Keith limits himself to raise his hand and move it as if it was a mouth, sticking out his tongue in mock, “You got lucky this time, Red, bla, bla, bleh.”
“You motherfu –!”
Blue’s insult is cut off as his second partner, the one bigger than him in weight and height, picks him up like a bag of potatoes and swing him over his shoulder, an exasperated sigh on his lips.
Keith glares as Blue and Gold disappear from his sight before he shifts his gaze towards the last partner, the smallest one of the trio.
“You got three minutes, Red,” Green announces nonchalantly, pressing a few buttons on her wrist device before flashing him an amused grin, “I would have given you more but I thought you would enjoy the challenge.”
Keith blinks and realizes that the alarm in the museum is off when it had been on just a second ago. He hums, half impressed and half offended.
He grins back at her. “Psh, you gave me more than necessary, Green.”
Green laughs and waves at him as a goodbye.
“Looks like you’re in a tight spot right now, huh, Blue?”
“I would flip you off if, you know, if I could,” Blue grumbles, grunting as he tries to push himself forward before falling back down. “Dude, just...help me out? My head is hurting from being upside down.”
Keith hums, tapping his chin as if thinking about it.
“Okay,” Keith agrees nonchalantly before grinning, “but you gotta give me back the porcelain teapot, you know, the one that belonged to the fucking Queen of England.”
Blue gasps loudly. “Not Mrs. Potts!”
“That one is from France, you uncultured dipshit.”
Yeah, sure, okay, Keith helped his own rival out, but that’s just because there was a very important teapot on the table. That teapot was one of the most valuable items in the country and he will be dammed to miss this opportunity.
Sure, he could just kick Blue in the nuts, grab the teapot and call it a night. He doesn’t, though, because watching Blue fall to the ground comically after he cuts the rope holding him up is way funnier.
They dodge the police, cross the rooftops and then on the fifth neighborhood, Keith hold out his hands.
“Alright, a deal is a deal, man. Hand it over.”
Blue bites his lower lip before he pulls out his hand from his satchel, dropping small pieces of porcelain in Keith’s waiting hand.
“Yeah, so, I might had crushed it unexpectedly when I fell on the trap,” he smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck helplessly.
Keith clicks his tongue and smiles; wide and tight and Lance can only frown in confusion before he’s being push down the edge of the roof.
“Red! Dude! What the fu –! Oh my god!” Blue shouts, hands still in the air, looking wildly for something to hold on to before realizing it was in vain and taking out his grappling hook.
Keith watches, almost bored, as Blue swing himself to the other building’s roof. He leans against the edge of his own rooftop as Blue’s feet find the ground.
“You fucking asshole!”
Keith smirks, makes a poor imitation of Blue’s finger gun points move, wink included, before flipping him off.
“That one was for Mrs. Not Potts!”
He laughs at Blue’s indignant squeak.
Another night, another stolen diamond.
Blue’s laughs echoes around him even after the jump and Keith scowls when he feels the corner of his mouth twitch upward.
“You stop that.” He whispers quietly under his breath to himself before rolling his eyes and turning around, heading the opposite from where Blue had disappeared to.
Okay, so, there goes another gem. Keith adds it to the list of the things Blue has stolen from him, for the record, you know, for the day he actually kills him he will narrate the entire list.
Keith regrets the day he decided to work with a small hand blade and not a gunshot because if he had a gunshot he could at least shot that ass and it will be the death of all his problems.
Well, one of them, because if he needs to shoot every single one of his problems, he would have to shoot Blue’s face too.
And his toned arms.
That jaw too.
Can’t forget the legs.
Keith pauses, shakes his head in bewildered by his thoughts before he takes out his own grappling hook.
Well, goddammit, might as well shoot himself if he goes down this road of thoughts.  
The entire bathroom is fogged with steam but Keith’s sure that he should have found his towel already.
The black-haired man groans, leaving the shower stall and stepping out, feet hitting the cold bathroom’s floor.
He looks around him and arches an eyebrow when he sees no white towel on sight.
“I could have sworn…” he mumbles before rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath, heading towards the door.
Keith walks down his apartment's hall, cracking his neck softly and sighing in content as he feels his muscles relax even more. He hums to himself aimlessly as he steps into his bedroom before he stops abruptly.
He waits; one, two, three ticks before –
The breathless whisper is enough for Keith to spin around, throwing one of his blades hard towards the origin of the sudden uninvited voice.
“Shit, gotta go, ok, bye, Red! Uh - I didn’t think you would actually – ! You know  – !  I um – Yeah anyways, your towel is really soft where do you get it? You know what? Never mind, I’m going now, because I see you have more knives. Look at that, not at all surprised and...and you are aiming your next one, okay, bye now!”
The second blade flies and Keith curses loudly when it only grazes Blue’s shoulder as the brunet dives towards the terrace.
“Son of a bi  – ! Did you really just steal my towel¡?”
That motherfucker.
Keith pants hard as the turns a sharp corner, bullet barely missing him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Shiro had warned him, he fucking had, saying that the sudden unregistered mission couldn’t be anything but a trap but Keith hadn’t listened.
‘You don’t have a green go for this mission, Keith,’ Shiro had said two days ago, ‘Not until we figure it out where it came from.’
It came from the Galra, Keith found out, but he really couldn't gloat about his discovery seeing as he was ambushed and attacked by said spies.
‘This is gonna cost me an ear with Shiro and Kolivan,’ Keith thinks, dodging one of the shots coming from behind him, hissing in pain when the gash on his right hip doesn’t agree with his sudden movement.
He was supposed to be on the other side of the city, stealing some diamond that came from all the way over from Russia, but no, he isn’t because Keith's a stubborn ass who wanted the unofficial mission and get himself killed by their enemies.
Whatever, Blue probably already stole it by now for sure.
He’s too entranced with his thoughts, which is something that Thace would scold him about, that he doesn’t notice the sudden body coming from his left and then his entire body crashes against the wall, yelling out in agony when his bad shoulder collides with the hard surface.
He slides down the wall slowly, biting his lip hard against his teeth as he glares at the Galra spy in front of him.
There’s a gun’s end staring right down at him and Keith can only sigh, dropping his shoulder but pushing himself as tall as he could in his lumped sitting position on the floor.
He glares up at the gun, eyes misty and wide but never wavering.
Keith hears a laugh from the Galra, as if they were amused, but he saves himself the energy to curse them. Instead, he closes his eyes and hopes that those who he considered family know that he had tried and that he had cared.
He closes his eyes and waits. For the first time in his life, he waits.
There’s a shot and that’s all Keith needs to know it’s over.
“Red, hey, are you with me? Red!” He hears someone hiss near him, familiar, almost comforting, and Keith can’t help but think ‘huh, death really is painless.’
Except it wasn’t.
“Keith!” Someone shouts and then there’s a sharp stinging pain in his left cheek, the one that isn't decorated with a gaping gash in the middle, and Keith snaps his eyes open, the end of a gun being replaced with a pair of big blue concern eyes. “Come on, man! Keith!”
That’s his name. How does Blue knows his name?
“Are you with me? Keith, answer me!” Blue tries again, this time patting his cheek as if to make him focus but Keith can only frown in confusion, eyes only shifting to the side to see the unmoving form of the Galra.
“Blue here, I got him. The East Wing has been neutralized, heading to the exit now. I will meet you outside, no, I got him, don't worry.”
Keith has no idea who he’s talking to but he doesn't care. He just keeps staring at Blue, eyelids fluttering quickly, his entire body shaking with exhaustion.
“Hey! No falling asleep on me! No way Jose! Red! Keith!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Keith mumbles quietly, falling forward, fully expecting for his face to meet the floor but instead, he’s pressed against a firm warm chest.
“Okay, alright, time to go then.” He hears Blue whisper and then he’s being carried, bridal style, his mind lazily recognizes.
It’s a good thing Keith’s half conscious, because he would throw a fit if he wasn't.
There’s noise and voices around him, the sounds of tires against the pavement along the faint sound of police sirens but Keith can’t seem to concentrate. Not when strong arms hold him close to their warmth, as if he was something precious, like one of the gems they are in charge of stealing.
Someone is calling for him, asking, maybe begging him to stay awake. He feels the sharp pain of something piercing his skin and he jerks abruptly, barely being able to move with the arms around him but there’s a soft humming on his ear and its distracts him enough from the pain until he can barely notice it.
He hasn’t realized that he had closed his eyes until the smell of vanilla hit his nose and he opens one eye, slowly and weakly to stare at his own living room.
Keith blinks, confusion clear on his face and then he looks up, eyes meeting Blue’s strong jaw and steady gaze. It feels almost surreal to see Blue so serious and without a smile.
It’s not long before Blue catch his stare and then a small smile appears on his face, making Keith’s stomach to flip.
“Hunk and Shiro already patched you up enough on the way here,” Blue fills him in, quietly and low, footsteps gentle as he walks towards the bedroom and Keith vaguely notices the way he’s still on his arms, strong and secure, “You still need to go to your base’s infirmary to make sure. Pidge made sure to completely erase your presence from tonight’s event and Allura’s working on the Galra as we speak. It’s done, so you just...just rest.”
Keith hums, not really understanding Blue’s words but still nodding as if he did. He pushes himself closer to Blue’s chest, his eyebrows furrowed together as memories fill his head and mix themselves. He feels like he’s back in the Garrison’s halls, back in the classrooms, the library, and training deck. There’s a faint memory of a loud young voice filling his mind followed by laughter, teasing and then –
Blue’s steps falter for a second before he continues, mumbling something unintelligible under his breath before dropping the injured spy on the bed carefully.
“You said my name,” Blue whispers, shock and surprised clear in his voice, “Keith, you – ?”
Keith hums, patting Lance on the shoulder with his good arm.
Lance smiles, small and wobbly but a smile nonetheless, “Ah, so you do remember me.”
Keith would roll his eyes, he honestly would, but he’s too comfortable and warmed that he doesn’t give a shit.
Although, he can still troll Lance.
His mouth twitches, eyes half lidded. “Heh, lousy thief.”
Lance snorts, “Yeah, sure, bring back the Academy’s nicknames, why not, Mullet.”
“Says the one...that never grew up from that one.” Keith slurs, words getting longer and quieter.
His vision is blurry but he can still see the way Lance shakes his head, and if Keith has to guess, there’s an amused smile on his face.
“Whatever you say, man,” Lance whispers and Keith feels a hand on his head, fingers passing through it tenderly, “Don’t go off schedule anymore, because this is the kind of stuff that happens when I’m not with you.”
“Lance and Keith, huh?” Keith whispers, and Lance hums.
“Neck and neck,” Lance adds just as softly, a small playful grin decorating his face, “but lately seems like surpassing you, Mr. Oh I Was Top Of The Garrison Before I Went Undercover Like A Hermit.”
Keith snorts and tries to lift his hand to flip Lance off.
He fails but he’s sure that Lance got the memo because he hears him laugh, but then the hand leaves, the warm dims and Keith’s eyes flutter open.
He sees Lance’s back walking away from him, heading towards open terrace and Keith’s voice gets caught up in his throat.
He tries. His hand shakes as he lifts it up from the mattress, reaching for Lance, reaching to pull him back; for a reason, for whatever reason, he needs to pull him back –
But his vision turns dark, black spots filling the edges, making Lance’s figure to disappear slowly and then he’s out like a light.
His hand falls back to the mattress motionless.
When Keith arrives, it’s the sight of Lance sitting on the roof that greets him; legs swinging on the air as he hums quietly under his breath.
Keith huffs and stomps his foot down annoyed when he catches the soft gleam of the emerald under Lance’s satchel.
“Took you long enough, Red.” Lance hums, not turning around to meet him and Keith resists the urge to choke him.
He does try though; raising both of his hands, still a few feet away from Lance and levels them to where Lance’s neck is before squeezing, hands only meeting air.
“Low-key hurt that you’re trying to imaginary choke me when I saved you three weeks ago.” Lance chuckles, throwing his head back to meet Keith’s glare and his grin only widens.
“I wouldn’t have to choke you if you stopped stealing most of my missions,” Keith snaps, taking a few steps before taking seat besides Lance, “I can’t believe you stole my first gig in three weeks.”
“Aw, but Red, that’s especially why I had to come!” Lance says, shrugging his shoulder, “I had to give you a warm welcome, ya’ know, which this is.”
Keith’s eyes widen as he catches Lance’s hands searching for something in his satchel. He waits and for some reason he feels excited as Lance pulls something out. Huh, maybe tonight he wouldn’t have to do any acrobatics and still go home with a gem, which is cool.
Lance takes his pale hand and drops something on it, making him to look down.
Keith swears he could kill him.
“A ring pop?” Keith deadpans, staring flatly at the candy, unwrapped candy, in his hand.
Lance grins. “It’s watermelon flavour!”
Keith clicks his tongue and smiles, wide and tight and Lance sees it coming before it even arrives.
“No, no, Red –!”
Keith throws the candy to his face, successfully colliding with his forehead and making the brunet to yelp in surprise.
“Dude! That thing costs two dollars!” Blue complains, rubbing his forehead with a pout, “Jesus, at least you didn’t throw me off the ro – Fuck!”
It’s fine, he had his grappling hook.
Keith thinks.
“Kei –!”
He waits, hears a loud ‘ow’ and then pops his head to the edge, smirking when he sees Lance lying face down on the fire escape stairs.
“Are you alive?” He asks nonchalantly, leaning against the edge with his knee.
Keith hums when he hears some groaning.
He’s fine.
“He wasn’t supposed to be there, you know.”
Keith looks up from his blade and meets Shiro’s eyes at the entrance of the common room.
“Blue,” Shiro nods, pushing himself from the door’s frame and walking towards the younger man, “That night you got ambushed. He got his own mission on the other side of town but instead he headed to your assigned mission and contacted me as soon as he realized you weren’t coming.”
“He...did?” Keith frowns, lips pursing like they always do when he’s thinking too hard and Shiro takes it upon himself to save him the energy.
Shiro slaps the back of his head.
“Dude,” Keith hisses annoyed but Shiro waves him off, a wide smirk in place as he narrows his eyes suspiciously at Keith’s blush.
Keith huffs, turning away from his partner and picking his blade once again, ignoring the way Shiro point at his own cheeks and puffs them before pointing at him, as if telling him something about his face.
Sure, he feels hot but...the AC is not on, so, yeah, whatever.
“Whatever, that only means that I get to steal that gem next week –”
“Oh, no, the gem is long gone. He stole it the next night.”
“That motherfucker.”
“Hell no. You don’t get this one. You give me back what you just stole and walk away, right now! Blue! Blue, goddammit!”
Keith groans, following Lance to the edge of his terrace before climbing on the wall and ending on the roof of his building, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at Lance.
The brunet laughs and waves the ruby gently on his hand in Keith’s face. “Oh, what? You want this back? Dude, your own fault for stealing it from me last week, again. I thought he had already established that your heart was mine.”
Keith narrows his eyes in annoyance but his heart beats wildly inside him, his breathing hitches and he knows there’s no use on denying.
Lance may not know this, but Keith’s no longer referring to the Angelica’s heart ruby.
Lance’s tone is playful, like it always is; a teasing and mocking edge on every word that leaves his mouth, making Keith scowl at himself to even feel the sharp tug he feels inside him when he hears them. Keith’s done; he’s tired of this dance on the roof.
“Why should you have it in the first place?” Keith whispers, honest confusion filling his features, not even bothering to deny what was real, his eyes searching for something in Lance’s. He takes a step forward, shoulders dropped, “Why do you even want it?”
Lance’s eyes widen in surprise and shock and Keith almost feels bad for him for dropping the sudden bomb on him but he sees it. He sees the hesitation in those blue eyes. He sees the wobbly movement from Lance’s Adams apple and he sees the way Blue bites down his lower lip, as if holding himself back.
“Lance.” Keith hisses, annoyed and frustrated.
Lance sighs, knowing that the gig was up as soon as his name left Keith’s lips. He drops his hand and jerks his head towards the edge of the building.
Keith’s follows him quietly and sits beside him; shoulders still tense and half turned, as if waiting to hear the answer and yet aching to run away from it.
‘Knowledge or death,’ Kolivan had told him once, back when he was a reckless teenager looking for answers that shouldn’t be found.
Tonight, Keith understand the meaning behind those words better than anyone, and he has accepted his choice.
“You know there’s this saying: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” Lance mumbles, rubbing his shoulder aimlessly and Keith ‘s stomach turns, guilty when he realizes it’s the same spot his blade had hit him on all those months ago.
Keith frowns, raising his hand and letting it hover over Lance’s shoulder. “That time when I – ?”
“Hm?” Lance hums, confused by his question before he follows his gaze and his eyes widen, “Oh man, no, hah, believe me, there’s no grudge for that.”
“But you said…an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?”
Lance nods, no resentment in his eyes as he turns to meet Keith’s gaze once again and finishes for him. “Yeah, and a heart for a heart, Keith.”
Keith’s breath hitches and he’s barely coming to terms with the meaning of Lance’s words before two hands are cupping his cheeks and suddenly Lance’s breath is on him.
“Can I …?” He breathes out, quietly as if there was a chance to wake the entire city if he spoke any louder, “Keith, can I –?“
Keith doesn’t allow him to finish. Instead, he launches forward, quick and hurried, and presses their lips together.
Keith melts.
Warm spreads over his body and he smiles into the kiss unconsciously, feeling proud of the small noise he gets from Lance when he bites down on the tanner man’s lower lip. He pushes himself forward, chest pressed against each other and Keith lets himself go.
He loses track of the time, there’s only Lance for him. Lance’s fingers stroking his cheek, cupping it gently and keeping him close. He feels them on the back of his neck, playing with the end of his hair and gripping it tight and Keith holds back a moan.
His own hands travel their own path on Lance. They go from his hair, to his ears, earning a soft giggle against his mouth, followed by the jaw, and all the way down to his waist, pulling with close with a sharp tug that makes the brunet gasp in surprise and Keith tries to suppress the grin that threatened to break the kiss, but he does hum in appreciation.
Time pass and before neither of them are aware of, they pull away when the need of air is desperate and Keith allows himself to stay still; eyes closed, forehead pressed against Lance’s and he breathes.
“Oh no, what is this?” He hears Lance mumbles playfully, making Keith to open his eyes to stare at him confused, “Angelica’s heart I stole from you? In your hands once again? Keith, how could you steal that from me?” Lance asks in mock offense, hand pressed against his chest.
Keith blinks and frowns, opening his mouth but then Lance’s eyes fall down to Keith’s open palm, making Keith to follow his gaze, and his breath hitches when he sees the ruby in his hand.
“I am betrayed,” Lance laments, mouth twitching in amusement when Keith snorts, “Well, damn, seems like I’m gonna have to steal it back from you, huh?”
Keith’s heart flutters at the words, feeling a sudden rush of affection towards the brunet, feeling thankful that Lance’s still giving him a chance to decide on his own.
Keith huffs, because his decision has been made way before he even realized he had made one. He shrugs his shoulders and replies casually, playing along. “I mean, you can try, Lance, but…”
He turns the ruby in with his fingers, inspecting it carefully and wondering how a small gem was able to get so much meaning.
“There’s no need.” Keith mumbles before locking eyes with Lance again, offering a gentle smile, “Seems like the ruby itself found its favorite thief.”
Lance pauses before he beams and laughs. He laughs and shakes his head in disbelief before he throws himself to Keith, arms around his neck.
Keith joins him, circling his arms around the brunet’s back and nuzzling on the crook of his neck, enjoying the faint smell of caramel in Lance’s clothes.
“But the next sapphire that we encounter is mine, you hear me?”
Lance snorts against his neck. “You just like the analogy of gems being hearts and you want one of them being my heart.”
“A heart for a heart.”
“Fair enough.”
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thecowardlycreative · 7 years
We’re Okay
Fandom: Voltron: legendary defender
Pairing: Klance with past Laxum
Summary: There’s probably going to be a part of Lance that will always love Plaxum and, deep down, Keith is pretty sure he’s always known that. (part of the single-dad!lance au)
Words: 1637
notes: man, I should really get on and actually write this fic chronologically…
Keith knew, before he was even fully conscious, that he was alone in the bed. The sheets felt too loose around him, the air too cold. Still, he couldn’t help reaching out for Lance with one hand. He must have gone to the bathroom. But the light under the door wasn’t on.
Keith frowned and rolled over to Lance’s side of the bed. It was already cold there but it still smelt like him and Keith guiltily buried his face in his pillow for a moment. He stayed there, waiting for Lance to come back. Maybe he’d laugh at Keith’s clinginess. Maybe he’d pull out his phone and take a picture so that he could blackmail Keith until the end of time with his inability to sleep alone anymore. Maybe he wouldn’t say anything at all. Maybe he’d just smile in the soft, brittle way that he has when he feels too much at once and crawl back into bed, wrap himself around his boyfriend, and fill the bitter cold that had settled in his absence.
That would be nice.
But he still wasn’t back and it had been almost ten minutes. Even if he was getting a glass of water, he shouldn’t be taking so long.
Allowing himself one more lungful of Lance, Keith stood up, his feet freezing on the wooden floor.
The house slept and the wind blew outside and the mountains swam with life as they always did; the sound of night creatures might have disturbed him when he first moved here but now they were barely noticeable, like the sound of waves in the background. He ducked his head into Ruby’s room but she was still sound asleep, her cheeks highlighted purple by her nightlight. Keith smiled despite himself at her serene expression and shut the door again silently.
He found Lance in the living room. The lights were still off but the TV was on and it’s eery blue flicker had lead him in the right direction. Lance was hunched in front of it on the floor, curled around a cushion with his chin on his knee, watching the screen with a blank face. He barely seemed to be blinking. The volume was down so low that Keith couldn’t hear it from where he stood in the doorway but the woman on the screen was recognisable enough.
Dr. Platea Honorè – Olkari University, the banner at the bottom of the screen read.
Her hair in two thick braids, a recently graduated Plaxum talked animatedly from the middle of some rainforest, her hands waving, eyes alight and Keith felt something twitch in his heart. He tried not to frown. There was no point being jealous of a woman who was already dead, he knew that. But he also knew that there was some part of Lance would never really stop loving her.
“She always wanted to meet David Attenborough,” Lance’s voice took him by surprise. He must have sensed Keith there because he never even turned around. “Never got to, in the end… But she did get invited on this one documentary – it’s not Attenborough but it’s still damn impressive, in my opinion – and sometimes I… You know, just when I need to hear her voice.”
Keith wasn’t sure if he was breathing. Honestly, he wasn’t even thinking about whether he was breathing or not because every single atom of him was trying to think of something to say – anything that he could say to make Lance stop sounding like that.
“I probably know her whole bit off by heart,” said Lance quietly. “‘Because it’s a widespread species’,” he said in perfect synchronisation with a tragically young Plaxum. “‘We’ve always know it was a widespread species – even having been introduced intentionally in some areas for pest control to disastrous effect – and I just sort of started to wonder: maybe I’d found the ‘Darwin’s finches of the Indo-Australian region’. I mean, they’re not literal finches but maybe I could find something that differentiated the different populations and use that to map the historical spread of monitor lizards through the area –”
Lance was still going, his voice coming out in a steady stream, even his hands seemed to mirror Plaxum’s but his face – god, his face was so twisted with pain that Keith was striding across the room before he had even thought to do it. He wrapped his arms around the other man and that voice, that terrible, awful, fake-cheery voice that warbled at the edges and set Keith’s teeth on edge finally stopped. And Lance sat still. Just breathing. Not moving. Plax kept talking around them.
“Sorry,” he said at last, his voice breaking but at least his own. “I don’t… Sometimes I forget what she sounded like. And when I try to remember, all I can hear…” Keith pretended he could hear the wet sniff that interrupted Lance’s sentence. “All I can hear is this fucking… thing. And I… I don’t want to learn about stupid lizards anymore. But it’s not like she’s here to talk about anything else.”
What should he say? What should Keith say?
God, he didn’t know. His heart hurt and he couldn’t tell whether it was still from some illogical jealousy or just the knowledge that Lance must have fallen apart like this over and over and over again until he knew every line in that damn documentary by heart. All alone with Ruby sleeping ignorant and happy upstairs and the TV flickering in a dark room, Lance must have clenched his teeth and buried his face in a cushion and wished for someone to come and save him night after night after night. And now, even though Keith was right there, he couldn’t do anything but tighten his arms around him and let him cry.
Lance didn’t cry for long – the product of much practice, no doubt – and then he curled his arms under Keith’s shoulders and toppled them both sideways until they lay like parentheses on the rug, foreheads and toes touching. Plax had finished her piece and the documentary had moved on, following the Wallace Line through South-East Asia, but neither of them seemed to even notice. Lance’s nose still ran and his eyes were rimmed pink, his mind was still trying to reach out for the fragments of his wife that were always just a little too far. He didn’t mean to, in fact almost all of him was right there, enjoying the soft rug beneath him and Keith’s thumb rubbing hesitant strokes over his ribs with all the inexperienced concern that made him so Keith, but some days Plax just seemed a little closer than usual and it was always too tempting at those times not to try stretch out and grab her.
Keith still hadn’t said anything, just stared at him with those big, dark eyes and bored his forehead against his as if he could rip out all the painful memories by sheer force of will. He was so… kind. That was the only word Lance could think of to describe him and that was somehow hilarious because ‘kind’ would be the last word Keith would ever use to describe himself. And maybe that said something. Maybe it wasn’t ‘kind’ that Lance was thinking of. Empathetic? Protective? Caring? Whatever the word, Keith was Good and Lance was floored on a regular basis that he didn’t seem to see it.
Plax would see it. She would have taken one look at all of Keith’s awkward affection and fond insults and worried nagging and known exactly how Good that boy was. Even now his eyes were widening in fear as Lance frowned at yet another unbidden thought of Plaxum. He was worried. And Lance loved him for that.
“You know,” he whispered across the few inches between them, “I think she’d love you. I mean, not in the way I love you but in a platonic ‘this kid is great’ sort of way.”
Keith’s thumb stilled on Lance’s ribs and his eyes opened even wider, flicking back and forth between Lance’s searching for who knows what. He stared and he stared and he stared until Lance started to feel himself shift uncomfortably at it.
“What?” he half-laughed because it was easier to cover his discomfort with blustering.
Keith’s adam’s apple bobbed once. “You love me?” he breathed.
Lance felt caught between a smile at the quiet look of awe on Keith’s face and fear that he might have just colossally screwed up. “I do,” he said, all the same.
“Me?” Keith confirmed.
“That’s… whoa. Unexpected.”
“We are dating?”
“I just… didn’t think you’d… I’m kind of a mess?”
There was no confusion that time in what he wanted to do and Lance laughed, throwing one arm over Keith’s waist to pull him closer. Keith frowned.
“Babe, we’re all kind of a mess,” Lance said with a grin.
“Oh,” said Keith. And then the tiniest little smile picked up the corners of his mouth, it seemed as if this was only just dawning on him and he pressed his forehead more firmly against Lance’s again. It seemed to be his signature move when overcome with emotion. “I love you, too,” he whispered and Lance just kissed him.
In the background, the narrator of the documentary gave some witty soundbite and a swell of orchestral music spilled softly from the TV as the credits began to play. The tragically young Platea Honorè was gone, tucked away back onto the DVD as nothing but data again. And maybe there would be some part of Lance that would always love her, and maybe some days that would continue to scrape illogically at Keith’s insides, but, at the same time, maybe that was okay. Because none of that meant Lance had to love him any less.
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cas-hyung · 7 years
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~ BTS ~
You Made Me Again - Taekook/Yoonminjin - M (for now) - WIP -  AO3 
He was falling. The wind was ripping at his wings and tearing the feathers off one by one, and the atmosphere was burning the ones that were left. He had been cast away; thrown out of heaven by his own brothers. The betrayal almost hurt worse than the pain in his wings. The wings would heal over time, but this sort of pain was different. It made his heart beat faster and his stomach ache, it made tears sting at the corner of his eyes. He was thrown away.
~ Voltron: Legendary Defender ~
The Glow Of The Fire Will Light Up The Night - Klance -E- Complete - AO3
It starts as a fight; it always starts as a fight. The other members might not have figured it out yet, except for Pidge, Pidge always seems to know. Anyways, fighting. It’s become sort of their foreplay in a weird messed up kind of way, but it’s how they work. Lance throws a few insults at Keith, Keith flips his ridiculous hair angrily at Lance and they continue like that. It’s easy, it’s normal and for the most part the team has no idea what it leads to later. 
Stranded Together, Our Worlds Have Collided - Sheith - T+ - WIP - AO3
This story is about Shiro and Keith who have more in common than they realize. Shiro, the escaped lab experiment and Keith the walking anomaly. Both are living weapons and both are fighting for their freedom. They may not know the extent of their own power or what it could be used for, but Shiro and Keith are working to make a change in the world. Will they use their abilities to raze the nation to the ground or will they use it to protect the ones they love?
Because Of You, I’m Becoming Ruined - Klance - T+ - Complete - AO3
Keith doesn't really believe in soulmates, he's not really a fan of the whole thing. Yeah a line magically shows up on your skin some day and ta-da! It's what the love of your life is gonna say to you when you meet them. Sounds perfect right? Definitely logical.
Your Small Smile Brings Up A Storm In My Heart - Klance - T+ - Complete - AO3
Lance finds out he's a demigod and Keith ends up helping him learn new things. Capture the flag happens and cute moments under a tree.
~ Bungou Stray Dogs ~
Tie Me Up And Show Me What's Real -Soukoku- E - Complete - AO3
“I��ve had enough,” Chuuya growls. “Bed, now.”
It’s About To Go Down, We Go Have A Show Down - Soukoku - E - Complete - AO3
Apparently there was a bathroom hidden in the library, one that not many people knew about and the perfect place for him to work through Dazai’s boredom. Dazai used Chuuya to open the door, pushing him into it and making him walk backwards until they were both in the room and the lock was turned.
~ Haikyuu ~ (all bokuakakuroken and pairings from within that ship)
Pouring The Fuel, Fanning The Flames - E - Complete - AO3
Akaashi and Kenma are getting restless. It’s been weeks since their show with the socks and panties, and Bokuto and Kuroo haven’t done anything. Of course they were still having sex, very good sex, very often, but it wasn’t the kind like it was before. Something so intense that you can’t just do every night.
Upon Our Joined Hands, Leave A Gentle Kiss - E - Complete - AO3
“Mmmm are you sure? I could keep going like this for hours.” Bokuto replies with a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Yeah I know but do you know what you could be doing right now?” Kenma asks. “What is that?” “You could be fucking me against this wall.” Kenma whispers right into Bokuto’s ear
Bokuto's New Groove - M - Complete - AO3
Kuroo and Bokuto get freaky after their daily gym time. Shenanigans ensue.
Quiet Nights - T+ - Complete - AO3
Based off of the post 'Imagine Person A holding Person B while laying in bed. Person A kisses Person B’s forehead, thinking Person B is asleep. Just before Person A gives Person B another kiss, Person B turns and their lips touch. Bonus if Person A is blushing.'
Or where Kuroo falls asleep on Kenma and fluff happens.
Doubts - M - Complete - AO3
Prompt: You should do an angsty but happy at the end bokuakakuroken prompt where one of them has doubts about the relationship and feels like it would be the same w/o them but then the others try to cheer them up. And/or tooth rotting fluff
Shopping Can Be Fun - G - Complete - AO3
Kuroo and Kenma go shopping and they find something unexpected.
Sometimes Plans Backfire - E - Complete - AO3
Prompt: Hello I heard Bokuakakuroken and you should totally write a smutty fic where Bokuto and Kuroo are making out and feeling each other up to tease Akaashi and Kenma. In the end they have a hot foursome where everyone makes out with everyone
Legos Are The One True Enemy - M - Complete - AO3
prompt: kuroo stepping on a lego and being very dramatic about it; so dramatic it turns into the Scene Where The Love Of The Main Character Dies and preferably its bokuto helping him with it (duh), kenma and akaashi just... wondering wat did they do to deserve This Fucking Mess. may contain 'im gonna push this lego pyramid up ur ass' threats.
Akaashi Has The Hands Of An Angel - G - Complete - AO3
Kuroo comes home with a backache and everyone does what they can to help. Akaashi has magic hands and Kenma and Bokuto are cuddle bugs, fluff ahead.
A Taste of Their Own Medicine - E - Complete - AO3 
Kenma and Akaashi come up with a plan to show Bokuto and Kuroo just how good thigh high knee pads can look.
Kuroo's Thighs Are Absolutely Obscene - E - Complete - AO3
Kuroo forgets his knee pads and Bokuto saves the day. Akaashi and Kenma can't take the teasing anymore and locker room shenanigans happen.
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ohgygia · 8 years
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been reading a lot of klance fics lately so i thought i’d share it w you guys!! here’s 14 of them and definitely my favorites. comes with the title (duh), description, a review by yours truly, and link to the fic. the writers of said fics also have some gorg other masterpieces so be sure to check those out!
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1. ) Smile for the Stars by maIikcutie
Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
amazing a+++ fic but i strongly advise not to read this unless you are willing to live the rest of your life broken hearted and Sad. i promise ur heart will be wrecked but in the best way possible!!! a buncha artists on tumblr made art for this so be sure to check those out & also there’s a epilogue-ish thing for this that dulls the pain a lil less and its called The Stars Smile Back in case yall were interested
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2. ) Dirty Laundry by Gibslythe
"Two whole months of free laundry in exchange for two weeks of being my fake boyfriend. Deal?” Keith hesitated for a moment. Was this really worth it? Hardly. Lance was an asshole, and he wasn’t sure what fake dating would entail. But, free laundry was free laundry, right? “Alright, it’s a deal.” Or: Lance makes the mistake of telling his Mom he has a boyfriend coming home with him for Christmas. Keith makes the mistake of agreeing to be Lance's 'fake boyfriend'.
if u love slow burn then BOY ur gonna love this !!!! mama lance is so warm i luv her !!! fake dating aka one of my fav tropes so 11/10 and i just rly love this ok im in tears
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3. ) call me, beep me by safra
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes couldvery easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck?? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake! where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
i love through-chat fics therefore i am so in love with this!!!!!! your everyday "wrong number" trope but so so so much better!!! cute and happy
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4. ) Seasons by fairietailed
“Do you think we’ll be together, still, by the time we make it home?” Lance is quiet for a moment, thinking. Then he says, “That depends. Do you plan on going somewhere?” Keith laughs, threading his fingers through Lance’s hair. “No, I suppose I don’t.”
their relationship is just SO PURE AND SOFT and so well written i'm in luuuv but the open ending will shatter and will most likely rip u apart
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5. )  Don't Break Connection, Baby by princedeadend
Keith works part-time as a phone sex operator and receives a prank call from Lance. This does not go as planned for Lance. Thus begins the adventure of our dear sweet idiot continuing to call Keith to fuck with him (but not like fuck fuck with him...at least not yet). And y'know, eventually having legit conversations with him and getting attached and growing on Keith. aka the phone sex operator fic no one asked for
this is soooooooooo cute and adorable and wow i luv ittttt!!! made me smile so hard it hurts
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6. ) He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed...and so are the true monsters.
oh my god the buildup may be slow but i promise it's worth it like everything just falls perfectly into place !!! and its so adorable and creative and just wow not ur usual klance fanfic and that just makes it 1000x better and also,,, dragons !!
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7. ) Bonding Time by magisterpavus
“Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands. Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. “What? What happened?” “I think,” Keith whispered, “I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick.”
galra keith will always and forever be my fav au so this is a definite fav for me !!! i love the other 3 sequels it comes w too!! and nsfw content too dont even lie ik u guys are thirsty for that
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8 .) Just Static by Jessadilla
--Static---- -iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m---- -static-- --I’m sorry guys. This is all my-- --static--cc-- ---I found my coordinates. They’re-- -stttcc- -guys. I hear something--- --scccc- -end transmission- Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?
this fic got me sad and crying in the middle of the night )': wont leave u too sad tho the ending is pretty nice
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9. ) What a Healing Pod Can't Repair by Remember_Me
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be. -- Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
no words. literally no words. this was so painful and just wow the buildup will shatter u i swear )’: also poor bb lance i sob. comes with cool-looking art which makes it a whole lot better
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10. ) Seen: 5:29 by SpeedOfSins
AU where Keith is some important guy who has a business suit, and lance is a good housewife. (tha ts a lie, i honestly dont have a summary but this fic hurts, i have been told by at least 3 people) Written in text format
will wreck u, beware!! may be short but enough to bring u to tears honestly
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11. ) On Thin Ice by Minadora
Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity. This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.
the description says it all !!!!! a fic beloved by the vld fandom and gosh whats not to love honestly???? also the whole gang is so happy !!! (sidenote: this is unfinished and its killing me)
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12. ) I bet you look good on the dancefloor by xShieru
"So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. - Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
if u love step up ur gonna LOVE this !!!! i love it so so so so much can i just say and wow keith is so hot ffs
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13. ) thunderstruck by xShieru
Lance doesn't pine for anyone ever, Keith's never been to a dance, Hunk tries his best to be supportive, Shiro is very done, and Pidge steals a car.But hey, it could've been worse.
space prom!!!!!!! and cute pining gays!! whats not to love about that?
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14. ) In English, Please
Lance thinks he can get away with flirting with Keith if it's in Spanish. Lance thinks if he says the words angrily enough no one will catch on to the ruse. Lance thinks his secret crush is safe. Lance, my friends, is very...very wrong.
two words - too. cute. i can't even with this fic
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