#klance offspring
aro-paladin-pidge · 2 years
Music hcs for the paladins cuz I’m bored + the inevitable Klance Music war. (I know next to nothing about music, so most of it’ll be the various stages of my music taste + some of the stuff my family likes.)
Keith likes pretty much anything 90s alternative. Grunge, hardcore, alt rock, all of it. Nirvana, Chili Peppers, Green Day. His favorite song is Brain Stew by Green Day. Lance makes fun of him for being mainstream, and thus begins The Music War. All paladins are drafted. Fierce battles are fought in the castle hallways. The casualties number in the dozens of speakers, drones, rigged headphones/earbuds, and one giant Altean super-stereo. It only end when Shiro tries to get them into MCR (he had an emo phase) and they unite against the common enemy. Keith will die before he says anything, but he falls in love with Danger Days.
Lance is very passionate about his 90s skate punk. The Offspring, Authority Zero, Rancid, all that stuff. His favorite song is Time Bomb by Rancid. He has an extensive collection of vintage cassettes back on earth, knows all the lyrics, and absolutely loathes every band Keith has ever expressed a passing interest in. He kicks off one of the most furious battles when he insists that Green Day sold out (he’ll never admit that he used to rock out to American Idiot), and later on, Shiro nearly restarts The War when he says that The Offspring are almost as mainstream as Green Day.
Pidge is absolutely into, like, 2010s pop punk. All Time Low, Good Charlotte, The Cab, probably some Green Day even though they’re punk rock. They don’t have a favorite song, but I can totally see Pidge rocking out to Revolution Radio. They’re loud and obnoxious about it, blasting their music at 2 in the morning when they can’t sleep (the castle’s walls are soundproofed, but after… Matt totally begs for rooms on the other side of the Atlas.) When the war comes, they serve as Lance’s second, though he makes them swear to never play any Green Day. They sneak a Foxboro Hottubs song into one of his playlists, and it almost results in civil war.
Rounding off Lance’s side in The War is Shiro. (which is why Lance was so betrayed by his Offspring comment + the MCR schism) No one believes it at first, but he’s actually a diehard punk. Subgenres be damned, if it’s got the word ‘punk’ slapped somewhere on it, Shiro loves it. Death, Sex Pistols, Anti-Flag, everything. His favorite song is definitely Brandenburg Gate by Anti-Flag (he used to sing it to Adam all the damn time-“Hey, honey, I want to share something with you.” “Aw, go ahead.” “I LOST MY BABY TO A FOREIGN WAR/SHE HE WAS CUT DOWN IN THE GUNFIRE OF THE WESTERN WORLD-” “I’m not fucking dead you asshole!”)
When Allura learns about human music, she falls in love with 2010s indie/pop rock. American Authors, The Score, X Ambassadors, that kind of thing. Her favorite song is Paint the Town Green by The Score. Once drafted into The Music War, she fights for Team Mainstream/Keith. On her most daring mission (replacing the intercom speakers in Shiro’s and Lance’s rooms with ones rigged to play a constant loop of Green Day’s Welcome to Paradise) she is captured and forced to listen to actually good music, Allura (Lance’s playlist) and it is here that the Foxboro Hottubs treachery is discovered. She manages to escape during the resulting argument.
Hunk does not particularly care about music, but he is drafted nonetheless. When he (very rarely) listens to music, it’s that singer-songwriter folk rock shit you get on the radio. Mumford & Sons, The Lumineers, The Strumbellas, that kind of thing. Naturally, he sides with Team Mainstream, causing a rift within the Garrison Trio. Lance insists that Hunk is dead to him, Shiro gives him his best Disappointed Dad Look™, and Pidge goes on a Hunk-food hunger strike for 2 days before they can’t stomach the food goo anymore. It is Hunk who manages to destroy the giant Altean super-stereo Team Punk/Lance hides in a closet behind their base of operations (empty castle bedroom #426). His favorite song (and only example of good taste) is Mr. Brightside by The Killers.
Coran is the only neutral party in The Music War, as he listens to Irish folk music (Shiro tries to get him into Flogging Molly, but tragically fails) and is neutral about everything else. He provides necessary relief supplies (earplugs and noise-cancelling headphones) to both sides, and calls cease-fires for missions. He single-handedly prevented The Second Music War.
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triscribe · 6 years
Praxit and Hydrus /because I love those children
You are a very persistent person, my friend. Alright, a jump to the Voltron fandom it is!
Full Name: Praxit Kogane; Hydrus KoganeGender and Sexuality: Both male; Praxit is Bi with no flirting skills to speak of, whereas Hydrus is Ace and can’t seem to meet a new person without dropping a pick-up line or three (we blame that one on his papa Lance).Pronouns: He/him for eachEthnicity/Species: Full-blooded Galra, these are gonna be some Tol and Beefy Boys when they eventually finish growingBirthplace and Birthdate: Exact place of birth unknown, they were found hidden in an alleyway dumpster on a planet still re-settling from its liberation by the Voltron Coalition; it should be noted this happened quite a few years ahead of the current date, but in an AU timeline that diverged from canon back in Season 2 territoryGuilty Pleasures: Praxit has quite a lot of fun in ripping up Earth magazines and making collages and poems out of the pieces, but he doesn’t like letting people know about it ‘cause he doesn’t want to hand more ammunition to those who want to paint all Galra as destructive monsters. Hydrus, while a much more open person than his twin, also hides his own hobby: knitting. He’s not all that good, usually messing up any complicated patterns, and so sticks to making place mats, shawls, and the occasional oddly-shaped beanie hat.Phobias: While neither is particularly claustrophobic, if you shut either into a small space with strong smells of decomposition, they. Will. Lose. It. Coming out of the following panic requires the other twin, Lance, Keith, or Cosmo. Preferably more than one.What They Would Be Famous For: Praxit could easily go for the Space Olympics as a pole vaulter, but he’s much too crowd-shy to want the publicity. Plus, y’know, most of the galaxy still dislikes/hates/desires to obliterate any Galra they see. Hydrus, meanwhile, is quite the animal whisperer, and very much wants his own pet to go with Cosmo and the herd of Kalteneckers.What They Would Get Arrested For: Galra-prejudice aside? Hydrus would do something stupid (like get into a bar fight), Praxit would try to get him out of trouble (by going out the second floor window), and both would only wind up in even worse trouble (such as accidentally crashing into the home of the city’s mayor during a private party), just in time for the local cops to arrive. They’d much rather deal with the locals than their family, though - Keith and Uncle Shiro having matching “I’m Disappointed” faces while Lance and Aunt Allura trade off the lecturing.OC You Ship Them With: No one at the moment - they’re still babies in my head, it’s gonna be a while before they grow up and get to that point.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Probably Igney, Uncle Hunk and Aunt Shay’s stone-child, who would be m o r t i f i e d by the above shenanigans if she were involved. No lectures necessary afterwards, she’d squash them both.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Praxit is the reader, and he really loves books about survival stories, like Hatchet and Julie of the Wolves. Hydrus would rather wait for the film adaptations, though his tastes run more towards action and adventure, especially in high fantasy settings, like Lord of the Rings.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: They both Hate It when the bad guy dies of something that could be construed as coincidence, liking falling from an unstable ledge, as opposed to being killed by the hero in proper combat.Talents and/or Powers: They are the ultimate package of being Cute and Fluffy while also possessing Ridiculous Amounts of Strength and Stamina.Why Someone Might Love Them: At heart, they’re both very sweet boys; neither one hesitates to show affection in private or to aggressively defend their family from threats. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Aside from their species, people might not like the twins because they’ll never let a snide word about the Blade of Marmora get by without delivering a punch in return - they adore Krolia and respect Kolivan far too much to let anyone even so much as attempt to belittle their organization.How They Change: They grow up, going from quiet, clingy boys to independent individuals with the universe open before them.Why You Love Them: Praxit and Hydrus were very first Voltron OCs I ever made, specifically for my OTP Klance, and I’ll always have a little spot reserved for them in my heart.
Thanks for the ask, Chika! Hope you like all the details I shared ;)
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shastelly · 6 years
Blush - March Klance Prompts from MonthlyKlance - Day 9
So I think someone blushes in like every story I ever right because...who knows...but anyway so I had to think of something that would really make everyone blush...:)
Pidge and Hunk sat on the couch in the common room.  Hunk's eyes were round, and he clutched a pillow to his chest.  Pidge's left eye twitched every once and awhile and she wasn't paying nearly as much attention to her tablet as usual.  As they sat, the door swished open, Keith staggered in, carrying what looked like a small red gift bag, before falling into the chair across from the couch.
 "Well that goes down as one of the more horrifying experiences of my life." Keith stated hollowly before looking over at Hunk who nodded.  "You too, huh?"
 "I…I…yeah, I guess."  Hunk stuttered.
 "Yeah, I had to talk to Allura, guys, I just, wow,“ Pidge’s eye twitched again. "This is not how I pictured this happening."
 "Oh, well at least I've heard half of this from Shiro before, just need the updated expanded talk."  Keith shook his head, "And apparently the care package Coran and Allura made." Keith held up the red bag he had carried in with him, on the front of it was a drawing of a smiley face and it said, "A Safe Paladin is a Happy Paladin."
 Hunk held up a similar bag in yellow and Pidge kicked at one on the floor in front of her in green.
 "Yeah, I mean I already got the safe sex talk from Shiro once on Earth, I just needed the version with aliens."  Keith sighed grabbing the back of his neck with a hand and looking down.
 "Yeah."  Hunk shivered.  "Coran was…um…detailed?"
 Pidge snorted, "You have no idea.  Allura was dramatic."
 "I can image."  Keith cringed.
 "No. No, you really can't." Pidged shook her head, as if trying to remove the memory.  "Not only did I get the safe sex talk, but we had to go over menstrual cycles and the requirements that go with that.  Alteans and humans are not completely alike."
 "Oh yeah?"  Hunk asked.
 "Yeah, all I'm saying is that once a year, when Allura says she needs to be alone for a couple of weeks, leave her the hell alone.  Apparently Alteans only cycle once a year, but the hormones and PMS are like ten times worse.  I would murder all of you if it was me."  Pidge actually blushed.
 "Comforting, Pidge."  Keith frowned.
 "Yeah, well Coran felt that given my feelings for Shay, I needed an explanation of Balmeran courting rituals and anatomy and the five ways she could accidently break some bits of my anatomy that I find very important."  Hunk blushed and wrapped his arms around himself. "It's not like I've even asked her out yet."
 Keith looked on in sympathy and Pidge chuckled.
 "Where is Lance?"  Hunk asked.
 "Oh, Shiro was going to find him after we finished our talk, he's probably getting his talk."  Keith shrugged.
 "Oh, that should be good."  Pidge grinned wickedly.
 Almost two vargas later Lance walked into the room carrying a blue bag.  His face wasn't so much blushing as pale, and he walked silently over and sat next to Hunk stealing his pillow and clutching it to his chest.  After several dobashes of silence, Hunk reached over and patted him on the back.
 "Lance?"  Keith asked.
 Lance looked up at Keith and quickly looked away blushing.
 "You okay?"  Pidge asked curious now.
 "I think Shiro broke Lance."  Hunk poked him in the shoulder.
 "Shiro, then Coran, then Allura…" Lance blinked repeatedly. "I know things I shouldn't know."
 "You got all three?!"  Pidge looked shocked.
 "Yeah, I mean, Shiro was giving me "the talk", which was already really weird and awkward," Lance was definitely blushing now, "but then weird and awkward took a different level when he asked…"  Lance shuddered.
 "What?"  Hunk frowned.
 "Well, I think he just wanted to be specific with his talk and was asking, if you know, I was straight or…anyway so I said…"  Lance stopped again, staring into space for several ticks.
 "That you're bi?" Hunk tried to help.
 Lance grimaced, "No, what I said was something like 'Lancey Lance likes all the beautiful peoples', you know how I get when I'm embarrassed."
 "Oh."  Hunk blushed for him.
 "Well apparently that means I needed a lecture on ALL of the beautiful people." Lance turned desparate eyes to Hunk. "Did you know that the merpeople we met don't have separate male and female biology?  In fact, they are all the same, but when genetic material is exchanged the recipient genetically adapts to carry the offspring." Lance seemed to be reciting something he'd been told.
 "Okay, interesting."  Hunk frowned not finding it that traumatic.
 "Hunk! Do you know how they 'exchange genetic material'?!" Lance stared at him with wide eyes.
 "Kissing!"  Lance gestured dramatically.
 "OH."  Hunk's eyes widened.
 "So?"  Keith frowned looked between the two of them.
 "So, I almost kissed one of them!"  Lance blushed again.  "I could of…I mean…"  Lance shuddered again.
 "You could have gotten knocked up."  Pidge smirked.  "Did you get Altean birth control too?"  
 Lance muttered something.
 "What was that?"  She grinned.
 "Yes, alright, yes."  Lance was bright red now.  Pidge snickered.  "I don't know why, though, I swear after all of that I am staying a virgin.  I mean there were diagrams and tentacles.  Hunk, there were tentacles!"  
 "I know."  Hunk nodded solemnly.  "I'm with you man."
 "Whatever, I've got better things to do anyway."  Pidge shrugged, sex was not a priority.
 At Keith's silence, the three found themselves turning to find him leaned back in the chair blushing.
 "So…Keith, not joining us on our virgin vow?"  Lance asked curiously.
 "Why's that?"  Hunk dug seeing the Red paladin blush harder.  "Someone special in your life?"
 "What? NO!"  Keith defended.  "I just, I'm not, a virgin, that's all."
 "OOOOHHHHH!"  Hunk smiled. Pidge and Lance giggled.
 "Hey, I'm older than you guys.  I lived on my own.  I had a boyfriend."  Keith threw his hands in the air.  "Ugh! Grow up."  He stomped out of the common room not even pausing as Lance commented.
 "Wait! Keith is gay?!"  
 "Wow, Lance for a sharpshooter you are not particularly observant."  Pidge snarked.
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nikfehu · 5 years
Tumblr media
Title: Learning to Fly Chapter: 2/? Rating: General Characters: Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Matt, Allura, Coran, Keith’s Dad (Ryou) Tags: HTTYD au, Slow burn Klance, each of them take on different characteristics of all the characters, some lines stolen from the movie, I’m not entirely sure what to tag for this, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Summary: Keith flipped through pages in rapid succession. “Scauldron, sprays scalding water at its victim. Extremely dangerous. Changewing. Even newly hatched dragon can spray acid. Kill on sight.” Each page he passed seem to move more than the previous, the dragons flying across the pages and killing vikings.
“Gronckle, Zippleback, the Skrill, Boneknapper, Whispering Death. Burns it victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside-out. Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight, kill on sight, kill on sight.” He flipped through more pages and stopped on the Kosmic Wing page.
There was no pictures, only a few words written on the bottom. Keith’s voice grew quieter as he spoke. “Kosmic Wing. Speed, unknown. Size, unknown. The offspring of the stars and darkness itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance is the hide and pray it does not find you.” Keith pulled out his notebook, dropping it onto the page. It opened to his drawing of the dragon. He gulped, looking down in front of him. “Hide and pray it does not find you,” he repeated quietly.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18679027/chapters/46718344
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fabficrex · 6 years
Frozen Heartbeat
Frozen Heartbeat by dailyandgaily on AO3 ~ Ongoing ~ Mature ~ No warnings ~ Klance
When the team touches down on a stunning, tropical planet, Keith ends up catching what the natives deem a “heart cold.” To them, it’s a sacred blessing from their planet’s powerful elders. To Keith, it’s what he imagines the offspring of Hades’ and his worst nightmare would be.
Under immense pressure to forge an alliance with the planet’s inhabitants, Keith is forced to deal with his new predicament in order to gain their trust. Suddenly finding himself on the brink of hypothermia all the time, he has to find what will warm him up before it’s too late. The team tries everything, desperate to help, until they discover that it’s not what Keith needs, but rather, a who…
Hello lovelies! I found this fic recently and it is amazing. You really get engrossed in the story. I highly recommend it!! -Jess
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Waves of Grey
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Te8aZr
by Shadow_Assassin
The Siren's have ruled the seas since the beginning of time. Their songs luring Alteans and Galrans to their deaths for as long as any can remember.
But now the Alteans and the Sirens have come together to make peace. In an agreement to bind their empires they have decided to bring forth offspring of their mixed races.
The Siren Empire sends a pod of Maidens tonthe surface. Each Siren a prisoner of their empire and forced to pay their dept by bearing the children of the future.
Lance is one of these Sirens convicted of crime and sentenced to child birth. Only he’s sentence which should have been three children was presented as undetermined. He would be returned when he was no longer of use...
He is a young beautiful Siren. He is still pure and untainted. He is to be presented to the Royal Altean King.
Only Alfor has no use for a Harem. And his Daughter has her own future in the Galra Empire . . . But his oblivious son who’s heart is set on dying in battle is in line for the Altean throne with Allura paired to the Galra Prince. It would only make sense to see that the Adopted Altean prince would carry on the future of the Kingdom.
Words: 3781, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron - Fandom, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Allura (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Allura & Lotor - Character, Lotor (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Klance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Mermaid - alternate universe, Siren Lance, Galra Keith, Galtean Keith, Royal Palace, altea, Harems, peace treaties, Keith is a Gaurd, Defiant Royal Prince, Doesn’t think he’s good enough, adopted keith, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Hurt Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Homesick Lance (Voltron), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Lance is intersex, All Sirens are Intersex, Loss of Virginity, Insecure Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Hurt Keith (Voltron), Orphan Keith (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), Good Lotor (Voltron), Minor Allura/Lotor (Voltron), klance, Not Beta Read, not edited, will update tags as needed, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, mentions of rape/non-con
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Te8aZr
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kalira · 6 years
Word: "Him"
Hedging your bets pretty securely there Mousie. XD
(Okay I limited myself to WIPs I’ve actually opened to work on lately. Er. This is still . . . a lot. You have definitely fulfilled my request to distract me.)
Harlock rarelyresisted him very hard - he enjoyed being coaxed, and even more so spendinglazy mornings tangled up in bed and half dozing with his lover . . . or fuckinginto him warm and slow.
also this one
Yama yawned and letHarlock’s sleepily insistent arms tug him back down.
and this
Harlock claspedYama’s shoulder and directed him down a slightly narrower corridor.
“Oh, is kiddo upset I was there first?”Kate said, tsking at him.
Adrian’s eyes swept over him admiringly - he had yet to donhis clothes beyond breeches, particularly that godawful shapeless heap he called a cloak, leaving a rathernice view.
and this one, same line from M’s word
“Would it kill you not to leave your filthy articles ofclothing flung everywhere?” Alucard asked dryly, flicking a neatly-patchedshirt that was half-sodden in demon guts at Trevor and making him duck to getout of its path.
Kotetsu carefullydisengaged his faceplate, pulling it away, and a bit of tension seeped out ofhim along with a sigh when he saw Barnaby’s bright eyes were open. 
Lee Hwon/Woon (The Moon Embracing the Sun)
Woon had grownquieter since the Crown Prince had chosen him to be companion and guard, everat the Prince’s side.
Okay there’s a lot so . . . Naruto, ATLA, and Voltron WIP lines are all beneath the cut.
Gai has touched damnnear every inch of him through one challenge or scrape or another and there’sno one Kakashi trusts more in the world.
more KakaGai
“Kaka- I- I wouldnever-” he stuttered out as Kakashi cocked his head, eyeing him.
and again
Kakashi identifiedthe presence immediately, of course - his sleeping brain had categorised theintruder as Gai and thus not a threat even before the bright shout had wokenhim.
oh look again >.>
Kakashi stared at himas he postured a little more.
and this one is part two to the one before
“Jan Ken Pon!”Kakashi said hurriedly, because Gai looked like hell, everyone in the villagewas still giving him half-confused, half-pitying looks, and . . . well, Kakashiwasn’t actually great at reacting in a hurry outside of battles.
It was a warm, softvoice calling him, one he didn’t quite recognise, though there was a strange,barely-there edge of familiarity.
also this
Lee leapt out of bed,tangled in the blankets enough that he stumbled and it took him a moment tofree himself, though he managed to do it without crashing about.
Iruka unrolled thescroll and only long experience with pre-genin and jounin - and no tellingwhich group was worse than the other - prevented him from reacting.
and this one!
Iruka only pulled him in closer, tuggingthe blankets over him, ignoring the fact that he was still mostly dressed and,indeed, cold and wet.
MadaKaka (that’s a new one for me and IDK if I’ll write them again after this request is done or not. . .)
Madara bounded overthe fence without touching it, following the silvery streak of Kakashi’s hairthat was the most visible part of him as he fled into the shadows under theheavy canopy.
It will be all right she willed him to realise, assuring him with her eyesthat she knew what she was doing, as best she could without giving any hint orground to the Elders before her.
as is this one
“You shouldn’t be here.” she whispered, moving towards him, her kimono rustlingaround her.
“I’m . . . sure he can be romantic if hetries!” Sakura said, trying to sound more certain than she actually felt,because she remembered Sasuke, andshe knew him now - or liked to think she did - and. . .
so’s this one
Beside him Kanamisnickered and stretched out her forelegs, then slid slowly onto her side, hermuzzle almost reaching his ankle.
and this
Hatred and confusion resonated through him,and he allowed his strength to seep through to his jinchuuriki.
Zabuza approached himand trailed his hands up over Haku’s arms.
His strong armsturned and tugged gently at the ribbon binding him to the headboard, but hedidn’t fight too hard.
Sokka doesn’t knowwhy this feels like a revelation; Zuko has alwayssmelled like fire, since the first time Sokka faced him, hot and angry in thesnow.
Zukka again
Zuko had made thechoice and gotten caught, Sokka had gone with it, abandoning it now wouldn’thelp and would only land him in acell too.
Zuko looked at him,and Sokka’s attention refocused.
you guessed it!
He grabbed Zuko’sshoulders to hold him closer, then cupped his jaw with one hand, tilting hisown head to mesh their kiss a little more comfortably.
yep still (I’ve been poking at a lot of my Zukka WIPs lately trying to get back to these boys)
It felt way too soon for him to be woken up.
still Zukka
Katara just stared athim, and Sokka fidgeted uncomfortably.
yes still
When Zuko might notbe able to get to him.
look there is a reason I’ve been trying to get back to Zukka and that reason is I need to finish some of my bajillion WIPs for them
“Is your prospective title really what you’re worried about,Sokka?” she asked, watching him even though he was making her slightly dizzy.
yes this one as well
He ducked his headpolitely and slid the cups in front of the two merchant ladies sitting primlyat one of the tables, murmuring a reminder to call for him if they neededanything else.
several of them are requests too! (although not this next one)
Although perhaps itwas best he hadn’t spouted that off at Suki, she had laughed at him enoughalready this summer - he had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth when shewas around.
whoops not done yet
He had spokenhonestly when he offered her respect, and when he said she was welcome, it wasstrange for him to be troubled now.
I don’t really like kid!fic that much why do I keep writing it? (well at least for Zukka there kind of needs to be offspring at some point for royal heir purposes)
“There there. . .” hecrooned, scooping Kiran up and cradling him close with a gentle pat.
this one is sort of Zukka but actually it’s labelled Sokka/Zuko/Mai
Sokka would haveknocked, but the royal guard waved him in through the doors without pausing -they were standing ajar, but . . .royal quarters?
Maiko (and the first one I ever started for them still not done)
He would learn, she knew, and she supposedshe didn’t really know how to please him,either.
That concludes the ATLA portion holy sheesh.
“I am from Altea.”Allura told the child, bending down to come closer to eye-to-eye with him.
okay brace yourselves because here we go again
They all turned tolook at him.
yes there will be a lot
His throat tightenedwhen Keith patted him lightly and switched back, pushing him into flexing hisarm at a different angle - Shiro felt like he was dragging the weight of hismetal arm painfully, barely able to move - before beginning again.
even filtering out WIPs I haven’t worked on lately
Shiro ignored him,and Hunk sleepily shoving at him from his other side, probably in attempt toget him to be quiet.
I have . . . a lot of Sheith you guys
Kuro woke feelinglike his bones had been electrified until he shut down, and it took him a whileto realise he had other hurts as well.
I think it may be the only ship I have more of than Zukka in fact
Pidge shooed herbrother gently forwards onto the Castle, feeling bubbly and delighted tofinally have him here with her.
the series/AUs may have something to do with that
“He wouldn’t rest ifI left him alone. He kept crying.”
like that one and this next one are both from The Empress’ Elite
Allura would have himsubdued if necessary, but if he recognised Pidge enough to let her help,recognised Allura enough to let her touch, then he would be no hindrance, andAllura wouldn’t spare the time.
but mostly not actually
I could change it, Shiro thought, eyes wide as the possibility yawnedbefore him.
this one is connected to the last
He bumped into thefirm feeling of someone else’s skin and leaned up, then froze as more lightfiltered around him.
okay I think that’s it for Sheith with this one
Keith punches him in the face as hard as hecan.
Her paw was curledinwards, offering him support and sheltering his body behind the metal of herleg.
“Fine, I won’t puthim in a prison pod, but he’ll be locked in his bunk.” Allura said sharply.
all of the ones for this ship are from the Unbalance series
“Keith?” Shiro looksconcerned, for him, and that’s-
I am actually still trying to work on that
“I knew that . . . sort of; she wasn’t alwaysvery . . . happy with him.” 
a couple pieces are just so close to ready to post, too. . .
“Kuro,” Shiro began,the name feeling oddly comfortable on his lips, though he still twitched to seeKuro, to see an almost-me, turntowards him with a familiar movement, strange golden eyes gleaming, “I... May Ispeak with you?”
there’s also this one frigging Klance piece from 80s Voltron
Keith let the doorsslide closed behind him.
Holy cow how many sentences even was that oh lord I have so many WIPs *mad laughter* 56 holy fuck. So. That’s not even all the WIPs I’ve worked on lately there were a handful that didn’t have him in them. . . (Including some femmeslash. :P)
So hey! Send me a word and I’ll share a line from my WIPs!
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emibeetkiss · 7 years
Guys, I made a Voltron playlist on Spotify!
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/12128529093/playlist/0LTM2RM3u0R7zRHwbQ7KMh)
Voltron Legendary Defender theme - Alex Geringas
All Star - Smash Mouth
Blitzkrieg Bop - Ramones
The Reckless and the Brave - All Time Low
Young Volcanoes - Fall Out Boy
Remember the Name - Fort Minor
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh) - The Tokens
I’m Ready - AJR [imagine Pidge dancing to this]
Skywalker - Project Dirty
Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay) - NSYNC [For Matt... lol]
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Victorious - Panic At The Disco
Walk On Water - Thirty Seconds to Mars 
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
We R Who We R - Ke$ha
Warriors - Imagine Dragons
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
Team - Lorde
Hall of Fame - The Script, will.i.am
Space Oddity - David Bowie
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots [for Shiro]
Demons - Imagine Dragons
SexyBack - Justin Timberlake, Timbaland [for Coran]
Crawling - Linkin Park
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Woman - Ke$ha, The Dap-Kings Horns [for Allura]
Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling, Lzzy Hale
Twisted - MISSIO [For those crazy Galra]
Awake and Alive - Skillet
Here It Goes Again - OK Go
Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins [For Lance]
Know your Enemy - Green Day
Whatever it Takes - Hollywood Undead
The Great Escape - We Are Scientist
This is Why I’m Hot - MiMS [Another one for Lance]
Toxic - Britney Spears [for Lotor]
You Don’t Own Me - Grace, G-Easy [Lotor s4]
Spaceman - The Killers
Uprising - Muse
Aliens Exist - blink-182 [for Hunk]
Lionhearted - Porter Robinson, Urban Cone
A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay
Chemicals React - Aly & AJ [for your OTP]
for him. - Troye Sivan [for Klance]
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra, Count Basie
The Only Exception - Paramore
Going to Mars - Judah & the Lion
Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash [s3 and s4 feels]
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ [For the Paladins who switched lions]
Superheroes - The Script
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring [for Keith]
Bang Bang - Green Day
I’m So Sorry - Imagine Dragons
This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars
Baba O’Riley - The Who
Come With Me Now - KONGOS
Another Night On Mars - The Maine
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Geronimo - Sheppard
Thank You - MKTO
Back to Earth - Steve Aoki, Fal Out Boy
You Found Me - The Fray [For Pidge and Matt]
Shooting Star - Owl City
Transmission - Zedd, Logic, X Ambassadors
Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling
Bangarang (feat. Sirah) - Skrillex
I made one for Haikyuu!!, too :)
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ao3feed-shatt · 7 years
The Next Generation
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2BZsUvF by Hopeopiana
by Hopeopiana
Years have passed since the defeat of Zarkon, but lurking through the Galaxy is galra still loyal to his reign. The paladins and their allies have been hunting these people for the last twenty five years. Along the way Shiro and Matt got married and so did Keith and Lance. Both couples decided that they wanted to start their respective families, however what they didn't know was that the surrogates they used carried some occult secrets which got passed down to all of their children. Now, nineteen years later since the first one was born, the signs of these secrets finally shows.
Words: 2618, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt, Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Matt Holt/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: The Paladins Have Kids, Romance, Angst, Magic, Dragons, Psychics, Witches, Druids, klance, Shatt, Lance's offspring is just as sexual as him
read it on ao3 at http://ift.tt/2BZsUvF
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spicynochu · 7 years
I’m so proud of Keith so let’s start there. -lance my baby boy is such a selfless angel ahfhwkdm im so happy Keith spoke to him and gave him that pep talk. So proud of lance he was amazing and so supportive ugh I love him. And yes the klance moment was cute I’m gonna tattoo “I got you, buddy!” on my left buttcheek. -fucking allura was a BAD ASS. She fucking killed it she was amazing she was kicking ass so fucking cool and her lasso bayard she’s fucking Wonder Woman of space -shiro omgbfjdkw baby he doesn’t deserve any of the shit he went through like what the fuck two things need to happen either the black lion gets its shit together or he needs to go on a beautiful vacation somewhere in a Hawaii looking planet somewhere relaxing and take all the naps he deserves my poor child -pidge and hunk were geniuses of course, kinda sad we didn’t see much about Matt though but I’m sure it’ll happen in the future -coran was awesome of course -fucking lotor. thats it. -I ALSO FUCKING KNEW THAT LOTOR WAS THE CHILD OF HAGGAR AND ZARKON THOSE POWER HUNGRY BITCHES but to be completely honest it was technically not them since they “died” I feel like they’re playing at some whole dark force thing like star wars but yeah lolo is their offspring and haggar was a total babe when she was young -alfor was so cute he reminded me of lance -ALLURA LOOKS JUST LIKE HER MOM I WAS CONFUSED FOR LIKE 4 MINUTES TILL BABY ALLURA POPPED UP -one of the generals with the same cat haggar had -I’m so proud of Keith, my son. He grew up and he just he dealt with everything so well he deserved all the good thing okay. I’m so fucking happy shiro is back and he told Keith that he was proud -tbh idk what the fuck is gonna happen with the whole forming voltron and the lion change cos allura is kicking ass and idk I don’t want shiro to leave Keith is getting better at being a leader and lance is not gonna leave ever bc he’s amazing and it’s lance.I’ll fight whoever says otherwise -OF EJSLSN I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT SVEN MY ASS FELL OUT OF BED WHEN I SAW HIM AND SLAV? I FORGOT HIS NAME BUT AWW SHIRO MANAGES TO BE AN ANGEL IN ALL ALTERNATE REALITIES -there’s honestly so much to talk about but like it’s 6 am and I can’t keep my eyes open and if you’re reading thing I’m sorry
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marblepebble · 7 years
Get to know me
Tagged by @ilovenights! I like doing these, despite the fact people usually don't care :,) Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Relationship status: single (i'm ok with it) Favourite colours: dang, ok... bright neon green, bright purple, and dark-ish blue? Idk i really like colours Lipstick or chapstick: neither. Last song you listened to: You're gonna go far, kid - The Offspring Top three shows: Gravity Falls, My Hero Academia, Steven Universe Top three characters: ...dang. ok uhhh....... Hunk, Izuku Midoriya, and..... Peridot, maybe? (Doing this one section took like ten minutes wth) Top three ships: Izuocha, Klance, and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh idk maybe Stevonnie? And to tag... ok, just to let you know, you can ignore this if you dom't feel like participating, don't feel forced to do it just because I asked you to: @dorktectiveconan, @emis , @interesting-url24, @zayfox2, @scify65, @snowberri, @konatablu, @lapincongru, @the-smartest-oen123
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idiotfromindiana · 7 years
goddamn it @ladetvara
so this tag meme is 10 songs i’m obsessed with right now. i’d say what’s pulling me in recently is stuff that’s like aggresively sexy and/or hopeless. also a bunch of these are just shit that’s been on the local alternative station and thus probably what everyone and their mother are obsessed with right now.
feel it still (portugal. the man) — an aforementioned radio song. can you believe the range on this guy?? i do NOT dance but this. i dance to this. and if you listen too closely the lyrics are rather timely.
same temptation (fur trade) — one of the several steve bays episodes of stop podcasting yourself concludes with this song from a non-hot hot heat project and it is one i am legitimately obsessed with now. it’s got a bit of a cheesy sax solo feel but is also groovy as fuck because steve bays and i think that juxtaposition is why i’m so into it.
turning point (spyair) — there’s kind of a story here? i bought the cd single for the other song on it because i’m a big fucken anime nerd, and this track i didn’t much care for initially. but the guy’s voice is so fantastic i just couldn’t stop listening to it, and now it trades off with what you know as the number one track on my ipod’s play count. it’s kinda dorky in that way that j-rock often is but it also just sounds so desperate. i LOVE desperation in music.
blame (bastille) — ungh gimme that gnarly bass. gimme anything about mafia and i will eat it up kaizers have ruined me
i am the satellite (bryan steeksma) — honestly i’d love to hear another arrangement/recording of this but i adore this song. it’s told from the pov of a god mourning the faithful who only reach out when they need something, even though he’s around all the time. there’s not a lot of atheist music like this and this song in particular is a deeply sympathetic portrayal of a deity that actually makes me really really sad to think about. honestly the god sounds innocent as a puppy left alone at the pet store.
you’re gonna go far kid (offspring) — i identify with this song not for what it explicitly depicts, but for the adjacent feeling of having something to live up to and being crushed under that pressure. i live that every day so it’s nice to hear someone older screaming about it too.
den romantiske tragedien (kaizers orchestra) — hopeless? check. aggressively sexy? mm janove hum in my ears. tbh i’m still acclimating to vol ii and still haven’t heard iii at all yet, but this one really gets me. it’s kind of hard to listen to too many times but hell i’m a masochist so whatever.
some nights (fun.) — there’s also kind of a story here. the song is about an existential crisis but seeing the worth in even a shitty life, so obviously it’s meant to be a really positive song. a lot of the tracks on this list are things i use as soundtrack for writing. this song for me strikes a very clear image of one of my characters having his hope bottom out as he contemplates suicide and ultimately makes an attempt. because again i’m weak for juxaposition. uplifting or cheerful music as a backdrop to a dark (or desperate) scene gives it an especially eerie twinge. (ever seen bridge on the river kwai?) so i don’t know, on its face this song is middling but i’ve inserted it into this context that makes it really really heavy.
love is mystical (cold war kids) — cause hey let’s head in a more positive direction!! also the video is fun and the singer is dressed like my uncle and i think that’s great
what you know (two door cinema club) — i absolutely never skip this one. the bassline moves, the guitar sings, cutesy percussion, an air of low self-esteem in the lyrics. it’s got everything, and everything is perfect.
tagging @nelsonbrandela, @pentamerous, @trinitybat, @naturalscorpiosub, @soft-klance-smiles, @stormerechelon
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deecherrywolf · 7 years
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender Pairing(s): Klance Rating: G Word Count:800 Prompt: 31 Days - Day 5 -We’re a family aren’t we? - Always
Notes: I looked at today’s prompt and laughed, guess I’m making a sequel to yesterday’s prompt. Which is about a klance clone baby.
 I won’t lie, all of these have been a lot of nonsense lmao, but its just me writing whatever(tho i have an idea for tomorrows prompt oh ya) so ehh... thanks to anyone who reads!
“You nervous?”
Lance held back amusement as Keith looked at him - eyes definitely full of anxiety. It was normal, actually - Lance was nervous too. He’d been nervous the moment the two of them decided to return to Flewing. After extensive talks with the people who performed birthing rites from the tree of birthing, they finally decided that yes - yes, they wanted to do this.
Lance had mostly spoken concern of the child’s parentage, if the DNA involved wouldn’t mutate the child into a Flewingian as it aged - not that Lance would mind, if it had his and Keith’s dna in it, the child would still be cute even if it had four legs and three eyes.
The alien priestess had smiled at them, their eyes twinkling. “You two aren’t the first to come here for this purpose, many from all over the galaxies travel here in hopes of having children they otherwise cannot have. Yes, the child would be yours and yours alone.”
That had sealed the deal and they had performed the ritual - it was a little different from the last time, as last time they had only barely touched one of the trees, this time, they had to cut open a palm, press the bleeding flesh to a tree and hold it there as they held hands. They could only let go when, and if, the tree lit up - signalling it has accepted the DNA. The priestess had warned them that not all DNA took and that sometimes, despite the journeys couples took - it wasn’t always possible for them to have offspring.
But Lance knew the tree would take their DNA. Memories of the time they had cared for the clone child when they had been younger had danced through his head, bringing all the fond feelings with it.
Once the tree lit up, both of them sucked in a breath, happiness spreading through them. The priestess had congratulated them and sent them to the birthing waiting room as they awaited the birth of their child.
That brings them to now, Keith pacing the floor, arms crossed tight and brow even tighter. He was definitely way too nervous.
“C’mon, Keith, you need to relax and just wait - the priestess will come with our baby in a bit.”
Keith stopped pacing, giving Lance a sour look. “Aren’t you scared?”
“Yeah, what if… what if it doesn’t work?”
“It will, I mean, you saw how perfect it worked before, yeah? And that was just an innocent touch of the tree! I don’t even remember touching it that time, like at all… so this time, we did everything we were supposed to. It will work.”
Keith gave a soft whine, sitting down beside Lance now, taking his hand in his. Lance would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared or nervous at all, of course he was. This was a big step in their life, one they had talked extensively about. He knew they were ready, ready for this new life to become entwined with theirs and become a family unit.
Lance sucked in a breath as the priestess entered the room, carrying a small bundle, her eyes soft, all three pinched in happiness. She held out the gift they were receiving once more. Lance took the child first, bringing it over and looked down at it.
The little baby was perfect, a sweet little face - sleeping innocent and wrinkled with that newborn look. Soft tufts of dark black hair poked about and Lance was already falling in love.
“This one appears to be female of your species.”
A little girl! A daughter…
Lance smiled at Keith. “We have a daughter.”
Lance held out their daughter to him, and Keith took her gently, looking down at her with his eyes full of wonder and tenderness. Lance couldn’t help but remember back when they had this very same experience, except, this time it was for real. They were keeping this baby, it was theirs to raise - the beginning of their family, together.
“She’s perfect, isn’t she?”
Keith now smiled at him, his eyes so soft, happiness radiating off of him. “Yeah, she is.”
Lance’s heart skipped a beat and he found himself leaning in, pressing his lips against Keith’s, wrapping one arm around him and raising the other to rest against the arm holding their child. A burst of love filled his chest, his whole body singing ‘yes, this is what i’ve always wanted.’ And it was true. Lance had always known, deep down, he wanted a family of his own. He had always thought he would eventually marry some woman on Earth, settle down and have two boys and a girl and then maybe get a pet and live by the ocean.
But this, this was so much better. Here, holding Keith and their baby girl in his arms. This was definitely where he was meant to be. Always.
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silverineontherun · 6 years
Fic: May the cycle never break
Klance fic. Altean!Lance, Galra!Keith (Past lives), G rated, 1440 words. ANGST / MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH
Hello! I’m in kind of a slump with my new post s6 fic I’ve been working on, and also in a very angsty mood, so I decided to write this idea I’ve had since I published my fic fake, not fate. It’s a “prequel/sequel” if that makes any sense. Enjoy! (Sorry if it looks shitty on mobile).
The bashed Galra fighter is auto-flying towards its final destination, and the pilot struggles to keep his eyes open. Lorim’s shaky hands rest on his temples, passing his vital energy in a slow, uninterrupted chain.
“Don’t you dare to fall asleep on me, Yorak,” warns the Altean.
Yorak faintly smiles, showing his fangs in the playful way that conquered Lorim’s heart, deca-phoebs ago.
“I am not going anywhere yet,” answers the Galran in his low, reassuring tone.
Yet. Because they are both dying, though he doesn’t know it. Lorim swallows the knot in his throat, ignores the piercing pain on his bleeding side and the heavy heave of his lungs, and just puts his forehead on Yorak’s, feeling his own vitality draining through their connection.
He is lucky. Lucky to be one of the royal alchemists in the Court of King Alfor, and to have enough knowledge to keep his fatally wounded beloved alive, at least long enough to buy them some time. Lucky to be one, if not the only survivor after Zarkon’s attack. Lucky to be so loved by one of King Zarkon’s guards, that he would betray his own people and come to his rescue, being brutally shot on the way, but still managing to sneak them away.
Lucky to have lived enough to enjoy his smiles and caresses, when peace reigned, and no evil had tarnished the souls of those powerful enough to break their lives.
The escape was too rough for both, and they know they can’t go that far away without assistance. They also know no one will assist them, not when fleets under the crazy Galra King’s command are overflowing every civilized system.
And they both know Yorak is not going to recover, clinging to life only thanks to Lorim’s energy, who stubbornly insists on sharing it, knowing fully well how that will end up for him. Yorak doesn’t suspect it. Otherwise, he would never allow it.
Ignoring the real extent of the damage, the Galran had one last request. He had always loved the tales that Lorim shared with him in the comfort of their bed, bathed by the golden sun of Altea that entered through Lorim’s tall window. His favorite was the legend of the eternal bond of Sakh’ir, the moon that could bond people through time and space. Yorak looked tough, but he was weak to such romantic tales.
“Someday, I’m going to take you there,” he declared once. Lorim smiled. His childish enthusiasm was always so endearing.
“Oh, really? But what if we are not aure?”
Yorak pulled his partner’s hair very softly to make him look right into his purple eyes.
“Hah. We are, Lorim. And I’m taking you there someday to prove it,” he stated, planting a kiss on Lorim’s forehead and then on his lips, melting him like only he knew. Because the softness of his raw power and the purity of that heart was impossible to find anywhere else, it was very easy to believe his words.
And so, Yorak’s last request was just that.
“Please, let me fulfill my promise. I can’t die without proving it to you… let's go to Sakh’iru.”
When they arrive, Lorim can barely lift his tall, heavy lover. He never stops transferring his energy to him, not even when they leave the ship and are immediately surrounded by masked priests. Lorim tries to keep his eyes down, as the archives recommended, but has no time for formalities.
“Priests, I am Lorim and this is Yorak. We need to perform the rite,” he announces. Looking down, he notices the purple aura that surrounds both his feet and Yorak’s. His heart hurts. Could this mean…?
“You are dying,” says one of the priests, in a gurgling voice. Yorak raises his head slowly. His eyes look fazed, clinging to consciousness.
“I am,” he mutters.
Lorim dares to look at the priests and almost imperceptibly shakes his head in a silent plea. The priests remain quiet, and then they nod. The one that spoke first points to their feet and makes gestures to the other priests, who scatter. Two of them help both lovers walk ahead, and Lorim’s heart finds peace. They made it on time.
The spring shines in the middle of a forest clearing, surrounded by tall vines and colorful crystal trees, and Lorim can’t help thinking that it is a wonderful last place to be. Wearing the ceremonial masks, with Yorak’s head resting on his thighs and their joined right hands sank in the cold water, they follow the priest’s instructions.
“Now you must wet your faces and drink.”
Lorim guides Yorak’s hand to his face and then takes some water to his lips. Then he does the same. The spring shines and the air around them feels suddenly dense, as if someone turned off the lights. Now the vines on the floor among the crystal herbs are shining in golden light.
“May the cycle never break,” murmurs the priest. Then they add, in a soft tone, “as soon as you share your minds and find the thread, join your faces and consummate the ritual. Then… it will be done.”
“Thank you very much,” says Lorim, watching how the priest leaves them alone.
Yorak’s breathing is uneven, and Lorim feels his eyes sting. With effort, the Galran raises a hand that softly caresses his partner's jaw.
“Don’t cry,” he murmurs. Lorim can tell he is smiling under the mask. It makes it even harder to answer.
“I am not,” he lies, trying to keep his voice firm.
“You are. But I am happy,” admits Yorak.
“A dream come true,” whispers his voice inside Lorim’s mind. They are connected. Lorim closes his eyes, but he can feel how Yorak snaps his open, startled.
“No… no, Lorim, you are dying too! It’s my fault!”
“No, Yorak. I was going to die anyway. You lent me this time, and there is no other place where I’d rather be.”
“But, Lorim…” tries to protest Yorak, and his lover puts his hands on his face again, still giving him his energy.
“You were right. We always were aure.” Lorim can feel their hearts beating at the same time. His lips crook in a teasing smile under the mask. “Who would have thought.”
Yorak scoffs. His dry lips part to let out a resigned sigh.
“I told you so. I’m always right,” he mumbles, his voice ragged and weak, but that spark in it that ignites a flame in Lorim’s heart without fail is still there.
Will always be.
“I hate to admit it, but it is true,” answers the Altean.
He feels how life is slowly leaving Yorak’s body. The desperate impulse to contain it, to fall into anguish at the inevitability of the twilight overcoming them is controlled by a sudden, absurd, and absolute certainty that they are exactly where they were always meant to be.
So, instead of fighting against their bittersweet fate, now he only wishes to see his lover’s face at least one last time. Putting their foreheads together, he strongly makes a wish in his mind.
“If we are to meet again, I wish we could be born at the same place. I wish we could meet sooner, to enjoy our entire lives together.”
Yorak’s chest raises in a pleased, weak hum. He is hearing. He is feeling him. They vibrate with the same deep intensity. They hear each other, and at the same time, they are the same being, for a magical and fleeting moment.
“That would be nice. Then… I wish no war ever separates us again.”
“Yes,” agrees Lorim, the pain in his chest swelling and blossoming with images of better, blinding outcomes threaded in their mutual dreams. A plea for the universe, a wish for another chance to meet, in the chaos of the cosmos. The Altean closes his eyes.
“It… it would be nice if I could give you offspring. That way, at least our children could remember how much we loved each other, even after we are gone.”
“No, not that.”
Yorak’s thoughts are getting misty, fading away in a weak echo, but he manages to mutter:
“I wish for you to be just like you are now."
His voice is but a murmur, but his words are clear, and they envelop him like a warm wave against the cold of their unfair end.
"I love you, Lorim.”
The vines are shining in golden tones and then, as their masks slide down from their faces, they suddenly darken. Lorim’s tears are now falling over his lover’s closed eyes.
“I love you too…”
A priest approaches them in the mist. Lorim’s sight is blurry. Yorak’s body is no longer receiving his energy, but he can feel himself being drained by the mysterious crystalized ground of this sacred place.
And his heart is empty, but his mind feels somehow satisfied. Strong. Filled with a conviction that invites him into a new chapter, an unknown one.
“We can try to detach you from the ma’kiya before it is too late. Maybe there is still time for you,” offers the priest, kneeling by his side.
“It is already too late. But thank you, priest,” says Lorim, white fog clouding his vision. He sighs, content.
“I’m making one last great offering. Maybe that will please Sakh’ir, and they will make it easier for us next time.”
“Sakh’ir always finds the way,” reassures him the priest. Lorim closes his eyes, smiling. He forces his last remnants of energy to flow outside his body directly to the ma’kiya, while resting his head on Yorak's quiet chest.
“May the cycle never break, then. See you next time, my love.”
Lance wakes up in his bed at the Castle, startled. He was dreaming about something, and that something was really sad, because his pillow is wet and his eyes hurt. Not like anyone will ever know, though.
Anyone, except for his new husband, maybe. He really wants to see him, even more so than usual. Looking at the comm on his nightstand, he feels his heart heavy. No calls yet. Without much hope, he puts it to his ear and tries to call Keith anyway.
Again, no answer. Where could he be?
Bummed, he takes it off again and watches the ceiling, uneasy. It’s been weeks and no one seems to be able to reach Keith.
Lance lifts his arm to admire his thin golden bracelet, and then smiles. Deep down, he knows Keith is fine. He may be far away, but he will find a way to come back, like he always does. He doesn’t know why he is so sure, but somehow…
Somehow, it feels like the price has been paid already for their happy ending. Closing his eyes, he remembers their ceremony, like every day.
“Rest assured in Sakh’ir promise,” had said the priest. And so, resting assured is what he’s going to do, Lance decides, closing his eyes again, with his heart full of hope.
HAHAHAhahah... 😭. I don’t think I’ll upload this one to AO3, it’s too short. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed? And apologies to my followers. My queue is finally over after this week of constant s6 posting, rest assured in Silverine’s promise (to not shitpost so much). Check fake, not fate to feel better!
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ao3feed-klance · 7 years
The Next Generation
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BZsUvF
by Hopeopiana
Years have passed since the defeat of Zarkon, but lurking through the Galaxy is galra still loyal to his reign. The paladins and their allies have been hunting these people for the last twenty five years. Along the way Shiro and Matt got married and so did Keith and Lance. Both couples decided that they wanted to start their respective families, however what they didn't know was that the surrogates they used carried some occult secrets which got passed down to all of their children. Now, nineteen years later since the first one was born, the signs of these secrets finally shows.
Words: 2618, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt, Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron)
Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Matt Holt/Shiro, Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: The Paladins Have Kids, Romance, Angst, Magic, Dragons, Psychics, Witches, Druids, klance, Shatt, Lance's offspring is just as sexual as him
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2BZsUvF
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ao3feed-galrakeith · 6 years
Waves of Grey
read it on the AO3 at Waves of Grey
by Shadow_Assassin
The Siren's have ruled the seas since the beginning of time. Their songs luring Alteans and Galrans to their deaths for as long as any can remember.
But now the Alteans and the Sirens have come together to make peace. In an agreement to bind their empires they have decided to bring forth offspring of their mixed races.
The Siren Empire sends a pod of Maidens tonthe surface. Each Siren a prisoner of their empire and forced to pay their dept by bearing the children of the future.
Lance is one of these Sirens convicted of crime and sentenced to child birth. Only he’s sentence which should have been three children was presented as undetermined. He would be returned when he was no longer of use...
He is a young beautiful Siren. He is still pure and untainted. He is to be presented to the Royal Altean King.
Only Alfor has no use for a Harem. And his Daughter has her own future in the Galra Empire . . . But his oblivious son who’s heart is set on dying in battle is in line for the Altean throne with Allura paired to the Galra Prince. It would only make sense to see that the Adopted Altean prince would carry on the future of the Kingdom.
Words: 3781, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron - Fandom, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Allura (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Allura & Lotor - Character, Lotor (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Klance - Relationship
Additional Tags: Mermaid - alternate universe, Siren Lance, Galra Keith, Galtean Keith, Royal Palace, altea, Harems, peace treaties, Keith is a Gaurd, Defiant Royal Prince, Doesn’t think he’s good enough, adopted keith, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Hurt Lance (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Lance (Voltron) Has ADHD, Homesick Lance (Voltron), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Lance is intersex, All Sirens are Intersex, Loss of Virginity, Insecure Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Hurt Keith (Voltron), Orphan Keith (Voltron), Bottom Lance (Voltron), Good Lotor (Voltron), Minor Allura/Lotor (Voltron), klance, Not Beta Read, not edited, will update tags as needed, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, mentions of rape/non-con
read it on the AO3 at Waves of Grey
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