#klaroline plot bunnies
jennifersminds · 2 years
out of curiosity what did you think of to? did you like it? who were your fav/least fav ships and characters?
hi anon !! tbh yeah i did (s5 notwithstanding)
as for my least favourite/ favourite ships and characters, I remember liking haylijah when i first watched it- and i do still think they had chemistry but now i find that relationship just very random and slightly problematic tbh.
not even because of my elejah fixation (gialijah was a slay but i’ll get to that later), hayley is essentially elijah’s problematic tool to his family and brothers redemption aswell as a textbook example of someone who needs protecting (and elijah’s insane saviour complex just latched into it). it never really feels like either character is completely honest about who they are to eachother and both of them idealise the other to the extreme.
for hayley, that’s seeing elijah as this perfect white knight and ignoring the fact that’s he’s a slutty serial killer with intense familiar issues and for elijah that’s refusing to ever really see hayley as a whole person.
that being said they’re both hot as fuck so go them for that.
I essentially have all the same problems with klamille, however i do think that both cami and that relationship is severely overhated by *cough cough* klarolines.
klaus falling in love with a women he compelled to be his therapist is so heavy with gross mommy issued irony i’d need a whole other post just to get into it but,,, (feel free to send a separate ask bc that’s it’s own thesis statement)
that being said i cried more when she died than i did any other tvdu scene she deserved sm and i did enjoy their dynamics at times.
as for things i did like,,
hayley in general, i’m a gen z australia girl- pheobe tonkin can literally do no wrong even though i don’t think hayley ever manages to become a fully fledged character.
davina !! severely underrated. served klaus anti cunt and i loved it.
gia!! deserved sm better. really was one of the only elijah relationships that actually made sense to me completely and i think the show moved on from her death way too quickly.
elijah in general, specifically s2/3. while i dislike the way the show handled him in the run to klaus’ redemption (essentially massacring his basic intelligence to prop klaus up) i do think his more brutal/ cunt moments where stellar. i especially enjoyed when the show was honest about how actually unhinged he is, another reason i dislike haylijah. he’s not the easter bunny, he’s not the families morality, not always. he’s a bitch and unlike hayley im aware and love him anyway.
the flashbacks! i’m endlessly confused by the choice to spin off with a baby plot line, the most interesting parts of to to me where seeing the family in the past and i feel like it would’ve been a much better choice to have the show act almost as a prequel maybe with one foot in a less stakes present day storyline also centred around nola.
hope!! despite thinking the baby plotline is weird, the families relationship with her was cute.
basically,, i liked it and i’m far more likely to rewatch it than tvd
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Just came up with the most INSANELY amazing plot bunny I have ever had the honor of harbouring in my glitter graveyard...........like it’s SO GOOD YÁLL I’M GONNA CRY
and it’s for my wife @bellemorte180 and jfc this is the most fun I’ve ever had plot bunnying, Erica and I have decided to keep mum on the details but basically it all started with me desperately wanting Caroline to commit mass and I mean massively MASS genocide against humanity and enlist the originals help for the same and I just didnt know how to do that though.....like what could possibly be the reason and so I started working backwards from genocide went to a lot of disturbing places along the way but finally ended w Caroline as an xyz Earth Goddess (not yet sure on the mythology) who’s been slumbering for the past 3-4 millenniums and has now woken up to the utter shitshow that is humanity and our world-wide war against Mother Nature, and Caroline is pissed at how humans have essentially destroyed large chunks of her planet irrevocably and are continuing to do the same to the rest, so she starts a series of plagues that basically makes human’s drop dead like flies all over the world, I’m not gonna say more bc that will give away too much but Klaus falls for Caroline w/o knowing she’s the earth goddess who’s doing all of this and the feral shit that he is, after learning that Caroline is actually the earth goddess he’s a tiny bit cautious of an unbeatable being, a little bit amused that she’s committing mass genocide in the most organized colour coded binder with laminated flash cards way possible, a LOT horny at the absolute livid divinity of her and just largely still nicely whipped and smitten for her bc seriously tho why wouldnt he be I mean he doesnt bloody care for humanity as long as all the art and music and culture is preserved which obviously Caroline does, she’s not an uncultured plebe tyvm and is very happy going on murder sprees with his favourite goddess as humans die right left and centre. 
like yes yes its a bit depraved but erica enjoys it and its a gift for her and I always have loved a healthy dose of massacres and mass murdering in the content I consume so no really we are not taking criticism 
And jfc I can’t stop Dreaming about this and plotting it in my head and just RUNNING around with it, and oh god Erica loves it so much (w good reason) and I am just giddy with how insane this idea is and just how much I love it for it
asdfghjkl I’m smiling so wide and literally buzzing with excitement fr it it’s making me lose sleep like please I need this in my life this instant.
But really though the BEST fandom experience ever according to me is plot bunnying w your friends shooting ideas back and forth and just *ded-ing* every two seconds over how absolutely MAGNIFICENT the ideas are
I got to sound board Erica’s newest upcoming work The Machiavellian the past two weeks or so (Erica noticed that I spelt it right just for you) and DUDE IT’S LITERALLY THE BEST FANFIC IDEA I HAVE HEARD IN AGES like oh my god *bites fist* IT’S SO FUCKING AMAZING like Erica’s brain is a WONDER and I am in awe bc it’s literally EVERYTHING YOU WOULD EVER WANT IN A CRIME THRILLER AU
Like this is the kind of fic that would be made into a movie that all top actors  in the industry would FIGHT for a chance to act in...........like No seriously and sincerely tho it’s so good and intricate and nuanced and just ties up together so perfectly and just SO SMART like it is so fucking SMART I have an intellectual boner for my wife, LIKE DUDE THE DETAILS  The DETAILS are fucking ELEGANT and Erica’s gonna be such a teasing lil shit in this one, teasing and riling up the readers with clues and hints that only serve to make you HUNGER for the truth just like in wanderlust, like dude she is gonna be MEAN stingy with the deets until the grand reveal and OH MY GOD THE GRAND REVEAL IS GONNA BREAK US ALL Like I legit see everyone going WTF I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AT ALL BUT THANK YOU FOR BITCH SLAPPING ME WITH IT ANYWAYS
And also also oh my god the slow burn 🥺💀💀THE SLOW BURN WE ARE GONNA LIVE AND DIE IN JFC My soul will not survive Caroline and Klaus being super Badass private underground agents (of a sort) on a damn MISSION the slowest barest of lingering touches the heart to hearts the constant teetering and dangling on the precipice of something so unimaginably new great and EPIC....the REPRESSION THE PINING THE SLOW FUCKING BURN  jfc I might combust if someone does not throw a bucket of water at me Like dude I’ve read the outline there’s like no way I’m gonna survive this heart stirringly beautiful slow exploration between them.
Like this idea is so good it has not left my mind in DAYS and I am DROWNING in it and Erica has done such a fine job outlining it and reading through the outline yelling at her every time she blows my brain into a hundred buzzing pieces I can only say the plot is so GORGEOUSLY intricate and complex and nuanced and just LAYERED and honestly if anybody can pull off such a complex plot it’s Erica and I JUST CANT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT FOR THIS BABY LIKE OH MY GOD  LISTENING TO YOUR FAV AUTHORS COMING UP WITH YET ANOTHER UNRELENTINGLY BRILLIANT IDEA IS AN *EXPERIENCE* AND I AM HONOURED TO HAVE BEEN A PART OF IT.
And now plot bunnying again for my own idea with her has AGAIN given me something I am seriously seriously EXCITED enough to sincerely work on for the first time in AGES and I am fucking HIGH w it like please sir this idea is gonna suffocate me with the feels
eenyways yeah so that’s what I’m internaly screaming about instead of studying bc I’m just so giddily excited for both the ideas I had to come leave an unedited chaotic word vomit here and like seriously tho I’m bouncing in my seat this is gonna kill me slowly and perfectly I just know it like I just do and I am HERE FOR IT.
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lynyrdwrites · 7 years
@delightfullysunny replied to your post “@trueromantic1 replied to your post “@delightfullysunny replied to...”
I agree! Like I want the one where Klaus kills his soulmate Caroline for power so bad even though I know it's going to hurt so much because you're going to make it so amazing. And you promised a happy ending! But I also want the immortals after dark, and the one where Klaus is an Earl and the werewolf hallmark!!! I want everything!
Damn.... you’re pulling  out the receipts with this reply. Melissa won’t let me forget the IAD AU, however. So it’s also being plotted.
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Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase crossover fusion edit for Klaroline AU Season, 2021 Week Seven: Fusions @klaroline-event​
👾🕹📟🕳 Klaroline in CYBER CHASE: THE FINAL LEVEL ➖ extended summary
It's been just over eight months since Klaus got trapped in the video game. For Caroline, he'd wager a lot less.
In the beginning, his reserves of grit and determination were plenty stocked and put him on his feet after every near-death battle. Kol at his side only fueled his resolve to get them out of there, beat the game, and go home.
It all changed around the sixth month.
Kol steadily grew impatient beyond measure, tearing holes in the rugs with his pacing, picking fights with low-level bosses just to feel something other than desperation and frustration. It was hard to keep him in good spirits, his brother.
The crushing weight of a broken promise hit Klaus full-force when Kol disappeared.
Naturally, he searched for Kol high and low and had a lot of luck finding nothing. It was as if Kol up and left, or never existed at all. His iron resolve quaked at the realization, and he's never quite recovered.
Time passes differently here at Level Thirteen as they were told by the former final girl, Anna Zhu—not directly, of course. 
The girl kept detailed accounts of everything she'd seen. When they found the diaries that she kept when she played this level, it was illuminating, to say the least, but did nothing to quell their worst fears.
Her last entry was, in a word, haunting.
It was dated October 13, 2009, and for all they knew, she up and disappeared without a trace afterward. Kol had hopes she somehow made it out and beat the game; Klaus wasn't so optimistic.
That was two months ago, just before Kol jokingly promised that he'd be back before dawn with a ghost of a smile on his face, walked out, and never returned.
At least Klaus thought it was two months... It was hard to tell for sure in a level where the sun never rose.
Mind you, the game’s better played in pairs, and Klaus gradually lost the spark that drove him to war against the odds, the tethers to his humanity stripped away day after day.
So he quit playing— and if you think that's pathetic, he invites you to get sucked into a cursed video game for all time unless you can fend off virtual hordes of monsters with nothing but your false bravado and TV remote.
Klaus got complacent treading water instead of trying (and potentially failing) to beat this level by engaging in the final boss battle because if he lost, he would have to play the previous, brutal twelve levels all over again. Alone. 
Besides, Level Thirteen is where it’s at.
The abandoned metropolis has all of the comforts of home, minus a real-life touch. The sun never rises here, so everything is steeped in eternal night, but Klaus quickly found he was more than apt to be king of the dark city. He went where he wanted, did what he wanted.
He stole cars, parachuted off of skyscrapers, gorged on fried nosh from the fair, fished on the miles-long boardwalk's piers. He knew where each of the Big Bosses are located, having scouted them previously with Kol, so his domain was outlined very clearly, and he hardly encountered trouble. 
He always avoided the glittering arcade, where a bored Kol had once been entranced by the assortment of free games.
The only others roaming this plane are the NPCs, non-player characters, programmed with limited responses and actions, but they made suitable stand-ins for social interactions for a short while.
After all... Anything was better than the deafening silence that came with true isolation.
The all-encompassing and abnormally large moon with its three rings was towering high in the sky on the night it happened.
He remembers it so clearly. He was sitting at the top of the neon-lit Ferris wheel, watching the black waves roll in under the blanket of a star-freckled sky, when he saw a blue-white light beam come down.
It struck the ground in the heart of the city with the velocity of a meteorite, and Klaus jolted so hard he almost tumbled backward off the rocking bench suspended by steel.
A part of him didn't even dare to hope that it was another player joining.
Hallucinations weren't exactly new to him, but in the end, curiosity in a level where nothing ever changed won him over.
He set out to find this person, strapped with his best weapons and a new stride, reminiscent of his victory-sponsored swagger from Level Two. Unfortunately, they had landed in a neighborhood frequented by what he and Kol had dubbed "Unfriendlies," so it was the least he could do to help them out if they wanted a shot at survival.
Or he could just sit back, analyze their fighting techniques, and then decide whether to play or pass... whichever whim took hold of him at the moment.
Klaus didn't expect to be tackled into the pavement, the barrel of a light-blaster shoved under his chin as he stared up into steel blue eyes awash with a fire that stole his breath.
...In short, Klaus didn't expect Caroline Forbes.
All of her quips, jibes, and painstakingly laid plans were admittedly refreshing, but it was her, purely the caliber of her person, that captivated him so thoroughly, the pair of them being the last two standing or not. He was so robbed of energy that standing in the rays of her light nearly burned him at the touch.
She, too, had lost her game partner, Enzo, and had been searching for him ever since, not interested in moving on or beating the game without him. It seemed natural to work together, which was a lot to say in a game that routinely pushed you to the brink.
Their new mission centered on finding and rescuing Kol, Enzo, and even Anna and her old partner Jeremy if they were still trapped here. Then they would fight for a way out. 
Waiting for them at the end of the line was the Big Boss of Level Thirteen: the Phantom Virus, ominously referred to as "Malachai" by the NPCs.
So with an appropriate amount of banter, innuendos, and meaningful conversation, they strategized, plotted, and role-played every possible scenario before charging in light-blasters akimbo.
No matter what the outcome, win or lose, triumph or perish, he knew she had changed everything for him.
Until her, he had forgotten what it was like to want to try. And oh, how she made him want to try.
To win.
And to live. 
[ !! G A M E  O V E R !! ]
       [ Play again ? ]
            [ Y  /  N  ]
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Plot Bunny
I’m going to start out by saying I had NEVER heard the term “plot bunny” but I LOVE it. Thank you @bellemorte180​ 
So here’s mine. Also, I may have been watching old San Diego TVD/Originals comic con panels because they are awesome and I can’t get enough. 
Caroline Forbes grew up in small town Virginia but moved to Los Angeles after graduation to pursue her acting dream. Desperate for her big break she’s doing multiple auditions and not getting any jobs so waiting tables to pay her rent. 
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Luckily she has her roommates Bonnie and Katherine to help pay the bills. Bonnie is desperate for a record deal and Katherine wants to be the next Victoria Secret Angel. They form a fast friendship and are determined to make their dreams come true. 
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One night at her restaurant, Caroline “accidentally” spills entree over famed actor Klaus Mikaelson. He was being a pompous ass and she couldn’t help herself. It was the least he deserved but she loses her job in the process. 
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Meanwhile, Klaus Mikaelson is cast as Iron Man in the first Marvel film. Given his star power, he’s given the opportunity to assist in the casting process. 
He watches multiple auditions until someone new and refreshing comes on screen. He’s trying to place her until he realises she was the one to drop his dinner in his lap. Rather than being annoyed he is intrigued. 
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He makes his way to the same restaurant and finds out she lost her job for speaking out against him. He feels bad but is also hooked and asks the network to bring her back for follow up auditions. 
Then she scores the role of Virginia “Pepper” Potts opposite him as Tony Stark/Iron Man. 
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During their first meeting, Caroline tells him that she’d still dump dinner in his lap. Klaus is smitten and thinks she could do much worse to him and he wouldn’t care. 
During filming their banter only increases and they can barely be together in the same room without starting a fight. The cast and crew try to make do. Some of them compare them to Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams during the Notebook.
They separate as soon as possible but Klaus is still intrigued by his co-star. She’s apparently not interested until they need to show up for press and Comic Con in San Diego. 
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But after many drinks at many after parties they find themselves holed up in the Fairmont expelling the sexual tension that has been building for too long. 
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bebravebellamyblake · 5 years
Klaus gritted his teeth and slammed his fist against the counter between them. When she flinched, he closed his eyes and took two deep breaths through his nose, trying to control his anger.
“I understand how hard this situation has been for you,” he started slowly. “But I just spent the last two and a half hours watching you flirt with another man while you wear MY RING on your finger. Not to mention the fact that our 3 year old asks everyday where his mum is.”
He glanced at her from across the butcher block countertop. He took another deep breath, shook his head slightly. Caroline held her breath, heart in her throat, waiting for him to continue.
“Maybe you should consider that this situation has been difficult on more than just you.”
He turned on his heel and fled the kitchen. Caroline watched him go, unshed tears filling her eyes.
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                 i    was   in   the   klaroline    au   tag   &.    someone   pls   gimme    any   of   these     ,    pls     ?    
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honestgrins · 7 years
Love It or List It || Klaroline
Klaroline AU Week Day 1: Crossovers and Fusions
Caroline and Klaus are the popular hosts of HGTV's Love It or List It, and Bonnie is a huge fan. Their banter is so fun to watch, it's hard to believe they're not a real couple...
"But are they going to Love It…" Klaus smirked into the camera, winking.
"Or List It?" Caroline finished with a gentle hip-check to her co-host.
Bonnie avidly watched as the director called, "Cut!" to huddle with the cameraman, waving over the famous faces that filled her screen on a near-daily basis. "I still can't believe you got us on the show," she whispered excitedly to her wife.
Shrugging, Nora smoothed a smudge from Bonnie's lipstick. "It was the only way I could get you to consider a remodel. I figured you would be too distracted by Klaroline to put up a real fight."
"Oh, we're definitely moving," Bonnie automatically dismissed, "but we'll be moving into a house Caroline Forbes finds for us!"
The tenacious real estate agent always managed to find amazing contenders for the show, a seemingly perfect house that miraculously matched the buyers' demands. For Bonnie, it was like watching magic, and she didn't always understand how the clients turned down a dream home.
Except when she saw their real home redesigned with the Klaus Mikaelson touch, then it made sense. His artistic eye created a magic all its own, taking what was outdated and turning it into something beautiful.
"And can it on the Klaroline teasing, okay?" Bonnie quietly begged, embarrassed. "They'd just make a really cute couple."
She wasn't much for following celebrities, she preferred books and TV for her dramatic consumption. But if Bonnie had to choose a "will they, won't they" couple to buy tabloids about, Klaus and Caroline's chemistry would be worth the money. They were fiercely competitive with each other, despite keeping the trash talk at a light flirt. Entertainment blogs swore there was something going on between the interior designer and the realtor off-camera - they even had their own ship name - and she wanted to believe it was true.
The director had ushered her cameraman toward the living room, leaving behind her hosts bickering like an old married couple. Even as Nora pulled her toward them, Bonnie couldn't resist hanging onto the details of their murmured conversation. "You already shook on it, sweetheart. Surely you're not afraid of losing our wager."
Bristling, Caroline bit back her response when she saw their guests eyeing them in intrigue. "Hey," she effortlessly slid into a friendly host mode. "Are you two ready to talk about dream homes?"
"They're already in it, love," Klaus countered. "But we should discuss what it will take to make this home everything you want it to be."
"And," Caroline broke in, "how to make this a good experience for you both. Klaus and I can get competitive with each other, but this process isn't about us at all. I mean, I do have the better record so far-"
Klaus cleared his throat, amused. "However, these are your lives. We start with your ideas and desires, and you make final decisions. Period."
Caroline nodded in agreement. "Seriously, we may be total control freaks, but this is your show. Please don't hesitate to get us back on track for your vision, especially if this one tries to incorporate red walls and brown leather everywhere."
Holding his hand to his heart, Klaus's light tone was defensive. "I'm a professional, and I can appreciate that not everyone shares my impeccable taste for rich, warm tones."
"Can you? Can you really?"
Her cheeks hurting from smiling, Bonnie loved watching the back and forth between them. Even Nora was holding back a laugh until two quick snaps from the living room caught their attention."
"Children," the director called, clearly used to the banter. "Time to talk priorities. Enzo's all set up to film."
"Thanks, Kat," Caroline answered. She linked elbows with Bonnie, winking at Nora as she lead the way through the door. "Come on, let's talk about your dream house. I've got some great listings lined up for inspiration."
"Cheating's beneath you, love."
Glancing over her shoulder, Caroline stuck out her tongue. "Be ready to pay up, Mikaelson."
Bonnie turned up a curious gaze. "Pay up?"
"Running bet," Caroline shrugged.
Kat corralled them into position before Bonnie could ask more, because - damn - that was an interesting tidbit.
What did her favorite duo have as a running bet?
Klaus's hand scribbled over the tentative remodel plans, scratching notes as Nora rattled off her ideas. Bonnie, though, kept looking for hints that he and Caroline were closer than their audience knew. She had long since clocked a complete lack of wedding rings or mentions of significant others, but the way he kept sneaking glances to his co-host while she chatted with Kat had to mean something.
"Did you have any questions, Bonnie?" Klaus asked expectantly.
Blinking, she realized she had been staring a bit too pointedly at his face. "Um, no," she stammered. Her chest swelled with a sudden intake of breath. "How long have you and Caroline been working together?"
He smiled easily, shrugging off the non-sequitur. "The show's been running for three years."
Simple, direct - not nearly enough for Bonnie. "Caroline mentioned her record is better," she prodded. "Do you guys really keep score? Trade a trophy back and forth, maybe?"
A smaller grin, almost shy, pulled at his lips. "The satisfaction of winning is rarely enough," he answered, cryptic. "Raising the stakes makes things interesting."
Coughing delicately, though, Nora tried to bring the conversation back. "About the floors…" She sent a chastising look to her wife, lacing their fingers together in mild apology at another tempting thread of information lost. "I'd really prefer tile over laminate for the basement.
Crowded together on the front porch of Caroline's latest listing, Bonnie and Nora heatedly discussed their reactions to the seemingly charming ranch house - until they saw the inside. "I know it's superficial," Nora defended, "but the murals are creepy and too much."
"They can be painted over," Bonnie argued, though she definitely held back a shiver at the bad feeling some of the more lurid images inspired. "The closets were huge."
Nora snorted incredulously. "I'm still stuck on the frowning woman. She's just frowning, in every room. I can't imagine why anyone would want to paint the same woman over and over, let alone with such a grimace."
Shaking her head, Caroline locked the front door, careful to avoid looking at Enzo and the camera he held. "Artist types," she muttered simply. "They never want to give up a muse."
Enzo choked on a laugh, only for Caroline to glare at him after all. "Shut up."
With a puzzled tilt of her head, Bonnie wondered at the exchange and the possible clues it held for the mystery of Caroline's personal life. However, Nora started to gloat about how great the bathroom renovation was looking back home, and her hopes dwindled at finding another house in time for the final decision.
"No hard feelings," Caroline promised, giving both Nora and Bonnie goodbye hugs. They had finally chosen to love their remodeled home, even with Bonnie's stubborn insistence that moving was the only option she would accept. With the decision wrapped, the filming team was ready to take on the next project. "This place looks beautiful."
"Thank you, love." Klaus winked at Caroline and offered them a cordial handshake, though his charming smile was warmer after weeks of working together. "I hope you both enjoy it to the fullest."
Nora gave a private smile, squeezing her wife's hip. "We intend to. Thank you both so much, for everything."
"The pleasure was ours," Klaus answered. "Mine more than Caroline's, I'd wager."
With narrowed eyes, Caroline shook her head ruefully at the obvious pun. "Don't get cocky, there's always the next one. And it's easy to be happy for Bonnie and Nora getting to fall in love with their home all over again."
Bonnie waved as they continued to bicker all the way out of the house, wishing she had shored up the courage to ask what she really wanted to know. "They're totally dating, right?"
Letting out an amused sigh, Nora sidled up to where Enzo was packing away his camera. "Help my wife put her crazy theories to rest. Are Klaus and Caroline together, or what?"
The cameraman smirked, like he had been expecting a similar question all along. "Who, those two? That'd be a contentious marriage, to be sure. They do complement each other, I'll give them that - but they're both pretty private, you'd have to ask them."
"Do you know what their bet is, at least?" Bonnie asked.
But he shook his head, "Sorry, darling. Ignorance is bliss."
Sadly, Bonnie watched them leave. Despite the unsatisfying non-answer as to their relationship status, a part of her would still hold out hope for Klaroline.
They seemed so good together.
Letting himself into his own dream home, Klaus made his way to the back patio with the fresh art supplies he'd made a special trip to buy. "I think I want to focus on the line of your neck, brightened by the moonlight," he announced, smirking at the nearly naked blonde waiting for him. Grateful for the privacy fence surrounding their property, he dropped a kiss on her resigned pout.
Caroline set aside her phone with a mournful sigh, her silk robe snagging on the patio chair as she turned to face him. "Does that mean I can put on pants? My ass is freezing."
"You know the rules, sweetheart," he teased. Sitting beside her, his lips fell to graze the edge of her robe, slipping it aside so he could nibble at her bare skin. "I win a tastefully nude model, you win a naughty massage. No one likes a sore loser."
She snorted, leaning into his touch. "You married one," she pointed out. "Enjoy your victory while it lasts, hubby, because I will win the next one."
The corners of his lips turned up, and she could feel him smile against her neck. "Whatever you say, love."
Links: FFnet and AO3
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slstmaraudersjple · 3 years
Writing update: Mandalorian fanfics
I’m still working on Klaroline fanfic, but the plot bunnies have struck with some Mandalorian fanfiction. For the time being, they will only be posted on AO3.
A Love Like This (Alpha/Beta/Omega!AU)
“…if you’re going to kill me, please make it quick.”
It’s like pain shooting up his spine, and as your words echo loudly in the silence and he’s forced to contemplate the idea of you not being there, the final pieces slide into place.
He inhales sharply, and before he can help himself, he drops to his knees as he whispers,
You run.
The moment the airship docked, the moment you noticed that no one had eyes on you, your survival instincts took over and you slipped on a dark nondescript cloak and made your way for the back ramp.
Getting off the ship is easier than you expected, and no one pays you any mind as you leave, but the fear curling in your belly urges you on and forces you to ignore the hunger pangs.
Your owner (ex-owner?) hadn’t been the worst owner you could have had. It had truly been an amiable couple years. He hadn’t been truly kind but you were provided for – you always had food in your belly and a warm place to sleep and occasionally small trinkets that were gifted to you – and that was all you could have asked for. But then he met his mate, who turned out to be a jealous and vindictive woman. She punished you for your very existence in her life, and she finally presented him with an ultimatum: her and their future offspring, or you.
You hadn’t been surprised by his choice – after all, children could only be born of a true mate union.
You had been sent to a slave market, and the moment it was decided, you stopped being provided for. You found yourself scrounging for scraps of leftover food, drank tepid water from the faucet, and gathered whatever shreds of cloth you could hunker down with for the evenings.
You swear you hear shouts behind you, and you run faster. You’re not sure if they’re talking about you, but you can’t take any chances.
You aren’t even sure where you are. You don’t even know what planet you’re on. All you know is that you have to run.
Day turns to dusk as you round corners and duck around equipment, droids, and other airships. Panic starts to set in as you try to find a place to hide for the night.
Just one night, you tell yourself. You’ll give yourself one night to rest, and then you’ll figure out the rest of your escape.
Hand of Fate (mafia!AU)
Summary:  You are a server at the exclusive Palace nightclub, run by best friends and mob co-bosses Mando and Boba Fett. Life is relatively normal until you accidentally save your bosses and catch the attention of the very people you’ve been trying to avoid. Mob AU inspired by other mob AUs.
Despite the Palace nightclub being mob territory of the Mandalorians and run by your bosses, you have never felt unsafe the way you do tonight. Although you have never met said bosses, they ensure that there is constant security throughout the building, keeping the staff safe and keeping the patrons from getting too rowdy. You’ve only been groped once, by a clearly drunk man, and before you could blink, a security guard grabbed the man and escorted him out, only pausing to give you a nod of acknowledgement before they disappeared out of sight.
You can’t quite put your finger on it. You’re just a server, and the job came recommended by a friend from your college days. You interviewed with a pair of gorgeous women, Fennec Shand and Cara Dune, who each represented one of your mysterious bosses, and they were more interested in your ability to do your job than anything else. They hired you on the spot, and that was 6 months ago. The pay is fantastic and the tips are better. You work five nights a week at the Palace, and on your off days you curl up in your apartment catching up on new books or TV shows.
The only thing that would make this better would be if you didn’t have to wear such kriffing high heels, no matter how cute they are. Thankfully, you only have to wear the heels on the weekends, and you can wear more comfortable shoes throughout the week. All the girls wear the same uniform – a gorgeous deep olive corset top with a silver halter strap and tight black shorts with fishnet leggings. When the weather is colder, you are allowed to wear tight leather pants instead.
The Palace has a specific dress code, one that is followed by both staff and patrons. For the sake of anonymity, everyone wears a mask that must cover at least half their face. You and the girls wear gorgeous black lacey masks that cover the top half of your faces and tie behind your head with soft ribbons. They’re actually quite comfortable to wear. The security guards wear solid black masks in a simple design.
But tonight… tonight feels off. You’re not sure if it’s the way it feels like certain people are watching you intensely. That’s not new, but there’s something… different about it. All you know is that you’ve never felt this way in the 6 months that you’ve worked for the Palace, and it is deeply unsettling.
I’d love to know your thoughts!
Thanks to @silver-pieces for encouraging me to make this post <3
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 Angel!Caroline x Viking Werewolf!Klaus
For my girls  @morningstargirl666 and @frogs-are-bitchs who helped me plot bunny this monstrosity, I promised them a fic but I’m  a terrible friend so they’ll have to settle for an aesthetic.
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morningstargirl666 · 3 years
wait omg I would never forget my absolute fav so director's cut on Into Eternity🤍 thank youuuu
[nervous laughter]
So this has been in my inbox for a while (I'm really very sorry I completely forgot about it I feel awful)
I actually avoided it for a while because Into Eternity actually is my least favourite fic I've written... which is weird, since a lot of people like it? I think I mentioned to you I believe its because the fic is literally 11k of domestic fluff with a dash of angst, and not the other way around (I crave chaos and tragedy its unfortunately a problem). It's either that, or its because I feel it was written in a rush, and therefore isn't really my best work, and every time I read the first half I cringe in pain at the lack of world building. What can I say: I'm a gall who likes details and perfection 🤷‍♀️
Eh, maybe I'll edit it someday.
Now, moving on, Into Eternity was written for @lynyrdwrites for the summer exchange, and since it was my first exchange I like, kind of panicked and made her two gifts? I made her some edits which she asked for, but that only took me a few hours so it felt so inadequate for some reason and my anxiety was hella high in the summer so yeah... I panicked. And the thing was, when I was looking into ideas such as valkyries (a creature Lenna requested if I did a creature au) I stumbled across the quote “Þú getur lyft hammanum mínum hvenær sem er, ef þú veist hvað ég meina” which meant "You are my Valkyrie, and I would follow you across the nine realms and into eternity”.
And that was just so powerful to me? Like it resonated with me so much and it was such a Klaroline quote, with the same amount of energy as however long it takes. And so, I started brainstorming, and I remember at the time I was reading a lot of Lucifer fanfic, and one of the common tropes in the fandom is that Lucifer speaks Enochian, and he says I love you to Chloe in that ancient holy language long before he gains enough courage to say it in english, a language she can understand. And basically I remembered thinking with mischievous grin there's something I can do with this...
So I came up with a plot bunny. Shared it with some peeps. They all started bawling their eyes out with me because the idea was so freaking wholesome, and then I wrote the ending scene first. And then made myself cry - which kind of made me believe I was onto something there. So I continued writing, telling myself if I didn't finish it, it was ok cause I had the edits to give to Lenna anyway.
I wanted it to be from Caroline's view, but not necessarily the Caroline we know. An older, wiser Caroline Forbes whose probably roamed the planet for over a century before she shows up at Klaus' door. And I also wanted to show that their relationship was realistic, that it had a honeymoon period which was quickly followed by arguments before they truly became comfortable with each other and the new relationship they were in.
(again, I crave chaos ok - happily ever after is so boring)
I also wanted both Caroline and Klaus to shine, to show how stubborn and strong both of them are, not just one or the other. And then I sprinkled in some fluff, some angst, some Mikaelson shenanigans and turned it into something I hoped happened post-canon, if Caroline had finally shown up at Klaus' door wanting to see the world and everything he had once offered to show her in a small town in Virginia.
I considered doing a part 2 - the chapter from Klaus' POV, with moments where he realised he loved Caroline, when he started saying Ég elska þig into her hair or even to himself under his breath, perhaps including the canon scene from when he bites her. Because obviously he knew long before Caroline did that he would be her last love. However long it takes.
No idea if I'll ever get around to doing it, but its fun to think about all the same!
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bellemorte180 · 3 years
Mikaelson Manor Plot Bunny
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This one has been bothering me all morning but note...its a rather sad one.
Caroline is a hospice nurse. She doesn't have any family, her parents have passed on and beyond her ex-husband, Stefan who left her for her best friend Elena, she does not really have anyone. She did not grow up in Mystic Falls and does not know the legend of the Mikaelson Manor.
She gets assigned to be a live in nurse for the very old Henrik Mikaelson. He is near 100 years old and is dying of old age. Caroline is there to care for him in his dying days. The Mikaelson Manor is very old and is rumored to be haunted. Around 95 years go, there was a gruesome murder in the home. Nik Mikaelson slaughtered his siblings, leaving only Henrik (who was only 5 at he time) alive.
When she arrives, she meets Henrik and a very attractive groundskeeper named Klaus, who seems oddly surprised that she is there. She feels oddly drawn to Klaus and they strike up a friendship but she notices that he is very vague about himself. She starts having feelings for him, which are obviously returned but given the fact that Henrik is dying, Caroline decides not to do anything about it: or so that is what she thinks.
One day, Henrik starts to rally and Caroline knows that he is going to die within the next few days. Henrik confesses to Caroline that he remembers the murder, and tells her that it wasn't Nik that killed them all; but his father Mikael.
Mikael went on a rampage and killed his entire family when he learned his wife had an affair and that Nik (who is about 24 in this) was not his son. Henrik had hid and when Mikael couldn't find him, he killed himself but not before leaving a note detailing his crimes, but signed it as though he was Nik. No one believed Henrik, stating that he was confused at what happened and eventually stopped speaking of it.
Caroline, unsure what to do with the information, calls Stefan who is a lawyer. Stefan comes out and is able to take the confession, before turning it over to the police.
After Stefan leave, Klaus comes to her and thanks her. Not understanding what he meant, he clarifies that he is thanking her for clearing his name. Turns out (and I'm sure ya'll guessed) but Klaus is not alive, but a ghost who is haunting the Mikaelson Manor. He was never able to cross over and spent the last 95 years looking after his younger brother, and watched how the town vilified him in his death. Once Henrik dies, Klaus says she should finally be able to find peace and was thankful that he could at least see his name being cleared.
Caroline wonders why she is able to see him and that no one else, even Henrik could. Klaus tells her that his mother, Esther, had dabbled in magic and that she had once told him the concept of soulmates. The reason Caroline can see Klaus is because her soul is connected to him, despite them being born over a 100 years apart.
When Henrik dies, both Klaus and Caroline are there with him and she gets to watch them reunite, and fade away, leaving Caroline sitting alone with Henrik's body, believing that she would never see Klaus again.
She ends up going home, and in the days that past she reads Henrik's obituary that is connected to the story about his death bed confession. In the paper is a picture of Klaus from the early 1900s, exactly as she remembered him.
On the day of Henrik's funeral, Caroline decides that she does not want to go, but later regrets it and decides to visit his fresh grave. When she is there, she is surprised to see Klaus standing there, looking rather angry at her.
Turns out, on her way to the graveyard, she was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly on sight. Klaus is there to greet her and help her cross over.
But is not pleased about it because he wanted her to live a long an happy life
In the end, Klaus holds out his hand and Caroline crosses over with him, knowing that perhaps she could at least spend the rest of eternity with Klaus.
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road? 9 times out of 10, I do. I'm a big planner. Vice and Virtue is the exception. I mean, I had a vague idea of how it was going to end, but getting from point A to point B was a mystery.
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story? 1000000! I only write fics for the romance lol It's all Klaroline here. 😌 Sometimes I incorporate side relationships, but it's rare. I write fics exclusively for the central romance, nothing else matters to me lol
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it? I answered that one here.
Thanks so much for the asks, nonnie!
If you want to play, send me a number from this list, help this fic writer procrastinate some more.
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tnapki · 3 years
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Klaroline AU Season 2021 (@klaroline-event)
Week 4: Crime
*super late, but better late than never right? sorry @eliliyah if this messes with your beautifully curated Master Lists! Edits are open to interpretation for plot bunnies :)
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purplesigebert · 3 years
For the Ask Game: 1,3,4,9,7,44,43,22 hehehehehe
OMG Ennie, thank you sooo sooo much for asking! Ok, here goes:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
I started reading fanfiction when I was 15, in 2012.  I was part of a Once Upon a Time Facebook group and one of the members linked the first story I ever read. 
I started writing fanfiction last month, but I have been many plot bunnies/ideas that have been in my head that I used to daydream about, helped use to get to sleep.
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
I am just getting started on my fic but the reason I am writing it is because I have not seen what I want to read out there on the internet. Either on FF.net or AO3.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
for a thousand more -brophigenia: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17737409
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
Is a cop-out answer okay? I prefer really long one-shots. We’re talking like 15K+ long one-shots.  If there are no one-shots, then long fics are preferred. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Keira: @keira63fic
Tracey: @writing-as-tracey
Issay: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Issay/profile
22. Do take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
I could? If anybody asked? Klaroline because TVD has been a obsession of mine since 2009 and I love them so much!
I could also The Doctor (9,10,11) with Rose Tyler as I will ship them forever.
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
It’s helped me connect with a lot of people and something to share with friends IRL and online! It is a safe space and the amount of times I’ve looked over during a lecture and seen someone reading fanfic on their laptop made me laugh and feel happy that I wasn’t the only one doing this.
The Klaroline community has been really sweet, all of you! In the discord! Being there has been soooo sooo nice, sweet, and cool!! All of you encouraging me to start writing. The joy I feel when some one likes the fics that I recommend! 
44. Rant about something writing related.
The fact that I can see the story/chapter in my head but I can't immediately just pull it from memories and play it in a Pensive for you readers.  Instead I have to find my right words and tell the story the long way.  This is great because I’m learning how to properly write a good story but I’m finding that writing dialogue is hard!
Also finger cramps, they suck and I am out practice because I have been out of school for eight months and that's is where I do most of my typing.
Thanks again Ennie, sorry for the long wait!
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honestgrins · 7 years
Bad Idea || Klaroline
So, this was a mix of a bunch of ideas that I just couldn't let go. Initially, it started with American Gods and the scene where Laura and Shadow first met, then it spiraled from there. 
Caroline knows trouble when she sees it in the casino, and Klaus is nothing but trouble for her.
She knew he was trouble the second he sat at her table, with that cocky smirk on an unfairly attractive smile. He had come in on his own, eyes immediately latching on her blonde hair and sauntering over. Having worked at the casino for a good eight months, Caroline had learned to recognize bad news when she saw it, the kind that drew attention from the eyes in the sky. The owner was a slick son of a bitch who didn't hesitate to have his goons beat someone to a pulp.
Sometimes, they didn't even bother to accuse the sucker of cheating; if the win was big enough, it was far cheaper to bribe the hospital to quietly treat the bloody mess they dropped off with a warning not to mess with Damon Salvatore's profit margins.
With an easy charm and sharp eyes, though, Caroline would bet anything that the guy sitting across from her wasn't one to care for rules. He probably wouldn't cheat outright, male pride and all. Counting cards was more likely his game; stacking the odds in his favor without technically breaking the law.
Her lip curled at the thought of Damon breaking such a pretty face. "Are you sure this is the way to spend a Friday night?" she asked quietly while shuffling her cards. "D.C. has some better entertainment options than a seedy, underground casino."
He arched an eyebrow, taking a sip of his bourbon. "I've never met a dealer warning away a willing pile of chips," he noted with a shrewd once-over of her gaudy, gold-sequined vest. She tried not to react to the attention or the smooth British accent. "Caroline, is it?"
"You can put the flirt away." Giving an icy smile, Caroline winked at the plainclothes security sitting at the next table. "There are at least three men watching your every move right now, praying you give them the slightest excuse for violence if only to liven up their incredibly dull lives. One's right over your shoulder, examining my face for any sign of distress or suspicion."
Shrugging, the guy tossed back the rest of his drink. "That sounds more like a problem for me than for you. I'm touched you're so concerned."
"Right," she scoffed, making sure to keep her voice low, "like I won't be next on their hit list if you don't manage to lose half your chips." Dealing the cards quickly with her practiced hand, Caroline pinned him with an unimpressed glare. "Trust me, you don't want to cause trouble tonight. You're going to play this hand, maybe the next if you win, but then you're leaving."
His wicked smile cut dimples deep into his cheeks, and his tongue peeked out to wet his lips. "I do like a woman who takes charge," he murmured. "And you're beautiful, which means the house expects men to linger at the expense of their pockets. If I promise to lose, may I stay and keep you company?"
Rolling her eyes, Caroline flipped the cards with more force than necessary. "Be still, my heart," she deadpanned. "Look, buddy-
"Klaus," he offered.
"Look, Klaus," she snapped, "do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you."
Coyly glancing at his cards, Klaus smirked. "So caring. What's a nice girl like you working in a place like this? Damon Salvatore's a bloody wanker on his best day."
"So are student loans. Hit or stay?"
He met her eyes with a playful glint. "Stay."
Straightening her posture, Caroline swallowed down a small grin. "And people think I'm stubborn. Dealer stays at nineteen, show your hand."
"Eighteen," he answered with a mournful cluck of the tongue. "I suppose I should try to recoup my loss."
Caroline just collected the cards to reshuffle. Never one to bear a silence, she couldn't stop her natural curiosity. "You know Damon, then? I always wonder how people find this place."
"Friends with his brother, actually," Klaus replied. He signaled to the passing waitress for another drink, a sure sign of his intent to get comfortable. "Stefan and I both did a semester at Oxford years back."
"Nothing as official as all that," he winked. "Anyway, I'm in town for a few weeks, thought I should look up an old friend. We came together, but his brother stopped him for some urgent business, whatever that means."
Focusing on her shuffle tricks, Caroline's eyes narrowed. "It surprises me he mentioned this place," she said. "I thought he was the squeaky clean government worker. State Department, right?"
"I'd rather talk about you," he countered. "Your hopes, your dreams. Everything you want in life."
She let out a disbelieving laugh as she started the next deal. "God, does that line ever work on anyone?"
Klaus shrugged. "You tell me."
"I'm too smart to be seduced by you," she retorted. "Dealer has sixteen. Hit or stay?"
"Hit." His smile widened at the face card.
"Twenty-one," Caroline announced, moving his chips toward him. Her eyes darted over his shoulder, sweeping the rest of the floor. "Congratulations, sir. I suggest you cash out and enjoy your winnings elsewhere."
Looking at his meager pile of chips, Klaus's eyebrows fell in confusion. "I doubt the Salvatores care about losing fifty dollars."
"You're probably right," she said, "but they're not your biggest concern right now. You seem like a nice guy, if a little arrogant. It's a bad idea for you to stay much longer."
"I'm not that nice, love."
She let a dramatic shudder wrack her shoulders. "Ugh, that's just gross. Can you please just crawl back under whatever rock you came from? I don't want the extra paperwork."
"Everybody FREEZE! FBI!"
Both their heads whipped to the crash of the front doors opening, people with guns and police badges barging into the casino. A waitress screamed as a tray dropped to the floor, and the security guys all drew their weapons on high alert.
Sighing, Caroline reached for his hand and pulled him around the table. "I'm sorry about this," she muttered before slipping a pair of handcuffs from her back pocket. "My name is Caroline Forbes, an agent with the FBI. You're not under arrest, the cuffs are just to make getting out a little easier. I'll take you in as a material witness, my bosses will especially want to hear about how involved Stefan Salvatore is in his brother's dealings."
To her surprise, Klaus chuckled in amusement. "Fair enough, sweetheart, I find I don't mind the idea of you restraining me. However, I should ask that you remove them before we step outside. For your sake more than mine."
"I've been deep undercover in a ruthless criminal organization to uncover ties to human trafficking," she explained with a snort. "My colleagues are everywhere, I'm the safest I've been in months. Why are you worried for my sake?"
As they reached the front doors of the casino, Klaus looked over his shoulder to smirk. "Because I have diplomatic immunity, and you'll likely cause an international incident by tying my name to this until and unless my status is revoked as a result. And it won't be, as a matter of experience."
Rearing back, Caroline turned him to face her fully. "What are you talking about?"
Klaus shrugged, somehow able to look nonchalant while in handcuffs. "It's notoriously difficult to charge a foreign prince with a crime of circumstance, love. If it makes you feel better, my brother has only gotten more insufferable since assuming the throne. He'll be sure to lecture me quite severely."
She was torn between disbelief and utter horror that her biggest case would be tainted if Klaus was telling the truth. "Trust," Caroline relented, releasing the cuffs. Still, she held a hand toward him. "But verify."
Clearly understanding her demand, he reached for his identification. "Klaus Mikaelson, heir in waiting until King Elijah can beget another. There are a few other titles in there, but that's the one people seem to care about."
Caroline squeezed her eyes shut, sheepishly handing it back. "Thanks for the warning, your highness. I guess I should apo-"
"No apologies, please," he said warmly. "But I'll let you make it up to me, with dinner."
Her mouth fell open in shock. "I- What?"
"I wasn't kidding about finding you beautiful." Klaus reached forward, brushing a blonde curl behind her ear. "And I was having fun before this excitement started. I'd like to continue our conversation, perhaps with new explanations, considering."
Shaking her head, Caroline couldn't tell if he was kidding. "This is a joke, right? You're just a con artist with a really good source for fake passports?"
"Would you like to talk to His Majesty?" he asked, pulling out his phone. "Maybe he'll save the lecture for skipping yet another meeting with your state officials if you convince him I'm an innocent bystander."
"No," she answered automatically. "Um, okay, I should get my boss. He'll want to handle your situation directly, and I really have to get back to work anyway."
Before she could leave, though, Klaus wrapped a hand around her wrist. "I'm happy to cooperate, Agent Forbes, and I'd very much like to see you again. Maybe after your boss is finished with his questions?"
"You just met me, and I arrested you," she pointed out.
He smirked. "Think of the story it makes."
Rolling her eyes, she turned away to find Agent Saltzman. Hopefully, her blush would lessen by the time she explained the freaking prince she left in the lobby. She would undoubtedly be too busy to watch his conversation with the boss, but she might be able to finish her initial debrief in time to take him up on his offer.
It wasn't every day a real life fairytale dropped at her feet, even if it's beginnings were less than magical.
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