#klau natural beauty
bodyboxspain · 11 months
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¡Descubre el Body Serum de Klau Beauty! 😍
🤍 Textura ligera y de rápida absorción.
🤍 Hidrata y nutre intensamente.
🤍 Reafirma y rejuvenece la piel de todo el cuerpo.
🤍 Deja la piel extremadamente suave.
🌱 Con ingredientes bio de Nueva Zelanda.
🎁 ¡Consíguelo en formato venta con la Bodybox Noviembre!
Descubre todos sus productos en KlauBeauty.com 🛒 Usa el código BODYBOX35 para -35% en todos los productos de la web (excepto Crea tu Box, Mystery Box y Alguronik 800). Y con el código BODYBOX40 tienes -40% en Alguronik 800 ¡Aprovecha!
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jellyfishsthings · 5 months
WARNINGS: this is quite angsty...no actual smut happens just a tiny scene. Also I messes around with some scenes so I feel like it doesn't follow the storyline in the series... that's about it... (should a do a part 2?) part 2 here, part 3
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He was nursing a long drink of whiskey on ice as he stared at the blank wall. The year was 1963, and he was currently sitting on a lousy couch in Dallas. The apocalypse was going to take place once again mere days away. He felt bone tired, no one around him understood the stakes and the pressure he was under. He got out of his jacket a black and white photo. A young woman in her early twenties had a huge smile plastered on her face, her head was slightly cocked to the side and loose hair from the messy bun that rested at the top of her head framed her beautiful face. She seemed radiant, her eyes were crinkled from her smile and she seemed like a goddess to him. A piece of heaven that he left behind.
“Who's that?” Klaus whispered in his ear and Five jumped from the sudden sound and he glared at his brother. Out of all his siblings, Klaus was the only one who would understand him. “She is beautiful.”
“She is my wife.” Five said quietly. His voice was soft and colored in an emotion that Klaus couldn't recognize.
“Your what?”
“Are you deaf? I said she is my wife, or at least she was.”
“What happened?”
Five had been at the Commission for several years. After a failed experiment he had turned back to his twenty-year-old self. He had heard whispers of the Scarlet Angel all around him, everyone seemed to talk about his rival, especially in his presence. It was supposed to be the deadliest assassin of the Institution besides him. One gray day he was called into the Handlers office. That was when he saw her for the first time. A tall woman was seated on a chair, her beautiful face turned towards him as he entered the room. Five had never been one to find in someone's physical beauty but at the moment their eyes met he could swear that his heart skipped a beat.
Their first assignment together had been such a success, that they were stuck together permanently. Throughout the following years, Five found himself falling for her harder every day, with every word she said, with every laugh she caused from him, the way she always had his back and defended him whether she agreed with his actions or not. Their fights were the best thing that ever happened to him, she always found ways to leave him speechless, with her smart comebacks, the way she was animated when she got angry, her hands flew around her, her face got angry red and her hair bounced with her movements. He had never seen someone look so exquisite when they were yelling at him. She made him feel alive, adrenaline coursed in his veins. She always got the better of him. She was so… infuriating. On one of those occasions he finally had enough.
He grabbed her face and smashed their lips together to silence her. She was breathless when he distanced himself from her. Her eyes were wild and her hand flew to his cheeks, slapping him. Before leaving him frozen on his spot. They were supposed to be undercover as a married couple at the gala of their target. They had been discussing tactics and strategies when things escalated.
With a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down and headed back towards the ballroom, searching for his supposed wife. They stayed together all night, dancing and acting like a couple. It seemed natural to him to be this way with her. Having her in his arms, and showing her off. Finally a few minutes shy of dawn, they tiptoed towards a huge room where their target hid diamonds. Diamonds they were going to steal after killing him, so the crime would seem like a robbery gone wrong. Just at the last corner, they were almost caught. Five quickly hoisted her up before he pinned her to a wall and he placed his face on her neck. Her skin flashed and her heartbeat was rapid beneath his mouth.
“Play along.” He whispered sweetly to her skin but she was shocked by his actions. So he had no choice. He sucked at her pulse point receiving an immediate reaction. Her legs drew back on his hold, her back arched, her eyes closed and her lips released a quiet breathy moan. At that moment he knew he was already addicted to her. He couldn't hold himself back any longer. He bit and sucked on her neck and her hands tangled into his hair as she tugged at the short strands on the back of his head. She was moaning in his arms and her hips rolled against his. He raised his knee and she started riding his leg shamelessly. He wanted to be inside of her or he was going to burst. He wanted to shut her smart mouth so it would no longer fire comebacks at him. He unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants before pushing her underwear to the side and he waited for a confirmation to continue. She could ask him to kneel, to beg and he would gladly do so. Just to steal one moment with her.
A loud bang echoed through the walls and they snapped out of their daze. But the damage had already been done. Their partnership had been blown to proposition forever. And the rest was history.
Several years later, and many happy years together after being married in secret. It happened, their big bang, the thing that embodied the doom of their relationship. Five had always been a pessimist, even in his early childhood. He was a firm believer in Murphy's law, which stated that when something could go wrong in a situation, always expect it to go wrong. They had traveled in Germany during the Second World War. Five posed as one of the ranking officers in Auschwitz as his wife was expected to do the same. Only, she had been compromised and now she was one of the prisoners. The terrible labor that she endured every day was the thing that would plague him for years to come. After completing their mission and several wounds later they managed to get back to the safety of their home.
“Why didn't you listen to me?” Five snap in frustration and terror. His hands shook as he tried to stitch a big guss on her stomach. She looked paper thin, her bones were visible and her veins along with her arteries stood prominent against her pale skin that lost its color.
“I did. I disagreed with your plan either way. And we had to do something drastic. I took a risk and I lost. It happens.”
“And did it have to happen in one of the most terrifying places that ever existed on this Earth?”
“Snap out of it. You would have done the same. And always where we are atrocious things have happened. So you don't get to lecture me. I am my own person. I made a call and it happened to be wrong. But if I hadn't done that we would have eventually failed this mission. And you don't get to lecture me when you have done nothing but be untruthful to me since the moment this started.”
“Wh- what are you talking about?” Five whispered, his voice quivered with unshown emotions. He could see the inevitable impact between them before his eyes, he had just hoped he could have a few more moments with her. A few more minutes, a few more hours, days, or years. Anything really.
Her eyes were hard and full of hatred. She pulled herself to her feet. The pain that consumed her must have been blinding. The open wounds leaked with blood that stained her skin. She moved towards her coat where she retrieved a dark green notebook and she slammed it against their kitchen table, before placing her hands on her hips and firing a challenging look towards him.
“You know I want to get back to my family, sweetheart.”
“Don't sweetheart me. These equations are only for one person. So is there something you want to tell me, dear husband of mine?”
“Please let me explain…”
“Explain what? That this meant nothing to you? You are an egoistic son of a bitch Five. And I am done with you. And you know why? You made the mistake of placing a date when you started. Our wedding date. You have already shown your true colors. You can leave now. And you can take this, I don't need it any longer. Either way, it was fake and it meant nothing to you.” She said before throwing her wedding ring at him. It thudded against his chest and he caught it mid-air, as he watched her walking away from him and slamming the door of their bedroom in her way. He stood frozen in his place. It was done. The one thing that made him feel alive, the one thing that made him happy left him. He lost it under his own hands. The same night, he left a letter behind him before he traveled back in time, back to his family. To them, he seemed a shy seven years older than when he disappeared. But they didn't know about the two things he carried with him from his last life. Her picture in the breast pocket of his smart jacket and her wedding ring on his collarbones as it hung from a golden chain, both hidden from the world.
“Five. That is just … I don't know what to say.”
“Then don't. It is already hard to think about her.”
“How long has it been since -”
“Six years, eight months and twenty days. My early attempts to get back to you weren't really successful.” He whispered as he toying with her ring. It was gold and smooth to touch, his name had been engraved on the inside. It had been a blast to convince the person who made them that his name was actually Five. And he smiled at the fond memory.
“Will you ever see her again?”
“I don't know. The selfish part of me wishes that, but another part of me knows that it is better this way. Because she is free and safe from me. Klaus, if you don't mind … no more talk please.”
Klaus looked at the pained expression on his brother's face. He had never heard him utter the world “please”, at least not to him. So he simply nodded and stayed with him in silence before their peace was disturbed by their reality.
words: 1.781
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anaargent · 1 month
Touch games
Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Five Hargreeves slowly turning from a grumpy, grumpy old man into a touch-starved mass. . .
It started with gentle hand touches, initially Five looked confused and ripped his hands from yours as he asked, “What the hell is this?” with a stunned and disgusted expression. “A handshake?” you answer simplistically, removing the hands he had methodically tucked into his coat and grabbing them again. “To maintain your disguise you need to walk closer and less robotic, grandpa, don’t act like you’ve never held a hand in your life.” After a few tries Five got used to walking closer, his hands gently reaching for yours unconsciously, holding them absently as they walked, ensuring you were on the safer side of the street, still with a scowl on his face.
After your initial aversion, the quick touches to your hair began - it's messy - you say absently, brushing away some strands that fell on Five's forehead, who had remained silent, eyes wide as he watched you smile when your bangs were finally in place, clearing your throat and letting out a half-strangled "hm, thank you". After that, your fingers automatically fixed Five's hairstyle, smiling proudly at him and leaving after a simple - now you're presentable - never seeing the young man's slight blush on his cheeks and the breath he had held being released in a stunned huff.
Five was confused, he considered himself a controlled person, always having total control of his reactions and actions, he wondered why he couldn't prepare himself for every time you came towards him and entered his personal space, what had once been irritation was slowly becoming anticipation. His eyes darted to follow you when you entered the same room, silently hoping that you would come to him to complain about something stupid that your brothers did that irritated you. He found himself listening carefully to every word, noticing the little tics as you released all the frustration of the day and in the end you seemed at peace again.
- Maybe it was the coexistence - Five said to himself, trying to deal with emotions that were certainly not in his life curriculum - I see her every day, I must have gotten used to her nonsense, just like Klaus - he continues to grumble as he searches for his favorite chocolate at the convenience store he had stopped at on the way home - with that loud and annoying voice... that beautiful idiotic smile - he stopped himself, shaking his head in contradiction - no, no, just a stupid smile, nothing pretty!
He hurriedly left the market, with a bag of chocolates in his hand.
Five slowly found himself tangled in a spider's web, what was once a cold and centered posture turning into a needy and insatiable teenager. He tried to control himself, tried not to reach for your hand when you were walking close to each other, or not to smile like an idiot when you patted his hair after he was kind to your brothers - finally a good guy - you smiled as you stroked Five's head, so oblivious to the effects you caused, the gears in the boy's mind stopping to turn as I felt a cozy warmth envelop him.
Or so he thought.
You were aware of the reactions and the subtle change in Five, from the nervous smiles, the hands pretending to brush against yours as you walked, his green eyes always chasing yours, the slight tilt every time he was sarcastic and expected a witty response from you, receiving it with a proud smile. You were aware of all of this, and you wanted to see how far you could take that tempting joke, how the touches seemed to feed something dormant in Five and in his always so rigid posture, an overwhelming curiosity to see what could be awakened in him. You didn't expect him to explode so quickly.
At little Grace's party there was a big reunion, the whole family together again. You and Five came together, your hands firmly clasped in Five's, it was almost natural, if it weren't for the small hesitation before the act
- I hope she likes our gift - you sigh nervously, looking at the package that Five carried in his other arm - you picked up the biggest and brightest unicorn in the store, she'll love it - Five offers you a loving smile and a light squeeze of your hand, seeing your relieved expression - do you swear? - I'm sure of it - Five assures as he opens the door for you to enter the party - a gentleman - you smile playfully - only with you - Five answers sarcastically, hiding the butterflies shaking his stomach with a fake cough, taking off his coats and pulling you to where everyone was gathered.
In the middle of the party you ended up moving away from Five and the others, lost in the middle of so many people and children everywhere. The party was almost over, there were balloons on the floor, the balls of lights spinning
- yeah, it's you and me, Bobby - you grumble, sitting at a table away from the center of the party, toasting with the huge blue bear from the decoration that kept you company during the night - maybe I'll give you my cute number your naughty little thing.
- y/n! - Five suddenly appears, with his tie badly tied, his hair a mess - Five? What happened? Is everyone okay? - you get up and go to the man who was on your mind all night, placing your hands on his shoulders. Five relaxed with the touch, feeling the withdrawal that was growing in him ease a little - where were you? - you are shocked when you come across the needy tone in his voice.
Five Hargreeves, the same Five who told you that after so many years in the apocalypse he didn't feel like having any company. He was in front of you with a helpless appearance, his eyes tearing up a little as he sniffed softly - I looked for you all night, Klaus... Klaus said that maybe you were with someone more interesting.
You laugh, what else could you do in those circumstances? After all the games of accidental touches, of approaching as cautiously as possible so that Five wouldn't think you were a threat and accidentally stab you during the night. Was he worried that you had someone else in your life? - Seriously Five? - You smile at him - Who would be as interesting as an old man in the body of an adult who has lived through countless apocalypses?
-I...i- Five tries to think, his mind clouded between insecurities and silly fears, he didn't find himself attractive enough for you to really consider him as an option. The guy had more trust issues than a war veteran - I'm paranoid - he tells him that you're done with it - And? - You ask, waiting for more. - Me - He hesitates a little - I'm controlling, grumpy most of the time, I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism, I have a gun under my pillow because I can't sleep without thinking that we might be attacked during the night. And there would probably be a bomb bunker in the garden.
- It sounds tempting to me - you smile, wrapping your arms around Five's neck - I can deal with underground bunkers and some anti-theft traps in the house - you say, looking thoughtfully at the ceiling. Five freezes, his heart beating like crazy, he was in front of the person he wanted to have the most, and who deserved the least. He was a mess, yet, with everything you saw, you were still in front of him, with a perfectly placed smile on your beautiful face, waiting for something. Waiting for him.
Five then throws the blocks to the wind, maybe he would regret it, maybe he would wake up tomorrow knowing that he pulled you straight into trouble, but you would be there with him. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad. - We-we can have a dog - he says with the shadow of a small smile wanting to leave his lips. - Or two - you say finally pulling him for a kiss.
It was soft, insecure, perhaps a little cautious in the new field you were entering, your lips were warm and soft, and they moved slowly, your hands snaking through Five's hair, while he brought his hands to your hips, pulling you closer. Becoming bolder, you deepen the kiss, your tongue invading Five's mouth, the taste of liquor filling your mind, while everything seemed more intense and intense. When you finally pull away to take a deep breath, Five's eyes are already searching yours, his angelic eyes had a mischievous glint, something hungry lurking in the innocent features on his face. His hands are still wrapped around your waist, not letting you go that far
- can we go home? - he asks in a husky, thick voice. The sound causes a tremor in your body, the anticipation of the indirect suggestion filling your chest - I thought you would never invite me - you respond by pulling him into another passionate kiss while letting out a mischievous chuckle
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calummss · 11 months
Sweet Ultraviolence | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: it was no secret that klaus mikaelson felt for you, but you didn’t, maybe deep down but not enough. so how do you react when the nortorious serial killer gives you the most fucked up surprise?
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 4k
a/n: scene taken from the sexiest ahs scene ever. here’s a link !! probably my favourite klaus fic i have written. also smut!! i’ve written smut?? i’m not a smut writer so if it’s bad pretend it never happened….
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‘Just because I agreed to this doesn’t mean it means anything.’
‘This date?’
‘Don’t call this a date.’
‘Why?’ Klaus asked,grabbing his wine glass, his gaze sitting on your frame as he sipped the red liquor. ‘We’re at my house, eating a lovely dinner with a beautiful girl. By my definition it is a date.’
‘Please,’ you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you felt the warmth of the fireplace hit your bare skin, engulfing you in a hug. ‘You are fully aware of why I am here so let’s not read something into this.’
Sitting at a table with Klaus Mikaelson was not as romantic as it sounded. The dark walls pushing in on you, a dark gaze staring at you, darkness that made up the house. Even the plate of meat, potatoes and vegetables seemed less appetising as they normally would. Maybe it was the blood seeping out of the flesh that made you feel agitated, maybe it was the notorious vampire serial killer that so desperately wanted you to be his.
‘Still,’ he paused for a second, ‘you came.’
You yourself took a sip of the white wine you had mixed with sparkling water, the subtle bitterness biting your tongue, the warm fuzzy feeling of the alcohol leaving a familiar taste of comfort.
‘Klaus, sometimes I think you are so delusional, like how are you functioning?’
‘I function just fine, love.’
‘Get me another one of these,’ you held up your glass, lifting it to your red painted lips to drown the last drop of its contents. ‘And maybe I’ll continue to act like I am loving this dinner date from hell.’ You gave him a wide grin displaying your obvious sarcasm.
Klaus smirked, his twisted smile making your stomach churn. This would be a lot easier if he weren’t attractive but of course the maniac looks like he was carved by Lucifer himself.
‘That’s a tempting offer.’
He barely lifted his hand signalling the compelled boy that he wanted something. ‘Another white wine with sparkling water for my ravishing date, Taylor.’
‘Wow,’ you jested in fake astonishment, ‘so intimidating. Raising your hand, getting whatever you want…do you enjoy it? Getting everything with the snap of your fingers.’
‘Why wouldn’t I?’
‘You compel people to do stuff for you. Don’t you want people to do things because they want to? Care for you?’
‘No one cares about me, love.’ He chuckles, ‘I’m the monster, remember?’
You didn’t reply. You stayed silent, staring at him being the only communication amongst the quiet room, only the cracking of burning wood to be heard. ‘Why do you like me?’ You shoved the potato around your plate, using it to smear the watered down blood across the porcelain.
‘What’s not to like?’ Klaus shrugged his shoulders, leaning back into the chair, the definition of his abs to see seen through the thin material of his shirt.
You looked up from your plate. ‘Just answer the question, please.’
‘You’re like a ray of sunshine on a bad day. When I’m near you I feel you good nature rub off on me—makes me want to stay close. You’re kind even if not to me, you treat everyone the same and give chances to people that probably don’t deserve them. You help when help is needed and disregard yourself for others. You’re beautiful. You smell good, and the fact that I cannot have you makes me want you even more.’
‘I’m not something you can own, Klaus,’
‘I can’t own you love, but I can own your heart if you let me.’
Again you stayed quiet, scared that if you speak he could hear the smitteness in your tone, knowing that for a second he had gotten under your skin.
‘Admit that you are drawn to darkness, Y/n,’ his eyes stared into the most inner part of your soul, ‘even the purest of heart are drawn to it.’
‘I never said I’m not, Klaus,’ you took a sip of wine. ‘I like darkness. The unknown, the excitement…Just because I don’t like your darkness Klaus doesn’t mean I’m denying my thoughts or feelings.’
‘Keep telling yourself that.’
‘You aggravate me.’ You downed the rest of your drink again, setting it down with a loud thud.
‘Makes you more attractive.’
‘Taylor?’ You smiled over at the boy Klaus had compelled for tonight’s dinner, that what you had hoped anyway, ‘Do you by chance have any earplugs, sweetheart?’
Taylor’s eyes grew wide, pressing his lips together as he turned his head towards Klaus for further instructions. Klaus felt his stare but continued to stare at you with a grin.
‘What are you staring at, Taylor? Get the lady some earplugs.’
Taylor left soon after, leaving the two of you alone which made you chuckle at Klaus who didn’t deny your request.
‘What?’ He asked plainly.
‘Nothing.’ You cut a piece of the steak and let the blood coat your tongue, continuing to feel his eyes linger on your for the rest of the night.
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A week later and you were back at school. Vacation was over and reality hit. Thankfully you were seeing Mr. Saltzman today. A class you could pay a little less attention to since you sat in the back of the room, daydreaming away. You were too busy talking to friends that you didn’t realise a pair of eyes that stalked you from afar. Eyes watching your every move.
Finishing up the conversation you said your goodbyes to Dana and Heather and turned around to head towards the gym but when you took a step back you collided with a body making them stumble and spill their drink on the floor.
‘Oh my god, I am so sorry. Are you okay?’ You reach out to help Connor find his balance but he slapped away your arms, letting out a deep growl.
‘What is your fucking problem, bitch?!’
‘Excuse me?’ You drew your eyebrows together. It was clearly an accident. Why was he getting so worked up?
‘I said what is your problem?’ He came dangerously close.
‘Hey,’ his friend pulled him back, trying to reassure him that it was an honest accident.
‘You better apologise.’
‘I literally apologised, asshole. How about you pipe down on your ego and take a long second to reevaluate your life? Pathetic.’
Connor’s face turned red, his strength releasing him from his friends grip, his face too close to yours for your liking. ‘I’ve disliked you since I’ve known you, Y/n. Don’t give me more reasons to hate you.’
‘Get a life.’ You laughed out loud.
‘You better watch your back!’
‘Okay, Connor. Will do.’ You called after him as he left the scene,his head turning your way as you cleaned off the few drops of water that caught themselves on your fabric. Chuckling to yourself, you headed the way you were supposed to go and headed towards cheerleading practice, the anger giving you a surge of adrenaline that reassured you that you were going to nail the landing you had failed to complete for weeks.
Klaus had watched the scene from afar, his eyes trailing Connor as he walked past Klaus whose forehead creased, his eyes turning lifeless as he turned around and followed Connor to wherever it was he was heading to.
Practice was good and you were right; you managed to pull off the stunt earning you praise from the coach, letting you know that if you keep up the good work you will be the best cheerleader Mystic Falls ever had. You hated saying it but you lived off of praise. Was there a better feeling than being seen for your hard work and determination? Not really, but that was your opinion. You headed towards the locker room, your red cheer uniform starting to slowly take up some of the sweat from practice. It was late. Everyone went home instead of you. You wanted to perfect the new choreography and stayed long after practice ended. So when you entered the locker room it was dead silent. The squeaking of the locker made you flinch as you placed your water bottle into the side pocket of your bag. You were about to take out your bag to change when you heard the sound of droplets hitting the floor. Wet drops. Only then had you noticed that your feet were also wet. And it wasn’t sweat…it was too much for it to be just that… When you looked up to where the sound was coming from you froze. Staring up at the ceiling just above the lockers, the body of Connor hung from the wall. Broken arms and legs that were twisted inhumane. His intestines spilling from his torso, head hanging from his neck like it was about to fall off. His blood was dripping onto your locker, the smell of blood prominent and not something that could be ignored. As you stared up at him, taking in his lifeless body, a faint smile spread across your lips as you thought back on the scene earlier in the hallway.
‘You like my surprise?’ A voice sounded from behind you and you knew exactly who it was so you didn’t bother to turn around, too fascinated by the body hanging like a spider.
‘You did this?’
You heard his footsteps come closer, his heavy footsteps giving away his exact location whenever he moved, so much that after a few seconds you knew that he was standing right behind you, him too staring at the body.
‘I didn’t like how he talked to you or his lack of respect, his entitlement.’
You rubbed your lips against each other, turning around to slap Klaus across the face, feeling a painful sting across the palm of your hand, grabbing a handful of his shirt and getting up on the bench looking down at him. Vertical wrinkles appeared between his eyebrows, his eyes bigger than before. Fear. Fear that he had fucked up the last chance he had of being with you. Scared that you would never ever look at him again. Fear that he had lost you before he even had you.
You took your finger and slowly dragged it across his face, pulling down his bottom lips as you stared at him. ‘That is the most fucked up thing anyone has ever done for me,’ you stared into his eyes that were still wide, your lack of transparency making him feel sick. ‘That’s so hot.’ You dragged out, taking that fistful of his shirt and crashing your lips onto him, your hands roaming his hair, tugging as you felt him against you. His tongue running across your bottom lip, tasting what he had craved for so long. He continued to place wet kisses down your cleavage, continuing to kiss your legs, holding onto your ankle as he came face-to-face with the blood on your foot. Looking up through his lashes he saw you wipe away a single tear, inhaling the scent of blood before dragging his tongue across the top of your foot, licking the sweet taste of blood. Coming back up to kiss you again, you could feel his hot breath ricochet off your cheeks, his growling making your cunt ache from between your legs as he continued to kiss you.
‘I thought you hated violence.’ He breathed, allowing you to catch your breath.
‘I was wrong.’
‘Does that mean—‘
‘Shut up and kiss me.’
Klaus had never shut up so quickly, pressing his body against yours wanting to be one with you. Ripping off his shirt you felt him against your skin. His fingers curled around the hem of your panties, dragging them down your legs. You curled the finger around your top, ready to take it off but Klaus’ hands shot up to hold them still. ‘Don’t take it off. I want to fuck you in it.’
You suppress a moan as he lowered his head underneath your skirt, feeling his breath on the inside of your thighs, already making your legs tremble. You let out a quiet yelp as you felt his tongue licked your slit, closing his lips around your clit as he started to swirl his tongue around your cunt, sending vibrations through your stomach as you moaned. ‘Fuck,’ your hands grabbed his hair, trying to give yourself some stability. Klaus noticed your legs growing weaker. He picked you up with your legs over his shoulders and laid you down on the blood covered floor, feeling the blood go up your ass. Klaus continued to suck on your clit, concealed groans vibrating against your cunt, the knot in your stomach growing tighter as his tongue focused on your most sensitive spot. You could feel your thighs go numb from holding them up. Your breath becoming shorter the more Klaus dragged his tongue across your cunt, collecting your juices, making you realise you were about to come. You felt your muscles contract, your legs starting to shake as the knot tightened faster than it had ever before.
‘Fuck,’ you pressed air past your lips, ‘please don’t stop.’
Close to coming, Klaus gave one last suck before you felt your stomach explode, squirming underneath him as he continued to flick his tongue over your sensitive clit, making your body shudder with aftershocks.
‘Fuck Klaus, fuck fuck fuck.’
You felt Klaus press a kiss on your cunt before coming out from underneath your skirt, catching your lips so you could taste yoursef.
‘You like this don’t you?’
You nodded.
‘You like the way I touch you?’
You nodded again, feeling his hand make its way down to your cunt again.
‘Stop,’ you breathed, stopping his hand trailing down to your cunt that had craved his touch the moment he stared into your eyes. ‘Let me,’ You slowly dropped to your knees, blood staining them s you reached for his trousers, starting to unbuckle his belt, your fingers slipping off the buckle.
‘What are you doing?’ Klaus let out a suppressed smile, his head hanging low to see your hands undoing his belt, your lips caught between your teeth.
‘I want this.’
‘My cock?’
‘Yes.’ Another deep breath.
‘I thought you hadn't done this before?’
‘I haven’t.’ Having undone his buckle and strap, you grabbed his front pockets and pulled down the rough fabric, the bulge beneath his boxer meeting your eyes, a warm heat spreading through your legs. ‘But how do you know that?’
‘Watching you is my favourite pastime.’
‘You’re fucked up…’
‘So are you, love.’
Taking a gulp, you pulled down his boxers to release his cock that sprang against his stomach. Your breath caught your throat. It’s big. Klaus could feel his pre-cum pumping through him just thinking of your innocent lips tucked around the head of his tip. His chest swelled with air as he trailed his finger down to the base of his cock, twitching under his own touch. Your breath hitched, trying to get as much oxygen into your lungs, as you watched him come towards you, knowing that his size would make it hard to breathe. His hand stroked over his hardened shaft, collecting a small speck of pre-cum. You grabbed his thick pulsing length, a groan leaving his throat as your fingers wrapped around him. You leaned over, carefully licking his tip, slowly building your way to sucking on his head, spitting on it as you wet his pink cock.
‘Fuck,’ Klaus hissed, his dirty blond curls falling back as his hand tangled itself in your hair.
You gagged on his size, but you refused to let go of him, pushing his cock deeper into the back of your throat. Saliva filled your mouth as you focused, moaning against him as he gently started thrust in and out, not wanting to hurt you.
‘So, so eager for me, aren’t you?’ He groaned.
His hands found their way to your hair, pulling your head back, allowing him further access to your throat. A mixture of tears, saliva and cum dribbled from between your lips, but he didn’t seem to mind, deep groans continuing to escape his pink lips. The slight sound of you gagging letting his moans increase in sound.
‘Such a pretty face. Look at you.’ He glanced down, staring into your eyes. ‘You look so good taking my cock. Your first time having a cock down your throat and you’re doing so well.’
A pool of cum was now dripping below you. You couldn’t help it, you were so turned on. You needed him. You need him inside of you soon. Growling, he pushed the head of the shaft past your lips, hitting the back of your throat. Klaus tangled his fingers into your messy hair, eager to push in deeper. You swallowed around his throbbing length, earning a huffed moan. You continue stroking him, your hand gliding along his shaft, your own arousal starring to grow
‘You’re so fucking good at taking my cock,’ he thrusted in and out of my aching mouth. ‘Your first time and you already know how to send me over the edge.’
He pulled out his cock giving you time to breathe. You gasped out for air, before he slid back inside of you. Pre-cum was leaking from his tip, the salty taste mixing in with your own spit. You pulled in your lips around his cock, sucking harder, your tongue pressing up against the head and circling around it. Your lips and throat we’re starting to turn numb, every thrust releasing a tear, every salty tear mixing with the shaft.
‘Look at me,’
Your eyes shot up and stared into his.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’ He moaned loudly before releasing into your mouth; hot jets hitting the back of your throat. ‘Be a doll and swallow.’ He worked hard to suppress a moan, jerking himself through his orgasm. Both of your chests were heavy—you had almost forgotten what breathing felt like. He huffed and dragged his fingers across your face, stroking your cheeks as he stared at you with sparks in his eyes. ‘You did so well, my love.’
Carefully grabbing you by your throat, Klaus pulled you up and swiftly turned you around, his hard cock pressing up against your firm ass as his hands glided over your tits, smearing the blood across your uniform and cleavage; drops of blood running down your chest as you placed your arms behind your head as Klaus started to place kisses again the thin skin on your neck, gently sucking on it, making the hairs on your body stand up.
‘God, you’re so fucking hot.’
You hummed in response, his mouth on your neck making it hard to concentrate.
Klaus brushed the tip of his cock against your slit, teasing you as his moved it along your cunt, adoring the way you whimpered at his slightest touch.
‘I thought you were a gentleman and wouldn’t fuck a girl so shortly after the first dinner.’
‘I’m not a gentleman tonight, my love. You make it hard to control myself,’ Klaus whispered in your ear, sending a chill down your spine that stopped before it reached your toes as he thrusted into your core making you shout out.
‘Oh my god, Klaus. Fuck you feel so fucking good.’
His cock stretched out the walls of your cunt that welcomed him, each thrust slowly adjusting to his size. His lips kept him busy at your neck and collar, leaving trails of dark marks. Hickeys or blood, it was hard to tell. You could feel the blood slowly dry out on your skin, but new blood spread across your body as Connor’s blood continued to seep out of him, letting you and Klaus be covered in his surprise. He began to pump his cock out of you with pace. Your hands grasped his wrist, nails digging into his skin, asking for more. Throwing your head back onto his chest as one hand wrapped around your throat, the other holding your waist.
‘Not satisfied darling?' He smirked against your skin, picking up pace as he pounded into you. Your tits moving with every thrust, the sound of skin filling the locker room.
‘You're so fucking tight.’ He grunted into your neck. 'It's like you were made to take my cock. Look at you, taking my cock like the good girl you are. Who would’ve thought you were so sick and twisted?’ You felt a new bundle tighten in your stomach. ‘Fucking in a school locker room covered in blood. God made me immortal because you are my match. Fuck, you feel so good.’
Those words felt like fireworks exploding inside of your gut.
‘Shit!’ You cried out in ecstasy, as he pulled you into a climax, sending your body over the edge. He kept on thrusting, overstimulating you, until moments later, he reached his high as well, and filled you up with his cum. Klaus stayed inside of you for a few seconds, breathing heavily as a sweat pearl rolled down his forehead, holding you tight in case your legs were to give in.
‘Your body was made for me.’ He huffed. Klaus slid his cock out of you, staring at you, slowly lowering you to the red messy floor, setting you down before laying down next to you, holding his head up with the palm of his hand.
You took a few seconds to breathe, catching your breath as your high started to fade, catching a glimpse of the body up high. ‘You can’t leave that there. I’ve got class at seven in the morning.’ You mused, gazing at Klaus who had blood spread across his chest. He looked so hot you could fuck him again.
‘Don’t worry, love,’ he reached for the bag behind him. ‘I know how to clean up messes. I’ve done this for over a thousand years.’ He placed a cigarette between lips, pulling out a lighter and taking a drag of the hot smoke. He truly was irresistible.
‘Have you killed a lot of people?’
You grabbed a knife that laid behind your back, the knife Klaus probably used to cut certain parts of Connor. ‘Would you kill me?’
Klaus took another drag over the cigarette, the smoke making his voice sound deeper than it was. ‘No.’ He shook his head.
‘Would you kill for me?’
Klaus stared up at Connor pointing at him, ‘You have to ask?’
‘There’s this guy, Dean Gabriel. He took away the only person I ever loved.’ You said, staring at the knife, feeling Klaus prop himself up. ‘He violated my sister. Made her feel disgusted, defiled her without her consent. She took her own life because that man ruined her life in twenty minutes. And whilst she is no longer here, he gets to roam around like nothing happened…’
Klaus leaned forward, his voice sounding huskier, ‘Just tell me where he is and he won’t see any more sunrises after I find him.’
Gazing at the knife, you swung your leg over Klaus to straddle him.
‘Promise me he’ll suffer.’ A tear fell down the apple of your cheeks, ‘I want it to be painful.’
‘I promise.’
You lowered yourself to kiss him, your tears mixing with the blood on your face as your heart was finally lighter than it had been for a while. All because of a surprise you enjoyed more than he had anticipated.
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blackleatherjacketz · 5 months
Not Fair
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Klaus Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: You're there to see Elijah, but Klaus wants to play a game with you first.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Dubious Consent, Teasing, Infidelity (Sort of), Competition, Sibling Rivalry, Typical Klaus Shenanigans, Mentions of Elijah, Neck Kissing/Biting, Ear Biting, Hair Pulling, Female Orgasm, Female Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Blood Sucking
Word Count: 2.4k
Nerves shook through your body after Elijah had texted you to meet him at his home, which was highly unlike him. He usually came over to your place some time after dinner, after the food you’d eaten and the wine you drank had some time to course its way through your veins and pulse into the rest of your bloodstream. The door to the address he’d given you was unlocked, another odd detail you clocked with suspicion before you entered the mansion with mild trepidation. Every detail of the estate was decorated to the nines, a true southern gem full of rich history and opulence. You knew that he had money, but this kind of money? Damn, you're in way over your head.
“Elijah?” You call out his name as you shut the door behind you, passing through the foyer into the parlor on the right to see the figure of a man looking out the window. The air around him is thick and electric, prickling at your skin the very second he turns around to face you, nearly forcing you to gasp at his strikingly beautiful features. This clearly isn’t isn’t the man you’ve come to see.
“Well, well, well, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” He coos, stepping toward you with a smug grin.
“Who are you? And where’s Elijah? I was supposed to meet him here.” Did he give you the wrong address? Was he even going to show up? Did you read the message wrong? He had told you to come in and make yourself at home, but he didn’t mention anything about a… roommate.
“I’m Klaus, Elijah’s much more charming younger brother.” The man smirks as if he knows the most amusing secret about his sibling, but decides to keep it to himself. “And I’m sure he’ll be around shortly.”
“Brother? He never told me that he had a brother.” Your eyes narrow as you take him in, trying your hardest to see the family resemblance, but still somehow falling short. His golden curls are a stark contrast to Elijah’s dark brown hair, his pouty lips and narrow face shape even further away from the rigid jawline of your… whatever Elijah is to you.
“Really?” He asks, his tone laced with intrigue and disappointment as he takes another step toward you. “And just what is the nature of your relationship with my brother, then, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s ummm…” You can’t help but trail off, his magnetic gaze forcing you to trip over your words as you attempt to explain your arrangement with Elijah. How do you tell this man that you’ve been letting his brother feed off you in exchange for protection? That you’ve slowly been falling for him over the past few weeks in the process? It’s just too embarrassing. “He and I have a sort of… symbiotic relationship.”
“Symbiotic?” He smirks, getting closer still, his movements quick and fluid. “Is this symbiosis sexual?” He grazes his knuckles against your cheek, letting them curve beneath your chin as he watches your lips part with his touch. “Come on, you can tell me,” he smiles, relishing in how fast he can hear your heart beating inside your chest. He’s clearly enjoying how nervous he’s making you.
“It’s not…” you stammer, swallowing hard as he brings his face a little closer to yours, the scent of his cologne now swimming through your senses. Goddamnit, is it hot in here? Are you attracted to him? No, that can’t be it, you’re attracted to Elijah. Right? Right. How is he making you so flustered? “We haven’t gotten that far.”
“You mean to tell me he hasn’t even tasted you yet?” He tilts his head in disbelief.
“Tasted me?” Your lip starts to quiver, unsure of exactly what he means. “He’s been drinking from me every two weeks.”
“That’s not the flavor I’m referring to, love.” His eyes dart down between your legs before locking back onto yours, his hazel gaze now full of desire. “I know Elijah can be a bit of a wet blanket sometimes, but if I had the privilege of drinking from you, I’d be sure to savor every elixir your beautiful body has to offer.”
A flash of heat rushes through you as those words reach your newly reddened ears, flushing your cheeks and neck before triggering that moisture to collect between your thighs as you give yourself away without having to utter a single word.
“Or you could settle for another dull night where my brother barely touches you. Only taking what he needs to survive without a second thought about what you want.” He starts to walk around you, encircling you like a vulture would a dying animal about to fall within its grasp. “He’s too noble for his own good, that one. Trust me.” He pauses, looking down at his feet before looking back over to you. “So how does it work between you two, exactly? He gets you to drink a few glasses of his favorite red wine or whiskey, loosen you up a bit so you don’t tense up when he inevitably takes what he wants?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Your cheeks blush an even brighter shade of red as you keep your head on a swivel, training your eyes on him as he waltzes around you with that deliciously smug grin permanently painted on his face. “Is that so terrible?”
You understand there’s no way that someone like Klaus could understand what you saw in Elijah. As boring as it may seem to someone on the outside, you happen to be quite fond of Elijah’s predictability, of his dependability, of his control over his emotions. It always made you feel safe with him, somehow.
“Terrible? No!” He shakes his head dramatically, cornering your left shoulder just a little closer this time before brushing his palms over your bare arms. “I imagine he… takes you from behind in order to avoid any chance for intimacy?” Klaus’ hands graze their way down your forearms and glide across your hips, sending a shiver down your spine as the heat from his body positively radiates into yours. “At least that’s what I would do.”
Your breath hitches as he holds his body against yours, his hands burning you up from beneath the thin fabric of your dress as he presses his lips into your shoulder. You instinctively close your eyes as he kisses it again, each one longer, deeper as his mouth opens just a little bit more until he reaches the nape of your neck. The slight brush of his tongue against it is almost too much for you to bear, the forbidden nature of his delicate touch somehow warmer than Elijah’s as it stirs something deep inside you, exciting you down to the very marrow of your bone.
“Is that why you wore this dress?” He licks the skin just behind your jawline before kissing it again, his blonde stubble scratching against the rest of your neck as he nuzzles into it. “So he’d finally appreciate your body?”
“Maybe.” You barely manage to whisper, that moisture now pooling between your folds.
“He’d be a fool not to.” His fingertips reach the hem of your dress, slowly inching it up your thigh as he wraps his other arms across your chest, pulling you in even closer. He walks with you backward until his knees hit the couch, haphazardly sitting down on the middle cushion with you snug on his lap, landing right where he wants you.
“We shouldn’t...” You feign protest against the predicament he’s put you in, just in case Elijah is somewhere close enough to hear you.
“Shouldn’t what? Sit down and have a little chat? That’s all this is.” He spins his lies so effortlessly, you’re convinced that even he believes them before they leave his lips.
“Is it?” You feel his hand slide beneath your dress before snaking up your thigh, relishing in the trail of goosebumps it leaves in its wake before reaching the hem of your underwear.
“Lace knickers?” He laughs, rubbing his fingers over the intricate pattern as he feels how swollen and needy you are beneath it. He tries to downplay the physical effect you're having on him in return, but his growing arousal begins to stretch the fabric of his jeans between your cheeks, his own breath halting for just a flash of a second. “Naughty girl.”
“I just thought…” your lip trembles into a hitched staccato of breaths as you attempt to explain yourself.
“Oh, don’t be so embarrassed, love, you aren’t the first woman to get caught in between us brothers.” He smirks against your skin and slips his fingers beneath the sheer fabric between your legs, slowly spreading your puffy lips apart to reveal the evidence of his seduction. “And you certainly won’t be the last.”
What did he just say? Has he done this before? Stolen someone from Elijah right under his nose? Or was this simply payback for something else, something worse that he’d done to him in his past? Were you just some stupid little pawn in their eternal game of familial chess?
“Do you get this wet for my brother when he’s feeding off you?” He takes you out of your thoughts and back into the moment, dipping his index and forefinger between your folds to spread your juices up and down your length. “I’ll bet he doesn’t even notice.” His voice drops down an octave, his words dripping with disdain for his older sibling as he glides his fingers up against your most sensitive spot, sending sparks of pleasure into your nervous system. “Do you think about him when you touch yourself at night?”
“Klaus, I…” you whisper, unable to answer him as his breath blows the hair away from your neck, making your gasp echo against the ancient walls of the room.
“Shhh, it’s okay, love. All that’s going to change after tonight.” He purrs into your skin, moving the hair away from your neck. “Let’s play a little game, then, shall we? If I’m able to make you come, I get to drink from you tonight instead of Elijah.”
Oh my God.
“And if you can’t?” You ask, wondering if he’d had this all planned out from the very second he saw you.
“If I can’t…” He starts to rub little circles into your bud, increasing his pressure with each word as your face changes. “I won’t tell my dear brother of your little transgression against him.” He bites playfully onto the shell of your ear, tugging it back toward him as he pushes his fingers deep inside your walls.
“Oh! Okay...” Your toes curl as he delves his digits further inside you, slowly curving them up to hit that special spot before quickly pulling them out. You turn your head as he removes his touch, brows furrowed in confusion as you watch him wrap those cherry red lips around his glistening fingers. His eyes roll back into his head as he savors the flavor of your sex, humming a tune while making quite the show of sucking his fingers all the way down to his knuckles before slowly pulling them out.
“Exquisite,” he praises your essence with a grin, that devious stare of his positively sinful.
You feel as if all the air has been expelled from your lungs; your body paralyzed with shock, too vulnerable in this state to take another breath until he reaches down and continues his good work, forcing you to inhale the hot, humid air between you. For the first time since you met him, he stops talking. His fingers are quick to map out every single neuron that lies beneath the exposed layer of your skin that lubricates itself with need as he slides his fingers back in, pressing his thumb against your clit with expert precision.
His centuries on this earth had given him all the practice he needed to drive you wild beneath his grasp, each of his ministrations more hypnotic than the last, drawing out louder, more feral moans from your lips. You find your hips rocking into the rhythm of his wrist, the sound of his fingers pulsing in and out of you serving as a perfect accompaniment to your vocals, gliding over that bundle of nerves tucked deep inside as your voice finally reaches a high soprano.
“I’m beginning to think you never wanted my brother to begin with.” He teases as he brings you closer to paradise by sending wave after wave of euphoric bliss up into your core, his salacious pace unrelenting.
“That’s not fair!” You cry out, breathlessly emotional as the magnitude of your ecstasy begins to overwhelm you, tears of joy now pooling in your eyes. You’d never felt pleasure like this before, never been so attracted to someone so quickly on sight alone, but here you are, on the verge of insanity as you fall apart in his lap.
“That’s the thing about me, love. I never fight fair.” He finally sends you over the edge, your skin igniting in an inextinguishable heat that consumes every fiber of your being. Your body feels more alive than it ever has before, that rush of euphoria coursing through your spine, turning your veins into rivers of molten lava as you quake around his fingers, those tears now streaming down your face.
Your orgasm leaves you helpless against his fangs as they pierce your skin and sink into your flesh, against his fist that buries itself in your hair as he drinks that deliciously hot cocktail of bliss that rips itself through you. It warms the both of you as he feeds on what was originally meant for his brother, the remnants spilling out of the corners of his mouth and down your chest as he greedily gulps you down, moaning his satisfaction into your neck. You can barely feel the throbbing around the bite as he eventually pulls back before it’s too late, licking up every stream of crimson that escapes his lips until there’s nothing left but the sheen of his spit on your skin.
“You’re welcome,” he goads cockily, your blood painting the lower half of his face as he pulls his fingers out for good. “Elijah should be home any minute.”
Read more KLAUS!
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wholoveseggs · 8 months
Hello lovely! I was wondering if you could whip up a little something about the reader because self conscious and comparing herself to Hayley maybe she’s a little chubby and such so when Hayley comes back into their lives she’s a little worried. But Elijah always the gentleman comforts her with some good ol sex 🤪🤪 if not feel free to ignore 💕
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Your relationship with Elijah feels like its unravelling with the arrival of Hayley and a cutting nickname from Klaus. Fortunately, Elijah knows just what to do to make you feel loved.
♡♡ Thanks for the request, this one goes out to all my thick thighed brothers & sisters. May you all find an Elijah to suffocate between them. ♡♡
4.5k words - Warnings: smut, face sitting, Klaus being cruel, Elijah being sweet.
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When you are a vampire time passes differently, things change around you, and sometimes you feel like the odd man out. When you first met Elijah everything was different. Culture, language, even the food and the music. He was captivated by you instantly, he whisked you away from your difficult life and kept you in his bed. Making sure you knew how much he loved every inch of your body. He was your first and only lover, the man who turned you and showed you a world you never thought was possible.
Centuries had passed with just the two of you, then Klaus returned to your lives and with him came the lovely Hayley Marshall. Pregnant, doe eyed and absolutely beautiful.
You weren't jealous at first, Elijah was devoted to you and only you. His heart was yours, that was all you cared about. But Klaus brought his chaos with him, and your noble lover had to keep Hayley safe. She needed to be protected, so Elijah spent more time with her and less with you.
You were alone, and it left a hollow feeling in your chest. You felt forgotten and unloved. Elijah did his best to spend time with you, but it wasn't enough.
Then your mind started playing cruel tricks on you, making you see Hayley and Elijah together. She was so pretty, her body was tall and thin, while yours was plump and soft. You had nightmares of Elijah touching her, kissing her, making her moan his name.
It made you want to throw up.
The whole thing made you feel irrational and insecure, Elijah loved you, he told you all the time, but still the thoughts lingered.
It wasn't until Klaus gave you a certain nickname, that it truly got under your skin.
Little wolf he would purr, calling Hayley to him, the words fell off his tongue like honey. It was such an affectionate term, one with many layers of meaning. It was beautiful and sweet, and Klaus seemed so proud to call her this.
But then there was his nickname for you, Elijah's little cherub. 
It was not meant as an endearment, but as an insult. Klaus was right, you did look a little like a cherub, soft, round cheeks, and a full, thick body. It hurt you, even if you tried not to let it get to you. You told yourself that Klaus wasn't important, his opinion didn't matter. But the words he spoke stuck in your mind.
Everything was going fine, you had mastered keeping your insecurities under wraps, until Klaus and Elijah announced that they were throwing a ball. 
It was Elijah's first time hosting one since the two of you moved to New Orleans. He was a natural at hosting parties, he knew just how to make everyone feel welcome. It was a trait you didn't have. You were too quiet and reserved, people would get bored with you and leave. Elijah was the life of the party, everyone wanted to be around him. You were afraid you would ruin it for him.
You never felt good in gowns, you felt big and bulky. The ones you tried on just made you look worse. You hated looking at yourself in the mirror, you looked like an overstuffed pillow. There was no way you could go out in public like this. You even dug out an old corset to try and make yourself look smaller. It just made your breasts spill out over the top. You were mortified and threw the thing in the garbage. You were starting to wonder what Elijah saw in you.
When he entered your bedroom, you were sitting on the bed, resigning yourself to the dress that you knew didn't suit you. He had been busy with the ball, and hadn't noticed your sour mood. He was all smiles, telling you how beautiful you would look in your dress, and how proud he was to have you by his side. He was dressed impeccably as always, and you felt frumpy and out of place. How could you possibly look good next to him?
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Yes," you replied in a small voice, not wanting to burden him with your troubles.
You walked downstairs and the guests began to arrive, all the while Elijah's hand rested on the small of your back. He left you to go greet some guests and you spotted Klaus. He grinned and you saw the flash of his dimples as he made his way over to you. You knew he was going to make a comment, you dreaded hearing what it was going to be.
"Hello, little cherub," he smirked, and your heart sank.
"Please don't call me that," you whispered, fidgeting with the fabric of your dress.
"Why ever not? You do look like one," he said, his eyes roaming your body.
"Klaus, stop it," you warned, not wanting to deal with his teasing.
"My brother certainly does seem fond of you, which is odd, considering his type usually looks more like..." he gestured to Hayley, who was across the room talking with Elijah.
You frowned, trying to swallow the insecurity bubbling up, but Klaus still noticed, "Did I hit a nerve?"
"No, why would you?" you lied, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
"Don't be too upset, cherub, you may not be his usual type, but he seems to enjoy the extra cushion."
His words hit like a punch to the gut. You couldn't believe he would say something like that. It was true that Elijah was quite fit and lean, while you were much softer and thicker. It made you insecure and now that he pointed it out, it felt even worse. You looked over at Elijah, who was talking to Hayley, they looked so good together, she was a perfect match for him.
"You really are an ass," you told him.
He chuckled and said, "I never said it was a bad thing, I think you are rather lovely,"
Elijah glanced up and saw the distress on your face. He immediately excused himself from his conversation and came to you. He could tell that something was bothering you.
"What did you do?" he asked Klaus.
"Me? Nothing," Klaus shrugged. "I was just complimenting your lovely companion," he continued, smirking at you.
Elijah's attention was on you now, he knew something was wrong. His brow furrowed, he could sense your anguish. But before he could say anything Hayley joined the group, her eyes moving from Klaus, to Elijah, and then settling on you.
"Oh, hello," she said, trying to sound friendly.
You nodded politely, not wanting to be impolite, despite the way her presence made you feel. It wasn't her fault, she had no idea you felt this way.
Elijah's hand brushed over the small of your back, trying to comfort you. He didn't realize it, but his touch was having the opposite effect, it was making you even more self conscious. Did he feel obligated to touch you like that? Did he do it for show? Was he just being polite? Your brain was coming up with every reason possible to feel terrible.
You didn't know how much longer you could stay here, watching them, surrounded by a sea of beautiful people, feeling more alone than ever.
You looked over at Elijah, and saw him gazing at you. His eyes were filled with adoration, but it was hard for you to believe it. The voice in your head kept repeating, that Klaus was right, he doesn't really love you, he's just too polite to say anything.
"I was hoping to get a proper tour of the house," Hayley said, interrupting your thoughts, "I've never seen the upstairs rooms, will you show me y/n?"
The question caught you off guard, you had no interest in spending time with her, and it felt like she was just being polite. You wanted to say no, but that would have been rude. So instead you smiled and nodded, following her out of the ballroom and into the hall.
You led her upstairs and she stopped, her eyes scanning the pictures on the wall. Her fingers gently brushed over the frames, and she pointed out an old portrait of the Mikaelson Family.
"God, they are all so beautiful," she sighed, and you knew she was right. Rebekah was stunning, Klaus had a wild, handsome charm, and Elijah was a classic, elegant beauty. They were all perfection, and you had no idea what they were doing with you.
"Is that Freya?" she asked, pointing at another portrait, "she's stunning,"
You nodded, feeling awkward. This was the last place you wanted to be.
Hayley smiled, turning her attention back to the wall, and continued walking. You trailed behind, feeling out of place, and unsure of what to say. Hayley stopped in front of a particular painting, a portrait of you and Elijah. She smiled, and you felt your heart skip, it was your favorite portrait of the two of you.
"You two look so in love," she said, and your stomach twisted.
"Yes, we are," you replied, trying to sound sincere, when really all you wanted to do was cry.
"How did the two of you meet?" she asked.
"He turned me in the 16th century, I was his seamstress," you explained, smiling a little.
Hayley looked at you with surprise, her eyebrows raised, "You fixed up his suits?"
"Well, he wasn't exactly wearing suits back then, but he's always been very fashionable. He liked the way I stitched his shirts," you told her.
"How fast did you two fall in love?"
You bit your lip, and answered, "Well, he persued me for quite a while before I agreed to be with him,"
"Why? Were you scared?" she asked, a smile playing at her lips.
"No, not exactly," you blushed, looking down at the floor.
"Well, what was it?" she asked, genuinely curious.
You gave Hayley a skeptical look, women that looked like her never thought about these kinds of things.
"I mean, he's so gorgeous, and I'm..."
You looked down at your body, your mind conjuring up a list of flaws. Hayley could see the change in your demeanor, she could sense your discomfort. She stepped closer, her hands coming to rest on your arms.
"There's nothing wrong with you, I think you're pretty," she smiled, her hands giving your arm a comforting squeeze.
Your eyes darted to the floor, and you felt the blush creeping up your cheeks.
"Thank you, Hayley," you murmured.
"And Elijah thinks the same thing, I've seen the way he looks at you," she added, her voice taking on a more serious tone.
You glanced up and saw the truth in her eyes, there was a softness, and a hint of jealousy.
"Thank you," you said, a blush rising on your cheeks.
"Of course," she smiled, "I hope I can find a man who looks at me the way Elijah looks at you,"
The words hung in the air, and you couldn't help but ask, "How does he look at me?"
"Like you are the most beautiful thing in the world," she replied, and her voice sounded wistful.
She turned her gaze to the portraits and continued her exploration. You followed, and as you got closer to the end, Hayley paused, her gaze lingering on the portrait of Klaus.
"I hope our child has his dimples," she sighed.
"And not his ego," you teased, and her face split into a grin.
"That's fair," she laughed, her hand falling on the slight bump of her belly.
You continued your tour of the house, showing her the rest of the rooms, and trying to keep the conversation light. Hayley was kind, and didn't seem to notice your discomfort. When you returned to the ballroom, Elijah was standing with his brother, their heads bowed together, discussing something. He looked up when he saw you and his lips curled into a smile.
Hayley's eyes flicked to Elijah and then back to you, "See, there it is, that look,"
You blushed, and turned your head away. Elijah looked at you with love and affection, but your doubts still lingered.
"Did you enjoy the tour with the little cherub?" Klaus asked, his lips curling into a smirk.
Hayley gave him a warning look, her voice laced with an unspoken threat, "Don't call her that,"
Klaus held his hands up in surrender, but the damage was done, you felt so humilated and embarrassed, you had enough of Klaus and his cruel comments. You had enough of him constantly making you feel bad about yourself. He made it impossible for you to feel secure in your relationship. You felt uncomfortable in your dress, in your own skin, surrounded by people who were objectively better than you in every possible way.
"I'm going to bed," you announced, your voice quiet.
Elijah's brow furrowed, and he reached out to grasp your hand but you pulled away.
"I'm tired," you said, turning on your heel and marching out of the ballroom.
Elijah's eyes were locked on your retreating form, a frown on his face.
"Why did you call her that?" Elijah asked his brother.
"It's nothing," Klaus shrugged, a grin spreading across his face, "she's just a little sensitive,"
Elijah's frown deepened, and he glanced over at Hayley.
"She's a sweet girl, just a little insecure," Hayley sighed.
"Insecure about what?" Elijah asked.
Hayley glanced at Klaus, and he shrugged.
"She's just not really comfortable with herself," Hayley finally said, giving Klaus a pointed look.
He had no shame, his grin only grew wider, and he said, "Come on, she is rather plump, isn't she?"
"But she's so sweet and adorable," Hayley added, trying to smooth over the awkwardness.
Elijah's jaw tightened, and his expression darkened, he looked back and forth between both of them.
"You had no right to say those things to her," he told Klaus, his voice laced with anger. "She has a difficult time when it comes to seeing her own worth, you know that, she's been struggling with these issues since the day we met," Elijah continued.
"It's nothing, Elijah," Klaus shrugged, "she'll get over it, she's probably crying into her pillow right now."
The image of you, curled up in bed, sobbing, broke Elijah's heart. He clenched his fists and his eyes narrowed. Klaus really did go too far this time, he really upset you. Elijah would make sure it never happened again.
"Excuse me," he muttered, glaring at his brother before turning around and storming out of the ballroom.
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Once you were safely locked away in your bedroom, you sobbed, and the tears wouldn't stop. You had done your best not to show anyone your jealousy and anger, but now everyone knew how pathetic and insecure you really were.
You didn't hear the door open or close, you didn't know Elijah was in the room until his arms were around you, holding you tight against his chest. He didn't speak, and he didn't make you look at him. He simply held you and let you cry until you had no tears left.
Once your sobs had subsided he tilted your head up and kissed your cheeks, catching every stray tear with his lips. He wiped the rest away with his thumb, his dark eyes were filled with worry.
"What happened, love?" he asked. "Tell me what's wrong."
You looked at him, feeling foolish and embarrassed. He had no idea you had been feeling this way. No one did, but now it was too late. You took a deep breath and forced the words out.
"What is it that you see in me?" you blurted out, your face red.
Elijah frowned, looking completely taken aback. "What are you talking about?"
You sighed, frustrated with his cluelessness. "I mean, look at me! I'm not exactly a supermodel."
Elijah chuckled and cupped your cheek, his hand was so warm and soft. "I'm looking," he said, his gaze raked over you and it made you blush.
"I don't understand," he continued, looking into your eyes. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
You huffed and tried to look away, but he held your chin. "I am serious. Why would you ever doubt my attraction to you?"
You bit your lip, still not sure if you should tell him the truth. "It's just...Hayley is so gorgeous, and tall and thin. Then Klaus just calls me your cherub, like I'm some stupid child."
Elijah's gaze softened and he shook his head. "Darling, Klaus was trying to get a rise out of you, don't let him get in your head."
"But he's right... Look at me, compared to her, and Klaus, and the rest of your family. I'm not even that attractive," you muttered, avoiding his eyes.
Elijah frowned and took your hand, placing it on his chest. "Can you feel that?"
You nodded, your hand could feel the steady, strong beat of his heart.
"It's yours," he said softly.
He kissed you, and your heart fluttered, feeling lighter already. His hands slid down your back and gripped your ass, he pulled you closer and you gasped. His tongue slipped into your mouth and teased yours, tasting you.
His hand moved lower and he pulled your dress up, his fingers trailed over the lace of your panties, feeling the warmth and wetness.
"I will tell you this once," he whispered, his teeth grazing your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "You are perfect."
His hand dipped into your panties and stroked you, making you moan. "So wet, all for me."
You gasped and pressed your face against his shoulder.
"Tell me who this belongs to," he demanded.
"You, Elijah, it's yours," you whimpered, grinding against his fingers.
"Yes, that's right," he purred. "This sweet, little cunt is mine. Only mine."
He pushed you onto the bed and pulled your dress over your head. He groaned when he saw you wearing the matching set of black, lacy bra and panties. 
He started kissing and marking his way down your body, starting at your neck and moving lower, biting and sucking as he went. You gasped and moaned as he reached your breasts. He undid the front clasp and licked a stripe up the middle, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, and teasing the other with his fingers.
"These are so beautiful," he murmured against your skin, sucking until they were hard peaks. "So big and soft," he hummed.
You ran your fingers through his hair, needing something to hold onto. You whimpered and arched up against him, the feeling of his hot mouth was driving you insane.
You squealed and tugged on his hair a little harder when you felt him bite down. He chuckled and sucked hard, letting your breasts go with a loud pop. They were covered in rapidly healing hickeys, and he looked very pleased with himself.
He kissed down your stomach, admiring your soft belly. He cupped it, and squeezed your thighs, making you gasp.
"My perfect girl," he mumbled against your hips.
He hooked his thumbs into your panties and slid them down your legs, you sat up on your elbows to see what he was doing.
He slid them off and leaned down, kissing and sucking on your inner thighs.
"These perfect thighs, squeezing my head when you cum on my tongue," he said, his stubble scratched and tickled you. You let out a breathy giggle as his hands roamed your body, gripping your waist and thighs. He growled with satisfaction, biting the flesh and sucking marks into your soft skin.
"Elijah, stop teasing," you groaned, becoming impatient.
He chuckled and suddenly pulled you into his lap. He held you close and looked into your eyes.
"I love every bit of your body," he hummed, holding you firmly against him. "Every perfect curve, and every soft inch.”
He gave your tummy a small squeeze and kissed your pouting lips. "You are so beautiful," he whispered.
You blushed and avoided his gaze. He cupped your cheek and tilted your head up, his fingers traced your features, his gaze was filled with adoration.
"Those beautiful lips, those gorgeous eyes, these perfect cheeks, your soft, little nose," he cooed, kissing your face between each word.
You giggled and tried to hide your face in your hands, feeling a little overwhelmed.
"And this ass," he said as he kneaded the flesh, he lifted you up and smacked it, making you yelp. "It should be in the Louvre."
He kissed you again and slowly grinded against you, his hands explored your body, caressing and squeezing. 
He scooted down the bed and laid back down, looking up at you with a wicked grin. He kept his gaze locked with yours as he pushed your ass forward, signaling he wanted you to sit on his face.
"Elijah, no, I-," you gasped, completely embarrassed. You felt so shy and nervous, not wanting him to look at you up close like that.
Elijah sat up and kissed you. "Do you think you will hurt me?" He asked, his lips brushing against yours.
"No," you breathed.
"Then what's the problem?" He asked, brushing his knuckles over your cheek.
You let out a shaky breath and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I don't know."
Elijah looked into your eyes, a kind smile on his lips. "If it kills me, you have discovered quite a loophole when it comes to killing an original," he said, gesturing to his face and grinning.
You giggled and pecked his lips. You closed your eyes and tried to calm yourself, it was hard to explain your nerves. You'd been intimate with Elijah before, more times than you could count, but you couldn't shake your insecurities.
Elijah sensed your hesitation, he kissed your neck softly and leaned up to whisper in your ear. "Please sit on my face, I want to eat your sweet pussy until you scream."
His filthy words made you shudder and you knew you wouldn't be able to say no, so you bit your lip and took a deep breath.
"Okay," you whispered.
Elijah laid back down and gave your hips a gentle tug, pulling you into position.
Your entire body went hot when he spread your thighs apart. He kissed the insides, making you moan.
"There's a good girl," he hummed as his lips danced across your hot skin. He positioned you over his face and you could feel his breath ghosting over your most sensitive area.
He looked up at you and gave you an encouraging smile. "Sit,"
You bit your lip, but slowly lowered yourself down, inch by inch. He grabbed your ass and pulled you down fast, making you let out a squeak of surprise.
The heat pooled between your thighs as Elijah nosed at your center, teasing the soft skin. You moaned and tangled your fingers in his hair, rocking against him.
You felt a sudden sting as he nipped your thigh. "Stay still, let me do the work."
He licked a stripe up your core, groaning as he tasted you. He spread you open with his fingers, pressing his tongue flat against you, he licked long and slow. He buried his face deeper, lapping and sucking at your clit.
He licked and sucked and kissed, moaning against your soaked cunt. Your eyes rolled back, you tightened your grip on his hair and cried out. The noises he made were obscene, you could hear his mouth sucking at you, and it only made you wetter.
He looked up at you, his dark hair was a mess and his lips were covered in your slick.
"You taste divine, my love," he groaned. "So sweet, just for me."
He sucked hard on your clit, his hand reaching around and grabbing your ass roughly, squeezing and slapping the soft flesh. He growled and began fucking you with his tongue. His hands spreading you open and pressing his face as deep as possible. He buried himself in your pussy, licking, and sucking like it was his last meal. You came hard on his tongue, your thighs squeezing his head tight as you fell apart.
He soothed your flushed skin with his tongue, sucking on your clit once more, making you twitch. You tugged on his hair, gently pulling him away, not able to take the overstimulation.
You moved back and sat on his chest, trying to catch your breath. Elijah caught your wrist and brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles. He was covered in your wetness, and his chin was glistening. He grinned at you, completely satisfied with himself.
You snorted and leaned down, kissing him softly. You hummed, tasting yourself on his tongue.
Elijah rolled you onto your back and pinned your wrists above your head. He pressed his forehead against yours, smiling as you stared at him with a blissful, dazed expression.
"You are so perfect," he breathed, nuzzling his nose against yours.
He kissed down the side of your face and nibbled on your ear, his free hand trailing down your body, cupping and squeezing the soft flesh of your breasts, your hips, your thighs.
"Every inch of you," he whispered.
"Elijah," you sighed, blushing from the attention.
Elijah hummed and reached down to his pants, undoing his belt and pushing them down his legs. You reached up and helped him undress, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor.
You pulled him close and kissed him, wrapping your arms and legs around him. You could feel him pressed against you, his thick cock hot and heavy against your thigh.
"Look at what you do to me," he purred, kissing down your neck.
He reached down and guided himself to your entrance, rubbing the head against you. He slid inside easily, your body opening up for him.
He rocked his hips slowly, grinding his pelvis against yours, making you moan and grip his shoulders tight.
His eyes locked with yours as he fucked you slow and deep. You clung to him, your nails leaving marks on his skin.
"You see how perfectly we fit?" He groaned, taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. "Look at us,"
You both looked down, watching as he thrusted in and out of you, his slick cock disappearing into your body.
"My love, my beautiful girl," he moaned, his voice thick with emotion. "I need you to understand, no one else will ever come close to comparing. You are everything to me."
He buried his face in your neck and kissed and nipped the soft skin. "This perfect body, your heart, your soul, I will never find anyone like you."
You whined and clawed at his back, you could feel the tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, you were overwhelmed and so grateful.
"I love you," you choked out, burying your face in his shoulder.
"And I love you," he breathed.
He held you close and fucked you until you were trembling, tears streaming down your cheeks, clinging to him as you climaxed, shaking and crying his name.
He finished not long after, groaning and gasping as he spilled his release inside you, holding you tight.
You both laid there, panting and covered in sweat. You felt light and dizzy, your muscles felt like jelly and it took all your strength to not fall asleep right then and there.
"I want you to know, I mean every word I say to you," Elijah said quietly, kissing your temple.
"I know, Elijah," you hummed, smiling up at him. "Thank you for reminding me."
"And Elijah?" You smiled and nuzzled his neck.
"Yes, my love?"
"I think your ass is the one that should be in the Louvre."
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
♡ @gorgeouslydangerous ♡ @starkleila ♡ @lydia1369sworld ♡ @notleylaaa ♡ @vampiresluv ♡ @vamprium ♡ @myanmy ♡ @xflowerbombxo ♡ @maryvibess ♡ @always-and-forever-daydreaming ♡ @criminallminds ♡ @theesexystallion ♡ @rosemarypotion ♡ @spnaquakindgdom ♡ @amournoir ♡ @loving-and-dreaming ♡ @meeom ♡ @damienmorton ♡
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inkspiredwriting · 4 months
A Not-So-Normal Day
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Five Hargreeves was determined to have a normal day. After the chaos of time travel, apocalypses, and his family’s constant drama, he and his wife, Y/N, deserved some peace and quiet. He had planned a simple day for them: breakfast at their favorite café, a walk in the park, and a quiet evening at home. It was supposed to be perfect.
But the Hargreeves family had other plans.
The day started promisingly enough. Five and Y/N walked hand in hand to the café, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the city. They found a cozy corner table and ordered their usual: pancakes for Y/N and coffee for Five. As they waited for their food, Five felt a rare sense of calm.
Then the door to the café burst open, and Klaus strolled in, wearing a flamboyant feathered hat and a neon pink jacket. “Hey, lovebirds!” he called out, drawing the attention of everyone in the café.
Five groaned inwardly. “Klaus, what are you doing here?”
Klaus slid into the booth next to Y/N, completely ignoring Five’s annoyed expression. “Just thought I’d join you two for breakfast. I mean, what’s a normal day without a bit of family bonding?”
Y/N stifled a laugh as Five glared at his brother. “We were kind of hoping for some alone time, Klaus.”
Klaus waved a hand dismissively. “Nonsense! Besides, I bring entertainment.” He pulled out a deck of tarot cards and began shuffling them dramatically.
Despite Five’s protests, Klaus stayed for the entire breakfast, regaling them with absurd stories and giving impromptu tarot readings to the waitstaff. By the time they left the café, Five’s hopes for a quiet morning were thoroughly dashed.
Next, they headed to the park. Five hoped for a peaceful walk, maybe a chance to sit by the lake and enjoy the tranquility. They found a secluded bench and sat down, Five finally beginning to relax.
“Maybe we’ll actually get some peace now,” Y/N said, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Five smiled. “Let’s hope so.”
Just as they were starting to enjoy the moment, a soccer ball came flying out of nowhere, landing at their feet. They looked up to see Luther and Diego jogging over, both dressed in athletic gear.
“Hey, Five! Y/N!” Luther called out. “We need an extra player for our game. Wanna join?”
Five’s expression hardened. “No, Luther, we’re trying to have a quiet day.”
Diego shrugged. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Just one game.”
Before Five could protest, Y/N nudged him playfully. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to join them for a bit. It might be fun.”
Reluctantly, Five agreed, and what was supposed to be a quick game turned into an intense match. Luther and Diego’s competitive nature took over, and soon they were diving for the ball and arguing over every point. Y/N cheered them on from the sidelines, laughing at their antics.
By the time the game was over, Five was exhausted. He and Y/N decided to head home, hoping to salvage what was left of their day. They walked back to their apartment, fingers entwined, sharing quiet laughter about the unexpected turn of events.
As they approached their building, they noticed a familiar figure sitting on the steps. It was Viktor, holding a violin case and looking sheepish.
“Viktor?” Five said, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
Viktor stood up, smiling apologetically. “I heard you guys were having a normal day and thought you might like some music.”
Y/N grinned. “That sounds lovely, Viktor.”
They all went up to the apartment, where Viktor played a beautiful, calming melody that filled the space with warmth. For a moment, Five felt the peace he had been longing for.
But just as Viktor finished his piece, Allison burst through the door, followed by a trail of paparazzi. “Sorry, I couldn’t shake them!” she exclaimed, slamming the door shut.
Five buried his face in his hands. “Why can’t we just have one normal day?”
Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around him. “Maybe this is our normal, Five. Chaos and all.”
Five sighed, but a smile tugged at his lips. “I guess you’re right.”
As the day came to an end, Five and Y/N sat on the couch, surrounded by his siblings. It wasn’t the quiet, peaceful day he had planned, but it was filled with laughter, love, and the unique madness that only the Hargreeves family could bring.
And in the midst of it all, Five realized that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly the kind of normal he needed.
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anyca786 · 6 months
The Bite That Bound Us
Soulmate!Mikealson brothers x reader (poly)
Summary: One wrong turn into a dark valley and you find yourself turned into a vampire, but wait there's more...
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I was barely five feet tall with my fiery red hair that never behaved, a whirlwind of sunshine and curiosity in a world far too big for me, was lost again. A shortcut, you'd called it. One wrong turn down a dark alley which was reeked of damp garbage and worse.
Now, a pair of glowing amber eyes locked onto mine. Panic clawed at my throat, but before I could even scream, a blur of elegant violence filled the air and then darkness, cold, an agonizing thirst that gnawed at my very core.
I awoke to a gasp of a different nature. A handsome man with chiseled features and an air of nobility stared at me, his expression a mix of shock and something deeper, something I couldn't decipher.
"What...happened?" My voice was a mere rasp.
"Forgive me," the man said, his voice a smooth baritone. "I lost control. You're..." He trailed off, examining my small frame with a frown.
Panic surged through me. "Am I dead?"
He hesitated. "Not exactly." His eyes met mine again, the amber depths swirling with guilt. "I turned you."
I stared, processing. Vampire. I was a vampire. A sob escaped through my lips before I could stop it. Then, his eyes pierced the void, followed by a face both beautiful and terrifying.
"I'm Elijah Mikaelson, the original vampire", he knelt beside me, a flicker of regret in his ancient gaze. "Forgive me, little one," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress.
Suddenly I felt the thirst again that I didn't understand, just felt the warmth returning, an unnatural hunger replacing the cold. I lunged, fangs ripping through his pristine white sleeve. He didn't flinch, only closed his eyes as I fed from him, a small, desperate creature clinging to his arm.
When I pulled back, sated and confused, his expression was unreadable. "You're different," he stated, his voice tinged with wonder. He took me to the sprawling compound, a haven shrouded in mystery. I was greeted by three pairs of eyes, each holding a universe of emotions. There was Klaus, the hybrid, Kol, the mischievous brother and Finn, the stoic one.
"Elijah," Klaus snarled, a dangerous glint in his eyes, "what is this?" Elijah ignored him, his gaze fixed on me. "She's a… anomaly. A human turned, yet… different."
Suddenly, Finn stepped forward, his voice trembling. He reached out, a single finger brushing my cheek. A gasp escaped his lips. "The prophecy," he whispered, eyes wide.
Kol scoffed. "Finn, don't be ridiculous."
But Finn shook his head, his gaze locked on me. "The soulmate. The one spoken of in mother's grimoire. The one who can break the curse."
A bewildered silence descended. Then, Elijah spoke, his voice soft but firm. "Tell me, little one, what is your name?". I blinked, my newfound senses overwhelming. "(Y/N)," I managed, voice barely a whisper.
Klaus snorted. "Soulmate? Don't be absurd. She's just a runt of a human he sired."
But Elijah knelt before me, his eyes searching mine. "Are you truly our soulmate, (Y/N)?"
I tilted my head, unsure. "Soulmate? What's that?"
Kol, the mischievous one, stepped forward. "Don't you remember, love? The whole of New Orleans knows. The prophecy? The Originals destined to find their mate, a petite firecracker they called her."
My eyes widened. I vaguely remembered my grandmother's stories, whispered tales of an ancient prophecy about a human who would complete the Original vampires. Could it be true?
A flicker of a smile touched Elijah's lips as he knelt before me, his eyes searching mine again. "This wasn't supposed to happen like this," he admitted. "I never meant to hurt you."
Taking a deep breath, I met his gaze. The fear was still there, but a spark of something else flickered within me too. "What happens now?"
A tense silence hung in the air as Elijah and his brothers exchanged looks. The prophecy. The guilt. And a flicker of a new beginning, all tied to the fate of a tiny human turned vampire.
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Few months later....
The morning sun filtered through the thick drapes, casting a warm glow across the antique four-poster bed. I stirred, snuggling into the embrace behind me. Blinking bright sunshine away, I snuggled deeper into the warmth beside me. A strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.
"Morning, love," rumbled a sleepy voice right by my ear. It was Klaus, still half-asleep, his hair a mess against the white silk sheets.
I smiled, turning in his arms to face his handsome face. “Morning, Nik.” My nickname for him was a constant battle between affection and pushing boundaries. He hated it, but it always made him smirk. Living with the Mikaelsons was an exercise in perpetual chaos – a chaos I wouldn't trade for anything.
Most mornings started like this – either tangled in Klaus's possessive embrace or waking up tucked against Elijah's comforting chest. Today, however, the familiar warmth was missing. I sat up, stretching my arms, and a wave of loneliness washed over me.
"Elijah?" I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the vast bedroom. A chuckle drifted in from the balcony. "Always so perceptive, love. Come join me."
I slipped on a silk robe and pushed open the French doors, a cool breeze ruffling my hair. Elijah stood leaning against the railing, a steaming cup of tea in his hand. He smiled as I approached.
"Lost sleep?" I asked, taking a sip of his proffered cup.
"Just thinking," he said vaguely, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "About yesterday."
Yesterday was a typical Mikaelson night. A masquerade ball Kol had dragged us all to, filled with pretentious socialites and enough bloodlust in the air to rival a slaughterhouse. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but with Kol by my side, whispering witty remarks and occasionally stealing kisses in dark corners, even masquerades could be fun.
"Was it Marcel again?" I sighed, setting the cup down.
Elijah didn't answer. Marcel Gerard, a vampire they'd turned centuries ago, had become a thorn in our side. He was building power, challenging dominion over New Orleans.
"Don't worry, love," he said, finally looking at me. "We'll handle him." He reached out, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. His touch was always so gentle, a stark contrast to the fierceness he displayed when protecting his family.
Before we could discuss Marcel further, footsteps approached. Kol sauntered in, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Ah, Elijah, here you are. And my darling! Ready for breakfast?"
Our mornings usually included a leisurely breakfast with Kol, filled with gossip about the latest society scandals (courtesy of Kol's impeccable ear for eavesdropping), lighthearted teasing, and plenty of laughter.
We’d sit at the grand dining table, me perched on a booster seat (thanks to my perpetually human height), devouring pancakes while he regaled me with stories of his mischievous exploits throughout the centuries. Sometimes, Elijah would join us, his stoic demeanor masking the fondness in his eyes as he listened to Kol’s ramblings.
After breakfast, I spent the day indulging in my favorite pastime – reading. Finn, the quietest among the brothers, shared my love for literature. We curled up on the plush couches in the library, lost in different worlds, surrounded by towering shelves of leather-bound books. He’d read aloud in his soothing voice, his passion for history igniting a similar spark within me. Occasionally, Elijah would join us, his commentary adding another layer to the stories. Their perspectives, spanning centuries, were a treasure trove of knowledge.
Klaus, possessive and protective (sometimes to a suffocating degree), would spend nights dragging me to dimly lit clubs or lavish parties. He’d scowl at anyone who dared glance my way for too long, his hand possessively wrapped around my waist. It was annoying at times, this need to control everything around me, but there was a tenderness in his possessiveness that I couldn't ignore. Sometimes, he’d surprise me with a stolen moment in the garden, capturing my likeness on canvas with surprising skill.
Despite their differences, they all had one thing in common: their fierce protectiveness of me.
Whenever a dark cloud hung over me, Elijah, with his calming presence, would scoop me into his lap, whispering reassurances and pressing gentle kisses to my forehead. He understood my anxieties as a human turned supernatural, my loneliness in a world they’d inhabited for so long.
One afternoon, while browsing a quaint bookstore with Rebecca, I felt a prickling on the back of my neck – a feeling I’d come to associate with danger. Looking back, I saw Marcel, a former protégé turned enemy of the Mikaelsons, flanked by his vampires, his eyes glinting with malice. My blood ran cold. He was here, inside the French Quarter, the supposed haven.
Fear momentarily forgotten, I lunged towards him, a primal urge to protect my family surging through me. Of course, my vampire powers were a mere blip compared to Marcel’s ancient strength. He caught me effortlessly, his grip tightening around my throat. Panic rose, a cold sweat breaking out on my skin.
“Leaving the Mikaelsons pet unattended?” he sneered, his voice dripping with venom.
Before I could respond, a blur of white and blue swept past me. Elijah’s hand clamped around Marcel’s wrist, his face a mask of fury. “Leave her be, Marcel,” he growled.
“Now, Elijah,” Marcel mocked, his hold on me tightening. “Don’t tell me you’ve grown attached to the little rabbit.”
I struggled, kicking my legs and lashing out with my hands, a pathetic display against his superior strength. A surge of pride washed over me when I saw Kol and Finn materialize at Elijah’s side, their faces reflecting a similar fury.
A tense silence stretched between them. Just as Marcel opened his mouth to speak again, Klaus materialized behind him, his eyes blazing with an unholy fire. “You dare touch what’s mine?”
Marcel seemed to hesitate for a fraction of a second, a flicker of fear crossing his face. It was enough. With a coordinated attack, the Mikaelsons overpowered Marcel and his goons. It was a brutal ballet of fangs, claws, and super speed. I watched it all unfold from the safe.
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bodyboxspain · 11 months
Descubre el Serum Corporal de Klau Beauty 😍
Este serum corporal nutre, hidrata intensamente y revitaliza todo tu cuerpo sin dejar la piel grasa. Con ingredientes bio de Nueva Zelanda, vitamina E, algas y miel de manuka. Está incluído en formato venta con la Bodybox Noviembre 🎁
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¡Alimenta tu piel y olvídate de la sequedad! En la Bodybox Noviembre descubrimos el Body Serum de Klau Beauty 😍
Este serum corporal nutre, hidrata intensamente y revitaliza todo tu cuerpo sin dejar la piel grasa.
Su textura ligera es capaz de penetrar hasta las capas más profundas de la piel, actuando como un serum corporal reafirmante y rejuvenecedor al estimular la síntesis de colágeno.
Además, frena los signos de envejecimiento como flacidez, pérdida de elasticidad y deshidratación.
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Ingredientes bio de Nueva Zelanda
Su fórmula única incluye ingredientes bio de Nueva Zelanda, como toda la gama de productos de Klau Beauty.
Además, encontramos activos que enriquecen la fórmula, como vitamina E y Alga undaria (wakame) que hidrata y cuenta con propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias, y miel de manuka con propiedades regeneradoras, hidratantes y calmantes.
Cómo incluirlo en tu rutina
Aplica el Body Serum por la mañana y por la noche sobre la piel limpia y seca, con movimientos ascendentes.
Para potenciar sus resultados puedes realizar un masaje circular ascendiente hasta su completa absorción. KLAU Body Serum se absorbe rápidamente y no mancha la ropa, así que puedes vestirte inmediatamente y seguir con tu rutina.
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Beneficios del Body Serum de Klau
Textura ligera y de rápida absorción.
Hidrata y nutre intensamente.
Reafirma y rejuvenece la piel de todo el cuerpo.
Deja la piel extremadamente suave.
Con ingredientes bio de Nueva Zelanda.
Descubre todos sus productos en KlauBeauty.com 🛒 Usa el código BODYBOX35 para -35% en todos los productos de la web (excepto Crea tu Box, Mystery Box y Alguronik 800). Y con el código BODYBOX40 tienes -40% en Alguronik 800 ¡Aprovecha!
¡Y no olvides que puedes probar el Body Serum de Klau en formato venta con la Bodybox Noviembre! 🎁
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mythorhuman · 1 month
When We Sleep
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“There you are, my love.” Klaus welcomed her with a heated kiss. 
“Where else would I be?” flirted Bonnie with a seductive grin. Like a good gentleman, Klaus offered her his arm and she took it easily. It was a familiar motion. Walking with the man she loved always felt right. 
“I am always flattered that you choose to spend your nights with me,” crooned Klaus. His girl was a stunner and no other could compare. She radiated light even in her little black dress. Bonnie had every reason to avoid him, yet she chose Klaus over the rest. He wouldn't take it for granted. 
Klaus led her away from the smoky entrance and toward the bar where he ordered her a drink. He always knew what she wanted. Somehow, the man she'd known for a short while, knew more about her than those she called family. “If I'm being honest, I prefer your company to that of the others,” praised Bonnie.
“I am honored to have the privilege of showing you a good time.”
“The music is incredible tonight.”
“I knew you'd be eager to hear it.” His Bonnie was quite the dancer. Once she knocked back her drink, he extended a hand to escort her onto the dance floor as a slower tune played. 
“The music is one of the best things about this time,” grinned Bonnie as she swayed in her man’s arms. Dance was her secret passion. She’d taken lessons from a young age at a school out of town for she didn't want to compete against her friends. Their competitive nature was too much for her, so she kept her dreams of being a professional performer to herself. That was true until she confided in Klaus.
“Better than the rap music of today?” mused Klaus. 
“Nik, you're breaking character.” Bonnie rolled her eyes. Every dream they shared was different. Together, each night they built a new world where anything was possible. Klaus designed this dream as a do-over for their awful experience at the 1920s dance. 
“My apologies Bonnie. I was distracted by your alluring beauty.”
“You're such a flatterer.”
“Only for you,” grinned Klaus as he spun her quickly before pulling her back into his arms.
Bonnie laid her head on his chest. In these dreams, he had a heartbeat that drummed to the same rhythm as hers. They were connected; mentally, physically, and emotionally. The stolen kisses and secret sleepovers where they made love weren't enough. “I wish it could always be like this between you and me,” whispered Bonnie. 
“You don't like pretending to plot each other's deaths and forging hate for your lover?”
“Lover? Is that what you are to me?”
“Silly terms like ‘boyfriend’ are childish and you aren't ready for ‘husband’ yet,”
Bonnie briefly imagined the wedding. She could see herself in a white veil, holding white roses. Klaus would stand at the end of the aisle but she couldn't picture her friends in the audience. No, they wouldn’t approve. “You want marriage?”
“Only with you,” assured Klaus. He knew what she was thinking. He didn't care for her friends at all, so their approval meant nothing to him. He would be enough for her, but if Bonnie wanted friends, then she could find better ones. She deserved the best and those fools didn't fit the bill.
Holding in a frown, Bonnie said, “You know these dreams are the only place we can be free to love,”
“It doesn't have to be.”
“I have everything to lose if people found out about us and you’d face no backlash whatsoever.”
“You’re right in a way. A lecture from Elijah is nothing like all your friends turning on you.”
“So you understand?” breathed Bonnie. The music continued, but they stood in place at the center of the dance floor while others circled them.
“I understand that they'd want you to be happy if they loved you.”
“They'll see this as a betrayal.” 
Klaus found the notion ridiculous. Bonnie was the most loyal person he’d ever met. If he had a cheating ex, he would have slaughtered them. Despite having the power to destroy her useless friends, Bonnie had chosen to protect them. They continued to hurt her and she let them go unharmed. His love was too kindhearted for her own good. “And I will be there to comfort you,” said Klaus. 
“I swear to be there for you, forever and always,” swore the Original Hybrid before he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“Think you can dream of a place more private?” she asked trailing a finger down his chest.
“How I love when you get frisky.’
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lookingforhappy · 3 months
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transcript of klaus' cult (destinys children) leaflet:
"WELCOME! WE ARE ALL ABOUT FINDING THAT RAY OF LIGHT WITHIN YOU THAT WILL LEAD YOU TO YOUR OWN RIVER OF DREAMS. IT'S YOUR LIFE AND IT'S NOW OR NEVER. Coming out of the dark can be a rewarding and uplifting experience that will show your true colours. Remember, you get what you give. Simply sitting at the feet of our spiritual leader and guru, the Prophet Klaus, listening, absorbing, contemplating his words and deeds will help you to see clearly the path before you now. The path that will lead you to the you your supposed to be - one of Destiny's Children. A BEAUTIFUL STORY AWAITS. LET US SHOW YOU THE WAY You have all the tools within you to be the best you but maybe need a little extra push - that extra encouragment to get where you need to be. That is what the open and loving environment of Destiny's Children can be for you. It can show you the way. It can show you the sign that will open your eyes - No more killing time. No. Your time has come. JUMP INTO YOU Sometimes you can feel lost in a world that doesn't know or understand you. A world consumed by material things, you begin to lose sight of who you are and what your destiny is. We're here to cater to you. To help give you relief from your everyday worries, like the bills piling up, and to bring back your inner and outer happy face. LOVE IS THE WAY THROUGH Love is not an illusion. Leave behind your bad habits and love can become second nature to you. Love is not through with you; you don't have to be through with it. Love is offered, freely and without question. or guilt. It could be so good. So stay and fall dangerously in love with yourself. FULFILL YOUR DESTINY A BEAUTIFUL STORY AWAITS. BE THE SURVIOR YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. WE CAN OFFER YOU THAT AND SO MUCH MORE, HERE AMONG DESTINY'S CHILDREN."
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Sleepy Girl
pairing: elijah mikaelson x female reader
warnings: just fluff
summary: elijah reads to you in the evening and you accidentally fall asleep on his shoulder
a/n: short but i hope you enjoy !
song: the french library - franz gordon
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There was a thunderstorm outside, usually you would be doing something out of the house, but this weather prevented you from doing so.
It's spring and the flowers are almost fully grown, but currently you couldn’t see much of natures beauty.
It was dark and the rain was falling down heavy.
You and Elijah were sat on your bed, he was your best friend. Although his siblings seem to think you both have feelings for each other. They have not given up on that idea even if you both deny it every day.
His hand was resting on your waist, and he was reading one of your favorite books, Pride and Prejudice. The only source of light was the small lamp on the nightstand.
Him reading to you was your favorite thing. His voice was so soothing and his accent was incredibly delightful to hear.
His hand lifts from your waist and went to stroke your hair. He adored playing with your hair, he braided it a lot.
You felt your eyes getting heaving, the sound of the rain, his voice, and him playing with your hair caused you to start to drift asleep.
You leave your head against his shoulder and snuggled into his side. A smile pulled at his lips and he glances down at you. You look so peaceful, he thought to himself.
A short while later, you were listening to his reading until you fell into a calm slumber against him.
He hears your heart at a slow and steady pace and your light breathing. He looks at you and kisses your forehead.
He puts the book down and turns the lamp off. He closes his eyes, and finds himself falling asleep as well.
His siblings downstairs heard him stop reading and tiptoed upstairs to peak in the room.
Kol, Klaus, and Bekah’s heads were sideways as they took the in scene in front of them. Elijah was sound asleep with his head on yours, which was resting against him. One arm around the back of you and on resting on top of your stomach.
They quickly head back down stairs and start giggling about how cute you both are together.
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1-800-local-slut · 7 months
Home Is Where The Heart Is (Or Where's There's No People)
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Klaus Mikaelson x Black! Fem! Shy! Reader
Reader is Klaus's girl friend. In public, she's shy the moment they get behind closed doors there's no stopping her
I don't know if this counts as a collab, but I'm going to count it as such. I couldn't have written this without @sublimecatgalaxy writing this beautiful work. Go check it out, it's so good omg. I hope you guys like this one and thanks again to @sublimecatgalaxy for letting me write this based off your work!
Warnings: Drinking, sophisticated party, nude painting, reader is horny at the end, allusions to smut, reader is really shy in public, this is a bit short, reader is a bit questionable, smutty thoughts, reader is thick, not a warning but I don't specify what the reader is, make no mistake the reader is a black woman, even tho I lowkey bully Marcel in this make no mistake that is my man, reader teases Klaus and calls him a whore lol
(No srsly, go check out this story it was actually wonderful)
Request are also open if anyone wants to send anything!
"I just wanted a burger." She frowned, staring at the mirror while Klaus helped slide her body into her dress. Deep sadness and exhaustion reflected in her eyeballs, the same sadness that had been ever-present since Klaus reminded her of their party.
A peace offering with Marcel, which she argued was pointless and declared she could miss. Klaus naturally needed to object! How could he show up to such an event and not bring the most gorgeous person in the world with him? That and he needed another person who could agree with (mostly) all his judgments
"Once we make our way through the riff-raff we can stop on the way home." The custom gown was slid onto her body now, and it highlighted all the best parts of her. All the parts Klaus loved.
"I won't want to stop on the way home, I don't want to go outside in the first place. I hate these parties and I don't want to see Miss Tagrot. Oh God, I can't stand that woman, why does Marcel invite her everywhere? Don't tell me he's sleeping with that thing."
He smirked, smugly, once he turned out of her line of sight to button his sleeves properly. She didn't want to be around anyone besides him and selfish as Klaus was he was overjoyed by this.
She stepped off the small platform she was on that was surrounded by mirrors after a quick look over herself. She looked stunning like she was straight out of history. The dress hugged her figure, and her wig was styled into a gorgeous updo with two pieces of hair framing her gorgeous features.
Klaus needed to call their driver. He stole a glance out of their large bedroom windows after leaving their walk-in closet. Ass hitting the sheets, he shut his eyes for a brief moment to inhale. He could still smell the mix of their scents. A mixture of sweetness and the forest. Once he grabbed his phone off the dresser he let his mind wander.
His ears focused on the sound of the cars outside in his city. The people going about their business, the vampires hunting for a meal. How many of those cars were driving to the very place he was soon to be? How many would be at Marcel's little gathering (which is certainly pointless knowing Marcel and Klaus) tonight?
Suddenly her arms wrapped around his broad chest, and she overtook him. The bed sunk as she crawled onto it, and he felt her soft, long gloves snake around him. Her scent, her feel, everything. She was whispering in his ear, pressing soft kisses to his neck.
How was a man to resist in the face of such beautiful temptation? Don't ask Klaus, he could hardly manage right now.
"Klaus, let's stay home. I'll let you paint me naked again." She whined in his ear, bringing her nails up to his head. Scratching the back of his ears, she wanted to stay home.
"You don't have to lie, I know you like it when I look at you naked." Turning his head, his eyes connected with hers. His eyes found their way to her full lips, and he knew what needed to be done. A soft kiss to her lips and the idea of missing all the possible chaos and creating issues was looking more and more enticing. Staying home and stripping that gown off her sounded so, so much better.
He wouldn't be Klaus Mikaelson if he didn't show up fashionably late, and make an entrance. Blue eyes met dark ones with a buzz of excitement. Klaus fixed their bodies onto the mattress, where she was now flat on her back and Klaus towered over her. The spark in her eyes and the smirk across her lips told Klaus that she won. She won and she knew it, the little minx.
When her arms wrapped around his neck, Klaus dipped down to kiss her again. She ghosted her fingers over the nape of his neck drawing a little pattern.
He couldn't help himself and took advantage of the slit in her dress. While he ran his hand up her thigh and gave a healthy squeeze, Klaus's mind and heart were racing. How could have even thought about going to this party when his girlfriend was here, looking like a gorgeous blast from the past? As if she came straight out of the 1920s with improvements made to the dress that suited her style.
Her hands took a small squeeze at his ass, and Klaus chuckled. Then he was lying down right on top of her, grinding his hips into hers. He could taste tongue as they continued their foreplay.
She overwhelmed his senses so well that Klaus didn't hear Elijah walking up the steps until he knocked on the door. At first, he thought he was having an auditory hallucination but then she cut her eyes sharply to the door.
"What?" She snipped. That just made his suit pants even tighter.
"Sorry to interrupt, but there's a driver here for you two." Elijah chuckled. Of course, Elijah probably heard their passionate kisses and shared shuddered breaths.
"Of all the bloody things, I can never just stay home. Tell him we'll be out in a moment." Klaus crawled off her, wiping the smears of lipgloss off his face. He certainly smears her colored lip makeup all over his face.
"What happened to just wanting to stay home?" Klaus chuckled while she tried to fix the back of her hair.
"We can't just be rude, the drivers already come. It would be different if Elijah never told us but now I feel bad. The poor man is just trying to do his job." She muttered and ran her fingers across his chest. Klaus was perched at the edge of their mattress, and she was sitting up against the pillows, pulling him in like a spider catching a fly. That wicked smirk came across her face again and she brought her face closer to his.
Her eyes met his while she admired the smeared makeup on his face.
"You look like a whore. My whore." She snickered in his ear, running a hand over his thighs just short of where he needed her. He smiled, knowing this was going to be a hard night. Pun intended.
She gripped him like a bad habit that you couldn't shake no matter what you tried the moment they stepped out of the car. She was Klaus's girlfriend, his wild card who couldn't be tamed, a bear who was standing outside its cave. But once they got somewhere with too many people, the bear went into hibernation and slept until it was time to leave. Not from fear, but simply from sheer kindness.
And Klaus loved knowing she was only quiet for the sake of others. For the sake of not wanting to make enemies of the entire city. Sadly, that was one of Klaus's favorite things to do.
The party was a typical Marcel party. It was moderately loud, there were flashing lights, and crowds of the elite mingled. Live performers and tantalizing meals were off to the side, and Klaus glanced up at the ceiling, seeing people mingling on the upper balconies. Other vampires, of course, Marcel didn't just let anyone up there. Klaus himself finally arrived, so the party could start.
They pushed through the crowds of people. Hello's, compliments, and well wishes were exchanged though Klaus met none of them. Like always, everyone took notice of Klaus's stunning companion no matter how badly she wished they didn't.
She didn't want to be standing in the center of the room (ironic considering that she was dating the man himself, Klaus Mikaelson) but there she was.
"There's the man of the century," Marcel called, making his way down the steps. Stopping before the two, she bristled slightly.
"Marcel." She greeted him curtly. All that needed to be said was said to him. He smiled at her, his grin reminding Klaus of a hunter about to shoot his prey.
"Ma belle." He took the gloved hand that wasn't latching onto Klaus and pressed a soft kiss to it. Deep down inside, Klaus was thrilled to know that this disgusted her. How long did it take for her to allow Klaus to hold her?
"Hm." She smiled politely but took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter who she grabbed with such strength that it showed how badly she wanted to leave. The only time anyone would grab someone for a drink with such ferocity was when that person wanted to be anywhere else.
"Marcel, thank you for inviting us to dinner." Klaus joked as the three of them eyed a woman who walked past them. Klaus hadn't eaten before they left like he usually does so he could hear the thrumming of blood all around him. Marcel let out his usual hearty chuckle and she stuck closer to him.
"Speaking of dinner," Drawing the two's attention back to him. Marcel ran his hands down the front of his suit, Klaus couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. It seemed like the drama Klaus lived for was finally starting.
"Can I show you something, Klaus?" Marcel asked in a more hushed tone. It was that time of night when Klaus sadly had to leave her alone for a bit to handle business. If it were up to him, Klaus would have her superglued to his side.
But alas, sometimes even Klaus Mikaelson couldn't have everything go his way.
Finding her again was like finding a beacon of light in a dark room. Like a blind man seeing for the first time, Klaus's heart instantly became lighter when he found his beacon again.
Marcel was still upstairs, sleeping off the punch Klaus decided he needed and Klaus happily skipped his way down the steps. His eyes cleared the room once he identified everything he needed.
A random person (or two) for dinner and his light at the end of the tunnel. Thankfully they just happened to be bunched together in one perfect little conversation circle for Klaus to wiggle into. With long steps, Klaus felt a thrill building at being close to her again.
She stood politely, sipping on her drink, and pushed a strand of hair behind her ears. He could hear her heartbeat jumping in her chest and heard an uncharacteristic giggle. Klaus could tell she'd been attempting to drink away her discomfort, the discomfort that followed with his absence.
A piece of chocolate (he made a mental at how it was the same color as her but he refrained from telling her this, as she often expressed annoyance at being compared to food) slipped into her mouth that she grabbed from the treats table, the white lights that shone around the room made her look even more like an angel.
A flash of light came over her brown eyes and Klaus felt his breath stop for just a second. She was too perfect and Klaus wanted to just grab her and go instantly.
The closer he got the happier he got to see her. Sure it was a bit odd how it made him want to jump for joy to know she didn't want to be around anyone else but who was about to say anything to him about it?
"Klaus! Oh, it's great to see you, I wasn't expecting you to come but once I saw this one I knew you couldn't be far behind." Miss Targot, the bane of his girlfriend's existence. She pulled Klaus into a friendly hug, the fur of her collar almost getting into his mouth.
Of course, that tight grip returned to Klaus's side the moment he was free. She was holding his arm once more, and Klaus shook his head slightly. Glancing down, he saw that she was on the verge of being tipsy but thankfully coherent enough to give Klaus little to no issue tonight.
But alcohol did make her more frisky than usual, so it was probably best they made their exit soon before they accidentally shamed themselves in front of all of New Orleans. Or before Klaus decided to pull her into a random room.
Either way, he heard the sound of furniture splintering, and to his left caught a view of some of Marcel's friends pointing down at him. Certainly time for an exit. After all, he still owed her that hamburger.
"Every time I see that bitch she sounds more and more obnoxious. It's all 'Oh Paris was wonderful' and 'I just adored my trip to Dominican Republic' bitch why are you not home with your children?" Klaus barked out a laugh as she perched onto her vanity seat and slid two earrings into her ears.
She rubbed cocoa butter onto her dark skin, while Klaus placed his paint brushes into his mouth and pulled the curtains wide open to let in the sunlight.
It was the next day now, the two had slept well into the afternoon. They were only woken up by someone throwing a brick through their living room window and this turned out to be someone with some grievances with Rebekah. Now they were sitting in their bedroom, while Elijah and Hayley prepared for the cleaners Klaus sent for to come. Hiding bodies and whatnot while Rebekah dashed around the city, a woman on a mission.
It was finally time for that painting she offered Klaus last night.
In her natural form, he could see her confidence, the fire that resided within her. Barren of heavy makeup, only a touch of blush and lipgloss with some clear mascara for her lashes Klaus felt like he almost didn't deserve to be around her right now.
She was so beautiful and perfect that with all Klaus had done, he didn't deserve to have her posing for him let alone dating him.
"They're probably paying for those trips, the miserable trollop she is I doubt they want her home very often." Klaus joked as he went back to his easel and resumed setting up his paints. Red, browns, deep greens (for the fainting couch she would be lying on), and the color of her large fancy robe. Klaus thought it made her look like a really pretty bird. A really pretty bird that would take out one of your eyes without much hesitation.
After all, it would be rude to snatch someone's eye from their socket.
She snorted, as she slid seductively onto the couch.
"I wouldn't." Klaus watched her get comfortable, with her well-practiced pose (the one Klaus always envisioned in his mind) and prepare to be drawn.
"You wouldn't want to be anywhere with her." Adjusting his easel, it was almost time for him to truly focus.
"No, I don't want to be anywhere without you. You literally know I don't like people, you make them tolerable. I know I'll have an eyewitness to the absurdity I see. Now enough about her, draw me like one of your French girls." Her brows wiggled and they both took a pause. Silence and then laughter.
The line from that ridiculous movie that Klaus was really mad that he actually enjoyed (and that admittedly turned him on) made him and her cackle. His sides hurt and the sides of his eyes crinkled. She was trying not to roll off the couch from how hard she was laughing, cackling actually, so loud that it was probably heard down the street along with Klaus's loud bellows.
The sound that came from their bedroom so often, usually induced by her, eventually settled from Klaus's doubled-over form. She somehow rolled onto her stomach and they both calmed down.
Eventually, the silence settled and they fell back into their usual conversation. Things about the baby, when she would be born, how much she liked snacks, Klaus teasing her and her telling him to lick her ass, Klaus of course thrilled to do so.
His pencil ran over the easel, the first sketch being perfectly designed while his mind wandered. She began to sing (horribly off-key though intentional) and Klaus lightly scolded her to hold still.
She was Klaus's girlfriend. His girlfriend who, for the sake of others, held her tongue in public but when it was just the two of them she was a shining star. A force of unstoppable grace and nature. His girlfriend, whom Klaus could just be a regular guy with and just laugh as loud as he pleased at nothing in particular.
Above all though, she was Klaus's. And deep down inside nothing else mattered more to him than that.
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svltzmans · 1 year
message in a bottle - h.m.
a/n: hello hello!! i'm currently working on all the requests in my inbox and this one is so cute!! i love writing cute little fluffy romantic stories <3 i hope y'all like them!!
warnings: none :)
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hope's yearly trip to new orleans to visit her family was always something she looked forward to. as much as she loved living in mystic falls and being surrounded by close friends, she always yearned for the part of her that was missing.
however, there had been some major changes in her life since the last time she visited new orleans.
she had fallen deeply for someone that it would be difficult to leave, even for a little while.
y/n was absolutely thrilled that her girlfriend got to visit her family. she knows how close they are and how little they got to see each other in person.
however, she knows it won't be easy to go without seeing hope for a full week. to say the couple is attached at the hip would be an understatement.
y/n's first day without hope was full of distraction. she did every activity she could, desperately trying to avoid feeling hope's absence.
hope's drive to new orleans was uneventful, except for her attempts to zone out and pretend y/n was in the passenger seat.
when hope finally arrives and greets her family, she immediately feels empty without y/n's presence. she brushes it off, trying to reconnect with her parents and aunts.
while in the middle of a conversation with klaus, a text pops up on hope's phone.
hey, love. i miss you. how is it in new orleans?
hope smiles as soon as she realizes the text is from y/n.
"what's the smile for, darling?" klaus questions, seeing that hope is profusely blushing as she types a response.
"just a funny text from a friend," she responds, trying to control her excitement about hearing from y/n.
hope hadn't told her family that her and y/n were dating. it wasn't that she didn't want to, but she just didn't feel ready. she didn't want her visit to only be focused on her love life, especially because her dating a girl might be a surprise.
klaus dismisses the subject, but hope can tell he's suspicious. she silently curses her tendency to blush.
so far so good. miss you more. can i call you later? wanna hear your voice.
hope finally sends her response to y/n, unable to hold back another smile.
rebekah had prepared an extravagant meal for hope's arrival, and hope thought it was entirely overkill.
nonetheless, she was grateful, and she sat at the table surrounded by klaus, hayley, freya, rebekah, marcel, kol, and elijah.
the group effortlessly falls into conversation as if they had never been apart, sharing laughs and stories.
hope debates telling them about y/n, but stops herself, wanting to properly introduce them to her when the time comes.
when hope finishes her plate, she's quick to excuse herself to her room. she insists that she's tired from the travel, although her overly happy demeanor suggests otherwise.
as soon as she closes the door behind her, she dials y/n's number.
"hey, darling," y/n's voice sounds velvety through the receiver, and hope can't help but to kick her feet a bit in her bed.
"hi, beautiful. how was your day?"
"it was okay. it would have been so much better with you. how's your family?"
"loud, but good so far," hope laughs, hearing y/n's giggle from the other end of the line.
"i can't believe it hasn't even been a whole day yet. i miss you like crazy."
"you're just obsessed with me, aren't you?" hope teases, giggling at y/n's affection.
"guilty as charged."
as the group continues to talk in the kitchen down the hall, they can't help but to tune into hope's conversation.
they blame their enhanced sense of hearing, but their interests are all piqued by the romantic nature of hope and y/n's conversation.
"that sounds a bit more than friendly," freya breaks the silence, smirking knowingly.
"you would know, wouldn't you?" rebekah teases, and the table erupts in laughter.
"should we say something?" marcel questions, almost feeling guilty for continuing to listen.
"she'll tell us on her own time, right?" hayley adds, trying to relieve marcel's guilt.
like clockwork, hope walks down the hall, having just ended her call with y/n.
"guys, can i tell you something?"
the group all nods in unison, already sure they know what hope is going to say.
"i have a girlfriend."
"it seems you've forgotten we all have vampire hearing, love," klaus responds, earning a dirty look from hayley. "what! it's true!"
hope turns a deep shade of red, realizing that her entire family had heard her flirt with her girlfriend over the phone.
after a few seconds of silence, the entire mikaelson family burts into laughter, as if they were all aware of the awkwardness of the situation.
"love you, hope," elijah smiles, giving hope an encouraging pat on her back.
"love you too."
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satansapostle6 · 7 months
Dangerous Men | Klaus Mikaelson
“Dangerous men make good pets.”
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Regina makes a powerful friend in Klaus Mikaelson.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content
Chapter One: Cherry
Klaus Mikaelson watched like a predator stalking its prey. He knew he had more important things to be doing, but he couldn’t help himself. The way that girl danced was something he couldn’t explain.
He was under her spell in a way he’d never been with any woman before in his life. He never would’ve guessed that the devil could know heaven.
“Would you like a dance?”
Niklaus Mikaelson looked up, without consequence, as one of the girls working the floor of the club approached him.
“…No, thank you,” he shook his head politely, blue eyes locked on the beautiful dancer up on the pole with the long ebony locks and perfectly bronzed skin. “What’s her name?” he pointed, determined to find out everything he could.
“Cherry,” the young vampire informed him.
“No. Her real name,” Klaus insisted.
“But, Mr. Mikaelson,” the young woman began, “The club policy—”
“I don’t care about the fucking club policy,” he warned her, a threatening look in his eyes.
She immediately cleared her throat, terrified of the Original vampire.
“Yes, sir, I’m sorry. Her name’s Regina.”
“Regina what?” he asked impatiently.
“I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know,” the dancer apologized quickly. “You can ask Steve!” she provided.
Klaus Mikaelson grinned, finally having gotten somewhere. “Alright. I suppose I’m asking Steve.”
He found himself at the club until long after closing. After the customers cleared out and the dancers all made their way to the back, he waited patiently in front of the white Porsche parked out in the lot, the car he had found out belonged to Regina Lugo. She was outside within the next half hour at the most, lavish fur coat draped over her black dress.
Klaus’s eyes were fixed on the beautiful woman, cracking a darkly seductive smile as she dropped her arm, designer bag in her hand.
“Hello, love.”
“The club has security, you know,” Regina said curtly. “They stay until all of us leave”
Klaus chuckled, admiring her composure. “I’m not some customer asking for your number,” he told her patiently.
“Aren’t you, though?” she wondered.
It was becoming more difficult for him to contain his amusement. Regina was, of course, a beautiful woman. Beautiful in a different way than many of her coworkers. Her beauty was timeless, and sacred; there was something indescribably mystical about the darkness of her eyes and the natural cascade her hair.
“I don’t want your phone number, love,” he assured her, his voice nothing more than a suggestive purr.
“Then what do you want?” she asked him, still cautious of him. “Again, keep in mind, security.”
Klaus humored her, as if security could actually stop him.
“I’m not like all the others, you know,” he remarked, dangerous and debonair in his leather jacket. “I could actually give you what you want.”
“And what do you think it is I want?” Regina wondered, crossing her arms.
He smiled, understanding her skepticism of his character.
“Anything you want,” he promised, stepping closed as she just watched him, not quite disturbed enough by him to perceive him as an immediate threat. “I could offer you anything. Not just a spliff, or a Chanel bag.”
Regina looked at him with curiosity, pulled in by his confidence.
“Who are you?” she questioned.
“Niklaus Mikaelson,” he answered truthfully.
She stared at him for a moment, eyes narrowed as she tried to place him. The one thing Klaus liked about Regina was that she seemed resourceful, and strategic; she aimed to know everything about the world she was a part of, in order to thrive in it. Not necessarily conquer it, but thrive in it.
Her lack of trust in him, as well as her lack of enchantment, drew him in to her even more.
“You’re one of them,” she realized, looking into his dark blue eyes.
“‘One of’ what?” Klaus asked her coyly, feigning innocence.
“I don’t know exactly… But you're one of them. The ones who get whatever they want when they come in, week day or weekend. The ones who own this city,” she said thoughtfully. “And I’m not talking about through government, or corporations. You’re one of the ones who really own the city. Aren’t you?” she concluded.
Klaus felt himself genuinely impressed by her insight. She was smarter than most of the people in New Orleans, he gathered. She had put together almost all the pieces when most weren’t even aware of the puzzle.
“You’re a perceptive little thing, aren’t you?” he said softly, his undeniably handsome face only inches from hers.
She didn’t answer the rhetorical question. She didn’t seem afraid of him at all, like a little girl pressing her face against the glass at the zoo to see the pretty tiger.
“What are you, Niklaus?” Regina asked curiously. “A rock star? A millionaire? A gangster?”
The guesses she’d made were funny to him.
“Right question. Wrong solutions,” he assisted her.
“The club owners and some of the other girls are afraid of you,” she remarked, seeming to have deduced this completely on her own. “Why? I mean, it’s obvious you have some kind of money, and influence. But why?” she stared at him with curiosity.
“You’re a smart girl. Why don’t I let you figure it out for yourself?” Klaus encouraged her.
“And in the meantime?” Regina wondered, watching him as she observed everything about him.
He looked at her with sharp eyes as he made up his mind, determined to gain her complete trust. Her trust, he had realized, was something of value.
“Tell me something you want,” he told her, before changing his mind, “No. The thing you want. Something that can’t just be bought in a store… Something with character,” Klaus told her.
“Anything?” she questioned.
“What if I wanted the queen’s jewels?” she asked him.
“Then I suppose you’d be getting the queen’s jewels, wouldn’t you?” Klaus said without a second thought.
She knew in the specific way that he’d said it that he was completely serious. This man could get her the queen’s jewels. Regina didn’t know how, exactly, but she could tell he could. There was a pause as she tried her best to test him.
“Carmela Soprano’s fur coat,” Regina decided, knowing the point she was making.
Klaus stopped with satisfaction as he eyed her, appreciating her sense of humor.
“That’s what you want?” he asked eagerly.
“That’s what I want,” Regina said with finality.
“Consider it done,” was all he had to say, before he completely disappeared.
Regina had no idea at all where he went, or how he had done it, but Klaus was just gone, nowhere to be seen as she was left panting softly as she tried to reason with her own mind as she quickly got into her car. There was something definitely strange about the man she’d met. What it was, she didn’t know.
All she knew was that everyone at the club had known who he was, to different degrees, and strictly referred to him as ‘Mr. Mikaelson’, even if he wasn’t in the room. Regina knew that it was impossible for people to just disappear into thin air, but she also knew that men with Niklaus Mikaelson’s influence may as well have been the gods of New Orleans.
She knew for sure that she’d made a powerful friend when she returned home to her apartment the following night to find a large, black garment bag hanging inside of her apartment, a note card hanging off of it bearing nothing but a set of initials.
- K.M.
Chapter Two
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klonnieshippersclub · 9 months
Alone at Last
Alright, here's my entry for Day 1 of Klonnie Week. Please be kind. This is my first go at actually writing Klonnie. In this AU, Mikael attempts to murder Klaus for leading Henrik to his death. Klaus flees with Bonnie and they navigate their changing relationship.
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Bonnie's skin was burning. The humidity brought sweat dripping down her face. Her clothes stuck to her body. And yet, Bonnie felt no discomfort. Klaus could tell that his little wife was at peace as she was deep in her meditation. He was busy crafting himself a spear, but his eyes always drifted to the beauty connecting to nature with his magic.
In the quiet, he could think. Klaus’ thought brought him great pain. His youngest brother was dead. Poor Henrik. His family (his father, at least) blamed him. It was Bonnie's brilliant idea to leave knowing Mikael wanted him dead. She was his salvation. He hated to disturb the silence, although it was a necessity.
“I am heading deeper into the woods. Stay here,” Klaus instructed as he leaned against a tree.
Bonnie's forest eyes opened and her brow furrowed in confusion. “Why? Allow me to join you.”
“I am going to hunt. It is safer here for you.”
Klaus knew he was right. They had run from their former village only a few days. They were seeking shelter among the natives who were kind enough to house them after Bonnie and Klaus gave them furs and herbs. Klaus planned to bring Bonnie to another Viking settlement where they could sail across the sea. Mikael continues to follow and they need much space between them. Bonnie would be protected among the natives as their ally.
“You cannot hunt,” she scoffed as she marched towards him in defiance.
“Yes, I can.”
“You have not before.” It was a sore spot and Bonnie knew it. Mikael was a brutal father and he excluded Klaus from any of the hunting trips that the other boys were allowed to participate in.
Klaus wasn't that weak boy anymore. He couldn't be weak. He has a wife now and Bonnie needs him to be strong. “It would be a first but I can do it.”
“Not by yourself.”
“You do not believe in me. You have no faith in me protecting and providing for you.” Bonnie was no stranger to Klaus' insecurities. She could see the self doubt in his eyes. That whore, Tatia, made things worse playing games with him and his elder brother, Elijah. It was Bonnie who Klaus could confide in and he realized the love he had for her was more romantic than platonic.
Bonnie knew Klaus was still injured from his fight with Mikael days ago. Her husband would have been beaten to death had she not stepped in. She healed all she could but Mikael’s anger did great damage. “That is not true. I think there is a better alternative.”
“What are you thinking?” Klaus asked as he twirled one of Bonnie's curls around his finger. 
“We fish. You and me. Together.” There was a lake nearby and his spear would be just as helpful fishing.
“I want to be a proper husband and take care of you.” They were wed among the natives they now call friends. It was not the Viking ceremony that Klaus envisioned. It was even better. Now that they were married officially, Klaus felt great pressure to perform with his responsibilities to her in atonement for his sins. 
She tenderly cradled his face in her hands and gently placed her soft lips upon his. “You do not need to hunt a deer to impress me. We are better at working as one.” Bonnie did not want to be left alone anyway. She wanted to be with her husband. 
With a grin, Klaus pulled his wife closer and placed kisses upon her jaw. “You have convinced me.” Fishing could wait.
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