#kleo offers
oraclekleo · 1 year
Finances related tarot readings
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Hello my dear followers and random visitors of my posts!
Some of you probably know that I'm a very productive adult person with a responsible job in a bank. That's one of the main reasons why I can't really work on completing readings all day long.
But! In this time of high inflation and just things being financially tough in general (and financial difficulties can severely affect our mental state and emotions, of course, and eventually our physical health, too), I have thought I could perhaps use the fact I have a good and friendly relationship with the financial sector and maybe offer some money related tarot readings.
When this warning is off my shoulders and I truly mean it! I consider myself decent with money but I'm still learning myself and you should also know I have never studied any economy related school or even subject. I sort of learned everything from real life experience and I'm in no way an expert.
However, if you were interested in some general suggestions regarding your personal money management, little nudges towards the direction you might need to explore in more details, I can surely provide that.
I have already assembled one general tarot spread for this topic and I have tested it on myself and it looks like it works just fine so I can share it here with you.
Fiscal Year Ahead tarot spread
Expenses to cut (advice on what might not be wise to waste your money on in the upcoming year)
Sources of Income to explore (it can refer to side hustles or to a new direction of your career…)
Money Management Advice (general advice regarding your skills of handling personal finances)
Financial Forecast (what to expect / avoid / be prepared for in the upcoming year)
Investment Tip (general suggestion on what areas you might explore in order to invest in them, it can refer to simple things like your health and advising you to stop eating fast food and invest in groceries and start cooking better food for yourself or it can draw your attention to stock market, if you have some extra money to be invested)
For those who are not familiar with the term Fiscal Year, it's 12 consecutive months but they don't have to copy the actual calendar year. I have used this term in the title of the reading to address the fact that this tarot reading is giving you information for the 12 months ahead of you from the moment of when the reading is done for you. So you're not waiting for the 1st of January to start implementing the advice, you can start immediately. 😊
This tarot spread is clearly not the only option on how the finance related tarot reading can be done but I simply wanted to show you an example.
So! Would you be actually interested in such types of tarot readings? You can say no, it’s no problem for me. I’m simply offering it but if you don’t really trust this or you are not interested, feel free to tell me. I’m not gonna be sad about it. 😂
Let me know what you think!
Thank you and have a great day!
Kleo 🦄
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ilycosy · 8 months
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pairing : luke castellan x child of athena!reader
summary — while being a child of athena, you've never been one for athletics or academics. you never succeeded in capture the flag, or gotten anything above a c+. it seemed that the only thing you were good at was being supportive, which luke never seemed to mind.
warnings : toxic!luke , enabler!reader , reader is bullied and insecure abt it , luke is a bad guy and reader thinks he's hot for it .
aノn — back w another work B) hope u guys enjoy !! i personally love when my men r a little crazy + protective over me <3 this is based on this , requests r open :) so feel free to req stuff !!!
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being a demigod was hard as it was, constantly fighting monsters left and right never knowing when it'd end. most of the time, it ending in a painful and anticlimactic death, the pressure was constant and only grew.
now, being a child of athena, it really should've came naturally to you. maybe not reading, but still, being wise and strong was what should've came with the deal. at last— it didn't, and that really wasn't something that you could get over at a camp that relies so heavily on glory.
'glory', better known as kleos here, was something that every demigod craved even you. which is why you tried so hard to learn, sword fighting with anybody who would bother, attempting to plan for things with your half-siblings. but it never worked.
at first you were angry, angry at the world, angry at your mother. how could she claim such a screw up? you'd ask, and others would agree with you. taunting and sticking up their noses as if they were better, in a way, they were. not completely— but in the ways that mattered, they were.
then, you became bitter. you had met your shining star during this stage, at the age fourteen you were introduced to a boy your age, luke castellan. he came to the camp with a young girl, talking of stories about life outside the camp and the monsters he killed. holding onto the memory of a forbidden child he fought by, you were envious.
until he took a interest in you, constantly talking to you trying to make you laugh or smile. at one point he fell into a lake while trying to get your attention, it was endearing— and stupid. you never understood why he cared so much, or why he wanted to be friends so bad.
at sixteen, you accepted the offer. not having many friends due to everybody seeing you as useless— just another child that must've gotten accidentally claimed. you allowed him into your life, slowly but surely breaking down your walls until by seventeen there's nothing left to talk about.
the bitterness lingers, though he could never relate— until the quest. that awful quest that you cried to him about going on, wanting him to stay, half in fear of him dying but also the fear of the ridicule you'd face without him there. the lack of his reputation to protect you.
you had gotten harassed while he was gone, the constant remarks about how you were the pretty face of the cabin was back-handed at best to you. but you always sneaked off to his bed in hermes' cabin, crying into his pillow when you were sure nobody else was awake.
but when he returned, everything was different. it was like he finally understood you on a deeper level than before— your frustrations with your mother, not living up to the expectations of her, he understood. he understood and more, he was angry for you, for himself and every other camper.
he talked very little of the quest, the only genuine emotions he allowed himself to feel around you being happiness and anger. brief words of anger for his father and your mother, then hushed whispers of adoration for you in the nape of your neck.
you never fully knew when luke became your boyfriend, but it was never a secret. his head buried in your shoulder during breakfast, the hand on your back when he was hiking with you and other campers, even the soft kisses he gave your wrists publicly.
so he never understood why people had grown so confident— arrogant enough to ridicule you while he stands so close by. their loud laughs mixing in with the barely concealed hisses of their disapproval for you, talking about how you're the shame of athena cabin. how you've never used your brain, or a weapon in your whole life.
nobody knew when luke had snapped, all everybody could say was that it was bloody. the beloved camp counselor defending his loves honor— by pounding in another boys face, leaving him bruised and bleeding on the hard dirt.
all he remembers was being dragged away by chris, the ringing in his ears being too loud to hear anything other than "you got him luke calm down!" and "mr. castellan, meet me after you're done with the medic." before he was hauled off to the apollo children.
he remembers waiting, a long time. being patched up by an apollo girl, her harsh words of how stupid he was and how girls don't like violent men barely processed in his brain. he was on autopilot without you— he barely ate or drank until you were allowed in the medic office.
you had waited for what felt like years before you were allowed in, you couldn't help but bask in the spotlight for a moment after the fight, just thriving from the fear he had caused for you. you rushed to him as soon as you could, running your fingertips gently over his scar and down his jaw.
his jaw unclenched when he realized it was you, leaning into your touch he presses soft kisses from your palms to your wrists. he swears on the gods that he'd kill for you if it meant you touched him as if he was this delicate for all eternity.
"luke," you say, as if your lungs can't take in enough air. "are you okay?"
he almost laughs at how dumb the question is, is he okay? he feels awesome right now, a sense of pride resonating deep within him from the adrenaline and the attention you feed him as you sit on the medic cott.
"im fine, baby." he rasps out, running his hands up the tops of your thighs until he can pull you by your hips. your body flushed against his. "are you alright?" he whispers against your neck, the bandages on his face tickling you.
you barely know how to respond, you're not okay but at the same time you've never felt better. "im hurt," you mumble, being honest with your feelings even though you know his are bottled. "but im glad."
he feels another spike of anger, your perfect self should never have to be touched by the ugliness of others words. but he tilts his head to the side, almost as if to realize and ask why you're glad.
"you defended me," you whisper, quietly as if you're ashamed of how you feel. you bite the inside of your lip in shame before pressing a soft kiss to his head. "you fought for me, and im thankful."
his hands lightly trail from your hips and up your sides, gently leaving adoring touches in his wake before cupping your face. he leans his forehead against yours, looking at your lips before focusing on your eyes.
"id kill the gods for you," he whispers, his eyes darkening as your eyes light up. "just say the word, baby."
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villainofthepiece · 9 months
luke telling percy that the “one thing camp does offer” is glory would be a crazy enough detail, but THEN contrasting that to the end of the episode where percy is being handed this chance at kleos, hearing that “this is poseidon’s will”, “the fate of the world hangs in the balance” “you WILL accept this quest” and still yelling “I WON’T”?!!?!!! IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!!!!!!!
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Everything is so hardddd. I've applied for several jobs this morning and I'm in talks with a nonprofit to get help launching a website for my comics and stickers. I couldn't offer as many products as like Redbubble but I'd make way more of the profit so that'd be cool.
Also thinking of printing physical copies of my comics and that's a whole bucket of worms I can't open but it's sitting there in my brain like a heavy tub of worms would do. I still need to come up with a plan for lunch and run errands and after all that virtue I can finally plop myself down and draw more Aisling and Kleo.
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
hi kleo! I was wondering if you could share some info about timings with charts, like say if a solar return indicates an event happening within the year, what parts of the chart indicate what time of the year it will happen? for example, pluto in 4th house might indicate moving homes or a change in living situation. so what else in the chart can indicate when it would happen? thank you!
Hi! When it comes to timing events in a solar return chart, there are a few techniques that astrologers often use:
Ascendant Progression: The solar return chart's Ascendant progresses through the chart over the year. Each house represents about one month. For example, if you have Pluto in the 4th house, the event might occur when the Ascendant progresses through that house.
Moon's Position: The Moon's placement in the solar return chart can indicate the timing of significant emotional or domestic events. The house the Moon is in can show the area of life most affected during the year, and as the Moon transits through different houses, it may trigger events.
Planetary Transits: Transits to key solar return planets can also indicate when an event might happen. If Pluto is transiting your 4th house or making significant aspects to other planets in your solar return chart, that might be a signal for a change in your living situation.
Annual Profections: This Hellenistic technique uses the solar return chart's rising sign to determine which house is "activated" during the year. The activated house and its ruler can provide clues about when significant events will occur.
These methods can help pinpoint the timing of events during the year, offering more insight into how your solar return chart will unfold.
I hope this helps! ♥️
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Fo4 Companions Living In Goodneighbor With Sole
➼ Word Count » 1.0k ➼ Warnings » None
MacCready spent a lot of his time there already, so he's got no problem moving there again. He's got a good reputation there and, as much as he complains about the smell, he really does like living there. He loves sitting and talking with Daisy at her shop, and he's always managing to get you both discounts.
Nick thinks you're crazy for ever wanting to live there, but he'll shrug his shoulders and tag along anyway. Living there with you allows him to catch criminals easier since they're usually right there on the doorstep. He likes being able to live closer to some of his old friends and he appreciates the endless support he gets from the locals, but he still prefers Diamond City to the almost lawless Goodneighbor and prays this arrangement is temporary.
Cait has lived in worse environments and doesn't mind camping out here. She gets along with all the others really fast and is suddenly getting offers from people wanting to hire her as a bouncer/bodyguard for all these different businesses and shops. She has a lot of fun there, mostly because she's swimming in caps by the end of it, and is a great roommate to have since no one wants to steal from you out of fear Cait will start coming for them.
Danse refuses before you can even finish your question. He would never live in Goodneighbor, it's dirty and full of ghouls.
Preston thinks it's a questionable decision but goes through with it anyway. He loves Kent and, if you didn't already agree to it, he'd probably end up taking on the role of the Silver Shroud just so he could truly bring some justice to Goodneighbor and make it a safer place to live. He'll try to convince you to leave and go to Sanctuary or the Castle, but he'll stay with you for as long as you're here.
Codsworth is absolutely appalled by the amount of grim that covers the town and agrees to live with you just so he has the opportunity to try and clean it off. Despite his borderline rude comments about the place's sanitation, the locals adore how polite he is and are always quick to greet the robot as he goes to grab groceries from Daisy.
Piper’s already pretty well-liked there due to her paper and how much she preaches about free speech, but she’s not all too excited about moving with you. She has Nat to look out for too and Goodneighbor has got to be the least safe place for a kid to roam around in. She’ll visit you often, but the answer is no.
Curie doesn't understand the dangers of staying in Goodneighbor and is mostly just excited to go sightseeing. She has so much fun living there with you and especially loves going down to the Memory Den and doing research with Dr. Amari, although, she definitely would prefer somewhere with less risk of getting sick.
Strong likes it there, but the second he spots Kleo or Charlie, he's going on a rampage trying to slaughter them, but if you can keep him away from those two, then you won't have too many issues.
Hancock loves the idea and gladly lets you live up with him in the Old State House. He's so excited to announce your citizenship to the rest of the people in Goodneighbor and he especially can't wait to help you settle down in the town he worked so hard to build up. He'll constantly be barging into your room and helping you decorate or simply making sure you've got everything you need. He's honestly just so excited to introduce you to everything that makes Goodneighbor special.
Deacon's on board with it. He's stayed there before when he was undercover and a lot of the people there support the Railroads cause, so he sees the place as an ally and not something to be too wary of. He likes to mess with Charlie down at the Third Rail and it ends up with him getting kicked out quite frequently. The only reason he's so light-hearted about it and not getting flighty is because he doesn't believe the arrangement will be permanent. Even if it does, he can just slip into one of the alley ways and get away for a bit.
X6-88 thinks you've lost your mind. Why would you want to live in one of the most dangerous and filthy places in the Commonwealth? He'll try to convince you to go back to the Institute and live there, but he'll reluctantly agree if you keep relenting. The only problem is that he's way too on edge and will end up shooting someone if they get too close, so unless you want to be chased out, you should probably find another roommate.
Dogmeat doesn't mind. He likes that the people scratch him behind the ears when he walks by, but he'll get a little shakier when he almost gets shot while sniffing around the trash near the alleyways.
Old Longfellow thinks the place is incredibly sketchy and would offer to go with you whenever you left the house out of fear that something is gonna happen to you. He’s not gonna let anyone hand you anything and will stand slightly more in front of you whenever someone approaches. After a while though, he’ll start getting used to the community and be less paranoid. He gets along surprisingly well with Whitechapel (most people didn’t think Charlie could actually like anyone) and he likes spending his time down in the Third Rail with you.
Gage doesn't mind. He thinks it's an interesting place to set up and has no problem fitting in with everyone else. He and Kleo become fairly close to each other as he'll spend most of his time at Kill Or Be Killed and gain a lot of respect from the locals fast.
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littlesparklight · 8 months
It's honestly really kind of fascinating in a way how, in the way we have it, Paris refusing to hand Helen back is enough to keep her in Troy.
By what authority, though?
He is not the king. He's not even the crown prince/oldest son!
At the very best he's a second son, but again, what authority is that? He's also not the best warrior, nor even the military leader.
He's a single man, even if he's a prince. He literally cannot keep Helen unless he's supported in this choice.
In the Iliad, what you see play out is Paris saying no, and Priam backing this up by saying "go tell the Achaeans Alexander's words". Which puts focus on Paris and his decision, but without the cooperation of his father, his brothers, literally everyone high enough to matter (and, to some degree, the rest of the city as well), his word means literally nothing.
(Of course, it doesn't matter, really; by the oath the Achaeans who were suitors are compelled to not just get Helen back, but punish the man who took her from Menelaos, regardless of personal feelings. Too, you have Zeus planning the war and either needing or wanting a certain amount of dead, for Gaia's sake, for the end of the heroic era/race of men, or for Helen's kleos.)
Not even the tradition gives us any good reason as to why Paris' say-so is enough for everyone to just fall in line aside from token protests (Antenor) and blame given; it just is so. Helen can't be going home before Troy falls, and Troy falls at the very end, after even Paris is dead, his refusal shown to not actually matter for Helen's presence or not in Troy.
Later adaptations become more curious in a way, too.
Playing to the romance angle, Menelaos is often made into a bad husband and Helen thus "freed". The Trojans then, no matter how angry at Paris, willing to sacrifice to save one woman from a bad marriage. (Troy 2004 for example, but hardly the only one.)
And then you have, like, Paris the Musical, where Paris' desire to keep Helen comes directly up against both Hektor and Priam's anger and desire for her to be sent back. And despite basically two songs - she gets to stay.
Paris says no, and despite firm demands of his father, Priam and Hektor in-between Hell and High Water and No Turning Back never went through on those. Decided, instead, to let Paris and Helen stay together.
And why? We don't know. No reason (quite literally!) given.
It just is, with some additional heaping of blame on Paris, regardless of the fact that he was going to be killed and was imprisoned and the Greeks were planning war no matter what, and that Helen had to break him out and rescue him. He might have fallen in love with her, but he didn't "take her with you" like Hektor so scornfully sings. He couldn't have taken anyone unless rescued!
It's this sort of insistent thread, woven through from the very beginning to now. Paris says no, and that's that - despite that he, in the version of tradition as we have it, has no authority to enforce his claim.
(Unless we should, perhaps, lean on the unsaid power of divine gifts, and that, once offered, they can neither be refused nor given up.)
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justaz · 9 months
vague spoilers or maybe genuine spoilers below for episode 1+2 of percy series
(i started this list like halfway thru ep 1 so ep 2 has so much more shit that ep 1)
episode 1
the scene with sally and percy in the museum <//3
the dodds transformation scene was smooth as FUCK
sally and gabe are FIGHTINGGGGG 👀
the minotaur is slaying i’m ngl
the monsters and magic and shit in this is freaking amazing
the end credits are dope wtf i love them sm
episode 2
the music is musicing
camp is so prettyyyy omg i would LOVE to go here
“yes but are you?” chiron and mr d bro stop they’re so funny i love mr d
camp is absolutely gorgeous. i said this already but it’s sooo pretty i’m in awe
the cabins are so cool. jesus i sound like a broken record. this is all just so cool
the dryad??? she looks so cool,,, part of me thinks that was his mom but if i’m wrong don’t crucify me
kleos,,, that’s so cool i love the additional world building
the archery scene stop 💀
he started a fire. dude.
greek god of disappointment lmfaooo
“they like the smell of begging” they say it like that and i’d join kronos too
his offering to his mom :((( get his ass percy
toilet water scene slayed as usual
“are you stalking me, annabeth?” “yes.” “oh.” they>>
she fixed his armor :( besties percabeth how i’ve missed you
i love how drawn out this fight is (that sounds sarcastic but i rlly do mean it)
“it ain’t gonna be me”
“i am sally jackson’s son” WHEW GET THEIR ASSES
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possiblu · 6 months
the tragedy of achilles
Achilles is caught in a vicious trap. He is part god: his godly parentage, Thetis, his immense power and skill, his petty and grudge-holding nature, his beauty, his parentage. and yet he is also a mortal for one reason: his ability to die. Not many people would call death and ‘ability’, and yet it appears the Greeks did. The most glorious thing to a Greek was called kleos, and this meant death. Not just any death, but a fiery, sacrificial, blaze of glory in a battle sort of death. So while being a god in nearly every sense, this ability to die places Achilles firmly within the mortal realm, within you and I exist. Dionysus is a god, yet he has one godly parent (Zeus) and one mortal parent (Semele) - look for examples of gods with mortal fathers but immortal mothers, or something or other, look to Aphrodite's children and so on - in some sense, this is a gift for Achilles, since he can achieve mortal kleos far more easily. but yet.
Imagine being in a primary school class of mythology or ancient Greece. You, of course, know all of the answers to the questions, yet if you answered them with the truth, you would not be marked correctly. If a primary school student explained the story of Aphrodite's birth, this would probably lead to disciplinary action! And this is the situation in which Achilles is in. It is the fact that he exists within the mortal realm at all that kills him. Gods can prefer mortals, take Athena and Odysseus, yet they do not love them in the same way mortals can love one another. One could even argue that gods cannot love one another in the same way that mortals can. Achilles exists within this mortal realm and is driven to death by his (godly) need to avenge the death of Patroclus who, whether interpreted as a brotherly friend or lover, was certainly beloved by Achilles. It is his death that drives Achilles to kill Hector, hence ending the Trojan War, and leading to his prophesied death.
It is easy for a modern audience to say that Achilles should have simply accepted that Agamemnon as his superior at least in the traditional hierarchical sense had taken his concubine, Briseis, and that he should have returned to the battle, even if after a little while, but certainly at least after the war turns. And he does not, and we still discuss if this is an overreaction. Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix approach and supplication him, offering him gifts and so on and so forth, which he still refuses. Yet I would argue that for Achilles to return to the battle would have been for him to sacrifice his pride, and hence his kleos. For a mortal, pride does not equate to kleos, but the gods, μεν δε, are characterised by their pride, they live on it, literally, because if it is not sufficiently fed they do not continue. This may seem fantastical but it is also a literal interpretation, look at Helios and Selene, gods of sun and moon later blended into Apollo and Artemis. look at any older god blended into another for simplicity, to reduce the cost of sacrifice and worship and so on. Ao Achilles cannot forgive Agamemnon. It is only when Patroclus goes into battle, wearing Achilles’ clothes I might add, in an attempt to don the physical and literal armour of a god, that Achilles is roused to fight. Patroclus, up until this point, has not been characterised as a great warrior. And yet this armour, this disguise almost, imbued with the divine power of Achilles, leads him into one of, if not the most incredible aristeia in the Iliad or even the Greek canon. Slaughter was a part of Greek life in battle, and yet it was not mindless, we can see this in Homer’s biographies of each felled soldier - and then he killed so and so, wife of so and so with four children, five goats, and a very good credit score. There is a remorse in his death. Only in an aristeia does one kill as a weapon themselves, rather than wielding it. Achilles has the powers of a god which he is not allowed to truly exercise, essentially, and I will elaborate better when I am less sleepy and more sober. The weight and gravity of his tragedy or role as a tragic figure, is deeply underestimated.
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invisiblequeen · 8 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 21, Part 1
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It's pretty girl Kleo Godinez (@lotusplum) In a hi-tech apartment with plans to grow extraterrestrial plants in the newly closed off room to the left.
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While she was researching ways to circumvent the law on "No Alien Plants In City-Based Areas..."
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Hiro (@sofft-neko-sims) came by on the welcome wagon to say hello! As did Martin (@starjira).
With an empty plate.
Once she cleared her browser history, Kleo was more than happy to invite the neighbors and their empty plate inside!
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Hiro and Kleo connected on music faves...
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While Martin sat patiently, waiting for anyone to eat from his empty plate.
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Kleo isn't one to just bluntly point out how weird a situation may be, so she just sat down and conversed with him as normally as possible.
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Then Martin revealed that his welcome donuts dropped on the floor right before he came to her apartment and he was too slow to turn around and run once she opened the door. Kleo, stifling her laughter (while Hiro cackled) assured him there was no problem and offered to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
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Hiro absolutely LOVED her sandwiches. Here's Martin and Kleo looking at him like fond parents for some reason.
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When they all sat down to eat, even Kleo was surprised by how perfectly cheesy it was. "I really outdid myself!" she said out loud.
The other two would have verbally agreed if their mouths weren't stuffed.
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The radio station started playing a pop hit and Hiri couldn't help but get up and groove.
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"Hey Kleo! Join in!"
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"Come on, Martin, dance with us!"
"I'm digesting."
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"You don't have to move crazy just two step!"
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And that's how an impromptu dance party took place at a Welcome Wagon in Culpepper Apartments.
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oraclekleo · 6 days
Tiny Tarot Game (SFW)
Hello my dear followers and random visitors of this blog!
Traditionally I come with a tiny tarot game.
First some rules:
This time only first 10 asks will be answered
I will pull only one card for each ask.
Anons are allowed.
Any info you provide about yourself (sign, MBTI, favourite colour, etc.) is appreciated and will make the reading more accurate but you don't have to provide anything
Tarot isn't a science and this whole game is for entertainment only, I can never guarantee any of it.
I don't read energies, I don't meddle with yours or anybody else's.
Feedback is highly appreciated but not mandatory
You can also take on the challenge and pull a card for Kleo with the same question to practice your own tarot skills - I will give feedback or discuss the results with you
If you are interested in more readings, check out Kleo's Paid Readings offer!
And today's question is:
What's your most powerful characteristics/personality trait?
Which part of your personality has the biggest influence or is the most prominent within you at the moment? (It obviously will change as we all grow, mature, change, etc.)
The deck I'm gonna use:
Tarot of the Vampires - by Charles Harrington, illustrated by Craid Maher
I know I use this deck often but it's one of my favourites together with E. A. Poe inspired deck 😁🥰
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mmmelahii · 3 months
I fuckckign hate when rewrites of Greek myth take the authors and poets of the time at their word when they describe women. Ancient Greek society was built on misogyny to the point where I actively contest that a wholly reciprocal and consentual heterosexual relationship could even occur in context of Greek mythos; women were actively not humanised enough to own themselves.
Strong-willed, intelligent, powerful women were villainised or revered then; moreso as women were depicted as actual punishments of Zeus, cunning, beautiful and conniving. It's frustrating then, to see this reading of the characters through the lens of men whom feared and dismissed women then propagated in modern rewrites which don't examine this narrative bias.
Women daring to have pride in their work, or their families or homes were actively punished for their 'hubris' by the gods (in this examination at least, I'm going to say that Athene's punishment of Arachne, or Leto's of Niobe, despite them being women, still emphasised their superiority over mortal women, with the autonomy offered to them by godhood. Autonomy being the thing women didn't have in the period. Granted, goddesses were still victims of their sex in the context of their society) or men in their lives. Despite this, men had much more leeway in their talk, of course, challenging the gods themselves nary ended well, but there was kleos in the game, and that kleos was at least understood.
I do however wish I knew more about the topic!!! I'm no classicist nor is this really a subject I'm that well versed in, so if you have anymore input I'd love to discuss
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woodsteingirl · 2 years
Achilleos, Achilles
Coming at a heavily marked spot, the end of the first line of the poem, this word proclaims the Iliad to be the story of Achilles, whose name combines the Greek words for pain (achos) and people (laos). Achilles himself is the source of a special type of network: the linked and repeated retellings of his deeds over time and across space. By speaking his name in the first line, the poem responds to Achilles greatest desire, for immortality in the form of "fame undying (in Greek, kléos áphthiton). Kleos shares an Indo-European root with the English word "to call, and the notion that the repeated "calling out” of a famous name offers a kind of eternal life is a recurrent preoccupation of Greek and Roman writers. In the generation before Vergil, in Cicero's dialogue Republic, the famous general Scipio Africanus suggests that Rome's civic heroes gain immortality on the tongues of men as the story of their deeds is repeated over time.
To Patroklos, the friend of Achilles, the costs of eternal glory ultimately grow too high. In book 18, when the Greeks are dying bereft of Achilles’ leadership on the battlefield, but the hero stands apart from the fighting, enraged at his dishonoring. Weeping "like a spring dark-running,” Patroclus calls Achilles a strange word: ainarete, "cursed excellence”
i’m going to be sick.
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littlesparklight · 24 days
How does Helen get along with other gods once she’s been immortalized? Who are ones she gets along with and are there ones she has issues with?
Obviously this partially depends on what versions of her/the story in general one goes with for everything happening beforehand, but!
I feel like Helen's relationship with Aphrodite is going to be contentious but also deeply present and sometimes a lifeline, still. Aphrodite - perhaps unfortunately for Helen - understands Helen very well. Knows her needs, her desires, and none of that will have disappeared just because Helen has been given apotheosis.
Zeus... does Helen want/need him as a father? She already had her mortal one; will she and Zeus even have much to do with each other? Maybe not, especially when Zeus is indelibly also part of the author of her troubles even more so than Aphrodite is (even if there were pressing and non-personal reasons for him causing those troubles). But I also think there's a huge potential here, if they should end up bonding? Zeus can potentially start the war even for Helen's sake, but even if he didn't - she's his daughter. A mortal woman as much as she's his, and a desire for kleos is probably deeply embedded in her. He can probably also offer a (surprisingly?) non-judgmental view of Helen's actions and what caused them; he knows what it means to act on desire for necessity and fate's sake as well as because you simply WANT, and yeah, a mortal woman cannot have the same things as the men around her, but Helen is his daughter, you know? Hypocritical, perhaps ;) but it matters.
I don't have many thoughts as such about all the rest (there are so many and she doesn't have any straightforward connection to them that might lead to easy headcanoning like this), but I should hope she gets to form solid friendships with several goddesses - the Charites and the Muses, for example.
And then you have the potential various Spartan royalty who could have been given apotheosis. Her brothers are a given, of course, but Hyacinthus, Polyboia and her own sister Phylonoe can all be there, and this has potential to be both contentious as well as just a joyful family reunion and Helen getting to have family around herself in Olympos, too. I headcanon Phylonoe was firmly on Helen's side, war-wise. Yes, her actions had consequences that stain their family, but for Phylonoe it matters more why Helen did it and that she desired than the dishonour, and she'd just be glad to see her sister again, after so many years, and getting to continue being sisters.
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