#klonoa and huepow mentioned
sweetness-pop · 2 years
Imagine being an 18 year old Lunatean sky pirate and you now have this tall 40 year old purple tomcat hunter, known as "Poison Claws" madly infatuated with you non-stop, and it's so damn creepy!
-Leorina, as she gets disgusted by Janga developing an unhealthy attraction towards her despite the long age gap of possibly 20+ years!
-Lolo, Tat, Lephise, and Anemon as they have a girls' get-together, and are also grossed out by what Leo had just told them!
(What if Klonoa happened to pass by at the part where the Sky Pirate mentioned Janga's nasty crush on her, and the Dream Traveler along with Huepow, now disgusted, also went "Eeewww!!!"?)
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marvelousquing · 2 months
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huepow doesnt realize its not incense but popka is willing to share
i would apologize for all my incessant klonoa shitposting but that would imply i feel regret (though of all the sketches i could have colored and lined this had to be the one)
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transmorolians · 9 months
what if all of the handheld puzzle-platformer games take place in an alternate universe where huepow and klonoa actually Were childhood best friends and huepow wasn't the prince of the moon kingdom and the events of door to phantomile never happened at all? that's why it's not mentioned in empire of dreams—because it straight-up Didn't Happen in that universe. stay tuned for more epic gamer theories
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imtrying 2 engage in ur interests tell me more abt the critters and creatures in kolona door to phantomile pls
OH COOL well immm not too sure how to explain things without spoiling too many things abt the games story but ill try my best <=] (oh god this got really long im so sorry. i dont know how to explain things without making them massive paragraphs <//3)
so first off obviosuly youve got klonoa, main/titular chaarcter the guy you play as. hes just a little guy (literally hes like canonically nine yrs old or smthn in door to phantomile) and here for a good time! the game kickstarts with him finding this ring in a forest near his house, which contains this wind spirit named huepow ! huepow basically just works as the backbone of the gameplay mechanics (lets you grab n throw enemies) + is klonoas buddy throught the game . klonoa is this like. weird rabbit cat creature Thing its kinda purposely left ambiguous and like every other character is the game is some funny looking made up species
in phantomile (the world that game takes place in) theres four large groups all themed after a different elemment (so klonoa is from wind village, the second area you go trough is forlock forest(nature/plant life), then jugpot falls(water) and the sun kingdom which is in the sky .
in the first level where youre running theough wind village to inspect this weird thing klonoa heard crashing into the hill at the center of the village, you meet this guy named balue who basically gives an exposition dump explaining hes building a tower in an attempt to get to the ‘moon kingdom’, which is basically this in universe myth/legend and klonoa kinda thinks hes just saying some crazy bullshit but balues motivation to go there is cuz he wants to meet this diva popstar type girl named lephise (except shes actually like incredibly fucking important to the state of the world they live in like. as a whole. balue kinda glosses over this himself but its made pretty clear not too long afterwards)
anyways so klonoa and huepow make it to the hill and there they meet the main villains, joka (this funny jester orb guy whos like the second in command. hes a horrid little creature and i want him dead /silly) and ghadius (its kinda unclear what this guy even… is at first. but hes basically the big boss in charge of all the shit that goes Wrong throughout thw game, and wants to turn the world into an ‘eternal nightmare’) uh the two of them are badically just talking to this fucking. unconsious girl(who you find out is lephise) and basically theyre just plotting n schemeing, trying to find this special mcguffin blah blah blah.
funny thing abt the enemies in thsi game is that theyre fucking adorable?? like the main grunts youll find are these little guys called moos and theres a buncha variants of them and rheyre just the cutest little things in the world.. whats funny is theyre supposed to be made of ‘pure nightmares’ or whatever lmao
oh yeah the game has this whole dream motif throughout the whole thing.. theres more to it than what ive mentioned but that gets into real heavy spoiler territory hehe
uh i dont know where to end this theres so much more i could say.. like uhh everyone in the game is voice acted but they all speak in funny little animal crossing esque noises. but everyone has their own unique kinds of noises they made if that makes sense?? like characters from the same region or of the same species will have simlar sounds but their individual voices also sound different. i dont knkw how to explain it well but it makes sense when listening to the voicelines hsgshgs
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klonoa-at-blog · 5 years
In Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, there is a theme park the characters visit called Altamira where Klonoa is apparently the beloved mascot. He is not actually seen in the game and is only mentioned here though.
Fun fact: The character Marta Lualdi was voiced by Laura Bailey, who would voice Huepow (English dub) in Klonoa (Wii) the following year after voice acting for this game.
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klngofdarkness · 4 years
Discord Thread Archive - #3
This is a thread written on “Klonoa Party”, a server on Discord with Maxipawz, available on Twitter and DeviantART and Moonlit-Traveler on Discord.
Characters: Lephise, Ghadius, Klonoa
Setting/s: Kingdom Of Cress, Phantomile,
Notes: This thread was more of a test-round between us. A section has been omitted where I performed the roles of Jiji and Huepow.
The wind was blowing softly in Breezegale. It was a lovely day for getting out and trying something new. With her alone time in check, Lephise spent it rather oddly. She bothered not to take the bucket off of her head, and instead somehow found herself wandering through town. Such a strange girl she is. Her alone time, however, would be cut short, as surely someone would be noticing she would come by. She was humming to herself, stepping carefully as not to fall or run into anything. "Laalalaaa, lala-ooh! Laaaa...lalaaa~"
{Heading towards Lephise was a rather familiar face. A long eared kid in a cap. It was Klonoa- the boy who had saved Phantomile 3 years ago. But...something was wrong. Rather than his usual jovial and blissful nature- he looked depressed...}
"Lalalaaa...~ Aaah.." Lephise soon stopped, very close to Klonoa. "Alright, that's enough silly singing for now, my ears are really starting to hurt..." She spoke to herself, lifting the bucket off of her head. Glancing around, she came to the realization of where she was. "...Oh, my stars...how did I...no, I prefer not to think about it." With another look around, the sight of a familiar face caught her beaming eyes. She gasped audibly. "Oh..! The long-eared hero, Klonoa...! Is it really you? How did you..." She tilted her head as she began to draw close. "Aah, my dear, you seem so struck by something.."
{Klonoa was trying to hold back his tears. He wasn't sure where to turn to- and then he spotted the Songstress.} Klonoa: Manya...? Oh...H-Hiya, Ms. Lephise...Have...you seen Huepow...? I really need to talk to him...it's important...
Lephise looked worried, noticing her world's dear hero in such distress. "Aaah, Huepow? I...do not know his wherabouts, but I could take you to the Queen. Surely she would know." She insisted. To be quite frank, it's been a while since she's seen the prince. Now that it's on her mind, it's starting to even concern her.
Klonoa: I sure hope so...I needed to talk with him again...especially after what happened the last time I was here...{It was the three year anniversary since Klonoa was ejected from Phantomile- when the truth had slapped him in the face. The truth of how Huepow replaced his memories with fake ones- the truth of how Huepow had manipulated and lead Klonoa astray. As much as he wants to move on- he simply can't forget- and it's been eating away at him.} {The Cabbit was struggling to keep his tears in check- opting to put on a brave and confident face in front of the Diva, but he was struggling immeasurably. Water had started trailing from his eyes- his hat shielding his face from the sorrow. Klonoa didn't want Lephise to see him like this.}
Lephise could only imagine how distressed Klonoa was when he was ultimately dragged from this world. To have everything taken away from him so quickly, it hurt her just thinking about it. It was destiny, another thing she had no control over. Strange how it all worked. Humbly, she turned her back to him, leading him off to the Cress Kingdom. Only then when they were walking through the halls had Lephise soon spoken up. "It has been quite some time...the Cress kingdom has been more quiet now more than ever. I cannot help but begin to worry, that something might happen..." She stopped in the middle of a large room, glancing around. "Your majesty? Your majesty, are you around?"
{Despite what had happened, Klonoa was worried as well. Although it hasn't been TOO long since he saw Huepow, and despite everything that had happened- he still considered the Moon Prince his friend. But...he wanted answers. He wanted to clear the air with Huepow as soon as possible.} Klonoa: Huepow...? It's...i-it's me, Klonoa! Are you here?! ....W-Where are you!?
As Klonoa stepped into the familiar kingdom of Cress and coursed the halls, searching for that soft and pudgy face of the prince that he considered his best friend, he found that while he was greeted by a few stray guards and the occasional remaining Moo, it was mostly empty. Huepow must've been deeper inside, and as Klonoa traveled to find and speak to him eventually something stirred in another room, a shape in another room that made Klonoa freeze in place as something in the back of his head screamed at him, but what did it mean? Slowly,  a hand emerged from the side of the door. While, for a moment, Klonoa was lead to believe that he had found Hewpoe that was definitely not his hand. Those red claws however were a lot more familiar than what he would've liked. "Prince Hewpoe... is not here." A low, chilling voice told the dream traveler as a cloaked figure stepped out into the doorway, towering well above the long-eared feline. He had wanted to forget the empty stare of that weird, avian-shaped mask. "I'm certain that he would have appreciated an announcement of your visit, dream traveller."
{A chill ran down the Cabbit's spine. How?! How was he here- after Klonoa had defeated him all those years ago!? The boy readied his Wind Ring, a fight seemingly ready to break out.} Klonoa: Ghadius...How are you- ...What're you doing here!? What did you to do Huepow!?
The entity stared down at Klonoa. He could feel it. The simple fact that he was here was horrifying. "Did you forget?" He simply reminded, lowering his head a little. "The song of rebirth invigorates this world, and everyone in it, including the ancient spirits." Ghadius explained. As of right now, he appeared to have no ill will. "I have not harmed the prince." He finally mentioned, "He has been involved with the people of the other kingdoms. He is not here. That is all I can say."
Ah. Ghadius had returned for another visit. Rather unfortunate timing, however. Lephise hurried in-between the two. "My apologies, I can explain, Klonoa. I have willingly invigorated Ghadius so we may work together to bring about a more stable Phantomile. It was a decision I had made based on my experiences." She looked to Ghadius as he explained. "I see...that would make sense, him being away to involve himself with other kingdoms more. It must be private business, seeing that he is not vocal about his whereabouts, which is why I'm starting to worry. I may have to recommend an investigation if nothing improves soon..."(edited)
Klonoa: After everything Ghadius has done- you really expect me to beleive he wants a "Stable Phantomile"!? I can't forget what he did! He woke Nahatomb up and nearly destroyed Phantomile! YOU! YOU are the reason my Granpa is dead! Klonoa: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, GHADIUS! NEVER, EVER, FOREVER!
Ghadius didn't seem all too affected by Klonoa's ranting. In fact, he chuckled. "I do not know your grandfather." He admitted, "It seems that Joka had been misbehaving before you defeated him." It was insulting. Ghadius simply laughed off Jiji's death like it was nothing. However, he had every reason to. "Don't you want to greet your grandfather as well, Klonoa? He should be at home, alive and well, all thanks to Lephise's Song of Rebirth." He gently laid a hand over Lephise's shoulder. Was he saying the truth? Something about it was very fishy... "But I do not blame you. Joka has never bothered to visit me either."
"Ahh, Klonoa..!" Lephise squeaked, her small body hopping in place from the sheer boom in Klonoa's voice. He was audibly upset over this, and rightfully so. "Remember what we have said! The world has been restored to order, during the time before the events you went under. I'm happy to say your grandfather might just so be alive and well, as we speak. I do not visit Breezegale all that often, but when I do, I see quite a few familiar faces." She smiled gently, letting Ghadius rest his hand over her shoulder. "You must have just arrived, Klonoa. It's a lot to take in."
Klonoa: ......I'm still mad at you...Even if you claim to be helping out Phantomile and bringing order to it and what-not...It's no excuse for what you did! ...Oh- and FYI- I've run into your Clown a few times! He's still just as much of a sleezeball as I remembered! The dude still thinks you're dead!Klonoa: ...And if you ask me...I wish YOU were still dead!
Ghadius could only chuckle, and lean forward, a little uncomfortably close to Klonoa's face. "You still have much to learn, dream warrior. Don't let your hatred consume you." After that warning the entity stood back up, straightening his back, "I wouldn't want you to repeat my mistake. You have every reason to despise me, as I have enough reasons to despise the people of Phantomile. But I am here to face my responsibilities. You must too. As for Joka... tell him I said 'Hello'."
"Aaah, Klonoa...Ghadius..." Lephise was struck with grief. Ghadius was right when the people of Phantomile could keep their grudges, but nothing was going to change the fact that he was here, and ready to change. She felt helpless as she watched the two speak back and forth.
{Klonoa wanted to keep his anger up, hoping that venting would save him from his depression. But...it wasn't working. Every world he had been to had tossed him aside as soon as he fulfilled his purpose. He didn't want to be angry- not like this...he was hoping to reconcile with Huepow and have fun again...not to be reminded that he would constantly be rejected by the worlds he'd help out. Tears once again began to drip from the boy's eyes. He was trembling- knowing that all of that heartbreak, all the toying of his emotions from his time in Phantomile was utterly meaningless.}{He wanted to see his Grandpa- he WANTED to meet with Huepow- but how could he now? He was trying so hard to not let his sadness get the better of him- but he collapsed on his knees- his eyes watering to the extreme and began to sob uncontrollably.}
Klonoa was vulnerable. Something about it struck Ghadius a little. While his anger was amusing it was almost bizarre to find him suddenly bawling at his feet. It was surprise more than anything. He truly had forgotten that Klonoa was just a child. But he was a child with purpose and potential. While they had different paths and goals he wanted to make sure Klonoa didn't lose his way. "... Go home, child." He commanded, "Go and see your grandfather. He must miss you very much." Perhaps seeing his family again would help. Would grandpa even remember him? What if this world was just reborn without Klonoa, as if he truly had never existed in it? Ghadius didn't have family. He just knew that, to someone like Klonoa, it must be important...
Poor Klonoa. All of this was so overwhelming to him. But how had he returned? Surely it couldn't have been through natural means. Something summoned him here, and that was what worried her so. Perhaps she was overreacting? She certainly prayed she was. "Klonoa, I...I agree with Ghadius. You have come back to this world for a reason. For the sake of laying your worries a rest, I do recommend seeing your grandfather. Clear your mind, for now. We will only worry when we know there is trouble approaching."
{Klonoa looks at the Lunar Duo. As much as he wants to stick around and yell at Ghadius...he wanted to see his grandfather more. If he really was alive...it'd send his heart soaring.} Klonoa: ...Alright...I-I'll go see Granpa...Klonoa: But...we aren't finished, Ghadius...I'll deal with you later... {The Cabbit quietly walks out of the castle, and heads straight for Breezegale.}
"Songstress," Ghadius spoke to address Lephise, glancing down at her. "Make sure that the dream traveller returns to his village safely, won't you?" He paused, returning his gaze to Klonoa. Fair enough, he thought, and didn't bother to answer. "I will be here when you return, Lephise."
Lephise looked to Ghadius, nodding. "Of course." She answered briefly. With that, she started her way after Klonoa, following him out of the castle and on the pathway to Breezegale. She couldn't help but be so silent the entire way. Who knows what was to be expected?
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pastelplushie64 · 5 years
SONIC JUST SONIC, THE HOG. And also ocs but pastla too and like DTP Klonoa and maybe Amy too idk, just oh yes also... hueborb
Omg XDDD That's A LOT of characters! Sonic is understandable, most people in my life associate me as 'The Sonic Fan' XD I'm happy about DtP Klo, since that was the first Klonoa game I learned about AND the first one I played! I just have a connection with the collar boy... probs why I love his Noctis Sol design too XD Amy is an interesting mention too! I mean, she does always try to stay positive for herself and others, so I can get behind that XD And omg fuckin Hueborb I'm dying XDDD I honestly do relate to Huepow quite a bit though, so I'm more than Ok with being associated with him!
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mainlyterrestrial · 7 years
Haha, hey, look what i found in my drafts! I forgot all about this.  I’m surprised I took this kind of time to ramble.  Well, far be it from me to thwart past me’s rampant enthusiasm. Sorry for unleashing this, all!
“Aaaa, I'm deep in the grip of Klonoa fanaticism again.  ._.
I was thinking about Lunatea's Goddess Claire - her relevance, how Klonoa is like her, and the connection both Claire and Klonoa have to the King of Sorrow.
Claire has two forms: the Mother Goddess, which is her modern incarnation, and Claire the Ancient, which is the person she once was before her deification.
The statue of Claire the Ancient is said to be all that was left of Claire "after she was purged of all evil."  Presumably it depicts her the way she was as a mortal.  Here's a picture, courtesy of the Klonoa wiki:
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The statue of Mother Goddess Claire is supposed to be a modernized depiction of the individual.  Here's a picture.  (I took this one, so it's kind of shoddy.)
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I want to throw a couple of close-ups in here, too, so lemme do that.
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At one point in the game, Popka, one of your companions, asks, "Doesn't Klonoa remind ya, just a little, of the Goddess Claire?"  Lolo, your other companion, agrees that he does.  And I agree with both of them - and I also think that the game's final antagonist, the King of Sorrow, has some of the same traits as well.  I think they all have a lot in common with each other.
For the sake of comparison, please also accept these pictures of Klonoa and the King of Sorrow:
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So, there are some design elements that pull the three of them together.  First, there are their rings.  In her Ancient form, Claire's hands are bound by a ring of some sort. She also has a curling pattern on her forehead which, when paired with the (often upside-down) triangle that seems to be her symbol, is reminiscent of Klonoa's Wind Ring.  The King's collar is his ring, and it sports a braided pattern which also appears on Claire in both of her incarnations.  (Klonoa also sported an outsized collar when he appeared in his first game, Door to Phantomile, which ties them together further.)
Second, those ears!  Klonoa and the King both have large, outlandish ears, a huge part of their designs.  Both of Claire's incarnations have something similar going on in the head region, and while it could ostensibly be hair in her Goddess form, I have to say I think she might share the crazy ear thing with both of the other characters.  The two structures on her Ancient form are so flat and clearly divided I can't read them any other way, either.  You could even say that the separated shapes in her Ancient form evokes Klonoa’s design and the consolidated sheet-like shapes in her Goddess form evoke the King of Sorrow’s design.
But, y'know, there are story things that pull them together, too.
We don't know much about Claire, honestly:
Thanks to Popka, we know she ascended to Goddesshood after being purged of evil.
Therefore, we can infer that her Goddess form is free of evil.
We know that one of her roles is to forgive people for their sins, as Lolo prays to her for forgiveness when she finds out Popka has stolen something.
Aside from the comparison Popka makes between her and Klonoa, those are the only two times she's even mentioned in the game.  But we can tell from the pictures that Ancient Claire was unhappy.  She's bound at the hands and frowning. Compare this to Goddess Claire, who is, if not happy, at least neutral and unbound (and apparently possessed of some amount of power if the sphere she’s holding is like Klonoa’s “wind bullets” or like the elements that reside in Lunatea’s bells).
I think - and I think it's pretty obvious - that the entirety of Lunatea is the story of Klonoa coming to terms with his sadness about the tragedy of Phantomile.  Especially in Luntea's final levels, I think there are details alluding to it everywhere.  Leading up to the fight with the King for example, you travel through the "Kingdom of Sorrow," also called "Hyuponia" - totally a nod to Huepow/Hewpoe from Phantomile.  The music in this level is like a radio station with terrible reception, but through the static you can hear snippets of songs from both games - Lolo's theme and also Grandpa's theme, the Windmill Song, and the Song of Rebirth.  It's very bittersweet.
Lunatea is also the story of historical events done all over again, but better - kinder.  Lolo, a clumsy outcast acolyte, is a counterpart of Leorina, a powerful priestess-in-training turned rogue sky pirate. Klonoa, the dream traveler who has had everything torn from him, is a counterpart of the King of Sorrow, who has no place in the world he once occupied after his kingdom and his very self are forgotten by people who don’t want to remember sadness. Leorina and the King are from an older time where each felt outcast and acted on their pain, and each wrought only further unhappiness and destruction. Klonoa and Lolo are from a newer time. They have no place that they can see on their own, but they have each other and come to move past the unhappiness that holds them back.  They forgive their circumstances - and when their old-world counterparts follow their example, they in turn begin to rebuild the things they destroyed.
In Klonoa’s case, when he moves past his pain - when he literally defeats [the King of] Sadness (and forgives the King for what he has done) - he becomes whole and clean. His actions have, directly or indirectly, resulted in a sort of “rebirth” as the kingdoms are being connected once more.  When he moves on from the world he helped, he does so not against his will (as in Phantomile) but with confidence and purpose, having really come into his own.
In the King’s case, when his overwhelming sadness is defeated and the terror beneath it is confronted, when he is forgiven, he is literally reborn: his body fades away into points of light and the pictures in the credits of the game show an infant  who could only be a baby King in the care of the High Priestess.  He is, so to speak, “cleansed of evil” and able to begin anew in an innocent form.
But anyway that’s a lot of words. Tl;dr - I love Klonoa, like, unceasingly and I hope it brings me this much joy for all of my days.  I want to figure out everything and see all the details and delight in how nice it is to love something so much.”
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klonoa-at-blog · 7 years
Klonoa Chronicles - Part 12
Klonoa Chronicles is a series of tweets by Klonoa’s original creator, Hideo Yoshizawa, that give insights into the development of the games he had a hand in making. Below is a translation along with the original Japanese text.
クロノアクロニクル 第12回! 社内キャラコンペの応募作のひとつのイラストの「夢膨らませる」という注釈が気になったのでした。
Klonoa Chronicles #12! I was curious about the annotation "dreaming big" in the illustration of one of the company's character competition entries.
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その時ひとつの心残りを思い出したのです。 それはテクモで最後に創った「ラディア戦記」というファミコンのゲームでした。 これが発売される頃、すでに世の中はスーファミが主流になりつつあり、ファミコン最後の大作と銘打って発売したものの、3万本しか注文が集まらなかったのです。
It was then that I remembered one regret. It was my last game for the Famicom (NES) called Radia Senki. By the time this game was released, the SNES was already becoming the mainstream, and although it was billed as the last major Famicom game, we only received orders for 30,000 copies.
ダメな子ほどかわいいじゃないですけど、私にとって「ラディア戦記」はとても愛おしい作品でした。 それは記憶喪失の主人公の話。ネームエントリーで「ひとつのなまえが浮かんできた」とメッセージが出ます。 プレイヤーは頭に浮かんだ名前を入力するでしょう。 その名前で物語はずっと進みます。
The more troublesome the child is, the cuter he is, but for me, Radia Senki was very endearing. It's about a main character with amnesia. The name entry will give you a message saying "One name came to mind". The player would type in a name that came to mind. That name is the name that keeps the story going.
And just before the last boss, the enemy mastermind appears and says his name, which is the very name the player has given him.
プレイヤーが自分で思い付いたと思っていた名前は、黒幕の男が自分の名前をプレイヤーの脳に送り込んだものだったのです。 そこから「記憶の書き換え」というアイデアが生まれました。 つづく
The name the player thought he had come up with was a name that the man behind the mastermind had sent his own name into the player's brain. From this, the idea of "rewriting memories" was born. 
To be continued.
Some context: The story of Radia Senki and Klonoa: Door to Phantomile are pretty similar! Here’s the story of the game from the wikipedia article.
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Radia Senki begins as the protagonist gains consciousness in a forest, suffering from amnesia. (Klonoa begins it’s story as he is wandering in the forest before finding the magic ring.) Rescued by Darus, a wandering mage, the hero and his ally witness the crash of a plane and find the unconscious Lefis. (Klonoa dreams about a ship crashing into a nearby hill which Lephise used to escape.) When she comes to, it is revealed that her stepbrother Gadiss seeks world domination and is currently looking for the keys to the sacred Radia Tower. (The villains name is very similar to Ghadius.) She also comments on the fact that the hero's name (chosen by the player) means "Guardian of Light". Meanwhile, Nova, a lackey of Gadiss and the leader of the country Samara, has begun to destroy forests. (Similar to Joka, being a lacky of Ghadius, going into Forlock to wither its trees.) During this time, Baru, a bandit, Haman, a knight of Lefis, and Saria, a mysterious woman from Samara, join the hero and Darus. (Baru the bandit has a name similar to Balue the stone mason.) Duke Necrude, the leader of the country Zenobia, was put under the control of Samara and kidnaps Lefis. When rescuing her, the heroes learn that Gadiss has finished building the Fitzcarraldo, a powerful airship. Aboard the ship, the party finds Lefis and she reveals that the hero really is the legendary guardian from Ark's legend, but Nova appears and explains that Saria is his daughter and spy. Nova also suggests the hero is the key to opening the Tower, but the hero refuses to help.
Gadiss and Nova seek to open the Tower, which will give them the power to reshape the world, called Lemuria, as they see fit. (Similar to the legend of Phantomile: the world is shaped by the dreams of it’s people and Ghadius seeks to reshape the world with nightmares.) To open the Tower, they need to collect eight magical items, many of which they already possess. The heroes collect the rest, but the items are stolen by Nova and Saria. Nova opens the Tower and explains that it is only half of Radia. In order to get to the real Radia, both the Tower of the Moon and the Gate of the Sun must be opened. (A similar concept of the Moon Kingdom, Cress and Temple of the Sun, Coronia.) Nova almost kills the heroes, but Saria stops him and sends them to Elfas, the first town from the beginning of the adventure, where the people are descendants of Ark. At the Gate, the heroes defeat Gadiss and open Radia Tower, or Ark Castle. Outside, a person resembling the hero appears, claiming to be the Master of Dreams appears and kidnaps Lefis. (Another mention of dreams.) The heroes enter the Castle and confront the Master of Dreams, who explains that Lemuria is merely a dream that he has created. (Phantomile is a world of dreams and Huepow fabricated Klonoa’s memories of his life in it.) He created monsters in order to make the dream world into a nightmare, but the Nightmare Monster devours him and then attacks the party. (The Nightmare Monster is like Nahatomb and turning the dream world into a nightmare is Ghadius’s plan.) After the Nightmare is defeated, the hero remembers that he is from the real world and that this world is only a dream. Lefis, who has fallen in love with the hero, begs him to stay, but he is teleported out of Lemuria. (Basically, the ending of Klonoa sans a love interest.)
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