https://www.tumblr.com/arrowsperpetualcringe/716483661130874880/hehehehehe Hoe does Mario meet Knight!Luigi?
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Hi hey hello omg someone's actually asking about this au---
I'm panicking for no reason but also I'm so excited and so happy to share!!!
So, tbh, there's no need for Knight!Luigi and Mario to "meet", and by that I mean--- Luigi and Mario were never seperated and they already know eachother.
Luigi's whole deal, and the reason he was able to become a knight in the first place, is that he kinda... just sorta moved out.
Let me explain: He in this au, Luigi of course loves Mario dearly, that's his twin brother, his main man, his bestfriend, his homeslice breadslice dog. However, after retrieving some subpar treatment, he decided to seperate from Mario, and go his own little journey of self discovery. He's never been apart from Mario. And though he's scared, he's terrified even, he wants to know who he's capable of being on his own. So he leaves to go journey, Mario of course wishes him good luck, but is SO fucking nervous something bad will happen to him and encourages him to write him.
(More Backstory under cut cause this post is looooong)
Most of his journey is fine, and well and good, until he gets dundundunnn caught by Bowser. (For the purposes of this au, let's imagine that Kamek freed and unshrunken him post Mario Movie)--- So, he catches Luigi to get revenge, but at this point he's developed a bit more of a backbone and some serious skills to defend himself, so he almost escapes the castle, but is stopped by Bowser himself, who--- in a twist of fate is impressed by his skill.
Basically the interaction that follows goes "Ayo I'll let you live if you work for me" "I'm still very terrified of you so bet" (ofc he's plotting to return the whole while, but needs to find a time when it's safe)
So now mans lives in the castle with Bowser, and he gets training to really hone his skills--- they gradually get used to eachother, and since this is a Bowuigi centric au, yall already know the deal fr.
SORRY I got SO incredibly sidetracked, but since I already wrote all this I ain't deleting it--- to get to the core of the question---
If Mario were to ever meet Luigi in his knight formmmm hmmm.
If he were to meet while Luigi was doing some on duty shit with Bowser watching, he'd have to resort to going completely nonverbal to avoid being recognized--- in my very first post about Knight!Luigi he can avoid being recognized as his usual self by switching from an italian accent to a brooklyn one, but--- seeing as Mario knows his brother, and knows his voice, he'd recognize either one. This would probably give off an impression of a really intimidating, serious and skilled Knight to the opposition, when really Weggy just tryna to avoid being recognized---
If they just happened to cross paths with no eyes on them, Luigi would shed the mask SO fucking quick and give him a hug. Though, since Luigi has risen through the ranks and became very known as someone to be feared in his persona, this would leave Mario both very relieved, and VERY confused.
and uuuuh
yeah that's it.
OH wait
One more thing.
In this au, Luigi's Knight persona is just known as "Knight Guy"
everyone assumes he's a really weird shy guy and no one bats a fucking eye FOEJROFEJROJ
TL;DR: They'd most likely meet in a battlefield. If on duty, they just sorta,,, duke it out (Luigi will refuse to hurt Mario though) If off duty, hug time.
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oh no here comes my super smash bros fixation again where everyone knows each other and are friends because subspace emissary is canon (also peach is the one who called bowser in to work)
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moss-shi · 9 months
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Hollow RPG 2: Siblings In Light
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ciralincixx · 2 months
the way bowser stands in this image is the most thug gangster ass shit like holy hell its so badass
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moonolor · 1 year
king kissers
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ifaniscool · 5 months
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das-a-kirby-blog · 2 years
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I Want a Kirby/ Mario crossover fr fr
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
*throws this into the crowd and runs*
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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pronouns are ha/hoo
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cali-kabi · 7 months
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~ Happy Halloween :D👻🎃
made a bright neon crossover art during the occasion hope y’all have an amazing day :)🍬🎃
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Babysitter!Dimentio exsists in the Knight!Luigi timeline, and he is still a little shit
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inspired by snapcube’s subspace emissary dubbed over 
this is my smash bros squad. they’re on an adventure. 👍
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arquimidna · 1 year
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Also I was playing Hollow Knight along side Luigi's Mansion 3... so I made a silly crossover.
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wet-bed · 1 month
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yeah, I enjoy animal crossing
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batneko · 11 months
Knight and Lord AU
based on my second idea from this post, here is a short fic about what happens after the first time Bowser saves King Luigi’s life.
The gouge on the breastplate was at least two hands wide, cutting across where Bowser’s left pectoral would have sat while he was wearing it. Right now he was unclothed except for the spiked bands around his neck and wrists that he favored, and Luigi couldn't see so much as a scratch on the natural plating that covered his chest.
"You need something?" Bowser said. He'd turned away from the armor stand when Luigi came in, but hadn't moved to greet him. For anyone else this would be almost unfathomably rude, but it was part of the package with Bowser. If he started being formal now it would feel unnatural.
"I just…" His eyes drifted to the armor again. “I wanted to…” The gash was thicker than Bowser's fingers, he'd been sticking a claw through it when Luigi walked in.
"No?" Bowser said. "Hey, how do I get a new one of this?"
"Oh, um, I'll talk to the armorer."
The knight contingent had a supply sergeant who should be in charge of all this, but he hadn't exactly been enthusiastic about fitting Bowser the first time. Luigi had needed to give a direct order to get Bowser's armor ready in time for his knighting - and even then the smith toad had refused to put him ahead of anyone else and worked all night to finish the other repairs instead.
It wasn’t a surprise that the other knights didn’t welcome Bowser immediately, but Luigi knew not being surprised by something didn’t mean you weren’t still disappointed by it.
“Good,” he said. “Now if that’s all, I’m off the clock.”
“I wanted to thank you,” Luigi blurted.
Bowser gave him a side-eye. “You already did. Like, six times.”
“I know, but, I mean it.”
“You didn’t before?”
“That’s not what I…” Luigi took a breath. It was hard to remember his elocution lessons when he was rattled, and today had definitely rattled him. Rattled both of them, probably, though Bowser would never show it. “Thank you, I appreciate what you did. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you.”
“Yeah,” Bowser muttered. He didn’t sound proud of that, for some reason. “I’m hearing a ‘but’ coming.”
“But,” Luigi said.
“There it is.”
“I don’t… I don’t want you to sacrifice yourself for me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Bowser said, almost automatically. Then he frowned, slightly, and his head tilted to look Luigi in the eyes. “You know that, don’t you? You said-”
“I know, I meant it, I won’t hold you to your vows. It’s just that the attack today-”
“I knew I could survive that.”
“I’m the one who begged you to take this job, so if something happened to you-”
“You think I’d take a battleaxe to the chest for you?”
“-it would be my fault and I don’t think I-”
“I have a son!”
They both stopped, staring at each other, and Luigi felt his mouth hanging open. He couldn’t remember how he’d been about to finish that sentence. He couldn’t even remember how he started it.
“I… did not know that,” Luigi said at last.
Bowser folded his arms and turned away, head pointed resolutely at the wall. “Didn’t tell you.”
“What… what’s his name?”
“Bowser Jr.”
“Oh. That’s nice?” It would be easy to remember at least.
“Yeah. It is,” Bowser said firmly.
“How old is he?”
“He’ll be seven in two months,” Bowser said, his mouth softening into a smile. Luigi hadn’t been sure he could smile, unless he was mocking someone, or gloating, or mocking someone while gloating.
Bowser was living here in the knights’ quarters with all the others. If he had such a young son, then…
“Are he and his mother living somewhere else?”
Bowser snorted. “That’s technically true. His mom’s not around, though.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“She’s not dead, she just doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore.”
“Oh, then I’m really sorry.”
Bowser laughed, mocking again. “More sorry than if she was dead?”
“I- I don’t know. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
The smile was still mocking, but it was better than the frown, or that thoughtful way he’d been looking at his armor…
“So, yeah,” Bowser said. “Your life is not more important to me than making sure my son still has a father.” He shrugged. “No offense, your majesty.”
He still said it like an insult, when he said it at all. Anything else would feel unnatural.
“Good,” Luigi said.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I. We’re both in agreement here.”
There didn’t seem to be anything else to say, so Luigi shifted his weight back, preparing to make his goodbyes and leave Bowser to get some rest.
“Hey, what you said earlier,” Bowser said. One hand lifted, almost reaching toward Luigi to stop him.
“Which part?”
“About how you apparently think that if I die on the job my blood will be on your hands?”
Luigi hadn’t thought he was listening. “I didn’t say it like that.”
“It’s what you meant, though.”
It was, more or less. “Am I wrong?” Luigi muttered. “You’re only here because of me.”
“I’m here because I chose to be. Every day I choose to stay, and believe me, when I get tired of it you’ll never see me again. So stop beating yourself up.”
Luigi looked up at him. Was Bowser… trying to make him feel better?
“You’re not that important to me,” Bowser added.
Maybe. In his own way.
But it almost didn’t matter, because Luigi hadn’t been honest. Yes, he felt responsible for putting Bowser in danger, but Bowser had been doing a lot more dangerous things before Luigi came along. And yes, he would feel guilty if Bowser got hurt in the line of duty, especially now that he knew about Bowser’s son, but that wasn’t the real reason he was so shaken.
Mario had been missing (Luigi refused to even entertain the thought he might be dead) for months, they lost their mother when they were kids, and their father the king a few years back.
If Luigi lost one more person he cared about he wasn’t sure he wasn’t going to snap.
“Thank you, Sir Bowser,” Luigi said. “For… everything.”
“Yeah yeah,” Bowser said. He sounded unconcerned, but Luigi knew he wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t mean it. He could have let Luigi walk away, could have let Luigi’s admission slip by without comment.
“Goodnight, then.”
Bowser grunted in acknowledgement, then said, “You’re gonna talk to the armorer, right?”
“I will,” Luigi said.
That got him eye contact and a nod, so Luigi decided to leave before he said something he shouldn’t. Like how much he enjoyed Bowser’s company, or how valuable his advice was to him, or how when he saw that axe hit Bowser’s chest he was pretty sure his heart stopped…
Luigi almost tripped over a toad right outside the door, the small knight carrying a pile of chainmail that was taller than his head. He didn’t bow since he couldn’t see Luigi, which made a nice change, and Luigi was about to walk away when he heard the knight knock on Bowser’s door.
Didn’t the other knights mostly ignore Bowser? What was he doing? Luigi hung back and listened.
“Did you forget your-” Bowser sounded amused as he opened the door, but stopped once he saw it wasn’t Luigi coming back. “Oh. Uh.”
“Good evening Sir Bowser!” The chainmail jingled as the toad held it up. “The supply sergeant put this together as fast as he could. If you layer it over leather it should still protect you from just about anything.”
“Uh… thanks?”
“Your new breastplate will take a few days, but the smith said to tell you he’ll make sure you have a spare this time.”
“Oh… kay. Great.”
“I heard what you did today was amazing!” the toad said eagerly. “Was it really a battleaxe?”
“Yeah,” Bowser said. Then, “Yeah,” again, some of the braggadocio coming back to his voice. That’s what had been missing earlier. “Wanna see the damage?”
“Can I?” the toad said eagerly, then the hinges creaked and Luigi heard the door shut.
The armorer had gotten to work on Bowser’s replacement without being asked, the supply sergeant had made sure Bowser would be protected in the meantime, and random knights were praising Bowser’s bravery. It sounded like he was finally part of the team.
Whether he liked it or not.
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moss-shi · 10 months
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Hollow Knight RPG: Silk & Soul, Radiant Saga
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