brokentrafficknight · 6 months
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Ghira and Tai's 'I Hate My Son in Law' t-shirts are custom made.
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misterlazer · 2 years
Jaune: Hey, Yang?
Yang: Yeah?
Jaune: You haven't used the soap bar recently, have you?
Yang: I did. Why?
Jaune: Well...
Yang: Well, what?
Jaune: Well, I was in the shower with Blake earlier and...
Yang: Get on with it!
Jaune: I noticed that when she washes her butt...
Yang: ...
Jaune: She kinda...
Yang: Please don't tell me-
Jaune: She shoves the whole bar up her butt.
Yang: Oh... God
Jaune: And I don't think she rinsed it off well, too.
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greypetrel · 6 months
Hello! 💙✨ Essentials 6 & party 1? For all of them, or just the ones you feel like.
Hello! 💜✨
I had no idea about the weapons, LOL.
Tis the prompt list
Essentials - 6. Do they have a preferred weapon they always use?
Alyra: The Green Blade + Thorn of the Old Gods pre-Archdemon. Maric's Blade + Vigilance in Awakening (she decided she can wield two longswords. She is open to complaint, but none that tried survived to tell the tale...) Raina: Bassran Kata + Finesse Garrett: Malcolm's Honour Aisling: Fade-knocker first, Hakkon's Wisdom later Radha: Knightslayer + Nameless Blade. She had a couple of tendons cut and healed late, so she is very particular about grips.
Party - 1. Who does their preferred party consist of?
Alyra: Alistair, Morrigan, either Leliana or Wynne if the battle is hard and she needs a healer. Raina: Fenris, Varric, Merrill/Anders according to how much the mission requires a healer, how much she's willing to end the mission with a headache from bringing both Anders and Fenris along Garrett: Fenris, Isabela, Varric Aisling: Dorian, the Iron Bull, Sera. Dorian is the one she always brings along, of course, the other may vary. Radha: Cassandra, Solas, the Iron Bull. It may vary, but her one thing is that she doesn't trust Blackwall enough to have him in her party. He's hiding something and as far as she knows it may as well be that he's an assassin sent to kill her. After the breakup, it was Vivienne instead of Solas.
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zardahks · 2 years
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Hiya! I'm Neepy and this is my GW2 sideblog! I've been playing for 5 years now and my love for this game has only grown stronger over time. I'm making this blog in part to motivate myself to draw my characters so I'm starting it off with my little showcase!
They're in order of when I made them from 2017 to now and I'll make a whole about page for them but I'll put their names and professions here!!
Zardahk Velarox, elementalist (catalyst/tempest/weaver)
Hylokxanthos, mesmer (virtuoso)
Sylvester Spikefur, revenant (herald)
Clance Caliver, engineer (scrapper)
Zardne, thief (deadeye)
?? Velarox, warrior (bladesworn/berserker/spellbreaker) - I'm currently in the process of thinking of a new name for him
Zardead Velarox, necromancer (scourge/harbinger)
Jardahk Jelarox (jean Zardahk Velarox), guardian (dragonhunter/firebrand) - yes, everything is dyed denim
Zartrahk Velarox, ranger (soulbeast/untamed)
Sytheria Dethvow, elementalist (weaver)
Nagomi Nava, revenant (renegade) - yes, the blaseball character!
Harvester Cairan, necromancer (reaper)
Yarrdahk Velarox, thief (daredevil)
Timewelder Vaelynn, engineer (mechanist/holosmith)
Tormentor Cairan, thief (specter)
Khaldun of the Deep, revenant (vindicator)
Starsoul Asterales, mesmer (mirage)
Knightslayer Cairan, guardian (willbender)
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clavicuss-vile · 2 years
more weapon/armor notes bc im so bad at remembering things, this time including the rogues/warriors! of which there are only two rip can you tell im a mage player
Ara'kian Surana - (Mage) - Armor = Mage Warden Armor / Weapon = Silver staff of violation design
Cywren Tabris - (Rogue) - Armor = Kirkwall exports leather armor / Weapon = Dual Daggers
Solace Hawke - (Mage) - Armor = Heavy Velvet Robes / Weapon = Staff of Parlathan
Atlas Mahariel "Lavellan" - (Mage) - Armor = Dalish Scout Armor (female variant) / Weapon = Crafted staff similar to Freedom's Promise
Arë'veia Isa'Cinnanain "Lavellan" - (Rogue) - Armor = Crafted Antaam-Saar / Weapon = Edge of Vengeance & The Snake Blade/Knightslayer
Aurélie Trevelyan - (Mage) - Armor = Masterwork battlemage armor / Weapon = Masterwork Archon Staff
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shishkababoo · 5 years
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Character of mine from some tabletop campaigns and RPGs. Expect more of him real soon...
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Just saying, Rise Of The Isle Of The Lost/Mentions of her in VK Guide!Fairy Godmother would be best friends with fellow terrible headmistress from the Upside Down Magic movie, Knightslinger. 
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Lusamine’s Clefable, the  Pokémon i was finding the most difficult to beat, used metronome and got FUCKING SELF DESTRUCT
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pluagemask042 · 3 years
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Ben 10 Fan Aliens - Knightslayer
The Omnitrix's sample of a Astronadracominus (Dragon)
This transformation can fly and generate plasma energy to blast out of his mouth
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demigoddessqueens · 4 years
Braime Angst 💔
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AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30234918
When she first laid eyes on him, she thought him to be the most rude and hateful man. Even when the Knightslayer claimed that she was more of a knight that he ever was, his words felt hollow. They were laced with such scorn that Brienne failed to see his praise behind his words.
Once he lost his hand, Jaime lost his pride as well. And to do so in front of this burly woman of a “knight” made it all the more embarrassing for him. Dealing with Bolton and his brutes he called men only added to his already present humiliation. Yet it was her voice that lodged itself in his mind, telling him to live on. To keep surviving and that this would pass.
Initially, he didn’t know what compelled him to save her life from Locke and that gruesome beast. Maybe it was because she saved his. Or he felt that he owed her a debt. Either way, he didn’t deny the sense of relief in his chest once they reached Kings Landing.
The feelings still linger in his chest and stomach once they are home, and they only rear their head again with Cersei’s implications. Was Brienne in love with him? It felt so….different. So unfamiliar. He was the Kingslayer! He could have had any woman across the kingdoms. So why did it matter to him what she thought, what anyone thought of the situation?
Little does he know that Brienne already made up her mind. She already knew herself, especially after seeing him in the Book of Brothers. That’s why she never rose to answer Cersei’s quips. It’s no one else’s knowledge except her own.
He doesn’t show it, but he is relieved to see her again at Riverrun. Though their moment together is cut short by Riverrun’s capture, it makes all the worthwhile to see her. When Jamie sees her leave, a part of him calls out to her. He wants to leave with her, to just leave all of it behind and finally be rid of the last influence of his family.
Seeing Brienne again at the Summit only reaffirms what he is thinking. Seeing this knight of a woman, and then his sister in her faux glory, is the clarity he needs. So he runs, and reaches the haven of the North to pledge himself to the Starks.
Maybe it was a whim, or just pure impulse, but Jamie does not regret his decision. Brienne is a pillar of strength and an ever-constant presence to him. If he died against this undead demons, at least he knows who will accompany him into the unknown. Death is not in the cards for either of them, and soon Jamie finds himself facing the most daunting circumstance of all: to be completely vulnerable.
Both souls surrender to each other, to their flaws and scars, admiring the strengths of the other. It is a mix of love, lust, passion and dare they say it, a sliver of happiness compared to the hell they faced together and on their own.
But like everything good, it comes to an end, sooner or later. Jamie does what he does best and leaves, her heart in shambles and his a dull thud of pain lodged in his chest. He tells himself that he will see his knight, the one who held his heart, after he has dealt with Cersei. He’d rather beg for her forgiveness after the war is over. As the bricks of the castle fall around him, Jamie realizes he’s not going to see her or her sun-kissed hair ever again.
Brienne feels as if she just goes through the motions after it’s all over. Saying the words, fulfilling her duties, it’s just all routine for her. She recognizes the same cast off look in Lord Snow after the death of the Dragon Queen herself. A thousand yard stare that only looks forward, and tries not to dwell on what was past.
Brienne tried to forget him, to move on past the hurt, until she comes across the Book of Brothers again. Filling out the remainder of his page, she finally breaks her stare and lets her walls come down for herself. She thinks back to the scruffy, nuisance of a man that he once was to the only one she wanted. The only man she wanted to give her body to. Brienne lets her tears fall, just for the sake of his memory.
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
How freaky does M!Blake gets about (or even with) Jaune?
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Without getting too explicit? Pretty freaky when you consider that M!Yang is definitely getting in on that.
Could say he's the luckiest cat boy on Remnant
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felassan · 5 years
 obscure elven heroes! appreciation. post
The Pale Demon: after Orlais conquered Halamshiral in 2:20 Glory and the Dales fell, one of the Keepers of the diaspora clans became infamous for his vicious attacks on Orlesians. humans came to know him as the Pale Demon, for he set upon soldiers and even unprotected merchants with iceblasts and blizzards from his staff, even in summer. these attacks continued until chevaliers killed the Keeper and then slaughtered his entire clan. the staff he bore was called Yavanalis (it’s curious to me incidentally, that Flemythal named one of her daughters Yavana - any connection? maybe the two words share the same root word in elven).
Wenni di Ladia: a City Elf from Nevarra, she was one of the most famous elven heroes from the Towers Age. directly descended from one of the last Emerald Knights who protected the Dales, she took up her grandfather’s bow, Tenasarin (any relation to the river Tenasir, where shrines to the elven gods stood?), to fight when the Third Blight threatened Thedas. her deeds, skill and beauty inspired entire armies, such that I don’t think it would be a stretch to say Wenni was one of the Heroes of the Third Blight. after the Archdemon was defeated, her name launched revolts and rebellions in the alienages, becoming a rallying cry - mien’harel! human Marcher rulers were angered by this, and Wenni was forced to flee criminal accusations. she vanished into obscurity, not unlike some Wardens in some of the potential epilogue slides, but her legend still lives on in the hearts of City Elves. this is very important, because in the City Elf Origin elven children playing “Heroes and Humans” will tell Tabris that they don’t know any stories about elven heroes. I like to believe that Wenni’s story is one that every elven child knows and takes great pride and solace in, just like Garahel’s is noted to be. 
Rajmael: a great general. the elves of the Dales fought valiantly against the Exalted March, but defeat became obvious. in one last act of defiance, Rajmael threw his dragonbone waraxe, The Veshialle, at the oncoming enemy before committing suicide by jumping from the Forlorn Falls. his weapon is said to rebel against all but elven hands. Rajmael may have been an Emerald Knight. a verse in the Chant of Light insists that he recanted his faith in the Creators, but we all know that’s human bullshit. curiously, his tale bears some similarity to that of Nomaris, one of the last Emerald Knights alive after the Dales were destroyed. he too bore an axe - the Axe of Green Edges. he lodged it in a tree, declaring that it should remain there until his People were free, before flinging himself into a river, presumably to his death.
Iloren: the Keeper of a Dalish clan that wandered the Anderfels during the Second Blight, in a time when Keepers were priests that served as archivists and magical scholars. he was a hunter in his younger days, and as crafty as a wolf. he led his people in their flight from the darkspawn horde, staying always one step ahead by the grace of his wits alone. one night, the darkspawn cornered and ambushed them. but the dark ones fell into Iloren’s trap. he and the other hahrens called upon the old magic, and with lightning set fire to dry grass and kindling that the hunters had strewn around the camp in preparation. the area went up in flames, and not a single creature made it through the blaze to harm his clan. today his tale is preserved in its most cherished form in books.
Willem Trialmont: a City Elf who followed a company of the Legion of the Dead for three days through the Deep Roads, doggedly intent on fighting darkspawn with his family blade - a fine elven sword which would later come to be known as Topsider’s Honor in light of his deeds. he was quiet but insistent; the dwarves, confused at why someone from the surface would care to combat darkspawn underground, initially thought that he wouldn’t last, and threatened to kill him if his actions put them at risk. but he shocked them, for later, they witnessed him fight like a man possessed, with incredibly light, silent strikes and marked precision. they toasted and broke bread with him, and when he died in 7:5 Storm, they extended that which was sacred to them and conveyed him to the Stone as if he’d been born a dwarf. his epitaph reads that he served the Deep Roads better than a native son. many Legionnaires lived to see another day because Willem fought at their side and fell in their place. in death, the dwarves lauded his honor and claimed him as a brother in blood. his story is one of true family beyond kin and taking up arms against darkness.
Alidda of Halamshiral: the most famous elven criminal in all of Orlais. a City Elf, she was arrested in 4:45 Black for killing three knights - a deed which hardly makes sense to pair with the word “crime”, as chevalier initiation practices involve “testing their blades” by entering alienage slums after dark to murder innocent elves who happen to be out after curfew. Divine Clemence I presided over Alidda’s trial, where it came to light that she had actually killed twelve chevaliers, in justified retaliation for the abhorrent graduation ritual. she escaped and killed twenty more chevaliers - two in single combat - before finally being cornered. rather than be captured, she cut her throat with Knightslayer, her own dagger.
Orahn: A Dalish smith known to have created fine weapons such as the Dal’Thanu waraxe that was an heirloom in the possession of Deygan’s family. His grandfather passed it down to him. Family legend holds that it was used to fight in the service of Andraste herself, meaning Orahn may have been a contemporary of Shartan.
Corimae: Presumably a City Elf, she owned a beautiful dagger called the Voice of Velvet. She was an assassin - possibly an Antivan Crow? - and when a nobleman refused to take her as a lover, she used the dagger to open his throat.
Sendis and Iselle: A Dalish archer and blood mage respectively, this brother and sister pair were part of a band of heroes that saved the Free Marcher city of Kaiten, having aided Viscount Ravi in preventing an abomination from destroying the place. Their clan was led by Keeper Tianne. Over time Iselle and Ravi became lovers, and she eventually died bearing their elf-blooded son Eiton. Sendis later saved his clan from blood magic control by calling on Ravi for help.
Embri of Gwaren: A City Elf, she was a mage, though unfortunately one of limited talent. Testament to her brave spirit and selfless desire to help, Embri volunteered of her own volition to be made Tranquil. As a Tranquil she proved to be a skilled enchanter, despite her absent-mindedness. She always kept an array of magical herbs and other ingredients at her belt, and eventually the belt itself came to hold magical properties. Embri died of lyrium poisoning.
Temolai: A skilled craftsman who made The Long Sight, a helm which grants a strange and unnerving acuity. He made one more helm better than it, but that helm allowed him to gaze upon the Black City, and he was lost forever.
Korin: An elven king, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
Tathas: A sneaky elven bandit, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
Blargha: A mighty elven warrior, from a tall tale Tabris can tell children in the Denerim Alienage.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Essentials 6, Life 9, Party 5 for your girls?
Hey Chris! :D
Thank you For asking!! It was... More than I thought it would be x°D So yeah, it's the usual endless rambling that will go under the cut, oops!
Tis the prompt list
6. Do they have a preferred weapon they always use?
Alyra: The Green Blade + Thorn of the Dead Gods. The first because it was... Acquired... From their legal owners because Morrigan told it was a good sword (it was), so she's attached to it. The second... She likes the irony, the dagger is handy and fitted for her hand, she likes the lore behind it and think it's good omen having it by her side. She's very habit-driven for her tools and particular, so she'll stick with things she knows how to use and balance, fix and enchant them instead of changing, your weapon is as important as your fighting partner, to her, you have to know them so they won't betray you.
Raina: Bassrath Kata + Finesse. She's less particular about her daggers than Alyra, she'll change them more easily. She too is a little picky for the balance of her weapon, but will make do with what she has. With time and means, she grew affectionate to her weapons of choice: Bassrath Kata is a nice memento of the Qunari, she killed the Arishok because she had to, she wasn't going to leave Isabela to him, but she respected him greatly. She helped retrieving the lost Qunari swords without expecting anything back, and the dagger she had back anyway... It's a badge of honour. Finesse... She liked Zevran, she liked the history behind the dagger, it has a nice balance and it's dangerous on both ends? Colour her intrigued.
Aisling: Fade-Knocker - later, Hakkon's Wisdom. She lost her Ironwood staff in the explosion, and mourned over it. It was made specifically for her, she loved it and cared for it. After, she made do with whatever she was given, caring little if not for the balance of the weapon. But, she wasn't used to a blade stuck on the bottom, never really liked it, and they were... Too much for her, not her style. She found Fade-Knocker in Crestwood and it was a click. Made her make sense of the death of "those poor Wyverns". It's a branch, it's unassuming but still powerful, it feels good in her hand. It's perfect for her. After the Frostback Basin, she switched: She thrived while staying with the Avvar. Praising what you can do, honouring spirits and seeking out a communion with nature and the Spirits? KEEP BEASTS? SHE CAN PET STORVACKER??? She got the staff as a gift and used it with honour, and kept "First-Thaw" as a part of her name.
Radha: Knightslayer + Nameless Blade. She's the master of "Whatever works.". She adapts and isn't picky about her weapons: if the dagger has a sharp edge and a pointy tip, she'll use it. She's ambidextrous and has some issues in her right hand grip, so parrying is not the best solution. So, dual blades will be best for her to bring on her full potentiality, they are not made to parry -which with a weak grip is not ideal- but are more versatile. The Nameless Blade felt good in her hand, after they disposed of the dragon, and she likes the blade being nameless. Knightslayer was looted in Suledin's Keep and if she is miserable in the snow, if Aisling's miserable too because it's cold and Dorian almost died and she doesn't like killing Templars... She may as well take something out of it. Also, something that was used to kill Chevaliers? Colour her interested. (she has a knack for every blade with history to it, truth to be told).
9. What do they do with their free time? Do they have any vices?
Alyra: Reads (she prefers non-fiction), likes to spar for funsies, would train and breed mabari hounds at Vigil's Keep ("Nathaniel, release the dogs." cit.). She hates losing time, so in lack of anything better she'll just rise up, go out and find something to do. In Denerim, she's to be found in the Alienage helping around, she doesn't shy away from physical work or small reparations, if you have to re-paint your living room and you see her, she's your girl. Vices: she's vain. Won't show it much and it's not something she can't live without, but she likes pretty dresses and dressing herself up. It's a kind of armour, if you'd like. She's not very friendly and blunt as a hammer in your teeth, but always the best dressed. 💅 Oh. She's grudgy. She doesn't care if you're not a horrible person, but once you manage to cross her, you have an enemy for life and good luck with that.
Raina: Serial knitter. Will knit sweaters for Christmas for all her friends, her free time is devoted to knitting or catching up with friends, doing something together. She's the queen of bad coping mechanism, so if she's lonely, in a bad mood and with nothing to do she will find a brawl to jump in. Oh. She loves karaoke an insane deal. She's terrible at singing, but she puts all of her passion. (but she's pretty good at Wicked Grace, she puts up a challenge to Varric) Vices? She's restless and impatient, can't sit still for more than five minutes and is the person who bounces her leg while sitting, she looks like she never takes anything seriously, if there are three solutions to cope with a personal problem or negative emotion she will instantly choose the worst one. She's easily provoked and impulsive. ... Generally, she acts first and think later. Oh, and she's always 10 minutes late.
Aisling: Beside working with horses and in the stables and experimenting on magic... She likes reading silly, trashy novels (Cassandra takes them seriously, she laughs, she'll love Swords and Shields as an involuntary comedy). She likes drinking games, and dancing, she's a decent singer but will only sing with a chorus beside. And she has a terrific memory for lyrics. She can get annoying and obnoxious trying to mother other people. She'll check if you've eaten, will try to make you eat if you don't, will try to psychoanalyse you and talk about feelings. It can get... Too much for some people. She can get a no, so the first clear "No!" you tell her, she won't do it again, but still. She's prideful and stubborn, in the end, she has zero problems apologising if she hurt your feeling, but if she thinks she's right... She doesn't back down with anyone, she'll wait to have all the elements before taking a decision... Once she takes it, she doesn't budge. Oh, and she's messy. Her working table for herbalism is methicolously tidy, every ingredient has its jar, neatly labelled... everything else is pretty chaotic.
5. Did they do companion quests? What were the outcomes of those?
Alyra: Hardened Leliana. Hardened Alistair (she tried to be diplomatic for him, when Goldanna asked for money that was the end of her patience). Got Stan's sword back. Found Wynne's apprentice and made them talk "So it's over with" (she has a rocky relationship with Wynne). Found Felsi and put a good word for Oghren, slapped his neck when he flirted badly with her. Killed Taliesen with a certain pleasure to it and told Zevran he was welcome to stay, but with no obligation, he could go if he wanted. Retrieved Flemeth's grimoire and killed Flemeth without a second thought, she's not risking Morrigan's life, nopety nope.
Raina: Killed Bartrand out of pity (Sorry, Varric). Killed Danarius, he didn't even finish exposing his proposal and she already had her daggers out. Killed Castillon, goodbye and thanks for all the fish you had your chance to leave Bela alone a dagger in your eye will make you learn the lesson. Supported Merrill in restoring the mirror, she took responsibility for her and the clan survived (she has a VERY low opinion of them). Helped Sebastian solving the mistery of his family, gritting her teeth and swallowing all the "But she's a good person, she was very devout!" ("...Elthina is very devout too." "Exactly." "Oh Maker's bollocks..."). Trusted Anders that the ingredients he wanted were for something good and... Well, no.
Aisling: Got the Seeker's book, told Cassandra to maybe say the truth about the Rite, suggested her to rebuild the Seekers for that reason too. Freed Wisdom, prevented Solas from killing the mages. Helped Varric with Bianca, got everything back, launched some snarky remarks to Bianca, back at Skyhold she told him to just dump her ass, she's just taking advantage of him "Trust me I know, I know it's difficult but please DUMP HER.". Sera killed Harmond while she was still questioning him, she told her she was right in doing so. Saved the Chargers. Rehabilitated the du Paraquette for Josie. Inspired Leliana. Got the Wyvern's heart for Vivienne trying to build a bridge, when she brought her to see Laurent she thought they could be friends and then... Well, Vivienne told her she just used her position and for Aisling that was it. Cried two hours, never spoken to her again if it wasn't really necessary, left her at Skyhold during the final battle. Trusted Solas on Cole, so he's more of a Spirit. Told Dorian about the letter, told him to give his father half a chance. Convinced Cullen to quit the lyrium.
Radha: Same result for Cassandra, but told her to fuck the Seeker and become Divine if she wanted to really change things. Freed Wisdom, let Solas kill the mages. Helped Varric with Bianca, told her in very clear and calm terms that she's a dangerous asshole. Had Harmond serve the Inquisition, she and Leliana blackmailed even his underpants. Saved the Chargers. Let Leliana's spies steal Josie's contract from the House of Repose. Hardened Leliana. Got the Wyvern's heart for Vivienne, followed her to Laurent, didn't care what she asked her help for, they had a better relationship than Aisling did (mutual respect). More Spirit-like Cole as well. Told Dorian about the letter, she was supportive as well. Convinced Cullen to quit the lyrium.
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deertowndarbi · 4 years
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Nominated for a selfie from @knightslayer ! I apparently never take selfies because this is all I yielded from the past couple months. I nominate @johnturnt @jonimitchell
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nightcityrogue5560 · 4 years
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This is Commander Lynn, of the Knightslayer V. I am currently in orbit of the Star classified as Nu Octanis A, a K-class orange giant. It’s beautiful out here. I’m keeping a safe distance to refuel and just appreciate the view. My end goal is to reach the Orion Nebula, and to go beyond. I’ve encountered pirates the like, smuggled some folks across star systems, but I’m still here. This is Commander Lynn, signing off.
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trailforks · 6 years
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Knightslayer Trail
Machine-excavated trail with great features. Drops, banks, berms, rollers, hips, step-ups, bridging and ride-around options if you don't know what some of those are.
view more trail info & map
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