#koe koi
houkagokappa · 7 months
More Yuri, More Manga
It's been a year since I embarked on my journey to read more yuri manga and it's time for a second update!
After all the yuri manga I read for my previous post, I set my eyes on josei and came to the conclusion that josei that either focuses on wlw or contains wlw relationships, is the best kind of manga there is. I read a lot of josei, and as for works that were also yuri, I read Love My Life, Indigo Blue and Free Soul by Yamaji Ebine, based on a recommendation from @theurbanfuturesoftherecentpast (thank you!!!). Yamaji Ebine has a neat minimalist style and she writes messy complex characters. All her manga had a realistic feel to them, which I enjoyed.
I explored other queer works and stumbled upon Yuri to Koe to Kaze Matoi by Renjouji Mei, which is a yuri manga focused on two asexual women and their relationship. Once again, I found the characters highly relatable and realistic. It's nice to see some asexual representation, but at the same time, I wouldn't have minded more development between them, although that might be on me and the expectations I have when I pick up a new yuri title, that unfortunately didn't fit this manga or topic. Both characters were ace, but the protagonist felt romantic attraction whereas her crush didn't. While they got a happy ending, I didn't feel fully satisfied, and would've liked if the manga had explored the partially unresolved feelings more, mostly due to personal reasons, even if the conclusion would've been the same (which it probably would've).
Back to some high school yuri, I finished Omoi no Kakera by Takemiya Jin, which I actually started reading early last year. It's another manga that's relatable to me, as it portrays characters with different sexualities, who befriend each other due to the shared experience of being young, closeted queer people. We got wlw/mlm solidarity, and characters who are more secure with their sexualities looking over those who are still trying to figure theirs out. The interactions and communities reminded me of the queer youth group I used to be part of :') In addition to that, I liked the portrayal of different kinds of attraction, and how the focus was on the life of a queer person, rather than a specific romance they experienced, since there's indeed more to being queer than some singular love story. Out of all the manga on this list, this is one of my top recommendations, and at some point I should check out Takemiya's other works. She's out as a lesbian, and you can tell she writes based on lived queer experiences.
One day when I didn't have anything else to read, I picked up Luminous=Blue by Iwami Kyoko (same author as Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara). It had the same beautiful artstyle as Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara, was slightly less toxic, but equally messy when it came to the relationships. Luminous=Blue is about a transfer student who loves photography. She starts taking photos of her two new classmates, who unbeknownst to her used to go out with each other, and still harbour some lingering feelings towards each other. I was a fan of the different relationship dynamics and happy with the direction the manga and the relationships took, although the last pages included a twist which felt a little out of place. It's a shame, because if it had been given more time, it could've been a very interesting and welcome development, and I'm curious if Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara will go in a similar direction, since it has the prerequisites for it.
I also read Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni by the same author, which had an interesting premise of a girl with a crush on her female childhood friend, who was dating their other, male childhood friend. Normally I like this kind of setting with love triangles that include both straight and queer relationships, but since this was only 3 chapters long, the characters and their dynamics weren't established enough for the story to feel as cohesive and satisfying as it could've. At least the art was gorgeous once again, and I enjoyed the messy relationships. The volume contained two one shots as well, which I think were kinda fun, but I cannot remember that well anymore.
Next up, I read Moonlight Flowers by Tsukumo Mutsumi, based on a personal recommendation from someone who has since escaped tumblr. It's one of the older yuri works there are, as it was written in 1989. It's only one volume long and contains two stories about women who are pressured to marry men, and end up in miserable marriages, until they decide to leave their husbands to be with the women they love. It has a strong feminist message and I've seen a lot of people praise it online, but I wasn't too fond of it. I couldn't quite connect with the characters, and because of that, I didn't particularly enjoy reading about women lacking rights, or homosexuality not being socially accepted. However, I can see how others might be able to feel inspired or empowered reading about characters who overcome the obstacles in their way. It was also quite dramatic, but I will always be in favour of that (even when it's ridiculous, like it was here).
I continued with Sakura no Sono by Yoshida Akimi, which was another recommendation from the same person. It's another old manga, first published in 1985, about the romances of four girls in a drama club of an all girls high school. I found Yoshida's style charming, but it's not among my personal favourites. Some characters looked quite similar and were hard to distinguish. It was disappointing to realise that only one chapter focused on a girl crushing on another girl, while the other romances and the majority of the manga were about straight characters/relationships. If I would've known that from the start, I could've adjusted my expectations accordingly, which is a shame, because now I'm mostly disappointed by the lack of yuri, and it's harder for me to appreciate the work as a whole. It was decent, but quite forgettable.
Then I completed Watashi no Muchi na Watashi no Michi by Momono Moto (same author as Yuunagi Marbled and Kimi Koi Limit from my previous post). I first started reading it 5 years ago, but didn't finish it due to the scanlation taking its sweet time. Now I read it from start to finish. It's about a woman in her early 20's, who's spent all her life pleasing others, and is on the path to marry a male childhood friend of hers, simply out of duty to him and her mom, before her female coworker steps in and swoops her away. The manga takes a weird turn after that, as it turns out the coworker might've had some ulterior motives getting close to our protagonist, but it's interesting, until a somewhat abrupt ending. It was nice to read about a young adult who never cared for romance until she fell in love with her coworker, and for once I didn't even mind the plot point where she was about to marry a man, since it made sense for them and he wasn't overly vilified for how he reacted to her rejection or the reveal of her relationship with another woman (not that it was great either). The art was nice and I liked all the characters. It wasn't anything groundbreaking, but it was a fun read.
Another recommendation from @theurbanfuturesoftherecentpast was Maka-Maka by Kishi Torajiro, an adult manga about the close relationship between two best friends, Jun and Nene. The manga is two volumes long with short chapters in full colour, which required some adjustment from me as I'm usually only reading manga in black and white. It didn't feel like any other yuri I've read, in a good way! My absolute favourite part was how comfortable Jun and Nene were with each other, with a strong mental connection, and frequent, casual sexual encounters. Their relationship felt real and I loved how they kept smiling throughout the sex scenes, which made for an interesting combination of wholesome and horny. I highly recommend this manga, as I'm still thinking about it months later...
Next up, I read Watashi no Sekai wo Kousei suru Chiri no You na Nani ka. by Amano Shuninta. It's about seven university students and their ever changing relationships. Once again, the protagonist was a whole mood as she complained about all her friends having boyfriends which she hated, having a very relatable crush on one of said friends, before getting to live the fantasy of ending up with her. I looooved the inclusion of a toxic lesbian (and her toxic lesbian clique) who would sleep around and toy with others, letting lesbians be flawed people too, but also having wholesome and genuinely good people in the cast, as a counterbalance and showcase of the whole spectrum of different people with different views on love and sex (especially fitting for the university age/setting). There were happy times, but also angst and heartbreak, and bittersweet love, between women who truly cared for each other, but weren't suitable for each other as they had different needs when it came to their relationship and sex life. At first it was a little challenging to keep track of seven different characters, but by the end of it I really enjoyed the various relationship dynamics and the somewhat unlikely friendships that formed between them.
I also read Sweet Guilty Love Bites by Amano Shuninta, which consisted of three short stories about four cabaret girls. The first story was about one of the cabaret girls taking in a random woman she came across, which I didn't care for that much. The second story was about a single mother who unknown to her, hooked up with her child's kindergarten teacher. First she freaked out, thinking she'd be judged for her profession, but the kindergarten teacher was chill and only looking to date her. It was very sweet to see them take care of the child together. I also loved the third story about two cabaret girls who were best friends and roommates, with one of them being very vocal about her love towards women and other cabaret girls, which is a trait I always appreciate. Seeing her pining for her friend/roommate/coworker was great, and precisely the kind of stuff I love! Amano has a lot more in her library and after enjoying these two manga, I think the rest are worth checking out as well. I especially like how her characters are allowed to be horny, but there’s more to her manga than just sex.
Then I picked up Kimi to Shiranai Natsu ni Naru by Keyyan, thanks to the premise which sounded relatable. It’s about two women who are at the end of their university studies and looking for work in Tokyo, facing rejection after rejection. They’ve had enough of it and decide to run away from all the expectations and responsibilities to a small island. First of all, what a mood. Second, I really liked the art, especially the character expressions, and how well their excitement was conveyed. The island setting was also A+, and I loved the portrayal of young adults who were in an established relationship, with no uncertainty or drama about the same-sex relationship itself. They were devoted to each other, and the reason both of them wanted to work hard, so they could provide for one another. Besides that, my feelings towards this manga went back and forth quite a lot. First I enjoyed the escapism, but then I had to take a break because it became too idealised with conveniences you can't count on in real life. Once I picked it back up again, I realised that the story actually does stick to reality, when the characters start to worry about money and finding permanent work on the island. While I was happy with that development, it backfired as I was reading this while I was away from home myself, and anxious about my own future in regards to my education and employment, so reading about their struggles felt a bit too real and stressful. Unfortunately, it seems like the series got axed, because the ending was sudden and can be interpreted in two opposing ways, one depressing, one hopeful, and neither fits the story I can only assume the series wanted to tell. It's still a manga worth reading, but maybe in the right mindset.
Although I try to stay away from ongoing works, Dore ga Koi ka ga Wakaranai by Oku Tamamushi seemed fun, so I couldn't help but check it out. It’s about a girl who is unable to confess to her high school crush of 3 years, and starts university determined to find a girlfriend. And oh boy does she find potential girlfriends! She instantly meets and falls for five different women, who also become enamoured with her. What follows is a bunch of flirting, some deliberate, some accidental. The catch is, she doesn't know which one to pursue seriously. The tone is lighthearted and comedic, and the series is best described by the tagline to one of the chapters as "an endless conveyor belt of yuri encounters". I like all the girls, the girls and their embarrassed or flustered expressions are very cute, and instead of the setting falling apart with five people never confessing or trying to seriously pursue the main girl, some do, while others have believable reasons to hold back. The pace is quick enough for any interruptions or miscommunications to not feel aggravating, with several encounters each chapter. I'm curious to see how the manga will continue and potentially end, with some ships seeming more likely than others, since there has been some actual development! I'll also throw it out there, that this manga is a good example of why dark haired girl/light haired girl is an established pairing, since the main pursuer at the moment has light hair and bangs like the protagonist, and it can be a little difficult to tell them apart from some panels or angles.
Another ongoing work I began reading because it ticked the right boxes for me was Sukeban to Tenkousei by Fujichika. As the name suggests, it’s about the somewhat unlikely relationship between a delinquent girl and a sweet transfer student. The manga is set in the Showa era in the 80s and has very charming art. I thought it would be pretty lighthearted and fun, opposites attract type of story, but then one of the characters saw how romantic love was defined as feelings towards the opposite sex, heartbroken by the fact there wasn't a name for her feelings, and I was in tears thinking of anyone who's ever felt that pain. Otherwise, it's mostly a comedy and a fun, easy read, with not that many chapters out yet.
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Finally, reaching the anniversary of my year long yuri journey, I finished reading the manga adaptation of Murasakiiro no Qualia, by Ueo Hisamitsu and Tsunashima Shirou. It's a sci-fi series with psychological and mystery elements, about Yukari, a girl with purple eyes who sees humans as robots, and Gaku, the protagonist who befriends her. There are a lot of twists and turns to the story, and it gets gory and dark, as Yukari uses her abilities to help the police solve murder cases and later gets involved with a secret organisation. It's also very philosophical and a bit difficult/slow to read at times, when characters get surprisingly deep into quantum mechanics. I liked the narration a lot, because there's a lot of repetition and Gaku, who's telling the story, jumps back and forth on the timeline, giving the reader more context and insights each time. I was also a huge fan of the character development she went through, starting to exhibit truly unhinged behavior to a level that's hard to find elsewhere, but also oddly reminiscent of Madoka Magica? The ending was satisfying, and it was cool to see it circle back to the beginning. I didn't know anything about this manga beforehand and after a curious start, it kept getting better and better. I originally found out about it in the tags of a tumblr post complaining about variety in yuri, so this is me giving back to the community and passing on the recommendation.
...That was a lot more yuri to add to the library, and there are still so many different works I look forward to reading! I don't know if I'll continue documenting my journey, as I'm probably going to slow down on the yuri a bit, but who knows if the bug bites me again and I won't read anything else for months on end! Again, thank you for reading through all this, I hope you're inspired to read some yuri yourself, and if you have any recommendations I'm always happy to hear them!
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scarareg · 2 years
Oh,to be a KyoAni MC!💕
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PRI☆LOVE∞UNIVERSE♪ -QUARTET NIGHT Ver.- (Lyrics + Translation)
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【All】 歌で一つになる世界が
【Ra】 「ついてきてくれてる」って
【Rj】 ごめん…わかっているのにね
【Ai】 不器用なボクらはいつだって
【Ca】 「信じてついてこい」しかない
【Rj・Ai】 「ありがとう」なんかでは らしくないから
【Ra・Ca】 誰一人見たことない景色の先の
【All】 絶対魅せると誓わせて
I want you to be part of my life
【All】 歌で一つになる奇跡-QUARTET NIGHT-
(Kiss me)
【Ra・Ai】 この現在(しゅんかん)は二度と
【Rj・Ca】 ないからこそ大事に
【Ra・Ai】 この想い
【Rj・Ca】 この想い
【Ra・Ai】 この願い
【Rj・Ca】 この願い
【Ra・Ai】 君と
【Rj・Ca】 君と
【Ra・Ai】 ぎゅっと
【All】 抱きしめながら
【All】 そしてこのLOVEは
さあLet's 'SONG'
【All】 歌で一つになる世界が
【Rj・Ca】 みんな歌おう
【Ra・Ai】 音を楽しく
【All】 Lalala...
【All】 Uta de hitotsu ni naru sekai ga
Purinsu no LOVE na no sa
Jidai, sedai koe chatte sa
Kisu no kotae Let’s sagashi ni ikou
【Ra】 “Tsuitekite kureteru” tte
【Rj】 Gomen… wakatte iru no ni ne
【Ai】 Bukiyō na bokura wa itsu datte
【Ca】 “Shinjite tsuite koi” shika nai
【Rj・Ai】 “Arigatō” nanka de wa rashikunai kara
Senaka o awase teru yon’nin de itai
【Ra・Ca】 Dare hitori mita koto nai keshiki no saki no
Mirai no hikari
【All】 Zettai miseru to chikawasete
I want you to be part of my life
【All】 Uta de hitotsu ni naru -karunai-
Kono koe de oshieyou
Damatte koi o sureba ī
Otona no myūjikku kanjitai no naraba
(Kiss me)
【Ra・Ai】 Kono shunkan wa nidoto
【Rj・Ca】 Nai kara koso daiji ni
【Ra・Ai】 Kono omoi
【Rj・Ca】 Kono omoi
【Ra・Ai】 Kono negai
【Rj・Ca】 Kono negai
【Ra・Ai】 Kimi to
【Rj・Ca】 Kimi to
【Ra・Ai】 Gyutto
【All】 Dakishime nagara
“Zutto aishiteru”
【All】 Soshite kono LOVE wa
Jūryoku nante hikichigitte sutā ni
Kirakira to kagayaku nda
Ginga no yōna yume ni
Sā Let’s ‘SONG’
【All】 Uta de hitotsu ni naru sekai ga
Purinsu no LOVE na no sa
Chikyū, uchū koe chatte sa
Kisu no kotae mata sagashite
【Rj・Ca】 Min'na utaou
【Ra・Ai】 Oto o tanoshiku
【All】 Lalala...
【All】 A world united through song
That is a Prince’s love
It transcends eras and generations
Let’s go find the answer to this kiss
【Ra】 We’re sorry that even though
【Rj】 You’ve been following us,
【Ai】 We're clumsy and all we can say is
【Ca】 “Trust us and follow us”
【Rj・Ai】 A “thank you” doesn’t feel quite right
So we want to stand back to back
【Ra・Ca】 And promise to show you the
Light of the future
【All】 Beyond a scenery nobody has seen before
I want you to be part of my life
【All】 A miracle united through song
We’ll teach you about it with our voices
Just be quiet and fall in love
If you want to feel the music of adults
(Kiss me)
【Ra・Ai】 This moment will never happen again
【Rj・Ca】 So let’s cherish it
【Ra・Ai】 This feeling
【Rj・Ca】 This feeling
【Ra・Ai】 This wish
【Rj・Ca】 This wish
【Ra・Ai】 With you
【Rj・Ca】 With you
【Ra・Ai】 While
【All】 Holding each other tight
“I will always love you”
【All】 And this LOVE
Will break away from gravity and
Sparkle in the stars
In a dream that resembles a galaxy
Come on, Let’s ‘SONG’
【All】 A world united through song
That is a Prince’s love
It transcends the Earth and the universe
Let’s search for the answer to the kiss again
【Rj・Ca】 Let’s all sing
【Ra・Ai】 Enjoy the sound
【All】 Lalala...
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randomyaoimoments · 11 months
Hello, do you mind if I ask your fav BL based on this categories? But all category must have different BL titles.
Shounen ai
Younger top
Younger bottom
Seme redflag
Uke redflag
Most greenflag couple
Most redflag couple
Enemies to lovers
Childhood friend to lovers
School life
Thanks if you want to answer.
Hello there! thanks for asking :D to answer your question, Below are my personal favorite BL 😙 Hope you’ll enjoy reading it :D
Manhua :
- Fragile Relationship
Manhwa :
- BJ Alex
- Dangerous Convenience Store
- I Can Hear It Without A Microphone
- Legs Which Cannot Walk
- Perfect Buddy
- Pian Pian
- Rivalry 1
- Semantic Error
- Shutline
- Surge Looking For You
- Sweet Spot
- The Kang’s Yeesu
- The New Recruit
- The Time Between Dog And Wolf
- Walk On Water
Manga :
- Finder Series
- Cherry Magic!
- Dakaretai Otoko Ichii Ni Odosarete Imasu
- Itou-san
- Kiraide Isasete
- Honto Yajuu
- Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai
- Sasaki To Miyano
- The Alpha’s Bride
- The Titan’s Bride
Omegaverse :
- Heat And Run
- Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
- Kedamono Arashi series
- Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
- Okusama Wa Alpha
- Ou-sama to Puppy Love
- Remnant : Jujin Omegaverse
- Totsugimasen Kara!
- Usotsuki Na Tsugai
- You Who Wants To Love
Shounen ai :
- Boku-tachi Wa Mada Aoku
- Green Apple Paradise
- Heesu In Class 2
- Kieta Hatsukoi
Younger top
- 17 Seito
- Boku No Mama Chan
- Dou-imo Nara Nai
- Eat Me Up, My Husband
- Honey Bear
- If You Hate Me That Much
- Kore Mo Shigoto Desu
- My Pretty Policeman
- Papa Datte, Shitai
- Seashell Boy
Younger bottom :
- Collar Kiss
- Goodbye Lilac
- Hana Wa Saku Ka
- His Little Amber
- Honey Maple More More Sugar
- Hwanghyeon Text
- Isso Koe Ga Nakattara
- Katekyo!
- Kikoeru?
- Kobi No Kyoujin
- Koi Ga Michitara
- Love Me Doctor!
- Mankai Darling
- My Little Inferno
- On Or Off
- Ou-sama No Koi Asobi
- A Tiger’s Den
- Usagi Otoko Tora Otoko
Seme redflag
- Even If You Don’t Love Me
- Love Jinx
- My Hyung’s Lover
- Roses And Champagne
- Sadistic Beauty BL Sidestory
- Unscented Trajectory
Uke redflag
- Sweet Heart Trigger
Most greenflag couple
- Ouchi E Kaerou : Neko Mimi Omegaverse
- After Staring At The Starry Sky
- First Night With My Beloved
- Mother’s Spirit
- Muri Marriage
- Old-fashioned Cupcake
- Raion Gotoki No Kuni Kara
- Restart Wa Tadaima No Ato De
- Shiba-kun To Shepherd-san
- Tatoeba Konna Koi No Hanashi
- Until I Meet My Husband
Most redflag couple
- Dragless Sex
Enemies to lovers
- Alpha Ga Alpha Wo Daku Houhou
- Anti Alpha
- Fudanshi No Ore Ga Youkya Osananajimi Ni Semarareteru Ken
- I’m Banging My Rival From A Parallel World
- Omae No Koi Wa Ore No Mono
- You Get Me Going
- Megumi And Tsugumi
Childhood friends to lovers :
- Ashita Wa Docchi Da!
- Dekiai Honey Baby
School life :
- Bukiyou Na Silent
- Doushiyou Mo Nai, Boku No Hatsukoi
- Ero Yume Aquarium
- Gosan No Heart
- Hana Tokidoki Kuma
- Hatsukoi Encounter
- Hinekure Chaser
- Houkago No Etude
- I Seriously Can’t Believe You
- Iberiko Buta To Koi To Tsubaki
- Inu Mo Arukeba Koi Ga Hajimaru
- Kawaii Akuma
- Kijima-kun
- Mask Danshi Wa Koishitakunai No Ni
- Nar Kiss
- Yarichin Bitch Club
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konjaku · 2 months
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露草[Tsuyukusa] Commelina communis
The name means the dew grass. The flowers are used in the herb dye called 露草染[Tsuyukusa-zome], which turns them a light blue color called 縹[Hanada] or 花浅葱[Hanaasagi], and the dye-soaked paper called 移花[Utushibana]. https://www.google.com/search?q=縹&udm=2
梅雨去りぬ 先づ縹草 初夏の 瞳を上げて 喜びを云ふ 梅雨が上つていよいよ夏だといふはればれしい感じは恐らく凡ての草木の抱く所であらう。この歌ではその最初の声を発するものが縹草即ち小さい露草で、可哀らしい紫の瞳を上げて子供らしく嬉しい嬉しい嬉しいといふ様に見える。成るほどさうかも知れない。
[Tsuyu sarinu mazu hanadagusa hatsunatsu no hitomi wo agete yorokobi wo iu Tsuyu ga agatte iyoiyo natsu da to iu harebareshii kanji wa osoraku subete no sōmoku no idaku tokoro dearō. Kono uta dewa sono saisho no koe wo hassuru mono ga hanadagusa sunawachi chiisai tsuyukusa de, kawairashii murasaki no hitomi wo agete kodomo rashiku ureshii ureshii ureshii to iu yō ni mieru. Naruhodo sō kamo shirenai.] Tsuyu(the rainy season before summer) is over, and first of all, Hanadagusa(s) raise their eyes in the beginning of summer and speak of joy Tsuyu has ended, and all the plants and trees must be happy that summer is finally here. In this tanka, it appears that the first thing to emit the voice is Hanadagusa(s), or little Tsuyukusa(s), which raise their pretty purple eyes and say like children, "I'm happy" "I'm happy" "I'm happy". Well, that may be so. From 晶子鑑賞[Akiko kanshō](Appreciation of waka poems composed by Yosano Akiko) by 平野 萬里[Hirano Banri] Source: https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000294/files/1858_15766.html
There is a dodoitsu that goes like this:
恋をするなら 露草染に 藍の重なる 深き色
[Koi wo suru nara tsuyukusa zome ni ai no kasanaru fukaki iro] (Ai also means that word with the same pronunciation)
Tsuyu will soon be over.
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krdc · 8 months
koe ni naranaiyo — はじめては全部君がいい (wanna give you all my firsts) — full version
spotify | music video (youtube) | other links
(lyrics & official translation below)
haikei, arikitarina nichijou.
dear ordinary everyday
dorama no wan shiin ni kawatta ano hi kara
until that day it became a scene out of a tv show
yureru kokoro no tokimeki ni
in response to the excitement of my wavering heart
ki no kiita kotoba ga detekonaina
i can't think of anything clever to say
kangaetatte wakaranai
no matter how much i think about it, i won't know
kowagattatte susumanai
i won't make any progress if i'm afraid
dakedo hajimete wa zenbu kimi ga ii
but i want you to be all my firsts
sakaraenai omoi ga koko ni atte
there's a feeling here i can't resist
e sora no youna koi ga atte
a love like a castle in the sky
massugu de bukiyouna bokura no sutori
our awkwardly honest story
触れたい 聴きたい もっと知りたい
furetai kikitai motto shiritai
i want to touch, i want to listen, i want to know more
kono omoi wa mou tomaranaikara
because these feelings can't be stopped anymore
haikei, aimaina nichijou.
dear ambiguous everyday
kimi ga kokoro ni furetekita ano hi kara
until that day you touched my heart
osaekirenai dokidoki ni
in response to this excitement i can't control
wagamamana kotoba shika detekonaina
all i can come up with are selfish words
asettatte kawaranai
being anxious won't change anything
shitto shitatte shikatanai
being jealous won't help anything
dakedo kimi no hajimete wa boku ga ii
but i want to be your first
modokashii omoi ga koko ni atte
i have these impatient feelings
kitto mukuwarenai koinandarou
i doubt this love will come to fruition
soredemo kono shiawase dake wa yuzurenaikara
but still i can't give up this happiness
sakaraenai omoi ga koko ni atte
there's a feeling here i can't resist
e sora no youna koi ga atte
a love like a castle in the sky
massugu de bukiyouna bokura no sutori
our awkwardly honest story
触れたい 聴きたい もっと知りたい
furetai kikitai motto shiritai
i want to touch, i want to listen, i want to know more
kono omoi wa mou tomaranaikara
because these feelings can't be stopped anymore
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someawesomeamvs · 11 days
Warning: Potential spoilers, profane language, sexual imagery
Title: Lower Your Expectations
Editor: Joker AMV
Song: Lower Your Expectations
Artist: Bo Burnham
Anime: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, "Kiss Him, Not Me", Free!, Kimi ni Todoke, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Violet Evergarden, Ouran High School Host Club, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Noragami, Yuri!!! on Ice, Boku no Hero Academia, One Punch Man, Nanatsu no Taizai, Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto, Akatsuki no Yona, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, One Piece, Kuroshitsuji, Fairy Tail, Gintama, Mob Psycho 100, KonoSuba, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Death Parade, Ore Monogatari, Fruits Basket (2019), Monogatari series, Overlord, DanMachi, Rent-a-Girlfriend, Haikyuu!!, Akame ga Kill, Re:Zero, Nekopara, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Highschool of the Dead, Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku, Naruto: The Last (film), Darling in the FranXX, Shokugeki no Souma, Highschool DxD, Kakegurui, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl-senpai, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Clannad, Durarara!!, Sword Art Online, Spice and Wolf, Mirai Nikki, Doki Doki Literature Club (game), Kill la Kill, Shingeki no Kyojin, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Gakuen Babysitters, Bloom Into You, Wolf Children (film), 3-gatsu no Lion, Kyoukai no Kanata, Maquia: When the Flower Blooms (film), K-On!, Koe no Katachi (film), Orange, Chuunibyou demo koi ga Shitai!, Rising of the Shield Hero, Tamako Love Story (film), Spirited Away (film), AnoHana, unknown anime
Category: Comedy
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suzdotranslation · 1 month
[Lyrics Translation] One Arms Reach from Laika - Kanade Izuru (feat. Kagamine Rin)
English Translation:
A space rocket launched by someone impatient Ended up chewing half of the moon alone And the radio cassette we were listening to– suddenly flew away
The neighborhood gathers as if they're cornering a bad witch from fairytales A space doggie was running towards, like a dressed-up basketball Foolish and slandering conversation quickly exhausted the mood Let's talk about something more interesting, time to catch the slope with both of your hands
After that some time passed, and as for that space rocket Took back half of the moon away No one surprisingly suspected anything, as they have accepted this change
Would you care to wait at the moon, perhaps I'll throw you praises for the cute astronaut suit you have The two juices I brought on a whim, though getting a sweet one may have been careless of me I wonder if I have gotten more gentle A melancholy mood has made me a big eater recently, you see Ah fly away, let's fly away
Before I knew the forgotten bookmark had sent us to a different worldline Was the love not enough or the heart is simply too heavy to bear, a splendid tug-of-war Though afraid of the upside-down views we saw of our city through the window Recently I had a lingering thought, that perhaps we should be apart
Would you care to wait at the moon, perhaps I'll jump straight so catch me with a swoop Hiding my unkempt hair and walking, maybe one day you would accept my everything And if I happen to be much gentle Let's stuff everything I've had until now including these game consoles And so we fly, so wait for me
A space rocket launched by someone impatient It said that they took half of the moon away And the chattering by those big-wigs quickly fades away
Would you care to wait at the moon, perhaps I'm gathering all of your love from this letter With the inflated balloon at hand, I found you who has been waiting at the back of the moon "See you!"
When the night comes, I'll go and see you As the city starts to be covered in shadows, I look over to that film's one-scene And so we fly, so wait for me Ah fly away, let's fly away
Romaji Lyrics:
Asetta dareka ga tobashita uchuu roketto ga Tsuki no hanbun wo kajiritotte Futari de kiiteita rajiokase ga fuwatto uita
Ehon no naka no warui majo mitai gokinjousan ha minna atsumatte Fuku wo kita basuketto booru uchuu inu wo mezashichattenzo Tawai no nai kaiwa mo dareka no chiisana waruguchi mo issho kuta ni shite Tanoshigeni hanasuyo suroopu wo ryoute de tsukamaete
Arekara jikan dake tatta uchuu roketto ga Tsuki no hanbun wo motteitatte Bikkurishichatta dare mo utagawanai henka wo ukeireteiru
Tsuki de matteitekureru ka na Kimi no kawaii uchuufuku wo homete Ki wo kikasete jyuusu mo futatsu amai no wo eranda no ha ukatsudatta no ka Karukunattekuno ka na Yuutsu mo saikin no tabesugi mo katte ni tashichatte sa Tondeikeyo tondeikou
Shiranai uchi ni wasureteitta shiori ha futari de betsu no sekaisen Ai ga karui toka kokoro ga omoi toka zenbuzenbu soudai na tsunahiki Mada kowainda mado kara mieru sakasama mitai na machi mo bokura mo Futari de nakamahazure ga iina dokoka saikin ha ukareteru
Tsuki de matteitekureru nara Tobikomu kara fuwari to uketomete Kusekke ha kakushite ikou itsuka ha subete uketomete moraitai na Karukunatteku to shitara Geemu-ki to boku no koremade zenbuzenbu tsumekonde ikou Tondekuyo matteteyo
Asetta dareka ga tobashita uchuu roketto ga Tsuki no hanbun wo fukitobashita koto Eraihito-tachi no iiau koe ha sugu ni tookunatteiku
Tsuki de matteitekureru ka na Kimi no tegami kara koi wo atsumete Fuusen ha fukurandeiku tsuki no ura de matteiru kimi mikaketa “Jyaa!”
Yoru ni nattara mukauyo Machi ni kage wo otoshinagara ano eiga no wanshinn nazotte Tondekuyo matteteyo Tondeikeyo tondeikou
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animangapolls · 4 months
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hetadoujinarchive · 1 year
List of Dj’s on This Page
[Last updated mid June 2024]
[Currently organized in this order: GerIta, SuFin, RoChu, FrUK, Other Ships, Non Ship]
A Day On The Planet (85 pgs; dark)
Becoming Friends (17 pgs; dark, gun; nudity but nothing shown)
Beginning's Tone/Hajimari no Onshoku (27 pgs; dark)
BMMB Winter Comiket Issue (5 pgs; cute)
Canal Grande (14 pgs; somber; censored nsfw)
Catharsis When The Country Awakes (74 pgs; dark)
Cherry Boy Blues (21 pgs; dark)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59 pgs; only the gerita one is sad)
Dream Draws A Dream (33 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Eternita (32 pgs; neutral-somber)
Gift (25 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Goodbye My Little Girl (53 pgs; dark)
Hiraite Musunde Isshuukan/Red Shoelaces (28 pgs; light)
I-Logik (32 pgs; light)
I Won’t Let You Call Me Gattino (32 pgs; comedy)
La Sposa de Adria (51 pgs; somber)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 1 (59 pgs; bit dark)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 2 (49 pgs; dark)
Lettera D’Amore (37 pgs; cute)
Life Is So Beautiful (30 pgs; dark, tw)
Little Sheep/Counting Sheep (44 pgs; dark)
Marriage Press Conference (34 pgs; comedy)
Messenger Of Happiness (39 pgs; bit somber)
Night Watch (48 pgs; dark; censored nsfw)
Oggi Sposi (19 pgs; comedy)
Passato Ed Ora (32 pgs; dark)
Passwort Sirup (14 pgs; dark)
Playing House/Futari Gokko (120 pgs; dark, war)
Siamo Felici (24 pgs; comedy)
Sweet Home (30 pgs; dark)
The Defeat Of A Certain Man (60 pgs; drama; censored nsfw)
The Windowsill That Loved Him (30 pgs; sweet)
What If (12 pgs; dark)
Ai Suru Hito (27; light)
Diamond, Diamond, Diamond (30; mostly light)
Good Night, Good Dreams (14; cute)
Happy School Days (14; cute)
Kemuri wa Doko e Iku no Kara/Where Does The Smoke Go (22; dark, smoking)
Oh Family (18; cute)
Pihatonttu (75; cute)
Second Stage (20; somber)
Bloom Of Flower (18; dark)
Da Small Town (39; light drama)
Drowned Prince/Oboreta Ou (24; neutral)
Eternal Happiness (28; light drama; censored nsfw)
Guo Jie/Border (28; somber/neutral)
Little Song Maker (15; comedy)
Deus Ex Machine (25; neutralish)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59; only the gerita part is sad) 
Drive Me Crazy (58; light drama; censored)
Fairy In My Mind (43; light; censored)
My Dearest, The British Empire (19; light)
Shiki/Fuyu (45, dark)
Yoru no Mori, Anata to Futari (37, darkish?)
Other Ships:
Fubin 2 (Gakuen PruHun; 20; light; censored)
Gap Moe (PruHun; 30; comedy)
Omoide Jenga (PruHun; 27; dark)
Always By Your Side (Giripan; 33; light drama)
Neko Netsu (Giripan; 22; dark, war)
Do You Remember Me? (RusPrus; 78; somber; censored)
My Name Is Your Night (RusPrus; 57; somber; censored)
Diamante (LietPol, RusAme, etc; 59; only the gerita part is sad)
Koi To Wa Donna Mono Kashira/What Is It Like To Be In Love? (AusHun; 18; light drama)
Million Lies (DenNor; 72; dark, violence)
The Nation And The Maiden (FraJoan; 33; dark)
A Happy Friendship Day (Hungary & Poland; 14; light)
Cradle Voice/Yurikago no Koe (Italy & Austria; 14; light)
Dreaming (Child America &Canada; 17; light)
Fubin 1 (Gakuen England, Japan; 14; comedy; censored nsfw)
Heart Ni Hyoutai (Russia; hints of LietBel and RusLiet; 14; somber; censored)
Hide, Hide, Hide! (Child America & Canada; 29; cute)
I Am Here, It Is A Very Wonderful Day/Sayonara Sankaku, Matakite Shikaku (Belarus; hints of LietBel; 47; dark)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (censored v) (Japan & China; 28; war)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (uncensored v) (Japan & China; 28; dark, blood, war)
My Dearest, The British Empire (tech FrUK bnr; 19; light)
Nihonchi (axis vs ame & uk; tech gerita & itapan bnr; 25; comedy)
Passwort Sirup (hints of hretaly/gerita; 14; dark)
Summer Apparition/Natsu no Mamono (axis; 14; somber yet wholesome)
The Golden Age of Sea and Sky (Turkey & Greece; 25; neutral)
There Is No End (nordics; 27; dark)
The Sound Of A Heart Falling/Shinzou No Orihiru No (Belarus & Russia; 17; dark, tw)
Tomato! Tomato! Tomato! (tech spamano bnr; 20; cute)
World Wide Love (main cast, mcdonald, miku, shinatty; 21; comedy)
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hanaerize · 6 months
[HoneyWorks] めおと (Meoto) / LIP×LIP - Eng/Kan/Rom Lyrics
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(Ask permission first before using my translations!!)
💙 - Yujiro
💛 - Aizo
💋 - Yujiro/Aizo (LIP×LIP)
I impatiently await for your return.
Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau
My heart
Watashi no kokoro
is yours and yours alone, my dear/love.
[Anata/omae] no mono ni natteru
I know nothing about you.
Ah, I'm just getting married to you.
This is my only fate.
As I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of the family.
Ah 嫁ぐだけ
Anata no koto wa nanimo shiranai
Ah totsugu dake
Kore wa sadame yo
Oiye no tame ni kono misuteru wa
I have no interest in you,
and I don't hold any feelings for you.
I'll marry you but,
I'll never love you.
Omae no koto ni kyōmi nado nai
Dōjō mo nai
Meoto ni naru ga
Aishi wa shinai
As we are bounded by this political marriage.
Seiryaku no chigiri
As everytime the snow melts,
Yuki ga tokeru tabi ni
our hearts also melt.
Kokoro mo toketeku
As we grow closer,
Chikaku natte iku
it became an ordinary to be in each other's presence.
Atarimae no sonzai
Our unspoken words of love,
and our forms of love without constraints.
With our understanding of one another,
as wedded husband and wife, we walk foward till death do us part.
Kuchi ni wa shinai ai no kotoba mo
Sokubaku shinai koi no katachi mo
Ishin denshin
Soitoge ayumidasu meoto
I impatiently await for your return.
My heart is yours and yours alone, my dear.
Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau
Watashi no kokoro anata no mono ni natteru
Are you feeling cold?
So that you won't catch a cold,
put this haori on.
As I felt your slender and pale shoulders,
I vowed to protect you.
Samuku wa nai ka?
Kaze hi kanu yō
Kore o haorinasai
Hosokute shiroi sono kata ni fure
Mamoru to chikatta
With that clumsy kindness of yours,
Bukiyou na yasashisa
and that brave front of yours.
Tsuyogari na seikaku
With that soothing voice,
Ochitsuku sono koe ni
The two of us fell inlove...
Ochiteitta futari wa...
We will never part away from each other's sides for eternity.
Even if in our next lives, we will be drawn to each other.
Like fallen petals in flowing water,
we support each other as husband and wife through difficulties.
Hanare wa shinai kono saki towa ni
Raisei darou to hikiyoseatte
Rakka ryūsui
Konnan mo sasaeau meoto
I fasten my pace as I rush back to you.
My heart is yours and yours alone, my love.
Omae no moto e isogi kaeru
Watashi no kokoro omae no mono ni natteru
Cherry blossoms swirling through the wind in spring
Sakura fubukiita haru
Cooling tinkles of wind chimes in summer
Fūrin suzumu natsu
Autumn leaves changing color in fall
Kōyō irozuku aki
Snow adorning us as we embraced in winter
雪化粧 寄り添う冬
Yuki geshō yorisou fuyu
Our unspoken words of love,
Kuchi ni wa shinai ai no kotoba mo
and our forms of love without constraints.
Sokubaku shinai koi no katachi mo
With our understanding
of one another,
as wedded husband and wife, we walk foward till death do us part.
Soitoge ayumidasu meoto
I impatiently await for your return.
My heart is yours and yours alone, my dear.
Anata no kaeri machiwabite shimau
Watashi no kokoro anata no mono ni natteru
We will never part away from each other's sides for eternity.
Even if in our next lives, we will be drawn to each other.
Like fallen petals in flowing water,
we support each other as husband and wife through difficulties.
Hanare wa shinai kono saki towa ni
Raisei darou to hikiyoseatte
Rakka ryūsui
Konnan mo sasaeau meoto
I fasten my pace as I rush back to you.
My heart is yours and yours alone, my love.
Omae no moto e isogi kaeru
Watashi no kokoro omae no mono ni natteru
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tempenensis · 1 year
I think Anon Q about Gege possibly changing the plot could stem from the Twitter drama that was caused by the leaks guy 2 days ago. He’s been uploading incorrect translations like the s2 OP lyrics(Koe and Koi debacle) which ended up being Koe. And most recently Seko's interview in Animage. His translation basically said that the s2 arc focuses on the “break up” of Gojo and Geto, which of course had Twitter in a dumpster fire. When Seko's implication was the complete opposite of that type of “break up” the leaks guy was referring to. Seko meant “to part ways with” or “break relations with.” The leaks guy knew what he was doing. Tbh I felt bad that twitter started attacking a fluent JP->EG translator who is always correct with their translations. That's why I can't with the StStg ship.
Ah I saw the drama, yeah. But I don't know if the ask was related to it though, since I don't know how long the ask have been in my askbox. I only opened the askbox yesterday after not opening tumblr for a good while lol
To be honest, I'm scared of that particular fandom in twitter (and english jjktwt in extension) so in twitter, I'm just your next-door crazy gacha gamer. However, translating thing does require your unbiased look on things. Not to mention Japanese is quite full of small nuances that can be taken out of context like that. S-san is a respectable translator and it's very out of line of them to attack S-san over a mere ship. We really need to leave each other alone
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GLORIOUS ANGELS - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
(Glorious angels...)
(Glorious angels...)
(Glorious angels...)
(We gotta love and cherish you)
(We'll make your dream)
【Ei】 It's bright広がる光へと
【Va】 So hot滾ったこのエモーション
【Ya】 It's brave傷が増える程に強く
【Ki】 Completeきっとユートピアへと開く扉の鍵に
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 この身体この唇
【Sh】 髪も目も指先まで
【Ng】 喜び震えた時の
【Ei】 感情の
【Sh】 全部も
【All】 君だけの為に捧げよう…Ah
【All】 孤独と孤高の意味を履き違えるな
【Ei】 It's pride「変化を恐れない」
【Va】 So cool全力で生きながら
【Ya】 It's rule衝動が剥き出すままでいい
【Ki】 All right渇き疼いたハート 求めるまま歌おう
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 いつもその冒険には
【Sh】 いつだって隣にいて
【Ng】 包むような幸せと
【Ei】 笑顔と
【Sh】 希望を
【All】 教えてくれる君がいた…Ah
【All】 奇跡よ輝け大空越えて超えて
【Sh】 たとえ世界の終焉の日が
【Ng】 もうすぐあると知っても
【Ki】 たとえ声奪われ立てなくて
【Ej】 涙すら枯れる日も
【Ya】 誰かが誰かの羽根になって
【Va】 欠けることなく魅せようか
【Ei】 天国-HE★VENS-の名の元誓う…Ah
【All】 孤独と孤高の意味を履き違えるな
【All】 奇跡よ輝け大空越えて超えて
(Glorious angels...)
(Glorious angels...)
(Glorious angels...)
(We gotta love and cherish you)
(We'll make your dream)
【Ei】 It’s bright hirogaru hikari e to nobasu kono te ni tsukamu tame ni
【Va】 So hot tagitta kono emōshon tsuneni genkai ni chikadzuketetai
【Ya】 It’s brave kizu ga fueru hodo ni tsuyoku taeru tabi ni kasabuta e to kawari
【Ki】 Complete kitto yūtopia e to hiraku tobira no kagi ni
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 Kono karada kono kuchibiru
【Sh】 Kami mo me mo yubisaki made
【Ng】 Yorokobi furueta toki no
【Ei】 Kanjō no
【Sh】 Zenbu mo
【All】 Kimi dake no tame ni sasageyou… Ah
【All】 Kodoku to kokō no imi o hakichigaeru na
“Kurushimi” sae hitorijanai
Nobotte tsukande misetai keshiki ga aru
Ichiban takai basho de
Kimi to Kiss o shitai
【Ei】 It’s pride “henka o osorenai” soko ni todomaru dake ja dame to
【Va】 So cool zenryoku de iki nagara rinto senaka o misete yukitai
【Ya】 It’s rule shōdō ga mukidasu mama de ī asu ni sarashi shin'nen o tsuranukou
【Ki】 All right kawaki uzuita hāto motomeru mama utaou
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 Itsumo sono bōken ni wa
【Sh】 Itsu datte tonari ni ite
【Ng】 Tsutsumu yō na shiawase to
【Ej】 Egao to
【Sh】 Kibō o
【All】 Oshietekureru kimi ga ita… Ah
【All】 Kiseki yo kagayake ōzora koete koete
Uta no tsubasa yo habatake
Chikara yo yūki yo onpu ni nosete hibike
Arata na rekishi e to
Shinjite tsuite koi
【Sh】 Tatoe sekai no shūen no hi ga
【Ng】 Mō sugu aru to shitte mo
【Ki】 Tatoe koe ubaware tatenakute
【Ej】 Namida sura kareru hi mo
【Ya】 Dareka ga dareka no hane ni natte
【Va】 Kakeru koto naku miseyou ka
【Ei】 -HE★VENS- no na no moto chikau… Ah
【All】 Kodoku to kokō no imi o hakichigaeru na
“Kurushimi” sae hitorijanai
Aisare aishite ai da to ieru toki o
Tomo ni dakishimeyou
【All】 Kiseki yo kagayake ōzora koete koete
Uta no tsubasa yo habatake
Chikara yo yūki yo onpu ni nosete hibike
Arata na rekishi e to
Shinjite tsuite koi
(Glorious angels…)
(Glorious angels…)
(Glorious angels…)
(We gotta love and cherish you)
(We'll make your dream)
【Ei】 It's bright, I reach my hand out to the spreading light to grasp it
【Va】 So hot, these emotions that have bubbled up, I want to constantly push them to the limit
【Ya】 It's brave, I only get stronger the more wounds I bear, and each time they turn into scabs
【Ki】 Complete, surely it’s the key to the door that opens to Utopia
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 This body, these lips,
【Sh】 My hair, my eyes, even the tips of my fingers,
【Ng】 All the emotions
【Ei】 I felt when I trembled
【Sh】 With joy
【All】 I'll dedicate them to you alone… Ah
【All】 Don't mistake the meaning of loneliness and solitude
Even in "suffering", you’re not alone
There’s a scenery I want to climb up to, grasp and show to you
I want to kiss you
At the highest point
【Ei】 It's pride, “Don’t be afraid of change”, being stuck on the same place is no good
【Va】 So cool, I want to set an example with dignity while living life to the fullest
【Ya】 It's rule, It's okay to let your impulses be exposed, let’s bare them tomorrow and stick to our beliefs
【Ki】 All right, let's sing as our thirsty, aching hearts desire
【Ng】 Glorious angels
【Ej】 You were always by my side
【Sh】 On these adventures,
【Ng】 Always there to wrap me up
【Ei】 In happiness
【Sh】 And smiles,
【All】 And show me hope… Ah
【All】 Shine, miracles! Go across the sky and beyond!
Fly, wings of song!
Power, courage, resound on the musical notes
Believe and follow us
Into a new history
【Sh】 Even if we know that the end of the world
【Ng】 Is just around the corner,
【Ki】 Even if we lose our voices and can't stand up,
【Ej】And even our tears dry up
【Ya】 Shall we become someone else's wings and
【Va】 And charm them flawlessly?
【Ei】 We swear it in HE★VENS’ name… Ah
【All】 Don't mistake the meaning of loneliness and solitude
Even in "suffering", you’re not alone
Let's embrace eternity together,
Being loved and loving and calling it love
【All】 Shine, miracles! Go across the sky and beyond!
Fly, wings of song!
Power, courage, resound on the musical notes
Believe and follow us
Into a new history
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thelastblackmoon · 9 months
Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie - The Three Lights new song 「Star Line」 English Translation Breakdown Pt. 1
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So I just finished translating the lyrics of the Three Lights new song 「Star Line」 and I wanted to break down all the nuanced language that was used (that machine translation won't tell you lol) because OH BOY does it add SO MUCH. Disclaimer that I'm no professional translator, so if there are any mistakes or additional meanings that I missed, please let me know!!
Let's jump right into it and start off with the first verse:
Amai koi no kaori matotte mo sono kokoro wa mitasarenai no kai? Oh you... oh you…
Even if I’m wearing the sweet fragrance of love Is there no way for me to satisfy your heart? Oh you… Oh you…
Here the Japanese uses the sentence ender "no kai" which is typically used towards children or...girlfriends. Just who is it we're talking to so intimately, HMMMM??
The next verse is more poetic:
Kimi no te ni sotto fureru dake de Sono hoshi no hikari de wakarunda It’s you… it’s you…
With just a gentle touch of your hand I can tell by that starlight It’s you… It’s you…
Now this is a very literal translation, but there's more to it than "I can tell by that starlight/the light of that star it's you..." We're not talking about the light of the stars above. In this case, that starlight is a direct result of the hands brushing--it's more akin to sparks flying. A more poetic translation would be something like "I can tell that you're the one from the sparks that fly when our hands brush" but I didn't want to wander too far from the original.
Moving into the bridge, we see something interesting going on with the kanji/given reading:
Hate shinai [sora] wo koe deaeta Furueta kimi no hāto wa hanasanai We fatefully met across an endless galaxy I’ll never let go of your trembling heart
Again, I went with a literal translation here according to the official lyrics as they were written. I chose to include "fatefully" as it sounded nicer than "per chance" which "deaeta" implies.
However, what's more interesting is what's going on with [sora] which means sky. I put it in brackets because the in the song they sing "sora/sky", but the official lyrics assign the kanji "galaxy" to the word. This adds context, clarifying that this meeting happened not only underneath this very sky, but rather across the entire universe/within this specific galaxy.
In case you weren't sure who this song is about, this detail gives you another hint: It's someone from a totally different galaxy.
I want to chip away slowly at the chorus because this next line holds so much meaning there are literal articles on the one phrase used here:
Koikogarezu ni kono ai ni Oborenayo oborenayo Longing so deeply for this love Don’t drown in it, don’t drown
The phrase "koikogareru" has VERY deep meaning. On the surface, it just means to be deeply in love with someone. HOWEVER, it also carries a strong sense of longing. There is sometimes the context of that love being out of reach or impossible, like with an upperclassman or even a teacher/instructor. This intense yearning can cause pain because of how overwhelming it can be, but in other cases it can simply be considered admiration. It depends on the context, which the rest of the phrase provides:
The second half of this sentence references that intense feeling of love, and follows up with the repetition of "don't drown in it [those feelings]" / "don't lose your head over it" doubling down on the sense of struggle against the feelings. This isn't just admiration, it's a feeling that is so deep they have to tell themselves over and over again that they mustn't drown/lose themselves in it.
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This is the phrase that set me off on picking apart the nuances of the translation because it adds SO MUCH MEANING that English speakers would miss if they were just running things through machine translation, or just looking at a literal translation.
Anyway, I'll break down the rest of the chorus and get into verse two soon, but I'll leave things at that for now. If you'd like to see the whole translation I posted it here:
Please let me know if I missed anything or got something wrong!! I'd love to hear what other Japanese speakers think ^^
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bnhaobservation · 1 year
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: Pre-marriage Todoroki Enji (Part 2)
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
Chap. 301 "The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1" (火の不始末前編Hi no Fushimatsu Zenpen) Chap. 31 "The Boy Born with Everything" (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete o Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Chap. 302 "The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2" (火の不始末後編 Hi no Fushimatsu Kōhen) Chap. 187 "Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End" (燃えよ轟け!VS 脳無:ハイエンド Moeyo Todoroke! vs. Nōmu: High-End) Chap. 387 "Congealing" (煮凝り 'Nikogori')
Ep. 130 "The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire" (火の不始末 Hi no Fushimatsu) Ep. 19 "The Boy Born with Everything" (全てを持って生まれた男の子 Subete o Motte Umareta Otoko no Ko) Ep. 88 "His Start" (始まりの Hajimarino)
School Briefs I "Notice from School"
As of now we only have two more scenes which depict Enji pre marriage, the first being his 'Miai' with Rei and the second being their first 'date'.
The scene are flashbacks placed while Enji is at the hospital so first let's look at...
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So now let's focus solely on the scene in question and, since it has been transposed in anime version (and the anime added scenes) let's have a...
The anime starts by adding more scenery, we see what could be the Himura house, which is also a traditional Japanese house... though with all the green it has around it seems its garden is a lot bigger than the one of the Todoroki mansion.
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Actually it might also not be the Himura mansion but some place they have chosen for the meeting but it seems more a traditional Japanese house than anything else and the Himura used to be wealthy so they might still have their old residence and anyway... who knows?
The anime gives us also a close up of the Shishiodoshi (鹿威し literally, "deer-frightening" or "boar-frightening") device or Sōzu (添水 "Adding water") fountain, a bamboo water funtain originally derived by a devices to frighten away animals that pose a threat to agriculture and who's currently part of the visual and aural design of gardens, and are used primarily for their aesthetic value.
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We also see the Soribashi (反り橋 "Arched bridge"), a red arched bridge, over a pond (probably a Koike (鯉池 "koi pond") filled with Koi (鯉) carps, or, more specifically, Nishikigoi (錦鯉 “brocaded carp”) carps.
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'Jiki No.1 no yobigoe takai Endeavor-sama kara o koe kake itadakeru to wa yume ni mo omoi masendeshita! Gyōkō no kiwami ni gozaimasu!!' 「次期No.1の呼び声高いエンデヴァー様からお声掛けいただけるとは夢にも思いませんでした!僥倖の極みにございます!!」 "I never dreamed that I would be approached by Endeavor, who has been hailed as the next No. 1! We are at the height of luck!!"
The anime shows Rei's father bowing to Enji while the dialogue has him calling Endeavor-sama. He uses his Hero name and the -sama (様) suffix which is highly respectful.
Interesting enough, even if Enji is marrying Rei because he doesn't think he can surpass All Might, according to Rei's father there's many people who think he'll do it.
All Might and Endeavor have around 10 years of difference as, during the final fight with All for One All Might says he's more than halfway through 50 while Enji should be 46.
In chap 165 Enji has said at 20 he figured out he couldn't surpass All Might, and we know Touya was born when he was 22 so, considering Touya should have been conceived when he was 21, either he's still 20 or he's just turned 21 and he and Rei will have a fast marriage.
On another side, Rei's father never mention Enji also coming from a prestigious family, just that he's the Number 2 Hero and, possibly, will become the Number 1, which might hint to how Enji didn't come from an equally prestigious family and make a name for himself after he became a Hero.
The anime partially shows us Rei's father's face. In teh manga he's just a black shadow but he gives me the feeling Horikoshi planned him to look different than in the anime.
The anime changes the background a little, in the manga there's a scroll on the wall, in the anime we see white Fusuma (襖) doors, vertical rectangular panels which can slide from side to side (they're often painted with scenery but not in this case).
Also the glass window in the manga is close while in the anime is open.
They are in a Washitsu (和室) room, a Japanese-style room with a Tatami (畳) mat flooring and they're sitting on Zaisu (座椅子) chairs, Japanese chairs with a back and no legs.
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In the garden there's also a Ishi-dōrō (石灯籠 "stone lantern"') lantern, a lantern made of stone in its Yukimi doro (織部灯籠 "Snow-viewing Lantern") variant. The customary placement is at the edge of land and water and the original Japanese character describing this lantern may have meant ”floating light”.
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The anime adds Rei's father turning toward her but doesn't show Rei looking at the side. She's just staring down. As for Enji he seems to frown a little.
The group is drinking tea. In the manga they're probably using normal Chawan (茶碗 "tea bowl") bowls, traditional Japanese bowls used for preparing and drinking tea.
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In the anime though they seem to be using the Chinese Gaiwan (盖碗) bowls, Chinese lidded bowls without a handle, used for the infusion of tea leaves and the consumption of tea, which consists of a bowl, a lid, and a saucer and they are still used by tea connoisseurs all around the world, as a simple piece of teaware that gives the brewer a lot of control over the tea.
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I might be wrong though, maybe they're just Chawan bowls or maybe the Himura are using their best tea set, which happens to be a Chinese one.
The anime then adds exposition from Enji's point of view.
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'Ichiō, miai to iu katachi o totte wa iruga, koreha "kosei" kon' 一応、見合いという形をとってはいるが、これは"個性"婚 "Just in case, although it was made to look like an arranged marriage meeting, this was a "Quirk" marriage."
'Jishin no "kosei" o yori kyōka shite tsuga seru tame ni haigūsha o erabi, kodomo o uma seru tame no kekkon' 自身の"個性"をより強化して継がせるために配偶者を選び、子どもを産ませる為の結婚 "A marriage to have children in which the spouse is chosen in order to strengthen and pass on one's "Quirk""
'Ore wa nozonda noda. Ore no honō no "kosei" to kōri himura-ke ichizoku no kōri no "kosei" ga majiwareba, All Might o mo koeru Hero ga umidaseru to' 俺は望んだのだ。俺の炎の"個性"と氷叢家一族の氷の"個性"が交われば、オールマイトをも超えるヒーローが生み出せると I wanted it. If my fire "Quirk" and the ice "Quirk" of the Himura family were combined, I could create a hero that would surpass All Might.
'Katsute wa meikadatta Himura-ke mo ima wa aoikitoiki…' かつては名家だった氷叢家も今は青息吐息… "The Himura family, which was once a prestigious family, was now in deep distress…"
'No.2 Hero no chii to meiyo, soshite djisankin meate ni Himura-ke no tōshu wa ore no teian o assari to ukeireta' No.2ヒーローの地位と名誉、そして持参金目当てに氷叢家の当主は俺の提案をあっさりと受け入れた "The head of the Himura family easily accepted my proposal, aiming for the status and prestige of the No. 2 hero, as well as the dowry."
'Kotowaru koto mo dekita hazuda' 断る事もできたハズだ "She could have refused."
'Daga kanojo wa "kosei" kondearu koto mo shōchi no ue de, ie no tame ni ore no tsuma ni naru to iu' だが彼女は"個性"婚である事も承知の上で、家の為に俺の妻になると言う "However, even if she was aware that it was a "Quirk" marriage, and said that she will become my wife for the sake of her family."
So... this exposition remarks it's a Quirk Marriage but they don't quite want to admit it so they make it pass for an arranged marriage. Because if your family sells you off but it's not for the purpose to strenghten your husband's Quirk, it's so much better. -_-
Anyway at the meeting there's just Enji, Rei and the "family head" (当主 'tōshu'), which is generally assumed to be Rei's father (but it could have been her grandfather if he was still alive... or her brother if her father died prematurely).
Generally in arranged marriages, or better in the 'Miai' (見合い, "matchmaking"), the marmatching meetings made to organize arranged marriages there's either a mediator or the parents of the two who're meant to marry. Enji though is alone. We can speculate that Rei's mother (whom we know is alive) is absent because she's preparing more tea or retrieving sweets... but Enji went there alone and we'll never, through the whole story, hear about his mother.
Maybe she died too.
While in the manga the family head only sounds honoured to receive Enji's proposition in the anime he looks at Rei greedily, as if instead than Rei she's saying a stack of bills. I feel bad for Rei.
On a sidenote this clashes a bit with how Shouto presented the whole thing back in the past. Shouto made it look as if they were pressured into agreeing to him marrying Rei...
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...while in the manga they just seem glad he asked to marry her and in the anime they seem delighted to sell her to him.
Also the anime in this scene and the manga in another scene implied Rei could still have refused. She was likely pressured but could still say no, while Shouto paints it as if she and her family had no choice but to sell her off... though it can be a matter of translation.
'Jisseki to kin dake wa aru otokoda… Oyaji wa haha no shinzoku o marumekomi' 「実績と金だけはある男だ... 親父は母の親族を丸め込み」 "He is a man with accomplishments and money. . . My old man won over/seduced/persuaded my mother's relatives"
'Marumekomi' (丸め込み) seems to have a not so positive implication as it's used to imply you manage to talk someone into doing what you want, as if the Himura didn't really want to sell Rei and needed to be persuaded.
Tōya too also seem to imply the Himura were forced into selling Rei...
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'Endeavor wa katsute chikara ni kogarete imashita. 「エンデヴァーはかつて力に焦がれていました」 "Endeavor was once thirsty for power."
'Soshite All Might o koe renai zetsubō kara yori tsuyoi "kosei" o motta ko o tsukuru tame' 「そしてオールマイトを超えれない絶望からより強い"個性"を持った子を作る為」 "And out of despair of not being able to surpass All Might, in order to create a child with a stronger "Quirk"
'Muriyari tsuma o metorimashita' 「無理やり妻を娶りました」 "He took a wife by force"
Tōya uses 'muriyari' (無理やり), which means "Forcibily, against one's will".
In the manga he'll also say (without Rei correcting him)...
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'Obāchan-tachi ga binbō shi tetakara okāsan o uttandaro' 「おばあちゃん達が貧乏してたからお母さんを売ったんだろ」 "Grandmother and the others were poor so they sold mother, isn't that it?"
'Okāsan wa sō suru shika nakattandaro' 「お母さんはそうするしかなかったんだろ」 "Mother had no choice but to do that, isn't that it?"
Here it doesn't say his father forced them to sell his mother, but that his grandparents did it because they were poor and insists on how Rei "had no choices" (しかなかった 'shikanakatta')... which Rei doesn't deny with him but will later deny in an inner monologue.
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'Sentakushi wa kagira rete itakeredo' 選択肢は限られていたけれど "Although my options were limited"
'Erande susunda no wa watashi no ashi de' 選んで進んだのは私の足でーーー "I chose to move forward with my feet."
'Semete sono-sakide wa waratte iyou to' せめてその先では笑っていようと "At least I'll try to smile there"
'Omotte ita no ni...' 思っていたのにーーー… "That's what I was thinking…"
She claims she had limited options but, confirming Enji's words, she still could choose.
I should probably say that the impression I get from Tōya first saying it was Enji who forced Rei to marry against her will (same as Shouto), and then him instead choosing to blame his grandparents for Rei's marriage, with Enji and, more important, Rei, feels like a retcon (and since this chapter already contained a retcon in its magazine version I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case here as well).
Of course we can excuse it with an 'at the time Tōya was still longing for Enji's love and didn't want to blame him too much...' only to remember he was blaming him in that same chapter in his chat with Natsuo so... whatever.
And, in addition to this, there's also the narrator in "School Briefs I: Notice from School" which says Enji "singled out his would-be wife and forced her into a Quirk marriage".
Really, this doesn't make it look like Rei even had the option to refuse... only for chap 301/302 to change the situation having Enji say she could refuse, Rei saying she chose that path for her family's sake and Tōya not blaming anymore his father but his grandparents for that marriage.
So, skipping the old bits as retconned out of the story, honestly the impression I got of the Himura from the scene was they saw this as their golden chance as soon as they were asked out so Enji didn't really have to work on being persuasive. Maybe it's just me, though we'll later learn the Himura were already into organized Quirk marriages... however their own were to strenghten their own Quirk as they tended to marry among distant relatives.
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In Japan is considered incest only if you marry someone who's a second or a third degree relative so I guess they could safely marry among forth degree relatives.
Rei also will claim she
Anyway really, I doubt Enji had to do much work to persuade the Himura and, if he hadn't shown up, her family would have still likely try to organize her marriage so...
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The anime cuts Enji's pouting face as he and Rei walks around the place.
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The flowers Rei is watching are Gentians.
In the series we see Enji gifting them to Rei in November as she has them during the Second Hero Billboard chart which takes place in November but she also has them during the Paranormal Liberation War which takes place in March.
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Now, we can assume the first kind of Gentians Rei has are likely the ‘gentiana scabra’, a specie of gentian with a blue (青色)/purple color (紫色), also called Japanese Gentian. In Japan their name is Rindō (リンドウ/竜胆) and well, they're basically The Gentian in Japan as when you mean to say just gentian in Japan you say 'Rindō'.
However this comes with a problem. In Japan the ‘gentiana scabra’ blossoms in Autumn, from September to November... so it's fine for Enji to gift them to Rei in November for the Hero Billboard chart... but it would be difficult to do the same in March, before/after the Paranormal Liberation War,
The alternative is that the second gentian we see, the one she's holding in March is actually a 'gentiana zollingeri' or Fude Rindō (フデリンドウ), another gentian typical of Asia which is either white or blue and whose flowering period is Spring, usually from April to May... but the problem is I've heard this gentian is usually quite small so... no idea. For now I'll let the guessing to who knows more about gentians than me.
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Now let's focus a moment on what Rei says...
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'Kono ohana watashi ga suki tte itta no' 「このお花私が好きって言ったの」 "I told him I like/love these flowers"
'?' 「?」 "?"
'Hajimete atta koro tatta ichido' 「初めて会った頃たった一度」 "Only once when we first met"
Actually, the Japanese text in this scene matches more with how we saw it being played out. In the flashback Rei never said they were her favourite flowers and here she confirms she only told him she liked/loved them.
Anyway, according to this scene, this mean they have that walk in which they saw the gentians on their first meeting.
And that's all we know about Enji pre marriage form the manga.
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sam24seven · 23 days
Hey, what's up?
I'm Sam, 18 years old, non-binary amab and I like to analyse characters, so every once in a while I'll get on here and post my analysis of characters, or why I relate to those characters, or anything else.
If you like what I post or you're just bored and want someone to analyse characters for you, feel free to leave requests for me to do, it can be a request for a character analysis, headcanons, fanfics, my opinion on a show, or anything else, really.
My favourite shows rn are monster, death note, Great Pretender and aot
Here's a list of all the animes I watched:
- Angel Beats!
- Ao no Exorcist/Blue Exorcist
- Bungou Stray Dogs
- Blood c
- My hero academia
- Charlotte
- Death Note
- Devilman: crybaby
- Doukyuusei/Classmates
- Free!
- Given
- Great Pretender
- Hisone to Maso-tan
- Horimiya
- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun/Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
- Kimi no Na wa/Your Name.
-Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara/Ride Your Wave
- Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu/Parasyte
- Koe no Katachi/A Silent Voice
- Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu/Komi Can't Communicate
- Kotarou wa Hitorigurashi/Kotaro Lives Alone
- Kuroko no Basket/Kuroko's Basketball
- No.6
- One Punch Man
- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
- Sasaki to Miyano
- Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan
- Shinseiki Evangelion/Neon Genesis Evangelion
- SK8 the infinity
- Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru/My Dress-Up Darling
- Tenkuu Shinpan/High-Rise Invasion
- Toradora!
- Umibe no Étranger/The Stranger by the Beach
- Banana Fish
- Cowboy Bebop
- Death Parade
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Hunter x Hunter
- Haikyuu
Ps. just a little disclaimer, English is not my first language so try to ignore some mistakes I make, I'm working on it
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