#kokichi laughs ni shi shi
weltato · 6 months
the simultaneous urge to "mwehehehe~" but also "ni shi shi~"
the duality of anime
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cheeryfairygender · 3 years
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[ID: A banner that says names, genders, and pronouns related to clowns and Kokichi Ouma. Next to the text is a head shot of Kokichi leaning forward, smiling and excited with sparkling eyes. The background is a shelf of 1.5 L bottles of grape fanta. End ID]
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[ID: A banner similar to a DNI banner with Cham-P, a large hamster, and Maga-Z, an aggressive hamster with a tear in its left ear, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the left and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not respost onto flop/cringe accounts! It triggers my paranoia, and you are not immune to being reported to your website’s staff! “My paranoia” is implied to be referring to Mod Bede. End ID]
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[ID: A DNI banner with Jum-P, a curled up and sleeping hamster, and San-D, a calm/happy hamster holding a sunflower seed, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the right and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not interact: Ed, Edd, n Eddy icons, Nazi, pedo, bigot, truscum/transmed/”nonbinary skeptic”/”gender critical”, against xenogenders, pro-shipper, think bisexuality doesn’t include trans/nonbinary people, antikin. End ID]
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kokichiomaxreader · 3 years
not sure if ur request are open so feel free to ignore this if its not open yeah 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
anyway could u pls do a shortfic where kokichi was injured and pretend that hes gonna die and goes "mann im gonna die before i could even get my first kiss" 🥺🥺 sooo reader was panicking and thought hes really dying so give him a kiss only to realized that he is lying 🤣🤣
sorry for this super longggg explanation HAHA have a nice day 💜💜
Everything had been set up perfectly. He had fake blood and the scissors to make cuts in his uniform. “This prank is going to be perfect for Y/N!” Kokichi thought.
Kokichi, who everyone knows to be quite the trickster, had nearly pranked all of his classmates (putting hair dye in Kaito’s hair gel had been his favorite so far). Now, it was Y/N’s turn.
Kokichi thought back to the conversation he had with them earlier:
“Kokichi! Stop running so fast! You’ll get yourself hurt!”
“Ni~shi~shi! Come on Y/N! Nothing bad is going to- woah!”
Kokichi came to a stop when he realized he was about to fall down a flight of stairs.
“Whew! That was a close one! Guess you were right for once.”
“See! I told you! I think I’d have a heart attack if you ever got hurt!”
That what made it so perfect! If he was careful not to get caught in his lie, then the prank was a guaranteed success.
He had already sent a note to their room earlier. They should be there any minute.
Kokichi heard them coming down the hall. He got into position.
“Kokichi? Are you here? I got your note. Koki- Oh my goodness!!!” They rushed to the side of the ‘bleeding boy’. “Kokichi can you hear me!? Who did this to you!?”
Kokichi had to force down his laughter. “Y-Y/N? Is that you?”
“Oh my gosh! You’re bleeding too much! I’ll go get help!”
“Wait- stay please. It’ll be too late by the time you help.”
Y/N was shaking. “Don’t act like you’re about to die!”
“I am going to die. I’m just so bummed I had to die before getting my first kiss! Aw man.”
Y/N couldn’t believe it. Someone as great as Kokichi never had a kiss before!? Wait! Does mean that they could possibly be Kokichi’s first kiss? Not the time! If this was going to be Kokichi’s first and last kiss then Y/N had to give it their all!
Y/N gently cradled Kokichi’s face in their hands. Slowly, yet passionately, Y/N kissed Kokichi with all the love that she had. It was an intimate moment. It was a peaceful moment. Deep and satisfying. Y/N separated their lips for the moment, although they longed for more.
“How was that?”
Kokichi blinked, surprised by the action. He wasn’t complaining though. “Wow Y/N, I should fake my death more often!”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to be surprised.
“Wait... WHAT!!!???”
“Ni~shi~shi! It was a lie! Please don’t be mad! It was worth it, wasn’t it!?”
They didn’t want to admit, but it was worth it. It was worth that feeling that made their heart race faster and their body heat up. It was certainly worth that kiss.
“S-still,” Y/N sputtered, “you didn’t have to as far as faking your death! You could���ve just asked me!”
Kokichi smiled mischievously. “So... if I asked you would do it again?”
They felt blood rush to their face! “Kokichi!”
Kokichi laughed, “Just kidding! But still would you?”
Y/N couldn’t make eye contact. “Well, yeah. It was nice.”
Kokichi turned their head to face him.
“Then you should do it again.”
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rhodologies-a · 5 years
@vaciiviity proving that naegi doesn’t get paid enough for this.
"Ni~shi~shi~" ominous laughter accompanied by the pitter-patter of light footsteps as Kokichi makes his way around the place. Whoever was supposed to keep an eye on him seems to have lost him so now he's wandering around on his own. Probably not the best idea considering the grin that curls his lips. He's definitely planning something. [ liar gremlin loose in the Future Foundation building looking for trouble; @ Makoto! ]
The nice thing about occupying the wing of the building where Byakuya works is that typically, it’s fairly quiet. His presence alone gave people to keep their voices down, and if that didn’t work, a few terse words usually did the trick. 
Today, Byakuya has been called off to some meetings elsewhere, but the wing remains mostly quiet- that is until there are light, tapping footsteps and a telltale laugh. Someone got away from his babysitters, it seemed. Again. For a moment, Makoto considers ignoring whatever mischief Ouma-san is clearly planning in the hall, but then he takes a deep breath, reminding himself how close the remnant of despair is to simply being discarded by the Future Foundation.
Time to save him from himself. 
Makoto takes a moment, saving the files he’s working on and marking where he’s at. Mostly, he’s biding time to gather his patience. This is for hope and for restoration. If the Neo World program is going to be a success, he needs cooperation from Kokichi, regardless of how determined he is to make them regret saving him. Once he takes one more deep breath, he sticks his head out of the office he’s in, eyes locking onto the offending teen.
“Ouma-san,” His voice is level and pleasant, smile in place. “I don’t normally see you down here.” I know you aren’t supposed to be in this wing. “What brings you across the building?” Where is your handler?
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Killing Harmony [Oumeno]
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i wrote this one-shot a few months ago, and i’m kinda proud of it!
this was written for the writing club that i used to lead,,
the thing is under the cut~!
WARNING: This piece of writing contains mentions of blood, sharp objects, and death. You have been warned.
The first thing Himiko realized when she woke up was the fact that she was dead. 
The redhead could remember the agonizing pain of being stabbed in the neck with that stupid golden katana. Her small hands went towards her neck immediately, feeling for the wound. After a few moments, she ended up finding the place she was stabbed. The tiny girl quickly removed her hands from her neck and quickly examined them. There was..no blood.
“N-Nyeh? Wh..why..h-how-” Himiko’s spoken thoughts ended up getting cut off by a very, very familiar male voice.
“Ni-shi-shi~! What a laugh..did you actually think I cared about her?” The male’s voice asked. 
Himiko could feel herself heading towards the voice’s owner. With each twist and turn in the academy she encountered, the voice got louder. Finally, she came across the male who was once her former crush and friend, Kokichi Ouma, talking to the Ultimate Astronaut.
“What the hell do you mean by me thinking that you actually cared about her-?!” Kaito practically screamed. “Himiko spent so much time with you, and now she’s gone! How can you not care?”
“She was annoying, Kaitooo..” Kokichi whined. “This killing game is simply a game of survival, and she simply lost~!”
Himiko could feel tears starting to form in her eyes when she heard what her former crush said. How foolish had she been to trust the supreme leader. She placed her hands over her mouth to muffle her sobs. However, the tears just came on coming, no matter how much she tried to make them stop.
“You even said that you cared about her yourself!” Kaito exclaimed. “What changes things now?”
“Ni-shi-shi~! Silly Kaito..who said I even meant that?” Kokichi tilted his head a little as he smiled. “I am a liar, after all!”
When she heard those statements, her sobbing became worse. The memories she had made with the Ultimate Supreme Leader started to fill her mind, and it left a sour taste in her mouth. She could see the way Kaito shot the other male a death glare before he stomped. She saw the way Kokichi let out a sigh of relief when the taller male left him. 
And she certainly saw the way tears started to form in his own eyes.
Himiko wiped her eyes with her blazer’s sleeve when she saw Kokichi change directions. She couldn’t help but follow him to wherever he was going. She looked around the area as she followed the male until they stopped at the Ultimate Magician Research Lab. 
Her lab. 
The supreme leader had opened the door and entered the lab, still having the former Ultimate Magician following him
The purple haired male switched the lights on in the lab before he shut the door behind him. As Himiko continued to stay by Kokichi’s side, the male made his way over to the spellbook the magician had open before her death. Tears began to fall down his face as he slowly made his way over to it.  
“Wh..why did you have to go, Himi?” He asked in a soft voice. 
Himiko rushed over to the male and pulled him into an embrace, even though he couldn’t feel her. She needed to at least to be able to provide him some sort of comfort. 
 As he let out a shaky breath, Kokichi’s finger fell under the last thing Himiko had written in her book: 
It wanders lost and wounded, this heart that I misplaced.
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serahne · 7 years
Of course I had to wait the last day of the event to submit it, but here is my gift for Nellson for the @drvalentines event ! I followed your idea of one of them being sick and the other having to take care of him, and sprinkled some fluff over it. Hope you’ll like it !
Title : Unexpected
Rating/Warning : None, it’s very cute.
Summary : A first date never goes exactly quite as planned. Even when you’re Kokichi Ouma and are oh-so-clever. That’s unfortunate, and then it’s not.
Relationships : Shuichi Saihara/Kokichi Ouma. Shuich Saihara & Kaito Momota & Maki Harukawa. Shuichi Saihara & Kaede Akamatsu.
“Please, tell me you are not dating the gremlin !”
Shuichi hadn’t exactly been expecting a surprise attack from his best friend so early in the morning, and Kaito’s outraged exclamation startled him so much that he almost closed his locker right on his fingers. Turning around, he found out that Maki, as quiet as a shadow and twice as gloomy as usual - was next to him.
“I…plead the fifth ?” Shuichi tried, doing his best to hide behind his hair - god, did he miss his hat sometimes. As Kaito opened his mouth again, he decided to be honest. “I’m not dating anyone, Kaito. I barely talk to Kokichi, okay ? We just happen to meet this afternoon for a coffee. This is nothing shady, I swear.”
“Nothing shady ?” Kaito repeated. “Shuichi, this guy is the definition of ‘shady’. When you look for ‘shady’ in a dictionary, you find his picture !”
As on cue, Shuichi was suddenly distracted when Kokichi Ouma appeared on the other side of the hallway, talking animatedly to a sleepy-looking Rantaro and very noticeable in his almost entirely white outfit. Despite himself, Shuichi felt a smile playing on the corner of his lips.
Shuichi and Kokichi weren’t friends per say. He wasn’t exactly a people-person, and without the insistence of people like Kaito or Kaede, he had no doubt he would have spent his four years in Hope’s Peak Academy alone, too anxious to talk to anyone, and especially not to someone like Kokichi, who was almost the exact opposite character : a real chatterbox, who enjoyed to cause trouble through lies and tricks.
And yet, somehow…
Almost as if he could feel Shuichi’s eyes on him, Kokichi turned his head in his direction, and grinned happily, waving to him in such obnoxious way that it caught the attention of the students around him. Shuichi felt his entire body warm-up - partly because of the shame, partly because even if Kokichi had done it to annoy him he was glad he hasn’t been ignoring him.
“Maki roll !” Kaito called loudly - bringing Shuichi back to their current discussion. “He is completely smitten. He isn’t listening to me, say something ?”
Maki frowned and shook his head.
“I think that this guy is the Devil,” she eventually said with a flat look in Shuichi’s direction. “But I’m not your mom, and if you want to date him, then feel free. If things turn too ugly, tell me and I’ll take care of him, alright ?”
Despite how monotonous his tone was, Shuichi couldn’t help but shiver at the idea of Maki ‘taking care’ of Kokichi. He promised himself that even if their coffee… meeting ( Kokichi hadn’t called that a ‘date’, and he didn’t want to be a fool and call it that ) turned out to be some ploy for Kokichi to steal his organs so he could sell them on the black market or something, he wouldn’t tell Maki. No one deserved to deal with an angry Maki, in his opinion.
“He isn’t that bad,” Shuichi pleaded. “He likes to pretend to be more of a jerk that he really is.”
Maki stared at him a few seconds, before sighing.
“You are entitled to your own mistakes. I won’t pull the ‘I told you so’ card, but Kaito will, so be ready for that.”
And that was the end of the conversation.
Kaede was only slightly more supportive.
“I’ve noticed he is always looking at you.” she said after Shuichi explained everything to her, in the middle of their english class. She smiled teasingly at him. “And why wouldn’t he be ? You’re smart, and kind, and everyone found out how good looking you are since you decided to let your hat behind ? Who wouldn’t want a piece of our Shuichi, right ?”
“Kaede…” He warned her.
She laughed behind her hand - they were in class after all - and pat Shuichi’s hand.
“I’m kidding. Well, not entirely : Kokichi is always showering you with attention : whether by looking at you, drawing you little pictures, or finding any excuse to talk to you and tease you. He looks like a middle-schooler experiencing his first crush. I’m just curious about you. I didn’t think you liked him back.” Before Shuichi could tell something, she stopped him. “I’m not judging you, I’m your friend, okay ?”
“Kaito and Maki are judging me,” Shuichi mumbled back.
Kaede grinned.
“Alright, friends judge each other’s dumb mistakes, but still offer their support, how does that sound ?”
“You think it’s a mistake ?” Shuichi asked, seriously. He trusted her judgement - she tended to have a good grasp on people. He didn’t mind going against Kaito’s or Maki’s opinions, but one part of him really wanted Kaede’s approval.
Kaede seemed to ponder her thoughts for a few seconds then…
“Not necessarily,” she said. “Listen. I don’t know Kokichi enough to know what he is up to. But I trust you. If you think trying your luck with him is a good idea, I’m going to support you. And if you happen to just want to lock the two of you in your bedroom for an undetermined period of time…”
She wiggled her eyebrows.
“Kaede !”
Shuichi almost expected to be stood up. Or at least for Kokichi to make him wait for hours, just to see how long he could torture him, and he was surprised when he saw him already settled at a table, his attention focused on his tiny computer in front of him, earbuds in his ears. The coffee shop was small and busy - it was just after school, after all - but he didn’t seem to mind the noise around. From time to time, he curled up a lock of hair around his thumb, a gesture that Shuichi saw him do a lot in class.
“Hey,” Shuichi said, awkwardly, making a beeline between the tables toward him. “I’m here.”
“Shuichi !” Kokichi raised his head and grinned at him. Despite how bright his smile was, Shuichi couldn’t miss the strain in his expression. Was… Kokichi paler than usual ? “I didn’t think you would come ! Ni-shi-shi, I shouldn’t have bothered with a computer, this thing weighs a ton, you know ? Even if it doesn’t look like it !”
Shuichi blinked a few times.
“You didn’t think I would… come ? But you are the one who asked me to meet you here.”
Kokichi waved his hand, brushing off Shuichi’s logic, as always.
“Well, yes, but I didn’t think you would actually do it. It’s not like we are friends, and I have a reputation, haven’t I ?” His smile turned a little malicious, and Shuichi wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“I…” Shuichi began.
Kokichi didn’t let him finish. With a quick gesture, he closed his laptop.
“Anyway.” He said, almost sung, really. “Rantaro was right, you did come, hum ? I guess this shows I should never bet against him - serve me right - but now, I’m surprised… why did you come Shuichi ? Do I intrigue you ? Do you want to find out the truth behind my organisation ? Do you want to pierce the mysterious mystery of Kokichi Ouma ?”
He laughed like a child - cruel and selfish, and way too loud. Without thinking, Shuichi warped his arms around him, protecting himself from whatever was to come. He glared at Kokichi but didn’t utter a word - if he was anyone else, maybe someone like Kaede, he could be witty and smart, and spiritual, but in these conditions… he was just an idiot with a crush.
A crush on Kokichi Ouma. Because gods really had a sick sense of humor.
“I should go,” he managed to croak out without collapsing - he could hear the I told you so from Kaito already. “I… uh, it was nice seeing you. I’m sorry you didn’t win your bet with Rantaro, I hope you didn’t have too much at stake.”
What was he even thinking ? Even if he couldn’t be as cool a Maki and behead him in one swift move, or as self-assured as Kaito who would have shrugged it off and wooed the pretty girl sitting nearby and pretended to not listen to then, did he have to be this lame ?
Kokichi chuckled some more.
“Oh, Shuichi, you’re soooo precious. I could kiss you sometimes.”
As he stood up, all colors suddenly drained away from Kokichi’s face, and his eyes widened in shock and he collapsed on himself.
“Kokichi ?” Shuichi called, quickly helped him up. “Are you alright ? What’s going on ?”
“Nothing,” Kokichi hissed. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re not !”
“Yes I am !”
Shuichi sighed.
“Then try and stand up for a minute ?” He said.
Kokichi glared at him. Shuichi noticed with a growing worried that his forehead was covered in sweat.
“I’m fine where I am, this floor is really comfortable. Now, I know I’m irresistible if you could keep your hands off me, it would be…”
“What’s going on, here ? Oh my god, are you okay ?”
The waitress sounded so panicked, Shuichi was scared for a second that she would drop the cups of smoking hot coffee that she was holding on them.
“It’s… it’s alright !” He quickly said. “My friend here is sick, and I need to call someone to get him, or a taxi… Is there a room away from everyone else where we can wait ?”
He used his best pleading eyes - Kaede often said that no one could refuse anything to these eyes without feeling horribly guilty ( ‘it’s like kicking a puppy !’) - and the waitress nodded. They both ignored Kokichi’s whinings, about how he was ‘fine’, and ‘felt great’. He let himself be dragged toward the employee room, where Shuichi managed to lay him on a couch. He smiled gratefully to the waitress, who was looking more nervous at each passing second.
“I… I have to go back ? Will it be okay if I let you there ?” She asked. “I can bring him a glass of water ?”
“Don’t let her poison me,  Shuichi.” Kokichi mumbled against the couch.
“Yeah, it would be great,” Shuichi said, ignoring him. “Thank you. I’m going to call a taxi.”
As soon as the waitress was gone, Shuichi checked the other’s temperature.
“You’re burning Kokichi ! What the hell, how did this happen ? How did you even come to school when you’re that sick ? You should be home, resting !”
Kokichi hissed and jerked away from his hand.
“First, shoo. You aren’t my mom.” He tried to bite back, but his usul spark was long gone. “Second, I don’t have a fever, this is a lie.”
Kokichi was fortunately silent while Shuichi called a taxi - though he couldn’t seem to stop his body from shivering, even curled up in a tiny purple ball on the couch. As soon as the call ended, though, his dramatic act was back.
“If I die, I’m sooo blaming it on you.” He whimpered.
“You are not going to die.”
Kokichi frowned.
“This is the most stupid thing you ever said, Shuichi. Of course I’m going to die one day.”
“Smartass,” Shuichi shook his head, half-amused and half-exasperated. “I mean that you aren’t going to die today. You are going to die as an old man, after spending years playing tricks and breaking hearts, alright ?”
“Breaking hearts ?” Kokichi repeated, curious.
Shuichi shrugged. He didn’t plan for this bit to slip out, but he wondered if that made that much of a difference. Kokichi was certainly smart enough to know when someone had a crush on him. What did Kaede say, about Kokichi always watching him or something ? He felt a little silly : Kokichi was right, they barely knew each other. If Shuichi was stupid and had imagined a connexion between them, it was his own fault. Blaming Kokichi for his own feelings while the small leader was sick sounded very self-pitying.
“It’s fine,” Shuichi tried to smile. “I guess I should have listened to everyone, right ? Maybe if I had, you would have won your bet. Sorry. Oh, and also, I promise I won’t send Maki after you. And you didn’t even steal my organs, so, hey, it could have been worse, right ?”
After this last remark, Kokichi was looking at him as if he was a madman, and Shuichi wanted to punch himself in the face.
“Sometimes, I’m really wondering what’s inside this head of yours,” Kokichi said, stretching a little more on the couch, his eyelashes fluttering prettily.
“You have very long eyelashes,” Shuichi commented out loud.
Well, Kokichi had said he wanted to know. It was his fault if he was disappointed after that. But the Ultimate Evil Leader barely replied - proving to Shuichi that he definitely wasn’t alright.
“Say you.”
Silence fell for a few seconds, before Kokichi sighed.
“There was no bet, okay.” He admitted, making a face. “It was a lie. I didn’t expect you would fall for it.”
“What ?” Shuichi was confused.
“I didn’t do a bet with Rantaro about you coming or not. I didn’t lie when I said that I didn’t think you would accept to go on a date with me, or that you would stand me up, but there was no bet.” Kokichi said. “I just wanted to make sure of your intentions. You’re the Ultimate Detective, right ?”
“I… I am ?” Shuichi stuttered, trying to not feel too disappointed. “So… you invited me because I’m a detective, that’s it ? I thought… nevermind.”
I thought you invited me for me.
But then again. Why would Kokichi be interested in Shuichi for Shuichi, right ?
“Urgh, it’s not how that works,” Kokichi clicked his tongue impatiently. “It’s not like there is you, and then there is the Ultimate Detective in the same body, and that I can just talk to one or to the other. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t think you could exploit a weakness of mine through this date, and try to find out about DICE. This is what detectives do, right ?”
“Well,” Shuichi began. “I suppose so. And I really want to find out about you. But I’m not like you. I don’t want to use tricks, or to lie to you. I just want to win your trust and have you opened up to me one day ? Is that okay ?”
Kokichi didn’t say anything, but kept looking at Shuichi, an indecipherable expression on his face. Well, almost indecipherable.
“You’re blushing,” Shuichi noted.
“I’m not blushing,” Kokichi replied, “I have a fever.”
“Nice to see that we reached an agreement on the question.” Shuichi felt the ghost of smile on his lips.
He couldn’t help it. Sure, he was too nice to coerce a confession out of Kokichi right away, but… his heart was lighter. He had hoped that this coffee date meant that Kokichi would be fine opening up to him, in a way, and it did. Just not the way Shuichi expected.
He didn’t mind. With Kokichi, things were rarely how he expected, after all.
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shsl-imagin3s-blog · 7 years
How about the ndrv3 guys being very needy (like they just want attention or cuddles or something like that) with a female s/o?
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Sign me the heck up!(as always, if you want something changed, please don’t hesitate to ask!)
-Mod Kaede
Female S/O with Needy NDRV3 Guys
Saihara Shuuichi
Saihara wasn’t big on PDA or anything of the sort. He was shy when it came to hand holding or quick pecks. Of course, he still loved S/O with all his heart.
He started thinking back on the first murder case he solved. The way the culprit’s gaze bore into him came back to haunt him ever so often.
So when you two were sitting on a couch watching television, it came as a surprise that he grabbed your hand. He was blushing, and let his eyes rest on your figure. You brought his hand up to your face and gave it a small kiss.
As you got up for a snack, he didn’t let go of your hand.
“S-Saihara, my hand..”   “Ah! Sorry, S/O!”
He averted his gaze, and then you understood.You sat next to him and wrapped your arms around his body, placing your head on his shoulder.
Saihara smiled and placed a silent kiss on your head.
“Thank you, S/O.”
He felt blessed to have you as his partner.
Keebo sighed- another day with Ouma making robophobic remarks and being dragged around by him and Iruma.One comment Ouma made him doubt himself: “Ni-shi-shi~ How can a robot love a human? Were you programmed with that function?” ouma you little shit
You were walking with your robo-boyfriend. Usually, he would point out things and give facts about them (some of which were untrue) or ask questions.
He was silent. One look in his eyes could tell that he was in deep thought.
“S/O, please let me hold your hand!” You comply. He smiles weakly, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
“S/O, may I receive a hug from you?” You comply.
“Keebo, you know you don’t have to ask, right?” You lightly giggle.“R-Right!” His face turns scarlet and he fidgets with his hands.
For the entirety of the week, he searches on g00gle for human interactions and signs of affection.He begins cuddling you daily (which is surprisingly not uncomfortable), picks you up into a hug, smooches- you name it. He was being more needy than usual, so you decided to ask why.
“S/O, I showered you with affection because I wanted to prove that I love you and that robots like me can love.”You smile and hug him. “Silly, I know you do. You don’t have to prove anything.”
ha take that ouma
Kaito Momota
Kaito was a cuddle bug. Hugs? Check. Smooches? Check. Hand-holding? Check. All this while stargazing? Perfect.
Today, he really missed you. For no reason at all.
He whips out his phone and starts messaging you.
“How’s my lovely heroine doing? :D”You chuckle at the nickname, “Suffering, doing assignments”“Gassp D: Let the luminary of the stars ease your suffering!”
He starts sending you pictures of the two of you, cat pictures, memes, pictures of galaxies, facts and more. It was never a dull moment with Kaito- even through texting.
You check your phone once again at the sound of the notification. Kaito sent a picture of… you working on your assignment?
“S/O!!!” Kaito snuck up from behind and snaked his arms around your waist, place a thousand kisses on your head.
“Kaitoooo I have work to do–!” You protest weakly and laugh against him.
“Now that I’m here, I’m not letting you go!” He sits down in a chair next to yours and pulls you into his lap. He peppers more kisses on your face.
Homework? Pshh, the luminary of the stars needed his heroine right now! He steals you away for some stargazing, cuddling, and snacks.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta loves you very much! He loves giving you a kiss and holding you in his arms. He kisses your hand and pets your head.  
Because he wants to be a gentleman, he doesn’t give too much affection- he doesn’t want to be rude. You tell him it’s fine, but he just gets meek and his face goes red.
The bugs have been more silent this week- he made sure that nothing was wrong with them but he was still sad. Perhaps the cold had something to do with the insect’s change in behavior?
You gave Gonta a hug and kissed his cheek. His sadness was infectious!
Gonta held your hand and kissed it. You both were smiling.
“S/O?… This is ungentlemanly of Gonta.. but can we cuddle?” You gasp “!!” and reassure him that it’s not ungentlemanly at all!
You both lay down and snuggle up into each other. You silently play with his hair, braiding it and petting it. His strong and gentle hands stroked your back and head. You were both lulled to sleep, cozy in each other’s arms.
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma wasn’t big on cuddling or PDA. He loved you, he did. And he loved showing others you were his. But kisses and cuddling? That was more of your thing.
But that was a ruse. He actually loved hugging you. You gave his cold heart warmth. You were his sunshine.
You had returned from a month long trip. He had missed your laughter and smiles. When he heard you returned, he went on a walk with you. The two of you sat on a bench that had a nice view.
He grabs your hand as he stares ahead. You stare at his face for a long time, smiling. He looks at you, “S/O, I think you should take a picture. It’ll last longer.” He winks.You laugh at his small joke. It’s you, and only you with whom he can relax like this.He kept saying he didn’t deserve you, and you only shot down his negative statements. sore wa chigau yo
“Hey, S/O..” “Yeah?” He looks ahead again.“You know.. I could really go for…” He was looking for the right words to say/ How does one ask for cuddles?Before he could finish the sentence you let out a hum and pull him into your lap. Your lay your head against his hat and wrap him in a hug.
“You’re so warm, Ryoma..”He smiles. Doing this ever so often wasn’t bad at all.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Shinguji believed in the power of love- love was a beautiful concept that could be continuously studied. It brought forth happiness and sadness, pain and bliss.
While reading an anthropological book on love, he had come to crave your touch. The softness of your skin, the silkiness of your hair, the melody that was your voice- he missed you. 
With a snap, he closed the book. The noise echoed throughout the library. He placed it on the shelf. His long legs quickly carried him out of the library.
He found you looking at some flyers hung up on a cork board. His bandaged  hands snake around your waist. You yelp and turn around.A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you see that it was none other than Korekiyo.
He pulls you close and you giggle, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. You couldn’t see a smile, but you didn’t need to- his eyes showed his happiness.
“Did you know that in some cultures, a kiss on the forehead means that the person is wishing then luck and fortune? However, it is usually used as a form of endearment and affection to family, loved ones, and friends.” He brings his mask down and mimics the kiss you gave him.
His fingers lace around your own as he gives a kiss on your left cheek, then your right. He gives another kiss on your nose. His soft lips tickled your skin, and your giggles filled the air.
“Korekiyo, what’s the occassion?”
“Ah, S/O. Forgive me. I was studying the power of love before I went to look for you.”You let out a long hum as he embraced you and stroked your hair. 
Rantaro Amami
Amami was one cool dude. He would sometimes pick you up and swing you around, cuddle into you, kiss your hand, you name it.Even though his heart belonged to you, he was popular with both ladies and gentleman. He was not a play-boy by any means. Something drew people to him- maybe it was his avocado hair? His soft eyes, perhaps? Or was it his jewelry?Either way, you knew he was a busy guy. You both were in a loving relationship and trusted each other. You weren’t worried about the people he hung out with.
It was a normal day- he was talking to three girls, painting their hair and letting them play with his hair. He would joke with 2 guys that tagged along. They took candid photos of him, snickering at the blackmail material. Rantaro would sometimes make silly faces at the camera.
After a while, his laughter died down- this was fun, but he’d rather spend some time with you. A frown decorated his face and he checked his phone.
“S/O? Where are you rn?”“In the dining hall!”“omw”
He turned towards the small crowd and bid farewell. He walked into the dining hall and searched for you in the sea of people. Ah! There you were, in a line waiting for food.
You felt hands cover your field of vision. “Guess who~”
You remember that handsome voice from anywhere. You giggle, “I know it’s you Rantaro.” You pull his hands down. He laughs and hugs you, swaying. He plants a kiss on your head.
“Rantaro, did you need something?”“Nooo, I just wanted to spend time with you.”“I spend time with you everyday though..”“This is different, S/O!” He picks you up and starts carrying you out of the dining hall.
“My food!!” You cried out weakly. He ordered food and spent the day cuddling up against you, watching TV. Way better than eating at the dining hall, in all honesty.
Ouma Kokichi
Ouma was known a prankster and a liar. You were used to it, and you still loved the little shit to death. Still, he scared you and crossed the line with his last prank. He pretended to be dead, and you scream so loudly, you swore that aliens in space could hear you.When Ouma revealed that he was- in fact- still alive, you glared at him with a look that could kill. You stalk off as he call out your name. He pouts.
The next day, he found you in the dining hall. “S/O!~” He called out to you, waving his arm in the air. He smiled from ear to ear.You ignored him- a harsh form of revenge. You walked out. He stared at you in disbelief.
Later in the day, he found you in the courtyard, sitting on a bench. He sat down next to you- “S/O~” he cooed. You stayed silent, but a smile was creeping up on your face.
“So… you’re ignoring me?” Silence. “That was a huge mistake!” He laughs and  started tickling you.  You shrieked and giggled, begging him to stop. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. He takes your hand and kisses the tears away.
“I’m sorry…” You whisper into his ear.
He wraps his arms around you, and whispers, “I’m not!”
Before you can say or do anything, he runs away. A loud “Nishishi!” leaving his lips. You let out a frustrated sigh, but smiled either way.
He was an annoying half-pint, but he was your annoying half-pint.
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