#kolskeggr mine
kookaburra1701 · 11 months
WIP Wednesday - A Line-storm Song
tagged by @elfinismsarts @thana-topsy 💚 @viss-and-pinegar @thequeenofthewinter
I am tagging @gilgamish @greyborn2 @dirty-bosmer @skyrim-forever @totally-not-deacon @mareenavee @paraparadigm @polypolymorph
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: Explicit Category: M/M Genre: Old👏Men👏Yaoi👏 Pairing: Pavo Attius/Gat gro-Shargakh
Summary: Pavo and Gat weather a spring storm in the Reach.
My brain has revolted against only working on Aristeia during NaNoWriMo and I compromised by working on this one-shot which takes place in the same 'verse. I needed to let these two Married Forever guys fuck. And oh boy are they. Excerpt below is not explicit.
“Rain’s coming,” Gat said, leaning against the smelter as Pavo stepped out of the shadows of Kolskeggr mine. Pavo blinked a little in the late afternoon sun. The golden rays were illuminating white pillars of clouds in the east, only the deep purple shadows beneath them hinting at the possibility of inclement weather.
“I suppose I’ll do the evening chores early then,” Pavo said, moving to stand next to Gat. “Get Juniper settled before the tempest.”
Gat slipped his arm around Pavo’s waist, and Pavo leaned into his comforting bulk. Even after twenty years, his touch never failed to send a thrill down Pavo’s spine.
“I’ll finish up here, get everything secured against the wind,” Gat said against Pavo’s ear, his large tusks tracing the corner of Pavo’s jaw.
“Gat, I’m disgusting, at least wait until I’ve rinsed off!” Pavo yelped as Gat turned and took hold of him with both hands, pulling him close.
“Mmmm, if a little mine dust was a problem—” Gat buried his face in Pavo’s neck while Pavo laughed and tried to push him away. “—I don’t think my people would be nearly as numerous as they are.” He gave Pavo’s neck a final nip before releasing him.
“You’re insatiable,” grumbled Pavo. When he turned to head down the path to their cottage, Gat’s laughter followed him.
The chickens allowed him to drive them into their coop with the bribe of some kitchen scraps, but Juniper, their mule, brayed her protest when he came to collect her from her picket, despite the bucket of oats and corn he rattled at her.
“I know it’s early old girl. But you’ll be glad of the roof and walls tonight, mark my words. Don’t go kicking them down if the thunder gets loud, now.”
As he puttered around the small barn, Pavo heard the front door to the cottage open and shut several times. As he was filling the water trough, Gat appeared in the doorway, wearing a clean shirt with water droplets clinging to the fuzz of his shaved head.
“I left a towel and some clean clothes by the river for you,” Gat said.
“Oh? I thought the dirt was an Orc aphrodisiac,” Pavo said archly. “I’m getting mixed messages here.”
“Smelling like ore is one thing, smelling like Juniper is another.”
“Don’t listen to him Juniper, you smell wonderful.”
Gat laughed, and turned to leave. “I’ll get supper started. Don’t take too long—hey!” He whirled and Juniper brayed and tossed her head at his shout. Pavo just grinned back at him, trying to look entirely innocent and like someone who would never dream of pinching an Orc’s arse.
Shaking his finger at Pavo, and walking backwards until he was well out of range, Gat retreated back to the cottage.
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aces-to-apples · 9 months
Pavo Attius and Gat gro-Shargakh of Kolskeggr Mine were in love, I know this in my heart. There was a comrades-in-arms to friends to lovers slowburn going on there.
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sadlazzle · 3 months
jst fast travelled to kolskeggr mine n one of the forsworn that attacks fell down the ledge but didn’t die, n i was gonna leave the cunt be until he came out with ‘die you orc filth’. ur racism jst cost u ur life my friend
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ylva-snow-mane · 6 months
Tirdas, 2nd day of Heartfire, 4E 201
It's been a week since my last entry. I suppose I never got the chance to write because I've been on the road.
I prepared myself for the journey from Whiterun to Markarth as best I could, but eventually grew frustrated with the slow pace of my progress. Even though I didn't have everything I may have needed, like a good stock of food and potions or a proper tent, I decided to simply strike out and hope for the best.
I first set out to Rorikstead, an easy enough journey given my familiarity with the path. But then, after I traveled north along the western road, I encountered a fort that'd been overtaken by Forsworn.
I confess, dear diary, a moment of weakness. My mother always told me horrific tales of the madmen of the Reach. As a girl, I was as afraid of the Forsworn as giants and draugr. And some part of that fear lingers in me, for I decided to scale the mountainside to avoid crossing through the fort. It was tricky and I nearly fell several times, but at least the weather was in my favor. I doubt I would've survived the climb come rain or snow. And for my detour, I only had to face a single saber cat.
Note to future self: Remember! They're fearful of fire! Study more Destruction spells!
I arrived in Karthwasten without incident. As I entered the town, I overheard an argument between a local mine-owner and a mercenary. Apparently, the word around town indicated that the Silver-Blood family of Markarth sought to bully the owner, Ainethach, into selling the mine. I could not stop to deal with this matter at the time, as I'm already on business for the Companions. But I think I will return to this town soon enough to lend a hand to Ainethach.
After I continued past Karthwasten, I came upon a ruined settlement engulfed in flames. I was attacked by Forsworn, but I held my ground in spite of my fear. Once I had dispatched the three heathens, I hurried from the ruined settlement, feeling it unwise to stick around in case their allies found me.
Further up the road, I encountered another mine, called Left-Hand Mine. Here, one of the miners explained that he was from the ruined settlement, called Kolskeggr Mine and that it was overtaken by the Forsworn. I promised him that I would return and take back the mine for the people. But the troubles of the Reach didn't stop there.
I finally arrived in Markarth this morning, only to witness a man attempt to murder a woman in the markets near to the city gate. In broad daylight, no less! Luckily for the woman, Margaret, I threw myself in the way of his blade. It glanced off of my armor and then I caved his head in with my maul. In his dying breaths, he screeched something about the Forsworn. He hadn't even fully collapsed before the guards were ushering me and all others of the markets aside. A strange man then slipped me a note, requesting I meet him by a hidden shrine of Talos.
Suffice to say, this city has put me on edge. And I am wary to patron the local Silver-Blood Inn. I'll give you two guesses what family owns that inn. And most of the town, according to the gossip I've overheard sitting here on the streets. I don't want to lay my head in this forsaken city, not for one night. There is something sinister woven into the very stone of this city, and I want no part of it.
I will simply find this Imedhnain fellow, give him a good thrashing, and then make haste to return to Whiterun. I may even splurge on a carriage ride to ferry me back. I suspect the back of a cart would be a safer bed than any I'd find here in Markarth.
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paperraptor-blog · 2 years
Skyrim Marriage Options
Slowly growing list of Marriage Options and information about them.
Derkeethus (M)
Darkwater Pass
Trapped in a cell
Can fight
Level cap 30
Mining camp of Darkwater Crossing
Scouts-Many-Marshes (M)
Windhelm in the Argonian Assemblage
Cannot fight
Shahvee (F)
Windhelm docks, Eastmarch
Lives in the Argonian Assemblage
Ainethach (M)
Runs Sanuarach Mine and farmhouse
Cosnach (M)
Loves drinking
Lives in the Warrens
Muiri (F)
The Hag’s Cure in Markarth
Octieve San (M)
Retired veteran
Gambles, and drinks
Lives with daughter Evette
Omluag (M)
Lives in the Warrens
Perth (M)
Soljund’s Sinkhole
Sell things to him
Shares a house with Tuthul
Dark Elf
Athis (M)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Part of the companions 
Avrupa Sarethi (F)
Sarethi Farm
Alchemist with her own farm
Brelyna Maryon (F)
College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Likes Winstead Manor
Can become a vampire
Dravynea the stoneweaver (F)
Jenassa (F)
Drunken huntman in whiterun
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sadistic and obsessed with killing
Excels at stealth
Revyn Sadri (M)
Sadri’s used Wares in Windhelm
Dislikes Thieves
Sondas Drenim (M)
Goldenrock Mine
High Elf
Taarie (F)
Loving as a spouse
Radiant Raiment
Can live with her
Does night fight
Camilla Valerius (F)
The two exes will continue to be in your home.
She will return to Riverwood if her brother dies
Can live with her and her brother
Starts her own store
Gilfre (F)
Mixwater Millowner
Owns her own house
Keeps the household together
Cannot fight
Marcurio (M)
Level cap 40
Can fight
Pavo Attius (M)
Left Hand Mine
Owns Kolskeggr Gold Mind
Owns a house outside Markarth
Will remain in miner’s clothing
Quintus Navale (M)
Takes over the White Phial Shop when employer dies
Ria (F)
Jorrvaskr in whiterun
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Can join the blades
Can be a steward
Senna (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Does not fight
Dislikes breeze home with kids
Enjoys proud spire
Sorex Vinius (M)
Love triangle with Vivienne Ones and Roggvir (beheade)
Flirts with customers after marriage
Hates all homes except Proudspire Manor
Runs the Winking Skeever Inn
Viola Giordano (F)
Owns a home (that rivals Hjerim)
Aela the huntress (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Opens a shop
Dislikes most houses except proud spire
Essential till Glory of the Dead
Level cap 50
Can become vampire (mixed reviews)
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Aeri (F)
Aeri’s House in Anga’s Mill
Owner of Anga’s Mill
Owns her own house
Angrenor Once-Honored (M)
Argis the Bulwark (M) 
Opens a shop
Can fight
Balimund (M)
Owns a house
Adopted son Asbjorn Fire-Tamer
Runs the blacksmith shop
Belrand (M) 
Sellsword for hire
Level cap 40
Benor (M) 
Lives in the guardhouse (not a guard)
Calder (M) 
Level cap 50
Can fight
Erik the Slayer (M)
Can fight
Farkas (M) 
Member of the Companions
Can fight
Little dopey
Great with kids, sweet to a spouse
Monster in battle
Level Cap 50
If you Marry him you can invite Vilkas to be your steward
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Filnjar (M)
Shor’s Stone
Owns a house
Grelka (F)
Iona (F)
Can fight
Constant compliments
Jordis the sword-maiden (F)
Proud spire manor in solitude
Can fight
Level cap 50
Possible bug not allowing marriage
Lydia (F)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Mjoll the lioness (F)
Can fight
Level cap 40
Dislikes Thieves’ Guild
Worry about Markarth house
Like most houses
Where she goes, so does Aerin
Njada Stonearm (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Onmund (M) 
Nord Apprentice at College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level cap 30
Orla (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Daily income
Will not leave temple of Dibella
Roggi Knot-Beard (M) 
Can be a follower and a steward
Level cap 20
Stenvar (M) 
Sense of humor
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sylgja (F)
Shor’s Stone, The Rift
Does not fight
Temba Wide-Arm (F)
Kind and amiable wife
Dislikes breeze home
Does not fight
Mill owner
Torvar (M) 
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level cap 25
Uthgerd (F)
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Owns a house
Vilkas (M)
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level Cap 50
Steward Material
Fierce in a fight
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Vorstag (M)
Lives in the silver-blood inn
Level cap 40
Likes Heljarchen Hall
Candiate for the blades
Sweet and a badass
Wilhelm (M)
Cannot be a follower
Runs the Vilemyr Inn
Ysolda (F)
Whiterun near merchant stalls
Marriage perk: 100 septa’s per day
Does not fight
Crush on Mikael the bard
Drug dealer
Small house in Whiterun
Takes over Banered Mare if Ulda is killed
Likes Herjerchan hall
Gat gro-Shargakh (M)
Left hand mine (Before cleared of forsworn)
Marriage perk: 100 gold daily
Lives in Kolskeggr Mine
Borgakh the steel heart (F)
Mor Khazgur, Haafingar
Daughter of the Chief Larak
Level cap 30
Can fight
Ghorbash the Iron Hand (M)
Dushnikh Yal
Brother of Chief Burguk
Level cap 30
Potential Steward
Can fight
Ghorza gra-Bagoi (F)
Lives with her brother in Understone keep
Great Spouse
Moth gro-Bagol (M)
Understone Keep
Ghorza’s brother
Anwen (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Rayya (F)
Can Fight
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
An Explorer’s Guide to Skyrim
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An Explorer’s Guide to Skyrim
by Marcius Carvain, Viscount Bruma
Far too often, noble visitors from Cyrodiil see little more of Skyrim than the view from their carriage. To be sure, this coarse, uncivilized province is far from hospitable, but it is also a place of fierce, wild beauty, with grand vistas and inspiring natural wonders awaiting those with the will to seek them out and the refinement to truly appreciate them. If you are of a mind to see Skyrim for yourself, I recommend beginning your adventure as I did, by seeking out Stones of Fate.
No doubt you are taken aback by the name, as I once was. The provincials and village folk have all manner of dark tales about these ancient monuments. Stories of necromantic rituals and fell spirits, of great and terrible powers conferred on any who dare to touch them.
The stories are, as Jarl Igrof once told me, “A load of mammoth dung.” A bit uncouth, but you get the point.
To be sure, keep your guards with you at all times - brigands and wild animals are never to be taken lightly. But the stones themselves are nothing to fear. Quite the contrary, their proximity to cities and roads makes them ideal destinations for the novice explorer, and many boast spectacular views that make the journey well worth the effort.
To whet your appetite, here are four such locations:
Most travelers enter Skyrim by way of Helgen, “Gateway to the North.” If you find yourself in this backwater hovel, consider taking an afternoon’s ride to the north, keeping to the road as it winds down the cliffs at the eastern end of Lake Ilinalta. Just off the path, on a small bluff, lie the three Guardian Stones, the greatest concentration of standing stones in all Skyrim. The view of the lake here at sunset is simply sublime.
Visitors from Cheydinhal will pass through Riften, city of intrigue and larceny since Tiber Septim’s day. If you seek adventure in the Rift, leave the city by the southern gate and cast your gaze upon the bluff that rises to the south. Atop it sits the Shadow Stone, a fitting symbol for the city of thieves.
Whiterun is the heart of Skyrim, its towering palace rivaling even the great castles of Cyrodiil. But should you tire of the Jarl’s hospitality, another adventure awaits a few hours to the east of the city, along the road that rises above White River Gorge. The Ritual Stone can be found atop the lone hill that rises on the north side of the road, set into an ancient monument. Take time to soak in the incredible view of Whiterun, the tundra, and the gorge from this unique spot.
More seasoned explorers may wish to visit Markarth, the ancient city of stone far to the west. The recent Forsworn Rebellion has made travel in the Reach perilous, but for those determined to seek adventure no matter the cost,  another stone can be found to the east of the city, perched on the mountain above Kolskeggr Mine. Though the climb is difficult, reaching the summit is a milestone any explorer could be proud of.
There are other Stones of Fate to be found in Skyrim - I myself have seen several more, perched on the most remote mountain peaks, or wreathed in fog amid the northern marshes. But the true joy of exploration is in the discovery, and so I leave the rest to you. May the Eight guide your steps.
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bigmammallama5 · 8 years
jennsaisquoi replied to your post “probs gonna take a short break from social media this friday through...”
More iron daggers, more leather bracers! Get that smithing to 100 ������������
i actually have gotten ahold of a bunch of daedra hearts and i found smithing those items really boost it, but also leather armor-which has continued to surprise me lol
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full-pockets · 3 years
This is so messed up
Pavo & Got from the Left-Hand Mine were chased out of Kolskeggr Mine by ForSworn and the only two survivors. Pavo gives the player a quest to kill the ForSworn.
I did that by accident, I just randomly wandered in the mine and killed them all, but I could have sworn I saw a red dot that I didn't get to kill yet. Oh well.
I was stalking them back to the mine while also leveling my sneak. Right as they get near the house a ForSworn rushed up and one hit kills them before Rayya or I can get down there.
That's were that red dot from earlier was. Well, they did finish them all off, it just took a little longer🥲
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somerandompokemon · 6 years
real easy ways to get good money in skyrim! In my opinion of course.
1. Deal with the skooma quest in riften. And sell what you can take but not steal
2. Again in riften, talk to Louis letroush, to do the frost quest. When you talk to sibbi persuade him to give you the key to the stash in the black briar estate. However the estate is guarded by mercenaries. Hired by Maven to protect the place. My recommendation is to sell the steel plate armor once you’ve handled the mercs. Trust me. They can make a mint. However when you get to Louis. Persuade him so you can not only get paid but keep frost as well. (Oh and there is a smal chest guarded by two bandits in a broken tower south west of the estate. Not too far. It’s near the mountain.)
3. Do the kolskeggr mine quest in the reach. You can discover said quest by going to left hand mine. Talk to pavo and he will explain the mine is taken over by forsworn. I personally bringing someone with you for this. Forsworn are annoying. You can try hiring a merc, but that will cost 500 Gold. I recommend someone like uthgerd (found in whiterun’s bannered mare), benor (found patrolling in mortal.), or Grobash the iron hand (found training in dushnik yal) to take with you. While you are in said mine, kill off the forsworn, and mine the gold ore veins. Collect the gold coins, ingots and ore lying around as well. (Some ingots should be in a wagon in the mine. Look in the left side.) when you return to Pavo after killing the forsworn he will pay you 750 Gold. But if you mine and get all the gold ore there, give him the gold ore and you can get up to 2,000 Gold for all the gold ore you dug up. (Side note also talk to the orc with him so he can mark down the orc strong holds you can visit. But he will mark them down after you cleared the mine of forsworn and tell Pavo.)
4. You can take care of the vampire problem in mortal too. The reward for finishing said quest should be 1,000 Gold. Let me know in a reblog if I am wrong.
5. Near kolskeggr mine there should be a boat past the bridge, check the barrels, and the chest in the water and on the boat there should be some gems. (I believe there are some flawless ones, a flawless ruby, flawless diamond and a flawless garnet. I think there is a flawless amythest as well. There are regular gems as well, a garnet a ruby and an emerald.) you may wanna check the strongbox on the boat as well. The lock level is adept. So be prepared and have like 20 lockpicks or more. That’s what I reccomend.
And that’s about it for now. If you want reblog some more ways. Thank you so much for reading!
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
Lisandre (a long tale by Talviel)
This is the story of how I met @lisandrelovesyams!
Morndas, 18th of Sun’s Dawn, 4E 207. I hadn’t been back to Skyrim since I’d left a year ago, gathering all the information and skills I could from the various kitchens, inns, and travellers through Cyrodiil and the northern tip of Hammerfell. The rest of the west, south, and east, aside from Blacklight and Soltsheim, were still a complete mystery that I was keen to unravel, but now was not the time. Despite the news that my mother had fallen ill, my heart soared as I guided my horse over the Jerall Mountains, making my way home. I’d spent the last year going through Cyrodiil, Morrowind, and Hammerfell. The Aldmeri Dominion and Argonia were still a mystery to me, but I swore to make my way all the way south as soon as I was done with my visit back north. It had been far too long. Making my way across the border from Cyrodiil to Tamriel, I grinned as the familiar sights and smells and sounds opened themselves back up to me. Red and blue mountain flowers dotted the dry grasses of the south, ruins loomed in every direction, wild animals scattered when they saw me, and in the distance I saw a giant’s camp with a mammoth drinking from a pond. I was home. Almost, anyway. It was about a day’s ride to Riften, and before night fell I gathered some jazbay grapes to make into a crostata over my small campfire.
As the dough began to crisp, evening had fallen and the sky was a dark blue lit only by the moon and stars. I leaned back on my bedroll while my horse munched from her feeding bag, when all of a sudden I felt the presence of something, or someone. I drew my sword from its scabbard and leapt to my feet. “Show yourself!” I demanded, annoyed that it was probably a bandit about to ruin my first meal home. A shadowy figure snuck forward towards the fire, straightening up. It was a Dunmer woman dressed in armour, tall with a scarred face, blind in one eye, and brandishing a warhammer. “Make yourself known! Are you a bandit? Because you’ve picked the wrong person.” I shouted at her before she could get any closer. “I’m no bandit, just a traveller. Who are you?” She shot back, and her voice carried the accent of Winterhold’s Grey Quarter. “A traveller myself, good woman. Come, sit by my fire and share a meal with me.” I said relaxing, and both of us put away our weapons.
She introduced herself as Lisandre, formerly of Winterhold but now living near Lake Ilinalta in Falkreath Hold. She was surprised when I introduced myself as Talviel of Riften. “Well I’ll be damned. Running into the Dragonborn who also happens to be the most famous chef in all of Tamriel besides The Gourmet, what are the chances?” She smiled, opening a bottle of Alto wine and offering it to me. I declined; I never drank while on the road as I needed to keep my wits about me. “So what’s for dinner? I’m excited!” She bubbled. “Skipping straight to dessert tonight, Lisandre. Had a sweet tooth coming on.” I said, as I went to check on the crostata. When it was ready, I sliced it and handed Lisandre half on a tin plate with a fork. She blew on it, savouring the warmth and the smell. I sat down across from her, studying her discreetly while I blew on my share of food.
She looked up, noticing me staring, and I quickly glanced back down at my plate. “Yeah, yeah. Skip the staring, you want to know what happened to my face. Got into a fight around the corner from Candlehearth Hall because some leftover Stormcloak scum tried to pick a bone with me. He smashed a mead bottle into my eye, and I smashed my warhammer into his skull. Got a couple of months in the dungeon for it, but it was worth it. One less racist in Skyrim now.” She explained indifferently, her mouth full. “Anything else in particular you wanna know about me, or do you just wanna cut the small talk and skip to my whole life story?” “I’ve got time.” I smiled at her blunt manner, leaning into my bedroll.
In between bites, she explained that she was formerly a poor Dunmer girl who hauled fish in Winterhold, but left at an early age, exasperated by the bitterness of her family and those around her of the Nords’ treatment of the Dunmer in that city. She adventured through Skyrim with her trusty warhammer that she’d won in a bet, picking through ruins and taking on the odd mercenary contract for coin. Lisandre met her Orsimer husband, Gat gro-Shargakh, while searching for coin in Left Hand Mine, prior to him moving to Kolskeggr Mine near Markarth for work. Besotted, she moved to Markarth for a while and helped out at the mine, until Gat finally approached her wearing an amulet of Mara. They got married, continuing to work hard in the mines, and when they had enough coin built a home by Lake Ilinalta called Lakeside Manor. Gat maintained their home and farm, and she adventured through Skyrim continuing her mercenary work as the sole breadwinner.
“What about you?” She asked, putting her plate aside. “You’re a real enigma, you know. Is it true you can shout people to death? And that you can even pick the shirt off someone’s back without them noticing?” I smiled, and explained my past as briefly as I could, never having been much for airing my personal life. I talked about my brief run with the Thieves Guild, my reformed life as a cook at the Bee and Barb and brewer for Black-Briar Meadery, the incredible eight months I had adventuring through Skyrim hunting down Alduin, my subsequent culinary adventures, and my reason for heading back to Riften. She sat there, engrossed and looking impressed. “What about you, got a beau? You’ve been everywhere and you’re not exactly hideous.” She said bluntly. “Um…thanks I guess? But no, I don’t.” My thoughts wandered back to Brynjolf in the cistern of Riften, as they often did. My stomach lurched, hoping I’d see him the next day.
“Well, where are you off to next?” I asked Lisandre. “Nowhere in particular. Might check out Darklight Tower, it’s about a day from here.” She shrugged, burping loudly and taking a swig of wine. “It’s not far from Riften. I’d offer you a ride, but as you can see I’m pretty packed.” I patted my horse, Roach, apologetically, who snorted and shook her mane. “No worries, I’ve never been one for travel companions anyway. But hey, I haven’t been to Riften in a while. How long you there for? We could meet up, get some mead or something.” “Sure.” I smiled. “I’ll definitely be busy all of tomorrow with my mother, and probably the day after too, but Darklight Tower is pretty big so you’ll take a while in there I’m guessing. Business takes me elsewhere so I’ll be gone in four days at most, but let’s see if we run into each other.” We agreed, and I set out my bedroll to sleep. Lisandre sat up for a while more, staring into the fire thoughtfully while drinking from her bottle of wine.
The next day, I rode at a fast trot to Riften, eager to see home again. I leapt off the saddle when I reached the stables, my horse frothing at the mouth while Shadr greeted me and unloaded my baggage. I practically skipped through the gates, feeling slightly guilty as I was only back to visit my sick and ailing mother. I burst into Honeyside, grinning, but my smile was quickly replaced by a frown when I saw my mother lying in the makeshift bed that I usually used, in order to keep close to the fire. My father glared at me and motioned me to be quiet, waving me out the door so we could talk outside. “What happened?” I asked. “No idea. She was out picking mushrooms for the Jarl’s dinner a week ago and started getting weaker and weaker. She’s been lying like that for two days now. Elgrim’s Elixirs and even the Jarl’s court mage couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so I’ve summoned a healer from bloody Windhelm because that’s the closest branch of the Mage’s Guild. Should be here either later today or tomorrow. I’d offer you the house to stay in, but as you can see there isn’t much room. Your best bet is the Bee and Barb, or Haelga’s Bunkhouse.”
I headed out the door to Haelga’s, as by now it was late afternoon and I didn’t want to surprise Keerava until I was fully refreshed. As I walked down the alley, I was surprised to see Haelga engaged in a heated argument with Molgrom Twice-Killed, who was still stuck in the Riften dungeons last I saw him. I walked around them and stepped inside, waiting for Haelga instead of standing out in the cold. To my surprise (not), I found Vipir in the middle of lifting the contents of the strongbox. He looked up, alarmed when he heard me enter, and I raised my hands. “Well, well. Look who we have here.” He grinned, his hands still busy filching items from the box. “Well met, Vipir. Glad to see nothing’s changed.” “I wouldn’t say that. Big changes to the Guild while you’ve been away. How’s it looking outside?” “Molgrom has seriously pissed Haelga off, judging by the way they’re arguing. You’ve got time, at least three minutes anyway.” He laughed, and tied up his sack. “All done here, anyway. Hey, come down to the Ragged Flagon, the team will be happy to see you.” “Vipir,” I said, gripping his arm. “I’m back because my mother’s ill. There’ll be plenty of time for catching up, but keep this quiet, at least for today okay? Don’t want everyone in town knowing I’m back because I’m exhausted and really can’t deal with a social parade right now.” “You got it.” He nodded, shouldering the sack and heading to the door. “Oh, and by the way. Brynjolf is out on a job, but he should be back by noon tomorrow. Just thought you’d be interested.” He winked and disappeared outside, while I groaned internally about the fact that the Guild clearly hadn’t forgotten my crush on Brynjolf since I was just a kid.
As expected, the arguing subsided in a couple of minutes, letting Vipir slip out unnoticed with his loot. Haelga came in, still grumbling under her breath. She gasped when she saw me, as if I were a draugr. “Talviel, you startled me! What on earth have I done to deserve your presence?” I explained the situation to her the same way I did to Vipir, but knowing that Haelga was a blabbermouth, I slid an extra 100 septims across the counter to make sure she kept her silence. She nodded in understanding, then led me to a private chamber adjoining her own where I collapsed into bed. Unfortunately, I was woken in the middle of the night by amorous moaning coming from Haelga’s room. I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head, trying not to think about my last encounter with a Redguard in a Hammerfell alley, and feeling myself getting wet at the thought of Brynjolf. Who I’d see tomorrow, Talos willing. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
[Hi, reader, sorry to interrupt! The next day is recounted in my first story, Emergency trip to Riften! which at the time of writing, had no particular timeline in mind. My stories are now in chronological order, so if you haven’t read it yet skip back four weeks ago to find out what happens in between!]
Waking up later to my mother and father chatting in lowered voices, I raised my head from my pillow, wondering if the night before had just been a dream. The throb between my thighs confirmed that what happened was real, and I was giddy with glee. Brynjolf wanted me. Suddenly, a loud pounding on the front door brought us all to attention. Rolling out of bed with a groan, I went to see who it was. Lisandre was standing there, chewing on a carrot. “Well good afternoon, Talviel of Riften! Big night I see, hope it was profitable. How’s your ma, she feeling better?” She pushed past me into the house without invitation, as I stood there agog at her brazen behaviour. She continued chattering away, dumping her satchel and warhammer loudly on the floor, unconcerned if anyone was listening. “Nice digs you’ve got here, this your place or your folks’? Say, you wouldn’t have a latrine I could use would you? Real long walk from the Tower and I really need to pee.” My father peered out from the bedroom to see what the racket was all about. “Ah! You must be the pa. You’ve raised a good daughter, lovely woman she is. How’s your wife? Oh, hello there madam! Hope you’re feeling better!” “Talviel, who in Oblivion is this?” My father demanded, clearly as flummoxed as I was by the relentless bubbly chatter coming from Lisandre. I sighed. “This is Lisandre, we met a couple of days ago while I was camping on the way back. Told me to meet her here in Riften, but I didn’t think that would mean her barging into the house. Sorry.” I said apologetically.
My mother faked a groan of pain from the bed, as our cue to get out of the house. “Erm, Lisandre, let’s head over to the Bee and Barb shall we? Our…latrine is clogged and my mother has a headache, so let’s leave them in peace.” I said, grabbing her by one arm and hefting her things off the floor with another. “Bye!” She called out cheerily, as my father shut the door firmly in our faces. Keerava brought bowls of stew to our tables as Lisandre went out the back to relieve her bladder. “Nice to see you’ve been making friends on the road, child.” She smiled, wiping her hands on her apron. “Well, I just met her the other day, but she seems nice enough, so I’m willing to give her a chance.” I shrugged. Keerava made her way back to the bar as Lisandre came back, wringing her wet hands all over the floor. “Ooh, stew!” She said with delight, sitting down hard in the chair opposite mine. “Alright, let me get some wine and I’ve got to tell you aaaall about Darklight Tower.” I groaned internally, but smiled because it was rare for me to encounter a friendly face on the road. As she yakked about stealing a huge amount of precious gems and a couple of staffs that she unloaded at the Pawned Prawn before heading over to see me, I decided that I liked her. We were going to be good friends, I knew it.
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kookaburra1701 · 9 days
FIC - And Be My Love in the Rain (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) - E
Title: And Be My Love in the Rain Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Rating: Explicit Pairing: Pavo Attius/Gat gro-Shargakh
Summary: A missing chapter from Aristeia, but stands alone just fine. I just had so much fun writing Gat and Pavo as an established couple that I couldn't resist giving them a bit of romance and sex. It turned into an exploration of coping with the hidden scars of a war that ended decades ago.
Also many, many thanks to my betas, @mudezgron, @thana-topsy, and @gilgamish
Gat laughed and turned to leave. “I’ll get supper started. Don’t take too long—hey!” He whirled and Juniper brayed and tossed her head at his shout. Pavo just grinned back at him, trying to look entirely innocent and like someone who would never dream of pinching an Orc’s arse.
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I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I managed to clear all of the Foresworn out of Kolskeggr Mine.
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sadlazzle · 2 years
very exciting times in skyrim as i wait for a solid 30 days of in-game time to replenish kolskeggr mine
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autumninriften · 8 years
I completely cleared out Kolskeggr mine and turned all the ore into gold jewellery. I will fast travel to all the mines I have passed so far and mine whatever I can. Unfortunately, it is looking like most of them are iron ore mines.
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kookaburra1701 · 11 months
WIP Wednesday - Aristeia
tagged by @skyrim-forever @mareenavee @thequeenofthewinter - ty friends
I am tagging @gilgamish @greyborn2 @dirty-bosmer @thana-topsy @rainpebble3 @nientedenada @totally-not-deacon
Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Rating: T (blood and violence) Category: gen Genre(s): Adventure, Homer retelling Main characters: Borgakh the Steel Heart, the orcs of Mor Khazgur
The first chapter is here on AO3.
Borgakh hesitated, her foot on the first step of the cottage porch. The rain hammering on her leather hood drowned out all other noise, even her own thoughts. What if this wasn't Kolskeggr? It seemed like it matched the location Olur had marked on the map, but there were tiny cottages attached to isolated mines all over the Reach. The windows were dark, and there was not even a chimney to examine for smoke.
Shivering, Borgakh craned her neck to look at the small barn leaning against the wall of the cottage.
They could hardly be angry at her for taking shelter with their animals...
A fork of lightning split the clouds overhead, the thunder clap made her ears ring. Kharag shied and tossed his head, eyes rolling in fright.
Borgakh crossed the porch in a single stride and banged on door.
For several long, terrible moments nothing stirred within the cottage.
What if they've gone to Markarth? What if they're not even here?
Under the sound of thunder echoing through the Karth river canyon, Borgakh heard footsteps on the other side of the door.
"Who goes there?" said a familiar voice, slightly muffled by the timbers and drowned by the driving rain.
"It's me!" Borgakh grimaced at how shaky and weak her voice sounded as her teeth chattered around the words. "It's Borgakh gra-Khaz!"
The door flew open and she found herself face to face with Gat gro-Shargakh. In the dim light of the candle he held she could see he was still blinking the sleep from his eyes, and he wore only a long tunic and loose, threadbare breeches.
"Borgakh? What's wrong, why are you here?"
"Gat? Who's at the door?" Pavo's voice sounded from within the cottage a moment before his face appeared over Gat's shoulder. "Mara's mercy!" he exclaimed as he saw Borgakh standing on the threshold. He pushed Gat aside and grabbed Borgakh's arm. "Don't leave her standing in the rain, Gat!"
"But, Kharag--" Borgakh resisted, still keeping a tight hold of Kharag's reins.
"I'll see to Kharag," Gat was throwing a cloak over his nightclothes, and slipping his bare feet into a pair of boots by the door. "You get inside."
In the next moment, Gat had taken Kharag's reins from her hand and she found herself inside the small, cozy cottage with a thick door and a well-thatched roof between her and the elements.
Pavo was kneeling by a small cooking brazier in the corner, blowing the banked embers into flame and feeding it kindling. When he had teased the first steady tongue of fire to life, he hurried back over to where Borgakh stood, dripping on the floor boards. Her shaking had returned, and despite her best efforts she was not able to stop her teeth chattering.
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