#komaru can think up some really cool things
anonzentimes · 13 days
LONG ASS ASK INKOMING ZEN so its super cold in brazil today so typing is a little hard and there might be weird typos fkshdkjd but
when i was like 14 i had online friends that were also 14 and were into danganronpa but all they talked abt was the flaws of the series and how much they hated the more problematic aspects of it, it was a constant wave of gender discourse and sexuality discourse and nagito is a bad portrayal of mental illnesses and miu iruma is too sexual and this character is bad cause of xyz and that character is bad because of this and that and honestly whatever the fuck else you can argue about this series about, whenever i mentioned that danganronpa seemed fun and id like to get into it my friends would tell me that its not worth it, that the series is fucking horrid that i should run the other way and be glad i never entered the hellhole that is being a danganronpa fan
so thanks to this and like constant fucking weird shit coming out of the hell hole that is the fucking dr fandom on Twitter for like, four whole years I straight up didn't touch the series. a series that I was so fully aware that I would love btw, because i was always into gorey art and i found the art of dr so pretty and the characters had such intresting designs and the pink blood was so cool and i love the killing game genre and the mystery solving aspect, of danganronpa seemed so cool, i did not go near this series with a fucking 10-ft Pole
until literally maybe some months ago at 18 years old a streamer I like said on stream something like "oh yeah danganronpa is fucking awesome im so glad i played it" and I was like fuck it, this guy has high standards, if he likes it it cant be that bad. and so I downloaded trigger happy havoc and i was so pleasantly surprised by it, sure case 2 is a case that exists but like other than that i immediately fell in love with this franchise, i loved almost everything about the game, then i started sdr2 and nagito took over every single part of my brain within 0.2 seconds of gameplay AND DR2 IS SO PEAK JUST IN GENERAL udg was super fucking fun i love touko and komarus relationship and the warriors of hope so much, dr3 was awsome even if i didnt really care for future arc despair hope and 2.5 were awasome the end of drv3 hit me like a truck and it genuenly took me a couple hours to understand that my beloved class 77b wasnt just retconned out of existence and currently im trying to kill executive dysfunction and procrastination and read dr0 and again want to replay dr2 cause my hyperfixated ass would rather play the game when she should be alseep to know what happens next than play it when she isn't too tired to understand whats happening lmao
and after i was done with the series i sat down and thought about how i let 14 year olds on the internet who im not even friends with anymore keep me away from something that now i hold so dear and close to my heart, and i wonder how many people who would love danganronpa will never give the series a chance because not only does the wider interner find it cringe but the fandom constantly tell potential new fans to stay away and act like its the worst midea ever written, the way some people are unable to enjoy what they love without guilt is so sad because not only does it affect them but also others
and this is super personal but i wonder how danganronpa would have impacted me if i got into it back when i found out about it at 14, how much different having danganronpa to hang on to would have made my life when i was burning out at school because i was trying to survive neurodivergency hell with undiagnosed autism and possible adhd
dangabronpa is awsome i love it so so much
YOU JUST MADE ME FEEL SO UNBELIEVABLY YOUNG OH MY GOD. I HEARD ABOUT DANGANRONPA WHEN I WAS 11 I'M PRETTY SURE AHHHH HAHA!!! Overall I think this raises a good lesson that we should trust our guts and from our own opinions on media. Look into things you're curious about, learn if it's worth it yourself, and come to your own conclusions! I feel bad for those who never get to understand Nagito Komaeda, let alone know he exists. This franchise has some negatives but the positives outweigh the issues entirely to me and I wish people gave it more of a chance. dangabronpa is awsome INDEED lmfao.
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danggirlronpa · 3 months
i like your interesting take on tsumugi as a protagonist. i don't hear tsumugi a lot in terms of meta reasons and appreciation and i'd like to hear your though about tsumugi being a main protagonist please. :)
I'd LOVE to. Protagonist Tsumugi is something I really do think fondly of and often wish for.
Firstly, I think Tsumugi is really the only mastermind who you feasibly could play in a perspective of without making them forget they're the mastermind (a la Izuru). So much of V3 is either pre-planned or run by others on Team Danganronpa that her actual involvement as a mastermind is essentially nil - she's just doing damage control. It would be very easy to foreshadow the reveal without outright revealing that she's involved, the same way as with Kaede in the first trial.
Tsumugi is also the V3 character who has the most vested interest in keeping the trials going and making sure they get solved, because if the trial ends there, then there's no show. I could absolutely see Tsumugi's protagonist interventions ("No, that's wrong!") as being subtle interventions to make sure that the group is on the right track, but justified in her not quite knowing the answers because she isn't an ace detective, she's just a cosplayer with a mic in her ear to tell her when she needs to get everyone back on track.
I also think that playing as Tsumugi would play into V3's greater theme of culpability and the control of the audience. By playing as the mastermind, you are directing the killing game. Within the fiction, you, the player, are personally responsible for what happens here. Again, Kaede plays into this in a lot of ways as well (I think a version of the game where you still play as Kaede at first would serve this AU best), but the slow burn of it all makes the realization that much more horrifying, in the same way as the realization that everyone is Remnants at the end of SDR2. Kiibo as protagonist could also accomplish this, since you'd be more connected to the in-universe audience, but I think Tsumugi would provide an interesting take unique to her where the player is really taking on the role of Team Danganronpa itself.
There's an overarching theme that Tsumugi fits into with previous protagonists, too; Komaru had no connection to the mastermind, Makoto was friends with the mastermind once, Kaede and Hajime were accomplices to the mastermind once, and Tsumugi is the mastermind/accomplice to the masterminds. You get the final entry into this sort of sliding scale of connection to the villain, which in current DR is kind of dangling open-ended.
And she's also the only character in V3 who really plays into Danganronpa's overarching theme of the imposter complex ("plain, plain, plain")! I think it'd be so cool to have a take on the I'm Just Some Guy nature of DR's protagonists that is actually very talented, but still has this low self esteem because of the way they think about their talent. They tried to do this with Shuichi a little bit, but imo it wasn't very effective, because it never really came up; Shuichi's arc wasn't about learning that he is actually a good detective, it was about overcoming trauma. A Tsumugi arc where she learns that her talent is valuable, that she can have an impact on the things and people she cares about - especially when we, as the audience, think she's talking about supporting the other players, but in reality she's talking about supporting the killing game? Oh. Ooooooooh. I love that shit.
I do generally think that they should have done a lot more with Tsumugi's character. And, in fairness to them, there are reasons for Tsumugi being just a quiet background character without much impact - it's the big startling counterpoint that she's secretly the mastermind, compared to the more traditional tropes of the rest of the game; Tsumugi's reveal is what really blows the game wide open and makes you rethink the entire story thus far. I just personally think that there are ways they could've done it more effectively, to really give it that oomph.
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
*shakes a bag of treats to lure out your DR headcanons*
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ALRIGHT YOU’VE CONVINCED ME but im putting this under a readmore bc ive got charts and shit
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SO I think the charts mostly speak for themselves? I definitely don't have the energy to go into *every* individual person nor do I necessarily have much to say about some of em, so I'll only go into detail about ones I have particularly strong thoughts about/ things to say. But feel free to ask specifics! Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer but still. ANYWAY SO
I wanna start by saying I am the least confident in my aspec headcanons? They're extremely flexible moment to moment and I'm not attached to many of them. I could see almost anyone almost anywhere with only a handful of exceptions, honestly
I almost put a "cis but they've still got something goin on" category on the gender one,,, I woulda put the antags, Yasuhiro, Sonia, Angie, Gonta, maybe a couple others in there,,,
Not really represented here but im a big fan of genderfluid imposter and byakuya
All the protags are trans, and also they're all bi except komaru, fun fact 👍
Literally all of em are queer in some fashion, as you can tell from the fact that I forgot to put a "straight" category on the chart...
Anyway some in particular that im fond of that ive not really talked about before:
I love love love hc Aoi as a nonbinary lesbian. Its like,, lowkey projection,,, but I think its supported by the text. She's got some hang-ups surrounding womanhood and being a woman and how that relates to her relationship with men (im thinking specifically of her last fte). I think it would be a nice resolution to that struggle for her to shed the expectations she feels entirely and embrace who she is, even if its different from what she feels like she's "supposed" to be. Idk I think its a natural conclusion
I enjoy nonbinary chihiro for a similar reason. I think it would also be a natural conclusion to her struggles with gender and what masculinity and femininity means to them
And somewhat related I hc sakura as a cis lesbian also bc of her struggles with femininity?? I like the idea of her conclusion being to embrace her femininity wholeheartedly. She enjoys being feminine but has a hard time reconciling that with her strength. Id like to see her enjoy both of those things about her
Hm i wonder if those say anything about me, im not projecting even a little bit
I hc that akane is pan but for the longest time she just. Doesn't realize not everyone is like that? It was never even something to think about for her. Like she'll be talking to nekomaru and she's like "really you've never thought a girl was hot? Never? Men, I get ya, but *no* girls? That's possible?" And nekomaru gives her the most disappointed stare.
Idk why but nagito and nekomaru being the only gay men on the island is a lil funny to me
Also. I read a singular fic where nagito was demisexual and I was like ok you've convinced me (can you tell. I am. Easily convinced. About this kind of thing)
I go back and forth on whether I hc izuru as pan or aroace. Things like gender don't really matter to him, I just can't decide how that would work in terms of attraction for him 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I would just like to call attention to transfem hiroko hagakure. Good for her
Rantaro. Feels v aroace to me. In that way where everyone who likes men is like "wow he's so pretty I can't believe he doesn't have a partner id love to date him I wonder if he's interested in anyone" and then he's just like "hey you guys check out this cool thing I found". Like the reverse of bi but noone wants him. Attractive but doesn't want anyone. I can see aspec tho. But that boy is definitely not allo
Once again. Idk why. But kiyotaka, nekomaru, nagito, and kokichi being the only gay men on the chart. Is a lil funny to me. Idk Idk Idk
Ummmm I think thats most of what I wanna say??? I might elaborate more another time but there's that 👍
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nagito-kissmaeda · 1 year
Curious: what are your general thoughts on the mainline Danganronpa games (Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, Ultra Despair Girls, Killing Harmony)? Like which one’s your favorite/least favorite, etc?
Ooh fun!! I do have lots of thoughts. I guess I’ll do them in order of fave to least fave. Under a readmore because I had too much to say
SDR2 - BRILLIANT, absolute pinnacle. I think the main reason sdr2 works so well is that it understands most players will be returning from THH so it ramps the tension up to 11 right from the get go by revealing that everyone has lost memories straight away. Most of the murders are really cool, trial 5 is the best one in the series, obvz. The island setting is nice too, it’s very different from the first game but not in a way that is too jarring. Oh and the cast is the best I think. Obviously I have issues with Hanamura but they have the sense to kill him straight away so no biggie. My only other character issue is that I really wish they did more with Owari, she’s kind of nothing and that’s sad. Also tragic that Saionji didn’t get her character arc :(( OH AN TSUMIKI NEEDS TO NOT FALL OVER SO MUCH THATS STUPID
Komaeda is there and he is the most interesting and coolest character ever. +100000000 points
UDG: okay okay, controversial for me to put it so high I KNOW. It’s got so so so many problems and yet….it compels me. I love Komaru, she is my favourite protag and I always liked Fukawa, so it’s nice to see her sort of come into her own and get to be a bit of a hero. UM THE MUSIC IS THE BEST. I like when it goes YEAH YEAH YEAH. I also actually really like the setting of Towa city? It’s cool to see the effects the tragedy had on the world as a whole, and it’s fun to explore. Gameplay is messy, but I don’t hate it, I have played much worse.
I had a lot of issues with the warriors of Hope in general and do wish they stuck with the initial plan of having the remnants of despair be the boss fights. Sigggghhhhhh, so upset that it was taken from us. That would have been the COOLEST.
Wish the tickle machine wasn’t in it. Wish the pedophile was dead. Wish Kotoko didn’t fall down so much. Wish Fukawa toned it down with the incest jokes.
I need servant carnally.
THH: THE OG MY BELOVED. I have a lot lot lot of nostalgia for this one, it’s very soft to me, I feel like I grew up in hopes peak lol. For serious though, Hopes peak is a cool af setting, it’s such a weird school and the art direction is absolutely stunning. I mentioned in a previous ask that it’s probably a bit too slow going, but it’s fair because this really was the first game of its kind and they have to tell you how to play it.
The reACT mechanic is funny and useless. I am glad they got rid of it, but it makes me laugh when I see it.
I love all the characters, they are like children to me. I even like Yamada, it’s the truth. I think they majority of characters are more toned down in this game, which is to its benefit I would say. Some characters in later games are a Bit Much.
I also like all the motives! They actually make sense??? And it’s the only game where Monokuma doesn’t cheat with a, “kill before arbitrary time limit or everyone dies” which is the worst motive and I hate it.
The Fujisaki problem is very present, unfortunately. I still don’t think they were meaning to be offensive anyway, but ya know. I’m pretty chill with any interpretation, but I usually consider them a transwoman
V3 : Hm. I do not like. The school is very very big and so easy to get lost in, where the first two games feel very distinct and easily navigable. It’s also not much different than Hope’s Peak, which is a little boring.
I want to punt the Monokubs into a volcano. V3 feels even slower and longer than THH and I blame them. They talk so much and so often and it never progresses anything and UGH.
I’m iffy on way more characters. Like I mentioned before they can be a Bit Much. I’m meaning your Tenkos and Mius. They have One thing, and that’s all they do and are, which is uninteresting and ANNOYING. It feels like so many of them have been boiled down to one trait, even characters I like such as Tsumugi and Himiko are like that, but their trait is less loud so it doesn’t annoy me so much.
Motives are stupid and dumb almost always. Hate them. Fucking necronomicon makes me want to chew glass.
The protag switch is cool. I like it, but I miss Kaede every single day.
The ending I do not like. It would be a whole five more paragraphs for me to explain my issues in full, but it sort of betrays it’s own messaging and renders the rest of the game meaningless (at least in my opinion)
Cospox makes me want to die
The music and UI are very good though!!
This was so so so long. I have more Thoughts, but I will save you from them for Now
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Danganronpa 3 Future Arc episode 8
Oh shit time rewind.
So we're back in the past seeing former teachers fight the Remnants.
I guess this is the recruiter guys backstory? Koichi.
... Well at least we know the bloods red.
Back to the present and yup yikes Hiro is still on the roof being shot at.
Say what you will about Hiro but man has managed to singlehandedly avoid being shot while being fired at from all sides.
That's impressive.
And the cavalry is here!
Byakuya my dude, great entrance.
You wouldn't leave him you caaareee you can't deny it Byakuya you carreee.
"Somebodies gonna die because of me"... Oh yeah, straight back to Makoto having a crisis.
Awwh shut up no, he promised Komaru he'd come back.
I know Makoto's not one to go back on his word but given he started this whole arc about to be arrested for life and or executed.... He erm... Wasn't gonna be keeping his word.
Well I doubt Kyoko or the others would let it happen so there's that but yeah.
It's sweet seeing Komaru give Makoto a words of encouragement, a hope speech if you will.
He needs one.
And the smile.
I forgot no one told em Gekkogahara was a robot, probably should've lead with that.
Confirmation that Makoto can run in classrooms.
.... Annnd straight into Munakata standing ominously with one eye.
Oh no.
Okay but the stabbing the sheath into the ground, pulling the sword out and in it's reflection is Asahina and Makoto.
So cool.
Words I don't usually use for Munakata.
And Gekkogahara is still functioning and just fighting Munakata.
Oh we're finally gonna find Kyoko, heck yes.
Speaking off, right back to her trying to investigate who killed Izayoi, aka the knife guy.
You know, I appreciate Kyoko for her dedication to her craft. There are no class trials but she knows how this games work.
Everyone wants to leave cos they might get murdered, nope they'll leave when she's done.
I admire her for that.
Idk if Ruruka tripping on some stuff means anything but Koichi says he's glad she just tripped and isn't trying to mess up the crime scene.
So, making a note of that.
Ah fuck Juzo's here.
Man I didn't care about Izayoi either but wow how flippant you are about his death.
Especially in front of his girlfriend.
Byakuya giving off the vibes of a man who's just so tired but he's got a job too while Hiro annoys him.
So they're stashing boxes with a danger sign on them.
"Don't you dare die before I have a chance to rescue you."
He totally cares.
Uh huh yeah sure like you're gonna be able to kill Kyoko Kirigiri, Juzo.
You can pretend to be a main character all you want, you sir are just a loud ass side character.
Koichi throwing something at him should've have made me laugh but here we are.
Oh! Oh he figured out his forbidden action, damn Koichi really pulling his weight this episode.
So Juzo can't throw a bunch, that's why he's fighting with a knife.
Despite being the former ultimate boxer.
That is quite interesting. And I love the idea that someone who talks down to people without a ultimate talent is now prohibited from using his.
Making him just no better than a talentless normal person.
Koichi is just ripping into this man that punching is probably the only thing he's good at.
Ah I love this, good shit.
Koichi sharing his forbidden action, which is opening his left hand.
Sure why not, makes for an interesting fight which I think is coming given how he's egging on Juzo who has the temperament of first game Byakuya.
"You are not even worthy of speaking that man's name."
... Munakata, Munakata, Munakata, Kyosuke Munakata.
Man you and Chisa have like 0 self respect, it's kinda concerning.
WAIT what was that, flashback for like a second of Junko on him and he's on the ground... Did Junko beat him?
That's a story, can't wait for that.
Nice, Koichi used the booby trap to get him. I don't think he's dead though. I love that it was just an accident too that's amazing.
Dumb luck man, never underestimate it.
AH HECK! Ruruka did mess shit up, fuck Kyokos going down.
Oh no... Koichi had to open his hand to save her... Fuck, that's good that's so good. Awh and he was bring poisoned and still got her to safety.
Man... Dude really honoured his promise to her father.
Aww baby Kyoko is so cute.
And she'll never know why he saved her.
Oh no Juzo got an energy boost from sweets.. Ruruka I know your doing a bit but I never needed to hear Juzo get called big boy.
I don't think she's the spy even if she's helping him rn, it just doesn't feel that satisfying.
Monaca being Gekkogahara, amazing twist didn't see that coming.
But Ruruka's been sus from the start, I feel like this is just so she can survive and get on Juzo's good side so he doesn't kill him.
Watch me be completely wrong.
... If that chocolate can actually mind control people I am suddenly very concerned for Izayoi and glad Seiko couldn't have any.
I don't think it can but weirder shit has happened in this franchise and Juzo has lost it.
"I'm no ones puppet"
He really just said that didn't he?
I guess he isn't because he is very happy to be Munakata's bitch.... I mean, henchmen? Friend?... No I think I was right with bitch.
I love that Kyoko is just like why murder, when you can solve the mystery.
So true.
Ayy we unveiling cause of deaths, finally some investigation in my killing game.
Confirmation Seiko's dead, sad I liked Seiko.
Izayoi was stabbed after he died to make it look like that was what killed him, clever.
I love that Juzo is just unnerved by her Detective skills that he's just like... Okay explain..
Shouldn't be surprised to be honest, unless I'm remembering incorrectly the Kirigiri's are known for being a detective family.
Even than, you guys still worked together and would know each other's talents.
... Kyoko did you... Did she just lick Izayoi's saliva off her hand, for evidence?
... She did...
Man Kyoko don't mess around.
Reveal of the door!
Rukura killing Izayoi is a lot more satisfying of an answer, brutal.
I mean killing your boyfriend/childhood friend is a lot.
"Wow you really are cold."
Ryota, shut up.
Do not diss Kyoko for trying to move the plot along and saving all your asses.
Besides, you think this is Kyoko being cold?
"I know. I have to be, because I'm a detective."
Badass, and while true you have grown and you care and that's alright.
Ooooo post credit scene.
Byakuya and the gang breaking into the building.
And the buildings coming down..
... What on earth...
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semitransparent-glob · 8 months
not sure how to word this but im just curious about kazuyas design and character? :0 i was wondering why and in what ways her character was inspired by nagito, and other characters' inspiration from other canon characters, not in a bad way at all its just interesting to me in how canon dr does this as well and the function and purpose it serves in implications and expectations it creates for the characters. its really fun to me :3
also i really like your ocs, their designs, talents, personalities, etc is all really cool !!
thank u!!! kazuya is prob the most obviously based off of a canon dr character but he's not the only one, and in fact i made a lil chart a while ago for who is based off of what canon dr character, whether it be for personality or design
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Kazuya was the first dr oc i made and i had a clear idea in my head of what i wanted them to be. Me and some friends were talking about how it would be awesome if komaeda was a lesbian instead and i said hey, what if i just make an oc exactly like that. But as much as he is a direct inspiration from nagito i try to keep him a bit different (or at least i hope i do).
But kazuya also has an in-universe reason for his connection to nagito :^3c. This cast is kinda like the v3 cast in that they are fictional characters with implanted memories, but unlike v3 they got to design and create the characters they play themselves, even if they didn't know that's what was going to happen at the time. So for kazuya, before he got his memories wiped he was a huge komaeda fan and wanted to be just like him lol, so that's why he made his own character like that
i could go into a lot more detail for the other charas on the chart but i'm gonna try and keep it relatively brief and put it under a readmore
starting from the left column and going down, Emiko was kinda passively inspired by komaru, but they ended up very similar in some ways. Their designs are similar and they have similar types of confidence issues that lead to inaction. Also they are both in love with girls who are terrible (said lovingly).
Haruka's design was based somewhat on byakuya's, and i sometimes even joke and call him 'femme byakuya'. But also his snobbishness is a trait i stole from him as well. But, like celeste, his air of sophistication is all a lie to make it seem like he's not just some guy.
skipping kazuya
For ayumi i kinda just stole leon's motive and his thing where he wants to be something other than what he's actually talented at. For ayumi its that she wants to be a philosopher. Also she is the first killer.
Chou's is pretty simple i just took the mask design element more than anything else
and for the right column, Hideaki shares in toko and byakuya's idea that no one can be trusted and that cooperation will not work in monokuma's killing game. Hideaki is also an author like toko and his demeanor is similar to her's as well, but perhaps not as extreme
Rokurou is like gonta in that they are the muscle charas but they have ultimates in STEM rather than a sport like you'd expect. And rokurou is like mikan in that he is a nervous wreck
Junichi was very directly inspired by kirumi, because i love the concept of an ultimate maid, and i think butlers are cool. I wanted to make a character that was what i thought kirumi was going to be when i first played the game. Basically, i wanted a chara who was depended upon too much, and snapped as a result, but in a much more selfish way than kirumi. His motive for murder is very much inspired by celeste (he also wants to be rich and live in a mansion) and he is the ch 3 killer who kills two people.
Once again i borrowed byakuya's snobbishness for kimiko's character. I put the imposter on there as well because kimiko kinda becomes a bit of a leader in ch 1, keeping everyone together and working towards a goal (in her own bossy way) until she becomes the first victim, much like the imposter.
Lastly, ryuuji is a lot like mondo in his mannerisms, but like kazuichi he cracks easily and is a huge wuss.
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Rank your favorite Masterminds, GO!
*Siiigh* Alright, I guess I can do this real quick. But if there’s one thing to know in advance when I talk about all these, I actually have problems with pretty much every DR/DRA antagonist.
//To start with, even though I’m fully aware of the issues with her character, I still stand by my belief that Junko is the best villain in the main series. Especially in Danganronpa 2. Most of the time she comes off as cartoony and you can’t really take her seriously, even if she is the woman who basically destroyed the world, but at the same time there is an element of true unadulterated sadism that comes out of her every now and then, and those are the moments where you actually see how evil this girl is and believe that she really could be responsible for humanity’s destruction. People in DR’s franchise tend to get sick of Junko, but in my opinion, every other villain in the series fails to emulate the level of villainy Junko carries.
//Monaca is our prime example. I might like Monaca if she had her own clear-cut character traits, but in general she just seems to be Junko 2 (which is ironic given that her entire goal was to then Komaru into Junko 2). If there’s one thing that Monaca does have above Junko, it’s a more fleshed out backstory, but at the same time, it doesn’t do much for her overall character. Danganronpa lore does state that Junko and Mukuro had rough childhoods and were even homeless for a time, but this time seems to have no effect on the Junko we know and hate. As far as anyone’s concerned, she was always a fucked up person. You’d think that Monaca’s consistent abuse from her father and stepbrother would be what causes her to snap, go crazy and use her sick and twisted, but genius mind to perform her evil deeds. But no, she’s in the exact same boat. She was just fucked up even without all the abuse. Monaca ultimately just never felt…finished, really.
//If we’re counting Izuru, then I’ve got some problems for him, and ironically enough, the main one is that he is just…super boring. And Izuru is actually barely ever shown or mentioned in DR2 until his actual reveal, Most of what’s actually shown of Izuru is in DR3, UTDP and DRS, the latter two which aren’t canon. But what IS shown is mainly just a stone faced guy who is just perpetually done with everything, and that’s about it. He’s a cool concept, but not a cool character.
//Utsuro from Another and Another 2 is in the same boat. He’s a bit better than Izuru because he actually has some semblance of a personality, and does seem to actually have things he cares about and a creed that isn’t quite like Junko’s or any mastermind that came before him, but he has his own issue. The main one is his power of Divine Luck, which has the same effect on his character as Izuru’s Ultimate Talents do on him. But the difference is in the larger scheme of things, Izuru’s talents were given to him when Hajime Hinata was lobotomised and modified, so with the mechanics and lore of the sci-fi genre at large, it makes sense. For Utsuro and Divine Luck however, it’s just “oh he was born with it.” That’s not interesting, it’s lazy, especially because of the constantly changing concept of luck across Danganronpa as a franchise. So while I didn’t hate Utsuro and while I thought the Yuki twist in the end was done well (they are the same character basically, but Izuru and Utsuro’s backstory’s are kind of the reverse of one another, which I appreciate) he’s nothing I really thought to write home about.
//AKANE TAIRA on the other hand, the OTHER mastermind of Another 1 is FUCKING FANTASTIC. Everything from her involvement across Another 1 and 2, her reveal in the end, her backstory, her character writing, her turnaround and redemption in the end; all of it was GLORIOUS. Maybe it’s a bit much saying this, but it’s kind of rare to see any of LINUJ’s characters get actual development, and Akane was handled super well in comparison to a lot of his characters. Not to mention her connection to Sora, who as I stated is my favourite PROTAGONIST, is also super interesting. I just really liked Akane’s moments across basically all of both games and I thought she was all around a super interesting character.
//Next is Tsumugi. And as you know, Tsumugi is important to me because she is the current main antagonist of Survivor. How do I feel about her in the canon games. If I can be blunt, one of the things about V3 that makes it so polarising for me is its cast. Half it’s cast is made up of some of my favourite characters in Danganronpa overall (Kaito, Kaede and Kokichi specifically) while the other half are some of my least favourite in the series overall (Kiyo, Angie and Tenko mainly) and Tsumugi unfortunately falls into the latter category for basically the exact same reason as Izuru. She is just so stupidly uninteresting. She gets props for being a mastermind who is truly her own evil and separate from Junko, as well as the fact that I think Dorothy Fahn’s voicework is really good with her specifically, but outside of that, as well as a cute and nice design, Tsumugi is just as she calls herself throughout the entire game - “plain and boring” even to the end.
//And lastly, I really need to apologise for this hot take, but if I’m being super honest, I REALLY don’t like Mikado at ALL. He’s just such a clown of a character with no depth to him outside of the twist of him being an AI. And while it is interesting that the Mastermind of the Killing Game is revealed from the start and actually serves as a participant in the game, it ultimately reduces the overall impact of the games main story when you know from the beginning who you can attribute all the bad events back to. I might not feel this way if Mikado was more of a twist villain in that he acted as a mastermind under the person who was REALLY pulling the strings, but that isn’t what happened. His plan was solid and he’s not bad by any sense of the word, but he’s just kind of messy in my eyes, like LINUJ decided on this plot point and then didn’t know what to do with it.
//Those are my thoughts and feelings, so here’s the final list from Best to Worst
Akane Taira
Junko Enoshima
Izuru Kamukura
Tsumugi Shirogane
Monaca Towa
Mikado Sannoji
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ronpatrash · 2 years
okay here is my danganronpa 3 anime experience post. tl;dr it wasn't great and i really didnt need to watch it, but i have to...complete the plot in its entirety? I gUESS??? and this was...painful
first off let me say that my watch of this was with my danganronpa friends. it's already a biased opinion you're about to read, cause we're watching it dubbed, and for the most part we weren't paying full attention to it, because the plot fell off very quickly
the english dub is alright though! for the most part it's not bad and not too jarring, though some lines can sound ridiculously funny, like yukizome talking to chiaki and asking "you think no one will like you cause you're a gamer?" or junko actually saying "kamukura yaas queen" and "he's gonna burst a blood vessel cause i dissed his waifus" I CANT BELIEVE THIS BAD SHOW MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD AT SOME POINTS. junko's english VA is a delight and i'm so glad i sat through it for her to show up and be a horrible girlboss <3
and also the future arc is so skippable that my friends and i still got the gist of the plot while we watched almost all of it at 2x speed LMAO the only part that was a great time for me was when toko and komaru showed up (what a nice continuation from ultra despair girls!!!) and when makoto was about to be brainwashed into committing suicide, cause we get to see a glimpse of what his mind was experiencing. that shit was really cool cause of all the dr1 characters and makoto going through survivor's guilt? i was fascinated UNTIL WE ALL SAW MONDO, IN BUTTER FORM, WITH HIS JACKET ON THE FLOOR THAT SHIT WAS HILARIOUS)
actually the whole story,,, the whole thing with the despair that led to the end of the world shit is just so,,, shallow in the end? it would have held more weight to me if being in 'despair' wasn't actually just brainwashing through watching an animated film. i think the concept of mitarai being so good at animating that he uses hypnotism methods in his films to manipulate the emotions of the audience is... far-fetched but makes sense? animation and film directing is in a sense about making your audience feel things, and everything plays a part in that (from character movement to composition of the shot and colours, sounds, etc etc if you've been to animation school you know this stuff).
as cool as the idea is, I JUST DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE THE BACKBONE OF THE ENTIRE TRAGEDY, and as much as i want to hate it, i cant bring myself to. im just disappointed, but it's very danganronpa to do this
also the new characters are mostly very boring. i kinda called it early on that there's sorta a throuple thing going on with yukizome, munakata and sakakura dOES ANYONE EVEN REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE'S NAMES FOR REAL?? I SURE DONT, I KEEP HAVING TO LOOK EM UP CAUSE THEIR PLOT WAS SO UNINTERESTING, AND MUNAKATA AND SAKAKURA ARE BOTH ASSHOLES
the throuple ended really badly too????? oh my god the adult characters are all terrible, only great gozu, the guy with the bull mask in the future foundation, was amazing, bUT HE LASTED LIKE ONE EPISODE. future arc bad,,, you can tell characters were created just to be killed
if you cant tell already by how incomprehensibly angry this entire blog post was written, i'm relieved to be done with the anime. there is no more mystery, the writing is just really bad. it's comparable to my experience with following the kingdom hearts timeline in that it's good in the beginning (because many questions are open and unanswered and your brain fills it in with theories you enjoy), and gets worse towards the end (because every question is answered badly, established plot points are rewritten for bad reasons, and the work is clearly rushed so they can try to beat more money out of this dying horse)
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Feb 13/18
Komaru has discovered Persona 5! She loves it so far, and even imagined Touko as a character! The protags are very good today!
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1loer · 2 years
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Danganronpa DeadbyDaylight!AU !! it finally happened! Me and @slashuz have been talking about this for ages and we finally made it happen!!!! I did the Survivors and they did their respective Killers (Chiaki to go with Junko, Izuru to go with Hajime, and Servant to go with Komaru) so go check out their post too!!
A little bit about their respective back stories under the cut, but it isn't too different from their canon stories.
I wanted to try and emphasise their personality traits a bit too, so Junko's perk is pretty selfish and would be REALLY ANNOYING to killers so is perfect for her. I can hear her laughing as she runs through the gate at the end. She'd definately tea bag right before exiting. That is if she doesnt just use a maxed out key to nope out right at the start leaving everyone else to suffer. Hajime would probably be more of a go getter, focused on getting the machines done fast as possible to get OUT fast as possible. Definately high stealth, probably crouching the whole game. Also you know, he finds the killer in the game so pointing out the killer too is fun! Komaru's more of a team player. I can see her blinding the killer, facing them head on, getting caught a lot of the time and doing cool hook saves last minute.
Hajime Hinata
Hajime Hinata
Hajime Hinata
If Hajime had been sure on his decision to accept the Surgery and join the Kamakura project, that sure-ness was surely gone now. Standing in the mirror, looking at himself standing in the bright over head light, dressed down to a simple surgical smock that left him little dignity, he told himself that this was Right. His shaking hands betrayed him. The doctor entered, and he clenched his fists to hide his fear. He walked down the corridor, feeling oddly like a prisoner on death row. "Dead Man Walking! We got a Dead Man Walking!" a voice taunted in his head. But Hajime knew that was ridiculous. The school wouldn't do this procedure unless they were sure it was safe, that it would be whats best for him... Right? Stepping into the Kamakura project and seeing the pod, wired up and glowing green, Hajime hesitated. He took a breath and continued on, it was too late to turn back now, the stern look in the scientist's eye when he stopped told him that much. Lying down in the pod, he felt claustrophobic, images of him in a suit, laying still at his own open casket funeral, looking on from above, flashed in his brain. The machine began to hiss, and the scientist's assertions that all would be okay didn't reach him. All he could think about was her. He had to do this for her. He had to be better for her. Her face in his head, he closed his eyes, hoping he'd open them again soon. Eyes closed tight, the dark fog filling the pod around him as the lid closed didn't scare him only because he couldn't see it. Until, he was choking on it. Until, his arms were trapped by it, wrapping and pulling and dragging him down and down and ripping him apart. The last thing he felt was a terrible tearing, like his brain, his mind, his soul all being torn horribly in half. He choked out her name, but it was strangled by the darkness. When he opened his eyes, the entity stared down at him. So was his punishment, for going against nature Herself. He'd spend the rest of eternity in the Entity's realm as he had done in life, running and fighting his mistakes , forever haunted by the choice he made that day.
Komaru Naegi
Komaru's hands slipped, slick with sweat around the controller in her hand. Monaca grinned up at her, basking in the despair wracking her face as she looked at the scene infront of her that she just refused to accept. Her parents, hanging dead, swinging from the ceiling of some cold, grimy room filled with corpses by their necks. It couldn't be. She couldn't accept it. The words of the girl she loved by her side didn't reach her. Kotoko may as well have been pleading with the wall, for the good it was doing to break Komaru out of her trance. Komaru couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. She pictured her brother's face, wrecked with grief when she told him the news. The Ultimate Hope, their only hope, brought to his knees by the news. Komaru shook, Toko grabbed her arm but she pulled away. She didn't care anymore. Despair, Hope, none of it mattered anymore. What was the point in fighting? Monaca had won. Gripping the controller until her fingers went white, the only thing on her mind was making those bastard children pay for what they'd done, no matter the cost. Ignoring Kotoko's cries, she lifted the controller above her head and released a scream of anguish as she brought it down on her knee, snapping it completely in half. The controller broke, releasing a darkness so thick it consumed her. Outside, explosions rang out, distant and muffled. The last thought on her mind before the fog consumed her was her brother's smiling face. When she awoke in the Entity's Realm, she found out what real loneliness was. Her mistake consumed her, as she realised she never was alone, and she hadn't been since that moment on the roof. Envigorated, she vowed to never fall to such cowardice again. She defied the knowledge that she would never escape this realm, she simply had to. She'd fight for forever for the sliver of a chance to see Makoto and Toko's faces again. They will be her Hope. With their smiles in her mind, she fights and she fights hard, pushing on and ensuring every game that everyone makes it out alive. Together, they'll never be alone. Together, they can beat anything.
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mewmewchann · 3 years
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Danganronpa tier listttttt
Idk if people know how I feel about these characters, so here ya go! This is my opinion, please don’t attack me for this (also I only did this for the mainline games and Komaru + the Warriors of Hope)
...Also I wanted to go into detail on some of these so yeah Warning: it does get pretty rambly
S tier
...I don’t really feel like I need to explain any of these. MOVING ON
A tier
Chiaki Nanami Please don’t kill me for not putting her in S. I can explain, I promise Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore her and love her relationship with Hajime, but I didn’t really get as attached to her as I did with other characters. I still love her though
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu He has one of the best character arcs in the series, only JUST being outranked by Shuichi. Seriously, best SDR2 survivor, hands DOWN.
Ultimate Imposter Yep. Fake Togami outranks actual Togami by miles. YEAH I SAID IT! Idk, I found them a lot more interesting and likeable than Togami and it was a real shame they got killed off so early. They were pretty fun.
Ryoma Hoshi ...Do I even need to explain why he ranked so high? Like, come ON! He’s one of the most underrated characters in the franchise!
Hajime Hinata 3rd best protag for me (yes I’m counting Kaede shut up), but I still love his arc. 
Kiyotaka Ishimaru He was my fave from the first game for a while, but the Kiyondo stuff kinda brought him down for me. And ngl, at times it feels like people only judge him based on his friendship with Mondo. I still love him though.
Mondo Owada Chapter 2. Need I say more. He’s a pretty cool character outside of that, too.
Komaru Naegi Just copy-paste my reason for Ryoma, it’s practically the same.
Nagisa Shingetsu Best Warrior of Hope. Hands down. I will die on this hill.
Kotoko Utsugi Despite being beaten out by Nagisa, I still adore her. She deserves the best.
B tier
Maki Harukawa Okay don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, but the main problem I had was that her crush on Kaito kinda came out of left field for me. Like, she was a stoic unfeeling assassin and she suddenly fell head over heels for some astronaut that knocked on her door a few times. It feels pretty rushed (though knowing Tsumugi it probably was) and kinda brings her down a few pegs for me.
Korekiyo Shinguji “Why is he ranked so high!? He’s the freaky incest guy-” SHUT UP. Yes, his character was absolutely obliterated by the incest twist, but outside of that he is actually a pretty compelling character. (also if you look into his writing it’s pretty heavily implied that his sister used and abused him so judging him based on the incest thing alone is kinda odd ngl)
Ibuki Mioda She’s pretty fun. I’m not as head-over-heels for her as other people, but she’s pretty fun.
Celestia Ludenberg See, Ouma stans? THIS is how you do a compelling liar character!
Peko Pekoyama Please don’t kill me. It’s just that outside of Fuyuhiko she kinda felt......Eh? Like don’t get me wrong, I like her, but something always felt missing for me.
Nagito Komaeda My favourite antag didn’t even make A tier whoops- Yeah, Nagito is the best rival for me, but I’m not as head-over-heels for him as the rest of the fandom is.
Kiibo The “that’s robophobic!” joke kinda got old after the billionth time, but other than that he’s fun.
Aoi Asahina Her development is cool, but I don’t really have much to say on her honestly.
Sonia Nevermind Same reason as Aoi, but her relationship with Gundham is pretty cute.
Jataro Kemuri This kid deserves better and needs protection. ...I don’t have much other than that, though.
Monaca Towa This is gonna be controversial, but Monaca is the best villain of the franchise for me. Sure, she’s far from being one of my favourite characters, but she’s menacing and enough of a threat to be a great antagonist.
C tier
Kyoko Kirigiri Please don’t kill me. Like...She’s okay, but for a while I found her kinda......Dull? Idk what to say here.
Makoto Naegi He’s alright, but he’s the weakest protagonist for me.
Tsumugi Shirogane I think people are gonna agree with me the most on this. She’s a decent villain, but the "plainy plainy plain” stuff got REALLY old. (which is partially why I rewrote her entirely in DFTH oops) She’s better than Junko by a long shot, so at least she has that.
Kirumi Tojo She was okay until the nonsensical prime minister twist. Seriously, I detest that twist.
Angie Yonaga ...I don’t really have much to say on her. Like the Atua stuff got pretty old and I found her kinda annoying, but she has enough to put her above the characters I don’t like.
Mahiru Koizumi She kinda felt like a better Tenko, but...Uh...
Teruteru Hanamura Yeah, I don’t outright dislike Teruteru. Shocking, I know. His backstory and the stuff with his mom is charming enough, but the perverted stuff still kinda icks me out. It’s not as bad as Miu’s, though.
Genocider Syo She’s more interesting than Toko, but still not really that much there other than “serial killer that somehow got accepted into this academy but don’t think about that look how quirky she is!!”
Tenko Chabashira Similar to Angie. But the way she drooled over and chased after Himiko was kinda eeeh for me. Not as bad as Souda though, thank god
D tier
Byakuya Togami God, he’s such an asshole. Sure his development and the stuff he does is interesting, but GOD HE’S SUCH AN ASSHOLE.
Akane Owari She’s the most “why the hell are you still here” out of the survivors for me. Like, I don’t outright hate her, but a lot of the time it kinda feels to me like she’s only there for fanservice. (seriously, in one of her sprites she’s literally flashing you. Do I need to say anything else?)
Himiko Yumeno Yeah, she’s also pretty weak for me. Her development post chapter 3 was okay I guess, but it kinda felt too little too late.
Toko Fukawa Ugh. Sure, I don’t really like Togami, but the way she drools over him is gross. Sure she’s somewhat redeemed by her development in UDG, but other than that she doesn’t really offer much.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Didn’t really felt like he offered much other than “blatant comic relief who’s probably a stoner”.
Masaru Daimon The weakest out of the Warriors of Hope by a long shot. Sure, his backstory’s pretty sad, but his personality kinda grated on me, ngl.
Kokichi Ouma PLEASE DON’T KILL ME. Like, everyone hails him as the best written character of the series, but if you look closer into his writing it’s actually pretty bad. Not to mention the stans constantly excusing his actions because “uwu liar boy who’s gay for Shuichi” REALLY brings him down.
E tier
Kazuichi Souda He’s literally all the things people hate about Teruteru, but the fandom barely calls him out for it! Hooray!
Miu Iruma She’s basically just there for NSFW jokes. Need I say more. Also, why is no-one else talking about how problematic the maintenance scene was?
Nekomaru Nidai He’s basically just there for shit jokes. And that really got old for me.
Sayaka Maizono OKAY PLEASE PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS DOWN AND HEAR ME OUT! Look, I’m not gonna deny she was kinda cute, but what she pulled in chapter 1 was honestly really fucking snakey. “But she didn’t know about the class trial stuff!” So what? She was willing to use practically the only person in the academy she was close to as a fall guy so she could get away with murder and didn’t even bat an eye! Even if the trial stuff didn’t happen and she DID get away with killing Leon, did she really think everyone would be okay with it? Hell, did she even CONSIDER how Makoto felt!? Sayaka is a fucking snake! She literally USED Makoto!!! WHY IS NO-ONE CALLING HER OUT!?!?
F tier
Junko Enoshima ...Do I even need to explain this.
Mikan Tsumiki I really didn’t like her, even BEFORE chapter 3. Yeah, I said it. She kinda got on my nerves and the fact that they were playing her up for fanservice despite her backstory was really gross, and chapter 3 just made everything so much worse. Like, her getting her memories back and killing someone could’ve worked, JUST MAKE HER PLAN MAKE SENSE!
Hiyoko Saionji She’s just a fucking bully. Do I really need to elaborate?
Hifumi Yamada ...Again. Do I REALLY NEED TO EXPLAIN THIS!?
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danggirlronpa · 6 months
Merch Monday comes 'round once again!
[Obligatory Ko-fi Link Because This Is A Post Where I Spent Real Person Money]
As always I forgot to do this several times, so there's plenty of backlog from this last month to get through. The Seasons of Despair zine came in today, and I've only got enough time to do one of these. So we'll hit the zine today, and everything else tomorrow!
So: Seasons of Despair!
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TLDR; Aesthetically excellent! No major issues except the exclusion of some characters in the art, some more notable than others.
This is a "zine" only insomuch as it's creation project - actually, it's a calendar for 2024! It's more general than ship, so normally I wouldn't really cover it on this blog. But some of the merch is really cute, and I just think the whole project is a really cool idea!
I got the paper bundle, because I simply cannot justify to myself spending more than $50 on a zine except for, like, the DR WLW Zine, which I am legally and morally obligated to gather all of like a dragon with its hoard. That means none of the pins or charms.
EDIT: They've asked people not post the inside of the calendar, so the image that was here has been removed! If the stance changes it will be reinserted.
The actual calendar itself is just fine! Nothing special about the make. The art is all gorgeous. The birthday listings and the art around the bottom half are really nice touches - I lost most of those polls on Twitter, but I'm glad my girl Komaru made it. They managed to get almost every character with a canon birthday on the monthly art too (sorry Miaya)!
I have a total of two (2) issues with the calendar.
1. Jack isn't anywhere in this, even though Toko shows up multiple times, and their birthday is only listed under Toko. Which. Bummer. (Izuru is also just listed under Hajime, but he shows up in other art throughout the zine.)
2. There's a full THH spread, a major char UDG spread, and two full SDR2 spreads, but no V3 spread. The closest is ten characters, which isn't 16, and which has several characters mostly blocked behind others or barely visible. They all still get their faces on their birthday in the calendar itself, of course! But it's a bummer that the only sight of Angie, Ryoma, and Korekiyo is the back of their heads.
Other than that, I'm very happy with this! I'll be using it throughout the year, so we'll see very quickly if it holds up.
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The little cherry stickers and this stretch goal print are the main reason I bought the paper merch instead of just the calendar! These both feature art by @axolotllotl, who is a blog favorite. The stickers are actually the shinier of the two, and are notably higher quality than the other sticker pages that came with the zine. We won't be going over the other stickers, but they're just more paper-y - you can tell a lot of care was put into these! (Not that I won't be using the other stickers. You KNOW I'm putting that heart eyes Monokuma in a strategic location.)
& I LOOOVE the print. It's actually on lower quality material than the stickers and the calendar, but that's not a bad thing! Every piece of this zine has slightly different quality, I assume for manufacturing reasons. There are no defects and the art is gorgeous - I love the way she draws Kyoko, it's so cute.
Generally, I'm pretty happy with this! It'll definitely see the most active use of any zines I own, especially since this blog celebrates the girls' birthdays. We'll see how it holds up long term!
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i-moved-blogs-ffs · 3 years
Danganronpa request can a reader who is really kind and a sweetheart adopt the warriors of hope and helpem to forget they traumas and also can the reader beat the hell up the warriors of hope parents after everything they done to those innocents children's please
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Of course, my darling! I love the WoH so much- I adopted them too, they're your adoptive siblings now so you all gotta get along ok-
These are probably gonna spiral into parenting headcanons because I cannot help myself- just let these kiddos have a happy home life man- :(
TW for mentions of abuse. It's nothing explicit, but it can be upsetting to some. Please be cautious.
Anyways, let's get started!
- 🌸🍭mod mikan🍭🌸
S/O adopting the WoH!
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Now, we all know these kiddos had a bad time.
They were all abused in different ways, neglected, put down to the lowest point they could be.
Junko was like a light at the end of the tunnel for them, a savior - someone who cared, someone who they could trust, someone who loved them. But it was all lies.
She didn't care.
They couldn't trust her.
She didn't love them.
But then, you came around. At first, they thought you were like every other demon; evil, cold and uncaring.
And yet, there was this warmth radiating off of you... Almost like another light they could chase to get to true joy.
After Komaru and Toko defeated each of them, they felt lost. What were they supposed to do now that their empire has failed? Were the adults going to punish them, by abusing and taking advantage of them even further?
The group wandered the streets of Towa City, alone, hiding from every adult they could see and fending for themselves.
However, they stumbled upon you and Komaru. You two have been actively looking for them after finding out they survived.
But the reason why you were looking for them, was pretty unexpected.
You wanted to take them in as your own. They were just kids after all, no matter how much they tried to make themselves seem bigger. You wanted to help them, teach them that not everyone will hurt them, because they deserve to be loved like any other child does.
And so, they went with you. Very reluctantly mind you, but they didn't have much of a choice.
And as time went on, they opened up to you, one by one. And soon, you guys became like a happy family.
Somewhat dysfunctional, but still happy family.
Ok so, origin story's out of the way, now let's get in a bit deeper-
Parenting the Warriors is pretty hard- they each have something about themselves that you need to keep in mind.
And besides, taking care of 5 children wouldn't be easy even if they weren't traumatized-
You have to be patient, warm and kind to them, and to you that's no problem!
I would imagine Masaru would be the first to let his guard down around you, because he could tell that you weren't a bad person from the start.
He would start to admire you greatly, seeing you as the only cool adult around!!
He's always trying to impress you or get your attention because of that. And you always give him praise, telling him he's the most awesome kiddo ever!!
He always gets a bit bashful when you do, scratching his head as an "awhh, shucks!", escaping his lips.
He's very fond of you! He wants to do the things you do, like trying out your hobbies or imitating your mannerisms. He just wants to be as cool as you are.
While it is cute, you have to teach him that he's only the best when he's himself!
Kotoko was probably the second to open up. The first thing she noticed is that you never, ever used her trigger word in a sentence, not even on accident. You always used words like "soft", "tender" or "mallow", maybe even "delicate".
Not me looking up synonyms on thesaurus.com rn shHDHS
Like Masaru, her initial gut reaction always told her you were a good person, but the walls she had built up just couldn't let you in right away.
And when she does get comfortable, she becomes super clingy. She's almost as fond of you as Masaru is, honestly-
She always goes to you for any sort of help. She feels like you're the only person she can trust 100%, whether it be with her feelings or some other problem.
You're like- the only person who she's super nice to all the time. She used to be like that with Monaca, until you took them in.
Actually, speaking of that, they completely stopped literally worshipping Monaca's every move once you entered their lives.
Now, next up is Jataro. He initially thought you hated his every move, and that you only took him in because of pity.
But, you were proving him wrong every day. Going out of your way to talk to him, being so incredibly kind that it made his heart hurt.
You always help him out with his art! He loves when you sit down and paint, sculpt or draw with him, even if you're not artistic yourself. He feels like he's wanted, and all of that self-hatred almost completely washes away.
The biggest moment was when you finally convinced him to take off his mask. And when he did, you could tell he was way happier.
You two burned the mask together, leaving that part of his life behind you and turning over a new leaf.
And because of your influence, the rest of the kids are way nicer to him as well now!
Nagisa was the fourth one to take his guard down.
He saw how much Masaru, Kotoko and Jataro trusted you, and after observing you further, he began to see why.
He was always very distant from you, and you respected that. So, you were pleasantly surprised when he suddenly started going out of his way to help you, talk to you or spend time with you. However, you never questioned it, which made him relieved.
It's like you two silently agreed that you were cool with eachother.
He's very mature for his age, so he's the first one to try and help you with regular day-to-day tasks, even without you asking for said help.
Mans over here about to start doing your taxes HDHDH-
You always tell him to chill out, but he insists. He knows how much trouble he and his adoptive siblings are making for you, and it's his own way of thanking you.
Now, Monaca's a little interesting.
At first she was only pretending to care about you, like she did with the rest of the Warriors, but after a while she genuinely grew to love both you and her siblings.
She doesn't like the fact she cares one bit, but she can't help it.
She still has very manipulative tendencies, but you always see through them and her lies. You call her out on it, but never berate her.
She's very kiss ass-y, I guess?? Always complimenting you for the smallest reasons and calling you sweet nicknames.
She sometimes just wants to make you mess up to try and get herself to stop caring-
Like whenever a problem comes up, she always goes, "S/O can fix it!😌🙏 Our (affectionate parental term) dearest can do anything!🥰💞" and the rest of the kids are like "yah!!💖💕" because they love and support you while you're just there like🧍
Because no you can't rebuild the economy do you look like bob the fucking builder-
AnywaY their parents are already dead, so you guys beat up H*ji instead. :)
Ah, family bonding time. 💕
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And done!! I love these little spawns of satan so much you guys don't even know- this was literally so fun to write that I think I got carried away a bit hshGhd- I hope this is ok!
Make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated, take any meds you may need to and stay safe! You were so brave, have a lollipop! 🍭
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danganronpa2 · 2 years
for the fandom ask meme thing: jojos of course. And also danganronpa, i wanna know about that one specifically thru your lens
THANKS TEDDY!! i got two others for jojo and dr after this so i'm just gonna do vento aureo and dr1 :^)
vento aureo
blorbo: you already know it's my man vinny d
scrunkly: um....... everyone in part 5 is so ugly. coco jumbo
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fav): mista is certainly not underrated but i really wish i could find more fanart of him that's not shipping him with somebody because i love him, he's so funny and has an adorable stand and some of his scenes are incredibly cool
glup shitto (obscure fav): pericolo... why was he so ride or die for the boss? how long did he take care of trish after donatella died? what's it like being in passione without a stand? what's up with his son in phf? i wanna know
poor little meow meow: diavolo <3 my poor little 33-year-old meow meow who sits alone in the dark with his blanket and kills and extorts people and has one friend in the whole world <3
horse plinko: i draw so many comics bullying doppio and diavolo that i don't think i can legally put anybody else here
eeby deeby: MELONE. FREAK
dangan ronpa 1
blorbo: sakuraaaaa i love you so much so cool and beautiful and kind and an inspiration to wlw everywhere
scrunkly: chihiro??
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fav): i think people forget how batshit asahina was during the fourth trial, it's pretty sad to see her reduced to donuts and boobs
glup shitto (obscure fav): hard to have an obscure fav in a dr game but i feel like i enjoy monokuma a lot more than most people do, especially in the first game where i think his humor and the novelty of the concept were at their peak. the jokes got a lot less funny as the franchise went on but i honestly loved monokuma in dr1
poor little meow meow: fukawa... ough... sooo much inherently bad writing here but i can't help but sympathize with her, and the development of her relationships with syo and komaru in dr:ae was genuinely really amazing
horse plinko: togami is such a little bitch. imagine your whole talent being "inherited money from my dad"
eeby deeby: junko my beloved you are going to superhell whether i send you there or not
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inumaki-roll · 3 years
hi!! could i please request mha (( deku, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki, sero, shinsou, tamaki, mirio, shindo, monoma, shiggy, dabi + hawks ?? I’M SO SORRY IK THIS IS A LOT..... )) + danganronpa guys (( nagito, hajime, makoto, rantaro, shuichi, chihiro, byakuya, izuru, kazuichi, & kiibo )) with an s/o who is like tall & chubby ? they get insecure about it and really are body-insecure to the point it’s like super frustrating bc they want to express themselves through their outfits but absolutely hate clothes shopping and will break down bc of the amount of people, the clothing sizes, and being upset after trying things on... sorry this got kinda personal lol i just really am in need some comfort and would appreciate this!! thank you so much!!
hi anon !! unfortunately i don’t have writing requests open for bnha !! i’m sorry abt that !! but here are the dr ones you requested !!
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- mod rantaro ✧・゚: *✧
- makoto would love it that you’re taller than him omg 
- he’d be so confused on why you’re insecure abt it bc he finds it so cute 
- if you can’t find anything to wear he’d let you wear his jacket if you want !! 
- he would 100% ask komaru for clothing advice and she would let you borrow some of hers to avoid going to the store and being uncomfortable in the store 
- she could also help you online shop !! 
- if you guys were ever in the store together and you started panicking bc of insecurities, he’d immediately get you out as soon as he senses your uncomfortable 
- hed hype you up if you were trying clothes on in a store i know it 
- he doesn’t know much about “fashion” but i think he’d like picking out clothes for you but he’d also be nervous bc he doesn’t wanna pick out the wrong thing 
- he’s also short so i think he’d think it’s so cute that you’re taller than him 
- he literally dressed in both masculine clothes and then feminine clothes. he’d know a lot about how to dress 
- he’d give timid little tips of advice it’d be so cute please 
- he’d like clap for you when you try things on 
- like cute little claps with the biggest smile like “y/n! you look amazing in that!” 
- he’s also quite insecure so you guys would be able to comfort each other !! 
- he’d always feel so worried if you got upset and would try his best to calm you down but he’d be so panicky 
- i think he’d also make a website that like... gives you clothes recommendations like specifically for you 
- he’d be very shocked when he finds out
- like he’d be like “y/n! why are you so concerned about something so insignificant? looks do not matter, although the feelings you feel are valid. many people experience this problem as well, so you are not alone. if you wish, we can go shopping together sometime if you are comfortable with that.” 
- he’d be very concerned about you and would constantly check up on you
- he’s also tall so like,,,, power couple 
- he’d buy you whatever you want no matter how expensive 
- he’d be very nervous if you started crying at a store, he’d pull you to the side and talk to you to calm you down 
- he’d say very heartfelt things to you, and he’d really mean them 
- “if y/n pretty... 🤨 why they not think so... 🤔”
- he’s the biggest simp so he thinks you look amazing in literally anything 
- if you try on clothes at a store his jaw would be on the floor the entire time 
- like if there’s a commercial on tv and it’s for clothes he’d look at the outfits and points to the ones that you would look good in (it’s every single outfit btw)
- he would want to try his best to help 
- he’d find your height so cool too though 
- he lets you take your time, he lets you call the shots when you want to go shopping so he won’t invite you bc he doesn’t wanna offend you accidentally by inviting you to go shopping with him 
- i feel like he’d like immediately hug you when he found out 
- like he’d be genuinely SAD that you feel that way 
- he’d wrap you up in his big jacket and lay you down on the couch and hold onto you 
- if you do want to go shopping he’d be willing to spend sm money 
- he’d also be literally drooling over how you look the entire time too
- he wouldn’t even notice
- he would have to have a flat out sign that you’re insecure 
- as soon as he suspected it, he was a little hesitant to confront you 
- he had no clue what to say 
- but he did give you many compliments and saying that if you need something to always come to him because he will try his best to help 
- if y’all ever went to the store together he’d be blushing the entire time bc he thinks you look so good bye 
- he would give recommendations occasionally but when he does give recommendations they’re wicked good 
- he would immediately know and would know exactly how and when to comfort you 
- when he notices that you’re having a particularly bad day, he’d drag you to lay with him and pet your hair with no words whatsoever 
- he’d give the best recommendations. like they literally look perfect on you 
- i think he’d also like buy you clothes without taking you to the store 
- he already knows your taste in clothes and what would compliment you, he would go out and buy them for you 
- he could also make clothes for you !! 
- pls. imagine him sewing. why is that so cute bye 
- he’s got 12 sisters, he’s used to this 
- he’d know immediately as well 
- but he’d confront you almost immediately 
- i feel like he’d make a little plan to make you feel better 
- like when he notices, he’d buy you a little “comfort sweatshirt” and a bunch of flowers and would buy a new movie so you could hang out with him and watch it together, to get your mind off of insecurities 
- he’d give you a bunch of his jewelry and say they look pretty on you 
- he’d let you wear his shirt too bc that shirt looks wicked comfy 
- okay he’d also put all the clues together and know immediately 
- he would not say anything about it, he doesn’t wanna make you upset 
- instead, he does little things that might make you feel better 
- he’d let you wear his hat while shopping, to block out other people 
- he’d be very comforting and would avoid crowds of people bc that makes you uncomfortable 
- if you ever complained about yourself this boy would not be having it 
- “y/n!! don’t talk so bad about yourself!! you need to see how pretty i think you are!! i don’t care how tall you are, or what you look like! you’re very beautiful to me!!” then he’d realize he was kinda yelling so his voice would soften up
- “ah, y/n, i’m sorry about my tone- i d-didn’t mean to be loud. but you get what i meant. i think you a very.. pretty and i wish you would see yourself that way too.. please?” 
- he’d google how to help you and would be kinda shy about helping you but he knows that he needs to help you 
- i feel like he’d be kinda lost on this since he’s a robot and he’s always looked the way he looks 
- he would.. understand how you feel though? 
- not exactly the same as how you feel but he would relate in a way because he does get teased and discriminated on for being a robot 
- he’d give you little pep talks 
- “y/n. as your significant other, i think it would be good for me to confront you on this subject. this subject may be a bit awkward but i hope to make you feel better about this. i have noticed you are not confident in looks, but there is no need for you to feel this way. you are extremely attractive, and it’s insignificant what you look like anyways. what matters is how you treat others. i am a robot, i an aware of that but i am not ashamed of it. this is why if you think you are lacking in something to acknowledge it and to embrace it. there are plus sides to being a robot as well as there are many plus sides to being tall like you are. if you would like to accompany me on a shopping trip i would be more than happy when you are ready.” 
- i dont think people realize how short kiibo is so he’d think the way you’re taller than him is absolutely endearing
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danganronpa-21 · 2 years
Makoto Naegi Birthday Headcanons
Leave it to Koto to nearly forget a character birthday, huh? I posted my set of headcanons for his special day on Instagram yesterday, but I forgot to share them here — my apologies. Hopefully they’re not too late for you to enjoy!
* His career plans, for the most part, were actually to be a teacher. Originally, he was thinking elementary school age would be perfect for him, but over time he got more and more comfortable with the idea of maybe doing high school instead. Everyone agreed that his patience would lend itself well to working with youth, and given that he already liked them, it seemed to make the most sense. As for his Plan B? Well, he and Sayaka did have a running joke that he was going to be her trophy husband. They never serious, though.
* Sometimes he likes to paint his nails, mostly because he lets his friends experiment. To be honest, Komaru probably started it, but it ended up continuing as he went about his life. Kyoko probably gets first claim to doing his nails the most, as she can’t do it on her own hands. Still, a few of the others have had claim to it. Thankfully, nobody’s really unkind to him about it — although that could be because Mondo thought it looked so cool he joined Makoto in solidarity.
* He once got stuck in the washing machine in the Hope’s Peak dorms because Leon bet him he couldn’t fit. It’s a bit of an infamous memory from their school days, considering he both did not live in the dorms and had to be removed with some help from the authorities. On the students’ old cellphones somewhere, there are photos cataloguing poor Makoto’s adventure, from the moment he entered until the moment he got stuck… still, he thinks the memory is hilarious and would do it again if someone asked. Actually, he probably already has.
* Keeps a jar of little post-it notes with happy moments written on them for when he’s feeling down. He tries to make a habit of documenting a happy moment once a day to put in his jar. Then, whenever he’s feeling sad, he open it and pull one out to remind him of the lighter things that have happened. Some examples include singing very awkward but fun karaoke with Kyoko, biking in the summer with Komaru, and the charm of that foreign upperclassman who seemed so taken with the cherry blossoms. Sometimes having little pick me ups like those are all he needs to put a smile on his face, and remind him that there are good things in the world.
* Points out animals pretty much every time he sees one out on the street — but definitely not in an overbearing way. It’s just that if he sees a cute bunny, an outdoor cat, or a dog walking down the street, he’ll usually call attention to it when out with his companions. A lot of his friends like this, as often if it’s a pet, his excitement will be answered with offers to let them pet the animal, which they all respond to with total glee and excitement.
* This guy, for whatever reason, is actually pretty good at playing dancing games at the arcade. He probably still couldn’t beat someone like Chiaki Nanami, but he can beat pretty much all of his classmates, and that’s not nothing. He wouldn’t even characterize himself as a super good dancer off the board, but something about being in that space just makes it easy for him to zero in and focus on victory. Perhaps his only equal out there is Komaru, and even then, he wouldn’t lose to her without a fight!
* Even after everything, Makoto has kept a lot of his parents’ habits when it comes to frugality. He’s not the type of person to throw out a perfectly good container or bottle if he can find another use for it, and he’ll always find another use for torn or ruined clothes. While sometimes other people might look at him funny, many are also interested in his little money-saving tips and like to see what he does to repurpose different things.
* Almost exclusively would wear hoodies if he was able. He looooooves them. He doesn’t have a super huge collection, but there’s definitely enough that he can wear them without much concern about laundry. They’re his clothing of choice, all cozy and warm like that. Even as he grows up and he upgrades his wardrobe to something more fitting for his career and a man of his age, he definitely still keeps going back to them as loungewear… for old times’ sake.
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