kerykomo · 9 months
thanks to friends i am being dragged (willingly) into a book series that i’ll have to wait until next year for another installation of the series.
im not very far into it though @holly-blaze loaned me the book more than a month ago and i’ve finally started cranking out chapters
so stormlight archives art soon? maybe? dunno we shall see how quickly i can finish this
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paletapessoal · 4 months
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Art nouveau synagogue in Subotica, Serbia, built in 1902, project by Marcell Komor and Dezső Jakab.
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lachatalovematcha · 8 months
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✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     * ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚  ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ . ✦  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦ ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     * ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚  ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ . ✦                      
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sparklingyandere · 2 years
Oh god, yae, lmaoo she is mad! I'm so grateful! Thank you! I hope that you don't see me as a stalker lol. Um... If i can, can i get yandere scaramouche again, but this time~ male reader manage to escape and run into traveler.
Now scaramouche want to kill traveler but he just can't, he try from day to weeks and then go into month. Now what if he just walk in a random place and saw reader is having a smut time with aether he can hear them see them but he can't attack them cuz ya know? Plot lol. I just want to see a lil scara getting jealous and angry. (Probably cuz he saw reader as a sl-)
title: adulterer. 
summary: yandere scaramouche/male reader/aether
word count: 2.9k
warnings: yandere, cheating, jealousy, unhealthy relationships, implied nsft, weird pacing
a/n: i strayed from the prompt a little to make this work sfw, i hope thats ok <3
“Remember,” Kunikuzushi says, lifting his overcoat off the rack, “Two days. Don’t act a fool while I'm gone.” 
You nod curtly, standing with your hands folded politely in front of you, waiting for him to leave. The fatui agent standing next to him watches you, peeking over suitcase stacked on suitcase in his arms, almost too much to balance. It seemed like too much luggage for a two day trip, but Kunikuzushi was nothing if not luxurious. 
You wonder, briefly, why the agent is staring at you so intensely, before you notice that Kunikuzushi is also glaring holes into you.
Ah, right. He's still holding the coat. 
You take it from his hand and he extends an arm out to you, allowing you to slide the coat sleeve over his smooth skin. He sighs contentedly, and you repeat the process along his other arm, adjusting the shoulders of the coat neatly, all while he keeps his eyes trained on your face. You stand in front of him, meeting his stiff gaze, his deep indigo eyes betraying no warmth. 
You turn your eyes downwards to the buttons of the coat, one by one, fixing them to each other. He has two perfectly good hands, you think, seeing as he can’t be bothered to carry his own belongings. But no, you must button his coat for him. Sometimes you felt more like another servant than a husband. 
…Most times. 
You wonder if he gets off on watching you do this, some kind of ridiculous power play, or if he truly believes he deserves to have his coat buttons done for him. Maybe both. 
You return to his gaze as you finish. "Safe travels, my Lord," you say, attempting your most convincing 'i'll-miss-you' smile. 
He looks satisfied enough, though he doesn't return your smile. He turns to leave, exiting through the door, his bodyguard-slash-bellboy following in tow. No wave or good-bye. 
The click of the door sliding into its threshold resounds through the otherwise silent entrance hall, instantly, your shoulders slack and you sigh heavily. Finally, he was gone. 
You scurry to your room to gather the materials for your plan. It would take you at least the rest of the night to get ready, and you only had two days, you couldn’t waste time. 
The guard posted at your bedroom door shifts on his feet anxiously. If Kunikuzushi came home and found out you were gone, he would be punished whether he helped you or not. Lucky for you, he was just as sick of Kunikuzushi as you were, and with a little convincing, he agreed to help you get out of your personal hell. 
Just a little more time and you’d both be running for the hills. You smile at him as you pass through your door, he looks away. 
The door clicks shut behind you and you kneel beside your wardrobe, sticking your arm underneath the tiny gap between the dresser and the floor. You feel around…. And your hand touches cold plastic. You pull it out, trembling with excitement. 
The bag contains some hastily sewn-together plain black clothes, a few hundred mora you’d stolen piece by piece over time, and a crude hand-drawn map. Not the most creative escape care package ever, but under Kunikuzushi’s watchful eye, it was hard to throw together even this much. 
You shuffle into the clothes. The seams are uncomfortably thick from your hack job attempt at tailoring, and in some parts they feel like they’re about to burst. Well, they only needed to last tonight. 
You study your map, tirelessly, until you can see it clearly with your eyes closed. The first place he’d expect you to go is the city, so you’ll go to the mountain. It’s big, with lots of little hiding places. After the storm is over, you’ll look for civilization- you aren’t native to Narukami Island, but you hear the mountain is home to a shrine. They’d have to help you. 
The guards would probably realize you disappeared sometime early tomorrow, if not earlier. Which meant Kunikuzushi could be on your tail in under 24 hours, so you scribble a note on the nightstand to hopefully throw him off. 
‘I’m sorry. I’m going home.’ 
There. Simple, and not too obvious, so he wouldn’t know it was a lie. Should be perfect. 
With everything in place, you look out the window. Dim moonlight just barely shines through, and you know it’s time. 
You slip the guard half of your measly savings. Was it a bribe for helping you, or was his salary so pathetic that he needed it as much as you did? You didn’t know, but it helped you feel a little less guilty for dragging him into your mess. Maybe he was some local hero in his hometown, and you were giving him a death sentence by invoking The Balladeer’s rage. 
Or maybe he deserved it. Maybe all fatui are the same, and he was some war criminal, and when Kunikuzushi hunted him down for aiding you, he’d just be getting what was coming to him. It didn’t matter, because he distracted the front door guards just long enough for you to slip away into the dark, and you’d never see him again. 
The moon sits high in the sky, casting faint shadows under your feet. The foot of the mountain is surrounded by a thick, lush forest. The forest itself almost gave off an unwelcoming aura, and the idea of going in made you nervous… but you were out of options, so you made your way into the dense woods, one step at a time. 
The woods are much darker than the plains, the thick crown of the trees acting like an umbrella, blocking out the light of the moon. It's almost hard to see where you’re going. But it’s well hidden and quiet, so at least you can slow down a little. 
It’s much past your bedtime, you think. That, and your lungs ache from running. The wet dirt squelches under your bare feet, and you tiredly wonder when you’ll find a safe place to rest. If you could just find somewhere dry… 
Your eyelids droop slowly and you sigh heavily. Your feet come in contact with a soft patch of grass, and you aren’t picky enough to stop yourself from laying down. The search party wouldn't set out until dawn. You can be up before then. You close your eyes, just for a few hours…
“Helloo~~? Earth to Tree-hugger?"
You're abruptly shaken from your sleep by a squeaky voice, sitting up quickly and searching for the source. 
Beams of sunlight stream through the trees around you, dawn has long passed. You overslept. 
The voice that woke you came from a little floating imp-thing, who was waving her short arms in front of your face. Behind her stood a young man in dark clothes, sporting a long blond braid. 
Well… They certainly didn't look like fatui scouts. But you still had to be cautious.
"What? Tree-hugger?" you ask, standing up. The little one looks about to reply, but you remember your circumstances before she can form the words. "Actually, nevermind. I need to get the hell out of here." 
The man speaks next, "Wait. What are you doing sleeping on the grass outside?" 
"Yeah! Most people at least pitch a tent first. Do you like the ground that much?" says the pixie. 
It seemed like they didn't know who you were, but it could be a trap. Testing the waters, you answer: "I feel asleep while… avoiding someone. Trying to get to Narukami Shrine." You look around at the forest surrounding you… All the trees look the same. "Can you point me the way?" 
The stranger smiles sympathetically, "If you're avoiding someone, do you want an escort? We're headed that way ourselves." 
"Follow a stranger to a place I've never been? How do I know this isn't a trick?" you ask. The two glance at each other before the small one speaks. 
"Haven't you heard of the Mighty Traveller? Tamer of dragons and slayer of gods?" she gloats, pointing to her companion. 
You stare in confusion. "Who?" 
"I'm Aether, this is Paimon," the blond, Aether, explains, "We thought everyone had heard of us by now." You can practically see the gears turn in his head while he tries to rationalize not being recognized. "You said you were running from someone. What happened?" 
The duo convince you to travel with them as you explain your situation to them, deciding that if anyone could help you, it was these two oddballs. 
Though it takes you a few minutes to well up the courage to be truthful, you manage to admit who exactly you're running from. Aether silently gives a shocked expression, while Paimon reacts very strongly, shouting a slew of insults about your husband that you couldn't help but agree with. 
About halfway up the mountain, Aether tells you the shrine probably wouldn't be the safest place to hide from a Harbinger, as it wasn't exactly a private location. He talks about a safe house in Inazuma city, belonging to some of his associates. He tells you he could get you a private room, and you'd be safer there. 
"The city is the first place he'll look," you argue.
"Maybe so, but the shrine is the second place." Aether sighs before continuing, "At least consider it. I'll keep an eye out on the city, and after it's clear of people searching for you, I'll escort you to the teahouse myself. Okay?" 
Hesitantly, you agree. 
The Guuji of the shrine, lady Yae, takes kindly to Aether's presence, promising to help you out on his behalf.
Aether explains the nature of your visit, and at the mention of Scaramouche's name, she frowns.
So far, everyone you've met has had a personal dislike for your husband. Maybe that was why he never let you socialize. 
Aether puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Will you be okay?" he asks. You nod, he gives you a comforting squeeze. "I'll be back." 
He and Paimon leave the shrine.
Lady Yae gives you new, clean clothes, since you no longer had use for your 'escape' outfit. 
Since you can't pass as a shrine maiden, you have to stay inside the shrine until Aether comes back. Fine by you, you really need to be alone with your thoughts anyways. 
The past 24 hours have been a blur. You ran away from the only home you've known in years successfully, slept in the woods, met an apparently famous adventurer, found out your husband was a war criminal (though you already had your suspicions about that one), and were now hiding out in a shrine. All in barely two days. 
These experiences were so new to you. Of course, you had a life before Kunikuzushi picked you up, but it wasn't nearly as adventurous as this. You'd barely left Inazuma City before Kunikuzushi came along and wooed you with his gold and silks and bad boy mystique. 
Not to mention, you'd been his sheltered househusband for so long, you sort of… forgot. How it felt to be free.
Though, you weren't quite free yet, your prison had just temporarily changed shape while you waited out Kunikuzushi's thunderstorm. Soon, though, you could go wherever…
No, even with the traveler's help, you'd be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life… if Kunikuzushi ever found you, he'd take you right back home. 
Aether was so kind to try and shield you from him. 
The rest of the day passes slowly, a shrine maiden bringing you modest meals every few hours, hearing no news from Lady Yae or Aether. Eventually, you curl up and fall sleep on the futon. 
The next morning is equally uneventful. A few young maidens sit in the room with you and teach you to play a card game, though you aren't very good. 
One shrine maiden even brings you a fortune slip.
Well, it's just a silly slip.
Aether shows up in the evening.
The Balladeer has sent out 'undercover' agents all over Inazuma City, many of which have been chased out by guards. Small, scattered search parties have also been deployed across all of Narukami island. The agents are, apparently, under strict orders to not say what (or who) they are looking for. 
"It's probably time to move you to the city. The search party could be here any time," Aether says. You're hesitant to accept.
Paimon's chipper voice tunes in, "Yae will just turn them away of course, but won't that just make the Balladeer more suspicious?" She makes a good point…
Aether looks into your unsure eyes, "I'll get you there safely. I promise, no one will get you." 
The feeling of his steady hands on your shoulders comforts you. His hands are calloused and strong, like the hands of a hard worker, who has had to earn his livelihood. They are opposite to Kunikuzushi's smooth, dainty hands, like that of a doll. The hands of someone who has never had to lift a finger to get where he is. It's so strange how such soft hands were capable of causing so much harm…
You don't even notice you've spaced out until you hear Aether call your name. 
"Are you okay?" he asks. 
You snap out of your daze and reply, "Yeah. Okay, we can go." 
Aether smiles. It's a warm smile that fills you with comfort, a a welcome contradiction to the cruel smile you'd grown so used to.
Inazuma city had changed much since you'd last seen it, though you'd barely gotten to see much at all as Aether quickly guided you through alleyways and discreet paths to keep you as far from prying eyes as possible.
The teahouse looked very quaint, so much so, you question the validity of Aether's promise of safety. He assures you, gently, that he and his friends will stop at nothing to keep Scaramouche and his goons out. 
The room designated to you is comfortable, much more so than that of the shrine. You're grateful to be able to take respite in such a nice place, though you wonder how long this kindness will be extended to you. Aether wasn't your friend, you were just another stranger he was helping. He wouldn't protect you forever- something more important would come up eventually. Or maybe he'd get tired of it. 
Despite this, Aether spent the majority of the day in your room with you, just sitting and talking- wasn't he supposed to be liberating the country or something?
You ask why you were worth all this trouble.
"Well, you really need it. Where would you be right now if I hadn't helped you?" he asks, rather smugly. 
It was a good question though. You'd probably either be hiding in some dark crevice, or… 
"Fair enough," you reply. 
You, Aether, and Paimon enjoy each other's company for a while longer, until you feel compelled to go to the lobby to use the restroom. 
Why a place like this would have one bathroom in the lobby instead of personal ones was a bit beyond you, but it's not like you could design a building any better. 
It seemed the other guests had mostly left or gone to sleep, and the dog from the front desk was also absent. It was kind of… eerie. This place had been bustling with activity when you arrived. Seeing it so empty was sort of unnatural.
The hallway ends with you rounding the corner into the main room and coming face to face with two dark eyes you’d almost forgotten. Almost. 
In an instant, Kunikuzushi grabs your arm in a vice grip, so tight you can feel the scratch of his blunt nails through the fabric of your sleeve. Words catch in your throat, but you can still feel the temptation to apologize and beg for forgiveness. You resist the urge. 
“You think you can hide from me?” he spits, “I gave you more luxuries than your little brain could comprehend. And you thank me by running off with the outlander?” His eyebrows are cinched tightly in a fury you’ve never seen from him before. He was angrier than you think he’s ever been in his life- to be expected, you guess. 
You’re unable to find the strength to talk back, just staring in abject horror. Upon seeing your hesitance to argue, he starts to pull you towards him. “We’re leaving,” he says. You keep your feet steady on the ground. 
“Aether!” you scream, tugging your arm away from him, his grip loosening just enough for you to escape. A shuffling sound is heard at the end of the hallway. 
You see a brief flash of what looks like worry in his eyes, but it quickly dissolves into the rage you knew too well. “This isn’t over,” he says, backing away, “You’re MY husband. Enjoy playing house with the street rat.” 
He’s gone out the door just as Aether runs around the corner, putting a hand on your shoulder. 
“What happened?” he asks. His voice is soothing, even though he probably doesn’t even intend it, and you relax under his touch. Paimon floats curiously beside him, and you turn to bury your head in Aether’s shoulder. Hesitantly, he puts his arms around you. 
You would tell Aether what happened soon. He needed to know, of course, but right now you just needed this silence. Even Paimon was quiet. 
You inhale a shaky breath. He would be back.
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simshadyy0 · 22 hours
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Meet Himari and Akio
Himari and Akio are close friends, who decided to move in together in Fuji, Japan. May as well be dating with how close they are- like what are those heart hands??
Anyways, I started my newest playthrough about a week ago, and I decided to start sharing their story here. Almost like a storyboard, ya know?
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thisnoisemademe · 3 months
I have not a memory in my heart.
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qingxin-dream · 2 years
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Greetings traveler,
You are invited to join us for a special celebration in honor of @qingxin-dream’s 550+ amazing followers during July 8th - July 15th at Komore Teahouse in Inazuma City. Graciously hosted by Taroumaru of the Yashiro Commission. Please RSVP with the name of your plus one and your order. Menu attached. Thank you for always reading, commenting, and supporting my writing! We hope to see you there!
Sincerely, Kat + Kuni <3
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I’m opening requests again! The menu includes prompts to help you think about your request, or you can order a Komore Special and give me all the yummy details of the unique idea you have in mind! Submit your request HERE with the following general format:
“Hi! For your event, I’d like to bring Venti and order a Egg Roll + Sakura Mochi please. [Insert any extra details you would like]. Thanks!”
Your request doesn’t have to be fluffy either! Feel free to ask for angst, hurt, comfort, suggestive (no smut), etc. Be as descriptive as you like! Completed works will be posted with the tag “[komore teahouse party].✿”! More details under the cut!
Guest List
Please choose one (1) guest who will accompany you!
Aether, Albedo, Diluc, Gorou, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao
Please pick up to two (2) items!
🍙ONIGIRI - thick, sticky rice shaped and stuffed with a special vegetable filling; essence: a mysterious love letter from someone unexpected.
🍳EGG ROLL - a common Inazuman dish consisting of scrambled egg well-seasoned and folded carefully into a rounded shape; essence: realizing one has fallen in love with their best friend.
🥟JADE PARCELS - delicious morsels of ham cooked to perfection, delicately wrapped in cabbage, and blanketed with a spicy Jueyun Chili sauce imported from Liyue; essence: the raging jealousy your lover feels when someone else has their eyes on you.
🍲MISO SOUP - a warm and welcoming dish full of tofu and green garnishes; essence: learning to love someone all over again after a bout of amnesia.
🍜TONKOTSU RAMEN - hot noodles adorned with half an egg, sliced bamboo shoots, and Chashu pork in a wonderful broth; essence: finding a moment of peace in your lover’s arms during difficult times.
🌸SAKURA MOCHI - a rich chocolate core wrapped in an elegant blanket of pink mochi with a sakura petal garnish; essence: secret glances and accidental touches that drive you crazy.
🍡TRICOLOR DANGO - perfectly plump and sweet rounds of decadence; essence: your lover’s favorite places to pleasure you when it’s just the two of you.
🍮ALMOND TOFU - a traditional Liyuean dessert made of an apricot kernel pudding topped with a sprinkling of sugar and almond crumbles; essence: the loving embrace of two depraved lovers reunited again after a long separation.
🍬MINT JELLY - a turquoise-hued snack with a refreshing aftertaste, reminiscent of the airy, light Anemo slimes of its homeland; essence: the sudden tap of a rock against your window from your lover who wants to whisk you away at midnight.
🥞TEA BREAK PANCAKE - exquisite stacks of fluffy golden pancakes topped with a slice of butter and a gorgeous drizzling of maple syrup; essence: all the gentle and subtle ways your lover expresses their admiration for you.
🧋BUBBLE TEA - a fun and flavorful drink swirling with chewy tapioca pearls; essence: one who is completely head-over-heels for someone who is utterly oblivious.
🥛DANGO MILK - an unusual but addictive combination of honeyed dango and cool milk; essence: one who feels undeserving of the person who actually makes them whole.
🐾KOMORE SPECIAL - thanks to Taroumaru, you can request a unique dish of your own! Make sure to give as much detail as possible in your request.
Listed below are the received requests! While I hope to fulfill them all, please note that my time/motivation varies due to external circumstances. Links to finished works will be updated accordingly.
Xiao with Almond Tofu + Tricolor Dango
Kaeya with Tonkotsu Ramen + Almond Tofu
Tighnari with Egg Roll + Tea Break Pancake
Thoma with Bubble Tea + Dango Milk
Scaramouche with Tricolor Dango + Almond Tofu
Venti with Tea Break Pancake + Dango Milk
Tighnari with Egg Roll + Sakura Mochi
Gorou with Dango Milk + Tonkotsu Ramen
Scaramouche with Onigiri + Bubble Tea
Xiao with Bubble Tea + Dango Milk
Aether with Sakura Mochi + Tonkotsu Ramen
Tighnari with Jade Parcels + Tricolor Dango
Venti with Jade Parcels + Tricolor Dango
Thoma with Egg Roll + Jade Parcels
Thoma with Tonkotsu Ramen + Almond Tofu
Tighnari with Sakura Mochi + Bubble Tea
Scaramouche with Onigiri + Jade Parcels
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divider credits: @/softpinecone, @/delishydelightfuldividers
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
@feliisfortuna :bongo cats on the counter GIVE US THE GOODS THOMA
His rhythm in ensuring customers are satisfied in both conversation and their required drinks is seamless. If anyone didn't know better, one could easily perceived he either owned the bar or was one of the high employees.
This was go no different for Kou's arrival and series of tappies that made their intent clear. An amused brow drops upward while that welcoming glance is drawn towards them.
"Are you looking for a personal recommendation? Or is it a matter of what's on the menu? Sparkling Berry and Death by Noon have been keeping these seats filled and conversations hearty." That said, he'd make sure to slide a menu there way, giving a nice view of the snacks and drinks printed with illustrations upon the paper.
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mercyburned-aa · 11 months
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“Come on in, have a seat. You must be tired from the journey here... let me fix something up for you.”
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sleepyorchidmonster · 2 years
Despite being incredibly protective and loyal to them, I don't think Thoma truly realises the lenghts the Kamisatos would go for him.
Just Ayaka making tea for him when she realizes he is feeling homesick, Ayato feeding the stray dogs he cares for when the housekeeper is too busy, the Shuumatsuban having extra orders to take care of anyone who insults Thoma
The fact that no one in the Tenryou Comission dared to hurt Thoma, lest they face the wrath of the Yashiro Comissioner....
Even if we hadn't saved Thoma's vision in time, I doubt it would have stayed in the statue for long...
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sahajoy · 1 year
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kerykomo · 3 months
im currently on spring break and my uni is seriously screwing those of us left on campus for the week. theyre closing the dining hall for the week (which i paid 2000 for) so i wont have the access to food i paid for. theyre doing construction on the roads in front of the residence halls, forcibly removing the cars belonging to the people still on campus that are left in the parking spaces. they are turning off the cold water campus wide, which means no air conditioning in ANY building (yes, they explicitly stated that would affect the dorms). and after all of that, they just yesterday announced that there would be uninformed/unscheduled power, steam/hot water, and communications outages would occur without notice or notification over the break (because of the construction, theyre replacing the plumbing and the wiring underground (presumably)). and on top of that- "staff may need to enter your room without notice to perform needed inspections/repairs."
my dorm room is my bedroom. there is no other form of privacy from other people aside from the door that connects to the rest of the hall. my hall has a shared bathroom- people dont have their own personal one.
im paying way more than i should to be treated like shit all for some piece of paper. thinking about switching to strictly online and not coming back because this is awful.
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cospinol · 1 year
I’ve been mulling over last(current) hbtw draft’s meetcute / setup chapters again bc it’s so hard to mentally move away from the visuals+mechanics that have been so established for so long but tbh I think at this point there’s really no point to Not just trying a run-through with the eop meetcute (adjacent)+io amnesia plot -> Rhea Arc Immediately structure, at the very least if it’s not meant to be it’ll exorcise it for me bc the idea of having to wade thru flora + amona to get there feels more and more grating the more I think abt it…… and also critically b/c in this pattern we get to mn scenes faster they’re still so far awayyyy. Nothing ventured nothing gained
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abyssin · 10 months
"i'm afraid i don't consort with organizations as, if you'll excuse my forwardness, suspicious as the fatui. i hope you can understand if i turn you down."
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ㅤㅤ"oh? not even for a freshly poured cup of tea?" he lounges his forearm on the counter, his other hand hovering the warm cup to his lips. the harbinger's smile remains amiable as ever, the cadence of his voice inviting conversation. to any other, the withering gaze of the kamisato clan head would be enough to dishearten any form of engagement.
ㅤㅤthe silence hovers amongst them, tense in their met stares. it is childe who breaks their gazes to pour the man a newly steeped cup. gloved fingers offer the cup to the kamisato symbol himself. a hum in his throat as azure blues dance in quiet amusement. "can't a foreigner indulge in the luxuries of inazuma? i'd imagine the tsaritsa to be receptive to such a delicate drink in our cold homeland."
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watatsumiis · 1 year
[🍓 anon]
first of all thank you so much for the in depth reply!! after reading your elaboration i actually think we're at least on very similar pages about her character, just approaching it from different directions! if you would be so gracious as to entertain a (hopefully brief edit: it was not brief) blorbo ramble about why i simultaneously near-completely agree with you and also love her so much:
so, in response to the following, bc this is something i agree pretty strongly with:
I think some of the ways this game handles really heavy topics seems to be almost... dismissive, at times. I understand that it's a game that's supposed to be marketed towards a broad audience and there are some concessions that need to be made to keep a smooth gameplay experience. This isn't a knock at the writers at all, just an observation. These huge events seem to happen in canon story and they seem to be dropped soon after apart from a few hints and side mentions, and I wish it was explored more?
basically, just... yeah. this whole paragraph. i have a friend that really hated the inazuma arc because of generational trauma they have with dictatorships and revolution, and how cheaply and shallowly Genshin seemed to present and then drop it, almost as if its goal was just to present opportunities to sell watered down "revolution flavored" characters (sorry if that sounds harsh, i don't mean to say it's bad or wrong, it's mostly just how the writing hit me-- the characters are really rich and full of personality as always, but it feels like the consequences of the labels they were assigned were...glossed over/forgotten about at best, and purposefully ignored and "woobified" at worst).
like the writers repeatedly bring up really really serious consequences, like how taking someone's vision seems to have extremely serious impacts on their mental health, almost akin to taking their entire motivation for life or a part of their soul (a different friend called it "inventing new war crimes"). or like how the whole of watatsumi island is unable to grow food or trade, so for them this war is a matter of survival and for Inazuma City it's a matter of....what, pride? there's no real driving force and there's a huuuuge disconnect between E!'s actual aspirations and what she's actually doing to her people because of it.
(there are other issues i have with the genshin worldbuilding in general too like.... i mean obviously there's a lot to complain about in sumeru, but also the quest with Dainsleif in the chasm was really upsetting for multiple of my friends as well)
so i guess my love for E! as a blorbo in spite of all this comes down to three main points:
1) i am immune to bad worldbuilding. i can see it just enough to acknowledge and deinternalize, but i mostly focus on smashing interpersonal relationships, feelings, personalities, and other character traits like aspirations and needs.
2) E! has a personality that i relate to a lot, and crucially, i don't see her as like, "just some sweet girl that missed her sister and didn't know what she was doing uwu"; my love for her is specifically the love that i dole out to my reformed villain blorbos. i love her as someone who fucked up HUGE time while she was in a bad place, got literally slapped/kicked/sworded back into facing reality, SAW what she'd done and went oh. shit. no more. no more of this. and she clearly doesn't quite get what she did wrong at first, beyond "people are telling me that my people are miserable-- is this truly an eternity worth preserving? i will consider and evaluate this feedback strategically and autistically and see if i can do better" and then like. she stews on it for a while, realizes she was wrong, and ends up literally in a battle to the death with a manifestation of her former ideals because she wants to do good and she wants to change and do something for her people for once. (the for once is the important part because she did not do anything good before that.) and it's not a lot and it can't ever possibly make up for the horrors she inflicted on her people up until now, but it means a lot to me personally to see someone do horrific things and then go "you know what this sucks. im in control of my own life and im going to choose kindness from here on out. it won't fix anything. but i can at least stop future suffering"
(i think it would really be fantastic if the canon gave us some more npcs that hate her or like otherwise blame her for ANYTHING because it seems like everyone in inazuma still blindly loves her?? not a huge fan of that, but it's pretty easy to picture a fanon where that's true)
... and finally 3) is basically just that I'm biased. she's got my mental illnesses so i went from drawing her with ... a very mean caption, at the start of the questline before I'd met her, to the same drawing with the caption scratched out, saying instead "nevermind i need her to be in the washer high spin for 100 hrs" to just loving her fully after her second quest because in my fanon projection version of her, the drive to change and understand her people better is the repentance and regret for me, because that's the most constructive form that regret can take-- though i would still have liked, y'know, a formal apology or something, but. yeah that's what fanon is for
(also, about her voicelines, some of them are not actually her but the Raiden Shogun, I'm not sure which of those her voiceline about Kokomi is (it very well may have been hers), so that's also very valid, my response to that is. basically just fanon again because it feels to me like the kind of thing that she'd change her mind about after her second story quest)
ok sorry for the huge wall of text but thank you for indulging my blorbo rant!!! i don't think anything in here is too harsh but if it is feel free to call me out on that, cause i tend to get a little Passionate about my character essays but i don't mean it in like, an "any opinion but this one sucks" way or anything!!
This has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute awaiting a response that I just don't really have the spoons to give, but I really really enjoyed reading your take on this character and all the reasons why you like her, and I felt like it deserved to see the light of day because it's so well thought out and interesting!
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egy-lany-blogja · 1 year
Lehetsz angyal vagy ördög,
Lehetsz barát vagy ellenség,
Lehetsz valaki szerelme vagy a szeretője,
Lehetsz sovány vagy kövér,
Lehetsz szép vagy csúnya,
Lehetsz kedves vagy bunkó,
Lehetsz vidám vagy komor,
Lehet hosszú vagy rövid hajad,
Lehet színes vagy fekete ruhád,
Lehet a bőrszíned is bármilyen egy a lényeg mindig légy önmagad... 🙏
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