#koni is an idiot
degenezijde · 3 months
One funny post breast reduction surgery thing is that I now feel like my tummy is huge. It isn't, it's just that I can see it now! Which brain interprets as 'uh oh.'
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joeythefrog · 9 months
The lyricism in newsies is so important to me because it highlights their grim reality and lack of education
All of Jacks lines about the sun and the moon? He gets the two mixed up, the moon isn’t big and yellow, it won’t turn night into day. Anything medically relevant? Nope, absolutely batshit. Dancing when everyone’s freshly injured? (KoNY) idiotic, Thinking oxygen would fix a mutilated leg? Absolutely not. Those are just a few examples of how they just don’t have a basic education.
Everything they parroted off during the strike? Unioned we stand, can they kick us out? Take away our vote?, HEY they can’t do that
And many many other things, it’s all parroting the businessmen who they’ve sold to. They have no clue what any of it means but they refuse to be looked down on. Their just mimicking those who know what their doing and are in powerful positions where they aren’t judged or condemned for their birth.
And there’s heaps of other lines about how they will live and die in this system
Working till we fall, burrowah gave me birth, ect.
And the fact that carrying the banner is the newsies theme, it plays in each break cutoff scene change. It is their way of life and has been drilled deep into them that this is survival that this is death
And they did all of that without saying anything about it, subtly getting their message across so well that some people knew without consciously realising
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Am I stupid or am I stupid? It took me a week to realise that the choreo in West Endsies KONY references the '92 one rather than Broadway
Also another peak idiot moment is when I haven't realised that when the last people on stage after the bows are Jack Katherine and a Brooklyn newsies, and she leaves a paper center stage only for it to be picked by Race at the beginning of the next show
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sketch-guardian · 2 years
Awkward noodle friend!
First of all I'd also like to publicly announce that your OCs are so cool and I'm loving all the little puzzle pieces of information we're currently getting on your blog 👌✨
And then I'd also have a question about them! How are their relationships with the cannon obey me characters? Are some of them good friends, or absolute rivals, maybe?
Oh, and also with Camy, of course! I wouldn't ever forget my precious shy bean, don't you worry 💕
(I really really hope this hasn't been asked before, if so I'd love to see the post about it ☺️)
Impacciata amica spaghetto!
I'm so sorry about seeing your ask just now,I apologize😥I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long🙈also thank you for the compliments on my OCs😳you're too kind☺💜
Regarding your question,I think I've already been asked a similar question in an old post of mine🤔it should be this one if you're interested:
still,I don't mind specifying some more information about their relationships with the canon characters✨even with Camy this time, since I've never written anything about that (you're so sweet Koni😭💖thank you for thinking about my MC too🙈💜I wasn't expecting that-)
This will be long,so in this post I will write for the Seven Brothers and MC only,I hope that's okay😥if you want to know RAD classmates relationships with the Now Dateables and the New Characters too,you can sent another ask if you're interested🙈now let's get started!
Demya honestly doesn't like Lucifer very much and even if she tries to hide it behind a cheeky behavior,his presence makes her a little anxious. The punishments Lucifer's quite famous for bring back bad memories of her childhood spent in a freak show in the human world,so when she gets in trouble,she tends to avoid him as best as she can. He's too strict for Demya's tastes and she almost feels sorry for his brothers and for MC
Domnra seems pretty indifferent towards Lucifer,but he's actually slightly jealous of the authority he manages to impose without effort and the fact that he seems to be perfect at everything,which Domnra never was,not even when he was still an angel. Mobim on the other hand is intimidated by Lucifer,even if it doesn't often have a reason to be,since it is a kind and quiet creature. Mobim usually hides behind Domnra when Lucifer approaches,especially if he seems angry
Azul doesn't mind teasing Lucifer and it honestly makes everyone think he has a death wish,but the thing is that Azul doesn't care about the consequences. He knows that as long as he doesn't do anything extreme, the most he can get is a warning and still, he knows he's more than capable of escaping if that was the case. He also has no problem admitting that Lucifer is attractive,Azul just has no shame
Zuri respects Lucifer and his position,she considers him a decent leader and appreciates independent people like herself. In fact among the RAD classmates,excluding Azul who occasionally disturbs the demon,Zuri's probably the closest to Lucifer,the only one who can be considered "friend" of the eldest brother. Their conversations consist mostly of small talk about work or complaining about being often surrounded by idiots,all the while sharing a bottle of Demonus or a cup of tea,like two stressed parents
Odon likes Lucifer,even if according to them,he should try to smile a little more. They're sure that like all demons,angels and humans,he too would have a nice smile,everyone is special in their own way and he shouldn't fear to show himself more for what he is and not for the role he has to play. Odon would like to make friends with everyone,however they sensed that Lucifer doesn't trust an ancient and mysterious demon like themselves,so as much as it hurts them,they try to keep their distance. If Lucifer ever changed his mind,Odon wouldn't mind sharing a cup of tea with him
Demya thinks Mammon is cool and several times they found themselves scamming people together to get what they wanted, in fact they gave each other a hand occasionally. For example, if Demya attracted rich people with her beauty, making them shell out a lot of money and then leave them empty-handed, Mammon made sure to get as many meat dishes as possible for her. After all, Demya doesn't really care about money, it's just an added bonus, so she doesn't mind making this kind of trade. Also it isn't uncommon to see her teasing Mammon about his crush on MC, as she has noticed that the demon becomes much more shy and awkward in their presence, she thinks that's funny
Domnra isn't very close to Mammon,the most he has done with the demon is a few chats during gym class at RAD. However Domnra doesn't seem hostile towards him,despite how shoert-tempered he is,and for a good reason. Once Mobim had wandered off in search for flowers and Domnra went looking for it,it wouldn't have taken long with their bond after all,but what surprised him was seeing Mammon comforting a sad Mobim in a voice one would use with a kitten. Once in the open,both demons were embarrassed and promised never to talk about the accident again,but considering that other demons would have hurt Mobim instead without thinking twice,Domnra can't help feeling a touch of respect towards Mammon
Azul is a little bastard and loves to scare Mammon by randomly appearing through walls or mirrors,because he's the demon who give Azul the most fun with his reactions. However Azul isn't completely heartless and sometimes he makes it up to Mammon by offering help with stealing stuff or with homework involving curses and hexes. Once he even offered Mammon flirting lessons,to use with MC if he wanted,but the demon of greed didn't take it very well
Zuri meets Mammon occasionally when she receives proposals to be a stylist or a model with important brands and while at work he seems professional,Zuri doesn't appreciate how loud Mammon can be outside of it,she finds such behavior annoying. She thinks he's wasting his potential,because she's seen what he's capable of if he really puts in the effort. Zuri doesn't trust him very much though,because she knows he would have no problem stealing from her,but she has to admit that since Mammon rarely transforms,he was a good choice as MC's guardian
Odon finds Mammon funny and full of life and would very much like to become his friend,because they can feel that he too has good in him,unlike other demons they've encountered in their long life. Odon isn't stupid and they know that Mammon is terrified by their size and figure,so they try to appear as friendly and harmless as possible,to make him feel at ease. Once they even managed to play cards with Mammon,who lost every single time (due to the eye-like creatures spying on his cards). Luckily Odon was kind enough not to bet anything
Demya struggles to remember Levi,because she barely sees him in class,let alone outside,so she doesn't have a clear opinion about him. Demya knows she can easily convince him to do stuff for her by being nice and cute like an anime girl and she figures they might share the trait of being jealous demons,but otherwise they don't have much in common. One thing is for sure though:she thinks Lotan is cool as hell and one day she would like to ride them
Domnra deems Levi weak in terms of physical strength as he barely trains while Domnra is seen as a normie tsundere delinquent in Levi's eyes,so it's no surprise that the two of them have hardly ever spoken. However Domnra noticed that Levi occasionally look at Mobim as if it was some cute anime mascot,all the while muttering "kawaii" or other anime references unfamiliar to him. He finds such behavior quite weird
Azul is an online friend of Levi and they occasionally meet to draw together, simp about their favourite characters or show off their cosplays. It seems shocking considering how different the two demons are,but they share some hobbies and kind of complement each other,for example:Azul doesn't mind asking for autographs or whatever when Levi is too shy to,while Levi keeps Azul calm with his long and enthusiastic speeches about his favourite topics,those keep Azul too occupied to suddenly change mood
Zuri admires Levi's passion for his hobbies and the way he manages to convey it to others,she believes that the effort he puts into cosplay is remarkable,because in a certain sense it's still style,however Zuri doesn't often assist to his fanatic speeches,as Levi seems quite intimidated or in awe in her presence. She isn't sure which of the two options is the correct one
Odon knows Levi thanks to what their eye-like creatures have told them,but they have met him in person just few times and the few times it happened,cell phones and computers were involved. Odon,being very old,isn't a great expert in modern technology,so as an excuse,they sometimes ask Levi for help. Moreover, Levi often compare them to some anime characters and even if Odon doesn't know what he's talking about,they appreciate that Levi isn't afraid to express his opinion
Demya thinks Satan's a bit of a nerd and she doesn't like that talking to him makes her feel dumber that usual,but despite everything she still finds him kinda cute,especially when he's in feral mode,because Demya has somewhat strange tastes. She also finds amusing that their tails are similar and even if it doesn't matter much,she appreciates that he isn't a fan of Lucifer
Domnra and Satan both have anger issues,so they understand what if feels like and sometimes they go out together to either vent or blow off steam. It's strange seeing one of the smartest students of RAD and one of the delinquents in class together,but their "problem" has brought them closer and made them friends. Domnra focuses more on the physic while Satan on the mind,but one thing they've in common is the love for cute things. Once Satan put a kitty costume on Mobim,in spite of Domnra
Azul is friends with Domnra, so it's no wonder he has tried to be friends with Satan as well, he finds his reactions very funny, especially when he's angry. Other than that, Azul would probably be an interesting subject for Satan to study, especially because he has never seen demons with Azul's characteristic ability, i.e. changing color depending on feelings, but he probably wouldn't give Satan any explanation about it,just to tease him a bit
Zuri knows about Satan's story and is aware that mentioning the eldest brother's name gets him upset, so to avoid any headaches from his screams, she tends to avoid mentioning that name in his presence. Leaving aside this detail, she believes that Satan's very intelligent, but that at the same time he's also too insecure of his identity and that he should begin to understand that his brother is not a threat as he seems. The only criticism she can make against Satan is his way of dressing
Odon knows a great deal about Devildom, having been born before the seven brothers and having spent their long life there. They have witnessed events written in history books, both in Devildom and in the human world, so they're very well educated from that point of view. The relationship with Satan seems to be that of a student and a tutor, he can ask Odon anything historical and they would probably be able to provide Satan with an answer, having experienced it firsthand. He also seems interested in the eye-like creatures that they have and since Lucifer doesn't like Odon very much, it's another reason for Satan to talk to them
Demya likes to go shopping with Asmo and likes to gossip about other lesser demons with him, she thinks he's fun, so they're friends, but casual ones. They often meet at parties or on the streets of Devildom and while Asmo may appreciate Demya's sense of style, he wouldn't appreciate her rough and feral ways, such as gobbling up on food or having no problem getting her hands dirty. For example, Demya, unlike Asmo, doesn't mind messing up her hair or getting scars on her skin
Domnra only knows Asmo by fame, since the demon of lust has a lot of followers among demons and witches on Devilgram, but otherwise he has never really spoken to him,Domnra finds him "too much" for his tastes and being used to being surrounded by other party animals, he doesn't need another reason to have a headache. Mobim isn't sure what to feel towards Asmo, he seems to Mobim a very extravagant demon, but being a very empathetic creature, it perceives that Asmo hides some insecurities, so it doesn't know if how he shows himself in public is an act or less and if so,Mobim doesn't think it would be able to reassure him
Azul usually meets Asmo during the parties held in The Fall and occasionally finds him at Madame Scream's, when he's there to buy sweets. Being both quite popular, they know each other and are also quite friends, even if there's a casual flirting every now and then, but just for fun. Sometimes they make duets and other times they help each other with makeup, but Azul often doesn't miss the opportunity to scare Asmo and make him ruin everything
Zuri knows Asmo because of her connection to the fashion world, so from that point of view, they interact every now and then. She acknowledges that stylistically, Asmo is a professional, but otherwise she finds him quite childish and capricious when he doesn't get what he wants. She's worked hard to get to where she's now and would like Asmo to understand that beauty it's not enough and that everything shouldn't be granted to him just for his looks, but that his commitment should be the most important thing
Odon usually wanders around isolated places so as not to frighten other lesser demons, so it's very unlikely to see Asmo for them,but the few times Odon has shown up in more crowded places,they were able to talk to him. Odon thinks that Asmo has no idea exactly who they are,because on their first encounter he tried to flirt with them. The results weren't what Asmo hoped for, since Odon didn't understand his intentions, but they appreciated the casual chat in any case. The two demons know each other only by sight though, since they frequent different places
Demya and Beel are the duo that all Devildom's restaurants fear, considering the amount of food they swallow every day, so seeing them together in a restaurant is equivalent to the eventual failure of the latter. They're good friends and Demya appreciates that Beel doesn't judge her appetite,she knows what it's like to try to fill a void with food. Furthermore,the two occasionally train together, even if they do different exercises: Beel with weights and Demya with flexibility. Also Demya tries to protect Beel from people who try to take advantage of his kindness
Domnra is in some sports clubs with Beel and it happens a few times that the two demons chat. In his presence Domnra has no reason to be angry, he respects Beel's tranquility and strength, he's a very strong demon in Domnra's opinion,however his appetite reminds him too much of Demya,who he dislikes. Not gonna lie, but Domnra once feared Beel might eat Mobim and he's never been more terrified in his life
Azul hardly ever spoke to Beel, although he occasionally saw him eating in sweets shops, thus depriving Azul of the chance of buying something for himself. Maybe the reason they don't interact much is because Azul finds him quite boring, being apathetic most of the time, so it's hard to get interesting emotional reactions from Beel. Sometimes Azul can try to prank him by creating food illusions, but Beel doesn't seem to fall for it too often
Zuri knows about Beel based on what Lucifer told her about him, so she knows that the sixth brother is quite gluttonous, but also kind-hearted and devoted to his family, qualities Zuri appreciates, but that at the same time they remind her a bit of her angel days, which she would rather not think about. Zuri and Beel have talked to each other a few times, but not having much in common, their conversations go no further
Odon shares a bond with their eye-like creatures similar to the one Beel shares with Belphegor, so they feel a little closer to him in this aspect, however Beel asked Odon how they knew this information, but Odon just smiled and explained that it was a mere guess. Both demons are quite tall, so they appreciate not having to bend down to talk face-to-face. Also Odon has noticed that Beel doesn't seem to fear them, which relieves them. Odon likes it when Beel tells them about his family, because Odon has never had one and doesn't know what it feels like to have one
Demya knows Belphie through Beel and is in fact quite friends with him. To Belphie Demya is somewhat similar to Beel and those few times when Demya's tired,they take naps together. The two have also silently made an agreement, namely to protect Beel from demons or witches with bad intentions
Domnra met Belphie probably through Satan, during a meeting of the Anti-Lucifer League. The two demons get along quite well and Domnra likes Belphie's sarcasm and style, but maybe he's a little jealous of the fact that he always gets good grades despite almost always sleeping in class. Mobim doesn't mind being a pillow for Belphie, as long as the demon doesn't choke it in his sleep
Azul, again, has never interacted much with Belphie. He considers him boring, since interacting with him is practically impossible, with rhe demon being always asleep. The only thing that Azul noticed that he has in common with Belphie is the love for the stars and perhaps it could be a good conversation starter for the two of them
Zuri likes hardworking, resourceful people who show at least a modicum of passion in what they do and unfortunately Belphie does not fall into this category. She knows he's the demon of sloth and she doesn't blame him for this of course, but Zuri considers Belphie too lazy and doesn't think it's appropriate to walk around as if he were always wearing pajamas
Odon is the only one among the RAD classmates who knows about the little "accident" between Belphie and MC, although it's unknown exactly how the eye-like creatures learned about it. The two demons hardly interact, but occasionally Odon sees Belphie sleeping near the Devildom woods when they walk alone. If Belphie so wanted, Odon would be more than happy to explain what they know about constellations and dreams
-Camy (my MC)
Demya doesn't know exactly what to think of Camy,being a very different person from her: introvert, shy and who prefers not to leave the House of Lamentation. She considers her a reliable and patient human considering that she has to deal with seven demons everyday and every now and then she happens to meet Camy hanging out with Mammon. In those moments Demya likes to embarrass them both with their obvious feelings towards each other. She finds them a cute couple
Domnra was quite unaware of Camy's existence at first, as her presence was hardly noticeable in class, but he started paying more attention to her when she started learning magic from a certain sorcerer. He's surprised that a human from so low has landed in the position Camy is currently in,but he has to admit that he's found a newfound respect for her, even for the pacts she's managed to make. The only times they interact is when Mobim happily greets Camy, not considering the human a dangerous person
Azul would like to make friends with Camy,since she's Levi's best friend and since they have some hobbies in common,but the human seems to avoid him and Azul thinks it's due to his unstable nature. For this reason, to make her feel more at ease,Azul tries to interact with Camy only online and only when Levi's also present, so it should be easier to chat. Azul thinks she's charming in her own weird way and he would like to play tricks on her,but he doesn't want seven demons after him so he avoids acting like an idiot for once
Zuri admires Camy's commitment to her duties at RAD, and the fact that she's a human exchange student makes her efforts all the more worthy of credit. Zuri doesn't dare imagine what it's like to live with the seven deadly sins, so she has a hunch as to why the human has such pronounced eyebags. Zuri tried talking to her with Lucifer present, but the human seemed quiet and uncomfortable,perhaps because she wasn't used to the presence of other demons. The only criticism that Zuri feels like making is the way in which the human looks scruffy,Camy doesn't seem to care about her appearance
Odon considers Camy a curious human being,strong from a mental point of view and with a great willpower. In her place, several humans would have already gone crazy with what she had to go through, with what she experienced there in Devildom, so they don't understand how she can be so insecure of herself. Camy was uncomfortable when they met for the first time, but she wasn't scared and Odon isn't surprised,considering that the human risked death several times. If Camy's alone on the streets of Devildom,Odon offers to escort her. They'are close acquaintances and that's enough for Odon
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argumentl · 2 years
TTT Instagram live - Points of interest
✝ Kaoru designed the new TTT logo (which can be seen on the collar section of the tshirt) by painting a black base, and scraping out the design with a needle.
✝ They spent a lot of time talking about the content of the show on the 15th of Nov. Some hints as to which songs will be played (2 songs that start with S, 2 songs that start with K, all some of TMCM's biggest hits)
✝ Talk about what prizes to give to the audience. Some jokey suggestion that the young photos of all the members could be made into plastic stands. Koni suggested ¥1000 takoyaki voucers for ten winners.
✝Joking about how Kaoru could dress the same as in his age 20 photo for the TTT live.
✝They will make Russian takoyaki (one takoyaki in the batch secretly filled with chilli) during the talk event section of the live. This was Kaoru's idea.
✝ They were originally planning to do a show in Osaka too, but circumstances didnt work out.
✝When they look at Boo's young photo, Kaoru jokIngly asks him if he was 16 in the photo, and Boo calls him an idiot, saying 'Do you think Id look like that at 16??' (He was 22 in the pic, apparently). Boo says Toshiya took a photo of this photo after seeing it on display somewhere years ago, and sent it to Boo. Hence they have a digital copy of it.
✝ Boo was outside because he had planned to sit in Bar Boo to join the talk, but some customers came, so he had to go outside.
✝ Koji was supposed to bring some of the merch along to show it off, but forgot to bring it.
✝Plus lots more general chit chat, a few technical Instagram issues, checkIng the comments a bit. I stopped taking notes towards the end, it was long!
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
a lot of things can be said abt tiktok and why using it is insufferable at times but honestly the most annoying and frustrating part for me is the seemingly pervasive issue of the userbase just not understanding or misunderstanding specific concepts they will then not shut up about it
its not like this wasn’t/isn’t an issue on tumblr and twitter and other forms of social media before it. its just that by nature of these websites the misunderstandings could only go so far, remaining in more insular communities or was about larger and more complex social issues the general public also has trouble actually understanding (like cultural appropriation)
on tiktok though it is like. basically impossible to correct misinformation on a wide scale. its all short form content, super fast paced, limited video length and limited characters in comments. even if you DO managed to correct it, you’ll be limited by the reach of your video and there will inevitably be x5 people showing up to say you’re wrong because another creator told them so. and because of how algorithmically based and short form it is this can replicate extremely fast and ends up working out in practice like a game of telephone. corrections also garner more engagement and thus, misunderstandings or deliberately misrepresenting a point become rewarded allowing them to spread even further where as on tumblr someone would call you an idiot and you’d get like 3 notes before being lost into the blue abyss.
this can be about anything btw. it can be about recognizing asian fetishization to fundamentally not understanding how dropshipping works and how to recognize it. all explanations start and end with “someone told me this was bad and let me make this all about me”
to use dropshipping as an example: dropshipping is basically operating as a middleman. they don’t keep stock of products they own, they essentially take money from the consumer, buy the product for them, and then have it shipped from the manufacturer’s warehouse to the customer directly without ever having to keep and store the products themselves. this can and often does result in scummy practices, and people wildly overcharging for frankly cheap goods you can get at a fraction of the cost very easily. but instead of learning how to recognize dropshippers, how the business model operates, and why its bad, some people have instead learned “dropshipping is when someone overcharges for goods i don’t think are worth it. selling candles with custom labels? obvious dropshipper”. so they harass candle makers because they have learned high prices they dont think are worth it=dropshipper. they can’t explain why else they have a problem with dropshipping beyond wanting items for cheaper and someone told them it was bad. they don’t really understand or care about the lack of quality control, oversaturation of the market, and often stolen designs. and making personal attacks against a seller is rewarded with engagement and ends up encouraging others to do the same
obv by nature of the algorithm this is not the case of every tiktok bubble either. but it seems every time i wander away from very specific spheres of interest this is what always smacks me in the face an annoys me. misinformation is so easy to spread on tiktok so long as you can frame it correctly. its like kony 2012 but in slightly smaller doses over and over and no one learns a lesson from it
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badedramay · 2 years
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“Ankhen band karo aur ee socho ke tum ek bohat sundar, hare maidaan mein ho...”
“Hara maidaan? Green field. Okay. Mujhe aur thodi information chaiye hogi. Yeh hara maidaan hai kidhar?”
“Hain? Ee..tomhari imagination mein hai. Kaheen bhi ho kya pharak padat hai?”
“Nahin imagination ke liye bhi thoda detail chaiye mujhe na.”  
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deewanapdf · 2 years
what are ur favourite shows/movies (ik i asked this before but i can't remember 😭😭)
aha it's okay :))
so in animes it is: haikyuu, bnha, blue period, koni can't communicate and i have a LOT that i wanna watch :D
other than that,, lots of ghibli! (howl's moving castle, kiki's delivery service, nausica of the valley of the wind, spirited away, princess mononoke, ponyo, wait there are more sndns)
and i started watching a film my friend persuaded me into watching! it's called a silent voice :)
normal shows would be heartstopper, she-ra, uhh I forgot 💀💀
movies! lots of movies! desi movies *chefs kiss*
(3 idiots eheheheh, om shanti om, jaane tu ya jaane na, znmd, dil dhadakne do, rang de basanti, dilli-6, lots of srk)
uhm disney?? and dreamworks and animated stuff,, some stuff like,, I watched my first james bond film (the most recent one) on my dad's bday, batman, and star wars!!!!! I like star wars. also I watched dune with my sister (want to read the books too)
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mar-bluu · 4 years
To add on to your Race post.
He's implied to be the second in command to Jacy Kelly, yet the fandom protrays him as kind of an idiot. The only thing that he's really done to suggest that is mispronounce one word (which could've been a tactic to cheer the newsies up despite two of their own being missing - which also suggests he's the second in command). He's smart for his background (being an orphan - with barley any education might I add) and he's not treated as such:/
I don't know that really aggravates me.
!! okay but literally this!!! 
this is what pisses me off! Race is typically characterised as the ~chaotic crazy lil idiot boi uwu~ which like, whatever, characterise whatever character however you feel, but also?? maybe dont boil them down to one trait and one trait only? like he’s SO much more than that! 
it’s very obvious he cares for the others and im like 60% sure it’s explicitly stated that he is the second in command, so during KoNY, when everyone’s disheartened, beaten up, and scared, Race starts up the song and dance, possibly as a way to cheer everyone up or distract them for a little bit. i also agree with the ‘erster’ bit being made up as well for a joke, but like? maybe he’s always heard the word as erster?? i’ve been mispronouncing words my entire life, that doesn’t directly point to him being dumb. also for the smart thing, @newsiepedia made a great point in their character profile for him! ‘When Les says that he has a mom and a dad, Race replies “Hey, ain’t we the hoi polloi?” Hoi polloi is ancient Greek for “the common people”.’
like?? clearly this boy has brains!
i get people liking to characterize Race as this incredibly chaotic character that doesn’t think before he speaks or acts, and i dunno gets into general chaos, that’s fine!! but like, thats not all there is to him, and it really does his character an injustice to see him treated s one-dimensionally.
asdfdfjgdlgk anyways what i’ve been trying to say is that you summed this up wonderfully!! thank you so much for sending this in, i couldn’t have said it better myself
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
Killing Spree
Chapter 5- Meet The Plastics
... Pairing: Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist] [Killing Spree Navi]
Summary: Momo is working at a Yakuza her parents’ owned. She had killed multiple people called her ‘targets’ since she was going to be the next Oyabun. After her last killing spree, her new target was named Y/n L/n. A beautiful young lady, the same age as Momo. She unexpectedly saw you on a dark alleyway surrounded by another Yakuza. She had saved you, then both became friends. She had liked you every second she has with you. Her parents had noticed her sneaking out lately. So they confronted her, That had let into an arguement.
Yaomomo’s Yakusa name is Creati
Warning: Some wrong grammars, mafia au, some swearing, mentions of death, mentions of killing, mentions of blood,
Genre: Fluff, some angst, mafia au,
Y/n- your name, L/n- last name, Yakuza- mafia,  Senpai- a person a year or more older than you, Kouhai- a person younger than you,
Names: Uramaya Sakuyomi- Your one of your 3rd year friends,  Isetaki Nahiko- One of your Kouhai,  Koni Mitsuyama - Favorite Kouhai,  Asatsuka Izuki- Co-worker who is older than you,  Kinobashi Atsurime- a teacher from Shiketsu university,
The characters are 20+ Years old!
Reader: Female
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[Y/n’s introduction]  [Prologue] [Momo’s introduction] ..  [Previous] [You are here] [Next]
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☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
This was it. It was so early, 3am.... They were there, Standing infront of the school entrance wearing their uniforms. While all of the 1-A wore theirs. 
‘They were not many, from different years.’ Iida murmured, trying to not get caught. 
It was all 20 1-A students and 3 teachers from UA and 20 different years of students and 2 teacher. 
“Ara ara~ I apologize of being late today, Someone was running late today..” A teacher broke the silence, glancing a boy. Momo and the others followed her gaze. It was a young boy, not much. really. He’s just embarrassed that’s all. 
Toshinori sighed “It’s fine Ms. Atsurime. Everyone, in the buses.” Everyone followed his command. 
“He seems to be tired to be joyful today... Poor All Might.. I wonder w-what he did to tire himself!.” Midoriya said in a quiet voice. Todoroki gently patted his back. “My mother did this to me before and i thought it could reassure you that everythings fine.” He said in a soft voice. “Yeah..! We already planned everything so we’ll be okay.” Uraraka said in a joyful yet quiet voice, making Midoriya feel touched. 
“T-thank you guys.” He started to sniffle on how his friends were so nice. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“We’re here.” Atsurime said (Shiketsu bus 1)  “Don’t forget about the plan. Class 1-A is one of the most powerful classes in UA. Once we trick them, we will eliminate them all! Don’t leave a person alive. Even though we are outnumbered, we can still stand!” Her speech made the students shout ‘Yeah!’. 
Everyone left the bus, analyzing the surroundings. 
“Uhm Ms. Atsurime...?” Midoriya said, catching the attention of the teacher. “Yes?” She said coldly. Midoriya shuddered, “I don’t think this is the place..” He said. “You don’t know that.” She commented harsly, her body towering him. But the truth was, there were in the wrong direction
He gulped then quickly walk to his friends who was glaring at her. 
“That was rude of you Atsurime. You should’ve been nice to that boy. Don’t forget that everyone here is part of a Yakuza.” The other teacher scolded. She scoffed.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The teacher checked if anyone was inside the building, it was clear. The woman gestured to let the class 1-A to go first. The others quirked a brow, why would the teacher let them go first? They still went inside anyways.
When all of them went inside, that’s where the attack started. 
Some idiot tried to shoot Mina, but stupidly failed. Instead, the bullet went to the wall near her. She shot her head to whoever did that. Everyone armed themselves and started attacking. 
“Why did you shoot so early?! I haven’t even told to do it yet!” She scolded the student. “You’re useless!” She yelled. 
Mina was well.. Dodging the bullets but it seems like she was.. Dancing? Anyways. Some of them was injured. Some using their quirks, some using guns, and knives. Momo made shields for everybody. 
Bakugo blasted everyone who was near him. He almost blasted Midoriya too. 
A girl was trying to stab Todoroki. “Your- So- cute-- Let me- keep you!” She said, in a dark voice. She’s clearly out of her mind. Todoroki thought. He made the floor ice infront of him. making the girl slip and whine. “Geez, so loud..” He whispered.
“DIE- DIE- DIEE!” Bakugo yelled to every single person who was in Shiketsu university, some became injured, some were still standing.
Eraserhead, All Might, and Present Mic was fighting the 2 teachers. 
“You fell for it! It was not much, but look around! Your students are injured!” She laughed.
They were silent, but they fought. 
“DIE- FUCK!” Bakugo cursed. Some extra made him dizzy. He was almost going to get shot when Midoriya came and shielded him. “I DIDN’T NE-ed that.” He said, his voice slowly fading away, Then he collapsed. 
Midoriya looked at him surprised. He panicked. He checked his pulse, it was fine. He must be unconscious. Midoriya thought.
After some fighting, they won. Some died, some severely injured Shiketsu people. 
“We must call for backup and dispose them, alive or dead.” Aizawa said, injured himself. Present Mic immediately called for backup. “Is everyone here?” All might asked. Momo looked around and counted before nodding. 
“They’ll be coming shortly.” Present Mic replied. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Everyone were in different rooms. The severely injured ones were brought to the Emergency room. It was Tokoyami and Mineta. 
The others were fine, well, kinda. They were worried about their fellow classmates. Bakugo was still unconscious, breathing normally but not moving an inch. 
Momo knew this was going to happen. well everyone knew that. They should’ve just declined. But Shiketsu gave UA a huge amount of money that they agreed. It was stupid. But we needed the money ever since an attack from the Lov came. So it wasn’t that stupid. 
One thing everyone hates about Shiketsu University: They are plastics.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
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gmebackup · 4 years
psychology 2 Electric boogaloo
So yesterday I posted about the psychological aspects of the entire stock craze.
Today I want to go a bit more in depth of how PSYOPS (psychological operations) normally work for military, but also how they apply to us today. if someone wants me to go in depth on how psyops is used on businesses feel free to let me know I'll do some research and post here
There is a certain order when it comes to PSYOPSIn order to create a successful PSYOP the following must be established:
1  clearly define the mission so that it aligns with national objectives   2  need a PSYOP estimate of the situation   3  prepare the plan   4  media selection   5  product development   6  pretesting - determines the probable impact of the PSYOP on the target audience   7  production and dissemination of PSYOP material   8  implementation   9  posttesting - evaluates audience responses   10 feedback
Before these steps can occur, intelligence analysts must profile potential targets in order to determine which ones it would be most beneficial to target. In order to figure this out, analysts must determine the vulnerabilities of these groups and what they would be susceptible to.
The analysts also determine the attitudes of the targets toward the current situation, their complaints, ethnic origin, frustrations, languages, problems, tensions, attitudes, motivations, and perceptions, and so on. Once the appropriate target(s) have been determined, the PSYOP can be created. this is the basic outline of how a PSYOPS work, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
this is the basic outline of how a psyop works, now lets compare that to the entire GME situation
1 they need to find out what we think/feel and find our weakness.
this is the most simple one as we work in plain sight and let everyone see our DD
2 Can they pull this off? can they create FUD and divide our ranks?
Also easily yes
3 the plan:
Divide and conquer, make them doubt themselves and show their comrades are not as brotherly as they imagined.
4 the Media selection is also fairly easy to fill in
modern news media, meaning TV, newspapers, and reddit itself. We’ve all seen the people on tv saying we are idiots, we are dumb etc etc News article after news article stating that it’s over And here is the only one that may have actually shown to have some effect: other users Other users saying we missed the boat, other users showing their “gains” and using others to turn against each other. 5 Product development See how well it’s doing so far? 6 pretesting Can and will these things affect us? Yes and no, the media didn’t work as we could see the facts were skewed across the board, and they are still using short ladder attacks so… no Having other users spread doubt… Yes, this has worked for some people. 7 product and dissemination Normally this is where (if it was used by a military operation) it would be implemented, but due to time constraints I believe they started right after the “planning” phase in 3 8 Implementation Putting it to use, again I believe the implementation begon at point 3 9 posttesting Evaluation of the audiences response, do they react and how do they react 10 feedback If it works, at which points, if it doesn’t where and why? This last one is very easy, noticed how all mainstream news died off about the negativity towards GME BB AMC and NOK? But how the influx of new users on WSB become more prevalent? This is because they knew we didn’t give a fuck about the mainstream media, we cared about our brothers in arms.
Now with knowing some of the basics lets do a quick and dirty analysis of all of this, From end of 2020 to about 18-01-2021 the sentiment was positive. At this date we saw a wide range of implementation of the media. And everyone was saying we were stupid etc etc. Hell we even got a billionaire to cry on tv
This negative attention seemed to only bolster us in our conviction that we were and are correct in what our DD has lined out for us.
Ok so the main media networks don't work, What does?
Ok so the main media networks don't work, What does? Well lets use their main tools (reddit) against them. And what did we suddenly see since the 27th/28th? Suddenly the mod team changes, and this is very important because if you control the people who control the board you control the narrative, skewing it from positive to negative. (as we’ve seen a lot of people getting their positive posts deleted, their DD deleted etc etc) We also seen a massive influx of bots, negative posters, people showing their “gains” And this seemed to work so they stuck with it. Now look at these last paragraphs and compare them to a normal Psyops mission. Do you think they kind of align a lot? Good because this is what we have been using since as long as we can remember Some real world examples of things like this being implemented are for example: The Gleiwitz incident Hitler invaded Poland, took control of their radio tower and made it seem like Poland attacked Germany, this way he could “retaliate” without any repercussions at the time. As he was only defending his country.
Operation Bodyguard A plan to mislead the Germans during WW2 to make them think the time and place of the invasion (D-day) would take place at another time and date then it did. There are a lot of WW2 examples but I think it’s more prudent to focus on modern day as this was the beginning of modern psyops, but it has evolved a lot since then. To most people when you say “PSYOPS” they think of Vietnam, and rightly so as here we were starting to use more and more psychological methods. First off this is a very interesting read; http://www.psywarrior.com/VietnamCommanders.htmlAnd for the people who think PSYOPS are no longer used, they are and they’re still recruiting; https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/special-operations/psyop/psyop-history.html
The Phoenix program; The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination. The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong". The Phoenix Program was premised on the idea that infiltration had required local support from non-combat civilian populations, which were referred to as the "political branch" that had purportedly coordinated the insurgency.
Operation Wandering soul; Now this one is actually one that is pretty fucked up in my book, this was an OP that screwed with their heads on such a level this one should be criminal.
The VC believed at the time that the dead should be buried at home or else the soul was stuck wandering the earth aimlessly, sounds fairly normal if you believe in those things. But then the US was like “they aren’t at home right? What if we play distorted human sounds and zombie like sounds to fuck with them”. This is the gist of what happened
Check this site out for more on OP Wandering soul: http://www.psywarrior.com/wanderingsoul.html
Now to keep this a bit shorter I will give you a couple of operation names here which you can research if you want, they are important in this grander thing but or else this post would turn into another thesis on PSYOPS. Operation CHIEU HOI Operation MOCKINGBIRD (highly unclear of the scope but it does reflect a lot of what we see today in the ways of media manipulation) Operation FIELD GOAL (leaflet drop mission, much like the recent “GAINS” posts as it has the same effect, either you get convinced the squeeze is squoze or you lose morale)
Modern day(desert storm to now)
Gulf war Banknotes; This one is a very good one, as they used banknotes which had some added text to it, sounds innocent enough right?Nope this one was one of the more effective ones they used in desert storm/shield.http://www.psywarrior.com/GulfWarBanknotes.html
Give it a read because it’s too good to just give a small synopsis here.
Command Radio Solo over Iraq Because Iraq was still a technologically lagging country back then they used radio to give out propaganda, again using mainstream media to push their idiology.http://www.psywarrior.com/CommandoSoloIraqScripts.htmlThis page has everything on it, including the scripts they have used at the time.
Some other golf war things to look into:
Compare those to the disinformation we are receiving when it comes to gains and why we should sell.
Operation OBSERVANT COMPASS 2003 initially an op to get Joseph Kony and to end the “lord's resistance army in central afrika.
Toppling of Saddam Hussein statue Arguably the most visible image of the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the toppling of a statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad. Allegations that the event was staged have been published.
It is claimed it was actually an idea hatched by an Army psychological operations team. Allegations surfaced that not only were the cheering group of people surrounding the statue in fact smaller than they were made out to be, in media depictions, but that also the group were not local to the area and were instead brought in by the military for the specific purpose of watching and lending credence to the pre-planned toppling.
Use of music in interrogation of prisoners. Again this one is one we all know about, using heavy metal on Iraqi prisoners, as they’ve never heard heavy metal this fucks them up beyond belief. this is a more hands on PSYWAR but it's morale based
Pentagon analysts and the mainstream media In 2008, The New York Times exposed how analysts portrayed in the U.S. news media as independent and objective were in fact under the tutelage of the Pentagon.
According to the NYT:
Hidden behind that appearance of objectivity, though, is a Pentagon information apparatus that has used those analysts in a campaign to generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance
CNN and NPR interns incident In 2000, it came to light that soldiers from the 4th Psychological Operations Group had been interning at the American news networks Cable News Network (CNN) and National Public Radio (NPR) during the late 1990s. The program was an attempt to provide its PSYOP personnel with the expertise developed by the private sector under its "Training with Industry" program.
The program caused concern about the influence these soldiers might have on American news and the programs were terminated.
National Public Radio reported on April 10, 2000:
The U.S. Army's Psychological Operations unit placed interns at CNN and NPR in 1998 and 1999. The placements at CNN were reported in the European press in February of this year and the program was terminated. The NPR placements will be reported this week in TV Guide.
Am I saying the army or government is involved? No What I am saying is that most of the information regarding PSYOPS is publicly available, and anyone with a decent understanding of sociology and psychology can use this to their advantage. And I’m sure that not everyone who was in PSYOPS at one point or another, would stay there forever. These people usually branch out and use their acquired skillset and use it on the open market to get some big bucks. And while there are laws forbidding the U.S. government to use misinformation/PSYOPS on their own people, there are none for corporations, so they can still implement this. What you can see here is a fairly simple pattern and Modus Operandi. Just translate it to modern times.
-TV and Radio have been used to spread doubt about “is this over or not”.-They use twitter as an outlet showing “experts” who say we are stupid bad or nihilists, this is bait don't take it ok?
-Leaflets have been updated for the modern day, “LOOK AT MAH GAINS” “LOOK IVE SOLD SO SHOULD YOU AT AN ALL TIME LOW”, pictures are all we need instead of leaflets now. Why sell for losses? If you believed in the stock then believe in it now, even Mark Cuban said “if you can afford to hold, hold. That’s what I would do.”
Infiltration and seed Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Make people lose faith in the cause they are in.We have seen this with bots, and real people who are suddenly in the WSB group and other groups, but it’s funny how it’s mostly concentrated on WSB no ?We have seen other members talking to people on Webull asking if they’re getting paid and they flat out said yes 20 bucks for every post with minimally 3 interactions.When those naysayers get caught on reddit and pointed out suddenly they do an account wipe (seen this at least 5 times myself and seen others post about this).
Control the narrative
This is the most important one can do, if you control the narrative you control the way people think interact etc Since a week or so WSB has become very negative about something they were rallying behind for months, like on the flip of a dime.
New mods instated, old ones removed
And suddenly all the positive things about GME are suddenly gone. u/zjz has been removed out of the blue while being one of the better mods on there.
Right now they are controlling the narrative and spreading “fake news” I fucking hate Donny but I’m ashamed to admit that he might have been right about the entire fake news idea. Because look at the news media; Gme craziness they will crash the market GME craze over now silver Silver now Uranium They all went broke etc etc. EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL PLZ DONT LOOK
But if you look at multiple sources…. The shorts are not covered at all The Short ladder attacks (which we can just call ladder attacks at this point) keep going day in day out because we are not selling and they keep shorting it.
Take the facts that you can check yourself. Cross check over and over and over, you will see automatically which ones are correct (if a 100 say the outcome is 120 and 20 say they’re at 50 look at the credibility of those people giving the information).Do your DD, cross check with the DD of other members (this is most likely why WSB removed these)As this is the most powerful one, who is on board who does what why do they do it etc etc.
Normally the announcement that Cohen,fils-aime, Francis, Durkin AND Kruger would impact the stock in a very positive manor, yet the stock went down 20% that day
Compare your findings with the Median of when something like that happens normally the stock shoots up, you can find what’s actually happening and what is being pushed on you.
Like: people have already sold out their shares (while the data shows otherwise https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lejf39/good_news_apes_are_holding_numbers_are_out_apes/ )My conclusion is that there are a lot of things happening behind the scenes to keep us infighting and divided, as long as we all keep positive we can actually come out on top of this.
Make no mistake gentlemen we are at war. And half the war is a war of hearts and minds
Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow
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degenezijde · 1 month
Had a date with the local library because they're booking me for a workshop on media literacy. I asked if they wanted to have more of a connection between the library and my work's stuff (which is a video archive), and sure, they'd put up a book display with books on media literacy.
Great! Fiction and non-fiction, right?
Oh, no, just non-fiction? Why would we have fiction on display?
... because... fiction can help pupils... connect with real world issues... such as cyberbullying, grooming, online friendships, video games, or even dystopias ruled by all knowing computers??
Anyway they were absolutely delighted by this suggestion and would never have thought of it
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I would like to thank Josh for adding a little pointing gesture and a "my man" in KONY after Finch(?) says: "a permanent box at the Shepherds Races"
I always found it odd that this line belongs to someone else because this idiot is names after the racetrack so it's only sensible to assume he spends there time, sells the papers there and he enjoys the races so why is his line about shoelaces?
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What is your favorite color for cars? I always just preferred white cos it looks sleek and elegant on cars. What is your favorite color for bridesmaid dresses? Something a little off-white, like shades of dirty white so as not to clash with the bride’s white dress. I like to keep things looking neat or minimalist, so I’ve always thought white is the way to go for mostly everything. What is your favorite color? Haha I’m gonna jump ship here, from white to pastel pink. Do you do drugs? Other than the caffeine in my coffee if it counts, no. If not, do you want to try drugs? I’m open to trying the mild(?) ones like weed, not sure if that’s the word for it but yeah. Definitely nothing hard - I’ve watched enough Breaking Bad and BoJack Horseman to see what those can do to the human body lmao.
Where are you dreaming of moving to? I’ve always thought of moving to Canada, but I feel like it’s too far from where I come from and I fear the possibility of ending up lonely and depressed from the distance. Australia or New Zealand seem like safe choices. What do you do to avoid contemplating suicide? I usually get into such a hole when I spend too much time in my room, so when I feel the thoughts coming in I make the effort to get up and move to the living room so I get some light and background noise. It’s usually enough for me. Would you kill yourself if you had no family and friends? What an insensitive and triggering question. Do you love someone who is a jerk and an idiot? My friends have some idiotic tendencies but I do love them, if that counts. Do you know anyone who should be in jail but isn't? I dunno anyone personally but I’ve read a number of cases where criminals escaped jail or got such a short useless sentence. Has a police officer ever committed a crime against you? No but I’ve had grouchy traffic enforcers yell at me for violations I didn’t know about. I’ve gotten pulled over in cities 20, 30 km away from my city and I don’t know the traffic rules for each city, so it pisses me off when I get yelled at for violations I have no idea I committed??? I get so scared driving out of town because of this lol. Do you want more stuff or less stuff? More. I’ve never denied how materialistic I tend to be. Do you own a pair of Lularoe leggings? If so, do you recommend them? No but this question definitely pops up on a lot of these surveys... Do you think shoplifting for a homeless person is ok? No, but I also don’t think anybody ever has to resort to stealing just to get a necessity. Do you wish you could have love? Deep question, but I think I already get enough of it. Have you ever had a pastor tried to kill you? A lot of priests have killed my Christianity, that’s for sure. Do you want to just disappear? I’d get this feeling sometimes, but the urge hasn’t been seriously bad for a while now. What color is your cellphone? The official name is Space Grey but really it’s just a light shade of black. What's your favorite youtube channel right now? I don’t have a favorite that I regularly tune into these days, but I do catch myself watching old Good Mythical Morning episodes from time to time. Who is the cutest baby in your facebook newsfeed? Ate Jarica will sometimes share photos or videos of her twin godkids and they are the cuuuuutest set of twins I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a more attractive pair of kids. Do you feel terrible today? Yeah I felt a little sluggish all day because the weather’s back to being all warm and tropical and electric fans don’t help anymore cos all they do is blow out hot air lmaoooo. I literally slept from noon to 5 PM just to avoid dealing with the heat. Are there any good churches in your town? I dunno what classifies as a ‘good church’ but I generally don’t trust anything Catholic anymore. Where would you travel to if you had cash and a car? La Union. Are you afraid of where you're going after you die? No. I just see death as permanent sleep and honestly it doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. Do you sing into your hairbrush? I don’t. What are your favorite songs sung by Christina Grimmie? I never did listen to any of her songs nor was a big fan, but I was destroyed by what happened all the same. Dove Cameron or Hilary Duff? Hilary Duff. Never heard of the other person. Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan? Still Hilary. Lizzie McGuire was my life. Who stands out to you as the most down-to-earth celebrity? Hugh Jackman, Tom Hanks, or Jennifer Garner. Have you ever had to live with someone who abused you? Yuh. Do you think attempted murder should be a crime? ...Is it not????? How many people have tried to kill you and gotten away with it? Groan, what are these questions... Are you wondering if there's anywhere you can go where you'll be safe? I don’t wonder about it, I know there’s a couple of places I can go where I know I’ll be kept safe. Why do you think people bully others so much? There’s no one reason for it. They might be insecure, they might be getting abused at home and have no idea how to cope with it, it might be for the simple reason that they’re kids. If you're a bully, why do you do it? Because I got bullied before it. Has anyone ever tried to kill you because they were jealous of you? No wtf? Do you know any racist colored people? Filipinos are among the MOST RACIST people to ever walk this planet, and we’re brown lol. Are you wondering if something that happened to you is sexual abuse or not? No, but these questions are so triggering and offensive that I’ll start deleting future questions that strike me as being such. Which country's flag do you like the best? Nepal’s and Switzerland’s, just because they’re giant middle fingers to all the other flags. Is it hell where you live? Literally, because it’s so hot here; and figuratively, because our government CAN’T DO SHIT. Which big city is your favorite that you've visited? The nightlife in Shanghai was amazing. I wish I got to stay longer there. Which big city do you want to visit that you've never been to before? Chicago. Could you be a contortionist? Never. Do you wish you could make longer survey questions on here? I don’t make surveys. Is your "blocked users" list on facebook long? Not on Facebook, but on Twitter yes. Are you happy? I have days where I am. But I think most days I’m just simply meh. Not happy, but not too said either; and mostly just tired and waiting for the day to end, and trying not to get too burned out while I’m at it. Would you kill someone for money? I don’t think so. Is there anything you care about more than money? Very few things, like my dog and some loved ones. But generally, I’m pretty selfish when it comes to money HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you know anyone who would kill for money? Probably.
How many years has it been since you last shared your heart with someone? I’m currently ~sharing it~ if we’re really gonna use that term. But it’s been around four years since I started doing it. Can you remember that last time you had someone who cared about you? Yeah, right now. What's one thing you lose a lot? Pens. Do you know anyone who isn't a bully? I know more non-bullies than bullies. Do you have anyone you can trust? Yep. Which Paramore song do you feel you can relate to the most? Right now it’s probably Caught In The Middle, but only particular lyrics: “I don’t need no help, I can sabotage me by myself, don’t need no one else, I can sabotage me by myself,” and the backing vocals that go with it, “All the glory days are gone, it’s over now, I’m on my own.” Do you have an Invisible Children shirt? I do not. Have you ever had to use an epi pen? Nope. Do you know what Invisible Children is? I wasn’t too familiar with the name at first until I Googled it and the Kony documentary that took YouTube and the world by storm in 2012 came rushing back. Did you have a To Write Love on Her Arms shirt? I did not, but it was the cool campaign to follow like a decade ago lmao. Did you ever celebrate To Write Love on Her Arms Day? I’m sure I did, or at least Tumblr made us celebrate it back then. What holiday is closest to your birthday? It’s usually Easter Sunday. Has anyone ever made your birthday miserable? Yes. Who do you dream of getting revenge on the most? I don’t think of that these days. What color is your favorite pair of shorts? Blue. Are you more boho, hipster, scene, sporty, or girly? I dunno, girly I guess? I don’t really fit into the other types. Fringe or lace? Lace. Dinosaurs or unicorns? Dinosaurs. Do you have a mandala tapestry? I do not. Elephants or koalas? Elephants. What's your favorite Japanese name? I don’t think I have one. I don’t really have enough of a grasp on Japanese names to figure out which ones sound nice to me. Do you wonder if there will ever be anyone who cares about you? There are a number people I know who do. Have you ever shopped at Sleeping Tiger Imports? No. Do you believe in unicorns? No. Do you believe in mermaids? No. Would your rather have wings or fins? Idk, wings. Do you wish you had parents that loved you? They do. Do you own any bellbottoms? No. Do you want to move away? I’ve been planning it a lot, yeah. Can you remember a time when you weren't lonely? Honestly I don’t think so. Have you ever been loved? I am right now. Who do you love the most? Gab. Do you love anyone? ^ Who was the best camp counselor you've ever had? Never went. Are you jealous of anyone? Sure.
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smachiespacefish · 5 years
oH HEY now that you finally have a self-ship blog, could you maybe tell us how you met Italy? Who confessed first, and have you two had your uhhhhh first kiss? :3c -miyuswhoopsiedoodles
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Okay, this is going to be a VERY LONG answer.
Just so we’re crystal clear, it wasn’t my intention to spoil everything straight away, because this entire fictional relationship came to be through a novel that I’m writing with a close IRL friend. However, because I’m so bad at writing, virtually nothing of my side of the story has even been novelised yet, and I’ve had 5 whole years to write at least something (please help me i’m legit terrified of Word documents lol). So, as to not spoil as much as possible, this answer will be condensed to talk about the relationship and the relationship only.
Here we go:
The year is 2012. YOLO was hip, Gangnam Style was the most viewed video on YouTube, and everyone wanted to stop Kony. But the most renowned event was the UK Olympics; the entire world was tuned into London that summer, with an abundance of countries coming to compete.
This is where I come in… Plus one:
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The chub on the left is yours truly, 15-16 years old at that point in time. On the right is Zion: Main man OC and best friend/adoptive sibling in this story (16-17 years old).
School had just ended for the year, and neither of us had nothing better to do than go on yet another adventure, so we decided to hop on a train and explore the capital. As you’d expect, the entire city was bombarded with tourists, bunting and massive billboards advertising the games happening that month. At the exact same time, in another part of London, Feliciano was skiving off exercise with Ludwig, because of course he would.
It doesn’t take us very long to cross paths, as myself and Zion are pretty fast travellers (plus the tube system helps speed things up lol). Soon enough the pair of us are strolling through one of the parks, going off on how much of the asdfmovies we could quote in one sitting, when it happened.
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It was as if I’d been walking on train tracks and had been run over by a speeding train; incredibly fast and I’d only had a split second to react before I was eating concrete. Turns out this lightspeed stranger had caught wind of the fact that his buff buddy was closely following him and tried to make a run for it. He momentarily turned his head back, not even bothering to notice the living roadblock in front of him which resulted in both of us tumbling to the ground. What a twat. I don’t have a very high pain threshold, so of course I screamed. My arms were grazed all the way up to my palms so I think my excuse stands.
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He was about to make a run for it again when Zion, bless her soul, grabbed him in a fit of fury, forcing him to apologise and make up for the mess he’d made of me. Thankfully he’s not too cruel and obliged, taking hold of both of us and running off to a more built-up area. There was this rather sketchy alleyway he’d brought us to, but that changed pretty quickly once he’d opened the rusty, reinforced door at the end of it. Suddenly we were greeted by a pristine corridor that led to quite possibly the fanciest establishment either of us had seen. He called it the international conference centre, and we soon understood why. (Details will be revealed once officially novelised)
To summarise, Feliciano tended to the wounds he idiotically gave me, we made up, kept in contact, and I soon discovered that he wasn’t entirely human.
Two years had passed since my mini freak accident and I was on the road to becoming an adult. Feliciano never changed though, not even in age; perpetually stuck at 20 years old for eternity.
It also seems that I wasn’t the only kid hanging around with immortal personifications. The year prior, I’d met a girl named Carrie, and she had quite a story to tell about her fantastical adventures, but to keep things somewhat spoiler-free, she’d developed a parental relationship with Arthur Kirkland, and he’d been trying to keep us a secret from one another. No wonder he was such a moody bastard towards me lol. Despite everything, myself and Carrie met and ended up becoming so close, we were essentially attached to the hip; telling each other our deepest secrets and gossip. One of the secrets I’d ended up telling her was that I was starting to feel weird feelings toward Feliciano. Since the day we met, our friendship had only grown stronger, and the feelings? well boy howdy i didn’t expect to feel them in my life. There was just one thing I didn’t know, and it was that Feli had also told Carrie that he was feeling the weird feels too, and she would eventually weaponize this information against us.
It was around winter of 2014, and the five of us (Myself, Zion, Carrie, Feli and Artie) decided to meet up for a snowy walk - most of us were more focused on pummelling snow at one another though.At one point, myself and Feli got a little closer in proximity than usual. Carrie noticed this and began to sweet-talk us into confessing, much to the discomfort of both of us (Hello? We have an audience?).
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Carrie isn’t very subtle and decides that now is the best time to openly admit to both of us that she knows we BOTH confessed through her and we just HAD to kiss right then and there.
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My fight, flight or freeze mode kicked in the second Carrie uttered those words. Freeze first, followed shortly by flight once Feli tried to intervene. I ran as far as my stocky legs could carry me, until all four of them were out of sight and I could calm tf down.
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Meanwhile, the others weren’t exactly appreciative of Carrie’s impulsive impatience and she did eventually see that it wasn’t exactly right of her to hurry us up. Welp, the secret was already out, so Feli may as well get it over and done with, so off he went to track me down.
So there I was, curled up and sulking beneath a tree in the frigid weather when he finally found me. Sat down beside me and ushered me closer so that I would stop shivering. Didn’t exactly take long to warm up as I was flustered as heck lol, but then again so was he. Awkward silence, before he spoke up. I’ll spare you all of the excessive gush and just say that the confession was short, sweet and to the point. Not long after that he asked to kiss me.Freeze mode activated. I’d never been smooched before, let alone knew how to do it. I knew I’d be a shitty kisser from the get-go. We settled on him doing most of the work since I’m SURE he’s had experience. aaaaaand
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whoomp, there it is. First day of the relationship, first kiss. Y’all welcome.
It’s been a pleasant five years since then. What have we been up to in that time? You’ll just have to ask~
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petalierre · 6 years
Hey, so I’ve heard that Tumblr is performing a mass purge on nsfw blogs as a half-ass solution to porn bots and illegal content, but in the process also deleting perfectly sfw blogs (probably accidentally) by shitty bots. So just in case all my hard work has been purged, here’s where else you can follow me.
dA: https://www.deviantart.com/petalierre
... And that’s it, I may or may not start a Twitter account since that’s another go-to for artists, even the nsfw kind. 
And for those who are affected, redirect your followers and backup your precious shit. 
And fuck you Tumblr, we thought you were smarter than this. I trusted you.
I already feel like an idiot for believing it, I’ve fallen for really big news wasn’t a big deal or a huge hoax. Like when Kony committed a mass kidnapping of children in Africa; when Tumblr has been bought by Yahoo; when that guy took control of the internet; or when SOPA and PIPA tried to eliminate the internet; when the clock struck midnight on Jan 1 2012. I’ve fallen for a lot of shit cause I’m scared that all of that would happen overnight and I would have to adapt to such harsh changes. Hopefully, they’ll keep their word so I don’t feel like an idiot once more.
But on the plus side, all the posts we’ve all liked will remain. I think... 
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