#korra's dad and his brother also
fishandshesmygills · 2 years
im watching korra now and wow these showrunners are so obsessed with siblings. have you perhaps seen supernatural
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star-bear-headcannons · 2 months
I was just reading your high school Headcanons (I totally agree btw, theatre kid Harvey with his big sisters has my whole heart 😭), and was wondering
What do you think the bachelor(ette)s were like as kids?
Alex: He was actually pretty quiet. He knew that talking made his dad mad and he didn't want his mom to get hurt so he just.... shut up. When his dad abandoned them, he found his love for gridball and became much more happy and energetic. He had a brief period where he shut down again when his mom died but his grandparents were able to reignite that spark.
Elliot: Another quiet kid but for different reasons. He just, didn't feel like it. Loved reading and very rarely left his room. Had the constitution of a poor Victorian child. The slightest bit of dust had him on the verge of death.
Harvey: He was also quiet and got bullied quite a bit because he was a nerd. He'd ramble on and on about his interests (planes) whenever he got the chance. Stopped getting bullied when his growth spurt hit because he had suddenly turned into a giant overnight.
Sam: You know how parents say the worst stuff happens when you aren't looking? Yeah, Jodi has no idea how he got this far in life. She'd look away for a millisecond and suddenly Sam's on the roof testing whether the red crayons taste better that the blue ones. He had negative survival instinct.
Sebastian: There were two Sebastians as a kid. The bubbly lovable one who ran around and spoke a lot. That was Robin and his birth dad's Sebastian. Then there was the moody, petulant brat Demetrius and Maru got. When his parents first brought Maru home, he tried to ship her back
Shane: Shane grew up poor. Like, borderline homeless poor. Other kids stayed away because he had ratty clothes and stank. They never bullied him because Shane knew how to throw a punch. Smart kid but never applied himself.
Abigail: She was really polite and sweet as a child, only becoming more rebellious as a teen. She just had one small problem. She ate EVERYTHING. If it could fit in her mouth, it was going in her mouth. Caroline had many, many trips to the ER to attest to it.
Emily: Hyper, hyper, hyper child. They had a no sweets policy in the house because if she manage to get her hands on a cookie, all hell broke loose. I think her personality would be closest to Bingo from Bluey.
Haley: Prissy little brat. It was her way or the highway. Everything had to be just so otherwise she'd throw giant temper tantrums. She can't get that toy. Screaming in the mall. We aren't having McDonalds for dinner. The world is ending! It went on even as she got older. She stopped after her mom filmed one of her tantrums and she saw how ridiculous she looked.
Leah: Tough kid. Had a couple of older brothers she would wrestle with. Was that one kid who growled at the other kid. Her personality could be summed up from that seen in LOK where Korra says, "I'm the Avatar now you better deal with it!"
Maru: Smart kid. Demetrius was always making her studying and Sebastian ignored her. She was pretty lonely. So she just made her own friends. Robots. Robin was always scared that she was missing out on her childhood and now that she's older, she somewhat agrees.
Penny: A lot like Shane. Ignored and left alone. Her clothes always smelled like smoke, and her mom was always drunk. She learned to be self reliant. Her mom was often late to pick her up so the school librarian would let her stay and read. Several CPS calls. A few foster homes
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icant-speel · 5 months
Your Lips, My Lips, Apocalypse 💕
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Wing Beifong x Airbender Daughter of Tenzin!Reader ~ Where in the Battle with Kuvira, the reader saves Wing from falling to his death. And when she asks him if he is okay, he just kisses her while the whole place is going to shit. Based on the song Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex. 🎧
Little thing to know - I HAVE REQUESTED THIS TO OTHER BLOGS BEFORE BUT DECIDED TO WRITE IT MYSELF. So no one better be accusing me of coping 😟, Thank you 🌷
ALSO THIS CHARACTER WILL NOT BE WEARING THOSE TIGHT RED AIRBENDING SUITS (just no 😀), just pretend you have something else on and a glider or you can fly or something 😭
The world was collapsing around us, dust and ash swirling in an insane dance as we fought for our lives against Kuvira. The ground trembled violently, as if it were writhing in anguish beneath them. All I could think about is if Wing is okay, if he is injured or dead. My mind filled with horrific thoughts, but what if they came true? The first time I witnessed the force of that cannon, I felt horrified. 
Here we are, sprinting throughout Republic City, fighting that metal monstrosity head on. The fight left every road flooded with the wreckage of buildings, and the surrounding air was filled with gas, dust, and pandemonium. 
Korra launched rock missiles, and the other airbenders and I flew about Kuvira's robot like flies, hearing the giant's screeching attempts to hit us. Abruptly, the metal giant raised its hand and pointed the cannon straight toward Korra.
"Create a tornado and attack from the top! RIGHT NOW!" I quickly ordered. 
We all moved fast to get into position, whirling about and aiming at the giant's hand. 
We delivered our blow. When the monster lost its balance, the explosion destroyed the surrounding ground and its body fell onto a building. Laughing to myself, I quickly took off along with the others, watching as my brother Meelo disappear into the cloud of dust. I was about to tell him to get out until I realized it was Meelo. He can handle himself. 
The dust cloud disappeared and revealed the giant reaching to it's face to crush Meelo. He flew fast past us and in our direction. 
I saw the cannon pointed at us out of the corner of my eye. It was going to fire on my sister Jinora and me. I swiftly launched myself forward.
"JINORA, LOOK OUT!" I let out a scream and hurriedly moved forward to grab my sister.
Ikki and Meelo arrived to assist us as we began to descend. When the two of them realized they couldn't support our weight. I quickly grabbed the three of them before bending the air below us to form an air cushion and lowering us gently onto the hard pavement.
I hugged my siblings, not wanting to let go.  
"Are you three okay?" I asked, while clinging on.
"Yeah, don't worry Y/N we are," Ikki smiled in return. 
"Where's your boyfriend?" Meelo interrupted.
"I don't know." I heard my voice hurting, and my vision turned blurry. 
I looked up and watched a large chunk of a building fall upon the giant. Wait, Wing could be there.
"Jinora, bring them back to dad please. I'm going to go find my boyfriend." I instructed her, bending a tornado under me to hurry to Wing.
Behind me, I heard my siblings cheering me on. I chucked to myself. Seeing that the tornado wasn't moving fast enough, I propelled myself forward by bending the air below me. 
I hurried up to Korra as soon as I arrived. Taking hold of her and turning her to face me, I tried to figure out her feelings through her blue eyes.
"Korra, please tell me Wing is okay- where is he!?" I questioned as I recovered my breath from running so fast. 
Wing was attempting to knock down a structure. However, the cannon was then aimed at him. I understood the cannon was about to release. My heart was pounding and my stomach fell. And it let off a blast at that very instant. 
A violet ray of light blasted out. I couldn't tell if the beam struck Wing or his rope. No. NO. Please be fine, please be fine. 
A few seconds later, a figure in green and gray falls from the sky. Wing.
I leapt into action. I used my bending to launch myself to Wing. My body crashed against his, the impact sending shockwaves through my system as I wrapped my arms around him. We rolled along the ground.
Now that Wing is in my arms, he is safe. I lifted him up and allowed him to steady himself with my arms. I touched his face to see if there were injuries.
“Wing, are you okay? Are you hurt? We have to ge-”
Wing's fingertips found my chin, luring me into a gentle kiss. His hands traveled down to my waist and mine moved down to his chest. Wing's lips were soft and warm against mine, his hands tightened around my waist out of protectiveness. Even though we've kissed before, it always feels like our first. Our breathing synchronized, both of us clearly reluctant to let go. I felt the blast's scorching wind, knowing that we would die if we stayed any longer, but I didn't really care.
He softened his features and grinned a little as we both released our grips and stared into each other's eyes. His smile, his olive green eyes, my sweet Wing... He would have left me.
"Yeah, I'm alright, sweet pea."
"Are you sure? Nothing's hurt?
"Yes, my dear... You know you're adorable when you're worried. How your eyebrows knit together and how your eyes soften. I should get hurt more often." 
When he proposed the idea, he grinned. I felt a slight heat on my face. I'm not sure if it was his gorgeous smile or the fact that he thought I was cute.
"Wing, please don't." I answered.
With a smile on his face, he threw up his hands. I couldn't resist grinning as well. This man.
His hands gripped mine.
"Now we gotta go before that thing blasts another beam at us." He states, looking at the metal giant.
"Oh right, right, right, lets go." I reply
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Bolin and Fawning
So, I've wanted to make a post elaborating on Bolin and his people-pleasing tendencies for a while now. Since I incorporate this aspect of his character into most of my fics and I belive it is the key to understanding a lot of his behaviours during the show.
There's no way you can't interpret Mako and Bolin's childhood as traumatic. Having a parent killed in front of one is bad enough, however the continued strain and fear of their childhood spent on the streets likely would've caused complex trauma and lasting psychological effects.
Mako: [Defensive and angrily.] No! You don't know what you're talking about. I just ran numbers for them and stuff. We were orphans out on the street; I did what I had to do to survive and protect my little brother. Korra :[Frontal shot; sympathetically.] I'm sorry. It must have been really hard. [Pauses; carefully.] Can I ask what happened to your parents? Mako :[Close side shot; sighs.] They were mugged, by a firebender. He cut them down right in front of me. I was eight.
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Mako : Why? He got paid. You didn't see any pro-benders crying for us when mom and dad died, and we got dumped on the street. Life is hard. You either hustle or get hustled.
For Mako, the way his childhood affected him is pretty obvious. He puts up a tough exterior, as he is the person who usually confronts the danger and protects Bolin both physically and emotionally (to some extent).
Bolin is less obvious.
In fact, he sometimes seems like his difficult childhood barely affected him at all. He's upbeat, cheerful and jovial... the complete oposite of what one would assume someone suffering from horrific trauma would.
Bolin tries extremely hard to make himself palatable to others. He is a people pleaser, through and through.
And this reaction would make sense, when you remember Bolin's circumstances throughout a huge part of his childhood.
He was a small child, completely dependent on his brother, surrounded by dangerous and horrible people. Shady Shin was more than willing to attack the boys at the drop of the hat, depite them having been working for the triple threats for a while. Him and his brother had to scrape and beg for money and food. Their lives were at the mercy of complete strangers.
Why wouldn't Bolin be wary of other people's emotions, when pissing someone off could mean the literal death of him and his brother.
His trauma manifests in a way very in line of the fawning response, one of the four trauma response.
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Let's go through some signs of fawning:
Looking to others to see how you feel in a relationship or situation
Bolin has spent his entire childhood looking to Mako for advice and guidance. This is a pattern that has kept them both safe and relatively comfortable throughout all their hardships.
It's only natural that Bolin would still continue this pattern into their late teens. He reaches out to Mako for advice.
Bolin: So, what do you think of Korra, in a "girlfriend" sort of way? Mako : She's great! But I think it makes more sense for me to go for Asami. Bolin: [Slightly annoyed.] I was talking about a girlfriend for me! Leave some ladies for the rest of us!
Or he takes Mako's advice even if he initially disagrees. Mako holds incredible sway over Bolin, even deep into their adulthood.
Mako: So, you and Opal seemed to hit it off dinner. I think she's really into you. Bolin: Yeah, I know. She's sweet and pretty and super nice. Too bad she's not my type. Mako: Right, I forgot. Your type is dumb mover star or psycho ice princess. Bolin: [Spits out his toothpaste.] You know, that really hurts a little bit. Right ... [Presses a fist to his chest.] here. [Looks at mirror, adjusting his hair.] Maybe you're right, bro. Maybe Opal is Bolin material. Thanks. [Flirts with his reflection.] Yeah!
He also reaches out to Mako in times of distress, like when he was having trouble with Eska. Which doesn't surprise me, the brothers are still, to some extent, stuck in the same place they were as children. Bolin as the small child under Mako's protection, despite them both being almost grown men. When Mako starts rejecting Bolin's pleas for help, dealing with his own problems at the time, Bolin starts looking for someone to fill a similar role in Varrick. Which is a terribke idea because Varrick is evil.
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Feeling like one has no identity or authentic self
Bolin is a performer in many ways. As a probender, a mover star and simply as a person. He bases his perception of himself on how people percieve him and around the people who are close to him. Team Avatar is a huge part of his own identity and he is terrified and dismayed when his friends start growing as people while he stagnates.
Bolin: I guess I just miss my friends. Everything is going so well for me, but it feels empty without everyone around. Korra's gone, Mako's in jail, you're doing ... business-lady stuff. Team Avatar's fallen apart.
Bolin hasn't yet "found himself". He flits from passion to passion, from career to career. He's not sure of who he is, and what he is supposed to do in life. He's carefully crafted a pleasant persona, and now he has difficulty telling what is part of that persona and what is truly him.
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Constantly trying to please other people, whether through flattery, affection, or catering to the demands of others
Where do I start. This is one of Bolin's defining characteristics. I don't think he even realises what he's doing, bue is very good at catering to people.
Varrick: Look how these people love you, kid! They're eating that cornball spiel right out of your hand. Bolin: The trick is, whenever I get confused, I just say "Republic City" or "fans", and then everyone cheers. Varrick: I think I just figured out your true calling.
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It doesn't even feel very manipulative, more like a puppy that learnt that performing certain trick will get them a treat. To Bolin, subconsciously, pleasing others is a survival strategy.
At the first sign of conflict, the first instinct is to “appease” the angry person
This behaviour can be seen in multiple situations. The most stark examples of this are his relationships with Eska and Kuvira.
Bolin immediately began appeasing Eska, letting her abuse slide, basically being her slave and practically bendig over backwards to keep her from terrorising him. He's still terrified of her years later in B4.
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Bolin and Kuvira's relationship, while not romantic, follows a very similar pattern as the one with Eska. Very little has changed since that. I find it absolutely heartwrenching how Bolin did his best to accomodate Kuvira, that he stuck by her when everyone he knew was telling him she was bad news, all while she was manipulating and using him.
Kuvira: [Menacingly.] Your loyalty seems to be wavering. Bolin: [Panicked.] No--no, I'm totally on your side, completely, one-hundred-percent loyal.
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Ignoring one's own beliefs, needs, preferences, thoughts, and feelings to please others
This once again, goes back to Kuvira as the most obvious example. There are other ones, such as Bolin only getting with Opal because Mako suggested it, and his role as Nuktuk. But Bolin's scenes with Kuvira really highlight his tendency to minimise his own needs and feelings in order to please someone.
Bolin: I'm just not sure about this whole "Empire" thing. It seems pretty aggressive. And what was that part about the crushing? Kuvira: That was just some ... tough rhetoric to let people know that we mean business. Believe me, [Puts a hand on his shoulder.] conflict is the last thing I want. Will you help me make history, Bolin? Bolin: [Doubts for a moment.] I'll stand by you. Kuvira :Thank you.
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Trouble setting healthy boundaries in relationships
This loops back to Eska, but I think Bolin just has issues with boundaries in general. He struggles with setting boundaries with his romantic partners of course, but he also struggles with this when it comes to Mako. Granted, it is also probably because Mako himself subconsciously doesn't want Bolin to set those boundaries. The bros falling out of their typical codependent state must be terrifying for them, since it's what kept them alive for so long.
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Bolin probably has very little understanding of boundaries, since his own were probably disrespected so much when he was growing up.
Okay that's enough of me rambling about best boy for now. Apologies if this is poorly phrased I really wanted to get this out before i go to bed tonight and im really sleepy.
There's a lot more I wanna touch on with Bolin, and this serves as more of a compilation of notes about his behaviours. A jumping off point, if you could call it that. If there's a specific point you want me to elaborate on, please feel free to ask! I'd be glad to ramble.
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honeyxmonkey · 7 months
LoK au Douxie! His mom is from the water tribe and his dad is fire nation. He grew up in the South Pole, and after his mother was killed in an unfortunate attack, he was adopted by his younger half brother’s mom
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he's also obviously painfully a homosexual
Avatar au in my brain, but slightly to the left. Thoughts is that Douxie’s father wanted to make an artificial avatar, a powerful being he could control for his own purposes. But the spirit he captured and infused in his infant son refused to cooperate resulting in the baby nearly dying until his father had to abandon the project altogether. It left Douxie sick and weakly growing up and not without scars. But it also left him tainted with spirit energy resulting in him unlocking a type of bending previously known only to spirits and the avatar themselves. Energy bending.
So, essentially, this is just me creating an excuse for Douxie to have what is basically "magic" in the atla universe
After Douxie’s mother died, Barbara adopted him, knowing that no matter how angry she was at her ex-husband, she couldn't blame a suffering child for it
Jim, his younger half brother, is something of a waterbending prodigy. Douxie, believed for a majority of his life to be a nonbender, loved to watch his baby brother be so good at something. To love it clearly and want to be good at it
Since Douxie had been sickly for basically his whole life for unknown reasons living with a healer proved to be beneficial to him, especially during the times when his overall health would decline rapidly at the drop of a hat
At one point it got so bad that he had to be seen by specialists in Republic City. Jim went with him for moral support, which is where they get tangled up in Avatar shenanigans and Korra accidentally activates Douxie’s long dormant spirit abilities and energy bending
Fun notes: he and Korra probably would have met sooner if she hadn't grown up in what was essentially a military compound. Their parents were pretty close friends, and it's a shame they never got to meet before Republic City.
I have a lot of lore for this au and plenty of angst, including Douxie being so goddamn scared of himself that he begs Amon to take his bending away. But since his isn't exactly "bending" and more basically just "spirit magic" it doesn't work.
Don't know when I'll start really writing this but it's gonna happen eventually.
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I heard somewhere awhile ago that the LoK writers had no idea if they’d get another season after each season, so that’s why in the show every season gets their stuff wrapped up by the season finale to avoid cliffhangers in case they couldn’t get the show renewed
So I was thinking about that, and my ideal version of LoK if they had been able to have more overarching stuff because I really fucking love the waterbender brothers:
Starts off the same with Amon and the Equalizers, but they aren’t gone by the end of season 1, instead they’re a constant background threat
Season 2 also has the same villain it had, except, Tarrlok is still alive and instead of just getting a sad backstory for him to make him a sympathetic antagonist, he gets to work with Korra against her shitty fucking uncle, and we get to see him react to another waterbender being a corrupt piece of shit and actually see how he tries to be good and different from his dad in his own way
I think this would be fun as I like Tarrlok as a character, I think he’d fucking hate Unalaq and I’d love to see him take out his father issues on the guy, and Korra would have to deal with the fact that she can’t trust her uncle who she’s supposed to be able to trust but apparently she can trust the sleazy councilman who by all rights is untrustworthy??
Season 3/4 also has Kuvira, except for these parts, it’s Amon who’s the unlikely ally Korra occasionally ends up teaming up with, cause there’s no way that nonbenders didn’t end up getting really screwed over under Kuvira’s reign, this would give Amon his chance to show that he’s also trying to be better than his father in his own fucked up way, and again it’d have that delightful thing of Korra ending up teaming up with someone she never would’ve thought she would
Throughout all seasons, we’d see laws and stuff being put in place to help nonbenders, and also I think it’d be cool if throughout all seasons it’s kind of hard to fully tell if Asami is actually trustworthy or not because the entire time she’s being a double agent for Team Avatar
Also I think it’d be cool if the show ended up with Korra facing off against Amon, who wanted to stop the Avatar cycle, as the first Avatar of the new cycle (I’m a firm believer in that theory that she was always meant to become the first avatar of the new cycle, there was only one more space for Aang’s statue in that temple!!), showing him how futile and stupid his stance of getting rid of the Avatar was
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 32
Korra's POV
My eyes snap open wide, sweat trickling down my face like a waterfall.
The first thing I notice is that I am no longer at Laghima's Peak. Now, I am surrounded by nothing but rock and crystalline gems. They would be beautiful if not for my dire situation.
The second thing I notice are the chains.
Chains wrapped around my wrists and ankles stretching them apart to the point I become a human starfish, they shackle me high above from the ground. I am completely, hopelessly trapped.
Then, finally, I notice Zaheer, Ghazan, and the water-arm lady along with two Red Lotus members. They stand on the rocky planes before me with stone-cold expressions.
Images of our battle flash across my mind, including the final moments of Dad.
"Say hello to the Earth Queen for me!"
"You." I growl at Zaheer with all the hate from within. "You killed my father!"
The rage overwhelming me, I breathe out flames so hot it could burn the entire cave to the ground!
But it is in vain. It barely reaches him.
Zaheer doesn't even flinch in my anger. No emotion at all.
"I understand your grief." He tells me, sounding truly genuine. "I also lost someone I loved today. But your pain will soon be over."
He then turns to the two members at the back. "Bring the poison."
They walk forward in silence, holding some sort of bowl with a silver liquid inside. Then, one begins to bend the liquid into the air...
I have never known a poison like that before...
What will it do?
No. Worrying about it won't do anything about it. I need to escape! They will pay!
"When I get out of here, none of you will survive!" I snarl, my rage returning.
Despite my threat, Zaheer still shows no traces of fear. "You won't get out, unless the Metal Clan has taught you a way to bend platinum. Once we administer this poison, your body will naturally react, forcing you into the Avatar State in an effort to keep you alive. Sadly for you, you'll be entering it for the last time."
My heart comes to a stop when I realise what he meant.
"No!" I let out, desperation quickly replacing my anger. "The Avatar Cycle!"
"Yes." He coldly responds, his trace containing no hint of sympathy. "When we dispatch you in the Avatar State, the cycle will end. So, we lucky few, this band of brothers and sisters in anarchy, are witnessing the beginning of an era of true freedom. Together, we will forge a world without kings and queens, without borders or nations, where Man's only allegiance is to himself and those he loves. We will return to the true balance of natural order. And though you will never again be reborn, your name will echo throughout history: Korra, the last Avatar."
This...This is madness!
I shake frantically, desperate to snap the chains with all my strength and break my way to freedom, but it is a futile gesture.
I stare into the metallic liquid suspended into the air.
A poison for me.
A poison for all future Avatars.
A poison for the world.
"Administer the poison." Zaheer commands.
The silver serpent slowly heads towards me...
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Splitting into four sections, the poison sinks deep within each of my lips and immediately my insides engulf into blazing flames!
On instinct, I can feel my body within me beginning to bring forth the Avatar state as a way to keep me alive!
"Get ready." Zaheer tells his companions. "As soon as she's in the Avatar State, take her out."
The waterbender bends the very ends of her tendrils into ice while Ghazan uses his mastered skill of lavabending to fill the floor before me with boiling magma.
"Wait." The lavabender speaks out, stunned and bewildered. "Why isn't she staying in the Avatar State?"
"Give it time." Their leader cooly replies. "She can't resist for long."
I use all my strength to resist. I have to resist!
Flickers of the Avatar State break through but I force it back down, the process causing massive strain on my body and mind. I don't know how long I can keep this up!
"I told you, Korra."
That voice...
I know that chilling, calculating voice...
Gazing down to the source of the voice, I see Zaheer's face suddenly crack and crumble, falling away to see the infamous mask of...
"The world doesn't need you anymore." The hallucination of Amon tells me, taunting me with sadistic pleasure.
Then, Ghazan's face twists and turns a full 360 degrees and reveals the face of my uncle!
"The time of the Avatar is over, Korra. Give up."
Finally, the waterbender morphs into the dark, kite-shape of the dark spirit Vaatu...
"You're too weak to resist, and I'm stronger than ever. There's no use fighting. Let go."
But the voices of Amon, Unalaq, and Vaatu continue their taunts, overwhelming my inner voice with their cultish chant of death.
"Let go."
"Let go."
"Let go."
Marching through the dark corridors of the cave, I feel the fires within me breaking to be free.
When Korra was taken, I thought that was it. I thought there was no way we could find her in time. That I lost my best friend.
Much to my surprise and delight, however, a new hope emerged in the form of Kai riding a baby air bison.
When I saw Tenzin, Mako, Bolin, and Asami riding the flying creature I was stunned. I was even more shocked when I saw Kai! I was so sure that he was taken along with the rest of the airbenders! I was so wrong.
When we all grouped up and recuperate, the young Air Nomad told us that after he was blasted from the sky by P'li he woke up on the side of a mountain. There the Oogi, who he called Lefty, found him. He went back to the Northern Air Temple to try and help and that's when he saw an airship leaving and he followed it to some caves.
The caves where the airbenders are.
Where Korra is.
We all couldn't follow Lefty on Oogi who managed to escape as well. A lot of good people had to stay behind on Laghima's Peak including Kuvira and the rest of the Zaofu Guards who were recovering from the injuries of the battle.
Tenzin was in an absolute terrible state. Bruised, battered, cut, blooded, he looked just like I was immediately after I was tortured by the Earth Queen: A walking corpse.
If my rage wasn't already at its peak after Korra's capture, seeing what the Red Lotus did to my mentor would have certainly done the job.
Now is not the time to think about the past, though. Now, it's time to act.
While Tenzin stays behind with Oogi, too injured to follow, Suyin, Lin, Tonraq, Kai, the rest of Team Avatar and I follow down the narrow pathways of the crystal cave.
I failed Korra at Laghima's Peak. I will not fail her again.
"Wait!" Lin speaks up, silencing us all. We all freeze like statues.
In a quick motion, Lin lifts her right foot, sliding back the bottom of her shoe with her bending, and slams it into the stone ground to use her seismic sense.
"The airbenders are just beyond that wall." She tells us, pointing to the dead end ahead. "There are also two Red Lotus guards too.
Before anyone can respond, Lin immediately rushes to action by smashing the end of the corridor, hurling it right toward one of the guards. He lands face first into the wall and lands backwards completely unconscious.
The other Red Lotus guard, snapped out of his shocked trance, bends boulders of destruction right towards us in retaliation. Suyin, reaction times faster than lightning, steps forward and bends a barrier to cover us, followed immediately by Asami leaping over, sliding underneath the guard to avoid his attacks, and flipping back upwards while zapping the guard with her electric glove in a matter of seconds.
The squeal of delight from Opal slightly lightens the tension and Suyin rushes over to hug her daughter...only to be almost immediately shoved to the sight and hugged by Bolin. Typical Bolin.
I turn to the source of the voice and I see Eshah. She looks pale and exhausted.
"Eshah!" I exclaim, rushing forward. "Are you all right?"
"Never better." She jokes, trying to keep brave face. Her features harden. "Those crooks need to be stopped."
I nod in agreement. "They will."
When all of the airbenders have been released from their shackles and begin to rise, Lin speaks up in a commanding voice. "We have to get these two out of here now. They don't look so good."
Bumi, the stubborn commander that he is, retorts to this. "What are you talking about? I feel great!"
The coughing he makes immediately after that statement tells us all we need to know.
Beifong's right. Some of these are in terrible state.
"We'll split up." I tell everyone, standing tall and confident. "Tonraq, Bolin, Mako, and I will go and find Korra. The rest of you get out of here with the airbenders."
I start walking away from the group, assuming I will be followed by the people by mentioned, but Jinora's voice stops me in my tracks.
"I used my spirit projection! I know where Korra is!"
We all turn to her, eyes widened in shock.
Frowning, I stare at her with deep concentration.
"Where is she?"
Korra's POV
I have resisted as long as I can but the pain...the pain is too much!
Finally, after who knows how long of trying to be strong, the Avatar state bursts through like water leaving a sewer pipe, coming out all at once!
Almost immediately, I hear Zaheer's declarative command.
"Now! Destroy the Avatar!"
The waterbender tries to throw an ice shard towards me, sharp as a dagger, but it is no use against the fire I breathe out, melting it into nothingness immediately. Using the newfound strength I gained from my powerful state, I rip off the chain from my right arm and swing it towards Zaheer only for him to quickly dodge it while my previous attacker gets knocked to a wall by it!
Ghazan, realising that things are quickly going sour, intervenes by flowing lava towards me with his bending. It is in vain like the other's attack as I quickly use my airbending to change the lava's path towards him, forcing him to jump away!
Now! It's time!
Ripping off the chains from my legs and propelling myself upwards with my airbending, I finally snap off the chain on my left arm with my firebending and land directly in front of Zaheer, the man who killed my father.
They will pay! They will!
Using the power of Raava surging within me, I lift four massive boulders of destruction of the ground, spin them around to position them just right, and send them flying in a cross-like directions, causing the entire cave to shake and crystals shattering on impact!
It doesn't work! Zaheer is still alive!
In outrage, I let out a screaming roar of fire with a temperature so hot and dangerous it overpowers the heat of the sun! Zaheer, the coward he is, starts flying away despite my attempts to knock him out of the air with my firebending and begins flying upward to daylight!
With a powerful leap of my firebending, I give chase...to kill Zaheer!
By the time we finally arrive to where Jinora told us where Korra is, it is already too late.
Despite Tonraq's attempts to gain Korra's attention she doesn't listen, too consumed by rage, hatred, and pain to even notice. Amidst the whole chaos, I saw the glowing white eyes of the Avatar state. Before any of us could try and get closer, she is already flying towards the outside in pursuit of Zaheer with her firebending!
"We have to help her!" Tonraq yells out, panicked beyond belief.
"Look out!"
Before I can even say anything, Bolin pushes us to the aside and lifts up a barrier to block an incoming attack from Ghazan, his attention focused on us.
"You help Korra, we got this!" Mako tells Tonraq, not letting the dire scene to shake his confidence. He then turns to me. "You too, Y/N!"
For a split moment, I briefly consider the idea. Korra is in danger, more danger than ever right now.
But then I remember last time...
The last time Bolin, Mako, and I fought the Red Lotus we lost...miserably. While I barely managed to defeat P'li, the brothers lost against the other two members. They needed us alive back then. But now? Now, they have no reason to show us mercy.
They may no longer have the combustion bender and Bolin may now have lavabending but things are still uncertain...
It is then, I make my decision.
Right now, Mako and Bolin need my help. I can't just abandon them.
"I'm staying! You two need help!" I tell Mako, my tone making it clear that there is no room for argument. I then turn to Tonraq "Go!"
With a nod, he rushes off.
Then, we leap into the battle.
While Mako rushes off to fight the waterbender of the two, I go and support Bolin in fighting Ghazan. While Bolin distracts him with boulders as projectiles, I rush towards him with lightning-fast speed. In quick motions, the lavabender lifts a rock barrier whilst simultaneously sending a flow of lava towards me!
Knowing he was going to do that I use my chi-blocking acrobatics combined with my airbending to leap right over, twirl in a circle, and land an air kick right into him, knocking him backwards slightly.
"A two on one?" Ghazan speaks up, rising from the ground with a smile. "Sounds like cheating to me."
I don't say a word. Instead, I throw a powerful air punch right at him. He easily dodges it, rolls across the ground, and does a sweeping kick across the ground causing it to be engulfed in lava. He thrusts his arms into the air, causing the flow of orange liquid to rise in a powerful tide towards me!
Before the tsunami of lava can wrap me in its fiery embrace, it freezes into stone-cold rock!
"I don't think so!"
I turn to the right and see Bolin, arms raised and palms wide open towards the flow of stone. Using this brief distraction, I flip backwards to create some distance.
"Ah." Ghazan says, clearly sounding amused by the demonstration. "So that's how you escaped the temple. Very good. Okay, let's see what else you can do!"
Multiple streams of lava shoot out from the ground in tendrils of pain right towards us in a speed too fast for eyes to register. Luckily, Bolin rises a barrier of earth to block the attack. Immediately, and perhaps irrationally, I leap over the wall, land with a roll forward, and raise my arms and clap my hands together to create a powerful gust of wind shooting right towards him like an arrow and knocking the lavabender right towards the crystalised wall. The diamonds shatter like glass on his impact.
"You've been a real pain in the ass!" He shouts with frustration.
Before he can retaliate, however, a blinding hot flame lands right by his feet as a warning shot!
Turning to the left in the direction, I see Mako with a raised fist and standing tall and powerful. He's by himself...meaning he has defeated the waterbender.
Smirking in pride, I turn back to Ghazan who now has a shocked and panicked look on his face. Bolin leaps over his barrier to and all three of us advance towards him.
"Give up, Ghazan!" Bolin says with confidence. "You can't win!"
The lavabender glances all three at us, shifting his gaze from left and right and weighing his options, and then finally stands straight with a furrowed glare that signals that he made his decision.
"I'm never going back to prison!" He exclaims with complete declaration and determinism. "If I'm going down today, you're coming with me!"
Time freezes to nearly a stand still. The lavabender's motion of raising his arm in preparation for what he is about to do move at a snail's pace.
Not allowing him to commit the murder-suicide, I throw an air punch which forces Ghazan to dodge away from the attack, giving me the chance I need to rush forward and land chi-block punches in all the right areas of his body. When my work is done, he falls to the ground...unconscious.
Gazing down at the body, I let out a large exhale of air as I pant wildly.
That was a close one.
I turn back to Mako and Bolin. "You guys alright?"
"I'm fine." Mako says.
"Ditto." Bolin adds.
Nodding frantically, I walk over to Ghazan and with ease I pick up his unconscious form in a messed up bridal style.
"We need to get to Korra, now!"
We all begin rushing out of the cave turned battlefield. Our battles with the Red Lotus took a lot out of us, not to mention the fact that I am carrying a full-grown man, and so it takes a while as we watch our steps to make sure we don't trip or fall deeper into the dark crystal cave. I'm just glad Ghazan wasn't able to destroy it like he intended. That would have caused trouble.
As daylight finally enters out vision and we reach the exit of the cave, my heart, mind and body freezes into stone at what I see.
I ignore everyone else. I ignore Lin, Suyin, Tenzin, and the freed airbenders. I even ignore the now trapped Zaheer in an earthly cocoon.
There, right before us, Tonraq is holding Korra in his arms...
Dropping the lavabender's body without any care or thought, we run right towards her.
No, no, no, no, no, please, no, not her. Please, not her!
As I get closer and closer and see more of her battered, bruised, and scratched form with blood all over her my blood gets colder and colder. When we reach them, I see Tonraq's pained eyes desperately trying to grasp some sort of hope that his daughter she will be okay.
"Korra. Sweetheart." He gently says, voice so soft and so worried. "It's me, Dad. Please hang on."
I don't say anything. I just stare at Korra.
Please, not her. Please, spirits, I beg of you.
For a brief moment, she reaches out to her father with her shaking hand...and falls. Her eyes shut in an eternal sleep.
She-She can't be-I...
I collapse to my knees, the strength within me now vanished, and fountains of tears begin rolling down my cheeks.
My best friend, the woman I love, is gone...
A loud, insane cackle fills the deafening silence.
Zaheer's cackle...
"What are you laughing about?!" Lin barks out, anger reaching its absolute peak.
Zaheer, still laughing like the evil sadistic man that he is, tells us. "You're too late! The poison has been in her system too long. The Red Lotus has won!"
The dragon roars inside of me now, no longer merely whispering into my mind, and shouts two words and two words only.
Teeth grated together and fists clenched together, I begin to rise-
"You can save her! The poison is metallic!"
The urgent voice of Jinora silences the dragon as does my murderous anger.
Before I can even think of what the young air nomad meant, Suyin rushes towards Korra and holds her by the shoulder and forehead and takes a deep, long breathe.
What is she doing?!
Then, Suyin begins moving her hands in a gentle motion, grasping and pulling out invisible streads...like she's metalbending.
WAIT! Is she...?
My internal question is answered almost immediately, as silver liquid pours out of Korra's mouth, her eyes now wide open with brilliant white light, and she gasps and coughs!
Gasps and coughs!
She's alive!
"Dad." Korra weakly speaks up, voice full of surprise and relief. "You're alive."
Tonraq, overcome with emotiona, pulls his daughter into a tight fatherly hug full of love. "I'm here for you. I'm never gonna let you go."
As I watch their embrace, I let out a tense breath I didn't even realise I was holding in.
Korra's alive...
We-We won!
But then I look at Korra's battered body...
Yeah, we won. But at what cost?
Our victory, Korra's sacrifice, cost us so, so much.
We soon realised this when Korra couldn't feel nor move her legs. She's paralysed. I don't know if its temporary or...or permanent.
The trip back to Air Temple Island was silent. Despite defeating Zaheer, the mood was sombre and biter.
When we finally arrived, many of the Air Acolytes and Kyuni were waiting for us...
The look of shock, pain, sadness, and terror on Kyuni's face when she saw us, saw me, sent shivers down my spine. Even more so when she saw Tonraq holding Korra in his arms.
"What happened?"
One small question and yet...such a long, long answer.
I told her everything. My parents, Zaofu, the Red Lotus, Korra. All over it...
And now...
Now, I'm with a crowd of people waiting for Korra. The crowd being Tenzin, Pema, Bumi, Kya, Lin, Suyin, Tonraq, Lord Zuko, and President Raiko.
It isn't long before Asami wheels Korra out, the latter in a beautiful dress with sad, bagged eyes.
Asami was the one who helped her get ready. Since the whole ordeal, she wouldn't leave her side. She has been nothing but caring to her. She's lucky to have such an amazing friend like her.
I would have offered to help but...
But I can't. I...I can't even look at her in the eye.
This-This is my fault. I...I should have gone with Tonraq to help her! Maybe, maybe I could have done something. Or, even before that, if I followed my gut and not trusted fucking Zaheer when we were in the Spirit World I could have warned them and prevented all of this!
It should have been me! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING ME!
How can I look my best friend in the eye now after I fucking failed her?! HOW?!
Snapping out of my intrusive thoughts, I see the group already walking up the stairs with Korra, Asami, and Lin at the top, the latter earthbending them up there. I turn to the source of the voice and I see that it is Bumi.
"You okay, kid?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
When I rush forward to catch up with them, I hear discussion amongst Raiko, Tonraq, Tenzin, and Zuko.
"She's not looking good."
"Neither would you if you'd gone through what she had.
"She'll be fine. She just needs time to heal. The poison took a great toll."
"Of course. I'm just saying, with the Earth Kingdom in complete disarray since the loss of the Queen..."
"And even with Zaheer locked up again, we still don't know how many Red Lotus members might be out there, hiding."
"Exactly. With the world getting more and more dangerous, we need the Avatar now more than ever. Who will protect us while she's in a wheelchair?"
I resist the urge to punch Raiko in the fucking face when that question leaves his lips. He doesn't even fucking care that Korra isn't like this!
I clench my fists instead of participating. This is Jinora's big day. She's getting her airbending tattoos. I don't want to ruin it by causing a scene.
Then, after a few minutes later, we arrive at the ceremonial hall. Rows upon rows of Air Nomads are seated before the stage in an explosion of red and orange. I even see a few newcomers have just joined the nation, wearing their typical green clothes. On the stage, Jinora, robed in yellow, stands confident in front of a row of other nomads and a stone-symbol of the culture, large and powerful resembling its rebirth.
I'm with Kyuni, Mako, Bolin, and others on one side, gazing on. Korra, Asami, Tonraq, Zuko and more on the other.
Standing by his daughter, Tenzin begins.
"Jinora, come forward."
She does so and kneels beside her father without saying a word.
"Today, we welcome the first airbending master in a generation. And I couldn't be more proud of my daughter." The wise airbending master starts, a hint of fatherly pride in his voice as he gazes at Jinora. When the existence of our people was threatened, when the Avatar's life hung in the balance, Jinora never gave up hope. Thanks to her leadership, I see a very bright future for the Air Nation. Of course, there would be no Air Nation without Avatar Korra: she opened the portals and somehow the world began anew for us. And she was even willing to lay down her own life in order to protect ours. There's no way we can ever repay her for all she's done. But we can follow her example of service and sacrifice. So, while she recuperates, the Air Nation will reclaim its nomadic roots and roam the earth. But unlike our ancestors, we will serve people of all nations, working wherever there is corruption and discord to restore balance and peace."
He turns to Korra and gives her a respective and honourable bow. "Avatar Korra, I vow that we will do everything in our power to follow in your footsteps and bring harmony to the world."
I don't look at her. I can't. I just can't.
"Now, let us anoint the master who will help lead us in our new path."
He pulls down his daughter's hood and we see her in her glory. Where once her hair had been, bright blue tattoos consume her head and arms and legs. The audience erupts into cheers and rounds of applause while the airbenders behind her bend smoke from burning incense sticks all the while sounding wind chimes throughout the room, so loud that it overpowers the cheers of joy and celebration.
If only I can feel that joy...
I still don't look at Korra. I can't.
Shutting my eyes tight and clenching my fists, I resist and hold back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
I feel a light touch on my shoulder. I know it's Kyuni. She doesn't say anything. Neither do I.
It's warm...but not warm enough.
This...This is all my fault. I wasn't strong enough.
But next time...I will be.
While Korra recovers, I will train and train and train until my bones crack and break and my mind is overwhelmed until I learn everything from Tenzin and the culture.
I will become stronger. More powerful.
I will never let anyone hurt my friends again. Never again.
Even if it kills me.
And like that we have ended Book Three!
I will post a prelude for Book Four at some point soon but after there will be a short wait. Book Four will connect heavily with future books so I am planning on ironing out some of the details. I hope you all understand.
I hope you all enjoyed it! :D
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter!
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doomface · 4 months
read a tlok au/fix-it fic a while ago that had some ocs in it (which is awesome, everyone should put their ocs into their fics) and it got me thinking if i were to write an au/fix-it tlok fic what sort of ocs i would put in there and my immediate first thought was "give bumi 2 a kid"
kid is born out of wedlock from a one night stand bumi had on shore leave. she's similar in age to the krew and... she's an airbender. the mother gives her up to bumi pretty much immediately as soon as this girl begins to show signs of airbending ability. and as soon as tenzin finds out of course he tries to push bumi to let him take her in and train her. this causes a bunch of strife between the brothers which creates a bit of a schism. bumi doesnt want to force the same burden on her that aang did on tenzin by being the latest airbender. he insists that she goes to train airbending and learn about the culture whenever she wants to. and when she's old enough to decide she does actually want to... but gets majorly put off by how serious and regimented it all is. She's a free spirit like Aang and she feels pretty hindered by Tenzin's teaching style/finds it antiethical to the Air Nomad philosophy of freedom and, after a short lived training period with Tenzin, she goes off to do her own thing. Cue Korra coming to republic city in need of an airbending teacher. This Bumi-kid is no master herself so she can only 'teach' so much but she opts to head back to air temple island so Korra doesn't get stuck with JUST stuck up Tenzin as a representative of airbending. Tenzin would be groaning having to deal with not one but two rebellious teenagers who don't see eye to eye with his training methods lol. I just think a character like this would add a fun dynamic to the Krew... and also add an airbending member who isnt super old (tenzin) or a little kid (jinora). she'd be a super free spirit wild child like her dad who would probably add a little spice and excitement to the krew too.
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creampuffqueen · 22 days
I have got to hear about LOK x Criminal Minds!
thanks for the ask!
this one is probably never gonna be fully written, but it's a fun idea that i like to toss around sometimes! i made it at the height of my criminal minds obsession a couple years back
anyway, here's the makeup of the team + what character they sort of resemble
Lin is Hotch
Tenzin is Rossi (team dad moment)
Asami is Prentiss
Korra is the newest recruit
Mako and Bolin are former beat cops, both similar to Morgan in some ways (Mako being a total badass and Bolin being a flirty goof)
Opal is JJ, the media liason
Wu is Garcia, their technical analyst
i also added in Iroh 2 and his sister, who i named Mizuki. Iroh is former military, and Mizuki is their super genius, aka Reid
i was planning on sort of basing the cases/unsubs they deal with on the antagonists from the show, though i never fully figured out exactly how i wanted to go about doing that
anyway, here's some stuff that i wrote for it, sort of similar to S1E1 of criminal minds :)
“So, you’re FBI, right?” The young woman cooed, twirling a strand of bright red hair around her finger, “What unit do you work for?”  Sitting across the table from her, Bolin Jiang just grinned, “That’s classified, sweetheart.” Not a moment later, a strong hand was ruffling itself through his head of dark hair, followed by a voice of, “Liar. It’s on your credentials, which you have to carry with you at all times. He’s just trying to impress you by being mysterious.” “Mako!” Bolin protested, glaring at his older brother with a pout, “A guy can’t spill all his secrets on a first date!” The redhead sitting at the table looked up to the other man, “Are you FBI as well?” “SSA Mako Jiang, member of the FBI’s behavioral analysis unit.” He pulled his wallet from the inside pocket of his coat, flipping it open to view the credentials that, yes, he had to keep with him at all times.  Bolin just sighed and rolled his eyes, “Ginger, meet my brother, Mako. We work together. On the same team.” “Unfortunately,” Mako fake sighed, though he couldn’t really hide the fondness in his voice as he looked over his little brother. “Anyway, we’ve gotta go. Bolin, have you even checked your phone?” “What-” The young man was cut off as Mako showed him his own phone, and the text it had received.  “I’m getting everyone else together. They’re all partying so hard they probably haven’t gotten the texts or calls either.” Bolin sighed, but made his goodbyes with Ginger and followed Mako through the crowded bar. “You only noticed because you’re so antisocial and spend the entire time against a wall instead of enjoying yourself.” Mako ignored the dig, used to Bolin’s half-hearted insults, and stalked through the bar, looking out for the rest of their team. They weren’t all together tonight, but Iroh and Asami were around here somewhere, and if they found Iroh they found Mizuki, and then they could all head to the office. Despite this bar not being one of their usual haunts, Mako was still able to track down his teammates fairly easily. Asami was at the bar, as expected, smiling at all the men crowded around her, vying for her attention. Mako had to admit, it was kind of satisfying to sidle up to her and show her his phone, instantly putting all her attention on him. He could practically feel the disappointment radiating off the other men.  “Sorry I missed that, I was a bit distracted,” Asami apologized, passing the bartender her credit card to pay off the tab.  “No problem. We don’t usually get called in this late, so it’s gotta be important.” Mako turned to his brother. “You stay here, I’ll go grab Iroh and see where Mizuki is.” As expected, Iroh was on the dance floor, making himself known to men and women alike. Asami rarely danced at bars, used to the serenity and order of ballroom dancing, but Iroh had to be dragged away most nights. Likely had something to do with being in the military for so many years. Of course, Mako never asked.
thanks again for the ask!!
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idk if u wanted any asks in particular but! i’ve been wanting to ask abt tad and the other character you haven’t expanded on! you’ve DEF said their name but it just slipped my mind. and i think tad is pretty
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nd yeah i get abt being bored, this week’s been weird for me and i just hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself :3
I KNOW IT AINT ARES BC I CANT KEEP MY MOUTJ SHUT!!!! I'll talk abt scout and tad :3
Tad, she's the oldest out out of the gang being 28, her family is originally from Malaysia! English is her second language lolzies but her family moved due to her father's job and the fact he cheated on tads mom with her step mom,,,,, anywho. Florida time baby, Tad is the middle child of like 2 bio sisters and 2 of step siblings,
Tad does not like her father one bit, he's way to confident for his own good sorta man and she always felt outcasted bc she never could find her "thing" her father cared abt the only guy in the family, while her and her sisters were expected to be out of his hair, and her step mom wasn't around much, she claims she loves him but in reality him and her was a one night sorta thing, she got preggers and they felt like they needed to get married. So Tad learned to be a adult at a very young age, the closest thing I can compare her too is Lin beifong from legend of korra, a strong sense of justice but Tad never wanted to follow her father's footsteps, she just wanted to see her mom again.
Tad is very hard headed, being planned and critical of what she does because she needs a plan to work, it's very hard for her to relax because of her dreaded office job she has rn, surprise, surprise her father got her the job when the brother dropped out of High-school, tad finds a lot of peace in photography tho, keeping photos of everything she finds mildly interesting,
I don't like the trope of being the group mom, she's not by no means, her love is very tough, but she is soft bellied when it comes to her friends, being ares and Mel are her childhood friends, scout and her still but heads, but tad loosens her grip over time to not be so plan oriented and try to at least go with her gut that she suppressed during her childhood.
SCOUT. Scout, his real name is Scott actually, but man is trans, he has known this at a very young age, but his family is one of the more wealthy in general! Growing up rich, he was a stereotypical rebel, even if his parents are both vampires/bats, they always claimed he went against god, they wanted him to grow up as a girl, to have a perfect image for the families name.
It was his uncle that helped Scout, his uncle is also a trans man, Scot never really heard from his uncle bc of his dad's suppression, but when he did the uncle and him clicked, and Scout officially came to term with his trans identity bc of him, but his parents where outraged, kicking him out at 16, he had to stay with his uncle.
Scout is 23 rn in the story, being the youngest and he is very boyish, he is actually a baseball player for the city. And a popular one at that, he is arrogant and frantic when it comes to his choices, he keeps stocking up on blood and when his friends come over all they find are red dye 40 in his fridge.
Scout can also be seen as insecure, his big part is trying to pass as a man fully, not wanting to participate in anything feminine or "girly" bc he is afraid to do so, overtime due to the groups influence and Ares, Ares plays a big role for scout, since he told Ares first abt his transition yk "man to man" and then he told the girls, Ares has kinda taught him that, you may look masculine, but enjoy the things you love, why care about publics perception of you, when you are your own person, they are bros!
Overall during that development scout has become more carefree of what others thing, he is insanely loyal, even if his apartment is a slob, if you complain about the sink not working you bet ur ass he will watch so many vhs tapes he'll become a mechanic.
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lifblogs · 2 years
I'm a disabled person in an abusive situation who is not being cared for, and am struggling with money (I have only $29.34.) I cannot work due to a TBI and many other illnesses/conditions. You can help by donating to:
Paypal: lif61
Venmo: lili61
Other ways you can help:
Buy me a coffee for Loki's emergency fund. (Loki is a neurologically disabled cat with a deteriorating condition. He will need the hospital at some future point in his life, and I don't want money to get in the way of his care.)
Donations of essentials. (This list will change and be updated as things are donated or I run out of something.)
Hello, new followers! My blog is a crazy place, so time to talk about some tags to make it easier for everyone. Though I feel as if I must begin with a disclaimer.
I love Supernatural, and tag that as #spn. If you are here for another reason, you can block that tag.
I love Star Wars, and tag that as #star wars. Again, block if you are not here for that, so you don't get annoyed. (My current obsession within Star Wars is The Bad Batch. You can block #the bad batch, and/or #tbb.)
I love cats. A lot. Feel free to block the #cats tag. I also will tag #my cat, or #my cats; and #loey (my kitties’ ship name), #alley cat, and #loki the cat.
Other tags I use frequently are #personal, #lol, #nature, #birds, #fanfiction, #fanart, #writing, and #whump.
Be warned, I am a huge fan of whump. If you don't like whump and don't block the tag you will see some things that might make you uncomfortable. Please, feel free to block the tag if you need to.
I seem to have picked up the habit of talking about what I'm reading, so for that I use #reading, and if it's a book (it usually is), I use #books.
If you are as annoyed with my mother as I am, block the tag #my mom. I'm in a tough situation here at home, so I do vent about it. Speaking of difficult, I sometimes use the tag #actually disabled.
If you want fun content, there’s the #my dad tag. He’s an interesting man.
I tag adult content as #nsft, and sometimes #mdni.
I try my best to tag #salt, and #wank.
I am participating in Whale Weekly. All Whale Weekly posts are tagged as #whale weekly, and #moby-dick.
When I'm reading Dracula all posts will be tagged as #dracula, and #dracula daily.
Other tags are #music, #The Lord of the Rings, #lotr newsletter, #The Hobbit, #game of thrones, #house of the dragon, #httyd, #rtte, #doctor who, #mcu, #good omens, #grishaverse, #tdp (The Dragon Prince), #atla (Avatar: The Last Airbender), #tlok (The Legend of Korra), and #toa (Tales of Arcadia). May occasionally talk about #sjm (Sarah J. Maas) and #tog (Throne of Glass) while doing rereads.
And apparently I blog about #pjo now!
If you're looking for my writing (if the tumblr search function ever actually works again), that can be found under #my writing.
And below the cut I have a masterlist of my writing!
My AO3
Fics by Fandom:
Star Wars
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The 100
Tales of Arcadia
'Teen Wolf
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Good Omens
Multi-Chapter Fics (Completed):
Don't Call Me Sammy
How to Get Rid of Nightmares
Bleeding Reality
The Sins of Heaven
In the Dark
Day & Night
Book One: Spirit
It's Time We Had the Talk
Don't Call Me Sammy (Rewrite)
The World Goes Cold
Multi-Chapter Fics (WIP)
The Wail of Dying Stars
Livin In You
Three Birds, One Stone
Brother, Hold Me Up
The Ascendancy Trials
SPN Hiatus Creations 2018
Take Me to Church
SPN Hiatus Creations 2019
Whumptober 2019
SPN Hiatus Creations 2020
Whumptober 2020
Banned Together Bingo 2020
Angstpril 2021
Whumpay 2021
Whumptober 2021
Angstpril 2022
Sam Week 2022
Whumptober 2022 As It Should've Been
AI-less Whumptober 2023
Post-Plan 99
TechPhee Smut
Tech Tuesday
Summer of Bad Batch 2024
Neurodivergent Tech Week 2024
After Dark
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loopy777 · 1 year
Not that everyone has to have kids, but why do you think Bumi II and Kya II didnt have any kids of their own? Was it because of how Aang wasnt a great dad to them?
Psychologically, their issues with Aang might be the deep-down bedrock-level root cause, but I'm not psychologist and we're talking about cartoon characters, so let's go a few levels higher.
First of all, I want to say that I agree people don't have to have kids. I'm almost certainly never going to have kids. I say this because I don't want my next statement is be misinterpreted:
Bumi and Kya are not complete people.
Think about it. Neither one has any friends. Neither one has a home of their own. Neither one has any kind of community outside their mother and their brother (and Tenzin's family in turn, which includes Korra and her various hanger-ons). Bumi had a purpose in his life with his military career, but he gives that up before we've even heard him utter a single complete sentence, in favor of becoming a freeloader in his brother's place. Kya supposedly traveled the world, but when Aang died she came back to the South Pole to supposedly help Katara- and yet she produces no contacts or information during the story's world-spanning adventures, and Korra never met her before Book Spirits.
How could either of these people consider having kids? I'm not sure they know how to have a conversation with anyone who isn't involved with Avatar Business in some way.
Even if either one theoretically managed to acquire a kid, I don't think that would make them complete people. I can honestly see both of them dropping their kid off with Tenzin and fleeing. Or else showing up at Tenzin's doorstep for his and his family's help raising the kid.
Now, maybe their inability to form connections with literally any other human being they're not related to is because of Aang's parenting. But I don't think the story's intention is for Bumi and Kya to be that damaged by their childhood. And, as long as we're looking at things from a meta-perspective, let's admit that the real reason for this portrayal is because LoK is about Korra, and Bumi'n'Kya are in an outer orbit around her compared to the more consistent cast (and even Asami literally has no one in her life but Korra and Mako and Varrick). However, the result is that Bumi had an entire military career but no old veteran buddies, and Kya is the franchise's first confirmed lesbian but has never so much as been depicted as flirting with someone never mind actually engaging in a romance.
All we have to work with is the text of the story, and that says that neither Bumi nor Kya are outgoing enough to consider procreating. The fandom likes to imagine past relationships for them with Toph's kids or Izumi, but let's face it- those kids probably would have rather died than dated one of Aang's kids, except for Lin, who wishes she had died instead of dating Tenzin, and even she never had so much as a conversation with Bumi or Kya.
If we wanted to repair this portrayal, there are some options. We could say that Bumi preferred to focus on his career, or just have someone Korra's age show up one day and say, "Nice to meet you, Dad. Remember that cute Si Wong sandbender 20 years ago?"
For Kya, it could be even easier; just introduce her grown child as someone everyone already knows about and is familiar with (except Korra, who can serve as our audience POV) and who coincidentally has never been mentioned before now despite there being plenty of logical places where it should have happened. (It's a tried and true LoK storytelling tactic! :P) Or talk about the difficulties that a lesbian seeking to have a child would encounter in the Avatar world. Or just give her a personal reason for not having a kid while also establishing that she has friends and lovers around the world.
The possibilities are endless when you treat Bumi and Kya as actual characters.
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I love ur dad omg my dad said he won't even watch one of my fav shows until he retires which will be when he's 73😭😭😭 ily mod courtney and mod courtney's dad
My dad loves cartoons. He’s the whole reason I am the way that I am. His favorite is probably regular show, but he also likes a lot of others too. Legend of korra, bobs burgers, SpongeBob, dexter’s lab, venture brothers, the animated Star Wars cartoon, and recess come to mind. But he’s got a lot of cartoons he enjoys. I was a kid in the early 2000’s so most of what he likes is from that era, because he watched them with me while I was growing up
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queenofzan · 6 months
more atla thoughts:
it was correct for aang to not kill ozai. however, i think zuko and azula deserve a little patricide, as a treat. post-series adventure road trip where azula breaks out of prison and kidnaps her brother so they can go kill their dad. and then azula is like "okay zuko we're friends again now right?" and zuko is like. "no. go back to jail. i love you i'll see you next week for tea"
the entire premise of korra fucks up the avatar world's worldbuilding and i think it would actually make more sense if, in a post-ozai world, people being aware of energybending led to children of mixed-race families being able to bend more than one element.
2a. so then what is the role of the Avatar in a world where they are not the only person capable of bending more than one element? what is the very martial Korra's role in a world that needs a spiritual leader way way more than they need an mma fighter?
2b. that eliminates the weirdly ethno-nationalist implication that there have never been mixed-race families ever before in history while still implying a cultural/societal reason for a shift in how bending is manifesting--people are growing more aware of separation being an illusion because actually there was a Secret Form of bending all along, and a bunch of mixed-race kids are definitely going to be like WELL THEN I SHOULD ALSO BE ABLE TO BEND FIRE/EARTH, SHOULDN'T I? and then just do it
3. zukaang could never happen because zuko would definitely remember halfway through kissing aang that roku is his great-grandfather and be like. no, the risk is too great. what if avatar roku manifests for some reason while we are doing it. unacceptable.
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
Had an idea for the Avatar Bolin AU: what if the Beifongs & Zaofu are like a sanctuary, of sorts, if the Red Lotus still occurs?
Basically the arrival at Zaofu is the same, and Lin and Su still make peace. although I think unlike Korra, I can see Bolin getting more involved as a calmer mediator between the two of them & maybe gives them the space to still have their fight but also forces them to sit down and actually talk to each other about their issues.
He strikes up a friendship with Opal and Wei, to which he forms an immediate connection too. Bolin spends increasingly more time with Wei and they realize they've fallen for each other and begins a romantic relationship that ends up being very intimate but also very grounded. Mako being Mako is very distrusting/suspcious, but he eventually warms up (maybe Su and/or Lin privately talks to him?) And of course, Wing is one of the Wingmen along with Opal.
Regarding Wei & Opal, perhaps they're possibly the two individuals who Bolin feels he can be pretty open with? Like, Mako is very paranoid, Tenzin is basically on Dad mode, Korra and Lin will throw themselves at anyone trying to actively harm him... so with Opal and Wei he can sort of feel comfortable enough that he can talk to them about anything without the underlying anxiety that they'll freak out or tell him "I'm doing what's best for you/it's for your own good"? And like, Wei emphasizes his point that he loves Bolin, NOT the Avatar (Opal backs her brother up on this notion). Wei couldn't care less about Bolin's status at all. The three's relationship ends up being one of mutual, calm emotional support & trust; and considering how close the two are with Su, she totally ends up adopting Bolin into the Beifong family. Maybe she's like a mother/cool aunt figure?
What do you think of all this?
Oh my gosh that sounds so great! Yeah, i think that most of the plot of this AU would go quite similarly to the og show, so there would definitely be a stop in Zaofu. Lmao I think Bolin would either do really well with mediating the conflict between Lin and Su or make it 50 times worse.
Honestly the idea of Zaheer the renowned short king having to lug Bolin's beefy body around like he did with Korra is really funny to me.
Suyin would absolutely look at this lost puppy himbo of an Avatar and go: is anyone gonna give him the warmth and safety of a mother's love? No? Gotta fo everything by myself here.
But yeah, I can certainly see Wei giving Bolin a more "grounded" relationship than the rest of the Krew, maybe with the exception of Asami. Since in this AU I'm thinking of Korra maybe being Katara's apprentice, who joined the Krew to basically bodyguard the Avatar.
I think Wei and Bolin's dynamic would be kinda similar to waht I envision for them around the og show. With them bickering and butting heads at first, due to the fact that they see thtough one another's bullshit, before eventually coming to respect, admire and like each other. And then fall in love.
Both of them not being very well socialised would make them incredibly awkward when flirting, I think?
I think they can also both bond over the experience of being "handled" by other people. They'd defined try to support one another in becoming more independent and the idea of Wei being Avatar Bolin's biggest supporter is really cute. Think Katara threatening to beat up anyone whose mildly mean to Aang lol.
This honestly adds even more comedy to the sparring scene in B3. Because Wei seeing the Avatar, a literal demigod, with the power of the 4 elements and going: "I'm gonna throw a meteorite at this loser" is both in character and hillarious.
Also while pondering Bolin as the Avatar I remembered that this monstrosity actually exists in the canon show.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Giant Blue Avatar Spirit Projection Bolin can't hurt me, Giant Blue Avatar Spirit Projection Bolin can't hurt me, Giant Blue Avatar Spirit Projection Bolin can't hurt me, Giant Blue Avatar Spirit Projection Bolin can't hurt me
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
I honestly feel like there's a lot of good stuff in LOK that could be developed and made very interesting if all the trauma and characterization wasn't shoved to the side to make way for fighting the big bad.
Like, ignoring all the societal issues prominent in Lok, the main cast already has quite a lot of baggage-Korra is a child soldier who was raised to basically be a fantasy hero and can't see herself as anything else. Asami had to deal with her mother being murdered by a firebender (extra trauma because Mako is a firebender) and her dad trying to literally kill her after she showed that she has different beliefs than him. And Mako and Bolin were pretty much orphaned in an attack by a firebender, were homeless as kids, Mako had to do shady stuff to survive and pretty much raise his brother, and were pretty close to being homeless until Korra and Asami stepped in.
And that's the main cast! We're not counting Tenzin who has to raise and maintain a whole NATION, Lin who has a pretty toxic relationship with her family, Tarlock and Amon who were raised to kill Korra, Korra's parents who made the decision to let their daughter be raised in a toxic way that required their daughter to be separated from them due to Korra being attacked, amongst other characters.
If all that characterization was focused on, season one of LoK at the very least could have simply been a lot stronger (season 2 also, it'd be more memorable and not the season a lot of people forget). And a lot of it actually adds to the conflict. Mako, Bolin, and Asami all have suffered due to benders, and therefore likely have their own reasons to hate benders (or at least have complicated feelings on it.). Korra practically lived in a separate universe, so beyond the issues she'd face as the avatar coming into a more realistic world, she'd have to grapple with her own complicated feelings (because she sincerely hates and fears the idea of benders having their abilities taken away and generally has been told that benders are the good guys if she hasn't been told they're superior.)
I agree that Mako, Bolin, and Asami had fantastic backgrounds yet somehow ended up as very underwhelming characters.
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