bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter One: Chemistry
Roy scratched his head as he checked the answer to the homework question. He did his best, but Chemistry wasn't his subject. She knew that. Jade sat three tables down, watching her classmate grow more frustrated as time passed. Roy sighed and put his head down, locking his fingers behind his neck. He'd been at it for hours. Reading the chapters, rewriting his notes, going over the quizzes. He'd finally given up for the afternoon when he heard the click-clacking of heels against the floor. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Jade asked.
He looked up, helpless but afraid to swallow his pride. "Sure, I'm almost-." She took his homework and looked it over.
"You're in luck, you know," Jade smiled, "Chemistry's my best subject. Do you see this big number? The coefficient? You multiply it by the subscript, and you've got six. Right?" Roy nodded. "Okay, now what was the subscript for Nitrogen?" "Two," Roy replied. Jade smiled at him, raising an eyebrow as she waited for him to come to a conclusion. "Like this?"
"Exactly," Jade replied. Roy broke eye contact and thanked her. "I didn't just come over here to tutor you in Chemistry... I wanted to ask you a question because I've seen you play gigs at the college. Can you read sheet music?"
"Sure can... Why?" Roy questioned.
She unzipped her bag and took out a neatly folded piece of paper. "I'm taking a music class... But I don't understand the whole sheet music thing in practice. I think I get it, but the quizzes don't make sense." Roy looked at the paper and pulled out his iPod.
"Do you have headphones? I forgot mine at home," Roy whispered, "I'm Roy, by the way."
"Jade." She pulled a pair of headphones out of her bag and removed the zip tie. Roy grinned.
She plugged them into his iPod, and he opened an app. "You're taking Joyner's class? He'll only test you on this once... But the thing is a lot of the songs a simple if you learn to recognize the music. He usually doesn't grade too hard because he learned sheet music later in life. He plays by ear."
"Plays what?" Jade asked.
"Piano. I only know because he likes to do the open mic nights. He'll come in once a month and play a song, and if he sees his students there, he gives them extra credit," Roy replied as he played the notes for her on the app.
"ABCs," Jade replied.
"Or Twinkle Twinkle, but yeah... Exactly," Roy smiled. Jade looked over the second problem on Roy's homework.
"Hey, are you hungry?" Jade questioned. "Maybe we can finish this over lunch?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" Roy asked.
"Nope. I'm asking you to be my study buddy... Besides, I think better after I've had something to eat," Jade replied. Roy nodded.
"Okay," Roy replied as he packed his backpack. Jade stood up, and Roy followed her out of the library.
"What do you eat?" Jade asked.
"I'm not picky," Roy replied.
Jade decided on smoothies and sat at the park until they finished their homework. "When are you usually free?" Jade questioned.
Roy ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote down his number, schedule, and dorm room number. "My roommate's a cool dude, so if you stop by my dorm to study or something and I'm not there, he'll let you in," Roy replied, "Well... I'm giving him too much credit. He'll be an asshole about it... But he'll let you in." Jade laughed.
"I'm probably not gonna stop by your dorm, but I appreciate you being extra available. Here, let me see your notebook," Jade replied. She wrote her number down and gave him her cell with her schedule. "It was nice meeting you, Roy-."
"Harper. Roy Harper," Roy interrupted as he shook her hand.
"Jade Nguyen. Nice to meet you, Harper Roy Harper. I'll see you Saturday morning?" Jade asked. Roy's eyes widened.
"Huh?" Roy asked.
"I'll call you with the details," Jade replied.
Roy waited until she was out of sight to bite his knuckle. "Fuck," Roy whispered. He texted his roommate and received a call a few minutes later. "Dick-."
"It's literally a random Thursday in September, Roy. Are you telling me you've fallen head over heels for a girl at first sight in a library?" Dick questioned.
"It wasn't first sight. You didn't see her-."
"You're thinking with your Johnson, Harper," Dick interrupted.
"Come on, I felt something-."
"Roy, please. I'm eating," Dick joked. Roy laughed.
"Are we hanging out tonight? Or are you busy?" Roy asked.
"Depends. Are you gonna talk about this girl you just met the whole time, or are you gonna hang out?" Dick asked.
"I'm gonna hang out," Roy answered half-sarcastic, "Are we still skyping Wally, or did he cancel?"
"He's gonna be late. Garth got dehydrated again, so he's picking him up from the E.R.," Dick replied. Roy laughed. "You can't laugh at Garth being in the E.R., Roy... Roy-." Dick fell into a fit of laughter.
"And he wonders why everyone called him Fish in middle school," Roy joked.
"I thought they called him that because he drank pool water on a dare," Dick responded.
"What are you doing right now?" Roy asked, walking backward toward his dorm.
"Watching you from the window," Dick answered.
"You missed me or somethin'?" Roy teased as he turned to look at their dorm window. Dick flipped him off. "Aww! I love you too, buddy." Roy returned the gesture.
"Are you wearing my sweatshirt?" Dick asked.
Roy looked down at the shirt and pulled the collar to check. "Nope, all mine, birdbrain. I've got the chewed-up collar to prove it," Roy replied, "Oh, and I think I might've found a Chemistry tutor."
"Don't tell me-."
"Yeah," Roy interrupted.
"That's gonna end well," Dick sarcastically replied as Roy made his way up the stairs. "I know you're gonna go for her anyway, but I want it on the record that I warned you."
"You don't even know her," Roy replied.
"But I know you," Dick answered as he opened the door. Roy hung up and dropped his bag. "You always fall too hard."
"You don't fall hard enough," Roy replied. He dug through his dresser and put his pajamas in his shower caddy. "Have you called Kory yet?"
"I'm still thinking," Dick answered. He flopped back on his bed, eating a slice of pizza. Roy grabbed a slice from the box and sat on the floor.
"You love her, don't you?" Roy asked. Dick sat up.
"Of course, I love her... But, it's complicated. She's engaged to somebody else," Dick replied.
"It's an arranged marriage..."
"A marriage is a marriage, Roy. She's committing herself to somebody else," Dick replied, "Do you know how serious that is?"
"No, but I know you've been irritable since she left. You should've gone with her. Kory asked you to go with her," Roy answered.
"I don't know anything about her world... And I'm not gonna go watch her marry somebody else-."
"Don't be such a big baby. It's an arranged marriage, Dick. And how much do you wanna bet her and Prince-Whoever-The-Fuck can't stand each other?" Roy grinned.
Dick groaned. "Okay... Fine, talk about your tutor. Anything but this right now," Dick replied. Roy took a bite of pizza and sat next to Dick.
"She's smart. Really smart," Roy replied, "And-."
"A brunette?" Dick interrupted.
"That's where you're wrong. Her hair is jet black," Roy half-joked.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 7/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Seven: Gym 🌶
Roy stretched out as he yawned awake. Jade curled into his side. “Good morning,” Roy whispered. Jade purred, sliding a leg over Roy’s, requesting closeness. A simple gesture. Something as tender as a touch of the leg.
“Well?” Jade asked.
“What?” Roy questioned. His puzzled face was broken by a playfully raised brow.
Jade grinned as she hid herself under the sheets. Roy jumped and moaned as he felt a gentle hand slide up his thigh to his balls. He was soft, but it wouldn’t be long before he’d be raring to go again. She kissed his shaft before crouching between his spread legs. He raised the blankets, surprised by the teary-eyed look on her sweet face. It felt like a wonderful eternity.
“Unh unh,” Roy whispered as he gently lifted her chin. “Come up here.” Jade straddled his waist. Roy held eye contact with her as he reached for another condom. Jade took it from him, opening it and reaching for her chin, holding it between his thumb and finger. He chuckled before thumbing at her bottom lip. “Pretty lips…”
Roy’s phone rang. “Fuck,” they both cursed simultaneously.
“Hold on. It’s my roommate,” Roy replied as he raked a hand through his hair. He swallowed hard as he collected himself and answered. “You back?”
“Yeah… Wanna meet me at the gym? I gotta blow off some steam,” Dick replied.
“Um… When?” Roy asked. He tried not to sound exasperated, so he settled for constipated.
“Told you to stop eating those chicken sandwiches at the movies,” Dick replied. He was unusually grim in tone.
“That’s not—. Fuck… Kory! How’d it go?” Roy asked.
“I’ll be at the gym in two hours,” Dick replied. Roy could tell from his reply that things went terribly.
“Okay… I’ll meet you,” Roy replied before hanging up. “Jade, I wanna-. God knows I want to stay, but—.”
“Your roommate needs you,” Jade interrupted, “It’s okay. I get—.”
Roy kissed her. “He gave me two hours… The school’s only fifteen minutes from here,” Roy recalled. Jade grinned as she slipped the condom over his head, gently sliding it down before tickling his balls with her finger. Roy bit his lip, stifling a moan. She was gentle at first, playfully teasing her hole with his tip. Roy shut his eyes and groaned with a warmth that Jade couldn’t ignore. She took him in slowly. Roy sat up, wrapping an arm around her back while using his non-dominant arm for leverage as he slowly bucked his hips.
Jade giggled. “Sure you won’t be late?” Jade questioned. Roy ignored her question as he kissed her neck. Jade chewed her bottom lip as a moan escaped her throat. She grabbed a handful of his hair, and he moaned in reply.
“Mmm… I like that,” Roy mumbled. Jade’s lips touched his, and Roy moaned into her open mouth. She trembled before biting down on his shoulder. Their thighs slapped together as Roy planted his other hand behind himself. Jade reached down and touched herself, rubbing circles on her clit.
“Don’t stop,” Jade whispered. Roy chuckled as he rolled his hips at the same pace. Jade yelped as she shook with orgasm. Roy placed a comforting hand on the back of her neck, kissing her temple.
“Need a second?” Roy asked. She shook her head, half-speechless. “Wanna switch?”
Jade frantically kissed Roy from the top of his head to his neck and shoulders. “On your back,” Jade answered as she took her palms and pushed his chest to knock him back.
Roy let her take complete control until he was close, and he took her wrist and led her hand to his throat. “Try two,” Roy requested. Jade grinned as she grabbed his throat while riding him. Roy came and whimpered as Jade rode him well into her second orgasm. Roy trembled beneath her, crying out and saying her name until she lay on top of him.
“Great dick,” Jade teased.
Roy shut his eyes before remembering Dick. “I gotta—. Oh, it’s so hard to leave you,” Roy mumbled. Jade smiled and rolled off of him.
“Study at my place tomorrow after work?” Jade asked. Roy grinned.
“Wait, do you mean study or study?” Roy asked. Jade kissed his cheek. “Oh! Definitely… Hey, do you still wanna do the open mic at the end of the week?”
“With you?” Jade asked. Roy nodded. “Okay… You should get dressed.”
Jade smiled, but something about her grin made Roy’s chest hurt. “I hope we can still have dinner together… I think I like that part the best,” Roy whispered before rolling out of bed. He tossed the condom and showered before Jade startled him. “Sorry, it sounded like you—.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t expect you. That’s all… I like your tattoos, by the way,” Roy smiled as he took off his towel and dropped it in the hamper. He dressed in the bedroom and stripped the bed before leaving a note. He left before she got out of the shower and drove to the gym.
Dick waited at the water fountain. “You look like shit,” Roy half-smiled before Dick shoved him. Roy swallowed it because Dick needed it. “I’m sorry.”
Dick hugged him, and Roy patted him on the back. “I screwed up,” Dick mumbled.
“Dick, there was no other way it could’ve—. Let me buy you breakfast,” Roy offered. Dick nodded.
“What have you been up to?” Dick asked.
Roy hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he wanted Dick to know about Jade yet. “I started teaching Jade to play the drums. Oh! And I was the designated driver when she went to the club yesterday,” Roy replied.
“So what? You started dating your study buddy?” Dick asked.
“We weren’t dating—.”
“But you are now… Aren’t you?” Dick asked.
“I don’t know… I was thinking—. I thought about asking her out,” Roy replied. He rubbed the back of his neck.
“She’ll hurt you—.”
“You don’t know her,” Roy replied, “You haven’t—. Meet her at the open mic at the end of the week. I think you’ll like her if you give her a chance.” Dick nodded. “What? You won’t tell me how stupid I’ve been and how I can’t make a single—.”
“You never take my advice… And it hasn’t been—. You’ve been alright,” Dick replied, “Come on. Buy me breakfast. It’s been a rough week.”
“There’s plenty of supermodel princess fish in the sea,” Roy half-joked, “And that was your one free shove. Next time you push me you’ll be seeing stars.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Dick chuckled. Roy hooked an arm around Dick’s neck. “Thanks for the free shot.”
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Five: Gender and Sexuality
Jade’s apartment put Roy and Dick’s little dorm room to shame. He swallowed hard at the realization she’d slept there without a complaint. Her apartment was large and luxurious. "You can hang your suit on the coat hanger. I'll get to it in the morning… And shoes go in the locker," Jade stated, "Hungry?" Roy nodded, still in a daze at the state of her apartment.
"Sure, um-. Jade, your apartment's huge," Roy stated. Jade rubbed the back of her neck.
"My husband left it to me when-. He left it to me,” Jade answered. Roy nodded.
“Can I help you in the kitchen?” Roy asked.
“Nuh-uh. Sit,” Jade replied as she pointed toward the couch. “You always make the food runs. Let me do this for once.”
“Can I watch you?” Roy questioned. Jade nodded.
“I used to imagine someday I’d throw elaborate dinner parties with lots of guests, and I’d wear my best dress-. And well-. You’re the only person I’ve ever had over,” Jade whispered. Roy sat at her kitchen island.
“Maybe I can come over sometime in a suit and have a fancy dinner party with you… It’d be awful to deprive you of a grown-up fancy dinner. Not to toot my own horn, but I clean-."
Jade giggled. "You'd dress up for dinner with me?" Jade asked.
"Yeah, you make me feel like we’re kid best friends. All my friends when I was a kid were so grown up… It felt like we never got to be real kids… But it’s different with you. You-.” Roy lost his train of thought as he met her gaze. “You-. We’re like kids… ‘Cause we never got to be kids.”
“Smile again,” Jade commanded.
Roy chuckled and tapped his fingers on the counter. “Smells good,” Roy changed the subject.
Jade offered him a chili pepper. “Don’t touch your eyes. Take a bite,” Jade whispered. Roy took a bite of the pepper, and Jade poured lime juice into a shot glass while she waited for him to react. “Nothing?”
“Sorry, Jade. My old man’s chili is ten times spicier than this. It’ll take a lot more than that to take me out,” Roy grinned. Jade was quick in the kitchen. She cut, sliced, and mixed without looking up… But every now and again, Jade would glance in Roy’s direction. Jade hadn’t told him that sleeping in his dorm was the only time Jade ever felt safe. She couldn’t tell him that he was the only comfort she’d ever had. No… That would ruin everything. “When you said you’d make me dinner, I imagined some frozen pizza… I didn’t think you’d go through all this trouble.”
“I like it. Haven’t you ever had a meal that you know was special? Just for you? And you feel it in your mouth when you taste it, and then you’ve got this warm sensation in your belly that makes you feel like everything’s gonna be okay?” Jade asked.
“You want me to feel at home,” Roy observed. Jade nodded.
“I always feel at home in your dorm. So, it’s your turn,” Jade replied, “You can go in the fridge and get something to drink.” Roy stood up and walked behind her before opening the fridge. He grabbed a soda.
“Want me to get you something?” Roy asked.
“No, thanks… But I’ll split that pop with you,” Jade replied.
Roy nodded, watching the expression on her face. Something about her eyes. Roy drank half the soda, giving the rest to Jade before walking over to her couch and dozing off. Jade’s face lit up as she listened to him snore. It was nice.
The oven timer went off, and Roy sat up, watching as Jade plated his meal. She didn’t notice that he awakened. So, he caught her singing to herself. It was beautiful. Her voice was cool and distant… Almost ghostlike. “Dinner smells great,” Roy stated as he yawned.
Jade chewed her lip and brought Roy his plate. “You have a beautiful voice. You should do open mic night at the cafe,” Roy complimented.
“Oh no, I’m-. I couldn’t do that,” Jade replied. Roy stared into her eyes, offering compassion.
“What if I was with you? Besides, it’s extra credit,” Roy replied.
Jade sat beside him, and Roy dug into his food. "Only if you come with me," Jade replied, "And it has to be a duet." Roy grinned.
"Deal,” Roy replied as he ate.
Jade chuckled as she watched him clean the meat off the bones out of the corner of her eye. “I made enough chicken for you to get more if you want-.”
“Oh, this is how I eat my wings,” Roy interrupted.
“We’ve had wings before,” Jade laughed.
“I’ve never had yours, though,” Roy explained. He was so sincere in everything he said. Even when he was sucking the sauce off his fingers.
After dinner, Jade took her shower, and Roy took his. “You can stay in the other bedroom. I never use it, but I think it’ll be more comfortable than the couch,” Jade whispered. Roy took her hand, swinging it back and forth.
“I don’t wanna say goodnight yet,” Roy whispered, “Can I tell you something?” Jade nodded. “Thank you for dinner and the past few days. I hope we can still hang out like this after the semester ends.”
“Of course,” Jade replied.
Jade laced her fingers with his. “And thanks for not letting me be alone while my roommate’s gone,” Roy thanked her.
“You’re awfully sentimental tonight, Roy Harper,” Jade half-joked.
“Well then... I’ll let you go to bed. Goodnight, Jade,” Roy whispered. She waved and shut the door on her way out.
Roy lay underneath her, chuckling as she pinned him down. “Stop flinching. You’re gonna mess it up,” Jade giggled.
“You’ve got a pencil by my eyeball. Of course, I’m gonna flinch,” Roy laughed as he dodged her. Jade playfully grabbed his throat with one hand. Roy’s eyes widened, and his laugh simmered to a sweet grin. His eyes traveled to her lips. Jade’s hand traveled from Roy’s throat to his chest as her smile faded.
“We’re just friends,” Jade whispered as she leaned closer.
“Mhm,” Roy replied as his lips touched hers. He wrapped his arms around her, and their lips parted. Jade took a breath and smiled.
“How many mints did you have after you ate?” Jade laughed.
Roy took one arm and propped himself up. “You want to talk dinner mints, or do you want to get naked?” Roy asked, half-serious as he locked eyes with her.
Jade’s breath caught, and she allowed Roy to see her as she was. She embraced him and smiled at how perfectly her face fit between his neck and shoulder. Roy softened, rubbing her back. “Hey, we don’t have to do anything… You okay?” Roy asked. Jade nodded. “I’ve got you…”
“I want to… Just—. I need a second to pull myself together,” Jade whispered, “Once we do this—. Roy, I like you so much.” Roy swallowed hard. He felt the same way, but it’d been so long since his heart felt that way. So long since he held someone in his arms that way.
“Look at me,” Roy gently whispered. Jade pulled back, and Roy smiled. “Let’s go on our fake-date... And if you still think it’s worth it, we can have pretend-sex—. If you want to. We don’t have to do anything.” Jade grinned, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 4/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Breaking Up & Making Up, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Four: History
Roy woke up before Jade. He crept to the bathroom, washed up, and got dressed. Then Roy ran to the cafeteria and got breakfast. When he returned to the dorm, he knocked on the doorpost. “Good morning, buddy… Brought you something to eat,” Roy replied. Jade sat up and stretched. “French toast and eggs or breakfast burrito and a side of bacon?”
“Breakfast burrito,” Jade yawned. Roy gave her the to-go tray and a fork.
“How’d you sleep?” Roy asked. Jade gave him a thumb’s up. “Thanks for hanging out last night. I don’t usually—. I don’t—.”
“No angle… You don’t like being alone, do you?” Jade asked. There wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She was one-hundred percent sincere. Roy nodded as he ate his breakfast on the floor. Jade climbed out of bed and sat across from him. “Would you like to be friends, Roy Harper?”
“I’d like that, Jade Nguyen,” Roy smiled, “You know what? I don’t know anything about you.”
“What do you wanna know?” Jade asked as she bit into her burrito. She asked, but Roy knew that meant she wasn’t ready to open up yet.
“Whatever you feel like telling me… Nothing more than that. I won’t pry,” Roy replied. Jade nodded.
“I was married once… Not interested in being married again. Um… My favorite fruit is grapefruit. I like action movies… I’ve got a competitive streak, but it’s nothing extreme,” Jade listed. Neither of them made eye contact. “What makes you wanna be my friend?”
“You make me laugh… And you offered to help me when you saw me struggling with Chem. You also went to the movies with me even though you thought I was scheming my way into a date,” Roy replied. Jade chuckled. “Not that I wasn’t attracted to you when we met.”
“You don’t think I was attracted to you when we met?” Jade questioned. Roy looked up from his breakfast.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking,” Roy stated.
“I’m serious… I just—. It’s not at all you. You’re handsome, funny, and thoughtful, but I’m not looking for anything right now. I’m figuring out who I am by myself right now,” Jade paused, “I’ve been through—. I can’t explain, but I wouldn’t be much of a girlfriend.”
“I can respect that… I like being friends… My friend’s been on me about focusing on myself because he saw how-. Sorry, I was about to start oversharing, wasn’t I?” Roy questioned.
“It’s okay… I don’t mind. Most people hide the worst parts of themselves… Not that I could talk,” Jade half-joked.
“Everyone has a past, Jade. Don’t ever be down on yourself for it,” Roy replied seriously. Jade smiled and nodded.
They ate breakfast in silence, and Jade slipped on her sweats. “Thank you so much for this. I had fun,” Jade smiled. Roy stood up and offered to walk her to the parking garage. “I can handle myself.”
“Okay… Well, call when you get in. Oh, and I’ll see you in Chem,” Roy replied as he opened the door for her.
“I will. And maybe next time you can call me when you get in,” Jade smiled as she leaned forward and hugged him. It startled both of them, but Roy hugged back. “Bye.” She ducked out of his dorm. He stood in the doorway rubbing the back of his neck.
“Dick’s got a point,” Roy mumbled to himself.
A week passed, and they studied and attended classes, even sitting beside each other in Chemistry. Dick wouldn’t return until Sunday night, so Jade spent half the week in Roy’s dorm hanging out. Sometimes, they hung out in the chemistry or music lab. The music lab was their favorite spot. Roy resolved to teach her the drums when he wasn’t busy. “You’ve almost got it. Come on, Jade. Remember the kick drum?” Roy teased. “Here. Move over.” Jade stood up, and he showed her again.
“Do you wanna go to the club with me tomorrow night?” Jade asked.
“Huh? Are you paying attention?” Roy questioned as he scratched the top of his head with a drumstick.
Jade nodded. “I’m multitasking. The club?” Jade repeated. Roy chewed his lip and sighed. “I’m gonna get the song down, Roy. I just—. I wanna go somewhere and have fun—.”
“I’m not frustrated about the drums… Or at you. Jade, I didn’t exactly-.” Roy reached into his pocket and placed a token in her hand. “I can go, but-.”
“You don’t wanna drink… And I won’t force you to. Roy, did you think I’d judge you for this?” Jade asked as she returned his NA chip. “We could stay in if-.”
“No, I—. It won’t be weird?” Roy asked.
“I wanna go dancing. That’s all,” Jade replied. Roy grinned.
“You’re using me as man-repellent, aren’t you?” Roy asked, raising an eyebrow. Jade nodded. “You probably should’ve opened with that.” Roy ran a hand over his face as he laughed.
“I thought you’d say no,” Jade laughed.
“No way. I get it. And—. Hey, Jade, is it Halloween weekend or something like that?” Roy asked. Jade nodded as they started toward Roy's dorm. “Wanna wear costumes to the club?”
Jade pinched his cheek. “No, let’s wear something sexy… Look like a real couple,” Jade replied.
“Well, we’ve gone leaps and bounds from our not-date. Now we’re gonna have a fake date,” Roy laughed.
Jade messed up his hair. “Don’t hold your breath on that real date, Harper,” Jade teased. The game was on again. Roy figured it couldn’t be helped.
“I thought you were staying over to study for the exam tomorrow—.”
“No… You’re staying over. Come on, I’ll even cook something,” Jade replied as she went through Roy's closet. "Wear this to the club."
"That's my Bowie costume from last Halloween," Roy replied. Jade grinned. "What?"
"Bring it with you," Jade replied.
Roy slipped on his jacket and grabbed his suit while stuffing his pajamas into his bag. Jade grabbed his shower caddy. "Hey, Roy?" Jade asked.
"Yeah?" Roy replied.
"You're my best friend… I've never had one before, but—. You're my best friend, Roy," Jade confessed. Roy smiled.
"You're one of a kind, Jade," Roy grinned as he messed up her hair.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 7 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Three: Sleep Study
Roy lay in the bed of his truck on his stomach, eating popcorn as the movie played. Jade lay beside him, picking over her nachos while she stared at him. “What’s your angle?” Jade asked.
“My—. My angle? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Roy scoffed.
Jade grinned. “You know what I mean. What do you think? A movie, maybe dinner after, and then you take me back to your dorm?” Jade asked. She wanted to pick a fight. Roy caught it in time to compose himself.
“This the game you play with every guy you hang out with? We’re not on a date… We’re not gonna magically fall in love with each other during a Jim Carrey movie. We’re barely even friends. If you’d call it that. So, let’s enjoy the movie, and I can drop you off at the parking garage so you can get home safely,” Roy replied. Jade smiled.
“Well-played popcorn boy... I think I’m winning the not-date?” Jade asked.
“Shut up and eat your nachos,” Roy laughed, “Also, fair warning, after I finish this soda, I’m going to release the most heinous burp you’ve ever heard.”
“Hell, I’ll give you the ten bucks to keep you from doing that,” Jade laughed.
“Okay, not a heinous burp… How about you give me a fiver, and I get one polite burp?” Roy asked playfully. Jade giggled.
“Tiny belch,” Jade replied as she reached into her pocket and gave him five dollars. Roy hopped out of the truck bed and ordered two baskets of food. “One for you, courtesy of your five. Do you like spicy chicken?”
Jade took a bite of her sandwich. “Thanks,” Jade purposely answered with her mouth full.
“Nice. Looks like you got red onions on yours. I always hate when they put sweet onions on my sandwiches,” Roy replied as he took his pinky and wiped the corner of her mouth. Jade’s eyes widened. Roy laughed, turning to face the screen. He sucked the sauce off his pinky and bit into his sandwich. Jade casually took a fry and used it to wipe the corner of his mouth. “We’re disgusting.” Her eyes traveled to his tattoo.
Roy turned to her. “It means something if that’s what you’re wondering… People make their assumptions, but—.”
“I didn’t have an assumption… Only a question. Where are you from, Roy?” Jade asked.
Roy smiled. “I’m from Arizona… When I was adopted, I moved to California,” Roy answered. Jade nodded.
“Roy, your tattoos are none of my business… I was only admiring them. They suit you,” Jade whispered. Roy took a bite of his sandwich and held back a grin. He thought it was polite of her to mention it.
“Thank you,” Roy mumbled. Jade took a sip of her soda. Silence fell between them soon afterward.
Halfway through the movie, Roy noticed Jade shivering, and he took a blanket, tossing it over her. She turned to face him. “What are you doing?” Jade asked.
“It’s cold,” Roy mumbled as his eyes drooped. His head bobbed, and she watched as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Jade pulled the blanket over Roy, wriggling close to him so they could share. Roy mumbled something in his sleep, and Jade grinned.
“You won the ten dollars,” Jade whispered as she nestled close to him, accepting his warmth. When the movie ended, Roy sat up with a start, forgetting where he was, and Jade messed up his hair. “Let’s go.”
“I fell asleep?” Roy asked. Jade nodded.
“I’m afraid so… Want me to drive?” Jade asked.
Roy yawned and stretched, accidentally hitting Jade in the process. “Be careful,” she laughed.
“I’m sorry… Maybe you should drive,” Roy replied. Jade sat up, folding the quilt and picking up trash from the truck’s bed. Roy helped, drowsily sitting up. “How was the movie?”
“It was good… I could do this again now that I know it’s not a date… And here’s your ten,” Jade replied, “Speaking of not-dating, could I spend the night in your dorm? It’s dark, and I don’t think I brought my taser.”
“Is that your angle?” Roy asked. Jade chuckled and shook her head.
“If I wanted you, I wouldn’t have to play cat and mouse to get you,” Jade replied. He gave her the car keys and dozed off. She drove Roy home. He woke up once the car stopped and led her to his dorm.
“It’s nothing fancy, so don’t expect anything special… You’re taking Dick’s bed. It’s the one by the metal hula hoop and the cute little family pictures,” Roy whispered. He opened the partition Dinah got him as a going-away present. “I’m gonna change into my pajamas.”
“You wear pajamas?” Jade teased.
“Wanna borrow some pajamas?” Roy asked as he changed into a pair of sweats and a cropped t-shirt.
“Sure… But I don’t sleep in pants. It’s like socks. I kick them off in my sleep,” Jade replied before Roy stepped from behind the partition. Jade chuckled. “Nice top.”
“It’s my ex’s shirt. I tried to return it to her, but she said I should call it even because she kept my varsity jacket. “Which makes it kind of weird because we’ve been friends since we were kids and—.”
“Why’d you break up?” Jade asked.
“We’re in different places mentally and physically right now… But we’re still friends. I don’t think anything could change that,” Roy answered honestly. Jade nodded as Roy rummaged through his drawers for a shirt he wouldn’t miss. “Here you go.” He handed her a lightweight thermal, and she stepped behind the partition to change into it.
Their clothes hung on opposite sides of the partition, and Roy climbed into bed without a word. He turned on his side and faced Dick’s bed like every night. Except, this night, Jade was in his bedroom wearing nothing but his thermal. She climbed into Dick’s bed, and Roy waved. Jade chuckled and waved back. “This feels like a kiddie sleepover. Do you know any scary stories?” Jade half-joked.
“I’m not the scary story type,” Roy replied, “You ever had a co-ed sleepover before?”
“No. Have you?” Jade asked.
“Yeah, I’ve been to plenty. It was always the same group, though,” Roy answered, “Jade?” He noticed the worried look on her face, even in the dark.
“Yes, Roy?” Jade replied.
“I’m not gonna walk over there… If I do get up, I’ll go to the bathroom. Nothing else, okay?” Roy reassured.
“I’m not scared—.”
“I know, but I figured I should say it anyway… I’m tired now… Goodnight, Jade,” Roy whispered in a voice so low she could barely hear it.
“Goodnight, Roy,” Jade replied. Roy fell into a deep sleep, but Jade lay awake. She watched him breathe until she was sure he wouldn’t get up, and she closed her eyes.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Two: Film
Roy burst into the dorm with a smile on his face. "You. Me. Tonight. My truck-."
"Please tell me where you're going with this before it gets weird," Dick interrupted. Roy flashed two movie tickets. "I can't go tonight."
"What? Why? You love the drive-in!" Roy shouted.
Dick nodded and sighed. "Yeah, but I can't go tonight. I've gotta pack," Dick replied. He handed Roy an envelope.
"What's this?" Roy questioned as he sat next to Dick. He tapped the envelope against his knee. Dick leaned forward, hiding his face in his hands.
"An invitation to Kory's wedding," Dick replied.
"She sent you an invitation?" Roy questioned. Dick shook his head. "Who-?"
"Her brother. Kory's brother sent me an invitation to her wedding," Dick mumbled. Roy frowned.
"You're going?" Roy asked. "You kind of have to go now, don't you?" Dick shrugged.
"I'm gonna go... It doesn't mean I'm okay with it. Maybe if I see her, I can talk her out of marrying him," Dick replied, "Get her to do something for herself once."
"For herself or for you?" Roy questioned. Dick scoffed and stood up. He packed his suitcase, and Roy chewed his lip. "Don't go over there causing trouble. You're going to their country. So you play by their rules."
"The same rules that forced Kory into literal slavery-."
"Dick, you're allowed to disagree with how they do things but try to be respectful. It's not gonna help Kory if you go over there acting like... yourself," Roy warned. Dick glared at him. "You're a confrontational person by nature! I get that, and so does everyone else, but you cannot go somewhere you don't belong picking fights."
"I am not confrontational!" Dick shouted.
"You got in a fight with me the first time we met, Dick," Roy replied as he stretched out on the bed. "I like that you're a jerk sometimes. It keeps our friendship interesting... But you're an acquired taste for a lot of people."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Roy," Dick replied as he zipped his suitcase.
"Do you want a ride to the airport?" Roy offered. Dick shook his head.
"Joey's coming with-."
"You invited Joey? Wow... Okay-."
"You couldn't go even if you wanted to. You've got your Chem exam coming up," Dick replied, "And Joey doesn't give unsolicited advice. Are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?"
"I'm fine... Are you gonna behave yourself when you're in Tamaran?" Roy questioned.
"Try not to fall into bed with the nearest breathing brunette," Dick returned as he took his bag and moved toward the door. Roy stopped him.
"That's easy. I've known you and Garth for years, and I've never slept with either of you-."
"Like I'd ever let you hit this," Dick joked.
Roy scoffed. "Like I wouldn't rock your world," Roy kidded. Dick shook his head and laughed as he left the dorm. Roy rustled a hand through his hair and sighed before calling Jade.
"Hi, Roy. We don't meet until Saturday... Did something come up?" Jade asked.
"No, well-. Yeah, but I'm not calling to cancel. I'm calling to see if-."
"Please don't ask me on a date... I'm sure you're nice, and you're-."
"What if it wasn't a date?" Roy replied.
Jade laughed. "And how isn't it a date?" Jade asked.
"I only asked you because my best friend bailed on me... And I won't share my popcorn with you. I won't even dress nice," Roy replied. Jade laughed. "Am I selling this outing to you, or are you laughing at me?"
"Both," Jade chuckled, "What are we doing on this not-date?"
"We're going to the drive-in," Roy replied, "And I can pick you up at school... I have to put my shoes on and meet you wherever."
Roy slipped his feet into his shoes, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder. "What are we going to see?" Jade questioned. He heard her open a door in the background.
"We're going to see Yes Man," Roy replied, "Where do you want me to meet you? The movie starts at seven."
"I'll meet you by the dorms. I was about to go on my run anyway," Jade replied.
Roy nodded and made a soft noise. "Good. I'll see you in thirty minutes for our not-date," Roy replied.
"Definitely not a date," Jade repeated as she hung up the phone.
Roy stood in front of the dorms with his keys in hand. He rolled his shoulders back and stretched until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Roy turned around to see Jade in grey joggers and a cropped sweatshirt. "Ready to say yes?" Jade asked. Roy rubbed the back of his neck, taking a deep breath before chuckling.
"You could've tried to look gross on our date. Do I need to go change or something?" Roy joked.
Jade shook her head. "You better not be lying about hogging the popcorn," Jade teased as she followed him to the truck.
They drove in near-silence until Roy remembered to turn on the radio. "I wouldn't hold it against you if you chose to speak to me," Jade teased.
Roy nodded. "How'd you do on your music appreciation quiz?" Roy questioned.
"Great, actually... Thanks for asking. Ready for our Chem quiz next week?" Jade returned.
"Hopefully, I will," Roy answered.
"I'm free again tomorrow night if you want to study. I've got nothing but time now that I've got that quiz out of the way," Jade offered. Roy smiled and nodded. "See, talking doesn't have to be romantic in nature."
"Yeah, well, I'm still not sharing my popcorn with you," Roy joked. Jade chuckled.
"Good, I don't like popcorn. I like nachos," Jade replied, "And I don't share my nachos."
"I can't believe you eat movie theater nachos," Roy half-joked, "I'm so glad this isn't a date."
"And I'm gonna eat it with my fingers since we're not trying to impress each other-."
"Hey, I can not-date you way harder than you're not-dating me," Roy interrupted.
"Wanna bet?" Jade questioned.
"Ten bucks says I can not-date you way better than you can not-date me," Roy replied. Jade scoffed.
"You're on, popcorn boy," Jade laughed.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Six: Sex Ed 🌶
The club lights blared as Roy finished his soda. Roy kept his eyes trained on Jade while she danced, the beat pounding in his chest as she beckoned him. His mouth went dry as he approached her. She turned her back to him, taking his hands and guiding them down the silk of her dress. His fingertips diverged, grazing her stomach and down her sides. Jade felt a rumble coming from his chest that voiced itself in her ears as a moan. She whipped around, standing face-to-face with Roy. A smile spread across her face. Something about it shook Roy to his core. Was it that hot in the club when he sat down? Was that the music or his heart beating like that? Her nails grazed his neck, threatening to close around his throat. Roy took her hand. “Easy,” Roy warned her playfully. She swallowed hard, brushing his bottom lip with her thumb. Roy’s lips parted, carefully surrounding the tip of her thumb in his mouth. Jade’s breath caught as she maintained stunned eye contact with Roy. There was a change in his eyes. Something hazy and sultry replaced his usual attentive, sincere glance. He gently removed her thumb from his mouth, kissing it tenderly before taking her pointer finger into his mouth.
“Roy,” Jade called over the music. Roy nodded. She didn’t have to say anything else. Roy knew. It felt right. Jade felt right. He followed her out of the club, and she pinned him to the car, sliding her leg up the front of his pants.
Roy lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “We’re just friends,” Roy joked in a whisper. His grin faded as he saw the sweet look of surrender written all over her face. Jade’s eyes met his with a heaviness he’d never known. Her lip quivered, and she bit down. Her chest heaved with a sharp inhale. Intense silence captured the two. Roy softened at her sudden vulnerability and thumbed at her bottom lip until she wrapped her hands around his palms.
“This isn’t a fake date anymore,” Jade whispered as she leaned in, closing her eyes. They hesitated before their lips met.
“Was it ever?” Roy teased in a low whisper. Jade nipped at the air between them, staring into his eyes for a sign to proceed. Roy leaned forward, hungrily, wantonly, his lips finding hers. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close. So close Roy could feel her heartbeat. She made a soft noise, so quiet she’d hoped he wouldn’t hear it.
He pulled away, panting near Jade’s ear, nearly exhausted, half out of his mind as he whispered, “Was it here?” He ran a steady hand down to the small of her back before kissing her neck.
Without thinking, Jade raised her leg and reached for Roy’s zipper. He laughed and took her hands. “Hurry up,” Jade mumbled as she grabbed his shirt and pressed her forehead to his chest. It wasn’t pushy or imposing. “Please...” Small. She sounded small.
Roy lifted her chin with a gentle finger. “Let’s go,” Roy smiled. A single kiss to her temple, and she stood stunned. Their emotional distance vanished before her eyes, disarming her completely. He took her hand and led her to the passenger’s side, opening the car door for her.
He got in the car, reached over Jade, and put her seatbelt on. Their lips touched. Roy turned away, putting the key in the ignition, and cleared his throat awkwardly. “In hindsight, I didn’t plan on you looking so beautiful tonight,” Jade half-joked.
When they arrived at Jade’s apartment, she leaped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. They kissed, both panting as Roy stumbled backward. “Fuck,” Roy laughed. Jade grabbed his face, kissing him until he gasped for air.
He kicked off his shoes, and Jade tried to plant her feet on the ground. “Fucking heels—.”
“I got you. Hold on,” Roy panted as he carried her to the couch. Gentle hands slide from her calf to the ankle strap. He unbuckled the first shoe, setting it aside and glancing upward into her eyes. “Let me know if you need to stop… Anytime you need me to stop—.”
“Roy, I want you to fuck me,” Jade interrupted. Roy grinned as she draped her shoeless leg over his shoulder. He unbuckled her other shoe without looking, setting it next to the first heel. The double-slitted dress fell between her legs. Roy moved the front of the dress to reveal her olive-colored lace panties. He ran his thumb against the front, and Jade made the same weak noise without the same apprehension earlier.
“Here?” Roy asked, rubbing small circles with his thumb. Jade arched into his hand, nodding as he sped up, leaning forward to lap at the front of her panties with his tongue. Jade pushed her palms against the couch cushions as she moaned and jumped. Roy slid her underwear to the side, slurping and sucking. Jade bore down, grinding against his mouth and chin.
“Fuh uhh uhh—. Fuck,” Jade stammered as Roy stuck his tongue into her. She grabbed his hair, gently pulling until he stopped. “Take your clothes off.”
Roy unbuttoned his shirt. “Condom?” Roy questioned.
Jade shut her eyes. “Shoe locker… Top shelf in the shoebox,” Jade mumbled. Roy found the condoms and paused to stare at Jade lying on the couch, legs spread, chest glistening. She unzipped the side of her dress and let it slide off the top of her body, exposing her breasts.
Roy’s dress shirt dropped to the floor, then he unzipped his pants. Jade opened her eyes, watching as he touched himself, grabbing the front of his boxers. Jade fingered herself, slipping her fingers inside. She watched as he pulled his boxers down, touching himself with one hand while he opened the condom wrapper with his free hand and teeth. “Nice condoms, Jade,” Roy teased. Sweet laughter. Jade stood up, letting her dress drop to the floor. “Bedroom?”
“Yours,” Jade replied. He took her hand and led her to the room he slept in. She flopped backward on the bed. Roy chuckled, pulling her lace underwear off and tossing them to the side. Roy climbed on the bed, laying beside her at first, moving her hair away from her face.
“What are you doing?” Jade asked.
Roy shrugged, glancing down at her chest. “Great boobs,” Roy whispered. Jade playfully punched his chest.
Jade climbed on top, leading his hands to her exposed breasts. “Do you—? Once we do this, we’ll be more than friends,” Jade reminded him. Roy rolled on top of her, kissing her neck and shoulders. That night, they made love. It was the first time, but it wouldn’t be the last.
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