#karras dc comics
bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter One: Chemistry
Roy scratched his head as he checked the answer to the homework question. He did his best, but Chemistry wasn't his subject. She knew that. Jade sat three tables down, watching her classmate grow more frustrated as time passed. Roy sighed and put his head down, locking his fingers behind his neck. He'd been at it for hours. Reading the chapters, rewriting his notes, going over the quizzes. He'd finally given up for the afternoon when he heard the click-clacking of heels against the floor. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Jade asked.
He looked up, helpless but afraid to swallow his pride. "Sure, I'm almost-." She took his homework and looked it over.
"You're in luck, you know," Jade smiled, "Chemistry's my best subject. Do you see this big number? The coefficient? You multiply it by the subscript, and you've got six. Right?" Roy nodded. "Okay, now what was the subscript for Nitrogen?" "Two," Roy replied. Jade smiled at him, raising an eyebrow as she waited for him to come to a conclusion. "Like this?"
"Exactly," Jade replied. Roy broke eye contact and thanked her. "I didn't just come over here to tutor you in Chemistry... I wanted to ask you a question because I've seen you play gigs at the college. Can you read sheet music?"
"Sure can... Why?" Roy questioned.
She unzipped her bag and took out a neatly folded piece of paper. "I'm taking a music class... But I don't understand the whole sheet music thing in practice. I think I get it, but the quizzes don't make sense." Roy looked at the paper and pulled out his iPod.
"Do you have headphones? I forgot mine at home," Roy whispered, "I'm Roy, by the way."
"Jade." She pulled a pair of headphones out of her bag and removed the zip tie. Roy grinned.
She plugged them into his iPod, and he opened an app. "You're taking Joyner's class? He'll only test you on this once... But the thing is a lot of the songs a simple if you learn to recognize the music. He usually doesn't grade too hard because he learned sheet music later in life. He plays by ear."
"Plays what?" Jade asked.
"Piano. I only know because he likes to do the open mic nights. He'll come in once a month and play a song, and if he sees his students there, he gives them extra credit," Roy replied as he played the notes for her on the app.
"ABCs," Jade replied.
"Or Twinkle Twinkle, but yeah... Exactly," Roy smiled. Jade looked over the second problem on Roy's homework.
"Hey, are you hungry?" Jade questioned. "Maybe we can finish this over lunch?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" Roy asked.
"Nope. I'm asking you to be my study buddy... Besides, I think better after I've had something to eat," Jade replied. Roy nodded.
"Okay," Roy replied as he packed his backpack. Jade stood up, and Roy followed her out of the library.
"What do you eat?" Jade asked.
"I'm not picky," Roy replied.
Jade decided on smoothies and sat at the park until they finished their homework. "When are you usually free?" Jade questioned.
Roy ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote down his number, schedule, and dorm room number. "My roommate's a cool dude, so if you stop by my dorm to study or something and I'm not there, he'll let you in," Roy replied, "Well... I'm giving him too much credit. He'll be an asshole about it... But he'll let you in." Jade laughed.
"I'm probably not gonna stop by your dorm, but I appreciate you being extra available. Here, let me see your notebook," Jade replied. She wrote her number down and gave him her cell with her schedule. "It was nice meeting you, Roy-."
"Harper. Roy Harper," Roy interrupted as he shook her hand.
"Jade Nguyen. Nice to meet you, Harper Roy Harper. I'll see you Saturday morning?" Jade asked. Roy's eyes widened.
"Huh?" Roy asked.
"I'll call you with the details," Jade replied.
Roy waited until she was out of sight to bite his knuckle. "Fuck," Roy whispered. He texted his roommate and received a call a few minutes later. "Dick-."
"It's literally a random Thursday in September, Roy. Are you telling me you've fallen head over heels for a girl at first sight in a library?" Dick questioned.
"It wasn't first sight. You didn't see her-."
"You're thinking with your Johnson, Harper," Dick interrupted.
"Come on, I felt something-."
"Roy, please. I'm eating," Dick joked. Roy laughed.
"Are we hanging out tonight? Or are you busy?" Roy asked.
"Depends. Are you gonna talk about this girl you just met the whole time, or are you gonna hang out?" Dick asked.
"I'm gonna hang out," Roy answered half-sarcastic, "Are we still skyping Wally, or did he cancel?"
"He's gonna be late. Garth got dehydrated again, so he's picking him up from the E.R.," Dick replied. Roy laughed. "You can't laugh at Garth being in the E.R., Roy... Roy-." Dick fell into a fit of laughter.
"And he wonders why everyone called him Fish in middle school," Roy joked.
"I thought they called him that because he drank pool water on a dare," Dick responded.
"What are you doing right now?" Roy asked, walking backward toward his dorm.
"Watching you from the window," Dick answered.
"You missed me or somethin'?" Roy teased as he turned to look at their dorm window. Dick flipped him off. "Aww! I love you too, buddy." Roy returned the gesture.
"Are you wearing my sweatshirt?" Dick asked.
Roy looked down at the shirt and pulled the collar to check. "Nope, all mine, birdbrain. I've got the chewed-up collar to prove it," Roy replied, "Oh, and I think I might've found a Chemistry tutor."
"Don't tell me-."
"Yeah," Roy interrupted.
"That's gonna end well," Dick sarcastically replied as Roy made his way up the stairs. "I know you're gonna go for her anyway, but I want it on the record that I warned you."
"You don't even know her," Roy replied.
"But I know you," Dick answered as he opened the door. Roy hung up and dropped his bag. "You always fall too hard."
"You don't fall hard enough," Roy replied. He dug through his dresser and put his pajamas in his shower caddy. "Have you called Kory yet?"
"I'm still thinking," Dick answered. He flopped back on his bed, eating a slice of pizza. Roy grabbed a slice from the box and sat on the floor.
"You love her, don't you?" Roy asked. Dick sat up.
"Of course, I love her... But, it's complicated. She's engaged to somebody else," Dick replied.
"It's an arranged marriage..."
"A marriage is a marriage, Roy. She's committing herself to somebody else," Dick replied, "Do you know how serious that is?"
"No, but I know you've been irritable since she left. You should've gone with her. Kory asked you to go with her," Roy answered.
"I don't know anything about her world... And I'm not gonna go watch her marry somebody else-."
"Don't be such a big baby. It's an arranged marriage, Dick. And how much do you wanna bet her and Prince-Whoever-The-Fuck can't stand each other?" Roy grinned.
Dick groaned. "Okay... Fine, talk about your tutor. Anything but this right now," Dick replied. Roy took a bite of pizza and sat next to Dick.
"She's smart. Really smart," Roy replied, "And-."
"A brunette?" Dick interrupted.
"That's where you're wrong. Her hair is jet black," Roy half-joked.
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umbrellacam · 4 months
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New Teen Titans (Vol. 2) #10 - "He's like something out of a bad romance novel. Man, talk about your cornballs. Who writes his dialogue? Hallmark cards?"
Vic speaking my thoughts on Mr. Wing Man >_> and wow, they're sure having him pull overtime on the lampshading meta snark in this issue:
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New Teen Titans (Vol. 2) #10 - "Why will the next Teen Titan hate her parents? Will we have to turn Titans Tower into Titans Hotel? These questions will be answered...in the next sickening segment of--"Daze Of Our Lives!" Same Bat time! Same Bat channel!"
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comicheap · 2 years
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The New Teen Titans (1984) #18 
The one-liners never end
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keycomicbooks · 6 months
Tales of the Teen Titans #76 (1987) Eduardo Barreto Art, Marv Wolfman Writer, 1st Appearance of Salja & Tharras, Starfire's Marriage to Karras
#TalesoftheTeenTitans #76 (1987) #EduardoBarreto Art, #MarvWolfman Writer, 1st Appearance of #Salja & #Tharras, #Starfire's Marriage to #Karras "For Better...For Worse!" The time for Starfire's wedding has come. Will she go through with it even though she is still in love with Nightwing? SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Tales%20of%20the%20Teen%20Titans.html#76  #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue #TeenTitans
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Dick isn't a cheater or a womanizer. He can't stand the idea of it.
I don't know what was going on with the wedding scene and him sleeping with Barbara but that is a blatant mischaracterization of him.
There's countless examples in the comics where he talks about only being able to be with one person.
When Kori gets married to Karras under the force of her father, Dick needs to go home but she begs him to stay. But Dick can't do it.
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #26
He can't bear to cheat or be used as the object of cheating. His moral standards are too high for that. He also tells Kori afterwards that love should be between two people.
It's impossible for him to just sleep around.
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Action Comics Issue #614
"I gotta be honest, Roy-I couldn't make love to someone I didn't really love."
He can't even sleep in the same bed as another woman when he's in love with someone else.
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #17
"You could've shared the bed."
"I'm-I'm just not over Shawn yet."
To Helena he talks about how he can't sleep with just anyone and to Roy in Outsiders he scolds him for wanting to sleep with every female hero.
It's literally impossible for Dick to cheat or sleep around. He can't be romantic with people he knows he's not dating. The guy's rock solid.
Dick's morals exist for himself. He's intrinsically the most upstanding character in the DC community.
I really REALLY REALLY hate how DC dashed literally decades of characterization just so they could promote a ship.
It's SO out of character that there's scene in direct contradiction to this.
In the New Teen Titans (1984) comic, Dick has a dream about kissing Raven and he wakes up panicked next to Kory because he's dating her.
Kori tells him she sees the way Raven looks at him, in love, but Dick doesn't believe it for a second.
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But this has been going on for a while and Dick is sick of it because he knows he loves Kory and no one else. He's scared and tired so Kory offers to talk to Raven for him which he gladly accepts.
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The New Teen Titans (1984) Issue #39
With a little kissing of course <3
So Kori meets Raven and they hang out together where Kori explains the difference between friendship love and romantic love
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Raven subconsciously influenced Dick to kiss her with her powers because she was in love with him. But Kori doesn't get mad at her,
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I love Kori so much.
Anyways, they have their chat and Dick meets Raven again after Kori and her three week vacation sister-bonding.
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He's full on panicking that her chat with Kori didn't work. His first thought is "where's Kory?". At this point the poor boy is scared to even be in the same room as her despite Kory giving her explicit permission to date Raven.
That's how much Dick emphasizes monogamy, love, and his partner.
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He's only relieved that it turned out to be a prank. Not too pleased with the kissing prank but ig it is what it is.
You can't have all these scenes and then do that DC. It doesn't work that way. He doesn't work that way.
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dattebabunn · 8 months
Thinking about Beast World and how telenovela fun it would've been if the Tamaranean that betrayed Starfire and brought all this bullshit was revealed to actually be Karras, her husband on Tamaran
Now THAT'D be a reveal. Bring the drama back, DC! I don't care if the comic is good I want it to at least be absolutely wild
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pandoraimperatrix · 1 year
Wandering Worlds Meta (Part III) - The Evanescent Tamaranean Empire 
Reminder that everything I'll write here only applies to My Fanfiction. Please for the love of GOD do not use this as some claim I'm making over the DC or the HBO Max's show canon.
Tamaran is a Monarchy of coalition, it means the Monarch's power is not absolute, as most monarchies go... But unlike, idk, the monarchies of Europe, because Tamaraneans are deeply emotional straight forward people, and because they have a Living Goddess; there is no pretence that the Monarch’s status comes from God.  
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X'hal is alive, and well, living her best life and the Tamaraneans believe that when they die their life-energy will return to her. And by coalition, I mean there are various small kingdoms under the Great Monarch (Kory’s family, at the moment) they are closer to a democracy than an absolutist monarchy. 
For the last three generations the And'r House has been the Great Family House, the family that has been ruling over the small local Kingdoms, but it doesn't mean there has been many internal and external disputes.  
Tamaran is under constant attack from the Citatel and their Gordanian Mercenaries, they attack to capture prisoners for slave trade; and the Psions, enemies of the Citatel, a race of Scientists that like to capture other species to experiment on them until they die. 
In Wandering Worlds, unlike the New Teen Titans Comic Book, Kory's parents never exchanged her for peace with the Citatel, therefore, she was never sold to slavery. She was never experimented by Psions either, her powers are her own, there was never stealing of Kom’s powers. 
Kory's mission to kill the Raven and save the world from season one, was the mission that would make her ascend from Crown Princess to Queen, after that, she would marry and take over while her parents would step down. 
She was promised to the House of Arras, but not to Prince Karras, but his older brother Yarras. And Karras was supposed to marry Komand’r. Yarras died as a child of the same illness that handicapped Komand'r, Ga’ula.  
What is this sickness? It's a viral infection result of Psion experimentation that became pandemic, it’s the reason why Okaara perished and they had to move to Tamaran.  
Tamaraneans have the great ability of absorbing solar radiation and store it. This radiation is how a Tamarean feeds. They don’t need to eat everyday, nor to breath oxygen everyday, but they cannot go without sunlight for longer than three days. 
The radiation from the sun is metabolize and used to create starbolts, repair their own bodies super fast, to fly AND to absorb and share language through touch. 
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Ga’ula damages the photoreceptors of the tamaranean skin, without being able to absorb sunlight the person dies of inanition.  
Depending of how much damage the virus does to the body, you can have someone with handicaps like Komand’r who has many issues in the high functions (her deficiency concerns the mostly the ability of absorbing and communicating using language) but has never been in danger of dying. Karras older brother was so ill, that he couldn’t even feed from the sun to keep his body functioning. When Yarras died, Kory became Karras promised. One of many reasons why Komand’r always felt like she only Kory’s hand-me-downs, and it didn’t help when after Karras became Kory’s fiancé, nobody cared to set a new match for Kom. 
When Kory failed to return to Tamaran, the Citatel used the fragility caused by the internal politics to finally invade Tamaran, they had been making small attacks for eons, but this was a frontal attack how they had never dared before. Whole cities were raided, and millions of tamaraneans were kidnapped and sold to slavery. 
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With their heiress still lost, Myand’r and Luand’r tried to negotiate peace, the Citatel offered ten years of truce if they were handed Komand’r as a prize. The nobles and smaller kings and queens who had already lost their own children, pressed the House of And’r to take the deal since Kom was already damaged. When Kom found out, she murdered her own parents and tried to take over the planet, breaking the attempt of peace and drowning the Tamaran in civil wars. When things got really bad she went after Kory and season 3 and the plot of Wandering Worlds happened. 
 Next on part IV: Tamaranean noble houses, foods, military, words and traditions. 
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fancyfade · 8 months
hi i really like your in-depth comic read-throughs! i was perusing one of your NTT posts and if you don't mind an anon about this, i wanted to say i found your reaction to the arranged/political marriage subplot really interesting. i feel like i had the completely opposite view on the conflict: this was a time where i entirely sided with nightwing over kory because i couldn't see how nightwing could accept kory going back to do the bidding of the parents who had abused her so much and even sold her into slavery as a child. tbh maybe i'm biased because i'm not white american and i come from a culture where arranged marriages are still extreeemely common today, but it's impossible for me to not view it as intrinsically archaic and abusive system that's used to treat women and children as vessels and assets :/ so i was really mad at any implication in the comic that it's just a cultural difference that nightwing should've gotten over. especially because kory was the princess of the whole planet, so any kids she'd have either with her arranged match (or honestly even with nightwing) would undoubtedly be called back to serve the planet and be forced to fight in the gazillion wars that tamaran seems to have - after all, tamaran's royal family seems to have no issue calling kory back when they need her even after selling her into slavery :/ and i felt really gross watching kory and karras have sexy times (xD) for their wedding night or whatever even when she and nightwing still loved each other it was so...bleh. i think this was one of the many times where the 2003 cartoon had a way superior version of a plotline over NTT, i was happy when they explicitly made starfire's arranged match a really ugly alien thing because even though it was on-the-nose, it really showed you that what was happening was completely wrong and not just a cultural difference that people should accept (which is an excuse that a lot of people use to justify abusive treatment in different cultures imo). but also i think wolfman might not have treated the concept of arranged marriages with the gravitas it deserved, being a white american himself, so that's why i feel more strongly about this since it's so personal (and i think a lot of MENA/south asian women would agree) - and tamaranean culture kinda makes me really uncomfortable anyway with how it's emphasized to be extremely "war-like," and violent or whatever. if it really was supposed to be a nuanced conflict and not just "kory is repeatedly pulled into doing the bidding of her evil abusive family" then wolfman should've made tamaran far more sympathetic imo. sorry for all this text, i'm not trying to change your opinion or anything - it's more like i'm one of those fans sending in mail to DC's "letter to the editor" columns :D
I'm guessing this letter to the editor is in resposne to this post? (link) Specifically this bit?
Dick acts selfishly, and does not understand Kory’s situation with her planet (the complex political situation, doesn’t like her having tamaranean morals even though she doesn’t kill people on earth, her just saying she would be OK with it is something he hates) and generally focuses on himself when he apologizes rather than on her,
Which I did sound kind of 'it's just a cultural difference' thing, but that really wasn't my intention, especially since earlier in the post I mentioned that she was forced into the position. His problem is the fact that he doesn't seem sympathetic at all to her being forced in this situation.
(like specifically these panels):
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None of that interacts with Kory being in an impossible situation or her parents being abusive. Dick's just treating it like she personally betrayed him.
Anyway, so like... I agree that kory being pushed into an arranged marriage is awful but I don't see how dick being the biggest jerk ever about it is helpful? Like I don't think I ever said the arranged marriage is a good thing (and... I don't think the plot of the TV show was an improvement for reasons I'll get into soon) but if your gf is being treated badly by her family treating her badly yourself and telling her her culture is savage (after dick himself has acted wary of kory herself and said she's too bloodthirsty, so the judgment clearly is of her herself and not the practice of arranged marriage) is not gonna help. It would just make her feel like you don't understand and she can't be open with you. Like how is Kory supposed to separate Dick's judgmental-ness of she herself as a person and Tamaranean from his feelings towards her arranged marriage? She already canonically felt as if she was being asked to hold herself back and could not be herself.
So I'm saying... I totally get why you don't like the arranged marriage and why it has bad real world context. I'm just also saying that dicks actions are still terrible boyfriend material, he seems more worried about her being non-monogamous from his perspective than her being forced under the thumb of her parents who signed her up for abuse. Like, we see a scene where he compares a woman who's husband wants to kill her because she cheated on him to him and Kory. That doesn't strike me as "Dick understands this practice is abusive". it strikes me as "Dick views this as cheating and blames Kory for her parents putting her in this position".
Getting into the toon: i think that making the arranged husband an ugly alien just correlates beauty to goodness and it seems as if the general idea is not "its awful she's being forced to marry someone she doesn't love", but " oh no she has to marry an ugly thing". Like, going into the issue with arranged marriage: it's the forcing the marriage itself, not the 'the person might be ugly'. If I recall correctly for the toon (It's been a while since I watched) Kory also still was going to go through with it, before her friends revealed that the invasion fleet was a scheme, so it's not really she got a chance by the writers to actually say no or have agency herself, it was just her friends vs blackfire.
WRT Your assessment of Wolfman: I definitely do think he wasn't intending to portray it as a terrible thing, since many people besides Dick seemed chill with it (and like I said earlier - a lot of Dick's complaints seemed to be that he viewed it as her betraying him, not 'she's going back to people who hurt her and ruining her own happiness'. IIRC he said something about her parents like. Once. But his general angst, especially once the marriage goes through, is about the non-monogamy). I think Woflman was playing it up for cheap drama, rather than treating it with the appropriate gravitas, as you said. (and in general, yes, Wolfman does stereotype the Tamaraneans a lot).
I think the plotline could really have benefited from having people besides Dick and Joey there. I think Donna could talk some sense to Kory without lashing out at her like Dick did, and Kory might feel more supported.
Anyway TL;DR: Sorry if it was unclear, I'm not saying my analysis of the arc in a pro-arranged marriage thing. (I didn't realize I had to clarify that was something I was against). I still think that Dick acts like the world's least helpful, worst boyfriend in the arc, and due to the previous way he treated Kory, it's not really read as something to help her or as him understanding why it would hurt her to be in this position. He mostly seems to be focused on how it hurts him, especially once the arc's over.
Thanks for sharing your perspective, though! It was interesting to read and food for thought and definitely made me think to be more clear in what I'm critiquing
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bbcmug · 8 months
Father Karras Comics Mug
Mug life, cozy life with Father Karras Comics Mug, father Karras Comics Mug is the perfect addition to any collection of comic book merchandise. This unique mug pays homage to one of the most iconic characters in the comic book world – father karras, the hero of DC Comics' "The Exorcist" series. With its vibrant colors and stunning design, this mug is sure to become a favorite among fans of the series and comic book enthusiasts alike.
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allygreys · 2 years
Starfire name
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But in their essence they can also be a bit fickle and unpredictable, with the result that others do not always know where they stand. Being very personable and charming helps them pull their fellow men quickly under their spell. They usually love the spiritual and sensual pleasures of life. This means many people who are sixes tend to be very creative and might be related to creating music, visual arts or poetry. The name number six usually tends put a couple of presents on the way of it's owner. Destiny number 6 stands for perfection and that is also what they strive for. After a relatively short time the desire to continue the search for love and experience on the road to perfection overcomes them again. Eventually, Nightwing and Starfire resumed their romantic relationship, despite Nightwing’s misgivings about Starfire’s married status. This kind of behavior can result in having a hard time with long term relationships. Starfire did her best to be happily married to Karras, but she left her new husband behind and went back to Earth, hoping to save her relationship with Nightwing. They are aware about their faults or shortcomings and try to transfer them on to others. To understand the significance of this number you have to understand that people with a destiny number 6 in interpersonal relationships have the tendency to project some of their own personality on the other. People who has the number six for a destiny number it is not always a reason to celebrate as it sometimes brings some difficulties. After initial uncertainty they usually succeed pretty good thanks to the love they radiate. Starfire’s body continually absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which she then converts into the energy that powers her starbolts and her ability to fly. Take a look below for 23 more fun and fascinating facts about Starfire. People with the destiny number 6 show their fellow men quickly their true nature and like to be without a facade of cool detachment and superiority. The name Starfire first appeared in a DC Comic in the story The Answer Man of Space. They are also surrounded most of the time by people who recognize in them a person who is filled with love. SP3 Early Starfire models have the ' Starfire ' name stamped on the label. People with the destiny number 6 are not afraid of confrontations with others who disagree with them, because they are blessed with the ability to differentiate and assess their opponent correctly. Starfire model In the July '60 -issue of Musical Merchandise Magazine the new. Once this need is accepted number sixes no longer need to search for love outside themselves. This compulsive search for love can be overcome only by dealing with their emotions and make their peace with the fact that they want to be loved as a person. So it is not surprising that commitment comes hard to them. They are driven by a deep inner desire that infrequently leads them to shoot over the target. Starfire retain similarity with these names Star, Starbuck, Starling, Starr, Starveling, Starls, Starla, Starbuc, Starbuk, Starck, Starcke, Starke, Starkie. People with the destiny number 6 are constantly seeking love. Until then, her sort-of-sister Mandy looks set to also be a great character, this time offering the reverse view - Starfire's experience dealing with a kid who has more in common with the grim and gritty Gothamites than her alien mother.Numerological definition for this name gives a life path number of 6 for Starfire. Kingdom Come is a classic story that has returned several time, so it's likely readers will see Nightstar again at some point. Nightwing actually took his name from a Kryptonian legend told to him by Superman, making Nightstar a human/Tamaranean hybrid who takes part of her name from Kryptonian culture while considering the Dark Knight her "Gramps." She's also a very particular legacy for Nightwing, whose romance with Starfire was always one of the most unusual sides to the character, and it's fascinating to think how a character with such bizarre sci-fi roots would fit into the Bat-family and relate to non-powered heroes. While her appearance, allegiances, and powers signal a complex life of shifting loyalties and relationships, she's not a simple blending of two characters. Nightstar is a fascinating conception of what a new generation of heroes might look like, carrying a surprising legacy of DC's comic history.
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dailydccomics · 4 years
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Victor plsssss 😭
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
Kitten Heel
Fandom: DC Comics
Summary: Roy meets Jade in college and she offers to help him study chemistry in exchange for help in her music class. They develop feelings for each other, but Jade disappears after the semester ends. Nearly a year later, Roy catches a glimpse of a woman with a baby getting on the train. And she's wearing his bracelet...
Chapters: 7/?
Characters: Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r, Ryand'r, Karras
Relationships: CheshRoy, DickKory, KoryKarras
Additional Tags: College AU, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Falling in Love, Complicated Relationships, Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Single Parents, Good Friend Roy Harper, Past Drug Addiction, Past Torture, Breaking Up & Making Up, Trust Issues, Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Chapter Seven: Gym 🌶
Roy stretched out as he yawned awake. Jade curled into his side. “Good morning,” Roy whispered. Jade purred, sliding a leg over Roy’s, requesting closeness. A simple gesture. Something as tender as a touch of the leg.
“Well?” Jade asked.
“What?” Roy questioned. His puzzled face was broken by a playfully raised brow.
Jade grinned as she hid herself under the sheets. Roy jumped and moaned as he felt a gentle hand slide up his thigh to his balls. He was soft, but it wouldn’t be long before he’d be raring to go again. She kissed his shaft before crouching between his spread legs. He raised the blankets, surprised by the teary-eyed look on her sweet face. It felt like a wonderful eternity.
“Unh unh,” Roy whispered as he gently lifted her chin. “Come up here.” Jade straddled his waist. Roy held eye contact with her as he reached for another condom. Jade took it from him, opening it and reaching for her chin, holding it between his thumb and finger. He chuckled before thumbing at her bottom lip. “Pretty lips…”
Roy’s phone rang. “Fuck,” they both cursed simultaneously.
“Hold on. It’s my roommate,” Roy replied as he raked a hand through his hair. He swallowed hard as he collected himself and answered. “You back?”
“Yeah… Wanna meet me at the gym? I gotta blow off some steam,” Dick replied.
“Um… When?” Roy asked. He tried not to sound exasperated, so he settled for constipated.
“Told you to stop eating those chicken sandwiches at the movies,” Dick replied. He was unusually grim in tone.
“That’s not—. Fuck… Kory! How’d it go?” Roy asked.
“I’ll be at the gym in two hours,” Dick replied. Roy could tell from his reply that things went terribly.
“Okay… I’ll meet you,” Roy replied before hanging up. “Jade, I wanna-. God knows I want to stay, but—.”
“Your roommate needs you,” Jade interrupted, “It’s okay. I get—.”
Roy kissed her. “He gave me two hours… The school’s only fifteen minutes from here,” Roy recalled. Jade grinned as she slipped the condom over his head, gently sliding it down before tickling his balls with her finger. Roy bit his lip, stifling a moan. She was gentle at first, playfully teasing her hole with his tip. Roy shut his eyes and groaned with a warmth that Jade couldn’t ignore. She took him in slowly. Roy sat up, wrapping an arm around her back while using his non-dominant arm for leverage as he slowly bucked his hips.
Jade giggled. “Sure you won’t be late?” Jade questioned. Roy ignored her question as he kissed her neck. Jade chewed her bottom lip as a moan escaped her throat. She grabbed a handful of his hair, and he moaned in reply.
“Mmm… I like that,” Roy mumbled. Jade’s lips touched his, and Roy moaned into her open mouth. She trembled before biting down on his shoulder. Their thighs slapped together as Roy planted his other hand behind himself. Jade reached down and touched herself, rubbing circles on her clit.
“Don’t stop,” Jade whispered. Roy chuckled as he rolled his hips at the same pace. Jade yelped as she shook with orgasm. Roy placed a comforting hand on the back of her neck, kissing her temple.
“Need a second?” Roy asked. She shook her head, half-speechless. “Wanna switch?”
Jade frantically kissed Roy from the top of his head to his neck and shoulders. “On your back,” Jade answered as she took her palms and pushed his chest to knock him back.
Roy let her take complete control until he was close, and he took her wrist and led her hand to his throat. “Try two,” Roy requested. Jade grinned as she grabbed his throat while riding him. Roy came and whimpered as Jade rode him well into her second orgasm. Roy trembled beneath her, crying out and saying her name until she lay on top of him.
“Great dick,” Jade teased.
Roy shut his eyes before remembering Dick. “I gotta—. Oh, it’s so hard to leave you,” Roy mumbled. Jade smiled and rolled off of him.
“Study at my place tomorrow after work?” Jade asked. Roy grinned.
“Wait, do you mean study or study?” Roy asked. Jade kissed his cheek. “Oh! Definitely… Hey, do you still wanna do the open mic at the end of the week?”
“With you?” Jade asked. Roy nodded. “Okay… You should get dressed.”
Jade smiled, but something about her grin made Roy’s chest hurt. “I hope we can still have dinner together… I think I like that part the best,” Roy whispered before rolling out of bed. He tossed the condom and showered before Jade startled him. “Sorry, it sounded like you—.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t expect you. That’s all… I like your tattoos, by the way,” Roy smiled as he took off his towel and dropped it in the hamper. He dressed in the bedroom and stripped the bed before leaving a note. He left before she got out of the shower and drove to the gym.
Dick waited at the water fountain. “You look like shit,” Roy half-smiled before Dick shoved him. Roy swallowed it because Dick needed it. “I’m sorry.”
Dick hugged him, and Roy patted him on the back. “I screwed up,” Dick mumbled.
“Dick, there was no other way it could’ve—. Let me buy you breakfast,” Roy offered. Dick nodded.
“What have you been up to?” Dick asked.
Roy hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he wanted Dick to know about Jade yet. “I started teaching Jade to play the drums. Oh! And I was the designated driver when she went to the club yesterday,” Roy replied.
“So what? You started dating your study buddy?” Dick asked.
“We weren’t dating—.”
“But you are now… Aren’t you?” Dick asked.
“I don’t know… I was thinking—. I thought about asking her out,” Roy replied. He rubbed the back of his neck.
“She’ll hurt you—.”
“You don’t know her,” Roy replied, “You haven’t—. Meet her at the open mic at the end of the week. I think you’ll like her if you give her a chance.” Dick nodded. “What? You won’t tell me how stupid I’ve been and how I can’t make a single—.”
“You never take my advice… And it hasn’t been—. You’ve been alright,” Dick replied, “Come on. Buy me breakfast. It’s been a rough week.”
“There’s plenty of supermodel princess fish in the sea,” Roy half-joked, “And that was your one free shove. Next time you push me you’ll be seeing stars.”
“Ooh, I’m so scared,” Dick chuckled. Roy hooked an arm around Dick’s neck. “Thanks for the free shot.”
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 5 years
How many next gen Nightwing offspring should I add to my Earth Legacy AU?/How many IS TO MANY!?!?
Guys in my AU nightwings currently in his early 20s(I’m thinking 23 or so and he turns 24 during December) and for the record I’m going with a certain age gap established by a certain show in regards to ages of the established robins/batkids of said show..I already added both Nightstar kiddies Mar’i and Jacob. They both grow up primarily on Tamaran under the watchful eyes of their mother and aunt yes I’m going the new 52 route in regards to to the relationship both Koriand’r and Komand’r share. If you don’t know about said relationship then I recommend reading the red hood and the outlaws issues that Koms in I’m debating on giving Jacob a made up Tamaranean name like jakkas which could be pronounced as jack-kas which I just realized sound like a certain English world but I can see it as a Tamaran name that could serve as tribute to Jack Haly. They would be born when nightwings 21 making them 2 or so currently.
I’m debating on if Kori moves to earth permanently or not I mean I already have Ryand’r as a active hero on earth in addition to two or three female tamaraneans(k’li from the earth 2 comics who was implied to have been a princess Oleand'r from superboy and the ravers and xyannis the sister of prince Karras) I’m debating on taking Oleand’r out. In my AU kom has her comic love interest Dor'ion as her husband and thus king of Tamarus. They are happy together and have kids. Anyways enough about that(I will be posting more about legacy!Tamaran And its important people on my earth legacy blog @talesfromearthlegacy )
The next Grayson kiddo I know is definitely added to my AU is one of the newer next gen comic characters that appeared over in the Batman beyond comic in 2018 aka Elainna Grayson who in my AU I’m thinking was mothered by Shawn tsang. She’s 3 years old being born when nightwings 20.
I’m thinking of adding John Grayson aka the dickbabs son from earth 2 but if I did he would be John the third or somethings because nightwings has a paternal first cousin name John in my AU(shoutout to those who get where cousin Johns from) or maybe if I add him I can take a que from earth 2 being unable to decide on Johns named and just call him John Thomas(gee have Thomas for a middle name sure is popular in my AU lol
Gah I wanna add another comic canon nextgen character from new Earth but y’all might get turned off from my AU even though a certain event DID NOT HAPPEN I REPEAT DID NOT HAPPEN HERE SINCE NIGHTWING IS NOT NOR HAS HE EVER BEEN A OFFICIAL TITAN HERE. AND NO NIGHTWING 93 NEVER HAPPENED HERE EITHER(gee DC way to show how much your hated latinas during the 90s/ early 2000s)
Also is it so bad that I wanna add a Chalant OC child? Like maybe a little girl named after Zatannas mom or maybe the girl has Giovanna for a first name in tribute to her paternal grandfather.
Batman has like 9 blood kids in my AU(only two are considered OCS...well only one since one of the OCs could be considered to be canon in two certain comic AUs) so yeah lol
For the record Damian’s two years old in my AU thus making him the youngest of all of Bruce’s kids and so he gets to grow up having nieces and nephews both older and younger then him....and no I doubt I’m gonna have Damian and Mari wind up together. Ibn al xu'ffasch exist in my AU but he’s 1.)14 years older then Mari and 2.) he was brought into the family at age 16(one of His paternal cousins after bumping into his counterpart from another universe decided to see if ibn existed in her universe and as it turns out he did) after certain things happen(ibns backstory will be told in another post detailing Bruce’s blood children) so here mar’i grows up calling ibn uncle although he’s not her actual uncle(on earth legacy Bruce didn’t legally adopt Nightwing due to the wishes of certain parties so nightwing was a Wayne ward until his 18 birthday)
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Ships I like in no particular order:
DC Comics/Universe
Clark Kent/Superman x Lois Lane
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Seg-El x Nyssa-Vex/Nyssa Daron-Vex
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman x Steve Trevor
Clark Kent/Superman x Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Dick Grayson/Nightwing x Barbara Gordon/Oracle
Dick Grayson/Nightwing x Koriand’r/Starfire
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Thalia Al Ghul
Clark Kent/Superman x Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Lois Lane
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Bruce Wayne/Batman x Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow x Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary
Tim Drake/Red Robin x Stephanie Brown
Hal Jordon/Green Lantern x Carol Ferris/Star Sapphire
Koriand’r/Starfire x Prince Karras
Prince Karras x Taryia
Razer x Aya
Arthur Curry/Aquaman x Mera
Scott Free/Mr. Miracle x Big Barda
Jason Todd/Red Hood x Artemis
Garth Logan/Beast Boy x Rachel Roth/Raven
Dick Grayson/Nightwing x Rachel Roth/Raven
Barbara Gordon/Oracle x Luke Foxx/Batwing
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn x Floyd Lawton/Deadshot
Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad x Tula/Aquagirl
Dick Grayson/Nightwing x Zatanna Zatara
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow x Zatanna Zatara
Barry Allen/Flash x Iris West
Clark Kent/Superman x Lana Lang
Lex Luthor x Mercy Graves
Jack Napier/Joker x Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn (just to be clear, I mean the versions portrayed in Lego Batman and White Knight)
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress x Victor Sage/The Question
Dawn Granger/Dove x Boston Brand/Deadman
Tim Drake/Red Robin x Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl
Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl x Conner Kent/Superboy
Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock x Raquel Ervin/Rocket
Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock x Lorena Marquez/Aquagirl
Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock x Frieda Goren
Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock x Daisy Watkins
Hawkman x Hawkgirl/woman (too many versions/retcons/reincarnations of the both of them to keep up with)
John Stewart/Green Lantern x Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl
Victor Stone/Cyborg x Koriand’r/Starfire
Rachel Roth/Raven x Damian Wayne/Robin
Victor Stone/Cyborg x Rachel Roth/Raven
Zatanna Zatara x John Constantine
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl x Jimmy Olson
Victor Stone/Cyborg x Karen Beecher-Duncan/Bumblebee
Victor Stone/Cyborg x Jinx
Wally West/Kid Flash x Jinx
Wally West/Kid Flash x Artemis Crock
Will Harper/Red Arrow x Jade (Crock) Nguyen/Cheshire
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Arella trails Raven to a Louisiana leper colony, where both are abducted by the cult of Brother Blood.
Meanwhile, on Tamaran, Blackfire proves to be still alive, and to have returned to her homeworld to foment unrest, unknown to the Royal Family, who are currently more concerned with the impending return of their other daughter, Koriand'r. Both Nightwing and Jericho suspect that something is amiss regarding the summons for Koriand'r's return, but Starfire herself is unconvinced. Following a hunt, however, King Myand'r reveals that civil war has ravaged the planet, and that according to the terms of the peace settlement, Koriand'r must marry Captain Karras, the heir of the ruler of the southern states of Kalapatt.
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Myand'r looks back on how his mother was sacrificed to the Citadel, like Koriand'r, for peace on Tamaran.
The Omega Men, Starfire, and Jericho come together to take on the combined forces of Auron and Blackfire.
After her climactic battle with her sister (as seen in New Teen Titans Annual #1), Blackfire had escaped drowning, but had been blinded by an explosion. One of her followers, Dor'ion, saved her from her enemies and became her lover, but could not restore her shattered will to fight. One night, she awakened to hear Dor'ion apparently being killed by the hunters who had pursued them. Though still sightless, her fighting instincts returned and she used her starbolts to destroy the attackers, only to find that the attack had been a trick on Dor'ion's part to cure her and that it was he whom she had killed. Auron, having turned Tamaran against the Omega Men, instigates a battle between Titans and Omegans in the Tamaranian court. Jericho, suspecting a ruse, possesses Kalista and uses her power to distract Auron with an illusion of his mother, X'Hal, after which Primus and Starfire are able to defeat him and force him to flee. In the aftermath, Kory and Dick argue over her impending marriage to Karras, she claiming that it will be a mere formality and not make a difference in their relationship and he saying that things can never be the same between them if she does not refuse her father's wishes. After they part company, Kory learns that Karras is actually in love with Taryia and is also participating in the marriage from a sense of duty. At Joe's suggestion, Ryand'r takes him and Dick on a tour of the planet, only to run afoul of Blackfire's massing forces. All three are captured, preventing them from returning to warn the city, as the wedding procession begins.
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The Omega Men have their showdown with X'hal and Auron. Harry Hokum ships his four Omega Men with a Gordanian guardian to Slagg, where they are delivered to the local Spider Guild rulers.
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Starfire's marriage to Karras proceeds. Jericho and Nightwing return to Earth.
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Cyborg and Changeling battle for their lives against Gar's insane father, Mento! Meanwhile, Donna confronts Dick about what happened on Tamaran.
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Apparently, before someone at DC decided Wally West had to be the next Flash, another plan was already in motion for a new version of the hero.
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But it made into issue #19.
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This is quite interesting, as Wally West appears as the Flash at the end of this issue. My guess is that he was supposed to be Kid Flash but the art was corrected, or just done after the fact.
The re-readability factor here is a bit low. The Direct Market seems to have spoiled Wolfman. We no longer get enough story per issue, it knows take almost half a year to read one story. This is taking readers for granted. Sure, this title was a best-seller, but the quality has gone down a bit since Wolfman started doing Crisis.
The Omega Men, on the other hand, benefited more with this cross over (and also crossing over to DC Comics Presents, but as I explained before, that one wasn’t as good as this ones).
We also end the Crisis tie-ins for Omega Men and Titans. Even though the Crisis is over at this point, Dick doesn’t learn what happened until this point.
Dick Grayson fighting with Donna makes some sense in ways that are not that clear. Donna has not been a very good leader because she prioritized her marriage. On the other hand, Dick just lost his love because of a marriage, so you can see why he is so pissed off at Donna.
There is another good reason for all of this. After the Crisis, some characters were changed, quite a lot, and while it is still early, Dick Grayson’s journey into Nightwing changed with the Crisis. He no longer passes the mantle to Jason, this is now Bruce’s decision. We won’t see this happen for a couple of years, but the idea was to move Dick Grayson closer to the Bat books (something that just didn’t happen until 1990). This is my guess as to why, all of a sudden, everything changed so much.
It is also the beginning of the end for the Titans. From now one, we will see several iterations of the group marked with tragedy and break ups and reforms.
I give this story a score of 7
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Teen Titans Spotlight #1: Starfire
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Comics in 1986: "Let's begin our new series with Starfire battling Apartheid!" Asshole Fans in 2019: "Comics should go back to the good old days when they weren't political!"
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Really, M&M's? Everyone? Haven't you heard about Apartheid?!
So far the craziest thing about this comic book to modern audiences is how boring M&M colors were in 1986. I suspect I don't have the maturity to comment on a story about Apartheid. Oh well! Let's do this! The story is called "Black and White" because, you see, Apartheid was about how whites and blacks experienced two disparate South Africas. It's also a play on how "black and white" is a way to describe issues that have easily recognizable positive and negative sides. It's probably racist that we automatically assume the black side is the negative side. Maybe that also plays into the title! Chess pieces are black and white too so maybe the title alludes to chess. Maybe something about pawns versus the gentry. Marv might even work in some bits about The Beatles seeing as how they're using that zebra crossing on the cover of Abbey Road. Starfire has just returned from Tamaran where she married that dweeby Prince Karras guy. He was Tamaran's version of Terry Long. I'm surprised more panels didn't show Starfire and Donna in the background giggling and holding their index fingers and thumb a teeny, tiny distance apart. Starfire didn't spend eighth grade on Earth so she never learned Earth geography. So instead of flying in from space and looking at Earth and going, "Okay, that's New York right there!", she winds up in South Africa. I bet she came at Earth upside down and got confused. It's easy to get confused in space where up and down don't exist in any objective way. Starfire descends upon a group of black people chanting "Informer" at a woman they eventually soak in gasoline and light on fire. Holy fuck! This comic book just got more real than all 114 issues of New Titans I just recently reread! Except maybe that part where Raven raped Starfire during Starfire's wedding. That was pretty heavy. The white police arrive to commit some justice. Unless I meant "racism" instead of "justice." Sometimes, living in America, it's hard to see the difference.
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I bet this guy has a MAGA Twitter account.
How many of your racist family members often bring up black on black crime when discussing gun control or cops shooting unarmed black men? How many of those idiots don't think they're being racist when they bring up that argument and just think they're being logical? It's fucking racism, dudes. Cops killing unarmed black men has nothing to do with black men being killed by criminals who happen to share their same skin color. Nobody ever talks about "white on white" crime. That's just crime perpetuated by criminals against innocent people! But somehow a black person shooting another black person belongs in some kind of special category? Of course a black person is probably going to be the victim of a black criminal because America had this thing called white flight. It caused places to become poor black neighborhoods because white people couldn't handle having even one black neighbor. So people and businesses moved out, local governments ignored infrastructure of those areas (or purposefully simply just built freeways straight through them), and constantly sent the police in to hassle innocent people just trying to live their fucking lives. Systemic racism (and racists!) segregated the races in a fairly efficient manner. So when a black criminal looks for a victim in their neighborhood, of course they're going to almost certainly find a black victim! That's simply crime, not black on black crime. Maybe I would think differently if anybody ever at any time in any of these debates brought up white on white crime. Y'all realize that's the most prevalent crime there is, right? Which means whites are the biggest criminals of all. If you're, you know, going to argue that way, you stupid racist asshole. Plus saying black on black crime is just a way for people to intimate that most crime is caused by black people. "Even though they keep criming us whites, they still have time to crime up their own people!" This comic book taught me that South African police would use purple dye in water cannons to stain people during protests so that they can be identified later as people who participated in the riot that totally didn't erupt later due to the police being overly aggressive and also racist. Wolfman says people "affectionately" called it Purple Rain which led me down a rabbit hole to figure out which came first, the racist ploy to arrest as many people as possible or the Prince album. Apparently the dyed water was named after the Prince album. That's probably why it was an "affectionate" sobriquet.
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I'm a little bit worried that Wolfman is about to "both sides" Apartheid.
Starfire winds up with the South African police who tell her all about how terrible South African blacks are and how she's going to get a medal for helping quell the protest. They also call the woman who burned to death a bitch so I'm getting the feeling that they're not really interested in any kind of justice or peace. It's quite possible that — hear me out on this — they just want to oppress the black citizens and make sure they know their place. But I don't want to jump to conclusions! I should wait until I hear their arguments in a frank and logical debate. "Please, white South Africans, explain to me how South Africa needs your violent tactics and racist attitudes to maintain peace and order. Also explain how peace and order aren't different from justice for everybody. I might be convinced to stop calling you racist if you debate well!"
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This guy doesn't realize how true it is that he's teaching these black South Africans how to behave.
It would have been easy to read this, at one time, from a privileged position as a citizen of America and think that the white South Africans in this story were caricatures of racist monsters, playing up their terrible qualities to get the reader to sympathize with the plight of the black South Africans. But these caricatures of despicable and horrible systemic racism using tactics to dehumanize a segment of the population are absolute mirrors of Trump and his deplorables. "They're animals." "They're not like us." "They do not think." "They are like children." "They fight amongst themselves." "We are just securing the peace." "This is God's country." "They need to be taught how to behave." "Their flagrant disregard for the law must be stopped." And all of these statements are simply excuses to treat certain people as less than human. "They get what they deserve." I'm so fucking disappointed in so many Americans right now. Starfire is completely confused by everything she's seeing. In her confusion, some journalists get her to sort of say she's for Apartheid. Uh oh! The Teen Titans are going to get worse press than when they destroyed New York City while arguing with their parents about their curfew.
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Starfire's response is me on Twitter every fucking day.
The South African leader, Racist McRacisthole, tells Starfire not to worry about the journalists because they're always asking terrible questions and lying about how awful everything is. But Starfire is all, "Just because I have big hair and big tits and my ass is hanging out, don't think I'm a fucking idiot! Not that I'm trying to say people who look like that are idiots! But I know terrible people like you, Mr. Racisthole, think like that! So I just want you to know that I see you! I see what you're doing and how you're trying to snow me with all this fucking dehumanizing garbage! You remind me of the Gordanians!" Then Starfire gets so angry and delivers such a passionate speech that her nose falls off.
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"I'b not gobing do libben do yub liebs aby lobber!"
Starfire declares she never cared for politics and tells Governor Racisthole that she's leaving. But instead of going, "Good! Stop interfering with our terrible government!", he says, "I won't let you leave which will probably cause you to stay and help the oppressed!" Starfire hears a prisoner screaming in pain before she leaves and decides to stick around to help him. While doing so, she realizes that maybe she show these government officials real power! No, I don't mean she's going to flash her tits. Jesus. Some of you comic book nerds just don't stop, do you?! Sure, DC panders to your boners by putting Starfire in her underwear. But you do have the choice to stop being such creepy little fucks, you know?
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Imagine reading this and instead of thinking, "You tell 'em, Starfire! Way to go!", you think, "Virtue signaler."
Starfire has some more thoughts from 1986 for us here in 2019. She just won't stop!
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Virtue signaler!
I swear the rest of this commentary can just be scans of Starfire saying important shit.
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I mean, if this 1986 comic book is an example of older comics that Comicsgaters want to go back to, I'm fucking up for that shit.
In the next panel that I'm not going to scan because I'll never finish reading this comic book if I scan every fucking panel, Starfire says, "Unwittingly, my father helped ruin our world by caving in to our enemies rather than fighting for what was right. I won't do that here on Earth. I've got to care." I should probably send that panel to Nancy Pelosi. Starfire frees all of the political prisoners and escorts them back to where they're forced to live outside the city. She tries to figure out what Apartheid means and Father Nelson Mandutu, the rebel leader the police have been searching for, tells her, "Ah, I see — you are trying to make sense of madness." It's as good a reason to dismiss people always pressing you to debate their terrible ideas and worthless topics. How can you win a debate against twisted logic and racist madness? Just ignore them when they call you a coward or an elitist when you refuse to debate. I was always taught that the best way to get shit off of your shoe is to scrape it off, not to get in an argument with it. Starfire follows Mandutu around for the day except for the one moment when he's kidnapped. When she goes to rescue him, she destroys an armory and discovers that Father Mandutu has been killed. BY HER! And there are cameras rolling! Totally not suspicious or anything! I bet we discover she was framed next issue! That's the kind of intelligent speculation you get from a Grandmaster Comic Book Reader like me. I can't be fooled even by the most subtle of plot twists! Teen Titans Spotlight #1: Starfire Rating: A. I should probably apologize to Marv Wolfman for all the insults I've made about his Teen Titans books. This was a well-written infotainment issue putting precisely the right character at the heart of an international travesty. And I thought a story about Apartheid was going to be boring! It's almost as if I forgot that every panel would have tons of side boob! Oh no! I just realized I'm one of those creepy little fucks!
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