#kotone awaki
letishery · 1 year
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CE Chibi Sketches ❤️
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
A Fae's Sensitivity (Cafe Enchante)
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Whoops I fell in love with Cafe Enchante oarkjeakjrjkea
Hello everyone! :D A little goal I have this year is to work through the backlog of visual novels on my switch (I feel like I say that every year- whoops) and recently I decided to play Cafe Enchante! :D Lemme tell you; this game is so good??? It's cozy and comforting and at times heart wrenchingly angsty (looking at you, Ignis) but it's just- AH! Y'all!!!
I started with Canus' route, so that's who this fic is dedicated to! I hope you like it! :3
Summary: It's hard to tell if a headless knight is ticklish, but Kotone and friends find a rather successful method.
“Ehehehe, stahp!”
Kotone laughed, delighted at the small squeaks Kariya let out as her fingers poked at his belly. “No way! You’re so ticklish!”
“Shut up! You are too!” With quick fingers, the younger boy managed to poke her ribs, making Kotone jump back with a squeak of her own. “See?”
“Oh it is ON!” She cried, quickly diving back in as she mostly trapped Kariya against the counter, giggling up a storm as they jabbed and poked at each other's torsos. In the background, the regulars snickered quietly to themselves.
One in particular, Canus, was watching them fondly. At least- that was what was assumed given he had no face. Flames puffed and danced with a shimmer of happy green at the sound of the pair’s fight carried over. “The cafe is lively today.”
“Pff- this is normal.” Ignis rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, the tips of his cheeks getting red when he heard Kotone squeal once more. “Oi, don’t let him beat you; you’re older than him, Kotone!”
“I’m trhihihying! Aheahha, Kahahariya!” Somehow the tables had turned, now she was pinned against the counter as Kariya squeezed her sides. “Sahhahave mehhehehe C-Cahahahanus!”
The knight startled, flames blue with surprise at his name. “Huh?”
“You heard her. Go save the princess.” Miysr teased, gesturing at the two across the way. “She needs a hero, doesn’t she?”
“Perhaps he’s nervous because he’s also ticklish?” Il mused, making everyone look his way. Even Kariya and Kotone paused their tickle fight at the statement. “Fae’s are known for being rather sensitive.”
“Wait, real-eheheahhhahahah!” Kariya’s statement was cut off as Kotone squeezed his sides, gently moving him out of the way with curious eyes. “Kotone!”
“Is this true, Canus?” She asked, returning the attention back to the knight. “Are you ticklish?”
The flames sent from blue to a growing shade of vibrant pink the longer the question hung in the air. Canus’ fingers seemed to tighten on his biceps, stiffening up at the question. Despite the body language, he didn’t radiate discomfort- just mild embarrassment. “Erm…that is to say…yes?”
“Oh, really?” Ignis and Misyr shared a look, standing up from their places as they began encircling the knight. “Sounds like you’re not entirely sure. Mind if we..test it out?”
“Ignis…Misyr..do not forget. I might not always use it, but I am quite knowledgeable. If you insist on going through with this, I will be forced to share certain facts with Miss Awaki.”
That made them both pause, Ignis’ face flushing a few shades of pink while Misyr looked nervous. Whatever it was must have been pretty detrimental to make them back off like that.
Luckily for Kotone, Canus had nothing on her the group didn’t know already.
“In that case, here I come!” She cried, running across the room and into his arms. Canus barely had a chance to respond, yelping when she grabbed his sides. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
“Mm! Hhmmhmhmhm!” Canus made a few startled noises as her fingers pressed into his ribs, shivering all over. His arms remained crossed against his chest, but they trembled with restraint. “K-Kotone!”
“Oh, I can hear you starting to laugh!” She grinned, eyes twinkling as she doubled her efforts. The pink flames seemed to bounce and dance with each shake of his body, hands knuckle white as they dug into his biceps. Still- despite her words, he was just barely cracking. For a brief moment, she wondered if he was uncomfortable.
“Keep going, Kotone- he’s smiling!” Kariya cheered from the back, vanishing any worries in an instant. “He’s fighting it, but he looks like he’s gonna break!”
“I am n-not!” Canus grunted, voice shaky. Ignis and Misyr shared another look overhead before slowly starting to smile.
“Well…technically we didn’t start this, did we Ignis?” The demon asked.
“Nope, not at all. That means his threats no longer apply.” The firewolf agreed with a devious grin. “Shall we?”
Canus didn’t get a chance to defend himself, barely yelping out a “wait-” as Ignis grabbed his wrists, pulling them up and out of the way. Misyr sweeped in beside Kotone to deliver a series of scratches and scribbles against Canus’ ribs. With that, the headless knight was finally laughing.
“Pffft-gehahhahahahaha! HEheahhahahhahahammmph! Hehahahahahaha! Ceeeahahhahase this aahahaht ohohohonce!” He yelped through breathy giggles, twisting some against Ignis’ grip. “Mihihiihstyr! Kohohohohtohohohne! Gehahahhha, pleahahhahahse!”
“Oh wow- check it out! His flames are growing!” Ignis observed, grinning as he watched them rise higher than usual. “Kotone, poke him there again!”
“Okay!” She squeezed the softer parts of his stomach, watching his flames grow in height and color. His laughter seemed to increase as well. “Is this a bad spot?”
“Let me try something.” Misyr winked as he dropped a hand, squeezing Canus’ thigh. “If my hunch is correct…”
“EEH!” Canus let out a shriek of mirth, full body jerking at the touch. “MIHIHIHISYR NOHOHO!”
“Ooo, it worked! It worked- he’s really ticklish here!” Misyr laughed like a child, squeezing more. Kotone was giggling just as hard, her fingers pressing and pinching into the Knights torso with ease. Each gasp and giggle she relished, picturing Canus’ smile in her mind and what it looked like. He must have looked so happy.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. Canus, remembering he was stronger than Ignis, pulled a hand free from its encapture. He gently tapped Kotone on the head- signaling he was done.
“Okay- enough!” She called to the boys, pulling her hands back. Misyr followed suit as Ignis released Canus’ other wrist. The knight doubled over with a few wheezy laughs as they gave him space, sharing looks of pride with one another overhead. “Canus, your laugh is so cute!”
“He’s adorable, huh? For someone so knightly.” Ignis snickered in agreement. “Don’t you think, Misyr?...Misyr?”
The purple haired demon wasn’t responding, currently doubled over with shaking shoulders. Before Kotone could ask what was wrong, he bursted into snickery laughs.
“Gehahahhaha! C-Cahahhanus, dohohohn’t! Noohohoho fahhahahair!” He cried, his own hands latched onto the Knights as he got his revenge. “Nohohohohoho!”
“I told you what would happen if you did this. Now you must accept the consequences.” Canus growled, his tone playful. His flames turned to Ignis and Kotone standing by, flickering with interest. “Ignis…Kotone…”
“Oh hell no! Not happening- run, Kotone!” Ignis cried, grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder before taking off running. The cafe owner could only squeal in surprise before laughing, hanging on as Ignis took her from the shop. On the way out, they passed a surprised Rindo.
“What-” He began.
“RUN!” Ignis yelled out, unable to fight down the laugh. “Just run!”
“We’re fine!” Kotone called, giggling when she saw Canus round the doors. “Bye Mister Rindo!”
They could only avoid their fate for so long, but Kotone had a great time all the same.
Thanks for reading!
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theelibugs · 5 months
More Cafe Enchante shit lmao
I like the idea of Canus being hesitant to get too close to Awaki, and her having to TELL him to use her given name and drop the polite speech.
And maybe he starts to feel a little bit more than friends
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otomeminion · 1 year
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funny way of showing their approval
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oolongnoon · 2 years
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Kotone Awaki (Cafe Enchante) - character illustration commission
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precioustone · 2 years
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anime-wallpapers18 · 2 years
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Café Enchanté PC wallpapers
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suitanart · 1 year
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Welcome to Café Enchanté! ☕
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Submissions for the Otome Heroines Tournament.
Submit an Otome Heroine, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
They must be from an actual otome game, otome isekai heroines do not count. Just to make sure we’re all on the same page here.
I'll close submissions once I get 32 of them.
Top 6 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Rin/Chihaya: Yoshiwara Higanbana
Angelique Limoges: Angelique
Chizuru Yukimura: Hakuouki
Lucette Riella Britton: Cinderella Phenomenon
Morgan Leone: Gilded Shadows
Mai Mizusaki: Ikemen Sengoku
Sian Goodin: Backstage Pass
Kayo: Ken Ga Kimi
Alice Liddell: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Teuta Bridges: Bustafellows
Julia Darwin: Shall we Date? Love Tangle+
Valerie Amaranth/Diamond Heart: Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Hiyoko Tosaka: Hatoful Boyfriend
Nora Lewis: Changeling
Tifalia: Radiant Tale
Byakuya/Olympia: Olympia Soiree
Heroine: Amnesia
Kisa Tachibana: Jack Jeanne
Anastasia Lynzel: Even If Tempest
Ceres: Virche Evermore
Hiyori Sena: Charade Maniacs
Lynette Mirror/Cupid: Cupid Parasite
Kotone Awaki: Café Enchanté
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hello soda senpai it's 🖤 anon
💖 (if it's okay)
🖤 anon! Of course it's okay to ask! Sorry to have made you wait so long for this answer! I hope you're happy with what I have to say despite the wait!
It'd be wasy to say that you remind me of Nacht because it's content of him and his character that led to us talking. But from our few interactions thus far, you don't seem to have the same attitude as him. You're shy, creative, and eager to grow. Meanwhile Nacht is aloof, pessimistic, and lets himself be weighed down by his past mistakes. You two are very different.
Sorry to pull out a character that you might not know but you kind of remind me of Kotone Awaki from Cafe Enchante.
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(Wanted to share an image so you have an idea of what she looks like.)
She's a normal girl who is introduced to magical men and worlds. She finds her place running her grandfather's old cafe and becomes much braver as she helps the various love interests through the dark times in each route. It makes me think of how you opened yourself up to asking for help to develop your writing and how you care for Nacht's character (enough to write him finding love that he definitely deserves~).
For a character that you would be more familiar with, perhaps Henry Legolant. You stay on anon so people on my blog don't really "see" you which is like how Henry is always in the base but didn't make an appearance for the longest time. Still doesn't stop you or him from being really sweet. And you both can be considered creative. You write and Henry is able to move and shape the base as he sees fit. Not a perfect comparison but it's what I could think of.
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yuisdad · 1 year
Since I’m sad that otome games don’t have English dubs when they get realeased in the west, I’ve decided to do English fan casts to alleviate the pain. (I get that they’re a niche genre, but let me have this)
Code Realize, Hakuoki, and Amnesia will have the same voice actors from their English dubs. One of the exception is Toma, since his voice actor is unfortunately dead. I would replace Toma’s voice actor with Mike Haimoto. Another exception is Sanosuke Harada’s voice actor since he’s been blacklisted and arrested due to grooming a 16 year old and marrying her in 2014. He’s already been replaced by Phil Hayes in the Hakuoki movies, so he’ll stay.
I’m not doing Collar X Malice at the moment since it’s getting a movie adaptation this year, and (hopefully) it will inevitably get an English dub. If it doesn’t, then I’ll do it on the future. 
The heroines are all voiced in English as well because I say so lol.
Norn 9:
Koharu: Jad Saxton
Mikoto Kuga: Kira Vincent-Davis
Nanami Shiranui: Brittney Karbowski
Sorata Suzuhara: Kiba Walker
Kakeru Yuiga: Blake Shepard
Senri Ichinose: Bryson Baugus
Masamune Toya: David Matranga
Natsuhiko Azuma: Mark Ivy
Sakuya Nijou: Michaela Laws
Itsuki Kagami: Howard Wang
Akito Shukuri: Daman Mills
Heishi Otomaru: Greg Ayres
Ron Muroboshi: David Wald
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly:
Beniyuri: Emi Lo
Kikage: Johnny-Yong Bocsh
Yamato: Aleks Le
Karasuba: Griffin Puatu
Kagiha: Y Chang
Monshiro: Caleb Yen
Usagi: Xanthe Hyunh
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk:
Eiar/Jed: Brina Palencia
Lavan: David Matranga
Levi: Aaron Dismuke
Lugus: Zeno Robinson
Tower Overlord/Ashen Hawk: J. Michael Tatum
Hugh: Ryan Colt Levy
Piofiore Fated Memories: 
Liliana Adornato: Felicia Angelle
Dante Falzone: Daman Mills
Gilbert Redford: Alejandro Saab
Yang: Y. Chang
Nicola Francesca: Jonah Scott
Orlok: Cedric Williams Jr.
Henri Lambert: Jonathan Bullock
Cafe Enchante:
Kotone Awaki: Maddie Matsumoto
Misyr Rex: Joshua David King
Canus Espada: Christopher Escalante
Il Fado de Rie: Dom Dinh
Ignis Carbunculus: Jalen K Cassell
Kaoru Rindo: Eric Bauza
Cupid Parasite:
Lynette Mirror: Amanda Lee
Gil Lovecraft: Corey Wilder
Shelby Snail: Danny Spiller
Ryuki F Keisaiin: Jacob Takanashi
Raul Aconite: Everett Van Maren
Allan Melville: Reagan Murdock
Peter Flage/Jupiter: Brandon Winkler
Teuta Bridges: Stephanie Sheh
Limbo Scott Fitzgerald: Robbie Daymond
Shu Lyn O'Keefe: Matthew Mercer
Mozu Nile Shepard: Jakob Takanashi
Helvetica Orsted: Steve Warky Nunez
Scarecrow: Edward Mendoza
Adam Krylov: Nathan Sharp
Luka: Mikaela Krantz
Carmen: Kayleigh McKee
Anyone else is free to put in their own voice headcanons for otome games if they want to.
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giggly-squiggily · 14 days
Howling With Mirth (Cafe Enchante)
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I finally did it! Many days after I mentally decided to write it, I bring you Ignis! :D The fiery wolf boy- he deserves the world! (And tickles lols) I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ignis is feeling a bit down after a disaster in the kitchen, so Kotone decides to fix it the best way she can.
Oh dear. He knew that tone. Slowly, Ignis turned towards the cafe’s kitchen, poking his head through the door to find his girlfriend before the fridge. When she caught his gaze, she held up a carton of eggs, empty sans a half shell stuck in one of the slots.
She raised an eyebrow wordlessly. He felt his face burn some. “Erm…it wasn’t me?”
“Okay fine!” He confessed, coming by to stand with her. “But I only used one carton!” Then he saw she was holding three cartons, all empty. “Erm…okay, I lost count. Omurice is hard to make! It wouldn’t do the thing- I kept making scrambled eggs!”
“And dropping them.” Misyr added, leaning against the doorway with an amused grin.
“Shut up! You could have helped!” Ignis growled, guilt settling in his gut as he watched Kotone sigh, shaking her head.
“What did you do with all the eggs? I hope you didn’t throw them out.”
“Hell nah, that’d be wasteful! I fed them to Kororo. Not all of them!” He quickly added to her wide eyed expression. “I fed everyone, myself included. They- erm, they might be sick of eggs.”
“Sick would be an understatement.” Misyr groaned, a little green. Ignis was a good cook, but one could only eat so many dishes of scrambled eggs and rice before he felt sick. “I don’t suppose Kariya’s coming in later- Ignis chased him down and forced him to eat at least two plates.”
“He’s a growing boy! He needs the protein!” Ignis argued, earning a small giggle from his girlfriend.
“You were tired of eggs too, huh?” She asked, grinning when he looked away. “It’s fine, but we do need to restock. You guys might be sick of eggs, but somebody’s gonna walk in craving them.” She reached out, gently taking Ignis’ hand in hers with a gentle smile. “Come on, shall we go?”
“Yeah, definitely.” He nodded, only letting his grin falter when he was sure she was looking away.
Kotone knew something was up. This was Ignis, afterall. Even without being his girlfriend, she had a good read on him and his emotions.
Shopping was lovely. Ever the devoted boyfriend, he made it a point to carry all the bags as they paid for their restock. On their way back, he walked on the side towards the street, one hand clutching their regained ingredients while the other held her hand. It was warm and calloused against her small soft ones, but she loved that about him. She loved everything about him.
What she didn’t love was this seemingly stubborn cloud hanging overhead, even after they stopped so she could buy meat for dinner. “I’m gonna grill you something really tasty!” She smiled at him as they paid, but it didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Did he really feel that bad over the eggs?
“Here we are.” She let out a happy sigh as she placed the bags on the counter, quickly putting everything away with a satisfied nod. “Take a seat, I’ll make you something to drink.” She nodded to the counter, insisting when Ignis asked to help. “You’ve helped so much today! You deserve a nice reward.”
Here she was now, daring a few peeks at her boyfriend as she made him his preferred tea blend. He seemed more down than before; likely because she wasn’t in the immediate room with him. He toyed with one of the napkins from the dispenser, folding it and unfolding it with an absentminded look on his face. It made her heart hurt, seeing him look so sad.
Did..did he think she was mad at him? The idea made her own feelings worse.
Well- if that was the case, she’d have to prove it to him she wasn’t. And what better way to do it then her go-to?
A cup of warm tea slid beside him, shimmering in one of the cute cups Kotone insisted they purchased when she first took over. Ignis was about to take it when he felt her arms come around him from behind, her face pressed into the center of his back as she squeezed. The gesture was enough to make him jump with a startled blush. “Whoa, K-Kotone?”
“Is it working?” She asked, as if he knew her intentions.
“Erm…maybe?” He offered, not sure what she was looking for. If it was to make his heart race like crazy, then yes. It was very much working. She smelled like coffee and soap and…was that lavender? He rather liked that smell.
“Maybe isn’t good enough.” That was all the warning he got before her hands slid to his sides, grabbing them and pressing in. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!”
Now- Ignis was from Beastia. He was the strongest fighter there, and also had the highest pain tolerance of anyone- including the cafe residents. He’s been in more fights than he could count, and he’s experienced nearly every physical sensation out there.
He should have known none of that mattered in the face of his greatest weakness.
“AH! Aheahahahhahahaha! Gehahahhahahaha! Hhehehehehhe K-Kohohohotohohoohne!” Ignis arched, nearly flying out of his seat at the touch of her hands. Then he remembered she was directly behind him and reeled himself into moderate squirming. “D-Dohohohohohn’t! Gehahahahha, nohohohoho whahahahhay! Aheahhahaa!”
“Is it working? Huh? Is it?” She asked, voice airy with her own laughter as she carried on kneading his waist. It was something Il offhandedly mentioned once- Ignis being ticklish. She rarely experimented with it herself; more often than not he was the one tickling her.
Not that she really minded it. But today- today was a special occasion.
“Whahahhat are yoohohohu tahahhahalking abohohohut? Whahahhat wohohohorking? Ahehahahahahaha!” Ignis was torn between doubling over and grabbing at her wrists, stuck halfway and just kinda flapping his hands as he kicked his feet and cackled. “Nohohoho, dohohoh-AHH!”
“Oo, bad spot?” She asked as she reached around further, clawing at his belly. He was..a fire wolf? Was that what they called him? “Hehe, usually dogs like belly rubs! You’re so ticklish, Ignis!”
“Whohohoho yoohohou cahahhalling a doohohohog? Ahehahahhahahaha, I ahahahint no puhuhuhuhup-EHHEHEHEH!” Another claw at his belly made him whimper through his mirth, the sound much like…a dog. “Dahahahahhamn yohohohohou! Aheahhahahahahaha!”
“Hehe, I know you’re not a dog! You’re my big strong fire wolf!” She kept one hand on his belly while the other moved to his ribs, finding an even greater reaction there. “Oo, ticklish ribs too? Look at you, you’re so sensitive!”
“Geahhahahahahha! AHehaha-WHA!” Ignis yelped as he turned sharply, falling out of his seat. Kotone jumped back to avoid getting injured, wide eyed as she watched him groan some on the ground. “Ignis?”
“Ehheeh..hehehehe..I’m fihihihine..” He stood up, making a show of stretching out. “Seheheee?”
“Good…” She nodded, staring at him. He looked back at her, suspicious. “So…did it work?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he ran.
“I’m not letting this go until it works, Ignis!” She cried, laughing as she chased him around the cafe. Ahead of her, she could see him laughing just as hard, shoulders shaking and a big dumb grin on his face. “Come here!”
“Nehehehver!” He barked out a choked laugh, a scream following when she finally caught up to him. Down they went, shifting stools and tables before he was on his back, halfheartedly fighting her hands off as he laughed and laughed. “Wahhahait, wahahahit, pleahhahahse! Pleahahhase wahah-AHHEHAHAHAHHHAIT!”
“Never! Not until it works!” Kotone cried, shoving her hands up his shirt to tickle him further. Ignis kicked and thrashed beneath her, never with enough force to send her flying, but aiding in his avoidance. “Is it working? Huh?”
“AHHAHHAHA! FIHIHINE FIIHIIHIHNE, IT’S WOHOHORKING!” He shot his hands up, gathering Kotone in his arms within seconds. His laughter slowed down when she was trapped in his hug, taking slow giggly breaths. “Ohoohkay..ohohokay, wehehere dohoohne.”
Kotone was shaking against him, sending puffs of lavender into his nose. Had he not heard her giggling, he’d be worried. “Thahat was fun! We should do that more ohohoften!”
“Heh..yeah. Say, what was that for anyway?”
“Huh? Oh..I guess I never did tell you, huh?” She laughed, sitting up so she could meet his gaze. “You looked really upset after this morning- I wanted to cheer you up.”
Ignis blinked, staring at her. She flushed some under his shocked stare but held her ground. “It’s not a big deal if you used all the eggs. We were able to restock them.”
“Oh..oh, that-” He cleared his throat, averting his gaze. “That..that wasn’t what I was bothered by.” At her curious gaze, he continued. “I was…trying to learn to make omurice..cause it’s your favorite.”
Kotone blushed brightly, staring at him. “Wait- you were practicing..for me?”
“D-Don’t make such a big deal out of it!” He grunted, flushing as red as she. “I just- you always make things I like, and I feel bad you’re constantly cooking for me! I wanted to do it for you in return, but I kept failing and failing and…then I ran out of eggs.” His expression clouded, the memory of his disaster in the kitchen coming back. “I know it’s dramatic, but…I felt like such a mess. Not only could I not make your favorite dish, but I wasted your stock. Also I made the guys hate eggs.” The last bit earned a small laugh from Kotone, shaking him from his sad expression. “Sorry for worrying you so much.”
“You don’t have to apologize, not for this or for the eggs.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek, watching it flare up hotter. “The fact you tried your best means the world to me.
“Tell you what..how about tomorrow, you help me make breakfast, and I’ll show you how to make one! Just like I did when we first cooked together.” His eyes widened, something hopeful entering his expression.
“Really? You mean it?” He asked, grinning when she nodded. “I love you, Kotone.” He hugged her, making her laugh.
“I love you too. We should probably get up.” She went to sit up, but his grip was firm. “Ignis?”
“Oh yeah, we’ll get up soon. But first..” He grinned at her wolfishly, fingers curling into her sides and making her squeal with laughter. “I want some good ol’ revenge! This is for the dog comments!”
“Ahehhahahhahahahha! I’m shahahhaharry! Pelahhahhahahse!”
“Oh I’m sure you are, you dork!” He growled, laughing with her as the cafe filled with noise once more.
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theelibugs · 1 year
Also I'm a dumbass don't look at me
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otomeminion · 10 months
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rindo and kuurey interaction is priceless
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matchamida · 3 months
Finally picking up cafe enchante after buying it 3 years ago 😭 I’m still in the main story like chapter 7/8 (il’s part) and all the characters are very enjoyable so far, but maybe because my golden standard that is of SAOTOME FUTABA AYAKASHI ROMANCE REBORN (miss you dearly) that I’m not really feeling it with Awaki Kotone . Kotone so far she is a bit meek and passive, but she does come through sometimes, like when she yelled back at her former boss. I wish she did it more often, and I wish she was funnier too 😔 Futaba was so funny and a badass, and had stronger convictions. We’ll see though ! I plan to play in the rec order so I’ll choose Canas first (torn between him and ignis muah).
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angelkinblog · 1 year
Kin Masterlist
Hey there! I've decided to start this little blog --or whatever you want to call it-- to share my kins and to possibly find others in my canons! Please reach out if you're interested in hearing more about my kin memories or if you want to share about our canons! <3
☆ Kinfirmed ☆
☆ Gin Ibushi -- YTTD ☆ ☆ Tadashi Yamaguchi -- Haikyuu!! ☆ ☆ Mae Borowski -- NITW ☆ ☆ Angel/Angelus -- BTVS/ATS ☆ ☆ Stan Marsh -- South Park ☆ ☆ Sunny -- OMORI ☆ ☆ Omori -- OMORI ☆ ☆ Arisu -- Alice in Borderland ☆ ☆ Kai -- The Hollow ☆ ☆ Ranmaru Kageyama -- YTTD ☆ ☆ Haruka Nanase -- Free! ☆ ☆ Kotone Awaki -- Cafe Enchante ☆ ☆ Ichika Hoshino -- Cafe Enchante ☆ ☆ Leviathan -- Obey Me ☆ ☆ MC -- Obey Me ☆ ☆ Rindo -- TWEWY ☆ ☆ Heather McNamera -- Heathers Musical ☆ ☆ Scaramouche -- Genshin Impact ☆ ☆ Toya Aikuchi -- Project SEKAI ☆
☆ Kinsidering ☆
☆ Kcalb -- The Grey Garden ☆ ☆ Kenny McCormick or Butters Sotch -- South Park ☆ ☆ Nesta Archeron -- ACOTAR ☆ ☆ Some Iteration of Link -- The LOZ ☆ ☆ Someone from Mekakucity Actors ☆ ☆ Chishiya -- Alice in Borderland ☆ ☆ Somepony from MLP ☆ ☆ Satan -- Obey Me ☆ ☆ Belphie -- Obey Me ☆ ☆ Hikaru Hiitachan -- OHSHC ☆ ☆ Childe -- Genshin Impact ☆ ☆ Nahida -- Genshin Impact ☆ ☆ Aether -- Genshin Impact ☆
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