#Cafe enchante
cardiagf · 21 days
‼️Attention all otome game players‼️
please interact with this post if you're queer/a member of the lgbtq community who loves playing otome games, im tryna see something
u can even share your own experience as a queer otome game player ^^ this is a safe space, and i just need confirmation that there's at least a sizeable amount of us !!
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monstersareinhumans · 2 years
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maythearo · 1 year
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Back to Café Enchanté again, I'm hyperfixated, so I took it as an opportunity to slowly push through my creative burnout, and ended up drawing my new favorite gnc angel! (I cannot help but make all angels I draw non binary, it's in my nature)
Started off with visual inspiration from those gothic paintings full of golden colors and details , and I think it turned out pretty cool? 💃 now excuse me I need to continue the rest of the main chapter, there's a LOT left to watch
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lilac-knight · 5 months
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café enchanté is just a cute game about a supernatural café. it's fine. don't worry about it
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h20milk · 1 year
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꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱
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letishery · 1 year
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CE Chibi Sketches ❤️
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mhudson92 · 1 year
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nintendowife · 4 months
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Chibi illustrations of the Café Enchanté main cast.
I have a bit of a soft spot for Café Enchanté. It was my second otome game and got me interested in the genre again after a 5 year long break.
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Aloth propaganda:
“If you love yourself a haughty mean guy with a sad backstory, he's the guy”
Canus propaganda:
“My boy was done dirty being put up against 707 so early last time, so I return to plead his case! He’s a fae knight who’s socially awkward, but he’s kind, polite, and noble. Goes against what he believes to be the purpose of his existence to save the player. Buff as hell. Has fire in place of a face/head, which to my autistic self is a major plus, and the flame changes color with emotion, so it turns pink when he’s flustered! Hot and wholesome, what more can you ask for?”
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my-current-obsession · 3 months
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A little over a year ago, I posted a tier list of my opinion on all the guys from all the otome games I'd ever played. To my surprise, that post continues to get attention even now (it's probably my most popular post, even), so I felt I might as well do an updated version. For those familiar with that list, none of the previous characters have been moved; I just added new ones.
This past year, I've added Radiant Tale, My Next Life as a Villainess, Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo, and Tengoku Struggle: Strayside to my ever-growing list of played otome. I even wrote my in-depth thoughts on the latter three, which you can find on my blog for anyone interested. I like and would recommend all three, to varying extents. Wish I could say the same about Radiant Tale. :/
I'm pleased to say I found five new guys and/or routes that I can honestly say I love, as well as adding Sharaku from Tengoku Struggle to my Best Boy hall of fame!
I'm always down to talk about otome, so feel free to let me know if you want to talk about my opinions, whether you agree or disagree with them! I also made another tier list just for fun, showing how I feel about the characters based solely on design/appearance... but that one's a bit more embarrassing and subjective, so I might not post it unless people want me to.
Here's hoping we continue to get great otome games translated in the future, and that I can get around to finishing the ones I left hanging.
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Oto-May Questions
Topics to ask me about regarding otomes/dating sims for the month of May.
First otome
Otome I would like to play
Funny moment
Most annoying character
Sad moment
Character I'd want to fight
Scary moment
Character that needs a route
Romantic moment
Character I'm similar to
Spicy moment
Memorable quote
Didn't meet expectations
Exceeded expectations
Favorite trope
Favorite route
Least favorite route
Favorite supporting character
Favorite villain/conflict
Favorite friendship
Favorite heroine
Favorite love interest
Favorite game art
Favorite otome
Ask your own question
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otomeoutofcontext · 6 months
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
A Fae's Sensitivity (Cafe Enchante)
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Whoops I fell in love with Cafe Enchante oarkjeakjrjkea
Hello everyone! :D A little goal I have this year is to work through the backlog of visual novels on my switch (I feel like I say that every year- whoops) and recently I decided to play Cafe Enchante! :D Lemme tell you; this game is so good??? It's cozy and comforting and at times heart wrenchingly angsty (looking at you, Ignis) but it's just- AH! Y'all!!!
I started with Canus' route, so that's who this fic is dedicated to! I hope you like it! :3
Summary: It's hard to tell if a headless knight is ticklish, but Kotone and friends find a rather successful method.
“Ehehehe, stahp!”
Kotone laughed, delighted at the small squeaks Kariya let out as her fingers poked at his belly. “No way! You’re so ticklish!”
“Shut up! You are too!” With quick fingers, the younger boy managed to poke her ribs, making Kotone jump back with a squeak of her own. “See?”
“Oh it is ON!” She cried, quickly diving back in as she mostly trapped Kariya against the counter, giggling up a storm as they jabbed and poked at each other's torsos. In the background, the regulars snickered quietly to themselves.
One in particular, Canus, was watching them fondly. At least- that was what was assumed given he had no face. Flames puffed and danced with a shimmer of happy green at the sound of the pair’s fight carried over. “The cafe is lively today.”
“Pff- this is normal.” Ignis rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, the tips of his cheeks getting red when he heard Kotone squeal once more. “Oi, don’t let him beat you; you’re older than him, Kotone!”
“I’m trhihihying! Aheahha, Kahahariya!” Somehow the tables had turned, now she was pinned against the counter as Kariya squeezed her sides. “Sahhahave mehhehehe C-Cahahahanus!”
The knight startled, flames blue with surprise at his name. “Huh?”
“You heard her. Go save the princess.” Miysr teased, gesturing at the two across the way. “She needs a hero, doesn’t she?”
“Perhaps he’s nervous because he’s also ticklish?” Il mused, making everyone look his way. Even Kariya and Kotone paused their tickle fight at the statement. “Fae’s are known for being rather sensitive.”
“Wait, real-eheheahhhahahah!” Kariya’s statement was cut off as Kotone squeezed his sides, gently moving him out of the way with curious eyes. “Kotone!”
“Is this true, Canus?” She asked, returning the attention back to the knight. “Are you ticklish?”
The flames sent from blue to a growing shade of vibrant pink the longer the question hung in the air. Canus’ fingers seemed to tighten on his biceps, stiffening up at the question. Despite the body language, he didn’t radiate discomfort- just mild embarrassment. “Erm…that is to say…yes?”
“Oh, really?” Ignis and Misyr shared a look, standing up from their places as they began encircling the knight. “Sounds like you’re not entirely sure. Mind if we..test it out?”
“Ignis…Misyr..do not forget. I might not always use it, but I am quite knowledgeable. If you insist on going through with this, I will be forced to share certain facts with Miss Awaki.”
That made them both pause, Ignis’ face flushing a few shades of pink while Misyr looked nervous. Whatever it was must have been pretty detrimental to make them back off like that.
Luckily for Kotone, Canus had nothing on her the group didn’t know already.
“In that case, here I come!” She cried, running across the room and into his arms. Canus barely had a chance to respond, yelping when she grabbed his sides. “Tickle tickle tickle!”
“Mm! Hhmmhmhmhm!” Canus made a few startled noises as her fingers pressed into his ribs, shivering all over. His arms remained crossed against his chest, but they trembled with restraint. “K-Kotone!”
“Oh, I can hear you starting to laugh!” She grinned, eyes twinkling as she doubled her efforts. The pink flames seemed to bounce and dance with each shake of his body, hands knuckle white as they dug into his biceps. Still- despite her words, he was just barely cracking. For a brief moment, she wondered if he was uncomfortable.
“Keep going, Kotone- he’s smiling!” Kariya cheered from the back, vanishing any worries in an instant. “He’s fighting it, but he looks like he’s gonna break!”
“I am n-not!” Canus grunted, voice shaky. Ignis and Misyr shared another look overhead before slowly starting to smile.
“Well…technically we didn’t start this, did we Ignis?” The demon asked.
“Nope, not at all. That means his threats no longer apply.” The firewolf agreed with a devious grin. “Shall we?”
Canus didn’t get a chance to defend himself, barely yelping out a “wait-” as Ignis grabbed his wrists, pulling them up and out of the way. Misyr sweeped in beside Kotone to deliver a series of scratches and scribbles against Canus’ ribs. With that, the headless knight was finally laughing.
“Pffft-gehahhahahahaha! HEheahhahahhahahammmph! Hehahahahahaha! Ceeeahahhahase this aahahaht ohohohonce!” He yelped through breathy giggles, twisting some against Ignis’ grip. “Mihihiihstyr! Kohohohohtohohohne! Gehahahhha, pleahahhahahse!”
“Oh wow- check it out! His flames are growing!” Ignis observed, grinning as he watched them rise higher than usual. “Kotone, poke him there again!”
“Okay!” She squeezed the softer parts of his stomach, watching his flames grow in height and color. His laughter seemed to increase as well. “Is this a bad spot?”
“Let me try something.” Misyr winked as he dropped a hand, squeezing Canus’ thigh. “If my hunch is correct…”
“EEH!” Canus let out a shriek of mirth, full body jerking at the touch. “MIHIHIHISYR NOHOHO!”
“Ooo, it worked! It worked- he’s really ticklish here!” Misyr laughed like a child, squeezing more. Kotone was giggling just as hard, her fingers pressing and pinching into the Knights torso with ease. Each gasp and giggle she relished, picturing Canus’ smile in her mind and what it looked like. He must have looked so happy.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end. Canus, remembering he was stronger than Ignis, pulled a hand free from its encapture. He gently tapped Kotone on the head- signaling he was done.
“Okay- enough!” She called to the boys, pulling her hands back. Misyr followed suit as Ignis released Canus’ other wrist. The knight doubled over with a few wheezy laughs as they gave him space, sharing looks of pride with one another overhead. “Canus, your laugh is so cute!”
“He’s adorable, huh? For someone so knightly.” Ignis snickered in agreement. “Don’t you think, Misyr?...Misyr?”
The purple haired demon wasn’t responding, currently doubled over with shaking shoulders. Before Kotone could ask what was wrong, he bursted into snickery laughs.
“Gehahahhaha! C-Cahahhanus, dohohohn’t! Noohohoho fahhahahair!” He cried, his own hands latched onto the Knights as he got his revenge. “Nohohohohoho!”
“I told you what would happen if you did this. Now you must accept the consequences.” Canus growled, his tone playful. His flames turned to Ignis and Kotone standing by, flickering with interest. “Ignis…Kotone…”
“Oh hell no! Not happening- run, Kotone!” Ignis cried, grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder before taking off running. The cafe owner could only squeal in surprise before laughing, hanging on as Ignis took her from the shop. On the way out, they passed a surprised Rindo.
“What-” He began.
“RUN!” Ignis yelled out, unable to fight down the laugh. “Just run!”
“We’re fine!” Kotone called, giggling when she saw Canus round the doors. “Bye Mister Rindo!”
They could only avoid their fate for so long, but Kotone had a great time all the same.
Thanks for reading!
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logophilist1982 · 3 months
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theelibugs · 11 months
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otomeminion · 11 months
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this is cute as hell
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