#koushiro vs communication
izzyizumi · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 24 (J.P.N Version) ~ TIMELINE Hints & CLUES ~ Digital World LORE ~ Koushiro’s Character Traits ~ IMPORTANT Quotes + Koushiro[u] Izumi & Tentomon + Koushiro’s Communication
gifs by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION} {DO NOT use this post or my gifs for spreading series negativity}
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Further transcript and my own commentary under the ‘read more’!
(Episode start): {Tentomon}: Koushiro-han! Let’s take a little break! {Koushiro, only briefly pauses, with a notably perturbed look}: I want to meet Gennai-san as soon as possible! {Tentomon, insistent}: But even so, it’s already been two months! {Koushiro, surprisingly direct, and yet still using typical speech*}: (*Koushiro in the J.P.N version commonly uses a more polite J.P.N speech form than characters like Yamato, or even Taichi, which is quite notable with Koushiro.)
“It doesn’t matter HOW LONG it takes!!” {Tentomon, immediately in response}: (*sighing*)/(*sweatdrop*) {Koushiro, matter-of-factly/calmly}: I’m going ahead. {Tentomon, quickly}: A-aa, Koushiro-han, wait for me!...
(They walk together as the calm OST {music} track playing fades.)
My commentary: Episode 24, Koushiro’s focus episode where Koushiro will later obtain the Crest of Knowledge, opens on this scene, and in the original version, right away, you begin to get a feel of the character progress he will eventually have- For a start, Koushiro actually insists a little at Tentomon. The Adventure novel (also penned by a head/“main” director + writer, Hiroyuki Kakudou) indicates in a later Dark Masters “Arc” scene that Koushiro “never” raised Koushiro’s voice towards a “senpai”/“upperclassman” - especially NOT Taichi, as the scene stating that line involved Taichi - and even these lines Koushiro states using overall “polite” form J.P.N speech, but Koushiro DOES insist a little, and it’s very obvious from the look on Koushiro’s face that Koushiro Means Business, OK, Don’t Argue With Me On This! Tentomon responds by immediately sighing, and another common pattern of this episode are the close-ups of Tentomon’s reactions to basically everything Koushiro is saying.
Tentomon clearly notes that it’s been “TWO MONTHS” in the Digital World since Taichi vanished. The novel is a bit more vague there, but it’s also a direct timeline clue - keeping in mind the time difference between the worlds. However, it also hadn’t been longer than two months since Koushiro split from the group of other Chosen, who Koushiro left behind in the search. Koushiro’s plan is apparently to FIND “Gennai” - It seems Koushiro believes Gennai can help with the search.
The novel does go a little more in depth in various places there... Taichi isn’t directly mentioned, {though still goes missing} but Koushiro, DOES feel a “pull” by the Crest of Knowledge - not knowing it’s the Crest. Vademon will then proceed to immediately trick Koushiro & Tentomon by scamming Koushiro out of Koushiro’s often-referred to as “Inquisitive Heart”, convincing Koushiro that what Koushiro “needs” is ““Knowledge””.
But the fake, anti-intellectualist “Knowledge” Vademon talks about is not necessarily the kind of actual “Knowledge” Koushiro NEEDS...
Tentomon clearly recognizes at least a little of this, and with the ‘expressions’ (sudden shocked or panicky movements) Tentomon ‘gives’, often reacts in turn.
{I will slowly be dropping more image sets of this episode as time goes on, with further commentary, along with possible comparisons to the novel, so please keep a look-out!}
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(While the images used may not highlight Koushiro’s best moments, This is STILL a Koushiro POSITIVITY Post.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
By the eighteenth day, Koushiro dropped {Koushiro}'s “e”s. Tentomon no longer had a name.
Although {Tentomon} welcomed whatever made Koushiro happy, Tentomon felt somewhat uneasy about the entire thing. There was no mistake that Koushiro's face grew more serene with each passing day. But {Koushiro's} eyes… {Koushiro's} eyes looked so blank. Nowhere in them could {Tentomon} find that bright sparkle they once had, like at Andromon's factory, when Koushiro was typing into his laptop with engrossed excitement, or within the empty well in the desert. Before it had met Koushiro, Tentomon had always thought that "thinking" was a pain. But meeting Koushiro made {Tentomon} come to feel that thinking wasn't so bad after all.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
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Growing Up with You “Podcast”
Growing Up with You turns TEN this year, on September 30th!  To celebrate, and to show the fic to my newer followers, I wanted to talk about the fic, the development, what I liked, what I’d change, stuff like that!  There is a loose transcript beneath the cut.  The audio is about half an hour long (yikes!).  I commissioned the art above from Mitty.
Content warning for mentions of (nonspecific) emotional abuse.
Transcript beneath the cut!
GUWY Podcast
Hey, it’s Hidden!  I decided to talk about my fics, starting with the oldest and working my way up to the newest.  My oldest fic was posted on September 30th, 2012, meaning that it’s almost 10 years old! Folks come and go to the fandom all the time, so I wanted to shine some light on these older stories.
         I’ll be discussing things like themes, characterizations, where I was in my life when I wrote the fic and how that influenced the story, what I’d change if I could, what I like best, ect.  It’s a lot to cover, so I’m going to move right on.
GUWY Summary
         Growing Up with You is one of those dreaded “rewrite canon with an OC” fics.  It’s a complete fic that ran from 2012 through 2017 and is over 420,000 words long! It’s about 4 to 5 novels long, assuming the average novel is 95,000 words long (that’s an averaged length taken across genres).  
         GUWY follows the story from Digimon Adventure, 02, and some of the movies, but there is a lot of unique/new content.  It stars OC Eimi Anami, my main OC, and Koushiro.  For the majority of the story, they’re close friends, but they eventually become love interests towards the final arc.
         It’s difficult to summarize what this fic, maybe because it so expansive.  But -- it intimately shows Eimi and Koushiro growing up and coming into themselves- which introduces a wide variety of themes.
GUWY Themes
         It’s impossible to encapsulate everything here, but some thematic highlights include:
-Growing up in an emotionally abusive household and learning to cope with the resulting trauma
-Independence vs dependence, the dangers of taking either to an extreme
-Toxic self-sacrifice
-Valuing everyone’s strengths and understanding their weaknesses; not everyone has to be good at everything; certain strengths are not superior to others
-The importance of clear, open communication and the dangers of resentment and keeping quiet for the perceived sake of peace
-A long and winding exploration of what strength is, especially for a girl who is becoming a young woman
         And to really dig into these, we have to understand who Eimi is, so let’s move on to her!
Anami Eimi
         Eimi is the younger child of Anami Eiji and Umeko.  Her brother, Junichi, is about three years older.  She is in Koushiro and Mimi’s year at school.  She bears the crest of Integrity and is partnered to Galemon.
         Eimi is a steadfast sort. I like to describe her as the first to cry and the last one standing, simultaneously soft and strong.  She’s smart, cautious, and guarded.  Although her emotional intelligence is high and her social skills are strong, she isn’t very outgoing.  In a group, she is watchful and quiet- until something tugs at her sense of right and wrong, or triggers concern for safety.
         In the first arc of the story, we watch Eimi shift from a bossy, confident child to a shy, anxious one, dependent on Koushiro and Taichi for a sense of security.  The change is due to her increased understanding of the emotional abuse happening in her home.  During the beginning of her time in the Digital World, she hovers around Taichi and Koushiro and grows increasingly upset as they are (understandably) unable to attend to her emotional needs.  Her digimon partner, Galemon, encourages her to take action on her own, move away from her dependent behavior, and make new friends.
           Eimi is still growing by the end of GUWY, so it’s hard to say where she “ends up.”  Her story continues in Tri: Integrity Lens, where her steadfast nature is shining.  I’d say that, these days, she is still watchful, hardworking, and earnest, but she’s more confident and has a healthier attachment style.  Currently, she’s struggling with taking on too much, all while telling the other Chosen to lean on one another and avoid taking on too much, which I think is peak Eimi.
My Fandom Background
         For reference, I watched the English dub of Digimon Adventure when it first aired in the states in 1999.  I was ten (the same age as Mimi and Koushiro).  I wrote digimon fanfics from roughly 2000 to 2004, then left the fandom. I returned in September 2012 as ahiddenpath and launched my Tumblr blog in May 2013 to share art from my fics.
My State While Writing GUWY
         My fics aren’t necessarily a reflection of my personality, but they are a reflection of what I was going through while writing them.  When I say that I write to take care of myself, this is a big part of what I mean.  I work through my thoughts on things that are happening to me/weighing on my heart and mind at the time.
         GUWY was my first fic as ahiddenpath, so I guess I’ll get this out of the way here.  Eimi is meant to be an original character, not a self-insert, and no, my name is not Amy!  There is a lot of overlap between our personalities, but there are some big differences, too.  The main one I explored in GUWY is that Eimi responded to her abusive environment by becoming too dependent on the few people she deemed safe.  I responded to a similar environment by becoming hyper independent.  Independence vs dependence was likely the only intentional theme from day one. Everything else just kind of… evolved along the way.
         When I started GUWY in 2012, I had graduated college a little over a year ago, and mentally, I was in a bad way.  Sometimes, after you fully separate from an abusive environment and find yourself somewhere safe, you actually fall apart worse than when you weren’t safe!  When you’re actively in danger, people tend to focus on staying safe.  When you are safe, there is no longer a need to maintain a front, tip toe around, or just generally focus your energy into staying safe. You might suddenly have time, space, and safety to think, to feel, to reflect- which means that you might begin to understand the damage inflicted more clearly than ever.  And when it was inflicted by family, people who are meant to love and protect you most, that realization can be devastating.
         That, I think, is why GUWY is easily my most raw and visceral fic.  These days, I look at it and think, wow, I had no discretion or subtlety in my writing back then!  But I also know that the raw feelings are what readers respond to and relate to.  
         I think this is kind of… the strongest feature of GUWY?  Adults who went through emotional abuse as children don’t have much media showing a character separating and slowly struggling to cope with what happened to them.  Normally, the abuse is shown to stem from a misunderstanding, and the family reunites. We don’t often see what happens when this isn’t the case.
         In fact, most of the Chosen kids are going through some kind of family misunderstanding, and they grow in the Digital World and use their new experience to improve their family situations during Vamdemon’s Siege of Odaiba.  I think one of the things that worked out best about GUWY is that Eimi fills a unique space in the cast.  Her family problems can’t be improved by any amount of growth on her end, because her parents fail to see any problem, and can never be made to see one. In most families, damage can be addressed and healed.  But in some, it simply cannot.  Instead of using her new growth and strength in an attempt to remove salt from the sea, Eimi uses it to navigate her situation and slowly work towards a safer one- and then to recover when she finds herself there.
         Even in Tri: Integrity Lens, that recovery is ongoing, which is very important to me.  There is no complete healing from an emotionally abusive childhood.  We learn to cope and try our best ensure that the cycle of abuse ends with us.  It’s not a clean, happy ending, but I think the truth of it resonates with people who have been through something similar.
Characterization in GUWY
         GUWY is my biggest mess! I didn’t see the Japanese subbed until Netflix offered it around 2015, so some of the characterizations change drastically over time, as I began blending the English and Japanese characterizations.  There are more mistakes in terminology/honorifics than I can begin to name.  I also aged everyone up about two years, because I always assumed the characters were older than me when I originally watched the show.
The Development of GUWY and Galemon
         I wish I could tell you that I carefully and lovingly planned this story.  Alas, I did not.  It’s a visceral, 100% seat of my pants work.  In fact, I wrote the entire Glen introduction chapter on a whim!  Justice and the anomaly stuff were not originally planned.  I think the only bit that received proper planning was the arc where Eimi moves to the states, and where she begins to live more independently and recover directly after.
         There are also a few things that are just… dropped.  For example, Galemon was meant to never speak names because of the inherent power they contain, drawing from Irish faerie lore, but I never explored that.  Also, Galemon has no physical voice because Eimi felt that she didn’t have one when Galemon was made- ie, at the beginning of the Digital World arc.  Her bossiness is meant to reflect Eimi’s early childhood bossiness and assertiveness, which she loses along the way.  She uses shields because Eimi feels unsafe all the time, and security is what she wants most.  And her ability to see into Eimi’s mind was, I think, my way of making sure that there was someone out there who understood Eimi, despite her talent for keeping her thoughts to herself.
         Speaking of Galemon, I originally designed her when I was ten, and I think that shows!  I was an enormous fan of Lisa Frank, and a huge marine biology dork- I read marine life books the way many kids read dinosaur books- and I think I smushed those concepts together!  I also designed Eimi’s physical appearance and outfit at age ten, although back then, she was purely a self-insert with a different name and personality.  I loved how much she visually fits in with the other Chosen- she looks like a child dressing herself, is what I mean- so I kept the design.
What Would I Change About GUWY?
   I won’t lie; I’ve often considered editing GUWY.  Naturally, I’m a better writer ten years later, and I would love to make the fic its best self.  However, I’m aware that its rawness might be its greatest strength, so I’d have to be careful not to remove that.  I would definitely save the edited version as a new Scrivener file, so the old won’t be lost.
         Obviously, I’d fix the terminology/honorifics problems and make sure the names are all from the original Japanese, and not an awkward mix of English and Japanese (with a few exceptions).  I’d likely tweak some characterizations, too.  I’d keep the ages as they are, though, mostly because of the romance elements towards the end of the story.
         The largest element I’d like to add is an expansion on Eimi meeting the Chosen when she first goes to the Digital World.  At the time, I didn’t know how to handle scenes with so many characters- which remains a challenge- and I zipped right by it for that reason.  But establishing a baseline for how Eimi interacts with everyone is important later, so I want to give that area more love.
         Other than that, I’d try to fix the “show, don’t tell” issues that I so often had back then. For example, Eimi has a tendency to stand up and give pontificating speeches at the most dramatic parts of her arcs.  I’d like to tweak things so that her actions speak for themselves, instead of relying on grand speeches.
The Future of Eimi’s Story
         Eimi’s story continues in Tri: Integrity Lens!  It’s on hiatus at the time of this recording, but I will return to it either after I finish Puits d’Amour or when I hit a point there where I feel it’s a good place to swap to another fic while I develop the other in the background.
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020, episode 29 reaction (and over-analysis)
In which Sora gets a chance to shine and it’s the best executed moment in the series since the DoneDevimon vs Mugendramon fight. The rest of the episode is business as usual.
Episode starts where last week ended, with Taichi chasing after SkullKnightmon  and Hikari, soon falling and losing hope. Unless he’s frustrated because Hikari semi-willingly chose to follow SkullKnightmon, then this is horribly out-of-character. Taichi’s defining trait in this series so far is his determination, his willingness to put himself in extremely dangerous situations for the sake of his friends and his mission. For him to lose hope when we haven’t even see him try to get Agumon to evolve to MetalGreymon again so that he can follow is absurd. Note, I am not saying Agumon should have evolved here, I am saying we should have seen Taichi try everything and, only after that all failed, should he have lost hope.
After briefly communicating with the rest of the gang and being encouraged to rescue his sister (with Takeru in particular asking him to fight for “Hikari-chan”), Taichi and Agumon go through the jungle and meet a bunch of Woodmon, Budmon and a Lopmon in a very well directed scene. It’s almost something out of a horror episode until the Budmon appear to deflate that tension at exactly the right moment. Anyway, we get exposition from Woodmon, who tell Taichi and Agumon that digimon in this world hunt and consume other digimon to enable evolutions, which ties in with what we’ve seen for the past 3 episodes. It’s interesting to see digimon’s desire for evolution be once again mentioned, after episode 19 made a big deal out of it with both Leomon and Minotaurmon. They are soon attacked by a gang of Allomon, led by a Tankdramon. The Woodmon attempt a resistance (which is immediately crushed), and Taichi and Agumon fight to defend the forest critters from the other forest critters.
Afterwards we have some Koushiro exposition on what’s happening in the human world. This scene doesn’t work for me for 2 reasons: it’s plain unbelievable that Koushiro would have access to all the information and programs he would need to calculate what he did in this episode (when Our War Game pulled something like this, it was noted that Koushiro didn’t discover it, one of his friends did and told him), and the threat seems extremely abstract, easy to ignore, a repeat of what we’ve already seen 3 times in this series that will climax in simply yet another evolution to Ultimate much like the previous 3 times it happened.
After a scene where a Baby-level is killed on-screen (I seriously wasn’t expecting that), Greymon and Taichi confront the Tankdramon directly. Once again, we aren’t quite sure why it’s Greymon and not MetalGreymon, since they evolve without issues a couple minutes afterwards. The reboot’s constant refusal to address why sometimes the digimon evolve to the highest level as soon as possible and why sometimes they wait a long time before doing so seriously hurts my ability to get engaged with the fight, even though on its own it’s pretty fun (and seeing Greymon manhandle a Perfect-level like it is nothing is pretty impressive).
Anyway, MetalGreymon is unable to defeat Tankdramon and has to run away, where soon they are surrounded by fire with the enemy fast approaching them (also, an Allomon bites MetalGreymon in his chrome digizoid shoulder and it hurts him enough to scream). We then get a seriously epic scene where everything seems to point to Taichi and MetalGreymon getting a boost in power from their courage... except not. What was actually being built up to was Sora’s and Garudamon’s entrance, which completely took me by surprise but made perfect sense in retrospect. The way her serious expression and call to Birdramon in her previous scene was framed made it seem like it was a reaction to hearing Jou in distress, but no, it was the realization that Taichi needed her. After Sora and Garudamon put out the fire, deal with the Megadramon and are generally awesome, MetalGreymon once again engages Tankdramon in one-vs-one. It’s a pretty standard fight (”attack the place from where it shoots lasers” strategy, power of teamwork from the allies-of-the-week), but it’s well done. Just as it seems the heroes have won, though, we get even more enemies, and the silhouette of one of the most nostalgic digimon enemies of all: Parrotmon.
Other thoughts:
Lopmon is clearly important, right? I believe that’s a reincarnated Cherubimon. Maybe it’ll have something to do with MetalGreymon’s evolution next episode?
Once again, most of the not-spotlighted characters fall into one-note roles here. Koushiro is there for exposition (though he at least gets to be flustered when Yamato calls him by his first name), Mimi is there to be briefly charming, and Jou is there to be humiliated for bad attempts at humor.
Takeru doesn’t move. At all.
Those jewels Mimi and Palmon found may end up being important for her evolution episode. After all, Rosemon carries a jewel (the Tifferet) that symbolizes her power.
Sora once again appears to be Taichi’s second in command. Hadn’t happened since episode 8.
Generally, a standard episode of Adventure 2020 (good action, very good direction, okay worldbuilding, some problems with characterization) elevated by a single perfectly executed moment. Next week we’ll have the evolution to WarGreymon. Synopsis make it seem like it’ll be a repeat of the MetalGreymon episode (Taichi and Agumon willingly stay behind to fight an unbeatable enemy so their allies can escape), but hopefully they’ll manage to do something interesting with that.
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50cyg · 7 years
Takari in Tri/Follow up to Digimon Tri Pairing post (unreasonably long, you have been warned)
Okay so a few days ago I did a post about the Digimon Adventure Tri ships that I am 95% certain will be canon, and how I feel if they do become canon Toei is doing two of them a great disservice by not investing the time into making us care for them.
Since then, I have received a few asks about my feelings on Takari as they were not featured in my post. There is a very simple explanation as to why they were not featured in my post and that is because I forgot about them… OKAY DON’T KILL ME! HEAR ME OUT!!
Yes Takari is definitely included in my “ships I am 95% sure will be canon”
Takeru is shown to have his arm around her waste in the same merchandize pick that has Sora and Yamato together
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And also, this infamous scene
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But the reason I forgot about them and why, even if I had remembered them, they would not have been included in that post is because they do not line up with the point that post was trying to make. Toei does not need to invest time into making us like Takari because 95% of the fandom is already in love with them, no convincing needed. I would guess that even for the 5% they are not a Notp but rather a ship they either just don’t get or prefer another ship over them (me being the latter).
Unlike the other 3 ships I mentioned, Meichi, Sorato and Koumi, and basically any other of the other pairings in digimon, Takari literally has nothing standing in the way of it being Canon.
Meichi is in hot competition with Taiyama and Taiora (the two favored pairings for Taichi from my understanding). If Meichi becomes canon and the creators put no effort into converting some of the non-shippers they are going to have a lot of hate on their hands. In addition, it’s also in competition from people who ship Meiko with other people (MeikoxMimi appearing to be the favoured with MeikoxSora seeming to come in as a close second, and I have also seen some JyouxMeiko shippers… OH AND BTW WHERE ARE THE YAMATOXMEIKO SHIPPERS?? I mean I don’t ship them but it surprises the hell out of me that this is not a thing anywhere… there is way more shippable moments between them then TaichixMeiko…. :S seriously in shock that YamatoxMeiko has not taken off yet). I’m going to be honest, I feel like Tri (based solely on the moments we have had in the movies and excluding Taiyama as an option) is actually gearing up for a YamatoxMeiko and TaichixSora ending. But I don’t think that will end up being the case because of the controversy it could cause which ties into my “Gut Feeling” I keep talking about.
With Koumi they have Jyoumi, TaichixMimi and YamatoxMimi to compete with (Mimi seems to be the most shippable female). I will be honest, I was never a part of the fandom until after I watched Reunion so I had no idea that Koumi was a thing… everyone I knew either shipped Jyoumi or YamatoxMimi and I always thought Jyoumi was a given as a child (I felt about them the way most people seemed to have felt about Taiora and Takari, that they were the one couple destined to be canon) so I was very shocked when I watched Reunion and instead of Jyoumi like I expected I got Koumi and boy was I not happy. So Toei needs to invest time into attempting to convert me to a Koumi shipper, which they have (I’m still not converted but I have some interest in it)
And Sorato we all know has a lot of fire behind it. It has been at the center of what is, to my knowledge, the greatest Ship War in the fandom. Now I wasn’t in any online community until recently and as a child didn’t care that Sora ended up with Yamato (I actually completely forgot it happened until it was brought up by a friend of mine in highschool and I was just like “oh yeah… that was a thing wasn’t it”) so I have only heard about this war in legend, although I believe I have recently been subject to the after effects of it… Anyway, Sorato is in competition primarily with Taiora and Taiyama, as well as many other ships to a lesser extend like SoraxMeiko, JyouxSora, etc. If this ship is not made canon in Tri then Sorato fans will be very upset (and understandably so, there are even Taiora fans who feel that if Sorato is removed then it is disrespectful). At the same time, if it is made canon they still have a large fanbase upset. Furthermore, unlike Meichi and Koumi who could easily become canon without changing anything because who these kids ended up with was left up in the air – Sorato was not left up in the air, it is canon and they either have to change the ending or go with it, no alternative. So, more so then any other ship, I feel they need to make people invested in these two to avoid massive backlash.
Takari, like with ships like Koumi and Taiyama, is getting a lot of attention from the creators because it is so popular within the fandom (probably the most popular ship of all) and so of course they are going to want to cater to it. Now Taiyama is not likely to be made canon because it isn’t a Heterosexual couple (I don’t think this point needs further explanation…)
Takari is a whole different game than any other pairing in digimon, in my opinion. It has virtually no competition and certainly no real competition. They are most people’s OTP for these two characters. And also, who they ended up with is left up in the air so even if Tri sticks with the original epilogue, these two could very easily be married in that world. And they are a heterosexual couple… they literally meet all of the criteria to easily be made canon whether this is the 02 Epilogue universe or an alternate universe. So yeah… let’s say they have a 98% chance of becoming canon to me 😝 and I’m putting that 2% in as a safe net… and also because I think an argument can be made for them not becoming canon… which I’m about to do because it ties into how I feel about the couple, specifically their relationship in Tri
Okay let’s talk how I felt about Takari as a child before getting on to Tri… because this one ask was left ever so slightly ambiguous as to if they wanted my feelings in general or just Tri (most of my focus will be on Tri but I’ll cover all my bases).
When I was a kid I shipped these two for sure (not really hard… the only ship I shipped super hard as a child to my recollection was syaoran x sakura from Cardcaptors). And I think I just assumed they were married in the Epilogue because it wasn’t stated otherwise. They are the youngest two characters and super cute together
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Love the scene with them against piedmon
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And holding hands as they fall (just noticed that in this scene Hikari is holding his hand and it’s reversed in Tri)
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And they had some good moments together in 02. I love every second of them together in Hurricane Touchdown, especially the train scene (favourite scene in the original Japanese version)
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They really do act like partners and people who have known each other forever, more so than I think a lot of the other pairings in the original cast (but that might be because of how much we see Hikari and Takeru vs the other 6). But I always really liked the idea of Wizardmon and Hikari as a couple as well. And have grown a love for HikarixKoushiro in recent years (I have plans to do a post on why I ship these two in the next week).
Tri though has done something very peculiar to my feelings regarding Takari, it seems to have done the same thing to many Koumi fans, and that is that it has made me ship Takari less.
I seem to not be seeing what everyone else is seeing. Many people seem to believe that Hikari is in love with Takeru but I am not getting that vibe at all.
The way she teases him about the Girlfriend in Reunion does not come across as someone who is jealous. It comes across as a girl making fun of her guy friend, who she has zero interest in, finding himself a girlfriend.
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Takeru on the other hand does come off like he is hoping Hikari is jealous, so I think he likes her romantically
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I’ll give more detail in a sec but I want to take a moment to point out that I feel this is similar to their dynamic in 01 and 02 (I always felt he liked her more than she liked him) because in hurricane touchdown (at least in the English version, I don’t remember the Japanese version off the top of my head) he seems annoyed with her concern for Daisuke
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And in the episode with the dark ocean he is acting like he is trying to confess and she seems kind of oblivious to me, or maybe understanding but not 100% on the same page as him
The way she warns Meiko comes off one of two ways to me: either as a girl warning another girl about her platonic friend who is a playboy, but who she also has affection for and so it is said in a lighthearted way vs in more of a “omg get away while you can” kinda way
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Or alternatively, and here we are getting into some theories of mine, as a girlfriend warning another girl about her boyfriend while also stealthily telling her boyfriend off for flirting…
Okay so I think it is not in any way unthinkable that Hikari and Takeru could have gotten together between the airport battle and the scene where they are searching with Meiko. I think it is possible they are secretly dating. Because I also think the scene where Hikari seems to be teasing Takeru in Loss comes off as either a girl teasing a guy friend about a potential crush or a girlfriend warning her boyfriend
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Unlike Koumi though, where it is over the top obvious that Koushiro likes Mimi, all of the non-teasing moments with Takari could easily come off as both platonic and Romantic love.
Her holding him after he loses patamon
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Yamato also holds him
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Takeru is holding her arm not her hand
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I’m Just saying…
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And even if he was holding her hand
I’m just saying…
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As for him always being by her side protecting her… well he has always been like that, he is just by his nature very protective of her and honestly, I think they have always hinted that he likes her from 01 to 02 to now Tri. But you could also argue there are a lot of pairing like this
Koushiro is always by Taichi’s side as the series progressed
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Taichi and Yamato are often attached at the hip
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Sora and Taichi are pretty attached at the hip (specifically in adventure)
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Jyou is always protecting Takeru
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He is also pretty attached to Mimi
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Now the scene where she says he has grown up… I do not get this scene… I don’t see how Takeru has grown up any more than he had grown up in 02… and I definitely don’t see how this scene showcases he has grown up. But I would say this is the most shippable moment, I feel like her thinking he has grown up is one of those very cliché (not as in bad cliché but as in recognizable) lines that indicates growing romantic interest.
Why I ship them less is because I don’t really like the way she teases him… she almost seems to tease him in the same way she teased Daisuke. It comes across as more mocking than anything else and I don’t care for it, just like how I didn’t care for how she treated Daisuke.
Also there is the MeikoxTakeru stuff I wanted to address. Cause there is a lot of MeikoxTekeru in Tri. She has more interaction with him than any other male character and also
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I think Hikari ships it lol
Okay so I addressed the scene where she gets the nick name earlier.
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But then we also have the scenes in Determination (also side note but Yamato is so fucken hot in this scene omg, that necklace that shirt perfection)
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And him being the first to come up to greet her friend (Maki)
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The fact that he opens up to only her in Confession, and I know you could argue it’s because she is the only one who may understand but it also means he has a level of comfort with her
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And how he tried to get her to come to the digital world with them
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Playboy with shy girl is almost more common in anime then hyperactive/lead boy with shy girl (takeruxmeiko vs taichixmeiko)
Anyway, I’m not going to do a long analysis of TakeruxMeiko, I just wanted to throw it out there as a possibility or alternative to Takari
I feel like I have kinda gone around in circles with this post, sorry, it’s probably not super easy to follow.
I have heard there is an interview where they said they were planning to make Takari Canon but I’d like to see some definitive proof. Actually I’d like to see some proof of all these rumored interviews… like the one where they said the epilogue is still going to be canon specifically. Cause I have some theories about that one but I need to know the exact wording used, otherwise I’m shooting a little more in the dark.
Thank you everyone who requested this topic 😊 and to everyone who actually got to the end of it. This post is over 4 pages long in an MS Word document haha
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
On the 71st day, Koushiro had rid himself of the entire Japanese alphabet.
Digimon Adventure Novel; “The Inquisitive Heart” Translation from Digital Scratch (Link in the comments)
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
[Index] Koushiro{u} Izumi {DigiAdvs} Scenes (J.P.N Ver.)
{This is still actively being worked on; Please be patient as I continue to add more!!}
Because I got tired of not being able to immediately refer to scenes without having to use piles of caps / etc.
{More to be added shortly!!}
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THIS SERIES. I do not make $$$ off my posts. This is being posted for Reference. Please actively support the series via any official means in your location{s} as well!!
Ep02: Koushiro + rapid Maths Calculations {+Moments; with Jou} Ep05: Inside the Battery; Interests + Adoption {+ Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep10: Koushiro Guides Mimi Out The Maze {+Friendly; with Mimi} Ep13: Koushiro stands to signal support for Taichi’s decision {Friendly} Ep18: Koushiro and Yamato discuss their Crests {+Friendly; with Yamato} Ep20; vs. Etemon Arc (Near-End); Koushiro assisting Taichi Ep21: Hosoda!Koushiro; Communicating from Vademon’s Dimension? {+Moments; with Taichi} [+Taichi’s Monologuing that follows in relation] Ep24: Searching for Crest; & Vademon’s Dimension {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro’s laptop + “Cosmic Power”?? activates communication with Taichi Ep24; Koushiro regains Inquisitive Heart + “I Want to Know!” {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep24: Koushiro Snaps Awake {+Friendly; with Tentomon} Ep28 vs Tri. Kyousei: Motimon/Tentomon’s “Bond” {“Kizuna”} with Koushiro Ep28: The Gate sequence {+Friendly, with Taichi} + Part 2 Ep28: Ending moment; Taichi with hand on Koushiro’s shoulder Ep29 x Tri. Soushitsu x 2020 Ep59: Motimon / Tentomon Parallels Ep30: Koushiro {physically} intervening to defend Jou / Pushed from Bridge Ep31: Koushiro’s Polite{ness} +(J.P.N) speech {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Excuses + Adopted!Koushiro Scene {+Familial; with Mrs. Izumi} Ep31: Koushiro’s Bad/bland jokes + Adopted!Koushiro  {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep31: Koushiro’s Guilt + Adopted!Koushiro & Izumi’s concern + Taichi’s worry Ep36: “Just leave your computer behind!” {+Familial; with Izumis} + “Let’s BELIEVE in Koushiro, in our son.” - Mr. Izumi, to Mrs. Izumi [Koushiro sets up Gennai’s “barrier”; Izumis discover Tentomon] Ep36: Koushiro sets off to help the fight; Izumis send him off with love Ep38: the Adoption reveal / “It’s not wrong for you to be obsessed with Computers!” Ep38: Koushiro & Izumis Figure Out the Prophecy {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep39: Koushiro Displaying Compassion for Parents {+Familial; with Izumis} Ep45: Yamato & JouMi Leave the Group {+Moments; with Yamato & Chosen} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc (Start); Koushiro showing concern for Yagamis Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; +Andromon; Fake-Fights {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep48: vs. Mugendramon Arc; Taichi’s Confession {+Friendly; with Taichi} Ep50: Koushiro (Totally Not) Showing off Skills {with Adv!Chosen; & Taichi} Eps 52~53: “Why WON’T YOU LET ME FIGHT?!?” {+Interaction, with Taichi} Ep52: vs. Piemon; crying out for Jou + teary-eyed {+Friendly; with Jou} Ep53: (Near End) Koushiro’s realizations {+Friendly; with Tentomon} + Tentomon: “But that’s what I like about you” Ep53: (Near End) Adventure Lore about The Crests
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure vs tri {“Confession”} vs “Adventure:” 2020 (Reboot) ~ Comparisons & Parallels ~ Character Traits (of {Every!} Koushiro Izumi) ~ Important Quotes + Koushiro vs. Sleep & Sleeping / Communication
“It’ll be a LONG DAY SPENDING all of tomorrow with everyone...” - Koushiro, Episode 03 (J.P.N. Version)
{relevant DigiAdv 2020 end song lyric}: “The INCOMPLETE, the IMPERFECT-”
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’! {Minor Koushiro-relevant Tri spoiler for Kokuhaku; related to the Kokuhaku scene above}
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{Jou}: “Just got him to take a nap.” “He’s reckless, bringing this all on himself.”
{Takeru, questioning}: “...Maybe he feels” “responsible?”
gifs by @izzyizumi, {DO NOT REPOST} {DO NOT REMOVE CAPTION}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 31 (J.P.N Version) featuring Characters: Koushiro[u] Izumi (& Mrs. Izumi) (+Tentomon) + as Canon ADOPTED
Start of the Episode -> End of the Episode
“Your mother must be making something DELICIOUS for you.” “She must be a very nice mother!”
“Koushiro-han, you look really HAPPY about something.”
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“Even if he IS {HIDING SOMETHING}, we CAN’T {BLAME HIM} We’re {hiding “something”} from {him}, TOO.” - Mr. Izumi
“...” - Koushiro, in the final long moments of the scene, not making a sound
caps/gifs by @izzyizumi​, {Do Not Repost} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Reproduce without my Permission}
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure x Digimon Adventure tri ~ featuring CHARACTER: Koushiro[u] Izumi [Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi in US dub] (+relationship with Mimi Tachikawa) [+Taichi Yagami] + IMPORTANT DIALOGUES (in Adventures & connecting to tri.) + CHARACTER/STORY PROGRESSION
also known as: KOUSHIRO vs. COMMUNICATION {further a.k.a: Communication Is Hard.}
{the following related quotes and information relates more specifically to Tri!Koushiro. There will be minimal spoilers for both his & Mimi’s roles in tri, without majorly spoiling the ending / plot surrounding Meiko.}
“I WISH THAT KOUSHIRO would act more spoiled and unreasonable instead of always keeping it inside”
“like a 'GOOD BOY’”
“I want him to tell me what he LIKES”
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“and” “HATES”
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“That’s what being A KID is all about!”
“...Don’t you think so?”
- Mrs Izumi, Adventure Episode 31 (Japanese version)
{... Or maybe it would have been better if you
- {Koushiro, internally, @ himself, Often, Probably} [?]:
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Original Posters’ {Mine} Commentary:
{Some Food For Thought TM, Maybe}
(a refresher, of relevant Koushiro backstory potentials from the novels written by Adventure director Kakudou!) {I tend to refer to these passages a Lot when discussing or analyzing Koushiros concepts for Reasons}: [with translations thanks to Onkei; as tumblr refuses to show posts with links in the tags nowadays, please check in comments if you want the links to novels, thank you!]
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- from the opening chapters; when lost on File Island
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- from the part covering Adventure episode 28; a.k.a. “the Gate”:
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“Before now, before he had come to the Digital World, Koushiro had considered himself
an insignificant and WORTHLESS human being.”
{Note: it should be important to be kept in mind that Koushiro within this point of the pre-series story [Novels, above] is 10~ years old and he’s been feeling those things SINCE HE WAS A TINY CHILD [Ages 5~10].}
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{“THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING [INTO/OBSESSED WITH] COMPUTERS!”} [Note: in novels, it’s translated as “obsessed with”.]
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{from later in the same sequence of Adventure #31, above}:
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{from later on in Tri; Kyousei ending}:
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tri. head Director Motonaga: As tri. is connected to 02, the entire theme of this work is depicting what the first generation of Chosen Children would be thinking about as they become adults.
Because the question of what kind of adults they’ll become has already been answered, we’re working on the problem of getting to that answer, in a sort of reverse problem-solving.
(on Koushiro) As Koushiro begins to try changing his clothes in Part 1, he wants to become someone who can do something by himself.
- Otomedia, February 2016 (Digimon Adventure tri. interview) [with translation credit thanks to website DigiLab Blog!]
“what they were learning in Tri.”: (KOUSHIRO):
“ After understanding about himself, GAINS ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND OTHERS. Learns to easily/OPENLY ACCEPT OTHERS’ LOVE TOWARDS HIM .”
- from a post-Tri livestream interview given by Kazumasa Habu (who, along with Kenji Watanabe and Mr. Maekawa, are members) of the Digimon Staff that works with the LCD Virtual Pets [with translation via Onkei]
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{pictured: Habu holds up the planning sheet for Tri.}
MIMI - ‘selfishness’{-like quality, aka ‘Jikochu’ in Ketsui} disappears, learns to be courteous towards others
[&] Learns not to expect others to be sweet on her "just because she's a girl." {<- this includes Koushiro Izumi!} learns that when it's necessary, she'll have to get dirty herself and give in to things.
start of {Kokuhaku} / {Confession} [Movie #3]:
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(earlier on, as well), {Ketsui}:
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{Kyousei} / {Coexistence}; Movie #5: {when she becomes stuck in a familiar-to-the-viewers setting with Tentomon}:
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[hey, wouldn’t you know, she’s very clearly not upset with Koushiro anymore?]
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[the last we have of Original!Koushiro so far, from the credits; he’s now the head of his own company, having learnt how to UNDERSTAND others while openly ACCEPTING LOVE towards HIMSELF, from the people who CARE about him, {and even simply learning how to communicate in TEAMS}]
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“KNOWING NOTHING is just a chance to learn new things, RIGHT?”
{Note: this post is part of a series discussing Koushiro using canonical references and quotations from the original Japanese version [and not the U.S. dub] to attempt to explain his progressing storyline; you can view more of my headcanons thoughts and analysis at my Neurodivergent Koushiro analysis series!}
caps/gifs by @izzyizumi,
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- they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom! {INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote shipwarring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT MERCY {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.}
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
So I want to write a Taishiro fic or even just a Koushiro-centered fic/drabble but for reasons, I don't have access to any of the canon shows to watch and I am unwilling to pirate, so I don't really have a handle on character personalities. Advice?
Hi there, thanks for the ask!  I’m so pleased that you’re looking to create Digimon fan content!
I’m not sure if you’re asking me:
1.)  Where can I legally watch the Japanese Digimon Adventure audio with English subtitles?
2.)  How can I learn character personalities without consuming canon material?
This got long, so I’m throwing the rest below the cut!
If 1:
 I WOULD ALSO LOVE TO KNOW.  I don’t want to pirate, but for reasons best known to Toei/Bandai, Digimon Adventure and 02 (and the related movies, I guess?) are not officially available with Japanese audio/English subs.
Netflix briefly carried Digimon Adventure in Japanese with English language subs, and that’s how I was finally able to watch it it 2015.  I don’t think they carry it anymore, and I don’t see it on Crunchy Roll....
If any of my lovely followers have an answer to this, please let me know!  I’d love to see it again, myself!  In the meantime, I wonder if enough of us asked Crunchyroll, they would consider it???  They carried Tri and the Reboot...
ALSO if you can, please consider purchasing the Tri and Kizuna Blu-ray/DVDs!  These are the first official Digimon Adventure releases to offer both Japanese/English audio and subtitles!  The best way to encourage this is by purchasing them.
If 2:
If you are looking to generate fan material, I’m assuming you’ve seen the show?  But maybe it was a long time ago?  Or maybe you saw the English dub, but you want to learn the Japanese version characterizations?
If you saw a certain dub- clearly the English is not the only one- then my advice is to write your fic based on that dub’s characterizations until you can get access to whatever version you’re hoping to see. 
 I grew up on the English dub, and I’ll be the first to say that the characterizations are different from the Japanese version (here is a brief essay on Yamato vs Matt and Koushiro vs Izzy).  I imagine there are differences among most of the dubs!  The English is just more notorious on the basis of being widely known and very different and unique- they added a ton of jokes and lightened the overall tone.
I personally blend character traits for, say, Yamato and Matt based on what I like and the story’s setting.  For example, I have a story called Four Years where the kids are college students in America.  I decided that it would be disrespectful to pretend that I know what Japanese college is like when I have zero clue, and since the English dub was already tailored for Western audiences, I would simply draw on the English dub for characterization.  And because I was using English dub personalities, I indicated this by using English dub names.
So basically, I would write your story based on the version of Digimon you know, and either use the dub names that go along with it, or just write in your fic that you are drawing on that dub for your characterization.  Say it with me: dubs are not bad or less!  Watching the original is probably the best way to successfully interact with international audiences, since a lot of us tend to watch our local dub + the original Japanese, so it’s an amazing shared reference point.  But writing a story based on a dub doesn’t make your story “lesser” in any way!
Now, if you’re asking if there is a place to learn characterizations without consuming canon material...  Um, I don’t know if I can advise this.  I mean, I’ve written a lot about characterizations, and I personally am of the opinion that @adventure-hearts has some of the best meta on original Japanese Digimon Adventure characterizations you can find in English, but...  
Hm, how do I say this...  For me, a huge part of producing fan work is to communicate to other fans what these characters mean to me.  So...  If I’m regurgitating someone else’s characterization cliff notes...  Like, what am I doing, at that point?  BUT!  I am a character writer, not a plot or setting writer.  Maybe this isn’t as big of a turn off for folks who write plot or setting stories.
Um...  I’m not sure how helpful all of that was.  I hope something useful shook out!  And everyone, please let me know if you know of a legal way to watch Digimon Adventure and 02 in Japanese with English subtitles!
Keep writing! :D
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izzyizumi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure + Digimon Adventure: (2020 Reboot Anime) ~ Comparisons / Parallels ( + Animation / Character Design Parallels ) + Meta / Character Analysis featuring character: KOUSHIRO(U) [‘Izzy’ in US] Izumi in Digimon Adventure: (2020) Episode 01 vs. Digimon Adventure Episode 24 + Koushiro’s Possessed / Pouty ? / Moody ? Face / Expressions + Koushiro’s canon tendency to NOT pick up on others’ emotions / Connect well
This is a very subtle animation tendency / character aspect of Koushiro’s, that’s actually (thus far!!) only appeared a few times in the series’ canon. Most fans may overlook this aspect of him and his design / implied personality traits, but Koushiro fans in general may tend to pick up on it more often.
Notable aspects of it appeared in Episode 24, the episode where Koushiro first obtained his Crest of Knowledge, and fought Vademon with Tentomon. In this episode, Koushiro gets his “ INQUISITIVE HEART ” (JPN version) taken by Vademon, who convinces Koushiro to “willingly” give it up. Later in the same episode, it becomes particularly noticeable during such instances as: - Koushiro communicating with Taichi via a sudden PC connection, [ the heavily narrowed eyes and subtle blinkings, etc. ] - Koushiro giving up his Crest and “possessions”, - Koushiro yelling at Pabumon who began crying at him, to ‘ not distract him ’ etc.
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( ^ Notice how he’s void of emotions at start, but quickly becomes pouty / upset when Pabumon cries notably at him, “distracting” him. ) I was really surprised to see this subtle expression / change in his typical character design actually appear suddenly again in Digimon Adventure 2020 Ep. 01 - we hadn’t really seen it much at all since Episode 24!! ... But at the same time, I’m also kind of not surprised? Japanese fandom has seemed to pick up on the expression more often than Western fandom has - it’s appeared often, at times, in Japanese fandom fanarts, especially those featuring Episode 24 Inquisitive Heart-less!Koushiros in general. It’s particularly noticeable in a LOT of older Koushiro doujinshi from particular circles of the early 2000s era, which tend to emphasize the subtle narrowing of Koushiro’s eyes and the odd “roundness” of his face/cheeks that is emphasized by this subtle style / design change. The little marks under his eyes, as well. Not only the narrowing of his eyes, but his eyes tend to become somewhat “blank(er)” during this kind of expression, as well.
Essentially, it is an expression that appears notably on Koushiro when he is having difficulties with his own emotions, and, connecting with others.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
I need a webcomic or something of Izzy using internet slang in his own charmingly nerdy way. Saying "Yas, queen!" to one of the girls out of no where. "That's lit, fam." Someplace else where it would fit but be slightly out of place too. Talkin' about snatching weaves on occasion. I need this in my life so bad you dont understand.
@apple-brightaaaa hi !!! (I’ve been seeing you about in my notifs!) o/[ I’M GLAD TO SEE OTHER KOUSHIRO FANS AROUND AAA …….. ;;;;; ]
pffft I can see where this sentiment comes from definitely, but! ;; I have to admit I’m …much more comfortable/familiar nowadays with writing “ KOUSHIRO ” more than “Izzy”, a-aha…. and to me there’s kind of A LOT of differences there re: mannerisms, way of speaking, Japanese culture vs. for example American + AAVE, pop cultural references between the two in general etc. ?? ?
SO while I can see this eventually happening with “Izzy” (maybe just post-Tri ?? ?) I definitely CAN’T really see it happening with “Koushiro” very much ;;; (Because, even by the end of Tri, “Koushiro” imo was still struggling to communicate feelings in ways here too; etc…. he had VASTLY improved since Adventure/02 that was but still YEAH. /Kokuhaku, [the 3rd Tri film with him co-starring] in general/particularly comes to mind/)
AT THE SAME TIME THOUGH I do believe Koushiro too would eventually begin relaxing [ IF SLIGHTLY ] / opening up a bit more later in life, especially as an adult ??? ;A; ;A;/I guess you could say too I can see MAYBE something like . Miyako ?? ? teaching him some such phrases (since Miyako canonically studies/travels in Spain now, is a LOT more enthusiastic/prone to dropping her catchphrase,[“BINGO” - Japanese version Miyako] + she probably hears/learns things from people she interacts with there as well as Daisuke, Mimi, Wallace etc. when they visit the US [Mimi is canonically friends with the American Chosen too!!!]; etc. ??? ?)
SO LIKE maybe one day Koushiro will deadpan
“ That’s … ‘ lit ’ , … ‘ fam ’ ?? ? ”while responding to Taichi or Mimi OR BOTH or whoever, and they’ll look at him in a startled kind of surprise/total shock, and then
he’ll immediately flush BRIGHT RED and stammer in his own self-defense
(PFFT I should also mention I’m not super great at creating/writing things on the spot though ;A;/ I WROTE ONE TAISHIRO OTP FIC ….. /ONCE/ and scattered drabble-length oneshots with them/the Adventure Chosen in general and then immediately my creative drive has kind of . stalled . again /OTL I APOLOGIZE /I’m also very much NOT an artist AAA…. I CAN DO AMVS/VIDEO EDITS TO AN EXTENT /BUT/ I also need to have a clear idea there too orz)[ THERE’S A CHANCE KIZUNA MAY REVIVE MY CREATIVE DRIVE ESPECIALLY IF KOUSHIRO ACTUALLY GETS SCREENTIMES WHERE HE’S ACTIVELY INVOLVED AND NOT JUST BEHIND THE COMPUTER BUT/AAAAA SINCE WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN L B R/WISHES  FOR IT ANYHOW ]
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