#koushiros american friend
tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01x06 - Palmon's Angry Evolution! / Togemon in Toy Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Deep inside the Factory of Redundancy Factory, our new zapping bug pal bug-zapped the bugs out of Robocop. Also we may not be on Earth anymore, something the American team already knew but they don't get to be smug because they spent twenty minutes panicking about being in an unlocked room.
Now Andromon's guided us into the sewers, which he insists will help us but I'm half-convinced it's just a more civil way of flushing the intruders away like waste.
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The kids pass the time in the sewers by playing a singing game I'm not quite familiar with. They're divided into two teams: One team of children and the other team of Digimon. They sing a couple verses then pass to the other team, who has to start their verses on the same sound that the previous team left off on.
Agumon briefly stumps Team Kids by ending on an 'e' sound, though Mimi chimes in with a curious little tune.
Jou: What is that? Mimi: It's Enka! My Dad sang this in karaoke a lot.
But since nobody knows the tune, they can't follow her. Koushiro's able to find one they know, and soon they're back to marching and singing.
The dub doesn't preserve the game, but it keeps the singing. The kids are singing a song Agumon wrote for them. Then Agumon singles out Mimi and asks her to do a solo performance. She sings a verse of Home on the Range off-key.
Mimi: ~Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam! Joe: ~Avoiding your drone! Mimi: Hey, come on! I had singing lessons for three years! T.K.: Oh, you did? Did it help? Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund, that's what I think. Sora: Then let's sing as a group.
Dub Sora defuses yet another round of Dunking On Mimi by bringing us back to the group song, and the kids march on.
Suddenly, Sora lets out a shriek.
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Water dripping on her from the ceiling freaked out her. Another drop lands on her shirt. The dub puts a fruit squish sound effect jere, like you'd hear when a tomato or watermelon or something gets crushed, which doesn't seem like the right sound.
The grossness of the moment sends the kids spiraling, starting with Sora lamenting that she wants to do laundry. This opens up the rest to fantasizing about what they wish they could be doing right now.
Sora: I want to do laundry. Taichi: I want to relax in the bath. Takeru: I.... (pantomimes playing video games) Yamato: Takeru, this isn't the time to be thinking about video games, Ahahaha!
Yamato laughs at Takeru for that, but concerned looks from the rest of the group bring out the sincerity in him.
Yamato: I guess I can't laugh at him. What I want right now is sizzling barbecue. I want to eat until I'm stuffed! Jou: Don't laugh, but I miss studying. I want to do loads of homework! Mimi: That's weird. I want to drink ice-cold Cola! Takeru: Mimi-san, that sounds great! I want that too! Koushiro: I want to send emails back and forth with my friends.
Each of their wishes comes with a fantasy sequence, where we get to see what the kids want most visualized onscreen.
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In the dub, Sora skips over wanting to do laundry because of gross sewer water on her clothes and ties the singing into her homesickness instead.
Sora: I used to sing at home. I used to sing to myself all the time when I would do my chores. Especially when I'd hang clothes to dry outside, I'd sing really loud 'cause nobody could hear me then. Agumon: (offscreen) It's okay to miss your home, Sora. What do you miss, Tai?
Which then sets the dub kids down Reminiscence Alley.
Tai: I miss playing sports and then taking a nice hot bath. T.K.: Games. My games. I wasn't far from beating Matt on my video games! Matt: Beating me, T.K.? I don't think so. Maybe in your dreams, kiddo!
This is what Matt laughs about in the dub. Unlike the original, where silent stares from the rest of the group make him feel self-conscious, the conversation just continues on from there.
Agumon: (offscreen) So you don't miss anything from home, Matt? Matt: Well, actually, now that you mention it... I've been dreaming about Sunday, when Mom grilled us steaks! Mmm, makes my mouth water! Joe: I miss doing my homework. If I fall too far behind, I might have to go to a junior college! Mimi: I don't miss school, but I do miss going on vacation! Nothing beats having a cool drink on a summer day at the beach! I just love the ocean air! T.K.: Wowee, that sounds like fun, Mimi! Mimi: It is! Izzy: *angrily* Get a grip! *calmly* I miss accessing satellites to look at the stars and planets.
It's mostly the same, with some added detail to fill dialogue space during the fantasy sequences. Except for Izzy, whose internet activities are questionable and who also snaps at Mimi for no reason. Because being mean to Mimi is everyone's favorite pastime in the dub.
Suddenly, the kids hear a sound. A scuffling sound in the sewer tunnels that sets the Digimon on edge. Gabumon ID's the sound as Numemon.
The Digimon explain that Numemon are weak, disgusting creatures who enjoy dark, slimy places. They're the most loathed Digimon in "Digimon Kai", or the Digimon World - A terminology we have officially begun to use as of this episode, since Koushiro made that discovery back at the factory.
At the Digimon's behest, the kids run for it. Taichi doesn't understand why they're running from weak Digimon, but he gets his answer shortly.
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The narrator chimes in to explain. Numemon are Adult-stage Data-type mollusk Digimon who attack with their own droppings. His typically stoic voice falters and he sounds incredibly distressed to have to explain that they throw poop.
Mimi takes over narration for this one in the dub, explaining that they throw "Nume Sludge" and have bad breath. "Nume Sludge" is probably the dub's attempt at plausible deniability. It's not poop if it's Nume Sludge! Even though it's clearly poop and uses stock cartoon poop sound effects.
Running for their sanitary wellbeing, the kids take a side passage and emerge from the sewers.
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The Numemon stop following as soon as they see daylight, instead retreating back into the sewers. Agumon explains that Numemon can't stand sunlight, just in case that wasn't clear.
Which it wasn't; Like, they could have been freaking out because we crossed into some really dangerous Digimon's territory or something. So I appreciate the clarification.
Back above ground, the kids get to walking again. In time, they come upon another strange anomaly of the Digimon World.
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You know, there are worse things we've run into out here than a metric fuckton of vending machines. Maybe this is where vending machines go to reproduce or something, IDK.
You know what that means, though. You know what they have in vending machines? You know who specifically wanted what they have in vending machines?
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Wish granted!
Of course, since the dub changed Mimi's lamentation to wanting to go on vacation rather than wanting an ice-cold Cola, this doesn't connect as well. They're forced to generalize it with a bit of extra dialogue.
Mimi: I bet there's enough snacks to last us a lifetime, at least. Tai: Mimi, they probably don't work. Don't you remember the phone booths? Palmon: Hey, that could be. I bet it's a trick, Mimi! Mimi: I won't accept that!
They don't have to write too far out of their way to make it work, but it's nonetheless a solution to a problem created by earlier writing choices removing points of characterization that later scenes were going to do something with.
As Mimi races to the vending machines, I want to call special attention to this exchange.
Taichi: Mataku... (general expression of annoyance) Sora: It can't be helped. She's still just a kid.
And its English counterpart.
Tai: Mimi! Sora: You can't stop her. She's so stubborn!
Mimi descends into the nesting grounds of vending machines and picks out one she licks. Then she inserts a coin. Rather than dispensing cola, however, the front of the machine falls off and nearly crushes her.
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Oh, I suddenly regret not being crushed to death. Can I have a do-over?
The Numemon immediately hits on Mimi, but she aggressively shoots him down and calls him a lowlife. Dub Mimi goes even farther, calling him a "short, slimy, sewer-sliding sludge-slinger!"
(Probably a good time to remind everyone that Mimi is 10 years old. So. Y'know. Fuck this guy.)
Mimi's response is so blunt, in fact, that Palmon worries about Mimi upsetting him. However, Mimi points out that the bright sunlight means he can't do shit to th--
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Oh. Well.
Numemon Chase, Round Two begins as not only that Numemon attacks, but all of the vending machines open up and pour Numemon out into the plains, who descend upon the kids slinging even more poop.
(A fairly accurate metaphor for being hit on in public. "Why can't women just say no directly?" Because this is what happens when they do.)
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Yamato suggests splitting up, and the kids break off individually with their Digimon Partners.
(Surprisingly, Yamato does not try to stay with Takeru; Instead, they go completely opposite directions.)
Palmon tries to fight off the Numemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy. But before she can even attack, the Numemon freak out and flee for their lives. Mimi initially credits this to how cool Palmon is, but the true source of their terror quickly becomes apparent.
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The narrator introduces us to Monzaemon, a Perfect-stage Vaccine-type Digimon.
Narrator: Although he looks like a stuffed animal, he's actually a Perfect-stage Digimon. His special attack, Lovely Attack, even makes his enemies happy!
For her part, Dub Mimi's narrative has this to say.
Mimi (V.O.): Monzaemon looked like a cute big ol' teddy bear, but he wasn't very cuddly!
But this is only for our benefit. For her part, Palmon has to explain Monzaemon to Mimi too. He's the Mayor of Toy Town and a lot stronger than he looks. She assures Mimi that he is a good Digimon.
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Monzaemon immediately opens fire with eye lasers while rambling out salutations.
Monzaemon: We've been waiting for you, Miss. *fires* Enjoy yourselves! *fires* It's an honor to meet you!
Like Meramon, he just sounds like he's spitting out words senselessly. Dub Monzaemon comes off just slightly more coherent.
Monzaemon: I must say, so pleased to make your acquaintance! *fires* Please, come spend a fun night at Toy Town with me! *fires* Why are you running? Did I startle you? Sorry!
Dub Monzaemon seems at least to some degree cognizant of what's happening around him, but the vibe is about the same.
Forming an unlikely alliance, a Numemon offers Mimi and Palmon shelter from Monzaemon.
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As soon as he's passed, Palmon wonders aloud if something's happened to Toy Town. Numemon presses his luck by asking Mimi to go on a date with him at Toy Town. She rejects him immediately, and then she and Palmon crawl out of the trench to go check out what's going on in Toy Town without him.
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No sooner do they arrive than they find the rest of the group that split up earlier. The other kids are here in Toy Town, being played with by the toys. Forced to run around and pretend they're having fun. Emotionlessly regurgitating sentiments like "This is fun" or "Banzai" or "I'm so happy", but visibly exhausted.
Their Partner Digimon, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found. Though a bit of poking around quickly reveals what's become of them.
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Oh, they're locked in a chest. That was easy. Entering the warehouse, Palmon confirms with Agumon that the rest are in there with him. Agumon then recaps the story of how they got here.
It's exactly what you'd expect. Monzaemon came after each of them, and they were powerless to defend themselves against him.
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The bubbly hearts from his Lovely Attack - or Hearts Attack in the dub - scooped up each of the kids and their Digimon, then whisked them away to Toy Town. The Digimon were imprisoned in the chest, and we've seen what became of the kids.
An interesting note: When the kids split up, Yamato and Sora departed off the left side of the screen while Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru left from the right side. Taichi and Mimi went straight down, though they clearly got separated from each other.
However, when Monzaemon attacks, he takes Taichi alone, Sora alone, and then takes Yamato, Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru together. This implies that Yamato realized he fucked up and doubled back for Takeru.
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Once he's collected his prizes, he issues his decrees for the fates of his prisoners.
Monzaemon: The Digimon will go in the Toy Box. The children will have their emotions erased and serve as toys for the toys!
Dub Monzaemon has... a bit more confusing of instructions.
Monzaemon: So all of you will now serve us! You're all going into our community Toy Box! Our Toy Box is only filled with children!
...no, the Digimon are in the Toy Box. Also, what do you mean, "Our Toy Box is only filled with children!" That implies that you regularly put children in the Toy Box, but there are no humans in the Digital World outside of our Isekai'd kids.
Absolutely butchered that set of lines.
The Digimon don't know how Mimi and Palmon can get them out of the Toy Box, but they don't want them worrying about it; The other kids being played with to exhaustion are the priority right now. In order to save them, Palmon and Mimi will have to do the impossible and defeat the Perfect-stage Monzaemon.
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Leaving the warehouse, Mimi and Palmon talk shop. Palmon doesn't understand what's happening; Lovely Attack is supposed to be a happy move, not to do all of this.
Then the toys find them. A monkey with cymbals starts clapping his cymbals together in Mimi's direction, as if trying to make her play. Mimi stomps on the toy instead.
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Just then, Monzaemon arrives, stomping around the corner to greet Mimi.
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Mimi lets him have it.
Mimi: Be quiet! I don't know what happened to you but you can't just take away my friends' feelings! Give them back!
His answer is eye lasers.
(On the one hand, it's not fair that everyone else gets Lovely Attack but Mimi keeps getting eye lasers. Man, even both versions of Corrupted Monzaemon are mean to Mimi! But on the other hand, given what we've seen Lovely Attack do to people, it's probably for the best.)
Suddenly, the Numemon swarm appear to fight Monzaemon and defend Mimi.
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It does not go well. He stomps and swipes his way through the swarm. Mimi is genuinely touched by the sight of the Numemon.
Mimi: The Numemon are fighting for me... Even though they can't to anything but throw poop....
Dub Mimi doesn't quite convey the same emotional sincerity.
Mimi: Well, Palmon, what can I say? When you've got it, you've got it! ...oh no, I don't think the Nume Sludge is working!
Yeah, not really capturing the touching emotional moment there.
Palmon joins in the fight, attempting to entangle Monzaemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy.
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But he's too strong and easily throws her off.
Finally, Monzaemon goes for his Lovely Attack. However, the Numemon form a wall, blocking his hearts from reaching Mimi and Palmon, and getting captured themselves in her place.
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Palmon: They're useless and cowardly, but the Numemon are desperately trying to protect Mimi!
Again, the emotional sincerity of this moment gets lost in the dub, where Palmon just shouts a battle cry.
Palmon: Time to take it to the next level! I may be a lady, but I am not a pushover!
The sight of the Numemon sacrificing themselves provides Mimi and Palmon's trigger for evolution. Palmon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Palmon's evolved form is Togemon, an Adult-stage Data-type Digimon. "Toge" or 棘 is the Japanese word for "thorn"; She's Thornmon. An appropriate name, given both her prickly exterior and her signature move Chiku-Chiku Bang Bang, which the dub calls Needle Spray.
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Despite Monzaemon being Perfect-stage, Togemon's able to overpower him in this fight. Showering him in needles, she hits him hard enough to send him hurtling to the ground, and to dislodge the Black Gear from him.
(It helps that she has Type Advantage, as a Data-type against a Vaccine-type.)
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With Monzaemon defeated, he unpacks what was going through his head with the kids.
Monzaemon: When people get tired of their toys, they break them readily, without a single thought. I couldn't forgive that. That's why, as Mayor of Toy Town, I wanted to raise the social status of the toys. Mimi: "The social status of the toys"? Jou: I think he means making us realize the importance of toys. Monzaemon: That's right. Toys shouldn't be toyed with, but played with. Taichi: So that's why you made us play with the toys! Monzaemon: I'm sorry. I got carried away with myself.
As the kids watch the Black Gear disintegrate, the sight of it fills in the rest of the explanation for Monzaemon's behavior. They're familiar with this concept by now. Dub Tai remarks, "Y'know, I'm beginning to take this whole Black Gear thing a little personally!" which is a line I really like.
Once he's finished apologizing, Monzaemon offers up his ultimate apology: A true and proper Lovely Attack, bathing the kids in pure concentrated happiness.
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Briefly interrupted by one more person, ready and eager to receive his reward.
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It was nice of the Numemon to put up a defensive wall against Monzaemon and stuff but, like, nobody asked them to do that. We close on a straight-up riff on romantic entitlement.
(Ten. Years. Old.)
Assessment: As with the other kids, this episode serves as our proper introduction to Mimi's distinctive qualities. Mimi is open, honest, and direct. She wears her heart on her sleeve, speaks her mind, and doesn't think about the consequences of her actions. She knows what she wants and she reaches for it without hesitation. There are both positives and negatives to that way of being, but that's who she is.
Mimi is closely associated with a childlike innocence, which is why hers was the episode that featured something as juvenile as Toy Town. As Sora said, Mimi's still just a kid - even compared to the rest of the group, who are still kids themselves.
So far as the dub goes, some questionable decisions were certainly made. They make extra work for themselves in the sewers when they remove Mimi's desire for Cola, and they butcher a few parts of the third act in Toy Town. Also, of course, a Mimi-centric episode is a perfect time for the dub to bully Mimi some more.
But there's some parts I really liked. Mimi's extended version of her insult to the Numemon is great, and the actress's delivery when she realizes the sun isn't protecting her anymore is perfect. Tai taking personal offense to the Black Gears is also funny, especially given where this arc is going with that.
This episode probably isn't the best of the character introduction episodes. But it is Mimi's episode, and she was my relatable character from when I was her age, so that automatically makes it the best by default. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Take it up with the Fandom Parliament.
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digimonarchive · 1 year
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The first appearance of Micheal the American Chosen Child/Digidestined
Digitamamon: Anyway, if you don't pay, you better return it by working... Random blond kid: I'll pay. Miyako: Waaa...Handsome! Hikari: Ummm...who are you? Mimi: Hello! How's everyone doing? 02 Chosen Children and Digimon Partners: Mimi! Miyako: Mimi, long time no see! Iori: Mimi, what are you doing here? Mimi: A gate connecting America to the Digital World opened, so Koushiro woke me up. Since I was coming, I brought Michael with me. Palmon: This is my friend Betamon. Betamon: I'm Betamon. Nice to meet you. Hikari: But Palmon, should you be here? Takeru: What about the area you protect? Palmon: I asked Koushiro to get Tentomon to cover for me. Miyako: Mimi, why is Michael in the Digital World? Mimi: He is a Chosen Child, like us. 02 Chosen Children: A Chosen Child? Daisuke: It's like Taichi and others' Digivices.
Digimon Adventure 02 episode 14
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure 02 (manhua) - Vol. 1
Eurgh...I think this one is even worse than the first series. However, it is mercifully short (2 volumes), so at least it will be over quick. I think copies of this manhua in English are kind of a rare commodity so I'm just reading scans.
Ch. 1
-Back at it with the rushed adaptations as illustrated by Yuen Wong Yu. So far, the art in this is looking pretty good, but the writing is a mess, just like the previous series.
-This was a super condensed intro to 02. Veemon, Hawkmon, and Armadimon are all introduced simultaneously and the 01 kids don't even attempt to hide the Digiworld from the 02 kids. It bugged me that when Daisuke got his digivice he was like "so this means...!" How does he know what anything means?? He just got sucked into a computer with zero context.
-Charmingly lame translation. Daisuke says stuff like "mad skillz" and "dag yo." Honestly, he would. Sooo funny how they kinda-sorta incorporated the Japanese names. "I'm Daisuke, but my friends call me Davis." That's like saying "I'm Maxine, but my friends call me Meredith!" Just...a completely different name lol. (Then again, I guess East Asian people do choose "American" names, so maybe it's not so crazy).
Ch. 2
-I really wonder about the production of this manhua. 01 was 5 volumes, but for 02 we only get 2. The writer/artist must have known from the start that they would only get 2 volumes because of how blisteringly fast the pace is. Was this based on bad sales for the first manhua? Or maybe the fact that the second season of the anime wasn't as popular?
-This chapter starts with Koushiro saying "I found out why digivolution isn't working," but we never had a scene showing digivolution not working lol. We also see all of the armor digivolutions in this chapter...without any chapters of those getting introduced. So yeah, this is another adaptation that assumes you've seen the show so they skip all the exposition that would be helpful to a newcomer.
-Daisuke said "wiggedy wack"
Ch. 3
-Lol at Koushiro calling the 02 gang "kids" when he's like 2 years older than them. Middle schoolers do be like that tho...
-They just threw all the new digimon armor evolutions together in a way that I thought didn't really make sense. They find the digimentals and can't lift them up, but then later in the same chapter the digimentals just fly over to the kids and work? Why couldn't they pick them up the first time? Were the vibes off or something?
-I was sad to see they cut out the part where they make fun of Ken for calling himself the Digimon Emperor/Kaiser. I did enjoy Iori's "how does he do that with his hair?" bit tho lol
Ch. 4
-Wow, this one was laughably bad. Somehow we're already on Ken's redemption arc. The instant after Wormmon's sacrifice Taichi appears literally out of nowhere (he wasn't in the previous scenes at ALL) to be like "guys it's okay, Ken's brother died." WTF? How did he know that and where did he come from?? Clunkiest exposition ever. They could have at least thrown in a separate "Ken backstory" chapter to make this go down a lot smoother.
-Daisuke literally says "Dag. This thing got the bling bling" when he finds the miracle digimental loool. Why.
Ch. 5
-In horrible 90s/2000s slang news, in this chapter Daisuke calls Veemon "boo," randomly shouts "Extreme!" and says "that's straight." (I don't even remember that last one being a thing).
-I liked how they drew Stingmon. His face is a little more Wormmon-like than it was in the anime. I always prefer it when digivolutions bare a resemblance to their earlier forms instead of being totally random.
Ch. 6
-In this chapter, Daisuke calls Ken "homeslice." He's the only one they made talk "street" (or whatever you want to call it). The other characters are just like "Wtf?" lol. Of course, I'm sure none of this was in the original Chinese.
-Not gonna lie, going through this again is just reminding me how dull 02's story is :/ I think they kept presenting questions "who is this mysterious lady??" but then the answers we eventually got were underwhelming, so you were left feeling like "what was the point...?"
Ch. 7
-They mention the dark ocean, but it's completely without context because they didn't bother to adapt that episode lol. So much of this manga is out of context in general and would be a nightmare to read without prior knowledge.
-Weirdo dialogue when Hikari saves Miyako from falling off a cliff and says "I believe in you!" and Miyako's reaction is "wow! That was really nice, thank you!" As if Hikari was mean to her before...? Just awkward.
Onto the next! I bet it will be just as underwhelming (especially since the 2nd half of 02 isn't that great in the first place).
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Sometimes, when I'm not thinking myself a monster when I think about Kokomon and Terriermon, I miss everyone else. Like Daisuke, the same kid who was cursing me to oblivion for giving Hikari and Yolei a cheek kiss, decided that my mock-name for him was such 'A cool american name' to have he just demanded I call him that forever afterwards (Davis, it was Davis. He also liked Dave but he does not look like a Dave).
Or Takeru, who even though I teased endlessly about his love triangle situation and who occasionally god jealous about me being penpals with his crush, also invited me over the summer just because I mentioned once it was sort of lonley without school, even though I had no certain friends there either. At his house. In Japan. And gave me Koushiro's number if I had issues with airlines. (What.)
I have all these precious memories about everyone that just come suddenly every once in a while, and there's nothing I can do about them. No one I can share them with. So here I am, wondering what to do. I love them all. I miss them. Maybe I should write drabbles. Draw our pictures in time… Just as a 'thank you' for not forgetting about me. I won't forget about you either. --#🌊☂️ Wallace "Willis" from digimon.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
{Index} KoushirouIzumi's DigiAdvs Things
(Img's in general, extra not-O.T.P A.M.V.s, etc. KouTai O.T.P stuff etc....!)
{Note: I am always adding to this. New works may be added sporadically. If you Interact on any of my works, please read my F.A.Q to see if I've already answered a question.}
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{+on taggings methods: What’s the deal with the variations in spellings for Ko[u]shiro[u]’s [+Jo{u}’s] Japanese names?} [x]
(for conveniences’ sake, I use the US version, “Koushiro” which has also been used in some official merch/usages on the J.P.N side. (Most obvious example being Tri {Saikai}) Please respect my choice and understand instead of bothering me to or demanding I change it, because I won't, thank you) {As I have made close to 50+ postings (likely now 100+) about Koushiro it would be difficult to go back and edit any particular posting with any particular spelling, and I’m most used to the US version’s way from his full name; “Koushiro ‘Izzy’ Izumi”.} (I do leave out ‘Izzy’ when I’m indicating the J.P.N version specifically. I note it can be ‘Koushiro[u]’ when listing out characters included/etc.)
{Taishiro / KouTai OTP}
My A.O.3 : Hikari @ A.O.3 {"Novel/Story Route"} Fic Index: [x] Other KouTai A.M.V.s Index: [x] (Any other tagged charas/ship's may also appear if briefly)
KouTai A.M.V.s - REPEAT?_Verse [x] {"Music Route"} KouTai F.S.Ts (Fan Sound-tracks) F.S.T #1 - READY?_ [x] F.S.T #2 - BEGIN [x] (To be Completed)
Main Index: “izzyizumi taishiro gifs” tag (Chronological Postings) [x]
KouTai{/shiro} O.T.P of O.T.Ps Compilation (with Moments across all medias) [x] Our War Game {/“Children’s War Game”} [x] 02!Taishiro [x] [x] Tri!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] 2020!Taishiro [x] [x] [x] [x] {This section to be Completed} (Very out-dated Index, check chronological postings above!)
JouxMi / JouMimi {Jou & Mimi} {JouMi Challenge} [x] [x] [x] (etc) [x] Michi / TaiMimi {Taichi & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x] [x] [x] KouxMi / KouMimi {Koushiro & Mimi} [x] [x] Mimaxto / YamaMimi {Yamato & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] So{ra}Mi{Mi} / MimiSora {Sora & Mimi} [x] [x] [x] [x] Joushiro / Jyoushiro {Jou & Koushiro} [x] Taixora / TaiSora {Taichi & Sora} [x]
{Familial & Etc. Friendships} Yagami{s} (Duo) [x] Yagami Family [x] [x] Sora & Mrs. Toshiko Takenouchi [x] Koushiro’s "American" Friend? Info + {Lore/Tri musings/refs} [x]* [*Note: Planning to revise/Update]
Adventure 02 Daisuke Motomiya [x] Daixkari / DaiHika {Daisuke & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] [x] Kenxyako / KenMiya {Ken & Miyako} [x] Kensuke / KenDai {Ken & Daisuke} [x] [x] Miyaxkari / MiyaHika {Miyako & Hikari} [x] [x] [x] Miyakeru / TakeMiya {Miyako & Takeru} [x] [x] Kou+Miya Friendship {Miyako & Koushiro} [x] Bi!Miyako [x]
Tri Meixchi / TaiMei {Taichi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] MiMei {Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] [x] SoMiMei {Sora & Mimi & Meiko} [x] [x] SoMei {Sora & Meiko} [x] [x] [x] Tri!Hikari’s Storyline Explanation / Parallels with 02!Hikari’s Storyline [x]
Kizuna Kizuna!Koushiro & Novels Kizuna!Koushiro {+Taichi; Tentomon; Menoa} [x] KouMeno {Koushiro & Menoa} [x] KouTaiMeno {Koushiro & Taichi & Menoa} [x] [x] (Note: TaiMeno in general may appear as an aside to anything listed above.) Adventure: (2020) 2020!Soraxto / YamaSora {Yamato & Sora} [x]
Ship Compilations: - MxF [x] - MxM & FxF [x] (+2020)!TaiKouMi [x] [x] YamaKouTai [x] TaiJouMi [x] YamaxJouMi [x] YamaxJouraMi [x] {Tri/BNM spoilers} KenDaiHika [x]
Other A.M.Vs: Older A.M.Vs (Made during my childhood/pre-tumblr days) I’ll Turn My Courage Into Wings {Adv-02 Taichi-centric/Taichi & Friends} [x] Walk on the Edge {Adv-02 Yamato/Yamato & Friends [+bonus YamaxJou} [x]
Newer A.M.Vs: Ashita wa Motto [Tomorrow I’ll Be] {Adv-02 Sora-centric & Soraxto} [x] She Said {So[ra]Mi} [x] Numb {Meiko & BNM!/Tri!Taichi} [x] Encore (Adv+Tri!Chosen & Meiko Positive) {Gen} [x]
Warriors {Frontier} [x] A.M.Vs Index for the Rest: [x]
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{Its 2k23 Ppl Pls}
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izzyizumi · 3 years
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Original commentary + theorizing {pre The Beginning release} has been moved under the ‘read more’. Please be aware before you read that this was older theorizing!
{Wallace was added into this scenario particularly through the U.S. dub, except the dub made continuity error with it, [as the U.S. dub tended to do with... pretty much Everything script-wise] as Wallace was later revealed to be canonically from Colorado. Koushiro’s American friend specific to OWG lives in LOS ANGELES.}
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT CANON INFORMATION: (Even if it might initially seem trivial due to the “friend” not having a design!) - Koushiro’s American friend HELPED ANALYZE THE D3′S IN 02. A COMPLETE OUTSIDER of the direct Chosen Children group -- connected specifically through Koushiro Izumi’s “NETWORK” -- WHO IS NOT CONFIRMED TO BE A CHOSEN HIMSELF {YET???} -- helps to analyze the 02 Chosens’ D3s -- AND HELPED KOUSHRO DETERMINE THEIR FUNCTION & USE
--- later, he helps to fund Tri!Koushiro’s new office, via Koushiro helping out AT THIS AMERICAN FRIENDS’ FIRM
(Ever wondered where Tri!Koushiro got the money for his office from?
SURPRISE, it was from {Yep!}
Mysterious SURPRISINGLY IMPORTANT “American” Friend TM!)----
... BECAUSE IT IS IN ACTUALITY ALL CONNECTED CANON. Regardless of how small a detail it is, the running theme was kept for 02.
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{Koushiro’s American Friend TM is ALSO where we got this classic line from!}
BONUS: (And what did Koushiro’s contributions in Tri end up leading to?...}
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{Hmm! It’s almost like that might have been a blatant reference, huh!} [ALMOST LIKE the Tri writers directly referenced other parts of the series!]
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{Koushiro’s office / P.C. mysteriously LIGHTS UP ON ITS OWN as the Digimon fully regain their memories at the end of Tri, those memories being restored immediately after this sequence occurs}
or, to clarify further the connection here: --- THE REASON THE DIGIMON REGAINED THEIR MEMORIES IN TRI ----- IS PARTIALLY HELPED ALONG ----- VIA KOUSHIRO’S AMERICAN FRIEND (originally debuting in OWG, referenced later in 02) CONTRIBUTING ----- TO THIS VERY OFFICES’ EXISTENCE
What ELSE do these canon infos mean for the wider canon & possible FUTURE developments for the continuing storyline in general?
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{You know, I MIGHT be on to something HERE.....}
[Yes, I know Kizuna happened, shh. NOTHING SAYS THEY WON’T STILL MAKE USE OF These connecting threads {however small or large!} in the future!]
----- But don’t mind me! This is just very fun canon info to take in/consider!!!
[And also because I wanted to make a compilation on Koushiro’s American Friend TM for my own considerations/reference.] {...You know, I really do WONDER about that Friend TM.....}
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[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the images/banners to enlarge!)
#digimon adventures#digimon adventure 02#digimon adventure tri#our war game#bokura no mirai#koushiros american friend#koushiro izumi#izumi koushiro#not gennai#digimon yggdrasil#izzyizumi posts#izzyizumi gifs#izzyizumi compilations#izzyizumi koushiro gifs#(KOUSHIRO VOICE YELLING INTO A VOID 'I HAVE THEORIES !!!1!1!1!')#(I HAVE MULTIPLE THEORIES ACTUALLY AND IM NOT SURE WHICH ONE I WANNA RUN WITH MOST BUT I REALLY DO HAVE THEORIES TM)#(Unfortunately most of that will have to wait until after I get my 2nd vaccine dose)#(FEEL FREE TO CONSIDER TM THESE VERY CANON INFOS ON KOUSHIROS AMERICAN FRIEND TM)#(TAICHI VOICE ' He's a FRIEND TM h U H ')#(KOUSHIRO VOICE ' ....Eh? Taichi san are you implying something? ')#(TAICHI VOICE ' N O P E TM ')#(ok but more generally I put this compilation together for my Koushiro Mutuals TM references so ahaaa please like Let Me Throw This)#(Into My Blog Void anyway please be respectful if you interact and bye!)#(ILL COME BACK TO THOUGHTS OF NOT GENNAI TM DOWN THE ROAD SOMETIME AFTER UHHH HOPEFULLY THAT VACCINE HAPPENS)#(I still need to compile some infos from latest translated Tri interviews but HE IS mentioned in those post BNM and wELP)#(LONG GLANCES IN A DIRECTION STRAIGHT AT A CERTAIN 'YGGDRASIL')#(Wow!!! I can't believe how WONDERFUL OUR WAR GAME TAISHIROS WERE I surely MUST make more compilations on them someday Too)#(You know! Because Our War Game is a great canonical movie that KOUSHIRO DESERVES SO MUCH MORE CREDIT FOR BANGS FISTS DOWN ETERNALLY)#(YELLS INTO A VOID 'PLS RECOGNIZE KOUSHIRO IZUMIS CONTRIBUTIONS!!1!')#(NO SERIOUSLY I MEAN IT IT'D BE TRULY WONDERFUL IF THIS FANDOM COULD RECOGNIZE KOUSHIRO'S CANON MORE OFTEN T H A N K S)
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earlgreymon · 2 years
other than daisuke, ken, and mimi, who do you think speaks good english? and who don't?
(it was weird to me that koushiro didn't speak as good as i imagined. i remembered he got really nervous when hikari asked him to speak english at hongkong. being in front of the computer and internet helped me a lot with my english, so i expected the same for him. moreover, he got that mysterious american friend! but i guess in the hongkong case, it was more because he was shy—not because he couldn't. and i think he got better in tri?? i totally forgot.)
also if you have digidestined language headcanon, feel free to share! :) we know ken speaks spanish, miyako is learning it, and takeru is most probably learning french in college...
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shihalyfie · 4 years
A meta on Mimi and her character
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Today’s spotlight character is Mimi! While the Adventure characters are all written to subvert character stereotypes (no, really), I feel this is particularly enhanced for Mimi, whose surface demeanor and the first impression you get from her suggest an almost opposite character to whom she actually is.
Disclaimer before we continue: While not to the same extent as Daisuke, Mimi’s disposition and personality have some significant differences in the American English dub compared to the original Japanese. As usual, this is not meant to be any particular comment about the dub’s changes, but simply that if you’ve only seen that dub, are reading this post, and are thinking “that doesn’t seem right?” that would probably be why.
Mimi’s family background and attitude prior to Adventure
Like with any of the other Adventure characters, understanding Mimi’s personality and why she acts the way she does is most easily done by starting with her family background.
We first meet Mimi’s family in Adventure episode 35.
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There is a lot to unpack with only this scene alone, so let’s get started!
Mimi’s family is quite well-to-do. They’re not filthy rich or anything, but they’re well-to-do enough for Mimi’s father to work freelancer (he works in music). This means that Mimi grew up with a fairly “comfortable” life, probably getting pretty much anything she asked for -- in other words, she’s spoiled. It also explains why she’s actually pretty impeccably polite to everyone -- she adheres very firmly to honorifics when speaking to both elders and younger people, and never, ever speaks roughly or aggressively, because her parents have basically been raising her like a “lady of the house” (ojousama) or princess. (She does use casual-form Japanese, but she never lets up on the honorifics.)
They’re very open-minded. We learn in this episode that Mimi’s bizarre food tastes in liking natto on her eggs with sugar (from Adventure episode 6) most likely come from her mother, Satoe, cooking things like kimchi fried rice with whipped cream and strawberries. In other words, the family is very into the idea of “unconventional and strange” and has no qualms about it.
While Mimi in 02 is portrayed as liking practically any kind of fashion aesthetic imaginable, both her room and the overall decor of the apartment suggest that “in-your-face cute” is the generally favored one.
Mimi’s family is also extremely affectionate. They smother each other in lovey-dovey words, her father actively likes Satoe’s weird cooking ideas, and it’s a household where everyone seems to dote on and mutually love and support each other (Mimi’s parents are almost embarrassingly lovey-dovey) without restraint.
The result is that Mimi ends up “spoiled sweet” -- she’s pampered and used to a comfortable life where everyone dotes on her, but because of the family dynamic being so built on “affection” and “open-mindedness”, she also never develops a streak towards condescension or malice.
What does that mean, you might ask?
Mimi in Adventure
A lot of people remember Mimi by the fact that she was “whining a lot” in the early stages of Adventure, and the fact that she’s a “girly-girl” with some of the associated stereotypes. As a result, one may be surprised to hear that her behavior is actually supposed to be mostly representative of an average child in her situation, and she’s often described in press materials as “someone who can befriend anyone” or “someone who can get along with anyone”. Even her official website profile talks about how pretty much everyone considers her likeable.
This may seem difficult to believe at first, but you might actually notice a pattern when it comes to her “complaining” -- it pretty much always boils down to one of the following, or something along these lines:
I’m scared
I’m tired
I don’t like this/I don’t want that
I want a bath/bed/food/(some other home comfort)
I want to go home
In other words, Mimi is basically reacting like an average child would when thrown into another world out of nowhere! All of her complaints are out of low tolerance and high sensitivity -- all of these scary and uncomfortable things around her are making her feel bad, and she’s not hesitating to make that clear with her words.
However -- and this is very important -- these are all things she’s saying specifically because she’s now in a dangerous, unfamiliar situation in another world. All of these things are things she says defensively, because she’s sensitive to being uncomfortable or hurt, but she is also never aggressive towards others. In completely normal situations -- ones where all she’s doing is socializing at school -- it’s not hard to believe that she would actually be one of the nicest and most considerate people on the planet and that she would be instantly likeable to anyone she meets. Why? Because she lacks condescension or malice. She’s a very nice person who, if not for being under heavy stress, would never step on anyone’s toes. Even during those early episodes of Adventure, whenever there’s “down time” and they’re not in an uncomfortable situation or being chased by something, she goes back to being polite and respectful of others (remember: she’s one of the most adherent to honorifics among the cast), and is perfectly kind and agreeable with them.
As much as she may sometimes get demanding during the early episodes of Adventure, she also doesn’t expect her peers to cater to her nor does she look down on them. One of the biggest examples comes from the Adventure novel:
Mi–chan was pointing at the front of the bus, where a boy wearing a long–sleeved orange shirt was about to get off. Even Mimi knew who he was. They hardly ever talked together, but he was her classmate, Koushiro Izumi. Mi–chan wanted them to look at what Koushiro was carrying on his back – a wireless laptop. “Isn’t he so weird for bringing that all the way to camp?” Mi–chan sneered with mocking laughter, but Mimi didn’t laugh. She simply didn’t find any reason to.
In a situation where people are mocking this weirdo kid for bringing his laptop to camp, Mimi “sees no reason” to look down on him. To her, what’s the point? It’s not fun to be malicious towards others, and she sees no benefit in dunking on him. Hence, because she’s actually very polite and open-minded towards others, and doesn’t see any reason to be mean, she’s not mean, and so you can see why everyone would like her -- after all, she’s not only bright and cheerful, she’s also polite and kind! Who wouldn’t like such a nice person?
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Mimi’s first “focus episode” is Adventure episode 6, and we already see a lot of these traits in action. Mimi gets to see the other kids making absolute fools of themselves under Monzaemon’s brainwashing, but the most she has to say is just observing that they seem to not be having fun, and being worried about their well-being. Once she finds out the truth behind what he did to them, she gets extremely angry on her friends’ behalf -- she actually calls them her “friends”, despite them barely knowing each other at this point!
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And then when the Numemon step in to fight for her, despite her initially having been turned off by them (mainly because they make her uncomfortable, both by indulging in literal poop around her presence and by invading her personal space by flirting with her), she actually almost breaks down in tears over them!
What this all means is that Mimi’s “high sensitivity” also translates to something else: Mimi has extremely high empathy for others. In terms of being “sensitive”, she’s also sensitive to how other people feel. She worries about others’ welfare constantly, even when they’re poop-throwing slime monsters who had just flirted with her, or near-stranger classmates who just happen to have been thrown onto this adventure with her whom she barely knows. That’s why she’s so nice to other people -- she feels for them, and she constantly empathizes with others’ emotions, so that’s why she’s never rude to others nor does she step on their toes.
It’s also why, even after Koushirou rubs her the wrong way and momentarily causes her to lash out at him for being insensitive about her feelings in Adventure episode 10, she also never seems to hold a grudge against him thereafter (especially since, for as much as he was acting pretty frustrating, she understands he was doing it out of good intentions). In fact, Mimi is pretty much incapable of holding a grudge at all. (More on this later!)
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Mimi’s most famous incident of “succumbing to her vices” is Adventure episode 25, when she ends up letting the Geckomon and Otamamon pamper her while stringing along and refusing to do the job they’d needed her for in the first place (singing to wake TonosamaGeckomon). Let’s go over what led to Mimi getting in this situation:
Mimi was basically at her limit. She had been in the Digital World for what had been implied to be months. Going that long without her bath or soft bed or comfort, it’s understandable that she finally let stress overcome her and succumbed to her vices in full. This is basically Mimi at one of her worst possible breaking points, not her most of the time.
Taichi, Jou, and their partners never gave her a very good reason why they should leave (Taichi never explained the problems going on in the real world, nor that he’d even taken a pit stop there) and now, for all she knows, they’re trapped in the Digital World forever, so when she sees an offer to make it all stop hurting, she naturally takes it -- especially when the people telling her to leave aren’t giving her any reason why except that she should.
Even despite all that, Mimi has a complete mental breakdown after her tantrum ends up throwing everyone in jail, dreaming about how everyone must hate her now and how even the Geckomon and Otamamon are tiring of her (the fact this pops up in her dream implies that she’d had a feeling this was coming for a while now). Sora comes to give her a little encouragement, but even she says that Mimi already really knows what she should be doing now. Mimi ends up bringing everyone out to apologize to them and fulfill her duty before the night is even over.
So let’s recap: Mimi is so empathetic and worried about other people’s feelings and what they think of her that, even in arguably one of the worst mental health crashes we’ve ever seen her have on screen, she still breaks down at the prospect of disappointing everyone and making them hate her to the point she immediately recognizes how far she’s fallen and takes it back before the night’s even over. That is how much other people, ranging from Taichi to a crowd of Digimon she’s only vaguely acquainted with, matter to her.
The full “payoff” for this episode in terms of the light of the Crest of Purity glowing and achieving Lilimon evolution does not happen until Adventure episode 35.
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It is interesting for a lot of reasons, mainly because it involves all of the events happening in response to things that don’t sound very virtuous on their face (early in the episode, Mimi insensitively comments on Palmon being “bad taste”, and later in the episode she starts considering the Digimon tormenting others unforgivable).
The “Crest of Purity” (sometimes “Innocence”) is something that’s often been difficult to translate, mainly because the easiest words that come to mind often have other unwanted implications, but the real point of it is that, again, Mimi is lacking in malice. The way she talks to Palmon at the beginning of the episode indicates she really didn’t think Palmon would take it seriously (she even urges her to “not think too much into it”), only to find out at the end of the episode that she sort of kind of did. (Trust me, she’s very sorry about it.) The other thing is that, when she starts protesting at the Digimon at the end of the episode, she’s doing this specifically because she’s weeping on behalf of all of the tormented civilians (including her family) that are being caught in the crossfire. She’s so constantly empathetic towards other people that seeing other people hurt, regardless of how well she knows them, just eats her inside. So for her, those who cause that kind of suffering are unforgivable, because they’re inflicting that pain on others.
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This is also what leads to her breakdown near the three-quarters mark of the series. Like with how she eventually came to empathize with the Numemon who fought on her behalf, Mimi holds no grudge against Scumon and Chuumon despite them having flirted with her earlier, and Chuumon taking a hit for her hurts her the deepest among all of the other kids. Because Mimi is so empathetic towards others, every death starts tearing away further until she finally can’t take it anymore. 
Mimi is fundamentally the kind of person who hates fighting, and even from day one she’d never liked it -- her way of “encouraging” fighting was more like hoping that Palmon (or her evolved forms) could survive. If she wanted to win, it was in the sense of wanting everyone to Not Die; she was never belligerent. But now that the actual body count of people she considers friends is rising, she associates fighting so deeply with that body count that the pain gets to her, and the last straw breaks in Adventure episode 45 in the form of two people she considers friends, Taichi and Yamato, getting in a fight. Everyone around her is hurt. Everyone around her is pain. The naturally empathetic Mimi feels all of this, and she thus decides to pull back from the fighting.
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Mimi being such a firm pacifist does have its benefits -- not only does it mean that she holds no grudge against Ogremon in Adventure episode 46 and bid for treating his wounds even though Jou (understandably!) is initially more skeptical because of how he’d initially tried to kill them, she also creates a major dent in Ogremon’s “fated rival” philosophy towards Leomon by forcing him to question: so what if you do defeat your rival? Then what? What’s the point of fighting? Does it actually make you feel better to try and prove your strength this way? (Even Leomon, for all he’s portrayed as noble, is still shown to have a petty investment in his conflict with Ogremon in the following episode.) Ogremon tries not to think too hard about it, but Mimi questioning “what he would do if Leomon were gone” becomes a question he really does have to confront when Leomon dies in the next episode...
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...which is also an important learning lesson for Mimi herself as well: fighting may cause collateral damage, but not fighting doesn’t help things either, because when less-than-virtuous forces are at work, casualties will happen either way. In fact, it’s even worse to be a sitting duck, because now you’re just doing nothing when people die right in front of you. Which is a lesson that Jou had wanted to tell her earlier, but didn’t know how to describe to her in words because of his own complicated feelings:
What he wanted to tell her was this: that he didn’t see any likelihood of co-existing with the Dark Masters, and that they had no other choice but to fight them. Even a neutral country like Switzerland had a military. They would be invaded by enemy countries without one. It would be nice and ideal if they used the nonviolent resistance approach as Ghandi did. But that didn’t mean it was okay to just be killed without lifting a finger… But not even he could find a good answer.
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However, Mimi is still a pacifist. Even if she finally understands that fighting is necessary, that should not mean that she should now force herself to become someone gung-ho and enthusiastic about it. This is why, in Adventure episode 50, Jou contemplates different ways they can productively contribute to the fight -- because Mimi should not be obligated to personally fight herself when it’s not in her fundamental nature, and Jou personally does not feel that he’s very good at it. But Jou, having put some thought into “one’s own path”, realizes that literal physical violence fighting isn’t the only way to be “part of the fight” -- and so while Jou starts to realize that his unique role is becoming someone who can be a capable healer and doctor for those who are wounded, Mimi has her own talents that she can use to bring Digimon and other allies together. Because Mimi is a kind and charismatic person whom everyone finds likeable and would be willing to come along with, and since she holds no grudges against anyone, nobody would hold any grudges against her, so she’s perfect for the role of “bringing people together for the sake of what they want to protect”.
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And she does. Adventure being a series that respects the contributions of those who don’t necessarily participate by direct fighting, Mimi’s rallying together of the Digimon becomes key to saving everyone in Adventure episode 52, and the fact that everyone’s together in the end makes for a great group photo.
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Speaking of the final episode, in case the point hadn’t been driven home enough that Mimi’s the most empathetic and emotionally sensitive of the entire cast, the series famously ends on her very emotionally compromised farewell with Palmon. Of course, Palmon’s the one who kind of initiated it (she’s the one who initially refuses to see Mimi because she’s too emotionally compromised), but, after all, the series ends on Mimi being so frazzled about it that she loses her hat.
Mimi in 02 and beyond
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As with the other Adventure kids, Mimi’s character arc continues in 02, and we learn a lot about her before she even makes her first personal appearance!
Firstly, we learn that Mimi’s moved to America. The in-universe reason is that it’s for her father’s work...or, at least, ostensibly so, because 02 episode 40 implies that the actual reason was that her parents wanted them to be away from Digimon incidents. (Which, of course, didn’t last very long.) The meta reason for Mimi moving, however, very likely has to do with the fact that 02 involves a subplot of Chosen Children appearing all over the world, and Mimi’s character involves an innate talent for bringing people together.
We learn in Two-and-a-Half Year Break that Mimi moved in 2001, only one year before 02′s events, and eventually got caught in the 9/11 incident -- where she met a number of other American Chosen Children in New York and, now much stronger of heart since the events of Adventure, was able to help them in the recovery efforts, despite there being a language barrier. With this, and the fact she’s shown at a huge party in 02 episode 14: they’re not kidding when they say Mimi can become friends with pretty much anyone. Even going to an entirely different country and dealing with a language and cultural barrier, Mimi is such a naturally kind and compassionate person that she immediately doesn’t have any problem fitting in. (Because, really, someone that level of kind and friendly is hard to dislike.) And in a world where international solidarity between Chosen Children is getting more and more important, that is a very valuable role to have.
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The other thing we find out early about Mimi in 02 episode 2 is that Sora catches on that Miyako is a lot like Mimi, based on the fact that Miyako also is empathetic and has an aversion to fighting. And Sora’s completely right, because when Mimi does come into the picture, the similarities -- and differences -- between her and Miyako say a lot about both characters.
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When Mimi arrives in Japan in 02 episode 6 (for her cousin’s wedding), she and Miyako immediately get along with each other, and Miyako instantly role-models her, to the point of claiming her as an honorary older sister (despite already having older sisters herself!). It’s not surprising; Mimi and Miyako are both very bright and cheerful people, and Miyako even shares the background of being slightly pampered by her family (although presumably more due to her being the youngest of several siblings). Mimi, for her part, continues her trend of being likeable and fond of pretty much everything (including even her beloved tuna-mayo onigiri that she hadn’t had for so long), and is perfectly happy to be tight with Miyako.
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The Digitamamon incident in 02 episode 14, however, adds an extra layer into why Miyako idolizes Mimi so much besides Mimi just being cool in general: Mimi is kind, forgiving, mature, and incapable of holding a grudge -- to the point her pacifistic tendencies kick in even when Digitamamon gets hit by a Evil Spiral and she refuses to fight him, despite him literally starting to beat her up. Again, Mimi came to understand the inevitability of having to fight back in Adventure, but Digitamamon is, to her, a friend who was trying his hardest to turn over a new leaf -- so, naturally, she tries to see if she can appeal to his heart instead. Miyako, on the other hand, is on the opposite extreme -- she’s so judgmental about her poor first impression with Digitamamon that, despite fully knowing well that Evil Spirals cause their victims to lose their ability to have reason, keeps trying to use it as evidence that Digitamamon was a traitor from the get-go.
Considering that the “secondary Digimentals” arc is largely about Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori coming to terms with their deficiencies in their respective traits and aspiring to do better, Miyako unfavorably compares herself to Mimi because Mimi is everything she wants to be and currently isn’t. Unlike Mimi, Miyako is aggressive, in-your-face, occasionally judgmental, belligerent, sometimes insensitive (not by choice), and often shallow, which she fully admits to in this episode. Of course, the reason Miyako gets the Digimental of Purity (Mimi’s trait) is because she hates this about herself -- even in 02 episode 31, she gives herself no shortage of grief for her foot-in-mouth syndrome and the fact she’s not as “kind” of a person she wants to be, and she herself is also fundamentally devoid of malice, just quick to jump to conclusions and a bit sidetracked by first impressions. (After all, Mimi was guilty of being accidentally insensitive when she called Palmon lacking in taste back in Adventure; the point is that when both of them do it, they really don’t mean badly, and end up sorry for it later.)
But that’s a story for another post about Miyako; more importantly, the reason Miyako is harsh on herself about this in this episode is that, in many ways, she’s everything Mimi is not, because Mimi is empathetic and mature and polite and never steps on anyone’s toes.
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02 episode 25 gives us more to work with; first of all, she’s depicted in yet another completely different hair and fashion style (which she brings up another of during the winter season), and her drastic shifts in style indicate more of her “open-mindedness”; she’s open to trying out tons of new things and is willing to like just about anything. More importantly, however, she turns out to be completely open-minded about recruiting Ken to help out, even though she’s well aware of what he’d done as the Kaiser (and, again, Miyako sees her ability to be forgiving as something to look up to). Because, again, Mimi doesn’t hold a grudge; she doesn’t send anything accusatory or forceful to Ken, but simply believes that he should be given the chance to know what’s going on and help out if he so chooses, which becomes key to Miyako herself also choosing to accept Ken at the end of the episode.
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Given that Mimi is portrayed as so open-minded towards trying all sorts of things, it’s probably no surprise that her “career” in Kizuna is so different from what we eventually know she’ll be doing in the epilogue -- instead of her cooking show, we see her running an online shopping business. After all, with her being so open-minded about wanting to do potentially anything, it’s very like her to "dabble” in a few different experimental things before (or perhaps “without”!) settling for something. What we know about this business is also quite on brand for her; her business specializes in “cute” (her preferred aesthetic, which she also shamelessly dresses in), and she’s established as setting up business all over the world to the point she has to constantly travel. Presumably, her natural charisma made it easy for her to set up connections.
Interestingly, her website profile also omits any discussion of any kind of university or other post-secondary education, implying that, unlike the others, she chose to dive directly into her career after high school. Again, it’s quite like her to find something she wanted to do and pursue it the moment it was in front of her -- no matter what it is, as long as it’s interesting.
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Mimi’s largest amount of focus in regards to the movie is in To Sora, where she’s seen checking in on Sora after noticing she hasn’t been in the group chat in a while -- again, as someone constantly empathetic to how her friends are doing, it’s natural that she’s the one who catches on and decides she needs to check in. As someone who loves uplifting and supporting her friends first and foremost, she happens to be fully aware of what everyone’s currently up to (compare how Taichi had to be actively updated on Sora and Takeru’s status from Yamato in the movie proper), and also provides nothing but positive supportiveness to Sora’s troubles during their conversation -- as usual, always respectful and polite, and never condescending.
And, of course, she naturally empathizes with Sora having hesitation about fighting -- both because she’s been busy herself, but also because she, of course, understands exactly how it feels for fighting to be emotionally taxing -- and declares that she’ll support Sora with whatever she does, just like how she found her own path back in Adventure by choosing to contribute by bringing people together instead of fighting. She makes do on this promise as well, considering that she keeps up with supporting Sora during her exhibition.
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By the time of the 02 epilogue, Mimi has decided to change tracks entirely and go for cooking, which, while being very different, is also very on-brand. This time, the part about “cooking” is something that comes from her family, since, after all, experimental cooking (...of some kind) was something Satoe got the whole family to embrace. The exact nature of her job is literally “culinary researcher”, which is a Japanese catch-all to refer to the sort of “food critic” who experiments with food and writes extensively (or, in this case, runs a TV show) about different ways you can enjoy and put together food, which also goes in mind with her streak of “open-mindedness”. The common point is, really, that everything Mimi does comes out of positivity, supportiveness, and love.
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
19, 20, 21, 30, 32
Hey there, thanks so much for the ask!  And happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!  I threw this below the cut because it’s long.
19.)  OTPs
My fave digimon ship is Daiken!  Next is Sorato.  Third tier is Jyoumi, then Takari.
I sort of ship Taishiro?  Like, I love love love Taishiro fanart and the concept, but I’ve never quuuuuite seen it written in a way that made sense to me.  I’m stupid picky about how Koushiro is written, though, unless the story is clearly comedic/silly.
I am open to canon x OC ships for any series, mostly because I think it’s unrealistic that a group of 12 people (or how ever many main characters there are) would all pair off together.  Like, it’s a big world, and most of these kids end up doing big things, which would expose them to lots of potential partners.  I realize this isn’t a very popular stance, though?  Obviously the OC has to be a fully-fleshed character who can bring something new to the table, though.
20.)  Favorite friendships/bonds between humans
Ahhh geez, here’s where I get a little unusual and say that I really don’t see much difference between romantic and platonic?  Like, I think platonic and romantic are equally important in a person’s life.  And “we kiss/are physically intimate” isn’t... a big deal to me.
So, all of the above from the OTPs, except add Yamato and Takeru.  I also in general love to see the female characters interact together and support one another, but you could put that under either category, too.
21.)  Favorite friendship/bond between digimon
You know, we don’t see this as much as the humans?  The digimon tend to interact most with their human.  I’d say Agumon and Gabumon are shown to be close- they have some really nice conversations in the Kizuna novel.  Also, Gomamon and Tentomon had some really nice heart-to-hearts/supporting each other in Tri?!?!?!  Like, that was unexpected, and deeply appreciated.
Also, I love the concept that Wormmon really wants to play with the other partner digimon right around after Ken rejected the Kaiser, but was having trouble coming to join the group.
Slightly off topic, but I’m also absolutely freaking living for Piyomon scolding Yamato?!  ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE A MOVE ON SORA?!  HOW DARE YOU!  YOU AREN’T HIGH LEVEL ENOUGH!!!  GO TRAIN AND COME BACK!
30.)  An unpopular opinion about the series
I dunno, I guess I seem to like the epilogue a lot more than most people do? 
32.)  A character/friendship that should’ve had more development?
All of the girls interacting together.  GIVE THEM A GIRL’S DAY.
I also would love to see more of Yamato with characters who aren’t Taichi, Takeru, or Sora.  He is truly, impressively introverted.
Oh!  Jyou!  Jyou and everyone, honestly!  He tends to bow out of social situations.  I have all these ideas about how he would relate to everyone when they get older, and I WANT MORE JYOU.
Also just, please just give Hikari more material, especially with people who are not Taichi or Takeru.  But first, just show me more of Hikari herself.  She deserves so much more content.
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uniarycode · 4 years
Tri Appreciation Week Day 1 - Reunion
I’m only...2 days late >_>
In my defense, I was pretty sick for a bit, anyway, here we go
Her first reaction was an exited squeal. It wasn’t dignified, and some might argue it was unbecoming of a sixteen-year-old girl an behavior she should have left behind in her pre-teen years, but there was no better way to release the joy that flooded her body.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to be dignified, her parents were perfectly aware of her habits, and never complained about them.  Instead they accepted her reaction in the same calm manner they accepted most of her excited outbursts.
And really, how else were they expecting her to react to the news?  They already knew how she felt before even asking.  That’s why the had already sorted out all the details.
After five years, Mimi was finally coming home.
A small piece of her felt guilty.  Half a decade had been spent in New York.  She had friends here, friends she would miss, and treasured memories that she would not have gained back in Japan.
Her English had improved immensely since she arrived, she was now as fluent in her adopted tongue as in her native tongue.  She could name all fifty states, and followed all the celebrity gossip.
But even with all her new friends, even with all her newfound culture, even with her parents, New York wasn’t home.  Home was back with the seven teammates she had traversed across the digital world with, those she’d fought alongside for her very life. And the four younger comrades that had joined their growing family.
When the time came to wish her American friends farewell, Mimi knew she would cry.  That sweet memories would surface, and promises to write each other despite the distance would flourish.  And she would mean them too.  
But that did nothing to sour her current mood.  She wasn’t sure there was anything that could sour her current mood.  At the moment she was walking amongst the local shops trying to find any light-weight souvenirs she could bring back to her friends in Japan.
Should she warn them she was coming back?  Or just drop in out of the blue.  She knew her father had all the connections necessary to get her not just into Koushiro’s school, but his class as well.  And having the genius around would help her transition back to the Japanese curriculum.
Speaking of the devil, her favorite computer expert had just contacted her, something about Taichi having a soccer game on the weekend?  Well if that didn’t give her the most delicious idea.
Look out Japan, Mimi Tachikawa was finally coming home.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x14 - Set Sail! To a New Continent! / Departure for a New Continent
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Takeru's Partner Digimon finally evolved! And then he exploded, giving Takeru a story that he'll be telling his therapist well into his forties. Fortunately for him, when your Tamagotchi shits itself to death, you can always start over from scratch. But it's just not the same.
Now, with Devimon defeated and File Island restored, a strange hologram of a man has revealed himself to the seven children.
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At long last, someone who understands what's going on is here to explain the plot to the gathered children.
Old Man: So you are the Chosen Children. Very impressive, given that you've defeated Devimon. Taichi: Who are you!? Yamato: An ally of Devimon!? Old Man: Don't worry; I'm on your side. Sora: It's amazing to finally see another human besides us in this world. Old Man: Well, although I am human, at the same time, I am not. Mimi: Are you obake? Old Man: --hrmph!?
As previously discussed in episode 12, bakemono is an umbrella term for a variety of shapeshifting yokai who take on other forms, often to deceive humans. Obake is another word for bakemono; Mimi's accusing the old man of being the same sort of creature as those "worshippers" that Jou and Sora encountered.
Mimi's question takes Gennai completely offguard, causing him to verbally flinch and turn to look at her. He picks back up like that didn't happen a moment later, but it seems she rattled him.
Over in the dub:
Old Man: So, you children are the DigiDestined. You must be strong to have defeated Devimon. Tai: Who are you? Matt: Are you a friend of Devimon's? Old Man: Fear not, for I am a friend to all! And yet, I am a friend to none. Sora: I can't believe it! There are actually other humans besides us in this world. Old Man: I am human! And yet, I am not human. Mimi: This is confusing. Old Man: HRM!!!
"Okay, am I the only one who finds these sayings just a little bit formulaic? 'If you want to push something down, you have to pull it up. If you want to go left, you have to go right.'" ~Mystery Men
This bit might have been screwed out of the gate. We don't have a similar concept to obake in American reference pools common enough for children to pick up on. Even the subtitlers had to go with "ghost", which doesn't quite convey the right idea.
Unfortunately, that leaves him grunting aggressively at Mimi for what seems like no reason. Since the obake line is untranslatable, this may have been a good spot to insert a Valley Girl Mimi quip instead. Give him something to react negatively to.
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Old Man: ...My name is Gennai. Because of Devimon's interference, I couldn't contact you sooner. I'm glad to finally meet all of you. Koushiro: Contacting us from where, exactly? Gennai: I'm on Server Continent, which is pretty far away from File Island. Sora: How long have you been there, Gennai-san? Gennai: I've always been in this world. Mimi: Were you the one who brought us here? Gennai: ...no, I'm not. Mimi: Then who did? Gennai: Well... (long pause) ...I don't know. Takeru: Do you at least know what we have to do to return to our world? Gennai: I don't know that either. Takeru: What the hell, Grandpa!? We can't depend on you at all!
Mimi is acing this interrogation. She has destroyed Gennai's mystique. Poking all sorts of buttons he doesn't want poked. He's trying so hard to present himself as the kindly old mentor figure and she's just like "Ohhh you're an Imposter who did this to us, gotcha."
Old Man: Now, my name is Gennai. I couldn't send you this transmission during your battle with Devimon but now the lines are clearer and only ten cents a minute! Izzy: Well, who are you? And just where are you? Gennai: I am speaking to you far away from File Island, across the ocean on the continent of Server. Sora: Talk about a long-distance call! How long have you been here? Gennai: Since before the beginning, until after the end. Mimi: Are you the one who got us stuck here in the Digital World? Gennai: ...it was not I. Mimi: Then who was it? Gennai: It was... (long pause) I dunno. T.K.: But Mr. Gennai, sir, do you know what we need to do so that we can all get back home again? Gennai: No, I don't. Tai: Boy, you're a regular fountain of information, aren't you!?
With the exception of the phone service jokes inserted to break up the conversation, this dialogue is almost completely identical.
Though it's worth noting that Gennai's name is said differently. In Japanese, it's pronounced "Gen-nye" with a hard 'g'. In English, it's "Jen-nye" with a soft 'g'.
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Gennai: But I'm depending on you. You must come to Server Continent and defeat the enemy here. As the Chosen Children, you should be able to do this. Koushiro: But we don't know how to get there. Gennai: You're right. I'll send you a map through your laptop. Jou: But there's no way we can defeat an enemy that's more powerful than Devimon! Gennai: Not so. You can, if your Digimon evolve to an even higher stage. Agumon: We can evolve further!? Gennai: You will need these in order to do so. By inserting a Crest into this Tag, you Digimon can achieve higher evolution. Gabumon: Where can we find these Tags and Crests? Gennai: Well... The Crests are scattered across Server Continent. As for the Tags, Devimon gathered them up and hid them somewhe-- (Suddenly, Gennai's hologram fritzes out) Gennai: Oh no... ...Devi--... ...interference....
The device shuts down from there, leaving the kids to make do with the information they got. The dub covers this part practically verbatim.
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Koushiro checks his laptop and, sure enough, Gennai sent the map. File Island is a pinprick compared to Server Continent.
(Japan's actually pretty huge but in terms of relative position to the continent, it makes me think of Japan's position in the sea relative to Asia. I wonder if that's deliberate?)
Meanwhile, the kids break for dinner.
Koushiro: It looks like he was at least able to send the map. Sora: What should we do now? Taichi: Let's get off this mountain first. We can decide on something after we eat!
I love how the dub presents this exchange.
Tentomon: Gennai's transmission ended rather abruptly. Izzy: Well, at least he was able to send the map through before he got cut off. Sora: I hope he's alright. What's our next move going to be? Tai: Huh. I've got a foolproof plan: First we'll eat something, and after that I'm open to suggestions!
XD Foolproof indeed. Never change, Tai.
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Given that they've had a long day, the kids decide to break here. They head back down the mountain and forage up dinner so they can decide what to do on full stomachs.
During this time, Yamato finds Takeru sitting by the water with his Digitama.
Yamato: Takeru? Takeru: It's nothing. I was just hoping my Digitama would hatch soon and grow. Yamato: Your Digimon will join everyone here soon enough. Takeru: Yeah! You're right!
It's a small moment, but a sweet opportunity for Yamato to be Takeru's big brother.
Over in the dub, Matt may be confused about how this works.
Matt: T.K.? T.K.: Ohh, I was just wishing my Digi-Egg would hurry up and hatch already so it can grow up! Matt: Don't sweat it, lil' bro! When your Digimon hatches, it'll be the coolest one yet! T.K.: Egg-xactly!
They just wanted to make that pun. But also, uh, no, Matt. It'll be the same one he had before.
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Once dinner's out of the way, it's time for the kids to decide on next steps. We all heard what Gennai said. But. What do we do with his request?
Taichi: Now that we're all nice and fed, let's figure out what we should do next. Sora: Gennai-san told us to go to Server Continent, but.... Koushiro: If this map is right, then it's a far distance from here. Mimi: I can't swim more than 25 meters. It's impossible for me. Jou: Do we have to go? Devimon is gone from this island. The Black Gears are gone too. This last week we've been here has made us more or less familiar with the landmarks. There's plenty of water and food, too. Sora: What are you trying to say? Jou: Can we even trust what this Gennai said? Is there really even a Server Continent? Taichi: Hey, what's all this about!? We can't get back to our own world if we just sit here! Sora: It took everything we had to defeat Devimon. But there's going to be even stronger enemies waiting for us. Koushiro: Besides, how would we even cross the ocean to reach the continent? Mimi: There might be weird Digimon over there too! Jou: Uh-huh. Yamato: Maybe we should look around here a little longer. Taichi: What the hell, guys!? Takeru: Let's go! Yamato: Takeru? Takeru: I don't know what enemies are waiting for us, but let's try! I'm sure that's what Angemon would have said. That's why I.... Agumon: We'll come too! We can evolve further if you have the Tags and Crests, right?
I'm glad this comes up because it's worth debating. These kids, now aware of what they've been drafted into, are being asked to risk drowning in the ocean for the sake of going to a foreign land and fighting a war. And without even the barest smidge of hope that this will actually connect to sending them home, which is still only Koushiro's speculation.
And if there is no reason to believe we'll ever return home, then "What if we just stay here and build our lives on this tropical island?" is a question worth discussing. If they're lost forever, there are worse places to be lost than File Island.
But once the Digimon begin to cast their votes, the tide of the conversation changes completely. One by one, each of the Digimon implores their kid, and each of the kids relents and agrees to go to Server. Even Jou puts up little fuss.
Once again, the dialogue here is near completely identical in the dub. With two notable differences, both of which center on Mimi. Her first line about only swimming 25 meters is changed out to:
Mimi: I can't even swim across the bathtub! It's impossible for me.
While her second line about weird Digimon is replaced with:
Mimi: We don't even know what the fashions are like on Server!
To be fair, worrying about weird Digimon is a redundant complaint to raise when we've already been told there's going to be far more powerful enemies over there waiting for us. Though, given that Mimi's been harassed twice in the last week, it's possible she means "weird" in more of a gross way.
But if that's the case, I wouldn't expect the 90's localization team to actually translate this as, "We might run into more Digi-Perverts!"
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So begins the greatest logistical undertaking the kids have had to do since arriving on this island. They're going to need to build a raft capable of taking all thirteen-plus-egg across the ocean.
Koushiro: It looks like it'll take a long time just to cut down the trees. Sora: There's no point in rushing. Let's not be hasty.
It's at that moment that Sora notices the sound of heavy footfalls coming their way. Turning around, she spots Leomon on approach. Given their history with Mr. Kill the Children, it's natural that she has a kneejerk panic response.
Sora: WAUGH!!! Koushiro: Leomon!? Leomon: I've heard you're leaving for Server Continent. Sora: How did you know that? Leomon: Some of us monsters love to gossip. I was wondering if you needed any help with anything. Sora: (excited) You'll really help us? Leomon: There's more than enough helping hands.
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As he says, more Digimon begin to arrive. Kentarumon, Mojamon, and Elecmon are next to show up, followed by Monzaemon and Yukidarumon. Then Meramon and countless villager Pyocomon.
Before long, the residents of File Island have assembled an impressive raft to send the children off.
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Before long, they have a seaworthy vessel for crossing the ocean.
Taichi: It's done! Koushiro: Looks like it has good balance, too! Jou: Can we really cross the ocean with this? Taichi: We've already decided to go! We'll have to use this. Leomon: With your abilities, I'm sure you can cross the ocean safely. Taichi: Thank you, Leomon! We couldn't have done this without you!
Meanwhile, in the dub, Joe has a different concern.
Tai: Alright! Izzy: It's hydrodynamically designed! Joe: I think I'm getting seasick already.... Tai: Get a grip, Joe; It'll have to do! Leomon: Believe me, that raft is strong enough to get you across the ocean. Tai: Thanks, Leomon! We never could have done it without your help!
Notably, Leomon's line is different between versions. In the original, he puts faith in the children to be able to make this journey, while Dub Leomon puts his faith in the raft he just made. Rude.
As soon as the raft is finished, there's even more good news!
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Poyomon hatches from his Digitama to greet the world! This little newborn goop ball can't even speak words beyond reciting his name like a Pokemon. "Poyo! Poyomon!" Surprisingly, the narrator chimes in to give us a rundown. Poyomon is a Baby-stage Digimon with no type.
(To my understanding, Baby I-stage Digimon never have a type. They have to get to Baby II before they develop one.)
Narrator: Poyomon! A slimy Digimon shaped like a jellyfish. It is said to be the most primitive of lifeforms. Its vitality and adaptability are greater than you might expect from its unassuming appearance.
Tentomon takes care of this in the dub.
Tentomon: Poyomon is a jellyfish-type Digimon of few words. But, if his friends are in trouble, he's ready for action!
Trying really hard to sell Baby Jelly as a badass there, Tentomon. Gritty 90's Americana at work?
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At last, the kids shout their farewells to the denizens of File Islands and set sail for Server.
Narrator: The seven children learned how to survive using their own strength, by fighting Digimon, and by forming friendships with Digimon. And so the children left File Island behind.
Tai takes care of this bit of narration over in the dub.
Tai: So we sailed away from File Island where we had some really cool adventures! When we had to survive on our own, we grew up very fast. Except Joe; He just threw up very fast, ha! But he came around too! We don't know what's waiting for us on the other side of the ocean but we'll face it as a team!
XD Poor Joe. Rude to call him out like that, Tai.
Meanwhile, my ass is over here like,
Drake: And so the kids... completed the tutorial level. Now that they're in the open world sandbox, the real game can begin. Holy crap.
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Once the kids are out on open ocean, it doesn't take long to start talking about the survival logistics of their journey.
Taichi: (looking through telescope) I can't see anything. Jou: I wonder how long it will take? Taichi: We just set sail! Jou: But even if we ration our food and water supplies to bare minimum, they'll only last us half a month. Taichi: Then we can fish or something! Sora: All we need to hope for right now is good weather.
Jou's right to be concerned here. Catching fish won't solve their problems if they run out of water.
(While we're all traveling by raft, this would probably be a great time to bring back the compass from Mimi's dad's survival kit. But I think the show's forgotten she had that.)
The dub tweaks Joe's line to add onto his concerns.
Joe: The salt air is killing my sinuses and we've only got enough food for two weeks.
They also remove his mention of water supplies. Without that concern, Tai's plan to supplement their supplies with freshly-caught fish seems more effective.
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Despite the dub giving Joe so much shit for seasickness, it's actually the young'uns Koushiro and Mimi getting queasy at the back of the raft. Though Takeru seems to be handling himself okay.
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Apart from nearly losing Poyomon to the waves, that is.
Suddenly, a colossal wave nearly capsizes their raft. They make it through, but struggle for a moment to discern where it could have come from.
Yamato: Where did that come from!? Koushiro: There's no wind here that could be causing these waves! Jou: Maybe a ship is passing nearby? Taichi: There's no ship here!
I want to say that was a silly guess by Jou, but given how many random human things are scattered about File Island, human ships freely wandering the ocean is entirely plausible. There are no rules here.
The cause of the wave, however, is something much more frightening.
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Their raft is caught in the wake of a colossal Whamon. A frankly confusing Digimon, Whamon is a Vaccine-type Aquatic Digimon whose stage is... complicated. Due to what I can only assume are creative inconsistencies, Whamon are either Adult-stage or Perfect-stage depending on the media.
Adventure's rundown pegs them as Adult-stage in its data boxes.
Narrator: Whamon. An enormous Digimon who lives in the Digital World's deep seas. The giant tidal waves he causes and his Jet Arrow blasting through his blowhole are fiercer than you might expect.
Notably, I believe this is the very first mention of the world they're in as Digital Sekai or "The Digital World" rather than Digimon Kai or "Digimon World".
Fortunately for the dub, Tentomon quickly asserts in the original that we're still close enough to File Island for him to recognize this Digimon.
Gabumon: W-Why is he doing this!? Tentomon: Whamon is a powerful monster, but he always keeps to the bottom of the ocean!
The Partner Digimon knowing nothing beyond the borders of File Island is a factor that has not kicked in yet.
Tentomon: Whamon is a giant Digimon who lives in the deep oceans of the Digital World. Its Jet Arrows are unbelievable! Gabumon: It was massive! Tentomon: A Whamon can sometimes be fierce but I've never seen one act this aggressive!
Whew! The diegetic rundowns are still in the clear! No time to worry about that now, though! We're under attack!
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In case there was any doubt over whether Whamon is purposely harassing us or not, he quickly clarifies his intentions by devouring the raft whole.
Koushiro: This must be Whamon's shokudou (either 'esophagus' or 'restaurant' depending on the kanji)! And by that, I don't mean the 'restaurant' version of shokudou! Jou: We're aware! Mimi: He ate us after all! Sora: How far until the exit!? Koushiro: The exit is his butt! Mimi: I don't want to leave that way! Palmon: Like poop. Mimi: Don't say that!
So here we have more fun with Japanese linguistics and also talking about poop. Obviously some changes were going to happen here, but not as many as you might expect.
Sora: I hope we don't give him a sore throat! Izzy: Technically, it's not the throat! It's the esophagus that leads to the stomach! Joe: He thinks we're fast food! Mimi: So he really did eat us! Sora: Sooner or later, this has to lead to an exit! Izzy: It does, but you don't wanna go there! Mimi: This is damaging my hair all the way to the roots! Palmon: Use my roots. Mimi: You're a plant!
They still tie in the esophagus, even if they have to recontextualize it to get away from Koushiro frantically babbling about linguistics. They also keep the butt joke by implying it instead of outright stating it.
Also, the roots/"You're a plant!" bit got a big laugh out of me. I don't say this a lot but this is one time I think the dub greatly improved this scene.
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The kids quickly find themselves under attack by the least effective antibodies in history, which throw themselves haplessly into the water and miss the raft by a wide margin despite the kids doing nothing but screaming and cowering.
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Then, at the end of their journey, they spill out into Whamon's stomach. Fitting his strange cyborg whale design, his stomach is a machine. Red lights around the edge suddenly light up with a loud activation tone, releasing gastric juice into the stomach for digestion.
After Koushiro briefly explains gastric acid for the kids at home, we get this exchange.
Taichi: Don't fall in! Jou: We've got to get out of here quickly before things get worse!
Which the dub edits to:
Tai: Don't let it get on you! Joe: We'd better get out of here before we give him a major ulcer!
Similar to Sora's line about the sore throat, the dub kids seem more worried that being in here might hurt Whamon than for their own safety.
Speaking of ulcers, it's at that moment that Sora notices something directly above them.
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Whoops! Looks like Devimon missed one when he was recalling all the Black Gears to Infinity Mountain.
Taichi: A Black Gear! Agumon: So that's why Whamon was running wild! Gomamon: Let's help him! Jou: How? Palmon: Climb up there using my vines!
Over in the dub, poor Joe gets called out again.
Tai: It's a Black Gear! Agumon: That's why Whamon was acting so aggressive! Gomamon: Joe, do something to help! Joe: Why me? Palmon: Someone can climb on these!
Man, it really is Pick On Joe Day over at American Digimon.
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Dangerous as this is, Palmon ensnares the Black Gear with her Poison Ivy. Then Taichi makes the ascent, climbing hand-over-hand to reach it. Once he's close enough, the light from his Digivice shines and harmlessly disintegrates the Gear. Palmon pulls Taichi back towards the raft before he can land somewhere else.
As soon as the Gear's destroyed, Whamon's stomach glows with a strange light. The raft ascends and, before long, the kids are all ejected from Whamon's blowhole.
The good news is, they emerged from his stomach unscathed. The bad news....
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So much for that raft. The kids are unharmed, but their means of transportation is totaled and their supplies are now floating in the sea.
However, Whamon isn't done with them yet.
Mimi: DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!! Whamon: I'm sorry for my outrageous behavior. Piyomon: It's not your fault, Whamon! Sora: It was because of the Black Gear! Taichi: That must have been the last one! Jou: Are you sure about that? Whamon: My head is clear now, thanks to you. Taichi: Whamon, do you know how far Server Continent is from here? Whamon: Yes. It would take me about five days to get there. Yamato: That means it's pretty far. Takeru: This is bad. Our raft is broken. Whamon: Are you trying to reach Server Continent? Agumon: That's right. Whamon: Allow me to take you as thanks for disposing of the Black Gear. Sora: Really? Mimi: LUCKY!!!
Mimi throws up her arms in celebration. In the process letting go of the log she's floating on and nearly drowning herself. Palmon has to pull her out of the water and reattach her to the log.
XD She got excited.
The dub dialogue is the same, save for some gags added to Whamon's dialogue.
Tai: By the way, do you know how far it is to Server? Whamon: Yes. It would take me five days. Uh, make that three and a half without traffic. T.K.: Great, our raft's broken! Whamon: Are you going to Server? Agumon: Yeah, we were trying to! Whamon: I'll take you there myself. It's not every day your lunch saves your life!
The promise of Whamon-sized traffic sure makes me glad we're not on a raft anymore!
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Swimming and bouncing from the water, Whamon makes his way to Server with the kids safely nestled on his back.
Sora: Feels great! Koushiro: This is a much more pleasant experience than the raft. Mimi: I won't get seasick from this! Taichi: Now all that's left is to find the Crests and Tags that Devimon sealed away! Whamon: Did you say Devimon? Taichi: Do you know something? Whamon: I'm not quite sure what you mean by Tags and Crests but I do remember Devimon hiding something under the waves. Taichi: Where!? Whamon: It's on the way to Server Continent. Please take shelter inside my body while I go there.
Dub Whamon adds a particular stipulation.
Whamon: It's on the way to Server. You can all ride inside me and I'll take you there. But no tickling!
That's fair. The last thing we need him to do is sneeze or cough us out at the bottom of the ocean.
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Whamon takes the kids down to a secret cave at the bottom of the ocean, where an air pocket exists. He lets them out there and they enter the cave to explore.
Whamon: Since I can't go any farther, I will wait for you here.
Seems fair, being a whale and all. The dub has other ideas for why he can't come with.
Whamon: I'm so out-of-shape, I have to rest here for a while. I gotta drop a couple of thousand pounds!
He can't come into the cave because he's too fat, I guess. Also. Y'know. Marine life.
Before long, they find their destination.
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Deji Mart, your one-stop shop for all consumer goods! The "Deji" is how Japan romanizes the word "Digi".
Unfortunately, DigiMart was not left unguarded.
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Drimogemon, an Adult-stage Data-type Beast Digimon. His name is a conjunction of "drill" and "mogera", meaning "mole". Drillmolemon.
Narrator: Drimogemon. Living deep underground, he uses his drill to move at high speed. His sharp Drill Spin and Crusher Bone attacks devastate his enemies.
Over in the dub:
Tentomon: Drimogemon lives deep inside the earth drilling tunnels. He uses his iron Drill Spin and Crusher Bone to wipe out his enemies!
Practically verbatim.
He's not just any passing drill mole, either.
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Sora: He has a Black Gear! Jou: I knew there were still more of them! Drimogemon: No one may enter here, by order of Devimon-sama! Leave at once!
See, Taichi? Assuming makes an ass out of u and ming.
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Gomamon evolves to Ikkakumon so he can hold off Drimgemon. Everyone else makes their way into DigiMart to find those Tags. While Almost immediately after the kids are inside, Ikkakumon hurls Drimogemon through the storefront. The impact shakes the store.
Jou: Ikkakumon, go easy on the attacks!
At this point, Ikkakumon is as much a threat to us as Drimogemon is.
Dub Joe, on the other hand, has a thirst for blood.
Joe: Ikkakumon! You've got him down! Get him!
Joe's going to see Drimogemon go down if it's the last thing he does. Which it may be.
Apparently not listening to Jou, Ikkakumon fires off a Harpoon Vulcan instead of listening. The missile slams into Drimogemon and explodes, rattling the store inside.
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It's at this point that Tentomon evolves to join the fight.
(They don't say Ikkakumon is fired from engaging Drimogemon for being too reckless, but there's an implication there.)
Drimogemon tries throwing his signature Crusher Bone at Kabuterimon, but you know how those flying Digimon are with projectile attacks.
With three dimensions of evasion, Kabuterimon maneuvers around Drimogemon and takes out his Black Gear with a precisely-aimed Mega Blaster.
(Was that so hard, Ikkakumon?)
Amid all the friendly fire-inflicted carnage at the DigiMart, Takeru loses track of Poyomon. When he finds him again, Poyomon's found the loot!
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Mission complete! Drimogemon apologizes for the fight and disappears underground.
Drimogemon: I-I'm very sorry! Gabumon: Wait! Where are the Tags? Drimogemon: Th-They should be in the store. Good luck finding them!
Dub Drimogemon offers more specific directions.
Drimogemon: The Tags should be in the convenience store next to the jerky.
Oh, sweet. We have five days of whale-riding to do so we should stock up on jerky while we have the chance.
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Inside the store, the kids open the box to find the Tags they'll need. Setting sail for Server, we close on a reminder of the next stage of this journey.
Yamato: He mentioned the Crests are spread throughout Server Continent, right? Gabumon: Right. If we combine the Tag and Crest.... Agumon: We can evolve further! Taichi: Yeah! We'll definitely find those Crests!
A new adventure begins here.
Assessment: What stands out to me about the Tags and Crests is how Toyetic they are. Digimon as a franchise started its life as an offshoot of Tamagotchi. That's what the Digivices are; They're a way to incorporate the little handheld Tamagotchi device into the anime.
This is a toy-driven series, like Transformers or My Little Pony. It's just a different kind of toy.
Considering that, I am curious if the whole "Use this merchandise sold separately NEW MACGUFFIN to reach Perfect-stage!" thing, like... Is this a thing? A real-world thing being incorporated into the anime, like the Digivice? I dunno. It's certainly peculiar.
In any case, this episode goes strong at the start with the farewell from File Island, but slows down once they're on the ocean.
I'm not a big fan of the DigiMart mission. Having to go on a fetch quest to unlock the ability to go on the next set of fetch quests feels like it's just killing time. Also, it's bloody convenient that the very next person we happened to meet after learning about Devimon's secret stash happens to know where Devimon's secret stash is!
Can you imagine if the stash was somewhere on File Island and we left without even checking? Boy would our faces be red!
This is a bridging episode between the Devimon and Etemon arcs, and the main interesting thing that happens concerns how the cast moves across the ocean. So, for me, it feels like the Tags were just thrown in so we have an excuse to wander off-course and beat up a Bad Guy for the third act climax.
For the dub, it's weird that they put so much emphasis on Joe getting seasick when it's Mimi and Koushiro who spend the episode wrestling with that. It's probably meant as a callback to the Bakemon episode, when he was throwing up over the side of his bed. But he never gets seasick once in this one.
Still, while their characterization choices stumble in a few places, they're able to lay down most of the important plot points with few deviations. We've seen better dubs than this episode, but we've seen worse too.
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afaithy · 4 years
150: “I didn’t know I was allergic to coconut oil until I went to this one strip club and now look at me - in the emergency room of a hospital on the night of my bachelor/bachelorette party" Koushiro and Jou and no, I am not sorry
THIS WAS THE WEIRDEST PROMPT EVER LOL. I was a little conflicted between making it serious or comedy, but well, this came out.
As a note, this would be the prequel to this prompt here  :)  All of my drabbles happen in the same universe, so I follow my headcanons lol.
I didn’t know I was allergic to coconut oil until I went to this one strip club and now look at me: in the ER of a hospital on the night of my Bachelor party
“Doctors always think anybody doing something they aren't is a quack; also they think all patients are idiots.”
― Flannery O'Connor
“Ah...you’re a blessing of the gods, Dr. Kido. If you ever feel lonely, don’t hesitate to call me. I am always free.” 
Jou smiled nervously as old grandma Fujita walked out of his examination room giving him a wink. A cold shudder ran down his spine, but he kept his professionalism and waved the old woman goodbye for the tenth time that week.
“Someone is popular” Hikari chuckled, covering her laughter with her hand.
“I prefer not to talk about it.” he replied, hiding his face behind his hand, in shame “Who’s next?”
“Mrs. Itou…” Hikari smirked “again…”
“What? What now?”
“She says her stomach hurts…” Hikari replied, checking the papers in her clipboard “She will run out of diseases...eventually.”
Jou clicked his tongue and pinched the bridge of his nose in disapproval. The emergency room was a serious place; Many lives were at stake and it was not a place for a group of older women with plenty of time to come and bother medical personnel with imaginary illnesses. Of course, Jou would never say anything, he was a gentleman and respectful of his elders,so he just examined the women and repeated that there was nothing wrong with them and sent them home with some vitamins.
“Should I call her in?”
Jou was about to respond when familiar screams made both Hikari and Jou's eyes widen. The pair rushed out of the office and to their surprise several familiar faces were in the middle of the room making a stir, while some of the other nurses tried to understand what was happening.
“Kidooo, find Dr. Kido!!! Or ….”Taichi screamed in the room.
“Taichi-san...lower your voice, Jou-san is probably busy!” Takeru said, pulling his arm and giving the nurse that attended them an apologetic smile.
“Then bring out my sister…” Taichi continued “My sister...do you know her?”
“Your...sister, sir?” the nurse asked, a little scared. 
“Yeah! My sister...baby sister. She married this...guy!” Taichi said, catching Takeru under his arm “Lucky boy this one, haha…”
“Onichan!” Hikari said, horrified. She rushed into the scene, apologized to the nurses and told them that she would take care of this.
As Hikari was busy calming down the rest of the nurses, Jou approached the group and took a look.
As Hikari tried to explain the situation and apologized for her brother's erratic behavior to the other nurses, Jou approached the group and looked around. Taichi was clearly intoxicated, judging by his goofy grin.
" You better have an explanation for this…” Jou said sternly “This IS a hospital.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Takeru apologised trying to pull away from Taichi’s uncomfortable hug “We do have a reason...for...Taichi-san, please stop it…”
“Good heaven” Jou said, pressing his temple “What did I say about drinking too much today?”
“JOOOUUUUU:...”Taichi said, smiling like an idiot.” Just the man I wanted to see. My good old friend! He’s my childhood friend! Did you all know that? He was a skittish neurotic boy...but now Look at him! A full on Doctor! I am SO proud of you my friend!”
He released Takeru and turned to Jou in a clumsy attempt to hug him, but this was not the first time that Jou had had to deal with a very drunk Taichi, so the doctor evaded him and looked at Takeru -who was, clearly, the sober one - asking for an explanation.
“Long story short…”Takeru sighed “something...bad happened in Koushiro’s party.”
“Ah...I knew it….” Jou groaned “That is why I said you should have done it on the day I could actually go!”
Jou made his way to a private room, where the rest of the group was supposed to be. Hikari had already gone ahead of him, and the doctor found her hovering over someone on the bed. Someone that was struggling to get up while making unintedibble sounds.  When Jou approached the bed, he was shocked to see that it was Koushiro. 
His friend showed the worst case of swelling that Jou had seen in his entire medical career so far and judging by Hikari's horrified look, the girl shared his thoughts. The boy was unrecognizable and judging by his incoherent and unintelligible mumbling, he -like Taichi- was awfully drunk.  Hikari and Jou managed to push him back down and keep him from moving, so that Jou could actually examine him to understand what had happened to his friend. 
Ignoring the fact that he was treating a friend, Jou began to look at Koushiro with a clinical eye and began to list up  his physical symptoms: swelling around the eyes, face, mouth and possibly other areas of the body covered by the clothes; the eyes were reddened , there were rashes and dermatitis on the arms, legs and necks; judging by his difficult breathing, there was possibly inflammation of the airways and his heart rhythm was abnormally fast . Koushiro was conscious, but it was clear that he was confused. Whether this was a symptom of what was happening to him, or simply because he had drunk too much, they would only know it with a toxicological examination.
“Pressure?” Jou said, checking on the boy's eyes.
“90/ 60…” Hikari said, scribbling in the clipboard “ A little too low. Saturation level is at 93…”
“Mild hypoxia…” Jou said “Koushiro...Koushiro...can you hear me?”
Koushiro didn’t answer, or more accurately he couldn’t. He had tried to speak, but the swelling was so severe that he couldn’t that he couldn’t articulate a word.
“Koushiro, if you can hear me blink twice.”  the boy blinked “Good, now...blink twice for yes and once for no, okay?”
Koushiro blinked twice.
“Are you in pain?”
Two blinks. 
“Does your chest hurt and is it difficult to breathe?”
Two blinks.
“Does anything else hurt?”
Another two winks.
“Your stomach?” 
Once again two blinks.
The conversation continued like this for  some minutes, while Hikari took note..
“His airways are swollen, he still can breathe, but until we find out what’s causing this, we need to avoid further sweelling.  Give him 50 mg of prednisolone on an IV with 50mg of tramadol for the pain. Keep an eye on him. I want a  full blood scan and thoracic plaque. I want to see whether there’s pleural effusion or not. Ask for a toxicology test. I want to know what’s running in his system...”
“Yes, doctor. What are you going to do  in the meantime?”
“Try to get the story about what on earth happened to see where this problem came out from...”
“Well, that’s going to be a challenge with how drunk my brother is.” Hikari said, looking at Taichi, who was sitting in a corner singing a foolish and very out of tone song as Takeru tried to keep him still.
“Well lucky for me, your husband has a knack for storytelling.” Jou gave her a meaningful look and Hikari chuckled.
Takeru was having troubles trying to keep his brother-in-law from making a fuss. Taichi was the kind of person who would turn into a childish and silly kid whenever he was drunk, and even though it was funny at first, it became very tiring later on. 
“Alright, that’s enough...Taichi-san Stop it!” Takeru growled sternly.
Taichi’s only response was a pout.  He then began to wave his arms in a bvery childish manner.
“Takeruuuu….meanieeeeee….you don’t treat your awesome….greatest brother-in-law in the world like thiiiiis….”
“Yeah...well, you’re acting more like a naughty kid than my “awesome” brother-in-law, though…” Takeru sighed “Stop moving already! And keep your voice low...this is a hospital.”
Taichi pouted again and looked at Takeru with a scolded kid look. He stuck out his tongue at him with “Hmph” and turned away, making Takuro sigh. 
“I don’t know if I should laugh or be concerned that your first parenting experience is taking care of your intoxicated brother-in-law, Takeru.”
Takeru laughed and rolled his eyes. 
“I hope for my mind health’s sake, that I never get kids as feisty as Taichi-san…” 
“With your genes and Hikari’s...I think the chances are low. I can’t speak of the potential nephews however” Jou nodded, and Takeru wasn’t sure whether it was a joke or not, since Jou had kept a serious look. “ Where’s Yamato?”
“Well, after trying to kiss his way all over the club, he was knocked out. He must be still sleeping in the car. Don’t worry, Gabumon and patamon are with him. Daisuke and the others must still be in the party, I’m not even sure if they noticed us leaving.”
“Right.” Jou said with a sighe “Ok, so...care to tell me the story?”
Takeru gave him an ironic look. A story? He could write a full short novel with the events from that day, but he took a deep breathe and began telling Jou all the things that had transceded that night. 
“Well, it was Daisuke’s idea and well, my brother and Taichi were foolish enough to follow it, I guess? Honestly, I just found out today when I arrived.” he explained “Somehow they thought that it would be a pity that Koushiro didn’t experience a little bit of a “bachelor’s life” before tying the knot and well...they dragged us to this...night club.”
A night club! Jou thought, horrified. Those were the kind of silly things that happened when he wasn’t there to keep an eye on those kids. That was the worst possible place to take a man days before his wedding, then again, the fact that this was Daisuke’s idea shouldn’t have surprised him.  That kid had been watching too many american movies. 
“Alright...I need to know everything,” Jou sighed, taking out his pen “Everything that Koushiro did. What did he drink, eat, touch...all of it.”
“Ehr...sure…” Takeru said, trying to recall all the things that had happened earlier. It was hard since what had not happened that day. 
Daisuke’s plan had totally taken Koushiro by surprise.  He had expected a causal night on some local bar drinking a couple beers with friends and telling stupid stories, before going home and sleeping until the next day. The computer genius was speechless when his friends had pulled him into this exotic night club in which, apparently, women danced and took off their clothes as they did. He didn’t even know those places existed in Japan. 
The night had started calm, all things considered. Koushiro was visibly feeling awkward and Takeru couldn’t blame him. Supposedly, Takeru was the one famous for his suave style and his ease dealing with girls, but even he had to admit, the whole place intimidated him.
Taichi and Yamato had been awkward at first too, but after several drinks they began to loosen up and their usual drunkish traits began to surface. Half an hour and many drinks later, all of his friends were pretty much drunk and  even Koushiro was much more relaxed.  Then it happened.  Daisuke had reserved some popular dancers or whatsoever to "assist" at his friend's bachelor party. The girls, who Takeru made sure to describe as absolutely not his type, just in case Jou decided to share the tale with Hikari, had given Koushiro a very...intense and provocative lap dance. Koushiro was so shocked that he had fainted on the chair. The pattern was repeated several times during the evening: a random dancer would come, give the bachelor a lap dance, Koushiro would faint, then wake up to drink another cup of liquor, and it would start all over again. 
“And you were the only one actually sober?”  Jou asked.
“I did have a beer…” Takeru admitted “but hey I am married, okay? Daisuke kept teasing me for being the grumpy married guy of the party whenever I said that I thought it was a bad idea. ”
“GRUMPY OLD MAN...hahaha…” Taichi laughed loudly pulling Takeru’s shirt. He slapped the older boy’s hand and glared. 
“Taichi-san ...quiet!”
“Well, at least someone had a cool head there. Embarrasing enough, it was the youngest of the group.” Jou said, rolling his eyes  and looking at Taichi disapprovingly “alright, lap dancing aside. What did Koushiro eat?”
“I think he had some of those peanuts on the table and some chips and a sandwich.”
“He ate those damn peanuts?” Jou said horrified “Do you have any idea of the sort of things you can find in those plates? Do you have any idea of how many people touch those things without washing their hands?”
“Believe me, I know…” Takeru sighed. His wife wouldn’t let him forget it whenever he went out for a drink with the guys “but I think Koushiro has his mind somewhere else to actually think of that detail. Do you think it caused this?”
“Well, no...that was just an outburst of indignation. Continue….” 
“He had several beers, then Daisuke suggested moving to stronger drinks. I think he had several margaritas and cocktails. Other than that...it was all good.”
“Any fruit in those cocktails, aside the lemons?”
“No, I don’t think so…” Takeru said “Why?”
“Just checking.” Jou said “Was he okay before...the party?”
“Yeah, he was fine. He was talking with Mimi before we left his office.” 
“So when did he begin to feel sick?”
“Eh...I’m not sure. After the twelfth lap dance maybe?”
“ Number twelve smelled niiiicce. Hawaian lotion smelled so good… made me want caaaaandy…” Taichi giggled “remember that coco candy? Hehehe…”
 The two men ignored Taichi’s incoherent comments and continued speaking. Takeru would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so serious right now.
“So he didn’t eat or drink anything unusual?”
“Not that I noticed…”
“Coco….Coco….cococoooo” Taichi sang sillily.
Jou ignored him and looked at the notes he had in his clipboard. 
“Huh...I guess I’ll need those results before I can do anything. This doesn’t tell me much...”
The good news was that the medication was helping Koushiro a little. The swelling was still there,  but it had gone down a little and he wasn’t in pain. He still couldn’t move, but it seemed to be a lot more conscious compared to how he had arrived.  About one hour later, Hikari came into the room with the lab results and Jou looked through the papers carefully. 
“Eosinophils count is high…” he said “he’s pretty intoxicated, however, it shouldn’t be enough to altere his white cell count. Aside from the drugs we gave him, he’s clean...so it wasn’t a case of accidental drugging or poisoning. Inflammatory indicators are high, as expected and no pleural effusion. Good. Let's keep on with the prednisone and the tramadol until we find out what's the cause. At least we know it is not Lupus… ' Jou said.
Hikari chuckled.
“Quating Dr. House there?”
“Just to break the tension” Jou smiled with a shrug " let's monitore these indicators just in case. I want to make a scrap of his rash to see what we find there." 
"Full test?" Hikari asked.  
Jou nodded and Hikari did as she was told. Considering how his friend had come in earlier, Koushiro was evolving really well. The steroids were helping with the inflammation and that was letting him breathe better. The question,now, was: what had caused it? 
"You sure had a hell of the night, huh Koushiro?" Jou said with a raised eyebrow. 
Two blinks and a pathetic look. Jou looked at him sympathetically , he was going to develop a trauma after tonight, that's for sure and he would have to thank Daisuke and his friends for it.
The results came in later that night. The blood test seemed better, so they continued with the treatment as it was. The skin scraping had come negative for fungi, parasites and bacteria. However the note from the analyst caught his attention. It read:  presence of oily substance. It was identified as vegetable oil, most likely coconut. 
 Suddenly, some of the  things he had heard that night  began to click. Taichi had sillily said something about someone smelling like a Hawaiian lotion that reminded him of the coconut sweets he liked. Now, the pathologist said there was coconut oil on the samples. It was as if a light bulb had been lit in his head and the answer became clear. 
Koushiro had had a bad allergic reaction to coconut oil. Coconut allergy was rare, but the chances were high, since he was allergic to walnuts and cross reaction with coconut were common. An hypersensibility reaction would explain the result of  eosinophils  in his blood test. His symptoms also pointed to a severe allergic reaction.How had he not seen it earlier? 
Poor Koushiro. Ending up in a hospital on his bachelor party night, just because one girl had danced on his lap after a skin treatment with coconut oil. He'd have to message Mimi and tell her to get rid of all her coconut skin products, or she would get a not very nice surprise on their wedding night. 
The whole thing was so ridiculous that Jou burst into a fit of laughter, just when Hikari stepped in to the office. The girl stared at him dumbfounded and the older man tried to compose himself, but looking at his friend’s face, he knew he'd already failed poorly. 
"Y-Yeah?" he said, smiling .
"Mimi is in the hall demanding to know what happened to her fiancé…" Hikari said shyly "I wasn't sure what to say…" 
"Right.” Now he had another problem. A feisty Mimi who wouldn’t be too happy about the way her fiancé had decided to spend his bachelor party “Leave it to me."
“ Good luck...she’s angry.”
Jou gave her an amused look as he fixed his doctor’s coat and stepped out of the office. This was probably the strangest night he’d ever had in the ER, but one way or another, he had saved his friend, and that, was enough to make him proud, even if it had only been a silly allergic reaction to coconut oil.
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 17
Wait...I literally just remembered that the parents (plus a bunch of other people) saw all the digital world stuff by the final episode of season 1. What exactly is the IRL awareness of digimon?? The kids have to hide that they're going to the digital world from their parents, but maybe that's more because it's dangerous? Or was there some memory wipe thing I'm forgetting about. (This ramble triggered by a line in the dub where Matt says "Don't tell me Myotismon destroyed the studio again!?" to his dad...)
Anyway, putting my confusion aside, I really enjoyed this one. It had the good kind of callbacks instead of some cheap repeats. It was especially nice to see the S1 kids finally sit down with the new kids and tell their story. Probably should have done that already by now, but better late than never!
There was...no battle in this one?? Wild...
-I think the movie director in the beginning of the episode had the same VA as Joe. Low key distracting.
-I liked the concept of not just a ghost being caught on camera, but a ghost that changes its movements every time you play the video back. Not sure I've seen that done before...
-Very heartwarming that they've turned Aug. 1st into a special day of remembrance amongst their friend group. I've seen fans making posts about the date before and maybe I'll start celebrating it too! (I'm an August baby so it feels extra special).
-Aside from Bakemon who doesn't count, I guess this is our first ghost digimon? Really unfair that Wizarmon didn't get to be reincarnated like everyone else :'( I wonder if we'll see him again?
-I sighed a small sigh of relief when we got hat!Mimi back. More importantly, her ridiculous pink/starry hair is gone! I hope this isn't just a temporary change. She looks really cute with pig tails
-Didn't really think about the difference between living with a single dad vs. a single mom until Takeru and Yamato had a discussion about it. Is every single mom in this series a homemaker...? (Nothing wrong with that, but it would be awkward if there wasn't at least one mom with a job).
-They censored the curry in the dub lol. American kids in the early 2000s didn't know what curry was I guess
-This episode featured a bunch of MD players to the point where it felt suspiciously like an ad. I had to google what an MD was and it's a mini-disc (like GameCube game sized). Of course, they just called it a "CD player" in the dub
-Dead at the dub line "Don't mind him dad, he's just not a happy little buffalo!" LOL (American kids also don't know what sutras are apparently)
-They addressed a question I had in my earlier post about how they were stuck using the computer lab to enter the digi-world. Koushiro finally figured out that they could connect from any computer and that the D3 device was more important. (Honestly, they should have thought of this sooner, but I guess everyone's busy with school lol).
-It felt kind of weird to me how Wizarmon was showing up on TV to get Tailmon's attention, but we never really see the kids watching TV or catching any of these appearances. They kinda just stumble across him instead because Tailmon's Wizarmon's senses start tingling. Oh well, all's well that ends well...
-Very rare episode where there's no battle and the digimon only evolve to their rookie forms. I feel like this shows that the writers trusted the kids enough to sit through an episode without all the usual stuff, so that's nice.
-I'm going to go ahead and qualify this as a Halloween episode because ooky spooky
-Wizarmon continues Gennai's tradition of giving super vague and unhelpful information. Thanks for nothing! (I guess he was mainly hinting that Ken is a victim of "the darkness." Okay, Kingdom Hearts...)
-Sad Tailmon tho ;-;
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gossipchii · 4 years
Sun Signs and Cosmo
FF.net link: Here
AO3 link: Here
Characters: Tachikawa Mimi, Takenouchi Sora, Inoue Miyako and Yagami Hikari.
Words: 1200+
Notes: It was so hard to try and get the kiddos Solar Signs. I wanted to give each one a sign because fun, but we also only have Miyako’s canon one! And Sora, kind of, considering Our War Game.
To be honest, I gave Hikari the one I had left hence why it doesn’t really make sense. 
Anyway, this was so much fun to write and pretty much got written by itself.
“What is that exactly?” Sora had gotten back to Mimi’s room with more popcorn, considering Miyako had eaten the first two bowls all by herself.
“To be someone interested in fashion you should have noticed these are magazines, Sora,” Mimi rolled her eyes, pointing at the Cosmopolitan she had in her hands. “I bought this one in John F Kennedy’s airport, it’s the September issue!”
Sora had no idea, but the September issue was the most important issue in every fashion magazine, specially for Vogue. But that wasn’t a Vogue, of course, it was Cosmopolitan, making no sense to Sora.
“Mimi was about to read our horoscopes for the month!” Miyako shouted excited, “Western zodiac signs are so much fun, aren’t you excited Sora?”
Sora, of course, couldn’t care less about such zodiac signs, they only made sense in the western countries, and maybe not even there. She couldn’t believe even Hikari was paying attention, with her back straight and eyes wide open.
“I thought we were watching Cluetales?” the redhead took a sit next to the youngest one, sharing the popcorns with Hikari.
“It’s called Clueless, but this is so much more interesting. Oh Sora, you’re such a Pisces.” Sora could notice Mimi’s accent got more Americanized whenever she talked about, well, American subjects. Sora didn’t want to argue about it though, so she just enjoyed how Mimi haunted her younger friends with whatever the magazine was saying.
“What is that supposed to mean?” It was their first girl sleepover in the longest time, and they were all excited to spend time together without the boys. Nothing against them, of course, but they could get rather annoying. Plus, Mimi had promised them that she would gift them the best skincare products she was recollecting for her kawaii online store she was about to launch.
“You’re born February 28th, right?” Sora nodded, “that means your Sun was aligned with Pisces when you were born. Here it says that as a Pisces you ‘are known for being incredibly creative, empathetic, and creative, but they can also suffer from being overly emotional, impressionable, and closed off’ OhmyGod Sora!!! This is so accurate, so you!!!” Both Hikari and Miyako were nodding, wide eyes and clapping. Sora considered calling Yamato for help.
“Tell me mine again, please! May 30th!” Miyako got close enough to Mimi so she could be reading herself the magazine, even if she didn’t understand English that well.
“Yes, yes, Gemini…”
“Pay attention, Sora! It’s even scary,” Miyako was acting like a baby seeing the sea for the first time, her curious nature hitting hard.
“’Geminis are the liveliest of the Air sign gang - versatile, youthful, curious and fun. ... Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, which makes them fast, witty and super into communications…’”
“It’s insane how accurate!!” Miyako could not stop fangirling, Sora wondered a way of running away. Perhaps she could act like she was having a stomachache… or pretend she had an important exam she had to study for…
“Could you read mine, please?” Hikari was blushing, but she would have to be a fool not to agree with the descriptions so far. They were on point. “May 3rd .”
“You could only be Taurus, of course!” Was it really that obvious? Sora wondered. “’Taurus, known to be intelligent, dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn…’”
“It does sound like me,” the younger Yagami whispered; Mimi enjoying how astonished her younger friends were.
“And of course, me, December 16st, Sagittarius!” She moved her finger quickly, as if she had memorized by now where her horoscope was. “’Loyal, sophisticated, independent, and kind! They are unique, artistic, and have unerring judgment’. That’s so me, I can barely breathe!”
“Are you scared, yet?” Miyako wondered, Sora shrugged.
“They only are common traits in people, they could fit anyone.” She felt bad for being the party pooper, but she was so bad at lying. Was that a Pisces trait, too?
“Ok Sora, I didn’t want to go there yet but you’re pushing me. We will have to go to the romantic compatibilities of the signs.” Miyako gasped, Hikari covered her mouth. Sora, as much as she hated to admit it, felt her heart skip a beat. “Do we have any voluntaries?”
“Me, me! Oh please Mimi, me!” Miyako moved her arms as if she was in the middle of a large crowd in a concert, and not in a medium sized room with only three more people.
“Any specific sign compatibility you would like me to read?”
“Cancer…” Miyako whispered, very unlike the Inoue, considering she was never quiet. Mimi knew exactly why she wanted her to look at Cancer, though.
“Cancer because…”
“Just pure curiosity,” her hands were sweating, her heart was racing. “Please?”
“Gemini and Cancer compatibility…” after reading about their houses, one being air and the other being water. One being ruled by Communication and the other Emotion, and Miyako’s eyes almost watering by excitement, Mimi concluded, “The best aspect of the Gemini-Cancer relationship? Once they realize they’re allies, they can soar to great heights together.”
“That is great! Oh, that is perfect!”
“However!” Mimi interrupted, “Here it says that your best match would be with a Libra or an Aquarius.”
“And who falls into that category?” She tried to go though all her acquaintances, but she had no idea how horoscopes worked. Yet.
“No way…” Mimi looked directly at Hikari, and then she thought about herself, folding the magazine in annoyance. “That would be Takeru or Koushiro.”
“That is, no…” Miyako stood up, feeling dizzy. “That is impossible!!!”
“That’s what the horoscope says,” Mimi puffed up her cheeks.
Sora, noticing how tense the scene was getting decided to intervene, as best as she could. “Hey! The description with Cancer was pretty great!”
“But they were not soulmates, Sora.” Mimi pointed out.
“I mean,” she bit her lower lip. “You could read mine? Maybe that will show once in for all that these are not real,” Mimi’s eyes lit up, feeling her inner witch come alive.
“Say no more! But if you get Koushiro I swear-“ Miyako sat next to Hikari this time around, who caressed her back assuring her there were no hard feelings for what the horoscope had stated. “With Scorpio, I suppose?”
“Why Scorpio?”
“Or do you want me to see Aries? Whatever, I’ll check both.” Sora stayed confused, looking at Hikari and Miyako for support, but they were as clueless as she was. “This is so unfair! I don’t even need to look into Aries because the Pisces and Scorpio match is perfect!”
“What does it say?” Hikari wondered. Sora took the time Mimi was reading to check where Scorpio’s birthdays fell in the calendar and blushed deeply as she noticed Yamato’s was there. Maybe, just maybe she wanted to hear what the horoscope said.
“Their similarly intense emotional natures, their shared sensitivity to the undercurrents of life, to the more ethereal magic of love. This is a relationship of harmony and fulfillment. You have it all figured out, Sora!”
“Don’t be silly, they are all nonsense.” Sora convinced them to stick to the original plan and play the movie while applying Mimi’s very expensive skin care products. Sure, it had been fun to dive into western’s way of thinking how personalities worked according to the stars and planets, but they were nonsense.
In no way Sora wanted her horoscope to become a reality.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Koushiro, receiving the message N.Y Chosen Steve previously sent: ("'A cute'" "'Mon'" that "kind of acts like" me' 'showed up...' '?? ? ? ?'") Taichi, leaning over to read: Koushiro, giving Taichi a LOOK: (H-hey!!!) Taichi: (OK, OK, I won't look) Koushiro: (*...reads Taichi the message*) Taichi: Tell Steve I'm seeing a cute expression on your face right about now. Koushiro: (t-tAICHI-SAN---) Steve: (*receives the reply*) Oh--- (*laugh*) Frigimon & Espimon: (?????) Steve, showing the pic Taichi snapped and convinced Koushiro to send: They're really cute. Espimon: ...Che. I don't GET it, but they look "happy" here, I Guess. Kind of like "fake Hiro" when Fake-Hiro is with the others. Steve, mentally taking Note: And cute. Espimon, psuedo-nodding, repeating: And cu---- Frigimon: (Got you.) Espimon: ---Well, I GUESS. (*huff!*) Not me, though. Frigimon: (This feels like it might go on for a while.) Steve: (It's just genuinely really sweet, they're pretty similar, too...) Steve, laughing in mind: (Anyway, TAICHI... sure is going to keep Koushiro's attention today.) Taichi, later on: (You were messaging Koushiro ever since the meeting back in '02????) Steve: (Well, we're something like 'friends'... but Koushiro was always talking about you too, it just naturally flowed like that) Taichi: (!!??!?) ("Koushiro talked about me?!??") Steve, laughing: ("I don't know where Taichi-san would, even like to 'hang out' at? Taichi-san likes to eat but... Steve-san, do you have any advice? I'm rather bad at this kind of thing, I don't eat out often, my parents usually..." "Taichi-san seemed happy when I finally asked Taichi-san to 'hang out' the other day. I know I took some time to ask, but the level of confidence that was required..." "I'm trying to introduce Taichi-san to the concept of e-mailing for a while now, but Taichi-san doesn't typically write long messages." "Taichi-san wrote back. It was rather short, but... And, uses a lot of 'emojis'..." "I want to wear something a little 'different' - I know I did with Mimi-san 'back then', but I'm still a little, well, it's disconcerting..." "I gave the tickets my other American friend gave me, to go the football game, to Taichi-san, and Taichi-san was really, really thrilled. I can't obtain these all the time, but if possible..." "The football game was really loud, but Taichi-san seemed to have a lot of fun, and I can't help but admit it was a very exciting atmosphere." "Is it ok if we practice speaking again? I'd like to brush up on my French. Someday, I think Taichi-san would also like to go to..." "After making the new Digivices, Taichi-san began to call more, but as for proper communication over the phone, I wonder if I'm handling it well with Taichi-san..." "Is it all right to also invite Taichi-san to {gathering Koushiro was also invited to by Steve}?" "Taichi-san seemed to really enjoy the gatherings, so I was quite pleasantly surprised.") TAICHI: (oH) STEVE: (Go for it, "Taichi-san".)
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izzyizumi · 5 years
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