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Study with Orchid and Bowls.
Brendan Kramp
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kegoblocks-blog · 2 years
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Finesse’Boy, Kramp - WON (2019)
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thenwothm · 6 months
Bronze, formerly known as Kramp, is an international heavy metal power-house fronted by Mina Walkure on vocals. Alongside her, the band’s journey began in 2010 with her brother Lap on bass.The band is completed with Cederick Forsberg on guitars & Billy Qvarnströmas live drummer. In 2023, the name change was made public, as well as the announcement for the new album, “In Chains and Shadows”. And…
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ghostowlattic · 2 years
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Baby Kramps and the Sick AF Gnomenclatures 
visual midjourney hybrid junks by ghost owl attic 
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
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"What an ordeal. I'm glad I didn't set up a Tio de Nadal. Not only because Guy might burn it by accident like he did Phoebus, but just... in general, I wouldn't be able to feed it as tradition would have it."
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"Speaking of tradition, whatever happened to the Krampus coming over? We even received warnings of his coming."
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"Maybe he psyched out!! Maybe the torture he was giving us is the anticipation he could come by and we'd be afraid the entire time! But Krampusnacht has long passed and Christmas will be here in a few days!"
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"I can take comfort in that he probably forgot." A knock came from the door of the dining hall. "Can you get that, Giovanni?"
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"Sure thing." And so, Giovanni opens the door...
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Ho ho ho, merry shitscram, assholes.
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"ROUND THREE, MOTHERFUCKER!!" And so, the yearly tradition of belated Krampusnacht continues with birch-whipping and asskicking.
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deep-spacediver577 · 10 months
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Walker locked up that European demon who beats naughty people with sticks and steals their presents.
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death-ward · 2 years
got that thing going where i want to draw but i don't want to draw i just want the art to appear from my head onto the canvas bc my hands feel constipated
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throwmeintojapan · 1 year
hayatındaki kimi insanlardan hic ayrilmayacak gibi dusuncelerimle de baglanmak beni cok korkutuyor
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detect-thoughts · 2 years
I'm back!!! 54-59 for Lucy because I think he'll provide some really interesting answers for those!! and 17-21 for seeker!!! hehehe
👀👀👀 Well let's see then....
For Lucy
54. how important is money in their life? do they save up for ages, or spend quickly?
Lucy is definitely a big spender. And it's not even because of any kind of lavish taste or nobleborn habits from growing up rich. It's just a combination of the fact that being a wizard is expensive and he wants so many spells as soon as gets access to new levels and the fact that he loves trinkets and minor magical curios and giving gifts to his friends.
Beyond that money has no value to him, it is simply a means to acquire things and were there other ways to get them he would do so.
55. they’re seeing their greatest wish come true—what’s happening?
He's climbed the academic ladder of his career, acquiring promotion after promotion until he stands at the rank just below the Archmage.
He is well known and respected and his name is uttered the world around, not just for his accomplishments in his fields of study, the discoveries he has made and the spells he has published, but also for his reputation as an extremely capable and efficient fighter who's list of belief-defying feats stack as tall as himself, a reputation crafted by hand over years of hard work and many adventures.
He has an informal and trusting relationship with his Archmage mentor, whom he sees as a father figure and in return views him as a son, one he can be proud of.
As well as a familiar and competitive yet still friendly relationship with his peers, a group consisting of the top students from the other colleges and nations. His Archmage has planned to retire and he has been named as next in line to his seat upon the council.
56. who would they trust with their life, unequivocally?
At this point in time? There truly is only one. The groups Goliath Paladin, Thaavia Godbarter. She has already saved his life a number of times, and tended his wounds more times than he can count. It was she that saved him when he lost his arm, taught him how to get used to the prosthetic, helped him put it on in the mornings and brushed his hair while he adjusted and regained his finer motor skills with it.
57. do they see value in the laws of where they live?
Lucy is somewhere between True Neutral and Choatic Neutral, and views the laws more like suggestions. He will try not to break them frequently or openly but won't hesitate to throw them aside when they're inconvenient or he disagrees with them.
58. how often do they swear? do they mind when others swear?
I don't think a single day goes by without the instictive curse when something inevitable goes wrong, it's not a loud display of foul language, just under breath mutterances and general curses.
59. what’s an element of their philosophy that you disagree with?
That you should expect little from others and try to do all the work yourself to make sure it's done right. I am not a wizard and other peoples responsibilities are not my problems. I am not gonna pick up after others due to lack of faith.
For Seeker
17. they’re crying—what did it take to make them cry?
Oh shit that's a really good question. I'm not sure honestly, I can't really share his backstory yet for reasons but it's pretty fucking bleak tbh, perhaps the permanent death of his most trusted companion and friend, his familiar.
18. what dish brings back the best memories for them?
Goulash, a hot, spicy beef goulash in autumn or winter. His childhood was far from good but he remembers the good times and the warm meals he did have.
19. what sparks genuine, unadulterated rage in them?
The mistreatment of children, the burning of books, the hoarding of knowledge against the interests of others and greed. Entities that prey on the weak and defenceless or take more than they need to the detriment of others.
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts.
A willingness to listen and learn and an interest in sharing knowledge. It doesn't matter whether they're smart or not, it's about attitude over intelligence. He'll take the curious barbarian over the snobby wizard any day of the week. It's all about effort and the intent to use knowledge for good.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you?
They have a couple ideas, some poetic, some ironic, certainly not of old age that's for sure, Hags are immortal and do not age, and therefore neither do Hexbloods. It will probably be self sacrifice, assassination, or cannibalism.
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lilither · 5 months
hocanin 3 4 ay oncr verdigi projeyi tek gecrye sigdirmaya calisiyom
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world-of-advice · 6 months
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Lake Sunset, Ireland.
Brendan Kramp
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leopost · 7 months
Lås upp toppprestanda med Aarja Health, Supermagnesium mot kramp Sverige. Öka ditt välbefinnande med vår banbrytande formel, noggrant utformad för att hantera muskelbesvär. Lita på att Aarja Health är din allierade i jakten på en krampfri, aktiv livsstil. Omfamna kraften i Supermagnesium för oöverträffad lättnad och optimal prestanda. Välj excellens, välj Aarja Health.
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thenwothm · 1 year
The Age of Bronze has arrived and vocalist Mina Walkure along with her band are ready to take the world by storm with this brand new chapter! Formally under the banner of Kramp, Bronze retains the bands sound and direction but with a shiny new name and one or two new faces! You may recognise guitarist Cederick Forsberg of the one and only Blazon Stone! Also joining the lineup is drummer Billy…
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
Everything was still, too still. It was as if the ship slowly but surely dragged upon something, then ceasing all motion entirely. The air suddenly became exceedingly brisk, only for it to continue to drop until it was eerily, bitingly cold. It was like all the warmth had been sapped from the world; even fire would fail to provide sufficient warmth! But most shockingly of all, the once vast, never-ending ocean blue now was solid ice! Completely frozen! And all around them, thick snowflakes would fall from the sky in a cascading shower of white.
The drop of temperature and the inability to warm up against it isn't anything new to the Crew, though feeling this isn't exactly something to ignore. Normally when this happens, it's one of many signs the Master is near. But then they note that they are still breathing--freely even. There is a lack of pressure onto their chests, and no sensation of overbearing gravity or paradoxical 'floatiness'. This is different. This is not the cold of the merciless depths... but rather, of the unforgiving North.
The ship, built for the expansive seas but not for floes of ice, stops dead in her tracks. She rocks to and fro on her own, even with her sails furled, in an attempt to cut through. It's no use. With all her wriggling, she's stuck.
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"Captain!! Rashid!! This isn't the Caribbean!! Where on earth are we?!"
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"We shouldn't be off course!! Demonia!! Did you take us here on purpose?!"
The ship groans. This is not her doing.
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Rashid shudders as he puts on a fur-lined cloak over his kaftan. "This has to be the Krampus' work! We're either working with a different one from the last two years, or it's the same one who wants to be extra showy!"
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"I will not tolerate this! Guy! Clear the way!"
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Guy sneezes before he replies, "Yes, Captain!" Guy then climbs along the rail, arms extended in his attempt to light the floes aflame to melt them. No use--they're too thick and resistant to any heat, even if hot enough to melt iron. And even if the heat would crack up and give way, more overwhelming ice would replace what was lost.
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Ruixiong confirms the state of the ship as he levitates himself above the sails and scans their surroundings. "We're trapped!! The floes won't give! We'd need more Guys if we'd have any hope of breaking through!"
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"Keep trying, Guy! Phoebus!" Rashid shouts as he prepares a barrel for Phoebus to hide in. "Son, we need you to hide in here in case the Krampus tries to-"
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Something is different about Phoebus. As long as Guy is standing on the rail, his head is turned and his eyes widened as they glue onto his brother. But beyond that, nothing has changed. He's still unresponsive, still not moving.
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"Get in the barrel, Phoebus! That's an order!"
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Phoebus lowers his head as he then slips into the barrel, curling up. The blank stare returns as he does.
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Frascona seals the lid onto the barrel to hide Phoebus entirely, then pops open a hole on the side so he can breathe. "Get down and stand with the rest of the Crew, Guy. Everyone, backs to Phoebus' barrel!" The Captain marks the barrel Phoebus is hiding in with a giant red 'P' before he fogs up and thins himself out to the sails. "I will search the ship for any signs of the Krampus then try to break the floes myself. You all stick together and arm yourselves! Ring the bell once you see him!"
"Yes Captain!" As soon as the black fog disappears in thin air, the rest of the Crew press their backs to the barrel their healer is hidden in. The then arm themselves respectively--dao, small sword and main-gauche, tie bian, rifle, and kilij. They are better prepared to face the Krampus than ever before. Now it's just a matter of meeting him.
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perfettamentechic · 1 year
5 settembre … ricordiamo …
5 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Sarah Harding, Sarah Nicole Harding, cantante, attrice e modella britannica. Harding ha scritto un libro di memorie, Hear Me Out. (n.1981) 2021: Ion Caramitru, Ion Horia Leonida Caramitru, attore, regista teatrale e politico rumeno. Sostenitore della rivoluzione romena del 1989, fu ministro della cultura dal 1996 al 2000. Presidente dell’Unione teatrale romena dal 1990, nel 2005 divenne…
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