#krang goop and all
tblsomedoodles · 1 year
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Putting the actually comic under a cut b/c it starts off with a Leo future dream and i want everyone prepared for that.
But yeah! The suggestion came from the replies on This post (thank you @antimattercontainment ! )
Content warning: (specifically for Leo's dream) attempted Krang possession and implied suicide.
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so yeah, Donnie is fully aware of how he dies in the apocalypse timeline. He dies pushing CJ out of the way of some Krang goop, getting infected, and then self-destructing his gear before he could fully be possessed. He actually picked this way of dying compared to the original vision Leo saw before the invasion (which was almost the same except he didn't have a self-destruct feature and had to beg Leo to kill him instead.) He didn't want to put that sort of strain on his twin so he decided that, when the time came, he'd take care of it on his own. This was the biggest change the twins had been able to make in their visions (before sending CJ back and thwarting the entire apocalypse.)
edit: fixed the yin-yang symbols so they're actually correct. My bad!
editx2: fixed the symbols again, b/c i had it right the first time. My bad^2 (i cannot keep stuff like this straight. and apparently can't read either so yeah.)
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turtleblogatlast · 29 days
[ cw: referenced mind control / parasites / intrusive thoughts (only in the tags) / ]
(This is just a fun “what if” so bear with me-) I know we make mention of the potential for Krang remnants to be stuck with Raph and/or Donnie, but Mikey and Leo also had a moment with the other two where a type of Krang goop was crawling beneath their skin (this being immediately after Raph broke free.)
So I raise you the potential for all four of them to have a bit of that Krang parasite on them…and for that to have unforeseen consequences.
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its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
Krang Will Rise
I have a couple theories, regarding the Krang.
There is such little evidence for it, that I don’t even think there’s evidence against it. But hear me out.
I think only Krang prime can abolish mystics. It’s not an ability tied to every Krang, only to him.
Thé Krang value strength above all else, putting no remorse into losing those deemed weak. As such, wouldn’t that make Krang Prime, their leader, the strongest? And what better way to deem yourself the strongest than carrying a unique ability that takes away your enemies greatest potential threat.
Another reason: it seems there are three types of krang. The biotech, the warrior, and the interrogator. I’m not sure how much they overlap, but I do think they carry specialities. Given krang brother is most often asked to- spread their krangness. He is responsible for krangification, domain expansion, and manipulating the technology they have (Nevermind how all these abilities make him the perfect match for Donnie)(also think Krang Brother is mute). Krang sister is the most skilled and best fighter. I’m sure she outclasses the boys in that regard. I’d go as far to say she’s second in command, leading the charge while brother krang stays behind (her role as commander matches as Commander O’Niels opposite in war, hence their quarrel). Leaving Krang Prime, who has the ability to dig into a persons mind, manipulate their captives, control the hive mind, and abolish mystic powers. Perhaps rare amongst Krang, this makes them the perfect leader (do I even need to explain why he’s Leo’s main antagonist, his opposite in every way?).
I mentioned how krang brother is likely responsible for krangification, which leads me to a second point. Clearly, from the start of the invasion to the end in the bad timeline, the krangs numbers increased 100 fold. From 3 lone survivors to hundreds if not more. Which has led me to wonder how krang are created. I have two theories: 1) in the bad timeline, the krang in the prison dimension didn’t die. Meaning that when Leo grabbed the key in the movie, and altered time, the resulting explosion caused the krang to be wiped out. 2) the probably more likely one- they repopulated.
Thé krang are clearly parasitic creatures. Meaning their reproduction is likely from a source, that source being humans. “Recreating this world in the image of krang.” Krang possession is simple, and any krang can do it, latch a bit of themselves to a human and start the battle of wills. Krang dogs are amother easier way to make more, a quick process that mangles the hosts body. We see this happen with the foot clan. But if you want powerful krang, with no chance to turn on you, and to truly become one with krang, you transform them.
Raph was found in a bubble. In a slimy krang cocoon stuck to the ceiling and filled with glowing yellow goop. He was going to be turned, transformed into Krang. And he was going to be powerful, his source material being stronger than most. He was- until the process was interrupted. Notice how the krangification didn’t come from the outside, it wasn’t attached, it was growing inside him. And, unlike the other krangified peoples we saw, his eye turned purple. It wasn’t just covered in hoop with the yellow hive mind eye, it was purple. Let it be a testament to Raphs inner strength cause he very well may have accomplished a feat deemed impossible to overcome. The process wasn’t supposed to be reversible, he wasn’t supposed to be able to break free, he was krang now. Krang Prime could feel his struggle, sense his resistance, and hear his thoughts as the turtle fought it off.
Once you turned, there was no going back. You were krang. Your old life didn’t matter. Your old friends didn’t matter. You had a new family. A new purpose to fulfill. New powers to explore. And given treasures for the hunt. The mark of a krang and a fucking massive piece of armor. This way of reproduction was useful when hunting new prey, as their knowledge of the species past through, truly allowing them to know their enemies and conquer planets. Krang can never die.
Then again. I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading! Likes and Reblogs appreciated! Other related theories and stories:
Resistance to Krang; The Shredder armor; Emperym Life Blood
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amevello-blue · 6 months
Things in Rise that Echo 2003 TMNT
Hi Ame here back on my bullshit-- getting right into it. I can't remember where or who said it, but one of the creators of Rise mentioned that 03 was their favorite iteration, and it really shows sometimes. Spoilers for 03 and Rise below ;)
The first thing that comes to mind is Shredder. "But Ame, 03 Shredder was a little alien guy-" NO I'M TALKIN ABOUT THE ORIGINAL SHREDDER. In 03, Ch'rell took on the mask of a well-known boogeyman at the time; the Shredder, who was a demon that had lived 1,000 years ago. Oroku Saki was a man who defeated the demon alongside the rest of the Ninja Tribunal, and after he defeated it, became possessed by it after falling prey to its promise of power.
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The most obvious I think are their markings. In 2003 they use 'chi' to give them mystic abilities. It's the act of becoming one with the world around you, but it also seems to work when you are connected to the people around you. Even the medallions over their chest mimic the Hamato symbol that glows on Rise's chest when activating their ninpo.
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Their markings even mimic each other (except for Raph, whose Rise version doesn't have any markings, which is a travesty). Leo has slash-like marks, Donnie has geometric marks, and Mikey's got a lot of circles!
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NOW OKAY THIS ONE'S A BIT OF A STRETCH, BUT-- Leo has made portals with his sword before! Specifically, he held one open with it.
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It's the little things <3
Like the ghost of dead Hamatos coming back to assist their rat sons in the final moments :)
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Some more small things! Raph and Donny's brains being rifled through! (Which also happens to 2012 Mikey)
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Raph's and Leo's shoulder! (Hard to get a good shot of Leo's, thanks 4kids) Ironically both happening at a moment where Leo has "failed" to protect his family.
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Rise Mikey being the "greatest mystic warrior" reminds me a lot of what is alluded to many times with 2003 Mikey; he's very good at what he does! He's a Battle Nexus Champion! He's the one who can channel chi the best! He could surpass Leo even in skill if he actually applied himself, but he doesn't. Because he just doesn't find it fun. But it's shown a little in the episode Same as it Never Was, where he's able to dispatch a whole group of guys with guns all on his own, including three armored cars and a HELICOPTER.
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Also making comparisons between 03 SAINW!Mike and Rise F!Leo losing their arms is kinda a stretch but I'll point it out anyway.
And speaking of the movie. My absolute FAVORITE thing to compare is the Krang of Rise to Sh'Okanabo of 2003's Fast Forward season. It's like they took all the concepts of Sh'Okanabo and made it BETTER. Everything was executed SO MUCH BETTER.
Gooey tentacle villain? Check
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Weirdly organic flesh ship? Check
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Alien invaders turning people into drone versions of their species? Check
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(Also side note about that one, I think it's hilarious that in 03 Raph's the only one who DOESN'T get Kanaboe'd but in Rise Raph is the only one who DOES get Krang'ed.)
Taking over structures with their goop? Check
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And finally. Small boy son that is a descendant of Casey Jones. Check :)
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staticwither · 2 months
Untitled 259
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Ohh yes, I have some pretty vivid fun dreams I like to write and draw sometimes. I wrote this in the 3rd person but for the first part I was Leo. Ignore the grammar mistakes lol im not much of a writer
Leo had broken his leg and arm during one of his usual episodic adventures and needed a crutch made for him (thanks Don). Despite being injured, he ventured into the sewers with Mikey for fun but they stumbled upon mutant Krang animals that had spread like crazy in the hidden parts of the city after the invasion.
One of the Krang dogs sprinted forward. Mikey pushed Leo out of the way making him stagger and drop his crutch. By the time Leo looked back up, the krang had already surrounded Mikey. The small turtle trips back unfocused on the krang goop on the floor. The moonless sewers was lit up by the dogs mutated eyes as it narrows in on Mikey.
Leo’s ninpo hummed sending sparks across his face, he snatches up his crutch and held it above him like a sword, the arc creating a crescent moon
Feeling unsteady without the crutches support, his ninpo lifted him up, off of the floor near a bright red ceiling light. The humming burned into his ears. With a force the red-eared slider hadn’t experienced before, he swung
(my pov changed to mikey)
A blue light swept over Angelo, a nostalgic feeling, and the bits of krang around him seemed to melt away. The dogs whined, hiding from the light and ran off.
Leo fell
His crutch clattered on the ground and splashed into the sewer,
Mikey rushed to stop his fall, catching him before he slammed onto the cold muddied floor. All that remained was the quiet drip drops of the sewer pipes and the flickering of the light overhead
(and then I woke up)
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phoebepheebsphibs · 10 months
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Don't mind me just thinking about how absolutely terrified Mikey must have been in this situation.
His brothers were fighting, attacking and one of them was on the verge of killing the other. His little body was covered in this Krang goop that was probably pretty painful to experience.
This lil guy is just a KID. They're ALL kids. But the fear in his face just, I cannot.
Mikey is my favourite ROTTMNT turtle (Donnie is my fav in every other version I've seen lol but Mikey took the cake in this iteration) so while I hate to see him in pain I AM UNFOURTUNATELY AN ANGST WRITER AND ARTIST SO I INFLICT SO MUCH TRAUMA ON MY MOST BELOVED CHARACTERS
But yes specifically for Mikey I think this scene was hard because he loves, like REALLY DEEPLY LOVES AND CARES for his family and having to watch them fight doesn't just hurt him, it kills him. He'd do anything to make them stop, keep the peace, to get his brothers to make up and have everything go back to normal, and we've seen him try before.
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But now he's stuck, he can't help.
He can't do Dr. Delicate Touch on them, he can't do Dr. Feelings, or Dr. Positive, or even just baby brother privileges. He can't even try to help them fight the Kraang.
And that is what hurts, the fact that Mikey has to just WATCH. EXPERIENCE his brothers nearly kill each other. And knowing that neither of them really wanted to do it, nobody wanted to fight anymore. But they had to. And Mikey could only watch.
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Haha anyways thank you for pointing that out! 😊 have a great day
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intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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Yeah Medium Leo is a bit on the bulkier end than the OG Big Leo! I would say hes about an inch or two taller? Def not by too much though
(at least during the time where they first got sent back)
This would be since 1. Medium Leo when he got sent back is older by about 6 years (cough looks at this vote) and 2. Since he had an extra 10 years of an actually good food supply, late teen growth and all that!
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Yes Future/BIg Leo came from the krang timeline! Then in the new timeline thats when the new backstory, and new apocalypse happened, creating a third timeline
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Ha you sent this ask a little bit before todays update but yes! Raph died during what was supposed to be an easy mission, Raph was also the first to go in Big Leos time, leading him down a bit of a spiral and general urgency to do something before this time ended up like his. Which well, as sus as the goop thing is was really his only option since as explained in the movie there was really no guaranteed way to destroy the key..
As for what went down when he returned to the goop thing? All I can tell you is to wait for tomorrows update~ Big Leo tried his best, he really did.
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Well.... Mondays update says it all really, the rest of the week is jsut covering some of the more important events in detail
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leo-kinnie · 10 months
Oh yes I love those answers thank you so much!!! You're so cool!! Also another one question I forgot to include: do krang effect alpha mutants??
nope!! krang are just goopy lil uglies where if they touch animals they turn them into beta mutants. which is a big ol' problem L.
they do stink really bad tho and Leo (sadly) consistently gets covered in their goop so he complains all the time abt their smell
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I love your hc so much and it gives my creative mind a boost. So uh- I would like to see how the turtles react when the m!reader gets kidnapped and turned into something instead of raph :)
your work gives my imaginative mind a boost ( I know I said that already)
A/n:I don't remember this scene so were just gonna try and remember it and make it our own for a second it.thank you for requesting
Summary:instead of raph getting taken and turned into a krang alien its you
Type:scenario:Turtles & male reader
They were all panicking cause you were right there. But of course they hadn't looked up yet, donnie was looking at his device worried since he knew you were above him. But instead of saying it he slowly looked up and pointed. Everyone looked up and froze. There you were, in some weird goop. They all were guiet because they were scared. They didn't know what happened to you, all leo can remember is you forcing raph inside a escape bot and saved him and leo and now you there above them possibly dead. Mikey was the open to get you down by wrapping his mystic weapon around the goopy thing and tearing it down. It hit the ground with a thud and broke. They were all disgusted by the goop but instantly pushed that aside when they seen you all beaten up with all the weird alien stuff on you.
Leo rushed over to you and pulled you out of the goop. He froze when you stayed limp.
"Donnie, is he okay"
Leo looked at Donnie scared, you were limp and cold which is never a good thing.
Donnie quickly rushed over to you and leo and checked your pulse and used his goggles to see better, like your temperature,heart rate, etc. Donnie was quiet for a second.
Donnie looked at April with a sour look.
"Is he okay"
As soon as Donnie was about to say something you groaned. But it wasn't a human groan. They all looked down at you.
"Leo I think you should put y/n down and come over here"
Leo didn't put you down, he didn't think of the fact your currently covered in alien stuff. He just held you carefully not wanting they you go. But he soon regretted it. You woke up well alien controlled you. And not long after attacked leo without hesitation. You got leo pretty good, knocking his sword out of his hand, cutting his mask and arm pretty bad. Raph quickly grabbed leo and ran because they had bigger things to deal with and you and leo were to good of friends for him to accept the fact your not in a good state of mind right now, and everyone knows that leo wouldn't let them hurt you and he would say 'he's fine guys y/n is fine don't hurt him' then get attacked so for now they'll keep leo out of reach. But just for now
A/n:I hope you enjoyed
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raisin-shell · 10 months
Raph’s Journal chapter 9: World of What the Fuck
Special thanks to @rebel-hamato for helping come up with this idea
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“Thirteen… fourteen… fifteen…”
That’s me. Counting my reps out loud cause if I do it in my head, I’ll lose count. Oh fer those of you who are new ya better check out tha last few pages at least. This will be a real treat. So I’m in the zone right? Doin’ upper body which was always my favorite when my kid brother Donnie comes runnin’ up ta me as if tha Chrysler buildin’ was on fire.
“Raph, RAPH! Oh my gosh you’re not going to believe this shit!”
He’s got that high pitched squeak to his voice that I like when he gets excited so, I stop what I’m doin’ ta entertain him a moment.
“What is it this time Donnie boy? What’s got those ants in yer pants huh?”
At this point I’m straddling’ my weight bench lookin’ up at him.
“Ok… okay. You know the three pieces that Krang needed? To build the arch capacitor? Well I have managed to replicate those three pieces individually and…if my calculations are correct… if we place them together with enough electric force, we could open up our very own portal. Raph… this is huge!!”
I eye him as I’m wiping the sweat from my face, tryin’ my damndest not ta laugh but this guy I tell ya, he never quits. Never ceases ta amaze me either an so I decided ta at least check out this arch capacitor he got off Wish.
“Careful now. Each piece must be set accordingly. This machine will create a forcefield around the arch capacitor whilst I have electric current running through it, observe.”
Brainiac makes sure I set all these heavy pieces in their proper place. Hell he could have just asked me if he needed help liftin’ this shit. But no it’s always some spectacle. No matter. I stepped back to get a look at what he was doin’. That capacitor began to glow a bright purple and the forcefield took on a deep blue hue.
“Cool story bro but one thing is missin’… yer fuckin’ portal.”
I began ta chuckle a bit but before I could even cough out another word, he adjusted tha electric current to full strength.
“Donnie are ya sure about this?”
I insist as he stands there all stoic and shit like he’s got it all figured out.
“Ok Dr Jekyll.”
A flash of bright light caused us both to step back and this bolt of electric current or somethin’ kinda bounced out of tha capacitor and traced what looked to be a triangle into mid air. We both stood there in total shock before Donnie finally spoke up.
“Isn’t marvelous?! We could go literally anywhere in the universe! All thanks to me. We’ll come on then, let’s go explore shall we?”
He steps toward this triangle thing and I’m thinking to myself somethin’ just ain’t right about this.
“Donnie don’t be so sure…”
And he’s gone. Just disappeared into this bright shiny electric goop lookin’ shit. There was only one thing I could do an that was ta go after him.
“Ok ok… you can do this. No regrets no fear.”
I always pump myself up before doin’ somethin’ I know is goin’ ta scare tha shit out of me. Just my thing. I stepped inta tha goop an found myself steppin’ out inta what felt like grass. It was grass, in a clear opening in some woods some damn where. There was no sign of Donnie.
“Donnie!! Donnie!!!”
I’m yellin’ out ta only god knows who at this point. I turn back ta make sure tha triangle was still in that same spot, then turn back around only ta find this massive umm elf? No no he’s not an elf. He’s got pointy ears like one, but teeth like a umm bulldog? A saber tooth cat yeah. That. And then he’s got this head full of gorgeous hair wow it’s really… oh shit ohhh shit he’s chargin’ me! Holy fuck holy hell what do I do DONNIE?!?”
This massive bulldog hair guy swings an even more massive axe just barely slicing a piece of my bandanna off.
“I suppose that’s your friend? Such a pity.”
Oh dear christ and he can speak! Of course he can. My line of sight returns to my front grasping fer any type of escape when I see this slender tree. I reach my hand out fer it, swingin’ myself into tha other direction as this huge beast whips right past me. Holy fuck. He’s fast and he’s pissed. I reach fer my sais at my hip just in time to melee tha fuck outta this guy. My arms are shakin’, muscles tense an strugglin’ ta break free of this guys death grip… I had to move fast. One slip of my foot and I was free from him and his axe. I took my stance holdin’ my ground an when he came back fer a second time he upper decked my face so hard I was seein’ stars. Nevertheless I kept fightin’, tha mother fucker had my brother an I wanted him back.
Until this very day I had never met another person with so much rage. Other than Leather Head but you’ve already heard that story. I managed ta flip tha axe out of his hand so now it was merely a fight of brute strength. I threw my sais into tha ground pissed as a fuckin’ hornet.
“Come on mother fucker! Show me whatcha got!”
He came at me, both our bodies crashin’ together like two rhinos. At one point he had had his grip around my neck and I felt light headed. I began loosening my grip, fingers tearin’ anywhere at him ta get him ya let go as I began ta see darkness. I could feel myself passin’ out but then somethin’ happened that I did not expect. He releases his grasp around my neck, I’m choking relentlessly as he lifts me up to face him and just as I took in another breath… his lips landed on mine. I was in shock mainly because I literally almost died but tha fact that he was actually a really great kisser despite the twin tusks he had.
My body feel limp into his, my fingers now diggin’ through those lovely locks of his cradled his head as I slipped my tongue through my lips and deepened tha kiss. I could feel all his anger, all his frustration, all his stress… everything was exuding through him sexually and no one better ta understand this need he had than myself. He wasted no time palmin’ tha massive erection I had through my shorts an my hips gave way ta his advances. My own hands took on a mind of their own as well, slippin’ down his smooth chest littered with surprisingly soft hair. My fingers followed tha happy trail down ta his waist where he was more than willin’ tha help me de-clothe him. His cock was massive. As massive as mine and I got a huge cock it’s actually embarrassin’, so ta see someone who has just as much as I got ya give was a real treat. I couldn’t help but ta break tha kiss an slip ta my knees.
His bulbous head was drippin’ with precum an I so graciously lapped it up, swirlin’ my tongue around tha spongy tip as he let out a needy moan.
“I’ve never had anyone do this before.”
I hear him but I don’t stop, my hand cuppin’ an fondlin’ his massive balls gently as I took his head inta my mouth with a light suckle.
“You’ll like it. I promise. This is better than fightin’ hm?”
I hum up at him, wrappin’ my free hand around tha base of his shaft ta lift his cock up then lickin’ tha sensitive under ridge. My hand begins pumpin’ him and his breathin’ becomes pantin’. He was like a sated animal. It was tha hottest shit I’ve ever seen an he got even harder the more I stroked him. I had ta take every inch of him. It wasn’t a want it was a need. I released his balls, lining the head of his cock up with my lips as I arched my neck back. My free hand slipped beneath my pants, grippin’ my own cock for some much needed relief as my lips slowly bobbed down ta tha base of his cock. Oh he was gaggin’ me. My throat was burnin’ it was stretchin’ so hard. My eyes began ta water but again I held my ground, creatin’ a suction so powerful I’d put Dyson ta shame. I retracted, pullin’ tha loose foreskin gently with my mouth then bobbin’ forward again until my throat got used to its occupancy. I could feel his steeled cock thrustin’ eagerly inta my wantin’ mouth. God he was beautiful like this.
“No…. Not yet. I… I don’t want to cum yet. Not like this.”
His voice was low, husky an full of want as he guided my face from his cock. He began to kneel down to me and as our faces met once more, so did our lips. His kiss was warm and aggressive an I could feel him guidin’ my body ta where he wanted me. This… this was different. Up to this point I had never been a bottom before but for some reason with this guy I had to let my guard down completely if I wanted this to happen. And I did oh dear god I did. My cock was literally pulsing for him, slapping up against my plastron with tension… ready an needy for attention as I slipped ta my hands an knees.
“Come on big guy. Ya know ya like whatcha see hm?”
I spread my thighs a bit an curl back my broken tail, exposin’ my tight rear entrance with my balls hangin’ tight up underneath my tender gooch. Was I nervous? Hell yeah I was. I had never taken anything this massive before up my ass but fer him I was willin’ ta submit. He wrapped his hand around my danglin’ cock, now with one thick ass strand of precum stringin’ from tha head of my dick to tha ground. Man I never wanted someone so bad as I did him at that moment. My eyes pinched shut an a chur ripped from my body as I felt him stroke my pipe, all anxiety or fear went straight out tha window as I arched my back an started rubbin’ my ass cheeks along his girth. I was hot, I was horny, I was ready fer him.
I could feel him grippin’ tha base of his cock an once again lining it up with my hole. I winced a bit as I felt tha pinch of his head sinkin’ down inta my tight squeeze an I could feel him stretchin’ me. I let out a repressed moan as I felt him fillin’ me, it was the fullest I’ve ever felt. My knees an legs began to shake until he bottomed out, allowin’ me ta rest fer a moment an adjust ta his size. He leaned over me, this guy being every ounce as big as I was… it was comfortin’. I felt his free hand grip around my neck once more, quidin’ my face ta his as our lips locked again fer a third time and his hips retracted. Oh my fuckin’ god I was seein’ stars again from this guy. I moaned needily inta his mouth fer more and he gladly obliged. His hips began to jut up inta me, my fingers diggin’ down inta tha earth and my toes were curlin’. I could feel how wet my tight back door had gotten fer him as he slid his cock in an out of me with ease.
“Harder… please… MORE!”
I’m beggin’ fer him an his hips are showin’ me no mercy. Through our grunts and moans you could hear our two bodies slappin’ together echoin’ through the what seemed ta be an empty Forrest. His hand on my cock matched tha pace of his hips. I could feel his steeled cock at the ready deep inside me each time he’d thrust forward. I felt tha band deep within my belly begin to burn. He pumped harder and fucked me faster until I was squabblin’ an squealin’ beneath him, fightin’ my own release and when I finally let my guard down… ta actually be ta first one ta nut instead of bein’ tha aggressor… here comes Donnie!!
“Raph RAPH!!! Oh my gosh you are not going to believe this!! We are in The World Of…
what the fuck?!?”
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iamblue15 · 1 year
Coraline: (Sigh) Look. I’m done thinking I have all the answers. I don’t know how to beat the Krang, but I DO know that our future isn’t written until WE write it, as a team. So, what do we got?
Norman: (Thinking) Maybe. Maybe...we don’t have to beat them! Can’t we just send them back to the prison dimension?
Coraline: There’s an idea! Wybie. What does that rambling mouth of yours have to say?
Wybie: If we got control of their ship, W-we can send back through the Portal!
Coraline: (Laughs) Yes! Yes! Now we’re cookin’! Who else?
Dipper: And if someone on the ground can get to that key...
Mabel: We can close the doorway!
Neil: And then bye-bye Krang forever, baby!
Coraline: Exactly. Whaddaya say, Wybie? Ready to drive a spaceship? (Points at the Technodrome)
Wybie: Literally, the greatest question I have ever been asked.
Coraline: Alright team, looks like we have plan. Now, let’s go save the world!
Lili: Wait. But what about Raz?
(Everyone looks down as Lili begins to lose hope until Coraline puts a hand on her shoulder)
Coraline: That bug-eyed gremlin maybe covered in goop and half alien, but he’s still you’re boyfriend and I'm not giving up on him. I won’t leave him behind.
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last-hourglass · 9 months
I just finished reading the latest chapter of the last hourglass and i am in such emotional distress and relief. You're saying that Leo actually spoke to Donnie while he was all kranged up???? i really hope thats him processing that his brother's still alive cause if future leo rocks in like "i killed him" then leo can smack him with the "what the fuck no you didnt". but with their luck uhhhhhhhhh i got no idea
and also HURRAY HE'S FREE OF THE GOOP!!! No more krang brain. the way you described the way Donnie got rid of the krang in his body at the end was so visceral i loved it so much. but him literally taking himself down with the krang before realizing(and not realizing) that he also has his future self in his head????? GOD I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE COULD DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE OR DID HE EVEN KNOW??? HE CAN JUST BLOW HIS BRAIN UP WITH HIS MIND?? HORRIFYING going actually insane from this chapter
wondering now if that's how future donnie bit it in the future but instead failed?? if donnie didn't stop the self destruct would the krang still somehow survive??
anyway thus finished my rant i got these two disaster twins on rotate in my mind
astute observations on Leo's presence ehehehehe
and yeah I don't think Donnie even realized he could do that but y'know when you've got Ninpo and access to a cerebral cortex you can probably do some fucked up shit tbh
as for Tello, his death was... pretty different. and mainly a case of little-brother-induced mercy killing. after some time loops fucked around with said little brother. as for whether or not the Krang would've survived Dee's attempt at a self-destruct... I shall leave that up to audience interpretation ;)
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dark--eclipse · 9 months
So. This wasn't going exactly according to plan.
Okay, well. Leo had been counting on the stealth spells working, and him being able to teleport up to the Krang ship now that his magic was no longer going quite as haywire around the mutated gumballs. He'd been counting on being able to find Donnie again, in spite of the layout of the ship making no fucking sense to him whatsoever. What he hadn't been expecting was for Donnie to be hard-wired INTO the ship, and for alarms to sound and giant pink fleshy clones of his twin to start coming at him with everything they had, making him have to already waste half of the damn potion on trying to keep them from biting his limbs off, because god damn it, something made solely of flesh should not have been able to move that fast--
And all the while, Donnie kept screeching, in a voice that sounded like his but was ever so subtly off, somehow. "WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO BE A THORN IN MY SIDE, LEO. IT IS POINTLESS TO RESIST THE KRANG. GIVE IN. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS PATHETIC PLANET."
"Fat chance," Leo snarled, shoving another katana made of solidified lightning through a clone's eye socket. "The Donnie I know wouldn't act like this over a bunch of fucking mutated gumballs. The Donnie I know would want me to keep fighting. And I'm taking that Donnie back with me, whether you like it or not." Spin, deflect another attack from another clone, slice its head off. Rinse, repeat. "Come on, you can't keep this up forever. Construct-making spells take, like, a shit-ton of energy. You and I both know that. From the amount you're making, you must be preeeeetty tired right about now, huh?" There seemed to be a lull in the amount of enemies that were coming at him, after all, making Leo confident enough to lean on his conjured sword as he stood there. "You gonna hide out in that gross pink goop all night long, or are you actually gonna come out and play fair?"
Leo was counting on some semblance of Donnie's competitive nature still being buried within....whatever this thing that had taken his brother's place was. The nature that he would swear up and down that he didn't have, but that would rear its ugly head at the slightest indication that Leo was supposedly rubbing some victory in his face. If he could just take advantage of that and get Donnie to fight him one-on-one, he just might have a chance here.
The chuckle that met his ears was so unlike Donnie's, cold and predatory, that it almost made Leo's blood turn to ice in his veins as he stood there. "I have no need to fear my powers running dry now. The Krang have made me more powerful than I EVER was. But fine. If you want to hasten your own death so badly, I SUPPOSE I can accommodate you."
There was a wet, nauseating squelching sound from the center of the room, as something tore itself free of the center console. It was Donnie, with the same fangs and sickly yellow eyes, now with a disturbing amount of pink goop and eyes all over his body. He grinned, making an expression not unlike how Leo imagined a shark would look as it sized up a particularly juicy minnow, scraping that scythe blade along the ground once again. "You know how I love to dance. So let's DANCE, brother of mine."
And then Donnie was coming at him like a fucking bat out of hell, causing Leo to have to immediately go on the defensive just to keep from getting his head sliced off. There was no hint of the careful strategy that Donnie normally brought to combat situations here--there was just pure, unadulterated fury, a single-minded desire to see his opponent dead. It chilled Leo's blood, even as his own focus narrowed down to trying to survive the fight. He blocked yet another attack, sweat running down from his brow, voice wavering. "Donnie, you gotta snap OUT of it. This isn't you. You've never wanted to hurt anybody. That was, like, one of your biggest fears--"
Donnie seemed to falter, then, for a moment. But only a moment. In the next instant, Leo had to duck away from the scythe blade coming straight for his throat, letting out a hiss of surprise as his twin's voice came to his ears. "My fear held me BACK. It kept me WEAK. And I know enough to know that you'll have me go back into hiding if you have it your way. Because my powers are strange. Unorthodox. ABNORMAL. I don't HAVE to hide under the Krang's tutelage. They've made me stronger than I EVER was. No one will ever be ASHAMED of me AGAIN."
Leo's heart sank as he listened to the words, so full of venom and malice. Was that really what Donnie thought of himself? That he was weak? That his powers were doomed to just be out of the ordinary? That everyone was ashamed of him? Leo knew that his twin had always had difficulties, always had to bottle up his resentment towards people treating him differently due to his powers, but he'd never thought it was this bad--
"YOU caused all of this, you know. By not listening. By being a selfish, arrogant little FOOL who never paid others any mind. Always so impressed with your lightning and teleportation powers that you couldn't pay a SINGLE mind to any of the suffering going on around you, COULD you?" Leo ducked away from shadowy spikes rising from the surface of the walkway they were standing on, aiming to skewer and impale. "Always running your mouth. Always sticking your nose where it wasn't NEEDED. How does it FEEL? You'll die ALONE and UNWANTED, and it will be all. your. FAULT. And you'll finally understand how I feel."
He had to fight back a hiss of pain as one of the spikes managed to glance against his shoulder, raising a shielding spell even as Donnie battered against it with all his might, baring those jagged fangs and hissing. "You always thought you were BETTER than me. That I could never beat you at ANYTHING."
"But I've surpassed ALL of you. I'm not some weak little thing that needs PROTECTED anymore, and you....if you're BETTER than me, then why are you making yourself so easy to KILL."
Donnie's technique was sloppier, now. There was no effort put into the blows, no sense of strategy. He was just coming at his brother out of blind rage, and it hurt hurt HURT Leo to see it, like a million thorns sticking into his heart. To know that these were all the insecurities that Donnie was keeping hidden, deep down inside, and they had never known because Donnie would rather have been caught dead than be that emotionally vulnerable around people, especially after being overly emotional made his powers go haywire in the first place--
"I don't think I'm better than you! Donnie, please just listen--"
"Then why ask Father what was WRONG with me?"
Leo's blood ran cold all over again at that. "You remember that? Donnie, I was j-just a stupid kid when I said that. I didn't actually mean that something was....I wanted to know about your beast form thing, I--"
"Shut UP." Donnie was blasting him backwards with a wave of shadow magic then, and ow, okay, skidding along whatever substance made up the majority of this ship was not doing wonders for his back, as it turned out. "Stop running your stupid gods-damned MOUTH for five seconds. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear about how you're BETTER than I am, or how you've CHANGED, or ANYTHING ELSE. When all of you change, you change for the BETTER. All I can do is change for the WORST. Why should I bother trying to hide myself away and control it and be BETTER when nobody will give me a CHANCE to be anything other than a monster? They STILL can't even accept the fact that I'm a MAN and not--well. I'll show them. I'll show them ALL. I don't NEED any of you. The Krang have given me purpose. I'll be stronger than I ever was, and CAPABLE, and-"
"You....you already were." Shit, his sword had....he had to conjure another one, come on, come on, stupid powers, work--
"SHUT UP, I SAID." Another blast backwards. Leo hauled himself to his feet, coughing, his chest distressingly tight in a way that probably meant that he'd at least bruised a rib, if not outright broken one. Thank the gods that their advanced healing factor would probably take care of that for him, as long as he kept Donnie distracted.
"Fine. If you wanna keep coming at me, come at me. But I'm done trying to fight you."
Donnie's facial expression wavered again, dipping from a feral snarl for a moment before lapsing back as if nothing had ever happened. "Either attack or RUN AWAY like the COWARD that you are."
"No. I'm not gonna fight you, Donnie. I never want to hurt you. Ever. Come back. I know some part of you knows this is wrong. I can see it." He reached out then, gently, imploring. "This isn't you."
"You keep telling me that different things AREN'T me. That I'm not a woman, not a monster, not a bad father. But you're wrong. You're WRONG. Are you not PROUD of me, Leo?" Another savage swipe of the scythe, as Leo ducked and rolled away. "I'm BEING the monster. The outlier. The VILLAIN. I'm finally living up to everyone's expectations of me. I tried so HARD to live up to those, you know. But it was never GOOD ENOUGH. I was NEVER good enough. Not a good enough daughter, or a good enough SON, or a good enough magic user, or ANYTHING ELSE. And you people never let me FORGET that. Forget that I was an OUTLIER. What the hell would YOU know about feeling inadequate? You're so gods-damned PERFECT--"
"You really think I don't feel inadequate? Donnie, I feel that way all the damn time!" Leo gestured widely, then, slapping his chest with one palm. "I act like I'm hot shit, Don, but most of the time I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. And I act like that because I don't want anybody else to see how screwed up I am. Because maybe if I act like I'm good enough for people, then I'll start believing it eventually. You probably know what that feels like, don't you?"
"Be quiet."
"I'm sorry. I never really understood what you were going through. I know I deflect a lot and make stupid jokes, and....and yeah, I don't really listen. You're right about that. But if I made you feel like you weren't being listened to? That I don't care about you? Don, you were hurting for so long and none of us.....none of us noticed. All of us let you down. And I don't think we can do enough to make up for that. And you have every right to be angry about it, okay? So go ahead. Beat the shit out of me if you want to. But I'm not gonna hurt you more than I already have."
The leer across Donnie's face no longer looked quite as vicious, suddenly. "You--"
"I'm going to listen to you more. Okay? And you're not some monster, or some outlier, or....or whatever you think you are. Okay? You're just my brother. And I'm sorry that I didn't do a better job of showing that. Sometimes I was scared for you. Your powers are rare, and I was always kind of worried about how people were going to react. All of us were. And even before that, with wanting to change your gender, we knew there'd be people out there that wouldn't accept it. And we wanted to protect you. But if we pushed too hard? If we made you feel this way? Don, I'm so, so sorry for it. Your powers aren't weird or volatile or anything, they're you. I asked Dad that back then because I wanted to understand. And now I think I finally do."
He approached, then, even as his instincts screamed at him that maybe putting himself within Donnie's strike zone at the current moment wasn't the wisest of decisions. "You're more than enough, okay? You don't need to change. You don't need to be some perfect son, or magic user, or father. Because all of us love you no matter what, Don. You're a man if you say you are. You're a father if you say you are. And anyone who doesn't think so doesn't love you. So their shitty opinions don't matter much."
"....shut up. Stop CONFUSING me." Donnie had his teeth bared again, but this time the gesture looked more pathetically desperate than actually threatening, a bluff display to try and make a presumed threat draw away from him.
"Just. Just lemme talk. You're not....none of this is your fault, okay? They made you their little pawn. That doesn't mean you are one. You'd never hurt us. Any of us. I see you, Don. You're so....generous to others, and you work so hard to live up to their standards, but you're so hard on yourself. And if we taught you that....I'm sorry, Don. If you wanna kill me, go ahead. All I'm gonna say is that I finally, finally have some inkling of how hard it's been for you. And....and I'm sorry."
He waited. Waited for some sign that it was getting through to Donnie, or that he was about to get his head lopped off his shoulders. And then his twin's voice came to his ears, choked and wavering. ".....you.....you don't.....you CAN'T....I---"
And then Leo looked up again, Donnie was staggering backwards, his gaze no longer that sickly shade of yellow, no longer leaking shadows or half-feral or anything else. He looked confused. Scared.
"....Don?" "Leo?" Donnie's voice was strangled and panicked, but unmistakably him, and it almost made Leo sag in relief to hear it.
"Don. There you are, there you are. Come on, come back, we need y-"
"It's in my head, Leo. It won't.....I can hear it. It's telling me to....get it off, get it off me, please--" And as Leo watched, Donnie began to borderline claw at the goop-like substance that was now draped across him, all but hyperventilating out of panic.
"Okay, okay, hold on, April got us some of this stuff that works really well on Krang goop. Hold still-" And he was spilling the potion over Donnie as gently as possible, and okay, thank gods, it didn't appear to be hurting him. Excellent. Now he could concentrate on how he was so glad that Donnie was back that he could hug him again--oh. Wait. Donnie was slinking away from him.
"Don? You okay?"
Donnie was paler than he'd ever seen him, looking at Leo's shoulder that was still oozing blood slightly. "I....I hurt you."
"What, this? 'Tis but a scratch, dear brother o' mine---"
"Stop it! Don't make a joke about this right now, Leo, I....this is SERIOUS. I could have.....I could have KILLED...." Donnie turned away, pressing a hand against his mouth as though he was trying very hard to keep the contents of his stomach in, trembling all over.
"It wasn--"
"STOP. Saying it wasn't me! It WAS. I feel all those things deep down, I was so angry and it used that and I could feel myself attacking you and I couldn't stop it because it actually felt good, I....what kind of-" The shadows were back, swirling around Donnie in a way that they hadn't ever since he had come back home, and Leo had to do something about that, he---
He stepped up and squished his hands to both sides of his twin's face before Donnie could do much more than let out a muffled squeak of protest, gently but firmly forcing Donnie to look him in the eyes. "Don. They made you do those things. Okay? Not you, and not anybody else."
Tears tracked down Donnie's face as he leaned into Leo then, sobbing openly. "I was fighting it. I was trying so hard, Leo, I swear."
"I know. I know. Ssssssh. It's gonna be okay." And hopefully, Donnie would catch the hidden meaning behind the words. Maybe not now, but SOON it will be okay.
"Don, we can apologize to each other and have a heartfelt talk later. Mikey and Raph are trying to deal with these things by themselves. Well, Theatre's with them too, but....we need you. Okay?"
Donnie pulled away, visibly steeling himself as he inhaled shakily. ".....okay."
Leo had been about to turn away, but he turned back then, slapping a hand onto Donnie's shoulder. "You know I love you, right?"
"Of.....of course I do."
"No, I....I need you to understand," Leo ground out, looking Donnie dead in the eyes once again. "You're my brother, okay? I love you. And there's not a single goddamn thing you can ever do to change that. Okay? And I'm gonna start being a better brother to you now. And we're all gonna show you that the opinions of a couple of brain-dead assholes don't matter. The only ones that matter are the ones from people who love you. Okay?"
Donnie still looked unsure. Unsteady, even, like he was trying to put his world back onto its axis after it had tipped over. But he at least seemed to realize that this wasn't the time or place to be emotionally hashing it out with his own twin, just nodding solemnly after a minute. "....okay."
"Good." Leo turned to slash a portal open again. "Let's go get our brothers."
"Wait. There's one thing I'd like to do first. Me and the ship, see, we've come to an agreement. And she's not quite as bad as the rest of the Krang. I don't think she likes them much either. So the question is-" And when Leo turned back to Donnie, he was grinning, without the toothy hint of malice this time. "Leo, how'd you like to fly a spaceship?"
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I am going to sit here and process everything that happened and maybe watch it again later what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. How do they start it with Mikey dying and then have Raph almost die and everything happening and LEO SACRIFICING HIMSELF?? DONNIE STILL PUTTING HIMSELF IN HARMS WAY TO PROTECT HIS BROTHERS EVEN WHEN HIS BATTLE SHELL BREAKS? DONNIE MERGING WITH THE SHIP, LIKE THAT IS AN EXPERIENCE WHAT. I KINDA THOUGHT IT WOULD LAST LONGER? PROBABLY BEST THAT IT DID BUT OOAOAOAOAERLKG
ALSO it's SO much darker than I expected )as you can probably tell aekrgmaelkrgm) but ALL THE BODY HORROR?? THAT IS LITERAL BODY HORROR NOT JUST FUNSY GOOP. THAT AIN'T MELTED PLAYDO THAT IS FLESH AND BLOOD AND GOOPIFIED CREATURES. I am with Donnie here that is LITERALLY my worst nightmare <- ever since I was 4 I've been haunted by nightmares where people melt in some fashion. IDK why but this triggered it in the wildest of ways (not negative?)
I am shaking this movie has fundementally changed me as a person. This movie is an experience that will separate my life from "before" and "after" watcjing this movie. I am going insane how DID THIS MOVIE GET OKAYED?? I AM NOT COMPLAINING IM JUST SO SURPRISED! Kinda wondering if they are having troubles making a third season because of the tonal shift of the TV series and this movie, like things were DARK here and there were even guns, blood, cartoony gore, like aeRLGMalekrmglakermg <- idk how to put into words but YEA
ALSO SIDE NOTE near the end of the movie when Donnie was left without his battle shell for a while my brain was like "HEY you know what would help our ptsd? a battle shell, because we hate the feeling of having no weight on our back/no level of protection" so I've mentally been planning (while fully immersed in watching the movie? brains work in weird multi level ways)
So ANYWAYS I've come up with a rough idea on how to make a battle shell contraption of shorts that doesn't require tech, just some skills and materials that theoretically are extremely easily accessible, I just need to do some research, measurements and a bit more planning and I think I know how you could make a lightweight makeshift moves-with-your-back-roughly back protector/shell of sorts. I'll update you on that if you want, just gotta check my thoughts on the flexibility vs durability balance
your making a fuckn!! battle shell??? i wish i had a battle shell ;_; thats SO COOL. good luck with that!
i can personally say that the entire time donnie wasnt wearing his shell had me on pins and needles i was sO TERRIFIED HE WAS GONNA GET HURTTT agAUGHAUH
I'm pretty sure the movie came out AFTER the show was cancelled/"paused" so I'm not sure if it had any affect on the cancellation, or if it was just darker cause it had to have more STAKES than the average rottmnt episode. OR if the show was just gonna go into detail about the krang later anyway (which was foreshadowed in the show itself im pretty sure) and it was always gonna be this uhhhHHHH SCARYYYY.
But so far Rottmnt has a tendency to make previous villains more monstrous (my personal theory is so that they can go HARDER with the fight scenes lol) like they did with Shredder who was basically a huge fucking scary BEAST. so I think the Krang being SO FUCKING BODYHORROR ASS SCARY is fitting. Still got spooked when Raphs shell got fuckd up tho!
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tmngoose · 2 years
I like to imagine Rikki and Chiyo are fighting alongside each other beating up Kraang zombies in NY during the invasion while the turtles are rescuing Raph. Chiyo defends New York because it's the turtles' home, plus it's the heroic thing to do. Rikki claims she's only fighting because if Clem's shop gets destroyed she loses her paycheck lol But also because New York is where Red Fox lives, and Rikki isn't about to lose her ;) Red totally joins up later and the three of them kick alien butt!!
You can catch Rikki defending Clem’s from the Krang because if they wreck the store, she’ll be the one to clean it! The Krang corner Clem and Rikki turns feral: “BACK OFF! I need that goat to sign my checks!”
She can definitely hold her own against the Krang given her ghost powers. And she’s definitely worried about Red; they’re roommates after all! If something happened to her… she’d have to find a new place to live! Her name’s not on the lease! (Spoiler: It is—she just doesn’t know it yet).
I imagine Red’s fighting with Jupiter Jim somewhere. If she wasn’t guarding Clem’s, she’d try finding her. Of course she worries about her E.L.o.M friends, and her regulars (like Chiyo).
But more importantly: Rikki will defend these places—these people—because it’s the only home she has left. She’s happy here and she won’t let some stupid alien goop zombies ruin that for her!
When everything’s over, Clem breaks out the special chocolate bars. Rikki sends out the mass text to her contacts: “Fancy chocolates at Clem’s for survivors.”
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saga-project · 7 months
It had all been a whirlwind.
He'd emerged from the Technodrome--covered in goop, but seemingly no worse for wear--and they'd gotten their collective ninpo back, and oh man did it feel good to be able to make weapons out of nothing but thin air again, to be able to slam mystically-enhanced missile after mystically-enhanced missile into that stupid bubblegum bastard's face--
And then they'd combined all their powers---
--and it still wasn't enough. One little flick of a finger from that exoskeleton suit that Krang One was wearing, and they'd all gone flying, and it was all Saga could do to look up in time to see that thing barreling towards him and Mikey with absolutely no protection between them--
He had to stop Krang One from getting to them he had to put up a barrier put up a barrier faster faster FASTER---
--he felt the fist connecting with his face, and then everything went black.
--oh, hey. They were pretty sure being dead wasn't supposed to hurt this much. So.
"Where are we? Staten island?" Raph's voice, now. Saga lifted their head just enough to give a disgusted shudder, trying to hold back their wince of pain.
"Oh, gross. So. How would everyone rate that rescue experience? Unsatisfied, very unsatisfied, wish Donnie would have done it--"
"Okay, yes, not your fault. Ow. Hey, did you know being punched in the face with solid metal surprisingly hurts a lot--" Saga glanced around briefly, a knot of anxiety forming in their chest at the notable absence of one member of their party in particular. "....Raph? Where's.....where's Leo?"
A beat. And then Raph was swiveling towards them, looking haunted. "He....he's still up there." "....what?"
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