#kreese is fighting to kill
pinazee · 2 years
Does this end with johnny pushing Kreese into a pit of snakes of his own making? Cause it should.
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cobra-wives · 24 days
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this is so (boot)camp
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 4 months
I know Terry just went to nam to find a hot boyfriend 🙄
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moralofallthestories · 2 months
CK s6 part1 spoilers‼️
This is going to be mostly my rant on ep5 and some plots from the previous episodes
- My heart BREAKS for Tory, it’s like the writers just decided to add more on top of the misery from her story last season. S5 the girl broke up with someone she loves and cares about for Kreese’s plan, ended up hurting herself badly and had no one by her side the entire season, and now they just decided to kill off her mom just when her life is starting to get better. What did she do to deserve this??
- Look how quickly Daniel and Johnny moved on to Hawk for their selections literally after they all learned about Tory’s mother’s death, like if you both are such good senseis, wouldn’t it be nice to actually give a shit about Tory and her grief?? Instead of making if about yourself, how about we actually go console her and making sure she’s okay or at least be there? Both of them are such bad mentors for the kids, first is how they handled Kenny’s situation after he got humiliated with the accident, Johnny only spoke up when he’s fighting for Devon and Daniel rlly favors his kids than his other students. If any of these two even showed the same attention and support to Kenny and Tory, I’m sure neither of them would actually quit Miyagi-Do so quickly on the spot. Some sensei they really are huh.
- Robby my man, I get that going to the Sekai Taikai is important for you but are you really gonna do nothing after your girlfriend’s meltdown about her mother’s death? At this point this show’s writing is so bad I don’t wanna hear about any “they probably did this off-screen” kinda bullshit no more. I swear if part 2 has any point of showing him standing on the moral high ground accusing Tory of switching sides like what he did to her in s5 imma riot, cancel my Netflix subscription along with my family plan :))
- Based on s5 and what we’ve seen so far, my headcanon for Robby & Tory is that he’s the one that usually texts her first and he texts more but she’s not good with it, she’s not good with expressing her emotions either so sooner or later they’re gonna face this communication problem in the relationship (of which the problem was clearly shown before in s5 when they “broke up”)
- While the privileged kids talking about their top colleges and applications, what Robby and Tory had was the Sekai Taikai - underdogs in the top 4
- Devon, my girl…not a good decision…why you choose to go on that path
- I can never like Anthony he really gets on my nerves
- Bad writing with all those conflicts overall, hated how they handled Kenny’s character especially trying to embarrassing him for the flag fight. I was hoping to see him and his brother in more action but you can never expect too much from Cobra Kai writers I guess
- The baby storyline continues…the most boring and unnecessary storyline that ruins Johnny’s character as a father and a sensei
- CK really has this type of half assed writing throughout all seasons why am I surprised lmao
The good part:
- Sam & Tory’s reconciliation and their apologies to each other, the sleepover pillow fight was so cute and I love seeing both of them are so done with Johnny’s instigating
- Robby and Tory’s promise of standing together
- How Robby found himself & his confidence again after seeing Tory showed up, this is what partners influence each other
- Robby & Tory’s little nod to each other whenever one of them is fighting someone else, no words but it means so much more
- Johnny & Mike’s fight - it has to be purely a fan service kinda fight but I’ll take it
- Hawk & Demitri’s fight, unnecessary but it surely was entertaining
- Kyler’s redemption, I’m actually happy they didn’t give him a glamorous redemption and try to change him completely to let him join Miyagi-Do, it’s nice to see that his frat boy personality is still there
- Kwon’s fighting skills are some real deal
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ivy-pendragon · 2 months
. .
Mmm wtf??
- I couldn’t even enjoy Robby fucking winning THERE WERE TOO MANY THINGS HAPPENING.
- Devon doesn’t deserve to be there after that crap, take her out of there.
- Tory my baby 😭
- Why do I have the feeling that not even Johnny was happy when Robby won? He goes to Miguel like “this is not your day”??? So what, in a good day Miguel would wipe him or WHAT? And now Daniel is all over Sam, so I feel like Robby goes fucking second TO BOTH OF THEM NOW. I hate it, why.
- God, Tory and Robby 😭 They promised to be together at the mat and if this is not a foreshadow of them fighting in the sekai tekai I don’t what is.
- The fact that Robby got all his strength because winning meant being at the top with Tory 😭 that fucking promise
- Johnny was so wrong but SO right too. Tory needed to fight but…he justified the situation with his mothers death, and I feel like not even he realizes that it was not a healthy way to deal with it. Tory didn’t even tell anyone, she looked like hadn’t slept or eaten. You can’t fight like that, she is just a child.
- God she was so happy that her mum made them dinner KILL ME AND NOT HER MOTHER 😭
- I love the relationship qith Miguel and Robby, I feel like Miguel really likes what they have and he doesn’t want to ruin that, it’s really sweet.
- I would love if this show could stop overlooking Robby’s problems, because I understand Miguel needed to win but Robby doesn’t half of the things Miguel is struggling with, and now he lost Tory one more time.
- They will find a way for Robby to not win this thing, I know it and I hate it. I just hope he will get a scholarship at least.
- Sam has grown so much as a character 😭 I love my girl, she deserves the world.
- Kreese literally left Tory all alone with a psychopath and she still came back to him BABY NO I understand you are more vulnerable than ever BUT PLEASE
- Overall, I like the fact that Keenry is going places and their scenes are not just teenage angst anymore. On the other hand, ROBBY WHY DIDNT YOU GO AFTER HER wtf BABY
- sorry I loved keenry
- Mike Barnes you are such a daddy
- Daniel, you are still an idiot, but at least you have a little more of…stability than the other blond idiot.
- Amanda serving LIKE ALWAYS.
- I hate everything overall 4/10
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ariesqueencobra · 7 months
what we used to be | Xll
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Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x Fem!Reader
Summary: Kreese begins slithering his way into Cobra Kai and you're not so sure about it. It only makes matters worse when your friend gets hurt and your boyfriend can't be there for him.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, slight bullying, mentions of assault and battery, mentions of stitches, play fighting, sparring, mention of a dick pic
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: This is when things start getting good!
Thank you to those who already reblog and comment, I see you and I love you all for it!
I don't consent to this work being copied, translated or reposted.
“You gotta understand, the Mogadishu in the ‘90s was a hellhole,” Kreese explained. “Warlords controlled whole swaths in the city. My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up.”
You sucked in a breath, only imagining the hell Kreese went through while in the military.
“How many warlords did you kill?” Eli asked, smiling as he took interest in the conversation.
“You keep track of every ant you stomp on?” Kreese questioned.
“Woah,” you and Aisha said at the same time.
“Badass,” Eli grinned.
Kreese began another story, your attention span dwindling as you couldn’t picture where Kreese was as he listed other countries.
“They were outgunned, we were outmanned. I tell ya, Rwanda was no joke,” he sighed.
“Don’t you mean Somalia?” Miguel stood up. “Mogadishu’s in Somalia, Rwanda’s a whole other country,” he pointed out the man’s mistake.
“Of course, Somalia. I spend so much time in the sandbox, it all just bleeds together,” he said, cautiously stepping around his next words.
You nodded, attempting to understand.
“Listen up!” Sensei ordered, drawing your attention to him. “I see we got some new recruits,” he scanned over the crowd. “Everybody fall in. In neat rows and lines,” he said.
You caught his elaboration, a big step up from your first day. You face forward, face slack but you were giddy inside, already catching a few girls in the class.
Sensei stalked between the students until he paused, talking to someone. 
You heard an older voice and turned your head to see a grown man was present. He wanted to learn karate. You sent a glance at Eli, interest piquing you.
“I thought my last group was pathetic but if you do what I tell you to do you’ll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter,” Sensei boomed. “But to do that, you gotta fight. So who has the balls to take on the champ?”
Silence filled the room. 
“I’ll take him on,” a girl’s voice spoke up. 
You turned around to see a blonde with brunette roots stand in the back, her aura radiated power and dominance. You already liked her.
“I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys put on a good show, but can you actually fight?” She smirked.
Oh, you definitely liked her.
“That sounds like a challenge,” Sensei said, taking a few steps closer to her.
“I like a challenge,” she responded.
Your smile grew, glancing at Aisha who shared the same sentiment.
“Mr. Diaz, show Little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about,” Sensei ordered, turning around and walking back to the front.
Miguel nodded but hesitated when he approached her. “Look, are you sure you wanna-,” he didn’t get the chance to respond when she charged toward him, kicking him square in the chest. He chuckled before he got serious. “Game on.”
They began fighting, Miguel having to block most hits. This girl was intense and she managed to stay even with him. 
You could also sense the heavy tension between them. 
It was cute. 
She body-slammed him onto the mat before he swept her legs out from under her. He stood up, offering a hand. “My name’s Miguel.” 
“Tory,” she breathed, grabbing his hand before she flipped him over, pinning his head to the mat. “With a y,” she said.
You snickered, impressed.
After class, you were in the mini-mart, getting some snacks before you headed off for a date with Eli. Aisha sighed behind you, staring at her phone. 
“Let me guess, dick pic?” Tory walked passed her.
You laughed, grabbing your favorite candy from the shelf before you joined both of them. 
“No, my mom wants me to go to the beach club with her,” Aisha sighed.
You and Tory stared at each other before laughing. 
“That sounds so miserable,” Tory mocked. 
“It’s not that,” Aisha smiled. “This girl Sam’s gonna be there and she and I are not on good terms,” she said. “Anyway, I’m Aisha, this is Y/N,” she jutted towards you.
“Tory,” she smiled at you two.
“That’s a cool bracelet,” you pointed at the spikey one. 
She smirked. “This? It’s not just for show. Some creepy guy at the mall tried to grab me once, but I managed to block him and give him a gift he won’t ever regret,” she jabbed her arm.
“Absolute badass,” you said, amazed. 
“You seem like you know how to kick ass pretty well, why did you join Cobra Kai?” 
“I’ve taken a few kickboxing lessons but I always wanted to smash boards blindfolded,” she mocked. 
You laughed. 
“The secret is poking little holes in the blindfolds,” Aisha whispered. 
“Cool,” Tory said. She walked towards the front of the store before Aisha stopped her.
“You guys wouldn’t mind joining me at the beach club? It’d be nice to have some backup,” she said.
“I’d love to, but Eli is taking me out on a date,” you smiled.
“Eli?” Tory furrowed her brows.
“Mohawk,” you said.
“You’re dating him?” She was surprised by it. “Seems intense,” she joked.
“Keeps me on my feet,” you responded.
“Well I guess I can suffer through a day at the beach,” Tory smiled, turning to Aisha.
“Have fun you guys, but we should all hang out together soon, it’s nice to have another girl on the team,” you grinned at Tory. You left the two, paying for your snacks before walking out.
Eli was leaning against the pillar outside, putting his phone away as you approached, talking to Miguel about something that clearly wasn’t making the other boy happy. 
“What’s going on?” You asked enthusiastically, glancing between the two boys. 
They glanced at each other, Miguel sending Eli a look that was only understood between them.
“Just talking about Kreese,” Miguel sighed. “I don’t trust him,” he admitted. 
Understanding, you nodded, patting Miguel on the shoulder. “Hopefully he doesn’t stick around much longer.”
Miguel agreed before he walked back inside the dojo, leaving you with Eli.
He kissed you on the lips, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before making his way to his car.
“Tory can kick ass, she proves girls are stronger than boys,” you snickered, ducking under a tree branch. 
The weather was sunny, with not a cloud in the sky. It wasn’t windy so it wasn’t that hot. It encouraged a good mood that your conversation drifted into one in which sex was stronger. 
“Sure she beat Miguel, doesn’t mean shit,” Eli retorted.
“I can beat your ass any day of the week,” you scoffed, stopping dead in your tracks. 
He was pulled back by your resistance, his brows furrowed at your words. “In your dreams, babe, I’m stronger than you, it’s okay to admit it,” he sucked in a breath, tugging on your hand to pull you along. 
The dock on the lake came into view and you were glad no one was around. This made this moment even more perfect.
“You’re on,” you pulled away, shrugging your backpack off.
He looked at you confused before he realized. “Winner gets bragging rights?” He smirked
“Definitely,” you grinned, raising your fists. 
He did the same but you didn’t even give him a chance until you were swinging your first punch. He blocked it, swiping your arms out before he aimed for a kick to your stomach.
You reacted, blocking him easily. You threw another punch, distracting him and managing to sweep his legs from under him. 
The leaves rustled under him and as he rolled onto his back, you swung your leg over, hovering over him. He was taken aback, visibly gulping. 
“Told ya,” you hummed, hands pressed onto his chest. The shit-eating look you had in your eyes was swiped the instant he flipped you over, a yelp escaping you.
“Wouldn’t call a victory that soon,” he grinned, hands holding him up on either side of your head. “Better luck next time, babe,” he smirked, moving off you and offering a hand.
You frowned, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Does the loser get a kiss?” You grabbed onto his hand, your other wrapping around his forearm as you brought him close. 
He smirked, leaning in to kiss you but the next second, you grabbed him, throwing him over your shoulder and flipping him onto his back. He hissed in pain. 
You laughed. “Pucker up, loser gets a kiss,” you smirked, still holding onto his hand. 
A few minutes later you were now enjoying a tranquil day out on the dock, your leg crossed underneath you while the other dangled over the ledge.
Your stomach fluttered as Eli’s hand cradled your jaw, tilting your head to the side as he kissed you. Your hand rested on his wrist, the other pressed against his chest. No matter how many times you kissed him, you grew giddy, your face growing hot. It was a feeling you didn’t want to go away. 
“I think if we keep kissing, our lips are gonna fall off,” you snickered.
“Shh, I’ll take that risk,” he smirked against you, pulling you closer. 
The moment was beautiful but was cut short when your phone buzzed. This was the fifth time in the last ten minutes and you grew worried about who it was.
“Hang on,” you paused, pulling your phone out of your pocket.
“Just ignore it,” he brushed off, chasing your lips. 
“It’s Demitri,” you said, growing worried, knowing he only called for emergencies. 
Reading the messages he sent previously helped you relax, but seeing his urgency told you it was important.
“He’s probably only calling to bitch about something,” Eli scoffed, wrapping his arm around your waist to stop you but you pushed a hand against his chest. 
“Stop it,” you furrowed your brows, straightening and facing out onto the lake as you answered. “Are you okay?” You asked your friend.
“Eli didn’t tell you?” He asked.
“No, tell me what?” You furrowed your brows, sending your boyfriend a look.
“Your new Sensei attacked me in the dojo the other day, I had to get stitches,” he explained.
Your eyes widened. “He what?”
“Yeah, you heard me,” he said. “I thought Eli would’ve told you, but I guess I was wrong,” he sighed. “I wanted to let you know.”
“Yeah, thanks, I’ll stop by when I can, do you need anything?” You chewed on your lip, a feeling bubbling in your chest.
“I’m okay, thanks,” he said before hanging up.
“I told him to let it go,” Eli spoke up.
“Eli, our friend got hurt!” You exclaimed. “I knew Kreese had something off about him,” you said, thinking back to his slip-up at the dojo today. “Why didn’t you tell me? We could’ve been checking on Demitri like good friends instead of coming out here,” you gestured around you.
His brows furrowed. “Demitri will be fine. Besides, why would you put him over me? I thought our dates were important,” he argued.
“They are but things happen, he’s our best friend,” your voice cracked. “You should’ve told me,” you stood up, walking towards your backpack.
“Why are you acting like this? He’s the one acting like a bitch,” he sneered, standing up and following you. 
You couldn’t believe what he had said. “No, he’s not!” You turned around to look at him. “You’re the one acting so insecure! I’m not choosing him over you and it hurts that you’d say that,” you huffed.
You hated that you were arguing again. It’d been a while since the tournament but you hoped you were past it.
“Babe, stop,” he reached for your wrist, pulling you back. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he sighed. 
“I don’t want to fight about this,” you breathed. “I just want to see Demitri and make sure he’s okay,” you gulped. 
He was reluctant but after a beat, he agreed. “Okay, I’ll drive you.”
Disappointment filled you when Eli didn’t want to come inside to visit Demitri. First, it was the “nerd shit” stuff at the victory party but being so insensitive when he was assaulted?! 
You were trying to understand why Eli was losing himself. It hurt you in more ways than you could imagine.
After his mother let you in, you made your way to his room. You found him sitting at his desk, playing a game and when you knocked on the door, he turned around, showing you the bandage on his nose.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know,” you went over and hugged him. “And I’m sorry for how Eli reacted, I didn’t think he’d be defensive about it.” 
He nodded, patting your shoulders as he moved to sit on his bed. “It’s not your fault, at least one of my best friends still cares about me,” he shrugged.
Your gaze dropped, knowing you couldn’t even argue it. 
“I’ll talk to him,” you said. 
“Didn’t you already?” He looked at you. “It’s obvious he won’t change his mind. I’m just a big pussy according to him,” he sighed, licking his lips. 
“I think Kreese is getting into his head. He hasn’t been around long but he’s already slithering his way into Cobra Kai. I gotta be honest when I say I don’t like it,” you frowned. 
Valley Fest was his idea, he punched Demitri, and now your boyfriend is getting swooped up into his ideologies. Sure, he was Sensei’s sensei, but you had a feeling he was trying to revert Cobra Kai to its original state. 
“At least you’re not getting assaulted because of it,” he spoke.
“I know,” you nodded. “I guess you’re not joining Cobra Kai then,” you stated the obvious.
He shook his head. “I’m thinking of joining Miyagi-Do,” he confessed.
Your brows raised in surprise. You knew if Eli heard of this or anyone from Cobra Kai did, they’d be pissed but all you could find yourself doing was feeling proud of him. 
“Their demonstration did seem pretty cool,” you smiled. “I think you’ll fit right in,” you beamed. “And I promise I won’t say anything to Eli.”
“Thanks,” he sighed out in relief. “What about you?” He asked.
“What about me?” Your face scrunched in confusion. 
“Isn’t Kreese one of your sensei’s now? Don’t you want to get out before it’s too late for you too?” His voice was filled with so much concern. 
“He’s not my sensei,” you shook your head. “I don’t agree with what he believes,” you said. “Besides, someone needs to watch Eli, right?” Your tone was playful. 
He agreed. “Sure, I guess. Until he turns completely toxic and takes it out on you,” he warned. 
“I’m strong enough to not let that happen,” you cocked a brow. “Miyagi-Do will make you strong, so don’t worry about Eli, I’m proud, okay?”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he smiled.
Later, he offered for you to stay for dinner, which you accepted. It was a nice distraction from the worry you held when it came to your boyfriend. You just hoped he’d change once you talk to him.
The next day at the dojo, practice ran like usual.
“The back thrust kick works like this,” Sensei demonstrated. 
“What about if your opponent attacks you from behind?” Eli asked.
“Excellent question,” Sensei pointed. “Sensei Kreese, you wanna take this one?” 
You frowned slightly, eyeing the older man. Where were you when he was appointed as a sensei? You weren’t sure about this.
“Certainly Sensei Lawrence,” Kreese said, uncrossing his arms and making his way to the front.
“The key to making this move is to trick your enemy into thinking you’re retreating,” he began. “But just as they’re letting their guard down, that’s when you strike the hardest,” he demonstrated the kick. 
You took in the lesson, but the glance you shared with Miguel told you all you needed to know.
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baldwinboy5ive · 2 months
some Kreese and Silver bullshit spoiler stuff here for s6 episode 2:
sigh so, you know how this episode is called "The Prize" and Kreese is searching for/going after this supposed prize this whole time (we spent the whole B-plot watching Kreese trip balls and fight a fuckin snake hahahaha)
anyway this fuckin thing that's some kind of metaphor for a "prize" is this the "eunjangdo" which I guess they just used the korean word to make it sound more ~mystical and exotic~ or something I guess???? It's just a fuckin knife? but you see, it's a silver knife
a silver
"eunjangdo" literally just means…. silver knife
prize that Kreese was searching for… is……………………………… is.............. sil-.................. literally you guys i shouldn't even say it the ship is dead the ship is dead it sank into the ocean as a string quartet played it's dead why am i even talking about this hahhahahahaha kill me
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msfbgraves · 2 months
Cobra Kai 6 so far is dead to me. It’s just so awful. Kreese is ridiculous, Johnny has hit whatever follows rock bottom (he hit rock bottom in 3), the teens are all annoying, and they’ve lowkey made me dislike CHOZEN of all people. Omg. Only Daniel and Shawn were likable. I need Terry to come back and kill everyone in the valley and then himself.
I think we completely agree on S6 but Nonnie, if I may, I'd like to focus on Terry here because come to think about it...
As dangerous as Terry is he seems very, very reluctant to kill. He talks a great game about killing, but he doesn't finish Chozen off while having every chance, he implies he wants Johnny dead but does nothing about it, and I know that's all about giving our heroes a chance of escape but as a character trait I think it's fascinating. Terry is a killing machine that will do anything but. And of course he has a lot to lose by killing, but contrast that to Daniel and Johnny, who would have ended Kreese in S3, not to mention Kreese himself, Terry always goes for the pain and never the kill. He'll make you wish you were dead, but he hates taking life. Terry is all about the pain where a dark Daniel is about the kill. Daniel, at his very best, still needs to be conditioned out of killing, where you apparently can't condition Terry into it at his very worst. Interesting, isn't it? I adore Daniel and the fact that he so heroically will control that impulse, but that is his dark side. Miyagi has done everything in his power to contain that capacity for evil in this angel of a boy (teaching him to fight with a bo but never with a sai, sword or spear, definitely not teaching him the pressure point technique) but in the mangled dark soul of a man named Terry Silver, that one impulse is nowhere to be found!
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on the Johnny / Daniel conflict over Daniel stopping the fight! Personally, I think Johnny is wrong on multiple levels. If he really thought the best way for Tory to work through her grief was to fight it out, I disagree but different people have different coping mechanisms, but he shouldn't have offered Sam up as a way to do it. Even if Johnny was completely ignoring Sam's well-being and was willing to put her in danger, Tory just apologized and was forgiven. How would she feel if she hurt sam all over again because she was fighting over-emotionally? If Johnny really thought she needed to fight, he should have offered to spar with her.
But also, I think he's wrong about her reasoning on wanting to fight in the first place. To me, it didn't seem like she wanted to hit someone or unleash her anger or work through her feelings. It seemed like she had a very specific goal of becoming the girls' team captain. Sometimes, when you go through intense grief instead of working through it, you want to distract yourself by doing something productive. Her goal was to win the tournament for her mom. To do that, she needed to be captain. That's why she wanted to win, and she wanted to do it by fighting because she wanted to honor her mom by proving she's "a fighter." Because Daniel and Amanda are well-adjusted people, they probably could have helped her through it in the moment, but Johnny undermining Daniel reinforced what Kreese said to Tory by implying that he was playing favorites, causing her to storm off. She literally says the same thing to Amanda that Kreese says to her, that "when push comes to shove you're always gonna choose her over me" and it's after Johnny implies that Daniel is playing favorites. Johnny essentially pushed her back to Kreese by making her think no one else would prioritize her, and all because he projected his personal issues (from when he was a grown adult, and that got him sent to jail) onto a teenager he's never really seemed to care about before now.
This is also the first scene I can think of where Tory and Daniel interact, and i wish we could have gotten more. She's had great moments with Amanda and some more with Sam after she apologized. It would be nice for her to complete the circle and have a nice interaction with Daniel. I think Daniel has the most to teach Tory when it comes to karate and balance, so it would be nice if he actually got to do that, lol. I heard that Peyton said in an interview that Daniel was right to stop the fight, and I hope it does actually get explored in part 2.
Love this take! You’re absolutely right. Johnny was wrong to want to continue the fight—Tory hadn't fully processed her mom’s death, hadn't eaten or slept in 24 hours, hadn’t even been hugged or supported in any way. That’s not the time to jump into a fight...and that’s how everyone ends up hurt (and yep, if Tory had hurt Sam in that state, that would’ve just compounded her grief and made her feel guilty on top of it). So glad Peyton agrees!
And YEP—Tory wanted to continue that fight specifically, to become captain and fight in the tournament. Johnny missed that (and so did at least a handful of fans). Daniel and Amanda were right there to support her, and Robby could’ve too, but as you said, Johnny reinforced “oh you’re playing favorites” (reinforcing Kreese’s words…even tho that wasn’t Johnny’s intention, it was still the wrong time to say that regardless. Read the room, Johnny, ffs) and killed any progress that could've been made*. The fight could’ve been postponed for a day (or at least half a day) until she got rest, food, and support—it didn’t have to happen right then and there.
*none of them should’ve let her walk off, and I’m pissed that they did, but they could've gotten somewhere with Tory to begin with if Johnny hadn’t interjected needlessly and had just TRUSTED DANIEL AND AMANDA
(Plus, Johnny comparing losing his mom at 30 to Tory losing hers at 17-18 felt weird to me. Loss is loss and hurts regardless of age, but people deal with it differently, and age is absolutely a factor in that)
Tory and Daniel have so many parallels, especially in s5...I was absolutely looking forward to them interacting this season. Alas...it was just for this, and Daniel never gets to bring up that he lost a parent as a child too—he KNOWS what that feels like and how much it hurts (and he lost another in Mr. Miyagi, but that was as an adult, so the actuation isn't quite the same).
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landslided · 11 months
lesbian lawrusso AU makes me crazy because the implications of johnny still being cobra kai means that she is the champ. she’s the only girl there and she’s the champ and you know that kreese was harsher on her and that she had to fight like hell to get there and you know that in school she was less popular than in canon because well she’s weird she’s probably a dyke she’s always with those boys she’s a slut she’s a guy in disguise she’s crazy she’s a winner but being a winner doesn’t mean people like you, it doesn’t mean the respect you, it doesn’t mean sid stops calling you a loser and a whore just like your mom, it doesn’t mean people in school stop saying you open your legs for your friends, you’re a winner but you’re still just a girl.
and then danielle wins, danielle who is a girl too, danielle who ali seems to like more than she’s ever liked johnny, danielle whose mom comes to the tournament, danielle danielle danielle. she becomes the new champion and there is that moment of realisation after kreese tries to kill her (kreese who swore that she was the champ, that he could make her stronger, kreese who promised her a life where she wouldn’t have to be afraid of anyone) that everything she thought she knew was wrong. she didn’t need all of that training, all of that pain, all that humiliation, all those sacrifices to become the champion, danielle is proof of that. miyagi made her a champion while still loving and respecting her. she could have been normal, she could have had a childhood. and that’s when her anger turns to bitterness and that’s when she loses herself. she and danielle don’t talk for a long time. and then in 1985, danielle seeks her out: she needs a champion to help her and johnny, broken down johnny, disappointment johnny, she is still the champ.
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terrence-silver · 1 month
The thing I want is for terry be all in love with kreese trying kill/fight him in s6 like he was in South Korea full on bring back good hit Johnny while terry is on his back seeing stars but he still needs to hype up his man even if they aren’t really talking now
Also that lift up move John did in South Korea i definitely feel like he can still do it and he should definitely do but instead carry terry off the stage and they should talk it out like communication like geez this show and it’s communication skills 😭
I feel like I'm being trolled. 😂
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ivy312002-blog · 1 month
My hot takes about cobra kai as (I hope) a not biased viewer:
- Everyone is kind of exaggerating everything that happened between Mijagi Do and Tory. People are looking way too much into it saying things like “Daniel clearly wanted Sam to win” “They should have gone straight to Tory when she left” “they betrayed her”, etc. First of all, none of these people were saying shit when Daniel and Johnny left Robby with Kreese (who ten minutes before tried to kill Johnny AGAIN), but apart from that, this show clearly doesn’t believe in going after this kids when they are upset. Second, they needed Tory to feel alone for the plot…there is nothing much to it, this show is not a masterpiece they are doing what they can with what they have. Then, saying Robby should have gone after Tory, like Devon or Johnny or Sam. Would I have loved that? Yes, but if that were the case we would NOT HAVE A PLOT and idk, she just lost her mum what is Robby supposed to tell her? How can he comfort her? How would YOU comfort a person that has never let anyone help her o comfort her? Tory has showed more than one time that she pushes people away when they try to help her, and even if she was getting better, this season is about the main characters repeating their bullshit again (ejem Johnny and Daniel). And apart from that, he is a 17 year old boy, Devon is even younger, I wouldn’t know what to say either. Some people want and need space too, you know? And Tory had a brother, maybe they thought she was going to him. I try to understand all the characters, not just the victim.
- “Daniel only wanted Sam to win” yes, we have seen during all season Daniel showing a clear preference for Sam (even positioning her above the boys which is…debatable because her technique is beautiful and precise but she is not as agile as the rest) and yes, it was kind of insufferable because he didn’t even put Tory in the list and she is a BEAST. But, as a matter of fact, I don’t think him stopping the fight had anything to do with that. He just saw Tory as a little girl who just her mum, a little girl who probably hadn’t slept or eaten well in days. And he also watched her been more brutal with his daughter, which Tory once left in the hospital with stitches too. And everyone keeps saying “Johnny was right! Let her fight with anger!” But one, that’s his daughter in the mat, and second, please remind me how things go when this kids fight with anger and pain. The school fight? Miguel falling? The spikes bracelet? Dimitris arm? Kenny and Anthony? Robby vs Keeny? The apartment fight? Tell me, is it really worth it? These kids getting seriously hurt? To me, it’s not. They should have tried to find another way.
- Hawk vs Dimitri? Everyone saying Dimitri is a traitor makes me LAUGH because you all don’t like it when things turn around, huh? Dimitri didn’t even left a scratch on Hawk, he did was cobra kai has been doing since S1 (use their weaknesses against them). But when Hawk injured Robby you all said it was part of the tournament, that it wasn’t a big deal. When Miguel used that injure against him, it’s justified. I could keep on with that, but I will just let it there. I was waiting for Dimitri to finally do something for himself.
- Miguel’s fanboys are the worst. Crying about Miguel not winning 😭 baby Miguel has won time after time Robby earned this fair and square. His technique is awesome, his agility, his kicks, and the actor literally did all of this for his character. If you can’t respect it for Robby, at least do it for Tanner.
- why is everyone thinking Tory will be with Kwon? You really think Tory will just straight forget what Kim did to her? You really think she just will be all friendly buddy with them? She needs them and they need her, that’s all. And Tory clearly loves Robby, it’s not so hard to understand, they are building everything for them to end up together like they did with Miguel and Sam last season.
- Why is everyone making it look like Miguel being in the wait list is the end of the world? Doesn’t that happen to most kids in the USA? And if they are short on money…get a job? Like I did? Like most of us do? I love Miguel, I really do, but they are making it look way worse than it actually is. He is smart and dedicated, if standford says no, well keep going.
- Hawk being nerfed is full plot.
- people really think a focused Miguel can win easily against a focused Robby? We have seen since s1 that focus is Robby’s main problem but when he focus…he was literally smirking while fighting Miguel man he is a force to be reckoned with.
- Someone needs to explain to me why Johnny hasn’t kicked Daniel in the face yet.
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maddmuses · 2 months
Kwon HC posts before I get started (boy I hate how tumblr stretches images for basically no good reason)
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Born April 4 2001
Kwon Jae-Sung is the son of a South Korean diplomat, not a high-ranking one, but high enough that he could get out of trouble for pretty much anything that would constitute a misdemeanor
At a young age Kwon was taught the fundamentals of taekwondo and "yankee boxing" from his grandfather (a 6th dan in taekwondo) before he had started fighting. This contact was cut-off by Kwon's father when school fights started to become concerns (around age 12). If Kwon were assessed by an objective reader he'd probably be determined 1st Gup or Dan (Red or Black Belt)
Kwon is essentially a bully from the get-go, his father (and grandfather's) mentality was that the strong are right naturally by merit of that strength, even if his father believes more in "soft strength" while Kwon essentially started hitting other students the second he was given more autonomy at school
Kwon has been involved in school fights since early on, and would frequently bully and harass other students into submission, through this lens of "strong and weak", essentially demanding submission from the weak, and challenging those he saw as strong, including older boys
He's been expelled from 15 private schools and 2 public ones in the course of his pre-college education, he has also avoided approximately 22 misdemeanor assault charges, and had 2 felony charges reduced to misdemeanors with fines and anger management
Kwon began at the Kim Dojang after hearing about it around a year following his cut-off from taekwondo, and repeatedly badgered his father (at one point threatening to kill himself if he was not allowed to practice martial arts again) at the age of 15
Kwon was generally discouraged by the dojang's blatant favoritism toward students of legacy, and broad dismissal of many of his early achievements, which later manifested in his (general) behavioral issues
Prior to the start of season 6 (so sometime in 2018) Kwon achieved 1 dan in Kim Sun-Yung's "Kwondo" (Way of The Fist) style of Tang Soo Do. This level of achievement has been exceeded as he was promoted to 2 dan in the time between taking the guem baeji, ast he dojang more formally converted to Cobra Kai under sensei Kreese.
Kwon is a natural southpaw, but over time has trained to be functionally ambidextrous in his fighting. He does, though, favor his left foot for fighting, and tends similarly to spin left so that his 720° spin kick with the heel of his left foot, rather than the right foot as traditional. This favoring his left side slightly also can extend to when he intends to strike with his full power, in which case it is always with the left. To obscure his left-handedness from the enemy, he will often square up when in a fight, or falsely assume a slightly orthodox-biased stance (which in modern day is misinterpreted to indicated right-handedness for most)(clip of his fight v the trio where you can see this functional ambidexterity with slight left-bias at-play, you can see most of his kicks are leftie, and his strongest punches/strikes are delivered from the left-side)
After the Sekai Taikai Kwon intends to enlist and complete his compulsory military service, before attending post-secondary education in the United States, and then further seeking out tournaments to win in adulthood. His intended field of study is English and at least one other foreign language, as well as business management
He is mildly conservative by USA standards (but not on that bigot shit, he's considered a hyper-liberal by modern SK male standards) but is generally considered to be apolitical
Kwon's personal investment in the Sekai Taikai has little to do with any loyalty or reverence he has towards his teachers, but intends instead to establish his own dominance and feed his own pride , while still following the framework his father and grandfather taught him, of showing the weak to their place, and proving himself to be stronger than all others
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starglaee · 2 months
Okay, let me put in some of my thoughts on season 6 part 1.
On first watch, I enjoyed it. But I’m not going to lie, this season has a good amount of negative things to talk about, and that’s what I’m going to discuss below.
Feel free to add your own thoughts to this. Maybe I’m not the only one thinking this way. We’ll see.
Spoiler warning!
The overarching thing that’s been bothering me is that I miss the chaotic little karate show this started out as. Domestic, a way to honor Miyagi, and a chance to redeem Johnny. The writers were handed a lot of good things to work with, and unfortunately I think season 6 is where they’ve really failed.
First of all, Mr. Miyagi’s new backstory and plotline are pissing me off. Leave that man alone! I’m actually shocked the actors are cool with this. The spoiler of him being a good person and in earlier seasons the writers trying to redeem Kreese and Silver just isn’t sitting right with me.
Then comes the Johnny Lawrence arc that’s been failed since like season 3. First of all, he STILL isn’t stepping up for Robby. Robby won that match - won against Miguel for real for the first time EVER - and Johnny instantly goes to coddle Miguel. It makes me so angry. He fails Robby time and time again. But don’t worry, there’s a baby to make him a better parent. Like it’s a do over. Also, Johnny has regressed to being stupid, like everything he’s learned went down the drain. And they’ve made him misogynistic to Carmen (that scene where he was talking to the realtor had a weird dialogue where he talked like Carmen wasn’t a person he chose to love and honor likeee gross). They also had him step away from Eagle Fang when that’s the one thing ensuring he’s not Miyagi-Do because Johnny Lawrence ISN’T a Miyagi-Do. I’m sick of the writers pretending he can’t find balance in a more aggressive style and that Kreese has poisoned everything. That’s just not true, and we even see that with the aggression Chozen demonstrated (also Chozen just left??).
I don’t have enough thoughts collected about season 6 Daniel right now. I’ll come back to it later maybe.
Okay so this is my personal preference, but I do believe that it captures the energy of Cobra Kai more than this tournament BS. I wanted to see more of them in school with domesticity and their senior year. I’m holding out hope that we will, but it’s been overshadowed by an international karate tournament. Everything up until Silver has been about peace in the Valley and karate in the Valley, starting with TKK (aside from TKK2 having an adventure to Okinawa for Mr. Miyagi’s sake). Let’s be so for real right now. Miyagi was not a world champion fighter or championship endorser. This man was against Daniel even fighting Johnny when he was getting his face busted in. The show has lost its magic.
This is no hate to any of the actors, by the way. Especially not to Peyton List because she was amazing this season specifically.
I thought Silver never killed anyone last season because a character death would mean the balance of power was lost. It’s the same reason you don’t add guns to a show like this. People come close to death like Stingray but not all the way. It throws everything off, and it makes you stop to think about how insignificant karate is. Tory’s mom’s death if done right would have shown this.
But the creators did not show this. Her death as a plotline makes me upset because Tory was grieving so publicly, and NOBODY went after her. For that the writers suck! You’re telling me Sam wouldn’t go check on her new friend or that Robby wouldn’t chase his girlfriend or that Amanda wouldn’t try to help Tory again? I’m SO disappointed in all of them and especially in Daniel and Johnny for just going back to arguing.
The question is where they even go from here with such a significant plot point that you cannot just brush past. And even if they did open it up to conversations with Tory and helped her grieve, it would be too late. The damage is done that nobody cared enough.
And in that same vein, I know her going to Kreese is just fanservice. They could have FINALLY had Johnny care about Tory or Daniel show that he doesn’t just care about his daughter or had healthy communication with Keenry for once. But no. She’s back in Cobra Kai.
What happened to her brother, Brandon? Why is she immediately running to the person who broke her trust (Kreese) when the people at Miyagi-Fang were finally happy enough together and seemed there to support her. Everything they went through in the first four episodes disappeared. They went give her time to grieve, either. It was just an immediate “Tory’s not coming. Join us, Hawk.” Like???
Not to mention that stylistically it’s all different. It’s beautifully shot and done, but it’s not the Cobra Kai I feel like I knew. The humor is fading.
And the plotlines are being dropped mid-season. Carmen being pregnant is barely mentioned after the shower, Johnny doesn’t mention the home again, Kenny doesn’t mention Shawn again and then Kenny himself disappears, and Chozen disappeared with a scene of a Google search and that was it. I’m also upset because the time limit of these episodes leaves out a lot of moments that I think could make certain stories hit better: the binary brothers fighting, Kreese having to answer to Master Kim, learning more about Kwon, and having Devon explain why she needs this competition so badly. Additionally, the overall the shift from “oh no Tory’s mom died. Well, here are our team captains” to “welcome to Barcelona!” I didn’t know what was even happening.
And the genuine question is are they going to give a shitton of plot armor to these American kids coming to an international competition for a sport in which they’ve only trained for two years?
I want silly school shenanigans and character development rather than plot fanservice that’s only good for the first watch or two.
I need to stop watching shows created by white men istg
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transjlawrence · 6 months
Top 5 lawrusso moments, top 5 lawrusso fics
Tysm for the ask!!
Top 5 lawrusso moments for me would be:
The sucker punch. I love this one, it's so silly to me honestly. I love the way Johnny looks, the way he is so clearly taken aback by it. It's so funny to me and I bet Johnny thinks about it a lot whenever him and Daniel fight.
"Johnny classic, huh? Didn't think you were a fan of his." "Yeah, well, he's starting to grow on me." Oh they make me ill and this scene is so good. Especially because Daniel comes to Johnny because he needs help and Johnny just takes him in and teases him and just !!! This scene is one of my favorites
The end of season 3 where Johnny and Daniel are both covered in blood and clearly ready to kill Kreese. This one's excellent. The way they're just there for each other and the way it is just...idk it's so feral, it's amazing.
The hockey game. Omg, the way Daniel doesn't even deny that he's Johnny's boyfriend and the banter they have together. I love seeing gifs and edits of this scene, it's *chef's kiss*
The entire interactions that happen with Ali, Daniel, and Johnny in the December 19 episode. The way they look at each other and the fact that Johnny finally calls him Daniel. I saw some gifs about it recently and it's just such a good episode and a great lawrusso moment
Top 5 lawrusso fics:
unsanctified by ezlebe. I need to reread this one, it's really good. The characterization is great and the dialogue and emotion is well written as well.
Nothing but a Rebound by narcissablaxk. I love this one. It's funny, it's clever, it's one I'd recommend to anyone who likes lawrusso shenanigans.
Just Another Heart in Need of Rescue by astla_ever. This one is so funny and silly and I love the way that Johnny grows and the way the story progresses.
Daniel, you're a star by AmadeusEvenstar. Ohhhh so good. I love the way that Johnny's feelings are explored and it honestly ties into my love of the sucker punch as one of my favorite lawrusso moments.
a rainbow in the dark by chateauofmyheart. I like this one. I like the way they warm up to each other and how Johnny's inner monologue is written too.
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kleenexwoman · 11 months
Kk3 au where Johnny and Daniel end up together
1) Johnny isn't at school after winter break.
Daniel wonders if he's okay. He goes up to Jimmy, who isn't the most approachable Cobra but who is probably the least likely to kill him, and asks if Johnny's still in the hospital or something.
Jimmy looks at him blankly and says he doesn't think Johnny went to the hospital. He called him to see if he wanted to hang out before Christmas, but Johnny said he was busy with stuff and that he'd see him when he was finished with it.
Daniel asks what stuff. Jimmy says he didn't ask.
Bobby asks why the hell Daniel wants to know, then softens when Daniel reminds him that he saw Johnny get strangled by his sensei, too. Bobby tells him that Johnny isn't ready to come back to school, which makes sense.
Daniel says that he hopes Johnny feels better, and that if Bobby talks to him, maybe he can just tell Johnny that Daniel hopes he's okay. That there aren't any hard feelings. He'll even spar with Johnny if he wants.
Dutch sneers and says he's asking to get his ass kicked.
As Daniel walks away, he can hear Tommy saying, "I can't believe you even bothered to talk to that little maggot. You're not gonna tell Johnny all that shit, are you?"
2) It wasn't Johnny that Daniel was afraid of.
Newark was a hard, cold town. There wasn't much work, and there were plenty of brown faces in the town to turn against each other when the car company moved down to Mexico to find cheaper brown hands. Daniel knew the cold flash of fear in the pit of the stomach that comes when you see the glint of a knife or the barrel of a gun.
He'd gotten a switchblade from Cousin Enzo and taken it to school, flashed it at Peter Dabish when the oversized prick tried to fuck with his friend Cici, and nearly gotten kicked out of Aaron Burr High School, home of the Fighting Governors, in favor of the Joseph Pesci Reformatory for Boys.
California seemed safer. Sure, Compton was full of gangs, but Reseda was merely mildly seedy. And West Valley High School promised little more dangerous than social ostracism by blonde pastel-clad children of privilege.
For fuck's sake, the scariest guy in school did karate instead of carrying a piece. And he was skinny. Well, not so much skinny as slender, with long graceful limbs layered with gentle curves of muscle, and a tiny waist, and a chest more curved than barrel. The bruisers back home were all chunk, built like bricks, bulked with pasta and pork, heavy with flesh. Johnny looked like he'd been carved away over time by a stream of water.
Sure, five against one was shit odds, but Daniel knew that a knife doesn't help when you're outnumbered anyway. It's just another thing that can be taken and used to hurt you.
Daniel could have hurt Johnny badly enough to end it, if he'd wanted to. He wasn't an idiot. The kind of places that would sell a kid an illegal blade or even a gun under the table were always easy to spot in Newark, and they didn't look much different in L.A.
He was scared of what he saw when he'd looked into John Kreese's dark blue eyes. Whatever was in there was hungry, hollow, and blank. Something that had cut itself off and refused to be reached. Something that only took and didn't know giving. Something that didn't know limits.
Daniel was scared that the thing driving John Kreese would push Johnny too far. That the posturing, the pushing, the pressing against lockers, that it would explode into something real.
He really didn't want to have to hurt Johnny. Johnny had been hurt enough already.
3) The All Valley was the second night of Hanukkah and Johnny was sleeping in his car by the eighth night.
Sid had a big party at the house the night after. Since Mom was Christian, he liked to call it Christmas-kkah. There was a tree and ornaments, and there was an electric menorah in the window that looked like nine plain, ugly glass tubes that lit up in a plain, ugly sodium yellow. If that was supposed to represent the miracle of having enough oil or whatever the fuck the whole thing was about, that sure didn't look like it meant shit. The potato pancakes weren't even any good, soggy and flavorless because nobody was eating fat.
Sid gave Johnny a blue sweater that didn't fit him, a check for thirty-six hundred dollars, and a sweaty rant about how Johnny needed to stop getting his face beaten on purpose before a big party. Did Johnny want everyone to think Sid beat him, get a reputation for being a domestic abuser and ruin his career? Was that his game?
Johnny gave Sid a head hung low, a bite of the lip, and a tear in the eye. He gave Sid the generous, frankly unwarranted gift of the most sincere-sounding apology he could muster. He promised Sid that it would never happen again.
(He couldn't make himself tear up until he started to think about the prospect of leaving his mother alone with the bald piece of shit. But he'd begged Mom to just take the money she had tucked away and leave, let Sid take everything else in the inevitable divorce. She'd always said she couldn't.)
Mom gave him a bunch of things that were nice, but that he didn't really need and had never asked for. That weren't really his style, but something between the chunky, shiny bright reds he'd liked as a kid and the soft, slender pastels she seemed to like him in. She also gave him a card that had a little trophy on it and said "To A #1 Champion of A Son!" on the inside.
"I'm so proud of you," she said to Johnny, and hugged him. "You always do so well when you put your mind to it. You only ever have to try."
The report card came in. Johnny got more C's than D's this time, but Math had plummeted from a B to a D, and Phys Ed was a B instead of an A because of all the shit he'd given LaRusso that year.
Sid screamed at him that he was never gonna get into a college, that he'd wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on Johnny, that Johnny was gonna end up as a janitor scrubbing toilets. Then he shoved a brush and bucket into Johnny's hands and followed him around while he demanded that Johnny scrub all twelve toilets in the house by hand without gloves.
Later, retching, scrubbing his chapped hands with moisturizing soap, he looked to his mother for comfort.
She stood in the doorway and said softly that he'd done a good job cleaning the toilets.
Johnny left before sunrise, everything he wanted to take in the trunk of his Avanti, then drove to West Valley High and slept in the parking lot.
He found a new place to crash before the school year started up again. It wasn't hard. He looked good, and that made it pretty easy to make new friends who'd shoot you a few bucks now and again. As long as you were, you know... Properly grateful.
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