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based on an idea i had walking home last night
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officialyasen · 1 year
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Training Uniform Combat Gear for Groza, Nemesis, Krolik, and Colphne (These four skins are free from completing a series of starter missions)
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gothavi · 3 months
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completely reworked an old wip of my honkai oc Krolik for artfight. since im team stardust i had to make the face of my account my funny bunny alien.
(prns are he/him for character, ok to reblog :3)
my artfight is the same username as here, heres my link and heres my hitlist!
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fishareglorious · 4 months
happy pride the water is turning the humans into horses
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krolik-draws · 2 years
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Everyone’s favorite revolutionary! I love Luna and silkwings so much I really need to draw more of em.
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yoshipea762 · 4 months
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Mecha Gawr Gura. Might make a redesign for Gummi based on this later.
Don't expect anything like this to be frequent.
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gamchawizzy · 7 months
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they'd rather play videogames, fight anons on imageboards, and help old ladies cross the street. not milsim, just tactical mimes 🎉
fake prop gun - if you turn it over it has a light up keyboard on the other side.
a lot of the weapons we craft for them have to look stupid and over the top so they can still look “friendly”
they run around the con floor helping assist cosplayers!
being mimes. all they do to communicate is hand gestures and a lot of jumping up and down like video game characters
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queermentaldisaster · 5 months
“I was never yours. I hate you.”
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Moodboard for Melissa ‘Krolik’ Radug
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You (WROEF Oc)
A/n: This was originally written as a vent piece for some stuff going on in my life right now-but I loved how it turned out at least so here it is-
The first few weeks were the worst.
That’s how Eliza remembered it, anyway. The first few weeks, when someone goes missing, were always the worst.
She still remembered every detail of that day, right down to the beaten up sneakers she’d been wearing. She remembered rushing towards the tower-carelessly letting her stupid cardboard birthday hat fly freely from her head. She wouldn’t need it-she never needed it. 
Sometimes she forgot it had been her birthday. That felt so trivial now..
Had it been her fault..? Had she just-not pushed hard enough..? She still wondered about that. If she hadn’t been at the party that night-could she have talked him out of whatever he had done..? Would-would he still be here if anything had been different..?
Hell. This was hell-this felt like some sort of perfect, Inescapable hell. And that wasn’t even the worst part.
The worst part was the waiting. 
During those first few days she had hope-maybe he’d change his mind, maybe he would come back. Maybe this was some big misunderstanding and he’d just needed a break..! ..But then the days turned to weeks. And the weeks turned to months.
And the months turned to almost 20 years now.
And the worst-the absolute worst-part of it was she still had hope. She still, somewhere deep inside her-hoped he was still out there, that one day he would finally come home. The other parts-though she felt guilty for even the idea of saying it-..hoped she’d hear he was dead in a ditch somewhere. It was nothing against him obviously, just-..at least she would have some kind of closure. But as it stood-..there was still nothing. Just this empty, reeling pit of the unknown that made her feel anxious, it made her feel empty.
And it wasn’t like she didn’t have friends anymore. She had her support system, she had wonderful friends and family whom she loved.
She felt so guilty for still being upset. Why should she be, she still had friends-! She still had a loving family..! It’s not like she was alone-! ..but sometimes it felt like it. It felt like a whole piece of the gang was just..gone, and never to be replaced. She wondered if the others still thought of him, or worried-or if they’d forgotten, if they just wanted to move on and for her to shut up about it and save them all the griping.
But for now-..all she could really do was wait. 
Eliza Krolik..the girl who waited.
”..Hey Milly…” Eliza’s hands softly ran across the interior of the old tower. It still felt so strange coming back here-it felt empty, like a castle without a king. 
“I brought you something today..! Something really cool I found-“ the artist gave a weak smile, fishing around for something in her cluttered satchel-she never really did bother to organize the many layers of art supplies and whatever trinkets she could stuff in there. Maybe she would someday, but-not today. Today was more important.
Today she’d found a heart shaped rock on the beach. ”I know, I know it’s not much but-“ she spoke to thin air-she knew there was no way in hell he’d hear her-..but it felt natural at this point. “It’s a Heart shaped rock..! How cool is that..!” 
Minutes of painful silenced passed-a joke with no answer, no laughter or reply.
“..Anyway..” she sighed, her face falling a bit. “..I hope..I hope you know out there that someone misses you, Milton. All of us do..! And I know you may not believe me-but they do. In their own ways..! ..and then there’s me-“ she gave a weak, untrue smile. “..The idiot sitting in your old tower, talking to thin air like you’ll actually say something back.”
After another round of uncomfortable silence-Eliza sighed, gently setting the rock down onto the floor in front of that old door painting. It had been the last thing he ever painted-a cryptic, concerning message left behind that never got explained-and likely never would at this rate. “..I love you, Milly..” she muttered as she slowly backed away-turning to leave through the window she’d clambered in through. “..Maybe someday..”
Maybe someday. That sounded like a good summary of how she felt.
Maybe someday, he’d come home. 
Maybe someday, there’d be some sort of answer-anything..
Maybe someday.
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gruesomejack · 1 year
"Как ты порадуешь меня?"
It took Alex a second to respond. He had to pick through the sentence to find the words he recognized to try and piece the question together. Warming a little, he glanced at Andy and scratched at his jaw. "Could you maybe leave for a half hour?"
"Oh, yeah, let me just- NO!" He said, folding his arms. "What are you doing with him?" Andy approached the bed and perched himself on the other side of the Russian, his eyes narrowing.
Tonguing the inside of his cheek, Alex's face reddened further. "I was going to... give him a handjob. He gets sleepy after sex."
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appalachy · 2 years
Jego rok<3
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pretty-toastie · 8 months
The Affairs of Passing Gods: What was the wall to the Mauerhasen?
Mauerhasen (noun): From the German "Mauer", meaning "wall", and "Hase", meaning rabbit; the thousands of wild rabbits that lived in the Death Zone of the Berlin Wall.
Once, there were rabbits. In the heart of Berlin, in Potsdamer Platz, there were fields, there was grass—and so there were rabbits. They ate. They ran. It was, for a rabbit, a good life. And then there was a wall.
In the beginning, the wall was clearly a blessing. The rabbits were in the middle of the wall, and their predators were not. There was still grass, and now there was also shelter. What else are anti-tank defenses to a rabbit? Here, the hawks cannot catch them. What else is a security fence? Here, the dogs cannot enter. What do rabbits know of the violence of borders? What do they know of the wars of men? What do they know of the affairs of passing gods? There was simply a wall.
But one becomes many, and so there were more and more rabbits. People, from East and West Berlin both, and from the wider world, came to the wall to see the rabbits. And the rabbits dug. They expanded their warrens. They made tunnels. They went under the wall, and the wall had no foundations. In the beginning, the guards were not allowed to shoot the rabbits—their bullets were for people. But when the rabbits became a problem for the wall?
What do rabbits know of gunfire? They simply heard the loudest sound they had ever heard, and then there was nothing. What do rabbits know of biocides? The grass simply wilted, and then they couldn't breathe. There was nothing here for them now but fear—the wall had brought them to the attention of the gods, and the gods wanted death for them.
In 1981, the wall fell. There were still rabbits, but only the most cunning and the most fearful—and now there was no place for them. There was no longer a wall, there was no longer grass, and they were in the heart of Berlin. Cars were faster, bigger, louder than before the wall. Roads were deadlier. Always, there were people, coming and going. Always, there was noise, loud and unfamiliar. Always, the air was choked with smog. But the world has been dangerous for rabbits since time immemorial, and now, as then, they would survive anyway.
a couple notes:
this is based on the documentary Mauerhase: here are links to the German version (parts one, two, three, and four), and a link to the Polish version. there should be Spanish and English translations somewhere (i think prime video has them?) under the name Rabbit à la Berlin. i cannot recommend it highly enough. go watch it. whatever the emotional impact i tried for here, i guarantee it is nothing compared to the experience of the last half of the documentary.
the writing here is not as polished as my writing usually is; this is because i wanted to maintain fidelity with the German version as much as possible, and my German is still a work in progress. i've been learning it for 6 years, and i've been learning English for 19. hopefully it doesn't detract too much—i did my best :]
since this is translated, there's some cute (and not cute) words and phrases in the original German i didn't get to include, so i wanna list a couple here:
the German word for rabbit (other than "Hase") is "Kaninchen", which is just adorable
"anti-tank defenses" could probably be translated a couple ways—the original word was Panzersperren
re: above, "security fence" was Sicherheitzaun
the specific word i used for "attention" was "Augenmark"—a truly incredible word that i think literally translates to eye-mark, which. the imagery. the eye-mark of the gods.
and one final note: my description of the biocide used by the DDR from a rabbits perspective was "the grass simply wilted, and then they couldn't breathe". this is based on the assumption that the specific biocide used was glyphosate (roundup). glyphosate wasn't banned in Germany until this year, and to quote the RSPCA, "Poisoned rabbits often become lethargic and weak, and may lose their appetite. Some develop obvious abdominal pain and breathing difficulties. Rabbits with these signs may die, even with treatment." these symptoms match what was depicted in part 3 of the documentary, but glyphosate seems not to have entered the market until 1974, so. no guarantees on the accuracy of the symptoms if that's super important to you for some reason ^-^"
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gothavi · 2 months
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my hsr oc based on the meme of touya going around on twitter
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year
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purposefully-lost · 1 year
GhGNXBXBXVX Andy: why aren't you landing any of your jumps
Alex, busy staring at his chest in the spandex: I don't know
Krolik: 🥰👍
FhdhXHXHX he's doing his best!!!
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buckyalpine · 11 months
Winter soldier x reader ft sex pollen
Unhinged winter soldier with sex pollen. This is wildly inappropriate (with some fluff?...) but I thought of it so you must all suffer with me. Imagine Hydra filling the room with sex pollen immediately after Buck is wiped, sending him out at in his most feral state in hopes that the winter soldier will lose control and give into the urges they've forced into him. They need him to breed another super soldier since they were unable to replicate the serum in his veins.
As soon as the dust fills the room, his pupils dilate, his tac suit far too hot, his veins pumping so hard they feel like they're going to burst. The straps holding him down release and his chest is heaving, trying to calm down the primal needs hes feeling, pain prickling his skin the longer he stays in the room. He grunts, striding out of the room and into the night, chasing a craving he has to get out.
He moves without a soul detecting him, until a sweet scent catches his attention. Floral, natural, innocent. Fertile. He's suddenly hyper focused on the thing his body is screaming for, following the unsuspecting woman, his teeth grinding through the pain. She enters a building and he observes each window before seeing a lights turn on, her nude silhouette appearing through the curtains.
It takes no effort for him to climb up the fire escape, easily prying the locked window open only to be met with the sound of the shower running. Her scent permeates all his senses and he nearly strips off all his clothes then and there, the pollen causing lust that makes his bones ache. The water shuts off and hes waiting like a predator waiting for its prey, sitting perfectly still while the door clicks open. She gasps and freezes in place and he sight alone makes him growl.
Pathetic little bunny.
"Who-who are you" she whispers, clutching her towel tightly together though it's not like she didn't know. Tears fill her eyes seeing the deadly soldier people spoke about, unsure if he even existed, the very rumor now sitting on her bed. He doesn't anything, groaning at the feeling of his arousal steadily dripping from his cock, palming his erection.
"Please-don't" She shakes her head, seeing his hardness pressing against his pants, his large presence suffocating because she knows there's no where to run. He slips his mask off, revealing his dangerously handsome face, his eyes wild with lust and need.
"But I have to" He grits out, stalking over to her and grabbing her by the waist, burying his nose in her freshly washed hair, deeply groaning at the scent of her bodywash, "mne eto nuzhno, zayka" [I need this, bunny]
"No-I-I'll do anything-" She trembles, squeezing her eyes shut feeling his warm wet tongue lick up her neck as his mismatched hands rip her towel away, pulling her hips flush against his cock. The rough material of his tactical hear scratches her soft skin, making her whimper when when he bites her shoulder.
"takoy myagkiy krolik" [such a soft bunny] He throws her like a doll, her ass bouncing off the mattress, flat on her back back while he undoes his pants, pulling his cock out. She squeezes her legs shut, shaking her head, his fat bobbing length taunting her as he pumps himself while crawling onto the bed.
"It hurts bunny" He groans, forcing her legs apart, her natural scent nearly causing pain as he stares at her pussy. Her button between her legs involuntarily twitches and he pinches it hard making her squeal, the sound causing a drop of precum to spill out.
His head is so focused on getting his release, he doesn't bother prepping her, shoving his cock into her tight cunt, grunting and forcing his length in when he feels resistance. He stars to fuck her hard, holding both wrists in his metal hand, keeping her pinned under him while he splits her open.
"Hurts-too much-to big-stop-" She gasps out her pained cries melting into muddled moans of pleasure, her own body betraying her, feeling her own warmth wetting his cock making it easier for him to slip in and out. "Oh god-soldat-stop-don't-
"You're wet" He hisses, almost accusatorily, pounding her harder, faster until the bed shakes and scratches the floor, the serum pumping in his veins making his cock sensitive.
"I need this-I need it" Sweat beads at his forehead, his balls feeling heavier than usual, the pollen causing his body to produce more semen than he naturally would.
"YA chuvstvuyu zapakh, kakoy ty mokryy, zayka" [I can smell how wet you are bunny] His balls throb painfully, his cock ready to burst as his thrusts become more erratic. He snarled against her neck as pleasure starts to lick up his spine, the bruising grip on her wrists tightening as he starts to pump her full of his load without warning.
She whimpers feeling shame for the delicious stretch of his cock, her cunt fluttering, swollen from his abusive pace. She finds herself flipped over with her ass in the air, her face pressed against the sheets, his cock rock hard again, prodding at her puffy folds.
"Not done-need more" he growls lowly, stripping his clothes off, his body heat dialed to 100. His crotch is covered in cum, a mix of his and hers, the smell of her driving him insane as he grabs her hips and slams her to meet his thrusts again. He has more power at this angle, fucking her like a mad man, groaning with his head thrown back, eyes rolled to the back of his head, only focused on pleasuring his cock.
"Ty shlyukha Zimnego soldata, ty voz'mesh' to, chto ya tebe dayu" [You're the winter soldier's whore, you'll take what I give you] He's at his most unhinged, grunting and groaning, fucking her like an animal, her muffled screams only causing his cock to swell more. "Make me feel good, make it go away bunny"
"Soldat please stop-too big" she begs and he fucks her harder, making her moan, pulling another orgasm out of her body even if she fought against it. His thighs meet the back of hers, rolling and rocking his hips, hitting her cervix until her sweet juices squirt out of her, obscene sounds of skin on skin filling he room. "SOLDAT"
"I have to breed you bunny" He shakes his head, unwilling to leave until he's sure she's pregnant with his child, forcing every bit of his cum into her. "My fertile little bunny" He nips your skin, running his hands over her tummy, imaging it firm and round with his baby growing inside. He loved the thought of such an unsuspecting, sweet angel carrying the child of he soldier, all of his cum making a mess in her pussy.
By the last round, the pollen has started to dissipate and the cloud is lifting. He pants, still rutting into her pussy, something tugging at his conscious, shaking his head when the lusty animalistic haze weavers.
"T-tell me your name" He rasps, his heart beating wildly, loosening his grip on her. She whimpers from pain and to her surprise, he slowly down, still grinding himself in, burying her face into her neck. "zayka, pozhaluysta" [bunny, please]
"Y/n" she whispers, unsure of why she told him, her voice catching in her throat when his lips press against her skin. She's limp in his hold, the smell of sex permeating the room, the sheets soaked with his cum, but nothing more full than her cunt.
"Y/n" He moans, his body trembling as he nears the end of his final release, stilling till he's milked himself dry, her soft body worn under him. Something is wrong, he can feel it, the emotionless control he had before, slipping from his grasp. He yearns to hold the woman in his arms but he can't .Something stops him.
His movements are robotic as he pulls away and slips his clothes back on, memories unfamiliar to him flashing through his mind.
He wasn't the soldier.
He was-
Her soft snores pull her from his spiral, looking up to seeing her sleeping form, fucked out from the way he'd ruined her. He frowns at the unfamiliar feeling of concern he's experiencing, pulling the covers over her body.
"Thank you bunny" He whispers, making her whine in her sleep, calling for the soldier.
He shakes his head, his previously wild replaced with those of a young man from Brooklyn.
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