#kurenai please! you’ll just make her more annoyed if she hears you
kankuroplease · 11 months
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Night sketch~
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Found My Light: Chapter 3 (Kakashi x Reader)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
A/n: Sorry for the delay! Wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this but it came to me in the shower (as all good ideas do). Hope you enjoy it! This story is far from over.
Summary: You attend the group training session where, to your dismay, Kakashi is in attendance.
Word Count: 1800
Warnings: fem!reader, SFW (but won't be in future chapters), violence, angst
Fanart!: Please check out this fanart inspired by this fic by the talented @szamasza <3
If this training session goes like any other typical training session, you are in for a long one. Training usually begins around mid-day and lasts several hours until everyone feels like they’re on the brink of death. Then, when face down in the dirt, Asuma tries to convince everyone to head to the bar on the main street that gives discounts to shinobi. After a few minutes of resounding I’m-too-tireds and maybe-next-times, everyone gives in and spends the remainder of the night into the next morning crammed in a booth getting absolutely sloshed.
This night was like any other night, except not because your anxiety was at an all-time high.
Kakashi showed up about an hour into training, aloof as ever. You were deep in your spar with Genma when you saw him out of the corner of your eye. Genma must have noticed your distraction, as he didn’t hesitate to spit his senbon at you with full force. Luckily you were refocused in less than a second and caught it between your fingers.
“Nice try, buddy,” you teased him, “It’s going to take more than that to throw me off.”
Genma raised his eyebrow at you. “I don’t know, (y/n), you seemed a little distracted,” he teased.
And just like that, you were back at each other’s throats.
Kakashi ended up finding a spot sparing Gai. Typical of him, as usually Gai is the only one who can keep up ability-wise. Although, Kakashi hasn’t seen how much you’ve grown and a part of you is hoping you’ll get a chance at him. You still have yet to use your chakra sword-whip, your most brutal weapon, in front of your fellow shinobi. It’s remained in its sheath strapped across your back, waiting to be used against the most brutal opponent.
“Alright, alright,” Genma pants, curled up on the ground holding his left side where you just landed a forceful kick, “Please show me some mercy, (y/n).”
“Only if you admit that I’m a better shinobi than you in every way,” you say smugly, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Yes, you are a better shinobi than me in every way. You're stealthy, quick, strong, intelligent, adaptable, beautiful, and, most of all, kind. Which is why you’ll give me my senbon back.” He pleas, still laying on the ground with his hand out to you.
“Mmm, fine,” you tease, pulling the senbon from your hair where you used it to hold it in a bun. “It does make a great hair accessory though. I think I might have to get one for myself.” You help Gemma back up to his feet and stick the metal needle back into his mouth.
He gives you a smirk, still grasping onto your hand. “You should see my collection. I have at least two hundred of these,” he boasts, taking the senbon out of his mouth to twirl it in his fingers. “I‘ll make sure to pick one out for you.”
“I would be honored.” You smile warmly, squeezing his hand.
At this moment you could sense a set of eyes staring at you from the other side of the training field. Well, one eye, you should say, as Kakashi is staring directly at you while he holds Gai in a headlock. His expression is unreadable as his eyes flicker from you to Genma and then back to you. You could swear that you saw his shoulders drop a bit before he brought his attention back to Gai who is currently struggling to breathe in his grasp.
“Ka-ka-shi-ple-ase-le-t-me-go-” Gai gasps, holding onto Kakashi’s arms currently wrapped around his neck. Kakashi’s eyes widen when his attention is brought back to his opponent and he immediately releases Gai from his grasp. With a thud, Gai drops to the floor and sucks in one big breath.
“Are you trying to kill him?!” Kurenai yells as she runs to tend to Gai who is sitting on the ground rubbing his neck. Everyone else on the field stops what they’re doing when they notice the commotion and circle around Gai wondering what happened.
“I’m sorry-” Kakashi starts, hands back in his pockets still staring at Gai wide-eyed.
“Apologies are unnecessary my rival!” Gai cuts in, still gasping for air. “Flashes of my youth came to me as I was falling out of consciousness. It reminded me how much there is to live for. I thank you for the near-death experience, Kakashi!” Gai quickly recovers and stands up, dusting the dirt from his green jumpsuit. “You win this round, but I wouldn’t get used to it!” Gai challenges, holding out a hand for Kakashi to shake.
“Yeah, sure Gai.” Kakashi agrees sheepishly, accepting Gai’s hand.
“Damn, Kakashi.” Genma starts, a smug smile pulling at his mouth. “The Anbu made you a pretty ruthless fighter, huh? I didn’t realize friend-killer Kakashi applied to us too.”
You could hear everyone in the circle try to hold in their gasps after registering Genma’s statement. Kakashi’s whole body stiffened and you could see the appearance of a grimace form under his mask. He is visibly uncomfortable. Yet, instead of looking at Genma who just addressed him, he is looking at you.
You suck in a breath, feeling terrible for Kakashi. Rumors spread, nicknames are formed, it’s all a part of being a shinobi. But “friend-killer Kakashi” is on a whole other level of petty.
That jerk.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Genma?” You turn to him and yell. “What makes you think you can say shit like that?”
“Oh c’mon!” Genma retorts. “We were all thinking it! This is the first time he’s been back training with us since the Anbu. You’ve heard what people have said about him. I’m surprised one of us isn’t already dead!”
This time no one was able to hold in their reactions as gasps escaped everyone in the circle.
You are fuming.
“Actually, Genma, the only one you should be worried about killing you is me because I am a second away from shoving that stupid senbon down your throat.” You take a step forward, challenging him.
“Hey, hey,” Genma retreats, taking a step back with his hands up in defense. “I was just trying to look out for us, for you especially. I mean out of all of us, you should be the most concerned. You know, with the whole situation that happened with Ri-”
You close the gap between you and Genma in seconds, grabbing the collar of his vest, you yank the senbon from his mouth and hold it against his throat.
“If you finish that sentence it will be the last words you ever speak.” You threaten. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You have no idea the details of what Kakashi has been through. What Rin went through. What I went through. It isn’t your place to speak about a situation you know nothing of. So do us all a favor and shut up.” You let go of his vest and shove him back a couple steps.
“Wow, damn, okay, sorry.” Genma apologizes, a hint of annoyance in his voice. “I was just joking around. There’s no need to be so serious about it, (y/n).”
“My hand went through Rin’s heart,” Kakashi speaks up from his silence. “There’s nothing to joke about.”
Hearing Kakashi speak this hard truth sends a sharp pain through your heart, and you instinctively grasp onto the part of your shirt lying over your chest.
You turn and look back at Kakashi, who meets your eyes.
So much pain.
You turn to step towards him, but he’s already retreating from the circle.
“I think that’s it for me today guys. I’ll catch you around another time.” Kakashi says as he turns away from the group giving you one last glance. Heading towards the forest, he reaches around to his pouch and pulls out his Icha Icha novel, bringing it in front of him to pick up where he left off.
After a few silent beats, Asuma claps his hands together to bring attention to him.
“So,” he starts, “drinks anyone?”
Everyone immediately becomes more relaxed now that the focus has shifted. You, on the other hand, are feeling so tense that you start to hear ringing in your ears. You get that Asuma is just trying to relieve the tension in the group, but you can’t help but be annoyed that he’s trying to move on from what just happened so quickly.
Kurenai meets your gaze and can read your annoyance. She gives you a pleading look that says drop it for now, (y/n).
Everyone in the circle, including Genma, give a resounding “yes” and head in the opposite direction of Kakashi back towards the village. You're left alone standing in the middle of the grounds as they make their way out.
“(Y/n), are you coming?” Kurenai calls out to you.
You contemplate for a second and begin to wave her off.
“I think I’m going to stay here for a minute. You guys go on ahead, I’ll meet up with you later,” you reply. Honestly, you have no intention of getting back together with them, as any place where Genma is hanging out is the last place you want to be.
“Okay,” Asuma shouts back at you, “we will be at that one bar on main.”
“As always.” you joke back, trying to sound light-hearted.
Once they are out of sight you turn to look back at the trees that Kakashi exited through. You have absolutely no idea where he could be headed to or how fast he could be traveling through the trees. It might be a waste of time to head out after him. After all, if Kakashi doesn’t want to be found, you have no chance of finding him.
Feeling slightly defeated, you plop down to the ground and sit criss-cross in the dirt. You sit up straight and put both of your hands palm-up on each knee. Taking a deep breath in, you feel the breeze rustle through your hair. Taking a deep breath out, you hear the sound of the trees flowing in the wind.
If he wants to talk, he will come to me. In the meantime, I will meditate.
The next time you open your eyes, it’s dark out.
Damn, how many hours have passed?
You close your eyes.
More time passes.
The next time you open your eyes, Kakashi is sitting a few feet across from you mirroring your position.
His eyes are open.
As if your thoughts are mirroring each other as well, you both speak in unison.
“I’m sorry.”
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lexpressobean · 3 years
Parent/Teacher Night
In which Shikamaru steps in as Mirai's guardian to help her complete her unofficial assignment of the night and subsequently suffers from nostalgia induced shock from unforeseen circumstances.
**Modern AU, Mild Swearing, late 20-something adults who simply care about the same 10-year-old kid lol
Edit: Now available on AO3 too!
Shikamaru had gladly accepted Kurenai's request for him to attend Parent-Teacher night with Mirai in her absence. It had been his day off after all, and he hadn't planned anything anyway. Plus, it'd only take, what, half an hour at most back and forth? Maybe he could even treat Mirai to dinner, just 'cause it had been a while. Normally, Kurenai would have skipped it all together due to her schedule, just this one time, but apparently Mirai's teacher was offering extra credit to the students as an incentive for them to have their parents come. And Mirai was very adamant that she shouldn't waste such an opportunity. Not for this teacher.
Shikamaru wondered what seemed to make this teacher so special to Mirai anyway. When he asked, Mirai seemed confused.
"You don't know, Shikamaru?"
"... Well, it's not like I've met the teacher either Mirai. But this teacher must be really good at their job if you like them that much already."
Mirai gave him a gleeful grin, "Watch, you'll see!"
And see he did.
Shikamaru wasn't expecting to run into such a classicaly "tall, dark, and handsome" form in the classroom. He certainly wasn't expecting that man to BE the teacher.
"Shino-sensei!" Mirai called, running over to greet him.
And at that, something froze Shikamaru in place. Something almost urgent... Wait... Shino? Shino... Why did that name sound familiar...?
The teacher turned just in time to take her glomp's impact with a deep, "OOF!" into his abdomen, and Shikamaru got distracted by the sound of his voice. Wow, deep... but then Shikamaru noticed his glasses misaligned in the process, and Shikamaru then realized they were... sunglasses? Indoors? Ha, this guy... Shikamaru wasn't necessarily gonna dock him points for that. But the only other person Shikamaru remembers doing that unironically was-
... Oh wait...
Oh... Wait.
W H A T ! ?
"Ah... Mirai, hello. I thought you and your mother weren't coming. I told you it's okay, sometimes people can't come."
"Shikamaru came with me! I didn't want to miss the extra credit!"
"He's technically my godfather, so it counts, right?"
Shino stayed quiet for a moment and looked over towards the doorway where Shikamaru was still standing. As he recognized Shikamaru, Shino straightened up, gave a brief wave and... a smile?
Shikamaru was dumbfounded. Just a minute ago, he would've simply held up an open hand in response as he subtley and respectfully checked him out. Seriously, how could he not? But, now the movement of Shino's wave snapped him out of his thoughts and Shikamaru probably waved more than really needed to acknowledge the teacher. And he cursed at himself inwardly as soon as Shino looked back to Mirai. Was he blushing? It was feeling kinda hot in the classroom all of a sudden...!
"Alright Mirai, thank-you for coming, but for now please wait your turn, okay?"
"Alright!" Mirai walked back to Shikamaru, smiling widely proud of herself.
From far away, he could hear Shino's voice, "Sorry for the interruption. You see-"
"Surprise, Shikamaru!"
Mirai knew. This whole time. And the more he thought about it, Shikamaru at one point knew too. He just... simply forgot... Wow, what a thing to forget. Damn it, why didn't Shikamaru ask more questions earlier? Why didn't she just tell Shikamaru? Hell, why didn't KURENAI tell Shikamaru!?
"Yeah, I guess you're right..."
As Mirai led Shikamaru around the classroom, he started to try and recall more about Shino. It was all coming to him, slowly but surely. And if what he recalled was correct, this neat and organized classroom definitely would scream Shino. It was decorated with the typical posters meant to be both fun and helpful, and colorful and eye catching. Shikamaru even recognized many of the books in the shelves, though most he never actually read any of them. But there were traces of decorations here and there that were definitely conscious choices. Namely pictures of worms in apples, ladybugs, ants and bees symbolizing teamwork, things like that. Shino was a fan of bugs afterall.
Then Shikamaru found some board games and noted shogi was among them. He was tempted for a split second to pull it out and challenge Mirai to a game, but thought better of it. But what Mirai was most eager to show Shikamaru was her seat. Or rather, what was nearly right next to her seat.
In a terrarium, no doubt from Shino's collection if Kiba told him the truth, held a black and white worm. Except the worm had these orange like eye markings all along either side if it, and black dots in each eye shape... Shikamaru thought it looked kinda goth for a bug.
"We all decided to name it Daidai! Shino-sensei says this one will turn into a moth. Before Daidai, we had a catepillar we all named Marugao, because it's head was so big! But when he became a butterfly, he was so pretty, he almost shimmered!"
As Mirai gushed about how she got to sit next to Daidai, Shikamaru stole a glance at Shino once more. He was still making rounds, and it looked like no one else had come into the classroom either. Hm, looks like they were gonna be last.
Sunglasses had always hid Shino's eyes, ever since they were kids. Shikamaru couldn't quite recall if they were actually prescription or not, but up to this point, they had always been a constant. Otherwise... his former classmate really was virtually unrecognizable. And now that he thought about it, Shikamaru recalled that Shino had graduated from university with a teaching degree some years back, but this information had only been secondhand from Kiba on social media. Shikamaru wasn't even sure if Shino had social media...
Meanwhile, Shikamaru had barely been back in town for still less than a year. It wasn't his fault if he didn't know Shino's business. Medical school was gruelling, and anesthesia was no joke.
But still... Shikamaru had been expecting something similar from Shino. Maybe not a medical doctor, but a doctorate? Hadn't he been in the Environmental Club in high school? He seemed like he would've been very interested in the natural sciences, and definitely had the means... It was just kind if odd. He was an academic star that was always competing with both Ino and Sakura for top of the class as far as he could remember. And those ladies had gone to school to become a Pediatric Psychiatrist and Pediatric Surgeon respectively too. They were all a smart bunch, no doubt about that.
Yet, Shino had always been... different too. He had looked like a troublemaker with the beanies he wore, and his messy, nearly kinky curls always managed to find a way to stick out in the back. And he always had baggy looking clothing on in layers during any kind of weather. Plus he had a bad case of RBF Syndrome too, which would alarm a few others because he was always so good at blending into the background, yet when noticed, he looked like the kind of guy that would mess you up for just breathing funny. He had always been taller than most too, that probably didn't help.
But he wasn't a bad kid at all. Not like Naruto and Kiba anyway. Acording to Kiba, Shino's loner tendencies were due to simple shyness. And he would know, as Kiba and Shino seemed to grow close after they opted to join the Environmental Club separately in high school, which happened to be run by Kurenai-sensei. And that's all Shikamaru really knew, because when Kiba would come out and about Shino hardly ever came. Kiba could be pushy, which is how Shikamaru suspected the pair became friends in the first place, but apparently not enough to enjoy a party or things like that together outside of school... Maybe once or twice? Not even at Naruto's insistence could make him a regular, as Naruto was... an "unofficial" member of the Environment Club. Meaning he'd just crash the club's outings when they did plant specific activities. Naruto had a green thumb after all.
Actually, it always seemed like Kiba and Naruto were those extroverts that had the habit of adopting introvert friends so to speak. Funnily enough, their respective adoptees had already known each other too. But Sasuke was even LESS friendlier than Shino, and even Shino seemed annoyed with him, one of those rare times he let his thoughts show in his expression...
But today, in the yellowish glow of the classroom lights... something was definitely different. From his smoothed out hair tied up into modern bun on his hatless head and his open, light duty trenchcoat that really... accentuated his very... broad, adult figure... It was most definitely different... but the most dynamic change of all had to be that Shikamaru had never seen Shino so soft in the face before. Behind those shades, he looked... relaxed, and when he spoke, it sounded so... nice? Definitely not a bad thing at all...
And suddenly there was a hand in front of Shikamaru's face.
"HUH!? What?"
... Oh... Hell, he spaced out.
"... Shikamaru, are you okay? Busy day at work at the hospital maybe?"
HUH!? How did Shino know that? "Uh! Yeah, kinda..." he shook his head, "Well no, that's not it, today was actually my day off. I worked yesterday. Still a little out of it looks like," he added with a casual chuckle. At least he hoped he sounded casual.
Shino frowned, eyebrows knit into concern. Ah man, how embarrassing! Had Shikamaru been caught starting with a dopey look on his face?
"... I'm sorry, maybe extra credit was a bad idea this time around. Mirai is so dutiful, I didn't mean for anyone to be dragged here."
"What? No way, I wasn't dragged here. Mirai is my Goddaughter, Shino, so I'm perfectly ready to be informed about her progress. I agreed to come, it's no big deal."
The now teacher looked at Shikamaru with a slight head tilt to the right... And then another small smile. Wow, he really had to stop doing that!
"Well, all in all, Mirai is actually doing very well. She already excels in her studies and is easily one of our most engaged and top students at this time. She's still young, but she shows a lot of scholarly promise."
"Ah, I see. Do... do you see any areas in need of improvement?"
"Well, there's always room for improvement of course. But in Mirai's case..."
Shino looked over at Mirai who was at the snack table. She had walked over to get a couple of cookies and was seemingly cornered by a classmate into a chat.
"... I think, she could benefit from some encouragement to be more social."
"More social?"
Shikamaru followed Shino's gaze and saw Mirai talking to her classmate, her expression showing patience more than anything... It looked like the other little girl was chatting up a storm.
"Don't misunderstand, she's definitely a team player and is very respectful. However, her maturity level is above many of her classmates. As a result, she tends to prefer to study on her own..."
Well, that rang a bell. Shikamaru could've sworn that Shino was the same way back then. But Mirai didn't resemble Shino at all.
"Is she quiet?" Shikamaru asked.
"Oh, no, thankfully she's still quite engaged. If anything, sometimes she may overthink things. I've noted she's a bit of a perfectionist, and so is actually a little slower on average during tests, but she's an avid question asker too. If she just had some more confidence in her self and would... relax a little more, I think it'd be good for her. She's still a kid after all, she should feel allowed to act like one."
That was a strange thing to say... Did Mirai... not feel okay?
"... She's Kurenai-sensei's daughter, so I try not to favor her. It's kind of hard when she used to ride on my shoulders during reunions and things like that though."
Shino gives a small, warm smile in Mirai's direction. And Shikamaru is kind of touched. Despite the shades, his fondness for Mirai is so obvious. It makes Shikamaru glad to know she has Shino to come to during school time. At least that was something....
Then, Shino turned back to Shikamaru, who was TOTALLY not staring just now.
"But it's necessary. She's... too comfortable with me... If earlier didn't make that obvious."
Shikamaru did have it in his mind to scold Mirai about that, but that was a talk for later. More private.
"I had meant to bring this up with Kurenai, but Mirai also... has had a habit of staying in the classroom during lunch and recess. I've had to move to the teacher's lounge during just to get her outside..."
"What? Really?"
Shino nodded, eyebrows knitted and a smile that showed a regretful sympathy.
"... I wonder what that could be about..."
"I suppose some kids find it hard to socialize, but she needs a more... balanced perception of boundries. In no time, she'll have her own mother for a teacher too. Otherwise, she's generally doing pretty well."
Shit. Shino was thinking way ahead, Kurenai was a high school teacher. But... he was right, this couldn't be allowed to go on.
"Hm? Yes?"
"Did you have any more questions?"
"Uh... No, I... don't think so. But, even though I'm sure you don't have to be asked, please, continue to take care of her."
Shino perked up a little at that before smiling at Shikamaru again! It made it hard to stare him in the face, "Of course."
... Damn... Was Shino's smile... always this cute?
"Shikamaru! I brought you a cookie."
"Oh, thank-you."
"Did you want one too Buggy... I mean... Shino... sensei?"
"... Buggy?" Shikamaru repeated.
"... Ah, Sensei I'm sorry, I did it again...!"
Shino pat Mirai's head, and gave a small chuckle even. Shikamaru was all ears, "It's okay Mirai, I'm know you're trying. No offense taken."
"I really am, I promise!" she assured, "So did you want one?"
"No thank-you Mirai, it's for the guests. You go ahead."
"Okay, sensei."
Shikamaru couldn't help it. He just had to say something.
"Hey Shino."
"You must be pretty suited to teaching."
"Oh? What makes you sat that?"
"I mean... It's been a while. Actually it's been a long time, but... well, I don't think I've ever seen you quite like this before..."
"I dunno, you just seem... Very much in your element here. I'm glad the whole instructor thing really worked out. You've been here for a few years already, haven't you?
"Oh... Thank-you, Shikamaru... And yes, I have. I appreciate that."
This time Shino GRINNED. And Shikamaru suddenly was very aware of his... jawline... uh...
"Y-Yeah, of course! Well, I'm sure there's other parents you need to talk to..."
"Right, that is true." A couple more stragglers had come in.
"But here, hold on a sec," Shikamaru pulled out his phone, "I don't think we've ever traded information before. Wanna trade now? I'll send you a text back."
"Oh," Shino was a bit surprised, "Um. Okay, sure."
After getting his number, Shikamaru sent a text and could hear one of Shino's pockets vibrate.
"There, all set! Thanks for talking with me, Shino."
"Thank-you for coming. And if you're not terribly busy, I trust you will be the one to come when Kurenai-sensei is unavailable?"
"Yes. Yes, that'll be the plan," Shikamaru decided right then and there.
"Alright, thank-you Shikamaru."
"No, thank-you. C'mon Mirai, let's go. Goodbye, Shino.
"Bye Shino-sensei!"
"Shikamaru! Can we go eat something? I'm starving!"
"What do you want?"
"Haha, alright, sure."
Mirai gave Shikamaru a sudden and huge hug.
"Whoa, what's up?"
"I'm just so happy you came, Shikamaru! So thank-you!" she beamed.
It tugged on Shikamaru's heartstrings a bit. She really had missed him, huh? "You don't have to thank me, Mirai, but your welcome anyway. C'mon, let's go."
"It was nice that you and Shino-sensei got to see each other again too, don't you think?"
"Uh, yeah, it was quite the surprise. But a welcomed one."
Hmmm... It looks like Kurenai was gonna have to be unavailable for the next few parent-teacher nights....
I kept tweaking it and tweaking it until I decided to simply stop. So sorry for any grammar or syntax errors, but I just needed to get this out of my system haha
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illwork4anime · 4 years
Excerpt from Done with Love Ch 2
Scene: Dinner with Team 10
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Just sharing some of my favorite scenes from my In-Progress fic! Hope you guys enjoy!
Done With Love - Ch 2 [FF | AO3]
Ships: Hints of Shikasaku, one-sided ChojiIno, InoSai
Scene summary: Sakura agrees to finish some work with Shikamaru over dinner, but the unexpected addition of his teammates complicates things. 
Shikamaru had agreed to meet and finalize her plan over dinner. Tsunade wanted it in by tomorrow, and Shikamaru had made her promise to treat him to dinner for having to work on it in the evening.
She's walking into a BBQ restaurant she knows Team 10 visits quite frequently, but that she's never been to. In the back, she finds Shikamaru is lounging in a booth but as she approaches, she notices he's not alone.
Choji is across from him, already grilling meat on the table grill.
"If you think I'm paying for him too, you're insane." Sakura says, sliding into the bench next to Shikamaru. He huffs, but moves aside to let her in.
"It was an accident. I told him where I was going tonight, and he insisted on coming along." Shikamaru explains.
Sakura groans internally, and while she has nothing against Choji, this situation was embarrassing enough without an audience.
"I'm right here, you know." Choji interjects between bites, then to says to Shikamaru, "I did ask if it was a date, didn't I? You could have just told me the truth if you didn't want me here."
Shikamaru and Sakura blush bright red and say together, "It's not a date!"
Choji looks even more skeptical after the swift denial, but then says "Shikamaru filled me in about your training, Sakura, and I gotta say, you are so lucky to have him helping you out. He's the smartest guy I know. You'll be back in the game in no time." Choji gushes.
Sakura blanches at the 'back in the game' comment, but she thanks him quietly. Then she shoots a glare at Shikamaru for oversharing and Sakura sees a bashful look on his face telling her he's not comfortable with praise.
"Hey, don't go making promises I can't keep." Shikamaru says, averting his eyes from Sakura's gaze.
Recognizing an opening, Sakura pulls out some pages from her bag. "I brought those changes with me. I met with everyone today, and they're all on board."
Shikamaru scans the top page, arms crossed and not bothering to take them from her hands.
They'd agreed on getting a genjutsu mentor and someone to help with speed training. The general strategy focused on enhancing her current skill set. The base defense and evasion techniques she'd learned from Tsunade were solid but could be rounded out with the additional speed training. When Sakura did have to go on the offense, Shikamaru had explained, she needed more options than just punching her way out. That's where genjutsu came into play.
They'd selected Kurenai for genjutsu and, after a lot of back and forth, Rock Lee for speed training. When she'd gone to meet Lee to ask for his help, he'd been training with Team Gai. Much to her utter mortification, one word to Gai and she was suddenly worked into their training schedule. Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6 am. Oh joy. That left Tuesdays and Thursdays for her training with Kurenai.
To top it off, she'd get strategic lessons from Shikamaru in the afternoons. She'd been surprised when he had volunteered to meet daily but didn't argue. He didn't give details on the training no matter how much she pressed, but she had a feeling this was just an elaborate ruse to give him several hours a day to watch clouds while she worked her ass off. After having to join Gai's team, an afternoon of cloud watching sounded just fine to her. If she played her cards right, Shikamaru might not even notice if she snuck a nap in too.
"Looks fine," Shikamaru says a little too quickly for Sakura to believe he had actually read a single word.
"Did you even read it?" Sakura presses.
"Ah," he lies, leaning back.
"Shikamaru can speed read. He's like a super genius." Choji defends before waving down the waitress, "Another order of beef ribs, please!"
"Geeze, why did I even bother coming if you were just going to okay everything without reading it anyway?" She mumbles to herself, shoving the papers back in her bag. "If that's all, I'm just going to get going then." She pulls her wallet out to pay him for his meal. A promise was a promise.
"You're already here. Might as well stay and grab a bite," Shikamaru says casually. He's still not looking her in the eye. She doesn't miss the curious glance Choji shoots Shikamaru. It's gone in a moment, as the waitress brings Choji's order of Beef Ribs.
"Yeah, Sakura! You have to stay. They have the best Beef Ribs in the village." Choji insists.
She looks at Shikamaru one more time, trying to gauge a reaction but his face is carefully blank. Well, she might as well enjoy the meal she's paying for. And it did smell heavenly.
"Okay fine," She assents, and Shikamaru's posture softens slightly. The waitress takes her order, and as Shikamaru hands her the menus, his shoulder brushes against Sakura's. The booths are small, and the grill added to the heat. She slides a little farther to the edge of the booth feeling crowded.
There's a terrifying moment of silence. Despite popular opinion, Sakura was no good at small talk. She was scrambling for something to say when she hears in a sing-song tone, "Oh, Forehead!"
Ino is waving and headed over to the table. Great. Shikamaru is grumbling something under his breath too. The sentiment is shared it seems.
"Ino, over here!" Choji waves her over. He's about to move over for her to sit, but she slings and arm around him and leans into his shoulder.
"Hey, Choji. Didn't see you there," She says breezily. Choji preens under the attention. Interesting. She glances at Shikamaru looking for confirmation that the fondness she was seeing from Choji was correct. His eyes are narrowed on Ino, and his expression is just sour enough. He crosses his arms and the action has his arm pressing against hers again in the small booth.
"Don't you guys look chummy," Ino says to a little too sweetly to Sakura, "You're not trying to steal my team away are you?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that question, Ino-pig?" Sakura returns, referring to Ino joining the last Team 7 mission. Ino just giggles.
"Shikamaru's mentoring her. They came to figure out the details," Choji explains, and Sakura wishes he hadn't.
"Over dinner? That doesn't seem like you, Shikamaru" Ino questions.
Just when she thinks this can't get any more humiliating, Choji responds, "They already said it wasn't a date. That's why I'm here."
Ino's glancing between them, eyes lingering on their arms pressed together. Sakura's bright red again, leaning away as far as she can in the small booth.
Ino belts out a laugh, "Of course not! Can you imagine? Shikamaru would never go for a girl like Sakura."
Even though she has no interest in him, Sakura's still put off by the blatant refusal. What did she mean 'a girl like Sakura' anyway? She was about to ask but stops herself, afraid that it would be misconstrued as genuine interest in Shikamaru.
Surprisingly its Choji that comes to the rescue, "What's wrong with Sakura? She's nice and almost as smart as Shikamaru."
Normally Ino wasn't cruel for the sake of it, and they had come quite a way from fighting over Sasuke. So, what was her problem? Sakura glanced between the three teammates, trying to gauge the strange dynamic.
"I guess so," Ino say, "But Shikamaru likes blondes, remember?" She twists a lock of her platinum blonde hair as she says it, and Sakura doesn't miss the gesture. Maybe she was jealous. Maybe Ino and Shikamaru had some history she didn't know about.
"Plus Sakura only has eyes for Sasuke." Ino reminds them.
"I'm over him, Ino." The words are out of Sakura's mouth be fore she can stop them. There's a tense moment of silence.
"Really?" Choji asks, eyebrows high and sitting up a little in his seat.
"Since when?" Ino challenges.
"For a while now, not that it's any of your business" Sakura grumbles, shrinking under the scrutiny of all three of them.
"Well, then, maybe there is a chance." Ino says glancing between Sakura and Shikamaru before saying, "They would have the smartest babies ever, wouldn't they Choji?" Sakura doesn't think Ino notices, but as Ino leans in, her breasts press into Choji's shoulder and he goes bright red.
"Enough Ino, we get it." Shikamaru says, finally speaking up. He only looks slightly annoyed, but his clenched fist under the table gives away that he's suppressing stronger emotions to Sakura.
"Alright then," Ino's smile drops to a pout and she pulls away from Choji, "I can tell when I'm not wanted," Ino says, vying for sympathy. Choji bites right away.
"He didn't mean it like that," Choji insists, "Eat dinner with us. We're just getting started."
Ino continues to look put off, but her mouth twitches up under the reassurance. "Thanks, but I'm actually here with Sai."
Choji deflates, "You're here on a date?"
Ino brushes off the comment. "I'm not really into labels," she lies, probably meaning he hasn't said one way or another. Knowing Sai and how socially ignorant he was, Sakura doubted he even knew Ino was hitting on him at all. "But we'll see where it ends up afterward." Ino finishes suggestively winking at Sakura before flitting away.
The atmosphere is heavy in her absence. Choji is picking at the food on his plate, sighing heavily, and Shikamaru watches with a frown.
"Hey," Shikamaru says to Choji, "Let's get another round."
Sakura get's the feeling this is the best way to cheer Choji up, but is surprised when he says, "I'm not that hungry anymore."
Shikamaru's fist clenches harder under the table.
"Come on, my treat. Whatever you want." Shikamaru insists. The waitress arrives with Sakura's order just then.
"Really?" Choji perks up, "Even the deluxe meal?"
"I'd be offended if you got anything less," Shikamaru jokes.
"You heard the man!" Choji shouts to the waitress, "One deluxe meal on him!"
As the waitress backs away with a strained smile, Sakura studies Shikamaru from the corner of her eye. He relaxes at his friend's spirits returning. He was a good friend, and Sakura felt a wave of respect for him.
Shikamaru must feel her gaze. His eyes slide to hers and although her first reaction is to quickly look away, she doesn't back down, silently asking a thousand questions. Shikamaru lets out a huff that seems to say, 'don't ask'.
"Hey, Sakura, are you gonna eat that?" Choji interrupts the moment and Sakura is shooing him from her plate.
She'd corner him later. They did have plenty of time after all.
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anbu-legacy · 7 years
Character and Writer Asks: Round Two, Now with 100% More Writer Asks
Back at the beginning of 2017 we opened the Ask Box for a week, for Round Two of Character Asks . Shamefully, there are one or two we still haven’t answered, but it’s more than time we put up this Index to the asks we did answer. The New Year is coming, and we’re not making any promises, but maybe start thinking about any new questions you might like to ask the characters or writers? Reading the questions from Round One and the ones here might be a good place to start.
<3 Nezu
Team 6+
Hey team 6, what do you think you'll be doing 10 years from now? Would you still be in ANBU, retired, jounin sensei, most popular underwear model in the country, dead?
For team 6: how much would you give up for Konoha? Is there anything you would not give, and if so, what is it?
For Team 6, Ginta, Kurenai and if anyone else feels like it: What's your favorite jutsu to use? And what's the jutsu you most often?
Team 6, what would you say your specialties are? (Things like taijutsu, weapons, assassination, etc.)
When did each of Team Six first discover their specialties? (Ryouma's has been given slightly, with Iwa.) What did they initially think of them? (I'm thinking Genma's gradual was a conflicting feel-set…
Any ninja who wants - if you could learn any jutsu in the world, which would it be?
Team 6! What's one thing you've always wanted but never quite been able to achieve?
This is a two-part question for the characters: If you weren't a ninja, what job would you have? And if you're injured in such a way that you couldn't continue field missions, would you continue to serve your village as an Academy sensei/Intel agent/medic/etc, or would you retire and pursue your own interests?
For Team Six: what's something comforting you like to do after a bad day?
Everyone: what's the most trivial thing you've used chakra for?
What is the most annoying mission you've been on? (the millionth time you had to catch the cat, that one time you did three weeks of surveillance in a swamp, etc)?
Anyone who wants to answer: The perfect meal? Like a fantasy meal. As much or as little of anything you would like.
Raidou mentioning his culinary prowess has me curious now: how good are our boys at cooking?
I think Team 6 could use a vacation after the missions you've had. So, what would be each of your idea vacations? Assume cost and distance are not issues.
oh. favorite drinkss for the teaam (and writers if they want)! alcohol related mostly but since kakashi isnt that fun he can do a non alcholoic one
Happy New Year! Do our Team 6 boys have any new years resolutions?
Question: does anyone in Team 6 (other than Kakashi) have any experience with babies, and to what extent are they mentally prepared to swim with a baby through shark-infested waters?
For Ryouma, have you asked Kakashi what was in his letter from Katsuko? Did your drawing a place of pride on your wall? All, did you consider writing her a letter to stay in touch?
Okay, fantasy wish fulfillment time. You (hypothetically) have blanket permission to eliminate Kuroda in any way you see fit. Team Six, go!
What do you dislike about each other?
Team 6: What would be each character's theme music, if you had to pick one song?
Everyone in Legacy-verse who wants to answer: what are your feelings on pillow forts and team cuddle parties? (No fraternization, just cuddling)
For team 6: how many goats/livestock do you think your teammates are worth?
Team 6, what do you find physically attractive about each other?
Members of Team 6 who are into this kind of thing: what do you look for in a romantic/sexual partner?
Team Six: please place yourselves in order of how big your dicks are when they're hard, from smallest to largest *RUNS AWAY*
Question to team six members + and maybe Ginta? : (assuming characters know the writers) what do you think of legacy writers?
Genma and Raidou
For Team 6, but mostly Raidou & Genma: Logically, being the captain and lieutenant of an ANBU team is a great honor and responsibility. But with the combination of having two rookies (those two being Still-Learning-Boundaries-san and Antisocial-san) and previously having Katsuko, do you ever feel like you're babysitting? What are some challenges (or amusing moments) that you've faced as team leaders?
Raidou, Genma, I would be interested in your professional and personal opinions on your team as you have been together quite a while now
Radiou: did you ever have a chance to see Hisa before she left Konoha?
Writer question: so now that Raidou has taken genjutsu classes, is that going to come up again as a plot point? And is he good enough now at genjutsu to be a full jounin?
Genma, what seals do you specialize in?
Does Genma still run eros-type missions in this universe? If so, will we be seeing any of that?
Did Genma and Asuma manage to find an apartment yet? Was there a house-warming party?
Hajime, did you ever talk (*cough*gossip) with Genma about his new team? Did you have some advice besides continue being the absolutely awesome person/ lieutenant Genma is anyway? Genma did you ever go to Hajime's to complain (whine)?
Will we get to see the Genma's rats??
Kakashi, have your initial impressions of your team changed, now that you've been with them for a while?
Kakashi, what does your team smell like, to you?
What challenges did you face when adjusting to combat with only one eye? I know you have the Sharingan, but it's covered most of the time.
Kakashi, what fuuinjutsu do you know?
"What Do Your Shoes Say About Your Style?; What Kind Of Sexy Are You?; and Are You A Secret Bitch?" -- SO what were Kakashi's results to these questionnaires if you got em
Does Kakashi have any other books/series that he likes besides Icha Icha?
Kakashi, what are you going to do about your dyed hair after the mission [to Kirigakure] (you know, assuming that you survive, which you should)? Will you try to grow it out? Half-brown, half-grey? ...Shave it all off (eyebrows?!)?
Hey, Kakashi, any helpful hints on how to assassinate an asshole ANBU Vice Commander without anyone finding out? Asking for a friend
DK, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on Grey-A Kakashi now that we have reached this point in the story, plus how you think Kakashi understands himself. This is an aspect of Legacy that I've really loved.
Ryouma: are you still planning to get a tiger for your next tattoo? If you are, where are you planning to get it?
Ryouma: backstage passes to a Shuriken Force concert, or free fancy soap for a year. Which would you choose?
Ryouma why DO you like fancy soap so much?
Ryouma, if you could go on a date with any or all of your team, where would you take them?
Ryouma, since you're somewhat of a connoisseur on the subject, what's the best sex you've ever had? (Can also be a top three kind of thing, if just picking one is too hard)
RYOUMA: Please choose three sexual techniques in your arsenal and rank them in order of proficiency. Thank you.
Question for Ryouma: have you ever used your team as spank bank material? Pls provide details thx
Ki, as Ryouma can't really document his research in the same way as other characters, what kind of techniques does he use instead?
Will we ever see Ryouma's group medic classes? The ones "with genin and chuunin"? (Sure to be a bunch of laughter!) Alternatively, Ryouma, how are they like?
Ginta, how cool is being a ninja? Spare no detail.
Have Legacy Genma and Ginta ever hooked up?
Hi Ginta, as an objective outsider, is Team 6 actually the hottest ANBU team currently in active service?
GINTA!!!! Welcome to Legacy! Please rank the members of Team 6 in order of fuckability, and on a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you be into a fivesome with ALL of them?
Ginta, assuming you could have your carnal way with each member of Team Six individually (saving the orgy for later), would you prefer to take or be taken? Details please. (NSFW NC17, click at your own risk)
Ginta: in theory, how would you go about arranging the orgy? (This is assuming everyone is consenting, & maybe not in ANBU, to avoid involvement with someone of a higher/lower rank.) Do you have a time/location set in mind? Would you take everyone out to dinner/drinks first or just go to the designated location and dive in? Do you anticipate awkwardness afterwards; if so, do you have any plans to mitigate it? Would you want it to be a one-time thing, or an annual tradition? Details please. ;)
Note to self: never ask Ginta anything.
How can I refuse an offer of haiku? Ginta, please describe your favourite body part of each member of Team 6 in haiku form. :)
Ginta, do tell about the Team 6 betting pool. Whether it's in haiku or in prose, inquiring minds really wanna know.
Ginta: your thoughts on Kakashi? (Other than sparky-sparky fun. Which was *wonderful* worldbuilding tidbit.) On Ryouma? :3
Usagi or Ginta, or anyone on Team 13, really: I'm very sorry for your loss. Can you tell us a little more about Eizo?
Minato, what does Kakashi mean to you?
Minato can you tell us something more about Kakashi's mother? Who is she? What is she doing? How is the relationship between Kakashi and his mum?
A question for Minato, are you still planning to meet the whole of Team six and what do you think about them and Kakashi's development now? Also for Naruto, do you talk with Ogata-san a lot about your Nii-san and his team?
Naruto, what's it like having Rin as an older sister?
Why is Naruto's last name Uzumaki? Is it part of the Kushina-worship? And what kind of trouble does Naruto get up to at preschool (when he's not skipping to hang out with Kakashi and his dad)?
Kurenai, as future clan-head, what kind of responsibilities do you currently have, and what kind of special training do you take on to prepare you for the future?
A question for Kurenai: did you get a chance to talk with Katsuko before she left? And you seem to have changed your opinion on Kakashi a bit? Do you actually less dislike him a little or is it just because of the mission?
Other Konoha Characters
Kuroda: Honest opinions on the ninja currently under your command for the Kiri mission, go!
So, Vice Commander, what do you do when you're not being a shitweasel? Do you have a social life?
For Yuuichi, Ume + Shun, Sadayo, Minato (and Shibata Tomohiro if he'd like to come play): what do you like most and least about your son? What are your hopes for him?
Will we ever get to meet Kakashi's mom?
There was a mention of Sadayo being of some kind of noble house- what can you tell us about that? Or about her background, for that matter? I won't lie, I'll probably scream when she makes her first proper appearance:D
How much does Sadayo know about the recent events in her son's life? And is Team 6 going to meet her?
Ayane and Hakone, we haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?
Satomi, what did the Hokage tell you about what happened to Obito, and what do you think really happened to him?
Rin, what do you think of Team 6 now that Kakashi's (kind of) settled in?
Hajime, did you ever talk (*cough*gossip) with Genma about his new team? Did you have some advice besides continue being the absolutely awesome person/ lieutenant Genma is anyway? Genma did you ever go to Hajime's to complain (whine)?
Hajime, how's PT going? Are you still suffering through hospital food, or have they finally let you go home?
Usagi, what kind of explosion-tag related things are you working on right now? And also, writers, any head canons about explosion tags/sealing and how that all works?
Usagi or Ginta, or anyone on Team 13, really: I'm very sorry for your loss. Can you tell us a little more about Eizo?
Pakkun, how long have you been with Kakashi? Any fun stories about him when he was younger?)
I noticed that Asuma is now a retired character as well as Katusko and Rin. Is he really not coming back, either? Sorry if this has been asked before!
I was browsing the site when I noticed the Hayate journal and was intrigued, and though from looking in his tag I know he's not being played, I still want to tell Nezu that truly, he has a skill in making profiles. "Friends: He undoubtedly has friends." made me spit water over my keyboard. And right handed scissors!! The worst! I don't know if they have spiral notebooks in Konoha but those would make the list too.
Writers, can you tell us more about Fukuda? She's so badass and awesome.
Who writes Fukuda's dialogue?
To the writers: is it a member of Kisame's clan who is Sango's father, or Kisame himself? If this will be an important plot point, you don’t have to answer. To Fukuda: do you know who Sango's father is?
Fukuda, did you know what was going on in Mist, regarding the purges, before you left for the Tsuto mission?
Fukuda, here are a few random questions: Did working as a jounin in Mist allow time for any hobbies? How long have you been working with Iebara--would you mind sharing a good memory of your entire team, including him (if there is any)? Also, have you considered any alternative careers wherever you end up? Thanks!
Fukuda: What are your plans once you and your sister get out of Kiri? I can't imagine it'll be easy to hide a blue baby with gills.
Fukuda: is there anything you would do differently when you first ran into team 6, had you known then what you know now?
Fukuda: From what I can remember, you're one of the few people who've gotten rotted AND survived. Can you tell us how getting your arm rotted off feels like? For the authors: What does getting a limb rotted off/removed do to the chakra networks around that region? Thanks!
Fukuda: what do you think of the Konoha shinobi you've been working with so? How about specific members of Team Six?
What Ifs and AUs
What roll would each team 6 member have in a "Leverage-esque" scenario?
Sort team 6 into Hogwarts houses please please?
I saw Nezu's post where he classified Ginta as Slytherin. Would you be willing to "sort" Team 6 and some other recurring characters? I headcanon Kuroda as Slytherin since his... "winning personality" reminds me of Umbridge.
In a university AU what would everyone be studying/doing?
How would the main Legacy characters react to meeting their counterparts (if they exist) in the canon Naruto verse?
Ryouma's father, Fukuda et. al., the Ueno congregation, and Kakashi's mother. None are proven dead. If any of the above ever met, through some confluence of events, how would the Team be affected?
Question (humble request? but only if you feel comfortable?) for the writers: if, in theory, you were ever to consider expanding Fallen Leaves... I remember a fight scene in which a certain moody Haruichi bit the Anbu director in the leg (Season 1, title: Pride and Falls). I think it would be highly amusing if Hyuuga Hiashi found out. Or if, in Legacy, Kakashi bit Raidou I think that would be pretty funny too.
Technically not a question but - DK. "Gut them while they're laughing." (In a previous answer.) Nezu how can you live with this man!? XD Actually... Raidou and Genma co-habitated (& more, heh) in FL. What'd happen if they did in Legacy?
How common is therapy in Konoha? Not the physical or interrogation-disguised kind. Have any of Team Six / Ginta / Kuroda been to "visit a Yamanaka," or whatever the euphemism for counseling is?
What are Konoha's continuing education classes for shinobi? Is it like a normal class, with homework, tests, and essays? What happens if a shinobi doesn't pass the class or go to any of the classes? Most importantly: Is there a jounin study group? I'm picturing 4 jounin each doing a quarter of that week's assignment and sharing the answers. Because students are students no matter the age.
Do the four medical-ninja laws exist is ANBU legacy? the ones that prevent medics from fighting unless they have the Strength of a Hundred Seal.
Nezu, what's the process of researching, creating and writing medical jutsu like?
Question about ANBU dating regulations: so for same rank dating, are captain and lieutenant considered different ranks?
Does Genma still run eros-type missions in this universe? If so, will we be seeing any of that?
One of my favourite things has been the films that you create for Legacy. Would you mind giving me summaries of a few of your favourites?
Okay, I've got to ask: are ALL ANBU missions as bad as the ones Team 6 has had, or is Team 6 just really unlucky?
Writers and Writing
Question for the writers: I am fascinated by people's writing processes, and I'd like to know more about yours. Especially when it comes to the mission threads, which are so intricately plotted. How does a mission come together in the writer's room?
Writers, what do you do with scenes that don't make it into a thread (I'm assuming they exist)? Do you guys save them somewhere? Are we ever going to get an outtake reel?!
Do you guys ever come into conflict with each other when you're writing? Like, one person wants something, one person wants the opposite? How do you resolve those kinds of conflicts?
How far in advance do you plan your threads/basic plot? Do you have a lot of fairly concrete ideas worked out ahead of time, or do things change pretty frequently?
Question for the writers: Do you guys have any tips for writers who are just starting out? I've started writing fanfiction, but I feel myself often hitting roadblocks while writing or not having any real inspiration for a few days at a time.
Writers! Tips for handling humor in writing, and balancing it with the serious moments? I find I either forget humor entirely and my writing takes itself too seriously, or I head too far in the other direction and can't find the off switch for the snark.
For the writers: is it tricky to write sex scenes?
WRITERS: If you could pick one (1) ship to be end-game, which ship would you pick?
Hello writers! I am a big fan of Kakashi/Ryouma since Fallen Leaves and I was wondering if there would be a chance for this pairing in Anbu Legacy. Or maybe any other Kakashi/member of Team 6 pairing, cause poor Kakashi needs some love ;D
To the writers: do you think you'll bring in any plots or things or characters from previous works (Fallen Leaves and Scarlet Spiral)? *cough*genrai*cough*
Question for the writers, those of you who write multiple characters, which character do you find easiest to write?
Another question for the writers, what do you like best about your character(s), and/or each other's character(s)? Feel free to answer as much or as little as you want.
Writers, who is your favourite non-Team 6 character to write? Who is your least favourite to write?
For the writers: Is there any personal meaning to your online names and Tumblr URLs?
For the authors: how many goats (and/or other animals) do you think each other is worth?
For everyone! Do you have writing playlists? What kind of things do you like to listen to when you write?
oh. favorite drinkss for the teaam (and writers if they want)! alcohol related mostly but since kakashi isnt that fun he can do a non alcholoic one
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