#kuwdora’s witcher thoughts
kuwdora · 8 months
January 15 - if you made a painting embodying a character, who would it be? @sassaffrassa
I cannot remember if I told you about this one specifically, sass, or just foamed at the mouth about my other art ideas. Can I describe this coherently? Guess we’ll find out.
I would love to paint Ciri from the witcher books. This is nothing in my skill set right now. And it it probablyyyyy too many ideas to fit into one piece and could probably be 2-4 pieces. But maybe it’s just one very busy single piece. But it's Ciri and lots of things from the witcher books.
Stylistically I want to make a painting that’s surrealist/eldritch horror with fantasy vibes. Composition-wise I’m, ahhhh, inspired by the old Star Wars posters and Bosch.
I want Ciri’s face with her very huge scar prominent to be a main focus. I want horrifyingly exaggerated uterus to be a focus as well, fallopian tubes reaching out with tentacle-like horrors, ovaries dripping with blood, with disdain and rage.
In the background behind Ciri rises the Tower of Swallows—or maybe Ard Gaeth behind her. Stars in the background. Space and time, you know.
Ciri is flanked by all the people pursuing her for good and ill, so Eredin and Emhyr and Vilgefortz on one side, Yen, Geralt and the Hansa on the right. The fallopian tubes are wrapped around Vilgefortz neck because fuck that guy (I can hold many different kinds of feelings about shitty villain characters). But really fuck that guy and choke him out with a fallopian tube. Or maybe wrapped around all of them, Eredin, Emhyr and Vilgefortz.
On the right Yen has a bloodied lip and messy hair a la her captivity scene, or maybe her scrutinizing expression I think she’s wearing when she’s speaking with Freya in Skellige. Geralt is below Yen and is looking exhausted and determined and wearing a headband, jowly and pale. And beside him is the rest of the Hansa. Cahir with wet eyes looking up at Ciri like she’s hung the moon. Regis looking poised and mindful at Geralt, Dandelion holding his memoirs. Milva cropped hair with her bow Angouleme with a cheeky expression and maybe a knife.
Also have a smaller Vysogota over one Ciri’s shoulder, and Kelpie over her other. Maybe Mistle somewhere, too. Definitely need Ihuarraquax somewhere because fuck yeah unicorns.
Below Ciri and her exaggerated uterus is maybe moment from Ciri’s final fight with Bonhart, her balancing carefully on the beam and Bonhart thinking he’s got her but we know he doesn’t but the stakes are still high.
And just below that is Ciri riding Kelpie over the lake, and Avallach standing on the edge of the water watching her. And if I continue to be maximal I’d want to find a place for some compositional elements about The Spiral. Maybe a reflection in the water of the lake, or something anchored to Avallac’h in the scene.
To layer it even more like this is a Bosch painting meets meets Kahlo and Dali, I would have Nimue with a magnifying glass that she’s looking through from the corner of the painting, examining this Whole Scene with a dreamy-eyed Tilly at her side. Maybe reaching through the looking glass into the scene. Throw in an ouroboros somewhere. Maybe framing the whole painting??
Anyway. This is a lot. My brain is a lot and it is what it is… and hey now! I made a post about it, so it’s out of my head! I cannot and will not paint this, but if anyone is inspired oh my god have at it and run with the ideas if it moves you.
January posting meme + claim a date - can still prompt me.
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littlestsnicket · 6 months
title: In which ciri acquires an emotional support bard (1/5)
word count: 6k
ciri character study, focused on her developing relationships with jaskier, geralt, and yennefer; pre-season 3 fic; grief; families of choice; weird uncle jaskier
special thanks to @soymimikyu and @kuwdora for the hand holding and cheerleading and idea bouncing
Geralt looked Jaskier over again. “What else can’t you do without?”
“Changes of shirts and socks.” Geralt nodded towards his saddlebags to indicate he’d already thought of the items as Jaskier ticked off his requests on his fingers. “Paper, pen, a cloak would be nice—my coat isn’t that warm—and the spare lute you keep in the basement as a prize for the bards that manage not to die of exposure.”
Geralt shook his head.
“No, I didn’t really expect that to work, but you were being so agreeable, I had to try.”
Geralt squeezed Jaskier’s shoulder and, wordlessly, went back inside.
Jaskier immediately began rummaging through Geralt’s saddlebags—which Roach tolerated—until he found an apple and a knife. He sliced the apple into pieces, held one out for Roach on a carefully flat palm, and fed the rest of the pieces, one at a time, to the chocolate gelding. 
“You’ll spoil her,” Yennefer said. It was the first thing she had said all morning. 
Jaskier shrugged and petted the horse’s muzzle. “Him? It’s a gelding, so maybe not a him. Hm, in people having your balls cut off doesn’t make you not a man unless you want it to but you can’t ask a horse. Anyway, not a her. And better spoiled than mad at me.”
“You’ll have both spoiled and mad at you when you run out of treats,” Ciri said, mostly to see what Jaskier would do.
He smiled blithely at her. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. No reason not to enjoy the apples while we have them, isn’t that right, Fredrick?”
“That’s not…” Ciri trailed off and Jaskier looked at her quizzically. None of the Witchers would name their horse Fredrick, but Ciri didn’t know the gelding’s proper name, wasn’t even sure which of the now dead Witchers it had belonged to. She hadn’t spent enough time in the stables to learn these things but it still felt like a failure not to know.
Ciri frowned and mounted her horse, riding in tight figure eights around the courtyard. She kept an eye on Jaskier and Yennefer. They stood where Geralt had left them with their respective horses, but Jaskier made silly faces across the distance and Yennefer visibly struggled not to smile. This man was utterly unremarkable, or, more accurately, he was only remarkable in his ability to be dramatic, wordy, and irritating. He was not funny. Ciri didn’t understand why Yennefer was acting like this—like she liked him. What had he done to earn her affection? 
[on ao3]
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brighteyedjill · 8 months
🥤 📚 🏜️ 🐝 🧩 for the ask game!! <3<3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Here's a few amazing fics in some different fandoms:
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Edgin/Xenk: To the Ends of the Earth by @moorishflower. An AU in which Xenk comes to recruit Ed while he's in Revel's End, there's a lot of irritation, and then they discover maybe they both misjudged the other. Xenk's internal monologue is so good.
The Witcher, Aiden/Lambert, Keira/Lambert, and Aiden/Lambert/Keira: Even if you don't know anything about Keira, or don't usually read about her, the Trust series by @bomberqueen17 is a treasure. It's got nonbinary Lambert, Aiden captured by an evil sorceress, cute domesticity, and heart-wrenching misunderstandings. You can start with Very Dark Magic if you're mostly here for the Laiden of it all, but I bet you'll want to go back and read what's been going on with Lambert and Keira.
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows, Jesper/Wylan: My Little Pony: BDSM is Magic by @sparrowmoth. I'm not saying this just because they sent this ask! If you haven't really thought pretending to be a horse could be hot, prepare to have something awakened. Also, it's tremendously sweet and the characterization is spot-on.
MCU, Bucky/Steve: Lead Me Not into Penn Station by @kaasknot has an excellent title. It's a delicious little one shot set in pre-war Brooklyn about Bucky taking Steve to the baths for a good old-fashioned gang bang.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A list of things I wanted to google when I had cell reception back. 😂 I cannot function without immediate access to all knowledge!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All comments are cherished. One kind I really enjoy is the live slug reaction kind where people write down reactions as they go, sometimes pulling out quotes from the text that really strike them. Like, "Oh noooo that is so like them!" or "This line hits hard." Another type of comment I really enjoy is the woeful sort, usually in response to an angsty fic, i.e. "I am in a puddle on the floor of my bedroom now my heart will never be the same, brb my feelings are slowly draining into the void."
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@bittylildragon is a tremendous beta and cheerleader (and writer and artist). The amount of helpful insight and criticism they have provided over the years I've known them is.... massive.
@contemplativepancakes is such a stellar commenter. I think she's commented on, like, every Witcher fic I've ever written? I always smile when I get an AO3 notification about one of her comments.
@ainawgsd is another power commenter. I always enjoy seeing their icon (is it a German Shepherd?) in the comments section.
@kuwdora is the patron saint of obscure pairings. They are always right there with incandescent joy and thoughtful comments when I post a fic for a little pool noodle of a ship.
@rubynye is a delight who is always a bright spot in my inbox. Also, there is no squee like a rubynye squee.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
No paragraph breaks. I am sorry, my eyes no work like that!
From the Writers' Truth of Dare Ask Game. Send me an ask!
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jawanaka · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @herbalinz-of-yesteryear! Tagging @poetikat, @squiddviscous, @andordean, @kuwdora and @traumschwinge
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher (books/games), Cyberpunk 2077, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Star Wars (though specifically Andor), House of the Dragon and one brief sojourn into Ace Attorney
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
That would be The Queen Who Never Was (but once), The Sins of Fathers, The Swallow of Novigrad, Love is the Value of Life and Lord Edgeworth and the Inn by the River
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always. Because i want more lol. But also because I want to scream with people and love seeing what particular things people liked or picked up on.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be The Traitor's Daughter, my Andor fic. Because I was thinking of giving the characters catharsis and a happy'ish ending and decided naaaah
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think its toss-up between Where Paths Lead and Let me be your armor because they both literally end with people in love riding off into the sunshine.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Got one person complaining recently that no HOTD AU should be allowed a happy-ish ending but you know...
9. Do you write smut?
No but I'm inching closer.
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
So last year some loon stole The Swallow of Novigrad and tried to sell it as an self-published ebook on amazon, which was wild. The thing that amused me the most I remeber was that they chose a picture of Cavill!Geralt for the cover, which is funny since a) I don't write in the show canon and b) Geralt doesn't even appear in the fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! @herbalinz-of-yesteryear does occassionally work on a chinese translation of Swallow (when not writing her own excellent work) and also there's a Russian translation of the same work.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not since the Star Trek fic I wrote in High School
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't know, I don't really ship as such even do I have alot of ships (Ciri/Morvran, Yennefer/Geralt, V/Judy, Keira/Lambert, Theresa/Henry/Hans) that I enjoy.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm increasingly sceptical I will ever write the final part of my Ciri triology but we'll see
16. What are your writing strengths?
Vizualisation, dialogue, introspection
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Currently finishing things lol. But also connecting dialogue with action.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Naah. I think most con-lang is overrated. There are some cases its warranted but usually unneccesary
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
My Ciri duology is my pride and joy but if you want me to give you a totally honest opinion its The Queen who never was (but once) because I walways wanted to be able to out together that kind of epic short story, if thats the word.
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dancingwiththefae · 1 year
Self fic recs
tagged by @xianvar
look at me actually remembering to do things I’m tagged in I always see them and then forget to do them sorry about that
give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Most hits/most comments: Once Is Enough (geraskefer)
When the dust settles in Kaer Morhen and everyone returns to their routines, Jaskier is left alone. A spare part amongst the rest with nothing but the drink and his own neverending thoughts for company. He finds himself sinking further and further. But how long can you last in the sea of your own mind before you drown?
This got a lot more attention than I thought it would. I basically just threw all my problems at Jaskier and it turned into an interesting and cathartic character study of how he could slip into a bad mindset post s2. Mind the tags with this one. It goes deep.
Most kudos/most bookmarks: Deep into that Darkness Peering (geraskier)
Geralt is being haunted. Even in death, Jaskier dogs his every step
My first chaptered fic. CW for major character death.
Most words: A Rosebud by any other name (geraskefer)
Jaskier gets a client in a certain white haired witcher who just keeps coming back. The pair find themselves growing close. It's a little complicated, but they think they could make it work. Until one day, in walks a violet eyed sorceress looking for Jaskier.
What follows is an enlightening conversation, a precarious relationship, a new career and a little bit of subterfuge
Currently at almost 40k with no end in sight
Least words: the calm after the storm (geraskier)
Jaskier still feels like an outsider in Kaer Morhen and struggles with the memories of Rience. Help comes with a knock at the door.
under 650 words from a tumblr prompt
Tagging uhhh whoever writes around here @bambirex @kuwdora and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it
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yennskier-feed-ao3 · 3 years
by kuwdora, KuwdoraVids (kuwdora)
I promise you nobody’s gonna love you like me.
Jaskier and Yen to Taylor Swift and Brandon Urie's "ME!"
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Kuwdora's Witcher vids
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Gordon the Mouse
Relationships: Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: jaskier is taylor swift and yen is brendon urie, they are too good for Geralt, dlfjsadl;fkjas their FACES WHEN THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER, i can't, I can't even, never thought in a million years we'd get this kind of canon for them, rise of the yenniskers, Fanvids, Embedded Video
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kuwdora · 1 year
The Witcher Netflix - 3x08 Episode Reaction In season 3 of The Witcher Netflix we got our first look inside the Nilfgaardian Empire. I was taken by surprise because sometimes I think the show isn't subtle with certain things. Sometimes showing without telling. Or telling without showing in a way doesn't offer viewers enough information to understand the impact of a creative choice. The glimpses we got of Nilfgaard are, in my opinion, a subtle bit of worldbuilding that doesn't lose its impact without showing too much or telling too little. In the books Nilfgaard's culture and history, its military strategy--it's all pastiche from different historical empires. That is a hallmark of Sapko's style. I'm sure other people have spoken more definitively about that on tumblr and elsewhere. CDPR absorbed a lot of Roman Empire influences from the books for its own take for Nilfgaard. And now we can see TWN's production is also picking up on that as well and going with Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) flavor. So let me share a few screenshots from episode 3x08 that caught my eye. This is a mini-commentary with some thoughts, not a deep analysis. We had this establishing shot of a Nilfgaardian city (which I'm presuming to be the capital). This looks like Constantinople to me.
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A modern day photo of Constantinople ruins for comparison:
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Next we have Emhyr with several men dressed in what comes off as very Eastern Orthodox-inspired vestments, right down to the monastic headwear (mitre, I think?). I'll leave more the in depth TWN and costume critical takedown to perseruna. But those hats definitely kept screaming Eastern Orthodoxy at me and making me circle back to Eastern Roman Empire.
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And finally we have this scene of Francesca and Fringilla in the church. In all of my groupchats everyone was losing their mind about their conversation and heartbreak. But I was losing my mind over the fact that they were a) in a Nilfgaardian church or temple and b) this shot was framed in such a way to show us the statue of an ambiguous church figure in the background. Standing in between Fringilla and Francesca, no less.
I can't help but think this might be a statue of the Nilfgaardian Emperor who, in the books, is implied to be a prophet or important figure in the religious sphere.
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"...Recently the main topic of preaching has been of a Saviour who will come from the south. From the south! From beyond the Yaruga!” “The White Flame,” muttered Demavend. “White Chill will come to be, and after it the White Light. And then the world will be reborn through the White Flame and the White Queen… I’ve heard it, too. It’s a travesty of the prophecy of Ithlinne aep Aevenien, the elven seeress. I gave orders to catch one cleric who was going on about it in the Vengerberg market place and the torturer asked him politely and at length how much gold the prophet had received from Emhyr for doing it… But the preacher only prattled on about the White Flame and the White Queen… the same thing, to the very end.” -Blood of Elves
(thank you to @akilah12902 for sourcing this quote for me when I was looking for help!) This just reaffirms my thoughts that Fringilla and Francesca are arguing before a statue of Emhyr. A surprising amount of symbolism for this scene and show. Anyway. This was my main takeaway from 3x08. It was nice to be pleasantly surprised by this.
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kuwdora · 1 year
3x06 The Witcher Netflix Ciri screaming episode recap and reactions. I think it's been like 8 years since I felt so compelled to write a episode reaction that's 1k+ long and only focused mostly on one character. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, my god. my brain is reeling. maybe I will feel differently after it's cooled down but anyway. under the cut 3x06 only, some minor references to book events but my brain is too squishy to really... yeah just. yeah. CIRI.
Before volume 1 of season 3 had dropped I was really concerned and curious how they were going to handle the Ciri narrative from this point on with Tor Lara and being tossed across the Continent.
I’m happy to say that my immediate reaction is that I am fucking impressed. And wheezing from the nuance and direct approach they’re taking in addressing a woman’s rage. but right now it's this prelude to the rage... I'm surely forgetting some things but here!! I!! motherfucking go!!!
Holy fuck, we are seeing Yen explicitly dreaming of Ciri and Ciri feeling her connection, waking and running off to find Yen. To know and feel that Yen is in danger and needs her. She fucks off without looking for Jaskier who is busy sleeping off an orgasm, I guess. Will Geralt end up having Ciri dreams too?? Or is this a mother-daughter thing?? I'm still really digging the Yen-and-Ciri dynamic they've managed to build up in 8 episodes, whaaaaaaat. I was for sure skeptical because of the whole fuckall Voleth Meir nonsense last season but. Huh. Huh.
I don’t know how much time Ciri spent running around the island but that reunion with Yen in the valley??? Brilliantly filmed, absolutely wonderful acting with Anya and Freya here. Their pain, their joy at finding each other again. Yen calling Ciri her daughter. It was beautiful.
And if that wasn’t enough, Yen sees the growing lightning storm from what they namecheck as Alzur’s Last Stand (or Alzur’s Legacy? Last Resort? One of them) — all that flickering lightning above Aretuza. Yen feels the magic, she feels Tissaia’s power, her desperation and she’s so fucking fraught and devastated and scared. Her heart is tearing into two pieces—her love and need to protect Ciri, and her love for her own mother-figure. Tissaia’s pain is Yen’s pain. That was the refrain we’ve heard for two seasons now.
Ciri crying and telling Yennefer that she needed to go to Tissaia because Ciri understood what Yen was feeling as a daughter. My god I was also crying. Outstanding. Emotionally resonant. I LOVE IT.
Geralt had found Ciri and Yen by then, so Ciri stays with Geralt while Yen returns to Aretuza. They end up roaming the island trying to find a way off… finally encounter Cahir together. Ciri ends up with facing her literal nightmare, a source of her pain. Geralt watches on while Ciri is sobbing and crying with the sword pressed to Cahir’s throat. I wasn’t sure I was ready to believe netflix Cahir’s turning point, but I’m fascinated to say that seeing the accumulation of shit he’s taken over the last two seasons and his choice to throw himself to Ciri’s blade as an act of justice for her? For forgiveness? For everything that he’s taken from her? He saved her but he also knows what was taken from her and how he contributed to that. And he’s made the choice to throw himself to her. That’s some good fealty stuff right there. Dang.
But what was interesting is that Geralt never raises a blade to Cahir, there’s no fight with him and Cahir like in the books. In fact, we see the Scoia’tel on the hills approaching and Cahir breaks free and goes off to fight them so Ciri and Geralt can get away. He tells her he's going to hold them off. Dang dang danggg OKAYYYY. “I’ll find you.” Last words Cahir says to Ciri. Ciri is not really in a headspace to probably want or accept this or to know what he truly means since he was ready to die for her… but now he’s like REALLY READY to die for her, omg. *Chinhands* We don't see Cahir anymore this season.
Ciri and Geralt on the beach. Geralt feeling the danger nearby with his medallion and telling Ciri to run. She runs off to Tor Lara while Geralt gets the neutrality beaten out of him.
Okay this is where I have scratched my head in curiosity and wonder but I am ROLLING WITH IT. Is this why they made the Blood Origins show to talk about the power of the monoliths?? Because I can’t remember if anyone in the show has referenced the portal at Tor Lara explicitly in the show. But all the monolith talk and I'm still forgetting things probably.
Tor Lara is a monolith that is speaking to Ciri. She races to the tower and Vilgefortz comes after her...she loses her sword and holy fuck, he just wants to train her he says. And she’s running up the stairs to the top and there’s this reverberating energy and crystalline part of the monolith. Runes are glowing beneath the surface. A voice is speaking to Ciri. 👀
In this scene with the Tor Lara monolith I’m loving the double-image effect on Ciri (and Vilgefortz) as the power of the monolith swells. Who or what is seeing them? What kind of reflection is this? I’m neck-deep in symbolism brain right now cause I've spent the last month writing all my witcher philosophy fanfic... but oh my god, Ciri is going through trauma and will be dissociating and being Falka for a good long while… While Vilgefortz had spent a large amount of time hiding his True Self in order to advance his plans. He hated it, the hiding. It exasperated him. But it's what he had to do in order to see his work through. And Ciri will relinquish her powers and partition her mind and sink into her rage, and it will be a summer of pain and catharsis for her. Double images all around here. Both of these characters end up embodying two identities in this strange amalgamation of self and non-self that they construct in order to survive. Someone remind me later to talk about Jean Genet and the tapestry art The Lady and the Unicorn. Or maybe I'll just write another fic for that tapestry in particular.
So the show is making more textually apparent that Vilgefortz wants Ciri’s blood, and he says he wants to train her. That he is the best one to do it. Which is different than in the forced pregnancy books and it’s not a change that I hate at all, but I still find it interesting and want to know what he actually….wants out of it. Though I don't think anything implies that he wouldn't go with the forced breeding angle again but if the show doesn't go that way, I won't be mad.
Alright... briefly in 3x07 or 3x08 (can’t remember) Yen, Rita, Tissaia, Sabrina, Keira and Philippa ended up finding the Aretuza girls that Vilgefortz kidnapped and mutated with magic. There’s still no understanding from any of the characters what his ends might be with these experiments, and I’m still not sure where he’s going with it, other than to figure out how to use Ciri’s blood. And that there’s some connection to the power of the monoliths.
Anyway, back at Tor Lara Ciri ignores Vilgefortz who says she’s not ready for that kind of power yet. The power is reaching out to Ciri. And Ciri reaches back... and we get BIG SHATTERING EXPLOSION and the tower encasing the monolith of Tor Lara just disintegrates. Another one bites the dust. Vilgefortz gets knocked on his smirky fucking ass.
Ciri has the magic touch, yo.
This is HER STORY. Slams hands on table and kicks her feetsies oh my god oh my god.
Freya is impressing the hell out of me. I wasn’t… I wanted to be hopeful but I didn’t let myself. And now holy fuck.
holy fuck.
let me have another few hours to breathe and write about 3x07 and 3x08. holy fuuuuuuck.
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kuwdora · 9 months
I am perennially behind fandom chatter on tumblr parts, mostly cause my brain wants to move at the same speed as everyone else at the same time, but too much of my brain keeps me hanging back. today i am amply caffeinated and catching up with a great many fannish thoughts and feelings (and fic!).
but anyway. awhile back folks were talking about fantasy casting for the witcher books. and for me. i would love to see Ruth Negga as Kenna/Joanna Selborne. I really loved her in what I saw of Preacher and think she would make a great Kenna. also not for nothing but genderbend the casting of Regis so I can have Shoreh Agadashloo with thinning grey hair and vampire teeth. please. please. Her Regis monologue about the differences in human/vampire sexuality and mores would set my soul on fire. mwaghhh i would love it so much.
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kuwdora · 2 months
I have so many posts about so many things sitting in my drafts dating back 6 months, but maybe I need a little nudge of what to actually finish.
So a poll for my mutuals, friendos, passerbys.
no option for 'one or more of these' cause I need help narrowing it down but if it moves you feel free to reply to the post and share if you have feelings for more than one option, heeee.
I also know I'm gonna hit post and realize I missed an option on the poll but whatever.
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littlestsnicket · 2 years
worth it but rock climbing is totally destroying my nails. gentle exfoliating and excessive moisturizing do wonders to keep calluses from getting weird and peelly but there are no remedies for essentially rubbing your nails on corse grit sandpaper other than, i guess, keeping them even shorter than i already am
@kitsnicket i bought a perfume sampler with a city on fire in it and i am very excited
i found a nearly finished drabble in my community slush file and now i am tempted to write more community fic (abed and annie roleplay as cooper and audrey or always a girl abed are both really promising fic ideas). unfortunately there are too many other things i would rather be working on and there is only so much time
@kuwdora you ao3 bookmarks are just amazingly curated! and i have found so much good witcher fic i either hadn't read or hadn't thought about in a while!
got doctor faustus with arthur darvill from the library! probably won't watch it until next weekend, but yay! (i love getting things from the library! for me--at least--it's the exact right amount of pressure to actually go ahead and watch/read something new)
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kuwdora · 2 years
Witcher Fanworks Pinned Post
Hello, I'm kuwdora (she/her) and I figure I'd make a pinned post for my Witcher works. You can find me on: AO3, YouTube and my vidding sideblog. Send an Ask if you'd like to connect on discord! This pinned post hasn't been updated in awhile but I'll get around to it. Check out the AO3 page for more up-to-date fanworks. I'll get around to updating this post soon...
My Witcher Fanvids
Eskel/Geralt (Leshy Eskel)
Heart Tap (Eskel/Geralt). ~23k. Explicit. After his transformation into a leshen, Eskel struggles with his memory and strange urges and perception of reality. He asks Geralt to help him investigate what he's actually made of. Season 2 Leshen Eskel. AKA the one where Eskel asks Geralt to tap him like a maple tree. Crack treated seriously, Monster Biology, Fantasy Alchemy, Touch-starved Eskel, Tentacles.
Driftwood (Eskel/Geralt) ~2800. Teen. Geralt meets Eskel for an afternoon on the lake. Crack treated seriously, Slice of Life. Season 2 Leshen Eskel.
stories we tell, memories we share, and the words we hold dear (Geralt/Jaskier). ~28k. Mature. Three decades after the war, Jaskier’s thoughts are faster than his aching hands can keep up, but Geralt has learned enough by his side to take up the quill for him. Alternate Title: Old Soft Men in Love. Post-canon, Domesticity, Chronic Pain, Acts of Service, Tenderness, lots of cheeky meta, and Geralt getting railed by puns.
A Drowner's Dozen (Jaskier, pre-Geralt/Jaskier) ~6k. Gen. After Geralt finishes a mundane contract, Jaskier reflects on mortality and rewrites a song in the process. Jaskier character study, art as a coping mechanism.
Rumor, Symmetry, Big Dick Energy (Geralt/Jaskier). ~4k. Mature. Written for the tumblr kissing prompt meme. Geralt and Jaskier share a chaste kiss in front of some dwarves in Vergen.
Learning Curve 10k. When Yennefer's insecurities about her new teaching responsibilities keep her up at night, she finds comfort at Jaskier's side. Character study, cuddling and snuggling, angst with a happy ending.
Pivot ~4k. Teen. Yennefer steps on Jaskier and he likes it. Minor d/s vibes, some humiliation/praise kink, technically a song fic.
Surface Tension, ~5500w. Explicit. Yen and Jaskier delay Geralt's orgasm all night. Edging, subspace, emotional porn, tenderness.
A Beard for a Bard ~3900w. Mature. Geralt comes home, expecting a night on the town, but Jaskier isn’t in much of a mood for carousing. Luckily for Jaskier, Yen can make any night memorable with her special elixirs and Geralt is happy to have a lazy night at home. post-canon, drug use, cuddling and snuggling. the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch ~6k. Explicit. Sexual roleplay, d/s, body worship. Narnia not-AU with Jaskier as a faun, Yen as the Ice Queen and Geralt as the loyal knight.
The Shade of Your Eyes (Philippa Eilhart, Radovid) ~3k. Mature. Philippa tortures the disembodied soul of Radovid. Written for Witcher Flashfic challenge #031.
black dog (Vernon Roche)
Farewell, Chaos (Yennefer of Vengerberg)
Witcher Girl (Ciri)
AO3 Collection
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