letyukisayfuck · 22 days
so haruhi theatre so far is one continuous story, in that act 1 (fantasy) leads immediately into act 2 (space) and seems to lead into what i assume will be act 3 (western), and the events are briefly referenced in snow mountain... does that mean this book is gonna be the first thing set before that since like 2006 (and the first full haruhi LN to NOT be set after all the ones before it), or do we think that because the snow mountain thing was so fucky it did some shit with time and memories?
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lotusdawitch · 2 days
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How did the anime made him so dirty 😭
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He's so handsome especialy in season II 😫
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
something something wadakuma being the sole tousute senpai during khkgk with all of the other cast being completely new passing the baton on to kai-chan who's now doing the same w a totally different sute-gumi, and both being kasen actors, a sword that finds comfort in familiar faces but bc of circumstances has had to step up and be in the Centre is so life imitating art
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hello-vampire-kitty · 5 months
Servamp chapter 136 translation "The gentle flutter of a butterfly's wings"
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Read the chapter on Mangadex!
Keep reading for translation notes.
Oh boy, this chapter had some difficult lines that took me a while to translate and hopefully I managed to convey them ;;
Alright, to start off, I want to point out that in the top left panel, Hokaze is holding the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, so if you know the plot of the story, you can make connections with her. Also, regarding her name...It's sounds weird for her because she's a woman. I looked up Hokaze (歩風) on Japanese names sites and it was listed for boys, while the readings Ayuka or Honoka were listed for girls.
Well, if Tanaka-sensei hasn't mentioned so far that it wasn't a mistake, then her name is Hokaze.
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In Japanese, 情欲 and 色欲 mean lust the latter is the one used regarding Lily, however they have different nuances. Basically, the former implies a desire for emotional attachment as opposed to 色欲 that is focused on the physical aspects of attraction, without necessarily implying emotional attachment.
As you can see in the translation, the intended reading is 私 (I, myself) while the other reading is 色欲 (lust).
愛のない情欲のことだけを私 (色欲) の名前で呼ぶのでしょうから。
I had the most trouble with this page, like OMG...
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Lily had some difficult lines and it's possible that I haven't conveyed them to well, thus I will give insight on how I understood them. Here's the original line 人は美しい時間のままに死にゆく。 それだけがいい。
I don't like to assume things. I try my best to convey what characters say and of course I rely on the grammar that is used so that's why it was difficult to interpret the above line which I ultimately translated as "People dying while they are still beautiful...That alone is a good thing"
A direct translation would be "People will die in a beautiful time" which sounded weird...Like I said, maybe my interpretation isn't good and I wanted to add "should" because Lily's is giving his opinions and I thought it will work but I if it's not suggested by the grammar, I couldn't do that. If you look at the first line on this page where "should" is there because that's how a grammar part translates.
So yeah, it was tough working on this line seeing how it can be interpreted...
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Sloth uses words that have alternative meanings. When he says "This makes us even", the other reading is fire. "We should have a discussion after all". The other reading is "fighting" and Sloth also said this in chapter 133.
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There is one word with another reading in Tsubaki's first line which I found that it has the meaning of "older sibling" although it's usually translated as head or neck 首 (kubi) My assumption is that Tsubaki used 首 with the connotation of "older sibling" because it reflects how he was born in the Edo period (revealed in later chapters), so he's using an archaic term. The intended reading is もの which means "object" and one theory I have about the other reading is related to the camellia flowers that are said to be associated with a head that is cut off because when they wither, the flowers fall at once.
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The last note is about Tsubaki's skill which is difficult to interpret its meaning ;;
I translated it as "Crossing".
The Japanese word 渡 comes from the verb 渡す that has the general meaning of "to hand over/deliver but there is also the meaning of "to transport", "to carry across". While it can be translated in several ways, I like the translation I made and I found that the verb is used "to say a requiem" 引導を渡す I'd say it connects with his ability "Shura Funeral". This term originally refers to a ritual or ceremony in Buddhism called "引導供養" (indou kuyou), where a deceased person's spirit is guided to the afterlife. So yeah, let me know what you think. I'd like to hear your opinions and I hope these notes are helpful!
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soppymilkgin · 6 months
i made a new amv with english subs in the cc!
inspired by suchira's post about mizuko kuyou and jizo gin-san
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crepes-suzette-373 · 5 months
The kuyou and the moon
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I had this theory that the Moon will be very significant, and the final battle will involve the power of the sun and moon working together to defeat WG or whoever the final enemy is.
Gonna bring back this symbol. This symbol is the Navagraha, or called kuyou 九曜 in Japan. The original Hindu version says that the big one in the middle is the sun, with the 8 circles representing the moon and the planets. In Japan, they adopted the symbol and gave it various new meanings.
One clan in particular, the Mochidzuki 望月, supposedly used the kuyou symbol while believing that the big one in the middle is the full moon. They were a clan who appears to have strong partiality to the moon. Various articles online say they either have faith in a moon god, or other moon-related traditions.
Mochidzuki is in fact a classic alternate name for "full moon" 満月. This is reminiscent of the Wano ruling clans, who all have the "moon" 月 kanji in their names. Especially the shogun clan, whose name is Koudzuki 光月, "bright moon". When is the moon the most bright if not on full moon?
I'm curious if this might apply to One Piece as well, where some tribes use the symbol to mean "moon", while some others use it to mean "sun". Seen in the above symbol the Arabasta version looks very much like a sun. We don't know what specifically is the faith in the Sorbet kingdom church, but because it has connection to Kuma, maybe it's something related to the sun as well.
Skypiean ancestors are from the moon, so that symbol they use might mean the moon. If true it would give a new significance to how the centre circle has "god" 神 written on it. Lastly the Koudzuki symbol. As explained above, Wano and the shogun clan are related to the moon, so it would be interesting if their symbol also means the moon.
If the Arabasta one also means the sun, it's going to have significant impact to the D lore. In the moon theory link on top, I pointed out that Arabasta has a subtle connection to the Princess Kaguya story that most people might not notice. For those who don't know, Kaguya is a Japanese folklore that is strongly tied to the moon. This could be an argument towards my theory about sun and moon working together.
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The venue was cloaked in shadows, yet countless lights illuminated the space, creating a mesmerizing display reminiscent of a nocturnal skyline.
EMMA : Wow...
Enveloped by the spectacle, I cautiously took a step forward, my eyes darting around the surroundings in awe.
TONI : This is awesome! Treasures every direction you look!
Beside me stood Toni, the prince of Rogue, cheering as he beheld the myriad of gems on display. 
LID : I'd heard rumors about it, but I suppose this is the magnificence of Gloria.
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Lid, the prince of Oliverite, also let out an impressed sigh as he gawked at the gems. Clearly captivated by the grandeur. 
We had been invited to attend the soiree held in Gloria. 
(They said we could see the gems owned by Gloria, but I never expected this...)
Before us lay gems of all different sizes and rarity in hues I had never seen before. 
LID :  There are so many gems that I've never seen circulating the market...W-Wait, those gems set in that crown, could they be...!?
TONI : Huh? What gems!? Are they really that incredible? Where are they!?
Lid's body tensed as Toni began questioning him. Toni is too busy innocently surveying the surroundings to notice. He is speaking louder than he should be and people are staring.
INUI : Looks like they are having a good time. It would seem Gloria has put forth only their finest gems...
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Inui, the prince of Kuyou, glanced at us with an amused look on his face. Giving a playful smirk and a shrug of his shoulders.
INUI : Aren't you accustomed to this, being a prince from the Country of Jewels?
LID : True, but it's precisely because of that background that it's hard for me to stay composed when assessing their value... You know that already!
Inui chuckled deviously when Lid realized he was being teased. 
TONI : These gems are truly something else, huh? I'm thrilled we decided to attend this soirée!
Toni's eyes gleam with uncontainable excitement, mirroring the dazzling brilliance of the gems around us.
EMMA : It's a rare opportunity to see so many unique gems up close and personal. I think I'll take my time looking around.
LID : Absolutely. I want to take in every exquisite detail of each gem. 
INUI : Count me in. It shall be fun to observe Emma while she observes the gems. 
EMMA : Why do you always say things like that...?
In response to Inui's suggestive remark I can feel a heated blush blossoming on my cheeks.
APOLLO : ....It's noisy.
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Emerging from among the guests was Apollo, the prince of Flareruge. 
EMMA : Ah! Apollo, you were invited too?
At my inquiry, he releases a heavy sigh.
APOLLO : I've come to assess items befitting a king. Simple as that.
LID : You mean the gems?
TONI : Every corner of this place screams treasure!
(Now that he mentions it...)
Lost in contemplation, I'm interrupted by another approaching figure.
FRITES : It seems like you are in awe of our country, Emma. 
EMMA : Hi Frites. 
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Frites, the prince of Gloria, surveyed us calmly. 
FRITES : It's only natural. Maintaining one's composure in the presence of Gloria's finest gems is indeed challenging. 
His blue eyes gleam with pride from behind his glasses, a faint smirk playing at his lips as he takes in the dazzling display.
FRITES : Ah, there was one thing I forgot to mention...The gems showcased at this soirée aren't merely for show.
(What could that mean?)
As I pondered Frites's remark, my attention was drawn to a particular gem that emitted a fleeting, star-like sparkle...
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shonuff77 · 9 months
Goketsuji Ichizoku Matsuri Senzo Kuyou (Arcade/2012) - Elizabeth [Playth...
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hunty627 · 9 months
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Kuyou has very nice pigtails.
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arytha · 2 years
Was the girlfriend Taniguchi mentioned last Christmas Kuyou? Then she was the girl he broke up with before Valentine's Day too? Wait a second.
HEY WAIT i mean i guessed this but its been confirmed now. wait is this why the school type changed in disappearance. is it because of kuyou
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nekasin · 2 years
Neka’s glare only intensified at Kurumu’s reaction to his presence. It was precisely the same one he had whenever he heard of an incident regarding the Newspaper Club. Marching right up to her to where they were practically chest-to-chest, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose at her, completely done with her nonsense.
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“I bet you actually think I’d buy that, huh? Look, I don’t want to be here almost as much as you don’t want me to be here, but after that human of yours beat up Kuyou, not only have I been forced to be essentially the primary enforcer of the Public Safety Committee, people think they can get away with a lot more because he lost. So my workload has increased tenfold, and it’s all your club’s fault!”
Neka let out a seething sigh, trying to calm down, if only just a little. “So, I happen to view incidents that directly involve your club in an even harsher light. But, if you want to know the specific instance to which I am referring, it’s the property damage you incurred in your most recent fracas. And yes, that’s a collective ‘you’.”
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letyukisayfuck · 2 years
asakura/kuyoh suou
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get yourself a murder girlfriend! i would kinda love to see what happens there now that i think about it?
like, you know what you've sold me on this one actually
i'm jumping on this ship, count me in.
there's a lot you could actually get into more seriously too? with the fact that kuyou is on the nagato side of struggling to communicate (to the point where she makes yuki look like a master of it) while asakura is very much capable of acting like a normal person (and, based on my own interpretation, also has a lot of the same Development Of Her Own Will/Desires as yuki)
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kanatanabramovic · 3 months
☑ 236. Enjoy the cherry blossoms.
☑ 236. Enjoy the cherry blossoms. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2024 04 29 Blog...~ le soleil ~ ☝More details and URL are on the blog ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ NEO Japan Kimono: !H! LaceKIMONO (f) Sakura HUD ' HONENOKE ' Obi: !H! OBI (f) Otaiko Sakura HUD Collar: !H! KIMONO (f) Add-on Detachable Collar kuyou Sleeve: !H! KIMONO (f) Add-on Detachable sleeve kuyou Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Katori hair-Exclusive [ - Makeup - ] ☑ Access Eyes: LOTUS. Elody Eyes FATPACK ➥Lel x LOTUS. Elody Eyes 13 SPECIAL Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Delilah skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Olive - Delilah Eyeshadow: ARTERY // Hygia Eyeshadow ( EVO / EVO X ) [ - Decoration - ] ☑ Access House: MAke a MArk [Chisana ajito] Japanese town house (model 5) box. Sofa + Plant: [YD} Garden Living Room ' Your Dreams ' Shelf: 02_8f8 - Art of Nature - Carrier WOOD Plant: 10_8f8 - Art of Nature - Olivia WOOD Plant: 21_8f8 - Art of Nature - Hoya Kerrii WOOD Scroll: 8f8- serene sanctuary - Hanging Scroll
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woronews · 9 months
TIÉBÉLÉ : Sortie de sensibilisation, de recueille de suggestions pour une meilleure prestation de la Mairie au profit des populations de Tiébélé - WORONEWS
La Santé à travers le Dr ILBOUDO et sa collaboratrice Mme la coordonnatrice du CM de Tiébélé a magnifié ces rencontres en passant un message fort sur les maladies tropicales négligées et bien d’autres conseils pour une santé équilibrée.La 2e sortie était sur la zone de kuyou-koubongo et Kassiri. Merci à tous les acteurs.Rendez-vous demain samedi 16 décembre à Boungou de 8h à 11h et à Kollo de 12h…
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View On WordPress
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balter-fox · 1 year
something about me!
hewwwo, I'm kei! I'm 22 y.o, catgender viramoric, she/her or meow/meows. philosophy student, last year.
handmade = my life tbh.
I love mobile gacha games, that's my whole life. I play many of them, hehe!
my main fandoms: bsd, pgr, aether gazer, project sekai, hi3rd, hsr, zgirls, madoka magica.
kin list: atsushi, dazai, shibusawa, fukuchi; mafuyu; kiana (vd), hos, vill-v, pardo, both seeles.
favs: kyoka, lucy, dazai, shibusawa, oda, all hunting dogs, sigma, gogol, bram, aya, akutagawa; lucia, aplha, vera, no. XXI; all niigo; herrscher trio, both seeles, vill-v, pardo, misteln, prometheus, adult griseo, kongmin, irene adler, vita; saki, kuyou, avrem, caro, portia; sakura kyoko, sayaka miki.
ships: atsukyoka, odazai, sigmazai, fukufuku; mizuena, kanamafu; kiamei, bronseele; kuyou/saki; kyosaya.
please don't be afraid of me because of fukuchi I love him sm help me-
smol fukufuku are my little kitties 💖
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vstranslations · 2 years
Kvi Baba ft. Aklo, KEIJU - Too Bad Day But... (Remix) - Lyrics
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
La, la, la 一つ笑えるなら La, la, la 僕は十分さ La, la, la
自分をダメにするのが上手いねって 言われてきたよ 僕なら毎年 客観視しなくても分かる 冴えない男ってとこ とは言えども下げちゃいられねえ これ以下に行きゃ地球も避けてく 逆にいうなら世界を救える かもしれないだろ
嫌なことに溢れてる生活 感謝しづらい日だってあるが 信じてるさ神が持つ計画 胸に問えば僕は分かるさ いつか虹がかかるさ なんて言う訳じゃ 僕ならないが いつか意味が分かるさ 損した分だけ得なのさ
九割が悪い事なんだって けど一割は良い事あるんだって その数 見比べれば切ないけど そんな悪い事でも今 実際ないね 新しいキックスでガム踏んでも 街中ダックスに吠えられても 昨日会った身内がパクられても 気の合うあの子と会えなくても let's go
占い今日は最下位 十月生まれ ラッキーカラーはピンクかクソくらえ サッカー 好きなチーム敗退してマジつまんねえ 元カノから"会いたい"って お前が振ったぜ? 角に足ぶつけました 洗濯物飛んで真下に落下 エレベーター今日かよメンテナンス 階段上り下りだけでなるメンヘラ
最近やたらとWi-Fi調子が悪い 運動不足かちょっと腰回り 神様なってくれお力に 気になってた店は5時間待ち 海外からわざわざ買ったサプリ 中身が空っぽ連絡だりい 昔ノリだけで買ったクリプトコイン 今いくらになってる? ん? おい
九割が悪い事なんだって けど一割は良い事あるんだって その数 見比べれば切ないけど そんな悪い事でも今 実際ないね 新しいキックスでガム踏んでも 街中ダックスに吠えられても 昨日会った身内がパクられても 気の合うあの子と会えなくても let's go
自分のためやる少しづつでかくなる名前 初めてのライブは3万円 色んなやつに使われてきたけど 今の俺は昔と違え
九割の悪いことすら受け入れる カッコつけることすら今はダセえ 自分が逃げれる場所すら自分には与えねえ 起きること全部俺のせい
変わるには何が必要 環境よりダメな自分をまず供養 尊敬できる奴らとだけいるよ 見せれる本気のsmile, that's cool yo 俺なら完璧じゃないからtoo hard もうしない無い物ねだり生む空虚 失敗知らなきゃ勝ち取れない成功 自分の手で掴み取りすぐ優勝
九割が悪い事なんだって けど一割は良い事あるんだって その数 見比べれば切ないけど そんな悪い事でも今 実際ないね 新しいキックスでガム踏んでも 街中ダックスに吠えられても 昨日会った身内がパクられても 気の合うあの子と会えなくても
La, la, la hitotsu waraeru nara La, la, la boku wa juubun sa La, la, la
Jibun o dame ni suru no ga umai ne tte iwarete kita yo boku nara mainen kyakkanshi shinakute mo wakaru saenai otoko tte toko to wa iedomo sagecha irarenee kore ika ni ikya chikyuu mo saketeku gyaku ni iu nara sekai o sukueru kamoshirenai daro
Iyana koto ni afureteru seikatsu kansha shidzurai hi datte aru ga shinjiteru sa kami ga motsu keikaku mune ni toeba boku wa wakaru sa itsuka niji ga kakaru sa nante iu wake ja boku naranai ga itsuka imi ga wakaru sa zonshita bun dake toku na no sa
Kyuuwari ga warui koto nanda tte kedo ichiwari wa ii koto arun datte sono kazu mikurabereba setsunai kedo sonna warui koto demo ima jissai nai ne atarashii kikkusu de gamu fundemo machinaka dakkusu ni hoeraretemo kinou atta miuchi ga pakuraretemo ki no au ano ko to aenakutemo let’s go
Uranai kyou wa saika-i juugatsu umare lucky color wa pinku ka kuso kurae sakkaa sukina chiimu haitai shite maji tsumanee moto-kano kara aitai tte omae ga futta ze? kado ni ashi butsukemashita sentakumono tonde mashita ni rakka erebeetaa kyou ka yo mentenansu kaidan nobori sagari dake de naru menhera
Saikin yatara to wifi choushi ga warui undou buzoku ka chotto koshi mawari kamisama natte kure ochikara ni ki ni natteta mise wa go-jikan machi kaigai kara waza waza katta sapuri nakami ga karappo renraku darii mukashi nori dake de katta kuriputo koin ima ikura ni natteru? Oi
Kyuuwari ga warui koto nanda tte kedo ichiwari wa ii koto arun datte sono kazu mikurabereba setsunai kedo sonna warui koto demo ima jissai nai ne atarashii kikkusu de gamu fundemo machinaka dakkusu ni hoeraretemo kinou atta miuchi ga pakuraretemo ki no au ano ko to aenakutemo let’s go
Jibun no tame yaru sukoshi zutsu dekakunaru namae hajimete no raibu wa san man en ironna yatsu ni tsukawarete kita kedo ima no ore wa mukashi to chigee
Kyuuwari no warui koto sura uke ireru kakko tsukeru koto sura ima wa dasee jibun ga nigereru basho sura jibun ni wa ataenee okiru koto zenbu ore no sei
Kawaru ni wa nani ga hitsuyou kankyo yori damena jibun o mazu kuyou sonkei dekiru yatsura to dake iru yo misereru honki no smile, that’s cool yo ore nara kanpeki ja nai kara too hard mou shinai nai mono nedari umu kuukyo shippai shiranakya kachi torenai seikou jibun no te de tsukami dori sugu yuushou
Kyuuwari ga warui koto nanda tte kedo ichiwari wa ii koto arun datte sono kazu mikurabereba setsunai kedo sonna warui koto demo ima jissai nai ne atarashii kikkusu de gamu fundemo machinaka dakkusu ni hoeraretemo kinou atta miuchi ga pakuraretemo ki no au ano ko to aenakutemo
La, la, la If I can get one smile from you, La, la, la that’s a win for me La, la, la
Every year, people tell me how I’m so good at completely ruining myself You don’t need to be objective to see that I’m a shitty guy But I can’t let those words bring me down; If I sink any further, I’ll fall out the earth’s other side But that actually might just be what saves the planet
Life is full of unpleasant stuff It’s hard to feel thankful for living some days, but I trust in God’s plan I look in my heart and I know the answer I’m not the kind’a guy who says one day there’ll be a rainbow after the rain But one day I’ll understand that the things I lost were all to my benefit
They say 90% of events that happen are bad, and that 10% of events are good Looking at those numbers might make you sad, but not that many truly bad things happen in reality Even if I stepped in gum with my brand-new kicks, even if I got barked at by dogs in town, even if I got ripped off by my friend yesterday, even if I can’t meet up with that girl I like… let’s go
Horoscope says those with October birthdays will have the worst day My lucky color is pink? Oh fuck off My favorite soccer team lost, this is bullshit “Your ex asked to meet and you said no!?” I hit my foot against the curb My laundry flew away and fell right on the ground The elevator too – c’mon, today there’s maintenance? I just look like a fool running up and down the stairs
Lately my wifi’s been going out randomly I need more exercise to go down a size or three God give me strength, please Waited 5 hours to get in my favorite eatery Bought some pills shipped from overseas Feel empty inside but calling someone is too much for me Got some crypto just to join the buying spree How much is it worth now? Hey...
They say 90% of events that happen are bad, and that 10% of events are good Looking at those numbers might make you sad, but not that many truly bad things happen in reality Even if I stepped in gum with my brand-new kicks, even if I got barked at by dogs in town, even if I got ripped off by my friend yesterday, even if I can’t meet up with that girl I like… let’s go
I’ll do whatever to make myself a little more famous My first live show cost 30k yen In the past I got used by a lot of people, but I’m different than I was back then
I’ll take on that 90% of only bad events Trying to play it cool now is just lame But you won’t even create a place for yourself to run away to Everything that’ll happen is my own fault
What do you need to change yourself? First you gotta bury the old you Surround yourself only with people you respect Show ‘em a real smile, that’s cool yo I’m not a perfect guy either, that’s too hard I’m not gonna want for what I don’t have and be left empty If you don’t know failure, you’ll never succeed With my own hands, I’m gonna snatch a quick victory
They say 90% of events that happen are bad, and that 10% of events are good Looking at those numbers might make you sad, but not that many truly bad things happen in reality Even if I stepped in gum with my brand-new kicks, even if I got barked at by dogs in town, even if I got ripped off by my friend yesterday, even if I can’t meet up with that girl I like…
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