#kw fanfic
klaine-word-scramble · 2 months
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Returning on August 1st for the third year with an expansion beyond writers! Everyone is invited to participate by creating Klaine fanworks: gifs, fanart, playlists, drabbles, one-shots, multi-chapter fanfics, et cetera! If you're not a writer/creator, you can participate by reading and leaving love for the authors/creators (and helping us spread the word by reblogging)! More details coming soon!
Follow us @klaine-word-scramble
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months
Sanctuary - Klaine fan fic (Klaine Word Scramble 2023) - Chp 3
Ah ha! Bet you thought I forgot about this little fic, didn't you!
OK . . . so you can read Chp 3 on A03 by clicking here.
And shoutout again to  @datshitrandom and @justgleekout for your inspiration!
Props to my friend @iris7124 for her lovely cover art.
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Elf!Kurt, medievalprince!blaine, klainewordscramble2023
Collections:Klaine Word Scramble 2023
Stats: Published:2023-08-29
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gleefulpoppet · 1 month
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A Door to Nowhere & A Door to Somewhere •Chapter 6 Now Available• For the 2024 @klaine-word-scramble Challenge •Explicit •Dom/sub with a focus on their emotional dynamic
“Sounds… Stimulating!” “Mmhm…” Kurt hums. “Also, it was making me so damn horny, you have no idea.” “Uhhh. Actually, I might.” Kurt laughs. “Yeah. I guess you might."
Read Chapter 6 [here] or from the beginning on AO3 [here].
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Chapter 12
Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 4 Chap 5 Chap 6 Chap 7 Chap 8 Chap 9 Chap 10 Chap 11 on Ao3
Day 12: PIRTAOR = airport
It starts like dominoes. Just one tiny tip and all Kurt can do is stand back and watch the momentum of cause and effect ripple outward until there’s nothing left. And he hates that he’s somehow not even surprised. Another chapter in the life of Kurt Hummel.
The restaurant lets him go. They love him and he’s welcome back if he can commit to a full schedule, but it’s not really fair to let Kurt claim the prime tips of the Saturday night shift when he keeps cutting the rest of his hours. It stings, but he understands. Elliott’s paying him now and if he can continue to sell his work, he should be okay. Probably.
But then Elliott starts talking about possibly moving in with Sebastian and to say Kurt’s stunned is putting it mildly. When did that happen? Things had seemed to be going well as far as Kurt could tell, but Elliott didn’t talk about it all that much and now suddenly this? It’s not definite – not yet – but Kurt’s just lost his primary source of income and now he may be looking for a roommate or an apartment in the near future and he cannot live with Chandler and what the hell am I going to do now just runs around and around in his head until he’s claustrophobic with it.
So he’s in a bad enough place on the August morning when he hears Elliott’s voice rumble through his bedroom walls as he’s trying to motivate himself to get out of bed. He can tell that Elliott’s pacing like a caged tiger around his own room because his voice keeps rising and falling and Kurt wonders crazily if the feeling that’s growing in his gut is just seasickness.
“ –can’t do this to us right now … any way we can get a little time to – “ Elliott sounds panicked and angry, which are not things Kurt expects of Elliott. And it’s like his mood seeps under the door cracks, because Kurt definitely can’t lie in bed for another second. He’s jittery and agitated and he doesn’t have any idea what’s going on. He goes to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of coffee and fidgets with things on the counter that are slightly out of place and finally washes the stray dishes sitting in the sink. At least the running water drowns out the sound of Elliott’s shaken voice.
Kurt actually thinks he’s going to vomit by the time Elliott emerges from his bedroom, phone clutched listlessly in his left hand and two bright spots of color heating his pale face. Kurt doesn't say anything. Just stands there, gripping the sink with one hand and looking at Elliott quizzically.
“Um,” Elliott says, staring fixedly at the kitchen cabinets, “looks like we’re losing the gallery space.”
And then Kurt does vomit. He just spins around and violently spits up his few sips of coffee into the kitchen sink. Thank god he just washed the dishes. He takes his time running the water, splashing his face, rinsing his mouth. When he finally turns again, Elliott’s sitting at the breakfast bar leaning his forehead into one hand. Kurt goes and sits beside him.
“Um,” Elliott says again, and Kurt would like to kill Jerome if that’s who that was on the phone, because Elliott’s never speechless. He doesn’t stammer or stall for time – he’s never unsure. He’s solid and honest and forthcoming and Kurt hates seeing him reduced like this.
“He needs to sell the building right away,” Elliott recites. “Medical emergency in the family, I guess.”
Kurt says stupidly, “But …”
“I couldn’t afford to buy it outright,” Elliott goes on. “I had enough to do the remodel, but not to buy it. The agreement was that I could lease to own and in a few years, maybe. But now he needs cash. It went on the market first thing this morning. He says he’ll put in a good word for us, but if it sells, he has no control over what the new owners do with the building.” His voice shakes the tiniest bit. “He’s open to us buying our unit. For three and a half million.”
Kurt doesn’t say anything. What is there to say? He reaches over and takes Elliott’s hand in his and they sit there, hands clutching each other atop the breakfast bar. They sit there. In the late August New York morning.
Because sometimes the universe is rife with ironic indifference, Blaine hasn’t been around to watch Kurt’s life spectacularly implode. He’s been in LA for a few weeks, embroiled in a copyright violation case that seems like it’s actually going to make it before a judge, and Kurt doesn’t want to burden him with this, too. So he stays silent and wishes Blaine were here to brainstorm or encourage, or just hold him, really. He’s never missed anyone so acutely. Except maybe his dad.
And then, that Monday, there’s an unexpected text from Blaine.
They settled! Catching a redeye tonight see you soon
Kurt’s whole body sags with relief. The truth is that he’s not been handling all of the upheaval very well. He’s not sleeping or eating much, and he’s spending every spare second trying to help Elliott figure out fundraisers or loans or a new space entirely. All of his ends are frayed and tattered and he just wants Blaine to pull him back down to earth for a little.
So of course, just when he’s looking forward to maybe beelining for Blaine’s apartment and climbing into bed with him in the early hours of Tuesday, he gets a frantic phone call from Chandler, who is so sorry but he has to take his sister to the airport in the morning and he can’t get out of it and Kurt is so disoriented and distracted that he has to ask Chandler why he should care about random Tuesday morning airport excursions.
“I won’t be back in time to open,” Chandler babbles, “and I think one of the collectors’ agents is coming. Can you just open up for me? I promise I’ll get there as soon as I can.”
Right. The gallery. The one that’s hanging on by a thread.
Kurt would kind of like to throw in the towel on every damn thing right now, but he would never do that to Elliott, and he owes Chandler a lot of payback for all the times Kurt’s changed his own schedule. So he tells Chandler not to worry about it, just to get there as soon as he can, and he sets his alarm.
Which is why Kurt is sitting behind the desk at Muse figuring out what proofs of purchase he’ll need to see in order to release artwork to a buying agent. All of the pieces sold to anonymous collectors are crated and stacked in the studio, with the exception of those that have already been retrieved. Every piece has a lot number and any collector or agent should have a printed receipt with the lot number for the piece they’ve purchased. It’s all pretty straightforward. 
He sighs and tries to think about quitting the gallery and going to Parma to beg for his shifts back. He’s wondering if Elliott will still move out and whether he’s doomed to being a waiter for his whole life and if he will ever sleep again when the gallery door swings open and Blaine’s friend Wesley Jiang walks in.
“Oh, hi, Wes.” Kurt greets him. “Nice surprise on a Tuesday. Shouldn’t you be doing lawyery things?”
“I am,” Wes replies with a tight smile. He waves a manilla envelope in Kurt’s direction. “I'm here to pick up some artwork? I was supposed to be meeting with Chandler?”
“Well, you’re stuck with me,” Kurt tells him. “You want Elliott’s pieces, right? Come on back.”
Kurt leads him to the studio where the sold pieces are waiting, and pulls out Elliott’s two canvases. He leans them against the wall and turns back to Wes. “I’ll just need to see your proofs of purchase,” he says, even though it’s mostly a formality. He knows that Wes is Blaine’s friend and he knows that Blaine bought two of Elliott’s paintings.
Wes hands him the two receipts that match the numbers on the two crates against the wall. Kurt’s about to thank him when he’s interrupted by Wes saying, “And of course I’ll need these too.”
He hands Kurt a little sheaf of papers, and he’s trying to match the numbers between crates and receipts when he suddenly realizes that Wesley Jiang is holding the receipt for every single one of Kurt’s pieces. Except the one that Rachel Berry has already taken home to her swanky apartment, of course. Every single one.
He turns around to face Wes, who’s just standing there expectantly. Kurt’s eyes narrow slightly and his head slowly tilts to one side, and anyone who knows Kurt would know that this is the time to beat a hasty retreat. But Wes doesn’t know Kurt, so he keeps on standing there as Kurt opens his mouth. And Chandler chooses that moment to burst into the studio with a breathless, “I’m here! I’m sorry! I made it!”
“Excellent,” Kurt hisses. And he marches from the gallery.
Blaine’s going to live to regret that he made arrangements with the concierge to give Kurt free reign of his apartment. Because when Kurt tramps into the building and straight to Blaine’s private elevator, Conrad doesn’t even blink. Just half-raises a hand in greeting and goes back to whatever he was doing. 
Kurt flings the apartment door open to an eerie stillness and looks wildly around for signs of life. Is Blaine not home? He’s about to start yelling when the man himself stumbles from the bedroom looking disheveled and bleary and utterly confused. Right. Red Eye. 
“Kurt?” he says stupidly.
Kurt’s voice is deadly clipped and quiet when he says “Did you think you could buy me?”
If Kurt weren’t so blindingly furious, he’d laugh at the confused puppy look on Blaine’s handsome face. As it is, he grits his teeth when Blaine blinks at him and says, “What?” as if he doesn’t speak English.
“Did you think you could buy me, Blaine?” he repeats. “I’m another acquisition for you? Is that what this is?
Kurt could just strangle him for the utter calm in his voice when Blaine says, “Kurt? Forgive me, but I’ve barely slept in the past forty-eight hours. What exactly are you talking about?”
His throat is tight and his jaw is clenched and he feels that tight knot in the middle of his chest that portends very bad things. “Blaine. Stop,” he snaps. “You bought all of my pieces. At the gallery. All of them.”
“I … Yes?” Blaine still looks thoroughly confused.
“Why?” Kurt spits.
“I’m sorry?”
“Why?” he repeats. But he’s not quiet any longer. He’s yelling and he’s furious and hurt and damn Blaine for being so adorable in his deceit. Goddammit.
“Why, Blaine? You didn’t even like them.” 
Blaine’s eyes widen and his mouth opens, but Kurt barrels on.
“Don’t,” he warns. “You didn’t like them. You called them passionless. So why the hell would you buy every one of them? What are you even going to do with them? The fancy dinners and the opera and the fucking gondola weren’t enough, Blaine? Huh? You had to make sure and seal the deal? I’m so stupid. I was halfway to being in love with you, and right now I feel so stupid and cheap –” 
He knows he’s going to cry if he keeps going, and that’s the last thing he’s going to do standing here in this apartment in front of this man. And Blaine’s standing there looking as if he’s been slapped, all the color gone from his face. It reminds Kurt a little of the very first time he saw him. 
“I’m done, Blaine.” His lip is starting to quiver and it makes him furious. “Don’t text me. Don’t call me. Don’t show up at my place of business. I’m sure you can find some other idiot who’s selling what you’re buying.”
Blaine’s body rocks backward ever so slightly. He looks pale and confused and so, so tired.
Kurt leaves the apartment without looking back.
Chapter 13
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cuddlypillow · 2 months
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A new chapter of A Tale of Two Princes is online! 👑
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myrmyrtheorca · 2 months
Hi, hi, Myell~! For Myr: "Which canon character annoys your OC?", "Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?" And "Who would probably have a crush on your OC?"
Hello Mimi!! You and JoJo filled my inbox this week and it makes me so happy, thank you both for your patronage qwq ✨
canon character that annoys her: answered here
which canon character respects her most and what gained that respect: so far in the story, probably Yamamoto for helping him out with Lambo in the first chapters. Tsuna does respect her, but right now it's more like he doesn't want to get on her nerves.
who would probably have a crush on her: @ketchup-chup will use this against me- ok so putting aside all those that are minors because I know puppy crushes are a thing but I don't go there, *stares at the list of characters who aren't minors* huh..... there aren't that many.... uuuuuhh........ Lancia would be a good candidate since he's slightly older and Myr seems like the type of girl he'd get along with. Honestly, they'd be good together. *fidgets*
butter please don't point your gun at me PLEASE
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st-riley-the-brave · 1 year
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[ A Kraftwerk fanfiction | All aboard! ]
• This is not a drill: Chapter 2 is up!
• Chapter 3 is up. All aboard!
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keepingloveagainkw · 2 years
Kyuwook Fest 2022 ~ a short ficlet collection~ [ Travel ]
Travel – Hectic schedules are finally matching and Kyuhyun is excited as he's planned a well deserved vacation, just him and Ryeowook on a magic island.
“Follow the line, please,” the managers were instructing “Don’t get distracted and just go through security, okay?”
They used to babysit the SJ members whenever they were travelling. The amount of cold-sweat they used to shed was unspeakable as there was always something going wrong while navigating airports: the fans could be too much to handle, some of their precious luggage could get lost, a member could get lost (possibly while shopping at the duty free and taking too much time instead of running after the staff).
Seriously, too many scenarios could happen during a brief visit through the airport, and the managers had to sit through classes so to learn them all and potentially prevent them from happening.
“Hyung,” Kyuhyun jogged to reach Ryeowook’s manager, tugging his hoodie to finally catch his attention. The man briefly swirled around and caught Kyuhyun’s worried expression. He drew in a loud sigh and nodded: “I know, Kyuhyun. Don’t worry, everything’s been taken care of. You only need to go through security and then I will tell you which gate you need to reach,”
Kyuhyun’s face lit up in joy as he stepped back and waited for Ryeowook to catch up with him.
“All good?” Ryeowook asked from behind the mask. He was clad in so many layers of clothes, it was actually hard to tell what he looked like, especially from under the bucket hat he wore to tame the messy hair he didn’t have a chance to comb that morning.
Nodding, Kyuhyun simply grasped Ryeowook’s arm that he linked to his own and led the way: “I’m just excited,”
“For what? Going home?” Ryeowook inquired, thinking of that as very weird way to express joy over something. It was true that most of them suffered homesickness quite fast, especially towards the type of cuisine they were used to have – every one of them packed instant ramyun and kimchi cans in their suitcases every time they travelled abroad – however for Kyuhyun to be extremely happy about sitting for fourteen hours straight on a plane was a bit too much to believe.
Kyuhyun kept silent, although Ryeowook noticed the small smirk on his boyfriend’s lips when he had to take off the mask to pass through controls. That smug expression told him that Kyuhyun was actually hiding something from him, and Ryeowook’s brain gears started moving frantically in a futile attempt to discern what that could be. After passing through security, Kyuhyun waited until the whole group was sitting down in the waiting area before he walked to Ryeowook and sat down with him.
“Care to tell me what you’re hiding?” Ryeowook promptly asked, his eyes never leaving the screen of his phone where he was quickly typing a text to his mother.
“So…” Kyuhyun began by clearing his voice “I checked our schedules and it seems we do have a few more days off that are overlapping and I was thinking – the man fished two flight tickets from his handbag – that maybe we could take one more holiday before going home,”
Stirring in his seat, Ryeowook stopped typing his message only to quickly move his shocked gaze on to Kyuhyun. The latter knew that Ryeowook was at loss for word, therefore he appealed to his hidden talent – a kind of cheesy cuteness that worked absolutely every time with Ryeowook – and with his most mellifluous voice tried his best to seduce his boyfriend into the idea “No managers, no members around. It’s just the two of us enjoying some quality time together as a couple,”
Kyuhyun ducked his head and reached Ryeowook’s ear, where he whispered in a very sensual way: “And if you don’t fancy visiting anything, we could just make love all day long, if you want,”
Blushing hard, Ryeowook quickly pushed Kyuhyun away, frantically looked around himself to see if anyone might have overheard the indecent proposal and finally clasped the man’s mouth shut, too scared to remind himself that – beside their team – no one else would understand them speak Korean.
“Are you crazy?!” Ryeowook asked, still flustered.
“Not at all,” Kyuhyun innocently batted his eyelashes and shrugged “I’m just madly in love with you and would like to take you to a nice place to spend some time together before going back to work,”
Carefully taking a look at the two tickets bound to Naples, Ryeowook stalled a bit, not really knowing what to say except for: “How long ago have you planned this out?”
It was clearly some kind of a mastermind’s plan, especially if Kyuhyun had bothered double-checking their schedules and making sure that they matched.
“Hmm, not too long ago, in fact a couple months, maybe?” Kyuhyun replied.
“The flight is leaving in one hour, Kyuhyun. The Gate is B-17,” the manager walked to the youngest member and explained.
Ryeowook threw a side glance to the manager before muttering: “You knew everything?”
The manager looked rather tired and simply rolled his eyes: “Of course, you know how tiresome Kyuhyun might be whenever he plans something. So, please, for the sake of my mental health, just move to the gate and enjoy your honeymoon, or he might come back home even crankier than before,” the man told about Kyuhyun, disregarding that he was in the presence of said member. Kyuhyun scoffed, highly offended for being accused to be cranky.
Sighing, Ryeowook stood up, knowing he had no room for debating about how he had rather been informed beforehand, instead of being highjacked onto a different flight out of whim.
“Let’s go then,” he said, grabbing his carry-on and slipping his free hand into Kyuhyun’s as he quietly moved towards the nearest lift.
Always quite independent, Kyuhyun had never followed anyone as he was now following closely Ryeowook, looking like a happy puppy wagging its tail after his owner. The two younger members of the group didn’t even bother to say goodbye to the elders, while they went on their own way, the excitement that had been visible on Kyuhyun’s radiant face was now flowing in Ryeowook’s veins too as he didn’t expect the sudden surprise travel. Usually, he would have better liked to know these things in advance, however he couldn’t not sympathise with Kyuhyun’s own excitement at the idea of spending some more time together and privately.
Lately they were always overworked and sticking to ridiculously long schedule that deprived them of their natural and physical wellbeing, literally leaving no room for secret dates or hanging out at the dorms like they were used to. As sad as it sounded, they were just too exhausted to enjoy themselves anymore.
Therefore when Ryeowook caught a glimpse of how brightly Kyuhyun’s eyes were shining at the idea of spending a couple of days completely alone and detached from what was their usual routine, he felt automatically and joyfully involved in the adventurous spirit of this secret getaway.
Even sitting on the low cost plane, where no one knew who they were, next to each other and indulging in a sweet hand-in-hand was felt as completely right, opposed to the sort of danger that would haunt the both of them if they weren’t careful with their fanservice back at home.
Because, individually, Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had never been particularly clingy throughout their lives, however when it came to each other, they were aching to be touchy. It wasn’t done as a show-off, rather an intimate and unspoken agreement that they had in order to check in with the other.
A light squeeze of the arm, fixing each other’s hair, wiping off some sweat during practice or plucking out something stuck in the lashes… these were just a few of the motions that the two lovers would usually find themselves to do and it was automatic, almost relieving knowing that one had the other’s back and vice versa.
However it happened that many of these intimate moments would naturally develop into something even bigger – linking arms together, a hug, even a shy kiss on the cheek – and although their fans liked to witness the skin-ship, Super Junior’s staff was almost always on the verge of a heart attack as Ryeowook and Kyuhyun knew better than to give into their natural need to be physical in front of millions prying eyes.
“Our destination is not really Naples though,” Kyuhyun leaned to his left side, showing a guide book to Ryeowook, who looked curious and so very interested to know more of his boyfriend’s plans “Ever since I heard of Capri in a documentary I’ve thought this is the perfect destination for us to disappear between the tourists and enjoy ourselves,” he explained, pointing at what looked like a various array of activities to do and things to see.
Ryeowook’s eyes shone in surprise as he quickly scanned all the bright pictures in the book: the sea looked astonishingly beautiful in the brochure and the food was absolutely mouth-watering. But in particular, all the bright colours that were typical of the Mediterranean scene looked absolutely awesome in that book, Ryeowook had to literally brace himself as his heart beat faster and faster at the idea of spending some quality time in a small isle that was considered to be a local gem.
“Thank you,” Ryeowook whispered, overlapping his hand on Kyuhyun’s and letting his fingers slip through the man’s in a sweet hold. Kyuhyun looked at their hands before turning to Ryeowook and placing a kiss on his head: “Anytime,” he softly answered, finally conscious that, as they sat for that short-haul flight to Southern Italy, the two of them were finally unknown to the world and could behave like two fools in love.
And this truly happened. Because Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had never felt as carefree and in love as during that little getaway.
For them, Capri was an explosion of colours and smells. With its signature lemon orchards nearing the steep, narrow streets where bands of kids freely played often bare foot; the rose gardens that could be spotted wildly growing behind the decadent ruins of a multiple storey-building that had happened to be the abode of a fallen Count in the past; the sapphire blue waves smoothly embracing the sea stacks; or the pungent smell of seafood freshly fished by old men who had followed nothing else but the call from the sea for their entire life.
These were just a few of the numerous wonders that had helped the two singers to re-ignite the flame of their mutual feelings. Nothing else would matter if one were to live without the other, however everything would be enhanced to the full potential, were they both together and enjoying each other’s company. No one could understand this concept better than Kyuhyun.
One night Kyuhyun was deep in thought while he was sitting in the large, pebbled courtyard of the rustic bed and breakfast accommodation he had found, a newly refurbished manor that counted a good bunch of bedrooms decorated in the old-fashioned yet luxurious Borbone style, that belonged to an old lady who took pride in her possession and wanted to share it with travellers from all over the world.
She was right. It would have been a pity if she hadn’t opened the doors to her house to people who sought a bit of calm in a corner of paradise like that one. Intently looking at the star-quilted sky, too bad that Seoul didn’t offer the same view due to the pollution, Kyuhyun didn’t even realize he was gaping so hard in the silence of the night until creaky footsteps wonkily approached him from afar and stopped just behind him.
“Why so deep in thought?”
Startled, as his train of thoughts was interrupted, Kyuhyun turned around only to find Maria, the old lady, squinting her eyes at him as she offered a wrinkly smile.
Despite being left alone after losing her whole family, Maria was still lively and active and worked as the main cook of the household so to brighten up everyone’s days with her delicious dishes cooked the traditional way: lots of freshly sourced ingredients, seasoned by a pinch of love and happiness.
She had also worked very hard to learn a bit of English which – although not polished or nearly perfect – allowed her to communicate with her guests. Like she had been doing with Kyuhyun for the past few days.
He smiled back, strangely reassured by the presence of the granny, and patted his hand onto the cushions of the couch where he was sitting on, silently inviting the woman to have a seat with him.
“Where’s your friend?” she asked again, sitting down and smoothing the apron that was safely guarding her sleeveless dress from stains and dirt.
“He’s sleeping,” Kyuhyun replied with a sigh, resorting to what little English he had gathered in his mind from the past – futile – lessons the company had offered him over time.
The lady nodded, acknowledging the reason why he had met Kyuhyun all by himself. Usually he would always be seen with Ryeowook by his side and it took very little to the whole amount of strangers and backpackers populating that house to label them as a very cute couple. Regardless of their status as celebrities, they were still regarded as a good-looking and pleasant couple to the eyes of unknown people.  
With a deep sigh that conveyed stress and frustration, Kyuhyun turned to the lady and without even knowing why, he blurted: “You know, he’s not my friend. I mean, he’s also my friend but not only,”
The lady looked at him deeply in the eyes, finding in them a mix of feelings that she could hardly label: exhaustion, anxiousness, but also the thrilling excitement and freedom he must have felt soon after revealing such truth.
“I know,” she nodded again before bringing both hands over her own chest and mumbling one word: “Lovers,”
Uncertain about what reaction to show, Kyuhyun could only still in place and let his mouth ajar to convey shocked surprise. He would have deemed the granny too traditionalist to even notice such a fundamental difference between a mere friendship and the one connection he had to Ryeowook, however he could now understand what everyone said about elderly people and how cunning at grasping hints they could be. His own mother wasn’t as old as Maria, but she could understand quickly enough when Kyuhyun’s feelings for Ryeowook had changed. Perhaps even before Kyuhyun could realise it. However that must have been just a motherly instinct.  
“Look,” Maria fiddled with the big pocket on the front of her apron and took out a few, black and white pictures. In all of them a fairly tall, black-haired man was seen by the side of a young, beautiful girl, who smiled contentedly as if the camera had managed to depict one single second of ever-lasting happiness with that shot.
“My husband, Luigi,” she explained, brushing a calloused thumb across the surface of the thin, fragile-looking, old picture “My family didn’t like him, we ran away for love,”
Struck at the idea of two teenagers eloping for the sake of their feelings for each other, Kyuhyun tried to imagine this alternative scenario in which he would run away from the spotlight of celebrity with Ryeowook, willing accomplice of such a plan.
“I can’t run away with him, at least not where I come from,” Kyuhyun briefly explained. Quickly saddened by the realisation of how impossible that could be, he then couldn’t hold back another deep sigh of resignation. Too much was the burden of responsibility he felt towards Super Junior, their fans and also the job he loved to do. Everything – including their safety – would be jeopardised and Kyuhyun couldn’t say if that was any worthy a try. He would probably still be able to face the press with his head up high, but he wasn’t so sure about Ryeowook and how hurt he could be if continuously targeted by malicious comments. Shaking his head, Kyuhyun decided it was best not to taste said scenario.
“Maybe not, but you can always marry him,” she insisted, making Kyuhyun scoff in that signature way of his that made him sound like he was indeed tired of repeating himself.
“I understand it’s not easy, but I feel your frustration,” Maria told him, fiddling some more with the big pocket from which she fished two thin golden rings that she held in her hand with such a care and devotion Kyuhyun had never seen before: “Take these and promise him your love. Like me and Luigi did,”
Warily, Kyuhyun waited a bit before taking the two thin bands: “I… can’t,”
“We never had a proper wedding either,” Maria revealed. She then pointed straight ahead, where the old lighthouse was lit and operating to show the way home for the boats in open sea: “It was a hot, summer night like this one. There were many stars in the sky when we walked along the shore to the lighthouse. He showed me the rings and I understood what he wanted to do,”
“Things like these don’t require anyone’s approval. And that’s the beauty of love,” Maria patted Kyuhyun’s back, aiming to comfort him like she would have done to her own grandson “That’s… amore,” she then added, with that funny yet heart-warming Southern accent that was making her sound even wiser.
“Thank you,” Kyuhyun mumbled, quickly hugging Maria to show her gratefulness. A that point, his own heart was beating so fast it was about to explode at the idea of doing such a silly thing as marrying Ryeowook in that unofficial but characteristic way. It was the only one. Something totally needed to ease his own concerns about this long-lasting, secret relationship that he entertained with Ryeowook and whose nature no one had to know.
He quickly glanced up high towards the tall walls of the building, focusing on the one shutters of the dark bedroom where he knew Ryeowook was peacefully sleeping. They were staying on the beautiful isle one more day, that time had to be enough to organise something worthy to take Ryeowook’s breath away.
Fast imagining his boyfriend’s cute, surprised expression – or at least he hoped that could be it – Kyuhyun gulped down to ease all his worries and stash them away where nothing else could have had poked them alive anymore.
With the two rings rolling in his sweaty hold, he climbed the marbled staircase up to his bedroom. There Kyuhyun’s heart beat even faster when his eyes landed on the curled lump that was Ryeowook, serenely asleep and enveloped in the thin bed sheets. Sighing, profoundly inspired by his feelings, Kyuhyun decided to take a seat at the desk. Intently scribbling down a few sentences on several different pieces of paper, he tried hard to convey with exact words how meaningful Ryeowook was to him. How special and right their Love was.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 (end)
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insinirate · 1 year
To the anon who said kw is a rarepair: it has more fanfic/art than knives/Legato and gets new art literally every day that get thousands of likes. kw gets more likes and kudos than plantcest lately I've noticed, I feel like at the rate it's growing it will become the main Knives ship because people who prefer him bottoming can project onto it and people who prefer ww bottoming can do the same. It won't overtake Vashwood, but yeah, I don't see plantcest remaining the default Knives ship at this rate especially since it's incest and therefore blatantly problematic (people like the anon who said "I can't openly like your content since I have anti friends") which opens you up to receiving constant abuse from antis, whereas people can ignore whatever problematic elements are in kniveswood the same way they do vashwood and project whatever they want onto it. KVW has also mostly become KWV with ww being the center or Knives being in the middle while Vash gets little focus. tl;dr kw is definitely NOT a rarepair anymore
first of all: do not ever say 'kw' and 'knives bottoming' in the same sentence to me ever again, same with 'kvw > kwv is used in order of character importance'
second of all does anyone wanna talk about how expensive all the clothes nai gets his favorite puppy is and how vash basically never wears any of it
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by-kilian · 11 months
hey kw! i saw you were doing an ask game so here i am! i hope you’re doing well and life is treating you good. i still need to catch up on STH i’m slackinggggg but life is beating my ass. trust i’ll do it soon i actually have some time off coming up so i’ll be in your dms crying about levi and kilian look forward to that 😫😂 OKAY now for the game i chose 🌻💎🎀! i’m looking forward to your answers!
Hi my heart! You know you're welcome in my inbox anytime, it does NOT have to be when I have an ask game circulating 🥺❤️❤️. I am doing much better and life is being a lot kinder to me now, but I am so sorry to hear it's been hard for you. As for STH, don't even worry about catching up. Like I told a friend today, you still have your own life to live! The story will be there when you're ready for it. Plus with how long I take to write these days, that is doubly true LMFAO.
I'll answer your questions under the cut meanwhile, and thank you for entertaining it!
🌻 What makes you want to give up on writing? What makes you keep going?
This is a really good question. I think the only thing that makes me want to give up on writing lately is lack of genuine community and interaction. I don't mean this way other people may typically mean it either. I think you all know how I feel about comments, kudos, likes, reblogs, etc.--they're lovely but they are bonuses to me in regards to writing. I don't need those things to stay motivated and I will never tell readers how they need to interact with my stories, nor will I ever demand that they do XYZ in order for their love to be valid.
However, I have noticed recently that everybody's interactions with fics has dipped down within the last year, not just on tumblr but on AO3 too. A lot of people just like things and move on and that's it and nothing else. You're always tossing your works out into the ether when you write and post, but it doesn't necessarily feel great to see people sifting through your works and clearly liking them but they never drop a thanks or mention anything else about the work otherwise. It kind of makes you feel like a content machine and you're like "oh, okay, thank you! 🧍🏻‍♀️" to nothing or no one in particular because you don't get anything else from that kind of interaction.
This isn't fandom specific either, it's across the board. I think fandom/fanfic landscape and how people interact within fandoms across the board has changed a lot because people do not commune anymore. We all got into this because we share a common interest, but these days everyone just kind of keeps to themselves and I truly wish we all wore our hearts on our sleeves a bit more. I get both sides of it! But fandoms are about community, and community means nothing if we're all isolated. It used to be a lot more of a give and take between readers and authors where people could thoughtfully engage in conversations, and these days I don't really see that as much as before. I'm sure there are various (many very valid) reasons as to why, but I think what I'm saying is I miss the sense of community. It's no one's fault either so I don't want to make it seem like I'm blaming anyone in particular. I think it's just the way things are these days because fandom culture itself has changed and it makes me a bit sad is all. It's definitely one of the reasons why I often think about and talk about retiring from writing.
But on a positive note, what does keep me going is my personal love for writing, and then moments like this, no Kelly Clarkson! When I recognize frequent names and realize there are some readers who I've spoken to for years that are still speaking to me now, it brings me a lot of joy. Those connections are so lovely, and I value it a lot. ❤️ Those two things are what keeps me going.
💎 Why is writing important to you?
Writing is important to me because I love the art of writing. I love everything about literature and telling stories. I think there is such a beauty to it. Everyone has a story to tell and be told. That is why it's important to me.
🎀 Give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I'm really good at creating memorable, immersive moments that you take with you even when you're done with the story.
On an end note, I really am sending you all my love and hoping things look up for you soon. Lots of love and hugs. Thanks so much for being you, always! :3
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It's back! Everyone is invited to participate by writing Klaine drabbles, one-shots, and/or multi-chapter fanfics! If you're not a writer, you can participate by reading and leaving love for the authors (or helping us spread the word by reblogging)! More details coming soon!
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bitbybitwrites · 1 year
Sanctuary - Klaine fan fic (Klaine Word Scramble 2023) - Chp 1
So here's a little something I've been thinking about, which was inspired by this artwork by @datshitrandom and a sort of a prompt by @justgleekout who had asked for a medieval prince!blaine and an elf!kurt meeting in the woods.
And so this fic was born.
Also, I'm really fascinated by the @klaine-word-scramble challenge. I've loved the stories that folks have written so far for it, so here's me taking a ( really slow- because that's just how I roll) start on it.
Not sure how many of the prompts will finish out the story - I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one. Also note - the rating may or may not change as well.
Thanks for coming along for the ride!
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Elf!Kurt, medievalprince!blaine, klainewordscramble2023
Collections:Klaine Word Scramble 2023
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gleefulpoppet · 1 year
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For the @klaine-word-scramble 2023 challenge. Chapter 1: Power Over Me [3245 Words] [AU] Kurt is one of the most respected and talked about men in the fashion industry and business world. His Style•Revolution app is the fastest-growing app in history. Recently, he moved the company to Seattle to be at the heart of the newest technology epicenter in the United States. Yet with all his success, experience keeps teaching him to be wary of people’s motives who want to be close to him, and he wonders if he’ll be alone forever. Or maybe this city has plans for him that he can’t imagine when his gaze locks with a mysterious man with golden eyes.
You can read it from the beginning on AO3 [here].
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Chapter 10
Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 4 Chap 5 Chap 6 Chap 7 Chap 8 Chap 9 on Ao3
*WARNING: explicit chapter*
Day 10: HEDIANL = inhaled
Kurt’s already inhaled three cups of coffee by the time Elliott emerges blearily from his bedroom Saturday morning. He feels jittery and electric, like even his skin is newly alive. It’s not the caffeine. It’s also, apparently, not subtle.
“Good night?” Elliott asks with a smirk as he shambles toward the coffee pot.
Kurt tries to look nonchalant. He’s pretty sure he fails miserably. “It was,” he says.
“Bankers, am I right?” Elliott asks smugly. 
“Lawyer,” Kurt sings back. He can’t keep a straight face, though.
The two of them grin at each other like lunatics across the apartment. Elliott leans back into the sofa with a contented sigh and crosses his ankles on the coffee table. “Well, would ya look at us,” he hums.
Kurt doesn't even yell at him to get his damn boots off the table. 
Saturdays are his worst day of the week. He works all day at the gallery and then rushes home to change before working all night at the restaurant. All he really wants to do on this particular Saturday is sit around sighing dreamily, so it makes sense that the gallery is packed all morning, and he doesn’t have time to think.
Thankfully, there’s a lull after lunch. He’s just dropped into the high desk chair when he hears the gallery door open and groans quietly. But it’s not a patron. It’s the same delivery woman. This time carrying a massive bouquet that must have cost a small fortune.
Like before, there are burgundy roses. But the orange blooms this time are lilies, and there are brilliant hot pink dahlias and eerie white passionflowers, too. The overall effect is of something wild and otherworldly and Kurt feels as though he’s seeing himself described in the language of flowers: passionate, dreamy, hot, classic, romantic, unusual. He loves it. 
The delivery woman places the card in his hand with a little nod. Before she turns for the door she gazes at Kurt with admiration painted over her face. “Gotta hand it to ya,” she says. “You’re good.” Kurt waits until she’s gone to open the envelope.
The card says simply, When can I see you? –B. 
Kurt feels like a middle schooler as he clutches it to his chest with a sigh.
Unfortunately, weeknights aren’t good for Blaine right now, and Kurt makes most of his money on his weekend shifts, so it takes Chandler volunteering to permanently cover Friday nights at the gallery for the second date to happen. Kurt feels a little guilty, but Chandler just brushes the whole thing off since, ‘apparently I’m the only one around here who has nothing to do on Friday nights.’ Kurt pulls a sad face for Chandler’s benefit and says he owes him one. And then he texts Blaine just one word. Friday?
Kurt doesn’t even know where he’s headed when Paul arrives to pick him up. Blaine had sent him a time and asked for an address, and now he’s once again being whisked through the New York Streets in the black Mercedes. It takes a few minutes before he realizes that the car seems to be headed to the Upper East Side. He’s going to Blaine’s apartment. 
Thankfully, it's a long enough drive that he has time to get his nerves under control before Paul pulls up alongside a luxurious apartment building and alights to release Kurt from the back of the car. “Just head in, sir,” the driver says politely. “Conrad will send you up.” At Kurt’s quizzical look, he offers, “The concierge, sir. You’re expected,” before stepping back around the car.
Kurt’s tasting his own heartbeat as he steps out of the elevator into the foyer of Blaine’s apartment. He feels a little like a fish out of water, gasping out his last breaths on the expensive oriental carpet. Then Blaine is stepping into the foyer and Kurt’s whole body tingles .
Blaine’s wearing a dark green, crocheted silk polo that clings to his torso in all the right places and a pair of dark wash jeans that fit him like a glove. He’s barefoot and holding a spatula in his hand and oh jesus Kurt thinks the man should just change his name to sex and be done with it.
“Smells delicious,” he manages to squeak as Blaine leans in to kiss his cheek.
“Salmon,” Blaine announces. “With roasted potatoes and fennel. Hello, you.”
“Hi,” Kurt's breath gushes out of him with the greeting. I’m okay, this is okay runs like a mantra through his head.
He’d thought that Blaine would live in one of those boring, monochromatic, ultramodern New York apartments. He doesn’t. His home is warm, with deep blue drapes and parquet floors and a 1920s aesthetic that Kurt adores. There’s contemporary art on the walls and a giant chrome vase full of white tulips on the coffee table. Early New Orleans-style jazz drifts from hidden speakers and the dining table is already set for two, Chardonnay chilling beside two waiting glasses.
He follows Blaine into the kitchen and offers to help with dinner. “But first,” he says, “pinch me.”
Blaine smiles at him as if Kurt’s some secret treasure he’s just discovered. “I’ll do you one better,” he replies, and then he’s kissing Kurt, gentle yet urgent, and Kurt feels it all the way down to his feet. 
They talk over dinner and too much wine, learning each other but impatient with the electricity zinging between them. Kurt, at 23, is working toward making a living with his art. Blaine, at 29, is settled into a good career that he enjoys. They both love Broadway and fashion and cooking and are passionate about their left-leaning politics. Kurt prefers white wine while Blaine likes red but they both think dark chocolate is the only chocolate worth eating. 
Kurt is fiery and Blaine is calm. But it’s Blaine who knocks over Kurt’s empty wine glass when he pulls him to his feet to dance to Billie Holiday’s Solitude standing right there next to the dining table. Neither of them notices.
And it’s Blaine who mumbles, “You,” against Kurt’s lips as if the word holds a dictionary full of meaning and drags him into the bedroom by both wrists. They don’t stop kissing the whole way.
Blaine is a sexy, sweet combination of considerate and passionate as a lover. Kurt loses track of how many times he hears “Can I…” and “May I…,” but the look in Blaine’s eyes and slight tremble of his fingers tells Kurt how much he wants.
When Kurt finally grunts “Jesus, Blaine, stop asking. I want you,” it’s a bursting dam of uncontrolled greed. Blaine clutches his face with both hands, one thumb in Kurt’s mouth alongside his tongue, and thrusts his hips against Kurt’s with a groan. 
He gropes clumsily into the bedside table with one hand, never fully letting go of Kurt’s body, and then there’s a pillow under his hips and Blaine’s lubed index finger is caressing his hole. The whole time his fingers are working, Blaine’s kissing and licking and biting at his nipples, his ribs, his stomach and Kurt’s already flailing with needing more, more, more.
By the time he’s three fingers deep, Blaine has Kurt’s straining cock in his mouth and he’s moaning like he’s the one being sucked off. Kurt’s babbling “oh, god, oh god, oh god” when Blaine slides his fingers across his prostate, and Kurt makes a deep, guttural noise he’s most certainly never made in his life before.
Then Blaine’s fumbling with the condom and pushing in, gentle but insistent, and Kurt feels a rush of emotion coiling deep in his belly. He raises his knees and clutches at Blaine’s neck and arches his back. Blaine’s biting his neck and his ear and repeating his name like some kind of obscene prayer as he fucks him and Kurt is just lost in frantic bliss and want. He can feel Blaine shaking over him and he never, never wants this to end. God.
And then Blaine’s stroking his cock fast and hard with his lubed hand and caressing his prostate with every stroke, and Kurt feels the coil of emotion rising up, up, up, into his chest as his balls tighten, and then he’s coming over Blaine’s fist again and again. Blaine follows him over the edge only a moment later, groaning out Kurt’s name. Then he lowers his forehead to Kurt’s shoulder and lies there holding him. And Kurt feels tears leaking down the sides of his face into the pillow.
They’re both half asleep. Blaine has cleaned them up with an impossibly soft cloth from somewhere and brought them each a glass of water. Kurt rolls to the edge of the bed, wondering if Paul is somewhere around at this hour or if he’s going to need to catch a train, when Blaine throws an arm around his waist and drags him back so that he’s flush against Blaine’s chest. “No,” he grunts. “Stay.” Another command.
Kurt does.
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cuddlypillow · 1 year
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
 Chapter 4 is fresh out of the press!
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myrmyrtheorca · 29 days
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DISCLAIMER: English isn't my first language, I apologize in advance for any spelling or syntax mistakes on my part. If you feel like something in my posts isn't clear and wish to correct me, please do so through DMs! I'll be more than happy to learn and improve.
Dividers by: @/saradika, @/saradika-graphics
Ocean dividers by: @/firefly-graphics
Masterlist banner by: @/saradika-graphics
Navigation banner by: @/saradika
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Killer Whale. (Ao3 profile) [A Katekyo Hitman Reborn Fanfiction]
LAST CHAPTER: ACT 1, Ch. 7 [08/09] NEXT CHAPTER: ACT 1, Ch. 8 [ETA 27/09]
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Character sheets: Myr (old ver), Lidija (old ver.), Anemone (old ver.), Tristam
Info sheets: Pallid Flame, found note
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#khr killer whale for anything about KW
OC tags: #myr killer whale, #lidija killer whale, #anemone killer whale, #tristam killer whale, #cavalieri family
#myell's mini haul for merch hauls
#myell thinks for headcanons and general KHR thoughts
#myell draws for doodles and artworks made by me
#ask the myell for ask games/answers
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General info:
Ciao~ my name is Myell, my pronouns are she/her and this is both my personal blog and my fanfic's archive! Have a fun stay 🩵🦈
Killer Whale's chapters are normally released on a three-weeks schedule, so to give myself the time to translate and edit them without rushing. Still, be on the lookout for a post here or through #fanfic updates if anything needs to be delayed. Doing my best! Thank you for your patience ✨
Project Killer Whale (name to change? fuck it we ball) is a retelling of the canon story with the addition of a few OC elements, mainly the protagonist and her context. I don't have a beta reader. It's my first ever full fledged fanfiction, and it means a lot to me.
I'm always open to feedback and questions about my work, so do not hesitate to contact me through asks or DMs if you need to!
All the art I post is made by me (unless stated otherwise, like for comms posted with the artist's permission).
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Ask box:
open and more than willing to accept any kind of questions, OC asks, questions about KW Project or KHR in general, ask games, questions about if Myell has eaten mold again this week
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