#kwami of clarity
mymiraclebox · 1 year
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Llucie's bio is now up!
Llucie, the Caiman kwami of Clarity. Llucie is a clever and cunning kwami, who is always well aware of what is happening around her. She tends to chew on things as she sleeps, and has a love for puns.
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otakuwithapen · 11 months
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What happens when you take Evil Chat #1 (Chat Blanc) and mix him with Evil Chat #2 (Claw Noir)? You get Claw Blanc! He is very very not okay.
The story so far (Content Warning: Attempted Suicide)
During one of Claw Noir and Shadybugs’ arguments, Betterfly attempts to intervene. He sends a Kamiko in the hopes of calming at least one of them down enough to talk. Shadybug notices the Kamiko and shoved Claw Noir in the way. Claw, reacting too slow to Cataclysm the butterfly, is Kamikotized into Claw Blanc and given the power of Hindsight to see the error of his ways.
Unfortunately, as Betterfly attempts to talk to Claw Blanc, he manages only to send him into a crisis of identity. Shadybug and Betterfly can hardly get a word in before Claw Blanc flees. Claw spends the next few days in hiding, the Kamiko stopping him from transforming back and plaguing him with horrible clarity. He’s haunted by flashes of everything he’s done, everyone he’s hurt, with and without his Miraculous. Everything he’s done in the name of The Supreme—everything he’s done in the name of his own amusement. Every innocent civilian he’d scared back into like, every Kamikotized hero he’d beaten to a pump.
For nearly a week, Shadybug searches for Claw in an attempt to bring him to his senses. After all, as much as she loathed to admit it, he was useful.
For nearly a week, Betterfly spends his nights searching for Claw in order to speak with him—meanwhile Gabriel’s days are consumed seeking his absent son.
Both find what they’re looking for at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Claw Blanc looks terrible. He looks exhausted. His cheeks are streaked with the drying wake of fallen tears. Had his eyes not already been red, they’d have been bloodshot. His hair was messy—not in the intentional, chaotic fashion he usually kept it, but in a way achieved only by neglect and nights spend in and out of sparse, fitful sleep.
Betterfly steps forward, opening his mouth to speak, before Claw Blanc cuts him off.
He was right all along. All the innocents hurt, all the little glimmers of light stomped out, Betterfly had been right all along. Shadybug and Claw Noir weren’t helping anyone. They weren’t even helping themselves. All they were was The Supreme’s personal militia, stalking the streets like pests. Claw Blanc thought back to the look on Plagg’s face every time he detransformed; horrified yet acceptant. Even the Kwami knew this was all wrong.
Shadybug and Betterfly both tried to interject to little avail, they conflicting arguments white noise to Claw. He raised his hand skywards, focusing his power into his palm. An ever present pain roared through his nerves, the decay comforting in some morbid way. He couldn’t help but wonder if Shadybug felt that same pain. Karma for all they’d done—all they’d hurt. He muttered a half-hearted apology as the destructive energy condensed into a tangible sphere. He wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore. He closed his eyes.
Pain seared in his chest, causing him to fall to his knees as his nerves screamed in agonizing harmony. For a moment, Claw wondered if this is how every hero he’d used his power on felt. Every out-of-line civilian. For a moment Claw knew nothing but white-hot pain. He heard Shadybug and Betterfly crying out for him.
As soon as it came, it was gone. The burning stopped. Claw Blanc was still for a long moment before opening his eyes again. He stared down, where his hand sat pressed against his chest. Had something gone wrong? Slowly he looked up, eyes widening at the scene before him. He stood in a charred crater, starting down two statues. One held her arms over her face as if to defend herself from some attacker, the other reached forward, offering an undeserved hand to his most bitter enemy. The ambiance of Paris was gone. No people chattered. No birds sang. No pestilent bugs nagged him for his apathy. There was nothing.
In his attempt to stop himself from hurting anyone, Claw Blanc realized, he had destroyed everyone.
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bakawitch · 6 months
The Ballet Miracle Box
A miracle box that originates from Russia. Its currently assigned guardian is Master Valeriya Chaikovsky.
Top Tier Miraculous
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White Swan of Illumination
Kwami: Odette
Miraculous: hair comb
Weapon: bow (limitless ammo)
Let's dance!
Let's rest!
Recharge food: custard
Purge - The user can shoot a concentrated energy arrow at a target affected by some sort of magic and purify them of all effects. The arrow also brings clarity and reason to those influenced or lost.
Windfall - The user can shoot an energy arrow and if it hits its target, the target becomes temporarily invulnerable to all damage and external effects.
Pinion - The user can grow and retract a pair of white swan wings somewhere on their body at will.
Origin: Odette, Swan Lake
Black Swan of Oblivion
Kwami: Odille
Miraculous: hair clip
Weapon: bladed fan
Lights out!
Lights on!
Recharge food: coffee jelly
Abstract - The user can release an energy feather and once it reaches a person and enters their soul, the user can communicate with them in the form of simple instructions. Once communication is established the user can abstract the form of the affected person into a monstrous creature. The user can give instructions to the monster, but the monster does not have to follow them. The user can choose to withdraw the energy feather on undo the Abstraction and leave it inside the person's soul for later reactivation.
Maelstrom - The user can release an energy ball from their fan and target an organism capable of retaining memories. Once the energy ball hits its target their memories will be erased. Whether only a few minutes, days or months are erased is up to the user. Maelstrom acts as a form of amnesia. The target can still retain general knowledge.
Pennon - The user can grow and retract a pair of black swan wings somewhere on their body at will.
Origin: Odile, Swan Lake
Middle Tier Miraculous
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Bear of Manifestation
Kwami: Teddi
Miraculous: pendant
Weapon: studed boxing gloves
Recharge food: blueberry
Overbear - The user can manifest a corporeal projection around themselves in the shape of a bear. This bear bestows enhanced strength on the users while they puppet the bear. The bear cannot be smaller than the user, but it can be as big as the user wills it to be, limited only by the user's energy.
Patchwork - The user can summon small bear shaped minions (Cubbies) for assistance. The number of minions (Cubbies) is limited by the users experience, level of skill and energy.
Origin: Clara, The Nutcracker
Squirrel of Demolition
Kwami: Keshuu
Miraculous: collar chain
Weapon: sabre
Nestle down!
Recharge food: cashew nut
Unnamed Power - The user can summon a nut shaped energy bomb and release it at a set target. More skilled users can change the course of the bomb and have better control over it's movement., size and destructive power.
Scatter - The user's blade can release energy blasts in the shape and direction of it's slices.
Origin: Nutcracker, The Nutcracker
Rat of Caution
Kwami: Muuri
Miraculous: crown
Weapon: whip
Recharge food: chocolate
King's Choice - The user can mentally perceive multiple possibilities of the future, and pick witch path they want to take/fulfil. Once a path is started by the user, it will come to be and external forces cannot interfere with the path.
Oversight - The user can conjure eyes which they can see through to any location of their choice as long as they're aware of where a location is.
Origin: Mouse King, The Nutcracker
Lion of Domination
Kwami: Reggi
Miraculous: eyepatch
Weapon: axe
Recharge food: ginger snap
Pride - The user can take control of people of anyone who looks in their eyes. The number of people a user can control is limited by experience, energy and skill.
Outroar - The user can emit a loud sonic roar that has the effect of stunning and overwhelming anyone who hears it.
Origin: Mother Ginger, The Nutcracker
Ladybugs of Reflection
Kwami: Plumm & Dropp
she/her she/her
Miraculous: earrings
Weapon: twin rapiers
Spots swirl!
Spots still!
Recharge food: sugar cookie & peony flower
Twofold - The user can create mirrored versions of any items of their choice. The mirrored versions are functional but their structure is faced the exact opposite way around.
Selfdom - The user's reflection becomes semi aware and the user can merge with it at will. This happens by the user being able to jump into reflective surfaces and move freely in a mirrored world. They can also move between different reflective surfaces and exit at will.
Origin: Sugar Plum Fairy and Dew Drop Fairy, The Nutcracker
Bottom Tier Miraculous
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Lamb of Connection
Kwami: Eewe
Miraculous: bell choker
Weapon: spindle
Fluff my fleece!
Recharge food: chamomile tea
Heardmind - The user has the ability to establish a telepathic connection between multiple people as long as they are touched by the spindle's thread. This links the affected people's inner thoughts, emotions and sensations.
Origin: Aurora, The Sleeping Beauty
Starling of Elongation
Kwami: Perii
Miraculous: brooch
Weapon: gloves
Raise my stars!
Recharge food: sunflower seed
Ever-After - This allows the user to slow down time around themselves to nearly a complete stopping point while the user is still able to move at a normal speed. The user can keep other people from slowing down by physical contact before activating this ability.
Origin: Lilac Fairy, The Sleeping Beauty
Raven of Affliction
Kwami: Coor
Miraculous: bar pin
Weapon: staff
Recharge food: marinated egg
Blight - The user can corrupt other people with a limitation of their choice. This limitation cannot be broken, because if it is, the afflicted person will experience great pain. The more that limitation is broken, the more corruption will affect the target in the form of a blackness spreading over their skin. Once the corruption reaches over the victim's heart the victim becomes completely bedridden.
Origin: Fairy of Darkness, The Sleeping Beauty
White Cat of Condition
Kwami: Baan
Miraculous: ribbon
Weapon: ribbon wand
Recharge food: caviar
Kismet - The user can manipulate chance and luck. Whenever the user is doing something or is in danger, external forces will intervene to protect the user and make things go their way for a set amount of time after activation This luck can be shared with people through physical contact. The amount of people this can be shared with and the length Kismet stays active is limited by the energy and skill level of the user.
Origin: White Cat, The Sleeping Beauty
Bluebird of Rejuvination
Kwami: Bluu
Miraculous: locket
Weapon: microphone
Recharge food: elderberry
Reverb - The user can sing a song and whomever hears it will experience a spiritual, physical and mental healing. Reverb can only cure physical injuries that happened recently. This state of healing is usually a soothing lulling experience.
Origin: Bluebird, The Sleeping Beauty
Alpaca of Sedation
Kwami: Sreen
Miraculous: sleeping mask
Weapon: lantern
Recharge food: marshmallow
Dreamland - The user can make people go to sleep if they focus on the light of the user's lantern. Once the target loses consciousness, the user can physically enter the target's dream and discover information by manipulating the dreams the target is having.
Origin: Fairy of Serenity, The Sleeping Beauty
Canary of Elation
Kwami: Twee
Miraculous: armlet
Weapon: flute
Recharge food: jellybean
Birdsong - The user can summon a random object that would help themselves or a target have fun at that specific moment.
Origin: Fairy of Playfulness
Racoon of Crystallisation
Kwami: Vorra
Miraculous: ring
Weapon: bat
Mask on!
Mask off!
Recharge food: sausage
Lustre - The user can cause a green crystalline material to grow around an object they touch. This crystal is very durable and hard to break without a miraculous tool.
Origin: The Jewels, The Sleeping Beauty
Horse of Evasion
Kwami: Ella
Miraculous: cufflinks
Weapon: skates
Recharge food: pumpkin pie
Escapade - The user becomes incorporeal and gains the ability to phase through solids and liquids.
Origin: Cinderella, Cinderella
Dove of Transformation
Kwami: Naacr
Miraculous: fascinator
Weapon: marbles
Glamour on!
Glamour off!
Recharge food: baguette
Transfigure - The user has the ability to physically transform into anything of their choice, by dropping a marble and cracking it.
Origin: Fairy Godmother, Cinderella
Wolf of Preservation
Kwami: Fross
Miraculous: fang necklace
Weapon: shepherd's cane
Recharge food: beef jerky
North Wind - The user can summon a cold, freezing wind and bend it to their will. This wind is cold enough to freeze its surroundings.
Origin: Winter Fairy, Cinderella
Fox of Excavation
Kwami: Till
Miraculous: hairpin
Weapon: mochi hammer
Tunnel up!
Tunnel down!
Recharge food: avocado
Fox Den - The user is able to create tunnels in the ground by smashing the hammer against the floor. The user can emerge wherever they will an exit and they can also move faster in the tunnels created by Fox Den than up on the surface. The user can close back all the tunnels.
Origin: Spring Fairy, Cinderella
Fish of Condensation
Kwami: Betta
Miraculous: hook earring
Weapon: bubble wand
Recharge food: rice
Effervesce - The user can gather the moisture in the air and condense it into protective bubbles that cannot be popped as easily as regular bubbles. The user can bubble objects and people if they want, or use the bubbles as obstacles.
Origin: Summer Fairy, Cinderella
Mouse of Decomposition
Kwami: Chee
Miraculous: charm bracelet
Weapon: umbrella
Recharge food: gouda cheese
Downpour - The user is able to summon a corrosive rain cloud that corrodes any matter it comes in contact with. More experienced users can control the intensity and rate of corrosion.
Origin: Autumn Fairy, Cinderella
Jellyfish of Construction
Kwami: Uuka
Miraculous: wristwatch
Weapon: wrench
Recharge food: prawn cracker
Power: Forge - The user can construct any structure or functional machinery they can imagine as long as they understand the make up of the structure with telepathy from materials available to the user.
Origin: Dr Coppélius, Coppélia
Moth of Revelation
Kwami: Sooth
Miraculous: music box pendant
Weapon: key
Wings flutter!
Wings settle!
Recharge food: strawberry
Verity - The user can use their key to unlock the heart of a person by pressing the key against the target's chest, allowing the user to learn about the targets inner most thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Origin: Swanhilda, Coppélia
Falcon of Combustion
Kwami: Aashe
Miraculous: ear cuff
Weapon: boomerang
Recharge food: chicken popper
Infernal Dance - The user's body and weapon combusts into an array of flames. The user can control the size and intensity of the flames and the colour as well. The length of this ability varies with the sill level and energy of the user.
Origin: Firebird, The Firebird
Butterfly of Misdirection
Kwami: Aniia
Miraculous: compact mirror
Weapon: pipe
Conceal me!
Reveal me!
Recharge food: caramel candy
Mystify - The user can inhale smoke from the pipe and exhale a disorienting smoke cloud that covers a certain radius limited by the user's energy and skill level. Whenever someone enters this smoke cloud, they become disoriented and confused and they will lose their sense of direction, but the user stays immune to this. Whatever enters the smoke cloud temporarily becomes unaffected by external magical forces. With experience the user can even move the smoke cloud around.
Origin: Titania, A Midsummer Night's Dream
Hummingbird of Fixation
Kwami: Bree
Miraculous: toe ring
Weapon: ring frisbee
Eyes on me!
Hide me!
Recharge food: orange
Merry Chase - The user can focus their energy in their weapon, and throw it at a target. Once the target is hit, they become obsessed and unable to resist the need to catch the user and become unable to focus on anything else. This effect wears off once the user is captured, releases the target from the effect or they detransform.
Origin: Sylph, La Sylphide
Spider of Extraction
Kwami: Kyuu
Miraculous: anklet
Weapon: rope dart shot
Bite me!
Recharge food: crêpe
Power: Subsume - The user can hit a target from the rope dart and extract their energy/magic for their own use. The target becomes a little fatigued after the extraction and the strength of their own magic/powers is halved with the user. More skilled users can perform a full extraction which will cause the target to faint. The extracted power becomes unavailable to the user once the extract a different one or detransform.
Origin: Kitri, Don Qixote
Firefly of Location
Kwami: Noccti
Miraculous: necklace
Weapon: shield
Shine on!
Shine off!
Recharge food: gummy worm
Phosphene - The user can declare an object or person they wish to find, and a firefly like light emerges from their weapon and locates it. The user can either follow the firefly or wait for it to locate the declared object upon which the firefly emits a bright light pillar acting as a landmark. This ability only works if the person knows the name of the object or person and knows what they look like.
Origin: Ilka, The Enchanted Forest
Whew! And this is it! All powers finally listed and accounted for! I couldn't really fill out all the transformation phrases because I am really bad at coming up with those lol. If one of the powers don't make sense, let me now and I'll fix it! I'm also taking suggestions for transformation phrases if anyone has any ideas.
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
With the Prodigious being based around the 7 Chakras, would It also change they themes?
I'd say no. I'd say that it more works off what they bring in growth wise to a user, what they can bring to a community, and it can work off kwami preference at most.
And luckily, for what 7 Chakras do represent, the Miraculous can work off of those meanings in different ways.
Ladybug can match with survival, trust, security, and stability. This Miraculous is strongly tied to fighters, and it's core goal is to restore order, to be a source of security, to be trusted, to be the salvation.
As I can't really tie sexuality to a Miraculous, Songbird can echo the themes of joy and expression.
Wolf can echo the themes of power, ego, and will.
Cat being tied to love, healing, and compassion can works more off what this Miraculous ideally should go to, and I will say, in various mythology, cats are tied to love, healing, and protection. Actually quite a few goddesses that are tied to motherhood who are also tied to cats (Baset and Freya for sure come to mind). You can work off that this power is meant to protection, and often love for something is a core motivation behind protecting.
Turtle is another where power wise, doesn't reflect the theme, but it can work off what's desired for a user, someone who is willing to communicate and be diplomatic, someone who is honest/has integrity, and brings clarity, certainty, and purity.
Raven for sure does work off vision, imagination, and intuition power wise. And this bird commonly is tied to vision and foresight, so that works off the clairvoyance aspect.
Lastly, Butterfly, that easily works off self-realization, fulfillment, and spirituality; and technically can also work off knowledge. All these aspects we can easily tie to the canon power we have. This is about helping people find fulfillment, to realize their self worth or capability, and you can tie that to spiritual growth. Sometimes souls are regarded to be tied to the emotions you feel, so becoming a champion/akuma can be manifesting that inner self.
In spite of all of this, it's not a perfect alignment, which is why I was initially thinking it be lightly tied to the 7 Chakras. Either way, I wouldn't change up powers or themes, I finally got a happy place for all 32 Miraculous powers. I don't want to spiral into another rabbit hole of trying to figure those powers out.
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huynun · 8 months
Alright so I’ve made some decisions as to how things begin
Kwami Configuration:
Lila: Butterfly / stole it from her relative (aunt maybe?) and later realized it was magic
Agreste Adults: Peacock (broken) / they found it and the book because of Emilie’s interest in archaeology and since they’re rich, they got a lot of leeway
Master Fu: The rest / he knows that the butterfly miraculous appeared in Paris and is held by someone with malicious intent, since ladybug and cat are a pair, they need to be released together and they are the best suited to be up against another miraculous
Marinette: Receives Ladybug / she gets the same test but can only use the Lucky Charm power
Adrien: Receives Cat / he gets the same test but now his father + Nathalie know where he wants to go and can rescind his admission to the school (later, after he sneaks away once or twice successfully and once or twice not, Nath makes a case to his father that if they let him go to school where they know he’ll be, they can keep him safer than if he sneaks away to make friends where they don’t know)
At school
- the class all knows one another and are friendly, if not completely friends from being in the same class as usual
- marinette’s parents tried to get her out of Chloe’s class but Damocles doesn’t believe them since he hasn’t gotten any reports from Bustier about bullying so he won’t humor them
- since it’s a private school and marinette’s on a scholarship, they can’t kick up too much of a fuss
- Alya, Adrien, and Lila are all new to the class and school
- Alya & Marinette and Adrien & Nino become fast friends
- Lila doesn’t start big since he wants to feel things out and has a crutch in the form of magic jewelry that can help her with her intentions of power
- Adrien doesn’t make it in for the first day (or first few days?) but he does make it in
- marinette doesn’t really know about Adrien (at most a sort of oh that name sounds familiar) and they still get off on the wrong foot
- I don’t believe in suddenly being in love but I’ll allow her to fall in love after a bit of interaction with him after she realizes he has a good heart they’re friendly for a bit since they’re like 13
- we don’t start with stoneheart, instead Lila makes mostly mind control akumas or ones that change people’s images physically
- thus, marinette and Adrien start on equal footing in terms of powers
- I’ll allow Adrien a similar concession where he falls in love quickly because lb he falls for her cleverness and confidence when she isn’t overthinking
- at the beginning, akumas are small scale and mostly just impact their school/general area since Lila is just using it as a way to get attention
- for clarity, Lila doesn’t tell anyone that she has magic jewelry but she’ll use the akumas to garner sympathy or admiration
- though, she does keep getting sidelined by marinette actually doing things and problem solving because she’s genuinely nice
- the movements of the miraculi around their school gets some attention and Alya does get attention through her blog but it’s not a huge thing beyond at the very beginning
- (most of the public treats it as a weird publicity stunt since the akuma and their impacts are very minor)
- however since Gabriel knows and has extrapolated about the miraculi, he begins scoping things out since that could be the answer to his problems
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
Miraculous Paradise - Chapter 4 - Miracles
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Adrien lay in the hospital bed in the early dawn hours. He stared out his window at the quiet, winter city. He hadn’t been awake long, but everything hurt. His body felt lethargic and fatigued. His heart palpitated constantly that was accompanied by wrenching pain. His head felt light even as he lay back on the pillow. That didn’t compare to the gut-wrenching truth.
            Adrien would die soon, he knew it. The doctors hadn’t told him anything yet, but he could feel it. Seventeen years and this was the end. His heart twisted at the thought of leaving Emilie and Gabriel alone. For all the years they had all spent hoping for it to go up in flames. What was the point of it all? Why was he even alive to begin with? Why did he exist? Was he even meant to?
            “Awfully dark thoughts, Adrien,” a man’s voice said with a slight hiss.
            Adrien blinked. He turned and saw a doctor he’d never seen before. The man was tall, wearing the usual doctor clothes, but his hair was green, and his eyes were snake-like.
            “Who are you?” Adrien whispered.
            “The answer to a lot of your questions, and your salvation.”
            “I don’t understand.”
            The doctor pulled up a seat. “Allow me to be brief. I’m not human. I’m what’s known as a kwami and we are responsible for the miracles you mortals pray for. I was responsible for your mother being able to conceive you.”
            “You… you are? How?”
            “She prayed unendingly, and I blessed her with fertility, however it came at a price. A price that you are now paying. The moment you turned seventeen, the poison that had been in your blood amplified. It is this poison that will kill you in three days from now.”
            Adrien’s stomach dropped. “T-three days?”
            “Correct, but I have an offer for you. There is no removing the poison from you. There is no stopping your death, but it can be pushed back. I can offer a magical charm that will give you another year to live, but only a year. During this time, your health won’t be perfect, but you will be able to live for the first time in your entire life.”
            Adrien perked up. “Wait, really? Would I be able to do things like go outside on my own? To do more than just lay in bed all day?”
            “You would. You’d have the chance to experience all things you wouldn’t otherwise, just as your dear mother always dreamed for you.”
            Adrien’s breath caught. He had no idea what Emilie wanted for him, but the opportunity to fulfill her dreams was too enticing. Perhaps it would make his passing easier if she knew he got to live. That he really did get to experience the joys of life.
            “There is one more thing. A miracle is gathering that would require me. Under no circumstances are you to take part in this. If you take part in this miracle, you will die immediately upon its completion.”
            “O-oh. Okay. I accept, please.”
            The doctor nodded. He touched Adrien’s medical bracelet and it transformed into a snake bracelet before it changed to high tech medical bracelet.
            Adrien took a sharp breath. His head cleared of all fog, and he was able to focus with astounding clarity. The exhaustion that weighed down his body evaporated, and he felt light. His heart slowed to a normal pace as the pain vanished. Tears sprung from his eyes at the pure joy of it all.
            “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
            The doctor smiled, then frowned. “If you find yourself in need of me, call upon my name, and I will come to you.”
            “Of course. But wait. What is your name?”
            “It’s Sass.”
            Tikki and Bridgette sat at a table in a back room of a homely diner. Tikki looked over the menu while Bridgette fidgeted. She glanced between Tikki and outside at the bright morning. She scoffed, stood, and paced back and forth.
            “Relax, bug. Everything will be fine,” Tikki reassured.
            “She’s worried. I know she is. I shouldn’t be out during the day. She’ll do nothing but worry as long as I’m out. I should be home right now. She should have peace of mind knowing that I’m safe,” Bridgette spat.
            Tikki groaned. “Will you come out, so she’ll stop worrying?”
            Bridgette glared at Tikki when movement caught her eye. She turned as a blurry shape moved across the floor. It shed its cloak to reveal a tiny red fox. She sighed as shame flooded her. She scooped up the fox and held it close.
            “I’m sorry. I know you’re worried. I promise to be home as soon as this is all done. You won’t have to worry anymore.”
            The fox nuzzled Bridgette and purred. Bridgette clung to it as she took her seat. She petted the fox while Tikki held the menu up for the fox.
            “Would you like us to bring you something?” Tikki asked.
            The fox looked at the menu, then at Bridgette.
            “Uh, she has difficulty reading still.”
            “Oh. Well, how about this?”
            Tikki snapped her fingers and created samples of menu items. The fox’s ears perked up and it leapt up, dancing in the air. It yipped and Tikki snapped her fingers again to create new items. Its eyes sparkled each time Tikki created.
            Bridgette smiled when pain hit her heart. She touched the earrings as regret and guilt stabbed her repeatedly. Trixx was amazing and a good fit for Marinette’s needs, but even so, there was one itch that Trixx could never scratch.
            “Think you can conjure something with cheese now?” Plagg asked.
            Tikki and Bridgette turned as Plagg and Felix joined them in the room. Tikki huffed and crossed her arms.
            “And why should I when you can’t even be bothered to be on time?”
            “I did bring something along the lines of what you asked for,” Plagg pointed out.
            Tikki relented and created a platter of camembert for Plagg. He gleefully sat and inhaled the cheese.
            Felix furrowed his brow and stared at Tikki. “What are you? How did you create that from nothing? And what’s with the little fox floating in the air?”
            Tikki gestured to the open seat beside Plagg. “Sit and we’ll explain everything.”
            Felix eyed Tikki suspiciously but took a seat.
            “Excellent. Now, we had felt a prayer, a desperate cry for a miracle, to save a boy on death’s doorstep. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to save him. At least not without a terrible price to pay. However, that hasn’t stopped other kwamis from offering their services to the woman,” Tikki explained.
            Felix frowned. “I’m sorry, but this is ridiculous. What sort of drugs are you on? Is this even real? It can’t be. I’m still dreaming, right? That has to be it.”
            Plagg and Tikki exchanged glances before Plagg grinned. Tikki called out Plagg’s name when he scratched Felix’s cheek, gouging it. Felix took a sharp breath at the immense pain. He reached a hand up and gawked at the blood on his fingers. The fox kit yelped at the sight of the injury and blood and hid in Bridgette’s arms.
            “Real enough for you, Felix?” Plagg asked.
            “Go to hell,” Felix hissed.
            Tikki moved around and created a first aid kit. She stopped the bleeding and treated Felix’s wound. She tossed the kit over to Plagg who destroyed it. She moved back and touched the fox’s head.
            “No more blood. It’s all good.”
            The fox raised its head but remained in Bridgette’s arms.
            “Now then, the kwamis that approached the woman hold part of a power known as Paradise. It is a miracle that can only be summoned with a set of five kwamis. Two have already emerged with the others sure to follow,” Tikki continued.
            “Except for Sass,” Plagg remarked.
            “True, Sass will attempt to keep Paradise from happening, but that has not always worked in the past. And Sass is the only one of the set that doesn’t like Paradise. Longg will jump at the chance to create it, as will Wayzz if the cause is noble enough.”
            “And what does this have to do with me?” Felix demanded.
            “I need a holder and Tikki asked me to find a rich boy,” Plagg answered.
            “Holder? What is a holder?”
            “A person that wields our jewels. These people can invoke us to gain superpowers based on what our concepts are. If you agree to help, you will gain the power of destruction. A power you will use with a partner, that of creation.”
            Felix glanced at Bridgette, then back at Tikki. “That’s all wonderful, but why should I bother? This isn’t my battle.”
            “And what of your family? Would you rather see them lost to the creation of Paradise? Would you enjoy seeing their bodies evaporated and souls consumed as they’re wiped out of existence like they were never alive? To see the world as we know it return to its purest state as a Garden of Eden? Pure, beautiful, but never to be touched by man,” Bridgette spoke.
            Felix tsked. “That’s absurd. How would all that happen?”
            “Eh, there’s a few details off, but she’s in the ballpark,” Plagg remarked.
            “What? There’s no way. How would you even know anyway?” Felix demanded of Bridgette.
            “I can take a guess knowing full well that all miracles come at a price. If there’s a group out there wanting to create something called Paradise, it can only come with the steepest of prices. I don’t know about you, but I won’t allow it to be made. I made a deal for my cousin, for her future, and I won’t renege on that bargain. I will see her happy,” Bridgette remarked.
            Felix opened his mouth when the fox jumped onto the table. It glowered at Bridgette and barked at her. Felix’s eye twitched as he watched Bridgette’s half-hearted attempts to quell the fox. He sneered and reached for it but was stopped by Bridgette. She glowered at him and dug her nails into the bits of exposed skin.
            “You will not touch my cousin. Not unless you are looking for a fight, bitch boy,” Bridgette growled.
            “Let’s go then. I can take a toothpick like you,” Felix hissed.
            Bridgette sneered and reared back her arm but was held back by Tikki.
            “Easy, easy. It’s been a rough day for you. Just, let me do that talking,” Tikki pleaded.
            Bridgette snorted but released Felix.
            “Now, before an actual fight breaks out, I need you to understand something, Felix. Someone is going to need to stop the holders of Paradise. To keep them occupied long enough for another miracle to expire. Bridgette had long accepted this burden, but you are under no real obligation. However, we ask you for your family, your legacy, but most of all, yourself,” Tikki explained.
            “And my money,” Felix added.
            Tikki grimaced. “Well, let’s just forget about that right now. Paris will need heroes. The world will need heroes.”
            Felix laughed. He opened his mouth but was interrupted by Bridgette.
            “Forget this. Just find someone else, Plagg. This privileged twink doesn’t have what it takes to be a hero. He’s made it painfully clear already that he’s no interest in helping people. Why continue with this farce?”
            “What’s the matter? Upset that I see no reason to help some alien creatures and their pet?” Felix asked.
            “And there it is, Tikki. Waste your time further if you want, but I’m leaving before I give him something to match his scratch.”
            Tikki watched Bridgette leave with the fox. She turned back to the boys, shook her head, and ran after Bridgette. Felix waited a moment longer before he stood to leave. He paused when Plagg joined him.
            “What are you doing?” Felix demanded.
            “Whatever I want. And I don’t have anything better to do, so let’s go.”
            Felix opened his mouth, then shut it. He shook his head and kept walking.
            Amelie sat in an armchair near Emilie. She had promised to watch over Emilie while Gabriel went to pick up Adrien. The hospital called and said they had news, good and bad. She had attempted to press further, but Gabriel didn’t ask any more questions when they said Adrien was well enough to be brought home.
            Amelie had believed that perhaps Emilie received a miracle last night. That was until she found a pair of brooches clutched in Emilie’s hand when she was checking on Emilie after Gabriel left. She removed the brooches from her pocket and admired them. One was a simple purple circle brooch while the other was a magnificent peacock tail fan brooch. She placed the purple one down and examined the peacock fan.
            The peacock brooch was breathtaking. The metal was perfectly cut, the jewels brilliant, and the color vibrant. It was a piece of art that could draw anyone’s eye. Amelie unfastened the pin and put it on her suit jacket. She stepped up to a window and marveled at the brooch on her. It stood out beautifully against her black clothes that immediately drew the eye.
            “I see you’ve made the right choice,” Duusu cooed.
            Amelie froze as Duusu materialized beside her. She stared at him with wide eyes. He held his head high and fanned his tail.
            “Oh, how I love to see you mortals admire me. Must have been difficult as you were freezing last night. Thankfully you pulled through.”
            Amelie blinked a few times as things clicked in her head. “Right. It was difficult seeing how radiant you truly are as the cold threatened to take me.”
            Duusu beamed. “Oh, I love you. Now, little peahen, are you ready?”
            “In a moment. Now that I’m not freezing, may I ask some questions.”
            “Certainly. What is it you wish to know?”
            Amelie considered carefully. “What can you do exactly? Like, what do you offer?”
            “The power of beauty, my darling dearie. When you put me on, you’ll be able to shape the world to your standards of beauty and it shall be exalted by all. But you do need to be careful. While there’s no limit explicitly, after a while you stop pulling power from me and pull from your own life. When you start doing that, it’ll shorten your life.”
            “Oh. Oh, I see. Well, let’s see. What about, no… how about, ah… you are a miracle, yes? What exactly is the miracle you entail?”
            “One of the greatest of miracles, peahen. Paradise. With the set of Paradise, the five can create a literal Heaven on Earth, a Garden of Eden, as your kind would say. It would be a utopia for you all to live in and with those you deem worthy of witnessing Paradise.”
            “And… and this would save Adrien?”
            “Of course. You would all live for eternity within your Paradise with those you love. Your lives would be free of strife and everyday full of unending bliss.”
            Amelie’s jaw dropped. With this power, they could save Adrien. They could create a corner of Heaven for them to live in forever. Emilie and Gabriel could spend eternity with Adrien. She could liberate Felix from Colt’s oppressive thumb. They’d all get to live their lives in unending bliss.
            “Though, I should warn you, it does come at price. My powers, that is,” Duusu interrupted.
            “What kind of price?”
            “See, you won’t like seeing ugly things in the world. Inner, outer, or even both. You’ll want to get rid of it.”
            “Oh. Well, if we’re making Paradise, won’t be getting rid of the bad and ugly anyway? Make way for a beautiful, good haven?”
            “Pretty much.”
            Amelie considered when movement caught her eye. She looked past Duusu at Emilie who tore apart the blankets looking for the brooches. She turned and tackled Emilie in a hug.
            “Emilie! You’re alright!” Amelie cried.
            “Amelie, please, not now. I need to find-!”
            Emilie paused when she saw the peacock brooch on Amelie.
            “Where’s the other one?” Emilie demanded.
            Amelie grabbed the other brooch and handed it to Emilie. “I hope you don’t mind if I picked for you?”
            Emilie sighed and took it. “You always had an eye for beautiful things, didn’t you?”
            “For better or worse. Colt,” Amelie added with a hint of venom in her voice.
            Emilie giggled and put the brooch on. Nooroo materialized as Duusu joined them.
            “So, you weren’t the one we talked to in the garden?” Duusu asked Amelie.
            “Sorry to deceive you,” Amelie admitted.
            “You know everything?” Emilie butted in.
            “I know enough without betraying myself.”
            Emilie grimaced. “I love you, but don’t stop me. I will save my Adrien. I-.”
            “I’m with you. Together, we can create Paradise. We’ll be happy for eternity. Free of heartache and pain. Free of worry and despair. Free of the past and future. It’ll be perfect.”
            Emilie smiled and hugged Amelie. “Thank you. I’m glad I have you at my side.”
            The door to the sitting room opened and Duusu and Nooroo vanished. Emilie and Amelie looked over at Gabriel and Adrien. Emilie tore herself out of the embrace and ran up to Adrien.
            “Look at you. There’s so much color in your face. And… and what’s this?”
            Emilie raised Adrien’s left hand where a high-tech silver bracelet sat.
            “Some sort of new technology. It’s suppressed the substance killing him, but only for the next year,” Gabriel said.
            Dread consumed Emilie. She took several deep breaths as she fought the coming tears. She forced a smile and hugged Adrien.
            “We’ll make the most of it. Every moment will be like a dream,” Emilie promised.
            “Why don’t we start with breakfast? Oh, what if we go out?” Amelie suggested.
            “Can we?” Adrien asked.
            “I think that’d be wonderful. Gabriel, won’t you help Adrien pick out an outfit?” Emilie asked.
            Gabriel nodded. He escorted Adrien out, leaving Emilie and Amelie alone.
            “We have no time to waste. We need to start tonight,” Emilie whispered.
            “What do we do though?”
            “I’m not sure. We have the day to think, but we must bring out the others needed for Paradise before time is up.”
            “Right. But for now, we may want to change if we’re heading out,” Amelie pointed out.
            “Oh, right. Let’s go.”
            Emilie and Amelie headed for the stairs when Felix returned. Amelie turned to greet him when she saw his bandaged injury, a fresh, untreated wound, and a black cat on his shoulders. She screamed and ran up to him.
            “Oh, Felix, my precious boy! What happened?”
            Felix pointed to the cat.
            Amelie puffed out her cheeks and reached for the cat when Felix stopped her.
            “I wouldn’t. That’s how I got these. Let’s just say I’ve… I’ve been chosen,” Felix remarked.
            Amelie eyed Felix suspiciously, then squealed. “Oh, I love cats. But no more scratching my darling Felix, understand?”
            The cat meowed.
            “Good. Now, get ready. We’re going out with Adrien.”
            “I don’t think… wait, did you say with Adrien? Isn’t he still in the hospital?”
            “Nope. He was all good to come home. He was given some fancy device that makes him well but didn’t cure him. So, we’re going out as a sort of celebration.”
            Felix sighed with a smile. “Alright. Let me get changed.”
            Amelie squealed. She pulled Felix in a tight embrace. He returned it before he stepped back. He paused when he saw the peacock brooch on her. He had never seen her wear such jewelry before, especially one like that. It was unbelievably beautiful, almost in an otherworldly feel. A bad feeling rose in the pit of his gut.
            “Felix? Is everything ok?” Amelie asked.
Felix shook himself and quickly bowed his head. He moved past Amelie and Emilie. He glanced at Emilie and saw she had on a simple purple brooch. He hummed and kept going until he was back in his room. He headed into the bathroom, shut the door, and looked at the cat.
            “Alright, Plagg, I have a question for you.”
            “I may have an answer.”
            “What were those brooches? The ones my aunt and mother were wearing?”
            “Huh? Oh, right. Y’know the jewels that Tikki mentioned? Yeah, that’s what those were.”
            “Are you telling me that aunt and mother are wearing kwami jewels? Which ones?”
            Plagg turned away. “Why do you care?”
            Felix’s eye twitched. “Are they the ones for Paradise.
            Plagg flicked his tail and looked at his claws. “Again, why do you care? This isn’t your battle.”
            Felix’s eye twitched. “Your glibness does you no credit.”
            Plagg shrugged. “You’re smart enough, rich boy. Figure it out on your own.”
            Felix furrowed his brow. He didn’t want to get involved. He wanted to finish up his business here and head back to London. He wanted to return to life under Colt’s heel as they bickered day in and out. He didn’t need this. He didn’t want it. But want wasn’t a luxury he was allowed.
            Felix couldn’t deny the facts. Amelie was committed to whatever Paradise was. He was certain that Emilie was the ringleader and Amelie would follow wherever Emilie went. He imagined Gabriel would too but probably hadn’t yet. That left him to wonder about Adrien. Tikki said a miracle was asked to save a boy on death’s door. He was certain it was Adrien, but what should he do about it? Did he help Amelie and Emilie, or did he fight against it?
            Felix cleaned up while his mind wandered. He could help his family and save Adrien. He could play a role in Paradise and see Adrien well. That would be the most sensible path if he considered his family. Adrien slipped into his mind again as he reconsidered. It was clear what Amelie and Emilie wanted, but what of Adrien? What did Adrien want?
            Felix’s eyes widened as he remembered earlier with Bridgette. She had remarked that she made a deal for her cousin. He was doubtful of her word, but could he make a deal with these creatures? Could he ensure Adrien’s survival if he helped them? It was worth a shot if anything.
            “Plagg, after this outing, would you be able to show me to your, er, Sugarcube?”
            “What brought this change of heart?”
            “Do you really care?”
            Plagg considered. “Touche.”
            “Excellent. Let’s be on our way then.”
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flightfoot · 2 years
How do you think things might have gone if Adrien got Tikki and Marinette got Plagg? Because I think it would have been the beginning of their villain origin stories.
I feel like Tikki/Marinette and Plagg/Adrien work because they appeal to what the other needs. Tikki needs a holder that thinks outside the box with a ton of creative potential but those people are often frazzled and let their minds run away with them. So Marinette needs someone with a grounding influence and some responsibility to get her back on track.
Plagg needs a holder with a sense of responsibility and restraint to wield such a destructive miraculous, but those people are often in the box thinkers, afraid to step out of line. Adrien needs someone who he doesn’t feel beholden to, someone that encourages a more free thinking spirit.
Tikki is often gently scolding and rerouting Marinette and Adrien is often gently scolding and rerouting Plagg.
So if Adrien had gotten Tikki, they would have worked well initially because of their mutual dedication to doing the responsible thing and following rules. He would happily accept being essentially Spider-Man at first. But Tikki would have eventually become just another directive voice in his head and a daunting responsibility as the more analytics heavy hero and the one who is required to save the day. Adrien is already dangerously close to burn out in canon with his civilian responsibilities and always being the responsible/perfect one. With no outlet and added pressure to be two ideals that everyone looks to - Mr. Bug and Adrien Agreste- I think he’d crash. Hard. Possibly into a depressive, uncaring state. At worst, into a meltdown. And Tikki’s words would fall flat on his ears because they’re just another echo of the expectations that trap him.
And Marinette, oh man. Becoming Ladybug served as a way to build her confidence and encouragement to channel her frantic energy into something productive and clever. Plagg would channel it into pure destruction and chaos and enable her worst impulses. Like Adrien, she might be okay at first, developing an “I’m taking no shit now” attitude and becoming less of a pushover. But without Tikki’s restraint and guidance, With no one in her ear to stopper her more chaotic tendencies, she and Plagg might be menaces together. She might become an antihero or a vigilante. She’d be an emotional wreck because in her moments of clarity she’d be like “I was right! I AM a disaster!” And Plagg would be there like “… yep… really fucked that up. Well at least we have cheese.”
I think that Adrien with Plagg and Marinette with Tikki is more balanced than the alternative, but I don't actually think it'd go that badly if the kwamis were swapped.
There would be an issue with Adrien potentially getting burnout even more than Marinette has if he had the Ladybug role, what with how constrained his civilian life is and not having that much of a support system, so that might potentially be even more of a problem for him than it's been for Marinette.
As far as Tikki's presence though, I think that she could fill a valuable niche in Adrien's life, though a different one than Plagg occupies. Adrien doesn't have the sort of reasonable adult influence that Marinette does. I think Tikki might end up filling that role for Adrien, essentially mothering him at times, helping to fill a bit of the hole left behind when Emilie died.
As for Plagg and Marinette, I do think that him enabling some of her worst instincts could be an issue. Tikki's tried to rein her in when she started going down a path she shouldn't, though admittedly with little success. I don't think she'd ever become an antihero or vigilante though, both Plagg and Marinette have decent moral compasses, they can just be a little lax on the actual rules at times, or when their priorities conflict with their other priorities.
I don't think Plagg would be quite as unhelpful while Marinette was being an emotional wreck as you think though. For her more mild freak outs, sure, he might be unhelpful. But if she was really down, if she NEEDED that reassurance? We've seen Plagg with Adrien during those times, I'd say he's actually a more sensitive, caring kwami than Tikki is when he needs to be. He might try and play it off afterwards, but he's actually pretty good at encouraging his Holder when he needs to, and even getting his Holder out of an emotional hole - we saw that in Syren and Kuro Neko. So Plagg might actually be more helpful than Tikki in that regard.
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nerdypanda3126 · 2 years
I Can Fix This (Just Kiss)
This is for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers 2022 August Minific Challenge. 
So my minific Challenge I Can Fix This split into two paths while I was writing, so this became a Choose Your Own Ending scenario 😅 This one still moves in tandem with canon, but removes the lukanette breakup and has a totally different outcome. 
In the aftermath of the shocking day, Luka reflects on how much he loves Marinette.
Read on Ao3
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Alternate Version
Day 29: Soft Kisses
After hours of talking over plans, lamenting the loss of the kwamis, and cursing Gabriel Agreste every way they could think of, Marinette finally snuggled into his arms and fell asleep with a small, content smile on her face. He brushed her bangs away from her forehead and pressed a kiss there, lingering only long enough to kiss the tip of her nose, too, before leaning his head back against her cat pillow and letting out his own content sigh. 
He'd take the victories where he could, like having Marinette here, safe, in his arms. He couldn't ask much more from what'd been an overall disastrous day. 
It could've been much worse. As the holder of the Snake Miraculous, he knew that better than anyone. 
He tightened his grip on her slightly, if only to reassure himself that she was, in fact, real and safe and his. 
Her eyebrows furrowed in her sleep as she shifted to curl onto her side and rested her head on his chest with her lips parted prettily and each freckle across her cheeks highlighted with perfect clarity. It would take a lifetime to count each one, but he was perfectly willing to spend his life doing just that. 
Her eyes fluttered open for barely a second and she smiled and nuzzled in closer to him before falling right back asleep. 
He bent to press a featherlight kiss to her perfectly pink lips before he leaned his head against hers and let sleep take him.
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lllluka · 3 years
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Stinger Bee? (why do i feel like that's been used before?)
Sting King? (i'm sobbing, bc. t. the sewers).
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bigfatbreak · 3 years
me @ me: don’t make more blasphemies don’t make more blasphemies don’t make more-
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me: god damn it
in my DEFENSE, a few people asked for a scorpion and a rattlesnake. Verum looks like that because scorpions glow under blacklight and Deditus looks like that because I think its very cute to have a pink snake. sue me
Here’s a couple of twin Kwami.
their abilities are... a bit obvious LMAO. Deditus can direct people to see everything extremely positively, to see the world in its best state. This is useful when you’re trying to fuck up an Akuma that feeds off of bad vibes, but also in coercing enemy akuma to stand down, or to get information from people, or to even spur people to act even more passionately, like convincing someone to fight harder or faster in the name of love and friendship. (as a note - people have to already have these emotions within them to be drawn out, or the capability of feeling positive. someone who does not have particularly strong positive emotions at all, or a skewed perception of positivity, will only feel incredible pain when struck by Deditus’ fangs. It will last until Deditus decides.)
Verum’s ability is to make people see with clarity past their emotions. Essentially, their sting clears away passionate emotions so those struck can look at things objectively. This is useful when trying to calm someone down from a panic attack, de-escalating a situation, trying to convince an akuma of their current wrong-doings, or in intense interrogations where people can’t help but tell the truth when faced with nothing but objective facts. (people must also have the capability of understanding facts as a truth rather than something that can be debated with. people who have difficulty perceiving the difference between make-believe and reality will either have difficulty discerning the world around them, or, go temporarily blind when struck by Verum. It was last until Verum decides.)
tdlr: kwami of heart and head.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
How about the other alphas? Also, do the elementals and timekeepers not come from the alphas?
Elementals come from Neutral Energy, which is the leftover energy from when the Alpha kwamis first divided. So yes they come from Alphas, but not from a certain one in particular. Timekeepers also come from Neutral Energy, but they are descended from a former Elemental, Eeterna, the kwami of Time, who divided to become the Timekeepers.
Deltas from Life: -Duune the Camel of Perspective -Milli the Chameleon of Emotion -Remmi the Coyote of Despair -Fawwna the Deer of Wilderness -Tuskk the Elephant of Memories -Jellos the Jellyfish of Hatred -Valoree the Lion of Courage -Duux the Moth of Hope -Currio the Narwhal of Wonder -Ecco the Parrot of Language -Duusu the Peacock of Psyche -Daizzi the Pig of Love -Anjjel the Quail of Mercy -Orikko the Rooster of Vitality -Daante the Seahorse of Fear -Poppy the Shark of Joy -Yuume the Sheep of Dreams -Scuut the Tortoise of Knowledge -Teer the Vulture of Sorrow
Deltas from Death: -Fangg the Bat of Fatigue -Verr the Gorilla of Sacrifice -Allces the Moose of Evocation -Glaace the Polar Bear of Endurance
Deltas from Creation: -Sannar the Axolotl of Restoration -Chaapa the Beaver of Innovation -Nooroo the Butterfly of Generosity -Purr the Cheetah of Agility -Reef the Coral of Sensitivity -Snapp the Crab of Adaptation -Florra the Elk of Growth -Ziggy the Goat of Imagination -Baash the Mouflon of Strength -Mullo the Mouse of Abundance -Ziibi the Otter of Transformation -Aynna the Scarab of Reflection -Flairr the Secretarybird of Passion
Deltas from Destruction: -Karrma the Goose of Justice -Vexx the Komodo Dragon of Corrosion -Stompp the Ox of Determination -Habuu the Rattlesnake of Beauty -Roaar the Tiger of Force -Sotaa the Wolverine of Conflict
Deltas from Order: -Harmonee the Ant of Cooperation -Pollen the Bee of Subjection -Maggi the Binturong of Magnetism -Yanna the Bison of Victory -Llucie the Crocodile of Clarity -Elle the Gecko of Equality -Izzy the Isopod of Instinct -Niisha the Jackal of Connections -Donna the Llama of Attention -Attlantis the Octopus of Choice -Fleet the Ostrich of Guidance -Ommen the Raven of Probability -Verriti the Scorpion of Truth -Prrince the Swan of Loyalty -Wayzz the Turtle of Protection -Divvi the Zebra of Duality
Deltas from Chaos: -Blannca the Blackbuck of Inversion -Clikk the Dolphin of Sound -Liiri the Eagle of Freedom -Trixx the Fox of Deception -Parra the Giraffe of Confusion -Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Deltas from Space: -Barkk the Dog of Detection -Sorren the Falcon of Observation -Spikke the Hedgehog of Precision -Taamus the Hippopotamus of Density -Kaalki the Horse of Migration -Floss the Ibex of Friction -Kicc the Kangaroo of Avarice -Vollee the Locust of Invasion -Jiicho the Okapi of Dimension -Lynn the Pangolin of Boundary -Mannta the Ray of Immersion -Kaanda the Rhinoceros of Augmentation -Finn the Salmon of Navigation -Tinni the Squirrel of Diminution -Twwist the Stoat of Elasticity -Drill the Woodpecker of Expansion
Deltas from Void: -Dess the Cougar of Apathy -Olivv the Dove of Peace -Ravenna the Hyena of Scarcity -Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception -Tyyto the Owl of Secrets -Selkee the Seal of Elusion -Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence -Acce the Thylacine of Isolation
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
After reading that, I think it's safe to say that Miraculous Ladybug is more of a horror/psychological thriller than romance/comedy. And now I want an AU where Marinette takes the earrings off and realizes that they're messing with head
Marinette felt strange, and after getting used to the feeling of being on the Startrain, she knew it wasn't the cause. She felt lighter - less restricted - somehow, and while a part of her had expected that due to handing off the ladybug miraculous, it wasn't in the way she'd expected.
Once she was done sending Alya all the Ladybug tips, Marinette had figured they'd start talking about Adrien or what their next scheme would be once she got back, but she ended up finding the idea tiring. It was odd in the way that finding something in her room just slightly out of place would be (at least before the kwami began living there).
Everything she'd thought she might feel - anxiety over what could go wrong while she was gone, concern over how the kwami were doing in her absence, and longing for who she'd pictured as the love of her life - wasn't there. It felt completely unlike her, just as it felt unlike Alya to not reply to her messages considering how much she liked to be on her phone.
Abandoning the idea of texting Alya for now, she closed their conversation and idly started browsing her phone. Even still, the weird feeling didn't cease and her hero senses were going off.
Something was wrong, or... maybe right? It wasn't as if she was feeling anything bad, but she felt entirely different than when she was in Paris. It was hard to get a gauge on exactly how she should take it.
Marinette glanced at her parents, catching herself frowning before they could glance back. She looked at her phone, acting like nothing was wrong and idly scrolling through her various apps so as to look busy. In the process, she stumbled upon her gallery, finding her mass of Adrien images inside. It took up a majority of her pictures, and she found herself blushing in embarrassment rather than fondness.
Did she really have this many normally? How much time had she taken getting them?
She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, thrown off by just how different she felt. The reaction to seeing Adrien that she'd normally have where she'd lose all focus had virtually disappeared, and the only reason she'd missed it at all was because it gave her an absurd amount of mental clarity concerning how she'd be acting otherwise.
The word brought a particular face to her mind: pink lips, blue eyes, and black hair highlighted blue at the tips. Marinette ran her fingers through her own hair, ruffling it as she tried to piece out how she was feeling. All she knew was that - whatever it was - it was significant and she didn't have Tikki to vent to.
Though perhaps she wouldn’t had much to provide anyway.
A mix of trepidation and curiosity filling her. Switching away from her gallery, she went back to her conversations and pulled up her texts with Luka. Despite her confusion over whatever was happening to her at the moment, she managed a smile at Luka's contact image staring fondly at her.
After a moment of consideration, she typed out:
Hey. Sorry if you're busy. Thought we could talk?
That done, she navigated back to her gallery to look at all her Adrien pictures. She shifted in her seat again, as if it would change things or help her mind adjust to the unfamiliar sensation. It wasn't like looking at Adrien didn't make her feel anything at all, but that feeling could only be described as "normal," like the way she saw him before he'd given her that umbrella.
Before she officially became a ladybug holder who agreed to protect the people of Paris...
Her lips twitched in hesitant thought, her thumb brushing against her screen as she skimmed through the assortment of Adrien pictures. Her brain registered a feeling - or rather, lack thereof - and the foreign emotions encouraged her to act.
She tapped the garbage can icon experimentally, a notification popping up accordingly and asking her if she'd like to delete the picture. She brought the phone closer to her chest, like she felt she was doing something wrong, yet there was only a second of pause before she confirmed the decision.
She watched as Adrien disappeared, a message indicating that the picture had been trashed.
Marinette blinked at the message until it had timed out, bringing her back to the gallery. She was frozen in place, her fingers twitching against the side of the phone as she processed what she'd just done.
Then, she did it again. She tapped on another picture of Adrien, a weird mix of eagerness and interest urging her thumb along as she pressed the garbage can icon again, confirming the decision just as quickly.
Just before the image disappeared, a stray thought said aloud in her mind: black hair and blue eyes would've worked better for an outfit like that.
This time, her body finally moved, a shudder going up her spine as she took in a breath. Her eyes darted over to her parents, knowing how strange this must look to them, but they weren't watching her anyway, meaning the moment was kept firmly in her own personal bubble. It was so odd; normally, someone would've seen her acting off, or laughed and made muttering comments about it.
But nothing was happening, and she didn't know whether to question it or not.
Marinette glanced back at her phone, almost challenging herself as she started to run through the assorted Adrien pictures. She could've thrown them in the metaphorical bin all at once, but instead, she went one-by-one. She waited for something to break, either a sense of regret to settle in over the deletion or for her heart to start fawning over the face on screen, but neither happened.
She was in control, and it felt good. Really, really good.
Part of her felt like she was being ridiculous. The idea of getting some kind of emotional high out of deleting a few pictures sounded stupid, and yet she felt powerful. It was like a veil had been lifted and suddenly she had choices.
If her parents saw her visibly vibrating in her seat, she didn't hear them make mention of it.
The only thing that made her snap out of her rapid thumb movements was a text notification at the top of her screen, and only due to the flash of black, blue, and white. Her lips curved into a smile, originally being pressed together in focus, and she clicked to open her text messages with Luka.
Hey, Marinette. I'm not busy at all. What's up?
She felt warm, knowing that the guy who always made her feel comfortable and happy was on the other line. it was such a shame that they hadn't been able to work it out because of Adrien.
Marinette paused just as she went to reply, those thoughts catching up to her as she remembered that day with Luka underneath the bridge. She'd been so sure that she'd had to break up with him because of Adrien, but as she purposefully tried to recall the memory, something registered like a mental fog clearing in her mind.
Hadn't it actually been her responsibilities as Ladybug that had done it? In fact, that added up alongside all of the other memories of his akumatization; she hadn't been ditching him during their dates out of discomfort or her crush on Adrien, but because of akuma and sentimonsters.
How could she have forgotten? Or rather, how could she have remembered otherwise?
Marinette just barely managed to snap herself out of her trance, her phone having dimmed from inactivity and the sight of her furrowed brows and worried frown staring back at her from the blackened screen. She blinked rapidly, then shook her head to clear herself of the unnerving thoughts.
Lighting her phone back up, she hurriedly typed back as she realized she'd left Luka on read, trying to ignore the way her thumbs shook.
Nothing much.
She hesitated, already seeing him typing back. Guilt burrowed around in her stomach, knowing very well that it was not "nothing" but being unable to properly convey what was going on to him when she didn't even understand it herself.
She typed again, his own typing ceasing to let her add to her comment.
Actually, I've been thinking a bit lately. I'm going to be in London for a while and I'm on the train ride there right now. It's given me some time to myself and it's... weird.
I'm sorry, I know that doesn't make sense.
Even though he hadn't replied, she knew he was taking her seriously as he was typing back.
It makes sense. Background music doesn't work for everyone.
Marinette realized that her shoulders had been tense when they relaxed at his message. She pressed her lips together, feeling vaguely like she didn't deserve him and pushing down the thoughts just as quickly. He'd never approve of that kind of talk.
My head's just been a bit of a mess. Or... not a mess? Things were really foggy but I didn't realize that they were? It's like I'm thinking clearer but I don't know if I like everything that came with that.
What was the phrase? Ignorance is bliss? She had no idea where these changes were coming from, but something had indeed changed and she didn't know the significance of it. She was indeed happy that she felt so in control now over her thoughts on Adrien, but why now? What caused it, and what about her memories?
Would it go away?
Marinette shuddered at the idea, but tried to focus on her conversation with Luka. Having a crisis wasn't going to do her any good, and he was there with her, even if only through text.
I can't know what you're going through, but I think I get it.
You do?
Yeah. Do you remember my birthday, when everyone heard about my dad being Jagged Stone?
He already continued typing, so she just nodded even if he couldn't see it. She'd only been with Juleka when the reveal had happened, but she imagined it'd been just as much of a shock for her as it'd been for them. She couldn't even imagine when Luka could've learned about it.
Wait--no, she'd already known, actually, hadn't she? He'd been akumatized and had gone after Jagged, and she'd been there when he forced Jagged to tell him the truth about being his father.
Marinette winced at the filling of a gap in her memory that she hadn't realized had been there. Once again, she'd remembered something that she couldn't fathom having forgotten or misremembered, even with how spotty her memory could be under normal circumstances.
She turned towards the back of her seat and the window, trying to isolate herself so it felt like just her, her phone, and Luka. She desperately needed his texts as a distraction.
I'd wanted to know who my dad was for so long, but learning that it was my favorite musician all this time was a lot. I had to redo all the notes I’ve ever written about him, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it for a while.
He kept typing after that, and she merely stroked the side of the phone with her thumb as some form of support, even knowing that he couldn't know about it.
But I'm glad I knew in the end. He's doing his best to make up for all the lost time, and I don't have to go on never knowing what that song would've sounded like.
Their situations weren't exactly the same, but it was enough to reach her deep down. Whatever her situation was, if it really did mean something, she'd rather know it was there than go on never knowing. She hated the idea of being left in the dark, just as she hated being lied to.
As she took a calming breath, she found it in herself to type back.
I'm glad you know too. You deserve people who make you happy, Luka.
Thank you, Marinette. You do too, and I hope that whatever you're going through goes at least as well as it did for me.
She bit her lower lip at her reply, which felt clipped in tone even though she hadn't meant it that way. She just had too much on her mind and it was hard to think about what emotion was coming across when she was typing to him.
She tapped away at the on-screen keyboard, hopefully before he could think anything in particular about it.
Though she wanted to explain further, she wavered, her legs bending as she curled further in on herself. The conversation had already been so deep and she didn't want to make it worse.
But just as she debated on dismissing her feelings and insisting that he not worry about her, the memories that had been cleared up from before came back to her, reminding her of a warm hug on top of a bridge.
"When you're ready, I'll be here, Marinette."
She inhaled shakily, but steadied herself immediately afterwards, letting the warmth of the words calm her. Luka was there for her and she trusted him.
She was ready.
...I'm scared, Luka. I thought I had my clarity, but I don't. Something's wrong.
Then, almost on cue, the train screeched to a halt, jostling her out of her seat as the lights went off. The simultaneous sound of phones ringing followed soon after.
Marinette held her breath, crouched down in the restroom while she listened closely for the sound of her parents' footsteps. Her throat let out a whine, but she managed to keep it silent enough to where she was sure that no one on the other side of the door would hear it. She'd have to leave eventually or risk being cornered, courtesy of the power being off and the restroom's lock being electronic, but she felt safe enough to pull out her phone.
She also set it on vibrate just in case.
There was a reasonable concern at first that Luka's texts would indicate that he'd fallen victim to the akuma, but what she found when she checked their conversation reassured her.
Is everything okay?
Did the akuma's power reach you? Did they call you too?
The panic in simple letters on a screen made her feel noticed and loved. Keeping enough of her focus on potential footsteps approaching outside the door, she typed out a reply:
Sorry. I had to run from my parents.
I'm okay. What about you?
You're alright. I'm so glad.
I'm okay too. I hid somewhere and I doubt anyone can find me.
That's good. Be careful.
You too.
She took another breath, certain she'd be captured soon if the akuma wasn't taken care of. The train was limited and there weren't many places to go, so unless she could find a blunt object to smash her parents' phones, she was at a loss.
Regardless, Luka was there, her phone vibrating as he added onto his previous text:
I know this isn't the time, and I hate that the akuma cut into the song we were writing, but I'm here for you, Marinette. Whatever's going on, I'll help you figure it out as long as you want me with you.
Her heart fluttered pleasantly, a pink blush even tinting her cheeks. She welcomed it, unlike the fear that'd come with the changed memories. Feeling the way she did for Luka was too natural to be afraid in any way.
Thank you, so much. You're the only one I could trust with something like this.
She meant it. She'd trusted Alya with her identity in a moment of weakness, and even passed the ladybug earrings to her, yet that somehow paled in comparison to the emotions she was choosing to share. Luka would take her seriously, she was sure, even if she came up with the craziest theory in the world for why her feelings and memories were the way they were. He wouldn't doubt her, or laugh, or dismiss her as "Marinette being Marinette."
And as she sat there, completely without a miraculous or any way to get back to Paris without help, she reached up with her free hand and tugged at her earlobe, processing what she could with the information she had as one such theory started to form in her head. The fear from before never quite went away, but the idea of figuring things out with Luka brought her a sense of comfort.
Though perhaps, when she got back to Paris, she would take back her miraculous with a sense of hesitance that she hadn't had before, and there would be some testing that followed after the fact, because there were two things she refused to give up from her experience on the train.
Her sense of freedom and choice, and the feelings for Luka that she can't believe she ever questioned.
Or, if her working theory was correct, that her miraculous had her question.
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adriensaltprompts · 3 years
Submitted Prompt: “Between ‘A Good Word’ and The Truth”
Spoilers for Season 4, “Kuro Neko”.
(Editor’s note: I have not seen the episode in question, but IDC anymore lol so they’re all getting posted anyways)
Edit a bit for clarity and added some sarcasm lol.
“Kuro Neko” divergence wherein Tikki and the other kwami find it very strange that Plagg is defending Adrien so vociferously, attempting to pin all the blame on Marinette for not knowing what her so-called partner was, quote-unquote “going through”. 
Cheese metaphors aside, his behavior simply doesn’t make sense to them – doesn’t line up with the Plagg they know.
So they intervene, interrupting his ranting to question him, poking holes in his arguments.  Which isn’t hard, as they’re already more riddled with holes than Swiss cheese.  The only consistency throughout it is that he’s attempting to blame everyone other than Adrien for his troubles, lashing out at every available target – Marinette, Alya, all the other heroes…
Eventually, they figure it out.  That Plagg’s words, his reasoning… they aren’t his own.  They’ve been imposed upon him.
Adrien ordered Plagg to talk him up.  Whether he did so intentionally, knowing that he could use the Ring to make Plagg sing his praises, or if he ‘merely’ complained and wished that Plagg would 'see things his way’ more often – that he could help him ’convince’ Ladybug to do the same… the fact remains that he put a mind whammy on his kwami while he still had the Ring.
Naturally, Marinette is horrified.  She immediately starts searching for a solution, some way to break the geas… and not just this one. 
For this is just another symptom of how cruely designed the Miraculous are… even if this is working exactly as it was intended.  It underscores the inherent imbalance baked into the jewelry, and the prospect that a kwami can be forced to parrot ideas and ideology that isn’t their own… it chills her to the bone.
This can’t continue.  If she’s going to be a true Guardian, that name has to mean something.  She has to look out for their best interests, doesn’t she…?  Even if that’s 'breaking with tradition’.
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mc-lukanette · 3 years
Marinette was, for the most part, alone with her thoughts. The only sounds she could hear were the pitter-patter of rain against the window, the distant noise from other rooms as TVs continued to play live coverage of the supervillain search, and the ringing of her phone as she made her call. Tikki and Plagg were off to the side, sleeping on a pillow in the corner of the room while she’d processed the events of that day.
For a moment, she worried that the phone was going to keep ringing, or it would go to voicemail.
But it didn’t, of course, because it was Luka she was calling.
“Marinette?” His voice rang through, loud and clear in comparison to the repetitive sounds around her.
“Luka,” she began, a smile forming on her face for the first time since the whole mess had happened, “Hi.”
“Hey,” he greeted in return. He paused, as if debating whether or not to say more, then noted, “You sound… different.”
“D-do I?” She idly twirled a strand of her hair in front of her ear, the back of her finger occasionally brushing her earrings. “...Bad different?”
“No,” he assured. Idly, he observed, “You’ve been thinking.”
She chuckled lightly, impressed at how he’d understood her tone so easily. “Yeah, I… don’t worry, I don’t want to ramble much but this is kind of about you anyway, so—”
“When did it have to be about me for me to care?”
It was such a simple line, but her cheeks tinted pink. Wow, was this how she felt before, or was it just different now that she…
“You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just—I sort of got a bomb dropped on me.”
“A bomb,” he echoed, and she noticed how his voice was levelled so as to not sound curious or force her to elaborate.
“Mhm. I can’t tell you everything, but I…I realized how dependent I was.”
There was a surprised noise on the other line. “I’ve never felt like you were taking advantage of me, Ma—”
“No no,” she cut in, giggling sheepishly because it made sense that he misunderstood it that way. “I don’t mean you. It’s—well…” She breathed up, knowing that it was the first time she’d be admitting it out loud. “It’s Adrien.”
He remained silent, which she appreciated. She also understood that Adrien was an awkward subject, but he seemed to get that she was going somewhere with this.
She continued, “I think... I put too much value in how I felt about him? N-not even just with the whole crush, but with how I valued myself. If I didn't have him, I kept thinking that I was worthless.” She stared silently down at the ring in her hand, recalling the memory of Adrien's back as he ran away from her. “Like I couldn't do anything without him…”
“Marinette…” Luka murmured sympathetically.
She spoke up before he could say anything more. “Luka.” She took a breath, idly tapping at her lap. “There’s a lot going on right now, especially in my head. Too much happened all at once and it’s not exactly safe in New York right now - we can’t even go outside - but…”
She paused for a long time, not doubting what she was about to say but wanting the moment to settle. She’d thought about it a lot while simultaneously trying to distract herself from the chaos outside, and after finally getting the time to herself, she found her clarity.
“Would you wait for me?”
“Wait?” he asked in reply, curious about her meaning.
She leaned forward, her grip on the phone turning gentle. “Because - when I get back - I-I’d like to try taking you out on a date.”
The other line went dead silent, but she was patient. She’d left him hanging as well and she mentally acknowledged that it was only fair if he needed time as well. Her eyes darted from the floor, to the window, to the sleeping kwami, and finally back to her lap.
Finally, she heard something; music, and happy music at that. Luka was playing his guitar on the other end, and she couldn’t stop smiling from the sheer joy the notes gave off.
“C-can I get a translation?” she asked, even as she tried to bite down her smile, knowing full well what the answer was.
“Yes. Yeah. Absolutely.” Luka hummed along with the tune unapologetically.
“I’m still a bit of a mess,” she warned gently. “I don’t want to turn things into a disaster.”
“I hear you, Marinette, but I’m not worried,” he assured. “Even if it was a friendly date, I love spending time with you. We’ll make it work, and we’ll have fun.”
She felt absolutely giddy inside, wiggling on her mattress as she held the phone with both hands. “Will you be there when I get off the bus?”
The same happy notes from before were her answer: Yes. Yeah. Absolutely.
“Thanks.” Then, knowing that she should be wary in case the heroes actually did need her, she whispered, “I should go though, for now.”
“Okay. Be safe, alright?”
“I will.” Marinette will, she clarified internally. “You too.”
“Thanks. Bye, Marinette.”
She smiled contentedly. Regardless of the chaos going around, she was happy. “Bye.”
Just before she ended the call, his soft voice rang out lovingly, “I miss you.”
“...I miss you too.”
Once she officially ended the call, she laid back and let out a blissful sigh. At the start of the trip, she’d be focused on wanting to enjoy herself and have fun since she wouldn’t have to be Ladybug for a while, but now?
She couldn’t wait to go home.
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mlwritingprompts · 3 years
Dead people have no feelings
edited a bit for clarity
Alya can't understand. Alya can't understand why Marinette still lets Chat Noir Roam free with one of the most important Miraculous.
Before her time as Scarabella she thought Chat Noir was fine. But after feeling on her flesh the consequences of Chat Noir's recklessness, it became clear that he wasn't the shining hero she'd thought he was. Looking back at other occasions, other occasions of Chat Noir acting as he usually does...It became clear that he is a danger.
So why does her friend not try to stop him? He went as far as to try and murder her! If Marinette was waiting for Chat Noir to cross a line, attempting to murder Alya was probably beyond it!
She tries to raise guesses as to why Marinette would allow that to happen. At some point the thought that Marinette cannot stop him has arose in her mind, and and it very quickly vanished. Ladybug alone can easily power through Chat Noir, and now she has access to all of the other superheroes. She knows there's no way Marinette is okay with what Chat Noir is doing. Alya knows Marinette cares about her.
Re-examining Chat Noir's actions. She sees that the his main victim is Marinette. So maybe Chat Noir had made Marinette feel as if she can't get rid of him. Maybe he made her feel like his actions aren't too serious, or that his actions are deserved. Maybe he made her feel like she can't do it without him.
This thought horrified Alya. But she couldn't come up with any other explanation. So she concluded that must be her reason.
With her theory she went to confront Marinette about it, ready with points to tackle that way of thinking. Points how bad Chat Noir is for everyone. Example of Marinette's achievements in the things she can do on her own, and reminding her of how temporary heroes can help her. And any other tools.
When she confronts Marinette, her answer seemed to surprise her.
Marinette truly wanted to get rid of Chat Noir, but said she couldn't hurt his feelings. With further prodding from Alya, she told her about Bunnix, Chat Blanc, and the future timeline he was in.
She talked about the horror she felt learning Chat Noir knows her name. The absolute torture the thought of all her friends dead brought to her. Seeing her own dead corpse, feeling it whisp away. It was clear she can't let it happen.
Despite how awful Chat Noir is, Marinette has to coddle him and let him do pretty much whatever he wants. Because a future where he doesn't, a future where he gets akumatized, is a future where the world ends.
Alya comforted Marinette as best as she could. Her friend clearly became overwhelmed with the memory. Alya helped Marinette through it.
They changed the subject, talked about a subject that would make Marinette feel more comfortable.
But it wasn't over for Alya. They can't just do nothing about him. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."
She can't let him win. After Marinette went to sleep, Alya stayed in her room, signaling for the Kwami--who had heard everything, and were just as horrified as they were--to be quiet. She grabbed the Dragon necklace, the snake Bracelet, and the Horse glasses, before fleeing as silently as possible.
She can't hurt Chat Noir's feelings? That's fine.
Dead people have no feelings.
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