#kweer culture
shimenchus · 2 years
i don't like those 20k posts that happen on here that are like "being gay means having no friends" "being gay means having no relationship with your parents" "being gay means mental illness and crippling anxiety" like maybe for you boo but my life is great
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femmesandhoney · 7 months
inclusionists who think and try to force everyone else into believing that anyone who isn’t vanilla and/or is in a heterosexual relationship actually is kweer is so funny, but then i remember that they’re an actual reason why the lgb community is what it is today and i’m horrified. being in the lgbt+ community used to mean something, but now a heterosexual into bdsm or a furry or a person who identifies as one of the variations of gender fluid or thinks that because they’re a biological male that wears skirts or a furry or a male who sexualizes lesbians and is super into mff threesomes or a pedophile or would be ok with potentially dating a trans/nonbinary person kweer or other while apart of the lgbt community and so much more is wild. so called kweer/lgbtqiap2s+ people are more concerned with being called the right pronouns and having drag queens read books to children care about actual hate crimes and discrimination towards same sex attracted individuals in the western world and refuses to acknowledge other countries like uganda who declared homosexuality a crime that will receive the death sentence. a server calling you “sir” is not the same as being murdered for your sexuality, sir. and people wonder why there’s an increasingly number of people against lgb’s, but then again who cares it’s really the transgender women who have it worst in the whole entire world out of all of human history 🙄
inclus can suck my ass they're so obnoxious they literally bring back terrible memories of when i was on exclus twitter with other lesbians and they constantly attacked us for being lesbians even while we tried to placate them with all the libfem buzz words we truly believed lol like. they really all have childish mentalities and heads stuffed with cotton to believe what they do about how the world works.
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humanrinds · 7 months
yaoi and yuri are not ‘what gay and lesbian mean in japanese’ they’re genres of story and yaoi isn’t a catch all term for stories about gay men either
learn something for god’s sake
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battleczar · 2 years
College polycules are a bunch of traumatized attention-seekers having town hall meetings about “being communicative and setting boundaries” while not a single one of them knows how to set boundaries or communicate
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homochadensistm · 1 month
I cant speak for anyone outside it, obvs, but I really truly think my fellow american jews shouldnt consider aliyah unless the government here starts persecuting jews, ie germany in the 1930s...
A lot of people forget what the place can actually stand for, in terms of personal freedom and liberty and the ability to live free of government or systemic repression based on our jewishness. Thats an exception to rule, for us, historically. Huge W for the yanks there.
Its also going to be a huge culture shock, lmao, to go from new york or los angeles to haifa or some kibbutz somewhere. We're all jews, but what is your bacon-egg-and-cheese on a roll situation?
Plus. We've been here since 1624!!! Dafuq, why should I leave cause some purple haired college kweers in keffiyehs for palestine start getting cunty? Stay strapped and learn how to defend yourself, fellow american jews. Its gettin spicy.
But america's been an amazingly good place to us, overall, like nowhere else in history, essentially, until israel was established in 48.
Israel must exist generally, for all us jews, imo. But I also 100% believe that if jews cant make it here in america, we won't make it anywhere.
Plus if america were to disappear tomorrow its not like a lotta jew hating countries wouldnt try to destroy israel too.
I feel like we're in this one together, cousins 😘
girl regardless of ideology and patriotism and whatever, idk why anyone would trade off living in the US to living in Israel, unless u need the healthcare. Its a harsh downgrade in quality of life, like abandoning a mansion to live in the stables.
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yugotrash · 4 days
i don't think homosexuality is a disability in the way we traditionally think about it, but it is an immutable and innate trait that results in a kind of social disability, in that there is no society in which it doesn't result in some kind of social exclusion, discrimination or punishment. it's not an illness in that it doesn't really impact functioning on the physiological or psychological level on its own, but the what does make life harder is the experience of said social disapproval. and declaring it a choice renders all these problems the fault of the homosexuals themselves, because they could have just made a different choice - and society would be right to condemn them for it.
what could possibly motivate such a choice that, if it doesn't come with so much disapproval that it's outright punished, then certainly forces someone into a very strictly defined social niche (all the "third genders" of the cultural relativist camp)?
you cannot answer this question without either implying that homosexuals are deliberately making their own lives harder/limited for a fetish or passing fancy, so they're either stupid or irrational, or perhaps that homosexuality itself is a deliberate, politically informed decision to challenge social norms. In both cases the prejudices of the traditionalists are confirmed - the homosexuals really are "a phase", intentional degenerates or a political movement that may recruit from any demographic and that aims to radically transform society while ostensibly claiming "minority" status. except then all of this is given a positive spin in the queer narrative: it's good that these people have opted to be degenerates, because degeneracy is good, either because any marginal position is always good, or because all moral norms as such are bad and need to be done away with.
Now, this is obviously not something that you will ever get the majority of any population to agree with, but the fact that probably 90-95% of the general population is heterosexual, much like the fact that homosexuality is innate and immutable, isn't something these people are really worried about. The fact that they know these opinions are condemned to be marginal is what's so appealing about them. They wanna see how far this can be pushed, and feel righteous indignation when someone pushes back. They want to publicly bemoan oppression and revel in it. And they're counting on the fact that what few homosexuals can openly declare themselves as such can either be recruited for their agenda or effectively silenced either through apathy or by force of legal/cultural institutions whose favour the kweers enjoy or control.
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ibroughtyoumybullets · 2 months
something odd ive noticed when i go to a random celebo-of-a-certain-type's wikipedia article if theres a politics section it'll be like: quote from 2005: george bush sucks i hate that guy and we need to leave iraq and afghanistan quote from 2009: homophobes are dumb and bad for the country quote from 2022: cancel culture is an evil monstrosity, the kweers are going to be the death of us all, i think killing (brown) people for oil is cool.
like what is that. for real actually whats going on there. is it some combination of continued exposure, money, and power eating away at their souls until they're toeing whatever party line will keep good drugs and good jobs rolling in? or is it that these people are actually attention hungry contrarians that will say whatever can be deemed 'unpopular' or 'counter-cultural' (regardless of how true that may be in the wider, general opinion at the mo) because their politics actually boil down to 'i like to make people angry because i wasn't hugged enough as a child and now i make that other people's problem'?
i guess it could be Literally reactionary. in that by 'of a certain type' i mean celebs with vaguely* sticky pasts who have faced a modicum of media or public backlash when that past has come up in conversation. and instead of being able to listen, process, and grow from that criticism they crouch down into the uglier parts of themselves - in part because other, shittier people have given them a handful of validating words and support and told them they've actually never done anything wrong ever and anybody who criticizes them is a filthy commie kweer snowflake. and its easier for the ego to decide the latter group is right.
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hidetothink · 10 months
That zine posted by gaylib4gays perfectly sums up my experience of getting out of the south, where I was told to conform and get used to the idea of settling down with a woman... only to find myself in the queer community where I've been asked to conform and get used to the idea of settling down with a woman who calls herself a man? I did not escape one repressive culture just to end up in a new one. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, I guess?
Same here, I'm sorry you went through that whiplash, anon. It's a more unique experience than I thought, going from extremely religious homophobia to the neo-homophobia of "kweer" communities
Be strong, and feel free to drop a line if you want to talk or vent. It will take me seven months to reply, buuuuuuuuut lol
Be well <3 Happy Pride
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dreissigconversion · 1 month
Ok I will say that while I have no particular affinity for Homestuck, outside of acknowledgement and respect for the influence it's had on Internet culture on the whole, I do not know where Neotrances gets brought into this shit.
I thought a lot of this was between Homestucks who are just kinda baseline annoying and those TME lesbian types who think DTWOF was the greatest piece of kweer shit ever made and ignore (in lieu of outright support for) Bechdel's not insignificant history of transmisogyny (i.e. also annoying but in an altogether less fun and more actually troubling way).
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lesbianamalvada · 5 months
not to oil a flame but if you consider doing hours of research and collaborating with multiple people to make sure you're factually correct and then publicizing your findings in a digestible format for the public about very significant and harmful disinformation that is still being spread around to this day is the "bare minimum", I think you're the problem
the queer community didnt get where it is by shunning help and trying to pretend you're better than others. have a little respect for your history and the community that protects you, unless you want to know why we had to fight so hard to get where we are
this is seriously over todd in the shadows 😂😂😂. Bruh what research did Todd have to do to point out hacky lies like "Forrest Gump had no cultural relevance" and "Most Nazis were gay". The ones that are still being spread around to this day were 1. Covered by Hbomb as well or 2. He didn't even get to. Yes researching a video debunking obvious lies (that will in turn get you way more praise, clout, money than effort you put in) IS THE BARE MINIMUM . IT'S A DRAMA VIDEO. He debunked obvious shit.
"the queer community didnt get where it is by shunning help and trying to pretend you're better than others."
He made a youtube video, not a nonprofit asshole. I'm allowed to have a fucking opinion on youtube drama.
"have a little respect for your history and the community that protects you"
Wtf? What the actual fuck??? What does a todd in the shadows video essay have to do with my history? How about the fact I have been pointing out Somerton (and other prominent queer youtubers) lies about our history and get other "kweers" attacking me for it everyday. And I didn't need some guy to be mean to my friend on Twitter to do it. Plus TODD ISN'T IN OUR COMMUNITY, and frankly, it shows. Like him being so flabbergasted that James cares more about best actress category than best actor, when that's normal in the gay male community. And I don't have any beef with Todd, my point was the EXTRA praise he was getting and WHY like him being a straight person made his contribution more special???
Also another thing I hate about you motherfuckers, youtube essays aren't protecting me or anyone else from shit. Yeah they *can* be education, but it's a business people profit from like everyone else. And a lot of them raise money for trans issues sometimes but it's not like they are our actual political representatives. Can you name one LGBT activist, their place in history, and what they did? Probably not, you lot can just say "Marsha P. Johnson threw the first brick at stonewall" and run. People like you are why Somerton got so popular, you like the aesthetics of education and activism without doing any of the work, like reading or community service.
"unless you want to know why we had to fight so hard to get where we are"
When will you people learn online discourse about youtube drama has zero effect on the rights of anyone anywhere?? All this because I'm not sucking off some straight youtuber who made a drama video? You're really threatening me with the repeal of my rights? You people are so disconnected from reality. Who the fuck is "we", anon? What have you done?? I was shunned by my mother's side of the family and my dad couldn't even look at me when he found out I was gay. I was homeless because of it, I lost everything. You know who didn't help me during that fucking time??? A FUCKING VIDEO ESSAYISTS!! Changing opinions on homosexuality, lesbian activists who actually made political changes, and myself! That's what "protected" me, okay? Frankly the LGBT community treats lesbians like crap and always guilts us with "we need to stick together" or "you don't want to fight for your rights again do you??" As if we aren't still fighting! So no, I won't be guilted into sucking the dick of the straight white man of the day. I'm not going to put up with being interrogated on why I don't suck dick in general. I'm not putting someone's feelings before my physical boundaries. I'm not going to police my language. I'm not going to qualify discussions of homophobia against lesbians with how some groups have it worse or how we're all effected, or how I'm not one of those problematic gay, or etc. I'm not bending over for an online queer community that produces nothing of value, frankly. This behavior is condescending, self-important, and honestly embarrassing.
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femmesandhoney · 4 months
People are probably calling Piper a lesbian bc there was this one dumbass line in the latest book where she says "Maybe I'm a lesbian now," just bc she's dating a girl. She's obviously bi, but now the queerio crowd is trying retcon hr into a lesbian. There was also a super insensitive part where she calls Nico (the actual GAY guy) a "queer" for some reason?? More proof that straight authors do NOT know how to write gay and lesbian characters.
tbh i don't recall rick writing like that at all in the first or second series? maybe im mistaken ive never reread the books lol, but he wrote nico as gay. like the word gay was there wasn't it. i don't think the word q ever crossed the pages of those books. if this is shit happening all in the newest series, its likely bc the attitudes towards the LGB community rapidly took a nosedive around the same time and straight people really think its acceptable to openly use kweer to describe us all and use the word all the time. its often done in misplaced care for gay and bi people, usually, and i think thats probs why the new series has stuff like that? unless she called him that in HOO then damn i forgot that and for good reason apparently. but its frustrating seeing straight authors who did like just fine writing gay characters before all this shit hit the fan suddenly start trying to make their stuff so up to date w the cultural cancer that it ends up being bad for us instead like very insane outcomes. like how do u go from calling ur character gay to having other characters call the same character slurs??
and i saw so many people say shes just like suffering comphet but lmao i didn't get those vibes from her at all in HOO. it was very obvious that despite hera's memory washing they still liked each other once they got to know one another. if they try to retcon that in the new series thats just odd 🙄 not sure what the point of that piper line would even be like lol wdym maybe. was the tone meant to be jokey cause mmmm thats weird for her. i never cared for pipers character anyways (hazel and reyna were the most interesting second series additions) and mischaracterization of her from the series itself is so awful that girl can't catch a break.
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kittyregime · 11 months
Why did kweers become so obsessed with drag culture and doubling down on creating a whole drag culture centered on kids, family, and education?
Obviously it always creeped me out, but it really just dawned on me how bizarre and insane it all is. They took an explicitly adult and sexual subculture and are (barely) making it more palpable for the general public and we are being called creepy bigots/puritans for pointing out how wrong this is.
And now I'm seeing people claiming that drag was never sexual or provocative. I honestly feel like I'm living in a satire novel. How did any of this happen???
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panvani · 11 months
People online love talking about an amorphous Kweer Community that spans the entire world, not as a general term for the existence of gay/trans people worldwide, but as a coherent community and culture capable of meaningful “infighting” or whatever as opposed to just, like, a set of individuals that share a trait that results in marginalization. It is always very revealing (bad) when people do this btw
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junglejim4322 · 1 year
obviously im not the person equipped to address this in any sort of depth but there is such a pervasive issue over such a long period of time of non black kweers claiming aave is simply pan-lgbt culture and originated within a mythical aracial queer community. its so far beyond casual appropriation literally attempting to erase history. hmmm trying to eradicate cultural origins and claim it as your own.. sounds familiar.. i almost feel like theres a word for that... 
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glowpop · 1 year
that polite kids tweet post is making me lose my mind? im going thru the notes and like every fucking person is laughing about the katakana that says gay sex, which is funny sure, but it seems like nobody is really latching onto The Point........ which is that sinophobia and fetishization of japanese culture and incredibly rampant especially on the internet. but yknow god forbid white tumblr kweers with anime icons be forced to think about racism for longer than 2 seconds
Late reply but I’m going to be charitable and hope that people did in fact get the point and are just making jokes about they gay stuff. Am I being weirdly optimistic? Probably. In the end you can’t really tell what other people are thinking yk?
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shaftking · 1 year
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Ah, yes, liking basic girly things targeted at straight girls (not saying this in a derogatory way, a lot of these shows are focused on the girls being boy-crazy) is kweer, somehow.
So liking regular things most people like is "kweer culture" at this point, huh. Gay isn't a personality trait or a cool hobby, right?.. Man, they really do want to connect every single interest they have with being kweer.
They really love to do this and it’s so weird to me. Jokes about “gays can’t drive” are all well and good as long as we all know that it’s stupid jokes and not like. Actually true. But these people legit think that watching a cartoon as a kid makes you kweer or whatever. It’s literally the same as those annoying ass kind of conservative that thinks that a kid seeing a gay couple on TV is gonna turn them gay. 🤪
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