#kyiari talks
jedikyiari · 1 year
I wonder sometimes what will be left of the Jedi when the war ends and we return home. We will be different. The galaxy different. The only thing that will not change is that we serve the Force and protect the people of the galaxy. That is what I hold to.
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shabre-legacy · 7 months
I feel a need to find an excuse to talk about Kyiari and Aacha more
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clonesandjedi · 10 months
In a universe where Ponds and Mace Windu are dating. Kyiari is talking with Mace and Ponds, Drift calls over and says it's time to go, something time sensitive. Kyiari says her usual goodbye to Mace and then she does her little hopspin and as she runs off, she lifts a hand, waving to Ponds with "Bye dad." leaving him shocked and confused as she laughs her way over to Drift and they jog off together.
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jedixamidala · 3 years
The war had been raging on for what Padmé and many others had considered fa too long. All that she wanted was peace between the two warring factions and not having any more civilians hurt in the process, that was one reason why the young Jedi Knight had volunteered for the relief mission to a war torn outer rim planet. She was told it was going to be her and the Jedi Knight Kyiari Lesana, a Student of Master Windu. She hadn’t yet seen the other Jedi so she made her way to the shuttle that would be part of the small assortment of ships going to the world. It wasn’t even an attack fleet, only a single small cruiser and a handful of shuttles. On the Shuttle that was designated for the Jedi to meet the cruiser in she met her small company of Clones, the 582nd. They were mainly there for her support, all just standard clones, she didn’t need ARC troopers or ARF troopers in her line of work of being a diplomat, combat was something she saw a lot less of than other Jedi might.
After talking to her troops for a minute she saw the Twi’lek Jedi making her way to the shuttle. “It’s nice to actually work with you Kyiari, I’ve seen you around the Temple and with Master Windu.”  Padmé said with a smile on her face. “And to be honest, it is a nice change working with another Jedi other than Ani, or Master Obi-Wan.” When she spoke, she didn’t realize that she had used her nickname for Anakin. 
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commander2794 · 3 years
It’s all over
@firstofficerwiggles, My piece for the Clone Wars Victory Ball AU event.
mostly fluff, OC Clones and their OC Jedi.
Drift moved away from the crowds to lean against the wall and take a moment. The war was finally over. They’d won and he and all his brothers had been invited to this ball so that they could be shown off. He still didn’t believe that they were being appreciated for themselves by senators. But maybe time would make him believe. This party was too fancy, he’d been to a few fancy parties, ordered to attend fundraisers to be shown off and bragged about as one of the Republic's prize weapons. To try and encourage donations to the senator hosting the event. But he’d never gotten to really be part of the party and he felt so uncomfortable. This sort of event was not what he was used to. The war still weighed heavy on his mind and the future as well. The chancellor being a separatist was still making his head spin even now. How had everyone missed that? Even the Jedi, for everything they knew, they could sense, had missed it. 
Breeze passed by with a civilian on his arm and winked at him. He had to smile. It was admittedly nice to see his vode relaxing. They wouldn’t have to go to war again. They could finally learn to live like regular people. They wouldn’t die, forgotten on some battlefield. They’d get to live and meet people and do things. There was even a rumor that several Jedi were helping to craft a clone rights bill to get them all citizenship. His Jedi had whispered that there’d been a bit of an argument through the temple on which Jedi got to work on it. 
His Jedi, there was the topic that was still weighing on his mind. It had been one thing when they were general and commander and they were in the field all the time and the galaxy was at war. But now he got to add other things besides war to his life. Kyiari would return to the temple and to her life as a Jedi. Would he get to see her? Would she even want him anymore, now that they weren’t facing life and death every day? He didn’t know and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He’d admitted he loved her long ago and he firmly believed that he would love her until something finally killed him. 
He wasn’t sure what life would look like now. But he hoped that everything would work out. The Jedi didn’t seem inclined to simply abandon them to figure out a galaxy that they quite literally hadn’t been created to ‘live’ in, alone. They were meant to die for it, not be part of it. And those damn chips. He reached his hand up and felt the small scar on his head again, just like he’d been doing since the thing was removed. The thought that someone could have used him, could have overrode his own will and forced him to hurt his Jedi, his Kyiari, the thought still chilled him. And that someone could have controlled his vode, that made him furious. He wasn’t usually one to be anxious about the future, but he couldn’t help it now. So much had happened and so much seemed uncertain. 
Another vod passing near drew his attention. This time it was Aspect. He was actually dancing. Aspect, who had always refused any opportunity to dance, even at 79’s, was dancing. Of course, it had a lot to do with his partner though, that much Drift was sure of. The Jedi healer, Elsie, who’d been brought into their legion as a field medic. They’d been spending time together since Elsie started coming around and Drift had been sure they were together. Seeing them now, together and how happy Aspect looked. He had no doubts. He wouldn’t push the medic to talk. He was just happy that his brothers were getting a chance to celebrate together. Not just the 727 and the RRL. But all of them, the entire GAR. 
He wasn’t surprised when a hand landed hard on each shoulder. He’d seen his boys trying to sneak up on him. Staying aware of his surroundings was a survival habit. He would likely never be rid of the ability. Checkmate stood on his left, likely having been next to Breeze, they were practically inseparable and always had been. Feedback was on his right and probably either on his way to Breeze and Checkmate or to the table full of food. Both of them had big grins and were simply staring at him. “What?” They didn’t bother to say anything, both just pointing at the entrance to this over the top event. There stood Kyiari, 
She wore the outer cloak of the Jedi over an actual dress. If he could have thought, he would have found it strange that she was wearing a dress, but he couldn’t think. He didn’t even notice Checkmate and Feedback moving away to continue the party. All he could see was her. It had been a couple days since he’d last seen her. She’d come by to explain some of what had happened and to check on the boys, but she’d been insisting on otherwise staying near General Windu. He’d apparently been injured in his fight with the Chancellor and according to Kyiari, both she and General Billaba were staying close. She turned her head and looked at him and started towards him, but was quickly swarmed by senators and some of the natborn who’d been invited. He chuckled, always attracting attention everywhere they went, that was his girl. 
He settled against the wall a bit more and just watched. The thoughts that had started to bother him finally settled down. They’d return later. But he could once again just enjoy the night off. 
As he waited for her to be able to slip away, his comm pinged. He’d been told it was a night off, so he almost didn’t check it, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Checkmate pulling out his; Feedback and Aspect as well. Fishing them out of the suits they’d been given for the evening. It was a message from Kyiari. “Found a surprise a couple hours ago. Thought you’d all want to see, head over to the furthest lounge.” Across the massive room he could see the men of the 727 extracting themselves from whatever they were doing. It seemed the message had only been sent to one company in the battalion though, based on who was going. If he’d gotten it, the surprise must be for him as well.  
He joined the rest of them is trying to slip out as subtly as a group of clones could. Luckily, there were plenty of their brothers around to distract those who’d stop them. He saw Tempest Squad and Thunderwave among those moving. Sinks and the other company pilots. Even Bynn had gotten the message and he’d been transferred over to the Coruscant Guard a while back. Whatever their general had arranged for them. It must be big. 
The vode who had gotten to the room ahead of him were standing and staring when he got there. The room was empty except for a trooper standing near the window staring out, wearing a clean set of blacks instead of the suits or armor the rest were wearing. As he moves into the crowd around the door, they must have finally made enough noise to be noticed, because the vod at the window turned and Drift could swear he stopped breathing. Those tattoos, that stupid smile that was spreading over his face as he looked from face to face. Drift had never thought he’d see him again. That he was dead, another brother fallen on a dust ball far away who’s body couldn’t be retrieved. But there he stood, alive and smiling, hurt, but standing. Sinks was one of the first to move. They’d had a rivalry, but it had mostly been lighthearted. He’d been nearly broken when they’d lost Crash. The hug they shared was one of relief and joy and the shared comfort of familiarity. Drift let most of the others go first. He always put himself last, let his men, his brothers have their time, get what they needed first. But there was no denying that he was crying when he finally had the chance to embrace his vod’ika and welcome him home. 
It was a while before any of them felt like leaving that room. Having their vod come back made most want to stay close, as though he’d slip away again the minute they turned their back. It seemed Sinks and Coil weren’t about to let him go anytime soon. They were hovering so close that there was always a hand or arm or leg touching him at all times. Eventually though, most went back. After all, somebody had to serve as the distraction so that those who’d been closest to Crash could stay without being bothered by the natborns. 
Walking back into the main ballroom though, it felt a little like he’d been punched again. Kyiari had removed her robe, leaving her dress on full display. She was a vision. The dress was nearly the same dark brown as her robes. One shoulder was bare while a piece of softer brown satin brushed across her breasts to cover the other shoulder. Her waist was emphasized with the only embroidery on the dress, a gold leaf pattern stretching similar to a belt. The skirt, the skirt was full and reached to the floor, but there was a slit in the side all the way up to her thigh, her blue skin taunting him as she moved. This was not her usual attire. She usually stayed covered up in layers at these events. Wearing this, it was different, it was unusual, it was for him, it had to be. Especially as she turned and he caught sight of her necklace, a rather inexpensive thing. A small purple flower with three green leaves and lying partially hidden behind the flower, a durasteel ring, polished but handmade. His ring, on the necklace he’d given her.
 he was moving toward her before he even realized what he was doing, before he could stop and make it look like he was doing anything but making a beeline for his general though, she was walking towards him as well.  
“Hello Commander” His rank had never sounded so sweet as it did when she said it in that soft voice as she looked him over. But tonight, he wanted something more, the war was supposed to be over after all. 
“No titles today Kyiari,” He said softly, mindful of where they were. “It’s just us for now.”
The smile she gave him, that was the smile he’d fought for. “Drift.”
He needed to say it before he forgot, before that damn dress and his ring on her neck made him forget, He’d get more answers later, for now though, “Thank you for bringing Crash. It’s good to know he’s alive. To be able to see him and know he’s back and alive and with his vode where he belongs.”  
“I’ll always bring your brothers home whenever I can. You all deserved to be together as much as you want. He needed it too. To know he’s not alone anymore.” She slowly looked him up and down, that familiar glimmer in her eyes “you look nice, ankai’a”
He gently tugged at her hand, prompting her to twirl for him, before moving closer. “You look beautiful, cyare. Mesh’la” he let himself smirk just a bit. It was satisfying to know that she thought he looked better than he thought he did. “I don’t think I’m seen this dress before. It looks spectacular on you, wear this for someone special?”
 “Of course, I wore this for the best man I’ve ever met, and I love him very much. I thought a victory ball might be a nice place to dress up for him.”
He smiled and would have stayed there forever, but those battlefield senses hadn’t dulled in the days since the war ended. He could see the senators and their guests eyeing them and some moving closer, clearly trying to hear what they were whispering to each other. That just wouldn’t do. Maybe it was selfish, but he wanted his Jedi all to himself for just awhile longer. He’d have to share her with the rest of the galaxy soon enough. He lifted a hand and gestured to the dancefloor. “Care for a dance.” 
“Of course Drift, I’d love to” Kyiari placed her small blue hand in his and he led her out on the floor. As he pulled her in close and began swaying to the music, it seemed the galaxy narrowed. His brothers laughter surrounding him and his girl in his arms as the music swelled. It was almost enough to make him believe it was all truly over.
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Kyiari doesn't trust herself to talk much. Her voice is flat as she nods to Thorn "Thank you, Commander", salutes and follows his men out.
He salutes back, his Aura rings with compassion and selfdoubt and a mingled mess of confusion, relief and shock.
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shabre-legacy · 10 months
list of oc names so I can refresh my own memory on who I've mentioned and talked about and need to make sure to keep up on.
Kathale Cresym - imperial agent, human, swtor
Leikael Shabre - smuggler, mirialan, swtor
Tyrenic Shabre - jedi knight, mirialan, swtor
Maida Tarkin - imperial officer/rebel spy, human, star wars AU
Shaialis Coro - Sith warrior, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Shelerik Coro - Jedi Knight, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Annilai Jhasis - jedi consular, cathar, swtor
Leita Naberrie - Rebel spy, human, star wars AU
elazari Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Nyaisa Shabre - republic trooper, mirialan swtor
Ciski'zut'sairma "Izutsa" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Ikhirr Jhasis - republic trooper, cathar, swtor
Agent Fifteen "Niaken" - imperial agent, mirialan, swtor
Nastao Rasu - sith warrior, Zabrak, swtor
Kyiari Lesana - jedi, twi'lek, swtcw/star wars AU
Zriq'ozak'luskomu "qozak" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Natamai Shabre Lok - bounty hunter, Mirialan, swtor
Leshlaa Phizaas - jedi consular, togruta, swtor
Savri Gedyc - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Tisna Cizm Lok - bounty hunter, mirialan, swtor
Kirjula Fesep - Jedi, Twi'lek, swtor au
Tama Riczu - Smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Sadarie - smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Kyhra Alithna - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Zohla Iyoriun - jedi knight, sith pureblood, swtor
Aacha Lesana - Rebel recruiter/jedi self training, twi'lek/human (clone), sw rebel era
Izalia Iyoriun - jedi consular, sith pureblood, swtor
Ireri Tvilan Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Vin'atan - dark side force user, force ghost stuck in Ireri's head, swtor
Marat - jedi padawan to tyrenic, mirialan, swtor
Riqr Arist- jedi, bio father to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
Jyshya Jhur - republic navy pilot, friend to nyaisa, gf to zohla, cathar, swtor
Jasuri Nil -freelance bounty hunter, sister to Natamai and Savri, wife to mako and akaavi, cathar, swtor
Orrishk - protege to tama, wookiee, swtor
Lucn Riczu - cousin to tama, mirialan, swtor
Nezva Wren Shabre - bio mom to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
The first time that Drift tells Kyiari she’s beautiful it’s an accident. 
They’ve been flirting lightly for awhile, mostly quips back and forth across the battlefield. She is a Jedi, voluntarily bound to their code, and his superior officer and neither of them forget this. So they keep things light, just to dispel the tension of combat around them. 
Kyiari has spent her downtime the last few days showing troopers who wanted to know, what the Force looks like, what the world around them, and their brothers and the galaxy looked like to someone who saw it with the Force, what everything felt like to Jedi. she could only show one or two troopers at a time so it was taking a while to get through all the interested men. She didn’t seem to mind though. She’d become close to her men and enjoyed the time doing something gentle that made everyone smile and seemed to enjoy answering their questions too. 
They’d be leaving soon. They’d won their battle here, driven off the separatists. One more night in camp, then at dawn, it was back to the Aurora and on to Coruscant to report, resupply and redeploy. 
Drift hadn’t lined up with the others to have Kyiari show him the wonders of the Force. Something about it seemed like something private. Maybe it was the fact that she removed her gloves for it. He knew how careful she was about her hands. Maybe it was the stillness before they’d start looking around in awe. But it just felt private. He needed to keep his distance, he knew that. He was a clone and their education was spotty in the area of emotions and interpersonal interactions, but the draw he felt. The urge to spend every free moment around her, he was pretty sure it was what the holonet called a crush. He was curious though, immensely so. From what his vode said, the Force could actually be both seen and felt and their descriptions sounded amazing. 
By now she’d moved from where the vode sat around the fires or already sleeping, and moved to an outcropping of large, smooth boulders, just a bit away from the camp. She sat on one of them turned away from everyone, staring at a waterfall nearby, a light breeze slightly lifting her lekku, making them dance just a little, just gently. 
Drift decided to take the opportunity and walked over and sitting next to her. She appeared to be meditating, so he just sat quietly watching the same waterfall, unaware of the nudging and smothered laughter and eye rolls going on behind them.
A few minutes goes by quietly with Kyiari seeming to barely even breathe, she was so still. Eventually, just as Drift was starting to think that this was a stupid idea and he was better off just never knowing what the Force was like, the Commander spoke, her voice different then normal, soft, low and gentle, still seemed like music to him, but something soothing and slow rather then her usual warm, cheerful, tone that seemed on the edge of ice or laughter.  “Thank you for your patience, Major.”
he stumbled a bit over the ‘Of course commander’ before he took a moment to breath and just asked the Jedi. “Actually, if you have a moment, I had... I was wondering if you could show me the Force. The descriptions sound stunning, but it’s a vague concept.” 
Kyiari laughed, it still sounded like bells to him, just like the first time he’d heard her laugh, but softer, lower. “I would have thought you’d be first in line to know once I started showing everyone who wanted to see.” 
They knew each other well now. Though it hadn’t been all that long chronologically, only a couple months, serving together, nearly dying together, fighting together. It seemed to bring people closer quickly. She knew all about his curiosity, his desire to know everything he could, to unravel the secrets of the galaxy and spread them out in front of him like a battleplan for further study. He knew about her constant energy, how sitting still was maddening for her most days and how much the time loss from her flashburn bothered her, he knew how much she loved the Force and the Jedi and wanted to share the joy and contentment she found in both. 
“Well, thought I’d let the boys get their turns in. They don’t get to spend much time just talking with their commanding officer.” He smiled at her and she laughed again, shaking her head softly. 
“Would you like to see now?”
“Yes!” too quickly “I mean, I have a few minutes Commander” 
Lesana glanced at him, that soft smile still on her face, lekku drifting with the breeze. “We are off duty now Major, you can call me Kyiari if you’d like, or even just Lesana.” She tugged gently on the strings of her gloves, loosening them and placing them in a pouch on her belt. 
He quickly stripped off his gloves as well. A heavy duty armored set vs. her light Jedi gloves seemingly there mostly to provide a slight barrier between her hands and the galaxy. He expected her to simply reach over the distance between them with one hand like she had the others. Instead she turned to face him and scooted closer, so as he sat with one leg folded under him to face her, their knees almost brushed and held out both her hands. 
He reached out and took them. “close your eyes.” He heard Kyiari say softly “Feel the air around you breathe with you. Relax.” He sat for a few minutes, at first trying to match her quiet breathing, but it was too quick for him, so he focused on doing what she’d said and relaxing. “I’m going to use the Force to touch your mind now, It won’t hurt but it may feel strange. You can tell me to leave at any moment and I will do so. The Force is even more feelings then it is sight, you will have a sudden spike in the number and intensity of the emotions that you can feel, be prepared for that. Are you ready?”
He almost couldn’t believe she was asking that. He’d been wanting to know everything about the Force since she’d started answering random questions about it days ago. “Yes”
He felt something brush against his mind, he wasn’t sure how he felt that or how he knew how to define the sensation, but that was the best way to describe it. Then slight pressure, odd but as he’d been promised not painful. Then the emotions hit, so many of them, so strong and from everywhere, it was almost too much. He could hear Lesana coaching him, helping him, as he listened to her voice, he felt the overwhelming emotions recede a bit and come under control. 
the two of them just sat there for a few minutes. Then a quiet whispered “Open your eyes”. Kyiari kept hold of his hands as he turned his head and looked around. The descriptions didn’t do it justice, it was amazing. The depths of colors, the glow of life over everything, the swirls of light dancing over the waterfall and twisting among the stars. Even the rough army camp looked better like this. He could finally understand what the Jedi meant when they said that each trooper looked different in the Force. They didn’t just look different, each of his brothers felt different too. He couldn’t explain it, didn’t know what the Jedi called it, but it was there. Slowly after staring at everything he could, he turned his gaze back to Kyiari. 
The planet’s moon had risen in the sky, the soft light dancing across her skin and making her eyes shine like the brightest jewels. That mischievous smile that she always seemed to wear across her face, gentler now then usual, but still there. The swirls of light being blown by the wind danced around her lekku, she drew them in and reflected them brighter. Just like she did him. Pulling him into her orbit and pushing him to become all the better for it. The moonlight, the lights, the breeze, the things he’d been feeling for weeks and burying them so deep he didn’t have to look at them, “You’re beautiful!” It was a breath, barely an exhale, spoken with the truth that appears most honestly under moonlight. It tumbled out of his mouth in a voice filled with awe and devotion. A wish, a hope, the most truthful thing he’d ever said. As soon as he realized what he’d said though, the spell was broken and the moment gone. He quickly pulled back and stood up. “Apologies Commander, that was out of line. It won’t happen again. Thank you for showing me the Force.” He snapped off a quick salute and hurried back to the safety of the fire and the lights and his brothers and their bad humor.
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clonesandjedi · 3 years
Kyiari will be taking Tempest and Thunderwave out of a mission to clear out an old Order of Dai Bendu Monastary that’s being used as a strategically advantageous separatist base soon. Master Windu was very insistent that his padawan with her troops rather then regular military forces that are slightly closer due to the fragility and importance of the structure. They may also find some information sending them running across the galaxy in pursuit of information and the unknown potential of dooku seeking out an unknown source of destructive power. She’d probably be willing to take other squads, or troopers or jedi along to ensure mission success, might need to talk to her master, or other council members or other knights/masters/padawans along the way as well.
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Loss of control in an emotionally overwhelming environment, that one sounded familiar. Kyiari nodds along as Ait talks, resting a fist gently against her chin. “And considering the worry about your brothers on Kamino, even if the Order was able to use our influence to protect you, that doesn’t remove the danger they’d face when word got back. I will train you, Ait. I can teach you a few things, if you want me to. But I do need to make sure you understand that I can’t train you to be a Jedi. I can teach you better control, I can help you refine the skills you already have so you don’t hurt someone accidentally or lose control in most situations. I can teach you how to use the Force to aid you more deliberately. I can even teach you the philosophy behind why Jedi train the way we do. But the council hasn’t allowed an adult to become a padawan since before the Ruusan Reformation. That may not be something you even wanted, but I just want to be as straightforward and honest with you as I can be.
"Well, technically, if I may", Thorn throws in cautiously, "He is, in fact, 9 years old, which makes him, by Natborn standards, still an infant."
“I would gladly learn what you have to teach me, especially if it helps me protect my vode and those working and fighting alongside me,” Ait continues, looking interested while nodding to Thorn, “Though Thorn is right about my age, I’ve never even dreamed about becoming a Jedi. I’ve barely wrapped my mind around being force sensitive All I want is to be able to control my abilities and use them to protect my vode and those I’ve sworn to protect. The best way to do that is to learn control to keep it hidden from any natborns that would report me and others like me to the Kaminoans. I just want to keep everyone safe.”
Thorn doesn't agree with them. Since Ait is working in the Senate they might be in more danger than what either the Jedi or the Clone realize. He wants Ait to go and leave the Coruscant Guard. It is their best chance to stay alive.
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Kyiari looks at Ait while he talks, trying to give him her complete attention. This is important. She only looks down for a moment after he’s done speaking. At least there was some trust in Master Ti. Not turning to her was a concept she didn’t fully grasp, but the reasons were clear and she reminds herself that their life had been so different, she couldn’t judge the decision. The soldiers under her command had told her a few stories. It no longer surprised her when new troopers arrived believing they could trust no one but their brothers. “The only one you knew that had the abilities. That must have been desperately lonely. I can’t even imagine coming into my abilities without being surrounded by others who had the same and understood. I can understand the necessity. It was more risk than any of you were willing to take. Something must have happened recently though, for you to decide to have the Commander contact me. Have your abilities shifted in some way? Have you been able to do new things recently? When did you learn of your abilities? Also is there a specific time during your training that the kaminoans seem to push at for Force abilities or do they not seem to do that, just from your experience?”
Ait’s eyes widened slightly as he listened to all of the General’s questions. Deciding to start with the last question, Ait took a breath before answering. “I never noticed any specific tests surrounding force abilities, sir. I don’t think the Kaminoans know enough to test for force sensitivity. Force sensitivity was known as something the Jedi had, and when we learned about the Jedi was when I realized what was happening.”
Ait grinned slightly at her. “Needless to say I had a bit of an existential freak out.”
Their grin quickly slid off their face. “I’ve had some trouble in the Senate. The amount of emotion in the building can be very overwhelming, especially those directed at myself and my vode. I also slipped up today and caught a blaster one of my vode dropped where a Senator or other natborn could have seen. I was able regain control until the end of my shift, but once I got to a safe place, I lost control again and unintentionally reorganized some of the maintenance closet. I don’t want to get any of my vode in trouble by losing control where a natborn superior officers Senator could see.”
[ I cant add anything to this. Thorn is just a witness. ]
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Kyiari blinks and pauses for a moment, before taking the water from Thorn and draining the glass quickly and dragging a hand across her face “of course, of course I’ll help” She mutters, as she waves a hand, pulling a spare chair over with the Force and drops onto it. “Force sensitive clones, how did we all miss this?” She takes a breath, before straightening and looks at Thorn and Ait. “It’s good to meet you, Ait, I can likely teach you a few things… I have several questions"
Ait glances at Thorn, shifting on their feet slightly. “It’s good to meet you too, Sir. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability, but I’m not sure how many answers I’ll have,” They speak softly, meeting her eyes for a moment before looking away to scan the office again now that they were fully awake.
Thorn takes the glass patiently and sits down by his desk to watch the talk from a safe distance. He doesn't want to leave in case Ait needs him to jump in.
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
Aacha Lesana’s story
Takes place 2bby on the outer rim planet of Cassar
Aacha Lesana -Daughter of Jedi Knight Kyiari Lesana and Clone Commander Drift, Twi’lek, 22, Rebel recruiter/spy/self-training Jedi, Guardian, lvl 1
Aacha finally got one of her imperial contacts prepared to defect and arranged to meet him on a backwater planet that doesn’t have much. Unfortunately, she spent most of her credits evading oddly targeted imperials to get there and she hadn’t heard a thing, 
She gets a message from a visiting “merchant” looking to hire guards for a trip to trade with the local villages. A merchant that she is familiar with as he is also a rebel spy. They haven’t worked together before, but they’ve seen each other. 
She agrees to the job along with a makeshift droid and a chiss mechanic named shait. Their first task involves getting a protocol droid that is supposed to have the local natives language programmed into it. However, the mechanic who was supposed to have the droid was missing and his shop ransacked and the droid gone as well. This is concerning since Aacha doesn’t know exactly what the contacts mission is or what the mechanic was told. But she isn’t willing to allow a rebel operation to be compromised. So when she finds someone who knows what’s going on, she is vague but intimidating in telling him that the mechanic was involved in things bigger then he knew and that it could bring off world trouble for everyone if the man doesn’t tell her where they went. The mechanic turned out to owe debts to a gang. When confronted, the party was able to get the droid, but not the mechanic. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the good of the rebellion and thus the good of the galaxy, even for a self-training wanna be Jedi. They find that not only does this refurbished droid think that it’s brand new, but it’s also an imperial model that believes it’s still serving the empire and addresses Aacha as an imperial officer. It makes her incredibly uncomfortable. But needs must. 
After meeting up with their new employer, the party heads into the swamp towards the village of the native people that the merchant is trading with. On the way there her companions noticed that for a wealthy merchant, he didn’t bring a speeder or mount of any kind and he didn’t bring any wares with him. And they become suspicious while Aacha becomes more certain that this is a rebel operation rather then something to hold his cover or personal benefit. 
During this time, there is a small fight and Shait ends up needing healing. Aacha is still sus and doesn’t want them to know that she can use the Force so she asks SQ to take the protocol droid and make sure the area is safe. She isn’t overly concerned about Wo. He knows who she is, so he probably already knows, either way, he’s distracted. So she asks Shait to close his eyes and then uses the Force to heal him. 
After reaching the village, they are welcomed and spend time resting while Wo negotiates. In the evening there is a party because these people apparently value hospitality. During this feast. Our poor makeshift droid SQ gets turned into a jungle gym by the village children. He is uncomfortable with this, but doesn’t want to hurt the children, but also doesn’t speak the language. So in an effort to help since none of the party speaks the language, Aacha turns to a universal one. She pulls out her lute and starts playing some traditional rylothian music. This not only draws the attention of the children, but the rest of the village and after a few minutes they bring out their own instruments. It takes a moment, but Aacha quickly picks up on their rhythms and begins harmonizing her lute with their own songs.
While that is going on Shait was struggling to explain the concept of ice and cold to the villagers as being Chiss, he was really struggling with the heat and humidity of this jungle planet. The language barrier and the foreign concept creating obstacles in him getting cold water, eventually he manages slightly cooler water from a shallow water pit which he accepts as as good as it’s going to get before discussing some of Wo’s strange and suspicious behavior with SQ. 
At this point Aacha is kind of the unofficial party leader and viewed as the one who knows secrets and what’s going on due to her comments to the gangster they confronted while trying to find the protocol droid in the first place. Eventually though, the party winds down and after being informed of the success of Wo’s negotiations and that he wishes to return to the village in the morning, he returns to the village leaders tent for more fine-tuning of their deal. Shait and SQ share their concerns with Aacha, who acknowledges them, but tries to reassure them, saying she knows him by reputation, they have mutual friends. They aren’t particularly reassured but head to sleep anyways. 
Aacha does not. Aacha stays up and waits for Wo to leave the tent after the rest of the village heads to bed. When he does, she catches his eye and walks to the edge of the village for more privacy. And masks her behavior as stargazing. While looking at the stars, she notices a ship that looks a lot like a Corvette above the planet. But with no telescope, or macrobinoculars, she has no way of identifying it further. Wo catches up with her and they are finally able to talk without strangers hearing. She asks if he’s gotten any forwarded messages from her recruit, or any messages from rebel command at all. He is in the same boat as her, having not heard anything in a long enough time that it has become concerning. She asks about the imperial droid finding it odd. He remarks that it was acquired during a recent operation that she had heard of. She jokes about being referred to as an imp officer. Which they both agree is unsettling. She comments about the corvette, upon which he pulls out a set of macrobinoculars and looks at the ship a moment before commenting that it shouldn’t be here. Upon further inquiry, he acknowledges that he knows the ship, however before he can say more, the village leader and protocol droid leave the tent and he asks her to gather the others as there are some important matters to discuss. 
When they are brought together, Wo explains that he will pay extra if they help to secure this deal further. One of the native peoples temples has become poisoned. They can’t explain the specifics further then that, not seeming to understand what exactly has happened or why, only that they can’t go there any more. Wo doesn’t know what’s wrong, but does have reports of a ship possibly crashing in the area, so suspects that might have something to do with it.  The party for varying reasons agrees and they rest through the night before setting off in the morning. 
The journey through the swamp is easy, but upon reaching the temple, they are attacked by flying lamprey type creatures. Aacha finds them easy to deflect, but Shait and SQ take damage and then are almost killed when they trigger a rock trap. While SQ seems capable, reattaching his own arm and fixing his own damaged wiring, Shait is not in good shape. So when SQ steps away to retrieve the key they need to investigate further into the temple in search of the source of leaking starship engines that Shait had smelled earlier, Aacha once again requests Shait close his eyes as she brought her ‘healing supplies’. After healing him again, Shait asks where he can buy some of her ‘superbacta’. She informs him it’s not something he can buy. When he expresses concerns, she reassures him that there is no risk of addiction, he simply can’t buy her ‘supplies’ as no market in the galaxy carries them. After they get the doors open, they realize that they were in fact correct. The ‘poisoning’ was indeed a radiation leak of some kind. Inside the room were 3 villagers, or they had been. They’d been here at least a month and were horribly mutated and covered in tumors. Shait and SQ have taken to following Aacha’s lead through here and proceeding a bit more cautiously and with more of a plan. Aacha for all the horrible things she has done, and is willing to do for the rebellion, is also a softie and trying to be a good jedi now that she’s decided to do that. She tells them she thinks she can soothe at least one of them and if one stays calm, maybe the others won’t attack. They let her enter first. And taking a risk in front of them, she uses the Force to soothe the mind of one of the creatures, assuring them that they are peaceful and they are friends. The creature approaches quickly but not threatening and stops in front of her. She can’t leave them in pain like they are, so she reaches out and attempts to neutralize the radiation poisoning. She successfully does so, unfortunately, the sudden reversal of the mutations and the tumors falling off causes some new pain and the creature wails, turning the other two hostile. 
Aacha is able to make it over to a second creature and heal that one as well, with the same result. The radiation damage is healed, the villager wails and falls unconscious. But she is still new to this and doesn’t yet have the training to tap into her full power, she isn’t strong enough to save the third and it violently attacks the party and they are forced to kill them. 
Afterwards, they notice a large sinkhole in the room, Shait goes to investigate it while Aacha and SQ move the villagers she was able to save outside the room and further from whatever the source of radiation is so they are out of danger and out of the way and can rest and start healing more. 
Shait determines that the sinkhole leads down into a crashed ship of some kind that must have crashed into the swamp and pushed through the soft mud until it slid under the temple and came to a stop causing the sinkhole and poisoning the temple. So they tie off a rope and SQ and Shait who know things about tech drop the 30 feet down into the ship while Aacha remains up top to pull them out and keep an eye of the villagers. 
Those two quickly find the leak and seal it and restore enough power to set a cleaning system to run, clearing the radiation from this area and making it safe for a few hundred years if the ship is left alone (longer if someone does their job and removes the ship as soon as they’re told where it crashed. 
After they returned, they head back to the village and as soon as the villagers see them returning with two of their lost members, they rush forward carrying the still unconscious villagers into a healing tent of some kind while the party goes to talk to Wo. Wo is thrilled that the temple is cleared of poison and that they brought back villagers that were thought to be dead. It makes them look good, and reliable and most importantly trustworthy, which makes his negotiations easier for the future. The party is the best mercs he’s ever hired and well worth the money. They are getting along well with him. Then their gaze is drawn up towards to sky where a massive ship has just dropped out of hyperspace. Wo grabs out a set of macrobinoculars, takes one look and hands them over to Aacha, grabbing out a second set. 
It’s an imperial star destroyer. It approaches and began firing on the corvette seen earlier. This causes Aacha to launch into a string of curses because as she tells the party ”the karking imps are here. We got trouble incoming, fuckingshit” The Corvette begins moving ejects all of its cargo and jumps to hyperspace. Aacha notices that among the cargo is a single escape pod. The star destroyer drops a small transport shuttle and jumps to hyperspace as well. The transport begins heading to the only port on the planet while Wo, Aacha and Shait try to map a rough trajectory of where the pod is going to land. Wo turns to the party and tells them that he no longer wants to be escorted back to the town. Instead, he’ll pay triple for an escort to the pod. This is where SQ says that he believes that they are part of some kind of rebellion and Shait gets concerned about that. Wo reiterates that the pay is triple if he gets to the pod. And takes off running into the jungle, determined to get to the escape pod before the imperials and Aacha is right next to him, yelling at SQ (the party’s scout and best at navigating the swamp) to catch up, they’re moving. 
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
24. Are there any preexisting characters that your OC gets compared too a lot?
No not really, I haven't heard anyone compare my ocs to preexisting characters. Though in the shabre legacy Tyrenic gets compared to Orgus Din a few times and never feels like he could possibly measure up.
28. What's the meanest thing someone has ever said about an OC/OCs?
No one has said anything mean about my ocs. Except other characters in the game or in what I write about them. And they get nasty sometimes
29. Do any of your OCs have AU designs/stories?
Most of my shabre legacy ocs have an AU where they get Vitiate and/or control of the alliance.
There's two whole AU for Leikael where none of the bad stuff ever happens to her. In one she ends up working as a barista in a cafe/tea shop and meets mercenary Corso and they run off together. And one where she goes on to actually become a xenoarcheologist and deep space researcher. She always goes to the stars
Tama has her arranged marriage AU.
I know I have a separate blog for Kyiari but she has a few different AU's based on outcomes of 66. Also an AU where she has a kid. Also an AU that I didn't create nor do I write in, but play out in my head where I stick her in this AU story written by a fabulous nsfw author who has since deleted. :( (the dangerous galaxy series if anyone remembers me talking about that a few months back) But not my story so I don't really do much there except daydream. She's probably the one I throw into the most AU ideas even if I don't talk about them.
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jedikyiari · 3 years
"I'm familiar enough with the Jedi to know that you don't mean the physical way of photons traveling through space and time, but I remember my former General always liked a good laugh so I'm not going to correct myself."
It's simple humor. Not designed for a Jedi, more for a young child - but lets be honest, Thorn is nothing more than that, is he?
"Might as well get our laughs in when we can, right? You were in the GAR previously? Who was your general? If you're willing to tell me. I don't mean to pry into anything you'd rather not talk about."
Kyiari rocked back on her heels a bit and extended her awareness to locate the troopers in the area. Couldn't hurt to be aware. She liked Thorn, he seemed nice and she enjoyed his jokes, they weren't complicated. It was light and easy and fun.
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clonesandjedi · 3 years
Kyiari creates an unofficial squad she names Thunderwave consisting of Breeze, Hajin, Stel, Trell, Arrikk and Copper. Their purpose, to deal with droideka that show up. She gets them extra shields and regular blades/combat staffs and projectile weapons. (whether or not they actually have slugthrowers to deal with them is something she probably won’t talk about) so that they are the best equipped to deal with them if they show up. After all, standard energy weapons don’t work. So might as well have a squad with special equipment and training to deal with them
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