#V: Fighting in the Clone Wars
jedixamidala · 5 months
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Padme stepped off of the ship into the bustling landing pad on Coruscant, it was a day back from yet another mission for the Order, trying to stop the war raging. Padme just wanted to go back to her chambers in the Temple and sleep for a few rotations after the exhausting mission she just had and she was almost there to when a voice called out to her from behind. as much as she wanted to tell the other that now she didn't want to be bothered she turned and smiled a genuine smile to the other. "Oh fancy seeing you here." She chuckled, nodding at the other. "Was there something that you needed from me?" The Jedi Knight inquired.
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@therapardalis [x]
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Rex couldn't tell if the medical droid's voice was very obnoxious or annoying. The b1 tincan voices were much more annoying. But at the moment, his head was hurting badly and any mechanical sound reverberated with new bouts of pain. He was glad to have Thera by his side.
"Yes. Can you fix this somehow? And preferably silently, please."
Some medical droids were difficult to negotiate with, some made concessions. Rex really hoped this droid could understand him.
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noturnurse · 8 months
[ RUN ] : sender encounters receiver while escaping from pursuers [from a displaced!Luke; for Fhaj'ha]
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The battle had been going for a couple day's now, much longer then she assumed the assignment would be. The planets surface if practically empty where they're chosen battleground stood, leading the digging of trenches to protect themselves from the rain of laser fire, where she now stood, rifle in hand as she scanned the horizon through her scope. The fog is too dense to see any clanker's, but it's enough for her to pick out the silhouette of what look's too be a human, and her eye's widen. Blue eye's narrow and ignoring the shout from the clone trooper's next to her, she tosses her rifle aside, vaulting herself over the wall of the trench before running over to her target. There's only a 50/50 percent chance she'll make it before one of them gets shot, but also the one who knows where all the mine's are, and she can heal a blaster shot, not an exploded corpse.
It's loud, laser blast's coming from each direction but she make's and her arm shoot's out and grab's the strangers and tug's him away from the opposing side. She look's so out of place, to a stranger, stark white medical uniform contrasting against the blaster's in her upper hands, bright blue eye's open in what must be worry-
-Or shock, at what appears to her is sheer idiocy personified. She doesn't wait for a response from the blonde because that would get them shot, sending two shots over her shoulder at the enemy line before forcibly tugging him towards the trench as she ran, weaving around and away from any mine's buried in the dirt.
She's definitely stronger then she look's.
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charmwasjess · 1 year
The choice to make Dooku a Master of Makashi, Form II, the Contention Form, is so wonderful and I’m going to tell you why I love it.
Christopher Lee was 6’5 and huge. Adding onto that fact, we can imagine the physical reality of a person who dedicated their life to lightsaber study, who taught it as a Temple instructor for years as a full time job BEFORE blowing off to learn Sith combat arts. They could have easily made him a hulking space tank Gregor Clegane style fighter. Instead, he fights with lightsaber ballet. 
Which, as anyone who has done actual ballet knows, far from being delicate, is incredibly physically intensive and grueling work.  
What’s so interesting to me is that Makashi isn’t even a powerhouse form. Form II was developed before the good defense-as-offense of Soresu or the utility of Niman. It was a form designed by Jedi who were fighting against other lightsabers for the first time in the Sith Wars; it’s designed around disarming instead of killing, and lacks the big moves to fatally finish a fight. You can see a couple times (the end of the Obi-Wan and Anakin portion of his duel in AotC is a good example) where Dooku has to actually stop fighting to try to do a killing blow as opposed to seamlessly working a fatal stroke in. Even as a fully-revealed Sith at the height of his evil powers, he leaves duels, he rarely finishes them. 
And yet, Dooku is tremendously successful with Makashi in the prequels and the Clone Wars series for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the form itself, and everything about how he uses it. One, because he has the size and physical stamina to get hammered through the form’s weaknesses and lack of defenses to stay on his feet. Asajj is a prodigy, but she gets absolutely bounced around using the exact same form with a slighter build. And his reach makes him very dangerous. Two, because of the hallmark Makashi move, Contentious Opportunity, where a Makashi practitioner basically throws the sink at you to give themselves a little breathing room to get the complicated precision of the form back up and running. Dooku throws combatants through windows. He throws architecture at them. He throws dinner tables. His favorite, of course, is throwing lightning; in so many Clone Wars duels, you can see the exact moment a fight stops being fun for Dooku or where he’s feeling cornered or vulnerable by the point where he starts BBQing everyone. Ultimately, even his downfall can go back to the form: in RotS, he gets pinned down by a more burly form (Anakin's absolutely drilling form V) in a situation where he can't manage to buy himself a beat.
I just love this fucking detail so much: the way that lightsaber forms can be completely different depending on the body and personality of the people using them.
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My Redneck Neighbor Doug has watched The Bad Batch Season 3 opener:
This is more pithy than normal: Doug's been busy with work, as have I. But I'm determined to hear his thoughts on The Daddy Warcrimes 'n Company so here we go!
These were all via text messages, btw.
CW: Doug Doug's as you know Doug will do. Away!
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Episode 1: 'Little Orphan Blondie's Shit Internship at The Museum of Science and Industry'
Poor Little Orphan Blondie, stuck in The Museum of Science and Industry in a shit summer job because they got bills to pay. Except they got rid of the dinosaurs and walk in heart and filled it with gross shit.
Hey look, they still got the coal mine exhibit! Man I miss Chicago.
(Doug, that museum has never had dinosaurs. “What, since when?”)
MUTANT JIMMERS EVERYWHERE! Aw, Little Orphan Blondie gave one her chicken nuggets! And it’s shy, aw, I hope it’s okay.
Poor Mutant Jimmers…she named her?! Swear to Christ Almighty if that dog gets Old Yeller’d I’ll just lose it. 
That freaky alien thing that ran the mall on the ocean looks sad, I bet she wishes she fell into the water and got eaten by a shark or something. I wish you did too, lady. 
The Sons of Robocop really are everywhere, they must be a cult or something. They look cool, I’d join, why not. Think they get 401ks?
Oh man, Daddy Warcrimes is down bad. Poor Daddy Warcrimes. Man, all my clone boys are stooped and sad…this ain’t good. 
At least Little Orphan Blondie can craft! Man, she should start selling those at the Museum of Science and Industry’s gift shop. Maybe Tarkin can bring one back for the grandchildren he’s not allowed to talk to since the restraining order was put in.
Oh, there’s Stepsister Beth, she seems on edge. Must’ve gotten divorced recently, don’t blame her ex, I bet she screamed at him for leaving cabinets open who knows. How do her eyeballs not hurt after wearing those dumb glasses all day?
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Episode 2: 'Night Elves and Neverland Ranch'
The night elves from Warcraft invaded Star Wars and got horns or something and now they have a castle that looks like a boss level in Diablo IV or V or how many Diablo games they got now.
Now they yelling at people and throwing them in the basement today. Makes sense, gotta fight the orcs and stuff. Think they fight the orcs in the basement?
The Night Elf Horned Queen hired Daddy Rambo and Julio to get people, I guess they’re turning into Boba Fett or something. They got her son's horn back, guess that's good. Oh they need new paint jobs on their armor.
Do they end up in the basement in the Diablo Boss Level? No? And off they go! 
Daddy Rambo and Julio are in their homeland of FLORIDA! Hell yeah, SPACE FLORIDA! And they’re bringing the talking trashcan with them using straps! Go Julio go!  Yeah, boa vines, this is TOTALLY the Everglades! 
Escaped clone boys! Oh man! Shit, is Neverland Ranch in the jungle? Oh man–oh, they know what they’re doing. Good kids. Real good kids. Oh what happened to the rest of them? Oh Meat Muffin, this ain't good :(.
You know what? Them clone boys are smart, take it back, this ain’t Space Florida, this is Space Louisiana! Them baby boys gone get feral and run off into the bayou and live in the caves and now you know my origin story, Meat Muffin! 
If this was Florida they'd just end up working the late shift at Zaxby's and smoking rocks in the parking lot. We know better, we French and all.
I bet they’ve been living on nutria and half-empty chicken boxes from behind the gas stations. Resourceful scrappy kids and I can tell its making Daddy Rambo proud.
Oh holy SHIT, there go them vines! It's like the kudzu all over again, maybe this is LaFourche Parish?
See, them boys are definitely white trash, Mandalorian rednecks. Look at em, living in the woods and hijacking a plane, but they good kids, saving their brothers. Even saved the robot too. 
Man, all the feels, them poor little boys. What will they do now?  Oh, they're going to Space Daytona! Good, wait, I saw the trailer, doesn't the Empire invade it? THIS AIN'T GOOD MEAT MUFFIN!!!
Wait...where's Toaster Strudel and Rex?
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Episode 3: 'Blondie Got a Gun'
Well here's the Emperor. He wants to be immortal. Gotta make that other movie make sense or something.
Where's Darth Vader? Is he running the government when the Emperor is running around giggling?
Don’t you DARE kill Mutant Jimmers, you damn droid. I hate that ugly assed stupid thing. It looks like its scarecrow daddy fucked a microwave and then left it enough money to go to Planned Parenthood but instead spent it on crack and there ya go.  
Oh shut your goddamned yap, Jimmy the Scientist. I bet he gloves that hand up because he keeps shoving it up his own ass and that's why he walks funny all the damn time.
The Emperor also has a Diablo IV or VIII boss level all to himself too at the Museum of Science and Industry. How many Diablo games are there, Meat Muffin?
YEAH, LITTLE ORPHAN BLONDIE! GIT ER DONE!!! They're out! Oh wow! There she goes with Daddy Warcrimes! Kill em all and let GOD SORT THEM OUT! That's my GIRL!!!!
Blondie’s got a gun 
Blondie’s got a gun
Her whole world's come undone
Shooting droids is FUN!
....so when we gonna get Toaster Strudel and Rex? Next one? Where's my reg boys?!
Tagging those who missed my Cajun neighbor. LOOKS LIKE REDNECK DOUG IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!
@skellymom @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @cdblake1565 @sued134 @merkitty49 @supremechancellorrex @yeehawgeek @wrenkenstein @techs-stitches @deezlees @autistic-artistech @perfectlywingedcrusade @auntie-venom @megmca @thecoffeelorian
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ecto-hazard · 5 months
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Blu team guys v inspired by other blu team interpretations I’ve seen (Quazies, Emmet, several fanfics).
Info stuff under read more
Basically after the spy head was kidnapped and studied, the cat was out of the bag that Blu team is made up of clones with some genetic variations. They share the same memories as the Red team prior to the gravel wars, but red team cannot completely rule out that both teams arent made up of clones. Plus they get paid to kill each other repeatedly, so they go on fighting as normal except with some existentialism
General BLU team differences:
though the teams are more or less matched, BLU tends to lose more battles
Members are a lot more scarred up than Red on account that they got the technology for the medigun after red did
Heavy | Boris: Big Brother of the team. Very sociable and fond of the other members. If you have a problem, you go to Boris about it. His English is a little limited, but he's a great listener. He has a penchant for gardening. Gay for Blu Medic, but more in a QPR way.
Demo | Malcolm DeGroot: Less an alcoholic, more a workaholic. Quite obsessed with perfecting his craft as a demoman. Constantly urging everyone to work harder on the battlefield. The only way to get him to take time off is by dragging him kicking and screaming. Works closely with the Engineer on projects. Takes great pride in the payload bombs.
Medic | Hans Ludwig: much more socially awkward and timid in battle than the Red Medic. He prioritizes his work and ability to support the team way more than his own health. Only really opens up with Heavy and Engie, and sometimes Pyro. Gay for blu heavy and engie. (I called him Victor before but the name hans grew on me sry for the confusion)
Soldier | John Doe: Very goofy but in a more self aware way. He plays into his identity as a soldier, but doesn't take it quite as seriously as Red. He has a strong passion for animals and the wilderness. Would love to work as a national park ranger someday. He likes photographing wild animals and landscapes. Gay for Red Demo.
Sniper | Sammy Mundy: A rather polite young man. Sure he throws piss jars on the battlefield, but he's very respectful to his teammates. Takes a lot of care to keep his living space tidy. Washes his hands very thoroughly after every battle.
Pyro: Really not too different from Red's Pyro, mainly in that we know very little about them. Uses sign language to communicate (mainly with Engie and Spy).
Spy: Originally behaved much more like the Red spy, but experiencing firsthand the experiments that confirmed they were clones made him weird and existential. He became particularly more involved in the Blu Scout's life.
Scout | Chase: Quieter than Red's Scout most of the time, but becomes hella competitive on the battlefield. Very artistically inclined, and is particularly into street art. Looks up to Heavy and Spy.
Engie | Sid Conagher: Probably the closest thing the team has to a leader. MUCH less sociable than Red engie, though he's got the best head on his shoulders and takes his job very seriously. Gay for Blu Medic.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
The Soldier and The Spy
Summary: You're a Separatist spy. It's only ironic that your soulmate fights for the other side.
Pairings: Fives x reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral, 69, face sitting, Fives is subby, Republic bashing hardcore, enemies to lovers but it happens fast, Soulmate AU, ANGST
A/N: So this was very different when I first imagined it and then this idea took over. It might be the first angsty fic that doesn't have a clear happy ending. Let's just say it's only happy if you see it that way. I actually don't hate this one, but you might hate me for writing it.
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Your feet pound against the stone path as you run. Just a bit further. You’re almost to your ship. If you can reach it, you have a greater chance of escape. Of course, you had to navigate around the warship hovering in the atmosphere, but at least you wouldn’t be vulnerable and on foot.
You can hear them behind you, the clacking of their plastoid armor, the occasional calling out of orders and directions. Your only advantage is your lack of armor. You’re lighter, and faster, and you knew where you were going. 
You scramble up the steps onto the landing platform, not slowing as you race towards your ship. 
You’re almost there, just within reach when a hand shoots out, grabbing your elbow. You feel a pop in your shoulder as you’re violently redirected, your back slamming against the side of your ship. You’re quickly pinned, staring up at a clone’s helmet. He’s breathing heavily, chest heaving as he stares down at you. He must have been on foot, so how had he managed to pass you? 
“You give a good chase, sweetheart,” He says, pinning you tight against the side of your ship. His vambrace digs into your chest, making it hard to breathe. “But not good enough.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Those words have been printed on your chest, just over your heart, for the last ten years. You spent countless hours trying to imagine just what situation you’ll find yourself in where those words make sense. You spent hours picturing just who was going to say them to you. 
You certainly hadn’t thought it would be this. Nor had you thought it would be a clone saying them to you. 
“You’re one cocky bastard, aren’t you?” You smirk, knowing he’s had that line printed on his skin too. 
You can see when it registers, his hold on you lessening just slightly as he processes the situation. You’re one step ahead, using his surprise to your advantage. You drive a knee upwards, hitting him right where his codpiece ends. He doubles over, releasing you enough that you can slip out of his hold, running for the ramp of your ship. 
You’re almost there, but he recovers faster than you expected him to, your body going rigid as he stuns you before you drop, falling unconscious. 
You wake in a cell. You could guess where you were before you even opened your eyes. You’re stretched out on a cot, hardly more than a metal bed. It’s certainly not the most uncomfortable place you’ve woken in before. You push yourself to sit, wincing at the pain in your shoulder. That clone must have dislocated it when he grabbed you. 
Your soulmate. 
The clone that’s your soulmate. 
Ironic, really, that you would end up on opposite sides of the war. It wasn’t like you had much of a choice. As a clone, he had no choice on which side he fought for. Clones. The Republic’s loyal flesh machines that would happily lay down their lives for a system that doesn’t care about them. The Republic would resort to using living beings to fight. At least battle droids aren’t alive. They don’t feel, they don’t breathe, they barely think. 
You sigh, trying to move your injured shoulder. A deep ache burns through you, your shoulder hardly moving at all. It feels tight and swollen, and you can just imagine a huge bruise on your skin. 
“Excuse me.” You say, turning to face the energy shield keeping you in the cell. The two troopers stationed outside turn to look at you. “Can I see a medic? I think your buddy dislocated my shoulder when he grabbed me.” 
They share a look before one walks away. You hope they are actually getting a medic. A dislocated shoulder is hardly the worst injury you’ve had to live with, but you’re not exactly thrilled about being injured on an enemy ship. Not that you had any hopes of escaping. There were probably thousands of clones crawling every inch of this ship and the chances of you getting into the landing bay to steal a ship successfully were small. 
Going up against hundreds, if not thousands, of trained soldiers by yourself? Well, you’ve already lost to one. 
You’re left waiting an immeasurable amount of time before more troopers arrive, flanking whom you can only assume is the Jedi general. You’ve never met a Jedi before. You’ve never really seen one either. Part of your job was to avoid them at all costs, and you’ve been successful, up to this point. 
You assume they’re not here to fix your shoulder.
You meet the gaze of the Jedi as he and the two troopers enter your cell, not backing down despite how much you’d like to. His gaze is sharp, piercing right into you like he’s reading your very soul. From what little you know about Jedi, he might actually be doing that. He looks young, though. Not much younger than yourself. 
“You’re more well behaved than I figured a Separatist spy might be in this situation.” He says, breaking the tense silence. 
“Then you must not have much experience with Separatists.” You counter, testing the boundaries. 
A smirk tugs at one corner of his mouth. “You gonna make this easy on me?” 
You scoff, leaning back against the wall. “You really don’t have much experience with Separatists, then.” 
The Jedi shrugs. “You don’t have to talk to me. I know the Republic will do their own questioning when we arrive. If you’re willing to talk now, it might make that a little easier.” 
You stare at him for a moment. “Aren’t you supposed to be able to force me to talk with your little magic tricks?” 
He smirks. “That’s only reserved for dire situations. The Jedi look down on using the Force to interrogate even Separatists.” 
You sit up a little straighter. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not like most Jedi?” 
He smirks at you before turning to one of the troopers behind him. They both leave your cell, leaving you behind with one of the troopers. It’s the one that caught you. 
Your soulmate. 
He and the other clone leave the cell, leaving you and your soulmate alone. He stands there, staring at you for a while. You stare back, right into his visor. You wonder what he’s thinking, what his plan is. He could reject you. You had heard something about clones rejecting their soulmates. Maybe he hopes rejecting you will force you into speaking. 
“You just gonna stand there or are you going to interrogate me?” You ask, breaking the silence.
He finally moves, lifting his hands to remove his helmet. You stare at his face, pretty much what you would expect. You know what the clones look like, generally. He has the standard face, the standard haircut. He has a goatee, though, and an Aurebesh “5” tattooed on the side of his head. His eyes are brown, deep and expressive as they stare at you. 
“I’m not here to interrogate you.” He finally says. “Like the General said, the GAR will take care of that once we get back to Coruscant.” He stares at your face for a moment. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
You huff out a laugh. “You wouldn’t be saying that if I wasn’t your soulmate. If I remember correctly I was just some ‘Separatist scum.’” 
His jaw clenches, brow furrowing as he stares at you. “Why would you join the Separatists?” 
“Why do you fight for the Republic?” You counter. 
You’ve backed him into a corner. You know it, and he knows it. 
“If you actually knew the truth about the Republic you fight for, I don’t think you’d be so willing to lay down your life for it.” You say. 
“The truth?” His fists clench at his sides, and you know you’ve struck a nerve. The clones really are just mindlessly loyal. “What, the propaganda the Separatists feed their citizens?” 
“You don’t think the Republic feeds propaganda to its citizens too? You think so highly of a Republic that is just a bunch of cushy Senators that sit in a building and debate endlessly while their people die by the thousands across the entire galaxy every day.” 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says, starting to get angry. 
“No?” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Maybe you should start paying more attention. What are you really to the Republic? Just another number, right?” 
He turns his back to you, shoulders squared. “I’d never join the Separatists.” 
“I’m not asking you to.” You say. You’ve pressed some buttons. You know that. “Aren’t you supposed to reject me?” 
He deflates a bit, his head drooping. “We’re supposed to. It’s what the GAR wants.” 
You close your good hand into a fist. Just another way to dehumanize their human army. You’d expect nothing less. 
“Most of us don’t agree. We don’t follow that rule.” He turns back around, staring at you. “It’s not fair. To us, or to our soulmates. The General doesn’t care either. A lot of them don’t. I’m not going to reject you. I made a promise to someone, and even if he’s gone, I’m keeping my half of that promise. I need you to promise me something.” 
You stay quiet, staring at him, waiting for him to continue. You’d never agree to a promise unless you knew what it was. 
“There will be GAR officials waiting when we land to take you into custody. I don’t know exactly what will happen after that, but I can imagine they’ll question you. They might offer you a deal. Whatever happens, just don’t mention our connection. Don’t say anything about soulmates. We were put together for a reason. We’re not just going to meet this once and that be it.” 
You stay quiet, your gaze on the floor. He’s asking a lot of someone he just met, someone on the opposite side of the war. As much as you want to believe him, you know you’re likely headed to a prison cell where you’ll spend the rest of your life. Stealing Republic data for the Separatists was not a good look, and the likelihood of them offering any sort of deal is slim. You don’t know enough about the Separatist leadership or plans to offer much in exchange. You just break into Republic information systems and steal its data. 
It’s not looking good for you. 
“I can’t promise anything.” You finally say. 
You can’t look at him. You don’t know why, but you can’t bring yourself to look at his face. Shame burns through you, and you hate it. He’s just another clone, someone who could die tomorrow for all you know. 
He’s your soulmate. 
He sighs, putting his helmet back on, moving toward the energy shield. “Fives.” He says, pausing before he steps through. “My name’s Fives, because my designation number is all fives.” 
He leaves you then, not turning back to look at you. 
You keep your gaze down, your face burning as tears start to form. You hate it. You hate that you feel this way. You’re not supposed to care about them, about anyone. You get data, you deliver it to a designated spot, then you get paid. That’s all you care about. 
You don’t care about a stupid clone. 
You sit, fighting tears for another immeasurable amount of time. It’s hard to tell how much time has passed with no chronometer. A window would have been nice, at least to have something other than grey walls and the troopers guarding your cell. Staring at them only makes you feel worse. 
More troopers arrive and for a moment you’re scared you’ve landed and you’re about to meet your fate. They approach the cell, speaking quietly to the two troopers outside before the energy shield is lowered, three of them stepping in. You stare at the one approaching you, the medic’s symbol on his shoulder. 
He kneels down in front of you silently, scanning your shoulder. “Dislocated.” He says, putting the scanner away. He stands, taking your arm in his hands. “I’ll reset it on three. One, two.” He pushes on your shoulder, an audible pop sounding as it moves back into place. 
You let out a yelp, glaring up at him. “What happened to three?” 
“You would have tensed on three.” He says, pressing against the joint with his fingers. “Makes it easier for both of us if you’re relaxed.” 
He pulls an injector from his belt, stabbing you in the shoulder with it. You make another noise as he injects the bacta, rubbing your shoulder when he’s done. A bit rough for a medic, but you are the enemy here. 
“Thanks.” You say, already feeling the pain lessen as the bacta works. 
He stares at you for a second, obviously taken aback by your politeness. Just because you’re a Separatist doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole all the time. 
They leave you alone again, left to nothing but your thoughts. You almost would have preferred another interrogation. 
You’re carted away by more troopers as soon as the ship lands. It’s a bit ridiculous just how many of them are there. They must not successfully capture Separatists often. 
You’re immediately taken into an interrogation. It’s a good tactic, really. You’re exhausted and hungry and just ready for them to throw you in a cell for the rest of your life already. 
You don’t make it easy for them, though. It’s not your nature. 
After days of grueling interrogation and a lack of sleep, they finally offer you an ultimatum. You’re surprised they’ve offered you a deal, but perhaps the war was not waging as well as they liked to make it seem. 
Life in prison, or work for them. 
Neither of the options are ideal, and both are the same in a way. Your life would be under intense watch and scrutiny regardless, but the chances of you getting eaten or worse under the GAR’s watch was significantly less. 
You only regret choosing to work for the GAR a little. Your data scraping skills were less important to them as your code breaking skills. Turns out they aren’t as skilled as they like to pretend, and the absolute nonsense the droids used to encrypt the Separatist files is hard for them. 
If it keeps you out of a prison cell, then whatever. You’ll do it. 
Maybe Fives had been right. 
You force that thought out of your mind as fast as it arrives. You’ll deal with that later. 
You have enough to worry about with the GAR’s incessant chokehold on you. You swear you can’t even use the fresher without them constantly surveying your every move. You get it, they’re just trying to make sure you’re not going to betray them or try and run. It’s not like you really have anywhere else to go. Or anyone to share secrets with anymore. 
More than likely the Separatists would execute you as a traitor if you tried to return, and even if they didn’t, what do you really have to return to? 
Besides, your soulmate is here. 
You hate yourself for it, but you kept his promise. You didn’t breathe a word of Fives and your connection to him. They didn’t ask about your soulmate, other than taking note of the words on your chest at intake. Easy identification, you know that. Not that you were really planning to escape. Not that you have the skills to even try. 
As much as you try to fight it, you can’t help but think about Fives. Where he is, if he’s alright. You know it’s just the connection talking, the beginning of your bond that had been formed when you spoke the words to each other. It’s only going to get worse the longer you’re apart from him. He must know you kept your promise, and you can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking. You can imagine the cocky smirk on his face when he realized you hadn’t spilled anything. You had kept his promise despite not agreeing to. 
Maker, you hate yourself sometimes. 
As the weeks pass, and you continue to prove your obedience to the GAR, they begin to lessen their chokehold on your every movement. You know part of it is the shifting of the war, the Republic barely managing to keep a leg up on the Separatists. You manage to get some freedom, able to go places within a short distance from the base. It’s in this new found freedom, you get back into contact with Fives. 
One of the 501st troopers approaches you while you’re away from the base, and for a moment you think he’s there to take you back, but instead he passes by, slipping a comm device into your hand. You slip it into your pocket, grabbing what you need before heading back to the base. 
You shut yourself in the fresher, the only place you have any privacy, pulling out the comm device. You stare at it for a moment. This could be a trap, an attempt by the GAR to either out your soulmate, or out you as not being as loyal as you tried to make them believe you were. 
“Hello?” You give in, speaking into it. You don’t care, you need to hear Fives’ voice again. The need, the itching under your skin to be close to him has almost become unbearable. If you can just hear his voice, maybe it will ease the ache just a bit. 
“Hello, mesh’la.” His voice comes through, your breath leaving in a relieved huff of air. “It’s good to hear your voice.” 
“I didn’t think it would really be you.” You say, leaning your head against the wall. You’re relieved to hear his voice, if only as proof it’s not a trap. 
“Why wouldn’t it be me?” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice. “Did you think this was a trap?” 
“Yes.” You admit. “I wouldn’t put it past the GAR.” 
“Then why did you use it?” 
You want to reach through the comm and slap the smirk off his face. “Maybe because I was hoping it was the Separatists coming to rescue me.” 
It’s quiet for a moment. “I probably wouldn’t joke about that.” 
You glance around the ceiling of the fresher, half expecting to find a hidden camera or a recording device. “Probably not. They’ve had quite the chokehold on me for a while.” 
“I know. It took some planning just for this to happen.” He sounds tired. Weary. You wonder just how badly he’s been feeling, since he has to still fight a war on top of everything else. “You didn’t say anything.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat, pulling your knees to your chest. “I didn’t say anything.” 
“I’d like to see you again.” He says, his voice so soft, so disarming.
“If you can pull that off, I’ll be impressed.” You say. 
“I have something in the works. We’ll be returning to Coruscant soon. Just be prepared.” 
“That’s helpful.” You say. 
“I can’t give too much away. It has to seem genuine. If the GAR suspects anything...” 
“I know.” You say. “It’ll spell trouble for us both. I’d rather not have to go to prison if I can help it. I very much like having my little bit of freedom.” 
“I’d like to not be decommissioned either.” He goes quiet for a moment. “I have to go. Just keep an eye out in a few days.” 
“Okay.” You say, trying not to smile. 
You hate the way he makes you feel. 
*** A Few Months Later ***
You anxiously pace the small living area in your tiny apartment. You haven’t been able to sit still since the comm message came in last night. You barely slept, mind too busy racing to rest much. You look a mess, despite your best efforts to make yourself appear put together. 
Maker, you have it bad. 
Over the last few months the GAR had continued to loosen its watchful hold over your life, and they had allowed you to move into your own apartment just off the base. You know they’re still watching, still making sure nothing suspicious is going on, but you’re glad for a little bit of freedom. You know they’ve also done it because the war has been shifting even more. Things are not going as well as they’d hoped, and allocating resources to watching ex-Separatist spies who willingly defected to join the GAR was not high on their list anymore. 
You’re glad for the privacy, because it makes seeing Fives easier. The first time he’d seen you after your defection had been a process that involved his general and his captain. A quick fib about needing your help with some data they had on board had led to you and Fives fucking in the empty barracks. It had gotten easier to sneak away as the GAR loosened its hold on you. 
You’ve only seen Fives three times since then, as his trips to Coruscant were becoming few and far between. You hate it, the time you have to spend apart. It’s getting harder and harder as the bond continues to strengthen between you. You’re going insane, and talking isn’t enough anymore. You want to be with him all the time, but you know that’s not possible. 
A knock sounds at your door and your heart jumps. You swallow the nerves, the excitement. You don’t want to look like you’ve been waiting for a visitor if it’s not Fives. That would raise questions and that’s the last thing you need. 
You take a peek out the viewport before opening the door. “Fives!” 
“Hello, mesh’la.” He smirks, opening his arms. 
You tug him into your apartment, letting the door close behind him. You wrap your arms around him, tugging him down into a kiss. He meets your lips eagerly, his hands roaming all over your body as if to make sure you’re still whole, still real. 
“Someone missed me.” He smirks, trying to pull away from your lips, but you tangle a hand in his hair, pulling him back. He laughs, his hands settling on your hips. 
Your hands tug at his armor, starting to take it off piece by piece. 
“Easy, little loth cat.” He says, stilling your hands. “We have a few hours.” 
You give him a look. “If you don’t hurry up and get inside me, I will kick you out on the street.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He laughs, letting you tug him back towards the bedroom. 
You tug your own shirt over your head, helping him remove pieces of his armor. He’s already half hard, your hand ghosting over the bulge under his blacks. He lets out a quiet sound, hips attempting to push against your hand, but you move it. 
“Evil.” He grunts, looping his fingers under your waistband. He tugs your pants down, eyes widening as he sees the lack of underwear underneath. “You were waiting for this.” 
“Yes.” You say, tugging his shirt over his head. “I need you so kriffing bad.” 
“We’ve got a few hours.” He says, tugging his blacks down his legs. “But I have to leave early. We’re shipping out to Ringo Vinda in the morning.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck, standing on your toes to press your forehead against his. “I hate when you have to leave.” 
“I know.” He kisses you softly. “I’m here now. That’s what matters.” 
You kiss him back, letting him lead you backwards towards the bed. He turns, lifting you into his arms before he lays back on the bed. He pulls away for a moment to groan in satisfaction, going lax under you. 
“I miss how comfortable this bed is.” He says, stretching his arms out.
You shrug. “I’ve slept in better.” 
He grabs your thighs, tugging you closer. “Cheeky.” He tugs you further up his body. “Sit on my face.” 
You breathe out a curse, moving yourself so you’re hovering over him. You grab onto the headboard, his hands closing around your thighs to tug you down so you’re sitting on him. His mouth immediately meets your pussy, already wet. You’ve been wet since this morning, thinking about having him all to yourself once again. Your fingers were never enough, and it only made you miss him more. 
He closes his lips around your clit, sucking harshly. You let out a cry, tangling a hand in his hair. It’s been a while, too busy to even bother getting yourself off. Your hips grind against his face as he shifts slightly lower, nose bumping your clit as he licks at your opening. He groans something inaudible, his tongue pressing into you as his hands guide you to continue grinding against his face. 
He sucks on your clit once more and you’re cumming, legs shaking as you soak his face. He holds you there, licking you clean as you come down from your high. You shift off his face, his skin shining with your slick.
“Kriff.” You whisper as you stare down at him, his eyes dark with lust. “That’s a good look on you.” 
He smirks wickedly. “Well, hopefully soon it’ll be a permanent look.” 
You make a quiet noise, biting your lip at the thought. Having him whenever, wherever you want. That’s the dream. “My turn.” You say, turning around so your back is to him, laying yourself flat on his stomach so you’re face to face with his cock. 
He groans, hands spreading your folds. “That’s a beautiful sight right there.” 
You take him into your mouth as he presses a finger into you. His groan vibrates through your body, the stretch of his fingers making you moan around him. He breathes out a curse, slipping a second finger into you. He pumps them lazily as you suck his cock, keeping your hand tight around the base. You debate sucking the soul right out of him, but you want him to cum inside you. You want him inside you. Badly. 
You pull yourself away before he can cum, making him whine. You sit up, moving so you’re straddling his hips. You give him a smirk, his lips parting as he stares at you. 
“Oh, kriff.” He breathes, staring at you wide eyed as you grab his cock, sinking down onto it. 
You moan at the stretch, your very soul seeming to relax as you take every inch of him. He’s so big, no matter how many times you take him, it’s always a stretch. He’s breathing heavily under you, eyes wide as he stares up at you. 
“Feel so good.” You moan, rocking your hips just slightly. “Missed you.” 
“Kriff,” He curses, hands gripping your hips. “Missed you too.” 
You curse, lifting yourself up just slightly before sinking back down. “So good for me.” You say, tracing his chest. 
Something changes in his gaze at your words, his hands tightening around your hips. You’re already sensitive from your first orgasm, sweat beginning to slick your skin as you bounce on top of him. His eyes lock onto your breasts as you move, hands cupping your ass. You’ve been trying to figure out which is his favorite, but you haven’t been successful. 
Maybe he just likes all of you. 
The feeling is mutual. 
You continue to move on top of him, bouncing and grinding as you chase your second of what will be many orgasms tonight. Fives is moaning and whining under you, close to his own orgasm. You watch his face, the way it morphs into nothing but pure pleasure as you squeeze around him, drawing his first orgasm of the night from him. 
His hands are bruising around your hips, your hand slipping around to your front to circle your clit. You cum a second time, shaking above him as you brace your hands on his stomach. He watches you through lidded eyes as you cum, drawing your pleasure from him. 
He pulls you down onto his chest, smoothing his hands across your back. You’re both sweaty and panting, but you’re far from finished with each other. 
“A minute.” You breathe, letting yourself go limp on top of him. “Gimme a minute.” 
“That good, huh?” He smirks. 
You make a face, shaking your head. “You cocky bastard.”  
“Fives?” You ask, tracing patterns on his chest. It’s late, both of you well fucked and satiated for the time being. You know he has to go in a couple hours, slip out of your small apartment and head back to the base. 
He hums in response, eyes closed and half asleep. 
You take a deep breath, scared to bring up the topic you had been avoiding speaking about. You hadn’t trusted to talk about it over the comms, needing to say it directly to his face. “Would you ever consider deserting?” 
He’s awake now, eyes snapping open. “What?” 
“Would you ever consider deserting the GAR?” You ask again. 
He sits up, practically pushing you off him. “Why would you even ask that?” 
You sit up, pulling the sheets up to cover your chest. “I’m scared, Fives.” You admit, voice wavering. “I overheard something, and it’s scaring me.” 
“What did you hear?” He asks, brows furrowing. 
“I caught part of an encrypted conversation. It was something about some plan to wipe out the Republic using the clones.” 
Fives stands from the bed, shaking his head. “That’s...that’s ridiculous. You don’t even know if it’s true.” 
“But what if it is?” You plead with him, staring at his back. “I’m scared, Fives. If anyone finds out I overheard that...we’re all in danger.” 
Fives stares out the small window in your bedroom, hands closed in fists at his side. He’s wound tight, like a coil about to spring. You stare at his back, begging for anything, any sign that he might believe you.
“What do you expect us to do?” He finally says, turning around. 
“Leave.” You say. “Go somewhere they can’t find us.” 
“I can’t just abandon my brothers. Especially if what you heard is true.” 
“Who could we even tell that would believe us?” You ask. “For all we know every high-ranking GAR official is in on it. If this is as big as it’s sounding, everyone could be in on it.” You reach out for him, your hand shaking. “I’m scared, Fives. I don’t want to lose you.” 
He sighs, taking your hand, letting you pull him back onto the bed. He wraps his arms around you, holding onto you tightly. “You won’t lose me.” He kisses your forehead. He pulls the sheets around you, surrounding you with his warm embrace. “Right now, let’s just forget about the war. Forget about everything. We’ll worry about this tomorrow.” 
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@stressed-cherry, @6oceansofmoons,  @ladytano420, @spicy-clones, @dangraccoon, @bobaprint, @star-trekker-0013, @stunkbiggu, @endofthexline, @padawancat97 @arctrooper69 @wolffegirlsunite @rosechi
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komitomi · 1 year
Fateful Encounter. // Prologue.
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Neteyam × F!reader
based on this idea || chapter i || chapter ii || chapter iii || chapter iv || chapter v
Synopsis: You and few others humans were sent on a mission to find Jake sully and get his help, and possibly resolve the issues between navi and the humans, which were caused by the unethical procedures of the RDA. Will you be successful?
A/N: neteyam has won the poll so he will be chosen as the main lead, this will be a "x reader" fanfic, kinda follows avatar 1 plotline except it's reader and neteyam instead of jake and neytiri, RDA is obvs the villain, idk how many chapters this story will have but it's gonna be a ride for sure, so buckle up peeps!
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After the first great war between the Na'vi and the Humans, conflicts rose back on Earth as the unethical procedures issued by RDA on Pandora got leaked to the public eye.
There were many protests, petitions signed to stop RDA's project, humans sympathizing with the Na'vi, they didn't want the same fate as Earth and Humans occur to Pandora and it's living beings.
This led to a new organization being formed, now competing with RDA, called Space and Earth Resources Organization, SERO for short, they had the same idea as RDA but much less violence and battle equipment involved.
Y/n was the daughter of the scientist who worked in SERO, her avatar body was in progress, as the organization decided she and few others will be sent out to Pandora, they all will be sent to separate locations to look for jake sully.
Ever since she was young she had always dreamt of being a scientist, her curiosity to learn and obtain knowledge was one of the main driving reasons, but on a unfortunate night, her mom was killed in a gang encounter, they were unable to defend themselves having no fighting skill or a gun, after that she started training, she wasn't officially a soldier but trained just like them, she had both decent battle skills and knowledge which is what made SERO become interested in her.
Obviously she isn't perfect since she was only 18, but she was able to stand out, showing mediocre but consistent results.
As technology further advanced back on Earth, SERO accidentally figured out a way to travel faster to Pandora, it used to take 5 years, but now it only takes 3, due to the flaws of RDA's operation in the past, when SERO first sent out the very first batch of scientists they implemented a information system, where any information can travel faster through a communication device, it takes 2 - 3 days, but that's still better than 3 years of delayed information.
Their main goal was to reestablish good relations between the Humans and the Na'vi, while also simultaneously contributing to Earth, SERO has managed to bring back few of the extinct flora and fauna from DNA cloning, which resulted in positive reactions from both the Humans and Government.
This all led to the moment now, you said your goodbyes to your family, your dad and your siblings, giving them a hug, “I'll miss you, child.” your dad says while giving you a headpat and you pout “Dad! I'm not a child anymore.” you say, he smiles at you before reaching for something in his bag.
He pulls out a medium size box before handing it to you, you open it and gasp, it was filled with few polaroid photos of your family and a necklace of your mom.
“I know you'll miss us too even if you don't say it, so we decided to send you a few things that will remind you of us.” he says and you smile, tears filling your eyes and your dad looks at you with a soft smile before pulling you in for a hug.
“Thank you dad.” you say while sniffing and crying onto his shoulders, your siblings also start crying and you all have a nice family hug before you had to say your final goodbye for now.
“Goodbye everyone, I'll keep you updated through the communication device.” you say the last part to your dad who nods at you.
You look back once again before boarding onto the spaceship, “miss, come this way” you heard a a voice say, you follow them, leading you into a room where you see bunch of other humans, you go up to them and introduce yourself, they do the same.
3 years later
you had finally arrived to pandora after 3 whole years, your spaceship landed in a beautiful spot, it was so vibrant and filled with various plants, SERO decided to build around the flora on pandora rather than destroying it, which led to this vibrant and peaceful looking place, you put on your oxygen mask before stepping down from the spaceship and taking in the beauty of the planet.
“yo! welcome.” you and your group were greeted by this friendly lady with a smile, she looked like she was in her 30s, you greet her back with a smile too.
“come ill take you guys to the scientist camp, its not far from here but it is quite the trek.” she says brightly and you guys nod before following her, you gasp as you notice creatures of pandora flying over the area, they were so mystical, “btw i never told you my name, its Aria, Aria stone.” the lady says and you smile at her “nice to meet you miss stone.” you tell her.
“the animals here seem comfortable with flying over this area.” you point out which makes Aria look over to you “you noticed huh? we tried our best to build around the flora and not destroy the homes of many creatures living here, it was difficult at first but we figured it out and the animals dont mind us existing here, rather, it seems they actually like us but we cant get too cocky now.” she says with a wink which makes you chuckle.
you guys finally reach the scientist camp, you guys go inside and remove your oxygen masks as the air inside is machine based and pumps oxygen needed for humans, as you guys go further inside you notice a bunch of avatars sleeping with masks as few humans scurry around them.
“those are your vessels.” Aria says noticing you studying them, you look at her and give her a nod “they we're originally stored in liquid to preserve their body but since you guys are here, we bought them out, soooo are you guys ready?” she asks and you all say yes in unison, “perfect, but let's go freshen up first” she says and you guys scurry off to freshen up and come back in a few minutes, bodies more relaxed than before and faces glowing brighter, she then leads you guys to the room full of link units.
“this is where you'll be connecting with your avatar, you'll be training a bit in your avatar body, learning to hunt and survive how the na'vi people do, but based on the locations you're sent to, things will vary, but these are the basics” Aria finishes and leads everyone to their respective link unit, you lay down, excited for what to come, she closes the top and you close your eyes.
Your mind goes blank as you enter into a different world, visions of tree roots and everything passing by before you open your eyes in your avatar.
“hello? can you hear me?” you are questioned as soon as they saw you open your eyes, and you nod, getting up slowly, moving your hands and legs, wiggling your fingers and toes. “Motor control looks perfect, can you stand up?” they ask and you nod before following what they said, as soon as you stand up you notice how tiny they are next to you, you take some time to balance yourself and adjust to your new body.
“are you able to walk?” they ask and you try doing so, it takes a couple of steps before you can get used to the body and start walking normally, “everything looks perfect miss stone.” they talk into the communication device.
You are examining your body, you noticed that your senses have heightened than your normal human body, you're able to see, feel and hear better, “alright miss, everything looks perfect, you can change before going outside.” they say and hand you over human like clothes that were made to fit the Na'vi body.
You quickly remove the patient typa gown before getting in your normal clothes making your way to the exit, you open the door and close it before stepping outside to a beautiful garden with crops and a volleyball court made from tree branches and roots.
You breathe in the fresh air on Pandora, feeling euphoric, oxygen on earth isn't that great, you can't go outside without a mask sometimes due to the heavy pollution but here, the air is so fresh.
You go further into the garden and run around, feeling excited, the rest of your avatar peers are in their own world too, taking in Pandora's air and beauty, wishing earth could be like this too.
“Alright everyone! gather up here.” you hear a familiar voice say and you turn the direction where it's coming from, it's Miss stone, in her avatar form, her avatar form is just as beautiful as her, you quickly join the crowd who are gathering up in front of her.
She clears are throat before proceeding.
“I think we're all aware of what mission we're here for, is to fix the relations between the Humans and the Na'vi, and coming to an agreement with them, we have already managed to convince few of the clans taking help from the humans who were allowed to stay here, who partnered with us to this cause, but the main issue at hand is RDA.”
“I'm sure everyone is aware that RDA doesn't have good intentions anymore, they used to, they are trying to find a man named jake sully through a seperate mission and god knows what will happen if they do but before they find him, we need to find him first and ask his help, RDA is continuously destroying the neutral stance other clans have of Humans and robbing this planet, our mission is to prevent that.” she continues on with a serious face.
“For that, we will need to train first, learn to hunt and live the Na'vi way, I'm sure you guys have learnt the language in the past 3 years, but if you didn't fully grasp it you can still do it now, and after that you will be sent out to find Jake sully, RDA still doesn't seem to have successfully found him, he apparently left the original clan, and we have to find him first and fast, our team have been trying their best to distract them from their mission and it's working, you will be training for 3 months before being sent out, individually or just 2 people.” she says, the last sentence makes the other gasps
“That's too dangerous! It's better to go in groups.” one of the people say and Aria sighs “I know it is, but sending in groups will cause panic and confusion, other clans do not know that we exist and might confuse us for RDA and attack us, which we don't want to happen, and we have to be as less threatening as possible, if we go in groups then it's like walking right into the fire.” she says while looking down, the avatars are still not okay with this but everyone can understand what Aria means.
Silence falls as everyone is looking down before y/n speaks out “i'm ready.” she says making everyone look at her in shock but after seeing her serious face, everyone suddenly gets the motivation and encouraged by the aura, they all look up to Aria and say “We are too.” with pride lacing in their voice.
Aria gives a bright smile before nodding her head in acknowledgement.
“Let the training commence.”
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 2, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Riku-Kingdom Hearts
So Riku is neither canonically LGBTQ+ nor canonically disabled but there's quite a slew of subtextual evidence. And this subtext is considered basically canon due to the creator's (Tetsuya Nomura) stance on media, which is that he enjoys leaving clues for players to figure out. So while Riku is never explicitly said to be queer or disabled, there's clear evidence on both accounts.
So first: Riku is gay. There's no doubt about it (despite what the dudebros insist...) Riku is gay for Sora, his childhood best friend/former rival. Long story short, Riku was afraid of Sora's friendship with this girl Kairi, didn't realize those feelings were gay jealousy, and he got gaslighted by the Mistress of All Evil, MALEFICENT HERSELF, into believing that Sora didn't care for him anymore. He went Dark Mode, destroyed their home, and antagonized Sora for most of the first game. But then he gets trapped in the Realm of Darkness after Sora kicked his ass for the millionth time and he realized how *sora voice* stUpid he was being and helps Sora stop the apocalypse (saved the world counter: 1) Then Riku goes through a whole arc of "wow i was an idiot. sora will never forgive me and i have Darkness in my heart and i need to protect sora while he's in a year-long medically-induced coma to undo his amnesia" and. idk. theres a Lot of stuff. So much so that someone made a 6-HOUR video essay about it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll17V9DJr7g)
Riku is also likely suffering from chronic pain. Throughout the year that Sora is in a coma, he fights Sora's Nobody, Roxas, to get Sora's memories back. During the fight, Roxas breaks Riku's wrist, and it never heals correctly. Throughout the finale of Kingdom Hearts 2, the next game chronologically, Riku wears a wrist brace that goes largely unexplained. During the final boss fight, Riku throws himself in the way of Xemnas (the Big Bad) to protect Sora, getting hurt twice in the process; being struck so hard in the shoulder that he's flung halfway across the battlefield, and then hit in the side so badly that it causes him to collapse as soon as the adrenaline from the fight fades. It's likely that none of these injuries healed properly, as even in Kingdom Hearts 3 (which is like 5 games later. dont ask) he has some interesting tells; his walk is incredibly stiff and his battle stance changes, likely because of the strain put on his wrist for the old stance. (https://www.tumblr.com/nobodyriku/706960754548604929 shows this pretty well, though i can't find the other post i had in mind but whatever)
Anything Else?:
soriku endgame actually <3
Darth Maul-Star Wars
Maul is canonically disabled; he was bisected at the waist by one Obi-Wan Kenobi, but SOMEHOW did not die, and was in fact teleported into a garbage dump, where he proceeded to live as a spider cyborg for the next 12 years, when he was found and rescued by his long-lost brother. He has used prosthetic legs of one kind or another ever since, and in Rebels, he uses a cane. He is also definitely gay. In The Clone Wars cartoon, he is OBSESSED with Obi-Wan, to the point that Obi-Wan is his entire personality and the entirety of his life goals. All he wants is to kill him and cause him suffering in revenge for being cut in half and subsequently abandoned by his master. However, this obsession is. Definitely homoerotic. Dude fights Obi-Wan naked at one point (the animators forgot that people with prosthetic legs still have to wear pants). He literally builds a hate shrine to Obi-Wan's dead ex-girlfriend, who he killed, AFTER he kills her. In Rebels, once he is able to merge the two holocrons and ask any question he wants, he asks where Obi-Wan is. The answer is Tatooine, of course. He goes there, has one final fight with Obi-Wan, and is fatally wounded. HOWEVER. He dies in Obi-Wan's arms. He dies being HELD GENTLY by Obi-Wan. I cannot adequately explain how insane that is. Makes me froth at the mouth. Anyway.
I love this severely fucked-up dude so much. He dedicated almost 20 years of his life to a single-minded obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi, an obsession which literally kept him alive when he was chopped in half in a garbage pit, stuck in a hole on Planet Sith, and just generally attempting to live after being raised for nothing but violence as a child. He is missing half his bones, many vital organs, and got his two biggest blood vessels sliced right open, and yet REFUSED to die. He then became a spider cyborg. The first thing he did when coming onboard the Ghost was critique the interior design. He took over an entire planet just to get a guy to notice him. He was kidnapped as a child and tortured nonstop for the first 20 years of his life, resulting in an attachment style where he can only conceptualize relationships as a hierarchy (master/apprentice), so he searches constantly for an apprentice, and even treats his brother as one; despite how he very clearly just wanted a brother, he didn't know how to be in an equal relationship. He does absolutely nothing but cause problems for people-- be they Jedi or Sith. Ahsoka once released him from a magic strait-jacket as a "distraction" and he immediately began tearing panels off of the walls and decapitating people with them. He has a death grip on my brain.
Submitted by @convenient-plot-device
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loyaltyandchaos · 1 year
@therapardalis [x]
Yes, it looks like he really fucked up. He had to choose any other day, any other situation. She's too vulnerable right now, and he must have put her in an uncomfortable position. She can't even leave!
"Oh…yeah…sorry. Let's pretend it didn't happen?"
It's probably not the best idea either. It will still be embarrassing. Criff…
"I can leave if you want."
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instaquarius · 17 days
1.) Introduction.  2.) Flight.  3.) Hero.  4.) Full Moon.  5.) Transformation.  6.) Rage. 7.) Fusion (potara, Namekian, or finger fusion) 8.) Great Ape. 9.) Master and Student. 10.) Tournament. (Worlds Strongest Under the Heavens, the afterlife one from that one filler episode/arc, universes 6 v. 7 tournament, or the Tournament of Power) 11.) Fighting. 12.) Destruction. 13.) Ki control 14.) Aura. 15.) Blasts. 16.) Rivals. 17.) Quest. 18.) Family. 19.) Danger Zone. 20.) As a baby. 21.) With the Z sword (or training with the Z Sword) 22.) Victory. 23.) Death. 24.) Loss. 25.) Crisis. 26.) In other world. 27.) Snake way. 28.) Playing Baseball. 29.) At Kaio Samas' place. (In heaven?) 30.) In hell with HFIL ogres. 31.) Kaioshins' planet. 32.) Lovers. 33.) Doing Ginyu Force poses (or actually IN the Ginyu Force if you want XD) 34.) Saiyaman/Saiyagirl poses. 35.) 1st form, 2nd,3rd, 4th, (Golden or 5th form) 36.) Training in Gravity room 37.) Weighted Gi 38.) Wearing Earth clothes; casual 39.) in Dragonball art style (Like, before Z, Super etc.) 40.) Protection. 41.) Powering up. 42.) Fighting Frieza, Cell or Buu (or a movie villain) 43.) Universal Tournament. 44.) In the future. 45.) Immortality. 46.) Clones 47.) Finding the Dragonballs 48.) Meditating 49.) Fighting a God of Destruction 50.) Ritual 51.) Fighting the Legendary Super Saiyan 52.) Fighting in the Tuffle War 53.) Mind Control (by baby, Babidi, Towa/Mira etc.) 54.) As a Time Breaker 55.) As a Time Patroller 56.) Fighting the Z warriors.  57.) On Planet Vegeta. 58.) Getting absorbed (by a Majin?) 59.) False SSJ 60.) Getting turned into candy 61.) Inside the healing tank (like on Friezas spaceship) 62.) In the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (or Room of Spirit and Time) 63.) Eating. 64.) Revenge. 65.) Pride 66.) Sacrifice. 67.) Bloodied.  68.) Fear. 69.) Heart Virus. 70.) Meeting Arale (from Dr. Slump) 71.) Using the Kaioken. 72.) Climbing Korin Tower (like in original dragonball before flight was a thing) 73.) Wearing a Turtle Shell. 74.) Determined. 75.) Getting Married. 76.) Best Friends. 77.) Screams. 78.) Rescued. 79.) Mafuba. 80.) Killing. 81.) Defeat. 82.) Sadness. 83.) Happiness. 84.) In a Saiyan spacepod. 85.) Hatred. 86.) Crushed. 87.) Beam Struggle. 88.) Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb) 89.) Showering 90.) Wearing the pink Badman shirt 91.) Scheming. 92.) Fighting Merged Zamasu (or Regular Zamasu) 93.) Fighting a Black version of your OC (hint: Goku Black) 94.) Unlocked Potential.  95.) Confused. 96.) In highschool. 97.) Tears. 98.) Act of kindness 99.) Tag team 100.) With you (The creator of OC/artist) saying they survived the Challenge
Rules~~~~ 1.) Can go from any order you wish. It doesn't matter the order you do these in. 2.) Be creative. 3.) All writings/drawings must be related to DBZ in some way/the theme you choose to do. 4.) Link if you do do this? I'd love to see :3 5.) Also please leave a mention to this in your submissions~ 6.) You can use both OCs and cannon characters as long as its related to the series. 7.) Can be done whenever you feel like~ (No deadline or each theme has to be done once a day or anything) 8.) (Your also free to copy paste to a journal or something the themes to keep track of them as long as credits back to me)  9.) Have fun~
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writerbuddha · 2 years
Understanding the Dark Side of the Force
What is the dark side of the Force?
In Episode IV, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s definition of the Force: “an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” He quickly reveals that this Force has a “dark side” which is the culprit behind the evil deeds of Darth Vader, who was seduced by it. In Episode V, Master Yoda reveals what the dark side of the Force, that seduced and consumed Darth Vader, is: “A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression... The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.” He explains, the dark side is "quicker, easier, more seductive" but it is not stronger.
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"If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice. The consciousness of Obi-Wan, manifested by the Force, warns Luke, “don’t give in to hate. That leads to the dark side.” As a part of his training, Yoda sends Luke Skywalker into a cave, from which Luke feels death emanating, and what is “strong with the dark side of the Force”, which is “a domain of evil” - and inside, there will be nothing, “only what you take with you.” In Episode VI, Yoda repeats his warning, “anger, fear, aggression, the dark side are they.” In Episode I, he reveals how evil is created, identifying fear, especially the fear of losing the people we love as the origins of evil: "fear is a path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering" and in Episode III, he repeats: “fear of loss is a path to the dark side." He warns against not accepting death as part of life: “attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.”
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In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, there are two arcs elaborating on the dark side: the Mortis Arc and Yoda’s Arc. In Yoda's Arc, to achieve immortality, the Force Priestess Serenity instructs Yoda to face with "what in your existence some call evil, otherwise known as fear." Yoda battles with a dark creature that he can defeat only through recognizing it as his own dark side, something that is a part of himself, that is "part of all that lives." Serenity tells him afterwards, summarizing the lesson, "the beast is you and you are the beast." In the Mortis Arc, the dark side is explored as one of the two simplest parts of a cosmic construction that makes up the cosmos. The Son, himself a living being, embodies the cosmic function of destruction, death, the male line along which the form of living things develop in the womb, and selfishness, whereas the Daughter embodies the cosmic function of creation, birth, the female line along which the form of living things develop in the womb, and selflessness.
Summarizing the Dark Side of the Force
In George Lucas' Star Wars, the dark side of the Force, the energy created by all living things, surrounding and penetrating them, is part of all that lives: it's fear, anger, hate, aggression and selfishness, the culprit behind the actions and behaviors of those who we deem evil, and the causes and conditions which such behavior is the result of. "Evil" is just another name for fear, that is behind anger, which is behind hate. Fear, anger, hate and aggression are flowing very easily, arising within living things very quickly in a fight, seducing to a very easy path. However, once they give in to them, that will permanently influence how their destiny will unfold and they will consume them. Falling to the dark side of the Force is to fall under the sway of the dark side within us, causing evil and selfish behaviors towards others: fear, anger, hate, aggression. As part of a cosmic construction that makes up existence, the dark side of the Force is also the cosmic function of destruction, death, the male line along which the form of living things develop.
The Jedi Way: controlling the dark side
In Episode IV and V, Yoda and Obi-Wan are teaching Luke that "the Force is what gives a Jedi his power" and that "a Jedi's strength flows from the Force" but they warn him to be careful with the strength and power of the dark side, the fear, anger, aggression within him, since if he gives in to their seduction and starts down on the path of fear, anger and aggression, if he gives in to hate, he will turn into "an agent of evil" and be consumed by his dark side, like Darth Vader, and it will leave a permanent mark on his life, When Luke asks, "how do I know the good side from the bad?", Master Yoda replies, "you will know, when you are calm, at peace, passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."
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His lesson is repeated in Episode I and II: the Jedi are telling Anakin Skywalker, "be mindful of your emotions" and also, "be mindful of your thoughts" and emphasizing the importance to be mindful. To be mindful of one's emotions is to be conscious and aware of them - generally, they are making us to respond immediately, without any conscious thought, pushing us to act upon them, driven by them. However, by bringing our emotions into the space of our conscious and passive, i.e. non-judgmental and non-reactive awareness, with calmness and inner peace, their power to kick us out of the driver's seat, to narrow our perspective and distort our perception of reality falls away: we can find the gap between the moments of our experience and the reaction, response, where we have control, and not falling under the sway of fear, anger, aggression or hatred.
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In Yoda"s Arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Yoda confronts with the reflection of his own dark side: "Part of me you are, yes, but power over me you have not. Through patience and training, it is I, who control you. My dark side, you are. Reject you, I do."
Letting go of Attachments
Attachment, the feeling that we like or love somebody or something and that we would be unhappy without them, is infused with the fear of loss and the unreasonable and unrealistic desire to hold on to life, to the people we love - to not accept the reality of life’s passages and changes, which is to say things come, things go. As Shmi explains to Anakin in Episode I, "you can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting" and when change comes, when "it's time for you to let go" what he must do is to "be brave and don't look back." However, in Star Wars: the Clone Wars, the Mortis Arc, Anakin confesses to the likeness of Shmi, "the only love I feel in my heart is haunted by what would happen should I let go" to which she replies, "Then it is not love. It is a prison."
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As Yoda tells to Anakin in Episode III, repeating Shmi's lesson, "Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force" that "The fear of loss is a path to the dark side" since from fear comes anger, from anger comes hate and therefore, he tells Anakin, "train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." For this reason, as Anakin recalls Yoda's teaching in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, "A Jedi must not form attachments." In Episode II, Padmé asks Anakin, "Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi." Anakin replies, when it comes to loving people, "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life." Whereas attachment is a path to the dark side, by definition, compassion is to feel with, suffer with, to experience with another person - it's a sense of oneness, of being parts of each other, from which the genuine aspiration to make another person happy and free from suffering arises, rather than the desire for them to be parts of our lives, stay in our lives, so they can supply us with satisfaction, pleasure, enjoyment. Thus, compassion is clean of the fear of loss.
The Sith and Using the Dark Side of the Force
In Episode V and VI, the Sith Lords, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious are both urging Luke to forsake the Jedi way, to make him to give in, to relinquish control over his fear, anger, hate and aggressive feelings, so he will experience the power of their energy and be seduced by it - to do the opposite of what Yoda and Obi-Wan taught him. “Release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me” and “use your aggressive feelings” and “let the hate flow through you” with the Emperor encouraging him, "give in to your anger" and rejoicing, as Luke's anger and hate is "swelling" in him, saying, "with each passing moment you make yourself more my servant." He urges Luke, "strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!" Vader briefly manages to make Luke use the dark side by resorting to the same tactic that Darth Sidious used on him in Episode III: "Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends" and "If you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps [Leia] will." As Luke gives himself to his fear, anger and hate, mutilating his father in rage, the Emperor cheers: "Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side!"
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Fear, anger, hate, aggression, in the short term, make our minds more focused, give us a huge burst of energy and determination, and thus, make us more effective in getting things done and in obtaining what we seek, the rush of adrenaline is seductive and pleasurable. But this energy is ultimately blind: unless we meet them with conscious awareness, they will hijack us, kick us out of the driving seat, swallowing our perception and the ability to accurately appraise situations, to view things and people from different angles and points of view, fades. As Anakin describes them in Episode III, the Sith found power and strength in such state, in the quick and easy path: "The Sith rely on their passion for their strength." And this is exactly how Darth Vader and the Emperor or other Sith Knights are talking of the dark side of the Force and the power they obtain from it: "I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger" as Palpatine says to Anakin in Episode III. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ventress and Dooku are training Savage Oppress to utilize his dark emotions in the same way: "You will learn to draw your strength from your emotions. Hate will feed you." To not let this strength to fade, "never sympathize with the enemy, not even for a moment.” Furthermore, “You must connect with your hatred! Focus on your power building. Do not think anyone or anything else” and “your anger is your strength!”
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Just like Yoda said, these emotions are arising very quickly when we’re facing with an enemy, they’re offering a very easy way to deal with them, they make the world appear to be very simple, they’re very, very seductive - they  would lead to immediate satisfaction but, at the same time, it strengthens and feeds the part of ourselves that is the same part that keeps our enemies under its sway. Thus, if Luke strikes down Vader, the Emperor gets a new Darth Vader at his side; if Luke strikes down the Emperor, Vader ends up with an apprentice and he can become Emperor himself.
Seeking to Stop the Suns Form Setting
"I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you I will even learn to stop people from dying!" Anakin swears to Padmé, in Episode II. In Episode III, Darth Sidious tempting Anakin with the alleged power of the Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis, who, "had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying." Whereas the Jedi are training themselves to let go of everything they fear to lose, and accept change and death as inevitabilities of life, the Sith are seeking to find a way to stop change and death.
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In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, when Yoda travels to Moraband, the ancient homeworld of the Sith, the illusions of the long-dead Sith Lords are whispering the fears plaguing the ego: "There is no life after death. Only nothingness awaits you, Jedi. Your fear feeds our hunger for power." As Yoda concludes, "Captivated by the physical realm the Sith are." Palpatine, manipulating Anakin, asserts, the Jedi and the Sith are similar in their "quest for greater power" and Anakin replies, the Sith "think inwards. Only about themselves." Seeking ultimate power over everything, due to their fear of losing what they got, and the anger and hate following from that fear, as the illusion of Darth Bane reveals, "the Sith killed each other, victims of their own greed." To ensure their survival, they created the rule of two: there could be only one Sith master and only one Sith apprentice, with the master seeking to grow more powerful through his apprentice, and the apprentice is seeking to recruit an apprentice on his own, to kill the master and rule the universe.
For a better understanding George Lucas' philosophy mirrored by Jedi teachings on the dark side and good and evil, compassion and attachment, or more quotes from him on this topic, see my essay and collection of quotes here and here.
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fonmythenmetz · 8 months
*taps mic* So you’re saying that between ESB and ROTJ Luke was just… somewhere… but not with Yoda, then he returned more powerful than any Jedi? Hear me out.
It’s Maul who trains Luke between ESB and ROTJ.
That’s why Luke always wears black since then, - an outfit identical to Maul’s in his days as the Sith Apprentice.
That’s why his fighting form is Juyo, the seventh, the deadliest form of lightsaber combat, which Maul was a master of, unlike Obi-Wan or Vader, who used forms III and V respectively.
That’s why his cyber crystal is synthetic, like a Sith’s.
That’s why
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(The clone wars novel)
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Hc that after ESB in Ben’s shack Luke found lightsaber schemes and with them half of Maul’s lightsaber that Obi-Wan had sliced in two many years ago in Theed. Force ghost Ben talks to him and points him to “a new teacher”, somewhere on a far planet (Malachor or Mustafar or Raltiir or even Mandalore). “That’s someone I used to know. He can help you better than I do, in my condition…” and he walks through a wall and back to demonstrate what he means. Luke ignites the lightsaber he’s found and it’s red and he’s like “riiiiight… okay, Ben, whatever you say…” and goes to find the mysterious teacher. His third teacher, after Ben and Yoda.
He does find him, of course. Maul is in his fifties, which is not old. Since he’d found Kenobi on Tatooine, learned that Obi-Wan was protecting the supposed jedi jesus and fled, leaving them be, he concentrated on destroying the empire and swept it from outer and mid rim territories. He, though, fails miserably to find inner peace in kenobiless world and suffers from it greatly. Luke finds him and is immediately rejected, but then shows Maul the half of his old lightsaber, and okay, Maul believes him then. He is all sharp looks and snarls like “Kenobi sent some little human… instead of facing me! How Jedi of him!” Then he looks ready to fight Luke to learn Kenobi’s location, but Luke goes ahead and tells him - how Obi-Wan died and that his wish was for Maul to train Luke now. He speaks and speaks and then stops, noticing that Maul just… shut down. Luke is sent away. That night he can’t meditate, can’t even touch the force - it’s so full of grief everywhere, and there’s a lot he needs to ask Ben but the Force ghost doesn’t appear for him.
In the morning Maul finds him and they begin training.
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im-poe-dameron · 1 year
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a/n: so one year later and i'm finally back writing for this fic. only this time i actually have quite a lot of time to finish it and work consistently on it. to anyone who still finds this fic interesting, thank you for sticking around. i hope you enjoy what's to come. this is pretty much the final part to the clone wars arc, but i have an interlude planned. so that will come next. for now enjoy an angst filled chapter!
summary: in the final moments of your farewell, you both finally admit the truth.
word count: 7.4k+
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, angst so much angst, fluff, mentions of death, injury, soft sex, tad bit of body worship, p in v sex, cussing, goodbyes.
previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
“Look after Obi-Wan. He’ll need you now more than ever.”
Darkness felt unnerving when you didn’t know where you were. Whatever surrounded you felt safe—as if you could sink into it—yet something was off. You didn’t know this place, didn’t know why you were here. However, the voice that continued to speak to you calmed the panic in your veins; it was familiar to you—whoever he was. Shifting, you tried to turn to the left but something held you back. No matter how much you struggled against whatever kept you in place, you still couldn’t move.
“Hello?” you called out, your heart rate fluctuating the longer you remained here.
Wherever here was.
“It’s been a long time youngling.”
You stiffened, eyes darting around in the darkness until you could visibly see a small outline of light making the shape of a person. But this wasn’t just any simple person—this was someone who you didn’t believe it possible to see again. Qui-Gon Jinn stepped closer, a smile on his face as he regarded you with a look you’d seen before. One he gave to you when you managed to drag his padawan into trouble. The sight brought a sting of tears to your eyes; a memory flashing in your mind as you recalled the times when you’d been blissfully happy.
“Hi,” you whispered.
His hand reached out, gripping yours and pulling you to your feet—the capability to move suddenly back. “My you’ve grown.”
“The last time I saw you I was only twenty.” You smiled, following him as he began to walk forward. “Actually the last time I saw you, you and Obi-Wan were heading to…Naboo.”
The topic of his death only came up once before when Obi-Wan had made a trip back to your home world, utterly devastated as he shared the news of his master’s fate. That had been your last night together—the last time you saw him—and in a way it came naturally. As if the both of you had to part ways in order to find yourselves amidst the galaxy’s hardships and downfalls. You were both lost in a way until you found one another again.
Qui-Gon nodded, glancing at you for a brief moment. “I know what you are to him.”
“You do?”
“I’ve always known.”
A flash of trepidation filled your body. “Then why did you let it go on for so long?”
“Obi-Wan needed to find his own way back to the Force. Unlike what people believe, it is not the masters who tell them what to do. We simply guide them the best way we know how.” He stopped, turning to face you.
“I thought Jedi aren’t supposed to form attachments with people they love,” you whispered.
“They aren’t. Attachment leads to necessity which then leads to possession and a Jedi must only rely on themselves, but it seems in his case…he is unable to survive without you.”
He knew the entire time he resided on Corellia with the both of you. He knew the moment Obi-Wan met you that you’d remain in his life until he breathed his final breath. You wanted to ask him how he found out, ask him all the questions you never got to, but you felt a sharp pain shoot down your body—forcing you down to one knee. The tightening in your chest stunted your breathing for a moment and you gasped to fight against it. Qui-Gon merely helped you back up, his hands resting on your shoulders.
“I can’t—” you gasped, eyes screwing shut as darkness enveloped you once more.
“Do you care for him?”
The answer should have been simple. A quick yes or no, but just as they had before—the words lodged themselves in your throat, because they were too simple. Saying you loved him wasn’t good enough. Three words couldn’t possibly define the way you were unable to breathe without him. It wouldn’t be able to put into perspective how your body physically ached when you were apart; how you spent every day thinking about him and wondering if he did the same.
Love was complicated, but the word was too simple to describe a lifetime of heartbreak. All leading to one final decision.
Whether or not you’d remain with him in the end.
“Yes,” you breathed, tears falling down your cheeks. “I love him.”
“Then protect him,” he replied. “He will need you.”
“What if I can’t?”
“You have more strength than you know. Don’t forget that.”
You watched as he slowly began to fade back into the darkness, his lips turning up into a small smile. One last goodbye before you continued on a journey you might not make it back from. A final farewell in the hopes that he’d continue to watch over you in every way possible.
You weren’t a Jedi, you didn’t possess the power to look into the Force, but you had this—a small moment in a place beyond death. Beyond life itself. So, you smiled back, tears still falling as you were encased in the cold hands of death, awaiting your fate.
The echo of your name filled your head, pain seeping back into your body as a flash of light overtook your senses. Gasping, you attempted to sit up, but every visceral agonizing moment hit you like a starship going into hyperspace and you were leaning over the side of the bed. Coughing, you saw a small splatter of red land on the floor as someone’s voice continued to call your name. Only it wasn’t your true name—no this was the one he solely reserved for you.
“Astra?” he asked, panic practically dripping from his very being.
You groaned in response, clutching at your side as he slowly turned you back into the softness of a medical bay bed. The armor you wore was piled in the corner of the room, your blaster atop it all, and instead you were draped in beige robes. They weren’t yours you knew that for a fact. The clothes you wore beneath your armor were black, but then his scent wafted up to your nose—burning through your senses and reminding you of where you were.
Fluttering your eyes open, your vision came in watery as tears streamed down your face, but the sight of him was enough. You could finally breathe after so long being suffocated down in the darkness—your home standing beside you.
“Obi-Wan,” you murmured, feeling his hand squeeze yours as he sat on the edge of the bed.
The worry in his expression was evident, his eyes clouded with a pain you’d seen him wear before. The night his master died. Obi-Wan never handled grief well even though he liked to appear as strong as he possibly could be. Always the epitome of perfection among the Jedi. Only you saw the weariness in his face, the anguish lacing his tone as he spoke your name one more time. He couldn’t believe you were alive and that alone gave him some time to finally rest; to remind himself that while he was a Jedi there were far more important things in life.
“You were dead,” he said softly, brushing your hair back from your sweat covered forehead. “Your heart stopped.”
That would explain the darkness.
“I’m sorry.”
He smiled, the newer fresh lines in his face now showing slightly. “You don’t have to apologize for being dead dewdrop.”
“I should if it made you this worried,” you rasped, wincing when the pain returned to your side.
“They gave you a bacta shot, but until we get back to Coruscant there isn’t much they can do here.” He helped you sit up slowly, watching as you bit back a cry of pain. “I told Anakin he should have left you to me.”
“Can you blame him?” Grasping his hand, you held it in your lap. “He thought I was trying to kill you, Obi-Wan. I would have done the same thing.”
“You still died—”
“And came back.” You cupped his face gently, feeling his beard scratched the skin of your hands. “I’m right here Obi-Wan,” you breathed, forehead pressing against his.
“I thought…I thought I lost you.”
Pain twined around his soul so prominently that there wasn’t a moment you could not see it. How it affected every aspect of his being, his movements and words. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to truly feel the fear he kept hidden away and it was brutal. Jedi don’t fear anything. That fact became more of a rule than anything else. Yet in the end it left them vulnerable to the pain—broke them even further because they did whatever it took to push down that fear. Watching your heart give up brought that fear back; shoved it down his throat until he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Pain was a part of a Jedi’s life—this you knew.
“You didn’t,” you breathed, leaning heavily against him. Your body felt worn down, which wasn’t unusual given the current circumstances of your predicament.
Dying and coming back to life. That thought alone left your body feeling cold—the icy sensations of death still running through your veins. Qui-Gon’s words continued to echo in your mind. A reminder of what your life would amount to once you returned. Protecting the person you loved and as you looked at him—the glossy look of unshed tears in his eyes—you realized just how right he’d been. Obi-Wan needed you. More than you knew.
“Where’s Anakin now?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “I sent him to watch over Senator Amidala.”
“Hm.” You brought his hand into your lap, tracing over the cuts and scrapes he acquired on Geonosis. “He’s in love with her, you know.”
Obi-Wan’s familiar sigh made you smile. “I know.”
“I saw the way they were on the battlefield. He would have died for her.” Not unlike how you felt about him—how you hoped he felt about you.
“He’s too young to know what love really is.”
You snorted, eyes dragging back to him. “Look who’s talking Kenobi.”
“That was…different.” He fought against the urge to smile, his lips twitching slightly at the memories that flooded both your minds. “We were different.”
“No we weren’t Obi-Wan. You just like to pretend you were a perfect padawan. When in reality Qui-Gon sighed twice as much as you do now when talking about Anakin.”
He relented, unable to fight against the smile any longer as he pressed his lips to your temple. This. Moments like this were what you both fought for yesterday—a chance to be at ease with one another again. Just as you once did before. This wouldn’t last. He knew that as well as you, but stolen time is what you built the basis of your relationship on. It became what you both feared, what you both needed to survive. You were each standing on either side of the blade, trying to meet in the middle without injury.
Thus was the brutality of love.
“I saw him again,” you murmured. If you closed your eyes you’d be able to picture his face—a man stuck in time and yet still present.
Obi-Wan hummed in response, head leaning against yours. “Who did you see?”
That was enough to render a response from him. Pulling back he regarded you with a look of incredulity—as if your words weren’t even said in the first place. You couldn’t blame him for that. If you heard someone who possessed no connection to the Force whatsoever, claim that they saw the Force ghost of a Jedi Master, you’d think they were lying. Either that or insane. But you couldn’t lie to him anymore; refused to tell him anything but the truth, because your duty to the Republic nearly cost both your lives. That was something you could not forgive nor forget.
“I know– I sound– Well I sound ridiculous.” You felt the weight of Qui-Gon’s message weigh on your shoulders—your body curing inward with it. “I swear it was him.”
“How?” And there it was. The reason why you loved him. Obi-Wan didn’t question your sanity, didn’t claim you were lying, he simply believed. He put faith in you the same way he would the Force, because if there was anyone in his life he trusted…it was you.
It would always be you.
So you told him everything, sparing no details. You explained about the feelings you harbored when you woke up in that place; the fear that you were already beyond anyone’s help. Even going so far as to tell him Qui-Gon’s message and that…he knew about the relationship you two held. You told him all of this for one reason alone. Obi-Wan would be the only one to believe you; to truly trust your word as if it were his own.
Just as the pain was, you too were twined around his soul—so tight that pulling away now felt like agony.
“So you really did die,” he whispered, glancing down at your joined hands. “I knew it happened, but knowing you ended up somewhere.”
“I wasn’t entirely afraid,” you said in the hopes of reassuring him. “Qui-Gon was there and I can’t explain why, but I felt like…like everything was okay.”
“He guided you back.”
Obi-Wan glanced at you, the pain seeping to the far recesses of his mind once more. You’d see it again—you knew that now—but for now he could relish in the chance of seeing you alive. Qui-Gon guided you back to his life to protect him. Except the difference was, you were both protecting each other from the painful reality that awaited you. 
The war on Geonosis was only the beginning of something even larger than you and him—simply a piece of a puzzle that had yet to be formed. He would be called away—just as you would—to fight and once more goodbye would be simply another thing you had to endure.
An inevitable ending to your half finished story.
“He said you needed me, but I don’t think that’s true,” you said softly. “I need you Obi-Wan. I always have.”
“Dewdrop.” He gripped your chin with two fingers, turning you to face him. “You have no idea just how much I need you. It’s not possible to put into words.”
“Then don't.”
Reaching up, you twisted your fingers into his hair and pulled him down to you. His lips slotting over yours with ease—fitting together perfectly once more. He inhaled sharply, hand cupping your face to tilt your head slightly as he licked softly against your bottom lip. Kissing him was akin to going outside and breathing fresh air for the first time in months. It was as if you finally found the other half of you that hid in the crevices of your mind—too far to reach. You wanted to kiss him all the time, whenever you possibly could.
Opening your mouth, you pushed back with enough fervor, causing a shiver to wrack his body—the wet warmth of his tongue against yours bringing back the ache you so desperately yearned for. While the other night was full of passion—borderline feral need—this was soft, tender enough to twist your heart. He didn’t kiss you to have you, because you were already his. In every way a person could be.
Tugging on him, you moaned into his mouth, tightly gripping his hair to keep his lips against yours. In return he bit down on your bottom lip, sucking it slowly into his mouth. He tasted like anguish doused in a sweetness that could only come from him. And you took it. You took until he had nothing left to give; drowning in the way he sounded, smelled, and even in the way he looked. His hair was longer than it ever had been and you couldn’t deny that it became a part of the appeal.
“I can’t,” he whispered, pulling away slightly, his lips still brushing against yours that were shiny with his spit. “You’re injured.”
You smiled, eyes in a dreamy haze of lust and love. “We both know that’s not the reason I’ll scream.”
“Dewdrop,” he growled, yanking your lips back to his with no more trepidation.
Having sex right now probably wasn’t the best option, given your recent walk with death, but you couldn’t stop the thrill of want that spread quickly down your spine. You wanted him despite the injury that made it hard to move. Breathing him in, you felt pleasure build up in your stomach as he moaned into your mouth—the sound filled with his own want.
“Tell me we’ll have more than this,” he whispered against your lips.
You knew where the words—the plea—was coming from. The doubt filled his mind the second he saw you lying there on the brink of death. The same inkling that you harbored when you left him that night in your small home; doubt that you’d have more than just this. That life would steal away the remainder of your time together. You wanted to promise him that you’d have more than you could have wished for. That eventually…you’d be able to be happy together.
But you promised yourself you wouldn’t lie to him again.
“I don’t know if we’ll have more,” you said, pressing yourself as close to him as possible in your current position. “But I can hope that one day we’ll get the time we should have gotten now.”
You could see that the words helped him slightly as a small smile tugged on his lips. Time never seemed to be in your favor, but right now you’d steal back what time so rudely took in the first place. Neither of you were needed at the moment. Eventually you’d have to be brought in to discuss your next mission; as would Obi-Wan. Except you refused to focus on that when you finally had him wrapped around you—the ache in your chest finally dissipating after so many years.
“I want you Obi-Wan,” you breathed, gripping onto the front of his robes.
He sighed, his eyebrows pulling tight as if fighting the urge to act on what his body craved. “You’re in pain.”
“So are you.”
The way his lips twitched kept you from letting him go entirely. He needed this; to feel you beneath him, begging for him. It would return the control he thought he lost the second your heart stopped beating. It would remind him that you were still there and not a figment of his cruel imagination. The prospect of the moment being ruined is what caused a shift in both of you.
Which is why he kissed you.
His pained grunt was wet against your mouth, your hand dipping into his robes in search of his warm skin. You needed to feel him, any part you could reach to satiate the growing emptiness in your body. Something about your touch lit him up from the inside, turned his body molten as he fought against the urge to take you quick and rough. He was still aware of how you barely shifted, his hands strategically shifting away from your injury.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmured, his forehead pressing against yours, hand grasping onto your thigh tightly.
You understood where he was coming from. Why he was so slow in touching you, and even then it was gentle—barely a brush against your skin. He didn’t want to inflict pain on you; he never had. Which is why you took his hands in your own, guiding them along your ribs until he cupped you through his robes, his thumbs instinctively going to your peaked nipples.
“Just touch me,” you breathed, lips brushing across his. “Touch me how you want.”
Leaning forward, he captured your lips in a searing kiss, tongue pressing against yours with a soft moan. If there’s one thing you knew about him, he would never tire of kissing you. Although you knew that you felt the exact same way. There were times that you wished you had met him differently. That he wasn’t a Jedi, but rather a man who was making his way through the galaxy.
If things were different then perhaps you would have been able to savor the time you had together. Rather than living in fleeting moments and broken promises.
“Please.” You dug your hands into his robes, attempting to pull at them, not wanting to wait any longer.
Except Obi-Wan had an insurmountable amount of patience. “I know,” he whispered, his hands reaching for the tie at the middle of the robe.
He pulled at it, watching with bated breath as it fell around your shoulders, exposing the expanse of your skin. The softness of it. Sighing softly, he dragged his lips down to your collarbone, pressing kisses wherever he could reach and nipping at the places he knew would draw out reactions from you. Biting into a spot along your neck, he grinned in satisfaction when you moaned, your hand digging into this hair.
“Don’t tease me Obi-Wan,” you said, unable to hide the smile in your words. “We don’t have much time.”
The reality of your situation seemed to click in his brain, his hands no longer light and steady—as if he had all the time in the world. Because that wasn’t possible. You weren’t given that luxury; rather you were forced to hide in what you could steal. So he finally gave in. His hands slid along your bare skin, lips finding yours again with a passion that stole your breath from your lungs.
You gasped, tugging on his hair to keep him from moving, as he shifted on the small bed. Dragging you over his lap, he allowed his hands the freedom to roam along your body, gripping at whatever he could reach. The robe was split open around you, draping down your thighs and obscuring what was happening from even the empty room. You wanted to lay naked with him—touch every little piece of his skin, trace all his scars you had yet to see. But there would have to be time for that later.
“Maker,” he breathed, his eyes drinking in the sight of you. Even with a bandage going around you, he still remained captured by your beauty. Awestruck by the view of you smiling down at him, wrapped in his robe. “You’re perfect.”
Smiling, you tilted his chin up to press another kiss to his swollen lips. “You flatter me Obi-Wan.”
Heat curled low in your stomach, licking softly at your body like a flame that had yet to be stoked.
He gripped your ass, sliding you forward until your cunt was pressed to the prominent bulge in his robes. “I’m merely telling you the truth dewdrop.”
“Oh—” You tugged at the fabric he wore, wanting it off, and he seemed to understand you without needing words. Releasing you, he peeled off the robes that blocked your hands from touching his chest.
Although only half of him remained visible, you took what you could get. He was here, touching you like you were the most valuable thing in the galaxy, and that was enough. It would always be enough.
Kissing his shoulder, you felt his hand creep up your inner thigh. He sighed softly when you widened your legs, giving him all the space he needed to touch you where you wanted him most. To feel how you practically dripped for him. A ragged noise tore from his chest when his fingers finally dipped into your slick, shock filling his body at the realization that he did this to you. He wasn’t sure there’d ever be a time when he wasn’t rendered speechless from it.
“Fuck,” you whined, grinding down against his fingers as they spread you open, gathering the slick at your entrance and circling it around your clit.
“Always so wet for me,” he panted, as if you were the one bringing him pleasure.
“Always for you.” The words were a sigh against his cheek, pleasure slowly creeping up your spine with each swipe of his fingers.
His body shivered, fingers sliding into your cunt in order to drag out a moan that he felt vibrate through his whole body. He wanted to listen to you fall apart for him over and over again. Wanted to stop time from dragging you away from him again to fight a battle that shouldn’t happen. Yet that wasn’t his choice to make. He was but a soldier for the Jedi Order to wield. And you were a player they couldn’t afford to let go of.
No, you weren’t going anywhere any time soon. Neither was he.
So he relished in the way your body writhed against him. Your eyes shut and mouth open, allowing all manner of sounds to break free. The echo of his fingers rapidly pumping into you made something hot burn in his body. A sensation he wanted to chase.
“I’m gonna—” A sharp intake of breath cut off your words as his fingers curved, finding where he’d drag you over the edge.
“Let go for me dewdrop,” he murmured, practically begging to see the one sight that had been burned in his mind.
Your hips canted forward, nails scratching along his chest as you sought the delicious heat that continued to build. His name was a reverent prayer on your tongue. Each word eliciting a response from him that drew you closer. As if you were two halves of a whole that had finally found one another again. Two puzzle pieces fitting back into place, picking up right where you left off.
“Obi-Wan,” you breathed, your lips sliding against his. “I love you.”
He was sure his heart stopped beating, your words sinking deep enough to heal whatever wound remained from the last time you left. All those years ago. Obi-Wan let out a shuddered breath, his eyes stinging as he watched your head tip back, your walls fluttering around his fingers. So he did the only thing he could do at that moment. He kissed you. Hard enough to finally push you the rest of the way, until you cried into his mouth—your body arching into his touch.
“Fuck.” He slipped his fingers into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you spreading on his tongue. Meanwhile you went for the top of his pants, pulling him free and forcing a pained grunt to escape. “I-I’m afraid I won’t last long—”
You shook your head, lining him up with your entrance. “I don’t care,” you sighed.
The sound he let out was like an addiction to your ears. His head fell back, hands gripping at your hips as you took him in one thrust. Just the feel of him stretching you made your head spin—the slight sting of his cock against your walls was something you wanted to keep. For when you were forced to part ways again.
Grasping onto his shoulders, you set a pace that would get you there again. It wouldn’t take you long at all; not with every emotion that ran rampant in your body. A mixture of love, of fear and pain, all wreaking havoc on your very being. You wanted to ask him if he felt the same, or if this didn’t mean as much as let on. But then he started talking, his eyes filled with an emotion you could now discern amongst the rest.
“It’s always been you,” he rasped, guiding your hips and trying his best to thrust into you messily, your slick coating his upper thighs. “Since the moment I saw you beneath that dewdrop tree.”
His cock struck where you needed him most, causing your toes to curl. “Ah fuck—maker—”
“You’re the one.” He cupped your cheeks in his hands, dragging your lips back to his. “I love you my beautiful dewdrop.”
You weren’t sure if it was his words, or the searing heat of his kiss, or all of that combined, but you quickly fell over the edge again. The broken sob that ripped from your throat being swallowed by him, his tongue sliding along yours. It rushed through you, rendering you incoherent and sending bliss right through your very core. Hot tears spilled down your cheeks, your emotions getting the better of you. But in that moment you welcomed them.
They were the truth that you hid from him. The feelings you could no longer hold in.
“Cum for me my love,” you breathed, cupping his cheeks to watch his eyes roll back, a stuttered moan falling from his lips as he spilled into you. 
The warmth of his cum filling you sent pleasurable sparks up your spine and you sunk into it. Willed for it to continue rather than be sentenced to whatever came next. He seemed to feel the exact same way. His arms wrapped around your bare waist, dragging you closer as he leaned back against the cold wall behind him, sighing softly at the feel of your naked chest pressed to his. Eventually this would end, life would be set back in motion, and whatever relationship you had would have to be locked back up in your hearts.
But for now…you were free to feel whatever you wanted. To pretend that you would be able to walk out there hand in hand and face this battle together.
“You know sometimes I like to imagine that when I met you…you weren’t a Jedi.” His hand caressed your back, as if to tell you he wanted to hear more. So you continued. “We’d have met the same way, beneath a dewdrop tree. You would have called me whatever name you wanted. And we’d…” Tears slipped down your cheeks. “We’d have gotten married, lived on Corellia, possibly had a home together.”
His lips pressed to your temple, the wet feel of his tears falling against your skin. “Me too,” he whispered, his heart aching at the pain that enveloped him like a cold hug.
“We can still leave. Find a place to live and have that.”
He smiled. “Where would we go?”
The entire galaxy was about to enter a war, which meant that nowhere was safe for you to hide. Nowhere would be left alone—leaving you to fight alongside one another, yet remain planets apart.
Lifting your head, you saw his blue eyes shine with tears as he considered the same fate as you. Oh how unlucky were the two of you. Destined to fall in love, yet forced to live apart. Until time finally fell on your side.
“Promise me,” you breathed, wiping his tears. “That you’ll find me. No matter where we are. You’ll find me, like I’ll find you.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your palm. “Always.”
Drawing the robes back over your shoulders, you pressed yourself close to him again. Enjoying the feel of his softened cock filling you, his lips pressing against yours regularly—hands sliding along your back. Neither of you were ready to leave the safe haven of this room. Too caught up in the knowledge that this would come to an end once you did. Which is why you remained like this. Simply enjoying each other’s company—the closeness you might not get again.
He pressed kisses to every part of you he could reach, whispering how much he loved you, how he’d do everything in his power to get back to you. And you replied in kind. Telling him things that you had only dreamed of. You exposed the emotions you had kept locked up, and he welcomed them with open arms. Promising to cherish them for as long as he was alive.
A knock on the door stirred you out of your warmth, shattering the fantasy you two had created in this small space. Obi-Wan sighed, his head leaning against the wall as disdain filled his eyes. He didn’t want to don the Jedi title again; would much rather remain here with you. But that was no longer possible.
“Yes?” he called out, refusing to let you move from where you were on his lap.
Bail’s voice echoed through the door. “They’re asking for you. Both of you.”
Obi-Wan nodded. “We’re on our way.”
“I don’t want to leave,” you said when he pulled away, tucking himself back into his pants and glancing at you longingly as you laid back down.
“I can tell them you’re not awake.”
“I don’t want you to go either.”
He smiled, but it never quite reached his eyes. Rather it turned them sad and you found you hated that more than seeing him cry. “We have to do our duties to the Republic.”
Something severed in your heart, a sensation so sharp and biting it nearly made you flinch.
“I’ve been doing my duty for far longer than I should have. You don’t know the things I’ve done Obi-Wan. What they claimed was for the good of the Republic.” You could remember the horrors you went through, the pain you inflicted on people who didn’t deserve it. You weren’t doing good. You were simply acting as their pawn who had no other choice.
“I don’t care what you’ve done dewdrop.” He pressed his forehead to yours, leaning over you. “I love you no matter what.”
“You should care,” you whispered, anger building up in your chest. “Because they’ll make me do it again.”
A louder bang against the door cut him off.
“Bail I said—”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t stall for you anymore. They’re insistent.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes shut, his heavy exhale washing across your cheeks. Before he could respond, you pushed him back into his standing position, getting up to gather your armor. Both of you knew what would happen if you didn’t go out there. The Republic's best soldiers holed up together in a room doing who knows what. You knew that alone was grounds enough to start up the conversation of what you meant to each other.
Neither of you wanted that to happen. Not when the galaxy was on the verge of being torn apart.
“Just—” You took in a breath, strapping the beskar to your body. “Don’t break our promise Obi-Wan. No matter what.”
He kissed you. Hard. Shoving every ounce of emotion he had into this small act, and effectively causing you to melt into his arms. Your hands dug into his hair as your eyes fluttered shut. You wouldn’t know when you’d get this again. A small moment away from the demands of reality. So you took what you had and ran with it. Kissing him back, you pulled him close enough to meld his very soul to yours. Until you had something of him to keep with you.
“I won’t break it,” he gasped, ripping himself away from you as the doors slid open.
Bail regarded your haphazard appearances with a small grin, but you saw the regret in his eyes. “I’m sorry my friend. I wish I could give you two more time.”
Obi-Wan merely smiled, patting him on the shoulder. “You gave us what you could. Thank you.”
You watched as Bail left—no doubt to tell them you were both on your way—before turning to Obi-Wan. “He knows?”
“Don’t tell me you told him.”
He fixed the left side of your armor for you, making sure it was in the right place. “He is rather perceptive.”
You knew he was lying by the way his eyes never met yours. Yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to worry about something so small and insignificant. Especially given that you were about to be assigned somewhere not even the Jedi Order could find you. Smiling, you took his hand in yours, thumb running along his knuckles as you walked down the brightly lit hallway. If this was all you’d get, then you would squeeze as much as you could out of every second.
At least enough to satiate the coming loneliness that would plague you soon.
Sighing, he glanced at you one more time, taking in the features he’d miss most—attempting to burn them into his mind. “Shall we?”
You nodded reluctantly. “Yes.”
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The chair you were sitting in was mildly uncomfortable. Enough so to keep you awake amidst the chaos that ensued around you. Obi-Wan was placed in his usual spot by Master Yoda, the battle plans spread out on the holotable, each one slightly different from the last. You lost count after the third one—focusing instead on the ache that began to spread in your side. Apparently being stabbed with a lightsaber left residual pain even bacta couldn’t fix.
“I’ll be sure to make contact with the Republic. From there I’ll begin to contact my allies; people I know who would be willing to fight with us,” Bail said, his shoulders hunched slightly forward.
The battle on Geonosis had taken a toll on all of you—slowly revealing a darker side to the Galaxy none of you knew was there.
“Will you be sending out agents?” Obi-Wan asked, his eyes flickering towards you so quick only you’d be able to notice it.
He nodded. “Who we have will be the first ones sent. They can contact allies in ways we can’t. Not to mention survey what the Separatists are planning.”
Whatever breath remained in your lungs was punched out, your situation now another battle plan on the table. You weren’t going to remain on Coruscant, or even on Alderaan. You were going who knows where to complete a mission that wasn’t a part of your fight. And you would do it without question. As you had done before.
If Obi-Wan was intent on fighting—on protecting the galaxy—you would be right there with him.
“As far as I know,” you began, shifting on the chair until you felt relief on your side. “My story still stands with Count Dooku. Jango Fett was the only one to realize.”
“And he’s dead,” Bail added.
You knew he would disagree the second you insinuated the prospect of going back to that hell hole. He wouldn’t let you walk right back into the open arms of danger. A place where he couldn’t follow this time—where he couldn’t save you. Sure enough, Obi-Wan shook his head, his eyes narrowing in your direction. Others may have seen it as a warning, but you could see the truth as easily as reading a book. He was asking you to stop; to let him take care of this for you. Because that’s all he could do.
“He might be dead, but they saw us take you. There wouldn’t be a way to show you weren’t a part of us all along,” Obi-Wan said, his hands clasped together on the table. “I suggest you go with Bail. Give the Jedi Order time to try and search Dooku out.”
“No offense Master Kenobi, but if the Order couldn’t find him before, what makes you think you’d be so great at finding him now?”
“He once was one of us.”
You shrugged. “Not anymore.”
“Right Obi-Wan is,” Yoda interjected for the first time. For a moment you forgot that he was sitting there, watching you and Obi-Wan attempt to argue your sides. “Take care of it, the Order will.”
“But—” Bail’s hand gripping your knee painfully beneath the table cut off your words. You winced slightly, clearing your throat and accepted what was bound to happen. “Of course. My apologies.”
“We’ll be reaching Coruscant soon, but I fear finding allies can not wait.” Obi-Wan leaned back in the chair, his eyes meeting yours once more. Only this time he didn’t look away. “Where is it you said you would venture?”
Bail flicked through his holopad. “Whoever is a part of the Republic, but I have people scattered through the Outer Rim.”
He nodded. “There’s no time to spare. The longer Dooku is on the run, the more we may risk the chance of losing. Master Yoda and I will go to the Jedi Council. I recommend you seek out your people.”
“Of course,” Bail responded, standing abruptly from his chair before turning to you. “You’ll be accompanying me. I suggest you say you’re…goodbyes.”
Master Yoda followed him out, the conversation seeming to continue even as the doors shut. And suddenly there you were again. Sitting in silence, alone with Obi-Wan. You tried to catch your breath as your mind processed everything that was said; the plans that had been made. Finding allies and asking them to join the Republic on the side of this war wouldn’t take months. No, it was a job that would leave you gone for years.
This was it. The last moment you’d get with him in who knows how long. Yet you couldn’t figure out what to say.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, tears filling your eyes.
Obi-Wan was next to you in three quick strides, crouching beside you, hands cupping your face. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“But that’s the thing…I do.” One tear slid down your cheek and that was it. You could no longer hold it in—you broke, a sob clawing its way up the back of your throat. “I’m sorry for leaving that night. I should have stayed. Taken you up on your offer to run away together.”
He shook his head, his lips pressing to your forehead. “You made the right choice.”
You scoffed. “Then why does it hurt so much?”
“Choosing the right choice isn’t guaranteed to be the easy one.” His thumbs wiped the tears away. “Oftentimes it’s the hardest decision we have to make.”
“Maker you sound like a Jedi Master alright.”
He smiled, his forehead pressing to yours. “I suppose it’s a good thing I am one.”
A broken laugh filled the room, lighting up his heart in a way he would miss desperately. “Anakin’s lucky to have you in his corner.”
You stood, letting him gather you in his arms, willing time to stand still for a few minutes more. At least until you had to walk out that door, leaving him behind as you continued what you were meant for. You remember telling him when you were both younger that you wished you had a soulmate. Someone who was so connected to you, they were forever a part of your very being.
Funny how he’d always been that for you. The man tied to your very soul.
“I’m in your corner too,” he whispered, his arms tightening around you. “Whenever you need me dewdrop. I’ll find you. Just as I promised.”
You didn’t have words left to say to him, because what more could be said? What did you two have left but this? So, you tangled your hands in his hair, pulled him close and pressed your lips to his in a bruising kiss that said it all for you. You tasted the salt from the tears he shed, the pain he endured. And you took it. You gathered it in your hands, held it close, and promised to keep it safe. Forever.
He inhaled sharply, his hands grasping at whatever part of you he could find—whether or not it hurt he didn’t give a shit. He just had to feel you. Licking gently into your mouth, he smiled softly at your moan, willing his mind to sear that single sound in his memory. He’d hear it again. That he was sure of. But for now—this would have to do.
“Until we meet again?” you whispered against his lips.
Obi-Wan let out a shaky breath. “Yes,” he vowed, his hands reluctantly letting you go as you stepped away. “Until we meet again my beautiful dewdrop.”
You smiled but the light never reached your eyes. Letting his hand go, you turned back to the door. You felt like you were tearing yourself in half again, enduring a pain you never wanted to go back to. But you knew if you turned around, if you looked him in the eyes, you wouldn’t walk out of this room. You’d stay here with him.
So you took the step and headed out into the hallway, the tears falling down your face freely now. By the time you reached where Bail was you were certain that the very last part of your heart had severed itself free. Leaving you shattered all over again.
Following Bail onto his own ship you watched him set the coordinates for Alderaan, detaching the ship entirely. And for the briefest of moments you watched the ship Obi-Wan remained on grow smaller in the window. Until eventually you could no longer make out its shape, just another distant speck in the galaxy.
“I’ll find you,” you breathed, shutting your eyes the second the ship took off into hyperspace. “I promise.”
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
@lucdarling replied to your post “so all of the fic where the GAR and Coruscant...”:
pls give me your fic recs, friend. this sounds very relevant to my interests.
​oh heckie yes i got u boo @lucdarling
Fics Being Mean to the Coruscant Guard:
Two Strikes / Crowning Glory A variety of steps Cody takes to ensure the Guard doesn't get abused as horribly -- Fox and his men might not be on the front lines, but they're still Vod'e -- and their consequences.
linking to the first fic in the series, the story starts out mostly with Cody being a slut (affectionate) but then goes on to get into the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Coruscant Guard and Fixing It and tbh if you read nothing else read this series it is So Good. make sure to follow the links, things are slightly confusing and non-sequential if you don't
it also actually addresses post-trauma stuff too which is AMAZING, yes def read this but be sure to put some time aside for it the series is like 500k and you Will want to read it all in one sitting and then you might get yelled at by your wife for not sleeping for three days or that might just be me, 100/10
Galaxy-Saving Memes You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better. Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
second on the 'if nothing else read this' list, unless you dislike epistolary stories, in which case you can skip. but it is short and it is fucking HILARIOUS which you would think wouldn't be possible given the subject matter but no, it is great, 100/10
The Adoption Wars The only thing stronger than the dark side is Rex's ability to get adopted. Or: the one where Rex would really like everyone to know that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Oh, and Fox finally gets to kill a sith.
only somewhat about Being Mean to the Guard but by god it is cute and adorable but also makes you Feel Emotions, excellent story 10/10
Their Days Are Darker After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
so this is heartbreaking in the whole 'doesn't understand that what is happening is wrong' kind of way and tbh Cody is a little bit more of a dick than i usually imagine him but it is still Quite Excellent 10/10
exploitation, hesitation The Coruscant Guard makes a mistake while working with the 212th Attack Battalion. Fox prepares to take the heat.
EXCELLENT writing with the whole 'pov character thinks one thing is happening while outside characters Definitely Do Not', fox is so self-sacrificing which is why and how we love him 10/10
learning solitude It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond. Fox misses Kamino.
less Guard more Fox, but man what a way to emotionally stab you in the face! lots of gaslighting and manipulation and it is part of a series but the series also gets Extremely Dark at the end before having a recovery/happy ending, so ymmv 10/10
Blood Iron Fox has seen many things seized during raids. Illegal weapons, Spice and other assorted of banned drugs, slaves, carnivorous beasts trained for the fighting rings, the list goes on. Nothing prepared him for finding beskar among the crates of contraband and bad life choices.
so much worldbuilding fuck yeah! semi-the mandalorian crossover, the Guards have it Real Fucking Rough but then they run into some traditional mandos with hearts of gold beskar, v excellent 10/10
i'm sure there are others! well i know there are others, but these are the ones i remember standing out/have read so far. all of these have happy endings, i wouldn't do that to you (and tbh don't really read stuff w/o happy endings myself)
go forth and read whump!
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