#kyllian (oc)
hyenacicadas · 1 year
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Misc. OC art
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mysticstarlightduck · 9 months
Alone, bound and pain for the OC(s) of your choice?
~ @tabswrites
(The OC Ask Game)
Thank you for the Ask, @tabswrites!
✨Spoilers for Realms of Loss and Enchanted Illusions Below the Cut✨
Alone: (OC - Adaria Vytris, WIP Realms of Loss)
How does your OC deal with loneliness?
This is a perfect question for my OC, Adaria Vytris, from Realms of Loss, whose worst fear is, coincidentally, ending up completely alone.
As such, she does not deal very well with loneliness, and despite being an awkward introvert with the social skills of a little gremlin, she still 100% prefers to be around other people - even if they're just close by and she's the weird one lurking on the edge of the room. When she's completely alone, Adaria usually keeps herself busy in some way, anything to avoid feeling that empty void of loneliness that creeps up in the back of her mind when she's not busy protecting other people or just talking.
Have they ever been completely alone before?
Yes, Adaria has been completely alone before, a few years before the main story, when she ended up separated from all her older siblings because of the ongoing wars of the continent and thought they were all dead. It was really traumatic for her and is by far the worst time of her entire life.
How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Very nervous. Usually, she has a very aggressive/blunt persona when she's around people, as she takes up a "protector" role in her friendship group and mimics her older brother's jaded challenging behavior towards all authority figures because it's all she's known (and because their kingdom literally lives in a very oppressive absolutist/theocratic monarchy-style government, so it's obvious she resents following rules).
She rarely ever shows the more vulnerable side of her personality to others, because she finds solace in being the shield that keeps them safe. When that role is taken from her for some reason and she's left completely alone, especially if against her will, her anxieties creep up on the back of her mind and she starts to question her worth - because she fears not being able to make it in the world by herself. She's at her most vulnerable when she's alone, much different from her assertive self she takes up in the company of others.
Bound: (OC - Julia Kyllians, WIP Enchanted Illusions)
Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened?
At the beginning of the book, it is implied that Julia's just been released from jail, having been wrongfully imprisoned two years before due to lies spread by her young father's corrupt employer as a way to silence her - after she found out the millionaire wanted to illegally prolong her father's contract. This is the inciting incident for her character arc, which leads her to join Thaddeus Lockhill's revolutionary movement in hopes of clearing her name and breaking that contract.
How did they get out?
It is unclear at the start of the book whether she was actually released, bailed out (which is highly unlikely), or if she broke out of prison (whether by herself or with some help).
Did the experience leave any scars?
Mostly emotional ones - which lead to a deep desire for justice and the tiniest bit of wishing for revenge.
Pain: (OC - Teivel, WIP Realms of Loss)
What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt?
Teivel is a young Izuhyn being held prisoner of war in the Fortress of Avillore. Aside from the emotional pain and trauma of being forcibly locked in a filthy, freezing dungeon in an unknown, enemy country, after being ripped from everyone and everything he knew and loved, while having his magic constantly suppressed, he's also spent the past years before the main story of the book (before being freed by Lucian Dhaeras) being experimented on by Avillorian alchemists and interrogated for information about his people. Which, in a medieval-ish world without a great grasp of human rights - especially when it comes to someone dubbed "the enemy" - can only mean horrifyingly painful things. He's been through pretty much every torture that would cause him pain but not kill him.
Do they have a high pain tolerance?
After everything he's been put through, it's safe to say that he kind of has to have developed a high pain tolerance, or he would've gone utterly batshit insane by now.
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mprinyt · 5 years
Hola, de donde es el pelo de Kyllian? Por cierto, me encanta la nueva serie!
Kyllian es un sim de MANDY, aqui lo tienes: 5232391/ok-you-guys-asked-for-it-this-is-an-unofficial-oc 
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panda-noosh · 6 years
i was tagged in this ages ago and have only now gotten round to doing it :):):) but here you go! i’ll be answering with my beloved girls Neveyah and Mayora Blackrose! 
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering?
of course, i knew from the very beginning that they were both going to be assassins and they were going to be twin sisters. that’s really the only thing i had whenever i first started creating them, and they built themselves up in my head from then on. 
2. Did you design them with any other characters from their universe in mind?
each other, since they’re twins! whenever i was planning out their physical attributes, i obviously had to keep them fairly similar so i had to keep the other one in mind whilst planning. 
3. How did you choose their name?
for both of them, it was honestly just a case of liking their names. it’s a fantasy story, so they both needed to be quite bizarre and unknown in this world {though i know a girl called Neveyah yeet} but i really just looked through my Character Name Pinterest board and picked out two i thought suited them. 
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Neveyah: with Neveyah, being kept in prison definitely played a massive part in forming who she is as a character. it’s only through little bits in the book that we get to learn what she was like before she was in prison {since the book opens with her behind bars} and just how different she was coming out of it. before prison, she was this tough girl with little to no care in the world for who she hurt or what she had to do to get what she wanted - but when she emerges from prison, she’s a little more timid and a little more. . . observant??
Mayora: Mayora is the same, only it works in a completely different way to Neveyah. before Mayora was locked in prison, she was the Soft One out of the two, the one who knew how to sort arguments out with just her words rather than taking her knives out to solve problems. but once she gets out of prison, she kind of gets this attitude towards the world that’s like ‘well, they punished me, so i’ll punish them fuck everyone’ and she gets a little bit looser and more bold with her actions. 
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
they both have black hair, but i don’t think there’s any significance to it lol. whenever i thought of them, that was just the image that came to mind, and trying to imagine them with any other colour in their hair makes me a tad bit uncomfortable lol. 
6. Is their any significance behind their eye color?
they both have green eyes, and this is actually because of my brother-in-law lol. he told me that i’ve never given any of my OC’s a physical attribute that contributed to him, so i gave them both green eyes to please him. 
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
i honestly didn’t think too much about their height?? i feel like they’re both fairly average, though i can imagine Neveyah being a little bit taller than Mayora. 
8. What (if anything) do you relate about their character/story?
Neveyah: she has this habit where she pretends she cares about literally nobody until it actually comes down to caring for people. she’s easily ticked off and can be quite difficult to get along with, but at the end of the day, if you manage to befriend her, she’s the most loyal person in the world and she will love you with her whole heart and soul. i relate in the way that i don’t like friendships falling apart - nobody does - meaning i have a tendency to push people away, but once we actually become friends, i’ll do everything to try and keep you around.
Mayora: i feel like, with Mayora, i relate to her in the sense that she is lowkey expected to do a lot of things she can’t really do?? if that makes sense?? ever since she was little, people have always asked her to do things because they see this goody-two-shoes girl and think she just knows how to do it all - and Mayora always wants to be able to do it all, if just to please whoevers asking, but sometimes she really does need to take a step back and say ‘you know, maybe i should just tell them i can’t.’ 
9. Are they based on you in some way?
nope. none of my characters are ever based off of me, but i also think it’s incredibly natural for a piece of the author to kind of unintentionally sink into the characters in some way.
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Neveyah: Neveyah is a lesbian, and i figured this out through planning her - as is do with the majority of my characters. i don’t think i’ve ever sat down and said “okay, she’s lesbian” or anything like that - i just kind of figure it out with the way they naturally interact with other characters, and the way they just kind of . . . speak to me i guess? lmao i sound insane, but that’s honestly how it feels. sexuality isn’t ever something i think too much into, since it just ends up slotting into the book naturally anyway. so with Neveyah, i didn’t know immediately, but later figured it out.
Mayora: Mayora is heterosexual. again, this just kind of worked itself out in the planning stages with how she interacted with other characters ect ect. 
11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC?
art?? for my oc?? not in my zero-artistic-ability household. 
12. How far past canon events have you extended their story, if at all?
oof, i do this far too often. i know how i’m ending the book, but then my mind just continues and now i know their childrens names, their spouses names, their address.
but seriously, i know a whole bunch about what my girls will be doing once the book is finished (if they end up living, of course ;)) 
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
Neveyah: she’s just such an asshole. to everyone. but then her inner monologue is like i love them with my whole heart. why can’t they see that? and then it’s like, Neveyah my love, you’ve just told him to go to hell. 
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
Neveyah: this is gonna sound stupid, but the love she has for the people around her?? just?? tugs at my heart strings?? because she just has so much love for the people she cares about, and nobody really sees that because she hides it so well. people only begin to realise just how much she cares whenever she’s sacrificed herself or something.
Mayora: she thinks she has to solve every single problem within the group, when she really doesn’t. if Neveyah and Kyllian are fighting, or Weslar and Sanira are struggling, she thinks it’s her duty to step up and help them out and make sure everything is okay. she sometimes forgets to take care of her own mental health because she’s too busy trying to deal and juggle with everyone elses issues. 
16. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
Neveyah: she has a Big Crush on Princess Karrem, even though Karrem is a little bit crazy - but we love her anyway.
Mayora: she’s actually a tiny bit of a thrill seeker apparently?? my girl has been creeping out of her shell as of recently, and who am i to deny her that right?
17. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Neveyah: i don’t know why this immediately comes to mind, but Neveyah was very close with her father whenever her father was still alive. the two of them used to go fishing together all the time, and even though her dad wasn’t exactly approving of the path she wanted to take, he never made her feel like he was disappointed in her and that just makes me Soft since nobody (bar Mayora) has shown love to Neveyah like that ever since he passed away.
Mayora: she’s actually very good with children. as i said before, before she was locked in prison, she was the Soft One of the Blackrose twins. even though prison definitely toughened her up and gave her a more rough outlook on life, she still has that natural mother-instinct within her that brings out the old Mayora quite prominently. 
so that was Neveyah and Mayora! anyone who wants to do this tag, please feel free to do so {and tag me so i can read all about your OC’s!} i tag @smolgay-bean and @emmalederman! 
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Fanart of Kyllian Ramirez for @dichiiro! What a lovely OC!
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