#kyoshi aesthetics
okbrambleberry · 6 months
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Kyoshi’s Tokyo apartment from the City Pop fic at different times of day. Kyoshi, I’m sorry your front door and bathroom door open up on each other but that’s life in the big city baby. I don’t make the rules (I literally drew it into existence).
Fic is Neon Tsungi by GrainBowl on ao3
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“ she is a warrior ” ...and others
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jiyuqi · 1 year
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"We rise with the moon."
20photos - 3€ available only on Ko-Fi 💙↴
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ittsybittsybunny · 7 months
ATLA Live Action Series Review:
The Good
Aesthetically this show felt right. Sure sometimes the outfits didn't quite feel lived in, but I always felt like I was watching a fantasy world with decent effects and interesting design. Also, I really enjoyed the sets!
Bending: Yes some of the fights feel very quick, but the bending looks cool. It is certainly better than 10 benders lifting one big rock. I can honestly say the opening bending fight scene gave me so much hope for this show.
Kyoshi Warriors: I loved seeing them in live action, and I thought Suki's performance was great!
Omashu: I think the mashup of the mechanist made sense since that is an important character overall and I would hate to see him cut. However, both Jet & the secret tunnels felt sloppily thrown in.
Northern Water Tribe: I really loved the way it looked, and appreciated the two episodes we spent here. I think Yue gained more agency in this interpretation, and why shouldn't the moon spirit be a waterbender. Also, episode seven felt the most in tune with the original show's spirit.
Zuko: I think he was one of the most fleshed-out and best parts of the show! Dallas Liu really captured Zuko's spirit, and the scene between him and Aang in episode 6 was wonderful!
Soundtrack: Hearing the original soundtrack bits is always great, and when I first heard the ending music I was so excited.
Is the show perfect, no - but I wouldn't mind a season 2.
The Bad
Pacing: Turning 20 episodes into 8 was bound to lead to some cuts...but oftentimes times things felt too quick or disjointed. I think there were editing problems contributing to this for sure, but sometimes things skipped around too much without a clear purpose as to why. Also, why bring in plots from later seasons when you barely have enough time already?
Writing: This show definitely suffered from exposition dumping, though it did get better as time went on. I think the biggest example of this is actually opening in the past rather than the present. We do not get to learn along with Aang that the world has changed, instead, we get to learn that 100 years have passed....which doesn't hold the same tension or worldbuilding.
Clunky Dialogue: Along with exposition, clunky dialogue is another example of bad writing. I think sometimes I felt like the acting was kind of meh in the beginning, but then over time I began to realize it had far more to do with the lines characters were trying to deliver. The actors themselves are not bad, just cursed with awkward writing and lines that feel out of touch with the setting they're in.
Main Trio: I don't entirely know that I believe Katara, Sokka, and Aang are friends as opposed to 3 people stuck together to save the world. Aang feels a little too somber for a young kid running away from his responsibilities, Sokka is protective, but not exactly the heart of the team, and Katara is sort of just there until the last two episodes. Where is her struggle, her desire to learn so strong she steals from pirates? Also, while Gordon Cormier did a great job, Aang does zero waterbending on his own, is overly serious, and tells Katara not to fight. Where is his desperation to protect his friends? It feels like they all lost emotional depth.
Tension: Bringing Ozai, Azula, and Zhao out in the beginning immediately causes us to lose the realization there is an even bigger bad. Part of why Ozai is so terrifying is he is a primarily silent villain until the third season when we finally see the face of the "big bad evil guy" behind it all. Yes, they add to Zuko's backstory, but again, they are revealing the villains too early. Azula is the antagonist of season 2 and one of my favorite characters, so I hope they do more with her in the future. Finally, Zhao is supposed to be an example of the uncontrollable nature of fire unrestrained, instead, he comes off as vaguely threatening with the supposed true power being Azula.
Characterization: While all characters are bound to lose something in a shorter show, it still felt like certain characters were more mutilated than others. I am sure there are 100 different opinions on who, but I think the biggest victim was Katara.
Katara: Katara manages to go from a complete novice to a bending master in what feels like a matter of days. The journey feels short, and that makes the results feel largely unearned. Katara is one of the strongest personalities in the show, determined, kind, and fiery. In many ways, she is the unpredictability of water - equally dangerous as it is necessary to live. She is the child of a war who lost her mother, forced to grow up too soon, and even raised her older brother. Yes, Katara often gets stereotyped as the mom friend, but overall she feels underutilized in this show. We really don't see enough of her journey until the very end.
Iroh: Iroh was always comedic but most importantly wise. Even when Zuko is trying to give himself advice, he mimics Iroh. Instead, he seems to be used more as comedic relief without the underlying experience. He just doesn't feel right. Also, he kills Zhao instead of Zhao getting himself killed - which is less about Iroh and more about the writing than anything.
Ozai is weirdly a little too nice. Yes, he burned Zuko and pits his kids against each other, but he feels toned down in a show claiming to be more mature than the original cartoon.
Azula is perhaps more realistically worried about losing her status as the golden child, but she is also missing the cruelty she and her father share. I understand worrying about making your character cartoonishly evil, but the Fire Nation is currently a deeply nationalistic empire trying to control the world. Where is the deep-seated belief that they are better than other people, not just trying to bring balance to the world? There is a line between creating complexity and toning down the very real evil inherent in this plan.
Roku: I can only say what the fuck was that. He was barely there, and not the serious master to Aang's youthful exuberance.
The Ugly
Show, Don't Tell: The show's single biggest issue seems to be speeding through story parts by simply stating things. Instead of allowing the audience to discover, trusting that we are smart enough to understand, let's just blatantly say things like Zuko is the only reason the 41st division is alive to their faces. Even though in the context of the story Ozai literally already said that.... it's the division, the division for Zuko, Zuko's division.
Thematic Misunderstandings: I think this show makes several minor changes with major implications, such as airbenders actively fighting the firebenders, when airbenders are known for their pacifist nature and the lie of an Airbender fighting force is actively propaganda. Similarly, Aang very quickly accepts his role as the avatar and doesn't even run away in the beginning. Without this conflict between his desire to be a carefree child and the fact that the world needs him - the show loses a key aspect of Aang's character. Also, the obsession with downplaying the avatar state as something dangerous feels like a disservice to the tradition, connection, and strength of the avatar, which can be permanently destroyed as the trade-off for that kind of power. It's dangerous for the balance of the entire world, not just because it's powerful!
The Agni Kai: Zuko's fight against his father is one of the defining moments of Ozai's cruelty, not just because he is willing to fight his child, but because Zuko tried to do everything right. Zuko shows deference to his father, apologizes, and most importantly refuses to fight! The determination not to upset his father and still be grievously injured and banished is a hugely important theme for the fire nation and Zuko's life as a whole. He tries to do everything he is supposed to and only regains his father's acceptance after he "kills" Aang. Zuko's struggle between moral vs. social right and wrong in contrast to his family is hugely important to his character.
TLDR: ATLA was a fantastical animated television show that was never afraid to show character development and flaws. When you turn 20 episodes into 8, you are bound to lose something. You hollowed out the middle, leaving the shell of important moments and events without ever wondering if all the times in between formed the true spirit of the show.
Rating: 6.5/10 It's perfectly fine and worth a watch. Not a disaster, but certainly falls flat of the original.
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atlaculture · 1 year
Hi, I love your work and was wondering if you've done a post breaking down Earth Kingdom clothing inspiration and what the pieces are called. I'm writing a fanfiction and having a hard time finding info. Thanks!
The thing about the Earth Kingdom is that it's the most populated and diverse of the four nations in-universe. Meaning that each area of the Earth Kingdom has its own unique flavor. Some places are based off of specific Chinese dynasties, others around the various ethnic minorities of China, and some are other Asian cultures entirely.
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Ba Sing Se's aesthetic is based off of the later years of China's Qing Dynasty (1636-1912):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Ba Sing Se Queues (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Zuko's Teashop Outfit (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Ba Sing Se Headdresses (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: The Dai Li (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Royal Earthbender Guards (tumblr.com)
Toph's family and background are meant to appear refined and wealthy so their look is based off of the later years of China's opulent Tang Dynasty (618-907):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Fancy Dress (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Sleepwear (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Toph’s Hairstyle (tumblr.com)
Bumi likes to wear Chinese opera clothing and his character is broadly inspired by Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280):
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Bumi (tumblr.com)
Kyoshi Island is Heian & Edo period Japan mixed with Ainu culture:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Headbands (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Makeup (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi’s Hair & Clothes (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Warriors Uniform (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Islanders Fashion Pt. 1 -... (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Kyoshi Islanders Fashion Pt. 2 -... (tumblr.com)
When Zuko and Iroh are on the run in the EK, they encounter a Vietnamese town and a Korean village:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Anatomy: “The Swamp” Episode (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Architecture: Song’s Village (tumblr.com)
The tribes of the Si Wong Desert are North African crossed with Mongolian:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Sandbenders (tumblr.com)
Chong and Lily (Secret Tunnel Hippies) wear Tibetan and Hmong clothing, respectively:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Chong (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Lily (tumblr.com)
The refugee family with the pregnant wife is inspired by Yi people:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Serpent’s Pass Refugees Pt. 1 (tumblr.com)
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Serpent’s Pass Refugees Pt. 2 (tumblr.com)
And, with the exception of culturally isolated areas like Ba Sing Se/Si Wong Desert/Omashu/Kyoshi/Foggy Swamp, most men in the EK wear their hair in Taoist topknots:
The Cultures of Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cultural Fashion: Earth Kingdom Top Knots (tumblr.com)
So the sort of clothing your characters will be wearing in the EK depends on where in the country they are or are from. If you plan on inventing a new setting that takes place in the Earth Kingdom, try to choose a culture and period that reflects the mood or theme you're trying to get across.
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coolbeansnico · 2 months
I've caved. Here's my Avatar The Last Airbender uni au and modern/non bender au headcanons.
Here's what I think the main kids uni majors/minors would be:
Aang: wildlife conservation with a minor in political sciences
Katara: medicine, education minor
Sokka: engineering, polisci minor
Toph: geology with a martial arts minor (changed my mind, education minor)
Zuko: forced to do law & politics by his family but switches to history/anthropology, keeping politics as a minor
Azula: law w a psychology minor
Mai: forced to do politics by family but wants to do art, history minor
Ty Lee: training in acrobatics and performance at a performing arts school and works at the circus
Suki: human relations and activism, martial arts minor
Yue: Dance major (same school as Ty Lee, polisci minor
Living situations:
Katara and Sokka flat together and eventually Aang becomes a permanent resident
Toph lives right across from them, she likes her own space and independence but she'd never want to be too far from her friends
Zuko lives with Iroh above his teashop and works there part time
Suki has a sharehouse with the kyoshi warriors (her hockey team)
Ty Lee and Yue get assigned room-mates first year and became pretty quick friends, they continue to live together afterwards
Azula has her own apartment (of course). So does Mai, but she spends so much time at Azulas she basically lives there. Neither of them would admit it but they much prefer it to having whole houses to themselves.
General modern au/non bender au hcs:
(Pretty obvious) Ethnicity n nationality hcs:
Sokka and Katara r Inuit and from Alaska
Azula, Zuko and Mai are all Japanese American
Ty Lee is Japanese and Mongolian
Toph is Chinese and Singaporean (born in Singapore)
Aang is Bhutanese (so is Gyatso), but he grew up in Singapore. Him and Toph were childhood friends
Yue is Inuit and Sámi and her family lives in north-east Canada
Suki is mixed Chinese, Thai and French-Canadian and live in an island off of Quebec
Have not decided where the uni would be but probably BSSU (Ba Sing Se uni) cause I know a lot of ppl use that as the uni name
I don't know a ton about US and Canadian geography so if y'all have ideas for what states or provinces the characters would hail from (especially what state/city Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee grew up in) I would def appreciate the suggestions
Aang has a Tibetan Mastiff called Appa and Sokka has a Siamese cat called Momo (he found him behind a dumpster looking for food scraps and Sokka knew he'd found a kindred spirit,,, much to Kataras initial dismay)
Aang grew up in a sort of hippie/alternative living foster home that taughtbuddist beliefs, he never knew his real parents but he was okay with that.
I'm a fan of bigcorp ceo Ozai but also political tyrant Ozai works as well so I'm srsly torn on that. Politician Ozai would either have to be a nation ruler or American ambassador because I like to think Zuko and Azula moved around a lot as kids so he couldn't have a job that keeps him in ine place. That's why I like the idea of ceo Ozai. He would still have a lot of political power and it would still mean moving around a lot plus him being super corrupt and exploiting his workers is fun for angst.
Oh and!! Zuko and Azula lived in Singapore for part of highschool and their family visited a lot for holidays. Since Tophs parents and Ozai worked together, Zuko and Azula were around at The Beifongs a lot and entertained themselves by making fun of Toph for hanging out with a "poor tree hugging commoner" like Aang
I may add more to this so look out for a part 2
I'm currently working on drawing them (and maybe chara profiles with sexualities, pronouns, character aesthetics/how I think they'd dress, interests ect) :] I've done the boys and the (non fire nation) gals are next!!
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oneatlatime · 8 months
A Precariously Stacked Pile of Random Season 2 Thoughts
These are notes I took as I watched the season. Usually after I’d already posted about the episode in question, and I thought of something I would have added to the post. Rather than edit them into my posts, I’m rounding them up and posting them all at once. As such, they are vaguely chronological. Unfortunately, because I made the notes legible to me and me only, I didn't bother to write down what episode I was referring to. I've also added some notes in as I was editing these notes. So this is also a bit of a scavenger hunt. Enjoy!
Iroh poisoning himself: dumbass moment or 5D chess?
My autocorrect corrects “Sokka” to Sock, and “Sokka’s” to socks. This causes double takes when editing.
Badgermoles have excellent eyeliner. Is that where the Kyoshi Warriors get their jaw dropping cat eye?
Why is Ty Lee spelled Ty Lee and not Tai Li? Why is Dai Li spelled Dai Li and not Dy Lee?
Sometimes Sokka makes me think of Mulan. Am I crazy?
Are the swampbenders’ moves based on a real martial art style too?
Why didn’t Aang use his swamp sense to locate Appa post-appanapping?
Where did Toph, who spent her whole life as a prisoner of her parents’ house and a moonlighting WWE wrestler until Team Avatar busted her out, get such emotional intelligence?
Why did Zuko’s dad put forward the plan to disinherit Iron in favour of him less than 24 hours after Lu Ten’s death? Why did he think that moving quickly was the right approach? Does the Fire Nation not do grieving periods? In what world was 'strike while the iron is hot' the correct course of action here?
Looking back, I’m amazed that season 2 didn’t end in Zuko’s redemption. I didn’t much like Zuko Alone, but I was sure that a season that included that much set up for a Zuko redemption arc would prioritise finishing that arc.
I haven’t even met this Firelord guy yet, but I am peeved that that twerp has a name as cool as Ozai.
Why haven't I met that Firelord guy yet?
I really thought that the older brother character in Zuko Alone would make an appearance later on in the season, giving Zuko a chance to flex some newly acquired morals. But the parallel to Lu Ten and the general message about the evils of war lands better if we never hear of him again.
Zuko in the first half of season 2 had me so annoyed that I was incredibly uncharitable to him in my write ups. Reading through some of the stuff I wrote while watching episodes, I kind of wince now. Zuko in the second half of the season was much less annoying. Which I feel bad for saying, because he’s clearly not in a good place in the second half of the season.
I would love to know why the writers decided to have Toph and Iroh meet in the wilderness. I think it’s a good choice, but I want to know how they came up with it, and why those characters? Is there anything about Toph (especially at that point, when we’ve known her for 1 episode) that suggests that she and Iroh should meet? Or would get along if they did?
Zuko has so many rock bottom fake outs this season: Zuko Alone? Nope, he gets worse in The Chase. The Chase? Nope, he gets worse in Bitter Work. Bitter Work? Nope, he gets worse in the finale.
I’m still peeved that Azula won a 6 on 1 showdown. Sorry, but that breaks immersion.
I bet the Blue Spirit could make lightning.
If water is the element of change, why does the Northern Water Tribe have such strictly defined traditions? I get that it's literally the element of change, in that water can exist in different physical states, but shouldn't the metaphorical interpretation also be true?
I like that Toph can think like an Airbender sooner than Aang can think like an earthbender.
What is Sokka’s boomerang made of? Is it metal? Because if it’s metal, does that mean that there’s a blacksmith somewhere in the South Pole? With a forge?
I still can’t get over how dumb the whole eclipse plot was.
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Suki is TINY!!!
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I mocked this guy’s 80s aerobics video leotard aesthetic, and I stand by that mockery, because this guy is ugly. Those colours are awful. But do you know who else has those colours?
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Jet this season fascinates me. He’s positioned as genuinely repentant and legitimately seeking a second chance and I don’t believe him for one minute. Why don’t I believe him? This show has a theme of learning from mistakes and doing better, so shouldn’t Jet be a perfect fit for this show’s themes? I should be primed to believe him. And yet I don’t.
I have to applaud Iron’s enthusiasm for their new life in Ba Sing Se. A lot of that cheer (at least before the tea shop) is put on for Zuko’s sake. I don’t know where Iroh gets the energy to keep trying with Zuko after years of minimal results, but I’m glad he does.
I think Aang and Ty Lee should hang out. They have similar circus energy. Or maybe it’s that they’re the only two characters in the show so far who are remotely playful.
Aang = surface silliness, core of calm. Not that the silliness doesn't run deep, but he seems to have an untouchable anchor of calm deep within that rarely gets disturbed. Gyatso raised him well.
~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Poetry bouncer ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
I need next season to have more Appa & Mono subplots à la their escapades in The Swamp. Not à la Momo’s Tale.
Tales of Ba Sing Se definitive ranking: Momo Aang Sokka Zuko Iroh Katara & Toph
I love that Momo still sleeps in the Momo bag from The Blind Bandit
Are Suki and her warriors sitting in the middle of some Earth Kingdom forest in their underwear?
So are Smellerbee and Longshot just done? Will they be back in season 3? What happens to their life now? They are known associates of an enemy of the state who was just executed. It doesn't look good.
Everyone on this show has big ears. Zuko has the smallest ears simply because he has the least amount of ears remaining. But everyone else? Big ears.
Can I have more Gyatso? I forgot how cool he was. More Guru too please.
Everyone in the SWT has such wonderfully fluffy hair.
I like Sokka’s boots. Southern Water Tribe boots in general.
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If this is the grand total of the SWT, I have some bad news about population dynamics.
Is there a proper naval term for what the SWT are doing? They’re a stealth strike force that seems to be going after individual enemy ships, using both direct and indirect tactics. Not pirates, because as far as we know they aren't going for FN supplies. They're doing what submarines do, but above water. There’s got to be a proper name for that.
Is there a raft of FN corpses chilling in the waters in front of the NWT's big wall?
I saw ATLA described as a show where all the characters are Asian-inspired people of colour, but isn’t Suki a blue-eyed redhead?
I had no idea that you could decline an Agni Kai. Zuko should have done that.
Why are the Dai Li so in love with Azula? I get that they're pissed with Long Feng for getting arrested, but wouldn't the logical choice be to direct their loyalties to the Earth King rather than a wildcard princess? I'm not going to pretend for a minute that the Dai Li are loyal to the Earth Kingdom or to Ba Sing Se, but the Earth King is a known quantity. Seems to me that it would be easier for them to re-puppetify him, rather than a FN princess.
Katara & Zuko bonding over their missing mothers is the same “makes sense until you think about it for five seconds” as Song & Zuko bonding over losing their fathers to war. Technically the same, sort of, on paper, but actually kind of rude to equate them once you know the full story. Same with the parallel between Lu Ten and the older brother in Zuko Alone. The proper dead mom parallel is Katara and Jet. Although Katara doesn’t object to the Zuko comparison, so I have no grounds to do so.
I’m really glad that Katara didn’t remove Zuko’s scar with her spirit oasis water. Both because she kind of really needed that water, but also because one thing this show has always done right is permanence. No quick fixes, no fake outs, no take backs. Lu Ten is dead, and he stays that way. Princess Yue is the moon, and she stays that way. Half a dozen people’s moms are dead, and they stay that way. Aang is the last Airbender, and he stays that way. Zuko is scarred, and he stays that way. There are no hand waves, no easy fixes. All the characters can do is learn to live with it, and go forward. And I’m grateful the show is like that, because that permanence, as well as being a good lesson to learn, functions as a reward for audience investment.
Aang did come to a crossroads of destiny in the finale, chose his duties to the world over his friends, and got aggressively slapped down for it. I have a feeling that he’ll take the wrong lesson from that, since he was already inclined to shun that path.
Overall Season 1 was prettier.
Ty Lee was the cause of more than one Beat Up Sokka Quota fulfillment this season. Make of that what you will.
Will Zuko & Azula spend season 3 bouncing between the FN and Ba Sing Se? They could be heavily involved with establishing the FN governance over Ba Sing Se, since the city is already inclined towards royalty.
Favourite episode this season? The Guru. The Blind Bandit and The Swamp are tied for second place.
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kingwuko · 7 months
Also I've made a post about this before but aside from Airbender Wu I'm obsessed with the idea that canon nonbender Wu has the potential to be a competent badass like Asami but different, in his own style.
And I actually got this idea during the clip show episode and the wuko segments, when it occurred to me that Mako is probably training him to fight the way Mako himself learned to fight.
And I don't think that fighting style fits Wu's mindset, temperament, build, anything really, it's a style informed by street fighting and firebending, two things Wu could not be further removed from.
He's an earth kingdom prince used to fine silks and jewelry, expertly moving about the world with the grace and balance of a dancer even when confronted with physical aggression...
Say, doesn't that sound familiar to anyone else?
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I'm just saying, he could be the earth kingdom royal to denounce the Dai Li and bring the Kyoshi Warriors to the forefront of their culture.
By becoming one himself.
When it comes to Wu learning to defend himself and fight, I have two favorite hc.
1. Yes yes yes to Wu training with Kyoshi Warriors. I will say that I'm hesitant to have him become a Kyoshi Warrior, because Kyoshi Warriors are women. (Though if people have hc about Wu's gender being different, that's certainly worth exploring!) But much like Sokka was permitted to train with them, I see no reason why Wu couldn't learn from them as well! I think if given the opportunity, Wu would pick up the fighting style quite well. The method of fighting practiced by the Kyoshi warriors, and originally taught to them by Rangi herself, is focused on turning your enemy's strength against them. Seems like an excellent style for Wu, as he's built much more slender. I think he'd be into the overall aesthetics, too. I also love the idea of some Kyoshi warriors becoming his royal guard and replacing the role of the Dai Li.
2. Training with Asami. Asami has taken formal self defense lessons since she was a child. She has the technical know how of self defense and since she learned it formally, I think she would be excellent at teaching it formally. To further my Asami-teaching-Wu propaganda, check out the description of Asami as a teacher from the Avatar Legends Wan Shi Tong's Adventure Guide:
As a teacher, Asami is encouraging and supportive—she prizes an individual’s own inventiveness when channeled appropriately, far more than her own ideas. When it comes to the overall tone and style of mastery conditions set to PCs, Asami will emphasize thought over force, clever ideas over direct results. Asami wants those who learn from her to see how problems can be solved in many ways, and there’s nearly always a better way, in addition to seeing how they can help others and don’t always have to solve the problem on their own.
I just feel like Asami would make a good, patient teacher, I think her formal training would translate well into teaching skills, I think she might actually appreciate Wu's creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, AND I think her foundation in self defense would be ideal for Wu to learn. I don't see him needing to be a fighter in the thick of battle right alongside the rest of Team Avatar, but he should certainly learn to hold his own to protect his own life and limb.
Regardless of how Wu learns self defense and/or martial arts, we can all agree on one thing, I'm sure. Mako is a terrible person to be teaching him. He was literally the worst teacher in Remembrances lol like what was he even doing. And you're right, his style of fighting does not match the kind of fighting that Wu should learn or that he would be able to master.
That's ok. Mako can cheer him on from the sidelines!
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
Why I think a new Avatar can be a mistake
I just saw the news of a new Avatar Series following up the next avatar after Korra and I know, this may seem just me being a Korra widow but I have arguments
1. Nobody wanted this. Okay, some people wanted, but between Adult Gaang, more Korra stuff, Kyoshi Novels being adapt, a new Avatar in ancient time (like, the avatar right after Wan)...a new Avatar right after Korra was not even on the top 3 wishes of the fandom
2. Korra ended so in such a spectacular fashion, just like Aang that the new series have to be at the very least equal to what the predecessor did which is not easy at all.
Also, the technology in tlok worked so well because it brought a a whole new world for Avatar and their steampunk aesthetics was on point. So what they're gonna do next? Like, they already have mind control machines. It doesn't matter if Korra dies 10 or 40 or even 100 years after the finale of her show, the technology will evolve faster and can be a problem especially because I don't think many fans would enjoy see the Avatar making selfies and posting on Instagram.
3. What new they gonna bring to the Avatarverse? Both atla and tlok already hits on topics like emotional and physical abuse, trauma, war, genocide, torture,murder, suicide, lgbt representation, feminism, diversity as a whole ... All of that in more than one way. So, what they are gonna add to the Avatarverse that already haven't be done?
There's 10.000 years of Avatar World history that we have no ideia about it, the changes. Between a history that happens in, I don't know ...just a few years before Yangcheen time will be more different to what we already know than a history just a few years after Korra.
4. For this new series to work they have to: Bring something new, make charismatic characters, don't be repetitive, the animation have to be top of it's game, the history have to be good and it have to make a impact.
It can't be done just because of the hype.
Like I've said before, Im more scared of wherever it comes from Avatar Studios than what will come from the live action simply because what Avatar Studios will make will be canon and can potentially mess up everything good, remarkable and special about your dearest show.
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the-genius-az · 2 months
Trans Azula hc time:
* LOTS of layers. The chunkier the clothes, the better
* The armor she wears in later eps is her biggest euphoria inducing piece of clothing
* As a kid, she would constantly sneak into the lessons Mai and Ty Lee had about 'being a proper woman'
* That's how she learned to control the tone of her voice and make it higher
* While having no problem being muscular and physically strong, she sometimes wishes she would be as feminine and curvy as Ty Lee
* always wears makeup whenever on a mission but has to take it off when she comes home (the haters (fire nation) hate to see her win (wear makeup))
* Mai and Ty Lee were kind of weirded out at first (the beliefs they were taught started to come out) but decided that it didn't matter in the end
* The first crack in the egg was when she got into Ursas makeup as a kid
* egg cracked when they dressed up as Kyoshi warriors
* keeps her nails long for mostly aesthetic purposes (the intimidation factor is a welcome bonus)
Btw I'm ftm, so these are just my experiences, but reversed =P
Thanks for the Headcanons, Squib!
In my little trans Azula search, I can say that... I FOUND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
So I'm glad you and Ash shared your Azula Trans Headcanons. :D
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ultfreakme · 6 months
Cn I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them? Thanks....
Hey anon!!! Thanks for the ask!! Favorite fics...I've written. You've given me too much freedom by asking my why I like them I am so sorry for the wall of text about to hit.
To Veer The Tides
It's a fic for Kuroko no Basuke which is basically just me slapping the character names onto a WILDLY different fantasy setting. It's for Akashi x Furihata. An arranged marriage AU where Akashi is the son of an emperor who went too power hungry and wanted to consolidate 7 mostly independent states(provinces??) into one, but he was defeated by the remaining states and to control Akashi, he is arranged to marry far below his station to Furihata, son of a destroyed noble house which is under the rule of Kagami's state. So it's about Akashi climbing back to power with Furihata initially thinking Akashi is pure evil but he soon realizes that maybe Akashi and his family aren't as evil as the people believe.
I ended up doing so much research, world-building and character expansion. It's more political intrigue than romance, lol. I still love that fic to death, I think I honestly peaked there for world-building, at least. I wrote it immediately after reading and watching Mo Dao Zu Shi and being first introduced to the concept of cultivation as a magic system and really wanted to put all my faves in flowy robes and long hair.
I want to get back to it, but I've discontinued it because I am simply not qualified to right about Dissociative Identity Disorder, systems and alters. Akashi has a terribly stereotypical portrayal of it in canon and I thought maybe I could research enough to write that, but I just, I don't know any systems and I felt like if I can't respect it, I didn't want to do it.
But it's still my favorite in terms of the world and aesthetics I had going on for it.
2. Tell Me Your Story (I'll Tell You Mine)
My current baby. The one I incessantly post about and draw for. Single-handedly over saturating the kyoshi warrior sokka x blue spirit zuko market. It's set in the canon world but I had to do so much research for this one too. I learned a lot, I think, while writing this. Big lesson being never ever write in present tense but if you're 200K+ words into it there is simply no going back RIP.
It started as just a silly romance because I thought it'd be funny to have Sokka and Zuko be completely oblivious to who they like. But as I began plotting and writing, it transformed into me projecting all my issues with colonialism and using the ATLA setting as base to dip a little bit deeper into the themes the show itself brings up, and some issues that it doesn't. Like, how colonialism uses your own culture against you, how it makes you fear who you are, makes you do things you don't want.
I deliberately chose that title because lots of indigenous communities in the world have lost their stories because of colonialism. Oral traditions and tales that are forgotten because people were killed and forced to never repeat them, forced to forget their languages. And that, really got to me. How colonialism slowly strips you of what makes human beings what they are; stories, art, music, dance, etc.
So this fic ended up being about how colonialism steals from you, uses what is yours AGAINST you and how it is important to embrace who you are and fight back.
3. Tell The Neighbours I'm Not Sorry
It's for Jon and Jay from DC Comics and Superfam. I wrote it when I was seeing a lot of biphobia against Jon and racism against Jay. As a bi asian, even if it was towards fictional characters, it was getting to me. People kept talking about how there's a specific way to be bi. Why did Jon never have a crisis about being queer? Why did Jon and Jay move so fast? Is Jay manipulating Jon just to get what he wants? It was all filled with a lot of stereotypes and biases.
Superman comics especially often taken up real world issues and puts it into the story. So I took all my anger and frustration from the biphobia and racism and wrote it into a fic.
It's about how there's no one way to being queer, and about how immigrants and non-white people are immediately classified as some kind of 'other' and 'bad' with zero grounding. It's also a little bit about colonialism on Jay's end. It's so charged with me going "FUCK IT!" and still somehow came out okay as a fic and I think I like that I managed to turn my anger into something productive.
4. An Itajun fic I have not published and am still writing
It's my first JJK fic! It's an absolute mess in my drafts right now but I really like it, it's very fun for me. Junpei starts seeing and sensing curses far earlier because of built resentment from his bullies going too far and severely injuring him, his mom finds out and they move to Yuuji's area of Tokyo to get away from the school since they won't do anything about the bullying. Yuuji and Junpei run into each other and meet early at school. So the dynamics are kinda reversed, where Junpei is the one who is into the world of curses first while Yuuji has no clue, but they slowly interact and come together, forming a tight bond.
Junpei trusts no one and is dealing with all this curse nonsense trying to understand what it means. Yuuji is seemingly happy and chipper but he's going through tough times because his grandpa got hospitalized. It's both of them supporting each other and making sure the other isn't alone.
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aanglican · 7 months
ok here’s my initial review of natla, no spoilers
began roughly with the pilot episode (“aang”) thanks to the excessive exposition and choppy pacing - i’m guessing this was done for new viewers unfamiliar with the story already - though it quickly finds its feet with the next episode (“warriors”)
there were a lot of changes - some baffling, some pleasant. the more baffling parts pertain to certain spirits whereas the more pleasant ones pertain to characters. there is a lot of cutting and pasting of characters and plotlines from different episodes into one in episodes 3 (“omashu”) and 4 (“into the dark”) but i think they were done quite seamlessly for the most part. there are also reveals/expansions that i absolutely loved.
the series suffers from what i’ll call the netflix syndrome: not having enough episodes. please, i beg we return to the older model of american television a bit. the need becomes most obvious towards the last two episodes (“the north” & “legends”) and i would have enjoyed to see some more time pass on screen, with a bit of breathing room in between events. let things simmer!
i wish the storytelling and dialogue were more often subtle than not. i enjoy the bubbling-beneath-the-surface energy that daniel dae kim and the writers gave to ozai and his relationship with his children and i wish they would have done the same for most of the series, especially with katara. the constant flashbacks to her past experiences started to feel overexposed really fast and seeing those events play out for the first time in real time instead would have packed a bigger, heavier punch.
this is a very hit-or-miss show; this applies to most aspects of it from acting to CGI to choreography to dialogue. kiawentiio is the weakest out of the big four and may come off as slightly stiff compared to dallas and ian. gordon is great though he does have some expected childishness in his acting here and there but it’s all very tolerable. some green screens were very obvious especially in episode five (“spirited away”) and some bending effects are better than others, i.e., air and fire > water and earth. some of the choreo for the latter two could be better and the consequences more explosive. the dialogue balances humor and seriousness fairly well but the preachy quality of a few lines are meh.
the aesthetic of the series does itself well though it is very recognizably a netflix show and my own personal tastes would have liked it filmed a different way. i’ve said this before: avatar would have looked wonderful and most at home if it looked like a wuxia film à la house of flying daggers (2004), hero (2004), or crouching tiger hidden dragon (2000). i’m not the biggest fan of the lighting, camera angles, and color grading but they’re not terrible.
stand out performances for me (outside of aang) are zuko, sokka, suki, azula, ozai, kyoshi, and zhao in the finale.
all in all, i’m giving it a 6.8 or 7 out of 10. i really think the low episode count hindered it though there are a lot of things i enjoyed & plenty of potential for a next season. i am not so sure if we are getting a next season or two but if we will, i want more than 10 episodes at the very least. i was prepared for a number of changes but i didn’t expect that much, so maybe once the jarring feeling goes away then i’d be able to appreciate the series more.
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casualdadnomad · 11 months
ATLA Modern High School AU (complete)
green: silly situation headcanons pink: ships orange: character headcanons blue: canon stuff in the AU
Complete collection of my high school AU! Predecessor to my current project which is the college AU :)
The Gaang Eats Stuff / / The Gaang Drinks Stuff / / Road Trip / / Small Town Shenanigans / / School Dance / / Quarantine Habits / / Gaang+Technology / / Kyoshi Color Guard / / Slumber Party / / Mega Ship Post / / Gaang Gets Jobs / / Favorite Shows/Movies / / Zukka+Technology / / Zuko+Toph Friendship / / Aesthetics Part One: Toph / / Aesthetics Part Two: Katara / / Modern Gaang + Curse Words / / Gaang Music Tastes / / Aesthetics Part Three: Aang / / Azula and Ozai Character Breakdown / / Modern Gaang + Ringtones / / Aesthetics Part 4: Suki / / Mai+Toph Friendship / / Gaang Game Night / / Toph+Sokka Friendship / / Hot Topic Mai / / MY FIRST GF TURNED INTO THE MOON!! / / High School Gaang Heights & Ages / / Modern Gaang + Plants
Modern Gaang Hobbies / / Modern Gaang + Pets / / Modern Gaang Emergency Contacts / / Sokka Drives His Friends Places / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper / / Background On Lu Ten / / Modern Gaang in the Autumn / / Social Media + Modern Gaang / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper Part Two / / Zukka + Graffiti / / The Gaang At Pride / / Guy’s Night / / Zukka Art Headcanons / / Zuko and Azula: Sibling Relationships / / Sokka’s Love Language (Zukka nonsense) / / Zukka Being Stupid feat. Katara and Toph / / Covid School Gaang / / Mai Lee Being Iconic / / Generalized Zukka Nonsense / / Birthdays With The Gaang / / Azula Friendships / / Toph Finds Out About Zukka / / Established Relationship Zukka
Most Embarrassing Moments / / Favorite Smells / / Toph is a Zukka Shipper Part Three / / Halloween Gaang!! / / Best and Worst Classes / / Girls Only Sleepover / / McDonald’s Incident Shenanigans / / Carnival Gaang Time / / Gaang x Among Us / / Cursed Glee Headcanons / / Gaang x Slang Words / / Favorite Sokka Headcanons / / Gaang Gets Ice Cream / / Modern Gaang in the Winter / / Modern Gaang and Alcohol lol / / Modern Tokka / / Gaang x Fandoms / / Gaang x Calendars / / More Zukka Headcanons / / Modern Sukka / / Gaang Arts Classes / / Group Chat Vibing / / Gaang Goes to Disney! / / Quotes As ATLA Characters / / Katara and Zuko are Homies!! / / COLLEGE Gaang LIVES together
more Toph&Sokka friendship stuff / / Zuko’s introduction to the gaang / / Gaang Origin Story / / Mai Lee at Hot Topic / / Modern Gaang Group Chat / / is a tomato a vegetable? / / Modern Gaang goes to Target / / Blue Spirit but make it MODERN / / Dungeons and Dragons with the Modern Gaang / / gays being gay / / Gaang and their Rooms / / Casual Bending in the AU / / Aang and Sokka being Bros 
Note: these are in chronological order so there might be continuity errors, i did all these over the course of like two years lol. If you finished this, check out my College Gaang AU, which I add to regularly!
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biconickyoshi · 4 months
If there’s ever a series about the Earth Avatar after Korra, what are you hoping for?
Great question anon! I honestly haven't thought about it too in depth before, but now that you bring it up, a few things do come to mind.
I'd really like to get confirmation that Korra and Asami got married and lived a long and happy life together first and foremost lol, plus maybe some flashbacks to their wedding/an actual on screen kiss.
I'd like for the airbender population to have grown and stabilized as well, which I'm sure it would be by that point. I also think it'd be interesting if the Earth Avatar was a kid of a mixed-heritage family, since we know that can happen as seen with Kyoshi's parents having been an earthbender and an airbender. I'd like to see the world slowly becoming more like Republic City in general, with more diversity and cultural exchange than ever before. Maybe it would actually be more difficult for the next Avatar to be found due to this blending of cultures - that would be a very interesting thing to explore.
In terms of gender, it seems a lot of people headcanon that the next Avatar will be a dude, but I honestly would like there to be another woman Avatar since there's not a set pattern for what gender the Avatar will be. I obviously think it would be cool if they were nonbinary, but I sadly don't think Avatar Studios would risk doing that. I'd love to see a well-done queer romance between the Avatar and another character though.
Depending on when Korra passes away, I'm curious as to what level of development the technology will be at... like if we're going off of what we've already seen, AtLA takes place about 70 years before LoK, and we know that the technology in LoK is very 1920s (meaning the events of AtLA take place in about the mid-1800s technology wise in comparison to the real world). If Korra lives to be lets sayyyy 80, then the next series would take place 60ish years after the events of LoK. Sooo basically the 80s, which I think if done well could be a super cool aesthetic to explore for the AtLA universe!
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rangshi-warrior · 2 years
Rangi being Kyoshi’s bodyguard has the same aesthetic as that one image of Jason Momoa walking around with security.
Not saying Rangi wouldn’t absolutely fold anyone that looked at Kyoshi wrong. But like visually she looks like a mini boss from a video game standing in front of Kyoshi
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atlaculture · 1 year
Cultural Fashion: Aunt Wu
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Okay, I officially retract my previous post about Aunt Wu’s head dress.
By pure accident, I’ve stumbled across the real inspiration behind Aunt Wu’s character design: jūnihitoe (十二単) robes. Junihitoe robes are a style of formal court dress first worn during the Heian period by noble women and ladies-in-waiting in the Japanese Imperial Court. Nowadays, this style of dress can be seen on hina dolls and members of the Japanese royal family during important ceremonies. Although much less elaborate, Aunt Wu’s clothing shares a similar silhouette and many design elements with junihitoe robes: wide sleeves, thigh-length coat, and a long skirt split down the middle to show off an underskirt.
Paired with the ceremonial junihitoe robes is the ceremonial hairstyle called osuberakashi (大垂髪), meaning “great bound hair”. Osuberakashi is a hairstyle meant to show off the impressive length of a woman’s hair; the hair close to the scalp is styled into a large bouffant while the remainder of the hair is tied into a low ponytail. The bouffant is decorated with traditional hair accessories or kamiagegu (髪上げ具): the crescent-shaped accessory is a decorative hair comb called a hirakushi (平櫛) and the circular accessory is called a hirabitai (平額). The ponytail is decorated with colorful hair ties. Aunt Wu’s hair possesses all of these characteristics and accessories, although her hirabitai lacks the decorative prongs of the original--- probably for ease of animation.
I don’t think there’s any particularly deep reason for why they chose this style for Aunt Wu. The overall junihitoe aesthetic looks elegant, important, and long-standing--- an image that Aunt Wu tries hard to foster. I guess we could headcanon that Aunt Wu might originally be from Kyoshi Island, since her cultural inspiration is the same (Heian-period Japan).
Fun Fact: Wigs emulating this traditional hairstyle are available online. They’re called marukamoji (丸髢).
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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